DASAB Minutes 01/18/2022January 18,2022 MINUTES OF THE MEETTNG OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, January 18, 2022 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE CIIAIRMAN: SECRETARY: Jim Rich Sarah Baeckler-Davis Vacant Dr. Robert March Mary Baker Kelly Hyland Sue Law Cpl. Jim Spartz (excused) ALSO PRESENT:Marcy Perry, Director, DAS Dan Rodriguez, County Public Services Department Head Kellie Caroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS Any penons in need of the vefiatim rccord of the meeting moy rcquesl a copy of lhe audio recording from Domestic Animal Semices. I 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuary 18,2022 I. Call to Order Chairman Richcalled the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m Chairman Rich: We are recording, people, recording. So we have this recorder, we have that recorder, and we have a manual recorder, so there will be no excuse for anyone saying, "He said, she said," whatever, we will have that. If I forget, when the time comes up for you to speak, because we are going legit with everlthing, I would ask that you actually come up to the podium instead of, you know, sometimes it's randomly speaking. Announce your name, if you're affiliated with anyhing, it would be official and then you can speak. OK, so this way we're doing everything properly. fII. Approval of Agende (Chenges or Additions) Dr. March tnade a motion to approve the agenda Second by M* Baker. The motion $,as car ed unanimously, 5-0. Ms. Perry: Chair, I spoke with HSN Executive Director Sarah (Baeckler-Davis) regarding the agenda and she asked me to make a recommendation to the board that the presentation and the HSN discussions be withheld for this meeting. Chairman Rich: OK, when we get a liule further down, I'm going to defer to my board and we'll discuss whether we want to talk or not, OK? But thank you. Chairman Rich: I also received a letter from Sarah's (HSN) Board of Directors, from the president, with the letter that they asked me to read. and I said I'd be happy to since Sarah wasn't here. In fairness to everyone, it would be the right thing to do, so thank you for letting me know. And we'll discuss that when we get down to that section where they were supposed to make the presentation. Thank you. All right, so that takes care ofthe agenda. fV. Approval of Minutes - November 17,2021 Chairman Rich: OK, so minutes from November 17, any changes, any corrections? Then do we have a motion to approve? Dr. March made a motion to approve the agendo. Second by Ms Law. The motion was carried unanimously, 5-0. 2 II. Roll CaIl - Establish a Quorum A quorum of five members was established. He welcomed new member Sue Law to the board. Ms. Perrv: OK. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) Jan\ary 18,2022 V. Leadership Report - DAS Director Marcy Perry Chairman Rich: Tonight, we have our leadership report with our new Director, Marcy Perry. Ms. Perry: Thank you. I'm going to start with the staffing update. Our current staffing, our director position has been filled. Yay! With that position being filled, my previous position, the Field Operations management position, is now vacated. We conducted interviews today and made a selection so that selection has gone over to Human Resources, so we expect that position to be filled fairly quickly. On our veterinary team, we have no vacancies. All the positions have been filled. For our field operations team, with the exception of the Field Operations Manager, which we are again, we made the selection. We have no vacancies on that side, as well. We also have a brand-new Animal Services Program Coordinator, so that is Grace Angel. She has accepted that role and has been our Animal Services Program Coordinator for about two weeks now and she is doing incredible. She's scheduled several volunteer meetings already and is really engaging and doing a fantasticjob. And then over to our shelter operations. Our Shelter Operations Manager position is also filled, as well as all ofour Senior Animal Care Specialist positions. The only positions that are vacant currently are our Animal Care Specialist positions. We do have 7t/z vacancies in that area. Part of our, when we were trying to hire and retain staff, there was a little bit of a salary that was lower than we had liked and that was preventing us from hiring, so we have increased our salary now for that position to $15 an hour and we have given our staff a 57o increase to hold that position to be able to retain and hire staff. So that positionjust closed with the new salary and, as a result ofthe increase of salary, we have 23 applicants. So we 1007o expect to be able to fill those 7% positions after we need to schedule the interviews. Once we schedule the interviews, then we'll make the selections. But we're pretty confident that we will be able to fill all those positions, as soon as we get to that point. But in the meantime, we have filled those positions with KeyStaff (the county's temp agency). So our Keystaff, our temporary Animal Care Specialists from the temporary agency and we currently have five KeyStaff employees and they are acting in the role ofour current Animal Care Specialists, so we're doing very good on our staffing. Every day we are hiring and the KeyStaff right now are doing the roles ofthe Animal Care Specialists. But again we completely expect to be able to fill those positions now that the salary has increased. So that is our staffupdate. I want to go over our upcoming events, as well. We have quite a few really interesting great events coming up that we are participating in.. We have our Rock the Block at Mercato and that is on January 20th and February l7th. . We're also doing Art and Soul at the museum. That's on Jantary 22nd. . Then we're going to be doing a Coffee with Cops and Cats event here at Domestic Animal Services. So if you want to come in, just speak to a cop, 3 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) la;],uary 18,2022 have a cup ofcoffee and adopt the cats. Please come on in ifyou want tojust do one ofthose andjust have coffee and come on in. He took off. That is February 5th, which is a Saturday, and that starts from l0:30 to 2:30. We also have our Golden Gate Little League events at Golden Gate Park and that is on February l2th. We also have our Collier County Senior Expo at North Collier Regional Park. That is February l6th. And we are also doing our Start Your Engines Library Expo at the Orange Blossom Library - and that is February 26th. And then a few facilities updates: Our stray dog building. That work is almost complete. By the end of this week, it will be completely complete. There are just a few kennels that they are still painting, but we have started using the building because it is completely usable for the dogs. So by the end of this week, that building will be 100% complete. Everything was done in there, the sandblasting, the rust, everything, and it looks really great. At the moment, that's it, it really looks good. And then we're moving to our laundry room project, which is starting on January 24th. And that's the installation ofthe commercial washer and dryers. So once that project starts, we will be without a washer and dryer just for two days. Not a big deal. We're going to do all our laundry right before those two days. After those two days, then we'I be up and going with the commercial washers and dryers, and we won't have a backup on laundry anymore. So that is all really, great news. And then we have our new facilities project that's coming up, and I'm going to turn that over to Dan (Rodriguez, Public Service Department Head). Mr. Rodriguez: Sure, thank you, Marcy. I appreciate all the updates. Just to reiterate what she's saying. Basically, what I really enjoy about working with Marcy is she coordinates all ofthis. All ofthe different projects in this work with all the different players within the county, so it's not easy because some county staff, some divisions, are not easy to work with. But she finds the path to get it done, and if she ever has a roadblock or anything like that, she knows she canjust call me, and I can help facilitate that. But great job by Marcy and her team. Ms. Perry: 23. Mr. Rodriguez: 23, that's unheard of in county govemment. 4 Ms. Perrv: lt is- So, as you can see, we are gearing up. We're doing more events than we had in the past, and we're going to continue to do that. We're doing our outreach. We're getting involved in the community and these are just our February events. Once we get to March, I'll update everybody on what our market events are, as wel[. Let's see hiring your people that she's hired at recently. Hiring here in the county. As you all know, it's very tough. There are a lot of competitive employers out there, but she's been able to find those individuals that really care about their careers and what they want to work in, and Animal Services is a career that they all want to work in, so she's doing a $eat job doing that and that's why you have how many applicants? For the uh? 