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Backup Documents 12/13/2022 Item #16A25
ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP 16 A 2 5 TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach to original document. The completed routing slip and original documents are to he fonsarded to the('ount3 Attorney(Mice al the lime the item is placed on the agenda. All completed routing slips and original documents roust he received in the('ounty Attorney Otliire no later than 1londay preceding the Board meeting. **NEW**ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines#1 through#2 as appropriate for additional signatures,dates,and/or information needed. lithe document is already complete with the exception of the Chairman's signature,draw a line through routing lines#1 through#2,complete the checklist,and fisrward to the County Attorney (Mice. Route to Addressee(s) (List in routing order) Office Initials Datc 2. 3. County Attorney Office County Attorney Office �0 C ri-\►111;2 4. BCC Office Board of County Commissioners tan t/// tt./61/22 5. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office rd-japp•a- 1 : 1)- m p- PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMA TION Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the Executive Summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above,may need to contact staff for additional or missing information. Name of Primary Staff Lucia Martin —Development Review Phone Number X 2279 Contact/ Department Agenda Date Item was 09/13/2022 Agenda Item Number ]6.A.25 Approved by the BCC Type of Document Plat Number of Original Attached Documents Attached PO number or account number if document is to be recorded INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark"N/A" in the Not Applicable column,whichever is Yes N/A (Not appropriate. (Initial) Applicable) 1. Does the document require the chairman's original signature? LM 2. Does the document need to be sent to another agency for additional signatures? If yes, N/A provide the Contact Information(Name;Agency;Address; Phone)on an attached sheet. 3. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman,with the exception of most letters,must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. LM 4. All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's N/A Office and all other parties except the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board 5. The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the LM document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is applicable. 6. "Sign here"tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's LM signature and initials are required. 7. In most cases(some contracts are an exception),the original document and this routing slip should be provided to the County Attorney Office at the time the item is input into SIRE. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of your deadlines! 8. The document was approved by the BCC on 09/13/2022 and all changes made e;' during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The County o gip Attorney's Office has reviewed the changes,if applicable. , iw 9. Initials of attorney verifying that the attached document is the version approved by the BCC,all changes directed by the BCC have been made, and the document is ready for the «s opmt:c)1 ; Chairman's signature. ". i`k"'' I:Forms/County Forms/BCC Forms/Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04,Revised 1.26.05,Revised 2.24.05;Revised 11/30/12 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP 1 « 5 I TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach In original document. I he completed routing slip and original documents arc to he forssarded to the('minty Attorney Office at the time the item is placed on the agenda. All completed routing slips and original documents most he received in the Conn!) Attorney Office no later than Monday preceding the Board meeting. **NEW** ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines#1 through#2 as appropriate for additional signatures,dates,and/or inhrrtnation needed. lithe document is already complete with the exception of the Chairman's signature,draw a line through routing lines#1 through#2,complete the checklist,and forward to the County Attorney Office. Route to Addressee(s) (List in routing order) Office Initials Date . 2. 3. County Attorney Office County Attorney Office v c)De ViAktk\-7 4. BCC Office Board of County Commissioners 5. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the Executive Summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above,may need to contact staff for additional or missing information. Name of Primary Staff Lucia Martin—Development Review Phone Number x-2279 Contact/ Department Agenda Date Item was 09/13/2022 Agenda Item Number 16.A.25 Approved by the BCC Type of Document Bond, Maintenance Agreement Number of Original 2 Attached Documents Attached PO number or account number if document is to be recorded INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark"N/A" in the Not Applicable column,whichever is Yes N/A (Not appropriate. (Initial) Applicable) I. Does the document require the chairman's original signature? LM 2. Does the document need to be sent to another agency for additional signatures? If yes, N/A provide the Contact Information (Name;Agency;Address; Phone)on an attached sheet. 3. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman,with the exception of most letters,must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. LM 4. All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's N/A Office and all other parties except the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board 5. The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the LM document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is applicable. 6. "Sign here"tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's LM signature and initials are required. 7. In most cases(some contracts are an exception),the original document and this routing slip should be provided to the County Attorney Office at the time the item is input into SIRE. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of your deadlines! 8. The document was approved by the BCC on 09/13/2022 and all changes made during • fr: the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The County Attorney's Office has reviewed the changes,if applicable. ���lll ✓✓✓ 9. Initials of attorney verifying that the attached document is the version approved by the BCC,all changes directed by the BCC have been made,and the document is ready for the Chairman's signature. I:Forms/County Forms/BCC Forms/Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04,Revised 1.26.05,Revised 2.24.05;Revised 11/30/12 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach to original document. The completed routing slip and original documents are to be forwarded to the County Attorney Office at the time the item is placed on the agenda. All completed routing slips and original documents must be received in the County Attorney Office no later than Monday preceding the Board meeting. **NEW** ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines#1 through#2 as appropriate for additional signatures,dates,and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the exception of the Chairman's signature,draw a line through routing lines#1 through#2,complete the checklist,and forward to the County Attorney Office. Route to Addressee(s) (List in routing order) Office Initials Date 1. County Attorney Office CAOj 102/00 00 2. Board of County Commissioners Office BOCC .�r.111, 12//3/22 3. Minutes and Records Clerk of Courts Office 19,iitlida, 4. Send via email to: michelle.dandreaAcolliercountyfl.gov PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the Executive Summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above,may need to contact staff for additional or missing information. Name of Primary Staff Michelle D'Andrea-Hall,Grants Coordinator 2885 S. Horseshoe Dr 252-5809 Contact/ Department Agenda Date Item was December 13, 2022 Agenda Item Number 16.A,25 Approved by the BCC Type of Document Applications w/ Resolutions Number of Original 3 Attached p p Documents Attached PO number or account number if document is N/A to be recorded INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark"N/A"in the Not Applicable column,whichever is Yes N/A(Not appropriate. (Initial) Applicable) 1. Does the document require the chairman's original signature MD 2. Does the document need to be sent to another agency for additional signatures? If yes, N/A provide the Contact Information(Name;Agency;Address;Phone)on an attached sheet. 3. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be MD signed by the Chairman,with the exception of most letters,must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. 4. All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's N/A Office and all other parties except the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board 5. The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the MD document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is applicable. 6. "Sign here"tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's MD signature and initials are required. 7. In most cases(some contracts are an exception),the original document and this routing slip should be provided to the County Attorney Office at the time the item is input into SIRE. MD Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of your deadlines! 8. The document was approved by the BCC on 12/13/22 and all changes made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The County Attorney's Office has reviewed the changes,if applicable. 9. Initials of attorney verifying that the attached document is the version approved by the BCC,all changes directed by the BCC have been made,and the document is ready for the Chairman's signature. I:Forms/County Forms/BCC Forms/Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04,Revised 1.26.05,Revised 2.24.05;Revised 11/30/12 TransCiP Application Checklist - Section 5310 ITEM Yes No N/A 1 - Grant Proposal—Excel Workbooks X 2- Cover Letter X 3 -Governing Board's Resolution X 4- Public Hearing Notice(Required for Public Agencies applying for capital projects) X 5 - Coordinated Public Transit - Human Service Transportation Plan X 6- CTC Agreement or Certification X 7 - FDOT Certification and Assurances X 8 -Standard Lobbying Certification X 9 - Leasing Certification X 10-Certification of Equivalent Service X 11 - Form 424:Application for Federal Assistance X 12 - Federal Certifications and Assurances X 13 -Title VI Plan (Required if not previously submitted to District) X 14 - Protection of the Environment(Required if the proposed project is for facilities) 15 — Local Clearinghouse Agency/RPC Cover Letter(Required if proposed project is for facilities) 16 - Organization Chart 17 - Proof of Local Match 18—Proof of Non-Profit Status 19 -Certification of Incorporation 20- Completed Sample Vehicle Order Form(s) X 21 —Transportation Operating Procedure is 22 -Triennial Review- CAP Closeout rQ� C •-• .o F V O O L I- NI LA >s c VI Q Q aid O a u. til c v, On s4wa cc 0 C N W w E = ON 0 CD ° '7.; ,„ .1ra. 40 • ' o HIVI161 6. >- (11 0 I a) Clili. _ • =V) m (a L. _ Z ,'^ p u I.I. N = v o LL `O CD .41.7.,a, 0 Q Li. a Co ter County Transportation Management Services Department Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancement Division December 13, 2022 Dale Hanson Transit Project Coordinator FDOT, District One, Modal Development Office/Public Transit 801 North Broadway Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Re: 5310 Grant Submittal Dear Ms. Hanson: Collier County Board of County Commissioners submits this Application for the Section 5310 Program Grant and agrees to comply with all assurances and requirements applicable to the Section 5310 Program. Collier County Board of County Commissioners further agrees,to the extent provided by law(in case of a government agency in accordance with Sections 129.07 and 768.28,Florida Statutes)to indemnify, defend and hold harmless FDOT and all of its officers,agents and employees from any claim,loss, damage,cost,charge,or expense arising out of the non-compliance by the Agency,its officers,agents or employees,with any of the assurances stated in this Application. This Application is submitted on this 13 of December,2023 with an original resolution or certified copy of the original resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to sign this Application. Authorized representative signs below certifying that all information contained in this application is true and accurate. Collier Count Agent Na ,D Sign re William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman,Board of County Commissioners Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative /Z '(3- 2 Z ATTEST: CRYSTA K. KI ZEL CLER Date ' 0 1/4. Attest a to Chairman'sDeputy Clerk iQnature only. 8300 Radio Road•Naples,Florida 34104.239.252-5840•www.colliercountyfl.gov 0 0LLIk `' A � Office of the County Manager • Amy Patterson uUN% 3299 Tamiami Trail East,Suite 202•Naples Florida 34112-5746•(239)252-8383 December 13, 2022 Dale Hanson Transit Project Coordinator FDOT, District One, Modal Development Office/Public Transit 801 North Broadway Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Re: 5310 Match Commitment Dear Ms. Hanson: Collier County attests to having local funds available in the Collier Area Transit Transportation Disadvantaged Operating budget to meet the ten percent local match requirement for the FTA 5310 Grant Application and commits to using $62,680 towards this grant project if awarded. Xrely, Amy P erson, Count Manager RESOLUTION NO. 2022-, 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON TO SIGN AND SUBMIT A SECTION 5310 GRANT APPLICATION, INCLUDING ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ASSURANCES, '1'O THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TO ACCEPT A GRANT A WARD FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION, AND THE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES AND/OR EQUIPMENT AND/OR THE EXPENDITURE OF GRANT FUNDS PURSUANT TO THE GRANT AW ARD. WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County,Florida,has the authority to apply for and accept grants and make purchases and/or expend funds pursuant to grant awards made by the Florida Department of Transportation as authorized by Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and/or by the Federal Transit Administration Act of 1964, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida: 1. This resolution applies to the Federal Program under U.S.C. §5310. 2. The submission of a grant application(s), supporting documents, and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation is approved. 3. William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman, is authorized to including, but not limited to: (a) sign the application, accept a grant award, and (b) accept and execute any required certifications and assurances and all supporting documents relating to the grant awarded to the County, (c) approving all necessary budget amendments, and (c) authorize the purchase of vehicles/equipment and/or expenditure of grant funds pursuant to the grant awarded, unless specifically rescinded. 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon signature by the Chairman. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same, this 13th day of December 2022. [22-PT N-00018/1755558/1t ATTEST: CRYSTAL K.KINZEL, CLERK BOARD OF C COMMISSI E COLLIER C Y, FL IDA By: By: Attest as to hai . 's , Deputy Clerk W. iam L. M aniel, Jr., C airman signature only. Approv- as to form and legality: A01.1' 'onald T. Tomasko Assistant County Attorney Vu� \'\ (22-PTN-00018/1755558/1) u `^ a ' c V) > F. a E }° aai 7 a c c° (5,1) V a) Y G a 2 s E c _o a Q `° VI Q .s c LA o Y c o 2 ._ a a C o •°- - E a) a) 0 C R 3 co to• a V 7 Y "p V •- cm O a, a V, W v Y u a 0 -o L c a 'E L Vi to u c N Y a a) a, ro E •3 N v ,C N Y a t0 o . < C a ca) sa _ a) ° _ E 4, 'a y .c ,_ o v aa) 0) ` 2 ,° E ' co C E s — vt U w' I-- co o o C51a u c 7 ) 0 ro• c E -1 I- o v` a ra t7 @ Vl C aY, V, -0 v LA. C 02 C O o rn a v ro t v �, E o y > o h +- 0 U ° °o, a c o, a 0 0 LL G Q a ,L co a C co a) to m0 C 'to 'n N + Y i/i o `o .O c a r• Y 13 C >, a a V..' a u i. u, o O ,E • v c w 7 '`d U ,•, C ;-0 a) .0 a L'- ,Yn ° u d N vi 0 u m E 'al ' c E - ,) c :4-1 t.. L. .61 .c N v, aL•+ a O ' a O a ''' 0 o �O 0 Q 0 a a N v ~ a Y Y ° u p V 7 CD c 0 a p O Q _0 c a -O Z Y U r a a y a E a ri 5 N v L ^ a 0 Q 7 E < 2 }' c MIMS C O Y .0 t YO C c a) N 0. c O C- ▪ o p, C 1- a D E to •E '.7 a ++ Q o E 0C E to v to E o, °ea cr) u p o 0 0 01 C U C E E ro a Y o C a) C a C ° E m O a Y C E o ° o c E .c V, ' 4 0 LI m = 4- Cl c 3 g v o E o0 0 0 a) C o, •c i 0 O n 0 m � c v 47, g a o vp, a �+ a `Q) ° U O r C •� }, a co� O p C N u a O O Y Y_ o a E M E :c t o o o O1 cis aa) ac) =a Q o w ,, o Q o 3 (Q ti o u a a c a •o 0 > a a o '} • a-, Lt N L a o N > "O O H . a o 0 N C' Y .0 a YO r6 O a 'u 0 N c' E 2 ,i +' v .c O .a o vi tYoCO O O C Y N 0 CD L pCV a -0 a N C i C C O C '' to -a 0 t/1 . Q Y a o v o C E a 3 a o 0 ,n E E v ,�c7 c s 0 T. OS 'p a m 4- >O y ,�/ CU VI ate.+ C i CO N p `1 .4 N C p � U a s .(13 c u C c `n to 7 rn > > > c a Y o O, V1 w a > o v o c a o •N n c •� o o 'v ° p, -0 f„ o c_ ,,_ ° >, O v E c E -o E -D a a u, - Y a c •- -a Q .c o a _ .y o v tuo 3 v cut '° Y o 4, a an " `m •' C 'oo E . c a) a Y — u p) c a _ Q 3 '> 0 a LL c@ _^ '� m °o �_ rn w a u o a a of0i ai a3i vi '> v All ° V, •� ut E ° N 7 to C ° v .� a C p Q O O 0" 6� c u A 'O o co 0 rO N C p, V O G) 7 IA .L a:, v a `O v 0 c C V a O 3 M -p .E Y a .-. a ` A CO F- to 0 rn 7 •� E > u, a a a s Co rn u u nt a o •u o m S 0 a, a 0 .c 'N c .N a) a Y c •Z o E ▪ c V c ro O O = Y d C O o. 0 C to .c:, A V, VI C a)) V, v O 7 U Ol IV •- 'n 7 n c c a m v a a a a Ecti +_ v c C- E 0 d r� C Y c C v- t a a, a •a U a = O 7 •N iliui c d Ha a 0 ,a .a •a v r a — v -fop • na 6-t7,3 +, a 2 N a Y d v- C. }' c N N T a tna Lna) } C YO 2' c E p a 0 0 O, p to N tC L 0 C f O O a 0 0 m ro ° v f—° u c E s .0 c C C ,o � -E a Y 0 " o C C c 7 t c C N o c °• m rn 'inn o o ` 7 a v +� p 0 0 a a a C ..0 Y 7 L ., o — o t; —a°) ai .'n o < a — ' C c o '�3 — 0 '� fa o v 1„ N o c a > a a V > ,n -0 rn m ro co v v rn c ,n > > 0 o w- ▪ 7 •c C m afi E 0 m V Q ,n o 0 0 n a v .N vE, �; y) `o° o w o v, a s a 2 v rn v Q c—Fa ra o c.i ni v' vi r c _0 . . • u U 13 o E C 11) N • • • • +,cn �, E �' o v E a a ,c c L . of• LL 2 F- _c a �_ If a , V N -0 +�•' vl V, 'a a C O a •0 0 7 1 ._ .0) O` '- •- H a) I- N Q. 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P c +. r co w .,o E y.. O N 'Z ; v � � a �' Q.fl':: m Applicant Information Instructions: Please fill out each section appropriately. Item Instructions Agency Response Agency(Applicant)Legal Name: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Applicant Status:0 Use drop-down to A first-time applicant has not received any funding for the past Returning applicant select two grant cycles .._ Is the applicant a Community Transportation Coordinator(CTC)? If yes,please attach Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan Use drop-down to (TDSP),CTC Certification,and Annual Operating Report(AOR) select where indicated in TransClP. Applicant's County(If Applicant has offices in more than one Collier County county,list county where main office is located): Physical Address(No P.O.Box): _ 299 Tamiami Trl,Suite 700 CState: Florid ; State: Florid• Zip+4 Code: 34112 Use link to access information. Identify district(s) 19/26 Congressional District: affected by the proposed project(s). Federal Taxpayer ID Number: amiiippisisp59-6000558 Use link to access F596000558030 My Florida Marketplace Vendor Number information Applicant Fiscal period start and end dates: October 1,2023-September 30,2024 w, State Fiscal period from:July 1,2022 to June 30,2023 Executive Director: Michelle Arnold Telephone: 239-252-5841 Fax: 239-252-3929 Grant Contact Person(if different than Executive Director): Omar De Leon Telephone: missiii239-252-499. a, Fax: 239-252-6534 .; - Email Address: � DeLeonQcotliercountyfl,goV Eligibility Questionnaire The eligibility questionnaire investigates whether current grant sub recipients are compliant with all FDOT and FTA Section 5310 requirements.If a current grant sub-recipient is noncompliant,the sub-recipient will not be eligible to receive grant funds until compliance has been determined.This questionnaire does not apply to new sub-recipients and sub-recipients that have not yet been Instructions: required by their respective FDOT District Office to complete a triennial review. For more information see FDOT's Triennial Review Process as part of the State Management Plan,to view the plan visit https://www.fdot.gov/transit/currentpages/navigation/grantsadministration.sht m. Yes/No Additional Information Are you a returning applicant? Pre-populates from *If yes,please answer all questions.If no,disregard remaining Applicant Status Yes questions in this questionnaire. Use drop-down to Has your agency completed an FDOT Triennial Oversight Review? select Yes What date(s)did the review occur? 11/19/201•', Use drop-down to 3' If yes,is your agency currently in compliance? select Yei, If your agency is not in compliance,do you have a corrective Use drop-down to action plan to come into compliance? select N/A If yes,what is the date of anticipated date of corrective action closeout? N/A Is your agency registered on SAM.gov?Note:Agency must Use drop-down to register each year/application cycle. select Yes 12-character SAM Unique Entity Identifier alphanumeric value JWKJKYRPLLU6 SAM Registration Expiration Date 8/23/202 S m \ ..k ® \ # .5 a % o = 2 a)¢ = s >, \ \ / c >. / . g \ J ) 2 / ® / o R ) .\ 7 » .§ \ ( , •• 7a) 2 C q z > % CL k o \ / • CO / a / 2 [ b C m \ ) (0 o k ° 2 c _ { % \ $ 2 2 2 C ncc e » _ a) $ •§ 2 ƒ § 2 C \ \ 2 0 k / / ¥ t I—c ( > E /� 5 \ 2 i 0 a) @ 2 ) 7 e % ® u CC > \ $ k Ea) S \ 0 a •e C - \ :� e .) \ — § (§ « 2 o « \ \ \ } co ° © ƒo = u _c a) S g 0/ .4 e \ a E / •§ c 0. 0 0 o / \ 0VI ro co CI t = co 0 ¢ \ 2 \ \ \ co 0 C in > 0 o £ t ° 6 / C . U > CU = C t J 0 r� p 11111 ' X Iii:IIJ ';IIIlIIIllt b 1 III Y ii 1/ a 15 5 o1sl l € ; i 1 s it ;iris 1 44 Ho ai w 8 ? 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'> VISA 7 :131I11V ZZOZ`ET aagwaaaa anpbluasaadad pazuotpnvjo allll puo aw;aN padA1 saauo!ss!wwo3 iluno3}o paeog `uewa!egJ-•ar-`la!uepa!n! welll!M as u6rs r-v1:9( uo!laas luawssasse spaau aapun LE aged s!Aauae inoA paau ao laafoad aql sa!}!luap!legl ueld paleu!paooa aql u! abed pue uo!laas (p) 8T0Z`tiZ aegola0 :paldope seen ueld paleu!paooa aql alep aql (a) saauo!ss!wwoo Awno'}o wog rllunop Jta!po3 :ueld paleu!p.tooa sup pa}dope legl Aaua2e aql (q) Wall) ueld aa!n.tas luawdolanaa uo!lelaodsueal Alunop Ja!lloj :ueld paleu!paooa s!gl}o aweu aql (e) 'SFOLO6 3 did.telna,t!j uo!leals!u!wpy l!sueal leaapad gl!nn lue!ldwoa ueld paleu!paooa e u! papnlau! s! lsanbai luel2 s!ql lag OTES '3'S'fl 617 aapun aauels!sse Jo} uo!lea!ldde sl! 2u!p.te2ai uollelaodsueal }o luawlaedap epuold aql of sa.tnsse pue sa!}!laaa saauo!ss!wwo3 /(lunoJ }o paeog Alunop aaj of uopovh aa) A JeldegJ JT'OLO6 J VIA :aauaaa}aJl „•a!lgnd agl}o saagweiu cq uo!led!a!laed pue saap!noad saa!mas uewnq pue uo!lelaodsueal lt}oJd-uou pue `alenud `a!lgnd }o san!leluasa.tdaa sapnlau! legl ssaaoad e g2no.tgl padolanap„ sem leg.