Backup Document 02/21/2023 Item #2A BCC
February 21 , 2023
2023 Strategic Plan2023 Strategic Plan
Outline•Strategic Plan workshop overview•Previous Strategic Plans•Why update now?•Strategic Planning Pyramid•Purpose•Values•Vision•Mission •Strategy: Plan of Action•Execution: Strategic Plan Implementation•Review process•Communication plan2
How did we get here?•The Strategic Plan first adopted in 2006•Subsequently updated in 2011, 2014, and 2017•Commission request to update the Strategic Plan •The County Manager met to discuss strategic planning with Agency leadership on August 16, 2022, and December 22, 2022.•Identify issues facing the County•Provide suggestions for updates•Determine how to better utilize•Task team assembled to review, integrate leadership input and update the Strategic Plan3
42007 Strategic Plan
52011Strategic Plan
62014 Strategic Plan
72017Strategic Plan
Why Update Now?•New Board Members and New County Manager Leadership•Historically the Strategic Plan is reviewed after ≈3‐5 years•Provide purpose, direction, and alignment in decision‐making by the Board and staff•Priorities require update and validation•This is the initial step in establishing the 2023 Strategic Plan8
•Update the Strategic Plan •Validate Core Values, Mission, and Vision•Develop an actionable, measurable, meaningful, and well communicated Strategic Plan•Measuring success•Iterative process •Establish Initiatives/Action Items necessary to achieve the strategic goals•Identify and objectively measure what is being executed•Measurable results•Obtain customer and stakeholder feedback •Adjust as needed •Develop an annual Strategic Plan review processObjectives of Update9
ValuesValuesMissionMissionVisionVisionValuesMissionVisionStrategic Planning Pyramid10
PurposeThe Purpose section of the strategic planning pyramid consists of the fundamentals that guide the Countyteam.•Our VALUES shape our Culture and provide a foundation for the future•Our VISION is what we want to be•Our MISSION is how we are pursuing our VisionValuesValuesMissionMissionVisionVisionValuesMissionVision11
StrategyThe Strategy element of the strategic planning pyramid guides decision‐making and aligns team members.•Our STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS are broad categories within our mission set•Our STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES are what we doto accomplish the missionStrategic ObjectivesStrategic Focus Areas12
ExecutionThe final part of the strategy pyramid provides the specific action items necessary to accomplish the mission.•Our INITIATIVES are specific and measurable deliverables that support theSTRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS•Our ACTIONS are the tasks executed to accomplish each INITIATIVEActionsInitiatives13
Values•Values shape the culture and provide a foundation for the future•Everything we do should embody these Values•Our actions are a reflection of our Values •Values → Decisions→ Behaviors→ Outcome14
Collier LEADS•Leadership•Ethics•Accountability•Dedication•Service15
Vision Statement“To be the best community in America to live, work, and play”•The current vision statement is on target•Organizational 20‐year legacy•It is integral to Collier County’s branding•Still a viable and aspirational vision after two decades•Conveys a VISION that people can identify with16
Mission Statement“To deliver high‐quality and best‐value public services, programs, and facilities to meet the needs of our residents, visitors, and businesses today and tomorrow.”•The current mission statement is on target•Organizational 20‐year legacy•It is integral to Collier County’s branding•Remains an inspiring, clear, inclusive, and attainable mission17
Strategic Focus Areas (SFAs)•Goal was to update the Strategic Plan Strategic Focus Areas•Reviewed, consolidated, and updated•Growth Management –updated to “Community Development”•Economic Development –becomes an objective of “Community Development” rather than a stand‐alone Focus Area•Community Health, Wellness, and Human Services – becomes an objective of “ Quality of Place” rather than a stand‐alone Focus Area18
Strategic Focus Areas (SFAs)Current Strategic Focus Areas•Quality of Place•Growth Management•Community Health, Wellness, and Human Services•Infrastructure and Capital Asset Management•Economic Development•GovernanceRecommended Strategic Focus Areas•Quality of Place•Community Development•Infrastructure and Asset Management•Responsible Governance19
Quality of PlaceTo preserve and enhance the health, safety, welfare, quality, character, and heritage of our neighborhoods and communities.Objectives:1.Support and enhance our commitment to robust public safety services.2.Preserve the character of our community.3.Protect our natural resources.4.Provide quality public amenities and recreational opportunities.5.Promote Collier County as an exceptional tourism destination.6.Support access to health, wellness, and Human Services.20
Community DevelopmentTo balance the needs of community growth and development with the protection of our natural resources and environment.Objectives:1.Implement prudent and inclusive policy development through effective planning for transportation, land use, and growth management.2.Design and maintain an effective transportation system to reduce traffic congestion and improve the mobility of our residents and visitors.3.Stimulate economic growth by creating a business‐friendly environment that produces meaningful and high‐paying career opportunities.4.Support comprehensive affordable housing opportunities.5.Operate an efficient and customer‐focused permitting process.6.Develop integrated and sustainable plans to protect and manage water resources.21
