Agenda 01/24/2023 Item #16C4 (To approve a First Amendment and Extension to Recreational Lease with Smallwood Island Conservation Club)01/24/2023
Recommendation to approve a First Amendment and Extension to Recreational Lease with Smallwood
Island Conservation Club to extend the lease term, to revise the acreage, to increase the annual rent, and to
update insurance requirements on 492 +/- acres of the County-owned property known as Camp Keais.
OBJECTIVE: To approve a First Amendment and Extension to Recreational Lease with Smallwood Island
Conservation Club (Amendment) to extend the lease term, increase the annual rent, update insurance requirements,
and update the exhibit at the County-owned property known as Camp Keais.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Board approved an Agreement for Sale and Purchase on March 9, 2021, agenda item
11. B., to acquire 1,046.19+/- acres owned by Barron Collier Partnership, LLLP. In that acquisition, there were
five (5) leases. The Recreational Lease (Lease) with Smallwood Island Conservation Club is one of the five leases
at this property.
At this time, the County wishes to amend the lease which was assigned to the County via the purchase through a
Partial Assignment and Assumption of Lease dated April 20, 2021, appearing on the BCC Agenda dated March 9,
2021, Item 11.B.
• The Amendment extends the lease term for an additional two years with the existin g thirty-day bilateral
termination provision.
• The leased area originally consisted of 1,274 acres under the lease with the previous owner. Since the County’s
acquisition of this property, the acreage is being revised to 492 which reflects the land now owned by the
County, as shown on Exhibit “B” attached to the Amendment.
• The previous year's annual rent is based on $6.50 per acre, which is consistent with similar leases. With the new
calculation of acreage including an increase of two percent, the rent for the first year of the Amendment will be
$3,261.96. The rate will increase by two percent compounded for the following year.
• The tenant shall provide the County the required Indemnity and Insurance provisions.
• The Tenant will continue to maintain all aspects of the property as outlined in the original Lease, and all other
terms and conditions contained therein shall remain in full force and effect.
8FISCAL IMPACT: The annual revenue of $3,261.96 for the first -year renewal, and all future rents, will be
deposited into the County-Wide Capital Project Fund 301, into the Camp Keais Project 50224.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. -
RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the First Amendment and Extension
to Recreational Lease with Smallwood Island Conservation Club.
Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division
1. Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (PDF)
Packet Pg. 619
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.C.4
Doc ID: 24135
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a First Amendment and Extension to Recreational Lease with
Smallwood Island Conservation Club to extend the lease term, to revise the acreage, to increase the annual rent, and
to update insurance requirements on 492 +/- acres of the County-owned property known as Camp Keais.
Meeting Date: 01/24/2023
Prepared by:
Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management
Name: Michael Dowling
12/14/2022 2:17 PM
Submitted by:
Title: – Facilities Management
Name: John McCormick
12/14/2022 2:17 PM
Approved By:
Facilities Management John McCormick Director - Facilities Completed 12/14/2022 2:40 PM
Facilities Management Jennifer Belpedio Manager - Real Property Completed 12/21/2022 9:45 AM
Public Utilities Operations Support AmiaMarie Curry PUD Department Review Completed 12/21/2022 2:29 PM
Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 12/27/2022 9:55 AM
Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 12/27/2022 10:08 AM
County Attorney's Office Ronald Tomasko Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 12/28/2022 9:37 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 12/28/2022 10:06 AM
Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 12/28/2022 10:32 AM
County Manager's Office Ed Finn CMO Completed 01/02/2023 4:15 PM
Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 01/03/2023 2:39 PM
County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 01/17/2023 11:57 AM
Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 01/24/2023 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 620
I.ease d
l'llts't AllH,\--l)IIl:\1' ,\\l) [.XT[-\SIO\ l'() ttF('RIi,\-II()\,.\L L[]ASE
(Amendment) entered into this
da)' of
_. 2021. by and betu,een
Collier County. a political subdivision of the State of l:lorida. succcssor in interesr. u'hose
mailing address is. clo Real Propert]- i\4anagement. 3335 East Tamiami 'Irail. Suite l0l. Naples.
Florida 3.1I I 2. hereinafter rc'l'erred to as "Lessor." and SMALLWOOD ISLA;r-D
CONSERVATION CI-UB, s'hose mailing address is 122 Burnt Pine Drive, Naples. FL 3.ll19.
hereinafter referred to as "Lesscc."
WHEREAS Collier Countl' accepted the Recreational l-ease between Banon Collier
Partnership. LLLP. a Florida limited liability limited partnership. and Smallwood Island
Conservation Club. dated January I . 202 I , attached hereto as Exhibit "A." under the terms of the
Agreement lor Sale and Purchase betueen Barron Collier Partncrship. I-l-LP. a Florida limited
liabilit) limited partnership. and Collier Counn. a political subdivision of the Stare of Florida.
dated March 9. 2021 : and
WHEREAS Banon Collier Partnership. LLLP. a Florida limited liabilig limired
partncrship. executed a Panial Assignment and Assumption of Leases ro Collier Count1.. a
political subdivision of the State of Florida. dated April 20. 2021 . assigning all of its interesr in
the leases to Collier County: and
WHEREAS the Lessor and Lessee are desirous lo amend the Recreational Lease (Lease).
to provide an exhibit of the leased area. to extend the lease temr. to address insurance provisions.
and to provide for annual rent increases.