(ueld paleu!paooJ)ueld uo!lel,todsue.tl saDvuas uewnq-l!sueal allgnd paleu!paooa`padolanap Apeaol a u! papnlau! aq lsnw wei oid OTES uo!laas aql aapun 2u!pun} ao} !Dapples slaafoid aql mid uoE eJodsueal a,inaag ueuanH-msueai 3iignd pa4eu!paoo3 OZ abed . Z ZTOZ/ZO/60 '.Aa)I 'saalruas pe6B;uenpeslp uol;e)Jodsue4 o;u! Noeq ;nd aJe senuanei pe;elaa page;uenpeslp uogepodsuei leq; aansse o; s;ow;uoo uol;eulpaooa I!e u! a6en5uel Jetwls apnlout IHM Jo;eu!paoo0 ayl •Jean( leuol;eaado Bu!Mollo; a1e!peww! ay; o; palldde aq o; 'Aplsgns weisAs uol;epodsuw; Ie;o; e se 'Jo;eulpaoo0;uenbesgns cue o;Jo weisAs uol;epodsuei;s,io;eulpaoo0 ay;Q; pawn;el aq Heys spun;Jo s1l;old Lions 'mid aolnJas pa6e;uenpesla uol;epodsuejl 6uletuedw000e aq; u! panoadde pue pagnuep! AHeoylaeds (s)s;unowe eq; puoAeq we ;ell;Jo;eulpaooa ay; se sseulsnq;o esJnoa ey; g6noiy; 6ul;eul6lao spunk snidins Jo spjoad p9Jinboe itue wn;ea •a ual s page;uenpesa uo;epodsuel Panoidde o gu!;eu! aoo Imo! pue uolsslwoOay;Aq paalnbai Jagpn;se pue'0bd e1n21 pue 'sa;n;e)S ePIJold 'LZi6 Jaldey0 141pM aauepJ000e u! seovues He Jo; agueJJy 'a 'sal;lunpoddo uogepodsuej; I}unooJe1u! Jo; moue ;eq; wei6oad uol;eaylpea aplMe)e;s penoJdde-uolss!wwo0 Aue 6upouoq sapnlou! slyy -Jo;eulpaooa Jay;oue Aq I!unwwoa ay; o; ;sod Heaeno Aim! a ;e pelpueq aq ;yBlw ley; sd!J; Auunwwoo ;o uols!noad ay; a;euipa000 o1 ems ay; ;o sews Jeq;o pus;ueoe(pe u! s.o;eulpaoo0 uol;epodsuwl A;lunwwoa y;inn)IJonn pus Ueld 'g 'eaae eolnJas pa;eu6!sap ay;ul;slxe leg;suol;lpuoa Jay;o pue o!wouoaa ay;aepun elglssod we;sics Blsusj; pa6e;uenpeslp uol;epodsueJ; snl;oa};e ;sod ;sow ay; ;uawaldw! pue `a;eulpJ000 `veld o; pasn aq Hlnn e6palnnou)I slyl 'ewe eolnaas pa;eu6lsap J!aq; u! pauueld JO elge,ene saaanosaa pa6e;uenpesla uol;epodsueJl ey;;o Ile;o pasladde ulewaa pue ewooe 't/ :liege ao;eulpaoo0 eql i :eaafy sallied eta 'uol;waplsuoa algenlen pue pooh se sawed ey;Aq opal paBpalnnowpe uofwaplsuoo pies :salped y;oq o; s;l;auaq Ien;nw ay; ;o uol;waplsuoa u! epew s! ;ueweaa6y siyl „-Jo;eu►paooa„ay;Se 01 pampa JapeeJey pus '(sal)r(;unoa JaHlo3 jo ewe eJque ay; sapnlou! ley; lunwwoo ey; Jo; page;uenpeslp uol;epodsuei; ay; °rues o; '•S•d 'LZt, Ja;deya o; ;uensand pa;eu6lsap '2101vNIa2I000 NOI1V1210dSNy2l1 AlINfWWOO ay1 Z66'frE `Id 'SaleeN 'IleJl !we1wel ISe3 66ZE '1!sueJi eOJV Ja!IIoO `sJeuolsslwwoQ A;Uno3 ;o wog n;unoa JVHVIO pus „'uolss!wwoa„ ey; se o; paJJa;aJ Agway 'QROy1NvAavSla NOIly111OdSNVeLL dHl 210d NOISSIWWO3 ay; ueamiaq s! ;uawa9J6y ;o wnpueJowen slid 1N31A1332dOV:O I1If10Nb2JOW3W a30v1Nynaysla N011t/12JOdSNy2il3H121Od NOISSIWW00 ya12101d d0 31.t/1S £ZOZ/OE/9 01 9 b/6/L :0nl;oaJ13 COOL-CIU #;oea;uoa ;uawaaJCV 010 :H 119IHX3 0 TZ a2td ZtOZ/20/1/0 'AO1 •!enuew paouaralai anoge ay} u! pau!!)no se suo!l!u jep 6ugun000e pue slun000e ;o peyo ay) 6u!sn sa!)!n!loe pue suo!)oun; pe6muenpesip uo!)mrodsueJ) eyl of 6u!)elai sluawnoop !eos6 pue 'seb!onu! 'spode, !!e aJedead !!ells )nq s)un000y ;o pego BuysIx° J!ayl ;o nay u! slunomy to peya ayl }dope o) paa!nbei lou ere sweisAs Bu!)un000e lue!en!nbe pue 6u!)s!xe yl!nn sJo)eulprooa uo!)epodsueai A)!unwwoa •sasodrnd 6u!pada' pue 6u!luno3oe pa6eluenpeslp uo!lepodsuei) ye Jo; (welsh 6u!)un000e wrol!un) ampinoad uollepodsueaj pezlle►oedd pue;nand JO)wejsics Fulqunoao y waojiun lepoW wnllaosuoj 5ullun00011 uollepodsueal et u! peu!;ap s)unoaoy;o peya pez!u6o3ei uo!ss!wwoa ell)Gwynn •6 :Aq sluewe.!nbeH Bu!daay! paooaa pue l!pny yllnn d!dwoa •d •swaol pee;o suo!)onJ}sul ay)of Bu!paoaoe pue uo!ss!wwoa eyl Aq pep!noad swro; uo paaedard aq !legs podei ayl .ease ea Iues pa)eu6!sep ay) u! sag!n!)oe uo!leu!pJ000 BuipJe8eJ elep !e!oueu!; pus '!euo!)erado `o14dea6owep 6u!!!elep podaj 6u!leaedp !enuuy ue uo!ss!wwoa ail o) 6un1!wgns .9 •saolnJes pe5eluenpns!p uogepodsuw lo.uols!noad ayl o) A!dde ley; suo!le!n6aJ pue snnet impel pue 'elms '!eoo! !!e gym 6ut/c!dwoa •ji 'ueld eo!nJas pe6eluenpesiQ uo!lepodsuerl penoidde uo!ss!wwoa pue paeog 6u!leu!paooa !eool e4) ul pe!1!luan sluewaa!nbaa uo!leoy!lou aolad ay) y)!M aouepr000e u! pays!uan;eq !tells sao!naas p!es;o uols!noJd eyl •seouues yons 6u!Josuods Aoua6e luawuJenoo leoo-1 JO OM 'lerapad i(ue Aq ewe aolnJas pa)eu6!sep eL l u!pei!nbeJ se ao!naas pe6e)uenpes!p uollepodsuerl Nam Jed Aep•L'Jnoy-tlz 6ul6ueiie Jo 6ulp!noJd 'pe6eluenpesip uo!lepodsueJ) ay) Jol Mkt GOIAUa$ pa6e)uenpes!Q uo!)epodsueil a4)to suols!noad ay)to luewdo!enep ell) ul pue sseooid Bu!uue!d ell) u! a!q!seel lue)xe wnw!xew ay) of eled!o!ped of il!unpoddo J!el e papaoge uaaq aney spaeoq loops pue `sro)ewedo )!sueJleJed '1!suea)a!!gnd Jo elenud ley)6upnsse pue seo!AJes)!suer)e!npegds pex!1 Jo elm pax3 wind pue seaJnosaa uo!lepodsuea) loops o!!gnd a!ge!lene ;o asn ayl 6u1z!w!xen •z •paBeluenpes!p uo!lspodsueJ)ay)Jo;uo!lepodsuea) ;o eseyoJnd ay) Jo; spun; )uewwano6 "ewe; JO 'alms Woo! asn ley) sa!)!ma Jaw pue'sa!aue6e ea!nJas!epos 61.1)OeJ)U00 'suosaed paBe)uenpsslp uo!lepodsueal peaosuods-uou Aq eseyoJnd Jo; sequin uo!lepodsuea) ep!M-A)!unwwoo Jo; ep!noad of peao)!uow pue pa)uawa!dw! eq !!!An uetd 90yURg pa6e)uenpes!Q uo!lepodsuejl penoidde ayl •luaweaJ6e to wnpueaowew 6u!puodseJJoo • NI gym penoadde pue pap!wgns eq !!ells sued GOINGS paBeluenpes!Q uo!lepodsuejl luenbesgns !!y •uolsslwwoa ayl Aq tenordde Jo; `uo!ss!wwoa ay) yl!nn )uewaaJBe Jo wnpuerowew !e!)!u! s,Joleu!pJoo0 eyl ;o uo!inoexe ay) 6U!Mo!!o; step Jepua!eo pz1, uiy)!nn 'ue!d mimes pa6eluenpes!a uo!)epodsueJj panoJdde wog Bu!leu!prooa pool e )!wgns !!ells earn eoyues Jeino!ped e o)peleu6!sep Itlnnau are o4M sJoleu!pJooa •uo!ss!wwoa ayl pue pieoa 6u!leu!paoo9 !eoo! ay) Aq lenoidde Jo; uetd ao!naes pa6e)uenpesia uo!)epodsuerl e 6u!do!anaa •6 :Aq loaload gig)4s!Idw000y ZZ aed C ZtOZ/EO/60 'nag • ;senbei uodn uolsslwwoa ay;of pepinoad aq !legs 'sa;n;e;g ep!Jold 19z.99L uol}oaS yip aouepa000e u! uolloaload aoueansul ;o uo!}ea01Jan ua}IUM pue eplaold ;o Bel ;g ay;}o sMel ay;Jepun Buileiedo pue payslige}se wei6oid aoueansul alas a Aq pep!noad aq Aew 96eianoo Yong •sam;onils eae; pue se;ea ;o uol;eoIJl}snf ay; ul JO ueld gown pa5eluenpesla uol;eiodsueu ay; u! uo!snpul eio;aq paeos 6ugVuiprooa pool ay; pue uoisslwwoa ay; Aq penaidde eq ;snw eoueran000 Jed uo!lilw 1$Jo sseoxe ul ammo aoueansul *wei6oid aoueansul le;uewwanob lenba ue Jo 'aoueansul Amen wnwlulw awes ay;ule;ulew osie sJo;oeJ;uoo uo!;eulpJ000 pue saoleredo uol;epodsuei} 6ullaea}uoo ley; einsul Heys Joleu!pJooa eyi •uolsslwwoa ey; A;pou Heys aalloaq Jo;ue6e aoueansul aoueansul ay; u! A;Hlge!! ;o silty!! ay; w sa6ueyo JO uollellaaueo he Jo ;uana eq; u! •paBeluenpeslp uol;e}Jodsuei;ay; Bulpodsuei; selolyan 6upanoo se!allod eouemsul He o; peJnsui peweu leuol;lppe us se uolsslwwoa ay} ppp Heys Jo}eulpJooa ay; '}uawew6y sly;;o uol;noaxe ay; uodn •JoleulpJooa uollepodsusjj A;lunwwoa ayl y6noiy; paBeluenpeslp uol;epodsusa; ay; ro; pepinoid Jo peseyound mimes uoliepodsuewl He roJ;uawaaJ6y sly;;o aoualsixe ay;6uunp saw!;He eouaJJn000 Jed 000100E$ pue unwed euo Aue Jo; 000'00Z$ ;o ;unowe ay; u! ammo aoueansul Awe!! wnwlulwpea! }e 6u!uie}ulew Aq s;ueweilnbei aoueansul uolsslwwoa yip Aidwoa •uo!}eJ;slu!wpd;lsueJl leiepe ay; pue uogeAslulwpd AsMg644 ieiaped ey; Aq pagnbei se uolo!dsns aigeuoseeJ pue ';ueplooe-;sod 'uo!lezlwopuei 'luawAoldwe-aid Buipie6ei wa;sAs paleulpi000 ay; ulylli suol;!sod qof and;!sues Ala;es ao; 6u!}sa; loyoole pue 6nap ;onpuoa •6ulsa; 6nJp of 6ullela! sep!!od uolsslwwoa pus '%Me! papal pue `ale;s 'pool yip aoueHdwoo 6uiJnssy . 'Z pue :paeoq loops a y6noay;papinoad saoyuas asoy;Jo;s;uewaalnbaa A;a;es snq loops 6ulpre6eJ '•S'd `bS0'tEZ ra;deya yip 6u!Aldwoo Jo :A;eMeg wa}SAS Buluieouoo 'ayJ '0614 e1n2l pus ''S'd '690.6bE uoIPOS top Bu!A!dwoa •b :Aq slueweJlnbaH Ames yip Aldwoa 'H 'po!Jed uol;ua}aj ay; 6u!Jnp s}uawnoop pus spaooei pies ey; 4o. Aue aulwexa o; }y6IJ ey; pue.o; ssaoae !IN aney Heys Aayl ;ueweeJ6y sly}Jo uolsslwwoa ay; Aq peziaoy;ne Ainp suosiad Aq saw!; elgeuoseai lie ;e ;lpne Jo `Mahal 'uolloadsui o} ;Deigns eq Heys spaooei any; ;ay; emsse Heys Jo;SUlplooa eyl •s6u!pul;;ipne ay;;o uognioseJ !gun pauie;ai eq Heys smog) ay; 'sieeA (9) ani;;o pue ay;le panloseJ uaaq;ou aney s6ulpuy;lpne pue pale!1!ul ueaq sey ;ipne ue;! •;uawaw6y sly;;o uoi}euiwaa}Jaye sJeeA (g) any;o polled a Jo};uewaeJ6y sly;o;;ueulped s;uawnoop Jaw Aue pue 'spJooer !eoi;s!;e;s 's;uawnoop 6ulpoddns 'spaooeJ leioueul; Ile ulele8 •a 'peas 6ul;sulpaooa !Boo! Jo uolsslwwoa ay;Aq pa;sanbei se paeos 6uileulpJooa pool pus uolsslwwoa ay; o; s;ipne aouelldwao pue eoueuy ;o saldoa 6u!p!noid }uaweeJ6y sly; poped ey; 6ulinp Gi!nbal Aew sal;llua espy; se spode Jay}o pue 'AJaluanu! `ieosi} 'ssei6ord yons sal nue/sepuaBe 6u1seyoind lie pue 'wog 6ul;eu!pJooa !Eno! `uolsslwwoa ay; y;!M Bugg pue Bulu!e;ulew •E ;o1J}uoa uolleulpJoao JO ;oeJ;uoo eovues ;o eseyoind e Aq pe;elndl;s eslNuey;o ssalun 'pe6ueiae saalnues uol;epodsuei; Aue Jo; Bulolonu! ;a A;!!!glsuodsei ey; 6u!wnssy 7 £Z a2Ud Ci",} ZZOZ/Z0/60 'ia21 •eoue6!!Bau s,uo!ss!wwoa ay; aoj Angell Aue ewnsse ao 'eansul 'AJ!uwapu! o) paalnbaa eq pegs ems ay)Jo uo!s!n!pgns JO Amalie ou'sa;n)e;s eppo!d 'gZ•g9L uo!;oes o;;uensand `6u!o8eioj et; 6u!pue;sy)!M;oN •;oea;uoo JO ;uewaaa6d Aue Jo ;no BU!s!Je aagew Aue u! se!ped pm' Aq pens aq o; ;uewweno6 !eiepej eq; Jo eppoid jo a;e;g ay;jo uo!s!n!pgns leo!)!!od JO A)!;ua/AoueBe a e;s e Aq ;uasuoo se pena;suoo eq !legs u!eieq 6u!y;oN •e!geo!!dde eq Aew !mum! u6!aaanos yo!gM o;ao;eu!paoo3 JO A;!;ue/AoueBe Aue Aq A)!unww! u6!aaanos Jo 1an!8M a se SASS o;papua;u!s! u!aaat Bu!y;oN •s;ueWUJano8!eaapmm ao 'ems `!eoo! pue :seeAo!dwe pun 's;ua6e 'saeo!;}o 'A)!lue/Aoue6e 6u!seyoand :see'So!dwa JO s;ue6e 'wool;}) 'siegwew s;! Jo Aue JO uolss!wwoa au; Jo aouaB!!6eu aloe et; woij 6u!)!nsaa JO pesneo Alloea!p Apedoad JO suosied o;a6ewep JO'Sinful Jo;no 6u!s!ae seBewep aoJ uo!;oes sly;aepun e!qe!! eq p!M sao;oea;uoo-qns s;!jo Aue aou ao;eu!pa000 ay;aay;!au ;ey;;deoxa ';oafgns eq Aew sawed Res ao uo!ss!wwoa ay;yo!LM o;Apiadoad JO uosied Aue o;aeq;eiM pue ';oaiipu! JO ;oaup aay;eynn ';ueweei6v sly; Jo eouewaojaed ey; Bu!anp ao;eu!p1oo3 au; Aq uo!ss!wo JO ;oe!6eu 'uo!;oe 'toe Aue Jo ;no Bu!spe esuadxe ao afaeyo ';soo 'a6ewep `sso! Aue woiJ s;uawuaano6 iwepel pun Ants '!eoo! ay; pun :seaAo!dwe pue 's;ue6e `mom AptualAoueBe 6u!snyoand :seaAo!dwe pue 's;ueBe 'saeo!JJo 'siegwew s,uo!ss!wwo9 ay; Jo!!e pus uo!ss!wwo3 at) ssaiwieq ploy pue AJ!uwepu! 'uleiay; paule;uoo suo!;e;!w!i aey;o • pun Aan)auow ey; o; A!uo pun 'semis ep!ao!d '8Z'89L uogoes Aq p9Mo!!e wawa ay; of '-! •pa!uep 6u!eq eoue;s!ssn JegianJ pun pa;eu!wie; 6u!eq eoue;s!sse epn!ou! o; 'Je!!aa an!;ea;s!u!wpe JO !e!o!pn f a;n!adoadde Jaw )lees JO eoueansse sly; Jo swag) ay; y;!nn eoue!!dwoo Buu!nbea aepao inoo e Neas 'uo!;eJoslp s;!;e 'Aew uo!ss!wwo3 et;;ey;seeiBe ao;eu!paoo3 ey; 'A!dwoo o; ein!!ej jo wane et; u! •spaepue)s pue 'sau!!ap!nB 'suo!;ein6aa 'se;n;e;s enoge ey)Jo uo!;e!o!n u! sea'So!dwe JO s;uedio!p ed esoy; ;suje6e Bu!;eulwposip ;ou 018 sap!n!;oe pun swna6oad s)! Jo Aue y;!M uo!;oeuuoo u! seeAo!dwe JO s;ued!o!)aed o) s;!;aueq JO se3Iues epinoad o; se6ueaae ao;eu!paoo3 ay; woyM y;!M saeq)o JO 'eemueJBgns 'sao;oeJ;uoogns`sao;naado i!e;ey; einssv •pap!noad s! eaue;sisse tons yo!LM 6u!anp po!aed et; toj seeuB!sse pun `eaae4suea;'sao;oea)uoogns 'siosseoons s)! 'ao;nuipaoo3 uodn Bu!pu!q s! )!;ey; pue 'eoue;s!sse !e!oueu!J leaepeJ woJJ;!Jeueq ao Jo }dieoei panu!;uoo Jo uo!;!puoo 8 sa;n)!;suoo eoueansse sly; y;IM eoue!!dwoo )ey; Bu!eeJBy 'Z •uo!ss!wwoO ey; Aq pa;sanbeJ os J! aa!euuo!;sent eoue!!dwoo mow l!n!O e eieidwoo o; Bu!aaa6e pun aoue;slsse !e!oueug !eaepej woij 6u!;geueq JO 61.1!n000a swipe JO swea6oad o;eoue;s!sse !e!oueu!J impel aay)o JO 's;unoos!p 'Apedoad '(A;ueaen6 JO eoueansul Jo s;oea;uoa Woo* s;oea;Uoo 'sueo! 's;uea6 papal Bulu!e;qo Jo esodind ay;ao4 pue Jo uo!;eaap!suoo u! aoue1nsse sly;Senl6 ao;eu!pa000 ayl •u!6!10 leuo!;eu JO 'uo!;e;ue!ao !nixes 'A;!!!ges!p 'a8 'uo!6!!ea 'aoea 'xes Jo s!seq ay;uo uo!;eu!w!aos!p 6u!pieBea sMei o; pip!! ;ou ;nq 6u!pn!ou! on/it)! !papal pun awls g)!M Bu!A!dwoo •6 .:Aq s)y6w !!n!3;oa)oad •>! •Mn! Aq pez!aoy;ne ue4M ue!pJen6 ao;ualed a q!suodsoa Jay/sly ao ';ue dioaa eq; Jo)uesuoo wpm ';anoo a Jo Jepao uodn ;deoxa '(09'90Z Pad 'dd° g;,) suo!;e!n6aa impel pue awls 'pool elf) y;!M A;!waoJuoo u! ;ou esodind Aue aoj ;ueweaa6y sly; aapun seo!naas Jo iesn a 6uluieouoo uo!;ewaoJu! Aue 6u!soios!p JO Bu!sn ;ou Aq uo!;ewaoJu! paenBeJes T f Z atid ZTOZ/ZO/Y0 'naN Oda' 'aiglssod se uoos se lueweoeldaJ Jo Jledej Jo;painpegas eq !!!m Jaleeg Jo Jeuolllpuoo J!e 6upIJOM a eneg lou op ley; saply9A •elolgan pee u! sJeleey pue GJeuoilipuoo J!e Buppom aney !lays 'welsAts paleuipi000 eq; ulyllM e3 AJes 61.1p1noJd salmon !!H 't7 •aseq eq;of sew!;lie le JanlJp ayi of aiglpne eq pue Japan 6uplpOM pooB ui suoilealunwwoo AeM-oM4 gip peddlnbe eq !legs sep qen litf •E •JanlJp pue 'ueipJen6 'Ja6uassed au;Aq peulune ep se Blames pewaoiJad eq uea li ssalun `days euo ueq; aJow mop Jo do J!egalaagM lslsse ;au Aew sJenwJa •Jeuuew pallluBlp a uf eq lsnw sseaae,palsissy •eloluan Gill uo 6ululewai sle6uessed Joj ejes eq;au pinoM saaop 6uipllnq 6ulsolo/6uluedo u! aauels!sse goyim u!suoilenlls u!idaaxe's8ulpllnq of sloop asap pue undo of poly-lbw eq osie iew JanlJp ayi `seuuo6eleo a3!AJ8S llsu8JleJed u!epaa ul •Joop aplyen ail 6ulsop pue 'saolnep anllsisse/l!!lgow Jo a68Jols 'saainep lueweinaas JleyaleegM Jo uollezl!!ln Jo;log leas egl Bulualse;'Joop aplyen eq;6uluedo epnloul Heys eouels!sse 6ulpJeoq eqj •aplyen eq; jo uoiliod Builees eq; of 'palsenbai Jo AJessaoeu d! 'eouelsisse 6ulpJeoq gip Ja6uassed au; epinoid !legs JanlJp lisusJleJed ayi •z *gawk ayi u! uolleaol snonoldsuoo a u! eq !lags uollealliluep! oloyd JanlJp ail 'saaJAJas Usual!Jod •algeldeoos we 6uiglola JanlJp of xl}je leg;sa6peq Jo suolld!Josu! 'sagged eweN 'Ja6uassed aul jo Main u!s!leg;uolleaglluap!ologd emu lsnw Jew yoe •siseq 6uliJnoei e uo Japp eq; spodsuwl Apein6ei JanlJp ay} wJegM suollen;ls ui ldeoxe `JepiJ ay; Jo eleloosse Jo `uelpien6 'anileluaseJdaJ Jo 's.epji ;o dnoi6 `Japp pea Jo dnpld uodn '1a6uassed o!jloads ay;gip suailealunwwoa of anionpuoa sl ;eq; Jauuew a u! J(uedwoo pue eweu Aq seniesweq; /Swap! pue eounouue of peilnbaJ eq !legs 'sJoloeJluoa uolleuipJ000 Bulpnpu! `sao!AJas lisueJleJed Jo; sJan!Ja :sepigeA pue sienlip Buiweouoa sluawaJinbaJ 6ulMoiloj eq;gllM Ifldwoo •o •lueweeJ6d slgl lP sluawaJinbaJ ayi ql!M eouewaojuoa Jo; preoe Bulleu!pa000 lean! pue Joleu!pwoo° ail Aq Alienuue panoJdde pus paMalnei eq !!!M sluawu6lsse pue `slaeJluoo uolleulpi000 `sloSJluoagns 's;3BJluoa pies •lueweeiBy sly; Jepun sealnJas Jol JoleuipJ000 ayi Aq epew sluawu6lsse pue 'slaeJluoo uolleuipioaa 'slowluoogns `slaeJluoo Ile u! pepnloul egro; we UV u6noiu; •g•3 ydeJ6eJed 'b ;Jed Jo sluawaJinbaJ ayi •peulslulew we sloeJluoa Lions Jo suollipuoo au; lain Bu!Jnsse pue 'sJoloeJluoa uolleulpa000 pue sioleJedo uoilepodsueJj yl!M seovues uollepodsus4 Jo} sloeJluoa BullepoBau JO 6ullnoexe Aq sluawaJinbaJ 6ulloeJluoogns yl!M Aldwoo •N •uoissiwwoo ail to uollaeJSiles eql a; peloeiioa Jo pesseippe ueeq aney sapualollap lions !gun seolonu!luewesJngwieJ jo;uewAed-uou Jo;asneo anp eq!legs'aid eoi/Jas paBeluenpesl ; uollepodsueal panoJdde ayi u! pieog BulleulpJ000 pool ayi Aq paaolluow pue paysllgelse sluawaJinbaJ aouewaopad pue 'Lion sly!u! ylpo;les suolle6ligo JO sluawaJinbaJ eyl leew of aimed •sallllue/se!oueBe Bugoei;uoo aa!AJes Jo asey0Jnd ifue pue 'ueid ao!Iues poDeluenpeslo uollepodsueJI panoJdde wog 6ulleulpa000 !eon! ay; 'uolsslwwoo eq; to s;ueweilnbaj eauewio}Jad pue spiepuels ullM Aldwo •V1! SZa ud 9 ZtOZ/ZO/60 'nag "ueid aalruas pafe;uenpesrQ uot;epodsueal pool eyl ut pepinoad pue i(Heaoi peulwaa;ep aq Heys my }said • •awl} I(ue ;e eplyen e up papodsuea}ao pepnpeyos aq Heys A}toedeo Butpue;s JO Bul;ees ae6uessed peae;si6ea ey; uey; saaBuessed Glow ou pue ';uepua};e eaeo leuosaad 10 'pttya 'posse pue aapp yoee o} paptnold eq Him ends Buipuels ao Bul;ees a;enbepe 'sepiyen }tsueJ} Aq pepinoad seo!Aaa9 ;lsueJ} and *awl; ,fue }e eplyen e ui peJodsuea; JO painpayos aq Heys A pedeo 6ui;eas lafuessed peas;si6aa ay; uey} saaBuessed Glow ON 'saatnaas }isuea;eaed Jol But}ees a;enbepe ;uepuelle aaleo ieuosaed ao `pHyo ';noose pue aapp yoee epinold 0 6 *welsh ey} uly;rM papodsuea;6ulaq aepp yoee uo asege;ep dpa}ae6uessed e o;ssaaoe eney ao ule;uneW •6 •se;n;e;s epiold 19890'L8Z uotpes yip aauepaoaoe ut 'Jo}euipa000 ay; Aq}uew1ced pees to;diem aalle sAep aepueleo L ulyllM sao}oea;uoogns o;pied aq Heys siiig!Iv •ao;eu:pa000 uoi;epodsueal A iunwwo3 ey; to s;ueweambaa Bum ay; ueid mimes pane;uenpesta uol;epodsueal moo; ay; up apinoad •pue woe But;eulpa000 leool ay} Aq i(Heool auiwaa}aa •8 'ae6uessed ey;aoo poowoospp apinoad JO apiyen ay; ul paoeld swell Hos moo yoiyM sleiaalew JO sloa[go law ao lelaw Bulpna;oad 'swag uejoaq Jo po6ownp 'Ale;stoydn um; 'qsw; 'Ho 'ewia6 'pip woaj owl selotyen He}o aopae}ui deey{ 'L •sdia} yons l!giyoad seoueulpao moo;eaegM seouelsui ul ldaoxe 'paeoa But;euipaoo3 moo; ey;Aq penoadde pue Aileoot peuiwaelap ueyM 'sdla;ease-ao!Nes-4o-}no apinoad •g •peon Buleuipaooa pool ay;Aq panoadde se ssaooad ay; uiy;lM dais a se wea6oad uewspngwp s,uoissiwwo3 ay; lnoge uosaed paii;silessip ay; 6uisinpe Bulpnpui ueid eoinaas page;uenpesia uoi;epodsueaj pool ey; ur uoiloas e se peulfno aq Heys sseooad luleldwoo ieooi eyl •eplyan yoee episui seouen01JB JO sluieldwoo aoj aagwnu 094-1o;ley}o ao ieooi a;sod •g •slutod aelsuea;eplyan}e sie6uassed jo Ala;es pue `I4ianaes `Galleys epinoad •j •seoinep snouenealut JO 'Seotnep anllsisse leuosaed 'uaBitxo pampas `saeyolaa;s 'was pup 'sateyoiea;M epnpul ;ou saop Apodoad ae6uessed •lunowe sly; puoA{aq /pedoad sepia Butpeol pue 6ullthe0 Jo} palel;o6au aq i(ew s;uawealnbaa leuoi;ipiid •aptyen ay}uo patio;s Alales aq ueo pue dla;auo ul aeniap ao,pue ae6uessed ay;Aq palaaeo aq ueo ley} /padoad ae6uessed 'eaaeyo leuot;ippe ou ;e ae6uessed ey; y}iM podsuell g •seoinap;uiea;sea ono jo ;sop pue `Alplglsuodsaa 'esn ey; 'ueid Empties pang;uenpesia uollepodsueal ey; ui Alleooi eutwae;eQ •Z "'Mid aalnaes pane}uenpesia not;r podsuea .teool ey;ui peyp;uep, pue pa;eiloBeu AfHeoo;se uaapllyo luepuadap pue ae6uessed e to}noose ue podsuell •6 :mum();se s;ueweainbea Jew yl!M 1tidwo3 •d 9Za ud L ZTOZ/ZO/VO 4Aell 'o}eieq se!ped y;oq Aq peu6!s pue 'uo!ssiwwoo at}Aq panoadde A!np '6u!;Jann o; peonpaa ueaq eneg iteq uegM p fen eq Aluo Bets}ueuaeaa6y s!g}4a suo!;eo!}!pow JO suo!;e!;o6eue�I •sa;n;e;S eplaoid 'L8Z aa}degO y}inn eouepa000e u! 'uo!ss!wwo0 ey; Aq 6u!alJM u! ao;eu!pioo3 at} o; pa;uea6 s! uo!suepce ue ssejun aa!dxe IHM;ueweaa6e situ •Q •sa6ewep o}ao Mel;e salpewea o;;y6!a s,uo!ss!wwoO eg;;iw!I ;ou op u!eaag suo!s!noad eql •}ueweaa6y s!y};o uo!s!noad/(ue jo;uewaoao;ue o}!addo;se JO aan!eM • e se;oe ou Heys pue ';ueweei6y s!y};o sum)ay}jo uo!;eo!}!pow e eq o} pans;suoo eq}ou Heys pue goeeaq Jew Aue;o JOAISM e eq o} pewaap eq ;ou Heys;ueweea6y s!g; jo uo!s!noad Aue ;o.goeaaq ;o uo!ss!wwoO ag} Aq JOJ eM •Aian!Iap jo ;ooad g;!M uosaad u! .to 'pa;senbaa;d!aoaa um;aa 'Hew wpm Aq paaan!iap eq Heys eonou pies •ao!}ou savoy (},Z) uey} sees ou uodn ;uewaaa6y sit; eleuiwaa; 'ao;eu!paoo3 ay} o; ao!;ou uat!JM Aq 'Aew uo!ss!wwo0 eq; '6ug!ann u! uo!ss!wwo3 eg; Aq pen!eM s! yoeeaq s,Jo;eu!paoo0 eq ssalun - Loewe ao; uo!}eu!wJei z *tian!lap;op aid y;inn uosied u!JO 'paa!nbea;dleoea wn;aa 'Haw pa!J!Iaeo Aq paaan!Iap eq!legs aoI}ou pies •esneo;not;!M 'eo!}ou sAep(0E) !g#Ueq} ssai ou uodn Aped mop Aq pa}euiwia;eq Aew;uawaaa6y situ-II!M;e uo!}euluuau :suo!}!puoD uo!;eulwaau •0 •o}aaay se ped ay}uo 6u!pu!q aq Heys }uawaaa6y sly)jo aapuleweJ ay; 'p!lenu! peg s! }ueweei6y siqj jo uols!noad JO pad Aue ;I •g •seo!naes uol;epodsuea;;o uo!s!noad ay; y}!M ejq!ssod se uoos se paeooad Aew ao;eu!pao03 ay;;et; pua ay} o}ao;eu!paoo3 et; pue uo!ss!wwo3 ey} Aq spew eq drew suo!}eo!}!pow pue se ueyo a;epdoadde;eg;Jaw u! 6u!;!JM u! uolss!wwoQ ay! 1y!;ou eoua }e H!M Amueptoue6e 6u!segoand et} 'Mel ems a!geo!Idde due a}e!o!n o;Mei ;o }moo a Aq punoj s! ;uewaaa6y sit};o suo!s!noad eq)4o Aue 3l •mel ems ejgeofdde ,cue ;o uo!;uanea}uoo u! 6u!g;aag;o Aue op io ;oe say}o ifue uUao}ied ';oaaag; uo!s!noad itue g}!M aaue!Idwoa aoao}ua JO a esgo o} uo!sslwwo3 ay} ea!nbal Heys }uaweeJ6y sit} u! 6u!q}oN y :aaa6yaagpnd uo!ssiwwoo ay}pue ao}eu!paoo3 ayu 'III •wa;sAs s,ao;eu!paoo3 agf g6noay} sao!AJas pa6e}uenpes!p uo!}epodsuea} asegoand !!!M spunJ pa6e}uenpes!p uo!;epodsuea} y}!M sal}!}ua lie )eq) eansu! o} }dwe;}y •g '3'VA '04Z00'Z-11'alna pue 'sa}n}e}g ep!aoid '(s)6 I,0 LZti uo!}oas u! pegposep A}!;ue eq se ao;eu!paoo0 eq) ez!u600aj 'y APIs uo!ss!wwo3 eta 'II •ue!d mimes pa6e;uenpes!Q ua!;epodsueal pool at; ui pep!noad pue peu!waa;ap eq tieuow!ndo!pieO •ZI. .yyu v.�ll1E.'LUJIS 8 ZZO'L/7.0/60 'nab .\;0 !.? •.t 'a.L L Y. • t. .��f/,� a "W� 3•/. • i M1 AatuoliV A un• icoa,Oa f • '1iIgga1 Pug I ri Moaddd 1 • • us<uxzsgo :91411 aoloeala anllnaaxa :ell!! :aanleu6lg • :ean;su6lS In o aweN pa}ulad ienp!nipui pazuoylny Jo aweN palulad aweN Ao11a6y r-rr'UJ'rl v�ra iS q.Tsu-et,Z paw .xaTIT°3 szeuotss au D3 RunoD ;o paeog Aqur►o'J xaTTToD :a30y1NvAOYSIa NOIIV.U0dSNVW.3H1 4:101` MM:1009 ?JOd NOISSIWWOO 'dalUO1d AO 31y1S NOLLVilIOdSNVal A.lINflWWOO •pa;noexe eq o;sluesaad aseq;pesneo aneq olaaay sawed eq;`dO21:13HM SS3N11M uosaedaleg3 paeog 6ulleu! aooO -r —� '860Z '£Z neW uo pl 6u!jeaw lelolgo s1! le paeog 6ulleulpaoo3 woo! ay;Aq panoadde pue Aiel;ue s;! u! pennalnaa ueaq sey luawnoop slyl •lueweoJ61/siy;Jo sieul6lao o; payoBlle uol;eoyllou plus pue Ailed aay;o eq; of 6ulllann u! paaapuea eq Illnn anllel.uasaadaa Mau ay;to ssaappe pue eweu eq;jo ao!}ou 'luewaei6y sly; Jo uollnoexe aaljs senlleluesaadaa ;mew seleu6lsep Jflaed aay;la ;eu; Juana OLD ul Z! 6IE id `seldeN `£04 al!nS `heal lwelwel;ss3 66Z£ 'Plouay alleyoHW 'sW :s!luewaaafy sly;aapun uweatoad eq; jo uol;ealslulwpe aoj elglsuodsaa ao;eulpa000 eq; Jo. uolllsod/enl1B;ueseJdea eyl '09fi0-66£ZE 14 `08s8B4UI1e.L 'WSW 'wails °autumns 909 `aoioaalc angnoax3 :s!luawaaa6y slyl aoJ uolss!wwo3 ayl aoJ a36eu8111 loea;uoo mil jo ssaappe pue eweu ayl :;oe;uoO pue eolloN 'd tuooWaloaaTrioo@)paDJOHIOD-IiI UJ uTao')j.Tai3.WITIOD•n,MM -041Sg9 lik -10 SSLZ-ZSZ(6£6-xp3 9i9Z-ZSZ(6£6 -auoqd 8Z a8"d luourgoslIb poll Ando(' `ugofauuar uuy )111'IDD ')1001111•'IHOznh.a •no,t�uggry •90178-ZSZ-6£Z}W aux louluoo o�aaa3 IooJ amid Tumew slgp 2ulp.S of uoilsuxxojui.iogi.ty:so r!nbax aoS3o anoit 31 8IOZ`ZI aunr sxauoissiuzuioD itmoD 3o piSog itlunop JOIllo3 itq panoxddu `anogt3 paouax0301 yjNI oip 3o Adoa Iluy9rao uu si 2utssaoo.id aol .n3 ao3 pagouny `aurnaJ•ay%I £08I-Q,L 'oN;au.IJUO :path;UunpustJ Uai;upodsouiy ate}•.ro3 noissituuroD upi.rou Jo owns :luamaa.i y Jo urnpuu.routo :au 66£Z£ 'I3 `aassetlsllu.L 6.17 ON 1-1011e1S Iiul `40031S gouumnS SO9 poftugnpi3sm uogui..0 dsumj gip ao3 uotssruxutoo ri3 auln l mud ugo f 8IOZ `£I Quo' sptmd,ilun03.0 ueipolsn0 660£-TOT6£ 6Z£S-Z1 TVs ao;ipny VW IOT.J`Sa'IdVN vamo'I,i`STI'Idf/N Tutiluti000y 660£Tt7 xoa'O'd ZOI a.Ls a m u.IWylwdj.ST££ slump Jo vrn10 sianoo Jo'polo aSr10H,1. OD Ai IIOO 21aITTOO 13O.I 1 'a;g2pti([ iIII1O3 ,LI11 IIID MIL AO )111WID io jIO Jo 0 jo injasn alp aoj.aapao 2ui)iaonn pool ui luawdinba/saiaigan 4aafoad uie4uiew pine;i L 'rt;iensea ao 4uapiaae ue o;anp aewep Jo ssoi 10 Tuana ag;ui}uawdinba/sapigan 4aaload aaeidaa JO `aiedaj `uie;uiew o; aaueinsui a;enbape fovea Iwo ;i 9 •paaeid Si aapao ue awg ag;;e ;uawdinba/sapigan asegaand o;aigepene aq ii!M spun}2uiga;ew ieaoq 'uopeaiidde aye aiil o; /C;iaogTne pue A}iiigedea ieiaaeuew pue ieas!J alp seg ;i S ienuevi saiaua2y1isueal aol aauepino;uawaanDoad • sapiyai 2uiainbay ao}sauiiapino • T00-0£0-SZL ON aanpaaoad 2uisea3 apiyaA uoi;e;aodsueal a!Ignd • S7O-0£0-SZL 'oN aanpaaoad;uawaeueW/(ao;uanui apiyaA;isueal • (s;ueidpaa ANo OTES uoi;gag o;Aidde;ou sao(1) 600-0E0-SZL 'oN aanpaaoad weiJoad /(;ales wa;s/cs ;isueal sng • :sJ ocH 441M Aidwoa pegs;i t pale;uenpesia uoi;e;aodsueal ay;Ku uo!ss!wwoJ-Z-Tj as;deyJ eina • aaniaa wa;s,(s sng aoJ uoi;euiwex3 ieDipa j-Tb00'06-bT as;dey3 aim • swa;s,(s ;isueal sng aoJ spaepue;s /c;a}es ieuoi;eaado pue ;uawdinb3-06-t7T as;deyj aina • uoi;e;aodsueal aiignd.