TDC Minutes 11/28/2022November 28,2022 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COLINTY TOIIRIST DEVELOPMENT COLINCIL MEETING Naples, Florida, November 28,2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED the Collier County Tourist Development Council, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in a REGULAR SESSION in Building F of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Chairman: VACANT Vice Chairman: Clark Hill Amanda Cox (via Zoom) Susan Becker Kathleen Brock Ed "Ski" Olesky Councilor Jared Grifoni Nancy Kerns Councilwoman Beth Petrunoff (Zoom) ALSO PRESENT: Paul Beirnes, Collier County Tourism Director Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Buzzy Ford, Tourism Digital & Social Media Coordinator Olema Edwards, Interim Director, Parks & Recreation Amanda Townsend, County Museums Director 1 November 28,2022 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view it online. 1. Call to Order Acting Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at9 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Rotl Call Mr. Beirnes noted that Councilor Petrunoff and Ms. Cox are participating remotely via Zoom and Mr. Olesky would be arriving late due to heavy traffic. A quorum of seven was established by those members present in the board room and remotely; an eighth member arrived later. Attorney Greene asked the board to vote to approve the remote participation on Zoom by Councilor Petrunoff and Ms. Cox due to extraordinary circumstances. Acting Chairman Hill made a motion to allow Councilor Petrunoff and Ms. Cox to participate in the board meeting remotely due to extraordinary circumstances. Second by Ms Kerns. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0; Councilor Petrunoff and Ms. Cox abstained. 4. Agenda and Minutes A. Changes and Approval of Today's Agenda Mr. Beirnes said he was adding three presentations under Item 5 A. State of the Destination B. Welcome to Tauheedah Mateen of the SBA C. Olema Edwards - Parks & Recreation Update Ms. Brock asked if they should remove the name of the former chairman, Commissioner Andy Solis, from the agenda. Mr. Beirnes said they tried to have that removed and it will be stricken. He noted that Commissioner Solis rotated off the TDC and the Board of County Commissioners will name a new chair next month. Ms. Brock made a motion to approve the agenda with the revisions above. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. B. Approval of prior TDC Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting October 24,2022 Ms. Becker said she liked the minutes and details about what's going on. But she noted that on page 11, No. 10, the word "important" on the first line should be "importance" and under Mr. Beirnes' comments below that, restaurateur Tony Ridgway is spelled without an "e." In the paragraph below that, the word "go" is missing between "to" and "out" and should be added. 2 November 28,2022 Ms. Becker made a motion to approve the October 24, 2022, meeting minutes with the above changes. Second by Ms. Brock. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. 5. Presentations/Public Comment - (3 minutes each) A. State of the Destination Mr. Beirnes reported that: . The destination is normalizing after Hurricane Ian, which occurred eight weeks ago. o For the past couple of weeks, 88% of all Collier County's hotel room inventory opened. o Two of the largest properties are working to reopen.LaPlaya is working diligently to reopen and the Ritz-Carlton beach hotel will take more time, possibly in spring. o I significant number of rooms are now available. Average occupancy is normalizing. o Hotels that underwent remediation and went through insurance adjusters have finished the first phase of assessments. We're going to have an awkward flow for a while as contractors come and go, but we have the ability to welcome back visitors. o In our corlmunications, we're saying that if you're planning on coming here, reach out to your hotel partners to ensure your reservations are still fine, or book ahead learly because there was 83% occupancy last week versus72.3Yo the same week a year ago, when COVID was just ending and the visitation surge began again. o Compare that to 2019, which was a record-breaking year of 68.5oh occupancy and RevPar now is astronomical. o We resumed our social media conversation on November 1, when we placed some imagery on our homepage to show the normalcy of Fifth Avenue South, and other images will be posted soon. o Our trade presence was virtually unintemrpted. He was still in the Emergency Operations Center when we decided not to waiver from our conversation with meetings and the trade because we still needed to be out there telling our story. Two weeks later, we were at IMEX in Las Vegas and two weeks ago, we were at FSAE (Florida Society of Association Executives) in Tallahassee, and we've been at World Travel Market. Our intemational representatives were there. . Our travel trade has continued its outreach and conversation, dispelling