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lan]uary 18,2022 Mr. Rodriguez: Especially in these times, so great work! Some really good news about the DAS facility: We had a surtax update to the Board of County Commissioners. Our facilities management director, Damon Grant, provided a presentation where he covered several projects. One, in particular, was the DAS facility and through their review ofthat project, they had no questions and so it continues to move forward. We've selected the architect. They're already designing. Hopefully, within a couple months here, if not two, there'll be a 30% design. They put a solicitation out and received contractors that'll do the CMAR and what CMAR is, that's where you hire a contractor to do the construction management at risk. And what they do is they are an elite, these are between the contractor that's going to build it and the owner, which is Marcy and the team and all ofus, to make sure that we build what we need for operations, so there's nothing that falls through the cracks. So they're going to award that probably within the next 30 days, but the design continues. And so with the board reviewing this project at the last board meeting, it continues to move on, and the money is there. I did speak with the Facilities Director, who's responsible for managing the budget, and he stated: "Dan, if we get to a certain point in the construction and we need more money, l'll go to the board and get more money for us all. So that's good news. We've got the right people on project. Ms. Perry: Thank you, thank you. And that's it for our leadership, unless we want more. We can keep talking. VI. New Business A. Appointment of Sue Law to the DAS Advisory Board Chairman Rich: All right, so we've already talked about Sue (Law). I could have waited, but I didn't want to, so we're very happy to have you with us. B, Presentation by Humane Society Naples 5 Chairman Rich: The presentation by the Humane Society has been delayed. I spoke to the current chairman oftheir (HSN) Advisory Board, and she had called me two days ago and asked ifthey could delay their presentation and I said I don't see any problem with that because if you're not here, how can you present anlthing? But then it went further. There is a request that we not only delay the presentation, but also delay talking about it at all. And I'll get to that in a minute. But let me first read the statement that I received from her, from Sarah, through her today, which I promised I would read. Sarah's letter: I'm very sorry I can't be there this evening. Both my son and I have been battling COVID and my isolation period doesn'l end until tomorrow. Imporlant as this topic is, I wouldn't want us to put anyone at risk by dcting against CDC guidelines. I lotow everyone has been impacted in some way by the pandemic, so hopefully you can have patience with me. I welcome the opportunityfor open dialogue, but very respectfully ask that discussion of HSN-related issues be lobled unlil I can be present so that \ee can have a robust and productive dialogue. I understondfrom speoking with Marcy thal some discussion may proceed without me, despite my request, so I prepared this stotement for everyone to 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lar\\ary '18,2022 have a bit of background. I will make myself available for a special call meeting in February for further discussion and again, thank you in advance for your patience. First, to reiterate whot I said to the commissioners: This idea was brought up and suggested to HSN staf by a commissioner (by a commissioner?) severol years ago. That's the origin of the proposal. We didn't seek it out. Our elected ofrcials approached HSN and recognized it as the animal welfare leader in the community. After asking around, we discovered that several commissioners were interested in the ifua, as were many members of the county stqff, including County Manager, (Mark) Isaacson, (former) Deputy Manager Sean Callahan and Department Heads (Steve) Carnell, Jamie French and Dan Rodriguez. There was consensus at all these meetings that the idea was worth pursuing. To be clear, however, up until December 2021 , it was just an idea being batted around between decision mokers at the county and HSN. Progress was also slow due to the pandemic and the many stafing changes at the county. It wasn't ripe for open discussion until Deputy Mdnager Callahan requested that HSN malce it aformal proposal in December 2021, the county staffrecommended I proceed, and the Commissioners voted unanimously to continue discussions. It wouldn't have been HSN's place to bring this idea up for discussion publicly, unless and until the county deemed it worlh pursuing and timely. Second, the HSN proposal was simply a starting-off point, although the nature of it was a result of those meetings. My understanding is that the next step will be for accounting stdff to respond with a counter-proposal this month. HSN remains open to consideration of seming the county in whatever way our elected oficials suggest. Next, a very important point: We are not competitors and I genuinely believe that we all have the best interest of Collier's animals in mind. L/'e are all doing valuable, lifesaving work and ofien together. The idea here is to challenge ourselves to work together better, in a more formalized wdy to make an even greater impact on the welfare ofour animals. I believe if personalities can be put aside, we can all agree here. Infact, HSN and DIS (Mr. fuch added: I have to mention that this is the first time DAS has been mentioned here) have worked very well together and will continue to do so. I personally hove workcd with both directors and our staff collaborate daily. In the day to day, we are constantly working in concert, including tansferring animols. While il is true that HSN doesn't take as many animals from DAS as it used to, this is by design because we shijied the priority (in agreement with the previous director) to focus on the most critical transfers. To put numbers to the collaboration, HSN transferred nearly j00 animols from DAS in the last year. ll'e're generally only pulling the animals with major medical or behavioral challenges who need around-the-clock care because we have the resources to treat them. When DAS is not facing an overpopulation issue or overwhelmed with critical-issues cases, we transfer infrom other shelters and partners that likzly have no other option than euthanasia. This allows all ofus to save more lives. W'hen DASfaces critical challenges that impact the cdpdcityfor care, as seems to be the case recently, HSN has there to help. There does seem to be an uptick in injured or ill animals who aren't able to get the care they need at DAS recently and HSN remains happy to assist. 6 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18,2022 HSN has been oryrating since 1960 and is well established. We have strong long-term stability and broad support in the community, as evidenced by the $5 millionwe raise annually from donations alone. Ile don't come anywhere near a "profit" on adoption fees, training, or any other services we provide, andwe project that contracting with the county would be a break-even result for HSN, at best. We do what we do and are willing to expand itfor the county because itfts with our mission as a non-profit and our base supports us. If HSN were lookingfor proJit, it would cherry pick little dogs and puppies from around the country to bring in and charge high adoption fees for. While that may once hove been the case, that proctice ended years ago. We have plenty of data to show this. For those interested in learning more, HSN isn't lookingfor margins we're looking to support and enhance the community and provide a high quality of service to the county. Leading shelters are moving toward models where services come oul into the community with the idea of keeping loved, wonted animals in their homes. None of us wants to institutionalize an animal if there are other options. At HSN, that is our philosophy, and that's the direction thisfield'.s leaders are going in, and one that we would be honored to leadfor the county. From my perspective, the question here is: llhy not formally combine forces and maximize thal with private investments, all at possible savings to the counly? Chairman Rich: Very enlightening. I have to admit, this came in about l0 minutes before I left my house. OK, let me give you my perspective. OK, I should mention Michael Simonick. How many of you know him? He was the Executive Director of HSN. I talked to him one hour before I left, and I had some questions. Let'sjust say he was very enlightening with a bunch ofthings. I don't know if you would agree with all this, but that's your right. C. Opportunities for Collaboration between DAS and HSN - Kelly Hyland Chairman Rich: Here are my thoughts, here are my thoughts. First of all, it is not up to Marcy or DAS on whether we discuss anything regarding your proposal, or anything. We answer to the Board of County Commissioners, and we have an obligation not only to them, but to our community, in terms of whether they have questions. We have to respond, we should respond honestly. But we have to answer, and we can't legally do that without getting involved with Sunshine Laws. The Humane Society, ofcourse, is not subject to Sunshine Laws, so when they put things together and want to discuss, let'sjust say strategy, I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying strategy, they can talk whenever they want and put ideas together. We don't have that option. We meet once a month and if we don't, we can't talk among ourselves about how our feelings are, then we can't formulate an idea that we like to present or at least that we believe in. So, as much as I would say in most cases. Oh, so let me let me mention one other thing. I'm talking about giving courtesy to the Humane Society, and I know we have a representative here. That's fine. I'm glad you're here, because it's important that you know that we are all about our community, about our animals. It's not one against the other. We're not competing with one another, we're just all trying to do the right thing here. We're not, we're not judging, but keep in mind that we were told that there was no 7 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuary 18,2022 dialogue b€tween the commissioners. I asked, I asked Sarah poin! blank in a meeting, and she said they were not and in fact, they were. And then when I mentioned to her that now the direction from the Board of County Commissioners was to have dialogue with DAS and with Marcy, that still didn't happen. This board was contacted individually and we had to have individual meetings, so that's another time where, instead ofgoing directly, I didn't see the courtesy that was given to us or to DAS then. So. in my opinion, we don't work for the Humane Society. We have to be responsible to our commissioners and to our community. And if we, if this board, decides they would like to discuss and give opinions, I think it only fine at this point in time that we do because I don't know how many other opportunities we';; really have to do this. But I will leave it entirely up to you. So, Dr. March, do you have an opinion on that? Dr. March: As to whether or not we should discuss it? Chairman Rich: Yes: Dr. March: I don't see any reason we cannot. However, I don't, you know, again, I'm very new to the govemment aspect ofthese types ofdiscussions, and you know the protocols and all that. So, I'm going to defer, unfortunately, because I really don't know what is the right answer. However, I don't see any reason that since we have a quorum and we have a board here that it can't be discussed, but that's, I don't know the answer beyond that. Ms. Baker: I feel that we should discuss it because we have been led, the transparency has not been given to us in respect to the fact that they were discussing these things and not making it known to DAS or us, as the board. So, I think we should be able to discuss this. Ms. Hyland: I agree, I think we should be able to discuss it because this is our only opportunity right here and I would like to know the opinions ofwhat the meetings that you had were and what was kind of said there, so we have a general idea if everyone is kind ofon the same page and what your thoughts are. Chairman Rich: Sue, I know that you haven't had a meeting with them. Ms. Baker: No. tomorrow Ms. Hyland: I have not either and mine is not scheduled yet. Chairman Rich: My intent isn't to put you on the spot and the idea here is not to trash the Humane Society. They've done a lot ofgood for a lot ofyears. They've had a lot of good people here. My entire intent here is to actually get them to have a working relationship with us, other than a takeover. And I know I mentioned the word "takeover" because that's the only word I've heard and even in talking with Sarah, I believe in her mind that she would like to have a partnership, but only a partnership in which Humane Society can have, can find a transition in which a takeover would be made. So and sir, I will ask you, I don't want to put you on the spot are you on the board or anything there or? Mr. Feenan (HSN): No, no. ['m an employee of HSN 8 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) larltary 18,2022 Chairman Rich: OK. lf there's any time you'd like speak up. Again, we're not trying to take anything away, trash HSN or anyhing. We're just trying to resolve something that we don't want us to be talking about six months from now so I figured the more we can discuss things and there's a pro and con, the more we all know and we can agree on something and then may even talk more intelligently to Humane Society about a solution. So that's the whole purpose ofthis, so I'm glad you are here. Mr. Feenan: Well, Meredith (Mclean, HSN Director of Community Services) and I are both here to listen and report back to Sarah. Chairman Rich: As you should Mr. Feenan: Certainly, if there's something very simple that that we can answer, we'd be happy to. But you know, this is, this is, mostly with Sarah and our Board of Directors. Chairman Rich: Ofcourse, And again, I'm not trying to put you on the spot here. Ms, Carroll: Excuse me, we need your name for the record please. Mr. Feenan: Sure, Dave Feenan F-E-E-N-A-N, I'm the Director of Development and Marketing at HSN. Chairman Rich: Dave, I apologize. We are recording today so we have to be very specific and that's that's my whole objective, so I apologize. OK, well then, I guess let's, who wants to lead offin terms of what they've got? Yes? Ms. Perry: May I start? Chairman Rich: I'm sorry, yes. Ms. Perry: I wanted to read something into the record. Chairman Rich: Please. Ms. Perry: So, at the December 14th,2021, board meeting, County Commissioner Penny Taylor made a motion. So, I want to read the exact motion that she made, and this is word-for-word what the directive was that was provided to Domestic Animal Services. So, it's word-for-word and this is Commissioner Taylor, and she says: All right, so we hqve a motion on the floor and a second, I think, do we not? Yes, I made the motion. You made the motion, right, to agree the staffwill start a negotiation, a conversation with Humane Society, but not to tale over, but to collaborate and to see if there is a synergt between both organizations to help wilh the issue of animal control in Collier County. All those infavor say "aye," all those opposed, like sigtt. It carries unanimously. Thank you very much. Chairman Rich: OK, that's so you heard that, so you get that was the directive by the Board of County Commissioners, so it was not a not a takeover. OK, so. [s anyone comfortable, uncomfortable starting ... or I can, it makes no difference. Why don't I? 9 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18,2022 And again I met with Jon and I don't remember his last name. Ms. Mclean: Jon Foerster (former director of community affairs). Chairman Rich: And Jon is no longer working there. And the other gentleman was the incoming Board President. Ms. Mclean: Brad Jamison. Chairman Rich: Thank you, yes, and he's the incoming chairman for the board, a very nice person. So, I started off by asking why I was there. Because I asked il I said. "Why am I here?" And he said, "We want to see if you have any questions about what our intent is and what we're trying to accomplish," whatever. And I said, "Well, I get that." And I said, "Have you spoken to Marcy or to any of the staff here because that was kind of the directive of the county commissioners?" And they said, "No, we haven't, because we felt that they were a little on the defensive, and that they were very protective." And then I pointed out that one of the reasons they may feel like that is because they were probably made to feel like that because ayear ago, actually, when we felt we had a conflict of interest, this board actually voted to replace Sarah on the board, not necessarily a position from the Humane Society, but just someone because of all the controversies there. And at that time, that was denied because our county afforney said, "No." But what prompted that is I asked Sarah directly, I said, "Have you been in talks with any commissioners about a takeover, anything like that at all?" And she said, "No, nothing like that is going on." But it had been going on and we all found out about that later. Now whether she felt she couldn't say anything or not is irrelevant, the problem is, I don't want to say she lied, there's got to be a better word than that, but we were misinformed in terms of the reality of the thing. So there has been, uh, suspicion, and there has been mistrust, and I said, "You know, until they can get past that point, it's going to be very difficult for anyone to trust. But I said, "Regardless, you should be not talking to us because not only did you go to the Commissioners first, now you're going to us, and you should be going to DAS." I said, "That's where that should start." So then they asked what I would recommend to help, for them to help, and I said, "Well, you can transfer some of our animals from DAS to HSN for adoption, especially cats and kittens during the time of year when DAS is inundated with litters. Also, you have the Oakes facility. And there are a lot of. you kept dogs over there, at least you had dogs, Iike for instance, that were brought over from Puerto fuco that may have been unadoptable or are still working with, I don't know. But I said we have certainly a lot of dogs over here that we could use help with. And I said, "You can use your bus" and Jon said, "Well, we've used our bus on occasion." And I said, well, he mentioned a couple things about using the bus, and I know for a fact, as we've been working diligently in that area, entrapping, that they had the bus go up there twice. So that bus I don't ... how long new things and I couldn't ... 10 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) la )ary 18.2022 Ms. Mclean: Sorry. I'm Meredith Mclean. I apologize. Chairman Rich: OK, but the point is that bus is not being utilized the way the original intents was. And they said, "We[[, we you know we have staff issues and COVID. And I said, "Yes, but you told the Board ofCounty Commissioners that you have five veterinarians, so I would think that one ofthem might be available, and certainly there's enough volunteers and we could have done something cooperatively in terms of some ofour volunteers some ofyour volunteers, this was done years ago. We could actually work together as a group to accomplish something. So that wasn't done. Then I said, "Volunteer medical staff to DAS when we need it." Jon said they've done this at a point in the past, but (inaudible) they could do a lot more with county money. So I said, "Well, does that mean that you're willing to help DAS and work with us, but not unless you get paid for it?" John said, "Well, we are an organization, you know, we have expenses and I said, "OK." So what it came down to, in my opinion, was money. I mean if you want to pay them we can pay anyone for services. You don't need the Humane Society for that. We're not necessarily seeing that, right now, and that is one ofthe issues. So anyway, that's how I left, very cordially. There was no screaming, there was no hollering. I've been around here a long time, and I've been with the Humane Society for many years. I've been with this organization for many years, so I'm not biased. I'm not taking sides. I only want what's best for our animals and our community. Ke[[y, do you want to go? Ms. Hyland: Sure, I had my meeting also with John and Shanna (Davies), their president there. And when I went in, I basically kind ofasked the same thing as well. I asked why I was there. And they said in case I had any questions or anything and I said, "You know, I said, "l'm not sure why you're asking me this because you already went to the Board of Commissioners and they're the ones that are basically going to be voting on this. I was in there for a while. I had asked, you know, questions. One ofthe things that was said, Jon had brought up, about I said, "l don't understand ifyou're saying you can do all these things, I don't understand why you're not doing them now and why you aren't assisting, you know, DAS in any way that you can help them" and I said, so he said that, He said, "We can do everything better than DAS can do." And so, and he kept using the word "takeover," which, if it's going to be a partnership, but I'm not against partnership at all, and I think ifthe two can collaborate together, I think you get more with two in the community than just one. l1 So before I left, Jon and Brad asked what might help the relationship between HSN and DAS. I will read this. I told him they could start by having a meeting with staft then they should attend an Advisory Board meeting with their proposal so that everyone is hearing the same story. They must, I said, "You must prove you are making every attempt to be honest and transparent for anyone to gain your trust. I would like nothing better to be able to work with the Humane Society since I did this for several years with the old regime. We had a grcat partnership, but we were always open about everyhing. We helped each other. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuary 18,2022 And so when he kept using the word "takeover." And then I also said, "Did you, you know, did you reach out to DAS and have you reached out to Marcy? And Shanna said, "Well, I think we did." And then Jon said, "Yes we did, but they think they can do it on their own and they didn't, they don't want any help." And I said, "OK, so t said, I said, "So right now, you're telling me that you reached out to Marcy and offered help and assistance and she flat-out told you no? I said, "ls that what you're telling me, right here right now?" And he says, "Well, no, not in," he kind of backpedaled, it's like, "Well, no, they don't want our help." That's what he said. I also, then Shanna said that the only reason that they started this whole process was because Commissioner Burt Saunders was the one that suggested that they sta( this process. I don't know if, I can't confirm that, but that's who, so when she's saying "a commissioner," I'm assuming that's who they're referring to. I also asked about, you know, helping to take some dogs from DAS, dogs or cats. And they said that they're. I said, "Why do you still continue to take dogs from Puerto Rico? Because I was informed that they took recently about l6 dogs and I said, "So why are you doing that?" I said, "l'm all for helping an animal wherever, whenever, it doesn't matter where they are. But in my opinion, charity starts at home here first. We need to get everything under control here and then there's no problem reaching out elsewhere, OK? But my concem is that ifthey're, you know, why are they taking these dogs? And his answer was, "Well, because there aren't that many dogs to adopt." And I said, "What do you mean by that?" He said there aren't many dogs to adopt. And I said, "Well you can go to DAS, you can go to East Naples, Golden Gate City, Immokalee and find all the puppies you want therc. Take a ride out there some day and you'll find about 50. You might want to bring a van. So that, Ijust, you know, that, that's a concem right there. So, I just think things that they say that they're doing. they're not doing. I asked also about their mobile bus. I said, "I think that you could be helping more that way, as well," and they said that they do go out to Everglades City. I think he said it was like twice a week that they go out to Everglades City and I said well you could, I said I just don't think it's being utilized as much as they say that it's being utilized and I said, "You know, have you ever offered to go out in the community and help anywhere, or even assist Tom with Snip Collier and he said that Tom said that he didn't want their help. I can't imagine that Tom would ever say that. Iaughter] So, and I also asked about their vets, I said that they have they had they said they had five or six vets at the time, and I said have you ever offered assistance to DAS with the vets to help them? He said that they did have a contract, but the contract expired and that they no longer do that. And then I had asked if, when they help the animals with the vets, with the vet for the vet's help. And they, ifthey were being charged, they said that they were charging DAS for services that they were providing for the animals. So I guess when animals are being helped here, they have to go to Humane Society. Ifthey need work or anlthing medical there, then they're charging for that medical service. 12 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuaty 18, 2022 So ifthey, ifthey say that they can do medical better, I don't see why they could assist on that level, as well. So, it just seemed that it was more of a, not really willing to help and assist because they could already be doing that. It feels to me that it's more so in the timing of things with the new shelters coming up and the $6 million that's going into that because there's no reason why they couldn't be doing these things already. So, before I left there, I just made it very clear. The last thing I said when I left was, I said, "l just want to let you know that I am not in favor of a takeover or an absorption." I said, "l'm fine with, you know, collaboration because that's how I think it should be and it should already be that way because that's what's in the best interests of the animals. and that's why we're all here." And that's basically where I left it. Chairman Rich: Dr. March? Dr. March: So I met with Shanna Davies and Jon, as well and the young veterinarian, the medical director? Audience: Dr. John Morton. Dr. March: Thank you. fught. Nice guy and I had a nice meeting. I've known Shanna forever. She's a client of mine. She's a super nice young lady and I said I'm going in with an open mind and am curious to hear what they have to say. Right offthe bat, you know, I agree with everything Jim said. I agree with everyhing Kelly said. You know, honestly, to me, Domestic Animal Services is a govemment agency and the enforcement part, I never quite understood how they can even take that part over. That made no sense to me. So again, you know, to me, it seems like it's a very simple solution. If they wanted to help, then they could be helping now they could have been helping more before and they still could help more if they want to. I mean, that's, you know, communication is the key, I think, to everything. And, you know, I asked about the bus too and, you know, had some I had a conversation with the, you know, Megan from Naples Cat Alliance, because I happened to talk with her for halfan hour before going over there about some other things and I asked her, you know, a little bit about whether they ever reached out to help and there was a little back and forth about, you know, Why couldn't they help with all ofthe gaps that they have to get spayed and neutered? And this is interesting. This is where, you know, it's always very interesting to hear different people's perspective on things because Megan said that they offered to help, but then didn't. And when I talked to Doctor John, you know, it was the opposite. They tried to work with Megan and she, they couldn't come up with an agreement, you know. So, I'm not in those conversations. I have no idea how it actually went down, but to me, it l3 Taking over the animal welfare part really didn't make any sense, either, but I get it. They want to try do something better. And that's what they kept telling me, as well. That. you know, that animals are at DAS, so they're not getting the care that they should be getting, potentially not. They weren't slamming DAS by any means either, but they mentioned cases oi you know, dogs or cats that were here and they weren't cared for because there isn't enough veterinary staff here, basically. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) Janrary 18,2022 shouldn't be that difficult to work with different organizations, different people. I know not everyone is easy, Megan's not exactly easiest person to work with. But their heart's in the right place, and so is everyone else that does rescue work, I mean, you know, how hard is it? You figure it out. And that's to me what it should be done with DAS, too, if they truly want to help with you guys. Then they should talk with DAS and figure out ways that they can. And honestly, you know, when it comes to the financial and veterinary care, I mean I'm not going to speak for the Humane Society because they are, they are a different organization, you krow, not, you know, non-profit, etc. But ifthey were going to be helping with Domestic Animal Services with a lot of veterinary care, I don't know, to me it would make sense that if DAS can't get another veterinarian because ofeither funding or they don't have the space to have another veterinarian, but there is need for more veterinary care. Well, then that should get figured out, whether it's a Humane Society or contract with. I know that we know that you guys do, that there are other veterinarians in town that you know that do perform services and stufftoo. There there's a lot of veterinarians, you know. So I'm sure that there are ways to, if that is a problem, and I don't know whether that even is a problem. Humane Society said that they heard ofcases, etc., but that would be something that we would have to find out if that even is an issue. I know you can't get as many dogs and cats spayed as you probably have, you know, coming in at times, but so I don't know, I think, to me they could have done, they could be doing all ofwhat they're trying to do right now. They have plenty offunding. They have, you know, lots ofvery important or influential people, I guess, in town backing the Humane Society and they have a very large budget. And help more, so that's sort of my feeling. Ms. Hyland: I did also ask about enforcement too. And I said how would you, you know, be able to do that, like, if you don't really have any training, education or knowledge on that part ofthings and theyjust said that they would work at it and, you know, figure it out. Dr. March: And there was a legal aspect they mentioned with that too, that they there are other Humane Societies, you know, I don't know ifthey said in the state ofFlorida or other areas, where they are actually given the legal ability as officers through some laws somewhere, I don't know how that works. But so, in reality, ifthat was correct, they could theoretically do that, but I don't know. Chairman Rich: It's a matter ofdo they have experience rounding up chickens and horses? Iaughter] Ms. Baker: Can I ask do you guys know whether there's legal precedence for them to be able to do legal enforcement like that? Ms. Perry: So for enforcement they have to be certified animal control officers with FACA, Florida Animal Control Association. Ms. Baker: So is there precedent. like he's saying? t4 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lantary 18,2022 Ms. Perry: Ifthey don't have any certified animal control officers then they cannot issue citations. they cannot enlorce the ordinance in that manner. Dr. March: But do they have to be govemment workers working for Collier County govemment to become one ofthose officers or could, you know, ifthey were to do something like that ... Ms. Perry: Yes, they could certify their staff, their staff do not have to be govemment. Dr. March: So that was that was a true statement. Ms. Perry: . . . for certification, but they have to go through the certification and all that But also answer your question with the vet. We have done a second vet proposal. It has gone through all the business. I did an entire business plan for it and it has gotten approval, so right now we're just waiting to see ifthe Humane Society would donate some veterinary services so that we don't have to move forward with that position. But we do have that second position that we have worked very hard to obtain to get additional veterinary services here at Domestic Animal