-£L-tiT as;deyJ aina • :(s;uaildt,a.i i(iuo oT£S uopas o;Ardde;ou saoa)apop ani;ea;siuiwpy eppoi j g;inn Aidwoa iiegs;i E •A;iaoy;ne pa;n;i;suoa)tinp yans y2noay;1(auaepaiiaa pa;ipaaaae pue paziu2oaaa 1tue 1o;sanbaa ay;uodn JO eaae ay;10 k;uoy;ne pa;n;i;suoD i(inp ay;Jo;sanbaa uodn ewe pa;aaJJe ay;ui asn aoJ suoisinipgns ieai;iiod s;i ao a;e;s ay;Aq paziue2io JO paumo sai;iiiaeJ AO `saDinaas `;uawdinba Aue aigepene alew i(ew uoisinip ay; `Aauaaaawa Aue Jo lump ay; ui :sai;iiiaeJ pue saairuas `;uawdinba ;uawuaano9 - ZIZSZ uoi;aas • smainaa/C;ales ova;sAs pue suoi;aadsui`spaepue;s/c;ales;isueJl-(Z)T901tE uoi;aas • s;pafoad pue swea2oad aDlnaas snq k;paa;ui pue;isuea;aiignd Jo 2upueuiJ pue uoi;ea;siuiwpy-TSO'TbE uoi;aas • :san4e;s epuoid Lop Aidw0D pegs;E Z •uoi;eaiiddy s4i ut ;uawuaano2 ieaapaJ ay; o; apew saaueanssy pue suoi;ea!J!;uaJ pe o;aaagpe iiegs;i I :tot`aaqu as Jo AeP £i poTep OHS uoipas 'Y'S'fl aapun uoi4eaiiddy s;i 2uipae2aa uoi;e;Jodsueal 10 ;uaw;uedaa epuoi j ay;o4 saansse pue sai4i4aaa saauoiss!wwoDitluno3 Jo paeou Ic;unoJ aaillo3 sa)ueanssb pue uo)leai;i;aa3 100d O 'c,uo MINOS VIMIMO 0)se POW )001O Am as >11:G1O `1 JZNl)i ' 1SA, bg ..' ' :J r:311V anlaeluasaado>pazuoginy jo am1 pue eweN pack uewaieg0-*if'mu ecpi 1 weilflM anaeauasaadae{ pazuogany}o alnieu2ls aam,.tl !1 , . V AK-''� — a-: aaa . azy, a tulpunJ luawliedaa ; ulnlaaaa ADua5e aqa}o aeaA xea Lpea jo pun au} u!mo1lOJ s c p Ogt ulgalM sn'1}•alelslop@4!pneal5u!s4opJ le auowiaedaa aga of pawwgns aq !legs pue luawiaedea ail Aq panoadde waoJ an ul aq !legs spodad lenuuy 'pajja 5uplel a2ue1.1p Cue jo step 09 ulg1!M s}aodaa ienuuv jo&Jug aq}uaangaq pound agl auunp uo!lesuadwoD anlpnaaxa le}o}u!sauegD r(ue jo luawaaedaa agl waojut!legs ADun y 1nol(ed aagno Cue pue `scup A)adoad-lean `uopesuadwo) paaaajap `slljauaq luawaallaa `iced aaueaanas `saualen!nba qsa `aneal u!-pagseD `sasnuoq `fueles npnpu! 'legs uo!Tesuadwoa leaol 'weal digsaapea1 anlinDaxa s,ADua a NI jo aagwaw pea aoj uopesuadwoa lelol alp aulllelnp `066 WJOJ Sell luaDaa 1sow aga 2u!pnpu! `luawpaedoa agl of laodaa lenuuy ue ilwgns pegs (s1ua!dpaa-qns) sapua;y •name's u! paweu s! pue 066 waoA Sal af!J of apop anuanaa leuaalul agl Ag paalnbaai s! A ua2e JI :i7t7-0Z aapaO aminDax3 ct •aDue!idwoa spaeMol ssaaoad s1A)ua5e an 5u!u!11no slseq Alaalaenb e uo ap!J}o Plalsla 1OaA lexo! agl ollaodaa ssaa oad e puns lsnw 1! `aDuelldwoD u!iou punoj jj •sluawaalnbaa ouilaseq ail glli aDuelldwoD aulwaalap of 1OcA Aq uollDadsu! pue Malnaa Ieluuaial e oaaapun um 41 VT •paalnbaa}! `(sn•lJ•ale}s•aop@l!pnyapu!SlOad) iOad of :aodaa i!pne lepueu!J Ienuue ue l!wgns lI!M Ti £T •algeaDlnaasun awoDaq wogs aplgan a}!a0uelslsse lsanbaa pue 1oad hj!aou 11!M 11 ZT '1Oad Aq paalnbaa se saaodaa palelaa alwgns pue luawd!nba/saplgan peload f ulnIonu! 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Form 424:Application for Federal Assistance X 12. Federal Certifications and Assurances X 13. Title VI Plan (Required if not previously submitted to District) X 14. Protection of the Environment(Required if the proposed project is for facilities) X 15. Triennial Review- CAP Closeout X 16. Proof of Local Match X 17. Organization Chart X 18. Completed Sample Vehicle Order Form(s) X Q O ON RI N 0 4.0 O 0 i. NI 0 VI ! • D. •, a) NIca VI s } aW mil C u a3 CI PI u�. tA u i 1. L 4- < (13 i. , cc 7,, i � V M � o m LA 0 i/1 .?,,1 til cv 0 Fa ,c1 E *17 f//L- .... iii. ,6 L. Q a) (5 — — cn 63= m Dm 43 um ILLI .� LL kij el � 0 tO ci 0. . o -a .. •.a I . E 0 z c au an a Co per County Transportation Management Services Department Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancement Division December 13, 2022 Dale Hanson Transit Project Coordinator FDOT, District One, Modal Development Office/Public Transit 801 North Broadway Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Re: 5311 Grant Submittal Dear Ms. Hanson: Collier County Board of County Commissioners submits this Application for the Section 5311 Program Grant and agrees to comply with all assurances and exhibits attached hereto and by this reference made a part thereof,as itemized in the Checklist for Application Completeness. Collier County Board of County Commissioners further agrees,to the extent provided by law(in case of a government agency in accordance with Sections 129.07 and 768.28,Florida Statutes)to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the FDOT and all of its officers,agents and employees from any claim,loss,damage,cost,charge,or expense out of the non-compliance by the Agency, its officers, agents or employees,with any of the assurances stated in this Application. This Application is submitted on this 13 day of December, 2022 with an original resolution or certified copy of the original resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to sign this Application. Authorized representative signs below certifying that all information contained in this application is true and accurate. Collier Count Agency Nar?(e Signat William L. McDaniel,Jr. -Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative ATTEST C Y STAR i ClN L CL K December 13.2022 Dt ufy Cleric Date Attest as to Chairman's signature only. 8300 Radio Road•Naples,Florida 34104 239-252-5840•www.colliercounty8.gov Office of the County Manager Amy Patterson H��I0 '4" �UN't 3299 Tamiami Trail East,Suite 202•Naples Florida 34112-5746•(239)252-8383 December 13, 2022 Dale Hanson Transit Project Coordinator FDOT, District One, Modal Development Office/Public Transit 801 North Broadway Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Re: 5311 Match Commitment Dear Ms. Hanson: Collier County attests to having local funds available in the Collier Area Transit Transportation Disadvantaged Operating budget to meet the ten percent local match requirement for the FTA 5311 Grant Application and commits to using $124,353 towards this grant project if awarded. Sincerely, Amy Pa rson, Count anager RESOLUTION NO, 2022-1 A? A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON TO SIGN AND SUBMIT A SECTION 5311 GRANT APPLICATION, INCLUDING ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ASSURANCES, TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TO ACCEPT A GRANT AW ARD FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION, AND THE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES AND/OR EQUIPMENT AND/OR THE EXPENDITURE OF GRANT FUNDS PURSUANT TO THE GRANT A WARD. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, has the authority to apply for and accept grants and make purchases and/or expend funds pursuant to grant awards made by the Florida Department of Transportation as authorized by Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and/or by the Federal Transit Administration Act of 1964, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida: 1. This resolution applies to the Federal Program under U.S.C. §5311. 2. The submission of a grant application(s), supporting documents, and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation is approved. 3. William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson, is authorized to including, but not limited to: (a) sign the application, accept a grant award, and (b) accept and execute any required certifications and assurances and all supporting documents relating to the grant awarded to the County, (c) approving all necessary budget amendments, and (c) authorize the purchase of vehicles/equipment and/or expenditure of grant funds pursuant to the grant awarded, unless specifically rescinded. 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon signature by the Chairman. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same, this 13`1' day of December 2022. (22-PTN-00018/1755560/1( 0 ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO DA By: By: hest as to Chaitq ,' , Deputy Clerk J am L. McDa , .Ir., Cha an signatt Appro as to form and legality: Ronald T. Tomasko Assistant County Attorney 4-1) J22-PTN-00018/1755560/1J �J,�0 E' C L 7 .., O -a a a a' C v C cn a, 4• L C O u u C c 1E CO 6r1 a O U 3 C C Q d m N .0 0 a) -0 v u0 a, 0 .5 7 N 3 0t v O .mC a rn fa ++ c +' 15 -0 3 al Y va, a; • sa EO O i a L O Co� V1 VI c , a E m _ o m N 'u a a O v n O + 4.4 •Z a) a O + a U.' Y I- LJ f0 ° a `I, 2 +' L " C a U y vo a,O a " LA 45 .c Y o v ,f.r c 4-0m C E 0 Yc o , O >.— o = m a E 7 a > c� V1 • o `m v a T.3. C •5 a o s o O a co 0 m M " `1 0 M •N m +J a m �+ U c c c .a) o �, 0 0 - aE, 7 /•— m = a LL m U L a 0 ° -C ° O `, a N1 4.1 Q. �, ui aa) a a) n. O1 v 3 C Qu s a +•' m O O }r O ' 4-• +-, > CO u o 0 • .• .O v.- a m -0 a O o 5i E 0 c (o C a +�+ C O a°1, C '^ 0 m C O • O m • C a O a r v 72 m +r A o rn `" o ° o 3 v cC a o m 'a, s o a C of r 0 `1 Y U E •t' O 2 0 a a O C i O a 7 E 9 CO _ w- V1 ▪ a m V v > , 0 a o 7 9— v u Y _o co -0 a C • ot a Q. 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IN'six. :.0 ai!:•.::.:::L�•N:::i ''y:) k1:1 •ii�::;�:•' °iJM;��.:1�....Ia.: i;�:•.•...i�£�r'Itir 1�,. �:-"hi r 1•i,,L 11.. i.r 'IY:: �I1.. . ... }: ... 0 i ' El ca 4- 14 s 4- 0 0 IA N C W 4- C 0 V L 0 O 4- a) N C C 7 C U1 L Applicant Information Instructions: Please fill out each section appropriately. Item Instruction Agency Response Agency(Applicant)Legal Name: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Applicant Status:0 applicant has not received anyfundingUse drop down to A first-time for the past select Returning applicant two grant cycles Applicant's County(If Applicant has offices in more than one county,list county where main office is located): Collier County Physical Address(No P.O. Box): 11111111111L, 3299 Tamiami Tr)E,Suite 700 City: Naples State: 111111111111111111111r Florida " Zip+4 Code: _� i34112 � Use link to access information.Identify the Congressional Congressional District: r 19/26 District(s)for the proposed project area. Federal Taxpayer ID Number: 11111.1111 h1' 59-6000558 My Florida Marketplace Vendor Number Use link to access F596000558030 information Applicant Fiscal period start and end dates: .. State Fiscal period from:July 1,2022 to June 30,2023 October 1,2023-September 30,2024 Project Service Area: List the county or counties that will be served by the proposed Collier Cunty project. Executive Director: Michelle Arnold Telephone: 239-252-5841 Fax: 11111111111111111111111 Grant Contact Person(if different than Executive Director): 11.1111111r. Omar De Leon Telephone: lermeeer 239-252-4996 Fax: NIP239 252 6534 Email Address: Omar.DeLeon@colliercountyfl.gov Eligibility Questionnaire The eligibility questionnaire investigates whether current grant sub recipients are compliant with all FDOT and FTA Section 5311 requirements.If a current grant sub-recipient is noncompliant,the sub-recipient will not be eligible to receive grant funds until compliance has been determined.This questionnaire does not Instructions: apply to new sub-recipients and sub-recipients that have not yet been required by their respective FDOT District Office to complete a triennial review.For more information see FDOT's Triennial Review Process as part of the State Management Plan. Yes/No Additional Information Are you a returning applicant? Auto populates from *If yes,please answer all questions.If no,disregard remaining Applicant Status questions in this questionnaire. Yes Has your agency completed an FDOT Triennial Oversight Use drop down to Review? select Yes What date(s)did the review occur? 11/19/2019 Use drop down to If yes,is your agency currently in compliance? select Yes If your agency is not in compliance,do you have a corrective Use drop down to action plan to come into compliance? select N/A If yes,what is the date of anticipated date of corrective action closeout? N/A Is your agency registered on SAM,gov?Note:Agency must Use drop down to register each year/application cycle. select Yes SAM Unique Entity Identifier 11111 JWKJKYRPLLU6 SAM Registration Expiration Date 8/23/2023 m { 7 a \ \ •§ : % t \ g 72 -al > / % 2 c >, m E # o % ƒ \ / / E 0.) 3 , \ \ 2 \ .E > ; m a TS 2 \ 0 t •` 73 c .. $ E \ \ a g c •� $ / / 2 k \ k \ \ \ g E \ 2 % / ] 2 2 E c q f CU w 7 . & C 0 '§ E / « 0_ Cvi \ \ \ 1 2 % c e 2 2 t E $ m c 7 > E e .a, a \ 2 7 o c $ -/ / / C > . 5 m c $ '( j - a § £ 0 / / \ a \ \ C (0 k . 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The grant funding is essential funding availability(as opposed to project merits, to overall budget for capital management,with the impacts from COVID,grant funding has been key for which must be described in the Proposed Project maintaining operating and capital budget. Description). Budget for Year of Anticipated Award All applicants for all request types must complete this budget form.For each component,amounts reported should be based on projected values for the year of anticipated award for the current grant application.This year's grant cycle is for award during Federal Fiscal Year(FFY)2023,which corresponds to State Fiscal Year(SFY)2024.SFY 2024 starts July 1,2023 and ends June 30,2024. Instructions:Amounts reflected in the Program Budget must be limited to those operating and administrative expenses/revenues supporting the applicant's transportation program.For agencies whose primary purpose is not transportation,the transportation program budget must be separated out from general administration and other agency functions.Shared costs such as facility rental and utilities must be allocated to the transportation program on a reasonable and specified basis. Enable adding rows: © Disable adding rows: 411 £'x Operating&Administrative Expenses Instructions Object Class Code Amount Use drop-down to select Object Class Services 5020 $ 5,972,100 Use drop-down to select Object Class Fuel and Lubricants 5031 $ 1,130,200 Use drop-down to select Object Class Miscellaneous Expenses 5090 $ 707,800 Use drop-down to select Other Salaries and Object Class Wages 5013 $ 517,600 Use drop-down to select Other Materials and Object Class Supplies 5039 $ 620,400 Use drop-down to select Object Class Other Reconciling Items 5290 $ 500,000 Use drop-down to select Object Class $ Use drop-down to select Object Class Use drop-down to select Object Class $ Use drop-down to select Object Class $ Use drop-down to select Object Class _ $ Use drop-down to select 111111111111111111111P Object Class $ $ 9,448,100 0 Operating&Administrative Revenues Instructions Object Class Code Amount Use drop-down to select Object Class Passenger Fares 4110 $ 1,150,000 Use drop-down to select Local Government Object Class Funds 4300 $ 8,213,100 Use drop-down to select Object Class Other Agency Revenues 4150 $ 85,000 Use drop-down to select - $ Object Class Use drop-down to select $ Object Class " Use drop-down to select $ Object Class Use drop-down to select $ Object Class Use drop-down to select - $ Object Class Use drop-down to select - $ Object Class Use drop-down to select - $ Object Class Use drop-down to select ? $ Object Class Use drop-down to select INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP Object Class $ $ 9,448,100 ��Q Current System Description Current System Description Tab provides space for a short description of who the applicant is and what services they provide.The form is in a question and answer format with designated text boxes(the applicant's response to the question must not exceed the space provided or word counts where Instructions:indicated).If the applicant is a CTC,relevant pages of a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP)and Annual Operating Report(AOR)containing the above information may be provided within TransCIP, Questions: Maximum Response Word Count Word Count The Collier County Board of County Commissioners is the Please provide a brief general overview of the organization type(i.e.,government governing body for the Public Transportation System in Collier authority,private non-profit,etc.)including: County.The Public Transportation system,Collier Area Transit (CAT)operates under the supervision of the Collier County Division of Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancement(PINE) for the Collier County Transportation Management Services Department.CAT serves as the public transit provider for Collier County,serving Naples,Marco Island,and Immokalee areas. 100 68 Program mission It is the misson of CAT to provide safe,accessible and courteoud public transportation services to our customers. 100 18 Collier County's goals are to operate reliable,convenient,and cost-effective mobility services that safely and efficiently meet the mobility needs of its workers,residents and visitors.We strive to accomplish this by increasing the resiliency of Collier Program goals County by,protecting our man-made and natural resources; providing attractive and convenient mobility alternatives that will reduce adverse carbon and environmental impacts within our communities,as well as building meaningful partnerships that increase awareness and education of and about mobility options and increase the viability of mobility services to promote livability and enhance economic and social well-being. 100 94 Collier County's objectives to achieve its goals are to improve efficiency,service quality,and level of service to adequately structure transit service with a focus on providing job access for workforce and access to mobility for persons with no or limited Program objectives access to a private automobile;Create an optimized interconnected multimodal mobility network designed to fit the range of needs and conditions for the service market;and Provide services and programs to reduce vehicle miles traveled within Collier County by coordinating integrated land use and transportation planning efforts to incorporate transit needs Into the development review and approval process. 100 99 Service hours for these routes vary from as early as 3:45 AM to as late as 8:20 PM. The service planned for this grant will provide access for people in the non-urbanized areas of Collier Service,route,and trip types provided County. Funds from this grant will be used for a replacment bus for fixed route services to provide access for people in non- urbanized areas to health care,shopping,education, employment,public services and recreation. Because many of these services are not available in the rural area,most people must travel to the urban areas in order to receive these services. 100 95 Total number of employees in organization 128 4} r-: i_ Total number of operators(including volunteer drivers) 83 Total number of transportation-related employees in the organization 7 Identify the personnel responsible for the following transportation program functions(Name,Title,Email,Phone): Mark Moujabber,General Manager, Insurance Mark Moujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Mark Moujabber,General Manager, Training (e.g.,wheelchair lift operation,passenger assistance) MarkMoujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Mark Moujabber,General Manager, Management Mark.Moujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Omar De Leon,Transit Manager, Administration(e.g.,records maintenance) Omar.DeLeon@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4996 _ The operations are funded through the Federal Transit Administration 5307,5310,and 5311 programs,Florida Department of Transportation,Agency for persons with Disabilities,Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and local funding programs.These include funding for individuals with disabilities,low income,and elde +t' in both the urbanized and non-urbanized areas of the County. What are the sources of the transportation program's funding for operations(e.g., state,local,federal,private foundations,fares,other program fees?)? 200 54 According to the 2010 Census,a majority of Collier County's workforce lives in the rural area and the majority of the activity centers which include major employers,health care centers,and public services are within the urban area. The recent TDP Major update included public surveys of the ridership with approximately 1,000 responses.The respondents had ethnic To what extent does your agency serve minority populations? orgins of 38%Hispanic/Latino and 25%Black/African American. All CAT routes serve a minority census block group,48%of route mites are within the minority block 100 83 No Is your agency minority-owned? 50 1 All vehicles are maintained by the Collier County Fleet Management Division staff specifically assigned to Transit at the CAT Operations Center located at 8300 Radio Road. A preventative maintenance schedule for all CAT vehicles is maintained by fleet staff to ensure vehicles are maintained Briefly describe your agency's vehicle maintenance program.Which services are without interrupting transportation service. outsourced(e.g.,oil changes)?How are vehicles are maintained without interruptions in service? 100 48 The service characteristics sheet is used to determine and report the anticipated quantitative impacts of the proposed project on your agency's transportation program.A calculation column has been provided to calculate the necessary data Instructions:for both the current transportation program and if awarded.Please include the source of the data,e.g.,Trapeze,direct observation,driver loos,maintenance records,etc. Service Characteristic Value Data Collection/Calculation Method Completion Check Unlinked Passenger Trips(UPT) The number of boardings on public transportation vehicles during the fiscal year. Transit agencies must count passengers each time they board vehicles,no matter how many vehicles they use to travel from their origin to their destination.If a transit vehicle changes routes while passengers are onboard(interlining),transit agencies should not recount the passengers.Employees or contractors on transit agency business are not passengers.For demand response(DR)modes,transit agencies must include personal care attendants and companions in UPT counts as long as they are not employees of the transit agency.This includes attendants and Electronic farebox and Mobile Fare companions that ride fare free. 186,567 Application COMPLETE Unduplicated Passengers per Year Electronic farebox and Mobile Fare Unique(non-repeat)passengers served within the reporting year 186,567 Application COMPLETE L r-, Rural Cost Allocation Methodology It is understood that the desired destination for many trips provided to non-urbanized area residents is in an urbanized area. Such trips are appropriately funded with Section 5311 funds. Instructions: Recipients must develop a method of allocating costs between urbanized and non-urbanized area service.The availability of the information needed in any allocation method should be a factor in A map of urbanized areas in Florida as defined by the 2010 Census is available at this link. Demand Response Demand response service providers often know the addresses of all passengers. If 60%of all passengers live in non-urbanized areas, it Instructions: is fair to say that 60% of all costs are eligible for Section 5311 funding. Total Unique Passengers Living in Non-Urbanized % Rural Service (by unique Total Unique Passengers Areas passengers) Drivers' logs or client trip records can be maintained to segregate Instructions: mileage or hours within the urbanized area and costs allocated accordingly. Total Non-Urbanized % Rural Service (by passenger Total Passenger Miles Passenger Miles miles) Total Non-Urbanized % Rural Service (by passenger Total Passenger Hours Passenger Hours hours) Fixed Route Recipients providing fixed-route service can segregate urbanized Instructions: and nonurbanized miles based on route maps and allocate system- wide costs accordingly. Total Non-Urbanized Total Route Miles Route Miles % Rural Service (by route miles) 1 0 { r Activity Line Item Codes Vehicles Description ALI Code Bus - Replacement Over 30' 11.12.03 Bus - Expansion Over 30' 11.13.03 Bus - Replacement Under 30' 11.12.04 Bus - Expansion Under 30' 11.13.04 Vans - Replacement 11.12.15 Vans - Expansion 11.13.15 Sedan - Replacement 11.12.16 Sedan - Expansion 11.13.16 Equipment Description ALI Code Bus Passenger Shelters Acquisition 11.32.10 Shop Equipment Acquisition 11.42.06 ADP Hardware Acquisition 11.42.07 ADP Software Acquisition 11.42.08 Surveillance/Security (Bus)Acquisition 11.42.09 Fare Collection (Mobile) Acquisition 11.42.10 Support Vehicles Acquisition 11.42.11 Miscellaneous Equipment Acquisition 11.42.20 Radios Acquisition 11.62.03 Radios Construction 11.63.03 Preventative Maintenance Description ALI Code Preventative Maintenance 11.7A.00 Mobility Management Description ALI Code Mobility Management 11.7L.00 Facilities Description ALI Code Admin Building Engineering &Design 11.41.01 Admin Building Acquisition 11.42.01 Admin Building Construction 11.43.01 Admin Building Rehab/Renovation 11,44.01 Admin Building Lease 11.46.01 Maintenance Facility Engineering & Design 11.41.02 Maintenance Facility Acquisition 11.42.02 Maintenance Facility Construction 11.43.02 Maintenance Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.02 Maintenance Facility Lease 11.46.02 O rq' Admin/Maint Facility Engineering & Design 11.41.03 Admin/Maint Facility Acquisition 11.42.03 Admin/Maint Facility Construction 11.43.03 Admin/Maint Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.03 Admin/Maint Facility Lease 11.46.03 Storage Facility Engineering & Design 11.41.04 Storage Facility Acquisition 11.42.04 Storage Facility Construction 11.43.04 Storage Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.04 Storage Facility Lease 11.46.04 Yards &Shops Engineering &Design 11.41.05 Yards &Shops Acquisition 11.42.05 Yards&Shops Construction 11.43.05 Yards &Shops Rehab/Renovation 11.44.05 Yards &Shops Lease 11.46.05 C _ _ \ \ § } ` , - { - $ { § V3 .9 \ \ | ! 