AHAC Minutes 05/02/2022May 2, 2022 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Mary Waller Steve Hruby - Vice Chair Joe Trachtenberg - Chair Litha Berger Jennifer M itchell Rick Locastro Gary Hains Janet Miller by zooM Jessica Brinkert PaulShea Excused joh n Ha rney Unexcused: ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Housing & Grants Coordinator - CHS Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS Julie Chardon, Operations Coordinator, CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Katerina Pelic, Clerk's Office; Michael puchalla, HELp; Elizabeth Radi; Susan Golden; Ashley Jones, Salvation Army; Janet Huffman, LWVCC; Joe Hiles; Lisa Loren, Salvation Army; Adel Buntsman, IFLIA; Betty Schwartz, LWV; Jen Walker, GNC; Michele Mcleod, Candidate for Commissioner; janet Heffen, LWV; .lohnmichael Fernandez, SWFL Apt. Assoc.; Dale Mullin, Wounded Warriors 1. CALLTo ORDER Joe Trachtenberg called the meeting to order at 8:31^ a.m. He readthe procedures to be followed and Steve Hruby led in the pledge to the flag. 2. RorL CAr[ - CoMMtrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 2, 2022 (22647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 6, 2022) There were 10 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. Ted Blankenship from the City of Naples will be attending AHAC meetings as a non-voting member He will apply for a full-time seat in October when vacancies arise. 3. APPROVAT oF AGENDA AND MINUTES b. A motion was made by Mary Waller to approve the minutes from the meeting of March 7, 2022, and was seconded by Litha Berger. The motion was passed with a vote of 10-0. 4, INFoRMATIoNAT ITEMs b. Apartment Survey - We surveyed 64 properties which includes 3 new properties which increased the available apartments by over 600. Since there were so many new properties opened, there are currently 516 vacancies throughout the county. Once again, rent limits were increased in many of the apartments. Grants compliance recently went to Allura to do a monitoring to find out if the apartments that are held for essential workers is being maintained. The unit found no findings in their audit. They will be going to Milano Lakes in two weeks to monitor them as well 2022 Collier County Rent & lncome Limits - Annually, usually in April, rent and income limits are updated for our programs (such as Section 8). This year area median income has gone from 584,300 to $98,600, which is up 17% over the previous year. Kristi Sonntag gave the group a recap of our current programs and how we are doing in expending the federal and state dollars. ln the ERA program we originally had S11 million, have spent a total of 55 million and currently have a monthly expenditure to pay landlords of 5500,000. we also have 53 million in ESG-cV; 57.5 million in rental & mortgage assistance; $9 million is ERA & ARP that must be spent by 2025. 700 people started to apply, but never finished and we have sent hundreds of e-mails asking the applicants that did fill out the application for missing documentation. We are paying C a. Mary Waller made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Litha Berger. The motion passed by a vote of 10-0. a. Johnmichael Fernandez from the SWFL Apartment Association talked to the group about rising rental costs and how that regulatory costs, inflation and supply and demand and increasing operating costs are driving increases. He said that he represents 800,000 apartment homes in his group. He passed out a handout regarding a rent increase ordinance in Collier County. Janet Miller asked if he could provide the trend showing rising operating costs. Gary Hains told the group that the cost of building additional units in existing complexes such as Milano Lakes has gone up substantially since the first group was opened, 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 2, 2022 (22647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 6, 2022) City of Naples had approved. Thatversion approved bythe Board of Collier Commissioners a nd Florida has been provided to the City of Naples for review and approval. Jacob LaRow indicated most of the changes were immaterial, but there was one change that reduced the Disaster relief award of 525,000 to 520,000 due the State viewing the award amount to be a loan, not a grant, b. OnMaylothwewill be asking for money to perform a Nexus study, evaluatingthe availabilityof county-owned land and talking about funding the trust fund. The vote to put through the rental ordinance was 3-2. lt will be read forthe first time on May 1oth. There is a possibilityof ageneral forumforthesecondorthirdweekinJanuary. The management of NCH said they would be happy to host the meeting at Talford Auditorium. The Chamber, School District, League of Women Voters, City of Naples a nd CountyStaffwould be invited to participate. 8. ADJOURN There being no fu rther business for the good of the Cou nty, Steve H ruby motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jennifer Mitchell seconded the motion. The vote was 10-0 to adjourn at 11:08 a.m. C NE T MEETING: THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEoULED MEETING wItL BE HELD oN THE FIRST MoNDAY oN JUNE 6, 2022, Ar 8:30 a.M. Location: Training Room located in Building B,3303 TamiamiTrail East, Naples, Florida Co CouNry AFFoRDABT-E HousrNG ADVrsoRy Joe Trachtenberg, Chairman The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted" l_l OR "os amended" l_| \.t 2022, " as 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 2, 2022 (22647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 6, 2022) rents or mortgages to 500 plus individuals every month. Greater Naples Leadership has volunteered to spread the word of our programs throughout the community. 5. PUBTIc CoMMENT Elizabeth Radi, representing the Collier County Tenant Union, told the group that she sent out Facebook questionnaire. She said peopte said that they have been receiving eviction notices, homes are being sold and they are given 10-14 days to leave, landlords are tired of sending duplicate paperwork to the rental program. She feels that people need at least 60 days notice for the sale or eviction so they can better figure out what they are going to do. Dale Mullin, representing Wounded Warriors of Collier County spoke to the group regarding homeless veterans. He said approximately 90 homeless persons living in Collier County are homeless. He told the group that his organization has built 3 homes in 3 years to assist veterans and housed L5 veterans. Commu nity outreach programs are beingheld regularly. Theywill be applyingforfundingwhenever they can. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS The Role of AHAC - Jake LaRow contacted Ashon Nesbitt from the Florida Housing Coalition in regard to doin8 a presentation to the group. He will be making a presentation at the meeting in June called, "What is AHAC?" Jake told the group that the AHAC was established to approve the LHAP that goes to the state. Our AHAC envisions playing a much more active role in advising the BCC regarding issues about affordable housing. lt was suggested that group compile a list of duties that they think they should do to be presented to the Bcc. Mary Waller said we should ask the BCC what they want us to do instead. Thegroupasked Jake to send them copies of the ordinances and resolutions governing the AHAC and the land trust. b. TheRoleof Staff - Staff provides the publication of all meetings, provides published minutes from every meeting, puts the agenda and back-up material on the webpage and sends out information to all members before the meeting date. c. Steve Hruby said that this is the first time since the ULI he felt like there was political interest in affordable housing. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS LHAP U pdate - The LHAP was a pproved by the AHAC on April 4th , a pproved by the city of Naples on April 13 and by the Board of County commissioners on April 26, 2022. Jacob LaRow submitted the LHAP to the State of Florida on April 30, and approved May 1. There were some changes requested by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation made by staff after AHAC and a a 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 2, 2022 (22647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 6, 2022)