Services so ... Dr. March: That's how lt should be, I mean, if there's a need for it now. I say why, you know, shift animals out when you know you've . .. Ms. Perry: Absolutely, and we do work very well with the veterinary community. We work with Harborside, obviously, the different Animalifes and a few other ones that are also assisting us with spay and neuter, our sick animals, our medical animals. We take animals to the dermatologist, the cardiologists. We take them all over Collier County to get the best veterinary care that they need. Mr. Rodriguez: And that speaks volumes to Marcy's leadership because those positions as a Director, she could change those positions, the titles, and ifthere's a better or bigger need, she has the authority to do that and so just within the last 45 days she's . . . and to hire a veterinarian is is is a big hurdle and she put the justification together, got it through the gauntlet that is our HR division and you know got it approved, which is is rare, but it speaks to herjustification or experience to do that. Dr. March: So do you have the space to have another veterinarian doing veterinary work? Ms. Perry: We do and, at times, we have more than one vet. We also do relief veterinarians that come in. So there are times that we will have two veterinarians in our clinic and they're operating simultaneously. Dr. March: Great. Ms. Hyland: I think it might be a good idea to like that, you know, since the BCC directive that was there at the meeting, they obviously haven't reached out, you know, to Marcy, to have a meeting. I think that would be good if that was done right away, and also that the clarification was there, in just that, you know, I was at the BCC meeting, so I heard exactly what, you know, Penny, Commissioner Taylor had said and I just think that that needs to be clarified with them because everything that that they've l5 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) So I think that, I think that they think something different was directed by the BCC, obviously, and I think that needs to be clarified with them and then when Marcy and Sarah have a meeting, I think then there's a way to proceed and move forward and try to get this. you know moving as quickly as possiblejust so that we don't have to have too many meetings like this. Because a meeting like this is taking away from everything else that we should be doing and accomplishing. I mean, I wanted to have a meeting tonight about subcommittees and moving forward and things, and I don't think we should put anything on the back burner because I think we should continue doing what we need to do and focus on what we need to focus on along with this. But, I think that, I hope that we're not talking about this in April, May, June and July. I know things go slow with govemment, but I think if they're on the same page and they're willing to actually collaborate and that is the intention, I think things can move along and we can still do what we need to do at the same time. Chairman Rich: Dan, let me, for this review. What do you think the best way is, I mean, it's on a recording that I have that states what the intention and what Humane Society is supposed to be doing, uh, in terms ofnegotiating. But that's not what, I need to say, Sarah, because she's the leader. I would take responsibility for it as me. That's not what she's hearing. What is the best way to impart that to remind her. Should it come through ...? Mr. Rodriguez: Actually, the best way is the way that the process is set up now. Just to give some background to it: Yes, the Humane Society went and spoke with the commissioners, they spoke with the county management and then when it came to my level, my recommendation was to the Humane Society, was to the deputy was, you know, tell us what you're going to do. I need to see it in black and white in writing, and so that's what they did. And I took that document and put it in front ofthe Board ofCounty Commissioners so that they could see, you know, what they were offering. And the result was a meeting and you heard from the chairwoman that they're not interested in a takeover. In fact, Commissioner Locastro was very adamant, saying, you know the letter speaks to a takeover and that's not, that wasn't our intent. So that's clear for the record. So in response to that, what Marcy is doing, is responding, to that letter about that memo ofthe takeover and in her response to that, which has to be vetted, obviously, we're going to share it with the committee because we want your input and support, as well as other members that support DAS and then with the County Attomey's Office and then we'll get it to the County Manager. And basically what we're going to say is, "Look, here's where we need your help. Here's where the demand is." And as Marcy stated, maybe it's the clinics, maybe it's 16 Jaruary 18,2O22 said to us in the meeting and in their memo here, I haven't, you know, in the memo, I have it all highlighted here where the word "takeover" is used. Dr. March: Agree. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) Jaatary 18,2022 working with the adoption section and taking some ofthe animals that aren't the perfect, cherry-picked animals, the ones that have a missing leg, or they have a condition or something like that. She's already prepared the draft. lt's 95% done. And she'll be sharing that with all ofyou, as well. So, we're already ready to respond. But I think what it will do is put them on notice. Yes, you can help. Here's where the needs and the demands are for the animals, and we'll take care ofthe county govemment work that's inherently govemment work, the patrolling the enforcement, the dog bites, the infrastructure that we need. And the master planning for additional needs. The challenge with DAS, and I can say this on the public record, and you can write that down. I'll give you my card to spell my name. The last l0 years, if not longer, partially due because ofthe recession, but also because of leadership within DAS, you didn't get the resources you needed. There should be a presence in Immokalee, there should be a presence at Golden Gate, there should be more patrolling. There are strays out there. Yeah, the numbers were down and look, you know, we didn't kill any animals. Well, that's because you didn't get a lot of animals that needed to be gotten out in the field. They're sitting out there, and that's our job as a govemment, is to get out there and find every animal that's sitting under a bush, under a trailer, bring them in and get them a home. So there's some master planning that we're going to do. But to answer your question, Marcy is 95%o lhere. We want to look at it a little closer and get that to you. And then we're going to have a response that's going to go to the board once everybody is on the same page to say: "Here's where we need the help. What can the Humane Society do for Collier County and its residents? And more importantly, most importantly, for the animals?" Chairman Rich: All right, so at this point in time, sit tight, wait until that's presented and then see what happens from there, right? Mr, Rodriguez: You got it. It's actually a resolution that goes to the board to say, "Hey, we have a partnership with the Humane Society. We need help here, whether it's money, whether it's vet techs, whether it's supplies, it's pretty comprehensive. People speaking all at once: It's hard. I mean, so, sojust so. Yes. That's, what? It is yeah, yeah. Sorry. So to get clear what? fiaughter] Dr. March: I think we both want to ask ... Ms. Baker: I want to make sure that the wording is coming from you is not that they're going to overtake those services that you're asking. Mr. Rodriguez: You're exactly right and you'll be happy with the wording that she uses because the authority remains with DAS on who's responsible for what. Ms. Baker: OK Mr. Rodriguez: And at any point in time in that relationship, DAS has the authority to t'7 Dr. March: But it's, uh, so what you want. though. is a partnership. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) la )ary 18,2022 rescind or retract Chairman Rich: The partnerships, I hope you are stating, are between HSN and DAS, not HSN and the county. Because here it says pathways or partnership between HSN and Collier County. There's never any referral to DAS. Commissioners have indicated interest in two possible approaches to a partnership: One in which HSN takes over animal-care services, but enforcement functions stay with the county and the other in which HSN takes over all functions and blah, blah, blah. But if it's a partnership, I mean that's hardly a partnership. Mr. Rodriguez: Exactly, and I think what we're dealing with here is some of the language and titles from the previous, for lack ofbetter words, administration for DAS. With Marcy, she is the county because she is DAS. DAS is the county so it's an agreement and I think and, nothing against Sarah, she sees them as two different entities, and they're not. We get our direction from the county manager and our county commissioners, and ifthey agree on a resolution that builds this partnership with your support, that's what we're going to move foru,ard with. It'll be interesting to see the response once it's done and we, we offer what we think that partnership should be, to see what the Humane Society is going to accept. So and really, it's, you know, for lack ofbefter words, and we've heard this over the years, "Put your money where your mouth is," and let's see what we can get done as a group and let's focus on the animals. And, you know, I've gotten some criticism, which I don't care. I've got broad shoulders. At the end ofthe day, you've got to remember, I have a history of working in animal control. I put down 150 cats in two weeks. I put down 112 dogs, you know, and that was the old administration years ago, 30 years ago, in this county. And now it's completely different. We have so many volunteers, we have a great committee now that's working cohesively, and we have resources, so the future looks great for Collier County and those strays. It's going to be a great opportunity. Chairman Rich: Very exciting. Yeah, quick question. Does anyone know when the Humane Society started, or any history on it at all? Wow. OK, who krows or knew Steven Wright? Audience: Oh, Steven was great. IPeople speaking all at once.] Chairman Rich: Steven was a volunteer here for the Humane Society for many, many years, one ofthe nicest men you'll ever meet. Ifan animal, a cat, couldn't be adopted, he adopted it. ... He was a sweetheart ofa guy. Woman's voice: A gentle giant. Chairman Rich: So I was looking for some history and this is what he wrote The Humane Society Slory: Prior to 1960, Collier County, Florido, was a harsh placefor lost and abandoned pets. These helpless creatures were often considered a "sanitatioh" problem and when they l8 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18. 