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Agenda 06/28/2022 Item #16D 2 (After-the-Fact second amendment to add Home Delivered meal service to the Older American Act Program IIIE )
06/28/2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve an “After-the-Fact” second amendment and attestation statement with the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., to add Home Delivered meals service to the Older American Act Program IIIE Program and replace the Budget and Rate Summary. (No Fiscal Impact, Human Service Grant Fund 707) OBJECTIVE: To provide uninterrupted support services to Collier County Services for Seniors (CCSS) elderly clients. CONSIDERATIONS: The Older American Act (OAA) programs are federal program initiatives that provide assistance to older persons and caregivers and are the only federally funded support service programs directed solely toward improving the lives of older people. Collier County receives these funds through the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) and is administered by the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. (Agency). The current Standard Contract for the OAA program was approved by the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") on 02/22/2022 (Agenda Item #16D7). The first amendment was approved by the Board on 05/10/22 (Agenda Item #16D3) to move funds from the Older American Act Transportation to Older American Act IIIB program and the Older American Act IIIE Program to Older Americans Act IIIES Supplemental Services. The proposed second amendment will add the service of Home Delivered Meals to the Older American Act IIIE Program and replace the Budget & Rate Summary. The Agency routinely sends CCSS amendments which require a 30-day turnaround time. This timeframe makes it impossible to process the documents for the Board’s approval in the time requested by the Agency. The amendment for the OAA Program is being presented “After -the-Fact” because Collier County received the grant amendment on May 13, 2022, with an effective contract date of the last day the amendment has been signed by both parties. Consequently, pursuant to CMA #5330 and Resolution No. 2018-202, the County Manager authorized the Public Services Department Head to sign the agreement. This amendment is being presented for Board ratification. Collier County, as the Lead Agency, is responsible to respond to seniors’ needs and managing the spending authority for the Federal and State-funded Services for Seniors programs. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no Fiscal impact associated with this recommendation. Funds currently reside in Human Services Grant Fund (707) Project 33787 (3E). GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There is no Growth Management impact associated with this recommendation. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval. -DDP RECOMMENDATIONS: To approve an “After-the-Fact” second amendment and attestation statement with the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Flori da, Inc., to add Home Delivered meals service to the Older American Act Program IIIE Program and replace the Budget and Rate Summary. Prepared By: Wendy Klopf, Grant Coordinator, Community and Human Services Division 16.D.2 Packet Pg. 941 06/28/2022 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. OAA_203.22.01_Exec (PDF) 2. OAA_203.22.02-Exec (PDF) 3. (Linked) OAA 203.22 - Exec. (PDF) 4. Resolution 2018-202 (PDF) 16.D.2 Packet Pg. 942 06/28/2022 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.2 Doc ID: 22271 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve an “After-the-Fact” second amendment and attestation statement with the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., to add Home Delivered meals service to the Older American Act Program IIIE Program and replace the Budget and Rate Summary. (No Fiscal Impact, Human Service Grant Fund 707) Meeting Date: 06/28/2022 Prepared by: Title: Operations Coordinator – Community & Human Services Name: Wendy Klopf 05/25/2022 4:36 PM Submitted by: Title: Manager - Federal/State Grants Operation – Community & Human Services Name: Kristi Sonntag 05/25/2022 4:36 PM Approved By: Review: Community & Human Services Blanca Aquino Luque Additional Reviewer Completed 05/26/2022 1:22 PM Community & Human Services Wendy Klopf CHS Review Skipped 05/31/2022 10:53 AM Community & Human Services Maggie Lopez Additional Reviewer Completed 05/31/2022 2:17 PM Operations & Veteran Services Kimberley Grant Additional Reviewer Completed 06/01/2022 3:34 PM Public Services Department Todd Henry PSD Level 1 Reviewer Completed 06/02/2022 8:55 AM Public Services Department Tanya Williams PSD Department Head Review Completed 06/02/2022 9:10 AM Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 06/02/2022 9:23 AM County Attorney's Office Derek D. Perry Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 06/03/2022 3:22 PM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/06/2022 8:19 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/06/2022 10:42 AM Growth Management Operations Support Christopher Johnson Additional Reviewer Completed 06/09/2022 1:01 PM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 06/15/2022 4:14 PM County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/21/2022 9:40 AM Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 06/28/2022 9:00 AM 16.D.2 Packet Pg. 943 DocuSign Envelope ID: FC6B0280-1A35-473A-BA5B-3B5BFC80EA9C4/1/202216.D.2.aPacket Pg. 944Attachment: OAA_203.22.01_Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: FC6B0280-1A35-473A-BA5B-3B5BFC80EA9C16.D.2.aPacket Pg. 945Attachment: OAA_203.22.01_Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: FC6B0280-1A35-473A-BA5B-3B5BFC80EA9C16.D.2.aPacket Pg. 946Attachment: OAA_203.22.01_Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: FC6B0280-1A35-473A-BA5B-3B5BFC80EA9C16.D.2.aPacket Pg. 947Attachment: OAA_203.22.01_Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: D1AA2484-CD1F-4622-9EBE-BA9A3B3A81B15/18/202216.D.2.bPacket Pg. 948Attachment: OAA_203.22.02-Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: D1AA2484-CD1F-4622-9EBE-BA9A3B3A81B116.D.2.bPacket Pg. 949Attachment: OAA_203.22.02-Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: D1AA2484-CD1F-4622-9EBE-BA9A3B3A81B116.D.2.bPacket Pg. 950Attachment: OAA_203.22.02-Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: D1AA2484-CD1F-4622-9EBE-BA9A3B3A81B116.D.2.bPacket Pg. 951Attachment: OAA_203.22.02-Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) DocuSign Envelope ID: D1AA2484-CD1F-4622-9EBE-BA9A3B3A81B116.D.2.bPacket Pg. 952Attachment: OAA_203.22.02-Exec (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002)17 16.D.2.d Packet Pg. 953 Attachment: Resolution 2018-202 (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) 16.D.2.d Packet Pg. 954 Attachment: Resolution 2018-202 (22271 : AAA-OAA Amendment 203.22.002) January 2022 - Dacernber 2022 OAA 203.22 AREA AGENCY ON ACINC FOR SOUTHWKST FIA)RiDA, INC, STANDARD CONTRACT THIS CON FRACT is entered into between file Area Agency oil Aging for Southwest Florida, hic. (Agency) and Collier County Bourd of County Commissioners (Contracts), collectively referred to as the "Parties." The terns Contractor for this purpose niay designate a Vendor, Subgrantee, or Subreciplent. WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that it is in need of certain services as described herein; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has demonstrated that it has the requisite expertise and ability to faithfully perform suclnservices as an Independent Contractor of the Agency. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the services to be performed and payments to be made, together with the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herciln, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose of Contract: The purpose of this contractt is to provide services in accordance With the terms and conditions specified in this contract including all attachments, forms, and oxhibits which constitute the contract document, 2. Incorporation of Documents within the Contract-, The contract will incorporate a(lachnncnis, proposal(s), state plan(s), grant agmernenis, relevant Agency handbnoks, manuals anchor desk books, ns on integral part of the contract, except to the extent that the contract explicitly provides to the, contrary. In the event of conflict in language among any of the documents re!; --rented above, the specific provisions and requirements of the Contract document(s) shall prevail over inconsistent provisions in the proposal(s) or other general materials not ►fpeciCtc to this contract document and identified attaclimcnts. 3. Term of Contract: 'Phis contract shall begin at hvelve (12:00) A.M., Eastern Standard Time January 1, 2,022 or on the date the contract has been signed by ilia last party required to sign it, whichever is later, It shrill end at eleven fifty-nine. (11:59) P.M., Eastern Standard Time December 31, 2022, 4. Contract Amount: The Agency ng ees to }say for contracted services according to the terms and conditions of this contract in an ainouninot to exceed S1,388,954,83, subject to the availability offends. Any costs or services Maid for under any other contract or frtnn any tither source are not eligible for payinent under this contract. S. Renewals: By mutual agreement of true Panics, in accordance with Section 287. 58(t)(), Florida Statutes (l;.S.), the Ageneymay renew the contract for a period not to exceed three years, or the term of the original contract, whichever is longer.The renewal price, or method for determining a renewal price, is set forth in the bird, proposal, or reply. No other costsfor the renewal may be charged. Any renewal is subject to the salve terms and conditions as the original contract and contingent upon satisfactory performance evaluations by the Agency and the availability offunds. G. Compliance With Federal Law: 6.1 1f this contract contains federal funds this section shall apply. 6.1,1 The C'.nntructor shall comply with the pruvisions of45 Code of Foderal Regulations (CFR) Part 75 and/or 45 CrR Part 92, 2 CPR Part 200, and other applicable regulations. 6.1.2 If this contract contains federal fiends and is over $100,000.00, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued tender Section Sofa of the Clean Air Act as nmended (42 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 7401, et seq.), Section 508 of the 1,'ederal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. § 1251, et seq.), Executive Order 11738, as amended, and, where applicable, > nvirorrnmental Protection Agency regulations 2 CFR Part 1500, The Contractor shalt report any violations of the above to the Agency. 6,1.3 Neither the Contractor nor any agent acting on behalf of the Contractor may use any federal funds received in connectlon with this contract to influence legisl:,!:on or appropriations pending; before Congress or any state legislature. The Contractor must complete ail disclosure farms as required, specifically the Certification and Assurancos Attachment, which must tic completed and returned to the Contract Manager prior to the execution of this contact. Page i of 93 opt January 2022 - neccmber 2022 OAA 203,22 6.1,4 In accordance with Appendix II to 2 CPR Part 200, the Contractor shall comply with Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opporrunhy, as amended by Executive Ureter 11375 and others, and as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations 41 CFX Part 60 and in Depnitntent of I-Iealth and f Iuman Services regulations 45 C'.1~R tart 92, if applicable. 6.1.5 A contract award with an amount expected to equal or exceed $25,000.00 and certain other contract awards will not be made to parties listed tin the government -wide Excluded Parties List System, In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OM13) guidelines at 2 CFR Part ISO that implement Executive Orders 12549 and 12689, `Debarment and Suspension," The Excluuded Parties List System contains thL names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549, The Contractor shall comply with these provisions before doing business or entering into subcontracts receiving federal funds pursuant to this contract. The Contractor shall complete and sign the Certifications acid Assurances Attachment prior to the execution of this contract. 6,2 The Contractor shall not employ all unauthorized alien. The Agency will consider tits employment of unauthorized aliens a violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C, § 1324a) and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 19116 (8 U.S.C. § 1101). Such violation will be cause hw unilateral cancellation of this contract by the Agency. 6.3 If the Contractor Is a nun -profit provider and is subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax exempt organization reporting requirements (filing a Form 990 or Form 990-N), and leas its lax exempt status revoked tn, failing to comply with the filingrequiretnents of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 or for tiny other reason, the Contractor must notify the Agency in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving the IRS notice ol'revocation. 6.4 The Contractor shall comply with Title 2 CFR Part 175 regarding Traffh*ing in Persons, 6.5 Unless exempt under 2 CFR § 170.110(b), the Contractor steal; comply with the reporting requirements of the TransIvlrency Act as expre,%sed in 2 CrR Part 170. 6.6 To comply with Presidential Executive larder 12989, as amended, and State of Florida Exvctitive Order Number 11-116, Contractor agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-verify system to verify the employment of all new employceshired by Contractor during the contract term. Contractor shall include in related subcontracts a requirement that Subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the state contract utilize the E-verify system to verify crnployiw:i of all new employees hired by the Subcontractorduring tilt contract term. Contractors meeting the terms and conditions of the E-Verify System are deemed to bein compliance with this provision, 7, Comnl'ance tpith State Late: 7.1 This contract is executed and entered into in ilia State of Florida, and shall be construed, performed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with Florida law, including Florida provisions for conflict of laws. 7.2 If this contract contains state flnancial assistanee funds, the Contractor shall comply with Section 215.97, F.S., and Section 215,971, F.S., and expenditulns must be in cornpliauce with laws, rules, and regulations including„ but not limited to, the Reference Guide for Statc Expenditures, 7.3 The Contractor shall comply with tile requirerents of Sectior 287.058, F,S., as amended. 7.3.1 The Contractor shall perform all tasks contained in Attachment 1, 7.3.2 The Contractor shalt provide units of deliverables, Including reports, findings, and drafts, as specified in Attachment I, to be received and accepted by the Agency Contract Manager prior to payment. 1.3.3 The Contractor shall comply with the criteria and final bate by which such criteria must be met for completion of this contract as specified in Attachment I, Section Ill. Method of Payment. 7.3.4 The Contractor shall submit bills for fees or n-1hei compensation t'orservices of, expenses in sufficient detail for a proper pre -audit and post -audit. 7.3.5 If itemized payment fo3- gavel expenses is permitted in this contract, the Contractor shall submit invoices for any travel expenses in accordance with Section 112.061,V ,S., or at such lower rates as may be provided in this contract, 7,3.6 The Contractor shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other public records as defined in Section 119A11(12.), M., made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with this contract except Page 2 of 93 Gvo Januauy 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203,22 for those records which are mate contidentiat or exempt by law, 7'he Contractor's refusal to comply with tills prevision will constitute an Immediate breach of contract for which the Agency may unilaterally terminatethis contract. 7A if clients are to be transported under tills contact, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 427, F.S., and Rule CIM)ter• 41-2, Florida Administrative Code (F,A.C), 7.5 Subcontractors who arc on the Discriminatory Vendor List may not tt-ansact business with any public entity, in accordance with the provisions of Section 287, I34, FX 7.6 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 11,062, F.S., and Section 216,347, F.S., which prohibit the expenditure of contract frr ids for the ptn•pese of lobbying the legislature, iudicial branch or a state agency. 7,7 The Agency may, at its option, terminate the Contract if Ole Contractor 19 found to have submitted a false cerliCealiun as provided under Section 2R7,13 5(5), F,S,, has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or tile, Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, or if the Contractor has been engaged in business operations in Cuba nr• Syria or is engaged in a boycott of Israel, 3, Baciceround Screening: Tile Contractor shall ensure that the requirements of Section 430 0402 and Chapter 435, F.S., as amended, are met regarding backgrotintl screening for all persons who meet the definition of a direct service provider and who are not exempt from the Agency's level 2 background scr•caning pursuant to Seetions 430.0402(2)-(3), F.S. The Contractor must also comply with any applicable rules promulgated by the Agency and the Agency lot, ileallh CarcAchninistratinit regarding Implementation of Section 430.0402 and Chapter 435, F.S. To demonstrate compliance withthis provision, Contractor shall submit ilia Background ` cre^riiw Affidavit of Compliance (Screening Form) to tine Agency within thirty (30) days of execution of this contract. Should the Agency have a completed Screening, Form nit file for the Contractor, a now Screening born will be required every twelve (12) months, 8,1 Further information concerning the procedures tor background) screening inay be found at htt�.Ilelderaffairs,grgJa�n ut-.uslbac:�rvun�l-surc�:trif��; 9, Grievance Procedures: The Contractor shall develop, implement, and ensure that its Subcontractors have established grievance procedures to process and resolve client dissatisfaction with, or denial of, sw•vice(s) and to address complaints regarding the termination, suspension or reduction of services, as required for receipt of funds, These procedures, at a minimum, will provide for notice of the grievance procedure and an opportunity for review of the Subcontractor's determination(s). 1[i, t'ubtic Hecnrds and Hetentiun; 10.1 By execution of this contract, Contractor agrees to all provisions of Chapter 119, F,S., and any other applicable Jaw, and shall; 10.1.1 Keep and maintain public records required by the Agency to perforin the contracted services. 10,1,2 Upon request from the Agency's custodian of public records, provide the Agency a copy of tine requested rccords or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable. dinc at a costthat doesnot exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. 10.1,3 Ensure that public records that are exempt, or confidential and exempt, from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and #hallowing completion of the contract if tile Contractor does not transfer the records to the Agency. 10.1.4 Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor will tither transfer, at no call to the Agency, all public records in possession of thu Contractor to the Agency or will keep and maintain public records requiredby the Agency, If tht: Contractor transfers all public records to the Agency upon completion of thecontract, Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt, or confidential and exarnpt,fr•om public records disclosure requirements. if the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of tile contract, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retailing public records. All records Stored electronically roust be provided to i I ,,- Agency in a rurmat that is connpatiblewith the Information technology systems of the Agency, 10.2 The Agency may unilaterally cancel this contract, notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, for refbsal by the Contractor to comply with Section 10 of this contract by not allowing public across to all documents, Page 3 of 93 �. January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 papers, letters, or other r,.nterial made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with this contract, unless the records are exempt, or confidential and exempt, from Section 24(a) ofArticle 1 ofthe Statc Constifntion rind ,Section 119.07(1), FX W T)F E CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTI41'NS REGARDING: THE APPLICATION Or CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA S't'ATUTE8, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE' PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT TIIE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT; Public Records Coordinator Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. 2830 Winkler Ave, Suite 112 Fort Myers, FL 33916 239-652-+6900 10.3 Upon terminulion of this contract, wltellrer I o� convenience or for cause as detailed in section 53 of this contract, the Contractor and Subcontractors shall, at no cost to the Agency, transfer° all publlc records in their possession to the Agency and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt, or confidential and exempt, front public records disulostite requirements. All records stored electronically shall be provided to the Agency in a format that is compatiblu with the intbrntat;nn technology systems of the Agency. 11. Audits, Insnections.Investi�afians: 11.1 t c Contractor shall establish and maintain books, records, and duCAniients (including electronic storage media) sufficient to reflect aii assets, obligations, unobllgated balances, income, interest, and expenditures of funds provided by the Agency under this contract. Contractor shall adequately safeguard all such assets and ensure that they are used solely for the purposes authorized under this contract. Whenever appropriato, financial informatilon should be related to performance and unit cost data. 11.2 The Contractor shall retain and maintain all client records, financial records, suppo:lint; ticctuncnis, statisFical records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) pertineiit to this contract for ti period of six (6) years after completion of the contract, or longer when required by law. In lire event an audit is required by this contract, records shall be retained for a inininiuir. period of six (6) years after the audit report is issued or until resolution of any audit findings or litigation based on the terins of this contract, at no additional cost to the Agency. 113 Upon demand, at no additional cost to tile. Agency, the Contractor shall facilitate the duplication and transferof nny record% or documents during the required retention per*,od. 11.4 1-11c Contractor shall ensure that the records described in this section will be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, copying, or audit by federal, state, or other personnel duly authorized by tire Agency. 11.5 At all reasonable times for as long as records are maintained, persons duly authorized by the Agency and federal auditors, pursuant to 45 C R Pail 75, shall be allowed fill access to and the right to examine any of the Contractor's contracts and related records and documents perlitient to tills specific contract, regardless of the form in which k.ept. 11.6 The Contractor shall provide a Financiul and Compliance Audit to the Agency as specified in this contract and ensure that all related third -party transactions are disclosed to the auditnr. 11.7 Contractor agrrees to comply with tite Inspector General in any investigHtion, audit, inspection, review, or hearing perlbrmed pursuant to Section 20.055, T.S. Contractor further agrees that it shall include in related subcontracts a requirement that Milicontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to this contract agree to cooperate with the Inspector Gencral in any investigation, nudit, inspection, review, ur hearing pursuant to Section 20.455(5), T.S. By execution of this contract the Contractor understands and will comply with this subsection. 11.8 In accordance with Executive Order 20-44 which requires executive agencies to submit a list of entities named In stnttrte with which a state agency must form a sole-sourve, public -private agreement or an entity that, through contract or other agreement wi th the state, annually receivcs 50% or more of their budget from file State or from a coinbination of State and federal funds. Any Contractor that nuct one or 1-rh ofthe criteria listed must submit Page 4 of 93 January 2022 - M4:ember 2022 OAA 203.22 an annual report, including the most recent IRS Form 990, detailing the total compensation foi' the entities' executive leadership teams within thirty (30) days of execution of this contract. 1 L.13.1 The report must include total compensation includingsalnry, bonuses, cashed -in leave, cash equivalents, severance pay, retirement benefits, deferred compensation, real -properly gifts, and any other payout. 11.8.2 The Contractor shall inform the agency of any changes in total executive compensat.lnn between the annual reports as those changes occur. 11.8.3 All compensation reports must indicate what percent of compensation canes directly from the State or Federal allocations to the contracted entity. 12. Non discHminatlon-Civil Rights Coinuliancec_ 12.1 The Contractor shall execute Assurances as stated in the Asxtit-ano,is-Non-Cunstructioir Programs Attachment that it will not discriminate against any person in the provision of services or benefits under this contract or in employment because of age, race, religion, color, disability, national origin, marital status, or sex /n compliance with state and federal law and regulations, The Contractor further assttrt;s tha° all Contractors, Subcontractors, Sub -grantees, or others with whoin it arranges to provide services or benefits in connection with any of its programs and activities are not discriminating against clients or employees because of age, race, religion, color, disability, national origin, marital stattwg, or sex. 12.2 During the term of this contract, the Cantmulor shall complete and retain or file a timely, complete, and accurate Civil Rights Compliance Checklist, attached to this contrnct, 12.3 The Contractor shall establish pvocedures pursuant to federal lawto handle complaints of discrimination involving services or benefits through this contrnct. 'I hese lirocedures shall iucluda notifying al►ents, employees, and participants of the right to file a complaint with the appropriate federal or state entity. 12.4 If this contract contains federal #ands, these assui ances are a condition nr conti-:.ls i � receipt of or benefit fruin federal financial assistance, and are binding upon the Contractor, its successors, transferees, and assft-,i,ces for the period during which such assistance Is provided. The Contractor further assures that all Subcontractors, Vendors, or others with whom It arranges to provide services or benefits to participants or cmployces in connection with any of its programs and activities are not discriminating against those participants or cmployces in violation of the any statutes, regulatinns, guidelines, and standards. in the event of failure to comply, the Contractor understands that the Agency may, at its discretion, seek a court order requiring compliance with the terns ofthis assurance or seek other appropriate judicial or administrative relief including, but not limited to, terminationof the contract and denial of further assistance, 13. Manitorine by the Agency: The Contractor shall permit persons duly authorized by the Agency to inspect and copy any records, papers, documents, facilities, goods, and services of the Contractor which aro relcvant to this contract, and to Interview any clients, employees, and Subcontractor employees of the Contractor to assure the Agency the satisfaetory performance of the terms and conditions of this contract. following such review, the Agency will provide a written report of its findings to the Contractor and, where appropriate, the Contractor shall develop a Corrective Action Plan (CAI'). Tile Contractor hereby agrees to correct all deficiencies idcnd lied in the CIA1' in a timely inanner Its delenninedby the Agency's Contract Manager. I d. Provision of Services: The Contractor shall provide services hi the manner described in Attachment page 6 of 93 C4() January 2022 - becember ?.022 OM 20122 15. Coordinated Monitoring with Other Agencies: if the Contractor receives funding front one or more State of Florida human service agencies, in addition to the Agency, then a joint monitoring visit including such other agencies ntay be scheduled, For the purposes of this contract, and pursuant to Section 287.0575, F.5., as a;nended, Florida's hutnan service agencies shall include the Agency, the Department of Children and Families, the Depaoment of Health, the Agency for Person& with Disabilities, and ilte Department of Veterans' Affairs. Upon nolification and the subsequent sciteduling of Such a vi it -y the designated agency's lead adinin istrative coordinator, the Conlractorshall comply and cooperate with till monitors, inspectors, uud1or investigators. 16. Nety Contract(s) Reporting; The Contractor shall notify the Agency within ten (10) days ofentering into a new contract with any of the remainingfour (4) state hutnan service :t cncii.a, The notification shall include the following Information; (1) contracting state agency and the applicable office or program issuing the contract; (2) contract name and number; (3) contract start and end dates; (4) contract ainount; (5) contract description and commodity or service; and (6) Contract Manager name and contact information, ht complying with this provision, and pursttant to Section 287.0575, r.s., as Hntended, the Contractor shall complete the Cnntinctor's ,`hate Contracts List attached to this contract. 17, Indemnification; The Contractor shall indemnify, save, defend, an(' hold harmless the Agency and its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of, or by reason of, the execution of this contract or peribrmance of the services provided for herein It is understood and agreed that the Contractor is not nxtuired to iucicutnify Ilse Agency for claims, demands. actions, or causes of action arising solely colt of tho negligence of the Agency, 17.1 Except to the extent permitted by Section 768.28, F.S., or other t'lorida law, this Section 17 is not applicable to contracts executed between the Agency and State agencies or subdivisions defined in Section 768.28(2), F,S, 18, insurance and licrrtdine; 18A 'file Contractor shall provide continuous adequate liability insurance coverage during the existence of this contract and any renewals) and extcnslon(s) of it, By execution of this contract, unless it is a state agency ar subdivision as defined by Section 769.28(2), 1'.5., the Contractor accepts full msponsibility for identifying anti determining the type(s) and extent of liability instn-ance coverage necessary to provide reasonable financial protections for the Contractor and the clients to be served lender this 'ki1 - The lhnits of coverage under each policy maintained by the Contractor do not limit the Conti -door's liability and obligations under this contract. The Contractor shall ensure that the Agency has the most current written verification of insurance coverage tio,o ,trout the term of this contract. Such coverage may be provided by a self-insurance program established and operating; under the laws of the State of Florida. The Agency reserves the right to require additional insurance as specified In this contract. 18.2 Throughout the term of this contract, the Contractor shall maintain an insurance bond from a responsible commercial insurance company covering all ofileers, directors, employees, and agents of the Contractor authorized to handle Rinds received or disbursed under all 9greentents and/or contacts incorporating this contract by referenw in an amount commensurate with the funds handled, the degree of risk as determined by the insurance company, and consistent with good business practices. 19. Confldentiality of Infurtnation: The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concat•ning a recipient of services under this contract For any purpose prohibited by state or federal law or regulations except with the written consent of a person legally authorized to give that consent or when authorized by taw. 20. Ilenith Iatsurancu 'i oor•tability and Accountability Act: Where applicable, the Contractor shall comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-11)1, as well as all regulations promulgated thereunder (45 Cult tarts 160, 162, and 164). 21, Incident Renor_ting: 21.1 The Contractor shall noti* the Agency Immediately but no later than forty-oight (48) hours from the Contractor's awareness or discovery of conditions that may materially affect the ContractorN or Subcontractor's Page 6 of 93 QA 0 JanuQry 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203,22 ability to perform the services required to be performed under this contract. Such notice shall be made orally to the Agency's Contract Manager (by :etephone) with an emai- to immediately follow. 21.2 The Contractor shall immediately report knowledge or reasonable suspicion of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child, aged per, oil, or dk-iMo 1 adult to the Florida Abuse I lotline an the statewide toll -free telephone number (1-800-96ABUSE). As mquircd by Chapters 39 and 415, F.S., this provision is binding upon the Contractor, its Subcontractors, and their employees. 22. YiankruntSy Notificatinn: During the term of this contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Agency if tho Contractor, its assignees, Subcontractors, or affiliates file a claim fir bankruptcy. Within tr,is (10) days after notification, lire Contiactor must also provide the following information to tiie Agency: (1) the date of filing of the bankruptcy petition; (2) the casenurnber; (3) the court name and tiie division in which the petition was filed (e.g,., Northern district of Florida, Tallahassee Division), and (4) the name, address, and telephone number of the bankruptcy attorney, 23. Snonsarship and Pubtielty: 23.1 As required by Section 296,25, F.S., if the Contractor is a non -governmental organization which sponsors a program financed wholly or in part by state funds, including any funds obtained through this contract, it shall, in pttl}licizing, advertising, or describing the sponsorship of tine program, state; "Sponsored by (Contractor's name) and the State of Florida, Department of Eldcr Altairs " It'thc >> ,;sarsliil� reference is in written material, the words "State of Florida, Departuieut of Eldci AtTairs" shall appear in at least the same size letters or type as the name of the organization, 23.2 TheContractor shall not use the words "State of Florida, Doper[! ocnt of Elder Affairs" to indicate sponsorship of a prograin otherwise financed, unless specific written authorization has been obtained by the Agency prioilo such Use. 24, A.gsi ninentsa 24.1 The Contractor shall not assign the rights and responsibililivs under this contract without the prior written approval of the Agency. Any sublicense, assigti neat, or tiansfee Mherwise ncourring without prior written approval of the Agency shall constihite a material breach of the contract. In the event the Stato of Florida approves assignment of the Contractor's obligations, the Contractor remains responsible for all work performed and all expenses incurred in connection with this contract. 24.2 Tile State of Florida is, at all times, entitled to assign or transfer, inwhole or pant, its rights, duties, ur obligations under this contract to another governmental agency in the State of >alorida upon giving prior written notice to the Contractor, 24.3 This contract shall remain binding upon the successnes in interest of the Contractor and the Agency. 