DASAB Agenda 05/17/2022Collier County
Board of County Commissioners
Domestic Animal Services Advisory Gommittee
May 17,2O22
6:00 pm
(239) 252€380
Call to Order
Roll Call - Establish a Quorum
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
A. February'15,2022
B. March 15,2022
C. April 5,2022
Leadership Report
New Business
A. Collier County Sheriffs Office - Lt. Chris Goldhom
B. Advisory Board - Pet Retail Position
Public Comments
Advisory Board tember Comments
Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
--+Jisorrj BoaKi Application Form
Collier County Govemment
32:X, Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800
Naples. FL 34U2
(239) 2sz€rUx)
Appf ication was received on: zlLBlZOzZ 3:25:49 PM.
Name:Home Phone:9143188041
Home Address:1752 BIRDIE DR
Phone Numbes
E-Mail Address:
Category: Not indicated
Place of Employment Retired
thia Leo
comcast. neoold c nthia
or Committee: Animal Services Adviso Boar
lived in Collier 5-1
ma months out of the do reside in Collier Cou ar-round reside
been convicted or found of a criminal offense any level
nor only)?
Not lndicated
Not lndicated
NOTE: Alladvisory board members must update their profile and notiry the Board ofCounty
Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations
that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts
with the County.
r employer do business with theor ?
would you and/or any oryanizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or
city: lr.rlpr-rsl zp code: Frzd
or first
Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
recommendations made by this advisory board? @
Not lndicated
Are you a registered voter in Collier County? El
Do you curremly hold an elected office? M
Oo you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? M
Not lndicated
Please list activities and positions held:
BBA. ln buslness.
Board tn
animal advocate and foster
Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Board of County Commissioners
ho,, A,,o.rlo,Home Phonet ) j 9 - 3 3 t - k.' 7 j
Hom.Addre..,d6 5A€
[Donlrruu Q,^+ lt,; ] nz-
How long hrve you llved in Collier Countv: ll ileart
How mrny months out ofthe yerr do you resldc ilr Colltet Couaty: /2
Hrve you ever been convlclsd or found guilty of. crlmlnrl olfcnse (rny level felony or first degree mlsdemernor
only)? Yes
lo y' If yes, erphln:
Zip Code t 34t {J
Buriness Phonet iL3:1_:Lt/:j.ZJ3 E-mail eddress:c
Borrd or Committee Applied for:
Crtcgory (if applicable)
Example: Commission Dislricl, Da'elopeL en lay percon, ac.
Plece of Employmert:
Would vou end/or rny orgenlzations with which you rre rmli.ted benefit from decisions or recommendrtions
mede by this advisory boerd? Yes-No y' If yes, erplrln:
@z All advisory bosrd members must update theh profile and nortfy fie Botrd of Cotnty Commissioners in rhe
event lhat ,heir rehtionship changcs rclating to mcmbenhips of organizations that may bencfit them in th? outcome
of odvisory hurd rcconnendations ot they enret into contacrs ','ith th. County.
Are you r registered voter in Cotlier County: Y". y' iro-
Do you curreotly hold publlc oflice? Yes _ No lf so, whrt is thrt ollice?
3299 Erst Trmirmi Trrll. Sulte tfil
Naples. FL 34 I I 2
(23e) 252{400
Application for Advisory Committees/Boards
Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Do you now serve, or hrve you ever served, on r Collier Coutrty borrd or commlttee ? Yes
No v/ lt
yes, plerse list the committces/borrds:
Plerse list your community activities (civic clubs, neighborhood rssociations, etc. rnd positions held:
-r1r'7 a tr t
T a{Lt)
J *, (1,(:e
Plcesc oacch eay additioael inlota
or bl ndil or in 2.rso, to tYaDdo
fhanh ),ot lor wlunt ctirg to rrztla
alion tou lecl pertin.nt This applic.rion sho,,ld bc lot*,ordad tovaidaRolriatafuolliarroe.r,cr
Rodrigu.'- Coun' /t on.!'s Officc, i299 Ea-st Toieni Truil, Suitc tt00, Neplcs, FL l,tt rZ
thc citisns of Collicr Couttty.
Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Mary Anastos
Emler AsdaE
stdrcb/s lrlEnsond Redty
325 lrLr.!.rult &!dr Rd
tLpx3 F, ,1rS
vYYnY,rn lat&,ofii
ljr olb E orr.d -n hd.prtrry oF.E
i,[J n
Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
6525 Monterey Point Unit 102
Naples. FL 34105
239.33 1.827i
Exlensi\ e knou ledge and experience in Retail Sales and Finance
Areas of experlise include:
o Business Derelopment and Sales
o Communication and Customer Relations
o l-echnolog).
o Leadership. Supervisorl and Management
o Budget Control and Loss Prevenlion
Premier Sothebl''s lnternetional Reeltl
Broker Associate Dccember l. 2016 to present
Berkshire Hathawav Florida Rerltv
Ilrokcr.,\ssociatc'Norcnther l. l0ll to [)eccmhc'r l. ]016
l_ tI Ft.!_\il\(; & (()ltP.\\\
tlrokcr Associate June I . l0l 2 to November I . 20 I l
Rclationship Banker Deccmber 10. l0ll to April 19. 2013
l.ead Teller/Teller Februar_'r' 6. 2012 to Decembcr 10. 201 2
t ifth Third llank. \anles
('ustomer Serr ice Represenlative June I .i. 201 2 to February j. 20 I l
(i L Home s }larhella Lakcs
l)an time Salesi ('onsultanr Icbruan I 3. l0l I to Novembr.r I . l0I l
,\dvancian Realtr'. Rer dine
IJrolcr:( )rr rrcr SL'ptcnlher 10. l(X) l ro Junc l.l0lI
B.4C t{G ROl .\', D S l
lV.4 R l :
Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
('arlson/(ill.{(' Real Eslate. Readine. Massachusctts
Top listing and sales assrrciale 1000. rotal rolume in excess of l0 Million Dollars.
Top lisring assrrciate 1997. 199E, 1999 total volume in excess of6 Million Dollars per
'-ear. November 1997 to Seprember 2fi)1.
Real Estate sales associate r.lith salcs in ercess of -1 Million Dollars per -rear.
From Februan 199.1 to Norember 1997.
Pbneer f inancial. Maldrn. Massachuse ns
('onsultanl. Retail B{nkins Division 1992 lo 199{
llired to derelop. design. compile and implement all retail dir ision manuals. lo includc:
-l'eller training. night deposit. safe deposit. commercial accounts. master charge. relumed
check. branch operations and customer sen icc sales program.
Ilank Fir c for Sar ings. Arlinston. llassachusttls
ln this cight-branch thritl institution u ith total dep,osits in ericess of $.120 million. carned
pronroti(),rs liom teller through supen isorl and management Frositions k) Senior Vice
President. Retail Dir ision.
Senk)r vice Presidenl. Retail Dirision l9ll9 lo 1992
I ndcr adnrinislratirc direction ofthc l)resident and CI:O. assumed re'sponsibilitl and
accountahilitr tbr directing all acli\ itics ol'thc rctail division including branch
adnrinistralifi- rctirement plans. sal'e deposit- MasterCard. loss prer ention. Busincss
dc.r r..lopment. marLcting. and product training actir itics.
Successlulll manage orerall retail dirision ofeight branches and thrce departments sith
total dep,osits of $.110 million. a total budget of $5 million and a stalTof 90.
Manage assigned personnel and actir ities of tlre Rcuil Division including:
. All deposit anall sis. as ucll as dividend tirecastingo lnsuring that the division is adequatell stalTed uith properll trained personnel.
o l\'laking or appror ing decisions for Dir ision employees regarding employ-ment.
performance ratings. promotions. salary recommendations. transfers and
termtnatrons.o Resolr ing personnel problems. particularl) those ofa more comple\ nature.o Cuiding and adr ising subordinates in the more complex phases oftheir sork.
Preparing an annual budget of$5 million and operating $irhin the esrahlished cosr
controls.o Coordinating thc activities ol the division with orher divisions d'rhe bank.. Manage Relirement Plans Depanment. Depanment ponfolio in excess of$t0
( entun 2I Brlardualk. Reading. Massachus€tts
Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Vice President, Rclail Bankins l9E6-l989
Managed eight branches and retircment plans division u ith tolal deposits of$375 million.
a total budget of $l million and a staffof 76.
Assistrnt Vicc Presidenl. ()Dcrations l9ttGl9tl9
l\lanased orerall opcralions lunclion to includc:
o Develop and adminisrer operations budget
o lnterlieu and e!aluate prospective operations emplo!,e$
o Develop hranch management personnel
Delelop and srite procedure manuals for all operalions functions 1e.g. N.0.W.
accounls, cuslonrer sen ice. teller responsibilities ).
