Agenda 03/22/2022 Item #16K4 (County Attorney to Engage in Mediation Concerning a Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict DCA)03/22/2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board authorizes the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation concerning a July 28, 2010, Developer Contribution Agreement involving the Randall Blvd. Commercial Subdistrict, and potentially bring back proposed amendments to the Agreement. OBJECTIVE: That the Board authorizes the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation concerning a July 28, 2010, Developer Contribution Agreement involving the Randall Blvd. Commercial Subdistrict, and potentially bring back proposed amendments to the Agreement. CONSIDERATIONS: The matter before the Board involves many of the parcels south of Randall Blvd. set forth in the picture below: Back in 2010, the County negotiated a complicated transaction, which is briefly set forth as follows: 1. The Growth Management Plan would be amended so that certain properties south of Randall Blvd., would be added into the Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict. 2. As a companion item to this, a Developer Contribution Agreement was entered into between a Developer, the County, the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control & Rescue District (now part of the North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District), and other parcel owners. 3. The Preface to the Developer Agreement provided as follows: 16.K.4 Packet Pg. 1416 03/22/2022 4. The primary benefit to the County was that it was to receive a strip of property, 6.8 acres in total, along Randall Blvd. which was and is needed by the Country for the necessary widening of Randall Blvd., as well as a pond site. Due to changing economic circumstances, the Developer was unable to move forward with the contemplated project. That Developer is long gone. The Developer Contribution Agreement, however, still binds the current property owners, who would like to move forward with an amended Agreement, which I understand would include the prior commitments to the County. The primary impediment to this has been the Fire District’s insistence that the DCA’s benefits to them be honored. On March 1st I received an email from attorney Andrew Dickman (copy attached in the back-up), who represents most, if not all, of the affected property owners, which contained a request from the attorney for the Fire District that the parties obtain a mediator and seek to resolve the various issues. I responded that I first needed Board approval to proceed. If the parties are able to reach a mutually agreeable resolution at mediation, I will likely return to the Board with proposed amendments to the Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: Costs in hiring a mediator, which would be shared by all parties. The cost to the County should not exceed $2,500. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorizes the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation concerning a July 28, 2010, Developer Contribution Agreement involving the Randall Blvd. Commercial Subdistrict, and potentially bring back proposed amendments to the Agreement. Prepared by: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attorney ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Aerial - Randall Blvd Commercial Subdistrict (PDF) 2. Ordinance 2010-32 (PDF) 3. Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (PDF) 16.K.4 Packet Pg. 1417 03/22/2022 4. Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (PDF) 5. Executive Summary - Developer Agreement - companion to CP-2008-2 - 07.28.10 special meeting (PDF) 6. BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (PDF) 7. 3-1-22 email from Andrew Dickman (PDF) 16.K.4 Packet Pg. 1418 03/22/2022 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.K.4 Doc ID: 21674 Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board authorizes the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation concerning a July 28, 2010, Developer Contribution Agreement involving the Randall Blvd. Commercial Subdistrict, and potentially bring back proposed amendments to the Agreement. Meeting Date: 03/22/2022 Prepared by: Title: Legal Assistant – County Attorney's Office Name: Wanda Rodriguez 03/14/2022 8:56 AM Submitted by: Title: County Attorney – County Attorney's Office Name: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow 03/14/2022 8:56 AM Approved By: Review: County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/14/2022 9:39 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 03/15/2022 7:21 AM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 03/16/2022 9:04 AM County Manager's Office Amy Patterson Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/16/2022 12:03 PM Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 03/22/2022 9:00 AM 16.K.4 Packet Pg. 1419 16.K.4.aPacket Pg. 1420Attachment: Aerial - Randall Blvd Commercial Subdistrict (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to ORDINANCE NO. 10-32 rANORDINANCEAMENDINGORDINANCENO. 89-05, AS=:,' AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH~~'~ MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FOR: AN ~~: AMENDMENT TO THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER :,..._ PLAN AND GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN FUTURE r- LAND USE MAP AND MAP SERIES, PROVIDING FOR ,J SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE ::.>; DATE. it,) e.:..> n CJ 'c'lt<"~'" I C.:>' WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to Section 163.3161, et. seq., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides authority for local governments to amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Timothy Hancock of Davidson Engineering and R. Bruce Anderson, Esq., of Roetzel and Andress, P.A. requested an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map Series to expand and modify the Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict to allow a total development intensity not to exceed 411,950 square feet of commercial uses of the C-4 zoning district, with exceptions, for property located on the south side of Randall Boulevard, extending from 8th Street Northeast and west to the canal on the west side of the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Station, in Sections 26 and 27, Township 48 South, Range 27 East, existing of 56.5:t acres; and WHEREAS, Collier County did submit this Growth Management Plan amendment to the Department of Community Affairs for preliminary review on January 27, 20 I 0; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs did review the amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map series, to the Growth Management Plan and transmitted its findings in writing to Collier County within the time provided by law; and Words underlined are additions; words struek through are deletions Golden Gate Area Master Plan Petition CP-2008-2 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1421 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) WHEREAS, Collier County has 60 days from receipt of the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report from the Department of Community Affairs to adopt, adopt with changes or not adopt the proposed amendment to the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the owner of Tract 71 withdrew from the petition and the remaining applicants reduced the additional development to 360,950 square feet of commercial development; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County did take action in the manner prescribed by law and did hold public hearings concerning the transmittal and adoption of an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map Series, of the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, Collier County has gathered and considered additional information, data and analysis supporting adoption of this amendment, including the following: the Collier County Staff Report; the document entitled Collier County Growth Management Plan Amendment, and other documents, testimony and information presented and made a part of the record at the meetings of the Collier County Planning Commission held on June 15, 2010, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners held on July 28, 2010; and WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE:ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts this amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map Series, in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. The text and maps of the amendment are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and are incorporated by reference herein. SECTION TWO:SEVERABILITY. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. Words underlined are additions; words struek through are deletions Golden Gate Area Master Plan Petition CP-2008-2 2 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1422 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) SECTION THREE: EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this amendment shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission finding the amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, whichever occurs earlier. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a Resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which Resolution shall be sent to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Local Planning, 2555 Shumard Oaks Blvd., 3rd Floor, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this 28th day of July. 2010. ATTE~1~" '~:?;" DWIGH'F'E: 'BI{OOK Clerk ij.k,:. CfJ~lV AJi';ttJ, [ ·l~ i~"" J u.i ' f.. l.!< "'" "j.;""~" _ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~W. ~ FRED W. COYLE, CHA AN Approved as to form and legal suffiency: blvt A CItJ Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Land Use Section Chief and Assistant County Attorney 11\'W Mnara '"~~ cry of ~e's Offic~O.ldoyof ~-I-'" D and ocknowle ~~th' Words underlined are additions; words struek thrOl:lgh are deletions Golden Gate Area Master Plan Petition CP-2008-2 3 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1423 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) CP-2008-2 EXHIBIT A GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN 2.ESTATES DESIGNATION Page 26] B.Estates - Commercial District Page 33] 3) Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict _ The Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict. containina aooroximatelv 56.5 acres. is located on the south side of Randall Boulevard and Immokalee Road CR-846). extendina from 8th Street NE west to the Corkscrew Canal. +Re This Subdistrict is comprised of the following properties: Tract2 54. 55. 71, 72. 89. 90. 107. 108. 125. 126 and 127. Golden Gate Estates, Unit 23; ::md tho Eae:t 1 ee footofTr::lOt 64, Goldon Gato ESt3tOe:, Unit 2a. Reoognizing tho uniquo dovolopmontpattorn ::md oharaotoriGtioe: of surrounding land ue:os, tho This Randall Boulo':ard Commoroi31 Subdistrict has been designated on the Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map and the Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict Mao. Soo M3p4ItistheintentofthisSubdistricttoorovidecommercialaoodsandservicesto the surroundina area. Page 35] All develooment in the Subdistrict shall comolv with the followina reauirements and limitations: a) Tho Critoria for tho Subdie:triot arc ae: follo\"le:: a. All commorcial development is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. b. Projects directly abutting Estates zoned property shall provide, at a minimum, a 75-foot wide buffer of retained native vegetation in which no parking or water management uses are permitted; except that, when abutting conditional uses no such buffer is required. c. Shared parking shall be required with adjoining development whenever possible. d. Tract 55 shall onlv be utilized for native oreservation and water manaaement areas. The eastern boundarv of Tract 55 shall contain. at a minimum. a 50-foot wide retained native veaetation buffer. e. The followina limitation shall aoolv to Tract 71 only: 1. Limitation of Uses - Uses shall be limited to the following: Automobile Service Station; Barber & Beauty Shops; Convenience Stores; Drug Stores; Words underlined are added; words strl:J()k throl:Jgh are deleted. Row of asterisks (*** *** ***) denotes break in text. 