any misrepresentation of our readiness. o We created a four-minute video. That occurred at FSAE in Tallahassee, where he was asked by the Govemor's Office to speak, so he and Buzzy decided not just to talk, but to film a brief video showing that we endured a significant storm, but that traffic, diners and holiday decorations were going on as nornal. The video, which showed Marco Island, the Naples Grand and Fifth Avenue South, showed a sense of normalcy and that we'd rebounded. o We posted the video on Linkedln and other platforns, so we've been very open about our recovery to neighboring counties and the public. o Visit Florida has been helping us with our messaging, but one of the most significant things for all our destinations will be getting the beaches back up to the pristine level they were at. They're still beautiful but need a bit more cleanup to get to beyond spectacular again. . Tonality of our messaging is extremely important and ensuring that we aren't over promising what a guest can expect here. o We're now in the phase of sharing partner stories, some of which are remarkable - how not only staff showed up to clean, but faithful customers showed up days afterward with work gloves. 3 November 28,2022 Just days before the conference, my Fort Myers, Lee County, counterpart was just beginning to communicate that they are open. Absent the beaches, their focus will be on their neighborhoods, meeting blocks and sports. All three neighboring counties are very supportive of each other and aware of our regional approach. We said we'd come back in September with a new look and feel for our evolution of "Only Paradise Will Do," such as taking photos of iconic, unique images for the campaign but Hurricane Ian delayed that rollout. Last week, we held the Tourism Star Awards, which weren't held last year due to COVID. It gave us an opportunity to appreciate those who carried us through the last couple of years. [Mr. Oleslry joined the meeting at 9:15 a.m.J In the hospitality industry, we all are working late hours and holiday weekends. The awards ceremony was a moment to appreciate and thank those in our industry for doing that. We focused on true superstars who elevated the destination, including Dan Summers from our Bureau of Emergency Services. Over the last eight weeks, we as hotels, restaurants and retailers, could not have done what we did if it hadn't been for the county and Summers' leadership in readying our destination, enabling everyone to rebound as quick as we did. We had about 200 people at the Naples Grand, so it felt like a sense of normalcy had resumed. Acting Chairman HiIl thanked Mr. Beirnes andBuzzy for the event and its nostalgic feel, noting it was uplifting after a very tough blow. Mr. Beirnes noted that they decided on a 60s-70s feel this surlmer because they wanted to go back to a simpler time without cellphones, beepers and technology. They added a historical wall with black-and-white photos that they worked on with the Marco Island Historical Society. We also had a jazz band to bring a Chroma Color vibe from the 1960s. B. Welcome to Tauheedah Mateen, SBA Office of Disaster Assistance Ms. Mateen provided an update on the SBA's efforts after Hurricane Ian: o The SBA approved over $1 billion in Florida, with $53 million of that going to Collier County homeowners, renters and businesses. . Unfortunately, FEMA doesn't have a program for business owners, so we want to make sure that they submit their SBA application as quickly as possible. FEMA and the governor just extended the deadline to January 12 and we want to ensure people are getting physical damage applications in before then. o d Business Recovery Center is set up downtown atl015th Ave. S., which is open Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. through 4:30 p.m., so a business owner, renter or homeowner can discuss a FEMA or SBA application. . If someone has been declined, we can pull up an application and go through it line-by-line to ensure no mistakes were made. . The SBA is the only cabinet-level federal agency that helps the nation's 32.5 million small businesses and it's imperative that those small businesses get back in order and understand there are tools to help them recover at the Business Recovery Centers. a a a a a a a 4 a November 28,2022 SBA staff is at all the FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers so businesses can go in and check their applications. C. Olema Edwards - Parks & Recreation Update Mr. Beirnes said he received a call last week from Olema, who said she had good news, so he asked her to present it to the TDC. Ms. Edwards reported that: . Parks & Recreation asked the TDC for $600,000 for resurfacing of 40 courts before the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships, but when we got the bid back, it came back at $220,000. . We're probably going to come back to the TDC because we have 19 courts left to do, but we want to come back after January or February. o We want to get the other 19 courts resurfaced after