NO'*' THEREFORE. in considcration ol the covenants and agreements provided *ithin
said [.ease. rvhich is attached herein and made a pan hereof. and Ten Dollars ($10.00) and orher
valuable consideration. said Lease is hereby amended as follows:
l. Exhibit "8" attached to this Amendment shall define the Land being leased
comprised of 492 acres (+r-).
2. 'Ihe folloting provision shall be added to Paragraph I (a) ofthe Lease:
l'he Lease is hereby extended for an additional term ol'two (2)
yeius, unless sooner terminBted under the provisions contained in
the Lease.
[::-RPR-o]601 I 755.100 I l
Packet Pg. 621 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
4. The lbllos'ing provision shall replace Paragraph l0 ol'lhe Lease:
[-ossee shall indemnifl'. dcl'cnd and hold harmless [-cssor. its
agenls and emplo] ees from and against any and all liabilitl
(statulor) or othen'ise). damages. claims, suits. denrands.
judgnrents. costs. interest and cxpenses (including, but not limited
to. attome) s' fees and disbursements both at trial and appellate
levels) arising. directll or indirectll'. from anl injury to. or death
ol. any person or persons or damage to properry (including loss ol'
use thereof) related to (A) l.essec's usc of the Demiscd Prcmises:
(B) any rvork or thing whatsoever done. or any condition crcated
(other than by Lessor. its employ'ees. agents or contractors) b) or
on behalf of Lessee in or about the Demised Premiscs: (C) an1'
condition of the Demised Premises due to or resulting t'rom an;'
default b1' Lcssee in the perlbrmance of l-essee's obligations under
this Lease or olhenvise: or (D) an) act. omission or negligence of
Lessec or its agents. contractors. emplolees. subtcnants. licensees
or invitees. In case anl aclion or proceeding is brought against
Lessor by reason of anv one or more thereoi Lessec shall pay all
costs. atlomevs' fees. expenses. and liabilities resulting thereliom
and shall defend such action or proceeding if l-essor shall so
requesl. at l,essee's expense. bl counsel reasonabll satisfactory to
Thc l-essor shall not be liable for anl damages to or loss o[.
including loss due to pett)' theft. an) propert). occurring on the
Demised Premises or an)' part thereot. and the Lessee agrees to
hold the Lessor harmless l'rom any claims for danrages. except
u'here such damage or injury is the result of the gross negligence
or u'illful misconduct ofthe Lessor or its employees.
Lessec shall provide and maintain gcneral liabilitl and propenl.
liabilitf insurance policl (ies). approved bl the Collicr Countl, Risk
\4anagement Dcpartment. lor not lcss than One l\,lillion Dollars
I22-RPR-03604't 755r00r I l
3. The annual rent for the llrst lear is being adjusted to reflect the {92 acres that is
orlned bv Lessor. The annual rent from lhc prcvious )ear's rent rras based on 56.50 per acrc.
'l'hc annual rent tbr lhe additional t\\o-]'car lerms shall be increasedb5,2% compounded from thc
pre,''ious )ear's rcnt. -Ihe rent for 2022 rvill be in the an)ounl of $3.261 .96. and $3,327.20 tbr the
202.1 lease lerm. [.,essee shall provide Countl, *ith the 2022 rent in the amount of $3.261.96
sithin tventl dal's of the Counn"s execution date on this Amendment. Thc rent for the 2023
lease lerm shall be received bl Januarl l.1023. 't-he l-essee shall he required to pa)'an) taxcs
related to the rent or Lessee's operation and use al thc Demised Premiscs. ifapplicable.
Packet Pg. 622 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
nltJ \(r Cct)ts (S I .01)(1.(XX,.ll0) combincrl singlc Iinrirs during thc
tcnn of this Agrccnrcnt. ln addition. l.cssec shall providc and
nraintrin Workcr's ('onrpensalion lnsurarrcl' covering all
cnrplovccs nreeting Stltuton l-irnits in cornpliance uilh thc
.rpplicable Statc .urd l'cdcral lass. l'hr: crrvcragc shali includc
l:ntplo.rer's Liabilitl trith a nrininrurn linrit ol' Five IIunr.hcd
I housand I)ollars anrl \o 100 Cc'nts (S50().(X,0.0(l) each accidcnt.