25. Subcontriwitsi 25.1 Tire Contractor is responsible for all work performed and for all coinnindities produced pursuant to this contract, whether actually furnished by the Contractor or its Subcontractors. Any subcontracts shall be evidenced by a written document and subject to any conditions of approval the Agency deems necessary, The Contractor further agrees that the Agency will not he liable to the Subcontractor in any way or for any reason. The Contractor, at its expense, shall defend the Agency against any such claims. 25.2 The Contractor shall promptly pay any Subcontractors upon receipt of payment from the Agency or other state agency, Failure to make payments to any Subcontractor in accordance with Section 297.0585, F.S., unless other wise stated In tire contract between the Contractor and Subcontractor, will result ill a licnalty as provided by statute. 26. in(tell endentCauacityofCol) tractor: It is the intent and understanding of Hie Parties that file Contractor and any of its Subcontractors arc independent Contractors slid arc not employees of tile. Agency, and that they shall not Milli themselves out as employees or agents of the Agency without prior specific authorization from 'lie Agency, it is the Wither intent and understanding of the Parties that tiie Agency does not control the employmcut practices of the Contractor and will not be liable for any wage and hour, employment discrimination, or Oiler Inbor and employment claims against she: Contractor or its Subcontractor's. All deductions for social security, withholding taxes, income taxes, contributions to Pa+gp 7 of 93 CAO January 2022 - Uecember 2022 OM 203.22 unemployment compensation fiw(k, and all necessary insurance for the Contractor are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 27, Payment - Payments shall be inade to the Contractor for all completed and approved deliverables (units of service) as defined in Attachment i. The Agency Contract Manager will have final approval of tile Contractor's invoice submitted for payment and will approve the invoice for payment only ifthc Contractor has mot all terms anti conditions of the contract, unless the bid specifications, purchase order, or this contract spcoify otherwise. The approved invoice will be subtrritted to the Agency's finance section for budgetary approval and processing;, Disputes arising over invoicing and payments will be resolved in accordance with the provisions oFSection 215.422, F,S, A Vendor Ombudsman has been establislrcdwilhlu the; Florida Department of financial Services and may be contacted at 800-342-2762, 28. Return of Funds: The Contractor shal I return to the Agency any overpay►ncnts due to unearned Rinds or fiords disallowed, and any interest attributable to such funds ptnsuant to fhe terms and conditions of this contract, that were disbursed to the Contractor by the Agency, In tite event that the Contractor or its independent auditor discovers that an overpayment lifts been made, the Contractor shall repay said overpayment Immediately without prior notification from the Agency, Tn the event that the Agency first discovers an overpayment fins been made, the Agency Contract Manager will notify the Contractor in writing of si ch findings, Should ropayrncnt not be made forthwith, the Contraetcrshall be charged at the lawful rate of interest on the outstanding balance pursuant to Sv � lion 55.03, F.S., alter Agency notification or Contractor discovery. 29, alntegrit .►n SafeguarSlin>lrfornratlon: The C:o� itractor shall ensure an appropr i ate level of data security for the information the Contractor is collecting or using itr the performance of this contract. An appropriate level of security includes approving and tracking all Contractor employees that request system or inform.i lion access and ensuring that user access has been removed fiom all terminated employees, The Contractor, among other requirements, roust anticipate and prepare for the .oss of information processing capabilhics. All data and software shall be routintrly backed up to ensure recovery from losses or outages of the computer system. The security over the backed -up data is to be as stringent as the protection required of the primary systems. The r ]rpnt: actor shall ensure al! Subcontractors maintain written procedures for computer system backup and recovery. The Contractor shall complete and sign the Certification Regarding Data Integrity Compliance for Agreements, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements prior to the execution of this contract. 30. Social Media and Personal Cell Phone ttse: 30.I Inappropriate use of social media and personal cell phones may pose risks to Agency's confidential and proprietary information and may jeopordi7e compliance with legal obligations. By sign'ng this contract, Contractor agrees to the following socini rnedia and personal cell phone use rcgerirements, 30.2 Social Media Defined. 'Fix term Social Media and /or personal cellular communication includes, but is not limited to, social networking wehs)tes, blogs, podcasts, dismission forums, i2S5 feeds, video sharing, SMS (including Direct Messages (D\4s), Wessages, text messages, etc.); social nefwnrks like Instagram, 'l3k'l'ok, Snapchat, Google I lnngouts, whatsApp, Signal, Facchook, Pinterest, and'rwitter, and content shnring networks such as Flickr and 'You'l'ube. This includes the transmission of sock-1 media through any cellular or online transmission via any electronic, internet, intranet, or other wireless, communication, 30.3 Application to nny direct or incidental Agency or, other state business. "Phis contract applies to any Agency uruther state business conducted on any of the Contractor's, Subcontractor's, or their employees' social media accounts or through personal cellular communication. 30.4 Application to Agency and Contractors Equipment, This contract applies regardless of whether the social media is accessed using Agency's IT facilities and equipment or equipment belonging to Contractor, Subcontractor, or their respeotive employees. liquiprnent includes, but is not limited to, personal computers, cellular phones, personal digital assistants, smart watches, or smart tablets. 30.5 Flor•id€t Government in the Sunshine, Ieloridn Public Records Low, and Hll'AA, Contractor acknowledges that any Agency or other state business conducted by social media or through personal cellular communication is subject to Florida's Oovernment in the Sunshine Law, Florida's Public Records Law (Chapter 11.9, Florida Statutes), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (111PAA). ntp', iance with these laws and other applicable laws are further detailed in the contract. Page a of Ea C4t7 January 2t122 - DKOMber 2022 OM 203,22 30.6 Prohibited or Restricted Postings. Contractors may not take or most photos or videos of, or include narnes or identifying information, about any of Agency's clients. Any social media posts which include photos, videos, or names of volunteers, staff, or other affiliates of Agency may only be posted with the permission of those individuals. Any such posts related to volunteer service at Agency rosy only include individuals over the: age of 18. 30.7 Assist Agency with Communications. Contactors may be asked periodically to assist In distributing certain Agency communications through their social media outlets. Any such requests should be posted in adhorence. to r social rnedi,, requirernents herein and the other provisions ol'this contract. 31. Conflict of Interest; The Contractor shall establish safeguards to prohibit employees, board members, management, and Subcontraclors from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest or personal gain, No employee, officer, or agont of the Contractor or Subcontractor shall participate in the selection or in the award of a contract supported by state or federal Funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would he involved. Such a conflict would arise when: (a) tileelnpioyce, officer or agent; (h) any memher• nfhislher inuned late family; (c) his or licr partner; or (d) an orl;altization which employs, or is about to employ, any of the above individuals, has a financial or otkr interest in lha firm being selected for nward, The Contractor's or Subcontractor's officers, employees, or agents will neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of ninnetary value from Contractors, potential Contr•actnrs, or parties to Sulicontracts. The Contractor's hoard members and management roust disclose to the Agency any relatiornship which may bc, or may he perceived to he, a conflict of interest within thirty (ail) calendar days of an individual's original appointment or placement in that position, or, ifthe individual is serving as an incumbent, within thirty (10) calendar days of the commencement of this conlr•act. The Contractor's employees and Subcontractors must snake the same disclosures described above to the Contractor's board of directors. Compliance with this provision will be monitored. 32. Public Enter Crime: Pursuant to Section 287,133, F.S., a person or affiliate who has been placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for it public entity crime inuy not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with it public entity for the construction or repair of a publio building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on !cases of real Property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perlbrran work as a Contractor, Supplier, Subcontractor, or Consultant under a contract will any public entity; and may not transact husinccS with any public entity in excess of �I,e threshold amount provided in Section 287,017, F,S., for CATEGORY TWO for a period of th; I; six (30) months following the date of lacing placed on file Convicted Vendor list. 33. Purchasine: 33.1 The Contractor shall procure products and/or services required to perform this contract in accordance with section 413,036, F.S. 33.1.1 IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDFASTOOD AND AGRFRI) THAT ANY Alt"11C.LUS THAT ARE T1113 SUBJECT OF, OR RFQUIRPD TO CARRY 0l JT,'1'I I IS CONTRACTSHALL BE PURCHASED FROM A NONPROFIT AGENCY FOR THE BLIND OR FOR THI, SI VL RELY HANDICAPPED THAT IS QUALIFTHID PURSUANT TO C14APTE-R 413, FLORIDA STATUTES, IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER THE SAME PROCEDURES SLAT FORTH IN SECTION 413.036(l) AND (2), FLORIDA STATUTES; AND FOR PURPOSES Or TDIS CONTRACT THE PERSON, FIRM, OR 0 i -I fiH BININESS ENTITY CARRYING OUT THL PROVIKONS OF TI-iTS CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED I'C)R. THE STATE AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEAL[NOS WITH SUCI I QUALIFIED NONPROFIT AGENCY ARE C ONCERNI D. 33.1.2 Pursuant to sections 413.036(l) and (4), F S., the Contractor shall not be required to procure a product or service from RESPECT if: (a) .lac product or service is not available within a reasonable delivery time, (b) the Contractor Is required by law to procure the product or service from any agency of the slate, or (c) the Contractor determines that the performance specifications, prig, or quality of (lie product or service is not comparable to the Contractor's requircmcnts, 33.1.3 This act shall have precedence over any Caw requiring state agency procurement of products or services front any other nonprnfit corporation unless such precedence is waived by the Agency in accordance with its rules. page 9 of 03 QA0 January 2022 - December 2022 QAA 703.22 33.1.4 Additional information about (lie designated nonprofit agency and the products if offers is available at htill; //www.i-especlotfi4i'idn,ot-g. 33.2 The Contractor shall procure any recycled products or maturink which are the subject of, or are required to carry out, this contract when the Department of Management Services determines that those products are available, in accordance with the provisions 4t'seetion 403.7065. F.S. 33.3 The Contractor shall procure products and/or services required to perform this contract in !accordance with section 946.515, V.S. 33.3.1: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT ANY ARTICLES WHICH ARF THF. SUBJECT' OF. Olt REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT. CONTRACT SHALL HE PURCHASED FROM THE CORPORATION IDENTIFIED UNDER CHAPTER 946, F.S., IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER. THE SAME PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN SECTION 946.515(2) AND (4), F.S.; AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT" t'HE PERSON, FIRM, Olt OTI IER BUSINESS ENTITY CARRYING OUT TTIE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT 'SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR TIIiS AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEALINGS WITH SUCH CORPORATION ARL: CONCERNED. 33.3.2 The corporation identi icd is Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIM). Additional inFormation about PRICE acid the coniniodities or contractual services it offers is availabic at hitps;//p: ids-cnterprises.org/. 33.4 The Agency shall provide a Ccrtifred Milhfrity Business Subcontractor Expenditure (CM1#E) Report suramarizing [lie participation of certified suppliers fur the current reporting perind and project to date. The CMBE Report shall include (lie names, addresses, and dollar amount of each cei tified participant, and a copy inust be Forwarded to the Agency, Division of Financial Adniinistralion, and Must accompany each invoice submitted to the Age114V, The Office of Supplier Diversity (850-457-0915) will assist in furnishing riaanes of qualified minorities. The DOFA Minority Coordinator (850-414-2153) wil: assist with questions and answers. The CMBE Report is attached to this contract. 34. Patents, Convrlshts, Royalties: If this contract is awarded state funding and il' any discovery, invention, or copyrightable material is developed or produced in the course of or as a result of work or services performed under this contract sir in any tvay connected with this contract, or if ownership of any discovery, invention, or copyrightnble material tv>rs purchased in the course of of as a result of work or services performed under this contract, the Contractor shall refer the discovery, invention, or copyrighlable material to [lie Agency to be reterred to the Department of State. Any and all }patent rights or copyrights accruing, under this contract are hereby reserved to the State of Florida in accordance with Chapter 286, F.S.Pursuant to Section 257.0571(5)(k), F.S., the only exceptions to this provision shall be those that are clearly expressedand reasonahly valued in this contract. 34.1 If the primary purpose of this contract is the creation of intellectual property. Ilse State of Florida sliasll retain ail unencumbered right to use such property, nutwithstanding any agreement inade pursuant to this Section 34. 34.2 1rthis contract is awarded solely federal funding, the terins and conditions are governed by 2 CFR § 200.315 or 45 CFR § 75.322, as applicable. 34.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, if the Contractor or one 4f its Subcontractors is a university and a nicniber ortlte State University System of Florida, then SecW i 1004.23, F.S., shall apply, but the Agency shal, retain a perpetual. Bally -paid, nuncxclusive I-r' iise for its use anti the use of its Contractors, Subcontractors,or Assignees o('any resulting patented. copyrighted, or trademarked wvoi k products. Q Page 10 V 93 January 2022 - December 2022 QAA 203.22 35, Emergency Preunreduess and Continuity ot'Oncratlons: 35.1 If the tasks to be performed pursuant to this contract Include the physical care and control of clients, or the adininistratioil and coordination afservices necessary for client health, safety, or welfare, the Contractor shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of file execution of this contract, submit to the Agency Cmitract Manager, verification of an emergency Preparedness flan. In the event of an ennergency, the Contractor shall notify the Agency emer;aency provisions. 35.2 In the event a situution results in a cessation of services by a Subcontrmctor, the Ccntr,j�..o� shall remain respnnsible for performance under this contract and must follow procedures to ensure continuity of operations without interruption. 36, EmIlument: 36.1 Equipment means. (a) tangible. personal Innperty (including intarination technology systems) liuving a useful life of inorc than one year and a per -unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capital izantio-.-- level cslablished by the organl7alion for the financial statement purpuses, or $5,000.00 [for fcderal funds - 2 CFR § 200.33 and 45 CPR § 75.2, as applicable1, or (b); nonexpendable, tangible personal property of a non-consulnuble nature with an acquisition cost of $5,000.00 or more per unit, anil expected useful life of at least one (1) year; and hardback bound books not circulated to students or the general public, with a value or cost of $2S0.00 or more [for state funds]. 36,2 Contr<gictor.s and Subcontractors who are Institutions of Highor l duonfion, Hospitals, And tither Non -Profit Drgani7ations shall have written properly rnanagemen± standards in compliance with 2 CPR Part 200 Administrative Requirements (formerly OMB Circular A-110) that Include; (a) a property list with all tho elements Wen, ified In the circular; (b) a proccdure for conducting a physical inventory of equipment at least once every two (2) year's; (c) a control system to inure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the equipment, and (d) maintenance urouedures to keep the equipment In good condition. The property records must be maintained oil rile and shall he provided to the Agency upon request. The Contractor slinli promptly investigate, f tilly duutuncnt, and notify the Agency Contract Manager of any lass, clEunage, or theft of equipment. The Contractor shall provide (lie rescilts of the investigaliun to the Agency Contract Manager. 36.3 The Contractor°s property management standards for equipment (including replacement equipment), whether acquired in whole or In part with federal funds and federally-owtied etiuipiricnt shall, at a minimum, meet the following requirements rind shall include accurately maintained equipment records with the following information: 36.3.1 Property records must be maintained that include a description of the equipment; 36.3.2 Manufacturer's serial number, inodel number, federal stock number, national stock number, or other identification number; 36.3.3 Source of finding for the equipment, including the federal award identification number; 36.3.4 Whether title vests in the Contractor or the federal, geverninent; 36.3,5 Acquisition date (or date received, if the equipment was furnished by the federal government); 36.3.6 Information from which one can calculate (lie percentage of federal participation in the cost of the equipment (not app!iwible to equipment furnished by the federal government); 36.3.7 Location, use and pond itior . of the equipment find the date the information was reported; 36.3.5 Unit acquisition cost; and 36.3.9 Ultimate disposition data, including date of disposal and sales price Of the method used to determine current fair market value where a Contractor compensates the federal awarding regency for its share. 36.3.10 A physical Inventory must be taken, and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two (2) years. 36.3.11 A contrul system must be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, daninge, or theft of (lie property. Any loss, damage, or theft must be itnvestigaded, 45 CPR § 75.320(d)(3). 36.3.12 Adequate maintenance procedures mus( be developed to keep the property in good condition. Page iI ofP3 040 January 2022 - Decomber 2022 oAA 203.22 36.3.13 If the Contractor is authorized or required to soil the equipment, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. 36.4 Equipment purchased with federal funds with an acquisition cost over $5,000.00 and equipment purchased with state funds with an {acquisition cost over $5,000.00 is part of the cost of can-ying out the activities and functions of the grant awards and title (ownership) will vest In the Contractor [for federal funds see 2 CUR § 200,313(a) and 45 CFR § 75,320(a), as applicable], suliject to the conditions of 2 Cl-'R Part 200 and/or 45 CFR Part 75. Equipment purchased antler these thresholds Is considered supplies and is not subject to property standards, Equipment purchased with funds identified in the budget attachments to agreements covered by this contract or identified in the Rauh -agreements with Subcontractors (not included in a cost methodology), is subject to the conditions of Chapter 273, V.S., rule 6OX-1.017, F. A. C., and 2 CFR Part 200 and/or 45 C VR Part 75. 36.5 The Contractor shall not dispose of any equipment or materials provided by the Agency or purchased with funds provided through this contract without first obtaining the approval of the Agcncy Contract. Manager. {Alen disposing of property or equipment the Contractor must submit a written request for disposition Instructions, to the Agency's C.'onlract Manager. The request should include a brief description of the property, purchase ptice, funding source, and percentage of state or federal participation, acquisition dale and condition of the property. The request should also indicate the Contractor's proposed disposition of the property (i.e., transfer ordonation to another agency that administers rederal programs, offer of the items for sale, destroy the items, etc.). 36,6 The Agency Contract Manager will issue disposition instructions. ]('disposition instructions are not received within one hundred twenty (120) days of the tivritten requosi. for disposition, the Contractor is authorized to proceed as directed in 2 C1'R § 2.00.313 or 45 CPR § 75.320, as applicable. 36.7 heal property means land (including land improvunients), buildings, structures and appurtenances thereto, but excludes movable machinery and equipment. Real property may not be purchased with state or federal funds Ihrough ag•eernents coveiecl under this contract without the prior approval of the Agency. Real property purchases fi om Older Americans Act funds ate subject to the provlslc•.v of Title 42, Chapter 35, Subchapter 111, Part A„ Section 3030b United States Code, (U.S.C.). Real pi operty purchases from state funds unn only be made through Iixud capital outlay grants and aids appropriations and therefore are subjwt to ttte provisions of Section 216,348, F.S. 36.8 Any permanent storage devices (c.g.: hart) drives, removable storage media) must be. reformatted and tested prior to disposal to ensure no confidential Information remains. 36.9 The Contractor must adhere to the Aggency's procedures and standards when purchasing Information Technology itesotirces (ITR) as part of any agreement(s) incorporating this contract by reference, An ITR worksheet is required for any computer related 'item costing $1,000.00 or more, Including data processing hardware, Software, services, supplies, maintenance, training, personnel, and facilities, The completed iTR worksheet shall be maintained in the LAN administrator's file and roust be provided to the Agency upon The Contractor has the responsi bility to require any Subcontractors to comply with the Agency's ITRprocedures. 37. P1JR 1000 Fort: The PUR 1000 Fonn is hereby incorporated by reference and available at. littp:/ldms.myfiorida.com(purchasi nrz In the event of any conflict between the PUR 1000 Dorm and any terms or conditions of this Contract, the terms or conditions of this Contract shall take precedence over the PUR 1000 Fortin. Ilowevee, if the conflicting terms or Conditions in the. PUR 1000 Form are required by any section of the Florida Statutes, the terms or conditions contained in the PUR 1000 Norm shall take precedence. 38. Use of State Funds to Puredase or finprove steal Property: Any state funds provided for the purchase of or improvements to real property are contingent upon the Contractor or political subdivision granting to the state a security interest in tho property at least to the amount of state funds provided for at least jive (S) yc*rrs from the date of purchase or die completion of the improvements or as further required by law. Pegs 12 of 93 040 January 2022 - aeccmber 2022 39. Dispute Resolutlnn: OAA 203,22 Any dispute concerning performance of the contract shall be decided by the Agency Contract Manager, who shall reduce the decision to writing and serve a copy on the Contractor. 40. FInrtncinlConsepuences, If tiie Contractor fails to meet the mininwrn level of service or performance identi Pied in this contract, the .agency shall impose financial consequences as stated in Attachment I. 41, No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity: Nothing contained in this contract is intended to serve m a waiver of sovereign immunity by any entity to which sovereign immunity may he applicable. 42. Ven If any dispute arises out of this contract, the venue of such legal recourse shall bu Leon County, Florida. 43. ]Entire Contract: This contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. No oral agreements or representations shall be valid or binding upon the Agency or [lie Contractor unless expressly contained herein or by a wrinen ainendment to this contract signed by Froth Parties. 44. ForceMaleut'e: The Patties will not be liable for any delays or failures in performance due to circumstances beyond tircir control, provided the patty experiencing the force majeure condition provides iinmedi6to ►witten notititation to tine other party and takes all reasonable efforts to cure the condition. 45. Severahility Clause: The Parties agree that if a court of competent jurisdiction deems any terra or condition herein void or uncri orcenble, the other provisions are severable to that void provision and shall remain in full farce and effect. 46. Cowl iIion Pr( rvment to f'nntraet Arpr opr rations: The Parties agree that the Agency's performance and obligation to pay tinder this contract arc contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. 47, Additiuri/Deletio►t: The Parties agree that the Agency reserves the right to add or to delete any of the services required tinder this contract whom dccmed to be in the State of Florida's best interest and reduced to a writter. amendment signed by both fatties. The Parties shall negotiate compensation for any additional services added, 48, Waiver: Tile delay or failure by the Agency to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this contract will not constitute nrhe deemed a witiver of the Agency's 6lrl thereafter to enforce those rights, nor will any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or ftither exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, 49, Cun►i?tianct:: The Contractor shall abide by all applicable current federal statutes, laws, rules, and regulations a>, well as npplicnhle current state statutes, laws, rules and r..gnlatirnns. The Parties agree that failure of the Contractor to abide by these laws shall be deemed an event oi'detlault of the Contractor ��nd subject the contract to immediate unilateral cancellation of tine contract at the discretion of the Agency. 50, Final Invoice: The Contractor shall submit the final invoice for payment to the Agency no later them thirty (30) days after the contract ending date unless otherwise specified in Attachment 1. If tite Contractor fulls to do so, all riglst to payment is forfeited and the Agency shall not honor any requests submitted after the aforesaid time period. Any payment due under the terms of this contract shall be withheld until all required docitmcutntinn and reports due froth the Contrractorand necessary adjustments thereto have been approved by the Agency. Pap 13 of 03 040 january 2022 - Oacember 2022 51. Rencgcrtfations of Modifications: OAA 203,22 Modifications of the provisions of this contract shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing and duly signed by both parties. The rate of payment and the total dollar amount may be adjusted retroactively to reflect price level increases and changes in the rate of payment when these have been established through the appropriations process and subsequently identified in the Agency's operating budget. 52. Susnension of Work-, The Agency may, in its sole. discretion, suspend any or all activities under the contract or purchase order, at any time, when in the interest ofthe State to do so. The Agency shall provide the Contractor written notice outlining tilts particulars ol'suspcosion. Examples of the reason for suspension Include, but are not limited to, budgetary constraints, declaration of emergency, or other such circumstances. After receiving a suspension notice, the ContraQtorsh:+.l comply with the notice and shall not accept any purchase orders, Within ninety (90) days, or any longer period agreed to by the Contractor, the Agency shall either. (1) issue a notice authorizing resumption of work, at which lime activity shall resume, or (2) terminate the contract or purchase order. Suspension of work shall nut cntitic the Contractor to any additional compensation. 53. Termination: 53.1 Termination for Convenience. The Agency, by written notice to the Contractor, may terminate this contractin whole or in pail when the Agency determines in its sole discretion that it is in the mate's interest to (to s€t.The Contractor shall not furnish any product after it receives the notice oftermination, oxcept as necessary to complete the continued portion of this contract, if any. The Contractor shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. 53.2 Termination for Cause. The Agency may terminate this contract is the Contractor fails to; (1) deliver the product within the time specified in the contract or any extension, (2) maintain adequate progress, ti usendangoring performance of the contract, (3) honor any term of tite contract, or (4) abide by any statutory, regulatory, or licensing requirement. Rule 6OA-1,006(3), F.A.C:,, governs the procedure and consequences of default. The Contractor shall continue work on airy work not terminated. Except for defaults of Subcontractors at any tics, Elie Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arises frontuvents completely beyond the contr+oi, and without the fault or negligence, of the Contractor, If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a Subcontractor nt any tier, and if (lie cause ofthe default is completely beyond the control of bath the Contractor and the Subcontractor, and without the fault or negligence ofeilher, file Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the subcontracted products were obtainable from other sources insufficient time for the Contractor to meet the required delivery solicit tile, lf, after termination, it is determined that the Contractor was not in default, or that the defaurit was excusabie, the rights and obligations of the Pnrties shall be the same as if the termination hail been issued for the convenience of the Agency. The rights and remedies of the Agency in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract. 54. Electronic Records and Signature: The Agency authorizes, but does not require, the Contractor to or•eate ant retain eleo(ronic records and to use electronic signatures to conduct transactions necessary to carry out the terms of this contract. A Contractor that createsand retains electronic records and uses electronic signatures to conduct tinnaaetinns shall comply with the requimementscontainod in the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, Section 668.50, F & All electronic records must he fully anditable; are subject to Florida's Public Records Law, Chapter 119, FX; must comply with contract Section 29, Datalntcgrity and %0e4;uardinb Information; must maintain all confidentiality, as applicable; and must be. retained and rnaintairicd by the Contractor to the :same extent as non -electronic records are retained and maintained its acquired by this contract. 54.1 The Agency's authoriration pursuant to this section does not authorise electronic transactions between the Contractor and the Agency. The Contractor is authorized to conduct elcctronic traursoctions with the Agency only upon further written constant by the Agency. 54.2 Upon request by the Agency, the Contractor shall provide tine Agency with non -electronic (paper) ctapiesof records. Nan -electronic (paper) copies provided to tine Agency any document that was originally in electronic form with an electronic signature inusl identi ry the person and " ie person's capacity who electronically signed the document on any note -electronic copy of the document. Page 14 of 03 C dantiary 2022 - Decembar 2022 OAA 203.22 55. CUnfrad Managurt The Agency may substlttile iiity Agency etnpfoyce to serve as the Agency Contract Manager, REMAINDER OF THE PA GEINTEATTIONALLYLEIST ELffN Page 15 o€93 �y January 2022 -December 2022 56. Official Payee and Representatives (Names, Addresses, and Telet hone Numbers): OAA 203.22 The Contractor name, as shown on page I of (his Collier County Hoard of County Commissioners 3339 E Tamisrnl Trail, Building H a. contract, and mailing address of the official payee to Naples, Ff, 34112 Whom the payment shall be made is: The name of the contact person and street address Kristi Sonntug, Director Collier County Board of County Commissioners b. where financial and administrative records are Community and Human Services maintained is: 3339 E Tamlaml Trail, Building H T Naples, FL 34112 Kristi Soruttag, Director The name, address, and telephone number of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners e. representative of the Contractor responsible For Community and Human Services administration of the program under this contract Is: 3339 E Tarniami Trail, Building H Naples, FL 34112 239 252-2273 Area Agency on Aging 1'or Southwest Florida, Inc. 'rho section and location wit i3in the Agency whereRequests 2830 Winkler Ave., Sulte 112 d. for Payment and Receipt and Expenditure fortes are to be Fort Myers, FL 33916 mailed Is: ttichard Cocchieri The name, address, and telephone number of the Alva Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. e' Contract Manager for this contract Is: 2830 Winkler Ave,, Suite 1 t 2 Fort Myers, FL 33916 239 652-6900 x58279 Upon change orrepresentativess (names, addresses, telephone numbers) by either party, notice shall be providedin writing to the other party, 57. All Terms and Conditions Included; This contract and its Attachments I — XVI, including any exhibits referenced In said attachments, together with any documents incorporated by reference, contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Patties, There are no provisions, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained herein, and this contract shalt supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements, either written or verbal, between the Pa►iies. By signing this contract, the Parties agree that they have read and agree to the entire contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed lrr their undersigned officials as duty authorized. CONTRACTOR: COLLIER COUNTY ARD OF AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR COUNTY Ct t ONLR r , SO NTH W FLOWDA, INC. n SIGNATURE. SIGNATURE NAME NORMA I AIJMO TITLE PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT HEAD TITLE PRESIDENT & CEO DATE 01i' f2022 DATE Approved as to form and legality Federal Tax ID: 59-6000558 Duns: 076997790 Assi ttt County Attorney Paige 16 of 83 t (f ;4 f aa Coo January 2022 - Dacambar 2022 INDEX OF ATTACHMENTS OAA 203.22 ATTACHMENT] .. .........................I......,. r.,...,,...,........... ,..,,.,............ ,.,,............. 1.... ..,., ,,..... r.,.,...,....0.11,11.1... r,...,....... ... 6 8 .S'TAT-RUENT OF WORK ........... ............ ..................................................................... .,........ ,..,.,,....... .... ............ ........... 1.18 ATTACHMENTII.ur...................,,1.UI,Y.IH,HL,IIHLx,IH..M„sr.Hurau., ........r.,.I.111..O.........4IH....UrH...................................... 56 FINANCIAL AND COMPLIr1WB AUDIT ,,...........................,..........,....,......................,................,........................,...... 516 ATTACHMNTTIII..................................................................................................................................................... 63 CERTIFICATIONS AND A S'S'UiANCI: S ... . .......... . . . .............. .......................................................................................... 