Maintain and develop the bank's retirement portfolio (portfolio increased f'rom $ l-
$ll million)
o Develop marketing strategies
Management electronic banking program including the installation of ATMs. as rlell
as emplovee and customer training. Managed the data prosessing area
Coordinated the implementation of a neu soft*are s)'slem (Fbrida -Sr)ftn are ) and
teller terminals (lBM). as uell as directed the training lbr same
,\ssistanl ( )perations )lanaser 1979-1981
Promolcd to Assistant Sar ings Supen,isor in 1979. and named Assistant Operalions
Manager. 1980 rellecting more ofa title change than change in duties. Responsihilities
r Research ner.r sen ices as thel. became available to savings banks
l)ereloped training. marketing stratcgies. as uell as implemenlation strategies for
. Assumed initial responsibilit) for relirement portfolio
o Pror ided in-house training prt.rgrams for: tellers. head tellers. custonrer sen ice
personnel. assistant managers and branch managers
Brnnch !lanaser 1978
Directcd all branch activities: trained. scheduled and supen ised sir empltwees:
originated and sen iced commercial. consumer. and mortgage loans: sold Sal ings Bank
Life lnsurance: opened accounts.
Pevins and Receir ins Teller 1977
llcld initial position as Pal ing and Receir ing Teller at Branch in 1977,
l]sser Countr Bank. Peabodv. lllassach l97t-1971
(Currentl) Bank of America)
Assistant Branch Manager (elect). Head Teller. Teller
Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
P RO F ESS I O.\.1 L A T' f I L I A T I O,\ S :
Past Tor.\ n Meeting Member
Past Menrber of AlTordable tlousing. Reading
Eastern Middleser Multiple Listing Sen ice
Naples Area Board of Realtors
,lCA D E ]II I C D EI' E LO PM E.\ T :
Craduate of Saint Mary's High Schurl
Salem Sute College. Salem. MA
National School of F inance and Management. Fairfield. CT
State Schcxrl olSavings Banks. Falmouth. MA
National Ass<rciation of Banls seminars and courses: Strategic Planning. Pr<lject
Management. Bank Operations. Women in Management
Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Advisory Board Application Form
Collier Countv Govemment
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800
Naples, FL 34112
(239) 252-8'rc0
Application was received on: 313O/2O22 5:51:35 AM
Michele Antonia Home Phone:239-825-4093
Phone ltlumberc
rd or Committee: Animal Services Advisory Boa
CateSory: citizen-at-lar8e
Place of Employment: retired Collier County Public Schools
nimalcom ectasstonro e rth lin k. ne
owl lived in Collier Cou more than l-
ow many months out of the year do you reside in Collier lam a year-round residen
ilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first
isdemeanor onlyl? N
Not lndicated
NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County
Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations
that may b€nefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts
with the Countv.
or your employer do business with the Cou ?N
Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or
Ho-e Addr.rrr F6iIif,lns" Roid
city: lr'raplEl zip code: F12d
E-Mail Address:
been convkted or found
Not hdicated
Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
r€comm€ndations made by this adyisory board? @
Not lndicated
Are you a r€gistered voter in C.ollier courty? @
Do you currently hold an elected office? @
Do yoo ndfl sewe, or have you ever serued on a Collier Coulfi board or committee? Gl
Please list your commun activities and positions held:
/ Background
olden Gate Commun Center Adviso Board, Domestic Animal Services Adviso Boa
rkscrew lsland Neighborhood Association member Founder Animal Com ion Pro started
funded in 1998; lncorporated and 501(c 3 status in 2002; animal rescue; education; TN
a 2 L/2 acte sanc.ua for 225+ dis laced, s I needs, comm cats;nsor spay/neuter
I care for cats and rovide Disaster Animal Re nse Team) Certifiedrca
Animal Eme Services and Animal Eme Shelte Certificate of com letion America
umane Association National lncident Man NIM an lntroduction (lS-0070O
ificate of Achievement FEMA NIMS ICS-100 and ICS-z00 Certificate of Completion US Coast Gua
.S. in Seconda Education, California Univers of nia; u credits Unive
alencia, Valencia,in M.Ed. Reading Specialist California University of Pennsylvania; graduate cred
of Dura , Dura , Mexico; Florida lnternational University; UniveEity of Central Floridntvers
unior H h East, Connellsville, PA; Ta Spanish; De rtment Chair lmmokalee Middle
mmokalee, FL; Taught ESL, read Title Vll Resource S ialist Walker Technical Col ,NA F
ught GED, ELL; Department Chair lmmokalee Technical Col , lmmokalee, FL; Ta GED; Literaa
rtment Chair; Lite P ms Advisor; Coordinator for the night literacy programs Served on
tate of Florida rtment of Adult Education GED Task Force Served on the State of Flo
rtment of Adult Education Ad Hoc committee for ES
food DART
Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Wednesday, April 27,2O2? 10:53 AM
FW: Animal Services Advisory Board
ASAB letters.pdf
From: RodriguezWanda <Wanda.Rodriguez@colliercountyfl .gov>
s€nt: Wednesdav, Aptil2T , 2022 10:(X AM
To: PerryMarcy <Marcy. Perry@colliercountyfl .gov>
Subject: FW: Animal Services Advisory Board
Hi Marcy,
ln case you missed the discussion of the advisory board item yesterday, please see below. The
attached letters were mailed yesterday, and I will send you an updated membership list later in the
The BCC did not make an appointment for the remaining vacancy, and instead directed that the
committee review the remaining 3 applications (and any new ones that come through) and advise if
they want any of these appointed to fill the remaining vacant seat. Please give me a call if you have
any questions,
Wantra ?o[riguez, AC?, C?Jvl
Office of the County Attorncy
(4d z5z-8t23
From: Klatzkowjeff ff.Klatzkow colliercou ov>
Sent: Tuesday, Aptil26,2022 10:02 AM
To: KlatzkowJeff ff.Klatzkow colliercoun ov>
Cc: Rodriguezwanda <Wanda.Rodr IP uez to)colliercountvfl.sov>
Sublect: Animal Services Advisory Board
Eoard motion was to appoint the first 3. then the Advisory Board is to come back with a recommendaton for the final
seat (pet store/grooming category).
Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. lf you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a
public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. lnstead, contact this office by telephone or in writing.
Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
February 15, 2022
Naples, Florida, February 15,2022
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal
Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having
conducted business herein, met on this date at 6 P.M. in REGULAR
SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, 7610 Davis
Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Sarah Baeckler-Davis
Dr. Robert March
Mary Baker (excused)
Kelly Hyland
Sue Law
Cpl. Jim Spartz (resigned)
ALSO PRESENT:Marcy Perry, Director, DAS
Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS
Dan Rodriguez, Deputy County Manager
Tanya Williams, Public Services Department Head
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Packet Pg. 87 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
February 15,2022
I. Call to Order
Chairman Richcalled the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call - Establish a Quorum
A quorum of five members was established
III. Approval of Agenda (Changes or Additions)
Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a motion lo approve lhe agenda- It was seconded The
molion was caffied unanimously, 5-0.
v Leadership Report - DAS Director Marcy Perry
Ms. Perry received an email resignation from DASAB member Jim Spartz.
Update on the DAS and HSN collaboration: The two met on Jan. 31 after re questing a
meeting in writing, which was sent and they responded today. They provided a list of
ideas that we could develop so we could have a working relationship together. HSN
requested that we put it on paper so they could have an opportunity to review it. They're
in the process of reviewing the ideas now.
. HSN would be the designated facility for the surrender ofowned animals.o HSN would establish a robust trap and retum program.
o HSN would take animals that were at DAS for more than 90 days.
The ideas were sent to the County Attomey's Office yesterday and there are quite a few
revisions that must be made before it can become a County Ordinance. She'll be having
regular weekly meetings with the County Attomey's Office until it's 100% complete.
Then she'll bring it back to the DASAB for review before it goes to the Board ofCounty
Commissioners for a vote.
Anonymous reporting: Ms. Perry said she's often asked ifpeople can report animal-
related problems anonymously. Under Florida State Statute 125.69 4b, it's allowed if the
animal officer believes the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety,
or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources. People also can make
an anonymous call.
The DAS shelter vet tendered his resignation. They will be sending animals to private
practices for spay/neuler and medical needs as DAS has been doing.
Soavins and Neulering: Stray cats and dogs that are reclaimed by their owners must be
spayed or neutered prior to retuming home. The cost of spay/neuter is the responsibility
ofthe animal's owner. The spay/neuter fee will be assessed in addition to any impound
fees. Spay/neuter fees are $75 for a canine neuter, $85 for a canine spay, $50 for a feline
neuter and $65 for a feline spay.
IV. Approval of Minutes - Jan. 18.,2022
Ms Baeckler-Davis made a motion to approve lhe Jan 18, 2022, meeling minutes.
Il was seconded The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0.
Staff uodate: Within the next two or three weeks, six new Animal-Care Specialists will be
coming on board. They will be training all the ACSs on everything they need to know
about: movement through the shelter, data entry, feeding (underfeeding and overfeeding),
Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
February 15,2022
vaccination, etc. Training will start tomorrow with current staff and as the six new hires
come on board, they will be trained. DAS has developed a checklist of everything the
employees need to know to be proficient in their positions.