Such insurance policv(ies) shall list Collier Cirunt) as an additional
insured thereon. Iividencc ofsuch insurancc shall bc provided to
Itcal l)ropcnl llanagcnrcnt. 113.35 Tamiarni 'liail l-,ast, Suitc l0l.
\aples. l'lorida. .1]112. or bl t'ax: l2l9ll5l-1.1876. or bl enrail to
\ lichar'l.Dorr linr: a ct,llllqountlll.ut'r. lirr approval prior te thc
c()nrnrencenlenl crI this Lease A_qreenrcnt: and slull includc' I
pror.ision requiring tcn (10) da)s prior rrritren nolicc ro llcal
I)ropc'n1' J\,lanagenlcnt in thc cvent of canccllalion or changes in
policl'(ies) coveragc. l-essor resenes thc right to reasonabl!
anrc[d the insurancc requirements hl issuancc (tf notice in rariting
to Lcssce. lvhcreupon rcccipt of such rrotice LIjSSEE shall have
thirt] (i0)da) s in shich to obtain such additional irrsurance.
6. Escept as cxprcssl! pror ided herc-in. the Recrertional l.ease shall rernain in lull lbrce and
tN \\'ll NI:SS WIIEREOI:. the LI:SSOR and l.liSSIll: have hercto cxccul(-d this l:irsr
Amendmcnt and lrxtension to Rccrcational l-ease the dat,and yr:ar lirut abovc rrriucn.
Board of Countl' Conrrrrissioners
c/o ltcal PropertJ' Marragcrncnt
.1135 -l'amiami Trail I:ast Suite l0l
)iaplcs. Florida 3.1| l2
Snrallu'ood Conservation Club
122 Burnt Pine Drivc
Naples. Il, 341 I 9
[)avid Hurst
B Finger
[]:-RPtt-0i6o.l r7i54oo ll
5. I hc lbllos'ing prolisiorr shall be added as ncs Paraaraph i I ol'the l-case:
Il \':
t]\': -
Packet Pg. 623 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
l'inr Schlicl'
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk
, Deputy Clerk
.\pproved as to fbrnr and legalitr':
.lcrrrrd H
r lc \\atel s
fuck LoCastro, Chairman
Ronald 'l-. 'fonraskrr
Assistant Count\,^n0me\'
[]l-RPR-oi60.1,' r 7s5.100 r I I
Packet Pg. 624 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
Errf,CTtYf, : J&\iUARY l. 2021
DATEzxtttfll: DEcf MaEn !r, rqlt
X.f,CnlATIOa{AL LEAIE. r.d.lll JAI{UARY l,,021. b.a'..! gARnO Col,tJtf, pARTITf,nStll?, LUr.,trn
Arrrlcbd.r ClrL, SrLlla. Ar. Xrft. rL J{l.r elr3!.).ia SttlLLrrr(X)D tSt-ND COi\SEIVATIO CLUL
122 hr.t nr. lH'r .txrrl.t fL t1l It el.....,|
Atr krsc mcmb.'t mu rlr lhc lcrrc docrmcot red provirtc r[ .otil rid contact ta..anrmhr.
Thcr. will br rhrolrt.l, NO flffiTUfG rlloncd oo frrm fiddr thrt hivc b.rn lar.d for
Prodrcllol: lhatc frrm .crct will b. crcditcd (o your 1.r!..
Ttb lcere ir for urc by lndividrlh ,ohl;- for Pcnonrl rrc.Gttion. llo Col]ardal or for
?rdlt Acliviakr rrc rllowrd.
l-.rot L.t . lo L.rt ., rql troi linr froo trt o., .! r.d robr.<t lo tL. blorlllt t?l!r, pro-Lc, r.rt .-dhf6t &.
6L'il Lrd (lr!rl) 5 Colr.r C6rly, 7rorg.:
S..!b. 2J, at, &!tr ,t A!
S.cdrr 2a, Toivrrtts at. R.!t ItAI
Totrllrg l rTa .rrrr, oo't cr L.,
I. IIE![(tl TL. r.rn o( tlB L..r .o.!tnr!..r JA,^ruARY l, r0:ll .rd .ldt DTCEM!f,R !t,:all uL. roor., t<t r|lt ,06..?rsvbb.. oflll lr!.. Tll L.t bbr.r.rt!.ft Y...,
O) ohiltroxlhS'G}", dncr !.rry nry r.rrhrt ttb L.rr. t, fr!d4 rt. cD." rudy drrr rrto*rtrar ro.t ..rlc.!