63 ATTACHMENT' 1V........................................................................................................................................................... a AS,5'UIt?M-P,,,4A[Cr,,V f1N-(,'Oi (.i''1'Rll(.'7'[OtV PROURAMS'.................................................................................................. ATl7AClAN J Y�,)N........................................,.................ur.....................u.......................................uu..............uu..n...n.a qa /V fil'OR11M I)eparfttfenl of 11.7,D1;R AFFAIRS CIVIL RIGIIT.S' C01,4PLI4NCE CHECKLIST .......................................... 70 Al,rACHMENT Vl.... ...................... ....r,.....,..,..,............ ,.........,.......... ...... ,........... I'll ......................................................... 74 CONTRACTOR'S ST479s f'0NT8'Af'7'L1.V2.................................................................................................................... 74 A'ITACHMEN`I V111.............................. .................... ........ ................ .........„.,. ...,.....,.................,.................................76 CER77FIED A11NORITY BUS'INI:SS SUBCON7'IUCTOR EXPENDITURES (CAWBE F0,Rho)..................................... 76 A17ACHMENTIX............................................................r,..............,,,................ ......qH.,r...,.......... I.......,.. ............... .,, 78 BUDGET SUA�MARY�...................................................................................................................................................... 78 ATTACHMENTX..............................................................................................................................................................79 INVOICESCHEDULE..................................................................................................................................................... 79 EXHIBITI........................................................................................................................................................................80 EXHIBIT2.................. ............. .... ..... ........... ........ .......................... ........................ .......... ,............. ... ....... .............. .1,........ 81 ATTACHMENTXI............................................................................................................................................................ 82 REQUESTFOR PAYURN'T .......................................................................................................................................... 82 ATTACHMENTXIL..........................................................................................................................................................83 REG'EIP7SAND N,Y31BND1TUREREPORT...........................................................................................I.......................83 EXHIBIT] ........................................................................................................................................................................ 83 RA71MIT2........................................................................................................................................................ ............. 84 EXHIBIT3..............................................................................................................................................—......,................85 EXHIRIT4....................................................................................................................................................................... 86 EXHIBIT5....................................................................................................................................................................... 87 IWIMIT6....................................................................................................................................................................... 88 E'X111BIT 7.......................................................................................................................................,,.............................1. 89 ATTACHMENTXHI......................................................................................................................................................... 9U C0jWPUTATION OF CARRYF'ORWAND AND OVERADVANCE OAA TITLE III ........... .............. .... ............ I .... ......... . 90 ATTACHMENTXIV ......................................................................................................................................................91 COS!' RL'IhJIt(IRS,.'MrsNT,S Ii)LItWAR)`...........................................................................,...,..................I...I......I.-........ 91 Al-rACHMENT XV..... ..................... ..... ....................r,,..,........ ..,.F....,..,....... ...... ....... .....,...,,,....,.... .......... ........................92- SERVICE RATE REPORT..................................................................................... ......... .,........................................ ....... 9.2 AfTACHMEN'P 1tVI............. ................ .......... .... ... ............... ..... ..... ..............,..................... ...... .... .,.,.,.,,,........,.,,.„...,....... 95 OAA ANNUAL YOLUhrTll;'R ACTIVITYRLI'ORT SPECIE]CATIONS......................................................................... 95 Peon 17 of 03 Ct January 2022 - Uer mbar 2022 ATTACHMENT t STATEMENT OF WORK 1. SERYICES TO BE PROVIDED A. Definitions of Terins 1. Contract Acronyms Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Activities of Daily Living (AD-1 ) Administration on Aging (AoA) Administration on Community Living (ACL) Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (AIRS) Assessed Priority Consumer List (APCL) Adult Protective Services (APS) Chronic Discasc Scif-Management Education (CDSME) Chronic Fi let :+C Self -Management Program (C:1381v1li) Dietary Raerence Intake: (DRI) Enterprise Client Information and Registration Tracking System (eCIRTS) I?vldence-Based Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (EBDPHP) Florida Department of Business and Profossiona, Regulations (DBPR) Florida Department of Elder Affairs (Agency or Agency) Florida Department of I Icalth (DOI I) Information and Referral (I&R) Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IAFJf,) National Cnuncil on Aging (NCOA) N'-i(rition Services lnccntive Prograin (NSIP) Older Americans Act (OAA) Planning and Service Area (PSA) State of Florida (State) Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Loiig- _ :.i :: Care (SMfVIC LTC) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) United States Department of Health and Human Services (USDI314S) Z. Program Speeitle Terins OAA z03,72, Adult Child with a Disability: A child wino is age 18 or nlder and is financially dependent on all older Individual who Is it parent of the child and has a disability, Area Plan. A plan developed by the AAA outlining a comprehensive and coordinated sorvice delivery systermin its PSA In awordance with Section 3054ofthe OAA [42 United States Code (U.S.C,) t§ 30261 and Ageneyinstructlons. Area Plan Update: A revlaliin to the Area Plan wherein the AAA cnlers OAA sliwific data in eCIRTS, An update may also include nllicr iwvisions its the Area Plan as Instructed by (lie Agency. Child: An individual ivhn i s not inure than eighteen (I8) years of age or an Individual with a disability. Criteria: A standard which the AOA/AC;L sct for the Title HID Progrtun. AuAIACL's standard ci �tc: consists of three tiers: lvlininial Criteria, Intcroiceliato Criteria, and tlisllmt- Lovel Criteria, Page 1tr of 93 0-1t) Ja my 2022 - ❑ecnmber 2072 QM 243.22 Family Caregiver: An adult family member, or anolher individual, who is an Informal provides of in -home and community care to an older individual. Frail: When an older individual is (1) determined to l)e unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial human assistance, Including verbal reminding, physica: cucing, or supervision or (2) unable to perform at least three such activities Without such assistance; or, (3) due to a cognitive or other mental impttirirrcnt, requires substantial supervision because the individual behaves in a manner that poses a serious health or salcty hayard to the individual or to anollrer individual, Grandparent; A grandparent or step -grandparent of a child, or a relative of a child by (Mood, marriage or adoption, who: (1) lives with the child, (2) is the primary caregiver of the child because the biological or adoptive parents are unable or unwilling, to serve as the primary caregiver of the child, and (3) has a legal relationship to Hie child, such as legal custody or guardianship, or is raising the child informally, B. General Description 1. General Statement The primary put -pose of the OAA Program is to foster the development and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated systems to serve older individuals. These systems assist older individuals to attain and maintain maximum independence with supportive sei vices, The NSIP provides incentives for the effective delivery of nutritious meals to older individuais. NSIP allows programs to Increase the number and/or the quality of meals served. NSIP Is a cash allotment or commodity program that supplements funding or food used in meals served under the OAA. Florida has opted for cash payments in lieu of donated foods. 2. Authority All applicable federal laws, regulations, action transmittals, program instructions, review guides and similar documentation related to the following: a. Catalog of Federal I)omestic Assistance Nos. 93.043, 93,044, 93.045, 93,052, and 93.053; la. Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended 2020; e. 42 U.S.C. § 303 and§ 604; d. Rule 58A-1, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C'), e. Section 430JOI, Florida Statules (f .S.), and f. Agency Programs and Services Handbook, which is hereby '-rcorporated by reference, to include any subsequent revisions t1wrcof. 3. Scope of Service The Contractor is responsible for the programmatic, fiscal, and operational management of the OA A 'Title HID, Title IIIC1, Title DIC2, Title HID, and Title HIE Programs and NSIP, within its designated P'SA, The program services shall be provided In a m-il r consislent with the Contractor's current Area. Plan, as updated and hereby incorporated by reference, and the otrrrent Agency programs and Services Handbook. The Contractor shall use the NSIP funding to supplemcnt flAnding for food used in meals served by OAA Nutrition Program Providers. 4, Major Program Goals The major goals of the OAA Program are to Improve older individuals' quality of life, preserve their independence, and prevent or delay their need for costlier institutional care. These goals are nohievud through the implementation of a comprehensive and coordinated service system that provides a conlinuum of service. Alternatives and effective delivery of nutritious meals that meet the diverse needs of elders and their caregivers. C. Clients to he Served i, General Description The OAA Program gives preference to older individuals with greatest economic need and older individuals with greatest social need (with purlicular attention to luw-incorrie older individuals, including low-income minority older individuals, older individuals with limited English proficleney, and older individuals residing in rural areas), t'uga 19 of 93 0'1() January 2022 - De"nibe, 2022 2, Client Eligibility n. OAA Title Ill OAA 203.22 Consumers shall not be dually enrolled in an OAA Program and a Medicaid capitated Long -Term Care Program, except consumers in need of OAA legal Assistance services and OAA Congregate Nutrition Services, including transportation to and from congregate meal sites, b. NSIP Meals served to an elderly individual, funded in whole or in Dart under the SMMC LTC, Home Care for the T:ldcdy, Community C'arc fortheElderly programs, or other means tested I, ng rEn1s may not be included in the NS1P count, OAA-funded congregate meals provided to SMMC LTC coienis may be included in the NSIP count. c. OAA Title 11 B, Supportive Services i. Individuals must be age sixty (60) or older; and K I&WAssistance services are provided to individuals regardless of age. d. OAA Titles IIIC1 and III422, Nutrition Services, General General factors that shall be. considered in eslablisbing priority for the receipt of nutrition services include those older persons who: 1, Cannot afford to eat adequately, 11, Lack the skills or knowledge to select and prepare nourishing and well-balanced meals; iii. Have lirnited mobility whica may impair their capacity to shop and cook for themselves; iv. Have a disabling illness or physical condition requiring nutritional support; or v. Have been screened at a high nutitional risk. e. OAA Title I11CI, Congregate Nutrition Services In addition to meeting the general nutrition services eligibility requirements listed in Section I.C.2.d. above, individuals must be mobile, not homebound, and physically, mentally, and medically able to attend a congregate nutrition program, individuals eligible to receive congregate meals include the following: i, lni:6iduals age sixty (60) or older; It. Any spouse (regardless of age;) who attends the cutting ecnter with his/her eligible spouse; ill. Persons with a disability, regardless of age, who reside in a housing facility occupied primarily by older individuals where congregate nutrition services are provided; iv. Disabled persons who reside at home with and acoDnipany an eligible person to the dining ccntcr; and v. Volunteers, regardless of age, who provide essential services on a regular basis during meal hours. f. OAA Title 111C2, Dome Delivered Nutrition Services In addition to meeting the general nutrition services eligibility requirements as listed in Section d.C.2.d., individuals must be homebound and physically, mentally, or medically unable to attend a congregate nutrition program. Individuals eligible to receive home delivered meals include the following: 1. Individuals age sixty (6 ) or older who area incapacitated or unable to attend a congregate nutrition site due to illness, disability, isolation, or caring for a loved one who is ill at 11ome; It. Individuals age sixty (60) or older who are unable to attend a congregate nutrition site due to teeth and/or mouth issues which makes it difficult to eat in public; ill. Individuals age sixty (60) or older who arc al nutritional risk who have physical, emotional, or behavioral conditions which would make their presence at congregate nutrition sites inappropriate, lv. Individuals agc sixty (Gut) or older who are at nutritional risk who are socially or otherwise isolated, including those who are self' isolating at home due to health or other reasons, and unable to attend a congregate nutrition site; f"age 70 of 93 .January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 V. Individuals ago sixty (60) or older who arc unable to prepare meals due to a lack of or inadequacy of facilities; are inability to shop, cook, or Prepare sneak safely; a lack offunds to purchase nutritious food; or a lack of appropriate knowledge or skill; vi. A home delivered meals recipient's spouse, regardless of nge, if the provision of the collateral moal supports maintaining the person at home; and vli. Individuals with disabilities, regardless of age, who reside at home with home delivered meals recipients and are dependent on thern for care. g. �r#A Title IIlD,1Ris4asc lit eventiou strict Hcaitlt Prgntotiorr Services t. Target individuals age sixty (60) or alder; and ii. Priority will be given to individuals residing in medically unrlerserved areas. it. OAA Title 11M, Caregiver Suppor( Services Eligibility for OAA Title IIIE4 Caregiver Suppoil Services, is as follows: I. Eligible individuals Include: (1) Family caregivers of individuals age sixty (60) or older; and (2) Grandparents [age fifiv-five (55) or older] or alder individuals [age fifty-five (55) or older] who are relativo caregivers. it. For respite and supplemental services, a family earegive,, must he providing care for an older individual who meets the definition of the term "frail" as defined above. iii. E'=>r Home Dolivcrcd Meals for ME and IIIEG, caregivers and individuals who reside in the home and are dependent on the carogiver for care:. iv. Priority will be. given to family careg4vers who provide core for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders with neurologieml and organic brain dysfunction and to grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers who provide care for children with severe disabilities. It. MANNER OFSEM ME PROVISION A. Service Tosim To achieve the goals of the OAA Program, the Contractor shall ensure performance of the following tasks: 1. Client Eligibility Determination The Contractor shall ensure that applicant data is evaluated to detertnint, eligibility. Eligibility to become a client is basest on meeting the requirements described in Section I.C,2. 2. 'I'atrgeting atut Sereening Neiv Clients for Service Delivery The Contractor shall develop and implement policies and procedures consistent with OAA targeting and scrccning criteria for new clients. 3. Program Setwices The Contractor shall vAisurc the provision of program services is consistent with the Contractor's ci ir:.nt Area Plan, as updated and approved by the Agency, and the current Agency Progrums and Services Handbook. 4. ProgrwT, Eligibility Requirements a. Lligibility Criteria To be eligible for program participation, an entity must: I. Be an agency that has received a grant under ©A?, "'ille Ill LOAA section :111(42 US.C. § 3030a)j; and it. Partner with a nutrition service provider that serves meals and is under the jurisdiction, control, management, and audit authority of the AAA and the Agency.: Page 21 or 93 0 January 2a22 Docenlbor =2 b. Provider's Nutrition Service Operations OAA 203.22 The Contractor shall ensure that the nutrition service operations of the provider meet the requirements of this contract, as well as any other applicable regulations and policies prescribed by the current Agency Programs and Services I lands nk, USUIRIS, USDA, DOII and local health Aguiloys, DBPR, or any other agency designated to inspect ►heal qm I i ty for the State. c. Prescribed Nutritional Requirements The Cmitractor shall ensure Ihat each meat provided under this contract meets the following criteria: i, Complies with the current Dictary guidelines far Americans, published by the Secretaries of the USUHHS and USDA; and ii. Provides a minini un of' thirty-three and a third' percent (33 1f3%) of the Jetary reference intakcsladequate intakes for a feninle age seventy (70) or older ns established by the rood and Nutrition Board of (lie National Academy or Sciences. d. Food Origh) and Cooiniodlt6-,-; [requirements Consistent with existing; requirements of the NSIP, tile Contractor and its service provider:-, may use NSIP cash to purchase foods of U.8, origin for their nutrition projects under Title ill of the OAA, NSIP funds roust be used to expand nick] services to older adults. B. Use of Subcontractors If this contract involves the use of a subcontractor or third party, then the Contractor shall nat delay the implementation of its agrocrnunt with the Subcontractor. if any circumstance occurs that inky result in a delay for a period of sixty (60) days or more of the initiation of the subcontract or the performance of the Subcontractor, the Contractor shall notify the Agency Conti act Manager and the Agency's Chief Financial Officer in writing of such delay, Thu Contractor shall not permit a Subcontractor to perform services related to this contract without having; a binding Subcontractor ngreenierrt executed. The Agency ,,.ill not be responsible or liable for any obligations or claims resulting fi•om such action, 1. Copies of Subcontracts The Contractor shrill submit copies of all subcontracts to the Agency Contract Manager within thirty (30) days of execution ofcach subcontract agreement. 2. Munituring the Performance of Subcontractors The Contractor shall monitor, at least once per year, each of itG subcontractors, sub -recipients, vendors, andlor consultants paid from funds provided under this contract. The Contractor shall perform fisval, administrative, and programmatic monitoring to ensure contractual compliance, fiscal accountability, programmatic performance, and compliance with applicable state .rid federal laws and regulations, Tire Contractor Thal; monitor its subcontractors to ensure that the budget and scope of work are accomplished within the specified time periods, and that all performance goals stated in this contract are achieved. a, The Contractor shall require subcontractors to enter all required data por tlrc Agency's WIRTS Policy Guidelincs for clients and service,-, into the eCIRTS database. The data must be entered into tile. cClI S database before the subcontractors submit their Request forPayinent and Receipts and Expenditure Reports to the Contractor. The Contractor dial' establish tirne francs 10 ensure compliance with dLT dates for the Bequests for Payment and Receipts Expenditure Reports to the Agency, b. The Contractor shrill require subcontractors to run inontirly eCIRTS reports and to verify that the client and service data in the cCIRTS database is accurate. This report must be submitted to the Contractor with the monthty Request for Pa yment and Receipts and Expenditure Report and trust be reviewed by (tic Contractor before the subcontractor's Bequest for Payment and Receipts and Expenditure Reports can be approved by rile Contractor. e, The Contractor shrill require subcontractors to report on outreach activities tit least seini-annually using a uniform reporting format established by (lie Contractor. Subcontractor reports must include the total number of outreach events or activities performed by the subcontractor as well as the following information for each event or activity. (late, location, tyke of event or activity, total number of participants, individual service needs identiliod, and retierral sources or information provided to participants. pr+rie 22 of 93 C January 2022 - Dacemher 2022 C. Slaffing Requireirionts 1, StaffingLevels OM 203.22 The Contractor shall assibm its own administralive and support staff as needed to perform the tasks, responsibilities, and ditties tinder this contract and ensure that subcontractors dedicate adequate staff accordingly. 2, Professional Qualifications The Contractor shall ensure that the staff responsiblefor performing any duties or fiuretions within this COS v ;icl have the qualifications specified in the Agency Programs and Services handbook, 3, Service 1'i F��� t The Contractor shall ensure the availability of services listed in this contract at tines appropriate to nicct client service needs, including, at a minimum, during normal business hours. Norn)at business hours are defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. D. Deliverables The following soc(lon provides the specific gttantifal i le11nits of deliverables and the source domusFtentalioti requit`cd to evidence the completion of the tasks specified M this contract. The Contractor inust submit all required documentation in the time ana inan der specified for the mininiufn performance lovals to be met, Each deliverable must tic accepted in writing by the Agency Contract Vianager based on the requirements for each deliverable before the Contractor submits an invoice requesting payment. f. Delivery of Services to Eligible Clients The Contmctor shall ensure the provision of a continuum of services that meet:- the: diverse: needs of elders and their caregivers. Documentation ofservice delivery must include a report consisting of the following: number of clients served, number of sc:tiiee units provided by survicc, and rate per service unit with calculations that equal the total invoice amount. The Contractor shall ensure the performance and reporting of the following types of services, in accordance with the Contractor's current Agency -approved Area Plan, the current Agency Programs and Services HandbGok, and Section ILA, n. .'S'tipl)oi•tive Services (IIIB Program) Supportive services include a variety of corrimunity-based and home -delivered services that suvport older Individuals' quality of life by helping Ilium remain independent and productive. Services include the fallowing: i. Adult Day Care/Adult Day Health Care; ii. C'<aregiverTraining/Suppott; iii. Caregiver Support Oroups; W. Case Aid/Case ld:,,agement; V. Chow and Chore (l,nhanced); vi. Companionship; vii. Counseling (Gerontological and Mental Health/Screening); viii. Education/Training; ix. Emergency Alert Response; X. L'scort; xi. Health Support; xii. Home Health Aid; xiii. Homemaker; wiv. Housing Iinprovenient; xv. Information; Page 23 of 93 o A January 2022 - December 2022 OA4 203.22 xvi. Intake; xvii. Interpre lei /Translating; xviii. Legal Assistance; xix. Material Aid; xx, OccupationalTherapy; xxi. 011(reach; xxii, Personal CaIL; xxiil. Physical Therapy; xxiv. Recreation; xxv. Referral/Assistance; xxvi. Respite Services (In -Hume and Facility Based); xxvii, Sereeningr`Assessinent; xxviii. Shopping Assistancc; xxix. Skilled Nursing; xxx. Specialized Medical Equipment, Services, Lind Supplies; xxxi. Speech Therapy; xxxil. Telephone Reassurance; and xxxiii. Transportation. b. Congregate Nutrition Scn� ices (111C1 Program) Nutrition services are provided in congregate settings and are: designed to reduce hunger and fond insecurity and to promote socialization and the health and well-being of older individuals through access to nutrition and other disease prevention and health promotion services. Services include the following: i. Congregate meals; it, Congregate Meals screening; Ill. Nutrition education and nutrition counseling; iv. Outreach; v. Shopping Assistancc; and vi, '-elephone Reassurance. c. Hoine Delivered ]Nutrition Services (IIIC2 Program) in -home nutrition services are provided to reduce hunter and fond insecurity; promote socialization and the health and well-being of older individuals by assisting such individuals to gain access to nutrition and other diseuse prevention and health promotion servicca. Services include the fallowing,: i. Hanic delivered meals, it, Nutrition education and counseling; iii, outreach; and iv. ScreenineAsmisment. v. Shopping Assistance; and A Telephone Reassurance. Pagu 24 of 93 C Jaituory 2022 • Docombor 2022 OAA 203.22 d. Disease PrOYelttiott And Health Promotion Services (Title IIID Program) Fvidence-Based Disease Prevention and Heal- Promotion (EBDPHP) services have been demonstrated through evaluation to be effective for improving health and wellbeing or reducing disease, disability, and/or injury among older adults. The ACL defines FBDPIIP seixices as meeting highest -level criteria. Only services that meet the highest -level criteria are allowable tinder the IIID Prognartt. EBDPHP services must be delivered per the requirements of the progratn and ensure progi•ain fidelity. EBDPHP Services include the following; 1. A Matter of Valance; 0. Active Living Every Day; ill, Artht Itis Youndation Exercise Program iv. Arthritis Foundation `rai Chi Prograin (Tai Chl foi Arthritis); V. Arthritis Self*-Maivagement Program; vi. Brief Intervention & Trealment for Elders (BRITE); vii. Chronic Disease Self-Managetnent Program; viii. Chronic Pain Self -Management Program; ix. Diabetes Empowerment Education Prot rani (DEEP); x. Diabetes Self -Management Prngrain; xi. Disease Information xii, Enhance Fitness; Ali. Enhance xiv. Fit and Strong!; xv, I leal thy Ealing Every Dray; xvi. Healthy Ideas; xvil. Healthy Moves for Aging Well; xviii. Home Injury Control; xix. I IoineMeds; xx. Physical Fitness; xxi. Powerful Tools for Caregivers; xxii, Probt-tin to Eneourage Active Rewarding lives for Seniors (PEARLS); xxiii. ProgEnma de Manejo Personal do la Arthritis; xxiv, Programa de Maneja Pomona[ de la Diabetes; xxv. Shopping Assistance; xxvi. Stepping On; xxvii. Stay Active and independent for Life (SAIL); xxviii. 'rai C:hi!'fai Ji Quan Moving for Better Cialance (Hibhust-Lcvcl); xxix, Telephone Reassurance; xxx. Toniaudo Control de su Salud; xxxi. Un Asunto de Equilibrio; and xxxil, Walk with Ph%e. A I Ifs Page 25 of 93 � j Januairy 2022 - Uaccmnet 2022 CAA 203.22 c. Care&C"Suppnt'tSeaviceg(III EProgram) The follow i rg services arc intended to provide direct aid io caregivers in the areps of health. nutrition, and financial literacy, and to assist them with decision -snaking and problem -solving related to their caregiving roles and responsibilities: i. Adult Day Carc/Adult nay Acalth Caro; H. Caregiver Training/Support; iil, Caregiver Support Groups; iv. Counseling (Gerontological and Mental Ilealth/Sc►vening); V. I duvatiorVTraining; vi. Financial Risk Reduction (Assessment and Maintenance); vil. Home Delivered Meais; vili. Information; ix. Intako; X. Outreach; xi. Powerful Tools for Caregivers; xii. Referral/Assistance: xUl. Respite Services (In -Home and Facility Based); xiv, Screening Assessment; xv. Shopping Assistance; xvi. Telephone Reassurance; and xvii. Transportation, (1) Caregiver Support Supplemental Services (HIES Progrataa) At least ten percent (10%), but no more than twenty percent (200/6), of the total Title IIIE funds shall be used to provide supplemental suppoii services, The following services are provided to complement the care providcd by caregivers; (a) Chore and Chore (Enhanced); (b) : lousing Improvement; (c) Legal Assistance; (d) Material Aid; and (e) Specialized Medical Equipment. Services and Supplies. (2) Caregiver Support t.rantlparent;;ervices(IIIL+'Gprograna) At least five percent (5%), but no more than ten percent (101A), : r= total 7ifle I11113 funds shall be used to provide support services to grandparents and older individuals who are relative caregivers. Services for grandparents or older individuals who ;are relative caregivers that are designed to help them meet their caregiving obligations include the following: (a) Caregiver Training/Support; (b) Caregiver Support Croups; (c) Chlld Day tare; (d) Counseling (Gerontological and Mental ilea]Mcreening); (e) Education/Training; (I) Legal Assistance; 0 Page 26 at 93 January 2022 - December 2022 (g) Outreach; (h) Referral/Assistance; (i) Screening/Assessment; 0) Shopping Assistance; (1c) Sitter; 0) Telephone Reassurance; and (m)Tzansportatlun. OAA 20122 f. Information and Referral/Assis(ance Services (Elder Helplines) The Contractor shall ensure, through training and periodic quality assurrrncc, that Elrlc°r Heipline Information and Referral/Assistance Services adhere to the Alliance ofInfornnation and Referral Systems (AIRS) Surrmm-y af Smadlards for _PjV&storfal Informatfon & Re err•at, provided as Attachment 1, The Agency's standards are basal on the, current AIRS standards. The standards have been ammided by the Agency to address the unique needs oftlte Elder I lalplintr Informallon and Referral system. 2. Provision of Services The Contractor shall ensure the provision of the services described in this contract are in accordance with the current Agency Programs and Services Handbook, the Contractor's current Agency -approved Area Plan, and the tasks described in Scction II.A. 3. Administrative Responsihilttles The Contractor shall provide management and oversight of OAA Program operations in accordance with the current Agency Programs and Services I Iandbook and the Contractor's current Agency -approved A. -en Plan. Management and oversight of t }AA Prog,ran, Operations include the following. a. Develop an Area Plan and updati:ag, it annually, at a minimum, as directed by the Agency. b. Establish written policies, procedures, criteria, and standards for purchasing and procurement of goods and services on till open and competitive psis. c. Review routine and spacial repot•is submitted by subcontractors and vendors. tl. Provide tcclurical assistance to subcontractors and vendors to ensure provision ofquality servlees. e. Monitor and evaluate subcontractors and vendors for tisca., administrative, and programmatic compliance f. Appropriately and timely submit payments to subcontractors. g. EAablish procedures for handling recipient complaints and grievances concerning such adverse actions as service termination, suspension, or reduction, 1. Complaint Procedures The Contractor shall develop and impicin::nt complaint procedures and ensure that subcontractors develop and implement complaint procedures to process and resolve client dissatisfaction with services. Complaint procedures shrill address the quality and timeliness of services, provider and dire..(. service worker complaints, and all outer issues erccepi the termination, suspension, or rcdtr: { ior) of services, which shall be addressed through the grievance process as described in Appendix D of the Agency Programs and Services Handbook. Complaint, procedures shall include notification to all clients of the complaint procedure and Include tracking the date, nature, and disposition of each .n[i .(.,Joint. H. Lelia Provider Grievance Procedures "rhe Contractor shall ensure that legal providers havo an internal grievance procedure that addresses bosh denial of service and complaints by clients abOUt manner or quality of legal assistance. Grievance procc(Itu'es that comport with the requirernenfs of the Legal Services Corporation as provided in 45 Page 21 of 93 0110 January 2022 - Dacembar 2W..2 OAA 203,22 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 1621 are sufficient to neat this standard. At a inininium, the tarc redure must provide applicants with: (1) Adequate notice of :c grievance procedures; (2) Information on how to file a grievance or complaint, and (3) Prompt consideration of each complaint by the Executive Director or the Fxcculive Director's designee. The Contiaactor may not serve in an appe',late &opacity or othersv`:.e interfere in the grievance review process for legal providers. IIowfever, the Contractor may request #hat legal providers maintain a file of complaints and statements of disposition of complaints, with -ndacted client identifying information, for examination by the Contractor during monitoring. h. Ensure compliance with eCIRTS rel;ulalions. 1. Monitor performance objective achievements per targets set by the Agency. j. Conduct annual client satisfaction surveys to evaluate and improve service deli -. -.•y. E, Reports The Contractor shall respond to additional, routine, or speclni requests for information and reports required by file Agency in a ti nely manner as determined by the Agency C'ontroct Manager. The Contractor shall establish reporting; dcadlincs and due dates The subcontractors that permit the Contractor to review and validate the data andmect the Agency's reporting rcquircments, I. O.AA Annual Vol unicer Activity Report The Contractor shall submit an OAA Annual Volunteer Activity Report electronically, at the following internet address: hUp:lfelderaffairs,state.tE.uslclaealvolunteer:s.plrp, per the report specifications provided inAttachment XVI. The Annual Volunteer Activity Report must be completed and submitted to the Agency by January 15, 2022. 