Agenda 07/12/2022 Item #16F 3 (Modifications Tourist Development Tax Grant Guidelines)SEE REVERSE SIDE  Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting July 12, 2022 Continue Item 9A to the September 13, 2022 BCC Meeting: *** This Item continued from the June 28, 2022, BCC Meeting. *** A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners proposing County-initiated amendments to the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Ordinance 89-05, as amended, to address housing initiatives to allow affordable housing by right in certain commercial zoning districts with a sunset date; to increase density for affordable housing; to establish a Strategic Opportunity Sites Subdistrict; and to increase density for affordable housing projects along Collier Area Transit routes; specifically amending the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map; Golden Gate City Sub-Element of Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element and Future Land Use Map; the Immokalee Area Master Plan Element and Future Land Use Map; and adding a policy to the Transportation Element pertaining to affordable housing along transit routes; and furthermore directing transmittal of these amendments to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. [PL20210000660] (All Districts) (Commissioner Saunders’ and Commissioner McDaniel’s Separate Requests) Continue Item 11B to the September 13, 2022 BCC Meeting: Provide an update to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the recommendation to designate a Sports Tourism Director within the Convention & Visitors Bureau (Tourism Division) that shall provide dedicated oversight of the County’s interests relating to the Paradise Coast Sports Complex as it relates to the day-to-day activities, sales efforts, sports marketing, management and administration of the County’s relationship with Sports Facilities Companies (Complex management company) and the promotion of tourism. (Paul Beirnes, Tourism Director) (All Districts) (Commissioner Saunders’ request) Continue 16A12 to the September 13, 2022 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to approve the FY 2022-2023 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance, Fund 185 Program Management and Administration, and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. (All Districts) (Staff’s Request) Move Item 16C3 to 11O: Recommendation to approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $212,079, to provide additional design engineering services and to approve the First Amendment for the design of the gymnasium, and approve the required budget amendments for the execution of Agreement No. 18-7279 for Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park (BCIRP) Phase II (Project 80039) (District 5) (Commissioner McDaniel’s Request) Move Item 16D10 to 11Q: Recommendation to authorize staff to engage and develop a scope of work with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to convene an update and review of the 2017 Housing Plan and provide guidance on housing policy recommendations; and to waive competition declaring this a single-source service and in the best interest of the County. (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s and Commissioner LoCastro’s Separate Request) Move 16D6 to 11P: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign two (2) subrecipient agreement amendments between Collier County and Rural Neighborhoods, Incorporated and Collier County and the Collier County Housing Authority. (Housing Grant Fund 705) (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s and Commissioner LoCastro’s Separate Request) Move 16F3 to 11R: *** This Item continued from the June 28, 2022, BCC Meeting. *** Recommendation to approve modifications to Tourist Development Tax Grant Guidelines on allowable uses to include the cost of producing a performing arts production or entertainment at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism, not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based on the availability of funds, and make a finding that this program promotes tourism. (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s Request) Continue Item 17B to the September 13, 2022 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to amend Ordinance No. 75- 16, as amended, to authorize the Chairman to better deal with disorderly persons, including requesting law enforcement officers remove disorderly persons when conduct interferes with orderly progression of meetings. (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s Request) Continue Item 16A1 to the September 13, 2022 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to direct staff to bring back an amendment to Ordinance 2013-57, the Administrative Code for Land Development to address an expressed concern for public safety regarding meeting decorum, location, and virtual options for Neighborhood Information Meetings. (All Districts) (Commissioner McDaniel’s Request) Notes: Moment of Silence, for Kim Grant, Following the Invocation. Correction to the Title of Item 16C4: Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 22-7974 “Cartridge Filters for Water Treatment Plants,” to Tri-Dim Filter Corporation, for the purchase of replacement cartridge filters at the North and South County Regional Water Treatment Plants on a primary per line-item basis. and authorize the Chair to sign the attached agreement. (District 3) (Staffs’ Request) Correction to Item 11B: The position is incorrectly referenced as a Director position and should be a Deputy Director position. (Staff’s Request) Time Certain Items: Item 5D to be heard at 1:00 PM: Legislative Appropriation Check Presentation for the Golden Gate City Water