Upcoming events:
o Feb. l6 - Collier County Senior Expo at North Collier Regional Park.
o Feb. 26. Start Your Engines Transportation and Community Services Expo at the
Orange Blossom Headquarters Library.
o March 26 - Immokalee Cattle Drive & Jamboree at the Immokalee Pioneer
Museum at Robert's Ranch
Leadership Report - Dan Rodriguez
Mr. Rodriguez noted that DAS is getting much better under Ms. Perry's leadership.
He's seen a lot of changes. But there's still a lot of work to do. She's going to be hiring a
veterinarian and they'll be seeing a lot more changes in the future.
He's been promoted to Deputy County Manager. He introduced Tanya Williams, who took
over his position as Public Services Department head. She's been with the County for 26
years, has worked with young people and seniors and won state and national awards for her
work. You can reach her anltime by phone.
Ms. Williams said she grew up in Collier County, her parents still live in Immokalee and
animals are near and dear to her heart. She has two Labrador retrievers and one cat, all
rescues. She worked with Dan Rodriguez for 25-plus years. You were in great hands with
him and she hopes the Board will find that with her. She's excited to continue the work
that's been started. She provided her direct phone number and noted that it's posted on
the website. She thanked the Board and DAS for their interest and advocacy.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if Dr. Dave was still there
Dr. March said he was.
Ms. Perry said they will be posting a veterinarian position on Friday and hope to hire
two vets. The salary was increased, and new requirements were written, so she hopes that
generates new interest in the position.
New Business
A. Appointment of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary
Chairman Rich noted that the vice chair could act on the chair's behalf if the chair is
Ms. Hyland made a motion to re-elect Jim Rich as chairmon. It was seconded The
mation passed unanimously, 5-0.
Chairmtn Rich made a motion to nominate Ms. Hyland as vice chair. It was
seconded The motion passed unanimously, 5-0.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a motion to nominate Ms. Law as secretary. It was
seconded The motion passed unonimously, 5-0.
B. Sunshine Law & Ethics - Assistant County Attorney Colleen Greene
Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
February 15,2022
Attorney Greene provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Sunshine Law and noted:
o Florida's Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967, Chapter 286 of Florida Statutes.
r The basics involve offering access to most boards and meetings, whether formal or
casual.o As a board, you're required to observe and abide by the Sunshine Law.o The Sunshine Law applies to any gathering oftwo ormore members ofaboard or
commission, who cannot discuss anything outside a publicly noticed meeting that
foreseeably will be discussed by the board.r Three main requirements: Meetings must be open to the public; reasonable notice of
such meetings must be given; minutes must be taken.
r The public must be able to attend the meeting, it must be accessible, in a facility
that's a sufficient size for a large tumout, and in a facility that cannot discriminate
based on age, race, etc. You are required to allow someone to speak, but you can
restrict it to three minutes or a reasonable time.
r Reasonable notice is two weeks, but what's timely can be 72 hours, which is
o Written minutes must be taken and made available promptly, even if they are in
draft form. They can be a brief summary, with a record of the votes. You are not
required to have verbatim minutes. Sound recordings can be used but are in addition
to written minutes. Sound recordings also are a public record.o Subcommittee members can only come from the board membership, but others can
be invited to attend as guests.
o No pre- or post-meeting discussions, no private conversations on the dais, and avoid
texting on the dais.. Board members cannot use a non-member as a liaison between board members to
discuss matters.
r A board member can send documents on matters coming before the board to other
board members provided there are no responses or interaction prior to the board
meeting. A staff liaison is recommended and should place a note at the top saying
il's a one-way communication.. Inspection trips are not recommended because they're hard to do. Such meetings
must be open to the public, public notice must be given and minutes taken.
Depending on the nature ofthe trip, it might be hard to include the public. The
board should work with the County Attomey's Office to ensure all requirements are
. The definition ofpublic records is very broad. Each version ofa document that gets
tracked back and forth must be maintained, including draft documents. For example,
each version of the pending interlocal agreement with Marco Island must be
maintained. All communications, letters, notes and emails are subject to the public
records law.. Don't put anything in an email that you don't want to read in the Naples Daily
r Anything you put in your email involving govemment business becomes a public
record and is subject to disclosure.
o Govemment records must be maintained. The best way to keep your own records is
to email them to your staff liaison. Records must be kept for seven years.
o Any records a board member creates can be kept in a three-ring binder and when a
board member finishes his,/her term, they can be tumed over to the board liaison.
Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
. Exemptions: Discussions of litigation are exempt from public records until litigation
is closed. Social Security numbers ofemployees are exempt.
. Penalties can be criminal and/or civil and carry fines.
o Social media and the comment trap: there's an increased risk ofrunning afoul ofthe
public records law if a board member comments on social media, especially if
another member comments/replies. Nothing that could foreseeably come before the
board should be discussed. Using your own personal social media is advised against
for board work.
. Board members are subject to state and county ethics laws. Board members cannot
accept anything ofvalue that would influence a vote or is considered a reward. The
state's gift-value limit is $100; the county's is $0. Free lunches cannot be accepted.
C. Subcommittees - Jim Rich
Chairman Rich read a written statement about workshops and a proposed action
plan for cats. He spoke about DAS and SNIP working together and community
training. ACOs would pick up traps and deliver to SNIP. FTLOF (Jim) would
provide traps and pay for surgery. DAS would provide additional traps and ACOs for
transport to and from surgery, as well as providing microchips for tracking.
He would like the March meeting to be a workshop for the Community Cats
A discussion ensued and the following points were made:
o When the Community Cat Program targets communities, they shouldn't be
targeted due to cultural beliefs.
o Animal welfare is a concem.
o lf anyone in the advocacy community wants to meet with a Board member to
discuss an issue, they can meet one-on-one to avoid Sunshine Law problems.
o The larger-scale issue is reviewing TNR.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a motion to hold a Communigt Ctl forum in March. It
was seconded. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0.
Public comments
Mr. Kepp cited concem about anonymous calls and property transfers and what
state law says about those issues.
Ms. Perry read Florida Statute 125.69 48, the statute involving anonymous calls:
A person designated as a code inspector moy not initiate on investigation ofa potential
violation ofa duly enacted code or ord.inance by way ofan anonymous complaint. A
person who reports a potentiol violation of o code or an ordinance must provide his or
her name and address to the governing body of the respective board of county
commissioners before an investigation occurs. This oaragranh does not applv ifthe
person designqled as a code inspector has reason to believe that the violation presents
an imminent threot to public health, safetv, or welfare or imminent destruclion of
habitat or sensitiye resources
VIII. Advisory Board Comments
Ms. Hyland agreed with Mr. Kepp's concerns.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if Ms. Perry could provide the County Attorney's
Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Febtuary 15,2022
opinion on this at the next meeting.
A discussion ensued about state Statutes and the County Ordinance and the
following points were made:o Could the County Ordinance be rewritten?
o Can the County Attorney attend a meeting to discuss if it's enforceable?o Action needs to speed up now and workshops would help.. One concem is the safety ofthe animals.
. HSN, DAS and community groups will work better by collaborating
together, rather than fighting. HSN is still interested in helping in any way
that supports its mission.
IX. Adjourn
Ms Baeckler-Dwis made a motion to adjoarn It was seconded. The motion
passed unanimously, 5-0.
The next meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 6 p.m,
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting concludedat
7:30 p.m.
Collier County Domestic Animal Services
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Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
Naples, Florida, March 15,2022
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal
Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having
conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGIILAR
SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd.,
Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Sarah Baeckler-Davis
Dr. Robert March
Mary Baker
Kelly Hyland
Sue Law
Cpl. Jim Spartz (excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Marcy Perry, Director, Domestic Animal Services
Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS
Tom Kepp, CEO, SNIP Collier
Jan Rich, For the Love of Cats
Lia Hemphill
Joan Campbell
Packet Pg. 93 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
I. Call to Order
Chairman Rich called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A quorum of six was established.
III. Community Cats
Chairman Rich said this is a DAS workshop and does not fall under the stringent
regulations of Robert's Rules of Order. He therefore welcomes input from everyone,
including the public, and you are not restricted to the normal three minutes. That normal
three-minute rule is imposed in our regular meetings, provided you are discussing the
topic we are here to discuss tonight. If you are here to discuss anything else, since this is a
workshop for something specific, then you will be restricted to three minutes.
Today's discussion is regarding our Community CAT progftrm. We all know that the
stray and feral cat situation Collier County has always been a major issue. Today, more
than ever, as more and more people move into our area and as high inflation and the cost
of living continues to force the underserved and working force to struggle, we can expect
even more animal abandonments than in the past.
Let's make sure we can at least help minimize the unwanted pregnancies of abandoned
and stray cats by targeting known areas of concern. For instance, this would include
places like Golden Gate City, Bayshore and Naples Manor. He knows this is a Herculean
endeavor, but well worth any progress we can make, so let's get started.
