Bayshore Beautification Minutes 01/12/2022 Item 4a
January 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by
Maurice Gutierrez at 5:01 p.m. located at Botanical Garden, Kapnick Center/FGCU room 123.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: George Douglas, Maurice Gutierrez,
Sandra Arafet, Bob Messmer and Jim Bixler. Susan Crum attendance approved
virtually. John Smith was absent..
MSTU Staff Present: Tami Scott, Project Manager and Shirley Garcia, Operations
Coordinator. Debrah Forester, CRA Director attended virtually.
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Maurice Gutierrez.
III. Adoption of Agenda: George Douglas made a motion to accept the Agenda as written,
second by Maurice Gutierrez. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Adoption of Minutes: Sandra Arafet made a motion to accept the previous meeting
minutes as written, George Douglas seconded. Passed Unanimously.
V. Landscape Report:
a. Update on Landscaping – Armando from A&M was not in attendance so Tami
Scott, Project Manager provided the monthly report and updates. To date the
MSTU has spent approximately $5,000 on irrigation issues and she reviewed the
areas that were repaired. Since Moorehead Manor landscape is completed the
report will start to include the maintenance and irrigation for that area from now
VI. Community / Business Presentations:
VII. Old Business:
a. Bus Shelter- Ms. Scott noted the requests for staff to look into improvements of
some bus shelters on Thomasson Drive. There is one in particular on the north
side of Thomasson Drive by Orchid lane that is a concern because the swale is
very deep and the commuters do not have a place to stand safely. She reviewed
the information provided by Transit and noted the estimated cost for design is
$7700 and estimated construction cost is $20,000. The improvements would meet
ADA requirements, concrete pad and bench but no hard top shelter. A shelter can
Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-01-12-2022 signed (21408 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee- February 2, 2022)
Item 4a
cost an additional $40,000. Transit is updating two other bus stops in the district
with grant funds. Maurice made a motion to approve moving forward with the
bus stop improvements, second by Bob Messmer approved unanimously.
b. Sabal Shores Lighting update- Ms. Scott updated the Committee on the lighting
costs in the Sabal Shores Neighborhood, for the eight recommended lights the
cost would be $55 a month or $660 a year for the electricity, FPL provides the
lighting fixtures and there is no cost for the fixtures but require a ten year
commitment. Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to approve the costs, Bob
Messmer second the motion approved unimously.
VIII. New Business:
a. Election of Chairman and Vice Chair- Bob Messmer made a motion to
nominate Maurice Gutierrez as Chairman, second by George Douglas. Bob
Messmer made a motion to nominate Sandra Arafet as Vice Chair, second by
George Douglas approved unanimously.
IX. Staff Reports:
a. CRA Directors Report- Ms. Forester provided the report and highlighted
some of the projects starting with the Public Art Plan and noted the mural
Ordinance is being revised due to comments received from the Planning
Commission. It was continued to the February 17th Planning Commission
meeting for further review and to the BCC on April 12. Staff will keep the
Committee updated on the revisions. 17acre discussion will go before the
BCC on February 8th; staff is reviewing options to piggy back on a St. Pete
Beach Shuttle Service contract; Francis Ave property that was purchased
demolition will begin soon.
b. Project Manager Report- Tami Scott highlighted a couple of projects:
The Christmas Decorations have been removed and she will request
Trimmers to put back the Flag at the Roundabout, the plaque at the CRA
parking lot is almost complete she is waiting for a few more approvals and
will set that up, the fence under the bridge is being reviewed by staff and
will be discussed at the CRA meeting.
c. Maintenance Report- The monthly maintenance report was attached if
anyone had any questions.
d. Financial Report- The financial report was attached if anyone had any
X. Public Comments:
XI. Staff Comments:
Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-01-12-2022 signed (21408 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee- February 2, 2022)
Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-01-12-2022 signed (21408 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee- February 2, 2022)