the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships. o Resurfacing will start next Monday, December 5, and hopefully will be done by March 5, so we'll be ready to go. o Thanks to the TDC for the money and we will return money that's not used. Mr. Olesky asked how Parks & Recreation is holding up after Hurricane Ian with bathrooms and other facilities. Ms. Edwards reported that: o Parks and beaches need more bathroom cleaning after the hurricane. . We have opened up many beach accesses and seven are now open - Seagate, Bluebill, North Gulfshore, Vanderbilt Accesses 2,4 and 6, and Tiger Tail Beach. o We're trying to help out as a tourist destination by letting people know they can access the beaches. o We'll need more assistance with beach cleaning. We're currently cleaning beaches twice a day, but we probably need to increase that to three. . We can discuss that at a later date. She didn't want the TDC to feel that Parks & Rec is always coming to them with its hands out, but she wants to be transparent with what's going on and to express appreciation for supporting Parks & Rec. Mr. Beirnes said he went to the beach after Hurricane Nicole and it was a little heartbreaking after the beaches had begun to start looking good again. There was a lot of seaweed, but yesterday they looked remarkable again. 6. Consent Agenda All matters listed under this agenda item are routine and action will be taken by one motion without sepqrate discussion on each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the TDC, those items will be movedfrom the Consent Agenda and considered separately under New Business or Old Business. A. Coastal Zone Management None B. Beach Park Facilities None B. Tourism Division None 5 November 28,2022 7. New Business A. Recommendation to authorize expenditures through an exemption from the competitive process to J.W. Marriott Marco Island for tourism promotional expenses up to $1001500 per year for a five-year period and to make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Mr. Beirnes noted that for large amounts - anything over $50,000 - we have to go to the Procurement Division. But we have had this exemption for several years. It gives us the ability for RFPE enhancements, so all hotels can approach us for incentive money, which is directly paid to a hotel as direct billings. This gives us the ability to interact with those partners. The J.W. Marriott is one that is very active in RFPEs and working with us, and if we have any meetings that occur at that location, it gives us the ability to adhere to the procurement processes. Councilor Grifuni made a motion to recommend authorizing expenditures through an exemption from the competitive process to J.W. Marriott Marco Island for tourism promotional expenses up to $100,500 per yearfor afive-year period andfound that the expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion passed ununimously, 8-0. B. Recommendation to authorize expenditures through an exemption from the competitive process to Visit Florida for destination marketing programs for a five-year period in the amount of $150,000 per year and to make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. Mr. Beirnes noted that Item B is similar to Item A. We partner closely with Visit Florida and at IMEX we co-opt our advertising at the booth. This gives us the alignment to ensure we are fulfilling our obligations to the Procurement Division. Ms. Kerns made a motion to recommend authorizing expenditures through an exemption from the competitive process to Visit Florida for destination marketing programs for a five-year period in the amount of $150,000 per year and found that the expendtture promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Becker. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. C. Recommendation to award Request for Proposal (.'RFP") 22-8026r '6Tourism Sales Representation - Midwest United States" to Synergy-Connect LLC and make a finding that this action promotes tourism. Mr. Beirnes said we are diligently focusing on meetings and target areas and the Midwest- Chicago-St. Louis area is coming up for renewal. This is a lengthy process that began in February or March and our committee decided to retain our existing representation. He asked that the TDC recommend renewal and find that it promotes tourism. Ms. Becker said she'd move to recommend this item because when visitors come here, they comment on the Midwest flavor that Naples has. Ms. Kerns noted that the numbers show that this advertising has been very effective. Mr. Beirnes said presence in the Midwest is very important and we've seen a huge response in that area. 6 November 28,2022 Ms. Becker made a motion to recommend awarding RFP 22-8026 - Tourism Sales Representation - Midwest United States to Synergy-Connect LLC and found that the expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. 