The current proposal for organization is simply a recorrmendation. The team members
that are listed in this proposal were the first to offer to participate in this program, but are
in no way exclusive to it. We welcome the input and partnership of anyone offering to get
involved. We don't expect to finalize a comprehensive plan tonight, but if we can all
agree on the responsibilities and commitments of each party, we should be able to
proceed with a coordinated effort in the near future. s
We still have to go under the auspices of DAS and we certainly cannot vote on anything
tonight. We, as a group, can make commitments as to what we're willing to commit to
and agree on that. He said people can contact Marcy or Jan, his wife. He will stay out of
it. He didn't want there to be anything that could affect the Sunshine Law. The two of
them can coordinate the final plan and bring it to the Board for the next meeting and then
we can take a vote on it.
This is a little bit different than the last workshop we had, so he wants to make sure that
he's in compliance with everything. His first question is, is there anything in the initial
proposal that the original team members - FLC, SNIP and DAS - would not be able to
commit to? Tom, let me start with you.
IV. Public Comments
Mr. Kepp said he thought the scope needs to be talked about. How many are we really
going to shoot for or put together? He has a real volunteer, somebody who really will go
Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
out and do this. She grew up in Naples Manor, so he's looking at that as maybe a starter.
Chairman Rich said absolutely.
Mr. Kepp said so are we looking at 50 traps? Because then I think that to try and get
homeowners to take traps ... I don't know where we're at.
Chairman Rich said we were discussing that before you came in.
Mr. Kepp said we've got to get the homeowners to take these traps and go and do it. He
didn't think that was a good idea. The better way to do it is trying to set 50 traps. That's
what we're going to try to accomplish. Then we take try to get teams of two in there and
find l0 places that need it and those teams take five traps apiece and go to those locations
and try to find 10 locations that really have a lot of cats, so we can really fill all five traps.
I think that's kind of a real organized way to approach this.
Chairman Rich said a lot of people don't know how to use the traps and that's why the
Mr. Kepp said we can train them.
Chairman Rich said, so you would go door to door and see if they...
Mr. Kepp said he'd get his friend Carina or he would go door-to-door himself and try to
find, like the gas station over there or behind one of the restaurants. Ten homes or the gas
station over there or behind one of the restaurants, 10 places where there's a real
concentration of cats. He imagines that in Naples Manor that's not too hard.
Chairman Rich said, No, not at all.
Mr. Kepp said and then you just have to have l0 people who know what they're doing
because they can have an assistant to go with them. And on whatever day that is, we
assemble. We can pass out the flyers. That will get this out. That's a coordinated way to
look at it and it's not that difficult.
Ms. Rich said that may be a good way to start out, to be sure to get good numbers of cats,
but she thought the whole thrust of large-scale trapping projects was to involve the public.
It's going to take a while.
Mr. Kepp said he agreed with that, but his point is, Let's just say we did that one day and
we actually found five people in that community. You have five people who said they
really want to help. That's a huge accomplishment. And then you do it in another month
or two and you use them more. So, he agrees with Ms. fuch. He just thinks that il all of a
sudden, you show up with 50 or 100 traps or whatever we're going to do. and you start
passing them out to people who say they want to do it ...
Ms. Rich said no, no. The idea was to take volunteers into the neighborhood, pass out
flyers the week before, on the Sunday before. Most of Naples Manor is predominantly a
Hispanic community, roughly 75Yo, so people would talk to the homeowners. She was
sure that they were not going to get a really great response the first time because people
Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
may be leery and nervous. They're not sure, it's not proven. You're asking them to come
the following week and pick up a trap in the Walmart parking lot, so people will have to
come and pick.up the traps. Then you would get the information from those people, but
they're not responsible for turning in the traps. The ACOs would come and pick up the
traps and also deliver the traps back there. So, if there was an empty trap, they'd take that,
Mr. Kepp said so you're talking about writing that information, "Joe Smith took five
traps" and getting his address? The ACOs at the end of the day will then come and collect
them all?
Ms. Rich said if you do it on a Sunday afternoon, they take the traps home and you get all
the information. A homeowner takes them home, he sets him up, we give him food, we
give him a towel to put over the trap and give him any other supplies that he needs. Then
the next morning the ACOs come through. They've got a copy of all the addresses where
all traps are, they're going to go pick up all the traps and bring them over to you, unless, I
was talking to Marcy, unless the cat is sick and isn't well enough to be spayed and
neutered. Then DAS takes the trap and keeps the trap and the cat until it's well enough
and then it'll come over to you. But most of the cats in the traps would come to you and
then the ACO would pick them up from you the following morning, because you're "hold
overnight," right? So they would come and pick up the traps and redistribute them.
Mr. Kepp replied, right.
Ms. Rich said so then the following morning the ACO will come and pick up all traps
and this way we would keep track by registering.
Mr. Rich said those traps would be limited, maybe 20 traps? You tell me how many
people. How many cats do you could do,25? We wouldn't give them more than25
traps. You know that they're not going to be filled, but we'd rather you have less than if
you'd be overwhelmed. I think we need to start small and start building.
Mr. Kepp said he was thinking of bigger scale but he was thinking of shutting down the
clinic for a day and doing nothing but feral cats.
Chairman Rich said you can't count on it getting that many. Whereas if you start with a
small amount, you wouldn't have to shut your clinic down and you could figure you'd
have a maximum amount, which would still give you room for X amount, if that makes
Mr. Kepp said sure. He just hoped we get all the traps back because he's got volunteers
He has volunteers and they lose them.
Ms. Baker said she thought what you're was saying is important because people don't
know how to set the traps, so if you are distributing those flyers ahead of time to build
interest in it, could it be a thing where you could pair some of the people in the
community with your volunteers and you could train them to correctly set up the trap and
then they can train others? And then when you go back and do it a second time, maybe
not as many volunteers have to be there because you already have people in the
community who were paired with somebody who knew what they were doing.
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M.arch 15,2022
Chairman Rich said so when they're out, if they were coming to us, we would
physically be there with them. So you would have a comfort level.
Ms. Rich said that's why she chose the Walmart and Naples Manor
Ms. Baker said even if he wants to have people go out into the community where the
traps are going to be set, and have people that work with people there, just to give them a
liule help. That will give them a little more confidence.
Mr. Kepp suggested they work on both aspects of it. He could go and see if he could find
10 places with Carina for a couple ofdays and find 10 places where there's an abundance
ofcats and there are people out there that will help. He'll come to the group and say,
"Look, we've got this as a start," we can get 50 cats. We could do it and then in the
meantime, we start with the plan, like what you're talking about. Then later on, we can do
that from the (Walmart) parking lot, because the people that we have helped will come
get them. He couldn't tell you how many times he's given people instructions and they
clip it on the handle and the cat goes out. I tell them to make sure you do this and they
tum it backward.
Ms. Rich said she just zip-ties the trap
Mr. Kepp said Havaharts are easier. We have 30 or so, where you do it and just touch it
It's easier than opening the back door. They have a hair trigger. That's what we have.
They're all good suggestions.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if someone could remind the group about what the legal
framework is for going into neighborhoods and trapping cats. Can anyone just go find an
empty lot and trap a cat?
Ms. Perry said if it's private property, you need permission from the homeowner. You
can'tjust go in somebody's property and put a trap out.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if that's what's envisioned, gefting permission from property
Chairman Rich said absolutely. That's the whole idea with flyers. We have people
requesting this. And we may be trapping some oftheir own personal cats.
Chairman Rich said they were talking about buying extra traps. Havahart traps don't
have a back. We have several good ones that are $100 each. Havaharts are much cheaper.
We could buy Havaharts for about half that.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she wanted to raise what Sue mentioned in the last meeting.
Are we trapping the free-roaming cats, the low-hanging fruit or is it a welfare
concem. Who are we going to be targeting? An even bigger picture than that is that she
knows there are all these brilliant databases and everyone knows about where all the cats
are in our community. She and Marcy have talked about looking at the data in terms of
where calls for services are for cats. Many ofyou, not me, can rattle off a colony here, a
colony there, so there were records when we had the colony or whatever the framework
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March 15.2022
was that we don't follow anymore in terms ofpeople adopting colonies. But she asked if
they could take a step back and try to collect the data all together in one place, about
where the most concentrated areas are.
Chairman Rich said Phyllis, he and his wife know where the majority are. They get calls
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said her understanding of community cat trapping and TNR is if you
don't concentrate very strategically on the highest concentrations ofcats, you might as
well not bother. There are many people here who know more about this than me, so you
can correct me if I'm wrong, but ifyou get five out of a colony of40, the rate of
reproduction is going to be such that you're not making a dent. So, from the HSN
perspective, she didn't object to the plan. But if we're really talking about large-scale,
let's figure this out in a community. Her suggestion on the first step would be to make a
map and if it's a SurveyMonkey or in some centralized location, all the people who know
where they are in their heads can get this all on paper.
If we want to make a big difference on this issue, which I think we all agree we do, we
need to be strategic about collecting the data before we dive in on targeting anyone in
particular, so that we can focus on those populations where we know if we hil T 5yo of
those cats, we're going to stop them from reproducing.