Infrastructure and Asset ManagementTo plan, build, and maintain our critical infrastructure and assets to ensure their sustainability and resiliency for current and future needs.Objectives:1.Plan and build public infrastructure and facilities to effectively, efficiently, and sustainably meet the needs of our community.2.Optimize and extend the useful life of all public infrastructure and resources through proper planning and maintenance.3.Mitigate for the impacts of natural disasters on our critical infrastructure.4.Utilizing the AUIR and other planning tools, establish and implement plans that concurrently provide public infrastructure.5.Utilize technology advancements to protect and strengthen infrastructure and asset management programs.6.Create and utilize partnerships to ensure that government facilities meet public expectations. 7.Utilize innovative methods to responsibly manage the County’s current and future waste management needs.22
Responsible GovernanceTo maintain and strengthen public trust and confidence through open and transparent operations, ethical leadership, and meaningful community engagement.Objectives:1.Lead by example with positive and purposeful leadership.2.Encourage active community engagement and participation.3.Based on our Values, foster a high‐performing and accountable work culture by encouraging open communication, collaboration, and innovation.4.Maintain a fully responsive, best‐in‐class Emergency Management capability.5.Recruit, develop, and retain a high‐quality workforce.6.Promote fiscal stewardship through sound, transparent public policy.7.Promote data‐driven decision‐making through performance management, continuous improvement, and measurable results.8.Support the Collier County Constitutional Officers in the execution of their duties. 23
Strategic Plan –Going Forward•The Strategic Plan will be regularly and systematically communicated within the County Manager’s Agency•Staff will identify Agency initiatives and actions that support the Strategic Plan•Incorporated into the daily operations in a measurable way•Staff will reference the Strategic Plan within Executive Summaries•Reports will be provided to the Board on the status of initiatives•Improve linkage between the Strategic Plan and budget •Annual Strategic Plan review24
Annually Review•Resume periodic resident survey and incorporate feedback•Update Initiatives/action items•Align initiatives/action items with budget•Review progress, adjust, and report25
Annual Review ProcessResident SurveyBCC presentation and approval of InitiativesBudget DevelopmentBudget Alignment with InitiativesProgress ReportsASSESSMENT MEASUREMENT EVALUATION26
Communication Strategy•Strategic Plan and progress reports will be appropriately communicated to the Board and placed on the County website•Internal communication plan will be implemented•Current Staff orientation•New Hire orientation•Easy to understand Strategic Plan materials will be communicated through the Agency•Annual update process will foster continuous improvement27
Next Steps28•Update Strategic Plan for input obtained today •Finalize Board Priority Initiatives•Finalize County Manager Agency Priority Initiatives •Establish Department and Division Initiatives/action items•Bring back the 2023 Strategic Plan for approval
Questions&Thank You 29
1. Support and enhance our commitmentto 1. Implement prudent and inclusive policy 1. Plan and build public infrastructure and
robust public safety services. development through effective planning facilities to effectively, efficiently, and
2. Preserve the character of our community. for transportation, land use, and growth sustainably meet the needs of our
3. Protect our natural resources.
4. Provide quality public amenities and
recreational opportunities.
5. Promote Collier County as an exceptional
tourism destination.
6. Support access to health, wellness, and
Human Services.
2. Design and maintain an effective
transportation system to reduce traffic
congestion and improve the mobility of our
residents and visitors.
3. Stimulate economic growth by creating a
business -friendly environment that
produces meaningful and high -paying
career opportunities.
4. Support comprehensive affordable
housing opportunities.
5. Operate an efficient and customer -
focused permitting process.
6. Develop integrated and sustainable plans
to protect and manage water resources.
2. Optimize and extend the useful life of all
public infrastructure and resources
through proper planning and
3. Mitigate for the impacts of natural
disasters on our critical infrastructure.
4. Utilizing the AU R and other planning
tools, establish and implement plans that
concurrently provide public infrastructure.
5. Utilize technology advancements to
protect and strengthen infrastructure and
asset management programs.
6. Create and utilize partnerships to ensure
that government facilities meet public
7. Utilize innovative methods to responsibly
manage the County's current and future
Strategic Objectives
1. Lead by example with positive and
purposeful leadership.
2. Encourage active community engagement
and participation.
3. Based on our Values, foster a high -
performing and accountable work culture
by encouraging open communication,
collaboration, and innovation.
4. Maintain a fully responsive, best -in -class
Emergency Management capability.
5. Recruit, develop, and retain a high -quality
6. Promote fiscal stewardship through
sound, transparent public policy.
7. Promote data -driven decision -making
through performance management,
continuous improvement, and measurable
8. Supportthe Collier County Constitutional
Officers in the execution of their duties.