2, eCIRTS Reports a. Conlractorshall input OAR-slrec:ific and NSIP-specific data into eCll�.'I'S. "1'o ensure eCIRT'S data accur�rcy, the Contractor shall use eCIRTS-genetnted i pi -arts which include th. following,: i. Client Deports; it. Monitoring Reports; iii. Services Reports; iv. Miscellaneous RC ports; v. Fiscal Reports; and A. Outcome Measurement Reports. b, eCIRTS Data Entries for Contractors The Contractor inust require subenntractorss to enter all required data for uiienls and services In the WIRTS database per the Agency Programs and Services Ilundbook and the eCIRTS User Manual Aging Providor Network users (located in Documents on the eCIRTS Enterprise Applicntion Services). Subcontractors inust enter this data into the eCIRTS database prior to submitting their Requests for Payment and Receipts and Expenditure Reports to the Contraclor, The Contractor shall establish deadlines fw completing eCIRTS data entry to ensure cornplifiaw. with due dates for the Requests for Payment and Receipts and Expenditure Reports that Contractor must subinit to the Agency. c. Moittiily eCIRTS Reports The Contractor must run monthly eCIR'1 S rcliorts and verify than Client and service data in the eCIRTS database is accurate, This report must be submitted to the Contractor with the montialy Request for Payment and receipts and Expenditure Reports and must be reviewed by Ime Page 28 of 03 0.' January 2922 - Uacoti)Ua, 2022 OAA 203.22 Contractor before the subcontractor's Request for Payment and Receipts and Expenditure Reports can he approved by the Contractor. fl, Quarterly Mental Distress Reports The Contmetor must run at a minimum quarterly eCiRTS Mental Distress Reports arn1 provide fallow -up conlacts to all active clients (other than clients who are active in SMMC LTC) identified with new (from their most recent assessment) and persistent (from their two most recent) mental distress. Fallow -up infortnalion must be submitted in cCIRTS and will be reviewed by the Agency's Contract Manager ona quarterly basis. Follow-ups shall include wellness checks (either over the alum;: or in person), address the client's needs for mental health counseling or support, care through a medical profcsalonat, rctcirals to aging network services, referrals to coulrnu: lily resources, etc. 3, Lead Spending Report The Contractor shall submit a spending report, in a format provided by the Agency, totlie Agency Contract Manager by the IBth of each month. This Report is for all agreemonis and/or contracts between the Contractor and the Agency find mast include the following: a. Status regardingsu plus/deficit, b. The Contractor's detailed plan on how the surp:us/deficit spending which exceeds the threshold specified by the Agency will be resolved, e, Recoininenclstions to transfer funds to resolve surplus/doficit spending; d. Input F: oni the Contractor's Board of Directors on resolution of spending issues, if applicabi, 4. OAA. Nationn[ Aging Program Information System (NAP'IS);Report Data requited for the OAA NAPI5 Report that is not recorded in eCIRTS will be provided to the Agency Contruct Manager in tho t'ormat and on the date established by the Agency. a. . 5. Program Highlight Narrntivt~s The Contractor shall submit brief written narratives to lice Agency for publication in the Program I lighlight sections of the Agency's Summary of Prograins and Services, winch Is hereby incorporated by reference, to include any subsequent revisions thereof: Tho narratives shall reference specific events that have occurred since the last submission of Program Highlight narratives, including new success stories, quotes, testhMnials,or human -interest vignettcs, The narratives shall he written for a genera. audience, with no acronyms or technical terms. Fur all agencies or organizations that are referenced in the iiariaati ,:�: the Contractor shall provide a brief description of their mission or role. The active tense shall be consistently used in the narrntivesto identify the specific individuals or entities that performed the activities described in the narratives, The Contractor shall review and edit narratives for clarity, readability, relevance, specificity, human interest, and grammar prior to submitting them to the Agency. F. Records and Documentation Y. The Contractor Agrees to rnnke availab c to Agency staff and any party desilm ated by the Agency all contract related records and documentation.11he Contractor shall ensure tlic collection and maintenance of all program related information and documentation on any system designated by the Agency. Maintenance Page 29 of 93 V January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 Includes valid exports and l'ackups of all data and systems according to Agency standards. Data must bo usable and must be maintained in a format that is readable to the Agency. 2, v.CIRTSI)aiaandMaiutr•rrante The Contractor shall ensuro monthly collodion and maintenance of client and service information fit eCIRTS, i or any other system designated by the Agency. Maintenance includes ensuring that all datit is accurate and CUI erg t and perforating vaNi exports and backups of all data and systems according to Agency standards. 3. l'olicies and Pi,acedures fur Ittecortls and Decuiilentatioil The Contractor shall maintain written policies and procedures for computer systen, backup and recovery and shall have the same requkomont of ils subcontractors. `1'liese policies and procedures shall be made available to the Agency upon request. 4. eCIRTS Address Validation The Contractor shall work with the Agency to ensure that client addresses are connect in eCIRTS for disaster preparedness efforts. At least annually, and more frequently as nccdco, the Agency will provide direction on how to validate eCIRTS addresses to ensure they can be snapped. t he Contractor will receive a list of unmatched addresses that cannot be snapped, and the Contractor will be responsible for working; with the localserviee providers to correct addresses and send a list to the Agency with confirmed addresses. The Agency will use this information to update maps, client rosters, and unmatched addresses and dissominatethis information to the local service providers. G. Performance Specifications 1. Outconies aind Outputs (Pet-foir itiance Mensni es) At a minimum, the Conw'actor shall: a. Ensure the provision of the services described in this contract arc in accordance with the Agency Programs and Services Handbook, tite Con(ractor's current Agency -approved Area Plan, and Section II.A. It, Tirrely and accurately submit to tiro Agony all documentation and reports described in Attachment 1, Section II.E. c. Timely and accurately, per Attachment X, subunit to tine Agency Attachments X1 and X1I, Exhibits 1-7. d, Develop :rnd document strategies in the Area Priv to support the Agency's standard of performance achievement, Including increases in the following: i. Percentage of most flail elders who remain at home or in the conintunity instead of going inlo a nursing home; ii. Perc entage of APS refer :fl% who need immediate services to prevent further harm who are served within seventy-two (72) hours; ill. Percentage of active clients eating two:,,- more meals per clay; iv. Percentage of new service recipients whose ADL assessment score has been maintained or unproved; v. Percentage of new service reciptents whose IADL assessment score has been maintained or improved; vi. Percentage of caregivers who, ailer service intervention, sell'-ropott being very confident about their ability to continue to provide care; and vii, Percentage of customers who are at imminent risk of nuviing home placement who are served with community -based services. 2. The Contractor's performance of the measures in G.1, above, will be reviewed and documented in theAgency's Annual Programmatic Monitoring Reports. 3. Monitoring rind Evaluation Methodology The Agency will review and evaluate the performance of tl�c Contractor under tho terins of this uunitaet. Monitoring shall be conducted through direct contact with the Contractor via telephone, in writing. or oat on- sitc visit. The primary, secondary, ur sit nalory of the contract roust be available for airy on -site programnmtic monitoring visit. The Agency reserves the right to conduct an on -site visit unannounced by persons duty Page 30 of 93 January 2022. nacember 2.022. OAA 203.22 authorized by the Agency. The Agency's detennination of acceptable performance shall W canclusive,The Contractor agrees to cooperate wit" the Agency in monitoringthe progress of completion of the serviceiasks and deliverables. The Agency inay use, but is Fret limited to, one or 1110ro of tile fotiowing methods for monitoring,; a. Desk reviews and analytical reviews; h. Scheduled, unscheduled, and follow np on -site visits; C. Client visits; d. Review of independent auditor's reports, e. Review of thini-party documents and/or evaluation; f. Review of progress reports; fr Review of customer satisfaction surveys; h. Agreed -upon procedures review by an external auditor or consultant; i. Limited -scope revie%a-s; and j, Other procedures ns deemed necessary by the Agency. 4, Performance Definitions "Work day" shall mean a provider's staff rnernber's eight (8) hour work perlod, unless specifically noted otherwise. "Day" shall meaty a calendar day, unless specifically noted otherwise. 11. Contractor Responsibilities 1. Contractor Unique Activities All tastes listed above in Section il. are solely and exclusively the responsibility of the Contractor and are tasks for which, by execution of this contract, the Contractor agrees to be held accountable. 2. Coordination with Other Providers nndior Entities Notwithstanding that services for which the Contractor is held accountable i ivolve coordination with other entities in performing the requirements of this contract, the failure of other providers or cnt..ics does not alleviate the Contractor from any accountability for tasks or services that the Contractor is obligated 10 perform pursuant to this contract. T. Agency Responsibilities 1. Agency Obligations The Agency may, within its resources, provide technical support and/or assistance to the Contractor to the Contractor in meeting the requirements of this contract. The Agency's support and assistance or lack thereof, shalt not relieve the Contractor from furll performance M' contract requirements. 2. Agency Deterininations The Agency rescrvcs the exclusive right to make curtain delerininations in the tasks performed by the Contractor and the approaches used by the Contractor to perform those tasks. The absence of the Agency setting forth a specific reservation of rights does not rnerarr that 411 curlier areas of the contract are subject to mutual agreement. III. MEs;z'# OD OF PAYAM NT A. Payment Method Used The method of payment for this contract is a combination of Fixed-Fee/Unit Rate, Cost Reimbursement, and Advance Payments subject to the availability of funds and Contractor performance. "irt, Agency will pay the Contractor upon satisfactory completion of the TasksfDcliverobles, as specified in Section 11.13., and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of this contract. Page 310193 C4, 0 January 2022 - Rwccmber 2022 B. 11hnit of Scrvlee 1. Fixed free/Unit }late OA A 203.22 Contractor intist meet the minimum level of performance stated in the contact to receive payment. Payments for fixed Vee/Unit Itates shall not exceed amounts established i-t Atiauhment XV, 2. I tied Rates for NSIP Program Payments for NSW Fixed rate shall not exceed the unit rate of service identified below. Seri iE a to be Provided Unit of Service Unit Rate kligible Congregate and Aoine,Delivered Meals 1 unit = I meet - $.72 3. Cost Reimlinrsement Payment shall only be authorized for allowable expenditures, per the Ihnits specified in the Budget Summary (Atiaultntunt IX). All cost reimbursement Requests for Payment niust include the actual Receipts and Expenditure Reports, beginning with the first month of the contract. The Contractor must meet the minimugn level of performance stated in the contract to receive payment. Thu Contractor agrees to distribute funds as detailed in the Area Plan Update and the Budget Summary (Attachment IX). Any change in the total amounts of the funds identified on the Budget Summary tL:rit) requires a contract amendment. C. AdvauccPayments The Contractor may request up to two (2) months of advances at the start of the contract period to cover progiani administtration, outreach, and service costs. The payment of an advance wV1 be contingent upon the sufficiency and amount of funds released to the Agency by the State of Florida (budget release). The Cotitrnctor's requests for advance payments require the written approval of the Agency's Contract Manager. For the first month's advance request, the: Contractor shall provide the Agency's Contract Manager documentation justifying ilia need for an advance and describing how the: Funds will be disfributed. If tile Contractor is requesting two (2) mondisof advances, documentation must be provided reflecting the cash needs of the Contractor within the initial two (2)months and should be supported through a cash -flour anatysls or other information appropr;uto to demonstrate the Contractor's financial need for the second month ofadvances. If 9ufticient budget Is available, and the Agency's Contract Manager, in his or her sole discretion, has determined that there is a justified need for an advance, the Agency may issue approved advance payments tip to 30 days after, but not prior to, the contract execution date. Advance payments will not be issued for NS111, 1. Any advance payments the Contractor requests for subcontractors inust be distributed within seven (7) days of receipt of payment from the Agency. The Contractor shall submit to the Agency documentation to support full distribution of advanced fonds with Request for Payment, report number 5, due to the Agencyon April 15, 2022, in accordance with Invoice Schedule (Attachment X). 2. AI I advance payments retained by the Contractor must be fully expended no later than March 31, 2022, Any portion of advanced payments not expanded must be recouped on the Request for Payment, report number 5, due to ilia Agency on Ai}ril 15, 2022, in accordance with the Invoice Schedule (Atta�:i 1111cnl X). 3. Advance recoupment shall start with the third monthly Request for Payment submission, in accordance with the Invoice Schedule (Attachment X). The amount of recoupment shall be oqually divided betwccii the remaining numbci of Requests fat Paytmem invoices due for the contract year. All advances should be recorded in Part C,I of the report (attachment XI), and shall be fully recouped by the end ol'the contract year or %Alien funds are Billy expended, whichever is first. 4. Interest earned on advances must be identified separately by source of funds (state or federal). Contractors shall maintain advanced payments of federal funds in FDIC interest bearing accounts unless an exception is made in accordance with 45 CPR $ 75.305. Barned interest mast be returned to the Agency at thetrnd of each cluaricro£Ihc contract period. Pagga 32 of 03 January 2022 - December 2022 D. Invoice instritetlotts OM 203.22 Paynictit shall be rnadc upon the C:on#Inctrn's presentation ofFm invoice subsequent to the acceptance by the Agency the dcliveriibles shown on (lie Invoice, The form and substance of each invoice submitted by the Contractor shall be as follows: 1. The invoice shall include a "Remit to" addrtm that corresponds exactly to the remittance address identified in the MyFlorldsaMarketPlnee (MFMP) registration. 2. Tho monthly invoice shall include the units of services established in the Contractor's Agency-ipproved Area Plan, per the requircments In the Agency Programs and Services Handbook, at the rates established in Attachment XV, Service Irate Repr.r[. Documentnti:,n of service delivery shall include a report consisting of the fbIlowin& number of clients served, number of service units provided by service, and rate per service unit, with calculations that equal the total invoice amount. Reimbursement amounts for administrative costs shall be reflected on the Cost Reimbursement Summary forty (Attachment XIV) and include only items contained on the Contractor's Agency -approved budget, Any Change to the Contractor's Agency -approved budget after the execution of this contract shall require approval from the Agency Contract Manager prior to being made. Any change to the total cottract amount retluireb a Contract anaemdraient. 3. The Contractor shall consolidate requests for payment from subcontractors and receipts and expenditure reports that support the requests for payment and shall submit to the Agency Requests for Payment (Attachment ill), Receipt and Expenditure Reports (Attachment XII), antl Cost Reimbursement Summaries (Attachment XIV), A. 'llie Contractor shalt include with the Fixed FcerlUnit Rate portion of its invoice the units of services provided based on rates established in Attachment XV, number of clients, and the rates for the services provided per the requirements described in the deliverables anti service tasks. The Contractor shall clearly state the provider name, the repoil month, and thu invuicu number on the invoice. S. All Requests for Payment shall '.j based on the submission of actual monthly Recelpts and Nxpenditure Itieports beginning with the first month of the contract. The schedule for submissiom of advanced ,payment 'requests (when available) and invoices can be found in the invoice Senedule (Attachment X). G. The Certified Minority Business Subcontractor Expenditures Report (Attachment VIII) is uonsidered a deliverable and must be completed in its entirety and submitted with each invoice. 7. Final contract invoices must be submitted to the Agency no later than February 15, 2023. E. Payment Withholding Any payment due by the Agency under the terms of this contract may be withheld bending receipt anti approvalby the Agency all financial and programmatic roports due firom the Contractor and any adjustments thereto,including any disallowance not resolved. F. Corrective Action Plan 1, Contractor shall ensure 1100/4 of the deliverables identified in Section iI.D. are performed pursuant to contract regnh'ements. 2. If at any time the Contractor is notified by the Agency Contract Manager that it has failed to correctly, completely, or adequately perform cli.:tract delivendblcs identified In Section II.D., the Contractor will have ten (10) clays to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Agency contract Manager that addresses the deficiencies and states how the de icicneics will be remedied within a time period approved by the Agency Contract Managcr. Thu Agency shali assess a financial consequence far non-compliance. on the Conlractor as referenced in Section 111.6. for each deficiency identified in the CAP which is not corrected pursuant to the CAP. The Agency will also msess it finmcial consequence for failure to timely submit a CAP to the Agency. 3. If the Contractor fails to correct an identified deficiency within the Ageiney-Approved period specified in the CAP, the Agcncy shall deduct the percentage established in Section M.G. from the payment for the invoice of the following month. 4. if the Contractor fails to timely submit a CAI° to tho Agency, the Agency shall deduct the percentage established in Section 1I1.6. for each day the CAP is Cverdtie, The deduction will be made from the payment for die invoice of the following rnorath. Page 33 of 03 4r`,() January 2022 - n8ce►nber 2022 G, Financial Consequences OAA 20122 The Agency will withhold or reduce payment if the +Contrac:c,r fails to perfor-n the deliYurables to the satisfaction or the Aguncy according to the requirements rclbrcnucd in Section 11,D. Tlic following financial con-mquences will be imposer] if the deliverables stated do not inect in part or in whole the performance criteria asoutlined in section ILD.: 1, Delivery of services to eligible clients as rcrewitced in Seution ILA3� and Section li.D.1, of this contract Failure to comply with established assessment and prioritization criteria, as evidenced by cCIRTS mport:s, ..ill result in a 2°la reduction of payment per busliwss clay, The reduction of payment will begin on the fu'sl business clay following thu Agency's notitication to the Contractor that the identified deficiency was not cured or satisfactorily addressed in accordance with the Agency -approved CAP. 2. Services and wills of services as referenced in Section II.D.2, of this contract - Failure to provide service; in accordance with the current Agency Programs and Services Handbook, the service tasks described in Section aI.A., and Attachment XV, or failure to submit required documentation will result in a 21% reduction of payment per business day.'rhe reduction of payment will begin the first business day following the Agency's notification to the Contractor that the identified deficiency is not cured or satisfactori'y addressed in accord mrimwith the Agency -approved CAP, 3. Administrative duties as referenced in Section II.D.3. of this contract — Fa wre to perform management and oversight of program operations will result in a 2°/a reduction of payment per business clay. The reduction of payment will Lcgin the first business day following the Agency's notification to tine Contractor that the identified deficiency was not cured or satisfactorily addressed in accordance with the Agency approved CAP. 4. 'I'lmely submission of a CAP Failure to timely submit a CAP within ten (10) business days after ramification of a deficiency by the Agency Contract Manager will result in a gala reduction of payment per business clay the CAP Is not received. The reduction of payment will begin with the subsequent invoice received from the Contractor and shall be prorated for each day the CAP was late hallowing the due (late specified by the Agency and shall remain in effect until the contractor cornplics with the submission requirement, 5. aceptlons may be granted solely, in writing, by the Agency Contract tvlsaimgcr. IV. SPECIAL PROVlSls! M9 A, Final Budget and Funding Revision Requests Final requests for hudt et i :visions or adjustments to contract funds based on exec I'd itures for provided services must be submitted to the Agency Contract Manager in writing no later than December 31, 2022; email requests are considered acceptable. S. Contractor's Financial Ubligations 1. Matching, Level of Effort, and Erk ,nsirldrtg Requirements The Contractor will assurc, thruugh a provision it) subcontracts, a matela re.q rement of at least ten percent (10%) of the cost for service.w flinded througli this contract, except for services provided pursuant to OAA Title li[D. The subcontractor's snatch will be made in the rorni of clash and/or In -kind resources. The Contractor shall report thatch funds by title each month, At :Iw end of the cuntraot period, line Contractor must properly match OAA funds (hat require a match. 2. Consumer Contilbutions Consumer contributions are to be used under the following terms; a, The Contractor assures compliance with Section 315 of the OAA, as amended in 2020, regarding consumer contributions; b. Voluntary contributions are not to be used for cost sharing or matching; c. Voluntary contributions are to b:: used only to expand services; and it, Accumulated vo'.untary contributions are to be used prior to requesting federal reimbursement. Pago 34 of 93 January 2022 - f)ecember 2022 OAA 203.22 3. Use of Service Dollars and Management of the Assessed Priority Consumer List The Contractor is expected to spend all federal, state, and other funds provided by the Agency for (lie purpose specified in this contract. For each program managed by the Contractor, the Contractor mast manage the service dollars in such a inanner as to avoid having a wait list and a surplus of fiords at the end of the contractperiod, If the Agency determines that the Contractor is not spending service funds accordingly, the Agency may transfer funds to other AAAs during the contract puriod and/or aJ! ust subsequent funding allocalions as allowable udder state and federal law. 4. Title III Funds The Contractor assures compliance with Section 306 of the OAA, as amended in 2020, and will not use funds received under Title III to pay any part. of a cost (including an administrative cost) incurred by the Contractor to maintain a contractual or commercial relationship that is not carried out to implement Title 111. 5. Carry I<urward Funds Carry forward fiords must be identified on Attachment X111, Computation of Carry Forivard and Om -Advance OAA Title III, and submitted with the Closeout Report due to the Agency no later than March 1, 2023. Requests forearry forward funds must he justified by the Contractor andapproved by the Agency. All OAAcarry forward funds must he budgeted in the same title as originally awarded, C. Remedim for Noucon form 1tig 4ervtces 1, -1 Im Contractor shall ensure that all goods and/or services provided under this contract are deliverod timely, completely, and commerlaurate with required standards of quality. Such goods and/or services will only he dolivered to eligible program participants. 2. If the Contractor fails to ineetthe prescribed quality standards for services, such services will not lx: reimbursed under ibis contract. In addition, any nonconforming goods (including horns delivered meals) arnlhor services not zneeting such standards will not be reimbursed under this contract. The Contractor's signature on the Request for payment Form certifies maintenance of supporting documentation and acknowledgement that the Contractor shall solely bear the costs associated tivith preparing or providing nonconforming goods and/or services.'I'hc Agency requires immediate notice of any significant and/or systemic infractions thatcornpromise the quality, security, or continuity of services to cliews. D. Incident Deporting The Contractor shalt notit, the Agency immediately but no later than forly-clght (49) hours from theConiraetors awareness or discovery of changes that may materially affect the Contractor or any subcuntr.+, [<rCs ability to perform the services required to be performed under this contract. Such notice shall be made orally to theAgency ('mitract Manager (by telephone) with ail cmailto immediately fallow, including the Contractor's plan for provision of services re€}uired by contract. This }Alan roust detail the Contractors anticipated plan for ensuring a continuity in services for each client impacted by rind f'or the duratinn of the incident. Following submission of thcplan, the Contractor's is expected to provide the Agency updates in a fi-equency determined by the Agencyas appropriate until the incident is resolved, E. Volunteers The Contractor shall ensure the Etsz of trained volunteers in providing direct care services delivered to older individuals and those individuals with disabilities needing such services. If possible, the Contractor shall work in coordination with organizations that have experience in providing training, placement, and 4incnds for volunteers or participants (such as the Senior Cornniunity Service Employment Program or organizations carrying out federal service programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Se,'vice). F, Lrnforcemcul 1. In accordance with Section 430.04. V.S., the. Agency shall rescind designation of ail area agency on aging or take intermediate measures against the Contractor, including corrective Fiction, unannounced special monitoring, temporary assumption of operation of one or more programs by the Agency, placement on probationary status, imposing a moratorium on Contractor action, imposing financiat penalties tar nonperformance, or othex administrative action pursuant ,3 Chapter 120, T.S., if the Agency birds that anyof the following have occurred: a. An intentional or negiigent act of the Contractor bus materially affected the her+ills, welfare, or safety of clients, or substantial ly and negatively affected the operation of an aging services program. Page M of 93 C40 Jamiary 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203,?2 b. The Contractor lacks financial stability sufficient to inset contractual obligations or that contractual funds have been misappivpriated. c. The Contractor has con-,jidi [.d multiple or repeated violaflons of legal and regulatory requirements or Agency standards. d. The Contractor has failed to continue the provision of expansion of services after the declaration of a state of emergency. e. The Contractor has exceeded its authority or otherwise failed to adhere to the terms of thls contract with the Agency or has exceeded its .authority or ollierwise failed to adhere to the provisions sp::c i t'ically provides) by statute or rule adopter) by the Agency. r. The Contractor has failed to properly determine client eligibility as defined lay the Agency of efficiently manage program budgets. g. The Contractor has failed to implement and maintain a Agency -approver) client grievance resolution procedure. 2. In making any ddterininallan under this provision the Agency may rely upon findings ofanother state or federal agency, or other regulatory body. Any claims fordamages for breach of contract are exempt from administrative proceedings and shall be brought before the appropriate entity in the venue of Leon C., unly, Florida.. In the event the Agency initiates action to rescind an area agency on aging designation, the Agency shall fellow the procedures set forth in 42 U.S.C. §3025(b). C. Investigation of Criminal Allegations Any report that implies criminal intent on the part of the Conlruclor-or any subcontractors and referred to a governmental or investigatory agency must be sent to the Agency. It the Contractor has season to believe that the allegations will be referred to the State, Attorney, a law enforcement agency, the United States Attornoy's office, or governmental agency, the Contractor shall notify the inspector General at the Agency immediately, A copyof all documents, reports, notes, or other written material concerning the invesstigation, whether in the possession of the Contractor or subcontractors, must be sent to the Ageney`s Inspector General with a stuninaiy of the investigation and allegations. REiVIAINU.ER OF PAGE INTENTIONALL YLEFT BL-'i;vl' Pago 36 of 03 0�© January 2022 - December 2022 OM 203,22 ATTACHMENT I — VXHI BIT 1 SUMMARY OF STANDARDS FOR PROFFSSIONAL iNI?ORMAT(ON & REFERRAL O1,1WR AMERICANS ACT PItOGRAM The Department of Elder Affairs has adopted the following requirements based on the "Standards for Pwfesslonal information snd Referral" developed by the Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (AIRS) to address t l i : unique needs of the Elder Helpline (Helpline) Information and Referral (I&R) system. SERVICE✓ DELIVERY The Service Delivery standards describe essential functions for providing Information and referral services to Optimize access to accurate, comprehensive, and unbiased information provided in a confidential and nonjudgmental manner. t) The Hipline hows of operation steal, he appropriate to address community needs. At a minimum, the Helpline must Inaintain business hours from 8.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., h1otiday through Friday, except for state and national holiday observances, if there is a planned office closure during normal business hours, the Helplinc manager must notify Agency staff via entail at least twenty. -four (24) hours before Cite office closure. a) if I&R services are not available twenty-four (24) hours a day, an answering system must be in place that identifies (lie agency, provides hours of operation, gives the cal. i, the option to leave a mcs%uge, and gives the rntntber of an organization that will offer service in an emergency (e.g., directing callers to dial 9-1-1 If It is an emergency). Messages shall be responded to within the next business day, b) I£the Helpline has arrangements with another agency to provide after hours or twenty -tour (24)-hour coverage, the arrangement Iaiust he documented in a formal meinorandciitt of agr-cernenthnrdei,standhag (MOA/MO t). 2) Duri,,i�. hours of operation, the Helpline shall provide timely access to an I&R specialist, Recorded messages on the Helplhae's volcemoil system must he responded to within the next business day, when possible. Exceptions will be during periods when the I-Ielpline is experiencing higher than normal call volume (i.e., S1-IINF. annual enrollment period, public awareness campaigns or disasterAyeather-related events), a) The Hclpline must provide an option for the caller to leave a message at anytime when a call is holding in qu4uu, b) The Helpline shall have a method of tracking call vulurne, including timeliness of response, and call abandonment. c) A record of the messages to the l4elpline's voicemail system must be maintained and shell include the date the call was receivrWd and the telephone number of the caller, it is recommended the successful or unsuccessful return call attempt be recorded in eC IWI'S. 3) The Hui pline shall ensure [&'I( services are provided by trained I&R specialists. At a ntininiurn, an I&R specialist must have a high school diploma or GLID and three years of expericncc in J&R services, case management, call center scrviams, or related social services work experience. 4) The Helpline shall ensure l&Rspecialists: a) Have the skills to meet the needs of people who are angry and hostile, manipulative, call frequently with :ire saire problem, or are otherwise difficult to serve; and b) Have the shills to meet the needs of older adults, adults with disabilities, and other special populations. 5) The Ilelpline shall have a policy to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and security of Helpline inquirers' personal infurination fled comply withal: nljaiicahle state and federal law to ensure tile. protection of inquirer records, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Staff with access to confidential information shall have'a signed agreement forin all file that documents compliance with the confidentiality requirements of this paragraph. The identity of inquirers, their requests, and the information given to staff may be communicated to others if: a) Tiro rolcase of such information is required by law or court order (e,g. reporting abuse); h) C'arefiil consideration by i&R specialists of the information provided by the inquirer indicates the presence or ride of serious harin to the inquirer or another person, and the communication is limited to those persons who must he informed to reduce the risk of harm, or c) The inquirer has authorized another person or agency to receive the information. The inquirer specifies what information nay be given and to whom, 6) The Helpline shall have a policy to resolve complaints frorn inquirers and community service agencies, including those related to potential breaches of privacy anti confidentiality. Pago 37 of 03 CA - January 2022 - €3oceintior 2022 OM 203.22 T) The Helpline shall provide barrier -free access to its services to individuals and groups who have special needs (e.g. applicable technology or communication tw!ihotis for people with hearing or speech iml)airnrents, language translation for Inquirers with limited English proficiency, and Americans with Disability compliance access for hulividuals with physical disabilities if the Helpline assists inquirers at its facility), I Ielpline staff assisting inquirers with limited English proficiency via the language interpreter service shall document the activity :n the information and referral syste n and submit a report of the Language Line activity to the Agency by the l p°' of each month. 8) `1'he I ieipline shall make every effort to ensure that its telephone service is accessible from all telecommunication devices within its ooverago area (e.g. wireless and competitive local exchange carriers). 9) The FIelpline shall ensure, through appropriate queue management techniques such as schedule adhcrunce, that an appropriate number ofspecinlisis are scheduled to meet 11 - needs ol'cal',crs.1. A minimum of 2.5 MR staff members shall be scheduled to work at all times). 10) The Helplule shall utilize technology that improves access to service and enhances its ability to servo inquirers efficiently and effectively while preserving the level and quality of its core services. ` be main role of technology Is to enhance or strengthen person -to -person contact, not to reduce or discourage such contact or make it more difficult. "Technology" includes telephone systems, telephony, telecommunications, c-mail, online chat, i&R software packages, electronic directories, and sell -service mechanisms such as hutUinttcd attendouts/hiteraclive voice response systems, fax -on -demand, video relay services, community kiosks, E1nd searchable MR databases on the Internet. a) If the Iielpline service uses t;..1t phone technology whiGh allows for the collection of inquirers' personal identifying information without his or her, explicit permission, it shall develop policies and procedures that protect the inquirer's right to privacy and anonymity Vrile preserving the [&R specialist's ability to provide for the Individual's safety should personal identification become necegsary, b) If the ilelpline provides resource information through an automated attendant (a menu -driven telephone system), it shall develop procedures to encourage inquirci's to transfer -to a live specialist If consilltation or guidance is required, Inquirers shall be able to snake the transfer without having to snake another telephone call, c) When the Hctplinc provides multi -channel access services simultaneously (e.g, in -person, telephone, eanail, live chat, SMS/text, or social media, etc.), it shall ensure MR specialists divide t:ieir attention across till such services, as appropriate to the situation, without compromising custorner service: or timeliness of responses, 11) The Helplino provides its service at no cost to the inquirer. Standard 1: information Provision Information provision involves one-to-one inter -action bcm-oun an 1&R spec'nlist and an inquirer, wherein the I&R specialist provides appropriate information and isferrals in response to a direct request foi such inforination. Information can range fronn a limited response (such as an organization's name, telephone number, and address) to a detailed description of community service system (such its explaining how intake works and required documentation by an agency), to help inquirers make an informed choice. The MR process consists of active listening and effective questioning; to determine the needs of the inquirer, clarifying those needs, providing requested information and/or identi 'v;ng appropriate resources and providing cnoug;h information about each organization to help inquirers snake an inibrmod choice, In situations where services are unavailable, the specialist is encouraged to help identify alternative strategies.. 