Chairman Rich asked where all the data is coming fiom.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said they could start with SurveyMonkey or whatever it is and ask
everyone to put their data all in one place, unless it exists already in one place.
Chairman Rich said it does not.
Ms. Rich said that the last time they had a discussion on this issue and looked at how we
could target communities in the most need of community cat intervention, Domestic
Animal Services ran reports for us with the numbers of requests and information that they
were receiving. And we had a grid ofall ofthose. That was about 10 years ago.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said that can provide the basis to update it. In 10 years, communities
can change.
Ms. Rich said it hasn't changed.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said they should put it all in one place.
Ms. Law said she gets calls from people who say there's a fiiendly cat here and it must
have an owner. Every apartment complex in town. River Reach is huge. Everybody
moves out and leaves their animals. She had a camera on a house in River Reach and it
looked like downtown New York, with cats coming by. And they literally would knock
on this guy's door and he opened the door 400 times a night to put out food. It was crazy.
Right now, she's trapping over at Saint Paul's Church, Timberwood on Davis. Again, it
looks like New York.
There's a female in heat that's out and you would not believe the number of tomcats that
Packet Pg. 98 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Match 15,2022
are coming up on her camera and the strong scent of urine all along the fence line. She
was in Naples Manor this week looking for three tiny puppies and none ofthe residents
were really worried that three tiny puppies were out running around the streets. Every
house had a fence, so it was really difficult to get around. Like I said, none of them were
concemed. My moderator lives in Naples Manor and she doesn't see cats. The day that I
was there looking for the puppies, she didn't see a cat. Ofcourse, she knows cats come
out at night so if she goes over there at nighttime, it's probably New York again. But all
the apartment complexes are definitely a place to target.
Chairman Rich asked Ms. Perry what it would take to gather those numbers again.
Ms. Perry said she'djust have to contact her Chameleon database software program
because all those reports are currently under construction. She could get those stats.
Ms. Law said she liked Jim's idea of going in and befriending the community and people
bring in the animals so they have a basis of trust. Then those people like what we did for
them and are going to help us get the cats that are causing problem for them. I know he's
been out there forever.
Chairman Rich said he also liked that idea.
Mr. Kepp said there's a problem he often runs into. Someone says they've got five cats
and they don't want them there. He tells them he'll catch them and bring them back. They
don't want them back. No matter who he calls, they're full. There's no right answer for
this. You just have to release them. He doesn't like it, but that's the way it is. If someone
says don't release them, give him a number.
Ms. Rich said one of the reasons they're targeting Naples Manor as the first
neighborhood is that according to studies conducted by the Community Foundation of
Collier County on different neighborhoods throughout the county, Naples Manor has the
highest percentage of low income families and the largest. Statistically, they stand out.
Mr. Kepp said statistically, they are a good target. He asked if anyone was trapping in
Port Royal. He said he can get to Naples Manor, Golden Gate City, Immokalee and
restauants and cats are everywhere. He offered to trap and they can do all the analytics
and tell him where to go. He wants to be a part of the program. They should start with
Naples Manor and see if they can find some really bad places. He will help.
Chairman Rich said the idea was for this to be a partnership, people going to an area and
letting people know, or people going to Walmart and handing out traps. We're all
working together.
Mr. Kepp said he's there, but he's just going to do some surveillance
Chairman Rich said if there were cats in known iueas, we should start there. We can get
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she does't object to trapping and TNR, but she believes they
should be more strategic about the data and intentional about the data. She asked iffree-
roaming cats that would be tenified should be targeted.
Packet Pg. 99 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
Chairman Rich asked what the Humane Society Naples could contribute to this
partnership or did they want to wait and see?
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said HSN is evaluating what they can do. She doesn't feel they have
enough information yet.
Chairman Rich said it's more effective if there are 20 or 30 cats and she comes out with
the bus.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she didn't know tonight what their contribution could be, but
HSN could host the data collection. That doesn't have to delay starting this project. She
thought it will be really valuable for the community to really dig into the data.
Chairman Rich said this is something that a lot ofus have been doing for 2O-plus years
and we have a lot ofdata and a lot ofhistory in these areas. And for you to keep saying
you need all this data, you're not listening to the people who've been doing it all these
years. There aren't other areas with those numbers.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said that's not what she was saying. Shejust thinks they should take
advantage ofthe data and expertise and put it in one place. She's analytical and doesn't
feel they have enough data yet.
Ms. Hyland said that while that information is being gathered, since everyone was saying
Naples Manor, we can go into Naples Manor with volunteers and try to work in that area
until the information is gathered. My first question is would there be some type of
meeting or something with the volunteers so that everybody is on the same
page? Everybody saying the same thing, everybody is doing the same procedure going in,
so the community isn't confused about who these people are? And if there was an area
targeted to try to make more ofa presence so it'sjust not like random people knocking on
doors because people have Ring doorbells and cameras and they see people coming and if
they don't know who you are, that could be an issue. Is it something where the Humane
Society because they have a mobile unit, can make a presence. No one has (official) shirts
on, or identification. It's random. So ifthere's something recognizable, like a van, it looks
like we're together. Everyone has heard of the Humane Society. You can make a
presence with that mobile unit you have. It looks more uniform and put together and
people could relate.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said it's possible. She asked who would be doing the administration,
oversight and training. The first option should be DAS. HSN doesn't have the capacity to
administer that. She wasn't certain DAS did either. But ifthe idea is generated by the
DAS Board, it's a DAS project, right?
Chairman Rich said it's actually a collaboration
Ms. Hyland said if they had an HSN van, yellow shirts, and provided educational
information, everyone can make a presence. They could get DAS presence there. Pull
everyone together. Bring kids and awareness, educate and let everyone know what's
Ms. Law told him to go to St. Paul's Church and get the female.
Packet Pg. 100 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15- 2022
going on. It's going to fail if it's random people going door{o-door without a plan
Ms. Baker said it needs to go in the order you originally talked about. The flyers need to
be distributed first so the neighborhood can be made aware about what's going to happen
this weekend in your community. People are going to be here, there are going to be traps,
this is what they're doing in your neighborhood. So they can be aware. Ifyou want to
have a van there when it happens, so when people see that van and associate it, that would
be awesome.
Ms. Law suggested they could have a soft start, with the people who respond to the flyers
and say they want to get involved. This could be done at their houses.
Chairman Rich said volunteers aren't going to have the responsibility of setting the
traps. It's going to be the responsibility ofthe people who say they want the cats fixed.
Ms. Law said she isn't talking about volunteers. She's talking about residents who
respond to the flyer. You can'tjust put it in a yard, behind a restaurant, anywhere. People
are going to mess with the traps, drown cats, let cats go and steal the traps.
Ms. Rich said the traps will only be in the homeowners' hands for a night. Pickup would
be a Sunday aftemoon. They would go home and when it got dark, it would be baited
where they normally feed the cats. They can put them at the fiont oftheir house in the
moming for ACOs to pick up. It's one night. They won't have them for days or weeks.
We had talked about talking to the neighbors a week before when distributing the flyers.
You have higher odds of running into people on Sunday, having a face-to-face
conversation and explain to them what you're trying to do. It's free, we'll provide the trap
and food. All they have to do is put it out there at night. ... In the flyer, it gives them a
week to think about it and talk to their neighbors. Even if we only get a few, ifthey have
a good result, and they will tell their neighbors they can go to the Walmart on a Sunday
and get a trap and put it out. Ifthere's a cat in it great, ifnot, great. The ACOs will pick
them up. We should try to make it as simple and foolproof as possible to maximize our
ability to maintain the trap inventory.
Ms. Law said she prefers reuniting to TNR. She has a healthy respect and fear for the
Chairman Rich said it's very difficult to injure a cat in there. There has never been a cat
injured in the traps. Between him, Phyllis and Tom, they've done more than 70,000
without a problem.
Ms. Law said if they forget where they put it, she wonies about cats baking in the sun.
Ms. Baker said she thought that was part of the flyers they were handing out, to let
everyone know that on these dates, this is what's going to be happening. What Kelly is
saying needs to happen, but the more you add to this project, the bigger it gets. And that
means you need more people and we're already questioning if we have enough people to
make this work.
Chairman Rich said they were making more out of it than we need to be at the start.
Packet Pg. 101 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
Ms. Law said that's why it will only be overnight. The ACOs will know how many are at
each address and how many to retrieve.
Chairman Rich said DAS has agreed to do that.
Ms. Rich said the residents will have to leave their fences open if it's in the backyard so
ACOs can retrieve them. Her concern is that if there are a lot of vans there at one time,
it's a low-income community with a lot of illegal immigrants and anything that looks like
government will scare them and no one will talk to us.
Ms. Law said she heard they wanted DAS to stay out of it. They may think it's a police
agency and if they're not legal, they may run.
Chairman Rich said they probably will be getting many of those homeowners' house
cats. He said many people tell them they can't afford to get them fixed. If that happens,
they'll be ear-tipped, too, but at least these will be fixed.
