TDC Minutes 03/28/2022March 28, 2022
Naples, Florida, March 289 2022
LET IT BE REMEMBERED the Collier County Tourist Development Council in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9900 AM in a
REGULAR SESSION in Building F of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with
the following members present:
Chairman: Commissioner Andy Solis
Vice Chairman: Clark Hill
Amanda Cox (excused)
Susan Becker
Kathleen Brock
Ed "Ski" Olesky
Jared Grifoni (via Zoom)
Nancy Kerns
Beth Petrunoff (awaiting appointment)
ALSO PRESENT: Paul Beirnes, Collier County Tourism Director
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Buzzy Ford, Digital & Social Media Coordinator, County Tourism
Andy Miller, Coastal Zone Manager
Amber de Lisser, Account Director, Paradise Advertising (via Zoom)
Michelle Kelly, Lou Hammond Group (via Zoom)
Joseph St. Germain, President, Downs & St. Germain Research
Enriqueta Balandra, Project Manager, Miles Partnership (via Zoom)
Marisa Baker, Manager, Paradise Coast Sports Complex
Jaci Erale-Baughn, Venue Marketing Dir., Sports Facilities Cos.
Jack Adams, VP, Sports Facilities Cos.
March 28, 2022
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view it online.
1. Call to Order
Chairman Solis called the meeting to order at 9*02 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
3. Roll Call
A quorum was established by those members present in the board room.
Mr. Beirnes noted Jared Grifoni was joining on Zoom and that Council Member Michael McCabe
has cycled off the Council. Beth Petrunoff, who replaces him, still must be appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners on April 12 and will join the next meeting. She is in the audience today.
Mr. Olesky made a motion to allow Mr. Grifoni to join the meeting via Zoom due to extraordinary
circumstances. Second by Ms. Becker. The motion was carried unanimously, 74.
4. Agenda and Minutes
A. Changes and Approval of Today's Agenda
Mr. Beirnes announced one change, that C 1 will be he
under New Business, as 7.B 1.
Mr. Olesky made a motion to approve the agenda, with the above change. Second by Ms. Becker.
The motion was carried unanimously, 7.0.
B. Approval of prior TDC Meeting Minutes
1. Regular Meeting Feb. 28, 2022
Ms. Becker made a motion to approve the Feb. 28, 2022, meeting minutes. Second by Ms. Kerns.
The motion was carried unanimously, 70.
5. Presentations/Public Comment - (3 minutes each)
6. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under this agenda item are rozctine and action will be taken by one motion without
separate discussion on each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the TDC, those items will
be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered separately under New Business or Old Business.
A. Coastal Zone Management
B. Beach Park Facilities
C. Tourism Division
(Moved to 7.B.1)
7. New Business
March 28, 2022
A. Recommendation to approve a work order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure
Inc. to provide professional engineering services for 2023-2024 Local Government Funding
Request under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $26,052.00 and
make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund 195, Project No. 90065).
Mr. Miller reported that this is an annual request for an analysis of the LGFR, the Local
Government Funding Request, from the FDEP. It's slightly above the amount for last year, which
was $22,500.
Ms. Brock made a motion to approve a work order with APTIMEnvironmental �
Infrastructure Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the 20234024 LGFR under
Contract No. I &7432-CZfor time and materials not to exceed $26,052 and found that it
promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion was carried unanimously, 74.
B.1. Recommendation to approve a proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. to continue the
required post -construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach
Nourishment Project in summer 2022 for time and materials not to exceed $286,067.27
under Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Fund
195, Project No. 90033).
Mr. Miller reported that the County performs yearly hardbottom monitoring as part of the FDEP
permit's requirements for beach-renourishment projects. CSA Ocean Sciences works with
County staff, goes out on the County boat, dives and measures the encroachment of the sand, if
the sand has encroached on the hardbottom. They make note of that and submit their findings to
the FDEP as part of the County's permit requirements.
This year's cost is noticeably different from last year, which was about $170,000. The higher
cost is because Coastal Zone staff participates in the hardbottom monitoring, but the County is
one man short this year due to an injury. The employee who drives the County boat, who also
dives, is not available, so CSA will provide the County with another diver this year.