1) TheHelpline 3huilensuruthrough huining,monitoring, and coaching that I.U'spccialN1r:; a) Identify themselves and the Helpline according to agency guidelines. b) Bstablish and maintain rapport with tine Inquirer and use active listening skills and empathy to discern the presenting problem, c) Response to each inquirer in a professional, nonjudgmental, culturally appropriate, and timely manner; d) Use clear, jargon -free language and an appmpriate tone ofvoice and infleet:on to convey empathy and engagement with the hr(luircr's siteatitinn, e) Identify underlying or unstated problems, when appropriate. f) Determine any specific needs or preforencos to access services (e.g. language: needs, evening or weekend hours, proximity to public transpnrtalinn, or disability access).; g) Clarify and confirm tine inquirer's needs using techniques such as paraphrasing before providing 4 . Pogo 38 of 93 January 2022 - Ducurrmbor 2022 referrals/resourecs; 11) Explore tine inquirer's own resources Cc.&, friends, Ihrnily, faith-Lmscd organization) OM 203.22 i) If demographic inforntation is being collected that is not directly relevant foi an "information only" contact but is required by contract or to enhance community reports, provide an explanation to the inquirer about why the information is needed. The primary goal of data collection is to garner enough information about inquirers to help them address or resolve their problems; j) Effectively ut?: ;zc the resource infornrati�: rn system to identify resources to meet the inquirer's needs. It) When possible and practical, provide at least three referrals to give the inquirer• a choice while being careful not to ovcrwhctnr tho inquircr wit, too many options; 1) Encuunige inquirers to contact ire llelpline aplin if needs were unmet, information was incorrect, or for future needs, rn) Accurately record what occurred during tine courso of the inquiry, tiro call/contact type, and the problems and needs that were addressed. 2) The IIelpline shall ensure that every call, including information only calls, is documented at the end of the call in file information and referral system. Standard 2: Rcferral/Assistance and Client Adve)caey Tile Helpline Shall offer referral/assistance, or client advocacy, when necessary, to ensure individuals receive the boncfrts find services for which they nre eligible. The provision of referral/assistance services involves one -to -ant Interaction between an I&R specialist and an inquirer, wherein the I&R specialist determines the needs of the Inquirer, identifies appropriate resources, makes referrals to organizations capable of meetin,g the Inquirer's needs, and provides enough information ,fbout each organization to help inquirers make an informed choice about the service and resources most appropi late to meet the consumer's need. In situations where resources are unavailable, the I &R specialist shall assist the inquirer in problem -solving to identify alternative stralegias and manage expectations. When necessary, the 141,11 specialist will actively participate in linking tine inquirer to needed services, Client advocacy seeks to meet the inquirer's without attempting to change social situations, and for purposes of these standards, does not include sysimy; advocacy or legislative advocacy (lobbying). All advocacy efforts arc consistent with written policies cstablishcd by the Area Agency oil Aging (AAA) and proceed only with the permission of the inquirer, 1) Make an accurate assessment of the inquirer's problems and needs tasking relevant questions to obtain the information necessary for an necuraw referral. 2) Clarify and confirm the incluirer•'s nccd(s) using techniques such as paraphrasing hefore offering referrals. 3) Intervention, when necessary, on behalf of individuals to hole them obtain needed services. When warranted, the I&R service makes one or more acidilional calls or takes other actions on the inquirer's behalf and uses an appropriate agency mechanism to ensure inquirers get the information land/or help they need. When warranted and with (lie inquirer's permission, the I&R specialist shall make direct contact with an agency and communicate on behalf of the inquirer through ifirco-way Calling, notify the agency ofthe inquirer's forthcoming contact, or schedule an appointment with the agency for the inquirer. 4) The Helpline refers individuals to an organization that specializes in providing advocacy when the level of advocacy required lay the inquirer exceeds the limits of the Helpline's advocacy policy or an effective ease of Its own resources. 5) The Helpline shall have policies to ensurer the privacy, confidentiality, and security of personal inquire. information; and has agreennont forms that staff, visitors, and others with access to conliduntial infbi-niation sign to document their compliance. Identifying information about inquirers, their requests and the information given to then°► is not communicated to other's tinles� eitiaer� a) Rcle;aso ofinlormation is required by law or court order. b) Careful consideration indicates the presence or risk of serious harm to the inquirer or another person, and then communication may be only to the ac when must be informed in order to reduce harm or risk, c:) The inquirer hits given explicit permission for the information to be disclosed to another person or agency. The inquiror specifics what information utmay be given and to whom. This applies to individual aGdvueacy situations as well as those involving shared case coordination. Page 39 of 93 0 January 2022 - December 2022 OM 203.22 () The I.lelpline may engage in enhancements to the initial I&R transaction such as prompting inquirers regarding their interest in additional resources, application assistance, and appointinont setting. 11hcsc enhancements are clear in terms of their scope and expectations. 7) The Helpline shall have a process to resolve complaints from Inquirers and community service agencies, including those related to customer satisfaction, accuracy of referrals, and potential broaches of privacy and confidentiality. 8) Accurately record what occurred during the inquiry as well as the probletns and needs that were addressed in the information and referral for use in reports and as needed. 9) Fo1ow-up to determine the OUtU0111C Uf the referrallassislunce is vonducled within 14 business days for each referral when assistance and/or advocacy is provided and is cunducicd with the referral person andlor the resource. The referral cannot be counted as a unit of service until follow-up is complete. If follow-up is not completed on a referral, the service must be documentcd as an "Information" contact type. Standard 3. Crisis nt%vention The Helpline shall he prepared to assess and meet the immediate, short -lain needs of inquirers who are experiencinga crisis and contact the Helpline for assistance. Included may be individuals at risk of suicide, homicide or assault, family or friends who have experienced suicide, victims of domestic abuses or other forms of violence, eldeddependent adult abuselneglec(, sexual assault survivors, people experiencing a psychiatric cutorgency; people witli substance use disorders) who arc in crisis; survivors of a traumatic experience; and others in distress. 1) The Helpline shall have written crisis intervention policies and procedwes that include protocols for specific types of emergencies., Included shall be safety riskassossment procedures, protective measures for individuals in endangerinent situations, and prolocols that address inquirer-s wlto wish to remain anonymous yet require direct interw ration, 2) If the I lelpllne does not provide formal crisis intervention service, the Helpline shall have a prearranged agreement and documented protocol with an appropriate crisis center that provides faunal crisis intervention service. 3) The Melpline shall ensure through training, monitoring and coaching that I&R specialists have the skills to: si) Recognize when an inquirer is experiencing a crisis. h) Dotermine whether the individual is in immediate dangcu and ,akc appropriate step.,; to ensure that the inquirer is safe before continuing with an assessment. e) Recognize when an inquirer is in inuuediate need of intervention (e.g., when a person is in medical crisis due to a substance use disorder, has taken steps to end her or his life, is a victim of recent violence or is experiencing a psychiatric emergency". (l) De-escalate and stabilize the inquirer and help him/hcr rernain calin. e) When necessary, follow the organisation's rescue protocol for when to access 911 or other emergency personnel to request that they intcrvcne. In these circumstances, the individual's safety overrides confidentiality concerns, tj Keep the inquirer on the telephone pending referral or i cscue. 4) In case or suspected elder abuse, the Helpline has protocals that comply regarding mandatory !vpordng and coin pletes a report when required. S) lu situations involving suicide or hoinicidc, the Helpline understands the circumstances tinder which a safety risk assessment is required and conducts an npproprinte assessment when necessary, Rislc assessments are docunientecl and include a description of specific actions taken in response to the situation. (i) 'rhe Helpline shall have a protocol for dcbricting I&H specialists following a crisis call. 7) in cares of domestic violence and other endangerment situations, the Helpline: shall ensure that I&R specialists take special precautions to Safeguard (lie inquirer's identify and all aspects of their interaction. Pogo Flo of as 0-10 January 2022 - pocombor 2022 Orin 203.22 S) The Helpline shall use a variety of means to support its ability to connect with 911 or other emergency rescue services. including Caller ID or a call tracing arrangement with the telephone conipl wy or the identification of an IP address. Al a minimum, there is a separate external telephone line that is available Ibr initiating rescue procedures without interrupting the crisis call. I&R specialists shall follow the agency's MR service protocol for addressing callers who wish to remain anonymous yet require MOW. 9) The Helpline shall ensure, when feasible, that MR specialists connect Inquirers in crisis situations to a formal crisis intervention service in the community for assistance and support once the inquirer's immediate, short-term needs have been met. The corureclion shall be made by direct transtle-, when possible, and the MR specialist shall follow the protocol established by the Helpline's prearranged agreement with the crisis center. 10) For inquirers in crisis situations who are not at imminent ride, the I&R specialist assesses their immediate, short-term needs and eonnects theist with a crisis intervention scrvicc for ongoing assistance, The connection is made by warm Lraw&r, when possi blc, and the MR specialist follows the protocol established by agree merit with the crisis service. II) if possible, MR specirtiist are encouraged to participate in crisis intervention professional development training to upgrade existing skills and learn new skills. 12) The I Ielpline shall record acts of crisis intervention and its outcomes for use in reports. Stondard 4: Ir ollow-Urr The primary purpose of follow -Up is to contact inquirers to find out if their needs were inot and if nut, why, Follow- up with inquirers who are at risk andlor vulnerable and in situations where the specialist believes the inquirers do not have the necmRary capacity to take the needed actions to resolve their owin situation.. Additional assistance in locatingor accessing services may be necessary. Follow-up is rcquirod Ibr each referral when assistance and/or advocacy is provided and must he completed within 14 business days unless n crisis suggests a more immediate follow -tip. 11 . Examples of situations in which fallow -up should normally occur include: a) Vulnerable households that are without heat during winter. h) Older adults having trouble expressing their needs. e) Older adulls with disabilities who have received an eviction order. d) Older adults with no henith insurance who need health care. e) Individuals nmdi!3g emergency shelter. 2) The Hulpliiic shall ensure follow-up with inquirers taho are at risk or vulnerable and in situations where the IBcR specialist believes the inquirer tacks the capacity to follow through to resolve the problem; if the inquirer cannot be contacted, the Helpline shall ensure follow-up with the organizoiion to which a referral was made to determine if the individual's need was addressed. Unsuccessful attempts to contactthe inquirer• shnil not conclude the follow-up process and shall not he counted as a completed referral. 3) During follow-up, if it Is determined that the inquirer has not received services or the need has not been met, the I&R specialist shall determine whether there is a continued need and wake additional appropriate referrals or engage in enhanced problem solving. The I&R specialist shall also determine whether the inquirer has additional new needs and makes appropriate referrals prior to completing (ic: connnct. 4) The MR specialist shall document the !'A low -up results (whether service was rct civcd or there was and unmet need) In information and referral system for use in reports and as needed. Information gathered during the follow-up process shall be used to evaluate the effectiveness of existing commmunity service pi-4 viders and to identify gaps in community services. Standard 5; Indr-pentlrnt Access to Resource Iuforinntion The Ielpline. shall provide conuntinity resource information in a variety of ways to facilitate independent access for the public and other human services professionals. These options provide additional choices for inquirers and complement the alternative of one-to-one interaction with an MR specialist. Paso 41 of 03 0.10 January 2022 - December 2022 UAA 203.22 t; The I-lelpline shall expand access options for the public by making all or a portion of its resource database tivallablu o1i the Internet at no cost, The elements that increase flu: effoctivaness of a publicly accessible resource database include: a) An easy -to -remember URL; b) A promincnily displayed search button, c) A search page that is clean, well-oiganixed, and easy to navigate; d) A keyword search window, that employs search logic which produces an :nelusive search results list. e) Keyword searches that include partial and frill -word matching. Entered text must appear at the beginning of wards for the terns to be retrieved. For example, a search on "aging" would ignore words like `managing' ; t) The ability to search tigency, site, proV,am, and AKA names. g) The ability to filter results by geographic locationfarea served; and It) A cleanly designed search results list that includes the data elements that are most important in providing i ;quirers with the details they need to tnalw informed choices about their options. 2) If the i lelpline provides a mechanism for independent public access to community resource info :nation, tite Helpline shall ensure that it includes infarnia(lon about how to connect with an l&R specialist irconsultation and guldnnee are required (for example, the ability to press" fl" at any time when listenin;; to a reuordcd message or to engage in Instant messaging (IM) or chat when searching; for resources on a website). Standard 6- Service Delivery Data Collection, Analysis And Renortintf Service delivery generates valuable information about file problemalneeds of community and the nvailability of resource-,; to meet those needs. The I lelpline shall collect, analyzC, and repnit insightful data concerning; inquirers and their tweeds in ways that are useful to the Helpline and its community partners. The Helpline shall use a secure, confidential system for Collecting and organizing inquirer data collection that provides a basis for describing; requests for services and unmet needs, Identifying service gaps, and infunning; decisions about the scope of the resource database. Inquirer data includes information gathered during the original contact, follow-up, and customer satisfactionIqun'ity asginance, calls. Data collected for I&R service analysis and reporting purposes are based un MR agency policies and local, state, and/Or national requirements. 1) The Helpline shall ensure that inquirer data is trade nvailoble in aggregate furin to protect the confidentiality of individual Inquirers. 2) The Helpline shall maintain documentation on all inquiries tins a defined set of inquirer data elements to be used fur reporting purposes and recognizes that inquiirrs have the right to withhold information. 3) The data collected provides enough information about inquirer needs, whether gathered through the original contact, during; follow-up or via customer satisfaction survey/quality assuranco surveys. 4) The imp service may use data collection and analysis strategies that employ sampling; technique.%. Sample size should also reflect the coTifidence level in the data presented. The chart below illustrates a range of appropriate sample size with such random satrapies gathered on a quarterly or monthly basis. Page 42 of 93 Januajy 2022 - Ueeemaaer 2022 OAA 203.22 Required completed samples with a Required completed samples with a Cali Center Animal Call Volume 95% confidence level and a 5% 95% confidence level and a 3% margin of error, lnargin of error. 5,000 357 880 10,000 —370_� 965 -- 34,000 380 — 1,031 5) The I Ielpline shall ensure that inquirer data collection and retorting activities facilitate the analysis needed to support: a) The human service needs of inquirers; b) Outreaeli to diverse communities r.) Community needs assessinents; d) Community planning; e) Allocution of banding; And fj 'System Advocacy fi) rhe Helpline shall ensue ti-nt the data collected provides enough information about inquirer needs to identify the following: a) Service requests; h) Met and unmet needs (gathered through the original contact, follow -tip, and customer satisfaction/cluaility assurance surveys); c) Trends in community service provision and/or laps in service; d) Demographic data; and e) NOIes of inquirers served (aggregate data only). 7) The data collected for reporting purposes shall Include: a) The total number of mooring contracts/inquiries by phone (incoming tails) recorded by the phone sy5tom and answered by the l&R specialist, Including transaction calls (calls in which problems or needs are addressed and for each problemineed, the type of service provided by the MR specialist (information only, referral, referral - advocacy, referral -crisis, and crisis intervention services); or non -transaction culls (calls answered by the MR specialist that are haaig-:cps, wrong naunbers, Incoining administrative or personal calls, or other calls in which there is no productive conversation between the I&R specialist and the inquirer and no assistance is provided). h) The total number of &4cR contacts/inquiries from calls and other sources recorded in the WR system in which inquirer problems or needs are addrevsed. O lier sources include thu lollowiilg: 1) 'Transaction calls; il) Face -tea -face contacts (Nvalk-ins or I&K interactions in other settings such as community facilities); 111) Email contacts; iv) Vniceinai. contact responses; v) Social media interactions; vl) 'I'ext/5MS messaging contracts; vii) Online chat contacts; viii) Video relay/chat contacts; and lx) Regular snail contacts. c) The total rnnnber and types of problems/caveats presented by inquirers. d) The geographic and demographic profiles of inquirers (I,c„ who Is calling and where they are calling, fronn). rasp 41 of 93 CAO January 2022 - Documber 2022 OA+A 203.22 e) The programs that received referrals. 8) The Helpline may also collect information about other types of 1&R activities, in addition to i&R inquiries, but those figures will not he added to the contactlinquiry total. Included are: a) Wcbsite visitor :,c„ ivity (e.g., total visits, unique visitors, individual pale visits, searches conducted); V. People accessing recorded information; e) Souial media postings; d) Outreach presentations; e) Brochures and/or other publications dis(ributed; 1) Outgoing advocacy calls: g) Outgoing eustoiiier satisfactionlquality assurance calls; It) Outgoing follow-up calls; >� Outgoing cal is to verify resource information, and j} Community problems/needs reporting. 9) The Helpline may also report, as necessary, on key performance indicators derived from its quality assurance and related activities such as average times of transactions, resulls of internal and independent call monitoring processes, average answering tinics, unmet demand (such as abandoned calls), complaints and commendations, as well ;is case stoales that illustrate recent OXH111ples of situations and outcomes secured by the I&R service. RESOURCE DATABASE The Resource database standards require that the Helpline develop, maintain, usc, and disseminate an accurate up -to -slate online resource database that contains information about avallab to community resources including details about the services provided and the conditions under which they are available. Standard T: Inclusion/Exclusion Crittsri� The Inclusion or exclusion criteria provides the parameters for human services agencies and programs in the resource database. The criteria are uniformly applied and available so that staff and the public nit nware of thu scopo and limitations of the database. The Helpline shall have a document that describes the inclusionlexclusion criteria for the contents of the resource database. The criteria are uniforinly 213phed and available so that staff and the public are aware of the scope and li:nitaVous of the database. Tito inclusieiuexclusion criteria shalt be consistent with and support the ability of (lie 1&R service to maintain the i=ource database per the quality rcaluh-oments of the AIRS Standards. The Helpline shall not charge a fee for the inclusion of any orgnniwition in its published resource database. 1) The lnclusionlexeIusion document includes an appeal process for organizations seeking claiiftcation on elther Vie document itself of the applivailon of the criteria. 2) The I Ielpline shall ensure the inclasiunlexcliwon criteria is reviewed and updated, at ti minimum, every three years to ensure that it continues to meet the chariBing needs of the comn-,.r:ity. Standard 8: Data Elements The resource database contains data elements that provide information about organizations that inect criteria for inclusion, the services provided by each organization, and the locutinns (sites) where those services are, available, Each record shall contain all required data elements, where applicable. 1) Mandatory and Recommended Data. Elements: The chart below lists data elements for the Agency/Main Site portion of an orgoniantionnI record, Location/Branch data elements, where additional sites exist, and the programs and services provided by the organi7ation. The Mandatory orReeoruntended Status of each data element is also indicated. Note that "Mandatory" ineans that a data element will be entered if that information is available (foi• example, if documentation is needed to apply for a seryk*, there that information must he added. If no doGumQnlUtiun is required, then the field can be left empty). "X" is a designation for "non -applicable," Naga 44 of 93 CAO Jamiary P022 - necembet 70P2 I CAA 20122 1 AIRS Data Elements AIRS Data W-curd Cattgory Agency Site Mandatory ,ServicefProgrAm Name AKA (Also Known As) Name(s) Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory X X Mandatory Legal Status Mandatory Recommended X redw-al Employer Identiticallon Number (EINNEIN) IRS Staters x X Recommended X x Mandatory Sleeet/Physical Addres.5(es) MailingAddress(es) X x X Mandatuy Phone Numb r(s) and Types Website URL(s) including Social Media Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Recommended Recommended Recommended Email Address(es) Name and 'Title of Director/Manager Description Recommended Recommended Recommended lRecommended Mandatory Recommended Mandatory Recommended Mandatory DnyslHours of Operation Mandatory Recommended Recommended Mandatory x Access for Poople with Disahilitics x x Travel Information Eligibility - - Recommended X X X X Mandatary Gougraphic Area Served Languages Available Documents Required AppIication/IntakeProeess Fees/Paymcnt Options X X Recommended Kocornmended x X K Recommended X x Recommended Mandatory Mandatory X x Taxonomy Term(s) for Services/Targets X X 2) Database Record Administration Data Elements: D ala elements that relate to the database recurd itself and are purely administrative in nature are included in a separate tattle, Most are automatically assigned by the system, not maintaintX1 by resource specialists, and not shown vrlicn rccords are published. The exception is the data or last formal ver€fleation which many 1I0plines choose to include, Unique ID Number Itecord Ownership Code Date of Last Formal Verification contact for Formal Verification AIRS Data :Flonems; Record Administration Pags 45 al 93 Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Rccotntnerrdcd � CAO January 2022 - pocamber 2022 Date of last Interim Change Contact of Last Change Resource Specialist for Last Change Record Status (Active/Inactive) Standard 9: C:lassl11CA1lon Svsfeln (Taxanulny) Mandatory Itecommended Mandatory Mandatory OAA 203.92 The M&R service uses the AIRS/21 I LA County Taxonomy of Human Services to index and facilitate rctricval of resource information, increase the reliability of'planning data, make evaluation processes consistent and reliable, and facilitate state and national aggregations and comparisons data. Additinnnl classification structures such as keywords, if used, are connee(ed to the Taxonomy rather than functioning as independent Indexing systems. Standard 10: Content Mannuerncril and Indexinu The I-Inlpline shall ensurn through training, database nranalenient procedures, and supervision that a resource specialist organizes information about hullialt services 01'gani7Aticn9 into database records that accurately and concisely reflect the agency, its location and its services/programs; index the services provided by ench organization using the AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy of Hinnati Set -vices in accordance with recognized and consistently applied practices; and assign other search keys in a way that accurately reflects the conditions under which services or, availab)o. t) The I ielpline shall ensure use orl&It sofl4vare that supports the AiRS Resource Database as follows: a) Information in the resource, database is accessible in ways that support the I&R process; and b) The software module used by MR specialists allows for search and retrieval by: I) Organization, service site, and program name and related AKAs; 11) Type of services pitiivided (using Taxuaoiny terms including use references and see also references); iii'r Target population served, where applicab:e (using Taxonomy target lei -ills); and IV) Area served. 2) Tire Helpline shall ensure through training, database audits, and coaching [lint rusuurce specialists understand the human service delivery system including the sectors it comprises; the differences between the public and private sectors; haw goveriunent, nonprofit, and for -profit organizations are organized and funded; the major types of service: providers in their community; the broad range of programs and services they provide, rind how these organlzrrtinns and the sectors they represent reinte to one another and the people they serve. 3) The Helpline shall ensure documented procedures are in place for identifying new resources, acquiring information about them and, upon inclusion in the database, veriircaliun by the organization. a) To collect information/data elements uniformly across organix-itions, (lie Helpline shall develop and use a standardized profile (" survey') for new organizations to be included in [tic resource database. 4) The Helpline shoII ensure documented procedures are in place for gall wring and integrating ititcrin~ information changes (i.e, changes that occur between the annual updates). 5) OgVdnizatlons that do not respond anei multipleal(empts but cantrot be deleted Because they offer critical services, shall be updated via alternative methods (phone, websfte, or silo visils). However, documentation oil how the update was obtained and the reason for the decision not to delete thu record are required. If updated by telephone, (lie naive of the person who eonrin-nu l the information and the date shall be recorded. if updated through a website, information that the update was verified viit the Internet and the date shall be included as documentation. If updated by silo visi(, (tie netncs of the people visited, and the data; :shall be recorded. Once the MR service is satisfied that it Iles obtained the hest inrormation possible and lies documented how and when the update was performed as well as the reason for the decision not to delete the record, it is permissible to inark the agency as having received its annual review. G) The Helpline shall ensure the update form, or the accompanying cover lettur, has a statement that the Helpline reserves tlie right to edit Information for brevity, clarity, and content, and to publish the information in a variety of media, %ubjeal to confidentiality +-sues. Standard 11: Database Search Methods Page 46 of 93 CAO January 2072 Decwmber 2022 ©AA 203,22 The quality assurance review process ensures that information in the resource d�<< :base is aecuratc and complete. 1) The Helpline shall have a documented process for verifying information in the resource. database either annually or ors a continuing basis throughout the year that involves multiple attempts to achieve a 100% verification rate within a 12-month cycle. Information that cannot be verified pray be considered for removal for the database. 2) The Helpline shall lie able to generate a report that lists resource records according to the date of last ibrinal update to identify records that are out of conrpliarice. The report shall be run at least quarterly, If more than 50% of records are out of date, the Helpline shall create a plan to bring the database up to date, ;i) The Helpline shall ensure the resource Agency provides feedback to outer I&R staff regarding imporlantchanges that have been made in the database as a result of information MR specialists have supplied. Standard 12: Resource Database Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting The creation and maintenance of I&R resmirce databases generates valuable information about tho scrviccs and programs available within a ennimunity. The I&R service cotlet ls, analyzes, and reports insigltlful information regarding the type.% of services available, the organizations that provide them, and the areas in which services are available (and unavailable) in ways that are useful to themselves and community partners. An analysis of the resource database mainlenance process also reveals information that can enhance both the quality and productivity of each 1&1t service (for example, by identifying Issues for staff training), The Helpline°s resource database is the prime source of information abutit the programs. and services available to the community served by the Helpline. Standard 13: Cooperative Relationshlns within the JAR System In Communities that have comprehensive and specialized I<4clt providers, the Helpline shall develop cooperative and respectful relationships to build a coordinated MR system which ensures broad aeecs.,s to lcYc.it services, maximizes the utilization of existing i&It resources, avoids duplication of effurt and encourages seamless access to community resource. information, 1) It is recommended that tine Helpline participates in ongoing cooperative program planning and development activitics that take into consideratir)ri community needs, existing resources, and the activities of other MR services. 2) The Helpline shall work cooperatively with other cuipmunity I&R providci s to Identify changing community riccds and to respond to those needs in a timely and appropriate fashion. Regular cooperation ensures that there is an immediate and effective response to the following: a) Sudden changes in conrmunity conditions (e.g. community wide disaster) that may require special ou;rerach CMOs or other forms of collaborative response; b) Changes in legislation; and e) New information related to die area served that needs to be incorporated. Standard 14.1 Coor7ernlive Relationshipswith Service Providers The Helpline shall develop cooperative working relationships with local human services pr°oyidens (e.g, fond pantries and local homeless shOters) rind larger service systems to build an integrated service delivery system that provides broad access to community services, ntriximires the use of existing resources, and facilitates the ability of people who need services to easily Ind tite roost appropriate provider. I&R services with broader geographic reach (e.g, statewide, province -wide, regional, or national level programs) shall strive to dcvelep similar working relationships within the area they serve. The Helpline shall work cooperatively with service providers to address issues that have a critical Impact on Ih., community such ns disaster relief and recovery, homelessness, health care service delivery, and one -stop collocated hurnan services. DISASTER PR FWARKI) ESS: The Helpline shall assess its role in meeting the needs of the community during times of disaster, which may vary depending on the population served. The role the Helpline plays in disaster situations may vary by the phase of the disaster (i.e., preparedness, response, relief, and recovery). The Helpline shall provide information and referrals for inquirers who are cxpericncing ii crlsis due to re disaster of natural or hurnan origin, Preparsrtion includes development of an emergency operations and business coittingency plan that enables the Helpline to continue providing services if its overt facility Is damaged or destroyed; and to support its ability to effectively accumulate, validate, and disseminate accurate disaster related inrorinalion, the Ielpline shall provide information and referral assistance for individuals impacted by a disaster, and provide community reports regarding inquirer needs and referrals. Page 47 of 93 1CAo Jenuary 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 Standard S: Emericeney Operations and Business Contingency Flan 1) The Helpline shall have a written disaster plan that specifically addresses incidents cuinnron to the area, and comprehensively prepare staff for most typical emergencies 1, Tile plan shall have two componetiis: a) An emergency uperatious component that dunes what constitulrs a disaster as well as the organization's disaster response expectations, both internally and fivin the perspective of external stakeholders, and describes the steles the organization trust take to meet the needs of tiro community in (lie aticrtnath ofan event; and h) A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) component that references emergency preparedness and mitigation activities, such as structural alterations and changes in business operations, and deliticales the steps to Ire taken before, during, and after an utncrgcrdcy to prevent or nninirnize iinerruptions in husiness operations and errsure long. term recovery, 2) The Ilelpline shall have emergency operation procedures in place for maintaining service delivery during and after an emergency that mrty occur in the same area in which tiie program is located or In an area that impacts service delivery. The written procedures related to a) Personnel Coordination i) Designation of key staff; ii) Delegations of authority; iii) Order ofRlrcmg.gion; iv) Expectations of pca^sonnel during duty and non -duty lours. Notification of personnel during drt and iron -duty hours; b) Designation of inissioti-essetrtial finictions; L) Designation of alternative faci'ities, d) Continuity of communications among staff hefnre, during, and after a disaster; e) Securing access to vital records and databases; and f) Plans for reconstitution and termination of emergency ineasures. 