l. REm AND Lf,SSf,fs lxPfalsE^t
, (.-) L.''.. rhn P.t tlc 6!ori!t '.lL n6ort r.toll, o, cdrtrrlLln, rt l,.Eor,! tddrar, tk.r,. .lXX&l F F., prrtt L tr tdlo*r:
Orlthtl L.rt Acrr.t. .!d Abo!!t:
lJTa Acr.. .t t6.sOL.'. for r toa.t Lrt. rlrorrt cfllll!ts,
t-... IrraL.d (Ilt tht Not AJor.l] Acrrr3c t rd.di.!:
frTl Arrl .r lcllo/.... ,or r tettt ?.rrlttrd ( !t!ti{ llot Albr.d) Crrdlr L rti .Eo!!t oftlEl-ll.|:tal
Tor.l I'.F.rr:8f,Elle
JANUARY I,lofl:IltrlJE
Tobl trt,t-lr Dr. oF *ra.aorrt : Eitlll
Th. I cl ll. .rr..cG
_ (t) Evcrvclrr ,.crr.d hv ttr br. .o b. rto!. t, r..n.i rrtr b. rr L.'*.'r .'Fxi rt t !.r i!, ro do r!, d llht\L...or n., do ]l.6.i ld..r.r qp. a
r. !EEr.L!&(t) L.''.. rl.[ !r ri. rrnrr Ery ,o. rrrrrE nd ry,..'opra rd rhrbr rr.rr.rir.rr Drrra...d,L.0 !o( u.c, or
Packet Pg. 625 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
p.dh t.y 6rty o.r.'t. lr.d lo. ,., ort.. pr.g3a 1r3&'.I. $.L :oFdr. b.[ lA. prwiblt .frtL L.ra
Anr lrr lirbilrrLr ru6r.rl or.ltrt.d l, . .!J!X ofL.x or ,(& .dtrh, $.[ D. rl. ..tpoElbll,ti otll. t!....
{t) n..t 'rI bc AgtILIflELI .o ,!b-Ltil.r r!fi.d 'fuorr trt ..r Dmlrh. !, t.,ror. SNAIIIIQBI,E0
LUID. L*.(tr'.! t L.r,5 b p€..t.lianh (-.r l-)rttlrr.rr.!?'--brb. or q.rt..r
', tdo. ! ro -.r.!.dlh.' a.! .c bG .n drl} b. ,., v|n& .. ltld.r rhk o. .rr lhr'r .L.a. L ll. .rdna ct rt b.ALe -.].! n 'ttrrEblb .. rlrnit. .rFrr.a o. bpaL4 rt ro rt. Et.tafy o. ttir.. ot O. lr.a .r tatrPF rr.t..6 for..y !t otL€r...
S. }ll IIlTLll^llCt aXD IlllnOVIIlIITTs.
(r) gElif,EAt L.,... rLrU rrl..rb 6. lr6d ill' ..'t 'ril h too4 d.rr .6dhb.! ttd rl ,.r.{!|t or F '|i rob..or.l|t d rr! irrtE oftt! hrd ty rrr*t
(b) lIElli lE .cb.Fldl36 ft.r tl. lr.d b .r nr} l.rrtfirr b.r o, D. rftth .. .rdr Brcd ar ttll{ c. tnd.a,l-.r..rLlDrdt..r.yar...rtLLrdrltoltti.prlorrdtr.od..t(rL.ncn.!dt&t,frfntdhfrt.
lrc tf,.I tor ,..ct ..I .rcld't t..o.uh 10.16 or orl.t.ldbt ..h.t illo.r &aFb. r;tr.r .or|..a.tL.i6.
Alo*rbL lrcn .rrtEd D, Ir!.. rr.U !. <anpo..d. rl . Ehb.D, oi fr{ brtd 't r !tr!rd!.d I6ntt o.
I'an !c D.rt 6.. ll &{ .F(.!.1rLl .d.q..*t t, i .n .l'rrni rd trr... .L! lirbtrb r.d t..rt b !o.acordtilor. L€r.. ,ld .r...t ..rt a! nlo5 .r.r.F !o r+ .d.t ,...n (..!dI!. rtnorr frhrd-r ,r.. ..d ..tOctr:tt).r..lcr rrrrdrtl .o'.. t r6nt' rl.rd bt .rr!.., hr lrrrha o. frrtba FrrF.rr.t rl. u.d- t5rt!.dt r!r, bl r?tt6t lrrbdor, tlrl.r.rrL crrr tt.t rlrrb r.d .d6 6 or trEr l!. Lrld llrI t !ttd. h trri i.n!.t
t! lo rvdd ataaltlt a itt lbl.rnlc cioltc.lH..i i,U pr! tnc tlr l....d hto oti.r ltrr..
G) q^rcglTErt'ailJcTufE AXDTr.^[2n-r C.-p,*tt,rr.rd .rt!.r! -rr..t b..a.dE.i.d.rpLd
1t b.t!.E rrprvyd t, f..r.or, rarl .!y tirr! r brBhl r.rif .st tto D. rr??fi.d !, O. 8lldEt rldZoht DcFrtDr.rl. C..Eprira lrln t Lpr.L.! rd rtltr.t{r rtltor.d by l,.rr.c.