2022 Some local citizens caredfor wayward pets on their own, keeping them in makeshift kennels in their garages and lanais. But they realized they could do more if they joined forces. Thus, the Humane Society ofNaples was ihcorporated as a private, non-profit orgsnization in 1960 (Chairman Rich added, "so they were private at the time). A newsparyr article about the plight of Collier County's unwanted pets sparked community concern. That and persistence by Humane Sociely board members and a generous community produced funding for the shelter that opened in 1963. The Humane Society originally operdted with agreements from Collier County and the City of Naples to house lost and abandoned and quarantined pets. In 1973 came a name change from The Naples Humane Society to the Humane Society of Collier County, reflecting its lorger role in the community. In 1975, Collier County expanded its Animal Control agency and purchosed its own kennels (Chairman Rich added: That's when DAS began.) This action dissolved the contractual arrangements with the Humane Society and made Animal Control responsible for collecting lost, stray and dangerous pets, as well as investigating suspected animal cruehy incidents. Chairman Rich: I asked Michael if he knew why. And he said, I do, but he said he'd have to go into the archives. So don't take this as the gospel. I'm just telling you what I've heard from a couple people. Phyllis, do you know why? Chairman Rich: l'm sorry, this is Phyllis Estes Ms. Estes: Lori Stuber is the one who started this. She was in Port Royal. There were stray cats. And when she and some ofher Port Royal friends were concerned about them, so Lori called the law enforcement, city ofNaples police, and said you need to come and do something. These cats need food, etc. And they said, well, what we do is shoot them so they said, "Well, you're not shooting our cats." So Lori had them in her house and then her friends also began taking them in. So that is how the Humane Society started. It was Lori Stuber. And it went from there. ... Chairman Rich: Do you know why they broke away from city sponsoring them, , though, to the county? Ms. Estes: No, I do not. I assume it's we'll shoot them if we find any. Chairman Rich: Again I was told. Again, I can't verify this, I heard, by two or three people now, that Humane Society started running out ofmoney that was being given to them by the county and they kept asking for more and more and more, until a point where the county said well we can do this on our own, which is why they formed a separate unit. I can't prove that. But I mean that would be, you know, what goes around. I mean, that could happen again. And I knew in other cities where I can verify it, where they have tried it, it hasn't worked. And when the county is trying to take it back, that hasn't worked, you know. So anyway, that's just a little bit of history. I wasn't clearing everything myself. Thank you for explaining that, I appreciate that. t9 became a nuisance, they were destroyed. Phyllis Estes: Yeah. well. I do. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 78,2022 Ms. Antonia: Jim, I just wanted to point out and give a shout out ... Chairman Rich: Yeah, sorry, please state your name please Ms. Antonia: Michelle Antonia, the Animal Compassion Project. I just want to do a shout- out to, she's no longer with us, Audrey Johnson in lmmokalee, from Johnson Farms. And in Immokalee, she built dog runs on her property and she would go out and rescue the stray dogs in lmmokalee and you know, work with the Humane Society way back when, at the time when Phyllis is talking about Lori Stuber. So I just wanted to give a shout-out to her for all the work that she did with the dogs in Immokalee at that time. Chairman Rich: And just so you know, the reason I'm allowing people to speak from here is because these are prominent, very prominent, rescue organizations that have been in our county for many, many years, and if it wasn't for groups like this, things would be much worse off, believe me. And these people are still working diligently every day, rescuing, and adopting and fixing and doing what they can. So I don't know what's going to happen when they're no longer here, I'm no longer here. You know, we're not getting any younger, so I'm glad we have a young person at the head here who can maybe pick up some ofthe slack that we've been doing. So, did I cover everything there? OK, so the next thing would be opportunities for collaboration. Ms. Hyland: Yeah, it was just that, in my mind, that was kind of... Chairman Rich: Let me throw one thing out OK. I wrote this out. When I think of collaboration, I think of two organizations working together, notjust principals, but volunteers, you know, everyone pulling together trying to work. This was just an idea. If I can figure out what I wrote now. OK, we ask permission from the County Parks District to utilize one oftheir buildings. I put, preferably on a Sunday, which is often the date many of our Hispanic citizens have off. I know this because when we were passing out food during the really early parts ofthe pandemic and a lot ofthem couldn't make it on Saturday, so we had actually started going on Sunday, too. HSN brings their bus to that location. We have a vet, staff from both DAS and HSN, working together, or they could altemate on different weekends. Ask volunteers from both organizations to work together in the process of receiving animals, doing their paperwork, explaining how the process works, etc. The public could bring in cats. This is for cats, primarily, in traps or carriers, and ifnot feral, we could loan them traps. They would be lined up in one part ofthe building. Volunteers could bring the unsterilized cats to the bus, when called upon. After sterilization, they would be retumed to the building in a different part ofthe room. The incentive to pick up the cats would be, I've discussed this with my wife and our board, and it's actually something that I'm working on with Marcy, we're trying to get more information, is that for a lot ofcats, we'd set aside a certain amount ofmoney, and when someone came to pick up their cats, we would pay $15 cash to every person, for every cat. Now in some ofthese poor areas, for instance, ifthey have five, six, l0 cats, that's not a bad salary to bring in their cat, so it's an incentive to bring them and get them fixed and even more ofan incentive to have cash. There's all kinds of logistics, I understand. You know, how many animals can they take, do you need to make appointments, how is the 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) Ja rary 78,2022 money handled? And, I mean, there's ... but I know that's something we can work on, but this, to me, is something where you're working together. I mean, that's a, that's a partnership. So, you know, I'd like to see if we can get to that point, like things Iike this, where we're actually helping each other. So, anlthing else? Mr. Rodriguez: If I could answer that, Jim, just that in working with Marcy over this next couple of months as we prepare the budget for the county commissioners. One ofthe focuses we're going to have is to really determine the demand that's out there, and I spoke to that earlier is, well, how many cats do we have, how many strays, how many dogs? And with that, with us kind ofgetting that benchmark, Marcy and I'll sit down and put a budget together and bring that forward to the county manager and get it approved. Because again. it's your tax dollars and who in the county wouldn't want to see us, you know, address those needs and issues with the animals. We just have to establish what is that demand? And I think with Marcy's help and her background, we'll find out what those budget needs are. It's my job to take that higher and fight for those funds with the support of the commissioners and the county manager. And that way we can move forward and address those issues and demands. So, everything has a price tag. We just need to know what that is. And I tell you what, if we can build these beautiful parks and recreational facilities, certainly we can help the animals here in Collier County. Chairman Rich: Absolutely Dr. March: How do you find out those numbers, how do you go about how many animals you need to be .... Chairman Rich: I think it's based on population. Ms. Perry: lt's based on population, per-animal, per-person, so as Collier fills.. Mr. Rodriguez: I'm excited because with that budgeting and what-not and working in this collaboration, which is going very well, you're going to see a lot ofwork get done in a very quick time, with Marcy's leadership. Chairman Rich: Well, this brings us to... Let me talk to you, sir, one second. Do you feel that we were calm, collected and tried to be fair in our discussions here? (Man answers: Sure.) OK, that was the intent and if you can relay that to Sarah, that was really what we 2l Mr, Rodriguez: Well, with your help and the help of these different agencies, as you've stated, that are doing a tremendous amount of work getting those strays and what-not, you could, you could pull those numbers together. You know, the (SNIP Collier's) Tom Kepp out there in the field. He knows the number of strays and you all do. You see what's sitting out there and what you're seeing come in, and you put a multiplier on it. And we can figure that out. Chairman Rich: Years ago, we actually had a board up here like then. We looked at different parts ofthe county. And here's the population based on this. These are the amount of animals, the strays, we can guesstimate. You know, I don't know how accurate it is, but it's better than nothing so .. . 