DASAB Minutes 04/05/2022April5.2O22 MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC AMMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, April 5,2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, 7610 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Jim Rich VICE CHAIRMAN: Kelly Hyland SECRETARY: SueLaw Dr. Robert March Mary Baker Sarah Baeckler-Davis ALSO PRESENT: Marcy Perry, Director, Domestic Animal Services Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS Meredith Mclean, Events Coordinator, HSN Maggie Kemp Chuck Danielian Michele Antonia, President, Animal Compassion Project Susie Mehas, Pet Pantry 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 67 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) April5,2022 Any persons in need of the vefiotim rccod of the meeting may rcquest a copy of lhe audio recording from Domestic Animal Services. I. CaIl to Order Chairman Rich called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. He said this meeting is being held a week earlier because they would not have been able to have a quorum next week because Ms. Baker's term will be up. Ms. Hyland also couldn't vote on certain things because her term would be up. They need to recommend candidates to County Commissioners and hopefully, by May 17, the Board will have a full board. II. Roll Call A quorum of six was established. III. Approval of Agenda Dr. March made a motion to approve the March 15, 2022, agendo- Vice Chairman Hyland seconded it. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Chairman Rich asked that ifanyone wants to speak to raise his or her hand and not to talk over each other because they are keeping a written and recorded record ofthe meeting. IV. Leadership Report [Marcy Perry, DAS Directorl Ms. Perry provided some staffing updates: . They finished interviewing for the vacant veterinary position and made a selection, which was sent to Human Resources to finish the preliminary paperwork and reach out with a job offer. o We interviewed someone for the Animal Care Specialist position and HR reached out with an offer today. (Ms. Carroll confirmed that an offer was made.) o We conducted interviews for the Senior Animal Control Officer a few weeks ago. Human Resources made the job offer and it was accepted. The employee came in last week to start the paperwork process. o We did interviews for our last vacant Senior Animal Care Specialist and will be submitting the paperwork to Human Resources by the end of this week, so they can call to make ajob offer. . We promoted Ryan Packard from Animal Care Specialist to Senior Animal Care Specialist. Ms, Perry provided other updates: DAS Ordinance: She and Ms. H yland went over the Ordinance one more time to put the finishing touches on it so it could be submitted to the County Attomey, who will review it, make changes, suggestions and recommendations before sending it back to her. Dan Rodriguez: He's aware that certain seats that are either vacant or the terms are up. He extended a thank you to everybody for their service and assisting with everything. The Tails & Tidbits Video: A special video ofa dog and her puppies stuck in a culvert was mailed out. When we got the call, we were told they'd been in there for several days. The fire department eventually got them out. They tried nets, toys, puppy sounds. They had to be coaxed out because the puppies wouldn't come out. They were eventually able to scare the mom out. She was staying there because ofthe pups. She was underweight, had diarrhea and they were all infested with hookworm. Because we're under construction, they were transferred to Gulf Coast Humane Society, which had room and could take them. The mom 2 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) V Aptil5,2022 went with the puppies Chairman Rich asked what the status was ofthe building under construction Ms. Perry said the Stray building is 1007o complete. The Dog Adoption Building will be l00o% complete, except for kennel doors, on Friday. They've taken down scaffolding and are now up to building the kennel doors. We're replacing the fronts and backs ofthe doors. The new design looks amazing. The doors are in the design phase now and they're expecting that the first eight doors will be put up the week after next. Once the doors are up, we're going to sta( putting dogs into those runs and that buitding witl be 100% complete. Dr. March asked ifthey were still looking for a second veterinanan. Ms. Perry said they're still looking to hire a second vet. They interviewed two people and one turned it down because she didn't like everything thejob entailed. It's difficult to fill because it involves more spay and neuters than a private practice. New Business A. Advisory Board Composition Chairman Rich said they gathered today to recommend candidates to the Board of County Commissioners to approve. Ifthere's any question from anyone applying, the seven-member Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board was created on Jan. 27,2004, by Ordinance. [t is tasked with making recommendations to the BCC on programs, services, classes and special events that will further assist Collier County DAS with providing the best possible service to the community. Board members also will analyze