BS/GT CRA Minutes 07/12/20225.A.3
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Baysliore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
July 12, 2022 MeetinI4 Minutes Attachment 1-Item 4a
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Chairwoman, Karen Beatty at 6:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Al Schantzen,
Steve Rigsbee, Karen Beatty, Steve Main and Kathi Kilburn. Al Schantzen made
a motion to allow members to participate remotely, second by Steve main and
passed unanimously. Mike Sherman joined virtually. Camille Kielty had an
excused absence.
CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director, Tami Scott, Project
Manager and Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator,
11. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Karen Beatty.
III. Adoption of Agenda: Ms. Forester noted one change, Dan Rodriguez, Deputy
County Manager, was unable to attend and sent his apologies. Al Schantzen
made a motion to accept the agenda as amended, Steve Main second. Approved
IV. Approval of Minutes:
a. June 13, 2022 -- Al Schantzen made a motion to approve the minutes, second
by Kathi Kilburn. Approved unanimously.
V. Community / Business - Presentations
a. Collier County Sheriff's Office— Corporal Allyn Tuff gave a brief overview
of the statistics in the area. There were 5 crash, 1 stolen vehicle, 0 robberies, 0
burglaries, 8 drug arrests, and 3 trespass under the bridge. There was an
accident next to Molcajetes that an employee drove through the house next
door. There was structural damage, but no one was hurt. He also mentioned
the Bark in the Park event on July 22, 2022; at Sugden Park and invited
everyone to attend.
VI. Reports:
a. Development Report Update- Laura DeJohn, Johnson Engineering
provided current updates to the new and existing developments. She started
with Justin's Village requested a pre-app meeting on June 22, first
application submittal on June 27. There were some concerns by the board for
parking deviations and Ms. DeJohn will check but for now it's a request to
rezone. Naples Boat Yard requested a pre-app meeting on June l0,and is
applying for a variance for the existing docks which exceed the 20' limit into
Haldeman Creek. Board members raised concerns regarding the process and
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
what the variance would cover. There has been no change in the status to the
Women's Care Center - Steve Rigsbee would like to see the plans for this
project. The Sicilia Restaurant has closed, and a new restaurant called the
Med will be opening up at that location on Lunar and Bayshore Drive. St.
Matthews House Shelter Expansion, second submittal is requesting to
increase the number of beds at the shelter with no increase in building
VII. Old Business:
a. Branding Update- Ms. Forester noted the attached revised narrative based on
the comments that were previously received. Ms. Forester introduced Paul
Taylor from Paradise Advertising; the consultants hired to develop the brand.
Mr. Taylor and his team presented several creative ideas with logos and tag
lines for the board to review. Staff would Iike the Board to select their top
three choices. Bayshore Arts District was identified as the name for the area.
There was a lot of discussion and request to absorb these logos and taglines
and if they could have a little time to choose the ones -they like. Ms. Forester
suggested the feedback could be reviewed at the August 17th special meeting.
Commissioner Taylor asked why the Gateway Triangle was not included in
the tag line or logo. Ms. Forester responded the Advisory Board decided that
the Gateway Triangle should have their own identity and logo and would have
an opportunity during the master plan process to better define the brand for
that area. During the masterplan they could come up with their own tagline
and logo having their own identity or mark. Karen Beatty noted it was also at
the recommendation of the consultants because they noticed the triangle had
their own uniqueness different from the Bayshore area and thought it needed
its own brand.
b. Commercial Grants- Ms. Forester put this on the agenda to let the board know
staff will revisit the Grant Program after the Gateway Triangle Master Plan is
implemented to address where the needs of that area are. Al Schantzen
recommended the grant money be put more in residential grants and Ms.
Forester noted that the BCC recommended to have the residential grant
program be based on income requirements and staff is discussing some options
with the housing department. Mr. Schantzen mentioned creating a residential
rehab for the elderly on a fixed income and asked if they don't have one where
can he refer the folks who are in need of a rehab on their home. Staff will send
links for State Grants and the County Grants for residential rehab programs.
c. Third Quarter FY22 Redevelopment Plan Status Update- Ms. Forester
provided the quarterly redevelopment status update and noted that most of the
projects were tied to the Gateway Triangle project, 17 acres mentioned earlier,
and staff will provide the update at the CRA Special Meeting on the 17th. The
limited roads have been on the list and that will be coordinated with
Stormwater. Al Schantzen had asked to track changes to put a strike through
and underline version so he can keep track. Al Schantzen had asked about the
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
minimum roads on South Bayshore Drive. Staff will develop a new format for
next quarter.
d. Project Priorities- Ms. Forester noted the attached project priorities
spreadsheet. The priorities are consistent with the redevelopment plan status
update. She noted that staff is focused on the priorities which are based the
board's recommendation from the past meetings and direction. If new
priorities are added, it may delay other priorities.
e. FRA Board Training — July 29 1-5pm- Ms. Forester noted that Jeff Burton
is not able to attend the training on July 29 but would be available on August
19. Ms. Forester asked if they would like to keep the training on July 29" with
another instructor or move the training to August 19? The consensus of the
board was to move the training to August 19th with Jeff Burton.
