Agenda 07/12/2022 Item #16D14 (Emergency Solutions Grants CV Agreements between Collier County)07/12/2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign three (3) Emergency Solutions Grants CV Agreements, between Collier County and (1) NAMI Collier County, Inc. (increases award by $20,000), (2) The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. (increases award by $40,000), and (3) Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. (decreases award by $20,000) to respond to changes with expenditure and draw data deadlines set forth in the Housing and Urban Development Grant Fund (705). OBJECTIVE: To reallocate funds among subrecipients to benefit those who are homeless or at -risk of homelessness in Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Emergency Solutions Grant Program - CARES Act Funding provides fianding for any of the five (5) program components (street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing assistance, and Homeless Management Information Systems [HMISI). On June 28, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the County's Five -Year Consolidated Plan for use of entitlement funds for the period of FY 2016-2021, Agenda Item #16D23. The Board approved the One Year Action Plan for FY 2019-2020 on June 25, 2019, Agenda Item #I 6D2. During the declared state of emergency in 2020, the County Manager pursuant to Resolution 2020-50 approved and the Board subsequently ratified on May 12, 2020, Agenda Item #161716, the County Manager's action to amend the 2019-2020 One Year Action Plan to recognize the first round of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG COVID) funding for $1,561,633 and $707,128 respectively. On November 10, 2020, Agenda Item #16D8, the Board approved a second amendment to the FY2019-2020 Action Plan to recognize additional funding in the amount of $2,476,642. This second round of ESG-CV brought the County's ESG allocation to $3,183,770. NAMI COLLIER COUNTY On February 23, 2021, Agenda Item #16D9, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement with the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Collier County, Inc. (NAMI) to provide rapid rehousing services to those who are homeless and at risk of homelessness and affected by COVID- 19. On June 22, 202 1, Agenda Item #I 6D6, the Board approved the First Amendment to add funding, modify the language and revise Exhibit C. On October 26, 2021, Agenda Item #16D2, the Board approved the Second Amendment to clarify language. On January 11, 2022, Agenda Item #16D4, the Board approved the Third Amendment to add services and funding and clarify language. The proposed Fourth Amendment for NAMI responds to the March 31, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08, issued February 4, 2022, where HUD will not recapture funds from recipients who do not meet that deadline and to Notice CPD 22-06 that at least fifty percent (50%) of total funds awarded shall be drawn down in IDIS by June 16, 2022, clarifies language, and increases the total I Packet Pg. 1607 1 07/12/2022 amount of federal funds awarded by $20,000. SHELTER for ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN On February 23, 2021, Agenda Item #16D9, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement with the Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. (SAWCC) to further the goals and objectives of the ESG-CV Program to provide shelter services to those who are homeless and effected by COVID- 19. On June 22, 2021, Agenda Item #16D6, the Board approved the First Amendment to add funding and services, clarify language, and modify the scope of service. On November 9, 2021, Agenda Item #16D5, the Board approved the Second Amendment to respond to HUD Notice CPD-21-08 issued on July 19, 202 1, add new activities and a project component, and modify the budget. On January 11, 2022, Agenda Item #16D4, the Board approved the Third Amendment to respond to HUD Notice CPD-21-08 issued on July 19, 202 1, to add new activities, modify a component and revise Exhibit C. The proposed Fourth Amendment for SAWCC responds to the March 31, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08, issued February 4, 2022, where HUD will not recapture funds from recipients who do not meet that deadline and to Notice CPD 22-06 that at least fifty percent (50%) of total funds awarded shall be drawn by June 16, 2022, clarifies language, and increases the total amount of federal funds awarded by $40,000. COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER AND HOMELESS COALITION On June 8, 2021, Agenda Item #16D8, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement with the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. (CCHHC) to further the goals and objectives of the ESG- CV Program to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus for individuals and families experiencing homelessness and effected by COVID- 19. On January 11, 2022, Agenda Item #I 6D4, the Board approved the First Amendment to respond to HUD Notice CPD-21-08 issued on July 19, 2021, add new activities, modify the budget, add a project component, clarify language, revise Exhibit C, and reduce the total amount of federal funds awarded. The proposed Second Amendment for CCHHC responds to the March 31, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08, issued February 4, 2022, where HUD will not recapture funds from recipients who do not meet that deadline and to Notice CPD 22-06 that at least fifty percent (50%) of total funds awarded shall be drawn down in IDIS by June 16, 2022, clarifies language, and decreases the total amount of federal funds awarded by $20,000. FISCAL IMPACT: The funding source for this grant is the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ESG-CV grant. Funds are available within the HUD Grant Fund (705), Project 33675. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board approval. -DDP GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This item has no impact on the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan of Collier County. I Packet Pg. 1608 1 07/12/2022 RIECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign three (3) Emergency Solutions Grants CV Agreements, between Collier County and (1) NAMI Collier County, Inc. (increases award by $20,000), (2) The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. (increases award by $40,000), and (3) Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. (decreases award by $20,000) to respond to changes with expenditure and draw data deadlines set forth in the Housing and Urban Development Grant Fund (705). Prepared By: Carrie Kurutz, Grants Coordinator, Community & Human Services Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. AMEND #4 2022 06-14 ESG-CV ES20-05 NAMI & CAO (PDF) 2. AMEND #3 2022 01-11 ESG-CV EXECUTED NAMI (PDF) 3. AMEND #2 202110-26 ESG-CV EXECUTED NAMI (PDF) 4. AMEND #1202106-22 ESG-CV EXECUTED NAMI (PDF) 5. [linked] AWD 2022 02-26 ESG-CV ES20-05 EXECUTED NAMI (PDF) 6. AMEND #4 2022 06-15 ESG-CV ES20-04 SHELTER & CAO (PDF) 7. AMEND #3 2022 01-11 ESG-CV EXECUTED SHELTER (PDF) 8. AMEND #2 202111-09 ESG-CV EXECUTED SHELTER (PDF) 9. AMEND #1202106-22 ESG-CV EXECUTED SHELTER (PDF) 10. [linked] AWD 202102-23 ESG-CV EXECUTED SHELTER (PDF) 11. AMEND #2 2022 06-15 ESG-CV ES21-02 CCHHC & CAO (PDF) 12. AMEND #12022 01-11 ESG-CV EXECUTED CCHHC (PDF) 13. [linked] AWD 202106-8 ESG-CV EXECUTED CCHHC (PDF) 14. PP (ESG-CV Amendments NAMI #4—SHELTER #4—CCHHC #2) (PPTX) Packet Pg. 1609 07/12/2022 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D. 14 Doe ID: 22568 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign three (3) Emergency Solutions Grants CV Agreements, between Collier County and (1) NAMI Collier County, Inc. (increases award by $20,000), (2) The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. (increases award by $40,000), and (3) Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. (decreases award by $20,000) to respond to changes with expenditure and draw data deadlines set forth in the Housing and Urban Development Grant Fund (705). Meeting Date: 07/12/2022 Prepared by: Title: — Grants Name: Carrie Kurutz 06/13/2022 4:02 PM Submitted by: Title: Manager - Federal/State Grants Operation — Community & Human Services Name: Kristi Sonntag 06/13/2022 4:02 PM Approved By: Review: Community & Human Services Donald Luciano Additional Reviewer Community & Human Services Kristi Sonntag CHS Review Community & Human Services Maggie Lopez Additional Reviewer Operations & Veteran Services Kimberley Grant Additional Reviewer Public Services Department Todd Henry PSD Level 1 Reviewer Public Services Department Tanya Williams PSD Department Head Review Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review County Attorney's Office Derek D. Perry Level 2 Attorney Review County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Office of Management and Budget Christopher Johnson Additional Reviewer Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending Completed 06/13/2022 4:36 PM Completed 06/13/2022 4:44 PM Completed 06/13/2022 5:07 PM Completed 06/14/2022 10:18 AM Completed 06/14/2022 11:04 AM Completed 06/14/2022 3:38 PM Completed 06/15/2022 3:21 PM Completed 06/20/2022 9:48 AM Completed 06/20/2022 11:30 AM Completed 06/20/2022 11:49 AM Completed 06/27/2022 8:27 AM Completed 06/29/2022 8:59 AM Completed 07/06/2022 8:13 AM 07/12/2022 9:00 AM I Packet Pg. 1610 1 FAIN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date September 22, 2020 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA# 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $390,000 $410,000 Subrecipient Name NAMI Collier County, Inc. UEI# E1316AJ87TRS5 FEIN# 65-0047747 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance September 22, 2020 — September 21 � 2022 Fiscal Year End 6/30 1: 12/22 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGRE EMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (NAMI) Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Activity - COVID-19 Assistance THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into this _ day of 2022, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiarni Trail, Naples FL 34112, and NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (SUBRE CIPIENT) having its principal office at 3050 N Horseshoe Drive, Suite 168, Naples, Ff. 34104. RE CITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020, the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and [22-SOC-M 15/1725757111 NAMI Words &WW�4-hroqh am deleted; Word, Underlined am added, Amendment #4 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Page I -- 04( FPacket Pg. 1611 . .. ....... ... ... WHEREAS, on February 5, 202 1, the COUNTY entered into an Amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESQ) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U. S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional ESG-CV funding, revise Exhibit C, update payment deliverables, and clarify language in components and performance measures; and WHERE, AS, on October 26, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Second Amendment to further amend the Agreement to clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities, add additional project components and remove one component at the request of the subrecipient; and WHERE AS, on January 11, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Third Amendment to the Agreement to add Emergency Shelter to the Scope of Work, clarify language within Payment Deliverables, and increase the total amount of federal funds awarded at the request of the subrecipient; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to respond to March 3 1, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08 (ESG-CV Notice), and increase the total amount of federal funds awarded, at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT. NOW, THERE FORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Strueli Thro are deleted; Words Underlined are added 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Total Federal Funds: $$390,000 $410,000 [22-SOC-00915/1725757/11 N71 Words Stmek-T-hwugh are delete!d; Words Underlined are added. Amendment B4 CU COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Page 2 0 7. 0 Packet Pg. D, Performance Measures 2. SUBRECIPIENT must should expend 80 percent ($152,0WIaZ8,000) of the total award oe Wer than january 31, 2022 by March 31, 2022. W SUBRECIPIENT does not meet4l4s4equlrement, HUD may re W.P. thiA recapture tip to 80-pereent of the ftmds, If the SUBRECIPIENT does not meet the 80 percent expenditure deadline, pUmerits to reimburse any allowable activity under this Agreement shall not be delued or prohibited. At least 50% of the SUBRECIPIENT's total funds awarded must be expended by June 16, 2022. 1.3 Period of Performance SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on September 22, 2020 and end on September 21, 2022. The SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement, Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revel t to the COUNTY. The County Manager or designee may extend the term of this Agreement for a period of up to 180 days after the end of the Agreement.. Extensions must be authorized, in writing, by formal letter to the SUBRECIPIENT, This amendment shall be effective on Oeteber 1, 2024- February 4. 2022 and end with the term of the agreement. 