3) The Helpline shall have written procedures that address specific types of emergencies including power outages, fines, medical emergencies, bomb threats, radiological lhrua(s, workplace violence, and other incidents that may require different forms of response (e.g. cluck, cover, and hold during an earthquake or sheltering in place during a radiological emergency). Procedures for contacting emergency personnel shall be included. 4) The Helpline shall have written procedures for emergency evacuation of the facility following a disaster (tint impacts the immediate area surrounding the facility and potentially thrcatem staff safety, Procedures shall include special arrangements for helping staff or visitors with a disabillty leave the ba-lding. 5) The Helpline shall have written procedures for maintaining service delivery (e.g, answering inquiries and conliniiing to update community resources) during and after an emergency, Including relocat;on or alternative anodes of service delivery. if the WR service plans to relocate in the event of loss of facilities, alternative sites will be identified, 6) The Helpline shall maintain critical cuntact and infrastructure information (e.g. telephone service provider aricl building management information). Standard ibi Relationships with Emergency and Relief Operntions The Helpline shall participate in ongoing cooperative disaster respnnse planning in the community and establish relationships, as necessary, to become recognized as an integral part of the community's unicrgency preparedness and response network. 1) The Ilelpline shall ensures understanding of the command -and -control structure within its jurisdiction (i.e. the responsibilities and authority of officinis at -city, coiinnty, state/provincial, and federal levels) and its role and that of other orgamliMiotns in the response, relief, and recovery phases of a disaster. 2) The Ilelpline shall ensure active participation in community meetings that address plans for disaster edness, mitigation, response., relief; and recovery. Page 48 of 03 QA0 JanUary 2022 - Uecerribsr 2Ux2 Standard 17! Disastev Resources OAA 2W.P2 ['he Helpline shall develop, maintain, and/or use an accurate, up-to-date computerized resource database containing information about available community resources that provide services in times of disaster. Database records shall include descriptions of the services organi7�alions provide and the conditions under which services are available and shall be indexed and accessed using the Disaster Services section of the AIRS/21 I LA County Taxonomy Ofl lunian Services. 1) The Helpline shall ensure the resource database includes Information about permanent local, state, and federal disastcr- related resources, 2) The Iielpline shall ensure the. addition of information in the resource database about organizations that have no formal role In emergency response but emerge hn the coo itext of particular disaster. specific relief and recovery services that corns to life in response to the specific needs of the community, and specific services offered by organizations wilIT a permanent record in the database (such as Red Cross Service Centers, special needs shelters, cic). 3) The Helpline shall update the disaster resources annually, immediately pr o- to an anticipated disaster at,d (hroughout tho responsc, relief, and recovery periods. 4) The Helpline shall have an alternative means for allowing staff to access disaster resources if computerized acc:egs is unavailable. 5) The Ilelpline shall verify all information before sharing it with others during a disaster, A sty ainlined verification process must provide a sufficient level of data validation to ensure accuracy. Standard 18. Disaster -Waged I&RService Deliver} The Helpline shall provide information and roferruI service to the community during (when appropriate) and following a disaster or other emergency. This service shall include assessing the needs of1he 'nquirer, evaluating appropriaie resources, indicating organizations cal -mole of meeting these needs, and helping inquirers for whom services are unavailable by locating alternative resources and actively participating in linking inquirers to needed services or vorrrntcor opportunities. t) The I lelpline shall ensure adequate staff to meet potential increases in inqui. ui contacts and needs, 2) The Helpline shall have in place mutual assistance agreements with other I&R. services that include provisinns for relocation of staff and/or redircetiorr of calls, 3) Tlne I lelpline shall have a wrlitcn protocol for stag' who are assigned to provide information and referral at local assistance centers (LACs) or otlwr off -site locations. 4) The Helpline shall ensure MR specialists have the skills to respond effectively to people in crisis, work cooperatively with other organizations, remain flexible In a rapidly changing environment, are willing to work under adverse conditions (U: g, long hours or uncomfortable surroundings), are aware oftbeir own stress level and coping mechanisms, respond appropriately in trice -to -trice communications, and work within boundarim of their MR role. 5) The Ilelpline shall ensure I&R specialists are knowledgeable about ilia government emergency response service delivery system, the types of services people typically need before, during, and fallowing a disaster, Ilia organnizations that generally provide such services, the types of organizations that may bu closed or otherwise unable to deliver services due to an emergency (e,& government ofllces and courts), atypical services people may need to access (e,g. open hardware stores and functioning A'IA1 machines), and the structure and contents of the disaster database and/or otlior approved so,n-ces of disaster -related information. Standard 19: Disastei-Related Data Colleetlou/Iteports The I-lelpline shail tracts inquirer requests for service and referrals, collect demographic information from inquirers, and produce reports regarding requests for disaster -related sorviccs and referral activity. 1) Tito Helpline shall collect and organize inquirer data that lheilitates appropriate referrals and provides a basis for describing requests for disaster -related services and klentifying gaps and overlaps in service. 2) Following all emergencies that necessitate implementation of the provisiomia of the Disaster Preparudriess standards, the Helpline shall produce an after -action report that documents the special activities of the a,.,cncy with a focus on what worked well and what needs to be improved through revisions of the agency's disaster plan and/or additional training or staff. Page 49 or93 qo January 2022 - Decembpr 2022 Standard 20., Disaster -Related Technology Regulmmenis OAA 203.22 Tile Helplineshall have technology ill place that facilitates (lie ability ofthe organiration to maintain service delivery during times of disaster or a localized enitrgency, Rmummundations for continued operations include an emergency generator, back-up systems for lcicphoncs, or an alternate phone number in a different vocation for staff to access tl'rt agency, in case of an emergency that makes the regular phone lines inancessible. 1) The Helpline shall ensure regular and emergency methods of clectronle communication (via email, instant messaging, textISMS messaging, satellite phones or mobile devices) between staff and inanagernent for use: internally, for afier- hours contacts, and when necessary for pre -and post -disaster events. 2) The Ilelpline shall establish relationships with its telephone sei Nice provider, Internet Service Provider (ISP), website hosting vendor, and MR sotlwarc venclor to ensure that the organization is given high priority for continued service ill times of disaster, 3) The Helpline MR service shall have the ability to reroute calls to another loca.',, i if its oven business silt is not accessible. Standard 21; Disaster Traiuiuu aucl Exercise The Helpline shell train staff on emergency operations and business expectations upon hiring and provide ongoing training at least annually. It is recommended that tho Ilolpline actively participate In community disaster exerciscs to test the Helpline's emergency operations plan, The Helpline shall provide general training fur staff that addresses the specific types of disasters common to the urea, (lie Helpline's role, and mission in dines of disaster, the phases of disaster, federal, state/provincial, and local response plans and resources, and other topics that will'icip prcpore staff for an emergency and ensure that they unt'crs?., nd ! tlr ielpline's commitments. ORGANIZATIONAL ElnFECTI1`MESS The Organizational Effectiveness standards desefibc the governnnce and operational structure the Iielpline needs to liillill Its mission, including development of poli&,,.,, and procedures. Standard 22: Govcrnanr and Oversight The Helpline shall operate under the auspices of the AAA, ,which is governed by representatives of the diverse interest of the eonunuriity. I) The goveriniing body :shall oversee '. inplementation of program goals and objectives to ensure quality of service and suslainahility of the AAA rind the Helpline. The governing body (Board of Directors), at a ruinirnunn, shall; a) Ensure that the Hcipihie has an adequme number of staff and a program manager who is accountublo for the operation of the Helpline; b) Assist In procuring financial and technical assistance to sustain the MR service; c) Adopt an annual budget, maintain financial records, rind provide for, an annual audit by an independent certified public accountant; d) Promote the Hclplino sys(em throughout the community ensuring appropriate publicity, public relations, and outreach. 2) The Helpline shall formally adopt, date, and regularly review wrillen policies tia-.' clearly articulate ter; general principles by which the Helpline is managed. The Iielpline shall ensure that organizational policies are available to all employees and that they include employee and hiring policies and procedures. 3) The Heiptine shall have it formal process for ryegistcring and resolving complaints from inquirtrs, sfaff members, and fire community, and shall provide protections for, uhistlehlower:s. d) The AAA and Helpline shall have a Code of Ethics that establishes fundwnental values anci professional standards of conduct for staff in their relationships with �!,,eir uolleagues, their employers, the peopte they serve, the human service: professionals with whom they interacl, a nd the community. 5) The AAA and Helpline shall have a statument approved by the organisation's governing body prohibiting diserirninatiun in all its forms and documenting its intention to comply with all laws, carder -=, and rcgulations nddressing this issue. 6) The Helpline shall provide accessible spare, and equipment sufficient to ensure confidential interviewing in order for staff to effectively perform their duties. Page 60 of 03 #VO January 2022 - December 2022 Standard 23: Technology OAA 203.22 Thu Ilelpline shall use. technology that illlprm•ovgs access to information and enhances its ability to wt-r ve Inquirers efficiently and effectively. The main role of teclmulugy is to enhance and strengllien information sharing while accommodating puaplc's colnrllull ication preferences. Technology includes telephone systems, telecommunications, computer systems and applications, assistive technology ibr people with disab_''Mics, anti sedrehable MH databases nn the Internet. l) The i Mpline shall ensure that individuals with disabilities seeking information or services have access to its searchable MR database that is comparable to that provided to persons without disabilities. Thu Helpline shall also ensure that umployocs with disabilities and the public have access to MR software with reasonable accommodations Including features such as speech to text, text to speech, captioning, audio description, and other types of assistive technology. 2) The Ilelpline shall have policies and procedures that protect the inquirer's right to privacy and anonymity while presurying the MR specialist's ability to provide for the individual's safety should personal identification become necessary. 3) The Helpline shall ensure that tite MR service lies access to professional technical expertise to appropriately maintain all technology and that provisions are in place to ensure a priority response to any breakdowns in key infrastructure. Standai-d 24; Personnel Minaeemenf The Helpline shall have in place a framework and mechanisms for program and ncrsonnel management that provide for the continuity and consistency required for effective service delivery. l) The Helpline shall recruit and hire staff who are competent, ethica% qualified, sufficient in number to implement service policies, and reflect the community they serve. 2) The Helpline shall have up-to-date job descriptions for al l employees anti volunteers outlining respnnsibi;ities, essential job functions, and lines of accountability. The job descriotions must lie dated within the last three years, 3) The Helpline shall provide ongoing supervision anti annoul evaluation of employees and: volunteers by qualified MR managers, using standardized observation and performance appraisal tbrnls. Performance problems shall be identified, documented, and addressed in an individual performance improvement plan, Staff evaluations shall address specific responsibilities and job functions o-ii limed in indivi� liw job descriptions. Quality indicators for the Helpline may include the following: a) Call Monitoring/Remote Listening: Live or recorded calls that are randomly selected for review and feedback all a regular basis. b) Secret Slr.�rver Calk- Sometimes known as mystery calls, these are calls conducted by staff or a des:jynatcd third parry without the knowledge of the T&R specialist handlhrg the call. 'They allow for the "real feeling" of a typical call (including the voice messaging in queue) to be experienced in the same way as a typical client. T'le results of these calls can be scored in the same wander as other monitored interactions, c) MentoringtCoaebing., The use of individual sessions, team discussions, role playing, and other techniques to mentor and coach I&R specialist to ensure quality service delivery. d) Call Management System Reports, Measures and Metrics: Tile call management component oftlus telephone system produces weekly emit monthly reports that provide data on the foiluwing items which may be analyzed to assess individual staff and Helpline efficiency and productivity: 1) Calls received; it) Calls answered; iii) Calls refused; and Iv) Average call handling time. e) Case Examples: Bxanlples of calls submitted monthly by an MR specialist .hat illustrate their call handling tech_ 3 iques. A case example is a written, detailed analysis of how an information and relcrral calls vwns handled. The componenis of n case example include the foiluwing: 1) Demographic lnformnation (non-ide -3 ifying namu of I&R specialist, date of call, language of caul, subject, line of service (e.g. 211, victim support line). 11) I'rescnting situationlproblemli, III) Assessment. Page 51 of 03 CA 0 January 2n22 - December 2022 OM 20322 iv) Actionslreferralsprovide v) Follow-upladvocneyifappropriate. f) Complaints and commendations an I&R specialist has received. 4) if the I lelpline permit staff to work off -site, file Helpline must ensure the security anc vwu id_i,tiality of iaiquirer data and ensure the availability of technology to support the ability of staff to do all or part of their work orf--site. For tine most part, this innovation provides flexibility and responsiveness to (Ito needs of Individual staff. However, in the case of MR specialists who may be directly serving the public; from an off -site location, procedures must be in place to ensure compliance with all service delivery standards regardless of where an MR inquiry is handled. To ensure that the public experiences no discernible difference in the quality of service, special requirements for off -site MR service delivery shall be in place, including provisions fbr MR specialists to: a) Make three-way calls to connect the inquires to external services including language translation services; b) Contact emergency services while maintaining a coauiection with the inquiver, c) Work in a distraction -free environment; (i) Access supervisory assistance, when required, and for supervisors to exercise quality assurance mcnsure.4; and e) Access personnel policies and iraining opportunities that reflect off -site circumstances. 5) The Helpline shall track employee turnover or attrition and have a process for identifying when the turnover pe centatge impacts service quality. Standard 25: Staff Trninina The Helpline shall maintain a training policy and make training available to employees and volunteers. 1) The Helpline shall provide training for employees and volunteers based on pre -determined training goals with curriculum objectives defining behavioral outcomes for each nodule. 2) The Helpline shall provide an orientation for nc%v employees and volunteers that addresses 11m role, mission, and function of the I&I2 service; the role of the governing, ioody; federal, state, and local laws affecting servico delivery (e.g., abuse reporting); and the structure, policies, and procedures of the AAA. 3) The Helpline shall ensure that training for I&R specialists includes a) Pre -service training appropriate to the knowledge and skills of new staff to ensure that they meet organi7.ational expectations; b) On-the-job training that involves increasing levels o ' responsibility in handling inquiries; and c) In-service trainlog that focuses on relining and updating the staffs knowledge ahnut the aging network, state and federally funded pingrams, and skills and work -related attitudes and behaviors. 4) The Helpline shall ensure training for resource sluff includes air overview of the local community service delivery system, inciusionlexclusion criteria for the resounsc database, data elements, taxonomy indexing, database maintenance procedures, use of the MR service's software, dovelopment, and distribution of database products and, when appropriate, training in the i&R service's area of specializatlon (e.g, disability issues or aging issues). 5) The Helpline shall ensure that the content of the staff training prngrana is consistent with the ABCs of MR published by AiRS or the Department of Elder Affairs information find ReferrallAssistance training module. 6) The Helpline shall systematically evaluate the effectiveness of Its training program and the performance of its trainers and modify the training based on evaluation results. 7) it is recommended that MR spccaaltsts and resmirce specialists seek professional ccrtifacatinn through recognized programs at the state)provincial, regional, or national level. Staudan•d 26: Promotion and Quiveach The Helpline shall establish and maintain a prcgrnm that increases public awareness of MR. services, its objectives, and its value to (lie uumrnanity. At least two outreach projects targeting love -income older Individuals, including low-income minority, older individuals with limited 1:nglish proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas, must be completed annually. 1) The Helpline shall have an outreach plan tilat employs a systematic methodology for publicizing the organization's services to its targelcd population and to other community resources (c.g. other agencies, faille -based organizations, law Page 52 of 03 104 Jarivary 2022 - Dececntrer 2022 oAA 203.22 cnforccnient, and schools), The I&R service may publicize its services using ar variety of methods, including; social inedia, which are tailored to meet the needs of diverse populations and may include: a) Personal contact; b) Speaking engagements; c) Community ineetings; d) Feature articles; e) News stories; 1) Displays; g) Public service irtwouncements or listings; h) Telephone Directories; f) Printtd materials such as brochures; 1) Fosters anti billboards; k) Booths at fairs; 1) Radio-, m) Television; and n) Internet web page. 2) The MR service: shall publicize its services to people in the community who may experience harriers to accessing services dire to physical, mental, or developmental disabilities; homelessness or social isolation; language or cultural background; or other vulnerabilities. Standnr•d 27: Ouality Assurance The Helpline shall have the ability to assess the quality and effectiveness of all aspects of its operation including its service delivery, resource database;, ro-ports and mensures, cooperative relationships, disaster preparedness and organizational structure. These determinations shall be made through on -going quality assurance procedures supported by the collection and utilization of information that Can be used to manage Lind continuously improve, resource database managentcnt and the service delivery prvcss, and thrmigh periodic, formal evaluations that are used to implement muasurable improvements. i) "rhe Helpline shall have a procem for examining its viability its am organization, the effectiveness of its services, its appropriate involvement in the community, and its overall impact nil the people it serves. 2) To support management information needs, the Ilelpline shall have a inethad for tracking key performance indicators (KPhs) such as: n) Call voluanc; b) Abandoned calls; e) Average abandonment rate; d) Average speed of answer; e) Average call handling time; turd f) Average talk time. 3) The Helpline shall conduct regular custorner satisfaction/quality assurance surveys wi[li as minimurn of 3 percent (3%) oY inquirers Cone percent (MA) of the specitted percentage must include individuals with limited English proficiency, persons with a disability, or low-income minorities residing in a rural area) to assess overall service prri•forrnanue turd I&R service outcomes, The surveys may occur during [lie original contact with an inquirer, In conjunction with follow- up (after determining whether tine inquirer's needs have bean met), or in a separate call made for quality assurance purposos. It is important that survey participants be randomly selected, Customer satisfaction questions shall include the lbllowing; a) Was tine MR specialist polite and helpful? b) Did the inquirer feel they were listened to? Page 53 of 93 10 Janunry 2022 - rt©ecntrar 2022 OAA 203.22 e) Did the inquirer receive a choice of referrals where appropriate? (l) Would the inquirer contact the lie 1pline again? e) Would the inquirer recommend the Helpline MR service to family and friends? If while Conducling client satistactionlquallty assurance surveys, it is determined that lite original geed of the inquirer leas not been met or that the inquires` lias new needs, the Tlelpline shall have promiures in place to provide additional information, referrals, or advocacy. Reference: The Older Americans Act (OAA) contract standards have been adopted with moditleations front the AIRS Standards fur Professional Information and Referral. END 0Fri77ACHMENTI Page 64 of 03 "'Qo January 2022 - Uscembor 2022 QAA 203.22 ATTACHMENT 11 FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT The administration of resources awarded by the, Agency to the Contractor fnay he subject to audits and/or monitoring by Il r Agency, as described in this section. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 (formerly OMB Circular A-133 as revised), and Section 215,97, F.S., (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on -site visits by the Agency staff, limited scope audits and/or ether procedures. By entering into this contract, the Contractor agreesto comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Agency. in the event the Agency determines that a limited scope audit of tile Contractor is appropriate, the Contractor agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by the Agency to the Contractor regarding such audit. The Contractor further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Auditor General, AUDITS PART 1. FEDERAIXX 1~UNDEU This part is applicable if the Contractor is a State or lucai government or a nonprofit organization as defined in 2 CI=1t Part 200, Subpart A. In the event that the Contractor expends $750,000.00 or more in federal awards during its fiscal year, (h, Contractor must have a single or program -specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. Financial and Compliance Audit Attachment, Exhibit 2 indicates federal resources awarded through the Agency by this contract. In determining the federal awards expended in its tiscat year, the Contractor shall consider all sotuces of Focieral awards, including federal resources received from the Agency. The determination of anlotult s of Federal awaWs expended should be In accordance with 2 CFR Pint 200. An audit of the Contractor conducted by the Auditor Generat in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200 will meet the requirements of this part. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part 1, paragraph 1, the Contractor shrill fulfill the requirements relative to auditec responsibilities as provided in 2 CFlt § 200.508, If the Contractor expends less than $750,000,00 in federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordailea with the provisions of 2 CFR Pant 200 is not required. In the event that the Contractor expends less than $750,000.00 in federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to litive an :lirrlit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Pail 200, the cost of the audit must be paid front non-federal resources (i.e., the cost of such audit must be paid from Cunlractor resources obtained from other than federal entities,) An audit conducted in accordance with this part shall cover the entire organization for the organization's fiscal year, Compliance findings related to contracts with the Agency shall tit, bused on the contract's mquirenlents, Including anyrules, regulations, or statute.5 referenced in the contract. The financial statements shall disclose whether or not the matching requirement was filet for each applicable contract. All questioned costs and liabilities dice to the Agency shall be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference to the Ageney contract involved. If fiat otherwise disclosed as required by 2 CFR § 200.510, the schedule of expenditures of federal awards shall identify expenditures by contract number for each contract with the Agency in effect during the audit period. Financial reporting packages required under tills part must be submitted within the eurlicr of 30 days after receipt of the audit ruriart or9 months after tile end of the Contractor's fiscal year end. PART It, STATE FUNDED This part is applicable if the Contractor is a non -state entity as defined by Section 215.97(2), F.S. Page 50 of 93 C40 January 2022 - Decutiibar 20.2 OAA 20122 In (lie event that (lie Contractor expends a total amount of stale financial assistance equal to or in excess of $750,000.00 in any fiscal year of such Contractor, the Conlractor must have a State single or• project -specific Uudit for such fiscal year In accordance with Section 2.15.97, F.S.: applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services; and Chapter 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-prolit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, Financial Compliance Audit Attachment, Exhibit 2 indicates state r ntrir lal assistance awarded through the Agency by this contract. In determining (lie, state financial assistance expended in Its fiscal year, the Contractor shall consider till sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance received from the Agency, other s(uttc agencies, and other non -state entities, State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass -through awards and resources received by a non - state entity for Federal program matching requirements. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Purl 11, parnfivalill 1, the Contractor slial: ensure that Vic audit complies with the requirements of Section 215.97(8), F.S. This includes submission of a financial reporting; package as defined by Section 215.97(2). F.S., and Ckiipler M550 (local governntenta' entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. If the Contractor expends less than $750,000,00 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year, nil audit conducted ']I accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, F'.S., is not required. In the event that the Contractor expends less than $750,000M in state financial assistance in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215,97, F.S., the cost of the audit must be paid from the non -stale entity's resources (Le., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the Contractor resources obtained from other than State entities). Ali audit conducted in accordance with this part shall cover the: entire organization for the organization's fiscal year. Compliance Chdings rotated to contracts with the Agency shall be based on the contract's requirements, including any applicable rules, regulations, or statutes, The financial statements shall disclose Whether or not the matching requirement was inct for each applicable contract. All questioned costs and liabilities due to the Agency shall be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference to the Agency contract involved. If not otherwise disclosed as required by Mule 691- 5.003, F.A.C., the schedule of expenditures o!'state financial assistance shall identify expenditures by contract number for each contract with the Agency in effect during the audit period. For local governmentnf entities, financial reporting packages required under this par' roust be submitted within 45 days after delivery of the audit report, but no later than 12 months after the Contractor's fiscal year cnd. For nori-profit or for -profit organizations, financial reporting packages required under this part Hurst be submitted within 45 days after delivery of the audit report, but no later than 9 months afterthe Cntttractor's fiscal year end. Notwithstanding the npplicability of'this portion, the Ag uncy retains all right and obligation to monitor and oversee the pert'ormance of this contract as outlined tirroughout this document and pursuant to law. PART 111: REPORT SUBMISSIO Copies of financial reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with 2 C.'FR Part 200 and required by Pat' I of this Financial Compliance Audit Attachment, shall he :submitted, when requited by 2 CFR § 200.512 by or- or behalf of the Contractor directiY. to each of tite following. Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1Z01 Enst 101" Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 Pursuant to 2 CPR li 200.512., all other Federal agencies, pass -through entities and others interested in a reporting package and data collection form must obtain it by accessing file Federal Audit Clearinghouse. The Contractor shall submit a copy of any managernent tetter issued by (tie auditor directly to the Agency. Page So of 93 (y January 20" - December 2022 OM 203.22 Florida Department of Rider Affairs Mtn; A► dit Repository 4040 Esplanade Way, Suite 235S Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000 Additionally, copies of flnancial reporting packages required by thin contract's Financial Compliance Audit Attachment, Part 11, shall I)e submitted by or on hchalf of the Contractor ditectly to each of the fallowing: Thr., Area Agency on Aging for Soutl►west Florida, Inc. at the following address: Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. Attn: Chief Financial Officer 2830 Winkler Ave., Suite 112 Fort Myers, FL 33916 '1'Ite Auditor General's Office at the following address: State of Florida Auditor Ge►►crat Claude pepper Building, Room 574 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450 Any reports, managomcnt leltcrs, or other information rewired to be submitted to the Agency pursuant to this contractshatl be submitted timely in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, F'.5., and Chapter 10.550 (local governmental entities) nr 10.650 (nonprofit and for-prul'it organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable, Contractors, when subiriitting financial reporting packages to the Agency for audits done in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 or Chapter 10.550 (local goverrunental entities) or 10.650 (nonprolit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the Contractor in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. PART IV, RE, CORD RE'I'LNTION The Contractor shall retain sufcient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this contract for a period of six (6) years from the [late the audit report i issued, and shall allow the Agency or hs designee, the C1 O, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. The Contractor shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the Agency or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General upon request for a period of six (6) years from the date the audit report is Issued, unless extended in writing by the Agency. Poge 37 of 93 CAp Januory 2022 - December 2022 ATTACHMENT II -EXHIBIT I PA10' I: AUDIT RELATIONSHIP DETERM I'NA' ION oAA 203.22 Contractors who receive state or federal resources may or may not be subject to Ilse audit requirements oft CPR Pail 200 and/or Section 715.97, F.S. Contractors who are deturinined to be reoipienis or suba-ecipients of federal awards find/or state financial. assistance may be subject to the audit requirements if the audit threshold requirements sot forth in Part I and/or Part 11 of Exhibit 1 are met. Contractors who have been determined to be vendors are not subject to the audit requirenionts of 2 CFR § 200.38 andlor Section 215.97, F.S. Regardless of whether the audit requirements are met. Contractors who have been determined to be recipienls or sub -recipients of Federal awards and/or state financial assistance must comply with applicable prUgr;auunatiu and fiscal compliance requirements, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 and/or Rule 69I-5.006, F.A.C:., Contractor has been determined to be: Vendor not subject to 2 CFR § 200.:39 and/or Section 215.97, F.S. —&- Recipient/sub-recipiont subject to 2 CFR §§ 200.86 and 200.93 and/or Section 215.97, F.S. Lxeiitpt otganization Lipt subject to 2 CFR fart 200 and/or Section 215.97, F.S. For Federal awards, for -pi -ofit organizations are exempt; I"or state financial assistance projects, public universities, contlriunity colleges, district school boards, branches of state (Florida) government, and charter schools are exempt. Exempt organizations must comply with all compliance requirements set `orth within the contract or awai d doculttent. NOT& if Contractor is deletwined to be a recipiont/sub-recipient of federal andlor state linanc.lat assistance, and has been approved by the Agency to subcontrdet, they,rlust comply with Section 215.97(7), F.S.. and Rule 691-5.006, F.A.C. [state financial assistance] andlor 2 CFR § 200,330 (federal awards]. PART IL FISCAL COMPLIANCE REQUIRPM RNI'S FEIILRAT, A'NVARDS OR STATIC; MA'1'CIIING FUNDS ON FEDRHAL AWARDS. Contractors who receive Federal awards, state maintenance of cilbrt funds, or state matching funds oil Federal awards and who are determined to be a sub - recipient must comply with the following fiscal laws, rules, and regulations: STATES, LOCAL c;OV1 RNMBNTS AND INDIAN 'TRIBES MUST FOLLOW: 2 CFR § 200,416 - § 200,417 — Special Considerations for States, Local Clovernments, and Indian Tribes* 2 CFR § 200,201 Administrative Requirements** 2 CPR § 200 Subpart F --Audit Ru luireinents Reference Guide foe' State Expendilures Otbet fiscal requirements set forth in program laws, rules, artd regulations NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS MUST FOLLOW: 2 CFR § 200.400 - § 200.411 . Cost Principles* 2 CI`R § 200.100— Administrative Requireine4tts 2 CFR § 200 Subpart l+ — Audit. Requirements Referencc Ouide for State Expenditures other fiscal requirements set forth in prograi m laws, rules, and regulations: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (EVEN tit A PART OF A STATE OR. LOCAL GOVRRNMENT) MUST FCILLO W : 2 CFR § 200,418—§ 200,419 — Special CuilskLrAlow for Institutiuns of Higher Education* 2 C:t'R § 200,100 — Administrative Retltiirenients 2 CFR § 200 Subpart F —Audit Rcquirelnelsts RGrcrcttce (juide for State Expendh-.:r::s other fiscal requirements set forth In program laws, rules, and regulations *Soho Federal i:rog ails s inay be exempted froin compliance with the Cost Principles Circulars as noted in 2 CFR §200.400(5)(c). **For funding passes) through U.S. Ilealth and Human Services, 45 CFR Pant 75; for funding passel throligh U.S. I)epartment of Education, 34 CFR Part 80, Page 58 of 03 C January 2022 • December2022 OAA 203.22 STATE FINANC:IAL ASS.18TANCE. Contractors who receive state financial assistance trnd who are determined to be a reeipientfsub-recipient mmt comply with the following fiscal laws, rules, and regulatiuns; Sections 215.97 & 215.971, F.S. Chapter 691-5, F.A.C. State Projects Compliance Supplement Reference Guide for State Expenditures Other fiscal requirements set forth in program laws, rules, and regulations Page 59 of 03 QAO January 2022 December 2022 A` 117ACIIMENT II - EXIIIBIT 2 - FUNDING SUMMARY OAA 203.22 Not. ; Tit le2CFR§20033l,asrevised,andSectlon21597(5),P.S.,raquimthatthcinforriwtionah<tutfederal progratnsandStatePrgjeclsbe pvvidedtotlie RecipietltondwosttltedinThcPinuncia' And ComplianceAudi IAttachment ll,l;xhibit i provided to the recipient. bifornuatio» contained herein is a prediction affundiitgnwrwstlnd dilated Hniounu bwwd on rltccomract budget. 