and review construction and improvements to DAS facilities and make recommendations to the BCC regarding such facilities. The DASAB meets at 6 p.m. the second Tuesday ofeach month. Terms are four years and the Board is composed ofa Humane Society Naples representative; one law enforcement member; one veterinarian or vet tech; one animal activist; one representative from the pet retail, boarding or grooming industry; and two at-large members. Vice Chair Hyland thought it might be a good idea to discuss opening up those positions so they wouldn't have specific titles and we could have more ofa range for people to apply to be on the Board. Chairman Rich said he spoke with the Assistant County Attorney and it would take a revision ofthe Ordinance by the BCC for that to happen. Ms. Baker's position is the most difficult to fill, pet store owners, groomers, etc., due to the time they'd have to give up. In past years, we've gone several months without that position. The other is law enforcement officers, who don't show up. We even had a problem with a veterinarian several years ago. We could approach the BCC about a couple ofthese positions, especially if no one applies for Ms. Baker's position, but we need to do that carefully. We could ask the BCC for a revision ofthe Ordinance. Ms. Hyland said it's hard to fill the positions with titles. Instead of bypassing someone who may be an asset to the Board due to titles, we could fill the seats if they weren't assigned titles. 3 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) Aptil5,2022 B. Animal Services Advisory Board Vacancies i. Law Enforcement Chairman Rich said a law enforcement officer has applied to be on the Board, but he didn't know if she has pets. He asked Marcy to reach out to her to make sure she's committed and Marcy confirmed she'd block dates out. Chairman Rich made a motion to nominate XXXXX to lhe BCC tofill the latt enforcement position Dr. March seconded iL The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. ii. Humane Society Naples Chairman Rich thanked Meredith Mclean for coming with Ms. Baeckler-Davis tonight He said their objective is to get back on a better footing with the Humane Society Naples for the sake of the animals. Ms. Hyland asked if the Board had a vote and they needed a recommendation for something, would Ms. Mclean have the authority on her own to vote or would she have to discuss it with Sarah and ask her first? Ms. Mclean said if it's something other organizations are involved in, it definitely would be something she would take back to Sarah because, as a leadership team, we do make decisions together and she'd want to ensure it's in alignment with the organization. In general, if we're talking about some recommendations and having general discussions, she could weigh in. But if it's full decision-making, like at the last workshop, she'd have to discuss it with Sarah. Chairman Rich said if it's something involving the Humane Society Naples, she could just recuse herself. She's certainly qualified and has the experience. We're looking forward to having you on the Board. Chairmon Rich made a molion to recommcnd Meredith Mclean lo the BCC to fill the Humane Sociegt Naples represenlalive position Vice Chair Hyland seconded iL The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. iii. At-Large Chairman Rich noted that they received an application for an at-large position, but that person is not here tonight. Ifthat person isn't interested in being here and speaking, he's not interested in them being on the Board. He said Ms. Hyland has done an excellentjob on the Board and should continue as a regular member, not as a substitute. Chairman Rich noted that Michele Antonia rescinded her application in deference to Ms. Hyland. He said he and Michele Antonia fought for anti-dog chain laws and TNR and that took four years. It was a struggle. Ms. Antonio said ifa second at-large position opens up, she's interested in serving. Chairman Rich said one may open up if they can,t fill the seat Ms. Baker is vacating and 4 Chairman Rich firade a motion to recommend that Vice Chair Kelly Hyland be nominated tofill an at-large position. Dr. March seconded it The motion passed unanimously, G0. 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) vI. April 5,2022 they can get the BCC to revise the ordinance. iv. Pet Retail Chairman Rich thanked Ms. Baker for her many years ofservice and her voice, which grew over the years. on the Board. Public Comments Ms. Mehas complimented DAS on its social media efforts and Facebook page. She said she hears music and sees little faces and it's wonderful. The loved the long video about the mother and puppies and held her breath while watching it. The publicity has been very good. Ms. Perry noted that Heather Carr is their marketing coordinator and does an amazing job. Ms. Mehas asked about the vacant law-enforcement position. Does it have to be a deputy? Can it be a City police officer? Chairman Rich said it just needs to be a law-enforcement officer. Ms. Mehas said there's a wonderful city policeman who has helped her with rescues and he's a real animal lover. He would be very good. She said shejust came from a feeding colony in Pelican Bay and needs help with food. She knows