DASAB Minutes 02/15/2022Feduzry 15,2022 MINUTES OF TI{E MEETING OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, February 15,2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6 P.M. in REGIILAR SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, 7610 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Jim Rich VICE CHAIRMAN: Sarah Baeckler-Davis SECRETARY: vacant Dr. Robert March Mary Baker (excused) Kelly Hyland Sue Law Cpl. Jim Spartz (resigred) ALSO PRESENT:Marcy Perry, Director, DAS Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS Dan Rodriguez, Deputy County Manager Tanya Williams, Public Services Department Head Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attomey I 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) Febr\ary 15,2022 I. Call to Order Chairman Rich called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m II Roll CaIl - Establish a Quorum A quorum of five members was established III. Approval of Agenda (Changes or Additions) M* Baeckler-Davis made a motion to approve the agenda It was seconded The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0. fV. Approval of Minutes - Jan. 18,2O22 Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a nmtion lo approve lhe Jan. 18, 2022, meeling minules. Il was seconded. The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0. v Leadership Report - DAS Director Marcy Perry Ms. Perry received an email resignation from DASAB member Jim Spartz. Update on the DAS and HSN collaboration: The two met on Jan. 3 I after re questing a meeting in writing, which was sent and they responded today. They provided a list of ideas that we could develop so we could have a working relationship together. HSN requested that we put it on paper so they could have an opportunity to review it. They're in the process of reviewing the ideas now. r HSN would be the designated facility for the surrender ofowned animals. o HSN would establish a robust trap and retum program. o HSN would take animals that were at DAS for more than 90 days. The DAS shelter vet tendered his resignation. They will be sending animals to private practices for spayineuter and medical needs as DAS has been doing. Spavins and Neutering: S tray cats and dogs that are reclaimed by their owners must be spayed or neutered prior to retuming home. The cost of spay/neuter is the responsibility of the animal's owner. The spay/neuter fee will be assessed in addition to any impound fees. Spay/neuter fees are $75 for a canine neuter, 985 for a canine spay, $50 for a feline neuter and $65 for a feline spay. Staff update: Within the next two or three weeks, six new Animal-Care Specialists will be coming on board. They will be training all the ACSs on everything they need to know about: movement through the shelter, data entry, feeding (underfeeding and overfeeding), 2 The ideas were sent to the County Attomey's Offrce yesterday and there are quite a few revisions that must be made before it can become a County Ordinance. She'll be having regular weekly meetings with the County Attomey's Office until it's 100% complete. Then she'll bring it back to the DASAB for review before it goes to the Board of County Commissioners for a vote. Anonymous reporting: Ms. Perry said she's often asked ifpeople can report animal- related problems anonymously. Under Florida State Statute 125.69 4b, it's allowed if the animal officer believes the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resouces. People also can make an anonymous call. 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) Fehuary 15,2022 vaccination, etc. Training will start tomorrow with current staff and as the six new hires come on board, they will be trained. DAS has developed a checklist ofeverything the employees need to know to be proficient in their positions. Uocomine events: e Feb. l6 - Collier County Senior Expo at North Collier Regional Park. o Feb.26. Start Your Engines Transportation and Community Services Expo at the Orange Blossom Headquarters Library. . March 26 - Immokalee Cattle Drive & Jamboree at the lmmokalee Pioneer Museum at Robert's Ranch Leadership Report - Dan Rodriguez Mr. Rodriguez noted that DAS is getting much better under Ms. Perry's leadership. He's seen a lot ofchanges. But there's still a lot of work to do. She's going to be hiring a veterinarian and they'll be seeing a lot more changes in the future. He's been promoted to Deputy County Manager. He introduced Tanya Williams, who took over his position as Public Services Department head. She's been with the County for 26 years, has worked with young people and seniors and won state and national awards for her work. You can reach her anyime by phone. Ms. Williams said she grew up in Collier County, her parents still live in Immokalee and animals are near and dear to her heart. She has two Labrador retrievers and one cat, all rescues. She worked with Dan Rodriguez for 25-plus years. You were in great hands with him and she hopes the Board will find that with her. She's excited to continue the work that's been started. She provided her direct phone number and noted that it's posted on the website. She thanked the Board and DAS for their interest and advocacy. Ms. Perry said they will be posting a veterinarian position on Friday and hope to hire two vets. The salary was increased, and new requirements were written, so she hopes that generates new interest in the position. New Business A. Appointment of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary Chairman Rich noted that the vice chair could act on the chair's behalfifthe chair is absent. Ms. Hyland made d motion lo re-elect fim Rich as chairmaru It was seconded. The molion possed unanimously, 5-0. Chairman Rich made a motion to nominate Ms. Hyland as vice chair. It was seconded. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Ms. Baechler-Davis mqde a motion to nominale Ms. Law as secretary. It was seconded The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. B, Sunshine Law & Ethics - Assistant County Aftorney Colleen Greene 3 vr. Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if Dr. Dave was still there. Dr, March said he was. 