8. Old Business None 9. Marketing Partner Reports These reports (Marketing Partner Reports - Downs & St. Germain Research; Paradise Advertising & Marketing, Inc.; Lou Hammond Group; Convention & Visitors Bureau PR Team,' Collier County Tax Collector - tourist tax collections; Miles Partnership - Website Analytics, Digital & Social Media; County Museums) are provided to TDC members on a digital link to the County website. The Research Data Services report will be presented monthly, and the other reports will be presented at TDC meetings on an-as-needed basis. TDC members may request a presentation by the marketing partner representative or by tourism staffat each TDC meeting. Part 1. Marketing Partner Report A. Downs & St. Germain Research - Joseph St. Germain "Collier County Tourism Research - Monthly Snapshot - October" Mr. Beirnes noted that we have resumed our marketing, but there has been confusion in the market and Joseph's duty is to make sense out of the data. Mr. St. Germain noted that they didn't conduct their normal tracking that month, but used other data- the Occupancy Study, STR, AllTheRooms andZartico - for tracking purposes. [Mr. St. Germain detailed a PowerPoint presentation.J B. Paradise Advertising - Joseph Taylor [Mr. Taylor detailed a PowerPoint presentation, "November 2022 Update"J Mr. Beirnes noted that we threw Joe a curveball because creative was not suitable for showing. It was the first inspiration. Some changes we've made were to make sure that the wording was larger and our branding was bigger, but it was a placeholder. Something very bold to take us to the next evolution was important. We wanted to ensure there was diversity inclusion and mobility inclusion, so we're going to look at ways of integrating that within our branding, which is very important to us. Any thoughts, questions or feedback? Acting Chairman HilI asked if he'd distribute that to the TDC when they're done. Mr. Beirnes said he would. It was late in September and they came up with some changes as they rushed to the EOC. The team wanted to take photos of the area, but that was halted by tie hurricane and delayed. They are looking at some Midwest and Northeast takeovers. We've looked at our research. Hartford is a market we haven't spent money in but it's been creeping up very well organically. We're looking at engagement efforts to give it a boost. We're aoing ttrat in - markets where we know we can increase performance with a tug at the heartstrings. We don,t want to heavily invest in winter. We want to utilize a lot of creativity we already have, then willroll out heavily in spring. We're going to be pushing hard in spring, summer and fall to drive theTourist Development Tax to its capacity. 7 November 28,2022 Acting Chairman Hill said he liked the concept and was glad to hear the county is pushing hard for spring. That's important. C. Lou Hammond Group - Mackenzie Comerer [Ms. Comerer detailed a PowerPoint presentation, "National PR Update October 2022" Mr. Beirnes noted that he wanted to ensure PR was paused to establish the correct tonality Part2. Marketing Partner Reports D. Collier County Tourist Tax Collections - Paul Beirnes [Mr. Beirnes detailed a PowerPoint presentation, "FY 2022 TDT Collections Report"J Mr. Beirnes reported that: o This collection occurred in September and was paid in October, when we balance all the activities. o This is the official fiscal year-end collection for our Tourist Development Tax, which officially came in at $47 .5 million. Our budget going in was earmarked at $29.8 million, which means we were 59o/o over what we budgeted. That is astronomical. o That extra $17.6 million will go a long way to help with what we've been talking about here. . This is the highest collection in the CVB's history and if you added up all the collections from 1999 through2004, that would equal last year's collections amount. o He reached out in a Thanksgiving e-mail to our global agencies and staff to encourage them to disconnect and enjoy Thanksgiving because this was a monumental year, although we capped it off with mayhem due to the hurricane. . He's proud of the team, global agencies, worldwide representatives and the TDC's guidance. o The biggest delta this year came in March-April, when ADR and occupancy remained exceptionally high. We tried to continue to bolster that delta with a media plan, so if we move that media, we're going to see that that gap continue to perform well next year. E. Miles Partnership - Enriqueta Balandra [Ms. Balandra detailed a PowerPoint presentation, "Paradise.com Monthly Report October 2022 "J Mr. Beirnes reported that: o It's always tough when we've tumed off all their means of driving traffic to the website, but we were also relying very heavily on Miles Media (Partnership) to make sure that the tonality we talked about was on our website.o We have continued over the last couple of years to see lackluster performance in Latin American markets. Several things have caused that, including the lack of direct service, the lack of receptive tour operators that are in-market and that we've taken a moderate budget and spread it across five markets. We probably need to focus more