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18,2022 tried to do today, OK. Meredith Mclean: But there's one thing, can I just touch base on quickly? Chairman Rich: Please say your name. Ms. Mclean: Meredith Mclean. Chairman Rich: Meredith Mclean. OK, I apologize. Ms. Mclean: I'm the Director of Community Services. There were a couple comments made about HSN not speaking with DAS after the Board of County Commissioners meeting. Sarah did speak to Dan two days after and asked what the next steps were and it was presented that we should wait, and that DAS would come back to us with a counter proposal. So we did start the discussion on the next steps. Chairman Rich: I can't speak to that, so... Mr, Rodriguez: Yeah. then we would respond to her proposal. Chairman Rich: OK, well I spoke out of tum, so I apologize. I certainly want to be factual with everything. D. Opportunities for Collaboration between DAS and HSN - Kelly Hyland Ms. Hyland submitted the following suggestions before the meeting: l. Transferring more cats from DAS to HSN 2. Transferring more dogs, with hard-to-adopt dogs going to the Oaks Facility 3. Loaning vet staff when needed. 4. Helping more with the Community Cat Program by utilizing their spay bus more often Community Cat Program 1. We ask permission from the County Park District to utilize one of their buildings, preferably on a Sunday, which is often the only day many ofour Hispanic residents have off. 2. HSN brings their bus to that location. 3. We have vet staff from both DAS and HSN working together, or could altemate staff on weekends. 4. Ask volunteers from both organizations to work together in the process of receiving animals, doing paperwork, explaining how the process will work, etc. 5. The public would bring in cats in traps or carriers, if not feral. 6. They would be lined up in one part ofthe building. 7. Volunteers could bring the unsterilized cats to the bus when called upon. 8. After sterilization, they would be returned to the building in a different part of the room. 9. The incentive to pick the cat(s) back up is that FLC will pay $ I 5 cash for every 22 Ms. Mclean: Right. NIr. Rodriguez: Correct. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) laruaw 18- 2022 cat that's brought in. 10. One big issue is that even ifeveryone volunteers their time and services, there is the cost ofthe surgical packs required for each animal. Perhaps this would be yet another opportunity in applying for ajoint grant specifically for this project. For example, PetSmart Charities or Florida Animal Friends. \'II. Public comments: Chairman Rich: All right, so the really exciting part of our meeting, our public comments. And again, when you come up, please state your name so that we can record everything properly. Maggie Kemp. Ms. Kemp: My name is Maggie Kemp, K-E-M-P. I was asked to mention, I guess this goes in keeping with that Sarah mentions that they don't charge high adoption fees. Their fee to adopt a puppy is $475. (Audience: Commotion, Wow. Ouch) Um, they're bringing in again, bringing dogs in from Puerto Rico when we have plenty to go around here. Going back to Kelly's point, let's start at home. I went, andjust in response to Sarah's statement, I find it just incredibly arrogant that she wants to tell the people in the public, or people on this board, what they should speak about and what they should not speak about. I went to the commissioners meeting and I was really disappointed that HSN was allowed to speak. They had two people that spoke and when it came Marcy's tum to make a presentation, she was not allowed to speak. They just went ahead and wanted to move forward to a feasibility study. Chairman Rich: lf I may intemrpt you. I'm not defending any of that. But it already had been determined at that point in time that they were not going to be overtaking, and that it was just strictly going to be discussion, so anything ... Ms. Kemp: No, this was even before that, I think, wasn't it? Chairman Rich: No Ms. Kemp: All right. Anyway, anyway, the fact that she was denied the opportunity to speak at all, the fact that she wasn't able to make a proper presentation. I made an appointment to come in and meet with her. She went over her presentation andjust seeing it in black and white is nothing. It's how she brings it to life with her commentary and how she elaborated on it. I don't think they would have even moved it forward to a feasibility study had she had the opportunity to do that. And I don't understand why this has to be a formal thing. It seems like just such a waste of time. There's informal collaborations that are going on all the time. I mean, I know Michelle Antonia from the Animal Compassion Project is regularly working with Marcy. She's regularly working with HSN. Ditto for Volunteer Services for Animals, and I'm sure the Cat Care Alliance is doing the same. You are., they're all working together informally. So why are we going through this whole formal process when you canjust do it on a one- off situation, or as the needs and demands change over time? 23 Itjust, it's I don't know why we're doing that. Um, just as an aside, I hope that DAS gets a second vet because I think relying on an outside organization is a mistake. I think DAS needs the autonomy to have the staffthat they need here without anybody else, and the 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) la )ary lE,2o22 whims of that. Um, I think one of the other. Um, I don't, that doesn't even matter. Key-man risk. The fact that HSN requested that they be able to delay the meeting or present at a different time, it shows key-man risk. They don't have the depth of management to do anything more than they're doing. And it's my understanding from their website and I didn't look at it today, that their shelters are closed for COVID again. Chairman Rich: They are. Ms. Kemp: OK, so how are they going to take on more? And all of their proposal that they put forward. Ms. Kemp: So now you're making lose my train of thought. So it's, it's just, it doesn't make sense. Ifthey can't run their two shelters, how are they going to add more? This is the proposal that they put forth: takeover, takeover, takeover. And thank you to Commissioner Locastro for holding Sarah accountable to that verbiage. But Ijust, it's, I lost my train of thought. Audience: You're doing great. Ms. Kemp: OK. Key-man risk. OK. You can't keep your own shelters open. How are you going to take on more? There were no specifics on how are they going to do anything. It was very interesting to me because it reminded me about a 3-year-old child that keeps saying. "Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue?" And the parent finally says, "Because I said so." There's no specifics that were put forth in the proposal. And as Kelly shared, and as Dr. Mark shared, Their answer is, we can do it better. But ifyou're not saying how you can do it better, I don't get it. They were approached two years ago by a commissioner to put this together. They're interested in collaboration. Where are the details? What have they been doing for two years? What are you going to do, I mean, what are you going to do when the truck starts rolling in with all these strays and alI these injured animals? OK, key-man risk. I think that actually is demonstrated by Sarah not being here, by their shelter being shut down. I think that somebody should write a letter to the commissioners, andjust put this thing to bed. Do some informal collaboration. Let's see how it goes. Chairman Rich: See, if you had been here Saturday, when I had a meeting with the other volunteers. Ms. Kemp: I'm not a volunteer. Chairman Rich: I know. Well, this ... I already had three letters from volunteers on that Audience: Maggie, you can have my three minutes. Chairman Rich: Yeah, I was going to give her time, anyway. Ms. Kemp: Well, I have Audrey's three minutes, so I think I might still have time. Chairman Rich: OK. 24 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18, 2022 topic, exactly what you're talking about. It's been covered. Maybe you should be a volunteer? Ms. Kemp: No, thank you. I have my hands full. I have my hands full. I get into plenty of trouble on my own. A question for you: Is the lease that the Humane Society has at the airport coming due? Because I wonder ifthat's on their agenda. As far as ... Chairman Rich: Again, I'm not part of the Humane Society, so I don't know. Ms. Kemp: OK. And my final point and then I'll get out of here. I think DAS's techs could use some further training and would it be an idea to try to have. Oh, two more things. Would it be an idea to try to have some of the DAS techs shadow some of the techs at some of the private practices in the county? Chairman Rich: You're talking about techs going on? Ms. Kemp: Vet techs. Chairman Rich: Oh, vet techs, I'm sorry. Well, there's a tremendous shortage of vet techs. Chairman Rich: That will be up to our vets here and whether we can get someone to do that. Dr. March: Do they need it? I mean, I think the first question is do you feel that your vet techs need to be? Ms. Perry: I mean, learning and education is always a good thing. We would never turn down any kind of leaming opportunities. Chairman Rich: Are you offering, Dr. March? Dr. March: Well, look, I said I'm on the County Veterinary Society. I thought ['d bring it out to the 90 veterinarians there. Chairman Rich: Most of us are several years and we have a lot of members and I think we can spread word around a little bit. Dr. March: But I'm sure I would be. l'd be more than happy to do something. Chairman Rich: I know vou would. Thank vou 25 Ms. Kemp: I know. I'm just saying if the DAS techs could go over and shadow some of the techs at the private veterinary clinics to sharpen their skills and deepen their knowledge, it might be a great benefit to the county. Ms. Kemp: And I say one more thing. I had a really great visit with Marcy when I came in and saw her. And she took me around the back and showed me everything that's going on back there. And I wasjust really impressed with her vision and, as slow as it seems, progress is being made. It definitely is being made. She also was talking to me about something that they were, they had done in Broward County. She called it The Fort, which is basically a portable spay and neuter clinic. I was wondering if maybe she could speak 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuary 18,2022 about that because that would be maybe a great collaboration project with HSN. Or maybe they could fund some of it and show that they actually have some skin in the game. Chairman Rich: All right. Thank you so much. [Applause] Always an exciting speech. I really appreciate it. Chairman Rich: Audrey, you're next. Ms. Dilella: I gave her my time. Chairman Rich: Well, I'm sorry you did, OK, Michelle. Ms. Antonia: I gave her my time. Chairman Rich: OK, geez, Meredith. Ms. Mclean: I'm going to cede my time. Chairman Rich: And Chuck? Mr. Danielian: I'm going to pass. Chairman Rich: There's no one left down here. Dr. March: Am I at the right committee meeting? 