VIII. New Business:
a. Part Time Staff Positions-
i. Special Events Project Manager — Ms. Forester noted she is hiring
a temporary contract employee to handle Special Events for the
community based on the growing demand for marketing the area.
The person would develop special event types such as farmers
market and holiday events. An email blast was sent out with the
information. Ms. Forester noted that this person would be hired
through Key Staff employment agency and not be a County
ii. Maintenance Specialist- This position will support Ms. Scott in
maintaining a high Ievel of service in the area and conduct field
work. Ms. Forester noted that Tami has several major projects
underway such as the board walk and access management that
requires her attention.
b. Public Art Subcommittee -Two Volunteers- Ms. Forester stated she had
several discussions with John Melleky the Arts and Cultural Manager and
would like to suggest forming a public art subcommittee for Bayshore
District since there has been so many folks interested in the area. The
suggestion is to have two representatives from the CRA Advisory Board,
two members from the Bayshore MSTU Advisory Board and two members
from the Public Art Committee. Consensus from the Board was to move
forward with setting up the subcommittee. Ms. Forester asked for 2
volunteers, Kathi Kilburn and Karen Beatty volunteered to represent the
CRA, and Ms. Forester will ask for 2 volunteers from the MSTU Advisory
c. Christmas Decoration Partnership
i. Christmas Budget & County Contracted Scope of Services- Ms.
Forester went over the Budget for the Decorations last year with
the new scope incorporating all the community's comments
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
regarding doing more for the area this year. The budget has an
estimated cost of $60,000 with the additional decorations. Ms.
Forester noted that the MSTU budget last year was $30,000. Ms.
Beatty asked to revise the snowflakes with lit stars on the light poles
for Thomasson Drive and consensus was to have a tropical theme
for banners. Ms. Forester will make those change. After further
discussion, Kathi Kilburn made a motion to approve splitting the
cost with the MSTU, Karen Beatty second, approved 6-1.
d. CRA Special Meeting 17 acres Project August 17, @ 5.30 pm- Ms.
Forester requested a special meeting to discuss several important projects
including 17 acres concept plan and access management plan. Given that
Bayshore MSTU is a partner with the CRA to fund the access management
plan, she would like to make this a joint meeting with both boards. She
will confirm with the MSTU tomorrow regarding the special meeting and
will add the access management design draft on the agenda.
IX. Staff Report:
a. CRA Directors Report- Ms. Forester provided the report and asked if
anyone had any questions. She noted staff is working on installing a project
announcement sign for the 17 acres.
b. Project Manager Report- Ms. Scott provided a couple of updates on her
list of projects. Starting with the design for medians 23 and 22 will be on
the agenda for the MSTU to approve, the landscape design consultant
works with the Botanical Garden. The new light pole that was hit at the
roundabout has been ordered and is expected in September, the Royal Palm
that was hit was removed and replaced by some plantings. Steve Main
asked why we could not order poles to stay in inventory since they take so
long, Ms. Scott noted that the County will not allow her to keep inventory
on hand. Ms. Scott also noted the August 16 Community Meeting to
discuss the Access Management Plan.
c. Insurance Claims Report: Ms. Forester provided the current insurance
claims report with the reimbursements to date.
d. Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the current financials if anyone
had any questions.
X. Other Agency's:
a. Collier County Code Enforcement: Ms. Forester noted the Code
Enforcement report was attached to the agenda packet and introduced
John Johnson to answer any questions. Mr. Johnson reported on the code
report and there was a question about the Lakeview drive code case
because it was reported that it was very contentious, Mr. Johnson noted
he is willing to try anything to resolve the neighbor feud, There was a
question about yard sales and the signs in the roundabout, Mr. Johnson
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Bayshore Gateway Trianjle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Crock MSTU
IV. Advisory Board Comments:
V. Staff Comments:
XIII. Advisory Board General Communications.
XIV. Next Meetin Date:
a. CRA Training- August 19, 2022 5th Floor Training Room, 3299 Tamiami
Trail E @ 1pm
b. CRA Regular Meeting -- October 4
c. Bayshore MSTU Meeting — October 5
XV. Adjournment —The meeting adjourned at 9:50 pan.
Chairwoman Karen B eatty
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