There's also an additional $40,000 to conduct asub-aquatic vegetation survey, if necessary, in
Doctors Pass, which is being dredged now. If there's an event this year that causes issues with
Doctors Pass next year, we would have to do a sub -aquatic vegetation survey to do the dredging
at Doctors Pass next year. If that doesn't occur, the $40,000 will be saved as unused.
Mr Hill made a motion to approve a proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. to continue the
required post -construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment
Project in summer 2022 for time and materials not to exceed $286,067.27 under Contract No.
17-7188 and found that it promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Becker. Carried unanimously, 74.
B.1. Recommendation to approve a Work Order in the amount of $5,395.00 to Ardaman &
Associates, Inc. under Contract No. 18-7432-TE for professional geotechnical analysis of
beach fill material from the Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass Dredge 2021-2022 project and
make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. (Fund195, Project No. 80288 &
Mr. Miller said this involves after -the -fact testing associated with the Doctors and Wiggins Pass
dredge, which is ongoing this week. FDEP requires the County to test the sand that went on the
March 28, 2022
beaches at Barefoot Beach, Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park and Naples Beach. The County takes
samples at various places. Ardamon & Associates tests samples and submit their findings to the
FDEP for approval, as part of permit requirements. This work order will allow Ardaman &
Associates Inc. to conduct sand testing for FDEP compliance, as required by the FDEP permit.
Ms. Kerns made a motion to approve a 5,395 work order to Andaman Associates Inc. under
Contract No. I &7432-TE for professional geotechnical analysis of beach fill material from
the Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass Dredge 2021-2022 project and found that it promotes
tourism. Second by Ms. Becker. The motion carried unanimously, 74.
D. Tourist Development Council (TDC) to review and make a recommendation on the
application by Susan Becker for the appointment of an additional term on the Tourist
Development Council.
Mr. Hill made a motion to recommend approving Ms. Becker for another term and found
that her appointment has a positive impact on tourism. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion
carried unanimously, 6-0; Ms. Becker abstained.
E. Tourist Development Council (TDC) to review and make a recommendation on the
application by Edward Olesky for the appointment of an additional term on the Tourist
Development Council.
Ms. Becker made a motion to recommend approving Mr. Olesky for another term and found
that his appointment has a positive impact on tourism. Second by Ms. Kerns. The motion
carried unanimously, 64; Mr. Olesky abstained.
8. Old Business
9. Marketing Partner Reports
These reports (Marketing Partner Reports -Downs & St. Germain Research Group; Paradise
Advertising & Marketing, Inc.; Lou Hammond & Associates; Convention & Visitors Bureau PR
Team; Collier County Tax Collector - tourist tax collections; Miles Partners - Website Analytics,
Digital & Social Media; Book Direct, JackRabbit Systems - online hotel booking systems; County
Museums) are provided to TDC members on the above digital link to the County website. The
Research Data Services report will be presented monthly, and the other reports will be presented at
TDC meetings on an -as -needed basis. TDC members may request a presentation by the marketing
partner representative or by tourism staff at each TDC meeting.
Mr. Beirnes reported that this season has been a strong one. The average daily and occupancy rates
have been exceptional. The numbers from the last Smith Travel Report for March 13-19 show that the
County's occupancy rate is at 86.4% and was just under 91 % during Presidents' Day weekend, which is
exceptionally strong. The average daily rate for March 13 -19 was $ 573.63, which is $13 0 over what it
was a year ago at that time. He reminded the Council that last year set all-time records.
He noted that a good number to focus on is RevPAR, a hotel's average daily room rate multiplied by its
occupancy rate. RevPAR came in at $495.46 versus $382.91 a year ago. That's what the owners and
management companies focus on, the profitability of their hotel buildings.
March 28, 2022
Going forward, he has daily calls with the European offices, and Europeans still have an incredible pent-
up demand. We were a little concerned over the events happening overseas, which have impacted where
travelers go. They're not going to Eastern Europe, but instead of Portugal and Spain, it appears they still
have a pent-up demand for the U.S. The U.S. has been extremely resilient. We do not expect a
significant decline after season.
At the end of the last Board of County Commissioners meeting, Mr. Beirnes said, there was a request to
A the deadline for the Tourist Development Council grants and we will be making a
recommendation on those at the April 12 BCC meeting.
