PC Third-Party Audit Subcommittee Minutes 05/12/2022 - not signed
May 12, 2022
Naples, Florida
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Productivity Committee met on this date at 1:30 P.M. at 3299
Tamiami Trail East, County Manager’s Front Conference Room, Naples, Florida with the following Members
Productivity Committee
Present: Larry Magel
Jeffrey Curl
Excused: Jacob Winge
Also Present: Geoff Willig
Tanya Williams
Public Speakers:
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
The subcommittee met at 1:27.
2. Roll Call – Committee Members
Two members of the Subcommittee were physically present.
3. Discussion
Mr. Magel explained the third-party audit was either an outsourced task, which would be more costly and
take time, or an in-house team to go and look at all parks to identify needs. The group discussed the
potential makeup of an in-house audit group, which would consist of a representative from Parks and
Recreation, Facilities, and Risk Management, and discussed the concept of a secret shopper-type program.
The group discussed that a parks region manager from another region should be on the review team and a
staff member from the park being reviewed should accompany the team to answer questions and observe.
The group discussed existing reviews and what items are included on the checklist. Mr. Curl cited a
previously sent email that identified his observations on visits to Immokalee area parks that require
attention. Ms. Williams indicated that she would share a copy of the existing checklist and any additional
items the Risk Management division looks at with the subcommittee. Mr. Magel shared his thoughts
regarding the other subcommittee reviews and felt that there would be some substantial value added to the
Parks and Recreation operations from these ideas. The meeting concluded at 2:02
4. Next Meeting
Collier County Productivity Committee
Larry Magel – Chairman
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on June 2, 2022, “as submitted” [ ] or “as
amended” [ ]
Packet Pg. 750 Attachment: Draft MINUTES of the 5-12-22 Productivity Audit Subcommittee Meeting (22418 : Productivity Third-Party Audit Subcommittee -