2 7 A ) I ; kf13 7 } o } ii V. 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Ii1 UI \ - toi \|! ; !}11HHH1H z it; !| 2 g 1 \ 5 ƒ 11 . . . . . - - 9. . . , . , . . 1 2 $ | S i ' } ! ! ) 1 11 f ! ! 2 . i i • f ! . ( ,.._. Hgil WI! o.} I) / |0| / ,211 k}! i i \ ||/t | ! | ;i511 I ! ! iii \- 1 L a \; i \! ! i | |! , , . ; 11111111L:-. 1' / e tt JsiLtiIt '\ru t 's PART Of THE USA TODAY NF TWORK Published Daily Naples, FL 34110 COLLIER AREA TRANSIT -LEGALS 8300 RADIO RD Public Notice NAPLES,FL 34104-5428 Public Notice is hereby given that Collier County will apply to the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for a capital grant under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as Affidavit of Publication amended, for the purchase of three(4)replacement paratransit vehicles. Collier County will apply to FDOT for a grant under STATE OF WISCONSIN Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991,as amended,for COUNTY OF BROWN the purchase of one (1) replacement fixed-route bus. Collier County will also apply to FDOT for a grant under Section 5339 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended for the purchase Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, of one(1)replacement fixed-route bus.Each of these purchases would be intended for the provision of public transit services personally appeared said legal clerk who on oath says that within Collier County,FL. he/she serves as Legal Clerk of the Naples Daily News, a This notice is to provide an opportunity for a Public Hearing for daily newspaper published at Naples. in Collier County, these projects. This public notice is to ensure that these projects Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida; and the contemplated services will not duplicate current or pro- posed services provided by existing transit or paratransit opera- that the attached copy of the advertising was published in tors in the area. This hearing will be conducted if and only If a said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further says that the written request for the hearing is received by December 2nd 2022. Requests for a hearing must be sent to Michelle E.Arnold said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Collier Area Transit, 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, Florida 34104 and Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said copy to FDOT, District One Modal Development Office/Public Transit Southwest Urban Area Office at 801 North Broadway, newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Bartow, FL 33830. Any interested party may obtain more infor- mationsaid about these grants by contacting the PTNE Division at (239) 252-5840 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday Collier County,Florida;distributed In Collier and Lee through Friday. counties of Florida,each day and has been entered as Persons who require special accommodations under the Ameri" second class mail matter at the post office in Naples,in cans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation said Collier County,Florida,for a period of one year next services should contact Michelle E.Arnold at michelle.arnold@co Iliercountyfl.gov, Collier County Public Services Department, preceding the first publication of the attached copy of Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Division 8300 Ra- advertisement;and affiant further says that he has neither dio Rd,Naples,FL 34104;(239)252-5040. paid nor promised any person,or corporation any discount, Collier Area Transit operates in compliance with Federal Transit rebate,commission or refund for the purpose of securing Administration, (FTA) program requirements and ensures that transit services are made available and equitably distributed and this advertisement for publication in said newspaper provides equal access and mobility to any person without re- issue(s)dated or by publication on the newspaper's gard to race,color, or national origin;Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; FTA Circular 4702.1A, 'Title VI and Title VI Depend- website,if authorized,on ent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients.' Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against on these conditions may file a complaint with the Florida Com- mission on Human Relations at 850-488-7082 or 800-342-8170 Issue(s)dated:1111412022 (voice teging). B )er Area Tr77ansit has a Disadvantaged �` Business1 Enterprise(DBE)goal of 1.77%. NovNuv 14,2022 115485395 Subscribed and sworn to before on November 1;,2022: ,flt((L._.. Notary,State of WI,2bk,e nty of Brown <Y> My commission expires Publication Cost:$350.00 Ad No:0005485395 Customer No:1450756 KATHLEEN ALLEN PO#: Notary Public #of Affidavits: 1 State of Wisconsin This is not an invoice FDOT Certification and Assurances Collier County Board of County Commissioners certifies and assures to the Florida Department of Transportation regarding its Application under U.S.C.Section 5311 dated 13 day of December,2022: 1 It shall adhere to all Certifications and Assurances made to the federal government in its Application. 2 It shall comply with Florida Statues: • Section 341.051-Administration and financing of public transit and intercity bus service programs and projects • Section 341.061 (2)-Transit Safety Standards; Inspections and System Safety Reviews • Section 252.42 - Government equipment, services and facilities: In the event of any emergency, the division may make available any equipment, services, or facilities owned or organized by the state or its political subdivisions for use in the affected area upon request of the duly constituted authority of the area or upon the request of any recognized and accredited relief agency through such duly constituted authority. 3 It shall comply with Florida Administrative Code: • Rule Chapter 14-73-Public Transportation • Rule Chapter 14-90-Equipment and Operational Safety Standards for Bus Transit Systems • Rule Chapter 14-90.0041-Medical Examination for Bus System Driver • Rule Chapter 41-2-Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 4 It shall comply with FDOT's: • Bus Transit System Safety Program Procedure No. 725-030-009 (Does not apply to Section 5310 only recipients) • Public Transit Substance Abuse Management Program Procedure No.725-030-035 • Transit Vehicle Inventory Management Procedure No. 725-030-025 • Public Transportation Vehicle Leasing Procedure No.725-030-001 • Guidelines for Acquiring Vehicles • Procurement Guidance for Transit Agencies Manual 5 It has the fiscal and managerial capability and legal authority to file the application. 6 Local matching funds will be available to purchase vehicles/equipment at the time an order is placed. 7 It will carry adequate insurance to maintain, repair, or replace project vehicles/equipment in the event of loss or damage due to an accident or casualty. 8 It will maintain project vehicles/equipment in good working order for the useful life of the vehicles/equipment. 9 It will return project vehicles/equipment to FDOT if,for any reason,they are no longer needed or used for the purpose intended. 10 It recognizes FDOT's authority to remove vehicles/equipment from its premises, at no cost to FDOT, if FDOT determines the vehicles/equipment are not used for the purpose intended,improperly maintained, uninsured,or operated unsafely. 11 It will not enter into any lease of project vehicles/equipment or contract for transportation services with any third party without prior approval of F DOT. 12 It will notify FDOT within 24 hours of any accident or casualty involving project vehicles/equipment,and submit related reports as required by FDOT. 13 It will notify FDOT and request assistance if a vehicle should become unserviceable. 14 It will submit an annual financial audit report to FDOT (FDOTSingleAudit@dot.state.fl.us),if required. 15 It will undergo a triennial review and inspection by FDOT to determine compliance with the baseline requirements. If found not in compliance,it must send a progress report to the local FDOT District office on a quarterly basis outlining the agency's progress towards compliance. ATTEST: December�� CRYSTAL KINZEL, CL Attest as ta-Chairrnan Date Dq uty Clerk AL.414016 Sig 'ure of Contractor's Authoized Official signature only. William L.McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman,Board of County Commissioners Name and Title of Contractor's Authorized Official C Standard Lobbying Certification The undersigned Collier County Board of County Commissioners certifies,to the best of his or her knowledge and belief,that: 1 No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment,or modification of any Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement. 2 If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for making lobbying contacts to an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract,grant, loan,or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," (a copy of the form can be obtained from FDOT's website) in accordance with its instructions [as amended by "Government wide Guidance for New Restrictions on Lobbying,"61 Fed.Reg.1413(1/19/96).Note:Language in paragraph(2)herein has been modified in accordance with Section 10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-65, to be codified at 2 U.S.C. 1601,et seq.)] 3 The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements)and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. NOTE: Pursuant to 31 U.S.C.§1352(c)(1)-(2)(A),any person who makes a prohibited expenditure or fails to file or amend a required certification or disclosure form shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such expenditure or failure. The Collier County Board of County Commissioners, certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition,the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of U.S.C.A 3801,et se. , .pp y this certification and disclosure, if any. Dece..b /witifflo Ada ate mplikwr Signature of Contractor's Authorized Official William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman,Board of County Commissioners Name and Title of Contractor's Authorized Official A rIEST: CRYSTAL KINZEL, CLE Ap Cy Clerk Attest � Wei Chairman s signature only. FTA Section 5333 (b) Assurance (Note: By signing the following assurance,the recipient of Section 5311 and/or 5311(f) assistance assures it wilt comply with the tabor protection provisions of 49 U.S.C. 5333(b) by one of the following actions: (1) signing the Special Warranty for the Rural Area Program(see FTA Circular C 9040.IG,Chapter VIII (2)agreeing to alternative comparable arrangements approved by the(Department of Labor(DOL);or(3)obtaining a waiver from the DOL.) The Collier County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") HEREBY ASSURES that the"Special Section 5333 (b) Warranty for Application to the Small Urban and Rural Program" has been reviewed and certifies to the Florida Department of Transportation that it will comply with its provisions and all its provisions will be incorporated into any contract between the recipient and any sub- recipient which will expend funds received as a result of an application to the Florida Department of Transportation under the FTA Section 5311 Program. December 13, 2022 Date William L. ! I I. ' , . —C rm. I.,d of County Commissioners Name and of authors repr• : to ' e 40 , y tO/e o authorized re,resentative Note: II applicants must complete the following form and submit it with the above Assurance. LISTING OF RECIPIENTS, OTHER ELIGIBLE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROVIDERS, UNIONS OF SUB- RECIPIENTS,AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTING EMPLOYEES OF SUCH PROVIDERS, IF ANY 1 2 3 4 Identify Recipients of Site Project by Name, Identify Other Eligible Identify Unions(and Transportation Assistance Description,and Provider Surface Transportation Providers)Representing Under this Grant. (e.g.Recipient,other Providers(Type of Employees of Providers in Agency,or Contractor) Service) Columns 1,2,and 3 Collier County Board of Application FTA Section Collier Area Transit for Transport workers Union County Commissioners 5311 Funding of FY23/24 urban transit service Local 525 AFL-CIO 2595 for Collier Area Transit to North Courtenay Pkwy. purchase a replacement Suite 104 Merritt Island, bus to provide service to FL 32953 residents of the non- urbanized areas of Collier County traveling within the rural area and/or the adjacent urban area and returning to rural domicile. ATTE >T: CRY STA K..rKII NZ "L CLERK I Deputy Clerk Attest as to Chairman's signature only. Leasing Certification Memorandum for FTA 5311 December 13,2022 Date: William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman, Board of County Commissioners From: e, t_. Signatu e William L. McDaniel,Jr. -Chairman Typed name and title Collier County Board of County Commissioners Typed or printed agency name To: Florida Department of Transportation, District Office Modal Development Office/Public Transit Subject: FFY23/SFY24 GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, OPERATING OR CAPITAL GRANTS FOR RURAL AREAS PROGRAM, 49 UNITED STATES CODE SECTION 5311 Leasing: Will the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, as applicant to the Federal Transit Administration Section 5311 Program, lease the proposed vehicle(s) or equipment out to a third-party? ® No 0 Yes If yes,specify to whom: NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant agency to ensure District approval of all lease agreements. RTI E3T: C; YSTA K. KI , CLERK c Attest as Choi an'S dopu`'y Clerk signattue only. : Certification of Equivalent Service CERTIFICATION OF EQUIVALENT SERVICE Collier County Board of Commissioners certifies that its demand responsive service offered to individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs, is equivalent to the level and quality of service offered to individuals without disabilities. Such service, when viewed in its entirety, is provided in the most integrated setting feasible and is equivalent with respect to: 1 Response time; 2 Fares; 3 Geographic service area; 4 Hours and days of service; 5 Restrictions on trip purpose; 6 Availability of information and reservation capability; and 7 Constraints on capacity or service availability. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 37, public entities operating demand responsive systems for the general public which receive financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. 5310 and 5311 of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds must file this certification with the appropriate state program office before procuring any non-accessible vehicle. Such public entities not receiving FTA funds shall also file the certification with the appropriate state office program. Such public entities receiving FTA funds under any other section of the FTA Programs must file the certification with the appropriate FTA regional office.This certification is valid for no longer than one year from its date of filing. Non-public transportation systems that serve their own clients, such as social service agencies, are required to complete this form. Executed this 13 day of December,2022 William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman, Board of C4uOty Commissioners Name and ire-of duthorized representatkie Sig ure of authorized representative AT1 t LT: -, CRYSTAL K. KIN7_GI,,gCLERK Deputy Clerk Attest as to Chairman', signature only. , OMB Number:4040-0004 Expiration Date:12/31/2022 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 1.Type of Submission: •2.Type of Application: 'If Revision,select appropriate letter(s): El Preapplication ®New ®Application El Continuation 'Other(Specify): Ej Changed/Corrected Application Revision "3.Date Received: 4.Applicant Identifier: l 1 5a.Federal Entity Identifier: 5b.Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6.Date Received by State: 7.State Application Identifier: 1001 8.APPLICANT INFORMATION: *a.Legal Name: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 'b.EmployerfTaxpayer Identification Number(EINfTIN): 'c.UEI: 56-6000558 JWKJKYRPLLU6 d.Address: •Streetl: 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 700 Street2: 'City: Naples County/Parish: 'State: FL: Florida Province: `Country: USA: UNITED STATES 'Zip l Postal Code: 34112-57 4 6 e.Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Transportation Management Svcs PTNE f.Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Mr. 'First Name: Omar Middle Name: `Last Name: DeLeon Suffix: Title: Transit Manager Organizational Affiliation: Collier County 'Telephone Number: 239-252-4996 Fax Number: 'Email: Omar.DeLeon@colliercountyfl.gov �1 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 *9.Type of Applicant 1:Select Applicant Type: B: County Government Type of Applicant 2:Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3:Select Applicant Type: *Other(specify): *10.Name of Federal Agency: Federal Transit Administration 11.Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 20.509 CFDA Title: Formula Grants for Rural Areas *12.Funding Opportunity Number: "Title: 13.Competition Identification Number: Title: 14.Areas Affected by Project(Cities,Counties,States,etc.): 5311 Areas Affected.pdf Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment *15.Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Capital funding request to purchase one replacement 35ft Fixed Route bus to support bus routes in the Rural Area of Collier county. Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions. Add Attachments Delete Attachments View Attachments 1 ATTE ,T: C YSTAL K4N77.L, CLERK 5ieputy Clerk Attest as to . airman's sLgnatuni°Pty. Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 16.Congressional Districts Of: *a.Applicant 19/26 b.Program/Project 19/26 Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Districts if needed. Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 17.Proposed Project: *a.Start Date: 10/01/2023 *b.End Date: 09/30/2024 18.Estimated Funding($): *a.Federal 497,410.00 *b.Applicant 124,353.00 *c.State *d.Local *e.Other *f. Program Income *g.TOTAL 621,763.00 *19.Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? a.This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on • • b.Program is subject to E.O.12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. • c.Program is not covered by E.O. 12372. *20.Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If"Yes,"provide explanation in attachment.) Yes ®No If"Yes",provide explanation and attach Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 21.*By signing this application,I certify(1)to the statements contained in the list of certifications'*and(2)that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances'* and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award.I am aware that any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal,civil,or administrative penalties.(U.S.Code,Title 18,Section 1001) • **I AGREE **The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions. Authorized Representative: Prefix: Mr. *First Name: William Middle Name: L *Last Name: McDaniel Suffix: Jr. 'Title: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners *Telephone Number: 239-252-8605 Fax Number: 'Email: Bill.McDaniel@colliercountyf1.gov 4. *Signature of Authorized Representative: Jr _ Date Signed: 12/13/2022 ' 1 / .�- - r V t`� M • • •C U - ' N a U v'au) V '5 G z E V N N a L ~ O 'o_ N d w o W o t Q 7U N a) OD c O > I__ m o N (0 u, a to > C0 a D v a fO 7 F a ro I C O' L a co v o 3. E 0 Q• N o o LL c N 2, U Q N t N O N J v a d N y C E a. c O O c � O �0 V U c L a NN N w c0 Q a O O a.7N `r n j ry N - 7 L Z Z ` c x 2aO O a 'O c A y o`p/a v a G G V o. a 7 w y c o 0 c aa)i u LL ¢ K n N N u u C r` L u c h- :a 4. C. V.' .; w c •V K 'i E C L 3 Ea F- u u ¢ > w w m 7 a _ 7 _1 V u 7 ry D yj c F m � E v_ 7 Q o cG U) m O� c_ d aEi Ern c `° Q Z .1 a 2 a, E D o Cn H VI c o o To,2,5 c a O > c >- C. Z a u v o ',c Q L —U- 0 al 0 '�.o O 2 S '' J c.) w' V J C D 7 N d a pm2D 1- U a M p X y 7 L roc 3 coW N v " "• - IA 0 co rn a � � = .c 7 Q � acE x N ,a 0 O rr .. 7 a "• ,13 ot. D iii Z v N a r0CoL 9 N vwno 0 F- N " o D O 0 .. v5 , U o C # g LL C w (5 ma>,� v"i ya ° v a LU o �' c c J O Q� L 41 w c ° J U L = w ,� * or' ¢ m O /}= 4C-� vet V1 c o 'a c to U (� C Q A L •C ON H 1N • pp a, rp L C) N N C C E a C) In LI tri C N N N a) as ti: 0 N C C Z. N ¢ O M V ^ ? crtl IO F� 'U 2.2 W ~ h A V. 0 Z C c r io N e E —.Io ro ro a p o Y a v : p m ,n I > 0 O 4"" y N 2 v Q VI N ?i V' H 'p N C V cn )O vl N O N "7" V �O N ...- 0 U o Q y o. c a, C N N C C i% .Y p L E r� c c r p V, (5 a" s.44 a o 2 u a� .)IP c 92 O 0 O V C w ro_w v v a • C ° N a C tN. 0) 7,3 R S " ¢ uQ • R c oCT. m ¢ °te) 0-0'Q . cc v vV o w 4_ aro oco zE j+ p_ .— OC .— eMo I- uY .92 N L. •U i va) L is U ^ '0 7 " o ° 2' fn^ / N uV v o o COj(v O U cc ° oV a t a. ¢o a v a, LU N v O U N O. L co °' s F Z N > o 0 C C N N N E ^ ! W i 2 ' a) o Q) :" 0 > a c v v U co, C o a) 0 o • T 1.3 O LA 0 O a, E 7 a. e 0 co m U bo Q o u O c a y 2 Z w > ti o d c E 0 g. w a . �° O Y co a, W o -o 0 c C o .c c z ° II) o _N o 3 m oo vi X m E c o v a m 0 -o m 2 a > = 0 C oO 0 c . a, O >.N m O m c 1— re F- V L N I i c n, E m C > G i E � a`Z. ° E a m ^ a, v c v. as m E uo° ar' oao E E a E c to o 0. c v a) a, F. m ° co 0 > VU. at v a a ,o >,o a, D LL • c o c v ! v N Q ° m v ° C c F ' o •o 6i OY o -o l7 >- C V) Q VI N N 3 d 2O a, t v ,U• w V 2 MI 12 y Q Y y J al C C N E C C N a/ ,0 O N E W QI 7 n- H Fes- a !— IX D" 2 It V 0 w vi C Q cc 0 'd V F- w M X W N E O r => X ,n m m > D m D m 0 -72 U a> N P_ O U a> N O) co d co C a.) 'a U a> co E N a) 'co N V) al CC 0 C O) O Q• r 3 , U M OO O N ., ^ • a) en a Vl )O N co T O N M R V) ,O N as Q, O CZ . a) V 0 0 0 CD 0 O 0 , ,- e- N N ' O CN I w N O v> _ ca. c- t •h- co M • -4 i` d, N o 'o a Z 00 7 '� c E 0 0 ' o o >, E 0 o WI C113'CI` C a C rn tea wa, « c N v ? ¢ u C MI W 7 ° = w c .c .t. L 7• N •+ tJ a) .7 c .0 o O N > .c 0 'ala T LL c '� O N v I- � L < a E 0 'v 'a - w u ep 3 t ,0 A m a, m V o • V d O`!�= c C L N D E a a E g >, E c .2 o u d �^ ° ' n v Lc' ° C) u ‘E' w co a N o a, 0 C LT` 0 SI 'a Q, N 7 T 0 to N "O 1g a v o w a E a o 7.> 0 -a ¢ T u F m i N 7 O C V M N c N N 0 p o Y E o� t Z '° w 'a w v vi 7 d 76. e v Cr o c C' a r ° ov a nE m 9 v ;a E °cou ar _ T JD tvt�f �1 C vi C N " , V al -0 vn '' W 0 p O > u C W w C a) '2 T 4, C 'D 'a V C .... E a o C C a N U C C Q a, a E c a ° t 3 o L 8 4 a ° m 'c° E E `w a, c > )n c c m i vi o m 0 u E m E a n° LL L C c F.,,' o $ ° °/ E v .c E c > �_ = � v .' � � ' - ,'u E N. Y N 'tm an C Q, N i t `O •> A U vl '° l.J f- t' M > CL E m o L• vi < n o a? c L. fA ov H c 7 . - 'o `2 D u '7 u o y a ), C '- T E oo m L c ^i H v a s a< Du Cn 1- co v TOv r 2 ,ISa o v c O a ra y N V ti N E u V Y a O ai 7 OD �.�.. a1 Q 'a O C _ Q O 'D-a_ L a, .., -0 oa O O E O O° - _1 U 'j o 3 O a C • .N re aa0 al La 7 E. N u N '° r C > _ 3 tn � 'E o o ,a c E 7 a L o .2 � a a) n V E X w 'a E 0 v' c C as a 3 a o U v 'n r v in .. o E a', a a v u 7 N N W a, a] c MI W _ • '7 6) E 8_0 � • ' 0. aC = w < x ° a u V a, T., a, ce u, as o ti •C• " 0 < 'a o ✓ u Ca "0 7 a, N O d a, Tv' ut vt 7 - m v 7c 7 'E,° u a a' E c o v ,,, > C C u V M a= N N o a) N N C p u C L o ._ N 2 E a, o C 7 DD 3 ¢ 'a 'o E a a a 01 U a > a, a O m a vi ¢is °' N a, w QI o ¢ o c n ¢ o vJ a v m s c '° v °o T m c c c .G a H N 'p N L 7 a) a) E ° O L C u " 3 N ✓ C W 'Cl L'aV 7 c a, 7 _T C ° C W is !0 C L a, a O - L U C u u °a a. G, ip C E o O L v1 a a i ate, a) e" - C 16 a, 3 a a N y - `w. a, o` N u o m ;a L v ▪ c C o v u x m E a) u v 0 a a a, w 8 a a, a E ° > o> 2 w o o m O N c c v °re v ;a re Eat o 0 'al m o c Q a E ' r 3 g ° , r, a l7 t u o V a1 C at., v N a 7, vi .c N N Z •0 o v ' o °O 'a 0 a c) C a'0 al U V a o Z T c,-a, C N n O N C 'D N a, N 7 E C _ C ' V N N 0 0. m m v T Q. 0 .E o '° 2 m 'fi - uo a, s F 'a n n E ao m a, °, a, 2 E a c - c, �° w o - 'c5 }/ Y O N TE v' L N N al C v, 'i � m a� i-- :c 1-- E � � .. � ". � � m E _ v y c E m C aTi E m E ,, A L C ` m no .Q _ Z C 0 u M Z C Q. 0- ° .1.