Resource Protection & Restoration Master Plan. 7/19/2022 9:52 AM 07/12/2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve modifications to Tourist Development Tax Grant Guidelines on allowable uses to include the cost of producing a performing arts production, entertainment at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism, not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based on the availability of funds, and make a finding that this program promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: Approve the addition of allowable use of the Tourism Development Tax JDT) grant funds to include performing arts productions or entertainment at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production. CONSIDERATIONS: The recommendation to modify the existing allowable used provides the opportunity for additional museums and performing arts organizations to participate in the promotion of tourism and qualify for grant opportunities. Museums and performing arts organizations are a part of the fabric of the arts and cultural life in Collier County. There are a multitude of organizations from community -based theatre to a Broadway equity regional theatre, one of only four in the state of Florida. In the existing TDT Grant guidelines museums are eligible for funding for an exhibition and its related expenses for installation. A comparable cost for a museum or performing arts organization or event would be the cost of production, which may be found to promote tourism. Based upon the review of similar Tourism Grant programs throughout the state, it is recommended that allowable use of grants funds should be considered up to a maximum not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based on the availability of funds. The proposed modifications are as follows (change in italics): Category C-2 Museums: ALLOWABLE USES OF TOURIST TAX GRANT FUNDS INCLUDE: The following are examples of how Tourist Development Funds may be used by non -County owned and operated museums to promote tourism to Collier County. I Advertising and promotional expenses in conjunction with an activity or event or promotion to increase the number of overnight visitors to Collier County. Examples are: printing and distribution of promotional pieces prior to the event or exhibit including creative design, printing, copying, ad placement cost and distribution of direct mail, email and social media. 2. Creating or enhancing an existing site promoting the event or exhibit linked to the CVB's website to increase participation, attendance, and awareness of the event and to generate hotel room nights and spending throughout the County. 3. Acquisition and/or promotional costs for a major traveling exhibit to create new reasons to visit the museum or extend a visitor's stays and spending in Collier County. 4. Funding of a performance or entertainment at an event whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based on the availability of fu n ds. Packet Pg. 1780 07/12/2022 5. Funding for an exhibit or activity and related promotion/marketing that will be showcased at an event or location. For example, cultural arts exhibit presented by local non-profit or non -County owned museum at a two-day festival which festival (and exhibit) is promoted with out -of -County marketing to bring overnight visitation to Collier County. The exhibit or activity will create new reasons to visit the festival or extend a visitor's stay in the destination. Category C-2 Museums: NON -ALLOWABLE USES OF TOURIST TAX GRANT FUNDS INCLUDE: 5. Salafies or- sup-plemeffts to salafies for- existing or- fiftwe 4111 tifne Or- pa14 tifne Staff-, exeltisiv efftertainers or per-fo . duetio . 5. Salaries or supplements to salaries for existing orfuturefull-time or part-time staff, exclusive of entertainers or performers in a production. FISCAL IMPACT: No impact beyond the existing grants budget. Funding is budgeted annually within TDC Non -County Museum Fund (193). The proposed FY 2023 C-2 Museums grant budget is $850,000. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Tourist Development Council recommended approval of this item (8-0) at the May 23, 2022 meeting. LEGAL CONSIDERATION: This item is approved as to fonn and legality and requires majority vote for approval. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve modifications to TDT Grant Guidelines on allowable uses to include the cost of producing a performing arts production or entertainment at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism, not to exceed 50% of the cost of the production and based on the availability of ftmds, and make a finding that this program promotes tourism. Prepared By: Paul Beirnes, Tourism Director; John Melleky, Arts and Culture Manager ATTACHMENT(S) 1. FY 22-23 Cat. C-2 Grant Application update 2022.05 round 2 (DOCX) I Packet Pg. 1781 07/12/2022 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 161.3 Doc ID: 22667 Item Summary: This Item continued from the June 28, 2022, BCC Meeting. Recommendation to approve modifications to Tourist Development Tax Grant Guidelines on allowable uses to include the cost of producing a performing arts production or entertainment at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism, not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based on the availability of funds, and make a finding that this program promotes tourism. Meeting Date: 07/12/2022 Prepared by: Title: Sr. Operations Analyst — County Manager's Office Name: Geoffrey Willig 06/29/2022 1:57 PM Submitted by: Title: Division Director — Tourism Name: Paul Beirnes 06/29/2022 1:57 PM Approved By: Review: Tourism Corporate Business Operations Tourism County Attorney's Office Office of Management and Budget