26 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) Jamtary 18.2022 Chairman Rich: Advisory Board Comments. Dr. March, let me start with you today Ms. Perry: He's got the wrong seat Dr. March: So I think everything's sort ofbeen said, quite honestly, other than you know, I'm going to email Marcy or talk with her at some point. We have our Collier County Veterinary Society board meeting next week and, you know, one ofthe things that I hope to do by being on both of these boards is that we can communicate a little bit between DAS and the Humane Society, which is one ofthe other things that I talked about with Dr. John and Shanna. That, you know, you mean, the Humane Society doesn't have the greatest reputation among the veterinary community in our city. So, and they wondered why. I gave a few reasons. And, you know, I feel that they can also improve with the rest ofthe private, you know, veterinary hospitals around, as well. And we can al[, as veterinarians, work a little bit better together to try to help, obviously, for the main cause ofhelping animals. So that's all I've got to say. Ms. Baker: Well, I'm probably going to say little bit more than some other people, but I'm sorry. Tom's not here. Maybe I can. And I am not as outspoken as some people on the board. So I get my time. I'm a very positive person and I have to say that in the latter part of last year when there was a comment, or it was brought to our attention that there may be some lack oftransparency with the collaboration between Humane Society and Domestic Animal Services. And there was, we had, there had been a proposal made to not have that position on this board anymore. I, at that point, was looking forward and trying to stay positive about it and because I do believe that it is important for us to collaborate together as two separate entities. I do not see any benefits in there being any kind oftakeover. So, but I do question now the ... I'm sorry. I brought notes. And so, I do question whether an HSN position on this board is still in the best interests of Domestic Animal Services. And I know that's not something we can decide as a board ourselves. It has to go before the commissioners. But Ijust want to put that out there. I'm a little concemed - unless this whole thing can be resolved in a more positive manner between the two entities. I was not at the commissioners meeting. I have not had my meeting with Humane Society yet. But I did go, and I did read the 26 pages ofthe presentation that Sarah made at the Board of Commissioners meeting and everyhing that came back to me from that presentation said "takeover." lt was not a collaboration. And so my concems are the lack of transparency, of course. I am concerned that their reasons for wanting to do the takeover, even though all they tout is the benefits to Domestic Animal Services. I think there are some underlying things that they are looking to benefit from. And my main one is the new facility that's being built. I think because in that presentation, she talks about them taking over full management ofthe new facility. And, I think, that to me, just states what their underlying reasons are for doing this. I would like more information on their staff tumover at their facility, and also the 27 VIII. Advisory Board Comments: Woman's voice: Ah, they're putting you on the spot allthe time. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18,2022 credentials that that their staff has. lfthey're, they're saying that they can do a much better job, then I want to see credentials and their turnover oftheir staff because I'm concerned about that. [cat meowing] l'm also concemed about ifthey do a takeover, that it becomes private versus public. And then the things that are going on are not public record, so I think the transparency becomes even less and they've already demonstrated that there is a lack of transparency. Chairman Rich: I think you did very well. [Commotion in audience, lots of talking at once.l Sue, Do you have any? The first meeting is tough, I know it was for me, except maybe for Kelly. Kelly has never been intimidated. Sue, would you like to make a comment? Ms. Law: No, l'I make comment. I think what they all brought up was really good. You know, we need to work together. There needs to be transparency, and that's what scares me with Humane Society, that they don't have to answer to anybody. If I get mad at Marcy or somebody, I can go to her boss. I can scream at the county, and I've done it, in fact, in the old days. You know, there's always someone to go to. There's always a way around and there wouldn't be. The buck would stop there. I've had my nose to the $ound looking for animals for so long that I had no idea this was going on. I had gotten a cal[, oh gosh, quite a while ago, and they said, what would you think, (this was right before I came to the board to be elected), what would you think if the Humane Society took over DAS? And I'm, like, what are you talking about? They're totally two different creatures. I used to work with the Humane Society. It's totally different entities, totally different everything. They'rejust not like at all. Like I said, that would be ctazy. And so then, right before I came to the board, because ofthe Sunshine Law, I thought Sarah and I had been wanting to meet each other ever since she came to Naples. And we just kept missing each other. Every time a Puerto Rican dog got lost, she called me, and that was plenty of times, so I had to go find them. And so I furally met up with her right before I got elected and, talk about transparency, because I told her, I said, "You know, a crazy thing happened, this girl said to me. 'What did I think about you taking over DAS?' " I said that I thought that was the craziest thing I ever heard. And shejust laughed like, "Yeah, that is crazy." So I thought, wow. And when I walked out ofthere, she told me how they had offered all the vets, they had offered the X-ray machine and they had offered the vans, they had offered help with everything, and that DAS would not take them up on it. And I said, "Why would they not take you up on it?" I walked out of there thinking she was my best friend. I was going to protect her. I thought, "Oh my gosh, you have done so much and you're offering so much. How could this be like this? And so then when I heard that she was going to the Board of Commissioners to talk, I thought, there's no way. I'm going to this meeting. She's really not going to show up because she would have said something to me that day. And I sat in that meeting and she got up and Ijust went, "You're kidding me." Wow, no transparency, no honesty, no meeting ofthe minds, no nothing. So that kind of threw me for a loop. So, I was very disappointed to see that all this was going on in a sneaky, roundabout way. And I really feel like it would be amazing if they did work together, and they did offer. You know, I was there back in the days with the donors. and all that, and we got the mall 28 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) lanuary 18,2022 location up and the donors were always coming in and talking to us and they always wanted to make sure that everything was for the best ofthe animals, that it wasn't, you know, that they weren't being abused at the mall or anything like that. You remember, how in those days, the donors were always in and they had those plans for their buses, too, that they were on the road, they were out there and they were helping people. And now they don't move, they're always sifting there. So, that's kind of where I'm coming from. Chairman Rich: I think you did great job. Ms. Law: Thank you. [Audience: That's true. Laughter] Ms. Hyland: I do agree with everyhing. A lot of what Mary (Baker) said are some of the things that I was going to say as well, and what Suejust said. I think that if they could work, that both entities could work together, I think there would be great things that could happen. I mean, there's power in numbers, but there's also accomplishment, I think, in numbers, as well, and I think it would be great. But I also think communication and intent also needs to be there, that, that, you know, good intent. And so I just, when my concems, you know, when I read something like in the memo that said "a possible approach from HSN is one in which HSN takes over animal-care services, but enforcement functions stay with the county" and the other, "in which HS takes over a[[ functions, including enforcement." So I just think intent there just doesn't come across as trying to work together, which I would hope that could be accomplished. But another thing that was conceming is that "HSN would offer employment, although possibly in new capacities to all cunent DAS employees." I fear that there would be job loss there, as well, because they are a private entity, at that point, so they can pretty much make their own decisions there. I'm sure the opportunity would be there, but when it says, "although possibly in new capacities," it's just concerning for me as well. So, I just think if we can move forward and, with the intent ofcollaborating and working together, I see with Marcy now as Director, I just see good things ahead. I see positive things ahead. I see things going in the right direction and I think we need to keep them, you know, flowing that way and with the help of all the volunteers and the public, Ijust see good things ahead and we can get there if we just work together. Chairman Rich: I'll make one comment. I think we are blessed to have the volunteers that we have in this organization. IApplause] Chairman Rich: OK. Thank you all for attending tonight. And again, as you know, from my meeting with you, you've got my phone number. Call me anytime if you need anything. Thank you all so very much for attending. And at this point, I'd just like to have a motion to adjoum. Ms. Hyland made a motion to adjourn Second by Dr. March. The molion was carried unanimously, 5-0. The next regularly scheduled DAS Advisory Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022, at 6 p.m. in the DAS Conference Room, located at 7610 Dayis Boulevard, Naples, FL34104. 29 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022) January 18,2022 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meetingwas concluded at 7:28 p.m. Collier Animal Services These minutes were approved by the Committee/Chairman on 2-( f - )n , (check one) as presented € , or as amended _. 30 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 18, 2022 (21422 : Animal Services Advisory Board - February 15, 2022)