1. FRDKRAL RESOURCVS AWARDTD TO TILE SUBRECIPIRNT PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRAC)' CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING - PROGRAM TITLR Older Americans Act Title 11I8 - ,rinnsportation Suppoit Services Total IIIB DAA,ritie LIICI —Congregate mews Total II ICI OAA Title III C2 —Home Delivered Meals Total IIIC2 Older Americans Act Title III E Services (Title III E) Supplement Services ('I'ittc In FS) Grandparent Services ClItle Ill EG) Total IIIE Nutrition Services Incentive Profram TOTAL FEDERAL AWARD COLLIER COUNTY FUNDING SOURCE CFDA. AMOUNT S 8,296.26 U.S. Health mild Human Services 93.044 $ 20SM1669.57 213„965.83 U.S. I lealth and I Iuntan Services 93.045 $ 552,670.89 U.S. Health and Human Services 93.045 $ 390,360. 45 $ 160,002.44 U.S. Health and I luman Services 93.052 $ 14,143.40 .. 6,083.23 S 180 22%07 U.S. Health and Human Servtees 93.053 $ 51,728.59 $I,3H8,954.83 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCT.S AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT ARE AS FOLLOWS: FEDERAL VT NDS: 2 CFIZ Part 20OU114brin Administrative Rcquirctncnts, Cast Principles, and Audit Requirements for FOrrul Awatrdst OMB Girculur A433 — Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-ProCt Organizations 2, STATE RESOURCES AWARDED TO TRY, RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS CC)NTRAC 1 CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE To STATE RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT 1`O THIS CONTRAC:7' ARE AS FOLLOWS: S LA' + FINANCIALABSE ANCE Section 215,97 & 215.971, F.S., C:hapter691-5, F.A.C., State Kojects Compliance Supplement Reference Guide for State Fdxpenditures 0(her liscttl requirements set forth in progrmu laws, rules, and tegulatie s Page 60 of 93 C-40 January 2022 - December 2027 ATTACHMENT III CERTIFICATIONS IFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES Agency will not award this contract unless Contractor completes this CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES. In performance of tills contract, Contractor provides the following certifications and assurances: OM 203.22 A. 00iarniput and Suspension Certification (29 CFR fart 955 and 45 CFR PHN 75) R. Certification Regarding Lobbying ((29 CFR Part 93 and 45 CXR mart 93) C. Nontlisurirnination & Eaval Onnortinilty M%uriin (29 CFR Part 37 and 45 CFR fart 80) D. C:eetiPication Regarding Public Fittlty Crltnes, section 287,133, F.S. E. Association of Community Or anizafiuns for Reform Now AC[]I+N Fundirig, R ystrietions Assurance (Pub. L. 111-1171 F, Scrutinized C:omnanit% Lists Hurl NoBa Cott of Israel Certifteatlon. section 287.135, F.S. t:, Certification Regarding Data Intei'rity Comnllance for Contracts. Agreements, Grants, Loans. and Cooperative Aarcements H. Verification of Entployntent Stptuis Certification I. Records and Doemnentation J, Certificatinn Regardln,RInsnectioitof Public Record A. CERTIFICATION IZEGAUDING ULBAIt1VIENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER USPONS11111,1TI, MATTERS -- PRt MANY COVERED TRANSACTION. The undersigned Contractor certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals; 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debatment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excinded from covered transactions by a Federal Agency or agency; 2. !-lave not within a three-year period preceding this contract been convicted or had a civil judgment rendered nPinst them for cone nission of fraud or a criminal offense in coimcotloo with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of e:nbcz-zlcnient, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making lhlse statennents, or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted or otherwise cr;minally or civilly charged oy a governinent entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph A.2, of this cui(if ienti©n; andlor A. Heive not within a three-year period preceding :hip application/proposal had orro or Snore public trtansaction:3 (Fc.dcral, State, or local) terminated for cause of default. The wiclersigned shall require that language of this cerlifleation be included in (tie doc:uinents for all subcontracts at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub -grants, and contracts :hider grants, ,oars, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub-rcclpicnts and contractors shall provide this certification accordingly, B. CERTIFICATION REGARDING LORRVING--CERTIFICA`I'IC)N FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS, LOANS, AND COOPWRATIVE AGREEMENTS, The tindcrsigilcd Contractor certifies, to tho bast of its knowledge and belief, that: No Fcxleral appropri::tu,l funds have been paid or will be paid, by or oil behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attcinpting to itttluunce all officer or einployee of congress or all employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, r li a inking of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the catering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuntion, renewal, amendment, ur modification of any Federal contract, gram, loan, or cooperative Kgreetuent, Page 61 of 93 C-4 January 2022 Clecember P022 ON+ 203.22 If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or cnrployce of any agency, a Wrnher of [`.ongiess, all officer or enrployee of Congress, or employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the widersiigned shall also complete anti submit Standard Corfu LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance; with its instructions. The undersigned shall require that language of this t;crlifi►cation he included in [lie documents for all subcontracts at all tiers (including subcootracls, sub -grants, and contracts tinder grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) ant? that all sub -recipients and contractors shall cortify and disclose according] . This certification is a inaterial representation of fact iipon which reliance was placed when this contract was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this contract imposed by 31 U.S.C. § 1352, Any person who frills to file the required certification shalt be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 And not more than $100,000 ror each such failure. C. NON- DISCRIMINATION & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSURANCE (29 CFR PART 37 AND 45 CFR PART 110). - As a condition of the C:ontrr,ct, Contractor assures that it will comply fully with the nondisci inilnation and equal opportunity provisions of the following lakvs, 1. Section 188 of the Workforuv Invcslnront Act of 1998 (WiA), (Pub. L. 105-220), which prohibits discrimination against all individuals in the United States on the basis of race, cnlr):% religion, sex, natio,,al origin, nge., disability, political affiliation, or belief, and irgainst beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenshiplstatus as a lawftilly admitted hr inigrant authorized to work in the United States or participation in any WIA Title 1-financially assisted program or activity, 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352), as amended, and nil requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Rug ilalion of the TDepa►tnicnt of Health and human Services (45 CFR Part 80), to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person ' the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, he excluded from particivation in, be denied (lie benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Agency. 3, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L, 93-112). as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of health and Human Services (45 CFR Pail 84), to the rend that, in accordance with Section 504 of that Act and the Regulation, no otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States shall, solely by reason of his handicap, be excluded from participatlon in, be dented the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity fur which tire Applicant receives Federal financial assi s i:a ace from the Agency, 4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Pub. L, 94-135), as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Hunian Services (45 CFR Part 91), to tiro end that, in accordance with the Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, an the basis of ago, be denied the henefits of, be excluded from participation in, or be subjected to diseriminatiem under airy prograin or activity for which the Ai,�,7'. ieant receives Federal financial assistance from the Agency. 5, Title IBC of the lducation Amendments of 1972 (Pull, L. 92 318). as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services (15 CFR part 86), to the end that, in accordance with Title IX and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity for which (lie Applicant receives V Aeral financial assistance Roin the Agency. G. Thu American with Dlaabliltles Act of 1990 (Pub, L. 101-336), which prohibits discrimination in all employment practices including job application procedures, hiring, firing,, advancement, compensation, training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. it applies to recruitment. advertising, lenure, layoff, leave, fringe benefits, and all other ernployinent-related activities. 7. Contractor also assures that it will comply with 29 CrR Part 37 and all other regulations implementing the laws listed above. This assurance applies to Contractor's operation of the WIA 'Title i - financially assisted program or activity, and to all contracts Contractor snakes to carry out the W lA Title 1 •- financially assisled program ot° activity. Contractor understands that. Agency t►nd the United States have the right to sock judicial enforcement of tiff.; assurance. The und'.1 signed shall require that language of this assurance be included i,, the documents for all subcontracts at all tiers (Including subcontracts, sub -grants, rind contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub -recipients and contractors shall provide this assurdrice accordingly. Faye 02 of S3 ° A January 2022 - December 2022 oM 20$,22 D. C E.ItTIFICATION REGARDING PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES, SF.C'TiON ZS7.I33, F.S. Contractor hereby certifies that neither it, nor any person or affiliate of Contractor, has been convicted of a Public Entity Crime as defined in section 287,133, P.S., nor placed on the convicted vendor list. Contractor understands and agrees that it is required to inform Agency immediately upon any change of circumstances regarding this stattis. E. ASSOCIATION OP COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS FOR REFORM NOW (ACORN) MINDING RESTRICTIONS ASSURANCE (Pub. L. 111-117). As a condition of the Contract, Contractor assutos that it will comply fully with the federal funding restrictions pertaining to ACORN and its subsidiaries per the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010, Division F,, Section 511 (Pub. L. 111-117). The Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Sections 101 and 103 (Pub. ►,. 111-242), provides that appropriations made under Pub. L. 111-117 are available tinder the conditions provided by Pub. L. I. I I» 117. The undersigned shall require that language of this assurance be included':: the docimients for at subcontracts at all tiers (haclUding subcontracts, sub -grants And contracts under grants, loans and cooperative aagreements) ;md that all sub - recipients and contractors shall provide this assurance accordingly. N. SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES LISTS AND NO BOYCOTT OF L911AEL CERTI1<IC.'A'I'ION, SECTION 287.135, F.S. In accordance with section 281.135, F.S., Contractor hereby certifies that it has not been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List and that it is not engaged in a boycott of Tamcl. If this contract is in the amount of$1 million or more, in accordauce with the requirements of section 287.135, F.S., Contractor hereby curlilics that it is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Cumptinies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List and that 't is not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, Contractor understands that pursuant to section 287.135, F.S., the submission of a false certification may result in the Agency terminating this contract and the submission of a false cartineattion may subje: t Contractor to civil penaltiesand attorney fees and costs, including any costs for investigations that led to the finding of false certification. if Contractor is unable to cer tify any of the statements in this certitleation, Contractor shall attach an oxplauation to this contract. G. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DATA INTEGRITY COMPLIANCE FOR CONTRACTS, AGREEMEN'I'S, GRANTS, LOANS, AND COOPERATI'k E AGREEMENT,', I. The Conti -actor and any Subcontractors ol'services tinder this contract have financial management systems capable of providing certain infunnation, including: (1) accurate, current, and complete, disclosure of the f►nanciairmults ofcach grant-l'unded project or program in accordance with the prescribed reporting requirements; (2) the source and application of (muds fbr all contract supported activities; and (3) the comparison of outlays with budgeted amounts for each award. The inability to process Information In accordance with these requirements could result in a return of grant funds that have not been accounted for properly, 2, Management Information Systems used by the Contractor, Subcontractors, or any uutside entity on which the Contractor is dependent for data that is to be reported, transmitted, or calculated have been assessed and verified to be capable of processing data aax.uratlaly, including year-dafe dependent data. For those systems identified to be non -compliant, Contractors will lKke immediate faction to assure data integrity. 3. If this contract Includes the provision of hardware, software, firmware, microcode, or imbedded chip technology, the undersigned warrants that these products are. capable of processing year -date dependent data accurately. All versions of these products offered by the Contractor (represented by the undersigned) and purchased by the state will be verified fur (accuracy and integrity of data prior to transfer. ?age 03 Ot 93 January 2022 - December 2022 QAA 2M22 4. In the event of any decrease in functionality related to tithe and date related codes and internal subroutines that impede the hardware or software programs from operating, properly, lite Contractor agrees to imrttrclintely make required corrections to restore hardware and softwurc programs to the same level of functionality is warranted herein, at no charge to the state, and without interruption to the ongoing business of the state, time being of the M011W. 5, Tlie Contractor and any Subcontractors of services under this contract Nvarrant that their policies and procedures include a disaster plan to provide for service delivery to continue in case of an emergency, Including emergencies arising 6-um data integrity compliance issues. II. VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS CERTIFICATION As a condition ofcatttractingwith the Agency, Contractor certifies the use of lhe'. �3, Department of Homeland Security's 1:-verlfy systein to verify the employment eligibility of all nCw employees hired by Contractor during the contract term to perform employment duties pursuant to this contract, and that any suboontrtcts include an express requirement that Subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to this contract utilize the Lt-verify system to verify the etnployinent eligibility of all new empinyecs hired by the Subcontractor during the entire contract teen. I'he Contractor shall require that the language of this cortifivation be included in all sub -agreements, sob -,grants, and other agreementslcontructs rind that all Subcontractors shall certify compliance accordingly. This certification is a inaterial representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this contract was made or entered int�;. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making at, entering into this contract imposed by C h culars A-102 and 2 CPR Part 200 and 215 (Formerly OMS Circular A-1 IC). I, RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION The Contractor agrees to make available to Agency staff and/or any party designated by the Agency any andall contract related records and documentation. The Contractor shall ensure the collection and maintenance of.rll program related information and documentation on any such syxtam designated by the Agency. Maintenance includes valid expnils and backups of all data and uystoms according to Agency standards. J, CERTIFICATION RKCARDiNG INSPECTION OV PUBLIC RECORDS 1. in addition to the requirements of Section 10 of the Standard Contract, sections 119.0701(3) and (4) F.S., and any other applicable Inw, if a civil action is conimenced as contemplated by section 119.0701(4), F.S., and the Agency is narned in the civil action, contractor agrees to indemnify and ]told harmless the Agency for any costs incurred bythe Agcnvy and any attorneys' fees assessed or awarded against the Agwicy Ram a Public Records Request is tide put-strant to Chapter 119, N,S., concerning this contract or services performed thereunder. a. Notwithstanding section 1 19.0701, F.S., or other Florida law, this section is not app' -cab:c to contracts execated between the Agency and state agencies at- subdivisions defined in section 768.28(2), F'S. 2. Section 119.01(3), F.S., slatcs if public funds are expended by an agency in payment of dues or membership contributions for any person, corpnration, foundation, trust, association, ,group, or other organization, all the financial, business, and membership records of such an entity which pertnin to the public agency (Flgrltla Department of Etter Affairs) are public records. Section if 9,07, F.S, states that Avery person who has custody of such a public record shall permit the record to he Inspected and copied by any person desiring to do sn, under reasonable circumstances. Additionally, i certify this organization does ii clues not UJirovide for institutional meinberships. Contractor's signature below attests that rumtxis pat1aining to the dues or membership application by Zhu Agency areavailahle for inspection If applicable, as staled above. By execution of this contract, Contractor must include those provisions (A-J) In all related subcontract ag,n-cements (if applicable). Page 01 of 93 04() January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 By signing below, Contractor certifies that the repmentations outlined in parts A through J above are true and cormt. .11� ."00 -�' 9 TA IAMI TRAIL $ Sheet Address Signatur and Title ojrA entative Daniel R Rndriguz Publ Contractor 1 a City, State, Zip cone Approved as to form and legality Assist t County Attorney Page 65 of 93 c4t) January 2022 - Dace nitmr zo72 ATTACHMENT IV ASSURANCES— NON-CONSTRUCTi ON PROGRAMS OAA 203.22 public repurting lxu•den fen" this collection o1 miurmHtielln is estimated to average turfy -five (45) minutes per response, including lime fog' rcvielying inxtructinnx, auarcbing eDtiMing daw mur cs, gathering and maintaining; tilt datu needed and completing find reviewing the collection of information, Send comments regatAing the burden estitnate or any ether aspect cif this colluatiun ur information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Manaocinent and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0043). Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO if-M C FF(CE 01 MANAGIKMI",N'r ANY) BUDGET, SENiI IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY, Note: Certain or these assurances may nut hu applicable to your project or• pi ograni, if you have questions please contact tite awarding agency, Further, certain federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances, If such is the case, ynu will he notified, 1, Has tile legal aitthorky to apply for fec:cru' assistance, and the institutional, managerial and .>>ancial capability (Including funds sufficient to pay the non-federai share of project cost) to ensure proper planning, inatiagemerlt, and enmpletion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, ,he state, through any authmized representative, aces to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance -,a itln generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that c:)n.:!ltutes, or presents the appearance of, personal or organizational conflict of interest or personal gain. 4, Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame Miler rrcoipt of approval of the awarding agency. Will coinply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§ 47214-4761) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs iim,1c(l under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specifle t in Appundix A of OPM's St}indards for n Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.P.R. 900, Subpar F). 6, Will comply with all federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to- (a) Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 196 (P.L, 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (h) Title IX of the rducation Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S,C. §§ 1681-1683 and §§ 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the Basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as antended (29 U.&C. § 794), which prohibits discrimination on the hmis of handicaps, (d) the Age Discrlinination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination an the basis ofage.; (e) the i)rng Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P,L, 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) SautionsS23 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S. C. §§ 290 dd-3 and 290 ee 3), its amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII or the Civil Right% Act of 1968 (42 UXC. § 3601 et seq.), its trmended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (1) any other nondiscrinination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for federal assistance is being made; and 0) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statutes) which ,nay apply to the application. 7, Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of'Cilles 11 and III of the uniform Relocation Assistance and heal Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of federal ur fidcrAlty irssisted programs. These r•ecluirernents apply to all interests in real property acxluired 1br project purposes regardless of federa? participation in purchases, S. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1508 and §§ 7324-7328), which limit the political activities of employees whose principal ennployrnttit activities are funded in whole or in part with federal funds. Page 66 of 93 410 January 2022 - Decombor 2022 QAA 203.22 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. §§ 276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. § 276c and 18 U.S.C. § 874) and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U,S.C, §§ 327- 333), regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction sub -contracts. 10, Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P,L, 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate In fire program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000.00 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 9I-190) and Executive t)rder (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to F.O 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to 10 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO t 1988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. § 1451 et seq.); (t) conformity of federal actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clear Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, a:, amended (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93-205), 12 Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C, § 1721 et seq) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system, 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section IC6 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. § 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. § 469a-I et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Will comply %vith the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. § 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or ether activities supported by this award of assistance. 16, Will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. § 4801 et seq,), which prohibits the use of lead- based paint In construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. 17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and 2 CHR Part 200. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. SIGNA UR OLrAU TI Yl G4r1CiAL TITLE PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT HEAD I?ATE SUBMITTED APPLICANT ORGA t%ATION COLTARR COUNTYROARDS 0li 11 027 Approved as to form and legality Assist County Attorney %Ita�aa Page 67 of 93 C40 Janunry 2022 - Docembor 2022 ATTACHMENT V FLORIDA Department of ELDER ATTAIRS CIVIL RIGIITS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST NozraaVr-RcilityName Address t oinplctw By 01y, Stnte, Zip Datc OM 203.22 PART I: READ THE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE INI+ORMA1'ION W1110I WILL IIFT P YOU COIVIPL T , THIS FORM. 1, [3tnefly describe the geogrlphic area served lay the progrant,"fa;.ility anti the type of star vice pro<<idetl; iFor aestions 2-5 lease indicate the fallowing: Total N % White % Black % Hispanic Othcr Fvmnlc Ulsublwd OYet-40 2, i'npulatinn of area served 3. 5taffcttrrentiy cmttloyed d. Clients currently enrolledlrcgistered 5. Advisory/Governing Boaed if applicable Source of data: Effective dale: Ffre:ctive du(e: PART11: USE,LSE,PARAT98I1901'OP'PAPIRFOR ANY EXPLANATIONS RE(rllwrGNIORESPACE, II1N/AarN0,F.XPLAtN. G, Is an Assurance of Compliance on ails with Agoncy? NIA YES NO ❑ C ❑ 7. t )mpare t lie staff ew-."tx)r, i,!on to the population. Is staff representative of the population? NIA YES NO n o ❑ 8. Are eligibility requirements for services applied to clients and applicants without regard to race, color, national N/A YES NO origin, sex, age, religion, or disability? ❑ [) [] 9. Are all benefits, services and facilities available to npplicants anti participants in an equally effective manner N/A YES NO regardless of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion, or disabitity? ❑ ❑ ❑ 10, por in -patient services, areroom assignments made without regard to race, color, national origin or disability? N/A 'YES NO ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Is the program/faellity accessible to tma•tint lish speaki%clients? N/A YES NO J U ❑ 12.Are employees, applicants and participants informed of their protection against discrimination? If YES, hoN9 NIA YES NO verbai ❑ Written ❑ Poster ❑ [] ❑ ❑ Pale 00 of 93 January 2022 - Decambar 2U22 CAA 2U3.22 13. Give, the number and current status of any discrimination complaints regardi:ih sc[vices ur employment filed NIA NUMB13R against Iheprogram/facilily. ❑ 14, is the prngr^am/facility physically accessible to mobility, hearing, and sight-hnpaimd individuals`} N/A YES NO ❑ ❑ ❑ PART 111:1111? F01.1d15VING Qlaos'riON , APPI.V TO PROGRAMS AND FAC IM IES W1 M 15 OR MORP l MPLt YBES. JF NO, UXPLAIN. 115, Has ns a self -evaluation been conducted to Identify any barriers to serving disabled -Individuals and to make any YI:S NO necessary tttodificatir}tts? ❑ ❑ 16. Is thcre an established grievance procedure, that incorliorates due process in the resolution of complaints? YES NO 17, Has a person been designated to coordiitate Section 504 compliatwe activities? YES NO 18, Do recruitment and notification materials advise applicants, eniploycos, and participants ofnondiserimirtation on YES NO the basis of disability? ❑ ❑ 19.Are auxiliary aids available to ensure accessibilily of services to hearing and sight- impai rml individuals? YES NO n ❑ PART M VOtt PROGILNNIS Ott FAC1LiTIES NV1Tti 500n MORE ENIPLOYUS ANY) 6F.F1MAC.MNI'RAC:1.5 OF S5U,UUU.UU Ulf tviOME. 20. Do you have a wrillen affirmative ataion plan? If NO, explain. YES NO ._ ❑ ❑ Revie�tied by _ _ _ Program Otlioc [late 9 [ i On -Site desk Review Aage 69 of 93 Qq0 January 2022 - Uecamraer 2022 OAA 203.22 A ITACHMENT V INSTRUCTIONS t+OR THE CIVIL RiCHTS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST 1. Describe the geographic service area such as a district, county, city, at, other locality. if tlic progrranrlfacility serves a specific target population such as adolescents, describe the large( :)�: pulation, Also, define the type of service provided, 2. Pinter the percent of the population served by race, sex, disability, and over the age of 40. The population served i[lei tides persons in the geographical area for which services are provided such as a city, county or other regional area. Population 51atistics can be obtained from local chambers of commerce, libraries, or any publicatlon from tire 1980 Census containing Florida population statistics. Include the source of your population statistics. ("Other" races include AsianfPacifrc Islanders and American IndittnlAlaskan datives.) 3. Rater the total number of U1-tune staff and their percent by race, sex, disability, and over the age of 40. include the effective date of your summary. 4, Rater the total number of elients who are enrolled, registered or currently served L the program or facility, and list their percent by race, sex, disability, and over the age of 40. include the date that enroliment was counted, a, Where there is a significant variation between the race, sex, or ethnic composition of tho clients and their availability I n the population, the program/facility has the responsibility to determine the roaStins for such variation and take whatever action may be necessary to correct any discrimination, Some logilimate disparities may exist when programs are sanctioned to serve target populations stich us elderly or disabled persons, 5, tinter the total number of advisory board members and their percent by race, sex, disability, and over the age of 40. if there is no advisory or governing board, leave this section blank. 6. Rach recipient of federal financial assistance must have on file an assuraiwe that the program will be conducted in compliance with all nondiscriminatory provisions as required in 45 CFR Part 80, This is usually a staridni-d part of the contract language for Agency Recipients and their Sub -grantees, 45 CFR § 80.4(a). 7. Is the race, sex, and national origin ofthe staff reflective ofthe general population? For example, if 10% of the population is Hispanic, is there a comparable percentage of Iispanic stall? 8. Do eligibility requirements unlawfully exclude persons in protected groups from the provision of services or employment? Evidence of such may be indicated in staff and client representation (Questions 3 and 4) and also through on -site record analysis of persons who applied but were denied services or amploynient, =5 CFR § 80 3(a) and 45 CFR § go,1. 9. Participants or clients must be provided services such as medico 1, nursing, and dental care, laboratory services, physical and recreational therapies, counseling, and social services without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability. Courtesy titles, appointment scheduling, and accuracy, of record keeping must be applied uniformly and without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability, Entrances, waiting rooms, reception areas, restrooins, and other facilities must also be cqunlly available to all clients. 45 CFR § 80.3(b). 10. For in -patient services, residents must be assigned to rooms, wards, etc., without regard to r-ace, color, national origin, or - disability. Also, residents must not bu asked whellier tircy arc willing to share accommodations with persons ofa different race, color, national origin, or disability, 45 CFR § 80,3(a). 11. The program/facility and all services must be accessible to participants and applicants, including those persons who may not speak English. In geographic areas where a significant population of Lion -English speaking pcoplc live, prograin accessibility may Include the employment of bilingual staff. in other areas, it is sufficient to have a policy or plan for sorVlec, such as a current list of names and telephone numbers of bilingual individuals who will assist in the provision of services, 45 CFR § 80.3(a). 12. Prol ramsllaicilitles inust make Information regarding the nondiscriminatory provisions of Title VI available to their participants, beneficiaries, or any other interested parties. 45 CFR § 80.6(d). This should include information on their right to file a complaint of discrimination with either the Agency or the US'. Department of health and I tunian Services, The information may be supplied verbally or in writing to every individual or may be supplied through the useof an equal opportunity policy poster displayed in a ptiblic area of the facility. 13. Report number of discrimination complaints filed against the prograin3aeility. Indicate the basis (c.6, racc, color, creed, sex, oge, national origin, disability, anchor retaliation) and the issues involved (e.g, services or employment, placement, termination, etc.), Indicate, the civil rights law or policy alleged to have been viol uted along with E Ir name and address Pago 70 of 93 'W o January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 of the local, state, or federal agency with whom the cotnpiaint Nis been filed, Indicate the current status of file iliplaint (e,B. settk°rl, no reasonable cause found, failure to conciliate, failure to cooperate, under review, etc.), 14. The prograrn/facility roust be physically accessible to rnobility, hearing, and sight-impairod individuals. Physical accessibility Includes designated parking areas, curb cuts or level approaches, ramps, and aderivate widths to entrances. The lobby, public telephone, restroum facilities, water fountains, and information and admissions offices should be accessible. boor widths and traffic areas of administrative offices, cafeterias, restroorns, recreation areas, counters, and serving lines should be observed for accessibility. Elevators should be obscrvcd far door width and Braille or raised numbers. Switches and controls for fight, heat, ventilation, fire ailturns, and other ossentials should be installed at an appropriate height for mobility impaired individuals. 