1.4 Agreement Amount The COUNTY agrees to make available T14RE FOUR HUNDRE, D NINETY TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($3�410,000) for use by the SUBRECIPTENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ED E [22-SOC-00915/1725757/1] NAM] Words Strook-Urough are deleted; Words Vik&dingO are added, Amendment 94 CU COVID-19 E820-05 Rapid R&ousing and Emergency Shelter Page 3 Packet Pg. 1613 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KIN`ZEL, CLERK , Deputy Clerk Dated: (SEAL) Approved as to form and legality: Derek D. Perry Assistant County Attorney Date: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson Date: NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. By: ELIZABETH STIKEMAN, C14AIR OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS/CEO Date: ZVI Y12 Z- [22-SOC-00915/1725757/11 NAMT Words &tfu&-T-hmgh are deleted� Words Underlined are added. Amendment 94 COVID-t9 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Page 4 Packet Pg. 1614 FAIN 4 E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date September 22, 2020 Federal Award AZency_ HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARE S Act Funding CFDA/CSFA4 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $190,000 1390,000 Subrecipient Name NAMI Collier County, Inc. DUNS# 825230993 FEIN 65-0047747 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance September 22, 2020 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End 6/30 Monitor End: 12/22 THIRD AMENDMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (NAMI) Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Activity - COVID-19 Assistance 4 THIS THIRD AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 0 day of 2022, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the, State ofTlorida, (" UNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (SUBRECIPIENT) having its principal office at 6216 Trail Blvd., Building C, Naples, FL 34108, RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020, the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the MrKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., aud the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and 12) -GRC-0 1137/1624203/1 NAMI Ametidnieni 43 WAD- 19 Es20-05 Rapid Rehousing and P-mergeney Shelter OLikeadh Page 1 0 F�acket Pg. 1615 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into an Amendment with the N United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES 0 Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in 3: 3: certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES U Act Funding, Subtitle, B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S,C. 01 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement LU (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and M 01 le WHE REAS, on June 22, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional F-SG-CV funding, revise Exhibit C, update payment deliverables, < and clarify language in components and performance measures; and z z WHEREAS, on October 26, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners approved the Second Amendment to clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities, add additional project components and remove one z component at the request of the subrecipient, WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to add Emergency Shelter to the Scope of Work, clarify language within Payment Deliverables, and increase the total amount CO) of federal funds awarded at the request of the subrecipient. L.0 00 to LO NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and N valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows; 9 Words Struelc Through are deleted; Words Underlined are added PART I SCOPE OF WORK Projec(Name: ESG COVID-19 Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Activity Description of project and outcome: Expand and improve crisis response to the local con-imiunity with support/essential services and needs for clients in supported housing, rental assistance, related activities to include but not limited to household furnishings, hotelh-notel services, internet and cell service and associated equipment, and financial counseling to those affected by COVID-19 for a period no longer than 12 months. [21 -GRC�0 113711624203/11 NAMI Amendment 93 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rchousingand Eniergeitry Shelter Outfeach Pige 2 a I Packet Pg. 1616 1 Project Component One: Short- to Medium-'rerin Rapid Ro-Housing Rental Assistance including but not limited to, rent assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, and financial assistance services. Project Component Two: Rapid Re -housing Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives salaries, Project Component 3 Three: Emergengy Shelter Activi1y for I-Iotel/Motel Essential Servicesi and Gcosts associated with overnight stay not to exceed the GSA rate, for the area. Project Component 4 Four: Rapid Rehousing fo Furniture and Household Furnishings-L to include but not limited to bedroom, Icitchen and living roorn ftirniture and household supplies; dishes, pots, pans, linens. Project Component 5 Five: Rapid Rehousing or Eniergengy Shelter ActivLty to provide Cell Phones with Wireless Plans and Intemet—services and equipment. Internet services to include arrears and no more than 12 months prospective payments. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Project Component 1: Short- to Medium -Term Rapid Re -Housing Rental Assistance including but not limited to, rent assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, and financial assistance services. Project Component 2: Rapid Re -housing Supportive Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives salaries, Project Component 3: Enaergency Shelter Activity fQr Hotel/Motel Essential Servicesi and costs associated with overnight stay not to exceed the GSA rate for the area. Project Component 4: Rapid Rehousing fo Furniture and Household Furnishings� to include but not limited to bedroom, kitchen and living room furniture and household supplies; dishes, pots, pans, linens. [2 1 -G RC.0 113711624203? 11 NAN11 Amendment U COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rchousing and Emergency Shcher Outreach Page .1 Packet Pg. 1617 Project Component 5- Rapid Rehousing oi Emergency Shelter Activity to provide Cell Phones with Wireless Plans and Internet --services and equipment. Internet services to include arrears and no more than 12 months prosvective oavrnents. I Total Federal Funds: $49", 00 $390,000 The SUBRECIPIENT may use funds among all components, as needed, in order to respond to the needs of the community. Total expenditures may not exceed tile Total Federal Funds. E. Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: Short- Exhibit B along with invoice and Monthly submission to Medium -Term Rapid Re- proof of rent payment as evidenced by within 30 days of Housing Rental Assistance cancelled checks, properly completed prior month including but not limited to, invoices, batik statements, utility bills, rent assistance, security proof of hornelessness/at risk of deposits, application fees, homelessness, lease agreement, utility deposits or payments, landlord agreement (initial payment and financial assistance only), and any additional documents services. as requested. Project Component 2: Rapid Exhibit B along with property Monthly submission Re -housing Supportive completed invoices, timesheets, within 30 days of Housing Specialist and/or payroll, banking, cancelled checks, prior month Director of Peer Initiatives and any additional documents as salaries. requested. Project Component 3: Exhibit B along with proof of hotel or Monthly submission Emergency Shelter - Hotel/Motel Essential Services motel stay as evidenced by itemized detailed receipts and properly within 30 days of prior month completed payments, batik staternents, cancelled checks, credit card, GSA. rate for tile Naples MSA, and any additional documents as requested. Project Component 4: R Ap:id Exhibit B along with three quotes Monthly submission within 30 days o Rehousing - Furniture and obtained prior to purchase, proof of Household Furnishings purchase, proof of properly completed prior month I payment, properly completed I [2 1-GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAM] Amendment 03 COVID-19 B20-05 Rapid Rehousing nild Emergency shelter Otitmauk a plge'i U I Packet Pg. 1618 1 invoices, bank statement, cancelled checks, and any additional documents as requested. Project Component 5: Exhibit B billing statement(s) in the Monthly submission within 30 days of prior month Emergency Shelter or RapLd name of assisted individual, proof of purehase for eel! phone providing cc] I Rehoqdtjp ,: Cell Phones with Wireless Plans and assoeiate phones with wireless plans, and related equipment and Internet related equipment, bank statement, Service credit card statement, cancelled checks, and any additional funds as requested. 1.3 Period of Performance SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on September 22, 2020 and end on September 21, 2022. The SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY, The County Manager or designee may extend the term of this Agreement for a period of up to 180 days after the end of the Agreement. Extensions must be authorized, in writing, by formal letter to the SUBRECIPIENT. This amendment shall be effective on SeptembeF October 1, 2021 and end with the term of the agreement. 1.4 Agreement Amount The COUNTY agrees to make available ONE THREE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($1390,000) for use by the SUBRECIPIENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK [21-ORC-01 137/1624203/11 NAM] Amendment 113 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Fniergmicy Shchcr OW(each 0 Page 5 I Packet Pg. 1619 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by ail authorized person or agent, hereunder set their limids and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KITJ��, CLERK Approved as to form and legality: JeMfer A. Belpedio Assistant County Att0i'lley Date: 0%, BOARD OF C9?P AISSIONERS OF COLLZIFR�CqU T I-LORIDA Bv: Wi fiam L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson Date: / // / '� 1� NAMI'COYLIER COUNTY, INC. By: I'. h, r,LIZABtTI-I STIKEMAN, CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS/CEO Date: / '� . / NAMI Amendment 93 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rnpid Rehousing acid Emergency Shriter Qkftfoa�h Nne 6 ep I Packet Pg. 1620 1 FAIN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date September 22, 2020 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA4 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $190,000 Subrecipient Name NAMI Collier County, Inc DUNS# 825230993 FEIN 65-0047747 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance September 22, 2020 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End 6/30 Monitor End: 12/22 SECOND AMENDMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (NAMI) Rapid Rehousing - COVID-19 Assistance " ' +�/l THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into this!.�L day of j7,2021, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (SUBRECIPIENT) having its principal office at 6216 Trail Blvd., Building C, Naples, FL 34108. RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020, the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and [21 -GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAM] Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page I r) 0 I Packet Pg. 1621 1 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into an Amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program - CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021, the County entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and WHEREAS, On June 22, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional ESG-CV funding, revise Exhibit C, update payment deliverables, and clarify language in components and performance measures; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities, add additional project components and remove one component at the request of the subrecipient. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Struek -Thr&uo are deleted; Words Underlined are added PART I SCOPE OF WORK Project Name: ESG COVID-19 Rapid Rehousing Mid OkitFea6h Description of project and outcome: Expand and improve crisis response to the local community with support/essential needs for clients in supported housing, eutFeae twiaRhe4efed-, rental assistance, related activities to include but not limited to household furnishinim internet and cell service and associated equipment , tFewel-feiwt4ur-sem , and financial counseling to those affected by COVID- 19 for a period no longer than 12 months. Proiect Componcn-t-Qn—e: Street 0 tFeaeh to he ess u she4tefed-per-sens ineluding-44-*et 4W,4ed-t0-,-eSSefAif4 nee s-,4mnspeTtatien (bus fne4ie-a4-sefviees, landle health-&er-viees. Short- to Medium -Term Rapid Re -Housing Rental Assistance including but not limited to, rent assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, and financial assistance services. P+aieet (;em12sffef4--T-we--,-Sh0Ft Medium Tef:m-R-api-d-R-e HausiR,-1 Rlental-A-ssmi4aec-e ineludi g-WA-netliffliteElte,F [21 -GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAMI Amendment #2 COV(D-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 2 I Packet Pg. 1622 1 deposimts-eF- paymeiits,-last--iiffe nth's -aetivities,,-finaneial. tFaining.- Proiect Component Thr-eeTwo: Rapid Re -housing Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives &salaries, Proiect Component 3: Hotel/Motel Services: Cost associated with overnight stay not to exceed the General Services Administration (GSA) rate for the area. Project Component 4: Furniture and Household Furnishings: to include but not limited to bedroom, kitchen and living room furniture and household supplies, dishes, pots, pans, linens. Proiect Component 5: Cell Phone and Internet: services and equipment. Internet services to include arrears and no more than 12 months prospective payments. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Project Component 1: Short- to Medium -Term Rapid Re -Housing Rental Assistance including but not limited to, rent assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, and financial assistance services. and tr-ainin , applicafien -F-es —A "d-per-s k�s .1 amel expeasi , Project Component 2: Rapid Re -housing Supportive Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives salaries. Project Component 3: Hotel/Motel Services: costs associated with overnight stqy not to exceed the GSA rate for the area. Project Component 4: Furniture and Household Fumishings to include but not limited to bedroom, kitchen and _Iiyiqg room fumiture and household supplies; dishes, pots,_pans, linens. Project Component 5: Cell Phone and Internet Cell Phone services and related equ pment. Internet services to include arrears and no more than 12 months prospective pavments. (2 1 -GRC-0 1137/1624203/11 NAMI Amendment 42 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 3 I Packet Pg. 1623 1 Total Federal Funds: $190,000 The SUBRECIPIENT may, with prior- approval by the GrapA eerdinater, adjust the budget be�ween Pr-ejeet Component 1 and Pr-ejeet Component-2-, use funds among all _11s components, as needed, in order to respond to the needs of the community. Total expenditures may not exceed the Total Federal Funds. E. Payment Defiverables Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: Street Ou4rearah ineluding but not litnited to, essential needs/sen4ees, tx-afispeftafien birayele), Exhibit B along doeumentatie Men4W),, by the440 of the mepAh following the men4h of --;k--.4-:;.,ie--,e--MonthIy submission within 30 with hemelessfiess�unshelter-ed, invoiee ef for medieaWneatal healt . deneed by tfaftspeft4ie . - - baPAE (bus passes, tiber, mental health sen4ee&, eaneelled ekeeks, statements, deetHiflents days of prior month and any additional as reque Exhibit B along with invoice and proof of rent payment as emer-gene), fnedieal engagefnefAi, refeffals and training-5hort- to Medium -Term Rat)id Re- Housing Rental Assistance evidenced by cancelled checks, properly completed invoices, bank statements, utility bills, proof of homelessness/at risk of homelessness, including but not limited to, rent assistance, security deposits, qpplication fees, lease agreement, landlord agreement (initial payment only), and any additional documents as requested. utility deposits or pqyments, and financial assistance services. Project Component 2: Shet4 to Medium Ter-Fn Rapid Re Housing Rental Assistanee Exhibit B along with iFAeiee and by Menth!Y, by the 10"' e- -f t -h- e, -m- - 0 n fellowing the nieR4 of seFviee Monthly submission within 30 pFoef of rent payment as evideneed ineluding but limited to, eaneelled eheeks, pr-eper-ly eempleted ifweiees, bank bi not rent assistafiee and afr-ea-r-s, seeafity deposits, appheation fees, tAilil�, deposits Of I . statements, utility homelessness/at proof of risk e homelessness, lease agreement, landlord dqys of prior month agr-eefaent (initial payment deetiments payme . i's r-ent, housing sear -eh and plaeeme aefivities, finaneial assistanee sefviees, and tr-ainin apid Re-housingSupportive Housing Specialist and/or I only), and any additional as requested. proverly completed invoices, timesheets, pUroll, banking, cancelled checks, and @ny additional documents as requested. I [21-GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAM] Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 4 IF C N I Packet Pg. 1624 1 Director of Peer Initiatives salaries. Project Component 3: Hotel/Motel Services Exhibit B along with proof of hotel or Wnthly, by-4� of the me felleAcing the month of sefviee Monthly submission within 30 motel stU as evidenced by itemize detailed receipts and properly completed payments, bank statements, cancelled checks, credit card, GS rate for the Ngples MSA, and qny days of prior month gdditional documents as r���sted�, Proiect Component 4: Fumiture and Household Fumishings Exhibit B along with three quotes obtained prior to purchase, proof o purchase, proof of properly completed payment, properly completed invoices, bank statement, cancelled checks, and any additional documents as reguested. Project Component 5: Cell Phone and associates related Exhibit B billing statement(s) in the name of assisted individual, proof o equipment and Internet Service purchase for cell phone and related equipment, bank statement,credi card statement cancelled checks, and ny additional funds as requested. 1.3 Period of Performance SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on September 22, 2020 and end on September 21, 2022. The SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be under -taken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY The County Manager or designee may extend the term of this Agreement for a period of up to 180 days after the end of the Agreement. Extensions must be authorized, in writing, by formal letter to the SUBRECIPIENT. This Amendment shall be effective on September 1, 2021 and end with the term of the Agreement. 1.4 Agreement Amount [2 1 -GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAMI Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 5 U L) L) LLI —J LLI X U) Iq Z U) Z LU Z LU U 6 U) LU 00 (D LO CN !�'� I Packet Pg. 1625 The COUNTY agrees to make available ONE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($190,000.00) for use by the SUBRECIPIENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). 1,zflrew WENT MLRM�� 1.6 Notices Notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered via mail (postage prepaid), commercial courier, and personal delivery, sent by facsimile or other electronic means. Any notice delivered or sent as aforesaid shall be effective on the date of delivery or sending. All notices and other written communications under this Agreement shall be addressed to the individuals in the capacities indicated below, unless otherwise modified by subsequent written notice. COLLIER COUNTY 'low 09 '-% F-11 ! M m- -m- 01 m- -w o 'N""rWER"Mr.w. REP -ML M ATTENTION: Carrie Kurutz. Grant Coordinator 3339 E Tamiami Trail, Suite 211 Ngples, Florida 34112 Email: carrie.kurutz�Lcolliereotint-yfl..gov Telephone: (239) 252-2644 REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C14 Q N C14 z E (21-GRC-01 137/1624203/11 NAMI Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 6 Packet Pg. 1626 1 IN WITNESS WffEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above, ATTEST: CRYSTAL K, KINZEL, CLERK stas to Mai signatureoin,-, I D d ate (SEAL) Approved as to form and legality: Jennifer A. Belpedio Assistant County Attorney Date: BOAR 0 OUNTY CO� A�JISSIONERS OF COLLI NTY, FLORID:,�� A By: ;Eto TAYWR, CHAIRP�kSON W Date: NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC, By: PAMELA BA�' CHIEF EXECUT"IVE OFFICER Date: C14 Q 04 C14 z LLI 121-GRC-01137/1624203/11 NAMI 0) Amendment #2 E COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and OuLreach Page 7 I Packet Pg. 1627 1 FAIN E-20-UW-12-6016 Federal Award Date September 22, 2020 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA# 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $90,000 $190,000 Subrecipient Name NAMI Collier Coun Inc DUNS# 825230993 FEIN— 65-0047747 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance September 22, 2020 — September 1, 2022 FiscalYearEnd —6/30 Monitor End: 12/22 FIRST AMENDMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (NAMI) Rapid Rehousing and Outreach - COVID-19 Assistance ro� THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into this day of.�;:J�Et,-2021, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. (SUBRECIPIENT) having its principal office at 6216 Trail Blvd., Building C, Naples, FL 34108. RECITALS WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and WHERE AS, the Patties desire to amend the Agreement to add additional ESG-CV funding received, revise Exhibit C, update payment deliverables, and clarify language in components a -ad Performance measures. NAMI Aniendmrnt#1 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page t Packet Pg. 1628 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficieney of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Struck Thr-o*& are deleted; Words Underlined are added PART I SCOPE OF WORK Project Name: ESG COVID-19 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Description of project and outcome: Expand and improve crisis response to the local community with supportlessential needs for clients in supported housing, outreach to the homeless and unsheltered, rental assistance, travel reimbursement, and financial counseling to those affected by COVID- 19 for a period no longer than 12 months. Project Component One: Street Outreach to homeless unsheltered persons including but not limited to, essential needs/services, transportation (bus passes, uber, bicycle), emergency medical sei vices, landlord engagement, referrals, training5 and mental health services. Project Component Two: Short- to Medium -Term Rapid Re -Housing Rental Assistance including but not limited to, rent assistance and aff ears, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, last ffienth4i-repA, housing search and placement aetivifies, financial assistance services, and training. Proiect Component Three: Rapid Re -housing Case MaaagemenOe Specialist an SuppeAed SLapportive Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives Salaries, 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Amount Project Component 1: Street Outreach —including $10,000.00 but not limited to, essential needs/services, transportation (bus passes, uber, bicycle), emergency medical sei vices, landlord engagement, referrals mental health services. and training NAMI Amendment8l COVID-19 E820-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 2 I Packet Pg. 1629 1 Project Component 2: Short- to Medium -Term Rapid $40,000.00 Re -Housing Rental Assistance including but not $100,000.00 limited to, rent assistance an4_arfea1_-s, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits or payments, and last menthis-refft, housing search and- plae&merit aetivifie �,financial assistance services, gnd training. Project Component 3: Case Manageffienoeef $40,000.00 SPecialist -and Suppoi4ed Rapid Re -housing $80,000.00 Supportive Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives Salaries Total Federal Funds: $90.5000.00 D. Performance Measures I SUB RECIPIENT must expend 2 0 percent (L3 8,0 00) of the total award no I ater than A�ugust3 2021 July 31,2021. If SUBRECIPIENT does not meet this requirement, HUD may reduce the award and recapture up to 20 percent of the funds. 2 SUBRECIPIENT must expend 80 percent kW2,000Lof the total award no later than Febfaary 28, 2022 January 31, 2022. If SUBRECIPIENT does not meet this requirement, HUD may reduce the award and recapture up to 80 percent of the funds, E. Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: treet Exhibit B along with docum—entation Mon ily, by the 10' Outreach -including but not of homelessness/unsheltered, invoice eftherno limited to, essential for medical/mental health/ &flow4T-the�� needs/services, transportation transportation services evidenced by of sewiee-Monthly (bus passes, uber, bicycle), cancelled checks, bank statements, submission —within 30 mental health services, and any additional documents as dgys of ajor month emergency medical services, requested. landlord enwagement, referrals and training Project Component 2: §h_oit-to Exhibit B along with invoice and Monthly, by the 10,11 Medium -Term Rapid Re- proof of rent payment as evidenced by of the me,-Ah Housing Rental Assistance cancelled checks, properly completed f-ellewing 4h"t;--MAnth including but not limited to, invoices, bank statements, utility bills, of s viet-Monthly rent assistance and amars, DY00f of homelessness/at risk of NAM Arnendinen1#1 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 3 Packet Pg. 1630 security deposits, application —Fho­meles�sncss, fees, utility deposits or payments, last month's rent, housing seamh �Jease a-greement, �F:su:�bmissi�onwit�hin3Q� landlord agreement (initial payment only), and any additional documents as requested. dgys of prior month and plaeome ac4ivities,-finan ial assistance services, and training Project Component 3 -; Gas Management/Peer Speeialis mW-S,cwo#e4 R#p:id Exhibit B along with properly completed invoices, timeshects, payroll, banking, canceled checks, efthe m fellev4ng the me Rehousing Supportive Housing Specialist and/or Director of Peer Initiatives and any additional documents as requested. of servieE—Monthly submission within 30 dqys of prior month Salaries 1.4 AGREEMENT AMOUNT The COUNTY agrees to make available ONE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($9000-00 $190,000-00) for use by the SUBRECIPIENT during the Tenn of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). 2.2 RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION D. Upon completion of all work contemplated under this Agreement, copies of all documents and records relating to this Agreement shall be surrendered to CHS, if requested. In any event, SUBRECIPIENT shall keep all documents and records in an orderly fashion and in a readily accessible, permanent, and secured location for three (3�- Live 5 C)-years after the date of submission of the annual performance and evaluation report, as described in 2 Cr-R 200. 