AHAC Minutes 02/07/2022MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNry AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Febtuary 7 ,2022 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING 5855/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present Mary Waller by ZOOM Steve Hruby - Vice Chair John Harney Joe Trachtenberg - Chair Litha Berger Jennifer Mitchell Rick LoCastro Gary Hains Janet Miller Jessica Brinkert Excused Unexcused: ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS by ZOOM Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHs Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Katrina Lin, Clerk's Office; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Elizabeth Radi; Jackie Keay; Betty Schwartz; Michele Mcleod; Janet Hoffmani Keishain Mark; Susan Golden; Dottie Cook, Rural Neighborhoods; Tom Eastman, Collier County Public Schools; Daija Hino.iosa 1. CALITo ORDER Joe Trachtenberg called the meeting to order at 8:31a.m. He readthe procedures to be followed and led in the pledge to the flag. 2. Rott CAI.[ - CoMMITTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 7, 2022 (21761 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - March 7, 2022) Steve Hruby motioned to allow Mary Waller to participate in the meeting by ZOOM. Litha Berger seconded and the group voted 9-0 in favor. There were 9 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. 3. APPRoVAI. oF AGENoA ANo MINUTES Steve Hruby made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Litha Berger The motion passed by a vote of 9-0. b. A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 10, 2022 and was seconded by Steve Hruby. The motion was passed with a vote of 9-0. 4. INFoRMATIoNAT ITEMS 2021 Q4 Housing Plan - Jacob LaRow recapped the five initiatives that were designated as relief for housing that is affordable. The first initiative has been completed and the remainder have been completed and are awaiting county review. b. Addressing Affordable Housing Opportunities - There has been public outreach operations regarding affordable housing. There was a pop-up shop in lmmokalee and an outreach at the Gordon River Apartments. The BCC recently approved an increased amount of money for media outreach. We currently have moved 140 applications through our system. Please tell anyone that needs help to call our assistance Center at 239-450-2174. There was a comment made that the webpage shows onlyassistance forveterans and those with special needs. Everyone needs to be included for access to those funds. JakeLaRowwill send a pdf of the individual slidesto Commissioner Locastro. Michael Puchalla told the group about a collaboration with HELP, the COC, Hunger Coalition and United Way to create a one stop eviction eversion program. Gary Hains said that maybe we should give existing apartment owners money to hold units affordable as well as negotiate with new builders to build units that are affordable. 5. PuBLrc CoMMENT .Jackie Keay spoke about the need of a housing symposium. The county needs permanent affordable housing that is sustainable, not just a band-aid. The symposium could bring in the brightest minds, do brainstorming and come up with some solutions to this economic development problem. Elizabeth Radi said she is very excited to hear about the affordable housing initiatives that are happening now, but the problem still is about the need of an average person having to earn three times the monthly rent in ordertogetanapartment. The Habitat presentation gives herhopethatthe BCCwill look into this issue and see the humanity side of things. Affordable units are not being built at the rate they need to be to help the crisis. Daija Hinojosa said that a person earning $65,000 a year cannot afford to live here. She stated that a Florida statute gives the BCC the power to declare a housing emergency and cap a maximum on rentalfees. a a c. Habitat for Humanity lnformation - the group said that the presentation was well done and thoro ugh. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 7, 2022 (21761 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - March 7, 2022) This is a humanitarian issue, 6. DTSCUSSTON rTEMS Mary Waller reviewed the recommendations of the Housing Trust Fund subcommittee with the group. Janet Fisher Miller motioned to have the BCC fund the Local Housing Trust Fund beginning with S10M in FY2023 with an annual allocation, thereafter, with an amount equal to that of .5% of the County's Gross County budget, or 510M, whichever is greater. Litha seconded and the group voted 9-0 in favor. Regarding the one-cent surtax, the group also suggested that the BCC should transfer to the Local Housing Trust Fund sub account an amount proportional to the amount of surtax revenue collected pursuant to the referendum, Regarding Linkage Fees, Janet Fisher Miller motioned that the County retain a consultant to perform a (required) Nexus Study lto determine appropriate Linkage Fees on commerclal and industrial construction for affordable housing. Regardless of Nexus Study outcome, establish a nominal linkage fee of $1/square foot. Litha Berger seconded, and the group voted 9-O in favor. b. Jake went over the recommendations that the staff will present to the board. The AHAC recommendations will be attached to this item on the agenda. Mary Waller made the motion to support those recommendations, John Harney seconded, and the group voted 9-0 in approval. Joe Trachtenberg will make a presentation regarding the AHAC recommendations at the meeting on February 22"d. Steve Hrubyasked staff to find the list of the ULI recommendations that was given to the BCC and send it out to the members of the AHAC. Review and Ranking Committee - Hilary Halford requested that a member of the AHAC participate on the ranking and review committee for the current grant cycle. Mary Waller volunteered to attend the March L0rh session where capital projects will be discussed. Jessica Brinkert will attend the public services section on March 1Lth. d. SHIP LHAP - The group decided to have a special halfhour meetingto discuss the report. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS a) Jennifer Mitchell told the group that Allura sent a letter to the school board requesting applications from their staff. As of now, Allura is 100% full capacity. Someone suggested that Val from the School Board speak at a future AHAC meeting, b) John Harney asked staffto send out a list of dates and times for all meetings of the DsAc, Bcc, Planning Commission, and Zoning for the remainder of the year. a c 8. ADJOURN 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 14 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 7, 2022 (21761 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - March 7, 2022) There being no further business for the good of the County, loe Trachtenberg adjourned the meeting at 11:26a.m. Note: By the end of the meeting there was no quorum present due to prior commitments of the members. NExr MEETTNG: THE NExr REGU|ARTY SCHEDULEo MEETTNG wttt BE HEto oN TRE FrRsr MoNoay oN MARCH 7, 2022, AT 8:30 A.M. Location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida CoLUER CoUNTY AFFoRDABLE Hous|NG ADvISoRY Joe Trachtenberg, Chairman The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' f_l OR "as omended" l_| 3 1 2022, "os 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - February 7, 2022 (21761 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - March 7, 2022)