(O C,ltr !fi f-rr{L t r-.r .! !t.5 brcr.r io. 0r&116 rtrrrtt ibt t (Lft|, rb..| htr!-t lriry.r d6rr!.tL. by Orl Lrr. rlrl tot rtt .r ,r6ort try r..l,tl. t...q a..a .r tlfr bt .,- 6. t { Lr; lilcl dirr...Br Alt r or rtrrL, b6, oro6.ri.L d.trE or lrrt rtr trrq r*. cra..4.t U. Lr.d. t€t r lrEtb!.d.t tEfirl..r lok rt.t tr L.a.. L.r.e tttt.or brrr!6 !t rpt o. ll. ?rbr *rnr.n.Enl.(t.t...r]t th ftr5.
fo.6t I'rir...., i pr.b|t.trt l,ri, rFdtl.i tt ttE. Ld- O.! .ria.! rrrt{.- L{.!rCG tbdl rdtbrC k?co rll criiLs roedt clcrr for l.fc rrrr rr tll tincr- Legoc ,le[ aor dcer rav oorrbl
of tbc bod or afrc eav mndr. dirclrcr or diks. rttlct tlc r.brtr{orr coorcrioiLrnr.
C) IDlEdslll LISSIE .t.I FL. ll. L.rd .o .rr.r u-F...n t a t t'..r O.l ..t Lr .r, ..r-, r. &r!
- (0 l4!f,!-A[JAIIa I..t ,.l. 'l.dtut d Dy L{.r trro b. lod.d b, 1r..., .!d t e .l.[ ttrrtt r l.y.L.r.. tt tr ial ,r!d L& i. r., t r. rll..1 O. prtor rrtr.l a6r6t .( L.r6 6.. C.rr. Llt.rl
.( OOIqLFIICE.WITB POVf,nX B{TAL Rf-ctnrTK s. L..E r!.t rr rdt (6pt, rfir jr ?.rr.!t.rd tEE.tblt. tttrLflora rrLr .Dd dtrrtltrr oarry ln.rl+.|, .orrg. rDL, fr{.nl o? .6cr 3ircfiritrt rr6oa! fo rhlrrd.r l}. Lrr..t.rtt crrd,rtlr' c. tt b.d. Lrr.r.r.ttatbr ! torl4 r.*t.ll.r rfn3f a.6....rr;.onq C.rrlyB.ldiB r.d Zrait cf rr, ttnctrftrr o6cr tt r t .lrpon., arr! tr.hA l! tig&c.d or ll. lrrd- '
-? I++!S q[X4lFqSfElIrslILBL Lr-.t 6,I F, rll rrt.. ..rrtrtr ts! bp!rno.!! (h.tudt r. 'tttlrrllnilttd6, rEt.lrrs) Dl..d b, L.r!.. ar O!
a. !O LEJ{S,8OY
o! ESqr- ka. tr rc rttttr, trr or F,.r io trL..,..rbro.E L..,.orurdrlll irt-.,trl. cr t ll 6r.iirdo. br ..r L. .. tt. L.a L.rr. .Ll. r}tlh i.r ilrr. .(.rr tbt ltrlrt tl. t rd of,., lbt rba.rE (h.Ldl,.ilt .t bhllo., r.ct.rk '.r.rttrlhi.r L!r,trtb: Loi.r,..o oro[t b! ofL..!.r(or.r, ofl,.{ar.rf€, slplrl/t6 or hvtr.6},.nnr Fyo.dL.trt ru.n r.r. (b.fdi& ruorr hbrlor,Grtrq rqrH h..dl
,. PT BUC LlABtl ryY Dfirn^l{C! AflD ErDLl{MtrCrTrr*.
(r) tra .t..f 6.nLt t !.*.rrt F*Ef,LEr..rfr.raa*OrE.ll, rd Lr t rtt- .frb .tr t t e arrr. d.'ll r F?-t, Oir+ rcra4 r rr r.-.!tu rlt il. r..t & t dt rd b'tE f.E, L,rt d.(ttr; a,.rinra.-*rf IE{ f : O.itr hr rlt,...A k lF , rd..6 ..d h tt -lh hr.agf,t. i. pia.rt, &.rar t.a a;f L.ra.ltr L..d r r ...d lrrta O. L-/r lt.-.t|l ,r+..t rd rsra firf ir Lcrtrl t- b. i. rh.TL brtra.f t L|rryirtHtaohl-ltb.g.-a- t r.EF& t t.*. Urt- FJ.ardhr.r-.. Gitrt Arl L rTto.d a f.ra ,.L r t 6Etb .ttE bG ..d d Frd.f;f fd.d. .