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) F ebrtary 15,2022 Attorney Greene provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Sunshine Law and noted: o Florida's Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967, Chapter 286 of Florida Statutes. . The basics involve offering access to most boards and meetings, whether formal or casual.o As a board, you're required to observe and abide by the Sunshine Law. . The Sunshine Law applies to any gathering oftwo or more members ofa board or commission, who cannot discuss anything outside a publicly noticed meeting that foreseeably will be discussed by the board.o Three main requirements: Meetings must be open to the public; reasonable notice of such meetings must be given; minutes must be taken. o The public must be able to attend the meeting, it must be accessible, in a facility that's a sufficient size for a large tumout, and in a facility that cannot discriminate based on age, race, etc. You are required to allow someone to speak, but you can restrict it to three minutes or a reasonable time. . Reasonable notice is two weeks, but what's timely can be 72 hours, which is sufficient. o Written minutes must be taken and made available promptly, even if they are in draft form. They can be a brief summary, with a record of the votes. You are not required to have verbatim minutes. Sound recordings can be used but are in addition to written minutes. Sound recordings also are a public record. o Subcommittee members can only come from the board membership, but others can be invited to attend as guests. o No pre- or post-meeting discussions, no private conversations on the dais, and avoid texting on the dais. o Board members cannot use a non-member as a liaison between board members to discuss matters. o A board member can send documents on matters coming before the board to other board members provided there are no responses or interaction prior to the board meeting. A staff liaison is recommended and should place a note at the top saying it's a one-way communication. . Inspection trips are not recommended because they're hard to do. Such meetings must be open to the public, public notice must be given and minutes taken. Depending on the nature ofthe trip, it might be hard to include the public. The board should work with the County Attomey's Office to ensure all requirements are met.o The definition of public records is very broad. Each version ofa document that gets tracked back and forth must be maintained, including draft documents. For example, each version of the pending interlocal agreement with Marco Island must be maintained. All communications, letters, notes and emails are subject to the public records law.o Don't put anything in an email that you don't want to read in the Naples Daily News. . Anything you put in your email involving govemment business becomes a public record and is subject to disclosure.o Govemment records must be maintained. The best way to keep your own records is to email them to your staff liaison. Records must be kept for seven years. o Any records a board member creates can be kept in a three-ring binder and when a board member finishes his/her term, they can be tumed over to the board liaison. 4 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) Febrtary 15,2022 . Exemptions: Discussions of litigation are exempt from public records until litigation is closed. Social Security numbers ofemployees are exempt.. Penalties can be criminal and/or civil and carry fines.o Social media and the comment trap: there's an increased risk of running afoul ofthe public records law if a board member comments on social media, especially if another member comments/replies. Nothing that could foreseeably come before the board should be discussed. Using your own personal social media is advised against for board work. o Board members are subject to state and county ethics laws. Board members cannot accept anything ofvalue that would influence a vote or is considered a reward. The state's gift-value limit is $100; the county's is $0. Free lunches cannot be accepted. C. Subcommittees - Jim Rich Chairman Rich read a written statement about workshops and a proposed action plan for cats. He spoke about DAS and SNIP working together and community training. ACOs would pick up traps and deliver to SNIP. FTLOF (Jim) would provide traps and pay for surgery. DAS would provide additional traps and ACOs for transport to and from surgery, as well as providing microchips for tracking. He would like the March meeting to be a workshop for the Community Cats Program. Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a motion to hold o Communily Cat forum in March, It was seconded. The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. VIII. Advisory Board Comments Ms. Hyland agreed with Mr. Kepp's concerns. Ms. Baeckler-Davis asked if Ms. Perry could provide the County Attorney,s 5 A discussion ensued and the following points were made: o When the Community Cat Program targets communities, they shouldn't be targeted due to cultural beliefs. . Animal welfare is a concem. o [f anyone in the advocacy community wants to meet with a Board member to discuss an issue, they can meet one-on-one to avoid Sunshine Law problems. e The larger-scale issue is reviewing TNR. V[ Public comments Mr. Kepp cited concem about anonymous calls and property transfers and what state law says about those issues. Ms. Perry read Florida Statute 125.69 48, the statute involving anonymous calls: A person designoted as a code inspector may not initiate an iwestigation ofa potentiol violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance by way of an anonymous complaint. A person who reports a potentiol violation of a code or an ordinance must provide his or her name and address to the governing body of the respective bodrd of county commissioners before an investigation occurs. This parasraoh does not aoob) if the person designated as a code insoector has reason to believe lhat the violation presents an imminent lhreat to public heahh. safetv. or welfare or imminent destrudion of habitat or sensitive resources. 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022) February 15,2022 opinion on this at the next meeting. A discussion ensued about state Statutes and the County Ordinance and the following points were made: o Could the County Ordinance be rewritten? o Can the County Attorney attend a meeting to discuss if it's enforceable? o Action needs to speed up now and workshops would help. o One concern is the safety of the animals. o HSN, DAS and community groups will work better by collaborating together, rather than fighting. HSN is still interested in helping in any way that supports its mission. IX. Adjourn Ms. Baeckler-Davis made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded The motion passed unanimously, 5-0. The next meeting Tuesday, March 15,2022, at 6 p.m. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting concludedat 7:30 p.m. Collier County Domestic Animal Seruices -e hairmanJeircs-Rirt\/iL*"^; sl ''1"(check one) asThese minutes were presented approved by the Committee/Chairman on or as amended 6 3.A.2 Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Agenda - May 17, 2022 (22406 : Animal Services Advisory Board - May 17, 2022)