He reported that on Friday, World Atlas rated Naples as the No. 1 downtown nationwide.
Part 1. Marketing Partner Report
A. Downs & St. Germain Research Group — Joseph St. Germain
"Collier County Tourism Research — February 2022 Visitor Tracking and Economic Impact
Mr. St. Germain reported that gas prices and inflation are the No. 1 deterrent to travel, not
COVID, and then outlined his firm's research during a PowerPoint presentation.
After the presentation, a discussion ensued:
Mr. Hill asked Mr. Germain to share what destination or what satisfaction score would be the
highest, to his knowledge.
Mr. St. Germain said that when we see visitors recommending or planning to return, seeing
numbers in the mid- to high-90s is normal. Where Collier County stands is good. It's a value
question. Anytime you're getting up to a 9 or so, that's a great place to be, as were the 8.8 and 8.9
in his firm's base month with the County. Any time you have these high ADRs, it's harder to get a
10. An 8.5 is not bad, but it's also not good. It's something we'll continue to note as we see that.
Mr. Hill asked if there was any way the County could structure the survey to get a little more
detail on its price value and other things.
Mr. St. Germain said that is something that can be changed from now on. Usually with something
like that, if visitors give it a rating of 6.0 or lower, we will ask why. On a monthly level, there
might not be some great data, but we can start asking that and then as we go on, he can report back
on that. It might not be next month because they may not have enough, but we will make sure we
include that.
Mr. Beirnes noted that today is an exciting day at If? SW. We've talked for quite some time about the
start of Eurowings, which is flying in from Frankfurt today at 4:30 p.m. He and Chairman Solis will
be meeting with some of Eurowings executives tomorrow night, so it's exciting to see that service
flourish as much as it has, and will.
B. Paradise Advertising —Amber de Lisser
"Advertising Report —Winter Ad Campaigns 2022 "
(PowerPoint presentation)
March 28, 2022
Ms. Kerns noted that her niece flew in from Chicago and sent her the Paradise Advertising ad. It
was featured at one of the coldest areas, where the wind hits it, so it was placed well.
C. Lou Hammond Group — Michelle Kelly
"National Public Relations Update — TDC Meeting — Services Conducted in February 2022"
(PowerPoint presentation)
Part 2. Marketing Partner Reports
D. Collier County Tourist Tax Collections — Paul Beirnes
"Tourist Tax Collections — February 2022"
Mr. Beirnes reported that all the reports are attached for TDC members to review. February
collections are up 68.85% compared with 2020, which was a phenomenal year. And year-to-date
is 78.5% over last year. We're already $6.5 million ahead of what the adopted budget was. April,
May, June and July are expected to be strong.
E. Miles Media — Enriqueta Balandra
Paradise. com Web Analytics Report — February 2022
(PowerPoint presentation)
F. Paradise Coast Sports Complex and Sports Facilities Companies — Marissa Baker, Jaci
Erale-Baughn, Jack Adams
Mr. Grifoni said he's been to the sports complex several times for youth soccer and other events.
But in the past month or so, the amount of engagement he's seen from the facility, whether it was
through Facebook, email or TV ads, it's clear that the word is definitely getting out. For a long time,
it didn't seem like that was happening as well as we all would have liked, but there has definitely
been a big improvement. He also heard praise from other people, who said this was the first time
they've realized what's actually at the facility and what can be hosted there. It's a beautiful facility
and we need to take advantage of it as best we can.
Ms. Becker thanked the team, noting that for the first time, they're receiving information from
Paradise Sports Complex/Sports Facilities Companies in their emails, and articles have been
appearing in the newspaper.
Chairman Solis noted that he's getting a lot of feedback from people who didn't know the sports
complex was there. They're very happy. Landing the lacrosse championships is a big deal. It's going
to be a great event and it's great to have that tournament here. This is a hotbed for lacrosse in the
state. He congratulated the team on their work.
Mr. Beirnes commended the team and said he saw the Air Supply concert. The community was
there enjoying the new facility and he saw the sports complex team running around to ensure it was a
great event. He commended the team for cross -promoting the destination and for displaying the
CVB logos on the property.