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1424 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) CP-2008-2 Food Markets; Hardware Stores; Laundries - Self Service Only; Parks, Public or Private; Post Offices and Professional Offices; Repair Shops - Radio, TV, Small Appliances and Shoes; Restaurants, including fast food restaurants but not drive in restau rants Shopping Center Veterinary Clinic with no outside kenneling; 1. The followina limitations shall aoolv to Tracts 72. 89. 90. 107. 108. 125. 126. 127. and Tract 54: 1. Develooment intensitv on Tracts 72. 89. 90. 107. 108. 125. 126. 127 and the west one-half of Tract 54 shall be limited to 360.950 square feet of floor area. of which no more than 285.950 sauare feet shall be retail develooment. 2. Develooment intensitv on the east one-half of Tract 54 shall be limited to 20.000 square feet of commercial develooment. 3. The first chase of the oroiect develooment. exclusive of the existinq 20.000 sa. ft. of develooment on the east one-half of Tract 54. shall include a arocerv anchor. with a minimum of 35.000 sauare feet of qross leasable floor area. orior to any certificates of occuoancybeinaissuedbevond100.000 sauare feet of commercial develooment. 4. Allowable uses shall be limited to the oermitted and conditional uses of the C-4. General Commercial District in the Collier CountyLandDeveloomentCodeineffectasoftheeffectivedateofthe adootion of the amendment of this Subdistrict rOrdinance No. 2010 32. adooted Julv 28. 20101. exceot that the followino uses shall be orohibited: Tire Dealers. Automotive Retail (Grouo 5531) Automotive Parkina (Grouo 7521) Communication Services (Grouo 4899) Drinkino Places (Grouo 5813) Fishina Piers (Grouo 7999) Glass and Glazina work (Grauo 1793) Health Services (Grouos 8059 - 8069) Soecialtv Outoatient Facilities (Grouo 8093) Houseboat Rental. Lakes Ooerations. Partv and Pleasure Boat rental (Grouo 7999) Laroe Aooliance reoair service (Grouo 7623) Marinas (Grouo 4493 and 4499) Miscellaneous Reoair Services (Grouos 7622-7641. 7699) liquor Store. unless ooerated bv a Gracerv Retailer (Grouo 5921 ) Used Merchandise Store (Grouo 5932) Automatic Merchandisina Machine Ooerators (Grouo 5962) Direct Sellina Establishment (Grouo 5963) Words underlined are added; words strl:Jok through are deleted. Row of asterisks (*** *** ***) denotes break in text. 2 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1425 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) CP-2008-2 Escort Services. Massaae Parlors. Tattoo Parlors. Turkish Baths. Weddina Chaoels (Grouo 7299) Bettina Information Services. Bath Houses. Billiard Parlors. Bookies and Bookmakers. Cable lifts. Carnival Ooeration. Circus Comoanies. Fortune Tellers. Go-cart racina ooeration. Off-track bettina. Pina Pona Parlors. Rodeo Animal Rentals. Rodeos. Shootina Ranaes. Traoshootina Facilities (Grouo 7999) Parole offices. Probation offices. Public welfare centers. refuaee services. settlement houses (Grouo 8322) Tow-in oarkina lots (Grouos 7514.7515.7521) Animal Soecialtv Services (Grouo 0752) 5. At time of rezonina. consideration shall be aiven to imoosingaoorooriaterestrictionsontheamountofdeveloomentallowedin this Subdistrict orior to discontinuance and relocation of the BigCorkscrewIslandFireStationandFloridaDivisionofForestryfire tower uses. 6. All buildinas on Tracts 72.89.90. 107. 108. 125. 126 and 127 shall be develooed with a unified architectural theme. 7. Excludina the commercial zonina on Tract 71 and the existina aooroved commercial zonina on the east one-half of Tract 54. anyadditionaldeveloomentintheSubdistrictshallbedevelooedin ohases. Phase I shall be limited to 100.000 sauare feet of aross leasable floor area. Subseauent ohases shall not receive buildina permits until the Randall Boulevard/lmmokalee Road intersection oroiect. includina the widenina of the seament of Randall Boulevard abuttina the Subdistrict. as shown on Exhibit "A" of the Develooer Contribution Aareement adooted Julv 28.2010 bv the Board of Countv Commissioners. has commenced. No Certificates of Occuoancy shall be issued for subseauent develooment chases until the Randall Boulevard/lmmokalee Road intersection oroiect is substantiallv comolete. Neither the buildina oermits limitations nor the Certificates of Occuoancv limitations shall aoolv if satisfactoryalternativemitiaationisaoorovedbvtheBoardofCountyCommissionersoursuanttoTransoortationElementPolicv5.1. or if traffic conditions chanae in such a manner that adeauate caoacity is available. Cp.2008-2 Exhibit A per BCC Adoption 7.28.10 G:IComprehensivelCOMP PLANNING GMP DATAIComp Plan Amendmenlsl2007-2008 Combined Cycle Petitions\2008 Cycle Pelitions\CP-2008-2RandallBlvdComSubdistrictdw!7.28.10 Words underlined are added; words struGk threugh are deleted. Row of asterisks (*** *** ***) denotes break in text. 3 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1426 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1427 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2008-02A RANDALL BOULEVARD COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICT Collier County, Florida IMMOKALEE LEGEND AMENDED - SEPTEMBER 10, 2003 Ord, No, 2003-44) AMENDED - JANUARY 25, 2007 Ord, No, 2007-19) I I I o 1/2 MI, 1 MI. GOLDEN GA TE ESTATES SETTLEMEN T AREA PREPARED BY: GIS/CAD MAPPING SECTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISIONFILE: CP-2008-2B,DWG DATE: 9/2009 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1428 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2010-32 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of July, 2010, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2nd day of August, 2010. DWIGHT E. BROCK. y ."" ot" Clerk of, Courts ,'a.ncf'.cl'l#x:;k . c':;' . ,'-' Ex-officio to,B9a;:dof. County commi~~i~~:rs J . aw '~' ''''',.'>":'07;''Z,~.. "'.,.J .~.(,' r. t!"lt.oe~~ lo';,.'''~;' By: Ann Je ~ejo~n:~' .~." Deputy Clerk 16.K.4.b Packet Pg. 1429 Attachment: Ordinance 2010-32 (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall Blvd DCA) 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1430 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1431 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1432 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1433 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1434 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1435 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1436 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1437 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1438 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1439 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1440 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1441 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1442 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1443 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.c Packet Pg. 1444 Attachment: Developer Agreement - Emergent Development (no exhibits) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Hearing for the 2007-2008 Combined Cycles of Growth Management Plan Amendments, including one 2009 Cycle Petition. (Adoption Hearing) OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to review the 2007-2008 combined cycles of amendments to the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP) and consider approving adopting) said amendments for their transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. CONSIDERATIONS: Chapter 163, F.S., provides for an amendment process for a local government's adopted Growth Management Plan. Resolution 97-431, as amended, provides for a public petition process to amend the Collier County GMP. For this Adoption hearing, the 2007-2008 combined cycles of GMP amendments now consist of five petitions - four private sector petitions and one County-initiated petition. The Environmental Advisory Council held their transmittal hearing, for petitions CP-2008-4 and CP-2009-1 only, on September 2, 2009. The Collier County Planning Commission CCPC), sitting as the "local planning agency" under Chapter 163.3174, F.S., held their transmittal hearings on October 19 and 20, 2009. The BCC held their transmittal hearing on January 19, 2010. The Transmittal hearing recommendations of Staff, CCPC and BCC are contained in the CCPC adoption hearing Staff Reports. The Objections, Recommendations and Comments (aRC) Report from the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), dated April 5, 2010, contained Objections and Recommendations regarding three of the private sector petitions: CP-2008-2, CP-2008-4 and CP-2009-1. The aRC Report is contained in the back-up materials. Each petitioner's response to the aRC Report is contained in the back-up materials, immediately in front of each of the three respective petitions. Three of the petitions have been modified by the petitioner since being heard at BCC transmittal hearings (CP-2007-3; CP-2008-2, partly in response to the aRC Report; and, CP-2009-1, in response to the aRC Report), as noted herein. This adoption hearing considers amendments to the following Elements of the Plan: o Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and Future Land Use Map and Map Series; and o Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) and Future Land Use Map and Map Series. At Transmittal hearing, Commissioner Fiala requested staff provide a map identifying approved and pending GMP A petitions. A map and accompanying spreadsheet are attached which identify all approved and pending petitions since the last Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)-based GMP amendments were adopted in January 2007 (2005-2010 GMP amendment cycle petitions). 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1445 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Executive Summary and GMP amendment ordinances have been reviewed by the County Attorney's office for legal sufficiency. - HF AC FISCAL IMPACT: There is some fiscal impact to Collier County as a result of the County-initiated petition CPSP- 2008-7 as it will require preparation of a subsequent GMP amendment following adoption of the next Evaluation and Appraisal Report. in early 2011. However, that cost is for existing, budgeted staff time. There are no fiscal impacts to Collier County as a result of the four private sector amendments to the Gro'Wth Management Plan in that implementation of these amendments will occur through subsequent development orders (Rezone or Conditional Use, Site Development Plan, building permits, etc.) for which review fees are paid by the petitioner. The exception is if any petition is found to be not "in compliance" with state statutes by DCA or is found to be "in compliance" but that determination is challenged (see Growth Management Impact, below). In either of those instances, Collier County may incur expenses to engage in settlement negotiations and/or to prepare for and participate in an Administrative Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This is an adoption public hearing for the 2007-2008 combined cycles of amendments to the Collier County Gro'Wth Management Plan. The DCA will have 45 days to review the adopted Plan amendments for compliance with Chapter 163, F.S. and Rulc 9.1-5 F.A.C., and to file a Notice of Intent" to find the amendments "in compliance" or not "in compliance." If determined to be "in compliance" and a timely challenge to that determination is not filed by an atTected party within 21 days, then the amendments will become etlective. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: All four private sector amendments to the Growth Management Plan would increase allowable development intensity. For two of those four petitions, no listed plant and/or animal species have been observed or are known to be on the sites, and those sites do not contain jurisdictional wetlands. For the other two private sector amendments (petitions CP-2008-4 and CP-2009-1), listed plant or animal species havc been observed or are known to be on the sites and both contain jurisdictional wetlands. As part of the process of obtaining subsequent development orders (e.g. rezone and/or conditional use, site development plan), the sites will be subject to all applicable local, state and federal environmental protection regulations, including applicable portions of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the GMP, and the Land Development Code. HISTORICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMP ACT: None of these amendment sites are known to contain lands identified as having historical or archaeological importance. During review of subsequent development orders, all of these petition sites will be subject to all applicable local, state and federal historical and archaeological protection regulations. 2 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1446 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation follows each individual petition listed below. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The EAC held its Adoption hearing on June 2,2010 (petitions CP-2008-4 and CP-2009-1 only); their respective recommendations follow those two individual petitions listed below. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission held its required Adoption public hearing on June 15 and 17,2010. The CCPC recommendation follows each individual petition listed below. I. PETITION CP-2007-3, Petition requesting an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map Series, to create the Mission Subdistrict to allow church and related uses, including schools, adult care and child care, and community outreach, with a maximum of 90,000 square feet of total development, for property located on the south side of Oil Well Road (CR 858), 1/4 mile west of Everglades Boulevard, in Section 19, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, consisting of 21.72 acres. [Coordinator: David Weeks, AICP, GMP Manager] Staff Recommendation: That the CCPC forward petition CP-2007-3 to the BCC with a recommendation not to adopt. CCPC Recommendation: That the BCC adopt petition CP-2007-3, as revised by petitioner since Transmittal hearings (vote: 8/0) to clarify building height as zoned height, and to increase allowable height for the worship center. The CCPC-recommended text is reflected in Ordinance Exhibit A for this petition. There were no speakers. 2. PETITION CP-2008-2, Petition requesting an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Master Plan Future Land Use Map and Map Series, to expand and modify the Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict to allow an additional 370,950 square feet of commercial uses of the C-4 zoning district, with exceptions, for property located on the south side of Randall Boulevard, extending from 8th Street Northeast west to the canal on the west side of the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Station, in Sections 26 and 27, Township 48 South, Range 27 East, consisting of ",56.5 acres. [Coordinator: Michele Mosca, AlCP, Principal Planner] Subsequent to Transmittal hearings, the petitioner revised the petition text to: (a) reflect the withdrawal of Tract 71 (owner of Tract 71 withdrew from this petition) so as to leave it as presently approved (it is within the existing Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, is zoned Randall Boulevard Center PUD, is approved for a specific list of about 13 uses, and is developed with a convenience mart with gas pumps); (b) reduce proposed commercial square feet to correlate with Tract 71 withdrawal; (c) add a project phasing requirement; (d) add a requirement that a grocery store (minimum of 35,000 s.f.) be constructed within the first 100,000 s.f. of 3 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1447 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in development; and, (e) include a companion draft Developer Contribution Agreement (DCA) addressing transportation mitigation requirements. Staff Recommendation: That the CCPC forward petItIOn CP-2008-2 to the BCC with a recommendation not to adopt. Alternatively, staff offered changes to the petitioner's revised text to: (a) further clarify allowed building square feet without changing that proposed in the overall subdistrict; (b) correct a date reference; (c) correct an SIC Code reference nwnber; (d) add requirement for a unified architectural theme; and, (d) modify the DCA. CCPC Recommendation: That the BCC adopt petition CP-2008-2, per staffs alternative language, and subject to the below transportation mitigation language for paragraph [,7. (vote: 8/0). The CCPC-recommended text is reflected in Ordinance Exhibit A for this petition. 7. Excluding the commercial zoning on Tract 71 and the existing approved commercial zoning on the east one-half of Tract 54, any additional development in the Subdistrict shall be developed in phases. Phase I shall be limited to 100,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. Subsequent phases shall not receive building permits until the Randall Boulevard/lmmokalee Road intersection project. including the widening of the segment of Randall Boulevard abutting the Subdistrict, as shown on Exhibit "N' of the Developer Contribution Agreement adopted July 28, 2010 by the Board of County Commissioners, has commenced. No Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued for subsequent development phases until the Randall Boulevardllmmokalee Road intersection project is substantially complete. There were three public speakers, all in support of this petition. Post-CCPC Action: Subsequent to the CCPC hearing, the petitioner submitted an addition to the transportation stipulation to include flexibility in the event that alternative mitigation is available in the future or no further mitigation is needed. That addition is sho,^,TI below. Staff has no objection to this added text. 7. Excluding the commercial zoning on Tract 71 and the existing approved commercial zoning on the east one-half of Tract 54, any additional commercial development in the Subdistrict shall be developed in phases. Phase I shall be limited to 100,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. Subsequent phases shall not receive building permits until the Randall Boulevard/lmmokalee Road intersection project, including the widening of the segment of Randall Boulevard abutting the Subdistrict, as shown on Exhibit "A" as contained within of the Developer Contribution Agreement adopted July 28, 2010 by the Board of County Commissioners, has commenced. No Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued for subsequent development phases until the Randall Boulevard/lmmokalee Road intersection project is substantially complete. Neither the building permits limitations nor the Certificates of Occupancy limitations shall apply if satisfactory alternative mitigation is approved by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Transportation Element Policv 5. Lor if traffic conditions change in such a manner that adequate capacity is available. Words with no underline are as recommended for Adoption by CCPC; words underlined are added by petitioner post-CCPC hearing.) 4 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1448 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in Subsequent to Transmittal hearings, the owner of Tract 71 (site zoned Randall Blvd. Center PUD and containing a convenience mart with gas pumps) formally withdrew from participation in this petition. Accordingly, the applicant modified the proposed subdistrict text to provide for the same list of uses presently listed in the existing subdistrict. On April 14, 2009, the BCC heard and approved an Appeal of a Zoning Verification Letter pertaining to this existing subdistrict resulting in the subdistrict being allowed all uses of the C-2, Commercial Convenience, zoning district. Staff suggests the list of uses for Tract 71 should be replaced with reference to the C-2 district uses so as to reflect that prior BCC action. Doing so would not grant that property owner any development rights not presently existing. However, staff notes that approval of this petition as requested by petitioner (for all other properties in the existing and expanded subdistrict) would result in Tract 71 being bounded on both sides by property eligible for C-4 uses. This would create some concerns regarding potential incompatibility and preclusion of future aggregation and development due to the disparity in allowed uses. Allowing the same uses on Tract 71 as in the rest of the subdistrict most C-4 uses) would eliminate those concerns. But, doing so would grant additional development rights to the owner of Tract 71 which could potentially increase the value of Tract 71. If additional portion(s) of Tract 71 is needed for future road widening, intersection improvements and/or provision of utilities, then the County could potentially have to pay a higher cost to obtain the needed portion(s) of Tract 71. Should the BCC approve this petition, staff recommends Tract 71 be allowed the same uses as allowed elsewhere the Subdistrict. 3. PETITION CP-2008-4, Petition requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map and Map Series, to re-designate from Rural Fringe Mixed-Use District (RFMUD) Sending Lands to Neutral Lands property located on the east and south sides of Washburn Avenue, east of the Naples landfill, in Section 31, Township 49 South, Range 27 East, consisting of *28.76 acres. [Coordinator: Corby Schmidt, AICP, Principal Pianner] Staff Recommendation: That the CCPC forward petition CP-2008-4 to the BCC with a recommendation to retain the existing designation as RFMUD Sending Lands but to add a text provision allowing the one proposed use subject to conditional use approval. This petition was approved for Transmittal to re-designate the property to RFMUD Neutral Lands. However, in response to the ORC Report and subsequent discussion with DCA, staff no longer supports the re-designation of the property, rather supports it remaining as RFMUD Sending Lands but with a text change to add the one proposed use as an allowed conditional use. The basis for change in statr position is as follows: a. DCA verbally indicated support of this position whereas the ORC Report contains an Objection to the re-designation; b. this text exception will avoid creation of a hole-in-the-donut or Swiss cheese on the FLUM (small site designated Neutral Lands that is completely surrounded by Sending 5 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1449 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in Lands), a concept consistently endorsed by statl" and hearing bodies since the time of the Rural Fringe OMP Amendments in 2001-2002. c. a similar text exception already exists in the Sending Lands for Collier County property in Section 25, adjacent to the north of the landtill, for [some] uses complementary to the landfilL d. the subject site is also adjacent to the landfill and the proposed use is complementary to the landfill; e. the subject site contains a pre-existing use, a use also complementary to the landfill; f this exception is specific to the subject site only; g. no additional clearing is allowed; and. h. data and analysis demonstrated (in staffs opinion) that the site doesn't warrant Sending Lands designation. CCPC Recommendation: That the BCC adopt petition CP-2008-4 per statl" recommendation and as the text was revised at the CCPC hearing for clarity (vote: 8/0). The CCPC-recommended text is reflected in Ordinance Exhibit A for this petition, and is also listed below. 8. Conditionai Uses: a) The foliowing uses are conditionaliy permitted subject to approval through a public hearing process: 5) Facilities for resource recovery and for the coliection. transfer. processinq and reduction of solid waste. for a :1:29 acre property located within the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31. Township 49S. Ranqe 27E. provided previouslv cleared or disturbed areas are utilized so as to avoid impacts to native habitats and to protect existinq conservation easement areas from new or expandinq uses. This shali not be interDreted to aliow for the establishment or expansion of facilities for landfiliinq. drvfillinq, incineratinq. or other method of onsite solid waste disposal. There was one public speaker in support of the revised petition. 