Ms. Law asked how you can tell if a female already is altered if there's no scar
Ms. Perry said she could show her sometime.
Dr. March said their ear tips
Ms. Law said without ear-tips
Dr. March said you'll see a scar, even if someone does a really good job. If they're feral,
they'll have to be knocked out and you would see that.
Chairman Rich said chances are that they're mostly feral cats and they're not fixed
Ms. Law said that on intake it says all your females are unaltered.
Ms. Perry said that's because they don't know until they shave them. They do not shave
them at intake, so they wouldn't know yet if they've been spayed. If they don't see a blue
tattoo line, they will assume they have not been spayed.
Ms. Law asked if they'd be doing the ear notch.
Chairman Rich said absolutely. DAS can provide the microchips, but they'll also assign
them from here so they'll be the property of DAS.
Ms. Rich told Sarah that in response to how it will be managed, it won't be that difficult
to manage. She and Marcy would be handling it.
Ms. Hemphill said there are hundreds of cats. She asked how the poor neighborhoods are
going to feed their cats.
Chairman Rich said those cats are not starving to death. These communities love their
animals. It's just that the residents just can't afford to have their pets fixed.
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March 15. 2022
Ms. Rich said it may not be in their cultural beliefs.
Ms, Perry said any animal that may be trapped and is not a candidate for release, they
will reach out to DAS. They may catch a 3- or 6-week-old kitten or a cat with an injury. If
they're starving or sick, they aren't a candidate for release. The idea isn't all trap and
release. We would network to see where that cat would go. A cat may go to the
quarantine room. It's on an individual basis.
Ms. Rich said the caregiver would be notified in those instances to tell them what's
happening and when the cat will be retumed. And if they did lose a cat physically or one
dies, the caregiver needs to be notified. When they come to pick up the traps, there has to
be a disclaimer that something may happen to the cat and may not survive surgery. And
they will be vaccinated for rabies. She didn't think they could do the entire neighborhood.
We need to work in quadrants in Naples Manor. It's huge. Break it up sfeet-by-sueet.
Once we have success, they will tell their neighbors and the next time we do it, we'll have
more people.
Ms. Campbell said it's very spread out.
Ms. Hyland asked Sarah when HSN could be involved.
Chairman Rich said if there's a culture there, is there a problem?
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she didn't want to focus on cultures.
Ms. Rich said they're really targeting low-income neighborhoods, not race
Dr. March agreed. Keep it at low-income.
Ms. Law said even the best neighborhoods have a cat problem.
Mr. Kepp said that when he was with HSN he used to go to Immokalee to do spays and
neuters. They told him that culture would not agree to do it. But they did 100 animals, a
triage, in one weekend back in 2004 or 2005. They will do it. It's not a black or Latin
issue, or a white issue, he finds problems everywhere he goes. The way he finds an
animal in Immokalee is when a good person tells him about the issue. He said the
problem is everywhere.
Ms. Hyland said they can just target "areas in need." That way it covers everlthing.
Chairman Rich said there's a stigma if you call it low-income
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she doesn't know the answer yet. She believes they have an
opportunity to make a significant investment. This feels like a pilot and you have the
resources you need for what's envisioned and then scale it up from there. She said to go
for it and then see what the gaps are, then scale it up from there. But she doesn't want to
target cultwes.
Packet Pg. 103 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
Ms. Hyland said they can have 2,500 cats in an area that's upper class. It doesn't matter
We should just say "areas in need." We can advertise it and get the Naples Daily News
involved to promote this and get the word out.
Ms. Campbell said she agreed with that
Ms. Perry agreed. It's a program. It may be low-income, but if she were low-income, she
wouldn't want to be referred to that way. Tagging it with the correct line will bring
success. It should be "areas in need." If they're going to a neighborhood, they need to
stay in that neighborhood until it's completed. There has to be some sort ofa plan or
there's not an impact.
Ms. Hyland agreed. Finish those areas and move somewhere else. You can always go
Ms. Perry said they may have to keep coming back to that area.
Ms. Rich said it really does need to be a targeted and focused effort. Statistically, you
have to reach a70Yo mark to reach a neighborhood. Target an area ofcats for it to be
considered stable. Alley Cat Allies says 70Yo. You have to stay in a neighborhood for
quite a while to get to that point.
Ms. Baker said she understood this is the beginning ofthe plan, but what is the goal for
how often it will occur? When can they expect us to come back after the initial trapping?
Ms. Rich said it's open to discussion, but it will depend on SNIP's capacity and schedule
for spays and neuters.
Ms. Baker told Mr. Kepp that she knows this is the initial plan, but how often are they
going to go back to a neighborhood for another trap delivery and pickup?
Mr. Kepp said they have to decide on a timeframe, monthly or weekly. He needs to
determine whether they have a vet that day. After the first week, we have to determine if
they're going to have 10 cats or 20 cats. They need to schedule that for the aftemoons.
Two to three vets spaying and neutering 25 cats is not an issue.
Ms. Rich said they initially thought once a month would be good to do. That gives time
to evaluate.
Ms. Law said it also give times for word to spread.
Chairman Rich said they may be able to write some grants for this. But we'll do
whatever we can for as long as we can.
Mr. Kepp said they do have the Helping Paws fund and they could use some of that.
Ms. Perry said they need to educate the public about what an ear-tipped cat is.
Otherwise, we will be recatching the same cats. That education piece needs to be tlere.
We want people to be comfortable.
Packet Pg. 104 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
Ms. Hyland said educating everyone about ear tips is going to be key to those areas. She
asked Ms. Baeckler-Davis if DAS was involved and HSN, would HSN have any
volunteers who would be willing to educate the public? She said she was concemed about
getting enough people in the neighborhoods to help to get it done. This is going to take
the community and volunteers to do this. Are there other volunteers who could step up?
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said yes, people came to HSN-DAS joint workshops on this issue
and people expressed interest in the Community Cats and TNR issue, so they have some
Ms. Hyland said even if they just handed out flyers, they need people to do that. She was
hoping people would have come to the meeting tonight. They're not going to get
anywhere with just two or three people volunteering and handing out information.
Ms. Baker asked if DAS had a previous database of people who participated in the
previous TNR that they could use to reach out to people to help pass out the flyers. They
could use that as a base of people to get it up and running. People interested in similar
programs before might be interested in this program.
Ms. Hyland said getting the flyers out there first and seeing if they want to do it is
important to do first.
Ms. Hemphill asked about the Cat Alliance and other cat groups.
Chairman Rich said they were told about this workshop and program and are not here. If
they were interested in helping, they'd be here. He said it would be a big thing if HSN
could commit to this.
Ms. Baeckler-Davis said she was uncertain what HSN could commit to yet. She's not
saying they won't commit, but didn't know what they could do for the program today.
Chairman Rich said when she can tell him, they would welcome it. He asked if anyone
had anything else. Hopefully, by the next meeting we'll have something the Board can
vote on to sanction.
Ms. Perry asked Mr. Kepp if SNIP had microchip scanners
Mr. Kepp said he did. If this goes well, he does not have a problem shutting down the
clinic for a spay and neuter day. He will reopen Spay and Neuter Day. We've been trying
to get 10 teams of two people and we haven't been successful in putting that together.
Ms. Rich said that's why they need this coalition, this partnership. We all have resources
we can pull together. As individual groups and organizations, we are not capable of
making an impact. We've been doing this for 20 years and really haven't been able to
make an impact. We just run from fire to fire.
Mr. Kepp said he appreciated their hard work. This is a very good plan. He's willing to
participate. He's going to get his friend, Carina, to go and check out the neighborhood.
Packet Pg. 105 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15.2022
They used to check out puppies and dogs there.
Ms. Hyland said she'd been to Naples Manor years ago looking for chained dogs and
offered to go, as well.
Chairman Rich asked what bilingual services were available for brochures.
Chairman Rich said he might need translators at events.
Ms. Rich said this is now a coalition, so they don't need to ask DAS to go through
official County channels. Once we agree on the language of the form, we have the
resources to translate it properly.
Ms. Hyland asked if there were bilingual volunteers who could go out.
Chairman Rich asked if DAS had bilingual volunteers
Ms. Perry said she wasn't certain
Dr. March asked if DAS employees would be willing to help.
Ms. Baker said ifyou have that database ofcat rescues and people involved in programs,
they need to promote this program before they make huge forays into neighborhoods. She
noted that Ms. Perry did a great job with promotions and maybe they could send an email
to their database before heading out into communities. You need to blanket it to the
people who will be most willing to help you to see if you can generate more volunteers.
Ms. Perry said they absolutely will promote it.
Chairman Rich noted that DAS has a phenomenal volunteer base. Maybe you can stress
how important this is to the County.
Ms. Perry said she definitely can send out an email.
Ms, Law asked if the cats would be retumed after surgery.
Chairman Rich said they would, unless the surgery was severe. They haven't lost a cat
yet. They've all been in colonies and they've kept track of them.