'lrL...r t, ia b't ier 6d 1.* rt rr*r rl.dr.,.r,,Li, r.tir t' rrt..ltnrrr.don,
Packet Pg. 626 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
(D) l-t r ,trtr ro hd. !1,f, rd .ro..rrr l-.or frol! rld .trh, ..I ,.{, ,ll drknr. d.a. L ..d .rrxr (b.idbr.rlltort lhr|rrrb.. r.rrorrlL.iror.qr' ,6) r.lbS,'6|rir.b & proFrrl or F.E o.dqtt o(crrtry. drrlrt al. ..rh ot ilL k & oo O. l.rEd or ln .olrftrbn rtrt ,ry .<E or o!tl.b.t of L..x. orl -..r', Eprr.r..tdv.+ r rlrrG o. lvlrd tl d tt rr lt. lrrdr t t alL r'Or'rr.! .oa .rttd. l. r.0. ro ,r,rti!b!.r..t.rl io liro. r.&r..f r-ar(l poLt r!,p!6 h f.6rc.
(c) SIGNED WAYIER. l-csrcc ![!l$ffl$ll *r]vcr providcd b1 Lcrror tod rcrur$ iiti
lldr rigard lcerc. Lacc'r rqrtr.orrtiylr. alployre oi guctir. mura ,ign r trip,
Ra0rlra.bdr'.r" .rttplolctr or gucrt trrir.rr Inort bc meilcd or ddlvcrcd to thc lctsor't omGG
a! Avc Mrrir, Fbrur. [.c'Jc.'5 rrorr Gttrt]y.,. GEdrvtta or fouod on th. Irod
rhlort r rilncd ?rh'Gr lrill br l'trrlilr.
Tlb L.rr. b rlbl6r .nJ nbodi..t la
(t) Aiy r&a. ol hcrt ii.r lr ,..rr.t. Ew.y rry rlori pnr..t .nd trtlrt Lrr. 6dhr.c.., .rd.rr nda .rd rrlrlalolt
ot Ef toe.rr-.rr.l or FbL r!rt..|t lo.lrdht ril!..t hhrhr' ttc. rrtd.t !o:rtt .od lr.i ..d ,.y .nficrbnr.a t...rd.r n.r! ot rr.ord.
(b) Ary nt .. forr.t a!?&t (L.hdb& rrttorr lhbab& !L. c. L.t.3l of (l) rlr.r!1016.. htcrrr! h th.lrld (hdodit, rltoi. tbtr.rbr,.al rr.d rh.trt brr€.rl(t) Ir.r!.t.r (r) hrtr. ,.h!.r pr!6r.l!i rr, rll rttt
of rtt?od.b. ll.O, rltld|r lhinIo. L.t d..[ Etrt d tcU.rlrt rtt! (t.bdh3, rr&. I,ttnrblt rlfE orit t..!d.trrrr) fo' mt po.d6, or tl. strlrtt ot 6. L.d ...d b, [ld.r llr .O)-, ,.d (o.r..g..d{t d.tld ; f.l|.+t.... tL![ b. .rrdlrrd, .6 r F!.r.a b.& (at[. rd rF(tl rtlh.i ll. r.!l Fnbt tt lrrE rr&r -t'.-
(.) lrr.rd rI Ffi.r.rd r.nrt nrrtlt , (..d r.r.irb, ltld|tLrll.rr.o6ot5.tErr...d .rt6&.r) o. tr lr.d"
(d) Tt. ritl ot r-.rr! (rild tsr ra.r.. rt!..r ahitrba r1...!. p.r.U. r, lsr.r r.d.r ..r. rc t .* ..,podbl .rllr h.d tor ltnElt3 G F*a F FEI
(.) L5r. {"r.r lh.r.r it. .rphtrr. s tarttrr.b. ot6. BD.tot t..r. C,.rr..d.r olLr..) l,.ri..,O v..rL t.l,.rd e. tf.dr, ot..tnd.n,.!d 6.a L.r...,U t i!rrF...r (rt6ort.r,lo5oy.r rttr) lrt..r.: rdrrht or it lr _
(b) Ttd. lo tEr<trrr trd .{.lr-.rt ,hc.d by L.c. .r t f..rd Ar!, ,trrt f rt l.rr .t[h [...r+ nrrtr rtrt L€...-Or-O.-Tr.l!! o, !r. l.,.r.. ttr! Fi r.d t .v. rt. bd b d.ri r. .tli cr. ,L.!ht .c!dtc! ,t$.tory ro Lori,.4 ntlorl ldfittlo, lat.. rh[ t.lrlorr r[ rt]uri!'tr r.d .q!rr6.!r ,b.d b, la.. .. il. L.!d (i<h6& dfio.tLftraf+ ftr.r) r.b. l..,s. . t in k irtrbt ro .ll. cnrrtrr. Ar t.r.dr !?d.., flL to *y trrt :trurirrrr rad.qsipo..l tot rc r.tllo{.d rt r.toE 3lo!, p.!r to t6ro..