Office of Management and Budget County Attorney's Office County Managers Office Board of County Commissioners Kelly Green Stage 1 Review Jennifer Reynolds Stage 1 Review Paul Beimes Director Completed Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Christopher Johnson Additional Reviewer Colleen Greene Additional Reviewer Amy Patterson Level 4 County Manager Review Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending Completed 06/30/2022 1:36 PM Completed 07/01/2022 4:03 PM 07/01/2022 4:34 PM Completed 07/01/2022 4:46 PM Completed 07/05/2022 7:19 AM Completed 07/05/2022 9: 10 AM Completed 07/05/2022 2:56 PM Completed 07/06/2022 4:43 PM 07112/2022 9:00 AM I Packet Pg. 1782 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (TDC) GRANT FUNDING APPLICATION REQUEST CATEGORY "C-2" NON -COUNTY OWNED AND OPERATED MUSEUM GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 APPLICATION ROUND JULY- AUGUST 2022 TIMETABLE FOR REVIEW: Completed applications must be received in digital format or other written format by the Tourism Department Office. The application deadline will be no earlier than 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A final due date will be determined by the Board of County Commissioners at their April 12 meeting. • Applications may also be delivered to the Tourism Development Division Office: 2660 North Horseshoe Dr, Suite 105 Naples, FL 34104. • For further information, contact Charles Kammerer at telephone (239) 252-8951 or email Charles.Kammerergcolliercountyfl.gov. After receiving recommendations from the Tourism Division Staff, the Tourist Development Council (TDC) will review each qualifying applicant and prepare, in priority order, their recommendations for ftmding for Fiscal Year 2022-23. Final funding recommendations of the TDC will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners as part of the County's budget process for FY 2022-23. After budget approval, contracts will be negotiated with the selected applicants, with assistance from the County Purchasing Department and the County Attorney's office, and then presented to the BCC for final approval. Appeals on funding recommendations may be made to the County Commission when recommendations are reviewed. Once executed, these contracts will be monitored and Requests for Fund Forms and Status Reports will be reviewed by the Tourism Director before submission to Clerk's Finance Department for potential reimbursement. No projects are approved and no funds may be expended until the contract is approved and signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. All materials submitted with applications will become a matter of public record, open to inspection subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. REOUIRIEMENTS: 1. All collateral material and advertisements should identify Collier County tourism by displaying the CVB logo and/or website URL (www.paradisecoast.com) 2. Reimbursement requests must include the following: evidence that the vendor invoices have been paid and samples of the promotional materials produced by that vendor or media outlet. Should these documents be unavailable, the Grantee may submit other legally viable evidence of payment subject for consideration by the Clerk's Finance Department. No advanced payments are acceptable for reimbursement. I Packet Pg. 1783 ALLOWABLE USES OF TOURIST TAX GRANT FUNDS INCLUDE: The following are examples of how Tourist Development Funds may be used by non -County owned and operated museums to promote tourism to Collier County. I Advertising and promotional expenses in conjunction with an activity or event or promotion to increase the number of overnight visitors to Collier County. Examples are: printing and distribution of promotional pieces prior to the event or exhibit including creative design, printing, copying, ad placement cost and distribution of direct mail, email and social media. 2. Creating or enhancing an existing site promoting the event or exhibit linked to the CVB's website to increase participation, attendance, and awareness of the event and to generate hotel room nights and spending throughout the county. 3. Acquisition and/or promotional costs for a major traveling exhibit to create new reasons to visit the museum or extend a visitor's stays and spending in Collier County. 4. Funding of a performance or entertainment at an event whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the production and based upon the availability of funds. 5. Funding for an exhibit or activity and related promotion/marketing that will be showcased at an event or location whose primary purpose is the promotion of tourism. For example, cultural arts exhibit presented by local non-profit or non -County owned museum at a two-day festival which festival (and exhibit) is promoted with out -of -County marketing to bring overnight visitation to Collier County. The exhibit or activity will create new reasons to visit the festival or extend a visitor's stay in the destination. NON -ALLOWABLE USES OF TOURIST TAX GRANT FUNDS INCLUDE: I . Prize money, scholarships, awards, plaques, or certificates. 2. Projects restricted to private or exclusive participation. 3. Private entertainment, food, and beverages and lodging. 4. Legal, medical, engineering, accounting, auditing, or feasibility study fees. 5. Salaries or supplements to salaries for existing or future full-time or part-time staff, exclusive of entertainers or performers in a production. 6. Tangible personal property including but not limited to office furnishings or equipment, permanent collections, or individual pieces of art. 7. Interest or reduction of deficits and loans. 8. Expenses incurred or obligated prior to or after the project period. 