AHAC Minutes 03/07/2022M IN UTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 7 , 2022 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Mary Waller Steve Hruby - Vice Chair John Harney Joe Trachtenberg - Chair Litha Berger Jennifer M itchell Rick LoCastro Gary Hains Janet Fisher Miller Jessica B rin ke rt Excused: U nexcused: Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS lacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator- CHS Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Katrina Lin, Clerk's Office; Chris Bryne, Marco Fire; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Elizabeth Radi; Betty Schwartz; Michel€ Mcleod; Deborah Forester, CRA; Susan Golden; Rachel Hansen, Zoning 1. CALL ro ORDER Joe Trachtenberg called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. He read the proceduresto be followed and Commissioner Rick Locastro led in the pledge to the flag. 2. RoLr Car[ - CoMMrrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were 10 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. ALSO PRESENT: 3. APPRovAt oF AGENDA AND MINUTES Steve Hruby made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Litha Berger The motion passed by a vote of 10-0. b. A motion was made by Janet Fisher M iller to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 10, 2022 and was seconded by Steve Hruby. The motion was passed with a vote of 10-0. 4. INFoRMATIoNAt ITEMs S. PUBUC CoMMENT Chris Bryne from the Marco Fire dept. came to the meeting to say his employees are seeing an escalation in rent. 35-40% ofthe employees in his department live outside Collier County. He offered his assistance and participation in anything he can do to make things better. Susan Golden wanted to comment on the LHAP. Shesuggestedthatthe30yearstermunderrental rehabilitation bechanged to 15 years since the improvements made to the homes (roofs, air conditioners, etc.) usually do not last over 15 years. Elizabeth Radi spokeonbehalf of Rise Up and Julisa Rodriguez. She says there have beenalotofstudiesandbillsbeingpushedthroughatstateleveltoremoverental caps. Thegroup wants to support "sustainable solutions for viable living". We needtoeliminate roadblocks for those needing assistance with housing and be better communicators. Her group is frustrated because they are limited to 3 m inutes at the meetings and ca n't give resu lts of their studies to the grou p. 6. DTSCUSSTON TTEMS 2022-2025 Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) - The LHAP was reviewed and discussed. This is a 3-year update that needs to go to the BCC on April 26,2022, in order to go to the state by May 2, 2022. There were a few changes made from the last report. The maximum award was increased forall applicants and an additional amountforessentialworkers. Mary Waller asked if the Hometown Hero Program would be included. This will not be included becauseltwill not be finalized until afterthe submission deadline date. Comments must be sent to Jake LaRow by Friday, March LL,2022. lt was asked ifthere is potential in using SHIP fundingfor affordable housing. Kristi Sonntagsaidthattherulesarethat65%ofall SHIP monies be used for home ownership. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Since Commissioner Locastro asked at the last meeting if it was possible to open the new rental program soonerthan originally planned. Kristi Sonntagtoldthegroupthatshewaspleasedto announce that the American Recovery Program will be released on March 17th, a month earlier than expected. a a a C b. Joe Trachtenberg said he had conversations with NCH asking about self-help for their 7,000 employees. He said that he will be going to the BCC meeting tomorrow and ask for a slot on the meeting in April. He addressed the 15-year limit on affordability. He said that deals need to be made with affordability in perpetuity. Time limits are detrimental to people who actually need the housing. When the time period runs out, the people are forced to move because they cannot afford the market rate rents. He also asked Jake if he could ask the Florida Housing Coalition to give a presentation about what other AHACS throughout the state are doing. Janet Fisher Miller said that we have to realize that everything takes time to get through the process. She asked if housing has asked for more staff. d. Gary Hains said that one way to have an immediate effect on the housing issue was to give money to landlords to keep the affordable units affordable. Also, there ne€ds to be additional opportunities to get applications through the system quicker. Kristiwill reach out to Mike Bosi and Jaime French to see ifthey can attend the next meeting and ask for their ideas on how to accelerate the permitting and building process. Commissioner Locastro said that he wants the committee to be all on the same page. He said staff did a great job at the last board meetin8 and thanked everyone who attended on behalf of the AHAC. He said people have been talking to him at his townhall meetings about NIMBY, no tax increases, how to apply for county programs, the special session for the housing workshop, making sure front-line workers can live in Collier, the rezoning of property owned by Habitat and builders are starting to ask questions about building affordable housing. He also sald that he will go to HR to try to get another staff person to support the housing program and the needs ofthe AHAC. He told the group that he was going to pu ll the agenda item for the appointment of the AHAC member from the Planning Commission so that he can take the opportunity to talk about thC AHAC. f. Jennifer Mitchell told the group that she will going to the school board meeting and will ask for a listofall school board properties to share with the group. She feels it is important that all playersshould betotallytransparentand provide a listof their properties as well. Kristitold her that we are working on a list of county-owned properties as well. John Harney asked ifthe properties on the county-owned list can be vetted and should be marked as to which ones can be built on right away. g. John Harney asked if there was a plan in place to spend the money in the trust fund once we identify a project. Jake will send out a copy BCC Resolution 2018-82 - Establishment of the Local Housing Trust Fund and Guidelines for the use of money to replace it. Johnaskedstafftosend out the memos drafted by the County Attorney and provided to the Boatd on 2/25/2022 that address questions posed to the County Attorney's Office (CAO) by the Board at the 2/27/2022 Board meeting . e h. Mary Waller asked for information to be put out regarding rental assistance programs. She said we need to be more vocal. John Harneyagreed. He suggested that Quest makeYou Tube videos and do a better job of spreading the word. i. Jake told the group that the meeting in Aprilwill include the Sunshine Law presentation by Coleen Greene from the CAO. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, lohn Harney motioned to adjourn the meeting. Rick Locastro seconded the motion. The vote was 10-0 to adjourn at 10:41. a.m. NErr MEETTNG: THE NExr REGur-ARLy scHEDur-ED MEETTNG wtLt BE HELD oN THE FtRsr MoNDAy oN ApRtt 4, 2022, AT 8:30 A.M. Location: Training Room located in Building 8,3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida Cot-LtER CouNry AFFoRDABLE HousrNG ADVrsoRy Joe chtenberg, Chairman The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l_l OR "os omended" l_1. q Y 2022, "as