12. EllllgE4qlryL[& ifl tor ft'rll ..y .r!dl, o. 'ldld.r 'bt!rn. L.r,.. rt I Fr6rxt, F, ,or r[,rFI.'.!d rd6.t (bcl&& rfir€r tEhrib., ttr,.t rtrtdry, trC r..q po*! td.rt-..ra cd...iii i..rrSrf
No .df, L6 rl.I L ?b.rd.. t. brd iltt.{t t r.or,. prblrrht.. .6.r!r
!1.4qlgllguE'Itrg. L* &t rc.r*!,_nii.Lr, atF-Jnb La.rllIII rt t'l lirllarft Fr. rr5.l.Dt dL-, trtr..rb.t rti..d-.. e Fortg,-oy ar* (.d b;;rq;.t 4..6) o,-t .aFrr tlrrt. - Fr..rai h..rrt rf5 {.lrtfq'-..d b dr qlrf.rl a.rfp tc oitU
''Eat .4. -.r-tt .a rr. .d.trai !a..r .! ploal9 *r irf f. ard; irtr..ri d if fut t^utrctrrp rr.Itl"Dtc rllJ. lILLr rr i[t ?Elifiatrx o'flr u^ra
l{ry pEgAL[Qtr-EIg ll.r, Frr .. r! nl tl. hd b. trt . hr r.t Frr. or qti.lprb& rlr rrd., .rt,utrtr !rb, rlttt ot.dhnt doc.t .r t, ..t Frdt! b Lr .rE f dJrr. !r. k* ;Ob L..; rb'[ r.rEt.ri. it.. ;;;;E art n rL rrrr r.&r ':- rrd b. er?rbrr pr;fl.' (ih. rld ,!...1 tr rrr .'rr( r..ror rlrl b. .rrn d b a..GU,. rnd r prt..: I-..r.. .l,! Ba b. .rort.d ao .rr.-rFrr.tbo ,c. 1,..-,t L.r.lo|d Lt rr.( L ,1. t Dd, bn tE .
1i'.fTl.:r.d.l,-T,t,.rtllrtdb,h'cLb. rF!.lor no. rt. nrlr .rtrortt 6, ' ,r.r.rE,.rt firrr't,.rd .blt b rlkt .rt rl. DreF.t}.f l,..r.G
SJlg!ry.-lIC lto.rr l. H t,r!.b ta I r.,an FE-t a.., ?d.r.t - hr -rli I !.ilh:.:::::lg: .1,'rlq , i .rr..qxn, r-tn!..rrrb. - b. L..r*n .i rtr ncrtrr o. rr*e jrry ir..rt fr FE rr' .r r Lar rrt r rt .t -rt a. A. La r .rtat(r tlt La., .t C. ?ah f f._. ..; i:55_=?:[t -IlH b.EaEb? tctrrEa r|rr tdi f,r+rrirr".r.rr..y-.r p.dr.r pi..-fl i 5rr.!rr.i t atrl.rt -,ttrt f'l,hr tlr-r|.i., itl tr Urrrrr ra I i rtjf.ra
16 E4'TPES
h) lto) Lar.r dchrls h rb. ofrrt nnr or lra FF-bt .rdrr rtl t,.rJt or (r) t-.n .,r.r.r&r t r rtn &F rn ,rrnr.r- nork , b- l!. Frtcr'.lcr ot.r, ilrEr prrot r o? co.dthu ot &b L..r. orfic rrrr rtc pyrrir *ro.f .;i *,!.+ol.r. of rth L..x or!, .r tr.(''r o?abr. ct6rb.d t, !.r drtt"irk6 .o.rc. ro Lr.r.! i.rEh.r...ri lar.
Packet Pg. 627 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
rrv t -.rr, $. L..d ht ,or.t or olt.rrt rld l-rror .l.n br. G. rialt to diD6..r trd c'kt L.rr.. b, Ernr.,pr!<(dbt or.ri.rrL. otr., rxl d.rltt Lc.o. rhrll b..odrl.d ro ifiarrF,or L.!..t r br.rd otllr Ltt!. plotldor'r Brrdlf .rp.lr6 (lrclldhf. ilio.t l,lthilo...rro"norr L.r}
lD) Alrlttt. l .t!r.dl.r orl-ao. tr. a.D.bln.,.!r1ll. ?rc]tt ot.rt.h0..i p...lrd. Ur d.r!r..r.tid .kt.r
o!d.t &l L..t. or by br.