• c¢ i, 0 arNi ¢ m a. A 4. 7/5 w 0 lis' CZ o 0 w a) 0 0 o i 0 c a '5 c C 'a 11 L 0 •m ¢ o a, 0 E CD +J E E o v N a a a N = E E a- u v r a a s 8 N ., N O Q r .c FDDT Florida Department of Transportation RON DESANTIS 801 N. Broadway Avenue KEVIN J.THIBAULT,P.E. GOVERNOR Bartow, FL 33830 SECRETARY October 5, 2020 Ms. Michelle Arnold Collier Area Transit 8300 Radio Road Naples, FL 34104 Re: Title VI Plan Dear Ms.Arnold: The Florida Department of Transportation, District One concurs with the Title VI Plan for Collier County Board of County Commissioners/Collier Area Transit as required for all Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recipients as per the FTA Circular C4702.1B. This concurrence means that Collier County Board of County Commissioners/Collier Area Transit meets the requirements as set out in the Circular and may receive grant funds. Please continue to follow the requirements set forth in the stated Circular. Should you have any questions, please contact Dale Hanson via e-mail at dale.hanson@dot.state.fl.us or by phone at 863-519-2321. Sincerely, Digitally signed by:Dale Hanson Dale ON:CN•Dale Henson email= dale.hansonadol.stale.4us C= US 0=FOOT OU=Transit Hanson Dale:2020 10 05 16:46:18-04'00' Dale Hanson Transit Projects Coordinator Cc: Michelle S. Peronto, District Transit Programs Administrator, FDOT Omar DeLeon, Collier Area Transit Judy Sizensky,Collier County Improve Safety, Enhance Mobility, Inspire Innovation www.fdot.gov FDD ..• Florida Department of Transportation RON DESANTIS 801 N. Broadway Avenue KEVIN J.TIIIBAULT,P.E. GOVERNOR Bartow, FL 33830 SECRETARY June 19, 2020 Ms. Michelle Arnold, Public Transit Director Collier Area Transit 8300 Radio Road Naples, FL 34104 RE: Collier Area Transit 2019 Triennial Review Confirmation of Compliance Dear Ms. Arnold: This letter is a confirmation of compliance for Collier Area Transit regarding the 2019 Triennial Review by the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) in partnership with Atkins North America, The University of South Florida/Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)and the Preventive Maintenance Planning,Training and Technical Assistance(PrMPT) team. The purpose of the Triennial Review is to determine subrecipient compliance with the State and Federal requirements as described in the State Management Plan and in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)Section 5310 Program. FDOT District Offices are required to conduct a Triennial Review of subrecipients. The review must be performed every three years in a manner compliant with the standardized Triennial Review Process Guide provided by the FDOT Central Office. An on-site review was performed at 8300 Radio Road, Naples, FL 34104 on November 19-20, 2019. Following the site visit, a Draft Report was issued by the District outlining the areas reviewed, compliance deficiencies and recommendation of actions the subrecipient should undertake to remedy the deficiency. Collier Area Transit has addressed and satisfied several deficiencies to comply with the FTA Section 5310 Program. Items not sufficiently addressed by Collier Area Transit were outlined in the Final Report issued by the District on March 27, 2020. Upon review of the Final Report response submitted by Collier Area Transit, all deficiencies outlined in the Final Report have been appropriately handled. FDOT, District One Transit Office, congratulates you on your compliance with the Triennial Review standards. We appreciate your attention to the importance of creating and maintaining safe and equitable passenger transportation programs in the communities we service. Sincerely, D9 YS,♦T`N Cf"MV 9.Atm. Michelle S. Dtu+•.��9.^�� n+htM.WwhK4ttla,lw C. D•iDDt W.Trmrl Peronto Dtv uxo osunxxwssao Dale Hanson Transit Projects Coordinator Cc: Michelle S. Peronto, FDOT Transit Programs Administrator Paul A. Simmons, FDOT Modal Development Administrator Omar DeLeon, Collier Area Transit Improve Safety, Enhance Mobility, Inspire Innovation www.fdot.gov O i0 C O v y C ro> 'p ru a `a, ...I0 1 — �c u° o t t- r w mc A _ c Z o t c ' 2 m N N 0 , "► c 2 u E , 2 N 4—r• C N o t d u A m :n _ e ed u Eio_ 'o m c' ' a, Z rx Z u ~ a 2 E ,, 2 «tf, a`, a u o 3 u Y a, C C m O F li N N >Ca L _ O 2 co al !IJ ('i Z" > ! y L v N to O y H R .ca `0 0 c ac, '""' CI E E oc, .2a > 0 a, E 4. m u c coi o c QI CIO v R C N 0 E3 ° ro 2 u L 4 U E, ry O ,A O W Q 0, '_,5 -2 N O ra .- > C 0 C C .0 .0 0 a � i` • C Y O E d t- E O O C C it ,el 2" o 4. 2 U c a3S a`, 0 W 0 w m V O U c c 2 c 2 u L o. 'c i• V R4- n s M @ $. .0 N- mU .0 I C .4, 0D.. C W .Ca - O 0 N ` O: a m 4 a tr., a tit', .15 IT : o a a j L 0 -0 1-1 �_ -0 a ?C.' K L Ir. O O: 7 a x PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35' BUDGETARY DIESEL LOW FLOOR BRT BUS, SN: TBD :Wt " z r.. 5T a r < riayply -t ' �1 STYLING PACKAGE STANDARD LOW FLOOR BRT FRONT CAP W/FRONT AND 16,350.00 REAR ROOF FAIRINGS ENGINE(DIESEL) CUMMINS L9,280 HP CUMMINS L9,280 HP - 2021 EPA MANDATED EMISSIONS CHANGE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 2,900.00 ENGINE FUEL FILTER STD FLEETGUARD DAVCO 384,NON-HEATED 375.00 STARTER DELCO MT-42 DELCO MT-42 - AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR DONALDSON INFORMER DONALDSON INFORMER RBX00-2277 RBX00-2277 - RADIATOR EMP GEN IV MH4(ELECTRIC) EMP GEN IV MH4(ELECTRIC) - ALTERNATOR EMP P450(450 AMP) EMP P450(450 AMP) _ ENGINE OIL DRAIN MAGNETIC DRAIN PLUG FEMCO AUTO DRAIN 55.00 TRANSMISSION VOITH D864.6(4 SPEED) ALLISON B400R 5,459.00 BRAKES DRUM,W/S-CAM DRUM,W/S-CAM - AXLE HUB SEALS C/R OIL SEALS CIR OIL SEALS - WHEEL MOUNTING HUB PILOTED HUB PILOTED - SYNTHETIC REAR AXLE GEAR OIL INCLUDED REQUIRED - HUBODOMETER INCLUDED REQUIRED - WHEELS (6)POLISHED ALUMINUM, REQUIRED W/DURA-BRIGHT TIRES CUSTOMER FURNISHED CUSTOMER FURNISHED - ELECTRIC STEERING ASSIST NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 2,650.00 STEERING WHEEL 20"NON-PADDED 20"NON-PADDED - FUEL FILL EMCO WHEATON, GRAVITY FILL-FLIP CAP (475.00) POSI-LOCK FLIP CAP FUEL GAUGE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 50.00 OIL PRESSURE&COOLANT TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL GAUGES LOCATED IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT REAR HAND THROTTLE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 156.00 (2)DEKA 8D BATTERIES (2)DEKA 8D TOP POST CONNECTIONS - REAR JUMP START CONNECTOR INCLUDED REQUIRED - WHEELCHAIR RAMP LIFT-U,LU-18(6:1) LIFT-U, LU-18(6:1) - HVAC MOTORS(THERMO KING T14) EBM BRUSHLESS EBM BRUSHLESS - HVAC COMPRESSOR(THERMO KING) T14 W/X430 COMPRESSOR REQUIRED - REFRIGERANT R407C R4070 - DRIVERS HEATER MOTORS MCC BRUSHLESS MCC BRUSHLESS - FRONT DOOR OPERATION AIR OPEN/SPRING CLOSE AIR OPEN/AIR CLOSE - REAR DOOR ACTIVATION V-TOUCH CONTROL VAPOR 5 POSITION ANALOG CONTROL - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 44"H X 22.5"W X 20"D, 1 DOOR 44"H X 22.5"W X 20"D,1 DOOR - PASSENGER SEATS& USSC GEMINI,W/T2C INSERTS AMSECO INSIGHT PRIME PLUS 6,000.00 WHEEL CHAIR RESTRAINTS WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT V-PRO W/Q'STRAINT BELTS ADVANCED RESTRAINT MODULE W/Q'STRAINT BELTS USB CHARGING PORTS AT PASSENGER NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 3,056,00 LOCATIONS VERTICAL STANCHIONS AT NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED FRONT WHEEL WELLS (EACH SIDE) 100.00 DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A,W/HEADREST& USSC 9100 ALX, 3-POINT BLACK BELT W/FABRIC&2-POINT BELT(LAP) PASSENGER SIGNALS PULL CORDS PULL CORDS - STANCHIONS AND GRAB RAILS SSTL SSTL - STOP REQUEST LAMP(DASH MOUNTED) NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 35.00 PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35 BUDGETARY DIESEL LOW FLOOR BRT BUS , SN� TBD ( DRIVERS BARRIER WRAPROUND W/OUT WRAPROUND W/OUT SCHEDULE HOLDERS SCHEDULE HOLDERS - DRIVERS SECURITY ENCLOSURE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE ARROW DRIVERS BARRIER W! 5,263.00 EXTENDED GLASS PASSENGER INFO STATION NOT INCLUDED IN BASE TRANSIT INFORMATION PRODUCTS 245.00 19"X21" OBIC19/21 4P1LRTMC (10)VINYL COATED NYLON GRAB STRAPS NOT INCLUDED IN BASE NYLON GRAB STRAPS 200.00 ($20 X 10=$200) PASSENGER WINDOWS FULL-FIXED, FULL-FIXED, W/BONDED FRAME W/BONDED FRAME WINDOW GLAZING GUARDS NOT INCLUDED REQUIRED 1,313,00 HEADLAMPS (4)LED (4)LED - REAR TAIL LIGHTS(STOP,TAIL,TURN) 4"LED 7"LED - RED LED"STOP SIGN NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 470.00 UPPER REAR CAP GILLE AUX LAMPS NOT INCLUDED IN BASE (2)7"LED BRAKE LIGHTS 160.00 AMBER TRIANGLE LED"YIELD"SIGN NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 640.00 INTERIOR LIGHTS PRETORIA(LED) I/O CONTROLS - 2-WAY RADIO NOT INCLUDED HARRIS XG-25M 3,155.00 2-WAY ANTENNA INCLUDED ASP931 70.00 OUTSIDE SPEAKERS (1)INCLUDED REQUIRED - BOOM MICROPHONE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE _ REQUIRED 100.00 DESTINATION SIGNS HANOVER WHITE LED LUMINATOR GEN 4 HORIZON 100% (FRONT,SIDE, REAR) SILVER LED SIGN(16 X 160)--FRONT (800.00) &SIDE FAREBOX GRABRAIL INCLUDED REQUIRED - CEILING MTD FAREBOX LAMP NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 25.00 FLOORING MATERIAL TRANSITFLOR RUBBER(RCA) ALTRO TRANSFLOR 400.00 ROOF HATCHES (2)MANUAL OPEN/CLOSE (2)MANUAL OPEN/CLOSE - EXTERIOR MIRRORS SAFE FLEET,10X11,2-PC,W/MANUAL B&R 8"X10",2-PIECE,HEATED, CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL(BOTH SIDES) - TURN SIGNAL INDICATOR ON EXTERIOR NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED MIRROR HEAD PER SIDE ($100 PER SIDE X 2=$200) 200.00 DRIVERS WINDOW SUN SHADE AUTO-MOTION,FLEXI VISOR ROLLER STYLE (50.00) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOGMAKER AMEREX V-25 (369.00) VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM APOLLO ANGELTRAX -(PER COLLIER SPEC) 5,000.00 (STATE OF FLORIDA BASE SPEC) (BUDGETARY*) BIKE RACK BYK-RAK 2-POSITION,BLK PC SPORTWORKS MOUNTING BRACKET (700.00) ONLY BIKE RACK DEPLOYED LAMP INCLUDED REQUIRED - AIR GAUGE,SPEEDOMETER,OIL DRIVERS DASH GAUGES PRESSURE,COOLANT REQUIRED - TEMPERATURE&(2)VOLTMETERS APC/ITS SYSTEM CLEVER DEVICES AVAIL(COLLIER SPEC) 18,000.00 (STATE OF FLORIDA BASE SPEC) (BUDGETARY*) EXTERIOR PAINT 1-COLOR,W/ REQUIRED BLACK MASK AT WINDOWS EXTERIOR GRAPHICS BUS#'S ONLY BUS#'S ONLY - ROOF NUMBERS NOT INCLUDED REQUIRED 100.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT DECALS _ NOT INCLUDED (1)ONE 15,00 WARRANTY(BASIC BUS) 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES - WARRANTY(BODY STRUCTURE) 36 MONTHS/150,000 MILES 36 MONTHS/150,000 MILES - WARRANTY(STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 84 MONTHS/350,000 MILES 84 MONTHS/350,000 MILES DUE TO CORROSION) PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35' BUDGETARY DIESEL LOW FLOOR BRT BUS ,SN:TBD y_..-c ,,,.i {�}���h{ ,j �r . i, c.., WARRANTY(WATER LEAKS) 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES - WARRANTY(ENGINE L9) 24 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 60 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 5,202.00 WARRANTY(TRANSMISSION) 60 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 60 MONTHS 1300,000 MILES - WARRANTY(WHEELCHAIR RAMP) 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES - WARRANTY(HVAC UNIT) 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES - GILLIG MANUAL(CD) (1)ONE PER ORDER (2)TWO PER ORDER - DRIVER MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - SERVICE MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - ELECTRICAL MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - PARTS MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (2)TWO PER ORDER - TOTAL COLLIER COUNTY,FL VARIANCES 75,350.00 STATE OF FLORIDA 35'DIESEL LOW FLOOR BASE PRICE MAY 2019 435,525.00 DELIVERY INCL COLLIER COUNTY,FL 35'LF DIESEL BASE PRICE MAY 2019 510,875.00 PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 259.3(APR'20)/255.9(MAY'19)=1.32% 6,744.00 PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 269.5(MAY'21)/259.3(APR'20)=3.93% 20,077.00 PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 303.6(APR'22)/269.5(MAY'21) =12,65%(ADJUSTED TO 7.90e%o) 40,359.00 BUDGETARY PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 330.5(JUL'22)1303.6(APR'22)=8.86%(CAP 7.0%UNTIL MAY'23) 35,761.00 CURRENT COLLIER COUNTY,FL 35'LOW FLOOR BRT DIESEL BASE UNIT PRICE 613,816.00 CONFIDENTIAL This pricing Information Is Intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s)to whom It VMS odgtnaiy sent.If you are not an Intended recipient of this information or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient,you are hereby notified that you have received Nis information in error,and that any review,dissemination,distribution,or copying of this message Is strictly prohibited. C TransCIP Application Checklist - Section 5339 ITEM Yes No N/A 1, Grant Proposal—Excel Workbooks X 2. Cover Letter X 3. Governing Board's Resolution X 4. Public Hearing Notice(Required for Public Agencies applying for capital projects) X 5. CTC Agreement or Certification X 6. FDOT Certification and Assurances X 7. Standard Lobby Certification X 8. Leasing Certification X 9. Certification of Equivalent Service X 10. Form 424:Application for Federal Assistance X 11. Federal Certifications and Assurances X 12. FTA Section 5333b Assurance X 13. Title VI Plan (Required if not previously submitted to District) X 14. Protection of the Environment(Required if the proposed project is for facilities) X 15. Local Clearinghouse Agency-RPC Cover Letter X 16. Triennial Review- CAP Closeout X 17. Organization Chart X 18. Completed Sample Vehicle Order Form(s) X 0 (Ni ,(.r o N L in = N LA N o , p (t o (5 Ct. • CV- }a�In to = E = u — < E ca ° v LLa.in Q• 11. RI?: LL a o p 02) til M II = u = OL M LA (5 L. c E • N N 0 °- M o 0 u COi 8 ca a ;-cz ul, cn 0 al CL MI co L 4.1 Ii- (j 'n . N •— ti' V " CO .. •— .L M In L. Z 0 LL v O CCI W a Co ler County Transportation Management Services Department Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancement Division December 13, 2022 Dale Hanson Transit Project Coordinator FDOT, District One, Modal Development Office/Public Transit 801 North Broadway Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Re: 5339 Grant Submittal Dear Ms. Hanson: Collier County Board of County Commissioners submits this Application for the Section 5339 Program Grant and agrees to comply with all assurances and exhibits attached hereto and by this reference made a part thereof,as itemized in the Checklist for Application Completeness. Collier County Board of County Commissioners further agrees,to the extent provided by law (in case of a government agency in accordance with Sections 129.07 and 768.28, Florida Statutes) to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Department and all of its officers, agents and employees from any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge, or expense out of the non-compliance by the Agency, its officers,agents or employees,with any of the assurances stated in this Application. This Application is submitted on this 13 day of December,2022 with an original resolution or certified copy of the original resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to sign this Application. Authorized representative signs below certifying that all information contained in this application is true and accurate. Collier County Agency Nam Sign re William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative ATTEST: CRYSTA ' KINZ 1, CLERK December 13,2022 _ Date Deputy Clerk Attest as to Chairman's signature only. t. 8300 Radio Road•Naples,Florida 34104 239-252-5840•www.colliercountytl.gov r t`Q RESOLUTION NO. 2022- 1 q 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON TO SIGN AND SUBMIT A SECTION 5339 GRANT APPLICATION, INCLUDING ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ASSURANCES, TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION,AND THE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES AND/ OR EQUIPMENT AND/ OR THE EXPENDITURE OF GRANT FUNDS PURSUANT TO THE GRANT AWARD. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, has the authority to apply for and accept grants and make purchases and/or expend funds pursuant to grant awards made by the Florida Department of Transportation as authorized by Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and/or by the Federal Transit Administration Act of 1964, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida: 1. This resolution applies to the Federal Program under U. S. C. § 5339. 2. The submission of a grant application(s), supporting documents, and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation is approved. 3. William L. McDaniel,Jr., Chairperson, is authorized to including,but not limited to: (a) sign the application, accept a grant award, and (b) accept and execute any required certifications and assurances and all supporting documents relating to the grant awarded to the County, (c)approving all necessary budget amendments,and(c)authorize the purchase of vehicles/equipment and/ or expenditure of grant funds pursuant to the grant awarded, unless specifically rescinded. 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon signature by the Chairman. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same, this 13`1' day of December 2022. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO TY, 1- RID By: By: Attest 85 to airmaX"TDtC1erk W. lam L. McDaniel, r., hairman signature only. [22-P7N-00018/1755559/11 ii Appr d as to form and legality: jc1.41, lit Ronald T. Tomasko Assistant County Attorney AzA);\ , (22-P7N-00018/1755559/11 t✓� �, To di -Cco O v, L (0 U a) C C C cla '= v o a ro 'z � °- 7 ut tr. P. O a t V 1 Nu C a) c V1 ut C N CO ` a) N o YO v O o vv- C ++" a) al E N 74 ... +C " N C N .a a) v, E a) c = 01 o ar -7 c E m a a`) E u 0) 'a d co a .�.• a a, >o CT ,,(CI° C '( c rn O U O" a) co p u ... �. ar •.i 1 a) a a 01 _ c .,_,CD a; MI .a j a 'u 01 f s .t .0 T of O YE; a c co = '� CM 'o - ' a Z 0 C 0 v a c to .7 O v 0 0 "7 a 0 Co •-' a) _C C O1 '-' .' 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If yes,please attach Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan Use drop- Yes (TDSP),CTC Certification,and Annual Operating Report(AOR) down to where indicated in TransCIP. select Applicant's County(If Applicant has offices in more than one Collier County county,list county where main office is located): Physical Address(No P.O.Box): 3299 Tamiami Trl E,Suite 700 4 City: Naples ', State: Florida Zip +4 Code: 34112 Use link to access information. Congressional District: Select 19/26 district(s) affected by the proposed project(s). Federal Taxpayer ID Number: 59-6000558 Use link to My Florida Marketplace Vendor Number access F596000558030 information Applicant Fiscal period start and end dates: October 1,2023 September 30,2024 State Fiscal period from:July 7,2022 to June 30,2023 Executive Director: Michelle Arnold Telephone: 239-252-5841 Fax: 239-252-3929 Grant Contact Person(if different than Executive Director): Omar De Leon Telephone: 239-252-8995 Fax: 239-252-6425 Email Address: Omar.Deleon@colliercountyfl.gov Eligibility Questionnaire The eligibility questionnaire investigates whether current grant sub recipients are compliant with all FDOT and FTA Section 5339 requirements.If a current grant sub-recipient is noncompliant,the sub- recipient will not be eligible to receive grant funds until compliance has been determined.This questionnaire does not apply to new sub- Instructions: recipients and sub-recipients that have not yet been required by their respective FDOT District Office to complete a triennial review.For more information see FDOT's Triennial Review Process as part of the State Management Plan,to view the plan visit https://www.fdot.gov/transit/currentpages/navigation/grantsadministrati on.shtm. Yes/No Additional Information Are you a returning applicant? Pre-populates *If yes,please answer all questions.If no,disregard remaining from questions in this questionnaire. Applicant Status Use drop Has your agency completed an FDOT Triennial Oversight down to Review? select Yes What date(s)did the review occur? 11/19/2014, Use drop- If yes,is your agency currently in compliance? down to select Yes If your agency is not in compliance,do you have a corrective Use drop action plan to come into compliance? down to select N/A If yes,what is the date of anticipated date of corrective action closeout? N/A 11.1111111 Is your agency registered on SAM.gov? Use drop- Note:Agency must register each year/application cycle. down to select Yes SAM Unique Entity Identifier JWKJKYRPLLU6 SAM Registration Expiration Date 8/23/2021111111111111111111111111111 0 c m O N v -a o (V •5 .9 as O 6 (0 } _el N 0 >, c>o u ry n U C >, TO La t V )v 49 � .c O aV `J a) •U li v C O C _c H 13 7 0 4 • C v.: _c > (t +, ,- O> E 3 (;, O- `O C >, a) — v- co T c0 .0 N _cv V �_ E 7 77 `,f- U E Y O C 0 C a) CO O U -0 co 4-' (0 C as aa1 D O 0 co o O v c -a U +' -O O Qarc •VO L. a) C in C OVI 0.. cas C .O N U, O a.) 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OV„LLw nil VA eR,0 Pat:-dN.•.aadd5ka.a4a.p4d.a[.W Wrvkmlgd p.p.000w.l,rnq.ro au e.na.,•,S,t OrgW,'.,• ins Orra,dm-ad Ern ar.pp4 oI mess.•u..ntawnyq.xnlno.Oaa4e usf'sUlnn akapdda4WbN„e,e, s-ewq,, .raunef.d.epn',oaoru...Mums..,.+ar,.0rra.d 0!.,uRWknnruu v./ r•drt•r3 •bq,preolf ,bM4,.MradrydN,n4.n,/p,.rM.4,4airlrne..yrl bn my omit ban gepwnbm,n pa nrf,.Wn pup vcg Ipten tat CM.nl,mpntn.Srunb ere.rnlN tMbn0w•11..0tv14n44bwpr,n•aeroedy 04 pp,.town,d nn...a..Ya1le.•.g bpd.N id1'k'•9 O..mnn mrrvw,,+tayre.drgrWII..rtS0.,deuu WIn4pmnmvl.e.hn,bp.nd.M,n or pal.. .W. i NAnNF.1MwMp.m m.n...N b/vv....* nanNnpb sd.nsA a..nm..a.r0 v5ntr gyro.kwl.p rr punt man,r.atn.R.r0..5 W.,rud5n a.rgt,e era 1 1p 4Iwo a,tr.n.vu uplmryo-pc...wr ON nnlv.... 0,eeSnr lrer'♦0101,01 1,1 HA.W w. na,s.e to 0,ndt•a RCM.pp.NiM.e lm 40p,1N PS/v.0.P a 0,11,.r,„n1444•,.00hs..,M Y bw Mel 0141.,O*11...... • OVa fradu a,J pry.au Arnle..m+d a.nwabMw be.W.r Nn Uqa nna.wgpYM r V.•lnrsreph••A•u.or.•.a.pk Y•u1n[n.e Puppoop.of W q.d•...t.M.w h,u pp mla ...do wrpOer,Ym ddtme w*ar544..a 0!10,wWt ea•u.orrgee.ea tidew to.c. Wq..gbts FS I.n.ep•em poem.4.prior.n..o.fa„prl+yip,raNy Pas..N.MrmphuYib bdtifepNdyN.rnr sutra, •,r.,vl010 d In rMOuu4d'.,... •.Jdt,pe..m,r ae.rmal.,. Pie/ T.q.mrn mama I em.O u ,N .rud.p, ,,pr.log,,an Mr-.o abcravmOUr Ae.vy ,..run e rr+p.wl. MS emHlanw,ewe.p.urbr.dam,r,.F..,aann,rpy....[.:•.mope«m...mall es re.•Htr:.r. ew.ww al» Ih•a do.iul au mks.nwr.,,band lw.pmran,rw..mP+•a.rr,pawr:«pbq•r,.�et.'en.Wrmr.ww Mlu PUP permn•Snecuulph.pppact 41.0s As Mr.w gulmpuo etvult rJ uw ymwerrdgmv imu,r.nan e,•nµt r,w ieLv:+a .,Y.nsl,rn,N.vw wN dwM3 ku r•MMnr M.rweenet .. Pc.Su.*Pops m,w.mweifpn 0100p•PIp lerd.w......Y I. burs,.i ur 41.•S1.41..a pJs.dllpn/.rn frepa i,,.t...raroerr....a.t.r.rry yekn mrnJdora{Pup vcpu 4044r41anopuw.Mp err W u•.r.rn i W.1. W..,.pwe.m wl...eenul lvrra i0v err ndd.1vr000 .,.l W.Apr,.nuWe•15 WW1.. A,nu.ye v.4*r0lorI ,arou mwesWaait.wiry MAtW NeWein4mp L.frr.rpY Wd[q 6utkr WNa Ywru es,c gcarpvnfn a ldtrd IrrinnlW/M Cpepl.nWwurybrnaa dart .srµ mpp,•e.41.1.6e Nun 1 {,rv0•n,000t,Y,nrs pm'er,•h,a,byarnd„pyr4YWti,r paawygm.rNmwN.m I. SWNan rawae.$,,00..,rpwas..,prw.e,Mk,vdw khaltpnvvu.,w e.woriaW.aad.bN •rer PP.1 4-411u.pc aYnnr Wra.etre<d Mtrr,rp,•tutu Nl..,W,..t a0re,ed eeolea•Map WI,-J/uwapwaremM.wu W„n.4gW ,nuM.bpnaqua Olaue.rl•kpv.••f4„S e„nna et.....NY.not it ulNnW uppvio ♦ Sppe.0ln4..w....w..r0.00r1Ka,n.10..rylnhe Iced P. Warra.4.111 nrr.w,orsm .. it4•pe:+0{001mnob m.,r,[..-a MOM orel:wfr,pmr+l4tm.. im,J.e.nn,.v•. :,r4.-,e.nwrr. •p.a ____ .,a... na w.•win-agate,l.d,...rr.a.,..,.u\a..n4.amw PasndkrN,.n4at..nxp.