AHAC Minutes 11/15/2022MINUTES OF
November 15`", 2022
8:30 A.M.
Naples, Florida
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this
date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESSION in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers, in Naples,
Florida, with the following Members present:
Present: Mary Waller
John Harney
Joe Trachtenberg — Chair
Comm. Rick LoCastro
Paul Shea
Jessica Brinkert
Gary Hairs
Todd Lyon
Stephen Hruby
Jacob LaRow, Director Economic Development and Housing Division-GMD
Julie Chardon, Operations Support Specialist - CHS
OTHERS PRESENT: Megan Phillips, Clerks Office; Jamie French, GMD Department Head; James Sabo,
GMD; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Susan Golden; Katerina Pelic, Clerks Office; Anita Jenkins, Naples CRA;
Ted Blankenship, City of Naples; Ashley Jones, Salvation Army; Deborah Forester, CRA; Andrew Cribbs,
George Washington Carver Board; Bill Zunamon; McDowell Housing Partners.
Joe Trachtenberg called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. He read the procedures to be followed by
Gary Hairs —who led in the pledge to the flag.
Julie Chardon led with Roll Call.
There were 9 active members present when the meeting, therefore a quorum was established.
Two members (Jessica Brinkert and Arol euntzman) arrived shortly after bringing the final total to 11
members present.
Joe Trachtenberg requested a new member orientation start getting scheduled. It would be
beneficial to include members of Growth Management Department and current AHAC members
that would like to participate.
a. Stephen Hruby made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mary Waller.
The motion passed by a vote of 10-0.
b. A motion was made by Paul Shea to approve the minutes from the October 26�", 2022 meeting of
and was seconded by Joe Trachtenberg. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0.
a. Apartment Survey -Julie Chardon conducted an Apartment Survey for the month of October. Jacob
LaRow and Julie provided an overview on how to read it and what the numbers reflected in our
county. Key additions will be made to the apartment survey to help improve understanding the
intensive chart. Notable changes that were mentioned in the survey was the vacancies have
dropped considerably, most of the apartment complexes that have availability are in the market
rate section which is creating a rent burden for most families, and a rough estimate of 250
apartments were taken offline due to Hurricane Ian. Ted Blankenship from the City of Naples
mentioned they're having discussions on hiring a relator and wants to finance through the CRA for
discussions on Rent Control.
b. McDowell Housing Partners Project Presentation- Michael Puchalla; Executive Director, Collier
County Community Land Trust and Bill Zunamon; with McDowell Housing Partners gave a
presentation on a development they would like to bring to Collier County that could get funding
from the $20 million One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund that AHAC has discussed previously.
McDowell wants to bring a 108-unit complex to Collier County that will serve a mix income of 80%
AMI and below. The county will own the land while McDowell will continue and control with
developmental process. The requested amount from the $20 million One Cent Infrastructure Surtax
Fund is $3.750,000,00. They also highlighted HB 1339 which allows local governments the right to
provide affordable housing (up to 120%AMI) on land that is zoned Commercial, Residential,
Agricultural, and Industrial. A letter of support from the AHAC was also requested.
Joe Trachtenberg- Wanted to clarify want was being asked from McDowell and paraphrased what
the ask was. Joe Trachtenberg started in February asking the BCC on ways they can work on creating
rules/guidelines on how to utilize the twenty million dollars surtax money, thirty days ago, Joe
Trachtenberg had a discussion with Collier County Board Members and was told AHAC should come
up with the rules. After being presented this developmental project Joe Trachtenberg believes this
project could be the starting ground and open opportunities to create the rules on how to utilize the
Surtax money, He wants to get AHAC passed the point of having funding but no direct guidelines on
how to use it.
Mary Waller- Noted that a lot is missing from this presentation and it's hard for AHAC to decide
since she doesn't want it to go to the BCC without a firm understanding on certain questions that
were raised.
Joe Trachtenberg— He agreed with Mary but has a different approach on how AHAC should handle
this. He proposed this project as a catalyst and wants it to start a conversation with the BCC. Joe
Trachtenberg will provide a letter for the commissioners stating that the McDowell presentation is
an interesting project with interesting opportunities and the AHAC would like to use this project as
an opportunity to develop the guidelines for the $20 million. The motion was made that Joe
Trachtenberg is reaching out to the BCC via letter and making a strong recommendation for this
project and that this project provides an opportunity to develop how to use the $20 million One
Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund going forward. Mary Waller seconded. The motion passed 10-0 with
Steve Hruby abstaining.
John Harney- He mentioned that other counties are doing these deals and thinks The Florida
Housing Coalition can provide rules to Collier County since other counties have land trust and they
can knowledge on this subject matter.
Commissioner Rick loCastro- He thinks this project and possibly a few others could be beneficial to
be brought up to the BCC. He wants the AHAC to flush out ideas from these meetings and bring
them to the BCC meetings.
a, Ashley Jones- With Salvation Army, wanted to mention the RUSH program. The program is through
the ESG grant that will open in January or February. It will be presented to the board on December
131h and will provide housing, whether it's in Hotels or a two -month rental assistance, to individuals
that have been affected by Hurricane Ian. She has been pushing this information out to the public
and wants to make this information known to AHAC and ask if there's any way to move to approve
this program earlier, that we should take that route. She brought up concerns that even if this
program does aid there's no housing for anyone to go too.
aI Affordable Housing Advisory
Incentive Strategies Report
2022- At the last
meeting the vote taken didn't
count due
to the fact the notice wasn't
properly advertised in
the newspaper. The recommendations AHAC wants to present to the BCC was discussed at
length in previous meetings. A motion was made to approve this report again. A motion was
made by Mary Waller and seconded by John Harney. The motion passed 11-0.
a. Update on Fair Notice to Tenant Ordinance Outreach Efforts- Jacob LaRow created a flyer to satisfy
the commissioners comments on what was being done to bring notice to the public about the recent
rental increase ordinance. This was a draft version but the intent of this is to serve dual purposes for
landlords and tenants. Julie Chardon and Barbetta Hutchinson have a list together of emails from
apartment complexes that will receive this information, Jacob LaRow has reached out to John Michael
Fernandez from SW Apartment Association to provide this information to him, and information has
been posted on the county webpage/ housing webpage.
Ted Blankenship- City of Naples did something like this flyer when they passed it.
Commissioner Rick LoCastro- He wanted to clarify that he was upset that the people who continuously
supported this rental ordinance and came into the chambers passionately saying it was needed did
not create any material. The flyer was created because Rick LoCastro inquired about one. If you're
passionate about something follow it to the end and get with the necessary staff that can help assist
you. No one from the Tenants Association or any other supportive member present at many meetings
called Jacob LaRow, the county manager, or the BCC.
Joe Trachtenberg- He mentioned once Miami passed the ordinance, he was the one that brought it to
Collier County and City of Naples. He wanted to clarify that he didn't once say it will have any positive
impact on affordable housing. The only thing he described this ordinance as an act of public decency.
He appreciated the fact that Commissioner Rick LoCastro was upset over the lack of interest in follow-
A final thank you to Commissioner Rick LoCastro was given since this is his last meeting with AHAC
and will become the chairman of the Board of County Commissioners.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
2023, AT 8:30 A.M.
Location: Conference Room 609J610-Growth Management Department 2800 N. Horseshoe
Joe Trachtenberg, Chairman
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The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on l �i I1 (i32 "as
submitted" [_] OR "as amended" [) ].