PBSD Minutes 01/12/2022PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 127 2022 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 1:00 p.m, at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Michael Pogg, Chairman Joe Chicurel, Vice -Chairman Jack Cullen Nick Fabregas (absent) Susan Hamilton Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Chad Coleman, Ops. Manager Darren Duprey, Assoc. Project Mgr. Also Present Mark English, PB Property Owners Assoc. Dave Mangan Denise McLaughlin Susan O'Brien Michael Rodburg Rick Swider Michael Weir Karin Herrmann, Operations Analyst Lisa Jacob, Project Manager William Mumm, Sr. Field Supervisor Barbara Shea, Administrative Assistant Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 12/08/21 Regular Session meeting minutes 5. Approval of 10/19/21 ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee meeting minutes 6. Audience comments 7. Administrator's report a. Projects summary 1. Sidewalk Phase 1 2. Sidewalk Phase 2 3. Operations building 4. Oakmont Lake restoration 5. Clam Pass dredging 6. Beach renourishment b. December financial report 8. Committee reports a. Clam Bay b. Landscape &Safety 1. *Flashing light at Beachwalk pedestrian crosswalk Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session January 12,2022 9. Chairman's Report 10. Old business 11. New business/Miscellaneous Correspondence a. Planning Commission: Sea level rise & storm impact (Denise McLaughlin) b. Miscellaneous correspondence (Susan O'Brien) 12. Adjournment ROLL CALL Mr. Fabregas was absent and a quorum was established. Ms. Hamilton motioned, Mr. Cullen seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. IMs. McLaughlin motioned, Ms. Hamilton seconded to approve the 12/08/2021 I regular session meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Rodburg motioned, Mr. Cullen seconded to approve the 10/19/2021 Strategic Planning Committee meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS None ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT SIDEWALK PHASE 1 PROJECT Mr. Dorrill commented that the Sidewalk Phase 1 project is at substantial completion, and that we are in the process of scheduling a final walk-through. He reported that change order #2, for $26,881, has been executed, and was provided to the board last week (e-mailed as an attachment to the Administrator's Report). This change order extended contract time, added additional cubic yards resulting from pathways bisecting driveways, and included the related debits and credits for tasks/materials dropped/added. Mr. Dorrill commented that change order #3 will include the cost of additional sod and the reconstruction of four driveways. Mr. Duprey commented that we have been billed approximately 70% of the CEI contract; additional CEI billing is expected. SIDEWALK PHASE 2 PROJECT Mr. Dorill commented that the Sidewalk Phase 2 project is out on the street and bids are due back on Feb.1. A pre -bid conference has been held. OPERATIONS BUILDING PROJECT Mr. Dorrill reported that the lowest and most responsive bid for the Operations Building Project was submitted by Tampa -based RAM General Contracting & Development for $3,847,109.78. 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session January 12,2022 The County Procurement Dept. has indicated that this company's references have come back well. The final bid selection (lowest responsive bid) for this project will come to the PBSD Board for recommendation prior to going to the BCC for final approval. The County Public Utilities Dept. will provide cost sharing of approximately $300,000 (for site work). Mr. Dorrill reaffirmed the willingness of the County's Public Utilities Dept. to repaint the five -million -gallon storage tank to match the color of the new building. Mr. Dorrill noted that additional project funds will be needed for CEI services for the project; Davidson Engineering's estimate is approximately $70,000. Mr. Fogg suggested that the contractor is invited to the February PBSD Board meeting to answer any questions and/or respond to issues relating to this project. Mr. Fogg commented that we have sufficient funds budgeted for this project. OAKMONT LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT Mr. Dorrill commented that the solicitation for our Oakmont Lake 4-1 Restoration Project is out on the street and bids are due back in two weeks. A pre -bid conference was held a week ago. Ms. McLaughlin commented that she attended the pre -bid conference and briefly discussed some of the issues brought up by attendees. She noted that the solicitation included a project estimate of $2.4 million, which was developed by our engineer, Agnoli, Barber, and Brundage. CLAM PASS DREDGING PROJECT Mr. Dorrill commented that the most recent tidal range ratios are very good. He noted that although these ratios are the primary trigger for determining the health of the Pass, there is 9-10,000 cubic yards of material in Sections B and C, which is a secondary trigger. Mr. Dorrill recommended that we go forward with this project, with the goal of completion in February. Our Coastal Engineer Dr. Dabees is in discussions with the contractor on using a mini -dredge for the project. Ms. O'Brien commented that although we have a contract in place, the Clam Bay Management Plan describes the tidal range ratios as the key variable to determine the need to dredge. She commented that the lesson learned here is that the Pass can self -correct over time. Mr. Dorrill commented that last year, the board gave direction to staff to take steps to ensure that we would not go in front of the BCC and the TDC, asking for approval of an emergency dredge, as we have done several times in the past few years. BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT Mr. Dorrill commented that the Pelican Bay portion of the County beach renourishment project started on Jan. 3 and is scheduled to be completed by Jan. 18, CLEANING OF GUTTERS ON PELICAN BAY BLVD. Ms. O'Brien thanked Mr. Dorrill for having the gutters cleaned on Pelican Bay Blvd. DECEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Dorrill reviewed the tlu•ee-month financial statements and highlighted a current PBSD cash balance of approximately $15 million on hand on Dec. 31. COMMITTEE REPORTS CLAM BAY COMMITTEE Ms. O'Brien provided her January 2022 Clam Bay update in