there's a large pantry here and she's been allowed to use the one at the Humane Society Naples, but the colony feeders need help. One woman feeds l3 colonies a night. It would help ifthey could come and get some dry and canned food once in a while. What we're feeding is TNR. She understands a lot of food is going to Saving Grace, which is wonderful, but people should have to provide medical records to prove they're feeding animals that are spayed and neutered. She said she brought a friend, a Vietnam veteran here, to help feed his cats. Chairman Rich asked Ms. Perry if Saving Grace was where all their pantry food went to. Is that open to anyone? Ms. Perry said yes, it goes to Saving Grace as part of a resolutron. Vice Chair Hyland said it' been in place for at least l5 years, but she'd have to look up the Ordinance date. Ms. Carroll said it began after Pet Supermarket began donating trailer loads after Hurricane Charley. That food was restricted to rescue groups. Chairman Rich said he was under the impression that the bins and food DAS gives to Saving Crace went to feral feeders, including Ms. Mehar. He said he'd call Saving Grace to ask, and look into a change in the resolution. He said there are several independent groups that get food so he knows the resolution hasn't been strictly followed. They can look at the volume offood sent to that organization. He noted that his group is buying more than 4,000 pounds ofdog and cat food monthly, while a lot ofpeople have nothing and are feeding cats. Perhaps a percentage of it can be shared. These people have nothing and are living in trailers or living in broken-down homes. They can barely feed themselves, but they,re out there feeding the cats that we're fixing and putting back out, so we owe it to them to at least look at revising the resolution. Ms. Antonio said she buys a lot of food for people feeding cats in Immokalee. 5 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) April 5.2022 Vice Chair Hyland suggested having an event, a food drive to reach out to the community and ask for food donations. Chairman Rich said the problem is that's a one-offand they need a steady supply offood, or even a percentage so they know they can get a certain amount. He can see if the resolution can be amended. Ms. Perry said she'd look at the resolution to see ifthere's any flexibility. Ms. Kemp said she wanted to talk about the inconsistency in how the animals are being cared for here. Cats that may not be getting the food that was prescribed to them, and haphazard waivers. She recently adopted a cat that got coded as a bam cat even though she was picked up and had a perforated colon and six inches ofher intestines were hanging out ofher butt. She had a blood transfusion, was infested with worms and weighed 3.7 pounds. DAS got her the care she needed in VPH and she came over here and got some care, but it really wasn't consistent. The gabapentin schedule of medication was once a day, but she was trained to give it every 8-12 hours, as Dr. March says, so once a day is useless. She was coded as a barn cat. Somebody reached out to her about the cat, so she picked her up. Two days later, she was at VPH because she wasn't eating and wasn't going to the bathroom and she had a raging urinary tract infection and a fever of 103.7. There was a seven-page medical history on her, but there was no medical waiver and if she was being put out as a bam cat, there probably should have been a behavioral waiver and that wasn't in place, either. She was a little shell shocked at the front desk when she was handed a seven-page waiver. After $700 out ofher pocket, she's doing great. She is not feral. She can touch her, she'll roll over on her back and let her rub her belly. She's sensitive on her south end, but she can brush her. She came in Saturday to check and see ifthere was clean water bowls because the last time she was there, they were filthy and partially full. She ended up walking out with a l3-year-old cat. She watched Tonya go through the entire file and it was a surrender with no surrender paperwork attached. The rabies certificate was in the name ofthe prior owner, even though it was done while the cat was here. She asked the front desk where the blood work was because they used to do blood work on cats that were over 7 years old. A gentleman told her blood work wasn't necessary and they don't do that anymore unless they think it's necessary. She asked ifthey could change the rules. She doesn't understand why things are so haphazard. When she asked Marcy what the qualifications were for a bam cat, she said it was reviewed and it was a relief vet who made that decision. She wasn't certain that was correct. It had the number 350 and the front desk said that number belongs to a vet tech. She's very concemed about what's going on, the quality and consistency. Chairman Rich said he wasn't defending anything, especially on the health ofan animal. When you come into a place, you're seeing a snapshot in time, in terms of water bowls and things like that. At his shelter, when they had one, they were changing litter, bowls and water, etc., six times a day. But if someone walked in at a particular moment, the kittens may have knocked things over, the food may have been