24 CFR 92,508(g). However, if any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration date of the thfee (3 Live 5 year period, the records will be maintained until all litigation, claim, or audit findings involving these records are resolved. If the SUBRECIPIENT ceases to exist after the closeout of this Agreement, it will notify the COUNTY in writing, of the address where the records are to be kept, as outlined in 2 CFR 200.337. The SUBRECIPIENT shall meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost to COUNTY, all public records in possession of the SUBRECIPIENT upon termination of the Agreement; and destroy any duplicate exempt or confidential public records that are released from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the COUNTY in a format that is compatible with the COUNTY's information technology systems. NAMI Amendment 41 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 4 I Packet Pg. 1631 1 3.14 PROGRAM -GENERATED INCOME No Program Income is anticipated. However, if Program Income is derived from the use of CDBG GV ESG-CV funds disbursed under this Agreement, such Program Income shall be utilized by the SUBRECIPIENT for Q4B49-C-V ESG-CV - eligible activities approved by COUNTY. Any Program Income (as such term is defined under applicable Federal regulations) gained from any activity of the SUBRECIPIENT funded by CDBG GV FSQ_ CV funds shall be reported to the COUNTY through an annual Program Income Re -use Plan, utilized by the SUBRECIPIENT accordingly, and shall be in compliance with 2 CFR 200.307 and 24 CFR 578.97 in the operation of the Program, When Program Income is generated by an activity that is only partially assisted by CDBG C ESG-CV funds, the income shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of C-DBG CN7 ESG-CV funds used. If there is a Program Income balance at the end of the Program Year, such balance shall revert to the COUNTY's GDB ESG Program, for further reallocation. I L'St VAr JIM -.MwAWMr ATM Will WONRAMM11. =10 it I ELM 0M I E IAML111411 WIN 'Il-M Purchase of Equipment: Equipment under the SUBRECIPIENT'S control that was acquired or improved, in whole or in part, with CPBG GV ESG-CV funds shall be used to provide eligible activities under this agreement .--4- +- ')A rM" 570 200, during the continued use period, as referenced in section 344 3.15 (Grant Closeout Procedures) of this Agreement. If the SUBRECIPIENT sell . s, transfers, disposes of, or otherwise fails to continue to use the GDBG GV ESG-CV assisted equipment in a manner that meets an eligible activi1y as defined under this agreement, a GDBG Oh,jeet4,e, the SUBRECIPIENT shall pay the COUNTY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the equipment, less the percentage of non-C-PBC—GV ESG-CV funds used to acquire the equipment. Equipment no longer needed by the SUBRECIPIENT for CDBG GV ESG-CV eligible activities under this Agreement shall be: (a) transferred to the COUNTY for use elsewhere in the Q)BQ-GV ESG-CV program, or (b) retained by the SUBRECIPIENT after compensating the COUNTY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the equipment, less the percentage of non-CDBG GV ESG-CV funds used to acquire the equipment. NAM[ Arnendrnentfll COVID-19 JES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 5 Packet Exhibit C is replaced in its entirety as follows: EXH1131T C E mergency Solutions Grants (E SG -CV) Quarterly Performance Report Characteristics Report Report Selection Criteria Etfhnicit Non - Race His anfic His anic White Black/African American Asian American Indian/Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2. Number of adults and children served: a. Residential Number of Adults Number of Children Number of Unknown Age 3. Number of individ uals/fa mi lies a. Number of individual households (singles Unaccompanied 18 and over Unaccompanied 17 and under b. Non -Residential Number of Adults Number of Children Number of Unknown Age Male I Female b. Number of Families with children Male Female Headed by single 18 and over Headed by single 17 and under Headed by two parents 18 and over Headed by two parents 17 and under NAMI Amendment#1 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rrhousing and Outreach Page 6 Packet Pg. 1633 Number of Families with no children I __LT_ TOTAL] totai r ect(s)/service(s) provided 0 ' " 'r 1. to clien c a. emergen y shelter facilities shelter El' b. vouchers for shelters s I , s or he ters c. drop -in center 1 r d. food pantry e. mental health f. alcohol/drug g. childcare 5. Number of clients served by ub a. Chronically Homeless b. Victims of Domestic Violence c. Elderly d. Veterans e. Individuals with HIV/AfDS s il h. employment i. transitional j. outreach k. soup kitchen/meal distribution I. health care M. HIVAIDS services rnjo:t:her �(plea�serist������ )ulation (duplicated count): f. Chronic Substance Abuse (alcohol g. Severely Mentally III h. Runaway / throwaway youth i. Other disability (Physical and/or Developmental) or dru (Chronically Homeless- HUD definition of a chronically homelessperson is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either: 1) been continuously homelessfor a year a more, or 2) has had at leastfour episodes of homelessness in the past three years) 6. Clients housed by shelter type: FB a r r -ac k s Group/Large House Scattered Site Apartment Single Family Detached House Single Room Occuvancv NAMI Amendment 41 COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and OUI=011 Mobile Home/Trailer Hotel/Motel Other Apartment/Complex Other Single -Family Duplex Other TOTAL Page 7 Packet Total ESG-CVExpenditures I hereby certify the above information is true and accurate. Signature. Date: Printed Name: Title: Your !Xped name here repre ents your electronic signature. NAMI Arnendmentfl COVID-19 ES20-05 Rapid Rehousing and Outreach Page 8 I Packet Pg. 1635 1 IN WITNESS,WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and Ifie COUNTY, have eaell, respectively, by at) or R80111, heremider set their hands mid sea Is oil the date first %vi'l bove. Hen a ATTEST, BOARD 901PINTY COMM[ SIONEJJS OF Y, r dySTA L", k. -`Kjk-Z8Dj', CL ER K ' I COL�Ll 13311 Y, r-LORIDA By - PE YL IttPE mr�jq utyl;�rk PE N TAYL CHA111PE N 0 'Odo� Dated: (SCAL) Approved as to rorm and legality: ,)a 10 Jeniii er Belpedio Assislant County Altoiney Daie:-5 111 NAMI AmendnicIR N1 COVID-19 B20-05 Ropid Rellousing ruld 0111�cflcjj Date: (o � Z- 2— � 2— \ NAMI COLLIER COUNTY, INC. By: PAMELA BAKER, CH9.1-EXECUTIVE OFFICER Date: 67 / ;2/ (2 o P-/ f Page 9 Packet Pg. T6�67] FAIN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 09/22/20 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV) CARES Act Funding .14.231 CFDA/CSFA# Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $2,440,000.00 Subrecipient Name 'The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. UEl# FKAlVKEREQF4 FEIN# 1159-2752895 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance September 22, 2020 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Ye End 6/30 Monitor End: I t9/30 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. (SAWCC) Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing and Technology COVID-19 Assistance THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into this day of 2022, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc., a private not -for -profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("SUBRECIPIENT"), having its principal office at PO Box 10102, Naples, FL 34101 RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and [22-SOC-00916/1725962/11 The Shelter Words Stfuek Through are deleted; Words Underlined are added. Amendment #4 COVID-19 ES20-04 Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page I I Packet Pg. 1637 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into a grant agreement amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U. S.C. 113 71 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-13 6); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 202 1, the COUNTY entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG-CV Program; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional ESG-CV funding, services, clarify language in components, update payment deliverables, revise Exhibit C, and modify the scope of service; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Second Amendment to clarify language among all components, collapse the budget for the use of all eligible activities, and add an additional project component at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Third Amendment to revise the Scope of Work, clarify language in Component Seven, and revise Exhibit C at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to respond to March 3 1, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08 (ESG-CV Notice), clarify Project Details, and increase the total amount of federal funds awarded. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: M'oFds Streek Throuo are deleted; Words Underlined are added. [22-SOC-00916/1725962/1] The Shelter Words StMk ThFOugh are deleted; Words Underlined are added. Amendment #4 COVID-19 ES20-04 Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousin& and Technology Page 2 I Packet P9. 1638 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Amount Total Federal Funds: $2,440,000.00 D. Performance Defiverables 2. SUBRECIPIENT must should expend 80 percent ($1,920,2-W$l 952 00) of the total award no later- than ianttar-y 31, 2022. if SUBRECIPIENT does not meet this . . nent, 14UD may feduee the award and feeaptufe tip to 90 pefeent of th-e funds. by March 31, 2022. If the SUBRECIPIENT does not meet the 80 percent expenditure deadline, payments to reimburse any allowable activity under this Agreement shall not be delqyed or prohibited. At least 50% of the SUBRECIPIENT's total funds awarded must be drawn down by June 16, 2022. 1.3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on September 22, 2020 and end on September 21, 2022. SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY. This amendment shall be effective on Oeteber- 1, 2 FebruaKy 4, 2022 and end with the term of the agreement. 1.4 AGREEMENT AMOUNT [22-SOC-00916/1725962/1] The Shelter Words StFUOIE ThFOugh are deleted� Words Underlined are added. M Amendment #4 COVID-19 ES20-04 Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousin& and Technology Page 3 Fpacket The COUNTY agrees to make available TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($2,400,000.002,440,000.00 for use by SUBRECIPIENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK [22-SOC-00916/1725962/1] The Shelter Words Struok Through are deleted; Words Underlined are added, Amendment #4 COVID-19 ES20-04 Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 4 7— FPacket IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK Dated: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson (SEAL) Approved as to form and legality: Derek D. Perry Assistant County Attorney Date: Date: THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. 'IF By: LINDA OBERHAUS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Date. e/7 //s� 122-SOC-0091611725962/11 The Shelter Words StQ& 411Fe are deleted; Words Underl! are added. Amendinent #4 COVID-19 ES20-04 Shelter Operations, Emergency Sheller Activity, linprovernerils, Rapid Rehousinp_ and Technology Page 5 > 0 I Packet Pg. 1641 11 FAIN # F-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 09/22/20 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name �Emergency Solutions orant (ESG-CV) CARES Act Funding 114.231 CFDA/CSFA# Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $2,400,000.00 Subrecipient Name �he Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. DUNS# 1836680769 FEIN 159-27528, R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance Septen-iber 22,2020 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End �/30 Monitor End: - 10/30 THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDRE N, INC. (SAWCC) Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Activity, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing and Technology COVID-19 Assistance j h THIS THIRD AMENDME NT is made and entered into this k day 0 2021, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of tile State of Florida, C%aU'yNWy") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and "The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc.", a private not -for -profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("SUBRECIPIENT"), having its principal office at PO Box 10102, Naples, FL 34101. RE, CITALS WHEREAS, oil September 22, 2020 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Horneless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and tile CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and irile shelter Amendment 0 COVID-19 E-820-04 Sbellor operations, Emergenq Shelter Activity, Improvemeots, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Fla I ' Packet Pg. 1642 1 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into a grant agreement amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021, the COUNTY entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional ESG-CV funding, add additional services, clarify language in components, update payment deliverables, revise Exhibit C, and modify the scope of service; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 202 1, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Second Amendment to clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities and add an additional project component at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT. WHE REAS, the Parties desire to further arnend the Agreement to add Emergency Shelter Activity to the Scope of Work, clarify language in Component Seven, and revise Exhibit C at tile request of the SUBRECIPIENT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words-�' ek-"wauO are deleted; Words Underlined are, added. PAI�Tl SCOPE OF WORK The SUBRECIPIENT shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing ESG, as determined by Collier County Community and Hurnan Services Division (CHS), perform the tasks necessary to conduct tile program as follows: Project Name: ESG COVID-19 Shelter Operations, Emergency Shelter Ac!iyfty-' Improvements, Rapid Rehousing Technology, and Incidentals t1lie Sheller Amendment #3 COVID-19 ES20-04 S �1-1 �Ier operations, Eal�=cy Shcher Mfivily. Impromnents, Rapid Rchousing, and Technology Pag rPacket Pg Description of project and outcoine. Shelter related expenses to expand and improve in the prevention, preparation, and response to COVID- 19. Project Component One: Shelter Operation Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Project Component Two: Outreach Facility Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, equipment, repairshnaintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Project Component Three: Transportation costs which may include but are not limited to bus passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs. Project Component Four: Emergency Shelter Personnel expenses which may include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID- 19 I -elated prevention, preparation, and response. Project Component Five: Outreach Personnel which may include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Project Component Six: Short- to medium -term Rapid Re -Housing rental assistance which may include but is not limited to, rental assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits and personnel expenses. Project Component Seven: Emergengy Shelter Activity or Rapid Rehousing to include Ffinancial incentives for participants to receive the coronavirus vaccine, up to a maximurn of $50 per dose. 1.2 PROJECT DE'rAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Amount Project Component 1: Shelter N/A Operation Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, i-epairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and 1-.��Iies' I I [rhe Shelter Amendinwit 113 COVID-19 ES20-04 Llicher Opernlions, Emergency Sheller Activity. Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology I Pag T �Packet Pg. 1644 Project Component 2: N/A Outreach Facility Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Project Component 3: Shelter N/A transportation costs which may include but are not limited to bus passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs. Project Component 4: Shelter N/A Personnel expenses which may include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Project Component Five,, N/A Outreach Pei -sonnet which may include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Project Component Six: N/A Short- to inedium-term Rapid Re -Housing rental assistance which may include but is not limited to, rental assistance, security deposits, application fees and utility deposits and personnel expenses. Project Component Seven: N/A Emergency Shelter Activity o Rapid Rehousing which may include Ffinancial incentives for participants to receive the coronavirus vaccine, Lip to a maximum of $50 per dose, Oc slielter Amendinent 103 U) F_ z LU z LU cf) LU 00 (D LO 04 LU F_ _J LU LU F_ D Q LLI X LU LU C14 04 CD 04 z E M U M COVID-19 0 ES20-04 2, Lheiter Operations, Emergency Sheltor Aclivity, Improvemenis, Rapid lkchousin& wid'I'echnology 0 Pag@ I Packet Pg. 1645 Total Federal Funds: $2,400,000.00 E. Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverables --Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: Shelter Exhibit B along with invoice as Monthly submission Operation Expenses which evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of may include but are not bank statements, and any o(her prior month limited to, supplies, documents as requested. repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Project Component 2: Exhibit B along with invoice as Monthly submission Outreach Facility Expenses evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of which may include but are not bank statements, and any other prior month limited to, supplies, documents as requested. equipment, repairsh-naintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies, Project Component 3: Shelter Exhibit B along with invoice/receipt Monthly submission transportation costs which may as evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of include but are not limited to bank statements, and any other prior month bus passes, taxis, uber and documents as requested, vehicle repairs. Project Component 4: Shelter Exhibit B along with documentation Monthly submission Personnel expenses which may including but not limited to within 30 days of include but are not limited to timesheets, payroll, bank prior month the salaries and benefits for staternents, canceled checks and any those assisting in COVID- 19 additional documents as requested. related prevention, preparation, and response. lilic Shelter Amcndment #3 COVID-19 ES20-04 ahc[Str_Operaliojis, Emergcnp�, ShettgrACI[ft Improvements, Rapid Rebousing, mid'I'echnology Pag Packet Pg. 1646 Project Component Five: Exhibit B along with documentation Monthly submission Outreach Personnel which including but not limited to within 30 days of may include but is not limited timesheets, payroll, bank prior month to the salaries and benefits for statements, canceled checks and any those assisting in COVID- 19 additional documents as requested, related prevention, preparation, and response. Project Component Six: Short- Exhibit B along with proof of rent Monthly submission to medium -term Rapid Re- payment as evidenced by properly within 30 days of Housing rental assistance completed vendor invoice, canceled prior month which may include but is not checks, bank statements, utility limited to, rental assistance, bills, proof of homelessness, lease security deposits, application agreement, landlord agreement, and fees and utility deposits and any other documents requested. personnel expenses. Project Component Seven: Exhibit B along with proof of Monthly submission Emergency Shelter Activity to COVID-19 vaccination, proof or payment, including but not limited within 30 days of prior month include Ffinancial incentives for participants to receive the to, credit card invoices, bank coronavirus vaccine, up to a statements, canceled checks, and maximunn of $50 per dose. I any other documents as requested. I 1.3 PERIOD OF PERFiORMANCE SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on September 22, 2020 and end on September 21, 2022. SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement, Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY. This amendment shall be effective on October 1, 2021 and end with the term of the Agreement, �he Slidler Amendmeat J13 COVID-19 V,820-04 Sheitcr operations, EincrUnpy Shelter Aciheity, Impfovenients, Rapid Rehousing, and'rcchnology Pag I ' Packet Pg. 1647 1 EXHIBIT C E mergency Solutions Grant (Ef SG -CV) Quarterly Performance Report Report Period; Fiscal Year: Contract Number: Organization/s- Program/s: Contact Name: Contact Number: 9. Expenditures for Emergency Shelter (Normal) Essential Services 9. Expenditures for Emergency Shelter (Normal) Essential Services $ Operations $ Renovation $ Major Rehab $ Conversion $ Hazard Pay (unique activit)) $ Volunteer Incentives (unique aclivily) $ Training (unique a-c-R-W�tj)) $ Vaccine Incentives (unique actiLvil jil $ Subtotal Emergency Shelter $ RE, MAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK �'Ile shellet Aniendmem #3 COVID- 19 ES20-04 Lkelter Operttlims, Eme=jwy Sheller Activit , Improvenleals, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Pag T Packet Pg. 1648 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIEN'r and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authoi-ized person oragent, hereundej- set their hands and seals on the date first mitten above. ATTEST: ��YsTAL K. K INZEL, CLERK Chi . ' - .111, ............ A /Ajj7Sf;3;- I j 16 - A .510 rm .1-Da"t' signature 0"N. Dated:11 I (SEa) Appi-oved as to form and legality: Jennifer CBelpedio Assistant County Attorney Date: k I I I 190-1 BOARD OF CO COMMISSIONERS OF �.ER ' Co COM' Ot COLL] 40Y, F L OJA By: filliam L. Mc�Daniel, Jr., Cha-irperson Date: /I// 114a LIE THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC, LINDA OBERHAUS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Date: / [I'lle -shelter Atimidmoil 113 COVID-19 0, FS20-04 4 Shcher Operafims, Emergency Sheller Activity, Improvemems, Rapid Rehousing, and'Fedmology 0 Page 8 1 Packet Pg. 1649 FAIN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 09/22/20 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Narne !Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV) CARES Act Funding 4,231 CFDA/CSFA# Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $2,400,000.00 Subrecipient Name The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. DUNS# FEIN _1836680769 �59-2752895 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate 0 Period of Performance ISeptember 22, 2020 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End 16/30 Monitor End: �!,9/30 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. (SAWCC) Shelter Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing and Technology COVID-19 Assistance + t-1 THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into this q day ofA!,g-v , 2021, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and "The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc.", a private not -for -profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("SUB RECIPIENT"), having its principal office at PO Box 10102, Naples, FL 34101 RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law H 6-136); and 1[2 1 -GRC-01236/1670816/11 The shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page I I Packet Pg. 1650 1 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into a grant agreement amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 23, 202 1, the COUNTY entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to add additional ESG-CV funding, add additional services, clarify language in components, update payment deliverables, revise Exhibit C, and modify the scope of service; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities and add an additional project component at the request of the subrecipient. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Str-tiek Thr are deleted; Words Underlined are added. PART I SCOPE OF WORK The SUBRECIPIENT shall, in a satisfactory and proper nianner and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing ESG, as determined by Collier County Community and Human Services Division (CHS), perform the tasks necessary to conduct the program as follows: Project Name: ESG COVID- 19 Shelter Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing Technology, and Incidentals Description of project and outcorne: Shelter related expenses to expand and improve in the prevention, preparation, and response to COVI D- 19. ICL Project Component One: Shelter Operation Expenses which may include but are not r— limited to, supplies, repairs/maintertance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization 0 services and supplies. Funds to be exeended b-,, januari, E 112 1 -GRC-01236/1670816/11 The Shelter Amendment fl2 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology CAO Page 2 1 Packet Pg. 1651 Project Component Two: Outreach Facility Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be expended ffem February 1, 2022 Project Component Three: Transportation costs which may include but are not limited to bus passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs, Funds to be expended by September-24-, 24N. Project Component Four: Emergency Shelter Personnel expenses which may include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID- 19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by ianuat-y 31, 2022. Project Component Five: Outreach Personnel which may include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by September 21, 2022. Project Component Six: Short- to medium -term Rapid Re -Housing rental assistance which may include but is not limited to, rental assistance, security deposits, application fees, utility deposits and personnel expenses. Funds to be expended by September-24-, 242-2. Proiect Component Seven: Financial incentives for participants to receive the coronavirus vaccine, up to a maximurn of $50 per dose. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Ain Project Component 1: Shelter $332,653.00 Operation Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be by january 31, 2022. expended Project Component 2: $45,000.00 1 Outreach Facility Expenses I 1[2 1 -GRC-0 1236/1670816/1) The shelter Amendment 02 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 3 1 Packet Pg. 1652 which may include but are not limited to, supplies, equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be expended from February-4-, 2022 tiffeugh SeptembeF24-, 242-1. Project Component 3: Shelter $26,000.40 transportation costs which may include but are not limited to bus passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs. Funds to be by September-44-, expended 2422, Project Component 4: Shelter $1,350,27649 Personnel expenses which may include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID- 19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by Januafy 31, 2022. Project Component Five: $318,655,42 Outreach Personnel which may include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID- 19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by September- 21, 2022. Project Component Six: $327,415.00 Short- to medium -term Rapid Re -Housing rental assistance which may include but is not limited to, rental assistance, security deposits, application fees and utility deposits and personnel expenses, Funds, to be by Septembef expended It2I -GRC-0 1236/1670816/11 The shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 U L) L) LLI _J LLI M U) z U) F_ z LU z LU U 6 U) LU 00 (D LO CN W F_ I LU M U) a W F_ :3 L) W X W (n W CD 9 04 CD 04 C14 z W E Operations, Improvements, Rapid RehOLISing, and Technology CAQ Page 4 1 Packet Pg. 1653 rmanciai incentives ior participants to receive the coronavirus vaccine. un to a Total Federal Funds: $2,400,000.00 The SUBRECIPIENT may, use funds among all components, as needed, in order to respond to the needs of tile community, Total expenditures may not exceed tile Total Federal Funds. E. Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: Shelter Exhibit B along with invoice as Monthly submission Operation Expenses which evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of may include but are not bank statements, and any other prior month limited to, supplies, documents as requested. repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be by january 31, 2022. expended Project Component 2: Exhibit B along with invoice as Monthly submission Outreach Facility Expenses evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of which may include but are not bank statements, and any other prior month limited to, supplies, documents as requested. equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be ftem FebruaFy 1, expended 2022 tiffeugh September 2 1, 242-2-. 1[21 -GRC-01236/1670816/11 The shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 5 I Packet Pg. 1654 1 Project Component 3: Shelter Exhibit B along with invoice/receipt Monthly submission transportation costs which may as evidenced by cancelled checks, within 30 days of include but are not limited to bank statements, and any other prior month bus passes, taxis, uber and docurnents as requested. vehicle repairs. Funds to be expended by September- 21, 242-2-. Project Component 4: Shelter Exhibit B along with docurnentation Monthly submission Persorinel expenses which may including but not limited to within 30 days of include but are not limited to timesheets, payroll, bank prior month the salaries and benefits for statements, canceled checks and any those assisting in COVID- 19 additional documents as requested. related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by january 3 1, 2022. Projebt Component Five: Exhibit B along with documentation Monthly submission Outreach Personnel which including but not limited to within 30 days of may include but is not limited timesheets, payroll, bank prior month to the salaries and benefits for statements, canceled checks and any those assisting in COVID- 19 additional documents as requested. related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended* Septembef 21, 2022, Project Component Six: Short- Exhibit B along with proof of rent Monthly submission to medium -term Rapid Re- payment as evidenced by properly within 30 days of Housing rental assistance completed vendor invoice, canceled prior month which may include but is not checks, bank statements, utility limited to, rental assistance, bills, proof of homelessness, lease security deposits, application agreement, landlord agreement, and fees and utility deposits and any other documents requested. personnel expenses. Funds to be by September 2 1, expended 202-2L. Project Component Seven: Exhibit B along with proof of COVID- 19 vaccination, proof o Monthly submission Financial incentives for within 30 days o payment, including but not limited participants to receive the prior m nth coronavirus vaccine, up to a to, credit card invoices, bank statements, canceled checks, and maximum of $50 per dose. any other documents as r��ste�d, j[2 1 -GRC-0 1236/1670816/11 The Shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 operations, Improvemcnts, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology P Page 6 1 Packet Pg. 1655 1.6 NOTICES Notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered via rnail (postage prepaid), commercial courier, and personal delivery, sent by facsimile or other electronic means. Any notice delivered or sent as aforesaid shall be effective on the date of delivery or sending. All notices and other written communications under this Agreement shall be addressed to the individuals in the capacities indicated below, unless otherwise modified by subsequent written notice. COLLIER COUNTY ATTENTION: Carrie Kurutz, Grant Coordinator 3339 E Tarniami Trail, Suite 211 Naples, Florida 34112 Email: carrie.kurutzgcolliercountvfl.vov Telephone: (239) 252-2644 REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1(2 1 -GRC-0 1236/1670816/11 The Shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and'rcchnology V Page 7 f, -�; '11, I Packet Pg. IN WITNESS WHERE, OF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST: CRYSTAL K. KINZ.EL, CLERK "7��Q' Approved as to form and legality: Jennifer X Belpedio Assistant County Attorney Date: \ \ � C� � "A � BOARD OF/CQIJLNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER I Y, FLORID By: — 70 u$& PEN-�Y TAYL(M, CHAIRPrRSON Date: I 1-9-c)� =1 THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. LINDA OBERHAUS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ev Date: 1`10-�) -�' . \ A-, \10V'0\ 1[2 1 -GRC-0 1236/1670816/11 The Shelter Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 8 1 Packet Pg. 1657 FATN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 09/22/20 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name �m—ergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA# J1 4.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $546,415.20 $2,400,000.00 Subrecipient Name �he Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc. DUNS# 836680769 FEIN 59-2752895 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance ISeptember 22, 2020 — eptember 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End /30 Monitor End: 19/30 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. (SAWCC) Shelter Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing and Technology COVID-19 Assistance THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into this al day of 021, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and "The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Inc.", a private not -for -profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("SUBRECIPIENT"), having its principal office at PO Box 10102, Naples, FL 34101 RECITALS WHEREAS, on February 23, 2021 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, 8 . ubtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 1137.1 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-13 6); and WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG Program; and �he Shelter Arnendment#1 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page I Packet Pg. i6 q8 WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement to add additional ESG-CV funding received, add additional set -vices, clarify language in components, update payment deliverables, revise Exhibit C, and modify the scope of service. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Strtielr, Thr are deleted; Words Underlined are added PART I SCOPE OF WORK The SUBRECIPIENT shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing ESG, as determined by Collier County Community and Human Services Division (CHS), perform the tasks necessary to conduct the program as follows: Project Name: ES G COVID- 19 Shelter Operations, Improvements, Rgpid Rehousing and Technology, and Incidentals Description of project and outcome: Shelter oper-afie related expenses to expand and improve in the prevention, preparation., and response to C OVID- 19. Project Component One: Shelter Operation Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies, Funds to be expended by JanuM 31, 2022, Project Component Two: T+anspoAafien costs w-hieh may inelude bus passes, taxis, ubef Outreach Facili1y Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be expended fi-orn FebruaU 1, 2022 through September 21, 2022. Project Component Three: Sheltef Personnel whieh may inelude, the salafies and benefits- fe.- these COVID 19 related -prevention, preparatien,- and response Transportation costs which m4y include but are not limited to bus.passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs. Funds to be expended by September 21, 2022. Project Component Four: Emergengy Shelter Personnel expenses which mu include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by JanuaKy 31, 2022. Project Component Five: Outreach Personnel which mU include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID- 19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be �,�ndqd by September 21, 2022, MIC Shelter Ainendnient4i COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousin& and Technology Page 2 1 Packet Pg. 1659 1 Project Component Six: Short- to medium-teim Rapid Rc-Housing rental assistance which mgy include but is not limited to, rental assistance, securi1y deposits, application fees, utilfty deposits and personnel eLipenses. Funds to be eKpended by September 21, 2022. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Amount Project Component 1: Shelter Operation Expenses which may include but are not limited to, supplies, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities PRE-, sanitizing PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be eLcpendcd by JanuM 31, 2022. $77,153. $332,653.00 Project Component 2: Transportation costs whieh may inelede bus passes, taxis, ubef Outreach FqqLlity Expenses which mgy include but are not limited to $0.00* $45,000.00 soplics, equipment, repairs/maintcnance, technology, utilities, PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be eUended from Februga 1, 2022 through September 21, 2022. Project Component 3: Shelter Pef sennel whieh may iRGIUdS, th8 AM-d— benefits for these $469,262.20 $26,000.00 sA-1--A1"k--,9- assisti in GOVID 19 related prevention, preparation,- and response Shelter transportation costs which may include but are not limited to bus passes, taxis, uber and vehicle repairs. Funds to be expended by September 2L 2022. Project Component 4: Shelter Personnel expenses $1,350,276.08 which m4y include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by Janua!y 31, 2022. Project Component Five: Outreach Personnel which $318,655,92 mgy include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for those assisting in COVID - 19 related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be Mended by September 21, 2022. �hc Shelter Amendment 91 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 3 I Packet Pg. 1660 Project Component Six: Short- to medium -term $327,415.00 Rgpid Re -Housing rental assistance which mU include but is not limited to, rental assistance, security deposits, 4pplication fees and utility deposits and personnel expenses. Funds to be expended by September 21 2022 �5 5,20 Total Federal Funds: W $2.400,000.00 *TBD Component 2 a fiatur-e alleeation by amendment to this Agreement. D. Performance Deliverables SUBRECIPIENT must expend 20 percent ($480,000) of the total award no later than August 31, 2021 July 31, 2021. If SUBRECIPIENT does not meet this requirement, HUD may reduce the award and recapture up to 20 percent of the funds. 2 SUBRECIPIENT must expend 80 percent ($1,920,000) of the total award no later than February 28, 2022 Januaty 31, 2022, If SUBRECIPIENT does not meet this requirement, HUD may reduce the award and recapture up to 80 percent of the funds. E. Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverables Payment Deliverable Payment Supporting Documentation Submission Schedule Project Component 1: Shelter Exhibit B along with invoice as ME) PA�y, Operation Expenses which evidenced by cancelled checks, bank the month following may include but are not statements, and any other documents the month of sefviee limited to, supplies, as requested. Monthly.submission within 30 dULof repairs/maintenance, prior month technology, utilities Pg&, sanifizin PPE, sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be expended by January 3 1., 2022. Project Component 2: Exhibit B along with invoice/+eeeip MepAhly, -boy 1001 of RanspefteAieo as evidenced by cancelled checks, the month follevving eests whie ineliade bus taxis, bank statements and any other the may passes, month of sei-viee 4ef Outreach Facilijy documents as requested [The shelter Amendment 41 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology I Page 4 I Packet Pg. 1661 Expenses which mU include Monthly submission but are not limited to, supplied, equipment, repairs/maintenance, technology, utilities, PPE, within 30 d"s o prior month sanitization services and supplies. Funds to be expended from FebruarK_I_, 2022 through September 21, 2022. Project Component 3: SheRef Per inelude, E*hibit B doeumenlatio A4()R"y, "Ih-of the month following the month of ser-vie-e Monthly submission along wi� imiuding btA not litaited to timesheets, bank -some! wmeh May the salarie Q-Rind hian,;�Afs far- those in COVID 19 payroll, statemems, assisting felated prevepAien, pfepafa-fien-, and response Shelter transportation costs eanceled checks and any additional doftments as requested Exhibit B along with invoice/receipt as evidenced by cancelled checks, bank within 30 days o pCior month which mgy include but are not statements and gny other documents limited to bus passes, taxis, as requested uber and vehicle rel2airs. Funds to be expended by September 21, 2022. Project Component 4: Shelter Exhibit B along with documentation Monthly submission Personnel Menses which mq%y including but not limited to timesheets, p4yroll, bank statements, within 30 dUs o nfior month include but are not limited to the salaries and benefits for canceled checks and pLny additional those assisting in CQVID- 19 docurneiiis as requested related prevention, preparation, and response. Funds to be expended by JanuaKy 31, 2022. Project Component 5: Outreach Personnel which Exhibit B along with documentation Montbly submission including but not limited to timesheets, payroll, bank statements, within 30 dqys o, prior mo h mqy include but is not limited to the salaries and benefits for canceled checks and any additional those assisting in COVID- 19 documents as requeste related prevention, pLepaxation, and response. Funds to be enended by September 21,2022. Project Component 6: Short- Exhibit B alang with proof of rent Monthly submission to medium -term Rapid Re- pqyment as evidenced by properly within 30 dgays o prior month Housin g rental assistance which may include but is not completed vendor invoice, canceled checks, bank statements, utilfty bills, limited to, rental assistance, proof of homelessness, lease securijy dWosits,qpplication Oc Shelter Amendment # I COVID-19 V) F- z LU z LLI LU 00 to W N LU F- -j LU 3: LU F- LU x LU LU CI4 C� cc N CD 04 z LU E U m ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 5 1 Packet Pg. 1662 fees and utilfty deposits and agreement, landlord agreement, and personnel enenses. Funds to qny other documents requested be expended by September 21, 2022 1.4 AGREEMENT AMOUNT The COUNTY agrees to make available FIVE 14UNDRED FOR -TV SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND T-MWNTY CENTS ($546,41-s.* TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($2,400,000.00). for use by SUBRECIPIENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). 2.2 RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION D. Upon completion of all work contemplated under this Agreement, copies of all documents and records relating to this Agreement shall be surrendered to CHS, if requested. In any event, SUBRECIPIENT shall keep all documents and records in an orderly fashion and in a readily accessible, permanent, and secured location for three (34- five (5) cars after the date of submission of the annual performance and evaluation report, as described in 2 GFR 200. 24 CFR 92.508(c). However, if any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration date of the thfee (3) Live 5 year period, the records will be maintained until all litigation, claim, or audit findings involving these records are resolved. If the SUBRECIPIENT ceases to exist after the closeout of this Agreement, it will notify the COUNTY in writing, of the address where the records are to be kept, as outlined in 2 CFR 200.337. The SLTBRECIPIENT shall meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost to COUNTY, all public records in possession of the SUBRECIPIFNT -upon termination of the Agreement; and destroy any duplicate exempt or confidential public records that are released fi-om, public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the COUNTY in a format that is compatible with the COUNTY's information technology systems. 3.14 PROGRAM -GENERATE' D INCOME No Program Income is anticipated. However, if Program Income is derived from the use a of CDBG GV ESG-CV funds disbursed under this Agreement, such Program Income shall Z be utilized by the SUBRECIPIENT for GDBG CV ESQ-CV eligible activities approved < by COUNTY. Any Program Income (as such term is defined under applicable Federal regulations) gained ftom any activity of the SUBRECIPIENT funded by GDBG CV ESQ- E CV funds shall be reported to the COUNTY through an annual Program Income Re -use U �he shelter Amendment 8 1 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 6 I Packet Pg. 1663 Plan, utilized by the SUBRECIPIENT accordingly, and shall be in compliance with 2 CFR 200.307 and 24 CFR 578.97 in the operation of the Program, When Program Income is generated by an activity that is only partially assisted by CDBG CV ESG-CV funds, the income shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDBG C-V ESG-CV funds used. If there is a Program Income balance at the end of the Program Year, such balance shall revert to the COUNTY's GDB ESG Program, for further reallocation. -11191MME. I IN P NO F3 eLVAM14 J.'Z !.7 111 MFA10ML'4MLTA1rh1k .91MMIN W M P 1�14 U AM a U M W111,14 �M FIRTMA-M � M FAV111 !Is I IN " I ­ 'k -1 -1 -1 = ' 111 PAVAMA IM WAIIIIT�110 Rio Rile.. M.-ILTA rd 0" M ML.M- W V=01 ril M hl FIR h1W.1101 VE PA IMOLVA (MI IF It I IT Purchase of Licluipmen : Equipment under the SUBRECIPIENT'S control that was acquired or improved, in whole or in part, with GDBG GV ESG-CV funds shall be used to provide eligible activities under this agreement, ineet one ef the ID)BUC-1-c--lok INI�jo"aj Objectives, per-suatA to 24 GFR 570. , during the continued use period, as referenced in section -344 3.15 (Grant Closeout Procedures) of this Agreement. If the SUBRECIPIENT sells, transfers, dis�oscs of, or otherwise fails to continue to use the CDBG GV ESG-CV assisted equipment in a manner that meets an eligible activi1y as defined under this agreement, a GDBQ GV Nafienal Objeetive, the SUBRECIPTENT shall pay the COUNTY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the equipment, less the percentage of non-CDBG-0V ESG-CV funds used to acquire the equipment. Equipment no longer needed by the SUBRECIPIENT for GDBQ C;V ESG-CV eligible activities under this Agreement shall be: (a) transferred to the COUNTY for use elsewhere in the GDBG GV ESG-CV program, or (b) retained by the SUBRECIPIENT after compensating the COUNTY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the equipment, less the percentage of non-GDBG CV ESG-CV funds -used to acquire the equipment. 00 Shelter AmencimcnM COVID49 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 7 1 Packet Pg. 1664 1 Exhibit C is replaced in its entirety as follows: EXHIBIT C Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG-CV) Quarterly Performance Report Report Period: Fiscal Year: Contract Number: Organization/s: Program/s: Contact Name: Contact Number: Characteristics Report 1. Report Selection Criteria Ethnicity Race Non - Hispanic Hispanic White B lack/African A inerican Asian I American Indian/Alaskan Native LNative Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2. Number of adults and children served: a. Residential Number of Adults Number of Children Number of Unknown Age b. Non -Residential Number of Adults Number of Children Number of Un (nown Age 3. Number of individuals/families served. by categories: a. Number of individual households (singles) Male Female Unaccompanied 18 and over Unaccompanied 17 and under b. Number of Families with children Male Female Headed by single 18 and over Headed by single 17 and under Headed by two parents 18 and over Oe Shelter AmendmuitVI COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, finprovemcnts, Rapid Rchousing, and Technology Page 8 Packet Pg. 1665 Headed by two parents 17 and under Number of Families with no children TOTAL . Total project(s)/service ) provided to clients in range - a. emergency shelter facilities shelter b. vouchers for shelters c. drop -in center d. food pantry e. mental health f. alcohol/drug g. childcare h. employment I. transitional j. outreach k. soup kitchen/meal distribution 1, health care M. HIV/AlDS services n. other (please list) 5. Number of clients served bv sub population (duplicated counfi- a. Chronically Homeless f. Chronic Substance Abuse (alcohol and/or drug) b. Victims of Domestic Violence g. Severely Mentally III c. Elderly h. Runaway/ throwaway youth d. Veterans 1. Other disability (Physical and/or Developmental) e. Individuals with HIVAIDS (Chronically Homeless- HUD definition of a chronically homelessperson is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either: 1) been continuously homelessfor a year a more, or 2) has had at leastfour episodes of homelessness in the past three years.) 6. Clients housed by shelter tvve: Barracks Mobile Home/Trailer Group/Large House Hotel/Motel Scattered Site Apartment Other Apartment/Complex Single Family Detached House Other Single -Family Duplex I Single Room Occupancy Other TOTAL 7. Exi)enditures for RaDid Rehousing Rental Housing $ Relocation and Stabi Mz—a—tion Services - Financial A 7ss-i—stance $ Relocation and Stabilization Services - Services $ Hazard Pay (unique activity) $ Landl—ord lncentives (unique activity) $ Volunteer ac—entives (unique activity) $ Training (unique —activity) $ Subtotal Rapid Rehousing $ 8. Expenditures for Homeless Prevention Oe Shelter Ametidnient#1 COVID-19 ES20-04 Operatius, linprovements, Rapid Rehousing, mid Technology Page 9 1 Packet Pg. 1666 Rental Housing $ Relocation and Stabilizati6n Sei vices - 'Financial Assistance s Relocation and Stabilization Services - Services $ Hazard Pay (unique activity) $ Landlord IncFn-tives (unique activity) $ VoWnteer Incentives (unique activity) $ Training (unique activity) $ Subtotal Homeless Prevention P 9. ExDenditures for EmerLyenev Shelter (Normall Essential Services- $ Operations $ Renovation $ Major Rehab $ Conversion $ Hazard Pay (unique activity) Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $ Training (unique activity) $ Subtotal Emergency Shelter $ 1 . Expendit res for Street Outreach Essential Services $ Hazard Pay (unique activity) $ Handwasliffig stations/portable bathrooms (unique -activity) $ Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $ Training (unique activity) $ Subtotal Street Outreach ITotal ESG-CVExpenditures P I hereby certify the above information is true and accurate. Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date - Your typed name here represents your electronic signature. �he Shelter Amendment M I COVID-19 ES20-04 Operations, Improvements, Rapid Rehousing, and Technology Page 10 1 Packet Pg. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST— C K�� KINZEL, CLERK Oeu erk Ltre Dated: 'Juix-e 'D'5- aDa'j (SEAL) Approved as to form and legality: R-) ok-'AR- 1I.— JenmTe'-r A. Belpedio C� Assistant County Attorney Date:— .5 � X—) � ';—) \ he Shelter Amendment#1 COVIID-19 ES20-04 BOARD UNTY COMM[ISSIONERS OF C NUS C OLLIV MLIETY, FLO By: R� P TA R, CMYRSON Date: (0 THE SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN, INC. By: LINDA OBERHAUS, CIHEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Date:- - y /-/ 7/. 2 / OPemfions, ImProvemmts.R �dRehe�usin and Tectmology Page I I Packet Pg. 1668 FAIN # E-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 9/22/2020 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA# 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded -S 7 5, 3 9 3. 0 0- $55,393.00 Subrecipient Name Collier County Hunger &and Homeless Coalition, Inc. UEI# WJlWNB49KRT5 FEIN# 04-3610154 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate Period of Performance -No January 1, 2021 - September 21, 2022 I Fiscal Ye End 12/31 1 Monitor End: 12/22 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER AND HOMELESS COALITION, INC. ESG-CV Homelessness Prevention THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into this _ day of � 2022, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("COUNTY") having its principal address as 3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112, and COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER AND HOMELESS COALITION, INC. (CCHHQ (SUBRECIPIENT) having its principal office at 1791 Trade Center Way, Suite D, Naples, FL 34109. RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 22, 2020 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program - CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the COUNTY entered into an Amendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant in [22-SOC-00918/1725769/11 CCHHC Words StrMk ThMugh are deleted; Words Underlined are added. Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Prevention I Packet Pg. 1669 certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 113 71 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-13 6); and WHEREAS, on June 8, 2021, the COUNTY entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with the SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG-CV Program; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to the Agreement to reduce the total amount of federal funds awarded, clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities, add an additional project component, revise Exhibit C, and clarify language in Section E. Payment Deliverables at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to respond to March 3 1, 2022 expenditure deadlines HUD set forth in Notice CPD-21-08 (ESG-CV Notice), and reduce the award amount. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Str-uek Throttgh are deleted; Words Underlined are added. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Total Federal Funds: $55,393.00 The SUBRECIPIENT may use funds among all components, as needed, in order to respond to the needs of the community. Total expenditures may not exceed the Total Federal Funds. [Space Intentionally Left Blank] [22-SOC-00918/1725769/11 CCHHC Words Struek Through are deleted� Words Underlined are added. Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Prevention Packet Pg. 1670 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS D. Performance Measures 2. SUBRECIPIENT must should expend 80 percent ($220,314.40 $44,314.40) of the total award He I —Ateff- shmn. Mfluai7y 31, 2022. 1F SUBRECIPIENT does not fneet this . . qent, HUD may feduee the award and feeapttife tip to 80 per-eent ef funds - by March 31, 2022. If the SUBRECIPIENT does not meet the 80 percent expenditure deadline, payments to reimburse any allowable activily under this Agreement shall not be delqyed or prohibited. At least 50% of the SUBRECIPIENT's total funds awarded must be invoiced by June 16, 2022. 1.3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE SUBRECIPIENT services shall begin on January 1, 2021 and end on September 21, 2022. The SUBRECIPIENT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY. The County Manager or designee may extend the term of this Agreement for a period of up to 180 days after the end of the Agreement. Extensions must be authorized, in writing, by formal letter to the SUBRECIPIENT. This amendment shall be effective on Oeteber 1, 2024 February 4, 2022 and end with the term of the Agreement. 1.4 AGREEMENT AMOUNT The COUNTY agrees to make available SFALF4VT-Y FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($755,393.00) for use by the SUBRECIPIENT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). [Space Intentionally Left Blank] [22-SOC-00918/1725769/1] CCHHC Words StFUSk ThFough are deleted; Words Underlined are added. Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Prevention Packet Pg. 1671 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date first written above. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson Date: Dated: (SEAL) Approved as to forrn and legality: LIM COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER AND HOMELESS COALITION, INC. = = = Z ALEXANDER WERTHEIM, PRESIDENT Date: June 15, 2022 Derek D. Perry Assistant County Attorney jx 1b e0l Date: k �'� [22-SOC-00918/1725769/11 CCHHC Words Struck Through are deleted� Words Underlined are added. Amendment #2 COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Prevention I Packet Pg. 1672 FAIN 4 B-20-UW-12-0016 Federal Award Date 9/22/2020 Federal Award Agency HUD CFDA Name Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG CV) CARES Act Funding CFDA/CSFA# 14.231 Total Amount of Federal Funds Awarded $275,393. 0 JZLL93.00 Subrecipient Name Collier County Hunger & Homeless Coalition, Inc. DUNS# 150713423 FEIN 04-3610154 R&D No Indirect Cost Rate No Period of Performance January 1, 2021 — September 21, 2022 Fiscal Year End 12/31 Monitor End: 12/22 FIRST AMENDMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER & HOMELESS COALITION, INC. ESG-CV HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION �'t'N THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into this A day of 022, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("k�y�') having its principal address as 3339 E. Tacniami Trail, Naples FL 3411,2, and COLLIER COUNTY HUNGER & HOMELESS COALITION, INC. (CCHHQ (SUBRECIPIENT) having its principal office at 1791 Trade Center Way, Suite D, Naples, FL 34109. RECITALS WHEREAS, 6n September 22, 2020 the COUNTY entered into an Agreement with the Q United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to execute and 04 C14 implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in certain areas of Collier County, Q C14 pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title, IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES z LU Act, Public Law 116-13 6); and E CcHlic Ame ndmetil III COVI D- 19 FS21 -02 Homelessness Prevention Page I I Packet Pg. 1673 1 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2021 the: COUNTY entered into an Ainendment with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Supplemental CARES Act funding giw-A to execute and implement an Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESO) grant in certain areas of Collier County, pursuant to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program — CARES Act Funding, Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371 et seq., and the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136); and WHEREAS, on June 8, 2021, the COUNTY entered into a subrecipient agreement (Agreement) with the SUBRECIPIENT to further the goals and objectives of the ESG-CV Program, and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend the Agreement to reduce the total arriount of federal funds awarded, clarify language needed to allocate funds among all components into one budget for the use of all eligible activities, add an additional project component, revise Exhibit C, and clarify language in Section E. Payment Deliverables at the request of the SUBRECIPIENT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing Recitals, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: Words Struck Throitgh are deleted; Words Underlined are added. PART I SCOPE OF WORK The SUBRECIPIENT shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner and consistent with ally standards required as a condition of providing ESG, as determined by Collier County Community and X Human Services Division (CHS), perform the tasks necessary to conduct the prograrn as follows: LU Project Name: FSG COVID-19 Homeless Prevention Description of project and outcome: Expand and improve crisis response rental assistance LU to mitigate the risk of homelessness or eviction to those affected by COVID-19 for a period not longer than 12 months. Q N N Q Proipct QomWnent One: Homelessness Prevention: Short- to Medium -Term rental assistance to N T_ include but not limited to, rental arrears, first month's rent, last month's rent, security deposit, and utility deposits or payments. a z LU 2 Proiect Component Two: Incidentals including but not limited to, landlord incentives and rental application fees. E CCHHC A mendment #I COVID-19 ES21-02 lionickssness Preyenflon PagL 2 I Packet Pg. 1674 1 Proiect Component CCIJHC Personnel which may include the salaries for those assisting in COVID- 19 related prevention, preparation, and response, to include but not limited to the HMIS Administrator, Grants Adi-ninistrator and HMIS Data Specialist. Project CompQnent Folirl Vaccine incentives at the rate of $50 per shot. 1.2 PROJECT DETAILS A. Project Description/Budget Description Federal Amount Project Component 1: Homelessness Prevention: $215,393. Short- to Medium-Ternn rental assistance to include N/A but not limited to, rental arrears, first month's rent, last month's rent, security deposit, and utility deposits or payments. Project Component 2: Incidentals including but not $4", 0(�.00 limited to, landlord incentives and rental application N/A fees. Project Component 3: CCHHC Personnel which may $50,00 include the salaries for those assisting in COVID-19 N/A related prevention, preparation, and response, to include but -not limited to the HMIS Administrator, Grants Administrator and HMIS Data Specialist. Project Component 4: Vaccine incentives at the rate N/A of $50 Ver shot. Total Federal Funds: $-275,393.00 $75,393.00 ling .1 ml� The SUBRECIPIENT may with prior approval by the Or -ant Coordinator-, adjust the budget between-Wejeeet Component 1 and Pr-qjeet Gempenent-2-,_q§- �funds �amon&all components, as needed, in order to respond to the needs of the community. Total expenditures may not exceed the Total Federal Funds. CCHHC Amendment #I COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Preyention Page 3 N C14 Q C14 z LU E I Packet Pg. 1675 1 E. Payment Deliverables Payment Defiverables Payinetit Del iverable Payinent Suppoding Documentation Subinission Schedule Project Component 1: Exhibit B along with documentation of at Monthly Homelessness Prevention: risk of homelessness, properly completed submission within Shoil- to Medium -Term invoices and proof of rent payment as 30 days of prior rental assistance to evidenced by cancelled checks, bank month. include but not limited to, statements, utility bills, lease agreement, rental arrears, first landlord agreement (initial payment only), month's rent, last month's and any additional documents as requested. rent, security deposit, and utility deposits or payments. Project Component 2: Exhibit B along with invoice for services Monthly Incidentals including but evidenced by cancelled checks, bank submission within not limited to, landlord statements, and any additional documents as 30 days of prior incentives and rental requested, month, application fees. Project Component 3: Exhibit B along with invoice for services Monthly CCHHC Personnel which evidenced by cancelled checks, bank submission within may include the salaries statements, andany additional documents as 30 days of prior for those assisting in requested. month. COVID-19 related prevention, preparation, and response, to include but not limited to the HMIS Administrator, Grants Administrator and HMIS Data Specialist. Project Component 4: Exhibit B and, along with the initials of Monthly each program p ticippnt, proof of pro erly Vaccine incentives at the submission within rate of $50 per shot. completed cash VUmentjroperly 30 dUs of prior completed invoices, credit card statement month. bank statement and cancelled checks, or aqy additional documents as r� �ested& CCHHC Amendnienlgl COVID-19 ES21-02 Homelessness Prevention Page 4 N 04 Q 04 z LU CD E cc U I Packet Pg. 1676 1 1.3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE SUBRECIPIENT services sliall begin on January 1, 2021 and end on September 21, 2022. The SUBRECIPII'� NT services/activities shall be undertaken and completed in light oCthe purposes of this Agreement. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUN'ry. The Comity Manager or designee may extend the term of this Agreement for a period of up to 180 (lays after the end ol'the Agreement. i3xtensions must be aL1th0riZCd, ill writing, by formal letter to the SUBRECIPIENT This amendment shall be effective on October 1, 2021 and end with the term of the Agreement. L4 AGREEMENT AMOUNT The COUNTY agrees to make available 4AV-4-H-UNDR-ED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ,rHREE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($275,393.00) for use by the SUBREC111IFNT during the Term of the Agreement (hereinafter, shall be referred to as the "Funds"). 1.6 NOTICES Notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered via mail (postage prepaid), commercial courier, and personal delivery, sent by facsimile or other electronic means. Any notice delivered or sent as aforesaid shall be effective on (lie (late of delivery or sending. All notices and athur wrimll C0r11t11LH1iCati011S Under this Agreement sliall be addressed to the individuals in the capacities indicated below, miless otherwise modified by subsequent written notice. COLLIER COUNTY grant GooWim"r x 3339 F- TO!. &14e 211 > N -a p I e-s—,F-1 p r- W a- 3 44714 L) Email: LU Telephone! (232IA50-5U6 Q 04 C14 ATTENTION: Carrie Kurutz, Grant Coordinator Q N 3339 E Tamiami Trail, Suite 213 Naples, Florida 34112 Email: carrie.kurutz@ coil iercountyfl, gov z LU Teieplione: (239) 252-2644 E C0111C COVID-19 ES21-02 I 10111eicssness Prevenfioll pilre 5 I Packet Pg. 1677 1 EXHIBIT C Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG-CV) Quarterly Performance Report 8. Expenditures for Homeless Prevention Rental I-Iousing $ Relocation and Stabilization Services - Financial Assistance $ lWocation and Stabilization Services - Services $ I-lazard Pay (unique activity) $ Landlord Incentives (unique aclivily) $ Volunteer Incentives (unique $ Training (unique activio $ Vaccine Incentives (unique aclivib)) $ Subtotal Homeless Prevention p RE, MAINDER OF PAGE INTE NTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Z-� 0 3: 3: x LU CD N CN CD C14 z LU CD E Milic m 0 COVID-19 rS21-02 [10111clessliess Prevention Page 6 I Packet Pg. 1678 1 IN WITNESS WHEI;LE, OF, the SUBRECIPIENT and the COUNTY, have eqch, respectively, by 811 authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands mid seals oti the date first written above. ATTEST-,.: BOARD OF MISSIONERS OF cRysyAL K, KlNZ-FLj,'CLHRK COLLIER F ORID Pr By: Dated: 6wow 11 1 ozx�-- (SEAV) "/ Approved as to form and legality: Jenniff�A—. Belpedio Assistant Comity Attorney Date: � \ \ � \ —al, CC1 11 1C A mendme tit 91 COVID- 19 I'S21-02 Flomelessimss Pfcventioli Willfam L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairperson Da I c., j / it 13, 1 COUII�R COUNTY HUNGER & HOMELESS COALITION, INC. By: ALEXAMEk -VERITM-N, - BOARD PRESIDENT Date: )1441 pare 7 Lu x Lu Q N C14 Q 04 z Lu 2 El E c7v I Packet Pg. 1679 1 AO-OS3: 899ZZ) (Z# OHHOD-tl# N31-19HS-'P# IWVN SIUBWPUOWV AD-OSM dd :IUGWL13BIIV Q co w C., a) U) 0- E E M010#11 C***4 U U u E vm �o 4t C: 0 E F�M. > u V) V) x C-4 X clq CD c*4 C"-,4 cu U) 0- E E 154C 1010 AO-OS3: 899ZZ) (Z# OHHOD—tl# N31-19HS—'P# IWVN SIUBWPUOWV AD-OSM dd :IUGWL13BIIV 4-4 ct C**4 C44 u ct —0 ;..o �D ct V� 0 ct C) b� > LU Cd C), pt- $:-.I M u L.0 r,n �--! r,n 0 ct >� ct ct 7� C4Z; sa� rA C4� 7� E E -4 cn U E Ct > ct ct M -C� 0 u �--i :, u C/� Ct ct M Ct 4-j --.o Ct 4-4 M M �$ ct rA �--! Ct cn Ct Z:� -+.-j 7� M N > 7� Ct m N 7� .,.-q 7� �--o �:! 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