G. County Museums —Amanda Townsend
"Collier County Museums —February Visitors Report"
Ms. Townsend reported that last month they had the final owner, architect and contractor meeting
on the second round of restoration on the home at Roberts Ranch. They're very proud that it was
grant -funded work through the State Division of Historic Resources and that they've finished it.
March 28, 2022
The home isn't open to the public yet because the contents are still in storage, but they plan to get
them back into the home and stage it properly so they can reopen it to the public.
It looks beautiful. It needed that second round of work to keep it preserved forever. All the single -
hung windows are now operable, which is something that was done during the second restoration,
but not the first. If you're into historic restoration, that's a cool thing when you can make old
windows work again. Another thing that was done to keep the building in good shape was installing
separate humidistats and thermostats to control the amount of moisture and help preserve the
wooden buildings, which are hard to take care of in the long-term.
She outlined the February report during a PowerPoint presentation.
Ms. Becker asked how the movie nights went.
Ms. Townsend said they've been growing in popularity. They've always been popular, but they
added movie nights to the museums at the Government Center and Roberts Ranch. They won't hold
them during the summer due to bugs.
10. Council Member Discussion
Ms. Becker thanked Council members for their confidence in her and Mr. Olesky and for extending
their terms. She noted that beach parking is always an issue and asked for a report on how the beach
trolley was doing and if there were plans to provide more beach parking to accommodate tourists.
She also noted that we're in the hospitality industry and for the first time in several years, FGCU is
having a hospitality gala on April 22, FGCU Wanderlust — 2022. She asked if the County was
supporting FGCU in that event in any way.
Mr. Beirnes said they were not, but he has regular conversations with Dr. Catherine Curtis
(director of FGCU's School of Resort & Hospitality Management). He was just appointed to the
Presidents' Board on Economic & Tourist Development, so he will reach out to see what he can do.
Ms. Becker said it's always nice to use interns from that program.
Mr. Hill said they do. He noted that Michael Watkins, who owned The Naples Beach Hotel &Golf
Club, will be honored at the FGCU gala for everything that he's one for the community.
Ms. Kerns asked if Collier County has anything like a park and ride, as they do on the East Coast.
Chairman Solis said they can ask staff for a report on that. He noted that additional beach parking
has always been controversial. The beach trolley, which circulates to Vanderbilt Beach and down
Gulfshore Boulevard and does a loop, is part of that and gets mixed reviews because people prefer
driving their own vehicles. We are looking at other possibilities, in terms of creating additional
parking and ways of getting to the beach. That's always at the forefront of every conversation he
has in District 2 with the Parks & Rec staff because there is such limited access to the beach and
even more limited parking.
Ms. Brock commended Ms. Townsend on her great work at the museums. She said the Everglades
Society of Historic Preservation held an event at the Depot Museum, so she wanted to thank Buzzy
Ford for coming and thanked everyone for their hospitality and support.
March 28, 2022
Mr. Hill.said it feels good to have all the players onboard, with everybody pulling in the same
direction. They talked about that in the workshop. Everybody is working together toward the same
goal, so he's thrilled. He's also thrilled that Ms. Becker and Mr. Olesky agreed to continue their
terms because their input and contributions have been tremendous. He commended Ms. Townsend
for boosting museum visitation and the overall quality of the museums and thanked the Paradise
Coast Sports Complex team for being hospitable and very welcoming to the Community, and
thanked Mr. Beirnes for making a lot of that happen.
Chairman Solis said the sports complex team made a great turnaround and noted that getting a
monthly update from that team will be very helpful.
11. Tourism Staff Reports
Mr. Beirnes said he and Chairman Solis will be heading to the East Coast on Thursday to accept
the Adrian Awards for the County. The gold award is in the running for a global award. He thanked
Ms. Becker and Mr. 0lesky for agreeing to serve another term.
12. Detailed Staff Reports
A. Detailed Staff Reports
13. Next Scheduled Meeting Date/Location — 9:00 a.m. Apri125, 2022
Collier County Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor,
3299 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by
order of the chair at 10:25 A.M. �'
an, issioner Andy Solis
These minutes were approved by the Council on _ ' �,,� ` ��,�. , as presented, or
as amended