gone, the litter might have diarrhea, so for that, it could be anything. Healthwise, he didn't know. Maybe that occurred when DAS didn,t have a vet. Maybe the cat was sent out. Ms. Kemp said it happened when they had a vet and she was brought in on Oct. 2 and brought back in again on ocr. 4, so a good amount of it happened when they did have a vet. 6 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) vu. April5,2022 Chairman Rich said they don't have that vet anymore. He's not making excuses, but if people are worn out or burned out with the number of animals coming in here, they may not be watching things carefully. If she sees anything, he urged her to speak to Marcy so she could research it. Ms. Kemp said the last two days she was here, there were dirty water bowls, but when she came on Saturday, everything was spotless. Chairman Rich thanked her for her input. Board Member Comments Vice Chair Hyland said she was grateful for the opportunity to continue working with this team and the Board. She appreciates the opportunity to continue to volunteer and make the community better for animals. Chairman Rich reminded her the nominations stillmust be approved by the BCC. Ms. Law said she was glad Ms. Hyland was here. She agreed with Ms. Mehas that help is needed for colony feeders. We've contributed to what's happening with them. She knows someone whose next five Social Security checks have already been used to feed cats and provide medicine. They're spending alltheir money. She gave Angel Network a lot of food that she received to distribute. She was put off by how regulated they were. They said if there were multiple pets in the house, they wouldn't provide food. They need to give it to colony feeders. What would we do if they didn't go out feeding at night? She has helped out with colony feeders. These cats are waiting for you. Chairman Rich said they're dedicated and feeders are usually working with multiple groups He knows one who spends every dime she has on feeding. Dr. March said he'd look into what he could do at Harborside in terms of pet food donations. They have a lot of clients and people on their Facebook page. He can speak with pet food reps, such as Hills, Royal Canin and Purina to see if they have any interest in helping. He also could speak to the entire Collier County Veterinary Society and see if they could do a countywide or Naples food drive for a week or two. Every clinic has space, but someone would have to collect the food. Chairman Rich said he has a van and he'd be happy to pick up and deliver the food. Ms. Baker said it's been an honor and she's proud to have served on the current Board and with prior Board members. She liked being part of several administrations that were really involved in making changes. She sees good things happening with this administration. She hopes to stay in touch with everyone because she does volunteer to work with some of the more difficult dogs. Ms. Perry said they'll keep sending her dogs. The three they sent her recently have all been adopted. She thanked her for her work. Chairman Rich said it's been a privilege working with her. Ms. Hyland said a food event might not help the dog and cat food issue very much, but an event would bring in people they could speak to one-on-one. You can tell them the need and 7 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) April5,2022 they can see the need. That often goes further than something posted on Facebook. It gives everyone the opportunity to speak to rescue groups and people can determine if they want to do it on a monthly basis. Chairman Rich said that may work if it's monthly and at a central location, so they're not inundated with food. The one time they did it here was like a riot with about 20 rescue groups, so there needs to be coordination. Ms. Law asked if there was a problem now getting cat food. Chairman Rich said he's been with Pet Smart for 20 years and he gets a l5%o discount. When we started ordering large amounts of food, Pet Smart said they couldn't get it for him. But then he checked and it wasn't a problem. It's not great quality food, but it's as good as what most people are feeding their pets. At least they're not starving to death, and it's sustenance. Ms. Mehas (audience comment) said she called Costco's corporate office because they have tall cans of dog food on the website and at the store, so she asked for tall, l2-ounce cans of cat food. She was told they don't have that in their inventory and they don't make it for cats. She called Purina and they told her they don't have that much inventory now. He offered to send her coupons, which she accepted. They told her the problem was more the tins than the food. Chairman Rich said most people are feeding cats dry food. Wet food is certainly better for them, but if they could get enough dry food, he'd be happy with that. VIIL Adjourn Next meeting: May 17,6 p.m Vice Chair Hyland mnde o motion to adjoarn. Dr. March seconded it The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was concludedat 6:43 p.m. Collier County Domestic Animal Seryices ffir/ut-U*; Committee/Chairman on 8 These minutes wyi{ approved by the as presented \/ , or as amended }I (check one)I 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)