•pt hrnrp,.rd,eJ {wMw 1.1 ✓4.1. , NdrarSPwd[I,.t .yger.b Ma WnleN.l.,ra pb,6r�YradttV S..34 u,, ••7r,Sr npN.akdwayp.wvd.•H•Neuan5.i*e•..eWver.WWe,bMa Mr tr•vp.rw .,.[NS a.SIern dram'Ppc.P1&Nm.1.11401.11.01N.y.+{n cot 1...17.evil« mato 01 rer4W0.55•p.,ra,4r.%S...Qt. yMrMg•nyu,waw.if•NUM NA1rr.paWr f.r4 ragk,.run•bttl.rayaa ery«ku•{anW,r.dh'aJunY••,e Ve Fl4 M,.JyrrA, aunts.gnn'el IVn.0tr.f..t usrwr.,P..Wy..w,M1«rm,».alo.si rrwNn...l.n,u bl.J,... ,oboe Ida:,/Puspposvw •...,he a rvgl.NrrdNrq.,'..ae:.Mb WNarklo.*.1ylp.V tp•wu„dk.p`..t4Cm. w0. 111E, anr..aywh.rmv..um.nm.adb.{.Mpld rtw..p N00.lera*..N Crrvua. rvY4 aY tla dr.t.r,V.P.elate M r.Jva r N aM1,U,r,n rr Prval e..ar.•d b,r,rM5 kd.laagvY p.Y.•W,4.119 Mplr1 w mdd V.•.Up.rYNm Snip mOM taanw W Lase, i 1.0.1M.y,ubr apt en pLLb.,.*.a area.gm wrote A...nnrp4O0W,ut oq., ,1i..11.1 provici I P.apPur rump Prvpmm.,pa.0..W.,r.eYupupµp.ldyMq.n[I..•KUYL4.pa•Ym••a ev,.le.rorW pad•W wonelpn du. u.l.lrr Mt IN r•pnwrhmm.Y lS lfenb,r,da l.daad,eMpms,.adplen ol....rr.e.q Scp.m ea.d alp. ad.art., ..rd<abdlerrM how dxlyMl Maniro mtnM1[nuwa MnawiiltSWrmnr raM41.•gnn.,tra t tpkr NyNrsp0Misana.*p dime J.aruuaa.ton uluun W error lrtl.e•,0 W..4Y0W WpaJ. _n,11 ▪W.ynrWlcd .a.ful.NhWS.p/r1.10..►k••.s..W.•-•••4.0.nrra3lrerlb prld•d... Ill „a.10SAMMatiM ms1 111 G rv:•,grn6u,rd.,40u,t1,p.m0,m,ra Wne.ea..•r•n•envfr.•...-.,,e.+n•,Y>al0u.v+M Y{•tl run <aautaa uN o.o.,0a•rmr+rr,•urNSerr0n...ep•npfMalnbWunl.e.r..•w44Y/m,.Iren Po,l00001lyn ud.Wp .raw ntup atenb sn 0deefroe..aNwtda,.btr1 Nywk••.,i,a,rr}I.1.n.ts.unb.pnON.tra,mmw,knw..y me:..rn✓aemmaw.gr«I.:,ay re 1n gwlbptl.w Lk.et 4&flt4 Jr.gOdNN. qot tprf re.I....r.'iV...rut n[Mine W.',cwan FU evurti..nuu mneW,p.g»Iwwn�He...aunnkgY 1 pow.ad,,party y Mvgr r.m r•PNan p•r W.Popp.rd Op•n«Oil., Tiro WUP. .n nudpd dm he*N can den...4 I...Mr...,an meal 4•Wrpad..0.q npn..Nnllmq.WL.M, OOP Pulp .. vnaep+nn.n,nrvn.rrraaapr•ti"ap„w,VougaVY.ao.T,r,gkkdd.MYM mar OWSrg u wupu.u[0nn Ps*a ssx.es b=asIts.b,wn✓<a,dl,Usti we mtdeln,.v 41.I.e". If*. S.le warttstdinlSS,Ots•leolVs,s,101fort.Ochs ifs,.weeknrl Mt.so.IssllleOrwb 4nm,«.144 �I. . dr . hS en+y [ .. 00 0 pus pep. ydu,r V.ur••Jrtrdr, w m•flnwn IUNr+Y e 00, alle wey.rduSFYu O,I..4 .4.4.pedaenu .100 40.S 0004un dNMq wt 0 «sy,nr .44n000prvr W.fh.,. nil pntifrod1.Imu•It*m Of the Is..et SYSVIr•ddeS.S.tiOsi rruccpd.Mf,0.NM,oa 040..hoA,alaaledn0em«m.0 Sa.pnd•wm.Snq,ennw,r,4M. ups Pp pularpd.O,V,ayrn Put ..rn.uf W0. unlru,rla0,W....Ors 6.O...,m used 1. S*,dw%r.wa.PPP lm.w,.mltrem!Po 0,.0.10 rPtecv PPP an pep,.Pul,..WWNUWl .YAM 1m'11litil,Mrs Pr, • S.,drwlm.nw•.,mNMWegW 140101,.y mane mUnlls We 04ap.1.n4.•n•.14/w.wn kdw4.L.Sd,ant Oap,l e1.w1411e0b W uupY Ip1eA ulNestrus Vra11.wnerp Arad Im�hpupaMugn1 01.00w1v1 Iv Narp.n.n l M.1dMtl e,WOrae.,l.a.,r'mr��t•fYMrmm 4,0,..tWya.bJfpl fa Ndd«m,euknq lJpgpr/ r 1pu .0 • Iue400dgbdlVrrm,u..ernNMYur.,W„W w<Iy W,md opm*.ewtrN 1aS1uP. marvn3 Sa+,M1e.•k/'. re .. gdrrf•r.l,i,•.metlnrn.1tryP. 4. • 1wpwild4a,m.,•Sarmdtmem..[rymrrai pr/pwai•0.14 uMahPe4114 uve Pp.4 .pm druna,dM Se.dlinnpW p.lAna.awNywar n ua..n+H..r NOenN uw PP r .trarrq, r•µdrypa.lr • pup..ifpp�,.w.nwa.0 y Pork,et1 IWa.nw•na kerro.«wa t. n,.wnNyn.au,'aulwnd.,ernd,a.e.na.vm.m..nva+.t unMurd•,Suuw Y.rnt an.nnrNryN memo b.nn,ea[r Nugf.ed.0l 0.rna.r.rrnNbu mn plry4.a•m•aNM WW,.Ir1M.rw raN)/u[al.eprS W-M34rnma rme.nN.oncpr3•ry 400.4 b,erdu.rernpenrOM prS.na1..p,flrq r,.vinIt 1nr01. u..bMrm..o.on W r,-0 Sun ju0 i4./ro ofrdga..pmn+."0.1on.rp.M4eaW,.rrdt.&lo,*.ynfmaIM0•m.0vIO rnek.000.11'n Au 6Me.more at ru,.n hm md.y way.m ilk•Nd.y b PPP.w,edm'r nM hq tray 1 u N r e a.w'u•'n1 r 0 I .Il:P!I..I•I.. !Y.N!lNNs!�iMH11WW111:i:i1@N;lll'Mf .I;1!!!!!;M!�!?!!h:,IMx!r;N•Nf!!I!I!iMN1Y,lyyll�JlM!;ji=i•!•!:!!i;...:.i:: ..:::i :::rlu:iva:eii.. ..'tilt!ii:i:::i::::iii::i::;j:is1:=1:::iii:isisii::i::ti::u::is:i::i:»l.!i::ittli:xi:x::iiii ' ,�+.}'�,l}}s:I .,;';}�. !}"'.. sa!'1..! r.,� , ..f.i 1.J,.,?I:. .ti I riiii}:alit t�i :N:i:xiLx' ..3..!t Iinl;lx!!...1.»in.!!=u.!!.:tau••'•;' .. 1 ••,INIII iiiiII!•a 1.IIIpi.3.,!.!.•i Ia.!a!•:•:!!'' . clan iIIInN:Nr. 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O al Uo Q I 0 a To it, I _c V ,� , irio -.1 Ij iii V V VVV i' ii a) a) a) a) a), a) a) a) a) a)0 N NNN C Y Y YY Y O C C Cc c t 3 3 33 3 2 0 0 00 0 y 1 II1- o 0 00 0- -O -o -0 -0 -0) a) a) a) a) a)0 N 0 N 0 o co v of v► ✓ v v w w v" 0 0 0 C C C o O o 0 0 0 -o -o v tn Current System Description Current System Description Tab provides space for a short description of who the applicant is and what services they provide.The form is in a question and answer format with designated text boxes(the applicant's response to the question must not exceed the Instructions:space provided or word counts where indicated).If the applicant is a CTC,relevant pages of a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan(TDSP)and Annual Operating Report(AOR)containing the above information may be provided within TransCIP. Maximum Word Questions: Response Count Word Count The Collier County Board of County Commissioners is the governing body for the Public Transportation system in Collier County.The Public Transportation system,Collier Area Please provide a brief general overview of the organization type(i.e.,government Transit(CAT)operates under the supervision of the Collier County Division of Public authority,private non-profit,etc.)including: Transit&Neighborhood Enhancement(PTNE)for the Collier County Transportation Management Services Department.CAT serves as the public transit provider for Collier County,serving Naples,Marco Island,and Immokalee areas. 100 68 It is the mission of CAT to provide safe,accessible and courteous public transportation Program mission services to our customers. 100 18 Collier County's goals are to operate reliable,convenient,and cost-effective mobility services that safely and efficently meet the mobility needs of its workers,residents and visitors.We strive to accomplish this by increasing the resiliency of Collier County by, protecting our man-made and natural resources;providing attractive and convenient Program goals mobility alternatives that will reduce adverse carbon and environmental impacts within our communities,as well as building meaningful partnerships that increase awareness':., and education of and about mobility options and increase the viability of mobility services to promote livabilty and enhance economic and social well being 100 95 Collier County's objectives to achieve its goals are to improve efficiency,service quality, and level of service to adequately structure transit service with a focus on providing job access for workforce and access to mobility for persons with limited access to a private automobile;Create an optimized interconnected multimodal mobility network designed Program objectives to fit the range of needs and conditions for the service market)and Provide services and programs to reduce vehicle miles traveled within Collier County by coordinating integrated land use and transportation planning efforts to incorporate transit needs into the deviopment review and approval process. 100 97 Service hours for these routes vary from as early as 3:45 AM to as late as 8:20 PM.The service planned for this grant will provide access for people in non-urbanized areas of Collier County.Funds from this grant will be used to continue operation of fixed route to Service,route,and trip types provided provide acess for people in non-urbanized areas to health care,shopping,education, employment,public services and recreation.Because many of these services are not available in the rural area,most people must travel to the urban areas in order to recent these services. _ _., 100 92 Total number of employees in organization 128 Total number of operators(including volunteer drivers) 83 Total number of transportation-related employees in the organization 7 • Identify the personnel responsible for the following transportation program functions(Name,Title,Email,Phone): Insurance Mark Moujabber,General Manager,MarkMoujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Training(e.g.,wheelchair lift operation,passenger assistance) Mark Moujabber,General Manager,Mark.Moujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Management Mark Moujabber,General Manager,Mark.Moujabber@colliercountyfl.gov,239-252-4983 Administration(e.g.,records maintenance) Omar De Leon,Transit Manager,Omar.DeLeon@coillercountyfl.gov,239-252-4996 The operations are funded through the Federal Transit Administration 5307,5310,and? 5311 programs,Florida Department of Transportation,Agency for persons with What are the sources of the transportation program's funding for operations(e.g., Disabilities,Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and local fundin',. state,local,federal,private foundations,fares,other program fees?)? programs.These include funding for individuals with disabilities,low income,and Bide in both the ubranized and non-urbanized areas of the County. - 200 54 WIIT, According to the 2010 Census,a majority of Collier County's workforce lives in the run area and the majority of the activity centers which include major employers,health car.&: centers,and public services are within the urban area.The recent TDP Major update To what extent does your agency serve minority populations? included public surveys of the ridership with approximately 1,000 responses.The respondents had ethnic origins of 38%Hispanic/Latino and 25%Black/African America All CAT routes serve a minority census block group,48%of route miles are within minority block. 100 82 Is your agency minority-owned? No SO t ) All vehicles are maintained by the Collier County Fleet Management Division staff --. Briefly describe your agency's vehicle maintenance program.Which services are specifically assigned to Transit at the CAT Operations Center located at 8300 Radio Ro' outsourced(e.g.,oil changes)?How are vehicles are maintained without A preventative maintenance schedule for all CAT vehicles is maintained by fleet staff tot interruptions in service? ensure vehicles are malntainted without interrupting transportation service. 100 48 Service Characteristics The service characteristics sheet is used to determine and report the anticipated quantitative impacts of the proposed project on your agency's transportation program.A calculation column has been provided to calculate the necessary data for both the current Instructions:transportation program and if awarded.Please include the source of the data,e.g.,Trapeze,direct observation,driver logs, maintenance records,etc. Service Characteristic Value Data Collection/Calculation Method Completion Check Unlinked Passenger Trips(UPI! The number of boardings on public transportation vehicles during the fiscal year. Transit agencies must count passengers each time they board vehicles,no matter how many vehicles they use to travel from their origin to their destination.If a transit vehicle changes routes while passengers are onboard(interlining),transit agencies should not recount the passengers.Employees or contractors on transit agency business are not passengers.For demand response(OR)modes,transit agencies must include personal care attendants and companions in UPT counts as long as they are not employees of the transit agency.This includes attendants and companions that ride fare free. 186,567 Electronic farebox and Mobile Fare Application COMPLETE Unduplicated Passengers per Year Unique(non-repeat)passengers served within the reporting year 186,567 Electronic farebox and Mobile Fare Application COMPLETE Activity Line Item Codes Vehicles Description ALI Code Bus - Replacement Over 30' 11.12.03 Bus - Expansion Over 30' 11.13.03 Bus - Replacement Under 30' 11.12.04 Bus - Expansion Under 30' 11.13.04 Vans - Replacement 11.12.15 Vans - Expansion 11.13.15 Sedan - Replacement 11.12.16 Sedan - Expansion 11.13.16 Equipment Description ALI Code Bus Passenger Shelters Acquisition 11.32.10 Shop Equipment Acquisition 11.42.06 ADP Hardware Acquisition 11.42.07 ADP Software Acquisition 11.42.08 Surveillance/Security(Bus)Acquisition 11.42.09 Fare Collection (Mobile)Acquisition 11.42.10 Support Vehicles Acquisition 11.42.11 Miscellaneous Equipment Acquisition 11.42.20 Radios Acquisition 11.62.03 Radios Construction 11.63.03 Facilities Description ALI Code Admin Building Engineering & Design 11.41.01 Admin Building Acquisition 11.42.01 Admin Building Construction 11.43.01 Admin Building Rehab/Renovation 11.44.01 Admin Building Lease 11.46.01 Maintenance Facility Engineering & Design 11.41.02 Maintenance Facility Acquisition 11.42.02 Maintenance Facility Construction 11.43.02 Maintenance Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.02 Maintenance Facility Lease 11.46.02 Admin/Maint Facility Engineering &Design 11.41.03 Admin/Maint Facility Acquisition 11.42.03 Admin/Maint Facility Construction 11.43.03 Admin/Maint Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.03 Admin/Maint Facility Lease 11.46.03 Storage Facility Engineering & Design 11.41.04 Storage Facility Acquisition 11.42.04 Storage Facility Construction 11.43.04 Storage Facility Rehab/Renovation 11.44.04 Storage Facility Lease 11.46.04 Yards&Shops Engineering & Design 11.41.05 Yards &Shops Acquisition 11.42.05 Yards &Shops Construction 11.43.05 Yards &Shops Rehab/Renovation 11.44.05 Yards&Shops Lease 11.46.05 rQ" 2 ! ƒ I, - \ IJ RI ƒ j - r ! of \ ) () _ ) f - c \ la c } Z \ \ \g If \ •: \ \ \_ tk � \ vo - _ K \ � \ \ } E \ { EE \ \ ` C \ ) i % | ± } \ } ! ƒ { J O. 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Z.; N -O r V a) x y N y c m Is' v Q 0 o c a m '° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V V R O. 6 ym N N N N N N N N N E 'v^ v H 0 iiE ItY ,, t m ta V'? o v° n N N N N M N N N N A d a, v a, Q IO vs m c_ c y c en to .c n o -0 Y n H V . ill 3 > > N Ill �.l 'o a o t0 Ol o A p p d V M....:: a w C I II od rn 10 i° .0 3 ._ _ Y o v_ v U nl j F a O O i v a o Q a ' 1011111 O -o Oi D h N . C N v a Ti , Q a y H cn . N 9. L 6 V c YO N m 1111111M III o d y v E N v .,:,E m m ,I lID 4, '^a a v 'en oo N v o rn .0 w N > >. 0 0 o n E Z• a., m 1 w D o z 8 o c Eo` c a £ ° E E A o E E o m v v " C > 1111111111 O N 3 Nu w v o a ii a vv vE Q a, o ` > y c ua, N I EHi I !; m` oOPP c a > ,o an E c D N Y m ° o ,, t, oo 5 E u.n w 1!!!!!117 o c v Yc fl. O , -c .` m .. 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C CO 7 N a Y CO D N U 0 4 a) E y o E a) o L, a c a, C c C D O > ( v Q o .N VI o C v, `o 0 o. C a) C0 . E v a s .a ,o m C C u c c a, N -c U E o v N v c v u a v o o N N N N 'aj N co a -D '�, C al O D CO L L,1 C, O m a E u .°n w oD u aai '7 ° '� 0- u `N c o co vv, C + •... y Q C a CU-C C N C ,a N D C o N o c iD u V1 a) m c v c O )a H Cr ,� a,, '� _ .o .c c c E v1 E ° v ° .0 C C o E -o C Q- v' a 03 o ++ = p vCO C v 3 u a, p o c C 4" L M D ns E •VI )J c a o - 0 6 rn '� a 0) a) o Y 5 E ;) " D c o a v a, '�. a ar a E a, Y c '� >, o E rn ro V u 0 u a y 0 C 0 3 U o Y .� C o ai - E °Y' n` a a) tea, E as E c u c' Y v a) 0 a, p 0 C v 0 CO 'D N O 0 a a C •m a) .c 2 a, a) C E C C a) "O o. -D C a) 'D C N • to y )0 ` Y -D YO N E C a •o D O •0 a, p C C 01 c p `o c .3 t•, .� ') .01 0 O Yn L d c m p_ a 0 0 0 •Q a, F- . 'D CO C N "O w C •v C C) N C '0 pa al D a) 0 0 a c v •'cL. 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Iiii ih tLilliIiihi llI!i !t !i1 3ii!!fl!1i = II Iii 111i1Ii 'iz'� d3i � ai8FE �g rt- {i \ }j q|{ }\ . / \ ICI (; _ k t;i, ) }{. _ i ,|;| . j j i } ) ; \} \ j \ \ | ) 3 ^i ! t ! I C i 1 0 0 i i s ||; . Q Rg I /f , ! t ! 2 | \|i| ! ! }}\ - ) } I § . 4 ! \ \ k « j \/{I{ ! K t II) a ( I \ 1 _ | ! � , { ) ` i !` i| ! i ; ; !f! II !) 2� ® .1 § \ |�{ I ■ ,f } ! if | / ! }$\ \2 ; \ 7 . : . .. _ ; „ _ „ _ _ _ _ 2 _ . A• . . . 2 ] ] r 1 5 411. 4 4 ritti PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Published Daily Naples, FL 34110 COLLIER AREA TRANSIT -LEGALS 8300 RADIO RD Public Notice NAPLES,FL 34104-5428 Public Notice is hereby given that Collier County will apply to the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for a capital grant under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as Affidavit of Publication amended, for the purchase of three(4)replacement paratransit vehicles. Collier County will apply to FDOT for a grant under STATE OF WISCONSIN Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991,as amended, for COUNTY OF BROWN the purchase of one (1) replacement fixed-route bus. Collier County will also apply to FDOT for a grant under Section 5339 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended for the purchase Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, of one(1)replacement fixed-route bus. Each of these purchases would be intended for the provision of public transit services personally appeared said legal clerk who on oath says that within Collier County,FL. he/she serves as Legal Clerk of the Naples Daily News, a This notice is to provide an opportunity for a Public Nearing for daily newspaper published at Naples. in Collier County, these projects.This public notice is to ensure that these projects distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida: and the contemplated services will not duplicate current or pro- Florida; posed services provided by existing transit or paratransit opera- that the attached copy of the advertising was published in tors in the area. This hearing will be conducted if and only if a said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further says that the written request for the hearing is received by December 2nd 2022. Requests for a hearing must be sent to Michelle E.Arnold said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Collier Area Transit, 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, Florida 34104 and Naples, In said Collier County, Florida, and that the said copy to FDOT, District One Modal Development Office/Public Transit Southwest Urban Area Office at 801 North Broadway, newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Bartow, FL 33830. Any interested party may obtain more infor- said mation about these grants by contacting the PTNE Division at (239) 252.5840 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday Collier County,Florida;distributed in Collier and Lee through Friday. counties of Florida,each day and has been entered as Persons who require special accommodations under the Ameri- second class mail matter at the post office in Naples,in cans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation said Collier County,Florida,for a period of one year next services should contact Michelle E.Arnold at michelle.arnoldeco Iliercountyfl.gov, Collier County Public Services Department, preceding the first publication of the attached copy of Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Division 8300 Ra- advertisement;and affiant further says that he has neither dio Rd,Naples,FL 34104;(239)252-5840. paid nor promised any person,or corporation any discount, Collier Area Transit operates in compliance with Federal Transit rebate,commission or refund for the purpose of securing Administration, (FTA) program requirements and ensures that transit services are made available and equitably distributed and this advertisement for publication In said newspaper provides equal access and mobility to any person without re- issues)dated or by publication on the newspaper's gard to race,color, or national origin; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;FTA Circular 4702.1A, 'Title VI and Title VI Depend- website,if authorized,on ent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients." Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against on these conditions may file a complaint with the Florida Com- mission on Human Relations at 850-488-7082 or 800-342-8170 Issue(s)dated:11/14/2022 (voice s Enterprise (DBE) Area Transit7 has a Disadvantaged �`4:1 Business Enterprise(DBE)goal of 1.77%. Nuv 14,2022 45485395 Subscribed and sworn to before on November 1;;,2022: L 4 rtNotary,State of WI,/2e nty of Brown /y( My commission expires Publication Cost:$350.00 Ad No:0005485395 Customer No:1450756 KATHLEEN ALLEN PO#: Notary Public #of Affidavits: 1 State of Wisconsin This is not an invoice rQ� EXHIBIT H: CTC Agreement Contract# TD-1803 Effective: 7/1/18 to 6/30/2023 STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is between the COMMISSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED, hereby referred to as the "Commission," and Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Collier Area Transit, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112 the COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR, designated pursuant to Chapter 427, F.S., to serve the transportation disadvantaged for the community that includes the entire area of Collier county(ies), and hereafter referred to as the"Coordinator." This Agreement is made in consideration of the mutual benefits to both parties; said consideration acknowledged hereto by the parties as good and valuable consideration. The Parties Agree: 1. The Coordinator Shall: A. Become and remain totally apprised of all of the Transportation Disadvantaged resources available or planned in their designated service area. This knowledge will be used to plan, coordinate, and implement the most cost effective transportation disadvantaged transit system possible under the economic and other conditions that exist in the designated service area. B. Plan and work with Community Transportation Coordinators in adjacent and other areas of the state to coordinate the provision of community trips that might be handled at a lower overall cost to the community by another Coordinator. This includes honoring any Commission-approved statewide certification program that allows for Intercounty transportation opportunities.• C. Arrange for all services in accordance with Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, and Rule 41-2, FAC,and as further required by the Commission and the local Coordinating Board approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. D. Return any acquired profits or surplus funds originating through the course of business as the Coordinator that are beyond the amounts(s) specifically identified and approved In the accompanying Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. Such profits or funds shall be returned to the Coordinator's transportation system or to any subsequent Coordinator, as a total transportation system subsidy, to be applied to the immediate following operational year. The Coordinator will include similar language In all coordination contracts to assure that transportation disadvantaged related revenues are put back into transportation disadvantaged services. Rev. 04/02/2012 Page 20 E. Accomplish this Project by: 1. Developing a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan for approval by the local Coordinating Board and the Commission. Coordinators who are newly designated to a particular service area shall submit a local Coordinating Board approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan, within 120 calendar days following the execution of the Coordinator's initial memorandum of agreement with the Commission, for approval by the Commission. All subsequent Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plans shall be submitted and approved with the corresponding memorandum of agreement. The approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan will be implemented and monitored to provide for community-wide transportation services for purchase by non-sponsored transportation disadvantaged persons, contracting social service agencies,and other entities that use local, state, or federal government funds for the purchase of transportation for the transportation disadvantaged. 2. Maximizing the use of available public school transportation resources and public fixed route or fixed schedule transit services and assuring that private or public transit, paratransit operators, and school boards have been afforded a fair opportunity to participate to the maximum extent feasible in the planning process and in the development of the provisions of the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan for the transportation disadvantaged. 