15, Suction 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that a recipient of federal financia: assistance corrhict a self - evaluation to identify Kuy nec usslbility barriers. Self-evalunt€oft is a four -step process: a. Evaluate, with the assistance of disabled irulividtatl(s)/orga-ti?,atiotl(s), current policies and practices that do not or may not comply with Section 504; b, Modify policies and practices that do not meet Section 504 requirements. Take remedial steps to eliminate the effects of any dlscrminatdon that resulted frorn adherence to those policies and practices; and d. Maintain self -evaluation on file, including a list of the interested persons consuJIM, a description of areas examined, and any problems identified, and a description of any modifications made, and or any remedial steps taken 45 CFR § 84.6. (This check[ ist may he used to satisfy this requirement if these fow steps have been followed). 16. Programs or facilities that employ 15 or more parsons shall adopt griovancc proccd►r •.s 1-hat incorporate appropriate due process standards and that provide for [he prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Pant 84 of Title 45, CFR45 CFR § 84.7(b). 17. Programs or facilities that ernp.oy 15 or more persons shall designate at least one person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Part 84 of "title 45, CFR. 45 CFR § 84.7(a). 18. Programs or facilities that employ or more persons shall take appropriate initial and continuing steps to notify participant heneficiarits, applicants, and employees that the prograin/facility does not discriminate on the basis of handicap it violation of Section 504 and Pant 84 of Title 45, CFR. Methods of initial and continuing notification may Include the posting of notices, publication in newspapers and magazines, placement of notices in publications of the programs or facilities, and distribution of memoranda or other written communications, 45 CFR § 84.8(a). 19. programs or facilities that employ 15 or more persons shall provide appropriate auxiliary aids to persons with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills where rrcr nary to afford such persons an equal opportunity to benefit from the service. in question. Auxiliary aids may include, but are not limited to, brailed and taped r_raterials, interpreters, and other aids for persons with impaired hearing or vision. 45 CFR § 84.52(d). 20. Programs or facilities with 50 or more employees and $50,000.00 in federal contracts must develop, implement, slid maintain a written affirmative action compliance program in accordance with iExecutive Orc.er 11246, 41 CFR Part 60 and Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Pago 71 of 93 040 a 2 Oft -wk.! 'In- ldi- Afk-uv4 Vi -jW -Jh-� 4&1 AA 4T 67 rq u V4 C-40 January 2022 - December 2022 I)rrRrYznanF of FLD ER A.FFA,I RS S'1`A'i'R Ut` 1>LUitti]A BACKGROUND SCREENING 11A [ :I(GROUNDSCREENINC Attestation of Compliance -Employer AUTHORITY: This fwmr Is required aimnnlly of fill empin•, ci-s to comply with the attestation requirements set rorth in section 435,45(3), Florida Statutes. OM 203.22 Dori I)eSawk Uvife nor Richard lrrodonr Serre tutu The term "employer" means any person or entity required by law to conduct background screenings, including but not limited to, Alva Agencies on Aging/Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Lead Agencies, and Scrvicc Providers that contract directly or indirectly wiih the Department of Eider Affairs (Agency), and any other person or entity which hire.~ employees or has volunteers in service who meet the definition of a direct service provider. Sue §§ 415.02, 430,0402, Fla, Slat. A direct service provider is "a person 18 years of age or older who, pursuant to a program to provide services to the elderly, has direct, face-to-face contact with a client while providing services to the client and has access to the client's living avert, hinds, personal property, or personal identification Information as defined in s. 817,568. The term includes coordinators, managers, and supervisors of residential facilities and volunteers," § 430,0402(1)(b), Fla.Stat. ATTESTATION: As the drily authorized representative of COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EvIP10per Nairn located at 3 49 TAMiAMi TRATi. F. NAP ES Ff. 34112 SlreeI Address Ci{y Stale ZIP code 1, _DAME-111_It[]I1 IGIT iEZ Nance ref Iierr+resentafere do hereby affirm under penalty of that the above -named employer is in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 435 and section ►2;17 rorida Statutes, regarding level 2 background screening, Signalrfre of F Olf 72022 Date Ageirery Formr 235. AtleirM7o» ojCauyrilanes-Roplaps, Pftdfrr.kaatary 19, 2021 Srvlimr 435,05(3), F.XPormintvrNnbleat: ruttsF//rktert7(iuirt.urf/ir ttuuFr+/r'ryrkkrefs'diwa rrnr-P.iS•rrlt�xuxlorral'ro�rgrlhnrcecurlslmvrlx►/ Approved as to form and legality Assisthftt County Attorney l C 1at, 1 Q-A, Page 73 of 93 ZM# January 2022 - Peccmber 2022 OAA 203.22 i A1'1'ACHMENT VIII CERTIFIED MINOWTY BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENDITURES (CMBE FORM) CMXLeI,'OI?MMUSTACCOMP.AAIYINPrDICTsSSUBMITY:CD TCi agency CONTRACTOR NA]YIE: Agency CONTRACT NUMBER: I i *REPORTING PERIOD -FROM: TO; *(DATE RANGE OF RE, NDERED SERVICES, MUST MATCH INVOICE, SUBMITTED TO Agency)Agcncy Ct )TN"1'1-4,kt":'i MANAGEM— 3 REPORT ALL EXPENDITURLt S MADE TO CERTIFIED MINORITY BUSINESS (,SUBCONTRACTORS). CDhrfrl f T Ageric r CIVIBE Ct?f)RINI+iATt]R I+tJR ANY U1,57YlINS, .47' 850 414-2I.I3._ SUBCONTIdACTORKA11I1 SUBC:f}NTgtACTOR's CMtST: FXPU, DITI1RES F EID I.�.�INC,, x �I1..i,:'� t1.4SSFsE;:FLCII�IDA 3?39�7-�,G.tiU: . if tms ire if subcontractor is a eertifled minority supplier, click on the hyperil& below. Enter• the name of the suppiler.di "scarcP. 0gly Certified Mlnaeity_-il�igitaes F'lI ' is wM be disal�ty�ui. htt ps;//as d.dnis.inyflorida.coita/directories Page 74 of 03 t 04() January 2022 - December 2022 INSTRUCTIONS OAA 203.22 (A) ENTER THr COMPANY NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR Agency CONTRAC!r. (B) ENTER THE Agency CONTRACTNUMBER. (C) ENTER '111E SERVICE PERIOD MATCIIING TITE CURRENT INVOJGE'S SERVICE PERIOD. (D) FN,rFR. AM, CFRrT I IF J-,D MINORITY RUSINESS EXPENDITURES FOR THE TIME PERIOD COVISIRED F;'i 'I'l iE INVOICE: I. ENTER CERTIFIED MINORITY BUSINESS NAME. 2. ENTER T14E CERTIFIED MrNORITY BUSINPSS FRID NLJMBLR. 3, ENTERTHE CERTIFIED MINOR ITY 13USINFSS CMBE NUMBER, 4, ENTER TIIE AMOUNT EXPFNDFD WITH THF CRATIF11-3) MINORITY BUSINESS FOR 71113 TIME PERIOD COVERED BY THE INVOICF. (E) MBE FORM MUST ACCOMPANY INVOICF PACKA01-, -.slIBMI'I'I*ED TO Agency FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESSING. (F) FINALq(:IALADMINIS-1'ItAT,I.ONWILL D ALL COMPLETED CMBE, FORMS TO CONTRAC-1- ADN41NISTRATION &PtJRCjhASlN-Qj&EjQL. Page 78 of 93 '040 January 2022 - Dacamber 2022 ATTACHMl;NT IX. - BUDGET SUMMARY COLLIE COUNTY 1. Title III S Support serviucs S 213,965.83 2. Title III C t Congregate Meals S 552,6 11. �q 3. 7 idle III C2 Hume IDelivered Meals $ 390,360,45 4. Title III E Services $ I60,UU2.,14 5. Title III ES Services $ P1,143,40 6. Title III FG Servicm u 6,083.23 7. NSIP S 51,728.59 'r(MIAL S 1,388,954.83 CM 203.22 11,99e 76 of 03 ICAO January 2022 • Aecambar 2022 Report Number 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 ATTACHMIC_IT X INVOICE SCHEDULE Based Oil Submit to State On This Date January Advance* January t February Advance* January l January Receipts and Bxpunditure Report February 9 and Request for Payment I c,bi-uary Receipts and Expenditure Report March 9 and Request for Payment "arch Receipts and Expenditure Report April 9 and Request for Payment April Receipts and Expenditure Report May 9 and Request far Payment May Receipts and Expenditure Report June 9 and Request for Payment June Receipts and Expendittut Report July 9 and Request for Payment July Rcccints and Expenditure Report August 9 and Request iar Payment August Receipts and Expenditure Report September 9 and Request IN, Payment september Receipts and Expenditure Repurt October 9 and Request for Payment October Receipts and Expenditure lRepart November 9 and Request for Payment November Ruccipts and Expenditure Report Dear.; ue r 9 and Bequest for Payment December li eceipts and Expenditure Report January 9 and Ragltcst for Payment Final Receipts and Expenditure Repurt I-'ebruary 9 and Request for Payment Advance based on projected cash need as supported by a cosh -flow analysis or other Legend: Information appropriate to demonstrate the contractor's Financial need for the advance. OAA 203.22 Page 77 of 03 Q4() Jaiivaiy 2022 - December 2022 Noteli 1: Report 4l for Advance ]Basis Agreenienis cannot be submitted to the Agency prior io January 1 or i.w tl the agreement with the Agency has been executed. Note 02: Report nuril.: r: 5 through 14 shall reflect an adjustment of oile-tenth of the totni advance amount, our each of the reports, repaying advances issue:i the first two months of tlik agree- ment. The adjlistrnent strati berecorded iii Pad C,1 of the report (ATTACHUENTX). Note # 3: Submission of expenditure repasts may or nlay not uenerat; a payment request, if final expenditure report reflects funds clue back to die Agency, payment is to acconipairy the report. Yale A: ALLFa}mn?itxeaepQdsamdue iw0:00pxondie 91ofeachltiouth.IFtba4'*A ionaSaiurda�yy aientherepotl sill be fluety the V, by 1110 p.m. AND IF the 01 falls an a %why, iha repertwo be due by the [I. by 1,:0 pin. Acluai submission of the mucben to Dept. otElder AfGilm is deyeadeal on tttc ac waq of thb opwalturo report, AA It veriW utd p9d bti' CIRTS data only. AFM RiUK tukwiNedy DO NOT AUU my addidowl uuln (retro of sex# biltii g puiod) until atier do I11ti of die mandi. ATTACF IMENT XI I NFORMATION AND Rli; ERtRAL REPt:1t T SLHLDULE EDIT I 1 Report 1. Repailfug Requirement Reports niust include, tho data clement% identified in Ittfomiatiotl, and Refenfal Quarter 1 Attaelunent I, ExW 1, Standat'r,14: Data Analysis mid Rom tttlafor Jallua ` Reports must include the. data elements identified in Informatiott spiel Referral Quarter 2 Attachment I, &luW 1, Standard ) 4: Data Analysers and Reporting for Apt it — June, Reports rnust include the data elements identified in Information acid Referral Quarter 3 Attachment 1. Exhibit 1, Standard 14: Data Analysis and Re poi titt g for Jitl F — Se tetriber. Reports musf.include the data elements identified in Titfortuation acid Referral Quarter 4 Altachtneint 1, Exhibit 1, Statuiard 14: Data Analysas and EMorting for October., Dreemher. OAA 203.22 Report Due Date April 10 July 10 October 10 Jativaq 10 Peso 74 of 03 0,40 January 2022 - UeCeMber 2022 REQUE8T FOR PAYMENT W W WDkR NA&1E, AUOfcE&S, PrIVlIk A F W IU f/Ula0klt -- ----- FY?EOFnEPDnt Refrob—I'mW PGA_'---• Ceml a:i T +wedPidad: NeW FW d Hepon IV - -_ _ . ei eu My 1 QI t kit sgJIi QIIMN Wul Like tkkWj Mp'rplSf ea Te{'Canf0G1. W epNed Oy:_ -- _ f7.1a: ArpvrxdBp DilrF--_ _-• PANT A: - i7i — tal. i!I • - 0UD8[,TSUMIMRY AVAUn. - IRS IfiGt , , 13C7 1110 _ - Ilt0 '951P TOTAL Ccw[r.itATovnt D.D 0.00 O.CO CAI D. 0_07 00 0.6 t, MleNegs Funds - acriniCvalod- - ... ...__ 4.4 . D.IDD .-..4A0 o.a4 ...._.. ... .....n.w ........d.a - •--•------.._ ... aw a Iwo f amm loa I) RWUESTEO end N.1Re..fv.4. 6 CiN+ltl Belentf 0. O.W • •. •Awn -•. 0.001.D.CD nww�' 9%" C.CCIj p.W '-' _ &ci [Un/31rda0tin0] �•,NilI 4: -- FUNDSRMUPAUD 1 1R•]ndlaonlhl Reg0ei'lOr7y 0.00 %W O.OD um 0.t9 D e elel F+peAd4Ree ' For MONK 0 0.63 6.Uti D.OD 0.03 0 I Tdiel C.01 goo ON O,OD •4DO 0 NET TUNW HEQUCS1 L Ot ' L Lem Vra•i;arMtd. e,D] QDO 000 •. Ne+eGyfeegseskd — -- O.if]k 0.00� _--0.001 0.0q -0.47� 0 Lill of UNIceel I.Aels l RNef pf"I"d• le0 daachediev;n, l ! t 1691Yi4sid GM 203.22 Page 70 at 93 Clio I January 2022 - December 2022 1 OAA 203.22 REM IPTS AND U,XPI;NUPTURE REPowr EXHIBIT 1 PROVIDI;RNAME,ADDRF*SS, PHONWANDFODH PROGRAM FUNDING SOUROM Contmel# 0 0 Titfa di & General Revenue Contract Period: 0 0 Administration ReportPurlutl D 0 Rapartl{ 0 PSA _ 0 lnvotce# 0 CERTIFICATION: I uer* to live best at my 4wiludyu and belluf brat this report Is complete and oil outlays herein are for purposes set forth In the contract. Prepared by:. I5a1a t Approved by : We PART A: BUDGETED INCOfAF1 RECEIPTS 1, Approved 2. Actual Receipts 3 Total Receipts 4. Purcent of Budget For This Report Your to Date Approved Budget 1. Federal Funds $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 #DIV101 2. State Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV101 3. Local08,01 match $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 #DIV101 4.State Match $0.00 $0.00�i $0.00 #D1V10I s, Local In -Kind Match ?0.40 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV101 6. TOTAL RVA:IPIS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #D1V10I i f nART t3 : CONTRAGI ED EXPENDITURES 1. roved Approved 2. Ex enditures p 3. Expenditures 4. Percent of Budget For This Report Year to Do to Approved Budget 1. Administrative Expenses $0.00 50.00 $0.00 #DIV/01 PARTG: OTHER EXPENDITURES i, Approved 2. Expenditures 3. Expenditures 4, Percent of (For tracking purposes only) Budget For This Report Year to Date Approved Budget 1, Match, GCE1 GR $0.00 $0A0 $0.00 $01V101 HOE IGR $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #D1V101 Other am) In -Kind $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #D1V10i 2. Local Match $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 #DIV101 3, TOTAL - - - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIVIOI D: INTEREST 1. Corned on Advances $9.00 2. Returned on Advances I0.00 Agencyr0RM105as-A0M1Nmvisod tO IWI$ Page 00 of 93 January 2022 - Decomber 2022 PROVIDERNAbitt=, IDDRESS, PHONERAt DFEIDft PROGRAM FUN0640 SOURCE: Gontrac10 D 0 TIOeMI CrultraatP+�rirxt; _ 0 0 IItB Roport Pedod v 0 PSA {S D InvolceA D CERTFICATION ; I earthy to the least of nir koowladga and belie! Met this report In complete and allow, Iays heroin am far pufynsee met Perth In the conlracL Prepared by [}ate }tpPreuarliry: Date: PART A : BUDGETED INCOMEI RECEIPTS 1. Approved Budget 2_ Aduar Receipts 3. Tot21 Reeetpls 4. Percent of ForThisRopod Year(00ale ApprovtdFludgel 1.FadaralFund s $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 WIV101 2. SialoFunds WOO $0,00 $0,00 #0IV101 3. Program Income- Non Match 30.00 $0,00 $0.00 001Vlo1 4. Local Cash Match $0.00 $0,00 SO.00 UDIVi01 6. SUBTOTAL: CASH RECEIPTS $0.00 WCO $0.00 #MVt01 6.Lccelln-lUudMatch $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 flolvf41 7,TOTAL RECEIPTS $0.00 $0,00. 2. Expendit,ims $0.00 s Fxpanditures 11DIVIOI PARTS:EXPENDITURES I. Approved Budget 4.P6re"tof ForTNsReport YoertoOole ApptovedBudget 1.AAA 01molServices $0.00 $0.00 "Ou #Divl01 2, Subcontractor sago $0.00 $0.00 WIWI S.111BSet Aufde $0.00 SO.00 $0.00 #nryinl 4. 1116 Sol As(daDRR(DlSaster Rer:cvery Reserve) $0,00 $0.00 SO.00 #DNl01 S. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0.00 1. Approved OW9tt $0.00 2.Ekpendavras $0.00 #DIVJOI PARTC: OTHER EXPENDITURES 3.F.xpend.tures 4.Porcentof (For Trm*ingPurr mesonly) FarThisRepod Year to Dade Approved Budget 1. Match a, Olharand fn-Wnd $0,00 $0.00 30.00 #DIVl01 b. Local Malnh $0,00 WOO $0.00 #01V101 2. Program income $0.00 $0.00 40.00 #DIVl01 3. TOTAL OTIIER $0.00 SO.00 I $0.00 #DIVIOI PART O: INTEREST 1.EarnedonAdvances $0.00 2.RalumonAdvnnces $0.0a 3. Olhor Earnod $0.00 AawaY FORkI I N26.115rail§§ t V+IW Ia 1 OM 203.22 Poge 81 of 03 104o January 2022 - December 2022 PROV13ERNAME, ADDRESS, ©HONE#ANOFEII)# certity to the best or my In the contract ' prepa red by :. Date: i PART A: BUDGETED INCOUIr/ RECEIPTS 1. Federal Funds 2 Slate Funds 3. Program Income- Non MaU 4. Local Cash Match 3, SUBTOTAL; CASH RECEIPTS 6. Local In•Klnd Match 7. TOTAL RECEIPTS PARTR•EXPFNn)TURFS 1. Subcontractor 2. G1 SetAsldu ORR(Disaster Recoyaq Resom) 3. TOTAL EXPENDITURES OAA 203.22 MFUNDINGSOURCE: Contract# Title III Contract Period; C' Report Period n8A Report#, ------ Invoice!/ _ his feet is a o 1pleto arui ap oullayu horuin are for purposes set Approvedby:e_ 1. Appmed8udruel ? AolOal Receipts 3. Receipts 4. Pe cantos For TNIs Report Year to Date Approved Budget $0.00 30100 $0.00 #DIV/01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 /IDIV/01 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 WWI $0.00 30.00 $0,00 NDIV/oI $0.00 $0.Dr $0.00 0DIV/01 40.00 $0.00 sO.W 01V101 $0.00 $0,00 2. Expenallures S0.o0 #DIV/01 =•- Expendliums A. Pereentcf 1. Approved Budget FcrThis Report Year to Date Approved Budget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #D1V10! $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIVf01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0101v/01 PARTC : OTHER EXPENDITURES f 1. Appromd Stjdget 2. Expendflures 3 Exporrdir res 4. percent of (For Tracidng Purposes w(y) For ThisRoporl Yenr to Dais Approved Budget 1. Match a OOrer and In-10ad 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIv/01 b. t ooal Match 50.00 MOD $0,00 /IDIV/01 2. Program Income $0.00 $O.OD $0.00 #DIV101 3. TOTAL OTHER $0.00 $0,0[ $0.00 11DIV101 PART D: INTEREST i. Earned on Advances 30,g� 2. Return on Advanoes 30.00 3. Other Comed $0.00 Ap ity FORM tMA3.01sp.0sod'IOrtsaaia z Page 82 of 03 C40 i January 2022 Decombor 2b2Z OAA 203.22 PROVIDER NAMC, ADDRESS, PHONE#ANOFEID/t PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCE: ` C0dmctq .__, 0 0 Tltla III Contre# Period 0 0 C12 Repml Peflud 0 0 PSA Repcd# � 0 i 0 Invaieo#, t CERTIFICATION: I carlify to the best of my Ww Aedje and belief that this repotl Is complote and all outlays lterein are for peTnsas sntfnrih In gxi cror,lrmet. t 'Preparedby: Dale,_}lppravcdby; Date:`- _ PARTA: BUDGETED t"lCOCdEJ RECEIPTS 1. Approved Rudget 2. AtAveJ Receipts 1 Tdai Receipts 4. Perceim&OF i For This Report Year to Data Approved Budget 0 1. Federal Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV101 2. State Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIVI01 3. Program Income- Non Match $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 #DIV101 i 4. Local Catch Wich $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 4DIVl01 5. SURTDTAU CASH RECEIPTS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV101 9 Local In -Kind Math 40.00 $0100 $0.03 #DIWOI 7. TOTAL RECEIPTS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #D1V/01 PARTN ; EXPENDITJRES 1. Approved Budo 2. Expenditures 3. Expenditures 4. Percent of For This Report Year to Date Approved budget 1. Suticonlractor ;0.00 40.00 ;0.00 ODIVIDI 2. C2 SetAside ORR tolmler Recomy Reserve) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 WIV101 3, TOTAL F- t�,ENDITLIRES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 WIV/01 PARTC'DTffERGXPENOiTURES -l.AppmedNudgal 2.ExperldiluM 3,F.xpen11h.res 4,Percentof (ForTmckfngPurposes only) For This Report year tolrate Approved Budget 1. Match a. Other and in -Kind $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 1901v101 M Local Match $0.00 $0-00 $©,OD NUIV/01 2. Program Incomo $0.00 3100 $0.00 NOW101 3. TOTAL OTHER ".00 $0.00 $0.00 III}IVIOI i PARTD:INTEREST t t �! 1, Earned on Advances E0.00 2.RelunoonAdvartces $0.00 3, 011terEamed $0.00 Agenq FOR+A IDS-"mvt-d W A Page 83of93 I January 2022 - Dacember 2022 10 I0 0 NAME,AUDRESS. PHONWANUF1=1I.>iF TION: I certify to the best of my knowledgo and In Ina contract. M FUNDING SOURCE: i Title III Contract Period: IIID Report Parlad PSA ?apart d lrrvolce,I this report is coMplota and all outlays neraln are for purposes set foitl by: Date .----_Approved by; date PART A; BUDGETED INCOMEI RECEIPTS 1. Federal Furds 2. TOTAL RECEIPTS PART 13: EXPENDI7 LIKES 1. AAA Direct Servleos 2. Sub aritrar:tor 3, TOTAL E7fPEN01TURES PARTC : OTHER EKPENDITUIIES (For Tracking Purposes only) 1. Program Income PARTU: INTEREST 1. Earned an Advances $0.00 2. RolumonAdvances $040 3. Other Earned i0,00_ AAe"FaRr,1 ie5es lllneaNso+i 10110VOis OM 203.22 i 1 i 1. Approved Budget $0.00 $0.00 2. Actual Receipts For ribs Report $0.00 $0.00 3, Tob1l Receipts Year to Dote $0.00 $0.00 4. Percent of Approved Budget r1DIVlo! rX lvirll 1. Approved Budget 2. Far This Report 3. Year to Data 4. Percent of Approved Budget i $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MV101 ' Met) $0.00 MCC VDIV101 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0.: VDIV10i 1. Approved V. expenditures 3. Expenditures 4. Peroertt of Budget For ThI& Rapt Year to Dale Approved Budget Mou $0.00 $0.00 MWol Page 84 of 03 40 January 2022 - necarnher 2022 ADDRESS, PHONEIYAND FE100 PROGRAf:1FU.yrdNn9()LIRGF: CoatractiV uUolll CerilreclPeded: Ilia RepodPerldd PSA-- Reporla re III IUAf aun :1 aerury to 1nE DOS[ 01 my Knovreago ono ncuer mar finis rry. rwt Is wirptcle and all oullayo haroln ata ror purposes sat rorth in Ihu annthalch Prepared by :,.,__ 'late: Awaved by; Date:_. PARTA:BUDGE-TEDINCOMEIRECEIPTS 1.Approvcd8udoet 7.AdualRereipte IToinfRnrntpl¢ 4.PerCWtOf ForlhtsReport YeartoDal* ApproveAgtuhlet 1. Federal Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.0n 11111V101 2. Stolu Funds S1a.u0 S11.00 $0.011 #111V101 3, Pragram Income • Non Match &0.00 $n.GD $0.00 #UIV101 d. Local Cash Matd. SV.UO SOM $0,00 VDIV101 5. SU ITOTAU GMIMUCE1PTS 6U.uO 40.00 $0.00 MV101 S. Lowil In-IQad N161ch $4.1.00 $0.01) S1.00 0131V1DI 7-TOTALRECEIPTS $0.00 80.00+ $O,qq �ONPo1 PART 13: CXPENDITURES 1. ApIvovndRudO'3 2. Fxpand'turea a. Expenditures 4. Per"at of For Ws Report Year to Dole Alrprnv0d 6uutiat 1. AAA Uirw Services $t1.00 S0.6D $0.00 11DIV101 2. Sub•Conlrocted SoNcos $0.00 I10.00 $0,00 NiSIV.tIll 3. TOTAL axpENanAmE$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ni NNI MRM : OYHL'R EXPENUITURE^u 1. Approved6ud0o1 % ExpondlWrns 1. Expenditures 4. Nutcont of (Far Trnr 5hj Paltwmi% nnly) Forlhis Report Year to Date Artivr ri Rudoo1 1. Match a, Olhor and ln•Ktnd $0.00 $0,110, SA00 #DIVIOI b, LocalMalch $0.00 $0.o0 30.04 aYDIV101 2. Program tncome .50.00 $qA0 =O.uu ND1VM 3. TOTAL OTHER $0.00 #4.00 $D.Oa #O1VI01 MYU: EXPENDITURES ANALYSIS 1.ExperWiLureshySeM=9Year toDaro: 2.Un7'worSwAnenYear toDate 3. Nwnbet ow oo* Served Year to Onto 1. Information ..................... $0.00 ............... _.......0 ....._.._..., ........... p F.Asslalnnan,................... MIM .......................l! .................... .Q 3. Cuunaalmu................. - $0.00 ........................ a ... ....... .... .......... u 4. Rosplla....................... SOM ............ .....,.-, o ...0 6, SUPWemanint SurvlcdG., �,.. 0.00 ........................ D ................... ILTOTAL.............,............ MIR In, F I Inn 3, column 3 xhnLed bo equal to this total. 4i•4 r ti : GHANUI'ARENT SERV{CES (rapudod 1,y Federal Pi4t21 YBary �� f -- ----- - - - Y $ _ FFY_ Match S Match 6 Maki' S nr. F:INTGREST I. EarrledonAdynnces 2. Relumod on Advances 50.du 3. !''tits Eeraad SO.DD -r.., �rMaut'sfnagk n+ew at+rrta 0M 203.22 Page 06 of 93 0140 January 2022 - December 2022 ' CI NAME,ADDRESS, PHONEf1ANDFEI139 PRO.ORAMr'UNVINGBOURCF: Coniradf► Title III ConVed Peflod: NSIP Hepoi(Fedod PSA Report ft Invoiaep _ PION : I CedIly to fh* best of my kem1f.d0e and hOlef that this repod is complete and all oulfays herein are for purposes sel forth In 1h• en 1-1 A! EXPENDITURE COMPUTATION Number of Meals Served Line 1 Times $,72 Conte per Moal PART B. CONTRACT SUMMARY 1. Approved Co d+adt Amourd 2. Actual Expenditures for this Report 3, TolaMpendlturesYearloDste 4. ContradDefence AUSAW FOMA 195ns NAIP re%1;04 WSW% OM 203.22 I _ atu: Apptotrodhy: Dube. E cutt�f�rt�+�nlm- - CONGRr-GATE HOMEDELIVERED CONGRFGATE MOMEDELIVFRED 0 0 0 0 $0.00 — -- Year To Oslo Total Meals Current Month TotalMeafe Year To Dale Total Ex( entlit tres _SU_0o Total Carnal Expeadhures 50.00 5a.ao 50.00 50.00 St1.00 page 86 of 03 Q40 January 2022 - 00combo' 2022 COMPUTATION OIL +CARRYTORWARD AND OVRRADVANCE OAA TITLE; M PAA ContraelPedad' Cvel. of A 1. CURRENTYFARFU.MUn: FFY 9. PRIOR YEAR CARRYFORWA110: FFY Via, PMORYLARCARKWOMAM. PrY.___-. 1. CCNIRAOTTOTMA 1. NETEXPENOrFURESFORCONftt ''TYLAfi 6, LURRCNI'M ARRYFORVAARP 1. CARRYPDMV1RO PVArFMTAO@ OVE [iAbVANCE2 R. TOTA1 rU,4110AOVANCEDANOroRRFJt.1BUR6FD o LEBS: EXPENDITURES FROM LINE 6 IQ AWUNT OF OVERAOVANCE 11. R°.d'OFIF lq'1'FI/1VEO FOR AAA DY: .-- Aµ1V MM faLt,l ,'MNd WW A TITLE 1110 TOTAL CIAK OA0 0,G0 ue 003 0 CAn m 0.00 0.90 (hua 0,00 0 ix ON in.00 G Do 6.00 0.0 P 0.00 O.00 17.011 0.07 C00 O.0 0.9P 0.00 OM a,QO 0.00 0 70 0. 0.00 0.00 o e L'.Hl _ R 00 _ _ .... (L00 0.00 0-1 0. 0. PblJrd ■CAVMI ■m"m ErA -)nI ADPM r OMM? COIV/01 r NXV/Ot M, Wx unr a00 a0w Q09 0.00 MIX 9100 an� 0.07 FL REPORTAPPROVEDDYA9en%lXVSIQNQF FNOMIALAUWIMVRATIO`? E!gvtwe not. 1O. WPORTAPPROVEO BY A0C' CONTRACT MANAOUAtN L 51Rnalwo Thin Page 07 of 03 OAA 20122 January 2022 - tecoinbor 2022 COST REIMBURSEMENT SUMMARY PGA i o C¢ IM41 N -- Report Pariad • .. R¢park N C a at y0 . rY':�:Y '.'•--17r6C17 ptlpp :- y� •.'•1Yti1{fi•ili pf llMifS' �. AfgaUflt A"' ... .. .......... i TOTAL AONUNISTRATION' SO.on i - - TOTAL EXPENSES! OM 203.22 Page 88 of 03 C",() January 2022-Decemberr 2022 ATTACHMENT XV HUDGET AND RXI'F SUMMARY COLLIER COUNTY ITTR om 203.2E SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT UNIT RATE $54.00 $22.29 METHOD OF PAYMENT UNIT TYPE CAST: MANAGEMENT Fixed Fee Unit [fate HOURS CHORE Fixed Fee/Unit Rate HOURS F F.RGFNCY ALF,RT RESPONSE _ $ 1.35 Fixed FeefUnit Rate _ DAYS HOMEMAKER $25.44 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate HOURS HOUSING IMPROVEMENT Cost Reimbursement 90%of Cost EPISODE MATERIAL AID Cost Reimbursement 90% of Cost � EPISODE PERSONAL CARE $25.44 Fixed PudUnit Rate HOURS RECREATION MATERIALS (EMERGENCIES ONLY) Cost Reimbursement 100% of Cost EPISODE RESPITE IN - HOME $25.44 Fixed Fec(Unit Rate HOURS SHOPPING ASSISTANCii--COVID-19 $34.12 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate ONF-WAY ` RIPS SKILLED NURSING SERVICES $41.55 Fixed Fcc/Unit Rate HOURS SPECIALIZED MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, SERVICES AND Cost Reimbmsement 90%, of Cost KPISODF TELEPHONE REASSURANCE•—COVID-19 $13.40 Fixed F_edUnit Rate 100%nfCnst _ EPISODE _.iRtPs TRANSPORTATION Cast Reimbursement Page 80 of 03 0 a January 2022 - DOWIlber 2022 .-kTTACHMF4,NT VIII BUDGET AND RATE SUMMARY COLLIER COUNTY C-1 & C-2 OAA 203.22 SERVICE Rh1M)llJR8HMI,',N'l' UNIT RATE UNITTYPE Cl -- CONGRECIATP MEALS S11,72 $8.07 MEALS MEALS PARTICIPANTS 1 OUR HOW DELIVERED MEALS NUTRITION EDUCATION CONGREGATF, WAL SCREFNTKG s 1.59 $28.00 CONGREGNPE MEALS FOR MANAGED LONG TFRM CLIENTS $1 1.12 MEALS 01)11�EACH $4.32 PER PERSON EPISODE SHOPPING ASSISTANCE—COVID-19 -S34.12 ONK-WAYTRIPS TELEPHONE REASSURANCIE-- QVID-19 $13.40 EPISODE SERVICE C2 — HOME DELIVERED MEALS REIMBURSEMENT UNIT RATE UNITTY11E S 8.07 MEALS NOTRITION11DUCATION $ 1.59 PARTICIPANTS SC.RFP.,NFNCi & ASSESSMENT $48.76 HOUR OUTREACH $4.32 PER PERSON EPISODE SHOPPING ASSISTANCE—COVID-19 $34. 12 ONE-WAY TRIPS TEL8PHONE REASSURANCF,—COVID-1 9 S13.40 EPISODE plop 90 of 93 040 Junuary 2022 - December 2022 ATTACHMENT Vill BUDGET AND RATE SUMMARY COLLIER COUNTY IIIB,IIlES,&I(fEG OAA 203,22 SERVICE RIAIMBURSEME NT UNIT RATE Cost Rehnburseinunt M ETHOD OF PAYME NT UNIT TYPE DAYS ME -- ADULT DAY CARE RECREATION MATFRIALS (vMhP,Gh�NCIj_-.8 ONLY) RESPITE IN -HOME 100% of Coast EPISODE $25.44 $-1 -1.05 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate HOIJRS RBSPITE IN -FACILITY SCREENTNO & ASSESSMENT Fixed Fee/Unit Rate HOURS $55.17 Fixed rim/Unit Rate HOURS SHOPPING ASSISTANCPr—COVID-19 TFLE'PHONE RFASSURANCFr---COVM- 19 $34.12 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate ONE-WAY $13.40 $22.29 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate Fixed Fee/Unit Rate EPISODE HOURS THE S-- C14ORE Specialized Medical Equiptnew, Service &Supplies Cost reimbursement 90% of Cost EPISODE MATRRTAI,AIT) RECREATION MATERIALS (EMERGENCIES ONLY) SCREENING ANT.) ASSESSMENT SHOPPING ASSISTANCF,COVID-19 TELEPHONE RF T;L 'P 07RETA9".1 0vb-_iqj SIIRA CF,--C, Cust Reimbursement 901/0 of Cost Fixed Fee/Unit Rate EPISODE HOURS $15.00 Cost Reinibur-enient I QO% of Cost EPISODE $55.17 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate I1011R5 $34.12 $13.40 Fixed Fee/Unit Rate ONE-NVAY Fixed FrefUnit. Rate EPISODE Page 91 Df 93 C410 Antaary 2022 - Ueoembef 2022 A1'J'ACflMEN'T XVI OAA ANNUAL VOLUNTEER ACfIVITY R1;PORT SPECIFICATIONS I, Gotegorier & Deftnitiratts QAA 203,22 //heel Volunteers; Volunteers wino have por;son-to-person contact with clients (e.g. I&R specialists, SH1NG counselors, and !ndviduals providing respite And companionship). Indirect Voluarteers: Volunteers who coordinate, manager or participate in specific services, programs, or activities that assist paid staff in planning, implementing, and evaluating die goals and objectives of an organization (e.g. speaker's bureau volunteer, data entry, board members, etc.), i pisndle Volunteers: votunteei:s who participate to a specific, one-time event for a limited time, regardless ofdirect or indirect volunteers, NOTE: A volunteer can only I)e counted once, Select the category (direct, indirect, or episodic) (fiat best describes the individual volunteer and his/her volunteer work. Unduplicated director indirect volunteers: number of volunteers who perform service activities. IL Neirvel) Questions I. User input: Finail address i. User input: Survey questions 1. Number of unduplicated direct service volunteers. 1. Ntirnber of tnhduplicated indlr°ect service vnlunteez;s. 2. Number of episodic volunteers engaged during the contract year. 3, Total number of direct volunteer hours served. d. Total number of indirect volunteer Hours served. 5. 'Total number of episodic volunteer hours served. 6. Number of clients served by volunteers. 7. Number of volunteers age ba or tdrlen g, Number of volunteers under nge 60, III, Service Gotegotiev Groupings for reporting the number of volunteers providing services during the data collection period (January I — Decernber 31), If there are no activities during the year, enter zero. Adult Day Care: Non-residential facility specializing In providing activities Por elderly individuals or individuals with disabilities. Operates ten to twelve (1 ti 12) hours per day and provides meals, social or recreational outings, and general sttpervislon, Advisory Council/Board Memhership: group nt'experts and leaders in an Industry who share knowledge, contacts, and leadership skills to benefit an organization; comprised of people who have no material interests in the organization other than their directorship and who are responsible for a fiduciary role wi•.' .in the organization. AmeriCorps: Net%%trk of national service programs that engage members and community volunteers in iniu: �-* V e service to meet needs in education, public health,: —if the environment. This service produces volunteers who will provide direct services to clients. Ameri{Corps Vista., VISTA members commit to serve full -tune for a year at a nonprofit orgarrization or local government agency, working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, crcrtte businesses, strengthen community groups, and much more. This service produces volunteers rvho will provide direct services to clients. Clerical/Administration: Complex work tasks performed under direction in suup}nor t of one or more persons serving in an udlninistrativo or professional capacity; completion of routine administrative tasks directly related to the work of supervisor(s). Companinn.0 1p programs: Programs that help elders to help other elders with their daily lives. Tasks may include grocery shopping, household chores, going out to hunch, or simply visiting the elders to kmp them company. Congregate Meals: Meal service in a group setting to individuals who cannot preparo or obtain nutritionally adequate meals themselves. Mealsassist individuals to maintain a nutritious diet. Consumer Education/Counseling: Enhances the capacity of mature consumers to navigate the increasingly complex marketplace. Consumer education programs provide significant benefits, including Identification of market information, compliant and consumer redress procedures, and understanding of a tcclunology-I-„sed consumer enviromnent. Page 02 of 03 CAO January 2022 - December 2022 OAA 203.22 Disaster Preparation/Recovery: Services provided in coordinalion with American Red Gross, FEMA, and incal task forces in response or in preparation of a disaster, )Education: Community outreach proga,arn of nn academic lire?itution that offers educational and cultural programs specifically designed to faster and support lifelong learning. Foster Grandparmuts: provides a way for volunteers age 55 and older to stay active by serving children and youth in their cornrnunilics, through tutoring and mentoring. Fundraising; Any service di: eel ly related to the solicitation of contributions for a committee, program, or organization, Health Promotion; Programs specifically for older adults in the areas of health education, physical activity, coordinated screening, and mental health; Horne Delivered Meals: Meal set vice delivered to the homes to individuals who cannot preparr. or obtain nutritionally adequate, meals for themselves. Meals assist individuals to maintain a nutritious diet. I-Iunremalter I'rogrums; Pragr,rn-s provide in -home services to elders at -risk of premature placement In a nursing home. Clients must be 60 years ofage or older. Hunre Repair: ITome improvement, remodeling, or handyman work, including small, odd johs, and routine tasks. Informatiun and Referral: Ono -to -one services directing elders to appropriate programs and resources based on elders' needs and specialized knowledge of aging services within the community. Intergenerational: Activities or progmins that increase cooperation, interaction, 0, exchange between any two or more generation,. LvgnI Assistance: Legal services to elders age 60 and older that deal with issues such as property taxes, mobile home, and other landlord tenant issues, advance directives, Medicaid eligibility, Social Security denial, and state ar.d local welfare benefit denials, RSVP; Retired Senior Volrurtaar Program includes a network for individuals age 55 and alder Who use their skills and talents in volunteer activities such as home repairs, tutoring and mentoring, and assisting victims of natural disasters. Recreation; Programs for older adults including health oducation, physical activity, and coordinated screening for physical and mental health. RELIEF: Respite for Eiders Living in Everyday Families oilers respiic services to caregivers orfiail elders and those with Alzheimer's disasse and related dementia. Respite: Service that provides a temporary break for a fancily mcmher finin daily caregiving responsibilitles. Safety Edueatiort Programs: Programs on hoane safety, drlvices safety fall pnevent4m, and other general safety educational topics provided by a volunteer to the aging network, Senior Companions: Volunteers provide services to elders at risk of institutionalization dire to chronic litrress, disability, or isolation. Services may include transpnrtation to medical appointments, shopping assistance, meal preparation, companionship, and advocacy, as well as respite for caregivers, Elder Abuse Prevention Programs: Prevention strategies for elder abuse neglect, and exploitation, f :,ui r. scams, identity theft, and programs on home safety. SHINE and Florida SHINEISMP, The SHINE Program provides free and unbiased counseling through a dedicated network of volunteers, empowering Florida sensors to make informed decisions. Through the SHINE Program, SHINE volunteers help Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers through education, counseling, and assistance. Through the Sl IINL/SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) Program, voluntuers also educate beneficiaries to protect, dutect and report potential errors, fraud, and abuse with their Medicare Coverage. Special Events; Tirne4iwiled events. Speakers' Ilureau: Service that provides the, right professional speaker for every type of event. Telephone Reassurance: Scheduled telephone calls to check on homebound elders, which may include a friendly visit from law enforcement or volunteers. Transportaxtiott: Service provided for older adults and individuals with disabilities including lift -equipped vehicles for - wheelchair transport and rmedical transporbil iora for appointrrrents, dialysis, and clleanotheral}y Page 93 of 03 CAO Revised August 2007 Attestation Statement Agreement/Contract Num boil QAA 243.22 Amendment Number I,IDANTEL R R12DRICtlR?. , attest that no changes or revisions have been matte to the (Recipient/Contraclor relwscnlativc) content of the above referenced agreetnent/eon11-110 ar amendment between the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida and CAI I RR COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIMN (Recipient/Centraclor onuic) 'File only exception to tills statement would be for changes in page formatting, due to the differences in electronic tlata processing media, which has no affeet nt>xtlie agreement/contract content. Date Approved as to form and legality Assisittit County Attorney 11 «j;ta Revised August 2007 C'40