on one market.o We are seeing a tremendous amount of performance coming out of Canada. We did a a minor campaign with Paradise Advertising that quickly caused ayery significant spike. We expect there will be many Canadians who historically have been in Fort Myers Beaih, Sanibel and Captiva who will come here for the foreseeable future because they;re looking for another vacation destination and love Southwest Florida.o We don't want to steal them away from Lee County, but we have an opportunity to ensurethey stay within Southwest Floriia, so we wilt probably tum the heat up with Canadian 8 November 28,2022 residents, not just in the winter, but spring and summer, where we saw Canadian numbers spike significantly. Numbers on the website show Canadians are already starting to look for alternatives. F. Paradise Coast Sports Complex/Sports Facilities Companies - Adrian Moses and David L[asson [Mr. Moses detailed a PowerPoint presentation, the PCSC October 2022 Report.J Mr. Moses noted that the government used the complex as a staging site for the hurricane cleanup and organization. We lost I I events, replaced nine and we couldn't replace one tournament because we were hosting the Department of Families and Children food stamp collection site. Close to 45,000 people showed up in three days for that. We also hosted local football events, which was successful for us. Ms. Kerns asked about the canceled events. Mr. Moses said they didn't cancel. Most were postponed but we couldn't get back two events. Ms. Kerns asked if they were able to find new locations. Mr. Moses said no. They were lost due to the storm, which is covered in our contract. The challenge is we postponed those events and have to do that in this fiscal year. We've been able to fit those in our very fuIl schedule but lost a couple of events. However, we had an extremely strong October to start this fiscal year. [Mr. Wasson detailed a PowerPoint presentation on website trffic totals.J Mr. Wasson noted that the Snowfest holiday event was moved from Golden Gate Community Center to the Paradise Coast Sports Complex, which is a much larger space, so there will be lots of snow and activities. Ms. Becker asked if it's called Snowfest week, but the event is one day. Mr. Wasson said yes. Mr. Moses said it was recently Sports Facilities Company's one-year anniversary managing PCSC, so they had a party. Part of our responsibility is to host community events and this weekend will feature Snowfest. It's so large they can't hold a sports event alongside it, so there won't be any parking left for more than that. On Sunday, there's a Naples Moms event (Annual Naples Moms Home for the Holidays Market), so we are taking full advantage of the complex on Saturday and Sunday without a sporting event. Ms. Becker asked what the event hours will be. Mr. Moses said Snowfest will be held from 3-9 p.m. and will feature activities for everyone, a movie, "Elf," on the big screen, drinks, beverages and snow. Mr. Beirnes asked if they could discuss the turf being installed in the new fields. Mr. Moses reported that:o Dave mentioned an 87Yo increase in participation. Those numbers will be much higher next year because we're already bringing that amount of people to Collier County through tG events that we're booking. a 9 November 28,2022 We just hosted the Alliance Cup, a 17O-team tournament, but because we only have five fields completed now, we only saw 30%o of the teams from that tournament at the complex. The rest of them were at North Collier and Big Corkscrew. Once we have more fields completed, we will be able to drive huge tournaments or give those fields back to the community on the weekends. Fields 5, 6,'7,8 and t have begun to have field turf put down and the rest will follow. They're behind schedule, but once they're finished, you'll see those numbers shoot back up again. Ms. Kerns said she was there recently for an art show and the complex was spotless. Mr. Moses said they will have about 50 vendors at Snowfest's village this weekend. We just hosted a 5K race on Thanksgiving with 2,500 finishers. We managed to get close to 3,000 vehicles in and out in two hours, with just one means of ingress and egress, without any problems. Ms. Becker asked what he meant by not being able to have parking for sports events. Mr. Moses said there won't be enough parking for a 175-team sports event with Snowfest going on, but there's enough parking for Snowfest and the Naples Moms Sunday holiday event. Councilor Grifoni asked what the completion date was for the turf fields. Mr. Moses said they hoped they'd be completed by the end of February, but March is an incredibly important month for us, with lacrosse coming in toward the middle of March. That will provide an incredible amount of revenue for Collier County and the complex. The importance of having the fields completed by the end of February cannot be overstated. Councilor Grifoni asked if they'll be completed one at a time or all at once. Mr. Moses said they're going to suggest that they be