I ?. !!AEEE-0f,J!8L l-.rr ild la! rrbt !, 1," h .!! l.itr, ?m.ndina .. coalr.'trh lrrtrr r, .tt ..|.tdat.6..,l.,ri-r'Lln.r..6tot/r(-ncr.d.66tln!.,|r d..lo.rrts o{Lndbrrt.rd t6.ntb.r'.!r l-.rtr .ad :..r..r L..r.." r!. or ..(lt ....r .f ri. lr.d .!d .., .bt!l of hFrr, d..6 or d.Ertr.
ll, QUIf,T ll.iJgYYf,rr. I-616. !t !"t lt.r.!br.c..o L.rtf r fill.r!lp|L!..ilt fiL t r.r, t_rr.i lrl Ftrrur.rdquHt .rro! 6. lr.d or rld rrbl.d l! fi. r.r!l r rnd to.dfinu ol l5 b lrrra
(.1 t 6c (r.d tu rqrrrrdlrt y.r..6r,ot..r tld Lt r.rt) r!.! .rEr n. Lra rt t! ' itr.r.nt r ft, b?..!i,!
or b p.', t.(.ct.n, rrdtloth rtfi,.d.r lll trE
lb) Ttr trldon 'l r.rl iaih n|.rnL6 rit h. s tk or!.xfi tt!- rt r.o tb., rb, i|!..t ...i..
,0. R+..TlOlIlBlP oF ?AnTIFl. TL ,tittorrrD oI L€rr .d Lrr.i I roLtt Arl .a b.dlrd .rd !.!r.r r!d., tt[.ir.i l,.''r ]t' rc hLrl'r h 1,..r..'! .r&rFi.: i <.- h .or lt .r.ra o. ]tpratl tr. !t Lrrr!-. trd 6f Lr.& '.r!Ird.r to clErrnrlr!... b. @rutr!.l .r . v.ntrr or Fri...lltp.
,I. NOWAryln No.lif 'l.t .rrt .ir. arb L..r tlrt b. d..rd to ]rrr b..!{ b, f..r.. !aL., r.l r.trtr t hrrll.t dF.a b, t rro.. Ilo cELJr .t L.tsr to b.ll or .rrtd p..rorurlct D, L.n . rl.[ D. d..r.r! r Frh.' of .!,tot .qx.t b.t,d tr L.$a
,a EEIITIEII!. Tll 1r.r. a.[ hr'. !o 6. b.t.A .(
tq rd tid tr. 'r(t.t'olt rld rri3., .r t-..d. tttLl .rtlr-! .d *d t ldrt r.l F.-.1 ltFtr..rrtrE c, l,r-.. tr4 It l,.|torl rrlt r .!|rnr l. .jtr!|alt l.r !..rdnb.4 6. rt.ttrr.'l ..d .rtrr or !,re
IJ. iO tlCOIDAnO]l.. Tlb L..r. i xtl.r rttt.!.d rn..l.!dLdtd,.!d rh! r b. 't.ord.d.
,( cn^MM^Tfcal- t lracE
(r) WL.rr ll. cr.tlrt .tqlttrr t rd.r ..d nrrbar rttl b. &6|Gd ht rttt.a..bL.
. ll) lr la..l-c.Gp6.d .lr.v!ri F ,.*|l.r.t it rot tb r.d r.'trttr bfb ii rl..Ulr6or, oaLrn .. trr..r*.h . p.rr.olh, tr. p..b.B .r *.i .r rt Frr..r{h rr.I L tttt ..d r,.flOI ltht ,o. .l. lherdor' dlc.-
la !!SI:EI!II[!9SEE!!E!E TLb L.r*.odtnrr' tr. ..rtn r3t.'.llrtrrt.r tk Frd.. io rtFo.!rr&.rrrrrnrd.r cr p]!al6 Fiohht io rbt L..r. r,r,,.ot rry r[..rd t :ltb r...x !..r -.& b,..rtl:[ b. bhdrlao...rt.rrrtr.frtt.r,,rEtdb6b[..r.Tttt_..!.tr!!ort.t!tdccrfy,UtirtTrytr4rrcnai
b rrllq4r.d D,.l prrq r,thtt rtdt .rlorern !tchEy$.iGt rt.b6rtht
16. t{lscEurr{tous PR(ryEror{.-
tX Wrn\.ESS WHEREO!,Ilt pr.tir. r.d d.lirrrld llt t..{ 6 tt &a. tLrr tb.l. irtr.r.
lt.Lf,SSOR S RtC IIT Of [-I!TRI'
tst A.t!D CONSERVATTO:! CLUA L.sor:- Dnzrlfit
D.k Jan 20, 2021 Feb 5, 2021
f,r!ri!Rcrkrd 8y:
&rrl Xn, At6t
D.t . Feb 5, 2021
D.i.. Jan 20, 2021
Packet Pg. 628 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
D.t . Jan 24,2021
,otlr *dll
o,,.. J"n 25, 2O2l
D.!. Jan 26, 2021
- Lrlfla,r *r -i {.Fd.
D,,.. Jan 28, 2021
- b,l>p.*,
t--.Jan 29 , 202r
D,,..Jan 29, 2021
Jan 28,2021
- <9/..
Packet Pg. 629 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational
Smal lrvood Conscrvation Cluh
Ilccreational Leasr
Smallwood Consen'ation Club
492 acres */-
rt !,
Packet Pg. 630 Attachment: Smallwood Island Conservation Club - Tenant Executed (24135 : Smallwood Island Conservation Club Amendment to Recreational