the agenda packet which included a discussion of five items. She highlighted that the committee is waiting on additional information on 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session January 12,2022 the County upcoming work to remove exotics and rebuild the dunes, subsequent to the completion of the County's beach renourishment project, so that the PBSD can decide whether to participate in this project. She also highlighted that the reinstallation of the osprey nest platform near the Marker 36 beach facilities is being delayed until the PBSD and the County's Growth Management Division resolve a permitting issue. LANDSCAPE &SAFETY COMMITTEE In the agenda packet, Dr. Chicurel provided (1) his January Landscape & Safety Committee Report, (2) a copy of a "Sidewalk Replacement Project Update" article included in a recent PBF e- blast, (3) a copy of a draft letter to be sent to residents (in February 2022) who will be affected by our Sidewalk Phase 2 Project 2, (4) a copy of the published public notice for our Sidewalk Construction Bid Phase 2 in Dec. 2021, and (5) two photos of sections of our newly installed sidewalk. Dr. Chicurel commented on the poor street lighting at the intersection of Green Tree Drive and Oakmont Pkwy. (a photo was included in the agenda packet). He suggested that the PBSD review all Pelican Bay intersections, after the completion of our sidewalk project, to determine which intersections have inadequate lighting, and need to be included in a future sheet lighting improvement project. He also suggested future board discussion on the lack of any sidewalk on Oakmont Pkwy., where currently pedestrians are forced to walk in the street. Dr. Chicurel recommended that our community needs "Stop for Pedestrians" signs. Dr. Chicurel commented that on 3/18/2020, he received a communication from the President of the San Marino Association requesting the installation of a pedestrian activated flashing light at the San Marino/Beach Walk pedestrian crosswalk. Dr. Chicurel noted that he brought this issue to the Budget Committee where it was discussed over several meetings and a placeholder of $100,000 was included in the FY2022 budget. Ms. O'Brien commented that this project will mean that we will have "stop for pedestrians" signage on either side of the flashing light, on PB Blvd. She noted that this issue was discussed at a recent Presidents Council meeting where participants expressed concern that cars may stop at the crosswalk, even though there are no pedestrians present (an unintended consequence). Ms. O'Brien also pointed out that there are no line -of -sight issues at this location. Mr. Swider questioned how many other comparable crosswalks exist in Pelican Bay. Ms. O'Brien suggested that there are six or seven similar crosswalks. Dr. Chicurel commented that he would rather that drivers stop or drive slow through this crosswalk, than potentially lose a life. He also noted that the County performed a study at this crosswalk and determined that a flashing light is warranted. Ms. O'Brien questioned what the County's timeline is to replace the signage at PB crosswalks from yield signs to "stop for pedestrians" signs. Mr. Coleman responded that these signs do not need to be replaced until after Pelican Bay Blvd. is repaved (per the County). Dr. Chicurel motioned, Ms. McLaughlin seconded that the PBSD Board approve the allocation of $100,000 for the design and installation of a pedestrian activated flashing light at the San Marino pedestrian crosswalk and replace the old flashing light at the Pebble Creek pedestrian crosswalk with the new standard LED warning lights. The motion carried 8-2, with Ms. O'Brien and Mr. Swider CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session January 12, 2022 Mr. Fogg requested that board members bring any new potential FY2023 projects requiring budget consideration to the Budget Committee, as soon as possible. Mr. Fogg reported that the deadline for submission of applications for the PBSD Board was yesterday. Ms. Shea reported that we received applications from Mr. Rick Swider and Mr. Peter Griffith for our two vacant residential seats, and an application from Mr. Jacob Damouni for our vacant commercial seat. There will be no election, since three applications were received for the three board vacancies. Mr. Fogg thanked Ms. O'Brien for her service on the board. Ms. O'Brien chose not to submit an application for an additional term on the board. Mr. Fogg reported that County Manager Mark Isackson has tendered his resignation (effective July 1, 2022) due to illness and resulting complications. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Fogg commented that our drainage pipe assessment is ongoing and that the board will be provided an update in the next few months. Ms. O'Brien commented that it was very helpful that County Attorney Klatzkow attended our December board meeting, who clarified that the PBSD Board role is to make policy decisions and has ultimate authority, while the Administrator and staff are in charge of the day-to-day operations. NEW BU5INESS/MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE SEA LEVEL RISE & STORM IMPACT LINK (DENISE MCLAULGHLIN) Ms. McLaughlin provided a link to a recent meeting of the Collier County Planning Commission where impacts of sea level rise and storm impacts were discussed. She strongly urged board members to spend an hour listening to this presentation, which included input from Dr. Michael Savarese of FGCU. Mr. Fogg suggested that Dr. Savarese is invited to a future PBSD Board meeting to provide us with a presentation on these issues, which may assist us in identifying our sea level rise and storm impact vulnerabilities. Ms. McLaughlin noted that there is a County plan for presentations by Dr. Savarese in each of the five County districts. Mr. Dorrill commented that he will follow up on related staff training and the schedule for the five district presentations. Mr. Dorrill suggested that board members can go online and study "slosh models" developed through the federal and state government through NOAA. These sea level rise/storm impact models have existed for 25-30 years and are a good forecasting tool. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 C Miltha`el Fogg, Chain Minutes approved 4�] res ted OR r ] as amended ON O 3 O n1 a� a date