Ms. Perry said it's less stressful than keeping them in a cage for several days. Retuming
Ms. Perry said the Community Cat brochures are in Spanish.
Ms. Carroll said DAS had several Hispanic and Creole speakers on staff. But when
writing brochures, there's an official County process they have to adhere to with the
Communications Office. Staffcan't write a pamphlet.
Ms. Perry said if it's beneficial to the community, they could ask for overtime to help
with the Community Cats program.
Packet Pg. 106 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
March 15,2022
them is best practice.
Chairman Rich said he appreciated everyone coming tonight.
V, Adjourn
There treing no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
concludedat 7:06 p.m.
Collier County Domestic Animal Services
These minutes were appfiedby the Committee/Chairman on
one) as presented / . or as amended _.
;l ln ))-(check
Packet Pg. 107 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - March 15, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
Aptil 5,2022
Naples, Florida, April 5,2022
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal
Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having
conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR
SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, 7610 Davis
Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
Dr. Robert March
Mary Baker
Sarah Baeckler-Davis
ALSO PRESENT: Marcy Perry, Director, Domestic Animal Services
Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS
Meredith Mclean, Events Coordinator, HSN
Maggie Kemp
Chuck Danielian
Michele Antonia, President, Animal Compassion Project
Susie Mehas, Pet Pantrry
Packet Pg. 108 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
April 5,2022
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio
reco rding fr o m D o mestic A n i mal S ervices.
L Call to Order
Chairman Rich called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
He said this meeting is being held a week earlier because they would not have been able to
have a quorum next week because Ms. Baker's term will be up. Ms. Hyland also couldn't
vote on certain things because her term would be up. They need to recommend candidates to
County Commissioners and hopefully, by May 17,the Board will have a full board.
II. Roll Calt
A quorum of six was established.
III. Approval of Agenda
Dr. Morch made a motion to approve the March 15, 2022, agenda. Vice Chairman Hyland
seconded tt. The motion passed unanimously,6-0.
Chairman Rich asked that if anyone wants to speak to raise his or her hand and not to talk
over each other because they are keeping a written and recorded record of the meeting.
IV. Leadership Report [Marcy Perry, DAS Director]
Ms. Perry provided some staffing updates:
. They finished interviewing for the vacant veterinary position and made a selection,
which was sent to Human Resources to finish the preliminary paperwork and reach
out with a job offer.
o We interviewed someone for the Animal Care Specialist position and HR reached out
with an offer today. (Ms. Carroll confirmed that an offer was made.)
o We conducted interviews for the Senior Animal Control Officer a few weeks ago.
Human Resources made the job offer and it was accepted. The employee came in last
week to start the paperwork process.
o We did interviews for our last vacant Senior Animal Care Specialist and will be
submitting the paperwork to Human Resources by the end of this week, so they can
call to make a job offer.
o We promoted Ryan Packard from Animal Care Specialist to Senior Animal Care
Ms. Perry provided other updates:
DAS Ordinance: She and Ms. Hyland went over the Ordinance one more time to put the
finishing touches on it so it could be submiued to the County Attorney, who will review it,
make changes, suggestions and recommendations before sending it back to her.
Dan Rodriguez: He's aware that certain seats that are either vacant or the terms are up. He
extended a thank you to everybody for their service and assisting with everything.
The Tails & Tidbits Video: A special video of a dog and her puppies stuck in a culvert was
mailed out. When we got the call, we were told they'd been in there for several days. The fire
department eventually got them out. They tried nets, toys, puppy sounds. They had to be
coaxed out because the puppies wouldn't come out. They were eventually able to scare the
mom out. She was staying there because of the pups. She was underweight, had diarrhea and
they were all infested with hookworm. Because we're under construction, they were
transferred to Gulf Coast Humane Society, which had room and could take them. The mom
Packet Pg. 109 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
went with the puppies
Chairman Rich asked what the status was of the building under construction.
Ms. Perry said the Stray building is 100% complete. The Dog Adoption Building will be
100% complete, except for kennel doors, on Friday. They've taken down scaffolding and are
now up to building the kennel doors. We're replacing the fronts and backs of the doors. The
new design looks amazing. The doors are in the design phase now and they're expecting that
the first eight doors will be put up the week after next. Once the doors are up, we're going to
start putting dogs into those runs and that building will be 100% complete.
Dr. March asked if they were still looking for a second veterinarian.
Ms. Perry said they're still looking to hire a second vet. They interviewed two people and
one tumed it down because she didn't like everything the job entailed. It's difficult to fill
because it involves more spay and neuters than a private practice.
New Business
A. Advisory Board Composition
Chairman Rich said they gathered today to recommend candidates to the Board of
County Commissioners to approve. If there's any question from anyone applying, the
seven-member Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board was created on Jan. 27,2004,
by Ordinance. It is tasked with making recommendations to the BCC on programs,
services, classes and special events that will further assist Collier County DAS with
providing the best possible service to the community.
Board members also will analyze and review construction and improvements to DAS
facilities and make recommendations to the BCC regarding such facilities. The DASAB
meets at 6 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Terms are four years and the Board is
composed of a Humane Society Naples representative; one law enforcement member;
one veterinarian or vet tech; one animal activist; one representative from the pet retail,
boarding or grooming industry; and two at-large members.
Vice Chair Hyland thought it might be a good idea to discuss opening up those
positions so they wouldn't have specific titles and we could have more of a range for
people to apply to be on the Board.
Chairman Rich said he spoke with the Assistant County Attorney and it would take a
revision of the Ordinance by the BCC for that to happen. Ms. Baker's position is the
most difficult to fill, pet store owners, groomers, etc., due to the time they'd have to give
up. In past years, we've gone several months without that position. The other is law
enforcement officers, who don't show up. We even had a problem with a veterinarian
several years ago.
We could approach the BCC about a couple of these positions, especially if no one
applies for Ms. Baker's position, but we need to do that carefully. We could ask the BCC
for a revision of the Ordinance.
Ms. Hyland said it's hard to fill the positions with titles. Instead of bypassing someone
who may be an asset to the Board due to titles, we could fill the seats if they weren't
assigned titles.
Packet Pg. 110 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
April 5,2022
B. Animal Services Advisory Board Vacancies
i. Law Enforcement
Chairman Rich said a law enforcement officer has applied to be on the Board, but he
didn't know if she has pets. He asked Marcy to reach out to herto make sure she's
committed and Marcy confirmed she'd block dates out.
Chairmon Rich made a motion to nominate XXXXX to the BCC toftll the law
enforcement position Dr. March seconded it The motion passed unanimously,6-0.
ii. Humane Society Naples
Chairman Rich thanked Meredith Mclean for coming with Ms. Baeckler-Davis tonight.
He said their objective is to get back on a better footing with the Humane Society Naples
for the sake of the animals.
Ms. Hyland asked if the Board had a vote and they needed a recommendation for
something, would Ms. Mclean have the authority on her own to vote or would she have
to discuss it with Sarah and ask her first?
Ms. Mclean said if it's something other organizations are involved in, it definitely
would be something she would take back to Sarah because, as a leadership team, we do
make decisions together and she'd want to ensure it's in alignment with the organization.
In general, if we're talking about some recommendations and having general discussions,
she could weigh in. But if it's full decision-making, like at the last workshop, she'd have
to discuss it with Sarah.
Chairman Rich said if it's something involving the Humane Society Naples, she could
just recuse herself. She's certainly qualified and has the experience. We're looking
forward to having you on the Board.
Chairman Rich made a motion to recommend Meredith Mclean to the BCC toJill the
Humane Society Naples representotive position. Vice Chair Hyland seconded it The
motion passed unanimo usly, 6-0.
iii. At-Large
Chairman Rich noted that they received an application for an at-large position, but that
person is not here tonight. If that person isn't interested in being here and speaking, he's
not interested in them being on the Board.
He said Ms. Hyland has done an excellent job on the Board and should continue as a
regular member, not as a substitute.
Chairmon Rich made a motion to recommend that Vice Chair Kelly Hyland be
nominated toJiil an at-large position. Dr. March seconded iL The motion passed
unanimously, 6-0.
Chairman Rich noted that Michele Antonia rescinded her application in deference to Ms.
Hyland. He said he and Michele Antonia fought for anti-dog chain laws and TNR and that
took four years. It was a struggle.
Ms. Antonio said if a second at-large position opens up, she's interested in serving.
Chairman Rich said one may open up if they can't fill the seat Ms. Baker is vacating and
Packet Pg. 111 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
they can get the BCC to revise the ordinance
iv. Pet Retail
Chairman Rich thanked Ms. Baker for her many years of service and her voice, which grew
over the years, on the Board.
Public Comments
Ms. Mehas complimented DAS on its social media efforts and Facebook page. She said
she hears music and sees little faces and it's wonderful. The loved the long video about the
mother and puppies and held her breath while watching it. The publicity has been very good.
Ms. Perry noted that Heather Carr is their marketing coordinator and does an amazing
Ms. Mehas asked about the vacant law-enforcement position. Does it have to be a
deputy? Can it be a City police officer?