3.. Providing or arranging 24-hour,7-day per week transportation disadvantaged service as required in the designated service area by any Federal,State or Local Government agency sponsoring such services. The provision of said services shall be furnished in accordance with the prior notification requirements Identified in the local Coordinating Board and Commission approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. 4. Complying with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations that apply to the provision of transportation disadvantaged services. 5. Submitting to the Commission an Annual Operating Report detailing demographic, operational, and financial data regarding coordination activities In the designated service area. The report shall be prepared on forms provided by the Commission and according to the instructions of said forms. F. Comply with Audit and Record Keeping Requirements by: , 1. Utilizing the Commission recognized Chart of Accounts defined in the Transportation Accounting Consortium Model Uniform Accounting System for Rural and Specialized Transportation Providers (uniform accounting system) for all transportation disadvantaged accounting and reporting purposes. Community Transportation Coordinators with existing and equivalent accounting systems are not required to adopt the Chart of Accounts in lieu of their existing Chart of Accounts but shall prepare all reports, invoices, and fiscal documents relating to the transportation disadvantaged functions and activities using the chart of accounts and accounting definitions as outlined in the above referenced manual. Rev. 04/02/2012 2 Page 21 2. Assuming the responsibility of invoicing for any transportation services arranged, unless otherwise stipulated by a purchase of service contract or coordination contract. 3. Maintaining and filing with the Commission, local Coordinating Board, and all purchasing agencies/entities such progress, fiscal, inventory, and other reports as those entities may require during the period of this Agreement. 4. Providing copies of finance and compliance audits to the Commission and local Coordinating Board as requested by the Commission or local Coordinating Board. G. Retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this Agreement for a period of five (5) years after termination of this Agreement. If an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of five (5) years, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. The Coordinator shall assure that these records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit at all reasonable times by persons duly authorized by the Commission or this Agreement. They shall have full access to'and the right to examine any of the said records and documents during the retention period. H. Comply with Safety Requirements by: 1. Complying with Section 341.061, F.S., and Rule 14-90, FAC, concerning System Safety; or complying with Chapter 234.051, F.S., regarding school bus safety requirements for those services provided through a school board; and • 2. • Assuring compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and Commission policies relating to drug testing. Conduct drug and alcohol testing for safety sensitive job positions within the coordinated system regarding pre-employment, randomization, post-accident, and reasonable suspicion as required by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration. Comply with Commission insurance requirements by maintaining at least minimum liability insurance coverage in the amount of $200,000 for any one person and $300,000 per occurrence at all times during the existence of this Agreement for all transportation services purchased or provided for the transportation disadvantaged through the Community Transportation Coordinator. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Coordinator shall add the Commission as an additional named Insured to all insurance policies covering vehicles transporting the transportation disadvantaged. In the event of any cancellation or changes in the limits of liability in the insurance policy, the insurance agent or broker shall notify the Commission. The Coordinator shall insure that contracting transportation operators and coordination contractors also maintain the same minimum liability insurance, or an equal governmental insurance program. Insurance coverage in excess of$1 million per occurrence must be approved by the Commission and the local Coordinating Board before inclusion in the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan or in the justification of rates and fare structures. Such coverage may be provided by a self-insurance program established and operating under the laws of the State of Florida and written verification of insurance protection in accordance with Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, shall be provided to the Commission upon request. Rev. 04/Q2/2012 3 Page 22 tn J. Safeguard information by not using or disclosing any information concerning a user of services under this Agreement for any purpose not in conformity with the local, state and federal regulations (45 CFR, Part 205.50), except upon order of a court,written consent of the recipient, or his/her responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law. K. Protect Civil Rights by: 1. Complying with state and federal laws including but not limited to laws regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,or national origin. The Coordinator gives this assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining federal grants, loans, contracts (except contracts of insurance or guaranty), property, discounts, or other federal financial assistance to programs or activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance and agreeing to complete a Civil Rights Compliance Questionnaire if so requested by the Commission. 2. Agreeing that compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of or benefit from federal financial assistance, and that it is binding upon the Coordinator, its successors, subcontractors,transferee, and assignees for the period during which such assistance Is provided. Assure that all operators, subcontractors, subgrantee, or others with whom the Coordinator arranges to provide services or benefits to participants or employees in connection with any of its programs and activities are not discriminating against those participants or employees in violation of the above statutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards. In the event of failure to comply, the Coordinator agrees that the Commission may, at its discretion, seek a court order requiring compliance with the terms of this assurance or seek other appropriate judicial or administrative relief, to include assistance being terminated and further assistance being denied. L. To the extent allowed by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and only to the monetary and • other limitations contained therein, indemnify and hold harmless the Commission and all of the Commission's members, officers, agents, and employees; purchasing agency/entity officers, agents, and employees; and the local, state, and federal governments from any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge or expense arising out of any act, action, neglect or omission by the Coordinator during the performance of this Agreement, whether direct or indirect, and whether to any person or property to which the Commission or said parties may be subject, except that neither the Coordinator nor any of its sub-contractors will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the Commission or any of its members, officers, agents or employees; purchasing agency/entity, officers, agents, and employees; and local, state, or federal governments. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any agency/entity or Coordinator to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency/entity or political subdivision of the State of Florida or the federal government to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any Agreement or contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes,no agency or subdivision of the state • shall be required to indemnify, insure, or assume any liability for the Commission's negligence. Rev. 04/02/2012 4 Page 23 Cry M. Comply with standards and performance requirements of the Commission, the. local Coordinating Board approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan, and any purchase of service contracting agencies/entities. Failure to meet the requirements or obligations set forth in this MOA, and performance requirements established and monitored by the local Coordinating Board in the approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan,shall be due cause for non-payment of reimbursement invoices until such deficiencies have been addressed or corrected to the satisfaction of the Commission. N. Comply with subcontracting requirements by executing or negotiating contracts for transportation services with Transportation Operators and Coordination Contractors, and assuring that the conditions of such contracts are maintained. The requirements of Part 1, Paragraph E.S. through M are to.be included in all contracts, subcontracts, coordination contracts, and assignments made by the Coordinator for services under this Agreement. Said contracts, subcontracts, coordination contracts, and assignments will be reviewed and approved annually by the Coordinator and local Coordinating Board for conformance with the requirements Of this Agreement. 0. Comply with the following requirements concerning drivers and vehicles: 1. Drivers for paratransit services, including coordination contractors, shall be required to announce and identify themselves by name and company in a manner that is conducive to communications with the specific passenger, upon pickup of each rider, group of riders, or representative, guardian, or associate of the rider, except in situations where the driver regularly transports the rider on a recurring basis. Each driver must have photo identification that is in view of the passenger. Name patches, inscriptions or badges that affix to driver clothing are acceptable. For transit services, the driver photo identification shall be in a conspicuous location In the vehicle. 2. The paratransit driver shall provide the passenger with boarding assistance, if necessary or requested, to the seating portion of the vehicle. The boarding assistance shall include opening the vehicle door,fastening the seat belt or utilization of wheelchair securement devices, storage of mobility assistive devices, and closing the vehicle door. in certain paratransit service categories, the driver may also be required to open and close doors to buildings,except in situations in which assistance in opening/closing building doors would not be safe for passengers remaining on the vehicle. Assisted'access must be in a dignified manner. Drivers may not assist wheelchair up or down more than one step, unless it can be performed safely as determined by the passenger, guardian, and driver. 3. All vehicles shall be equipped with two-way communications in good working order and be audible to the driver at all times to the base. 4. All vehicles providing service within the coordinated system, shall have working air conditioners and heaters in each vehicle. Vehicles that do not have a working air conditioner or heater will be scheduled for repair or replacement as soon as possible, Rev. 04/02/2012 5 Page 24 P. Comply with other requirements as follows: 1. Transport an escort of a passenger and dependent children ah locally negotiated and identified in the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. 2. Determine locally in the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan, the use, responsibility, and cost of child restraint devices. 3. Transport with the passenger at no additional charge, passenger property that can be carried by the passenger and/or driver in one trip and can be safely stowed on the vehicle. Additional requirements may be negotiated for carrying and loading rider property beyond this amount. Passenger property does not include wheelchairs, child seats, stretchers, secured oxygen, personal assistive devices, .or intravenous devices. 4. Provide shelter, security, and safety of passengers at vehicle transfer points. 5. Post a local or other toll-free number for complaints or grievances inside each vehicle, The local complaint process shall be outlined as a section in the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan including advising the dissatisfied person about the Commission's Ombudsman Program as a step within the process as approved by the local Coordinating Board. 6. Provide out-of-service-area trips, when determined locally and approved by the local Coordinating Board, except in instances where local ordinances prohibit such trips. 7. Keep interior of all vehicles free from dirt, grime, oil, trash, torn upholstery, damaged or broken seats, protruding metal or other objects or materials which could soil items placed in the vehicle or provide discomfort for the passenger. 8. Determine locally by the local Coordinating Board and provide In the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan the billing requirements of the Community Transportation Coordinator. All bills shall be paid to subcontractors within 7 calendar days after receipt of said payment by the Coordinator, In accordance with Section 287.0585, Florida Statutes. 9. Maintain or have access to a passenger/trip database on each rider being transported within the system. 10. Provide each rider and escort, child, or personal care attendant adequate seating for paratransit services. No more passengers than the registered passenger seating capacity shall be scheduled or transported in a vehicle at any time. For transit services provided by transit vehicles, adequate seating or standing space will be provided to each rider and escort, child, or personal care attendant, and no more passengers than the registered passenger seating or standing capacity shall be scheduled or transported in a vehicle at any time. 11. First Aid shall be determined locally and provided in the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. Rev. 04/02/2012 6 Page 25 12. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation shall be determined locally and provided in the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. II. The Commission Shall: A. Recognize the Coordinator as the entity described in Section 427.011(5), Florida Statutes, and Rule 41-2.002(4), F.A.C. B. Attempt to insure that all entitles with transportation disadvantaged funds will purchase transportation disadvantaged services through the Coordinator's system. Ill. The Coordinator and the Commission Further Agree: A. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the Commission to observe or enforce compliance with any provision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in contravention of any applicable state law. If any of the provisions of this Agreement is found by a court of law to violate any applicable state law, the purchasing agency/entity will at once notify the Commission in writing in order that appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the Commission and the Coordinator to the end that the Coordinator may proceed as soon as possible with the provision of transportation services. B. If any part or provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto. C. Termination Conditions: 1. Termination at Will-This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon no less than thirty(30) days notice, without cause. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt required, or in person with proof of delivery. 2. Termination for Breach - Unless the Coordinator's breach is waived by the Commission in writing, the Commission may, by written notice to the Coordinator, terminate this Agreement upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. Waiver by the Commission of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement, and shall not act as a . waiver or estoppel to enforcement of any provision of this Agreement. The provisions herein do not limit the Commission's right to remedies at law or to damages. D. This agreement will expire unless an extension is granted to the Coordinator in writing by the Commission, in accordance with Chapter 287, Florida Statutes. E. Renegotiations or Modifications of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved by the Commission, and signed by both parties hereto. Rev. 04/02/2412 (1;1 7 Page 26 F. Notice and Contact: The name and address of the contract manager for the Commission for this Agreement is: Executive Director, 605 Suwannee Street, MS-49, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0460. The representative/position of the Coordinator responsible for administration of the program under this Agreement is: Ms. Michelle Arnold, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite 103, Naples, FL 34112 In the event that either party designates different representatives after execution of this Agreement, notice of the name and address of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the other party and said notification attached to originals of this Agreement. This document has been reviewed in its entirety and approved by the local Coordinating Board at its official meeting Id on May3, 2018. iotat- Coordinating Board Chairperson WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed. COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION STATE OF FLORIDA, COMMISSION FOR COORDINATOR: THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Collier Area Transit eoes\ 14,trnp-J Agency Name Printed Name of Authorized Individual Printed Name o ut Signature: .oac.,C..- „e,....a • Signature: Title: Executive Director Title: Chairman . Approve` 0 I and legality Jeffrey A.K I ko unty Attorney • Q' i 1,.k.1t.',•m• i�1''r�A F Rev. 09/02/2012 OWIGHTENR. `.„ t'l';,1�-5� ` 9,:i:,.4.. c , te5 Rest a f• 0 C ' L'�1'f1' Page 27 siortelttra mkt,. )own of t�ol1ier CLERK OF THE CIR UIT COURT Dwight E. Brock COLLIER COU 2Y CO THOUSE Clerk of Courts Clerk of Courts 3315 TAMTAMI TRL E STE 102 P.O.BOX 413044 Accountant NAPLES,FLORIDA NAPLES,FLORIDA Auditor 34112-5324 34101-3044 Custodian of County Funds ?t. June 13, 2018 John Paul Irvine FL Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station No. 49 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Memorandum of Agreement: State of Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged: Contract No. TD-1803 Mr.Irvine, Attached for further processing is an original copy of the MOA referenced above, approved by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners June 12, 2018. If your office requires further information regarding this mailing,please feel free to contact me at 239-252-8406. Thank you. DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk Attachment Page 28 Phone- (239) 252-2646 Fax-(239)252-2755 (76) Website- www.CollierClerk.com Email- CollierClerk@collierclerk.com FDOT Certification and Assurances Collier County Board of County Commissioners certifies and assures to the Florida Department of Transportation regarding its Application under U.S.C. Section 5339 dated 13 day of December,2022: 1 It shall adhere to all Certifications and Assurances made to the federal government in its Application. 2 It shall comply with Florida Statues: • Section 341.051-Administration and financing of public transit and intercity bus service programs and projects • Section 341.061 (2)-Transit Safety Standards; Inspections and System Safety Reviews • Section 252.42 - Government equipment, services and facilities: In the event of any emergency, the division may make available any equipment, services, or facilities owned or organized by the state or its political subdivisions for use in the affected area upon request of the duly constituted authority of the area or upon the request of any recognized and accredited relief agency through such duly constituted authority. 3 It shall comply with Florida Administrative Code (Rule Chapter 14-73—Public Transportation) • Rule Chapter 14-90-Equipment and Operational Safety Standards for Bus Transit Systems • Rule Chapter 14-90.0041-Medical Examination for Bus System Driver • Rule Chapter 41-2- 4 It shall comply with FDOT's: • Bus Transit System Safety Program Procedure No. 725-030-009 (Does not apply to Section 5310 only recipients) • Public Transit Substance Abuse Management Program Procedure No.725-030-035 • Transit Vehicle Inventory Management Procedure No.725-030-025 • Public Transportation Vehicle Leasing Procedure No, 725-030-001 • Guidelines for Acquiring Vehicles • Procurement Guidance for Transit Agencies Manual 5 It has the fiscal and managerial capability and legal authority to file the application. 6 Local matching funds will be available to purchase vehicles/equipment at the time an order is placed. 7 It will carry adequate insurance to maintain, repair, or replace project vehicles/equipment in the event of loss or damage due to an accident or casualty. 8 It will maintain project vehicles/equipment in good working order for the useful life of the vehicles/equipment. 9 It will return project vehicles/equipment to FDOT if, for any reason, they are no longer needed or used for the purpose intended. 10 It recognizes FDOT's authority to remove vehicles/equipment from its premises, at no cost to FDOT, if FDOT determines the vehicles/equipment are not used for the purpose intended, improperly maintained,uninsured,or operated unsafely. li It will not enter into any lease of project vehicles/equipment or contract for transportation services with any third party without prior approval of FDOT. 12 It will notify FDOT within 24 hours of any accident or casualty involving project vehicles/equipment and submit related reports as required by FDOT. 13 It will notify FDOT and request assistance if a vehicle becomes unserviceable. 14 It will submit an annual financial audit report to FDOT (FDOTSingleAuditPdot.state.n.us), if required. 15 It will undergo a triennial review and inspection by FDOT to determine compliance with the baseline requirements. If found not in compliance,it must send a progress report to the local FDOT District office on a quarterly basis outlining the agency's progress towards compliance. Dece 13th 2022 A/ D:te / a, p L / !4 L_,.?��.:� Signature of Authorized Representative Ala Willi.m L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative A.T ELT: CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CL K el! in Deputy Clerk Attest as to Chairman's signature only., Standard Lobbying Certification Form The undersigned Collier County Board of County Commissioners certifies,to the best of his or her knowledge and belief,that: 1 No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency,a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract,grant, loan,or cooperative agreement. 2 If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for making lobbying contacts to an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract,grant, loan,or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL,"Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," (a copy of the form can be obtained from FDOT's websitej. in accordance with its instructions[as amended by "Government wide Guidance for New Restrictions on Lobbying," 61 Fed. Reg. 1413(1/19/96). Note: Language in paragraph (2) herein has been modified in accordance with Section 10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995(P.L. 104-65,to be codified at 2 U.S.C. 1601,et seq.)] 3 The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements)and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31,U.S.C.§1352(as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995).Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. NOTE: Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1352(c)(1)-(2)(A),any person who makes a prohibited expenditure or fails to file or amend a required certification or disclosure form shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than$100,000 for each such expenditure or failure. The Collier County Board of County Commissioners, certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition,the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C.A 3801,et seq.,apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Dec ber13th,2022 Date fT ' Signature of Contractor's Authorized Official William L. McDaniel,Jr.-Chairman Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative ATTEST: YSTAL K. KINZEL. CLERK Deputy Clerk Attest as to Chairman's signature only. Leasing Certification MEMORANDUM for FTA 5339 Date: _December 13`h,2022 From: William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman (Typed name and title) (Signature) Collier County Board of County Commissioners (Typed or printed agency name) To: Florida Department of Transportation,District Office Modal Development Office/Public Transit Subject: FFY 2023 GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, CAPITAL GRANTS FOR NON-URBANIZED AREAS PROGRAM, 49 UNITED STATES CODE SECTION 5339 Leasing Will the Collier County Board of County Commissioners,as applicant to the Federal Transit Administration Section 5339 Program, lease the proposed vehicle(s) (or any other equipment that may be awarded to the Applicant)to a third-party? ❑Yes El No If yes,specify to whom: NOTE:It is the responsibility of the applicant agency to ensure District approval of all lease agreements. O Certification of Equivalent Service CERTIFICATION OF EQUIVALENT SERVICE Collier County Board of County Commissioners certifies that its demand responsive service offered to individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs, is equivalent to the level and quality of service offered to individuals without disabilities. Such service,when viewed in its entirety, is provided in the most integrated setting feasible and is equivalent with respect to: 1. Response time; 2. Fares; 3. Geographic service area; 4. Hours and days of service; 5. Restrictions on trip purpose; 6. Availability of information and reservation capability;and 7. Constraints on capacity or service availability. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 37, public entities operating demand responsive systems for the general public which receive financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. 5310, 5339, and 5311 of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds must file this certification with the appropriate state program office before procuring any non-accessible vehicle. Such public entities not receiving FTA funds shall also file the certification with the appropriate state office program. Such public entities receiving FTA funds under any other section of the FTA Programs must file the certification with the appropriate FTA regional office.This certification is valid for no longer than one year from its date of filing. Non-public transportation systems that serve their own clients, such as social service agencies,are required to complete this form. Executed this 13 day of December,2022 William L. McDaniel,Jr. -Chairman Typed Nami2/3 Titte of Authorized Representative Signature oorize Representative ATTEST: CRY TA K. KIN EL, CLERK • Deputy Ciork Attest as to Chairman's sinnaturp On►y OMB Number:4040-0004 Expiration Date:12/31/2022 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 •1.Type of Submission: •2.Type of Application: •If Revision,select appropriate letter(s): Preapplication ®New Application ❑Continuation •Other(Specify): ❑Changed/Corrected Application Revision "3.Date Received: 4.Applicant Identifier: 5a.Federal Entity Identifier: 5b.Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6.Date Received by State: 7.State Application Identifier: 1001 8.APPLICANT INFORMATION: 'a.Legal Name: Collier County Board of County Commissioners •b.Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number(EIN/TIN): •c.UEI: 56-6000558 JWKJKYRPLLU6 d.Address: •Streetl: 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 700 Street2: City: Naples County/Parish: *State: FL: Florida Province: *Country: USA: UNITED STATES •Zip/Postal Code: 34112-574 6 e.Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Transportation Management Svcs PTNE f.Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Mr, •First Name: Omar Middle Name: *Last Name: DeLeon Suffix: Title: Transit Manager Organizational Affiliation: Collier County •Telephone Number: 239-252-4996 Fax Number: •Email: Omar.DeLeon@colliercountyfl.gov Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 *9.Type of Applicant 1:Select Applicant Type: B: County Government Type of Applicant 2:Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3:Select Applicant Type: `Other(specify): 10.Name of Federal Agency: Federal Transit Administration 11.Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 20.526 CFDA Title: Bus and Bus Facilties Program *12.Funding Opportunity Number: *Title: 13.Competition Identification Number: Title: 14.Areas Affected by Project(Cities,Counties,States,etc.): 5339 Areas Affected.pdf Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 15.Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Capital Funding request to purchase one replacement 35ft fixed route bus to support bus service in the rural areas of Collier County. Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions. Add Attachments Delete Attachments View Attachments 1 ATTEST: YSTAL . "KINZ L, CLERK • Attest a 0_ al .s DepuW Clerk signature only. Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 16.Congressional Districts Of: 'a.Applicant 19/26 •b.Program/Project 19/26 Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Districts if needed. Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 17.Proposed Project: a.Start Date: 10/01/2023 'b.End Date: 09/30/2029 18.Estimated Funding($): 'a.Federal 99'7,410.00 *b.Applicant 'c.State 124,353.00 *d.Local *e.Other *f. Program Income *g.TOTAL 621,763.00 *19.Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? a.This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on • b.Program is subject to E.O.12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. c.Program is not covered by E.O.12372. *20.Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If"Yes,"provide explanation in attachment.) El Yes ®No If"Yes",provide explanation and attach Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 21.*By signing this application, I certify(1)to the statements contained in the list of certifications**and(2)that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances** and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award.I am aware that any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal,civil,or administrative penalties.(U.S.Code,Title 18,Section 1001) ® **I AGREE `'The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions. Authorized Representative: Prefix: Mr. *First Name: William Middle Name: L Last Name: McDaniel Suffix: Jr. 'Title: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners *Telephone Number: 239-252-8605 Fax Number *Email: Bill.McDaniel@colliercountyf1.gov J *Signature of Authorized Representative: *Date Signed: 12/13/2022 rt ��Q M N ` N • c u :' ... N -0Cev Z a) m -0 m ' E w E0 _ a, c 1- c'a_ _ rn 4 N N m o N N d v N N I) C oC > 2VF a � M ..` a) as .L.. N al in O N c 0. L rp co C Ll M aC o ' E U' to y N O ¢ V LL N C " N ,Z• U p 't U N N N v Z C T V oo. E ., E o u a, c E C' o o c d i o V a r a Ol ry v w C a 0 0 a g 3 ¢ N CU N [l aVl N O Z` `,L., N pap N a a "Z C x aJ N 00 re CL C oo p A N ' y F W a, a Q 0 0 u O a a`, . v l- a, C '. 0.1 o ¢ C 'a ec v, N N y y L N T .Q w w r U E " u Z a t 1- CX til NV2 ¢ cc "' U U c a CD (n m in O 0 L., ..Fa .% v E rn Q Z u- r. J pp N O co > (n c O 0 �,- c' o_ O >' a z L C C cr LL 0 0 r v ,,_, U Y W 0 .m D O a !'a F a. .. J (15 N 0,-2 a T N Li— y_ gOVO v o c v Lu a 'Jo) ,Q _c';': �c� " Xo E M Q7 0 r Q a E " N a c, U ? � I-_, m C V A 2 Li N avn mZvd m C " .. Orq Q 2.ou .c m 0 U in LL C C N a ! 'o .o 8 W c — u O ° w o 4,1 a " _ v a V) 1p C x c 12 v J - V L 3 4- = Y o >, ¢ N OIn w N a o m Vfa c Q ),, � .c c v°, H o ° W L N N U W a) rN-. — D = U o 0 C C c .c v u a�i N N N a) co- 'a C :d U) C N m v to , m o c F- 'V W i ry v C w Q 0 a' w °o `a 0_ QzQ C c oc P_ E J L N } A @ -, • 2 E. N Y C Iii C O ... C G b o v Q m UO � N A 4 N 1/1 (/ V d 7 u "" to V1 E - ,,, U V c 0 y te° o ? 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O co v N 'a E ✓ a � v N C ' N c c X m 3 _ p Z t• 0 a, ✓O E K v L N tii 0 v1 C a U > ` a N ° U O C V01 d a a' C' '5' C u ,n 13 L a/ al `1 ''' V N A N V U - 3_ 7 a E a° ° a.5 c m < x v a1 N al ° N V 0 a IA ° d a ai CC y u` c : Q N p , ,v, N "O 7 .p > al `+ O D �7 N ] N N a i cEOa VI T- • N ._ C Z:', a C r0 o N ra C 7 s gQu0 0 U QN _ N ✓ .✓ a 'O a_ a) a m°- QLQ 1,c >, OQO C C N N C NC mal O '-'D a m m i 'u CU ` cL Q yN 0 'aoas c '2mail o a' o O . a, 'aC m " i ' ' E v`v C s 'a r rc a) a a D c = 'o . -o m 'aQ a 3m c — Oew 4 Vt a ✓ C t N -E'in V ✓ p pNLU La Y N '! ' N Q 2O �v a o c E � a c o n u F, > a�o v ro 2 v o is N m L o @ c Q v E ✓ 3 c N °^0.3 C E g w m V' u 4- c C v U N al , V 5 .. .0 • ry Q. Z '- a-O w N ll vi O N O a O .,a,' a N d a) p, O Vl Z a i �' a) a O v 'y� C 'O N V _c,,. j C U is V N 0 n v 10 U T Q w a/ t 5 43 4, ,D a, o w L i F Cy 4.0 Y U L in t E L N 7 .0 - L v V N H O N L a C CO a L I- 4,- I- E CC ✓ I-- A % E _ a In �i a2i E Nu E C •.. 0 E ea C ` a 0 N N C. a 2 , O u ° 2 - C. a , o 'av N Q a m ' a s 'a 'w a ? y. � Q a u 0 G F. ylO O 0 C 0N E O E U O ' a N us < 0 d C a E v N C E a w 1. U T = o s N N to Q Q N 0 co t h.. FTA Section 5333 (b) Assurance Note:By signing the following assurance,the recipient of Section 5339 assistance assures it will comply with the labor protection provisions of 49 U.S.C.5333(b)by one of the following actions: (1)signing the Special Warranty for the Rural Area Program(see FTA Circular C 9040.1G, Chapter VI II);(2)agreeing to alternative comparable arrangements approved by the Department of LaborjDOL);or(3)obtaining a waiver from the DOL. Collier County Board of County Commissioners HEREBY ASSURES that the "Special Section 5333 (b)Warranty for Application to the Small Urban and Rural Program" has been reviewed and certifies to the Florida Department of Transportation that it will comply with its provisions and all its provisions will be incorporated into any contract between the recipient and any sub-recipient which will expend funds received as a result of an application to the Florida Department of Transportation under the FTA Section 5339 Program, December 13, 2022 Date William L. M9ame1; Jr.—Chairman,Board cfCounty Commissioners Name and t.le a thori±ed representative* ATTEST/ ` C;AYS TAL K. KINZ L, CLE Signaur"e�of authorized representative 1✓ ' — — r AtteSt ate Deputy Clerk sigllatuiie oaty. Note: All applicants must complete the following form and submit it with the above Assurance. LISTING OF RECIPIENTS, OTHER ELIGIBLE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROVIDERS, UNIONS OF SUB-RECIPIENTS,AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTING EMPLOYEES OF SUCH PROVIDERS, IF ANY (See Appendix for Example) 1 2 Identify Recipients of Site Project by Name, 3 4 Transportation Description,and Identify Other Eligible Identify Unions(and Assistance Under this Provider(e.g.Recipient, Surface Transportation Providers)Representing Grant. other Agency,or Providers(Type of Employees of Providers Contractor) Service) in Columns 1,2,and 3 Collier County Board of Application FTA Section Collier Area Transit for Transport workers Union County Commissioners 5339 Funding of FY23/24 urban transit service Local 525 AFL-CIO 2595 for Collier Area Transit to North Courtenay Pkwy. purchase a replacement Suite 104 Merritt Island, bus to provide service to FL 32953 residents of the non- urbanized areas of Collier County traveling within the rural area and/or the adjacent urban area and returning to rural domicile. t..c FDOwit Florida Department of Transportation RON DESANTIS 801 N. Broadway Avenue KEVIN J.THIBAULT,P.E. GOVERNOR Bartow, FL 33830 SECRETARY October 5, 2020 Ms. Michelle Arnold Collier Area Transit 8300 Radio Road Naples, FL 34104 Re: Title VI Plan Dear Ms.Arnold: The Florida Department of Transportation, District One concurs with the Title VI Plan for Collier County Board of County Commissioners/Collier Area Transit as required for all Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recipients as per the FTA Circular C4702.1B. This concurrence means that Collier County Board of County Commissioners/Collier Area Transit meets the requirements as set out in the Circular and may receive grant funds. Please continue to follow the requirements set forth in the stated Circular. Should you have any questions, please contact Dale Hanson via e-mail at dale.hanson@dot.state.fl.us or by phone at 863-519-2321. Sincerely, Digilatly signed by Dale Hanson Dale ON:CN=Dale Hanson omad= dale,Nansonapdolstate.8.us C= US O=FOOT OU=Transit Hanson Dale:2020.10.0516:46:18-04'00' Dale Hanson Transit Projects Coordinator Cc: Michelle S. Peronto, District Transit Programs Administrator, FDOT Omar DeLeon, Collier Area Transit Judy Sizensky,Collier County Improve Safety, Enhance Mobility, Inspire Innovation www.fdot.gov t? FDO1'N Florida Department of Transportation RON DESANTIS 801 N. Broadway Avenue KEVIN J.THIBAULT,P.E. GOVERNOR Bartow, FL 33830 SECRETARY June 19, 2020 Ms. Michelle Arnold, Public Transit Director Collier Area Transit 8300 Radio Road Naples, FL 34104 RE: Collier Area Transit 2019 Triennial Review Confirmation of Compliance Dear Ms. Arnold: This letter is a confirmation of compliance for Collier Area Transit regarding the 2019 Triennial Review by the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) in partnership with Atkins North America, The University of South Florida/Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)and the Preventive Maintenance Planning, Training and Technical Assistance (PrMPT) team. The purpose of the Triennial Review is to determine subrecipient compliance with the State and Federal requirements as described in the State Management Plan and in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program. FDOT District Offices are required to conduct a Triennial Review of subrecipients. The review must be performed every three years in a manner compliant with the standardized Triennial Review Process Guide provided by the FDOT Central Office. An on-site review was performed at 8300 Radio Road, Naples, FL 34104 on November 19-20, 2019. Following the site visit, a Draft Report was issued by the District outlining the areas reviewed, compliance deficiencies and recommendation of actions the subrecipient should undertake to remedy the deficiency. Collier Area Transit has addressed and satisfied several deficiencies to comply with the FTA Section 5310 Program. Items not sufficiently addressed by Collier Area Transit were outlined in the Final Report issued by the District on March 27, 2020. Upon review of the Final Report response submitted by Collier Area Transit, all deficiencies outlined in the Final Report have been appropriately handled. FDOT, District One Transit Office, congratulates you on your compliance with the Triennial Review standards. We appreciate your attention to the importance of creating and maintaining safe and equitable passenger transportation programs in the communities we service. Sincerely, Michelle S. pt f�1.LM.f.SpwMwW. �pvo•1cgGdL�L t w C Peronto o°;;«T011. . Dale Hanson Transit Projects Coordinator Cc: Michelle S. Peronto, FDOT Transit Programs Administrator Paul A. Simmons, FDOT Modal Development Administrator Omar DeLeon, Collier Area Transit Improve Safety, Enhance Mobility, Inspire Innovation www.fdot.gov 0 I \ 14 - ! / / i-- � - fa01 VI 0 ( / /co h . . ® - , } \ ) ® a & ) Z ' 73 / k 4 o . : ® ® ) i ) k d § 4 . -� ® 2 § @ Z' ; ; / V / E. § \ , 4 ; ' 7 0 E. ] 2u - _ , ! a01 = 3 \ ; / } q ) a ; _ w° , •= ®- ; ± 2 4-. °° "0 ® � ® � a ± § ] {) g � � � 4 � C - ( ) J . — It s 2 \ u 2. ) 22 2 _ y. £ 4 ƒ, § ) § § .. � ) m4 . o. , 2 ) \ 2 cc 1/4111\� t � ) �} - o Z \ cri L.§ \ \4—.LE ) - ,_a \ m . . ) , .- ) co k cc I PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35' BUDGETARY DIESEL LOW FLOOR BRT BUS , SN: TBD STYLING PACKAGE STANDARD LOW FLOOR BRT FRONT CAP W/FRONT AND 16,350.00 REAR ROOF FAIRINGS ENGINE(DIESEL) CUMMINS L9,280 HP CUMMINS L9,280 HP - 2021 EPA MANDATED EMISSIONS CHANGE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 2,900.00 ENGINE FUEL FILTER STD FLEETGUARD DAVCO 384,NON-HEATED 375.00 STARTER DELCO MT-42 DELCO MT-42 - AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR DONALDSON INFORMER DONALDSON INFORMER - RBX00-2277 RBX00-2277 RADIATOR EMP GEN IV MH4(ELECTRIC) EMP GEN IV MH4(ELECTRIC) - ALTERNATOR EMP P450(450 AMP) EMP P450(450 AMP) - ENGINE OIL DRAIN MAGNETIC DRAIN PLUG FEMCO AUTO DRAIN 55,00 TRANSMISSION VOITH D864.6(4 SPEED) ALLISON B400R 5,459.00 BRAKES DRUM,W/S-CAM DRUM,W/S-CAM - AXLE HUB SEALS C/R OIL SEALS C/R OIL SEALS - WHEEL MOUNTING HUB PILOTED HUB PILOTED - SYNTHETIC REAR AXLE GEAR OIL INCLUDED REQUIRED - HUBODOMETER INCLUDED REQUIRED - WHEELS (6)POLISHED ALUMINUM, REQUIRED W/DURA-BRIGHT TIRES CUSTOMER FURNISHED CUSTOMER FURNISHED - ELECTRIC STEERING ASSIST NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 2,650.00 STEERING WHEEL 20"NON-PADDED 20"NON-PADDED - FUEL FILL EMCO WHEATON, GRAVITY FILL-FLIP CAP (475.00) POSI-LOCK FLIP CAP FUEL GAUGE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 50,00 OIL PRESSURE&COOLANT TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL GAUGES LOCATED IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT REAR HAND THROTTLE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 156.00 BATTERIES (2)DEKA 8D (2)DEKA 8D - TOP POST CONNECTIONS REAR JUMP START CONNECTOR INCLUDED REQUIRED - WHEELCHAIR RAMP LIFT-U,LU-18(6:1) LIFT-U,LU-18(6:1) - HVAC MOTORS(THERMO KING T14) EBM BRUSHLESS EBM BRUSHLESS - HVAC COMPRESSOR(THERMO KING) T14 W/X430 COMPRESSOR REQUIRED - REFRIGERANT R407C R407C - DRIVERS HEATER MOTORS MCC BRUSHLESS MCC BRUSHLESS - FRONT DOOR OPERATION AIR OPEN/SPRING CLOSE AIR OPEN/AIR CLOSE - REAR DOOR ACTIVATION V-TOUCH CONTROL VAPOR 5 POSITION - ANALOG CONTROL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 44"H X 22.5"W X 20"D, 1 DOOR 44"H X 22.5"W X 20"D,1 DOOR - PASSENGER SEATS& USSC GEMINI,W/T2C INSERTS AMSECO INSIGHT PRIME PLUS 6,000.00 WHEEL CHAIR RESTRAINTS ADVANCED RESTRAINT MODULE WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT V-PRO W/Q'STRAINT BELTS _W/Q'STRAINT BELTS USB CHARGING PORTS AT PASSENGER NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 3,056.00 LOCATIONS VERTICAL STANCHIONS AT NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 100.00 FRONT WHEEL WELLS (EACH SIDE) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A,W/HEADREST& USSC 9100 ALX, 3-POINT BLACK BELT W/FABRIC&2-POINT BELT(LAP) PASSENGER SIGNALS PULL CORDS PULL CORDS - STANCHIONS AND GRAB RAILS SSTL SSTL - STOP REQUEST LAMP(DASH MOUNTED) NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 35.00 PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35' BUDGETARY DIESEL FLOOR BRT�: �-�,.� �� �--�~�-�� 1 ,� LOW BUS , SN:TB ,,�: - t:A barVrtft f A 4 ,„. �.'r� ,�''s`,� '2�.=-,... �� f �'��. � sue'..�s ,. "'� . �<������,l�l�'����'�ss ' � �� DRIVERS BARRIER WRAPROUND W/OUT WRAPROUND W/OUT SCHEDULE HOLDERS SCHEDULE HOLDERS DRIVERS SECURITY ENCLOSURE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE ARROW DRIVERS BARRIER W/ EXTENDED GLASS 5,263.00 PASSENGER INFO STATION NOT INCLUDED IN BASE TRANSIT INFORMATION PRODUCTS 245.00 19"X 21" OBIC 19/21 4P 1LRT MC (10)VINYL COATED NYLON GRAB STRAPS NOT INCLUDED IN BASE NYLON GRAB STRAPS 200.00 ($20 X 10=$200) PASSENGER WINDOWS FULL-FIXED, FULL FIXED, W/BONDED FRAME W/BONDED FRAME - WINDOW GLAZING GUARDS NOT INCLUDED REQUIRED 1,313.00 HEADLAMPS (4)LED (4)LED - REAR TAIL LIGHTS(STOP,TAIL,TURN) 4"LED 7"LED - RED LED"STOP SIGN NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 470.00 UPPER REAR CAP GILLE AUX LAMPS NOT INCLUDED IN BASE (2)7"LED BRAKE LIGHTS 160.00 AMBER TRIANGLE LED"YIELD"SIGN NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 640.00 INTERIOR LIGHTS PRETORIA(LED) I/O CONTROLS - 2-WAY RADIO NOT INCLUDED HARRIS XG-25M 3,155.00 2-WAY ANTENNA INCLUDED ASP931 70.00 OUTSIDE SPEAKERS (1)INCLUDED REQUIRED - BOOM MICROPHONE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 100.00 HANOVER WHITE LED LUMINATOR GEN 4 HORIZON 100% DESTINATION SIGNS (FRONT,SIDE,REAR) SILVER LED SIGN(16 X 160)--FRONT (800.00) &SIDE FAREBOX GRABRAIL INCLUDED REQUIRED - CEILING MTD FAREBOX LAMP NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 25.00 FLOORING MATERIAL TRANSITFLOR RUBBER(RCA) ALTRO TRANSFLOR 400.00 ROOF HATCHES (2)MANUAL OPEN/CLOSE (2)MANUAL OPEN/CLOSE - EXTERIOR MIRRORS SAFE FLEET, 10X11,2-PC,W/MANUAL B&R 8"X10",2-PIECE,HEATED, CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL(BOTH SIDES) TURN SIGNAL INDICATOR ON EXTERIOR NOT INCLUDED IN BASE REQUIRED 200.00 MIRROR HEAD PER SIDE ($100 PER SIDE X 2=$200) DRIVERS WINDOW SUN SHADE AUTO-MOTION,FLEX!VISOR ROLLER STYLE (50,00) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOGMAKER AMEREX V-25 (369.00) VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM APOLLO ANGELTRAX -(PER COLLIER SPEC) 5,000.00 (STATE OF FLORIDA BASE SPEC) (BUDGETARY*) BIKE RACK BYK-RAK 2-POSITION,BLK PC SPORTWORKS MOUNTING BRACKET (700.00) ONLY BIKE RACK DEPLOYED LAMP INCLUDED REQUIRED - AIR GAUGE,SPEEDOMETER,OIL DRIVERS DASH GAUGES PRESSURE,COOLANT REQUIRED - TEMPERATURE&(2)VOLTMETERS APC/ITS SYSTEM CLEVER DEVICES AVAIL(COLLIER SPEC) 18,000.00 (STATE OF FLORIDA BASE SPEC) (BUDGETARY*) EXTERIOR PAINT 1-COLOR,W/ REQUIRED BLACK MASK AT WINDOWS EXTERIOR GRAPHICS BUS#'S ONLY BUS#'S ONLY - ROOF NUMBERS NOT INCLUDED REQUIRED 100.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT DECALS NOT INCLUDED (1)ONE 15.00 WARRANTY(BASIC BUS) 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES - WARRANTY(BODY STRUCTURE) 36 MONTHS/150,000 MILES 36 MONTHS/150,000 MILES - WARRANTY(STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 84 MONTHS/350,000 MILES 84 MONTHS/350,000 MILES DUE TO CORROSION) t PRICE VARIANCE 11/14/2022 COLLIER COUNTY, FL OFF STATE OF FLORIDA JTA RFP P-18-005 (1)35'BUDGETARY DIESEL LOW FLOOR BRT BUS, SN: TBD WARRANTY(WATER LEAKS) 12 MONTHS/50,000 MILES 12 MONTHS!50,000 MILES WARRANTY(ENGINE L9) 24 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 60 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 5,202,00 WARRANTY(TRANSMISSION) 60 MONTHS/300,000 MILES 60 MONTHS/300,000 MILES WARRANTY(WHEELCHAIR RAMP) 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES WARRANTY(HVAC UNIT) 36 MONTHS/UNL MILES 36 MONTHS I UNL MILES - GILLIG MANUAL(CD) (1)ONE PER ORDER (2)TWO PER ORDER - DRIVER MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - SERVICE MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - ELECTRICAL MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (1)ONE PER ORDER - PARTS MANUAL(PAPER) (1)ONE PER ORDER (2)TWO PER ORDER - TOTAL COLLIER COUNTY,FL VARIANCES 75,350.00 STATE OF FLORIDA 35'DIESEL LOW FLOOR BASE PRICE MAY 2019 435,525.00 DELIVERY INCL COLLIER COUNTY,FL 35'LF DIESEL BASE PRICE MAY 2019 510,875.00 PPi 1413 ADJUSTMENT 259.3(APR'20)/255,9(MAY'19)=1.32% 6,744.00 PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 269.5(MAY'21)1259.3(APR'20)=3.93% 20,077.00 PH 1413 ADJUSTMENT 303.6(APR'22)/269.5(MAY'21) =12.65%(ADJUSTED TO 7.90%) 40,359.00 BUDGETARY PPI 1413 ADJUSTMENT 330.5(JUL'22)/303.6(APR'22)=8.86%(CAP 7.0%UNTIL MAY'23) 35,761.00 CURRENT COLLIER COUNTY,FL 35'LOW FLOOR BRT DIESEL BASE UNIT PRICE 613,816.00 CONFIDENTIAL This pricing Information Is Intended only for the personal and confidential use of the reciplent(s)to whom It was originally sent.If you are not an Intended reciplentof this Information or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient,you are hereby notified that you have received this information In error,and that any review,dissemination,distribution,or copying of this message is strictly prohibited, r P