all completed as soon as possible. We've had more requests for fields during the week and could fill them. Mr. Beirnes told the TDC that if they haven't been to the PCSC in a week, the huge building just went up and Wolf Lodge is ready for development, as well as five to seven rows of expanded parking. There's a lot of energy and excitement there. After hurricane cleanup and staging, the parking lots were full again for soccer tournaments and cars were parked in future fields. G. County Museums - Amanda Townsend [Ms. Townsend detailed a PowerPoint presentation, "Collier County Museums - Visitation October 2022 "J Ms. Townsend also reported that: o The Naples Depot Museum will remain closed for several months due to hurricane damage. o The Museum of the Everglades suffered electrical damage underground due to post-storm surge. It closed for several weeks in October for repairs.o Facilities Management sent out a team and the museum got a new paint job in the front gallery and the exterior, so the peeling paint is gone.r Hurricane damage caused low visitation numbers in october. a a a Ms. Becker asked when the Naples Depot will open. Ms. Townsend said she doesn't know. Because it's on the National Register of Historic places, we were able to do all the emergency work and stabilize the building. eut there's an extra level of FEMA review for the scope that will take time before the work can be bid out. 10 November 28,2022 Ms. Becker asked about the exhibit, "Abandoned Vehicles of the Everglades." Ms. Townsend said they had a great opening and it hung for a week, but then the hurricane came and the artist, Matt Stock, retrieved his works. Hopefully, we'llbe able to display them at another time, but they've been safely removed from the building. Ms. Becker asked if she had a good supply of brochures for the five county museums. Ms. Townsend said they have a new order that was redesigned by Paradise Advertising. Ms. Becker said her supply was destroyed in the hurricane. Ms. Townsend said she'd give her some old brochures until the new ones come in. 10. Council Member Discussion Ms. Becker noted that at the last meeting, they weren't sure if they'd be able to celebrate Christmas On Third, but they did have the event on November 21. Everything was nice, but they didn't have their usual Santa. Mr. Beirnes noted that it was featured on WINK news. Acting Chairman HilI asked if all the restaurants were operating again. Ms. Becker said some restaurants and retailers are open, but others won't open until 2023. The restaurants on Third and Fifth are very busy. Mr. Beirnes agreed, noting that it's diffrcult to find parking. Ms. Becker said the Naples Snowfalls at7 p.m. will continue. Acting Chairman HilI said he heard that Parks & Recreation is bringing the beach parks back online, but we were told they could use more beach cleaning. This board would welcome Parks & Recreation asking for TDC funds. Mr. Beirnes noted that there won't be a December meeting, but they could consider that in January. Acting Chairman HiII noted that it would be a challenge to wait 60 days. There is an option to get an emergency meeting to get our economy back up after the hurricane. What about sand and water quality? Is that changing daily? Mr. Beirnes said that the tonality on the website is that we refer visitors to the state Department of Health for water quality information. The water looks cleaner and we're monitoring it very closely. We're making sure we're not saying beaches are open, meaning you can go in the water. We're hoping we won't have red tide. There was a brief bloom o Marco Island a couple of weeks ago, but it dissipated. Sand quality is a matter of raking and collecting 30 miles of beaches, but Parks & Rec is working on that. Acting Chairman HilI said the TDC is here to help with that. Ms. Brock said she heard reports that they were seeing fish kill this weekend at Chokoloskee. Mr. Beirnes said that was true, but they seemed to be isolated instances. Ms. Brock said it's not looking as bad as a few years ago. Mr. Beirnes said the storm runoff from this year makes it a wildcard. The pollutants from the mainland are hard to protect against and the Army Corps of Engineers released a significant amount of water, which doesn't help. We're closely monitoring it and will flag it on our website. Mr. Olesky noted that traffic was very bad this moming, mostly on Vanderbilt Beach Road. 11. Tourism Staff Reports - Director (Submitted) 11 November 28,2022 Mr. Beirnes said there won't be a meeting in December and we will monitor any requests by Parks & Rec and others and will reach out to you if there's a need to gather the TDC. 12. Detailed Staff Reports (Submitted) 13. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location - 9 a.m. January 23,2023 Collier County Government Center, Administration Building F,3rd Floor, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 10:39 p.m. COUNCIL These minutes were approved by the Councit on {nfi. &3 , ?-D43, (choose one) as presented, \L or as amended t2