4. PETITION CPSP-2008-7, Staff Petition requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element to add a new Policy 4.11 pertaining to aligning planning time frames in the OMP. Coordinator: David Weeks, AICP. Planning Managerl Staff Recommendation: That the CCPC forward petition CPSP-2008-7 to the BCC with a recommendation to adopt as transmitted. CCPC Recommendation: That the BCC adopt petll10n CPSP-2008-7 as approved for Transmittal by BCC (vote: 8/0). which is reflected in Ordinance Exhibit A for this petition. There were no public speakers. 5. PETITION CP-2009-I. Petition requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map and Map Series (FLUE/FLUM), to create the Dade-Collier Cypress Recreation Area District within the Conservation Designation, for property located 6 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1450 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in along the Miami-Dade/Collier County border, in Sections 13, 14, IS & 16, Township 53 South, Range 34 East, consisting of 1,608:t acres. [Coordinator: David Weeks, AICP, GMP Planning Manager] Staff Recommendation: That the CCPC forward petition CP-2009-1 to the BCC with a recommendation not to adopt. CCPC Recommendation: That the BCC not adopt petition CP-2009-1 (vote: 8/0). The text approved for Transmittal by the BCC is reflected in Ordinance Exhibit A for this petition. There were three public speakers, all in opposition to this petition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendations for the 2007-2008 combined cycles of Growth Management Plan amendments, including one 2009 cycle petition, are as reflected above following each petition. CCPC RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission held their required public hearing on June IS and 17, 2010. The CCPC forwarded the 2007-2008 combined cycles of Growth Management Plan amendments, including one 2009 cycle petition, to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendations as reflected above following each petition. PREPARED BY: J)~ LJ~~- DATE: (-/1-1.0 DAVID WEEKS, AICP, GMP MANAGER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY:DATE: ,-;1..0-/0 MICHAEL BOSI, AICP. PLANNING MANAGER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY:y WILL M LORENZ, P.E., ECTOR LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE:7'Z.0'/D APPROVEDBY:~~ DATE: '1~t">~C'l NI CASALANGU E UTY ADMINISTRATOR GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION/ PLANNING AND REGULATION EX SUM Adoption 2007-2008 combined cycles G:\Comprehensive\COMP PLANNING GMP DATA\Comp Plan Amendments\2007-2008 Combined Cycle Petitions\BCC Adoption dwI7.19.10 7 16.K.4.d Packet Pg. 1451 Attachment: Executive Summary - 07-08 GMP cycle amendments - 7.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Developer Agreement between Emergent Development Group, Inc., PAC of Collier, Inc., Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District and Collier County to convey right-of-way, and fund the design, permitting and construction of the water management system for phased intersection improvements at Immokalee Road and Randall BouIevard. This agreement is a companion item to the Growth Management PIan Amendment petition CP-2008-2. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCe) approve the Developer Agreement between Emergent Development Group, Inc. ("Developer"), PAC of Collier, Inc. PAC"), Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District ("Fire District") and Collier County ("County") to convey right-of-way, and fund the design, permitting and construction of the water management system for the phased intersection improvements at Immokalee Road and Randall Boulevard to mitigate traffic impacts associated with Growth Management Plan Amendment petition CP-2008-2. CONSIDERATION: The initial review of CP-2008-2 noted that there is insufficient roadway capacity on Randall Boulevard and the intersection of Randall Boulevard and Immokalee Road to find the project consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element. This location has been identified as a critical roadway and intersection within the Long Range Transportation Plan. Staff, the Developer and the adjacent property owners have worked together to develop a preliminary concept plan and corresponding agreement that identifies commitments required to plan for improvements at this location. The following items were considered and documented in developing this agreement: The County will eventually widen, reconstruct and realign the intersection of Randall Boulevard and Immokalee Road. The proposed development would not have sufficient roadway capacity to develop without improvements to the roadway network. The impacts of the Road Project upon the County Parcel may require the County to relocate the facilities ofthe Division of Forestry Services to another property. The Road Project may require changes to the existing access from Immokalee Road and Randall Boulevard to the Fire District Parcel A, the Shopping Center Parcel and the County Parcel. Various land parcels will need to be exchanged among a number of parties, and relocation of existing public facilities must be accomplished concurrently with existing developed sites and future development. The Developer will convey to the County, at no cost to the County, approximately eighty feet (80') of right-of-way. The Developer will fund the design, permitting and construction of the water management system for the phased intersection improvements at Immokalee Road and Randall Boulevard. The Developer will provide for a local access route through the Proposed Development that will assist in accommodating traffic movements through the existing Randall Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict. 16.K.4.e Packet Pg. 1452 Attachment: Executive Summary - Developer Agreement - companion to CP-2008-2 - 07.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County This agreement represents an initial set of terms that would allow for the development to proceed forward with adoption. An updated agreement with more specific exhibits will be required prior to the rezone in order to finalize the commitments after the County and the Developer have proceeded further with design and permitting oftheir respective improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The County would benefit from cost savings for the ROW, water management system and cost of relocating the Division of Forestry. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: This agreement provides the specific mitigation stipulations necessary to comply with Growth Management Plan (GMP) Transportation Element Policy 5.1 to make the Proposed Development and Proposed Development B consistent with the GMP. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Developer Agreement was drafted by the County Attorney and is legally sufficient for Board action. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Developer Agreement between Emergent Development Group, Inc., PAC of Collier, Inc., Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District and Collier County to convey right-of-way, and fund the design, permitting and construction of the water management system of the phased intersection improvements at Immokalee Road and Randall Boulevard consistent with the Growth Management Plan amendment adopted today. Also, direct staff to prepare an updated agreement to define these commitments prior to the rezone approval. Prepared By: Nick Casalanguida, Deputy Administrator, Growth Management Division Attachments: 1) Developer Agreement; 2) Exhibits A through P 16.K.4.e Packet Pg. 1453 Attachment: Executive Summary - Developer Agreement - companion to CP-2008-2 - 07.28.10 special meeting (21674 : Authorize the County TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Naples, Florida, July 28,2010 GMP AMENDMENTS LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners, in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board( s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 11 :25 a.m., in SPECIAL SESSION in Building "F" ofthe Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Fred Coyle Jim Coletta Donna Fiala Frank Halas Tom Henning (via speakerphone) ALSO PRESENT: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attorney Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney David Weeks, Comprehensive Planning Michele Mosca, Comprehensive Planning 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1454 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation MR. WEEKS: ***Commissioners, your next item is petition CP-2008-2, petition requesting an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map and Map Series to expand and modify the Randall Boulevard commercial subdistrict to allow an additional development intensity not to exceed 360,950 square feet of commercial uses ofthe C4 zoning district with exceptions for property located on the south side of Randall Boulevard extending from 8th Street Northeast, west to the canal on the west side of the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Station in Sections 26 and 27, Township 48 south, Range 27 east, consisting of approximately 56-and-a-half acres. And Commissioners, you do have some registered speakers for this item. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. How many speakers do we have? MR. WEEKS: Looks like six. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Six, okay. Mr. Anderson, if you'd like to make a brief presentation. MR. ANDERSON: Yes, sir, thank you. My name is Bruce Anderson from the Roetzel & Andress Law Firm, and with me today is the principal ofthe Emergent Development Group, Mr. Jack Sullivan. Also with me is Tim Hancock, the director of planning for Davidson Engineering. You will probably recall this application from your prior hearing. It enjoys widespread community support. The Department of Community Affairs raised two objections to this amendment. The first objection was to the original language which referred to allowing uses that are permitted in the C4 district. Their concern was that the language would allow for a self-amending Comprehensive Plan. Their thinking is that ifthe County Commission later decided to amend the C4 zoning district to allow additional uses, that that would 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1455 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation have the effect of allowing those uses automatically in the Randall Boulevard subdistrict. So we held conversations with DCA and with your staff, and we have resolved that by tying the C4 uses to those that are in existence today. We used that in a similar fashion on another subdistrict in the Golden Gate Master Plan. Their second objection concerned transportation planning. Their concern has been addressed by adding project phasing language tied to the improvements of Randall Boulevard. There is adequate capacity there today to accommodate Phase I of the project, which is limited to 100,000 square feet. There is additional language that was added after the Planning Commission by your staff with the agreement of my client, and that's featured in your executive summary. That will allow Phase II to move forward once there is sufficient capacity on Randall Boulevard to do so. The other substantive change to the amendment text is that my client has agreed to -- that a grocery store anchor of at least 35,000 square feet would be included in the Phase I portion ofthe project. You have a companion item which is a developer contribution agreement. It was being negotiated at the time of your transmittal. Under the broad parameters ofthat agreement, my client is donating right-of-way without impact fee credits for the eventual six-laning of Randall Boulevard. Under the DCA, both the fire station and the forestry service building on the county's property will be moved, and those two essential service agencies will collocate on the eastern corner of 8th Street and Randall Boulevard, where a traffic signal is eventually planned to go. That relocation will be at the sole expense of my client and another property owner, and that includes the cost of rezoning the property, getting SDP approval, and providing site improvements. At the outset, my client set out to create a win-win-win situation 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1456 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation for the county, the neighbors in the community, and through that petition and the DCA that we have before you, we believe we've accomplished that. We thank you for your consideration. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you very much. Commissioner Coletta? COMMISSIONER COLETTA: I'm sorry. Sir, could you -- I could wait until after the speakers, if you don't mind. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: But I do want to speak after that. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Who are the speakers? Could you stand, please, for me? Is there anyone here who objects to this petition? Okay. There is one person who objects. Okay. Then we will call the speakers in order. Thank you. MR. WEEKS: First is James Siesky, who will be followed by Karen Acquard. MR. SIESKY: Good morning, Commissioners. My name is Jim Siesky ofthe law firm ofSiesky, Pilon, and Potter. I'm here on behalf ofUrika Oil, Inc., and its president, Francisco Colasso, who's with me. We didn't want to be here to object today, and it's really not our desire to object, but we're really left with no alternative. We were approached by Mr. Sullivan, I guess, in June of2008. In April of 2009 we entered into an agreement where we would participate in the Randall Boulevard subdistrict along with his proposal. Backing up a little bit. Urika Oil owns the existing gas station and convenience store that's at the corner of Randall and Immokalee Road. Our primary concern from the very beginning has been access, because access to the station is crucial to my client's business. We've had meetings with your county Transportation Department and Mr. Sullivan and his staff. Unfortunately it seems that there's no alternative that will give my client reasonable access to his property o"..__..____ 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1457 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation once development goes forward here. Your staff, your transportation staff, and I have no objection with their concept, because we've hired our own traffic engineer, and he couldn't come up with anything better. He says that the county staff wants a direct route going west or -- excuse me -- east on Immokalee Road, and it would join with Randall. Perfectly reasonable. The only problem is, we have a right-in, right-out. The access, if you're coming from the west, either on Randall or on Immokalee Road, is that you're going to have to take an out-of-the-way mile trip to get to my client's property and back to your intended route which, as you know, is going to just severely damage his business. We've explored other alternatives, even consulted with an eminent domain attorney. That's probably not a reasonable solution because the county probably has the ability to do what it intends to do without any compensation to my client. We've consulted an appraiser to see whether or not this change in use would be of a significant value for my client. It will not. We've tried to negotiate some sort of an arrangement with Mr. Sullivan for an exchange of property or other possibilities. That was not successful. CHAIRMAN COYLE: That's your time limit. But, please, we want to understand the problem thoroughly, so if you could summaries quickly, we'll grant you additional time. MR. SIESKY: Thank you, sir. The problem is the construction of the road. This development will necessitate construction of that road sooner. From my client's point of view, the longer that the construction ofthat road can be delayed, the better his business will be. And he has -- CHAIRMAN COYLE: Well, we're good at that. MR. SIESKY: He has provided a service to this community over the years. He's been there since 1996. There's a convenience store, a 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1458 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation fast-food restaurant, a bank, and a gasoline station there. And we would request whatever help you can give us. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. SIESKY: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you. Thank you. MR. WEEKS: Karen Acquard, to be followed by Pat Humphries. MS. ACQUARD: Good morning, Commissioners. For the record, it's Karen Acquard. Our home is directly behind this proposed center. As before, I'm speaking on behalf of myself, my husband, and a majority of the homeowners whose property is adjacent to this proposed development. We are in favor of it. This is the first developer who has come along who has given us, in writing, promises that would protect us from the noise and the dirt and so on from the six lanes. I also happen to have served on the last Golden Gate Master Plan Restudy Committee and -- from its inception to its sunset. I missed two meetings in two years, and we met every other Wednesday. This center meets the intent ofthat master plan because it is on the periphery ofthe Estates. The location is such that Emergent can attract the primary stores and businesses. Being involved in Estates things for many years, I have learned that the one thing that big businesses insist on is rooftop demographics. You can set them on a corner, and they can count all the cars that go past a site and say, oh, my God, and they have no place else to go, and you take it to corporate headquarters and they go, we can't count enough rooftops. That's why it took us ten years to get a scale-down Walgreen's on one corner. This has Waterways, Orangetree, Valencia Lakes, and Citrus Green rooftops. The big businesses can count the rooftops they want, and they should be happy to bring their stores there. Emergent is working with the residents to -- and has pledged to 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1459 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation continue to get our input to bring us the design we like and stores that we would -- we want. We feel what -- ifthere's going to be commercial, we want quality commercial, and they are committed to bringing that out there. And finally, I want to point out to all of you what a shot in the arm this center could be to the economy out in our area. It will provide jobs in road construction, it will provide jobs in building construction, and when it's completed, you're talking hundreds of jobs in the stores, offices, and restaurants there. I urge you to approve this change because by doing so you can have a home run, a touchdown, and a checkered flag all in one for us. Thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you. MR. WEEKS: Pat Humphries, to be followed by Vahan Nazarian. MS. HUMPHRIES: Good morning. My name is Pat Humphries. I'm a resident of Golden Gate Estates, a former board of director for the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association, present board of director for the homeowners' association for the Golden Gate Estates, Estates Land Trust Committee member, and a volunteer for the Shy Wolf Sanctuary. Today I am speaking for myself. In 1992 I moved to Golden Gate Estates. Shortly thereafter, I heard a rumor that there was going to be a Winn Dixie on Immokalee Road in front of Orangetree. It didn't happen. In 1999, a developer made a presentation to the Estates Civic Association promising a Publix. It didn't happen. Now, finally we have a commitment for a shopping center with a quality grocery store in the right place and the right time and about time. I enthusiastically support this project because it is compatible with the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and will serve the residents of the Estates without impacting the rural character. I am confident that 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1460 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation Emergent will build a facility that will satisfy the community both aesthetically and commercially. Thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you. MR. WEEKS: Mr. Vahan Nazarian, to be followed by Frank Alameda. MR. NAZARIAN: Good morning, Commissioners. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Good morning. MR. NAZARIAN: My name is Vahan Nazarian, as the person just said, and I live at Valencia Golf and Country Club development. And I just want to lend my voice in support of the Randall Boulevard shopping plaza. And it's going to provide a shopping facility that's convenient and is sorely needed for our area. Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you. MR. WEEKS: Mr. Chairman, I think it appropriate, and I hope you agree, that I should point out that both Mr. Nazarian and the next speaker, Frank Olmeda, have signed up as representing the petitioner, Emergent Development, just for the record. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay, thank you. MR. WEEKS: And the final speaker after Mr. Olmeda would be Paul Unsworth. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. OLMEDA: Good morning, Commissioners. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Good morning. MR. OLMEDA: My name is Frank Olmeda. I live at the Valencia Golf and Country Club. My wife and I are in full support of this proposed development, and we encourage the commissioners to support and vote for -- in favor and vote yes. Thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Thank you. MR. WEEKS: And again, the last speaker, Paul Unsworth. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1461 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation MR. UNSWORTH: Hi. My name's Paul Unsworth. I'm a resident of Valencia Lakes. I'm also the chairman ofthe advisory committee to the developer of Valencia Lakes. I've been in contact with the developer and various residents within the community, Valencia Lakes community, that is, and I wholly -- wholeheartedly support the development. The developer has assured us and our committee that we would be involved with the design and planning aspects of it so it doesn't impact our community. It's something we really need out there. Granted, the nearest shopping center is five-plus miles. Just wanted to lend my support for this project. And there's others in our community as well that feel the same way. Thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Thank you very much. Commissioner Coletta? COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Yes. Thank you, sir. Mr. Anderson, if I may, a couple of questions. You know, the only objection we had -- and I mean, it's for good reasons. When anybody has a business and they've had it for a number of years and they've put themselves into it and they feel threatened by what's happening with progress -- I mean, whether you went there or not, eventually the road's going to be four or six laned, and the same scenario of events is going to take place and the same problem we're having with E-Grocery stores, the one on Immokalee Road and the one on Golden Gate Boulevard, access can't be traditionally held when you go from a two-lane road to a four- to a six-lane road; however, as has been pointed out, that when this project comes, it's going to force the road to happen that much sooner, which -- I'm sorry. Would you elaborate on that a little bit. MR. ANDERSON: I'll defer to Mr. Casalanguida. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Oh, okay. Nick, we're calling on your expertise. MR. KLATZKOW: Hot potato. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1462 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: This is called passing the buck. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Yeah, don't go too far, Mr. Anderson. I'm not through with you yet. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Typicallawyer. MR. CASALANGUIDA: He only passed 25 cents, so we can get him on the way out, if you don't mind. For the record, Nick Casalanguida with Growth Management Services. The road is not presently deficient and it would accommodate up to 100,000 square feet right now. Because this is a Growth Management Plan amendment and there's a rezone to follow sooner, there is nothing programmed for that road to go into construction at this time within the five-year work program. So approving a Compo Plan amendment at an intersection we've already defined as a critical intersection will not cause us to build that road faster per se. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: And am I correct in assuming, too, that if they put the supermarket in place -- which, by the way, Mr. Anderson, thank you for picking up on my suggestion for including that as the starting point for your project. The inclusion of that grocery store will not cause the automatic improvements to the intersection requiring them? MR. CASALANGUIDA: No, sir. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: So in other words, they could go through with the first phase of it. So we're probably looking at a time frame of five-years-plus; is that correct? MR. CASALANGUIDA: You know, I hate to put a time frame on it. You know, we'd have to wait and see when the funding was available and the demand that came online. I think one important note is the developer and his attorney -- and Francisco is a nice guy. I met with him many times. They reviewed 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1463 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation our design and said they couldn't find anything better. I mean, that is eventually what we're going to build when we expand that roadway. We'll work with them and try and do what we can, but our design is not affected, per se, by this development. It's affected by the design of that road and the function of the roadway itself. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Okay. Thank you very much, Nick. Question, again, for Mr. Anderson. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Don't go away, Nick. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Yeah. Mr. Anderson, is there any intentions of this development including another gas station and convenience store within its -- its planned development? MR. ANDERSON: No. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: So in other words, you wouldn't be competing in any way at some point in time when you do reach that critical point? I mean, of course the grocery store, I imagine, would be of some competition for a convenience store. But in reality, it's going to about stay the same. Okay. Well, I appreciate that, but I do have another question, too. We were talking about the -- the compatibility of this and the possibility that there's the concern over commercialization of the area and the carrying capacity for yourself and other developments that have previously been approved and possible new developments that may come down beforehand. I understand your client has done a study on this; is that correct? MR. ANDERSON: That's correct. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Would you share that with us at this time? MR. ANDERSON: Yes. It was submitted to your staff, and it finds that there is sufficient need for what exists and what is proposed 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1464 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation both with our petition and another one that the commission chose not to transmit. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Okay. And just one last thing I'd like to add. I think this is a wonderful project that's got the support of the community over and above what you normally see, and I commend you for bringing everybody together on this. I'd like to correct one thing. We had reference about the master plan and reference about the peripheral (sic) ofthe master plan. And there's no references in the master plan regarding on the peripheral. It may have taken place in discussions, but it never became part of the master plan, and I just wanted to correct that for the record. Other than that, this project's got my total support. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Commissioner Halas? COMMISSIONER HALAS: In the summary of this, originally it said that the Planning Commission had turned this down. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: No. COMMISSIONER HALAS: I thought it did, staff recommendation. Okay. I thought it was -- MR. ANDERSON: It was approved at transmittal and at adoption. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay. And then there was some changes that were made, is that correct, to the wording of this document? MR. ANDERSON: Yes, sir, yes, sir. At the very last sentence under the transportation mitigation section, it would read that neither the building permit limitations nor the certificates of occupancy limitations shall apply if satisfactory alternative mitigation is approved by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Transportation Element Policy 5.1, or if traffic conditions change in such a manner that adequate capacity is available. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay, okay. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1465 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Commissioner Fiala -- oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. COMMISSIONER HALAS: I have one more questions. This is for Nick. Do you have a pictorial of the proposed transportation in regards to the gentleman that is representing the gas station there? MR. CASALANGUIDA: Yes, sir, I do. North is this way up on the viewer. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Yep. MR. CASALANGUIDA: This is Immokalee Road as it currently exists, and then you have that T intersection that comes down. And right now there's a reverse frontage road that takes you back into this site, which is the gas station site that currently exists, the shopping center site that exists, and the fire station site that exists. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Oh, okay. Got it now. I see. MR. CASALANGUIDA: What the county designed and is part of their process was to put a pond site on this vacant parcel, which is part of Emergent Development, whereas now Emergent Development has come forward and said, we will build the water management system. So the design coming offwould be a free-flow ramp that would continue on, and then you would peel off and come back into the site and then come back around and go out and continue on. And this is the design that was presented to the property owner and reviewed by their traffic engineer that said that is the most feasible way of providing access to the property in the future condition. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Now, can you explain -- they said in regards to this that they'd have to go a mile out ofthe way before they -- MR. CASALANGUIDA: I think they're referencing their left bound access. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Southbound, southbound traffic on 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1466 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation Immokalee. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Well, to come in, coming from westbound, since there's no direct way to come in, you would have to go down Immokalee, make a U-turn and then come back around and then come in. And quite frankly, Commissioners, intersections are the worst place to provide access for. Now, keep in mind, you're seeing right now a stop. In the future condition this becomes a flyover and comes down. Immokalee/Randall becomes your -- one of the most highest volume intersections there is. You have Ave Maria, Big Cypress, potentially the lab we talked about, Serenoa Development, and everything that goes on. We're trying to make this a free-flow intersection as much as we can. COMMISSIONER HALAS: The intersection you presently have, that's dangerous, very dangerous. MR. CASALANGUIDA: It is, sir, because you, currently right now, have an access point that peels off this way and comes in to serve them, and it backs up in the morning past that. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Commissioner Fiala? COMMISSIONER FIALA: Well, my questions have been answered. Between Commissioner Halas and Commissioner Coletta, I've got them all answered. Thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: I'd like for you to get more specific about when this is likely to happen. You said it's not in the five-year plan now? MR. CASALANGUIDA: Correct, sir. The only thing we have now is similar to what we've done at Immokalee and Collier where Commissioner Coletta and I had worked with the developer there, is you just -- you're planning and designing and acquiring little bits of right-of-way in preparation of doing the ultimate project when you 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1467 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation move forward. There's nothing in the five-year CIE other than the county doing the preliminary design, any preliminary permitting with the developer as we prepare for this project. We anticipated probably a year ago that Big Cypress was going to move forward. They had the DRI, and they suspended it. This would have been an intersection that probably would have been funded by that DRI. Now we're at a point where we don't anticipate anything coming forward that would drive the construction of that intersection. CHAIRMAN COYLE: So it's definitely not going to happen in five years? MR. CASALANGUIDA: Sir, I think you know our funding, sir. There's nothing in our five-year CIE, and our funding is looking bleaker going into fiscal year' 12 than it is -- than it is right now. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Does that help you any at all? MR. SIESKY: Thank you, Commissioner. It gives some comfort. But in speaking with Mr. Casalong- -- Casaluingda? COMMISSIONER FIALA: Casalanguida. Isn't that a wonderful name? MR. SIESKY: Casalanguida? I love the name. It's harder than Siesky. He indicated to us that the five-year plan is revisited every year. So with development here and other development, it is possible that next year it could be in the five-year plan; is that not true? MR. CASALANGUIDA: It's always possible that Big Cypress comes back on line and we have a large development that says, I want to fund this intersection in order to proceed, and I can't -- I can only speculate when that would happen, but I know you know the environment right now. There is nothing programmed and nothing really on the horizon that would drive that intersection. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1468 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: The chances are, if it came into the five-year program, it would be in the fifth year ofthe five-year program. MR. SIESKY : We can only hope. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah. I don't see anything accelerating it to the two-year horizon because just the permitting process is going to take that long. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Design and permitting will take at least 24 to 36 months, two to three years, yeah. CHAIRMAN COYLE: So I think your chances are this is going to be a while, but I don't know of a -- I don't see a long-term solution for you here, which is unfortunate. MR. SIESKY: Right, thank you. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay, sure. Okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Motion to approve. CHAIRMAN COYLE: That was the last public speaker? COMMISSIONER HALAS: Second. CHAIRMAN COYLE: We have a motion for approval by Commissioner Coletta, and a second by Commissioner Halas. And a comment by David Weeks. MR. WEEKS: Mr. Chairman, there's one issue staff needs to bring to your attention. It's in the executive summary on Page 5, and this pertains to the property we were just discussing. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Tract 71. MR. WEEKS: Tract 71, which is in the striping pattern here. At one time they were a party to this application, and that changed earlier this year. They are no longer a party to that application. One of the changes that the applicant made post-transmittal, that is, leading up to these adoption hearings, was simply to remove that property from their proposed changes and expansion to the petition. Commissioner Henning is now present via speakerphone.) MR. WEEKS: That is, the subject -- the Tract 71 is already in the 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1469 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation existing Randall Boulevard subdistrict, but no longer being a party to this application, then they would keep the same uses they're approved for today. That is, ifthis application is approved as requested, there would be no change in use for Tract 71, and that is appropriately so. The applicant had just left them alone. They made no changes to their status. They did not change their development rights. You might recall several months ago this commission approved an appeal to a zoning letter relevant to Tract 71 and also the next parcel to the west. Those are two different PUDs that, together, they comprise the existing Randall Boulevard subdistrict. The action you took was to allow C2 uses throughout this existing subdistrict. So back to Tract 71. By your action, despite what the language states in the Comprehensive Plan or the PUDs, those properties -- and we'll focus on Tract 71 again -- are allowed C2 uses. So as a matter of cleanup to the master plan language, one of your options would be to change the language for Tract 71 and replace that existing list of uses with a phrase that would state all C2 uses, because that is consistent with your prior action on that property. Staffis further offering an option that you allow all of the same uses that are being proposed for this whole expanded subdistrict, that is mostly C4 uses, to also apply to this Tract 71 even though they're no longer a party to the application. And our rationale is this: There's some compatibility concern over the Tract 71 being limited to C2 uses and the rest ofthis new subdistrict being allowed mostly C4 uses, but it -- an even larger concern from the staff perspective is, in thinking long term, the potential for aggregation and redevelopment to occur. And if this Tract 71 is limited to C2 uses but the properties on both sides of it are allowed C4 type uses, that potentially could preclude the ability for that aggregation and development. So to try to boil it down, there's three options that you have. One 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1470 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation is to leave the application as it is, which means if you approve it, Tract 71 will be allowed C2 uses based upon prior board action. Second option is to specifically change the language for Tract 71 to specifically say C2 uses are allowed. That's the cleanup part. Neither of those two actions change the development rights ofthat Tract 71. The third option is to make Tract 71 eligible for all ofthe uses as they're being proposed for the balance of this subdistrict. That does increase their development rights. That makes it -- the owner of Tract 71 could then come in and request a modification to their PUD to allow those C4 uses on the property. Last comment is, what is the downside to the county? There may or may not be any, but as Nick was just discussing intersection improvements, it's possible that some portion of Tract 71 might be needed to accommodate that future improvement to the intersection, that is, we might need some land from Tract 71 for right-of-way or utilities or some of both. And, if we have to purchase the property from Tract 71, there's the potential that the value ofthat property might have increased by being allowed C4 uses versus C2. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. I have -- well, Commissioner Halas has a question, but let me try one first. Am I to conclude from this that the action that would serve the best interests ofthe property owners would be the action that would permit it, Tract 71, to have the same use as allowed elsewhere in this subdistrict? MR. WEEKS: I would certainly think so, yes, sir, to allow the same, yes, SIr. CHAIRMAN COYLE: And before we make a decision, should we not talk with the people who own that property to find out what their preference would be? Have we done that? Do we have any idea what we're doing to those property owners there? MR. WEEKS: Staffhas not discussed that with them, and I'm 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1471 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation glad to see that they're here to -- if they wish to speak. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Does the same owner own 71 as all the -- MR. WEEKS: No, sir, separate. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Do you own the entire Tract 71? MR. SIESKY: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Could you give us some indication as to which option you'd like to see us -- MR. KLA TZKOW: May I just interrupt? CHAIRMAN COYLE: Sure. MR. KLA TZKOW: David, have we advertised for this? CHAIRMAN COYLE: That's what's bothering me here. MR. KLATZKOW: Have we advertised for any ofthis? No, right? MR. WEEKS: No. The advertisement is -- no. MR. KLATZKOW: I don't know how we can go forward with this. COMMISSIONER HALAS: No, we can't go forward with this. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Well, at least we can get an idea of what you would prefer. MR. SIESKY: Thank you, sir. Obviously, our first option is to have it turned down. But if it were approved, I would point out to the commission that the draft document indicates that it's the intent to promote development in this area. I had it highlighted, but I can't find it at the moment. And I don't think that it's a good idea to have a doughnut hole. I don't -- I think that's inconsistent with the stated intent of the ordinance, and for that reason, I would -- if the commission does decide to approve this application, I would request that the C4 uses be allowed on Tract 71. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Be allowed. Okay, good. Thank you 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1472 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation very much. Now, there's a question about whether or not we can take action on that today, but at least we understand what your position is, or your preference at least. So how do we separate this -- this issue? Do we just have a separate hearing on Tract 71? Do we have to go through another Growth Management Plan modification, or how do we do this? MR. KLATZKOW: Correct me if I'm wrong, David. Originally they were part of this application. And if they stayed part of the application, they would get this benefit. They chose to withdraw from the application, all right. MR. WEEKS: That's correct. MR. KLA TZKOW: Okay. So the fact that there's a hole in the doughnut now is their doing at the end of the day. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Can they -- can they elect to join the application again? MR. KLA TZKOW: We haven't advertised. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Oh, okay. MR. WEEKS: The advertisement is rather general in nature. The acreage figure still encompassed the subject property, and that was necessary because it's both a modification of and an expansion of an existing subdistrict. So we had to include the subject property in that acreage figure that was in the legal ad. The square footage figure that is associated with this amendment is not specific to this Tract 71. MR. SIESKY: Commissioner, if I just may clarify. Initially what happened was the developer withdrew this parcel. We didn't withdraw. Rather than to have authorization for the developer hanging out after he withdrew us so that he may do something that we weren't aware of, we withdrew as well. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. SIESKY: Just for clarification. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1473 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: So County Attorney, you're going to have to tell us how we can legally proceed here. MR. KLATZKOW: You know, I hate saying this because it makes all the sense in the world, but I'm concerned that there may be legal impediments to doing it this way. And if -- you know, if everybody here wants to take the chance of a challenge down the road, I'm okay with that, but I'm saying that you're opening yourselves up to that challenge. CHAIRMAN COYLE: How does it impact the petition, your petitioner, Mr. Anderson? MR. HANCOCK: Good afternoon, Commissioners. CHAIRMAN COYLE: You've got a minute. MR. HANCOCK: Tim Hancock with Davidson Engineering. One ofthe functional problems is that there is a square footage cap for additional square footage that is in the language. And ifhe is granted the C4 uses and comes in to rezone and increases -- requests an increase in his square footage, it would then eat into the square footage that is a part ofthe balance of the application. That's the best I can do in 60 seconds. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Wow. This is more complex than it has to be. MS. MOSCA: For the record, Michele Mosca, Comprehensive Planning staff. Actually the square footage allotment or allocation is specific to the expansion. The Tract 71 has the existing square feet of roughly 21,000 square feet with no cap on it. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. So am I to understand then if this -- if 71 were allowed to have the C4 zoning, that the square footage would not adversely affect the petitioner that we're talking to right now; is that a fair statement? MS. MOSCA: I believe that would be a fair statement, correct. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1474 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. How can we make -- well, I still don't know how we proceed under these circumstances. MR. KLATZKOW: Well, what I'm saying is that -- well, one, I'd like, you know, Mr. Anderson to say that he's okay with this. What I'm saying is that if somebody later objects, you've got a problem. If nobody objects, you have no problem. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah. MR. KLA TZKOW: So you might be doing the right thing, but you might be opening everybody up here to a challenge. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Commissioner Halas? COMMISSIONER HALAS: My concern is, the people that butt up to this area, there's where the challenge may be, because they may be happy with C2 but not with C4. So I think -- I think that's a problem, too. MS. MOSCA: Commissioner Halas, the entire subdistrict, excluding Tract 71, would be eligible for C4 uses. So it would be the single parcel that would be limited to the C2 uses. CHAIRMAN COYLE: I think what you just said was the same thing Commissioner Halas said, but I'm not sure. Tract 71 -- COMMISSIONER HALAS: Butts up to residential. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah, yeah. And if they are allowed to have C4 uses, the residential to the south ofthat project -- COMMISSIONER HALAS: May be opposed to it. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah. MS. MOSCA: Perhaps. COMMISSIONER HALAS: So -- and you haven't checked with them. MR. WEEKS: But I would point out -- excuse me -- point out that when this petition was transmitted, approved for transmittal, the original application did include Tract 71 and it did include C4 uses, and heretofore, until today, we've not heard any objections to that. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1475 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. So the assumption is that it was previously submitted and identified as part ofthis petition? MR. WEEKS: That is correct. CHAIRMAN COYLE: There was no objection to that rezoning, so logically you would assume that there won't be an objection now. But it could be a challenge if someone wanted to do that. What do you think, Mr. Anderson? MR. ANDERSON: Well, I'm a little uncomfortable because I've never seen their language, so I'm not sure about the square footage cap. Also, this language has very specific provisions about architectural work and participating in that unified architectural theme. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah, yeah. MR. ANDERSON: We're kind of uncomfortable. MR. KLA TZKO W: You know, we could table this, sir, so that everybody can get together and figure out what the ramifications are and then get back to this. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Well, the problem is, you probably can't do that today. I would doubt if you'd be able to solve that today. If you can, that's wonderful. But your next shot is September, and I don't know if you want to wait that long. So how do we proceed then if this petitioner wants to go ahead? MR. KLA TZKOW: It's his application. This is a private application. Mr. Weeks had suggested a different -- or modification to it. If Mr. Anderson says he does not want to proceed in this manner, I don't think he should proceed. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. You're paying for it, right? MR. ANDERSON : Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN COYLE: It's your application. How do you want to go? MR. ANDERSON: Well, I want approval. CHAIRMAN COYLE: How bad do you want approval? You 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1476 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation want approval without the changes to Tract 71, is what you're saying? MR. ANDERSON: That would probably be our preference. This was kind of last minute, and we weren't consulted about it either. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Now, what do we do to help Tract 71 owners? MR. KLA TZKOW: Well, look. I mean -- CHAIRMAN COYLE: I mean, after this -- let's suppose we go ahead with this and we approve this petition which is, you know, their petition, and if we approve that petition, what can we do to help Tract 71 owners after that? MR. WEEKS: Well, Tract 71 owners will still be eligible at their own initiative to amend their existing PUD to allow all C2 uses, because right now their PUD is very narrow following the very narrow language in the Golden Gate Master Plan for their property. So they -- due to your prior action, if you don't do anything further for Tract 71 today, you've already made them eligible for all C2 uses. They can -- CHAIRMAN COYLE: And that's a PUD revision? MR. WEEKS: That is correct, PUD amendment only. CHAIRMAN COYLE: GMP -- it's not a GMP modification? MR. WEEKS: That's correct. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Now, ifthey want to go to C4 -- MR. WEEKS: Then they will need to amend the GMP and their PUD. CHAIRMAN COYLE: It becomes more time-consuming and more expenSIve. MR. WEEKS: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. All right. There is an alternative, at least, but I think it's the best we can do under the circumstances. MR. WEEKS: Mr. Chairman, if I can say something further 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1477 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation about the option of adding the C2 uses for their property. Again, because ofthe prior board action, staffhas flagged this subdistrict as a cleanup change needed to the Golden Gate Master Plan. As part of the evaluation and appraisal report, which we're working on right now, we can identify -- if this gets approved today as proposed by the applicant, staff could identify then in the EAR as an issue Tract 71 uses to be changed to reflect C2. Again, to reflect your own prior action as a matter of cleanup, because there is the discrepancy of the language saying, here's your list of 13 uses versus the board's action of saying you get C2. So we could clean that up and get that part of it straightened out, and then it's up to the applicant if and when they want to come in and amend their PUD. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. All right. Okay. Do I hear a motion -- COMMISSIONER HALAS: You got a motion. CHAIRMAN COYLE: -- on this particular -- okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: And a second. CHAIRMAN COYLE: And a second. Do we have a vote? COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Not yet. That's next. COMMISSIONER HALAS: You're going to have to stipulate exactly -- we're going to have to stipulate that -- CHAIRMAN COYLE: Well, it won't include Tract 71. COMMISSIONER HALAS: It won't include Tract 71. MR. WEEKS: I would ask that the motion be to -- I believe that was the motion, is to approve the petition as requested by the applicant, and I would say further, as modified in your executive summary, that one sentence that Bruce read into the record. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yep, okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: I incorporate that in the motion. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. COMMISSIONER HALAS: And in my second. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1478 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. The motion is to approve the request by the petitioner to include the modification as stated in our executive summary concerning Transportation Element Policy 5.1, and it will not include Tract 71. COMMISSIONER FIALA: Nick looks like he wants to say something. MR. CASALANGUIDA: You may have a commissioner on the phone, but you've got a companion item with this that you may want to discuss first, and then take action separately but with both ofthem going forward, because they are tied together. In other words, if you hear the companion item and you already motioned to approve this and you don't like the companion item, I just want to make sure that they're kind of -- they're kind of tied together. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Commissioner Henning, are you with us? COMMISSIONER HENNING: I am briefly. I just lost my charger again, so I'm here until the phone goes dead. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Then we'll -- you're suggesting then, Nick, that we take a look at the companion item before we vote on this one? MR. CASALANGUIDA: I would suggest that you hear the companion item, and then if you like what you hear, then you vote on both separately. CHAIRMAN COYLE: All right, okay. Just as long as everybody understands that what we're considering on this petition has nothing to do with Tract 71 at the present time. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Right. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Yep. MR. KLA TZKOW: And Commissioners, could I get a motion from the board that Commissioner Henning may participate by telephone due to extraordinary circumstances? 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1479 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. All who wish to grant approval for Commissioner Henning to participate by telephone, please say aye. COMMISSIONER FIALA: Aye. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Aye. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Aye. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Aye. COMMISSIONER HENNING: (No response.) CHAIRMAN COYLE: Any opposed? No response.) CHAIRMAN COYLE: It's approved unanimously. MR. KLATZKOW: Thank you, sir. CHAIRMAN COYLE: All right. Now you're going to tell us about the companion. MR. CASALANGUIDA: You've already heard much about it, Commissioners. The developer's agreed to work with the fire district and the forestry division, as well as the county EMS, Transportation Department, to design and incorporate water management into his development, as well as provide right-of-way. There is a reduction in buffering on the roadway to allow to accommodate a little bit of a thinner buffer but with the same plant material. And another note is that when we come to rezone, that these -- DCA becomes more refined with the exhibits, because we are really at a conceptual phase with both the water management system and the roadway design. So we had put that language in the DCA that says, prior to rezone, you'll revisit pretty much the DCA and redefine all these exhibits to be more accurate with the road project. Other than that, I'll answer any questions that you have. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Now, I want to make sure there are no inconsistencies between the companion item and the ORC Report. No? 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1480 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation MR. WEEKS: No. MR. CASALANGUIDA: No. The DCA is addressing roadway deficiencies and compatibility with its neighbors, but not land use. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Yeah. CHAIRMAN COYLE: All right. Any questions, comments, motions from the board? COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Motion to approve. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Motion to approve the companion item and -- COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Do we have to vote on them separately? MR. KLATZKOW: No, you can do it at once if you'd like. CHAIRMAN COYLE: We can do it at one time? MR. KLATZKOW: Sure. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Okay. And the original motion I made. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Then we're going to have a vote on the original motion -- COMMISSIONER HALAS: I'll second that. CHAIRMAN COYLE: -- which will include the companion item as just described. All in favor, please signify by saying aye. COMMISSIONER FIALA: Aye. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Aye. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Aye. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Aye. COMMISSIONER HENNING: Aye. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Any opposed, by like sign? No response.) 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1481 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation CHAIRMAN COYLE: Then it passes unanimously, 5-0. MR. ANDERSON: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. I'm wondering if we can finish this. Can we finish this? MR. WEEKS: These should go very fast, Commissioners. MR. NADEAU: Mr. Chairman, Dwight Nadeau, representing the petitioner. We would like to try and move forward, if we could. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. WEEKS: I just want to read it on the record. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Let's move forward. MR. WEEKS: ***Okay. Next is petition CP-2008-4, petition requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map and Map Series to redesignate from rural fringe mixed-use district sending lands to neutral lands, property located on the east and south sides of Washburn Avenue, East of the Naples Landfill, in Section 31, Township 49 south, Range 27 east, consisting of approximately 28.76 acres. Commissioners, that's the title that has been advertised. I think Dwight will probably mention to you we've had some changes to the application as a result of the ORC Report. CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. MR. NADEAU: Again, Commissioners, Dwight Nadeau, for the record, with RW A, representing the petitioners, Filmore Recycling, Filmore LLC, on this CP-2008-4. We had originally gone through our transmittal vetting process where we were going to change the designation from a rural fringe mixed-use district sending designation to a neutral designation to allow for a construction and demolition debris recycling operation. Commissioner Henning is no longer present via speakerphone.) MR. NADEAU: It would augment the existing recycling operation that's on the subject property. 16.K.4.f Packet Pg. 1482 Attachment: BCC Minutes 07_28_2010 Special Mtg (GMP Amendments) (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation 16.K.4.g Packet Pg. 1483 Attachment: 3-1-22 email from Andrew Dickman (21674 : Authorize the County Attorney to engage in voluntary mediation regarding Randall