Chairman Rich said it just needs to be a law-enforcement officer
Ms. Mehas said there's a wonderful city policeman who has helped her with rescues and
he's a real animal lover. He would be very good. She said she just came from a feeding
colony in Pelican Bay and needs help with food. She knows there's a large pantry here
and she's been allowed to use the one at the Humane Society Naples, but the colony
feeders need help. One woman feeds l3 colonies a night. [t would help if they could
come and get some dry and canned food once in a while. What we're feeding is TNR.
She understands a lot of food is going to Saving Grace, which is wonderful, but people
should have to provide medical records to prove they're feeding animals that are spayed
and neutered. She said she brought a friend, a Vietnam veteran here, to help feed his cats
Chairman Rich asked Ms. Perry if Saving Grace was where all their pantry food went to. Is
that open to anyone?
Ms. Perry said yes, it goes to Saving Grace as part of a resolution.
Vice Chair Hyland said it' been in place for at least l5 years, but she'd have to look up the
Ordinance date.
Ms. Carroll said it began after Pet Supermarket began donating trailer loads after Hurricane
Charley. That food was restricted to rescue groups.
Chairman Rich said he was under the impression that the bins and food DAS gives to
Saving Grace went to feral feeders, including Ms. Mehar. He said he'd call Saving Grace to
ask, and look into a change in the resolution. He said there are several independent groups
that get food so he knows the resolution hasn't been strictly followed. They can look at the
volume of food sent to that organization. He noted that his group is buying more than 4,000
pounds of dog and cat food monthly, while a lot of people have nothing and are feeding cats.
Perhaps a percentage of it can be shared. These people have nothing and are living in trailers
or living in broken-down homes. They can barely feed themselves, but they're out there
feeding the cats that we're fixing and putting back out, so we owe it to them to at least look at
revising the resolution.
Ms. Antonio said she buys a lot of food for people feeding cats in Immokalee.
Packet Pg. 112 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
April 5,2022
Vice Chair Hyland suggested having an event, a food drive to reach out to the community
and ask for food donations.
Chairman Rich said the problem is that's a one-offand they need a steady supply of food, or
even a percentage so they know they can get a certain amount. He can see if the resolution
can be amended.
Ms. Perry said she'd look at the resolution to see if there's any flexibility.
Ms. Kemp said she wanted to talk about the inconsistency in how the animals are being cared
for here. Cats that may not be getting the food that was prescribed to them, and haphazard
waivers. She recently adopted a cat that got coded as a barn cat even though she was picked
up and had a perforated colon and six inches of her intestines were hanging out of her butt.
She had a blood transfusion, was infested with worrns and weighed 3.7 pounds. DAS got her
the care she needed in VPH and she came over here and got some care, but it really wasn't
consistent. The gabapentin schedule of medication was once a day, but she was trained to
give it every 8-12 hours, as Dr. March says, so once a day is useless. She was coded as a barn
cat. Somebody reached out to her about the cat, so she picked her up. Two days later, she was
at VPH because she wasn't eating and wasn't going to the bathroom and she had a raging
urinary tract infection and a fever of 103.7.
There was a seven-page medical history on her, but there was no medical waiver and if she
was being put out as a bam cat, there probably should have been a behavioral waiver and that
wasn't in place, either. She was a little shell shocked at the front desk when she was handed a
seven-page waiver. After $700 out of her pocket, she's doing great. She is not feral. She can
touch her, she'll roll over on her back and let her rub her belly. She's sensitive on her south
end, but she can brush her. She came in Saturday to check and see if there was clean water
bowls because the last time she was there, they were filthy and partially full. She ended up
walking out with a l3-year-old cat. She watched Tonya go through the entire file and it was a
surrender with no surrender paperwork attached. The rabies certificate was in the name of the
prior owner, even though it was done while the cat was here.
She asked the front desk where the blood work was because they used to do blood work on
cats that were over 7 years old. A gentleman told her blood work wasn't necessary and they
don't do that anymore unless they think it's necessary. She asked if they could change the
rules. She doesn't understand why things are so haphazard. When she asked Marcy what the
qualifications were for a barn cat, she said it was reviewed and it was a relief vet who made
that decision. She wasn't certain that was correct. It had the number 350 and the front desk
said that number belongs to a vet tech. She's very concerned about what's going on, the
quality and consistency.
Chairman Rich said he wasn't defending anything, especially on the health of an animal.
When you come into a place, you're seeing a snapshot in time, in terms of water bowls and
things like that. At his shelter, when they had one, they were changing litter, bowls and water,
etc., six times a day. But if someone walked in at a particular moment, the kittens may have
knocked things over, the food may have been gone, the litter might have diarrhea, so for that,
it could be anything. Healthwise, he didn't know. Maybe that occurred when DAS didn't
have a vet. Maybe the cat was sent out.
Ms. Kemp said it happened when they had a vet and she was brought in on Oct. 2 and
brought back in again on Oct. 4, so a good amount of it happened when they did have a vet.
Packet Pg. 113 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
April 5,2022
Chairman Rich said they don't have that vet anymore. He's not making excuses, but if
people are worn out or bumed out with the number of animals coming in here, they may not
be watching things carefully. If she sees anything, he urged her to speak to Marcy so she
could research it.
Ms. Kemp said the last two days she was here, there were dirty water bowls, but when she
came on Saturday, everything was spotless.
Chairman Rich thanked her for her input.
Board Member Comments
Vice Chair Hyland said she was grateful for the opportunity to continue working with this
team and the Board. She appreciates the opportunity to continue to volunteer and make the
community better for animals.
Chairman Rich reminded her the nominations still must be approved by the BCC.
Ms. Law said she was glad Ms. Hyland was here. She agreed with Ms. Mehas that help is
needed for colony feeders. We've contributed to what's happening with them. She knows
someone whose next five Social Security checks have already been used to feed cats and
provide medicine. They're spending all their money. She gave AngelNetwork a lot of food
that she received to distribute. She was put off by how regulated they were. They said if there
were multiple pets in the house, they wouldn't provide food. They need to give it to colony
feeders. What would we do if they didn't go out feeding at night? She has helped out with
colony feeders. These cats are waiting for you.
Chairman Rich said they're dedicated and feeders are usually working with multiple groups.
He knows one who spends every dime she has on feeding.
Dr. March said he'd look into what he could do at Harborside in terms of pet food donations.
They have a lot of clients and people on their Facebook page. He can speak with pet food
reps, such as Hills, Royal Canin and Purina to see if they have any interest in helping. He also
could speak to the entire Collier County Veterinary Society and see if they could do a
countywide or Naples food drive for a week or two. Every clinic has space, but someone
would have to collect the food.
Chairman Rich said he has a van and he'd be happy to pick up and deliver the food.
Ms. Baker said it's been an honor and she's proud to have served on the current Board and
with prior Board members. She liked being part of several administrations that were really
involved in making changes. She sees good things happening with this administration. She
hopes to stay in touch with everyone because she does volunteer to work with some of the
more difficult dogs.
Ms. Perry said they'll keep sending her dogs. The three they sent her recently have all been
adopted. She thanked her for her work.
Chairman Rich said it's been a privilege working with her.
Ms. Hyland said a food event might not help the dog and cat food issue very much, but an
event would bring in people they could speak to one-on-one. You can tell them the need and
Packet Pg. 114 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)
April 5,2O22
they can see the need. That often goes further than something posted on Facebook. It gives
everyone the opportunity to speak to rescue groups and people can determine ifthey want to
do it on a monthly basis.
Chairman Rich said that may work if it's monthly and at a central location, so they're not
inundated with food. The one time they did it here was like a riot with about 20 rescue
groups, so there needs to be coordination.
Ms. Law asked if there was a problem now getting cat food.
Chairman Rich said he's been with Pet Smart for 20 years and he gets a l5% discount.
When we sta(ed ordering large amounts offood, Pet Smart said they couldn't get it for him
But then he checked and it wasn't a problem. It's not great quality food, but it's as good as
what most people are feeding their pets. At least they're not starving to death, and it's
Ms. Mehas (audience comment) said she called Costco's corporate office because they have
tall cans of dog food on the website and at the store, so she asked for tall, I 2-ounce cans of
cat food. She was told they don't have that in their inventory and they don't make it for cats.
She called Purina and they told her they don't have that much inventory now. He offered to
send her coupons, which she accepted. They told her the problem was more the tins than the
Chairman Rich said most people are feeding cats dry food. Wet food is certainly better for
them, but ifthey could get enough dry food, he'd be happy with that.
VIII. Adjourn
Next meeting: May 17, 6 p.m.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
concludedat 6:43 p.m.
Collier County Domestic Animal Services
These minutes wglapproved by the Committee/Chairman on
as presented .r./ , or as amended
/7 }I (check one)
Vice Chair Hyland nade a mation lo adjourn. Dr. March seconfud it The motion
passed unanimo usly, G0.
Packet Pg. 115 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - April 5, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)