9. Advertising and promotional materials distributed at the museum after the event. 10. Payments for services or goods purchased for previous or other events. 11. Capital or infrastructure projects. 2 I Packet Pg. 1784 12. Payment for expenses that occur or are delivered prior to or after the effective date of the agreement with the grantee. APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Please submit your completed application in digital format (no zip files) via email to Charles Kammerer, at Charles.KammererkcolliercoiLrLtyfl.aov or in printed format to the Tourism Office, 2660 N. Horseshoe Drive, Suite 105 Naples, FL 34104, attention: Charles Kammerer. 2. Complete each item of each applicable section. If a question does not apply to your organization, insert (N/A). Please contact Charles Kammerer at (239) 252-8951 or Charles.Kammerer&colliercountyfl.aov with any questions. 3. Be sure to have your Chief Official, Secretary or their designee sign the application on the last page. 4. One copy of each of the following items is required and attached in a separate pdf document to the email containing the application form. If any item does not apply, insert (N/A). ( ) Charter, Articles of Incorporation, By -Laws, Proof of Current State of Florida Status (except govermnent entities) ( ) Form 990 (except government entities) ( ) Proof of Liability Insurance naming Collier County as an additional insured that will be in effect during the grant funding period. Name of Grant Preparer: (Please Print) Signature of Grant Preparer 3 Date I Packet Pg. 1785 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL GRANT APPLICATION CATEGORY "C-2" NON -COUNTY OW ED AND OPERATED MUSEUM GRANT FY 22-23 I GENERAL INFORMATION To assist us in evaluating the impact your project may have on Collier County and to better understand what support you are requesting, the following questions must be answered in full. (1) LEGAL NAME OF ORGANIZATION (2) NAME OF PROJECT (3) MUSEUM INFORMATION: CONTACT PERSON'S NAME: PHONE#: CELL PHONE # E-MAIL ADDRESS: (4) COMPLETE ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION: STREET CITY ST ZIP PHONE: WEBSITE: W.'". (5) ORGANIZATION'S CHIEF OFFICIAL'S NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: PHONE: E-MAIL: FAX: (6) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: () NON-PROFIT () GOVERNMENT AGENCY () FOR -PROFIT ORGANIZATION (7) GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED (t 4 I Packet Pg. 1786 1 (8) ADDITIONAL FUNDING AMOUNT: $ (9) PROJECT TYPE (Check all that apply) () PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS (Brochures, flyers, website) () MARKETING PROGRAM FOR MUSEUM OR EXHIBITS (Advertising, Public Relations, Digital or Social Media) () TRAVELING EXHIBIT (Acquisition fees, promotion, and advertising, etc.) () OTHER (Describe) (10) If the entire Tourist Tax funding request cannot be funded, may the project be restructured with less funding? () YES () NO (11). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: describe in detail the project for which funding is requested (12). APPLICANT'S GRANT HISTORY: Have you received previous grant assistance from the Collier County Tourist Development Council? () YES () NO. If "Yes", specify the year (s), the project name, the amount of the grant awarded and the number of visitors and hotel room nights generated by the grant activity. YEAR PROJECT NAME PREVIOUS GRANT AMOUNT $ # VISITORS ATTRACTED: # ROOM NIGHTS GENERATED Please continue to add below any previous year grant details using the format above If you have previously received funding from the TDC, please attach a copy of your FINAL STATUS REPORT including attendance, economic impact and other information that will enable the TDC staff to evaluate your prior experience. 5 I Packet Pg. 1787 (13). OTHER FUNDING SOURCES (From # 9 previous page): List the sources and amounts of other funds and planned revenue sources to support the amount of the grant. TOTAL MATCH/OTHER FUNDS: $ (14) Provide projections of the Direct Economic Impact this project will have on Collier County using the event calculator available on County website. Projected # of Overnight Visitors Room Nights Tourist Tax Revenue $ Economic Impact: $ Visitor Spending $ (15) What is the current or anticipated annual visitation to your museum? I Packet Pg. 1788 1 PROJECT BUDGET RECAP INCOME SOURCES: TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX GRANT REQUEST $ TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES (From # 13 previous page) $. OTHER INCOME SOURCES $ TOTAL INCOME - ALL SOURCES $ PROJECT EXPENSES: Intended Use of Tourist Tax Funds Please refer to authorized and unauthorized uses on page 2. Provide an itemized summary indicating the intended use of Tourist Development Tax (TDT) funds. Please be as explicit as possible, including planned cities where advertising or promotional materials will be placed. Indicate the total amount you plan to spend for each category or promotion. Use additional sheets if necessary. t Total Tourist Tax Funds Used: $ Other Project Expenses not using Tourist tax grant funds: Total Other Project Expenses: $ TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES $ Profit (Loss) $. 7 I Packet Pg. 1789 CERTIFICATION I have reviewed this Application for Tourist Tax Grant Funds for FY 2022-23. 1 am in full agreement with the information contained herein and have the authority to request this funding on behalf of the organization. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this Application and its attachments is accurate and complete. Chief Officer (or designee): Secretary (or designee) Signature Printed Name and Title Date Signature Printed Name and Title Date I Packet Pg. 1790 1