PARAB Minutes 11/17/2021Nov. 17,2021
Naples, Florida, November 17,2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in
and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at
2:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at North Collier Regional Park, Administrative Building,
15000 Livingston Road, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Edward (6skj" Olesky
Paul DeMarco
Joshua Fruth
Rebecca Gibson-Laemel
Kristina Heuser
Kenneth Lee Dixon
ALSO PRESENT: Miguel Rojas Jr., Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation
Ms. Melissa Hennig, Regional Manager, Parks and Recreation
Dan Rodriguez, Department Head, Public Services
Olema Edwards, Manager, North Collier Regional Park
Jessica Bergel, PARAB candidate (via Zoom)
Dayne Atkinson, Principle Project Manager
Caludia Roncoroni, Proj ect Manager
Dave Closas, Senior Project Manager
Richard Housh, PARAB candidate
Aaron Hopkins, Regional Manager, Parks and Recreation
Said Gomez, Supervisor, Parks Programs
Annie Alvarez, Regional Manager
Junior Reyes, Senior Program Leader
Nov. 17,2021
L Call to Order
Chairman Olesky called the meeting to order at2 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and an invocation/moment of silence was observed.
IIL Approval of Agenda
Ms. Gibson-Laemel moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Fruth. Carried unanimously,6-0.
IV. Previous Meeting Minutes
Ms. Gibson-Laemel moved to approve the minutes of the OcL 20,2021, meeting. Second by Mr.
DeMarco. Carried unanimo usly, 6-0.
V. Public/Board Comments
Olema Edwards manager of North Collier Regional Park, said she's filling in for Barry Williams, who
is in the hospital now and will be out for two weeks.
VI. Capital Projects
Mr. Atkinson presented a report, "Bond Fund 308 Pro-iect Updates Oct. 15, 2021. " on repairs
needed at county parks. He reported that:
o Caxambas Park & Marina - the engineering assessment report on the condition of the
seawall, stationary dock and floating dock is due this week. Renovations will be performed to
ensure the integrity and safety of the seawall and docks. They will give us three options,
which will be reviewed, and a decision will be made based on cost and time to execute.
o East Naples Community Park Welcome Center - Construction is going well. Concrete
was poured and tie beams were completed for the 7,000-square-foot welcome center for
pickleball. Trusses are being set and a slab is being reinforced in the patio area. The opening
is scheduled for April 2022.
o Golden Gate Activity Pool -The pool shell was poured, site preparations and final grading
are in progress, and the concrete deck will then be poured. Interactive water toys and drains
are being replaced and a new shade deck will be installed. An accessible toilet room is being
added in the existing footprint of the women's restroom to bring it into compliance with
building codes and additional fixtures are being added to bring it into compliance with health
codes. The first change order was submitted for approval.
o Golden Gate Aquatics Phase 2 - The competition lap pool and pump house will be
renovated, pool gutters and decking will be replaced, and shade structures and bleachers will
be added. The slide tower will be redesigned and replaced, except for the slide tubes, and the
pool will be resurfaced. The pool design is 97o/o complete, a change order was approved for
the pump-house renovation design, and a second change-order will be processed for the slide
o Immokalee Aquatic Center - The pool, pumphouse, restrooms, lifeguard room, parking
area and sidewalks will be renovated to meet ADA codes and the splashpad, site-wide
drainage and backwash area will be renovated. The architect and engineering proposals were
accepted and are being processed, a pre-application meeting was held with the SFWMD and
the GMD on Aug. 24 and25, and a Site Development Plan Amendment will be required,
which means several things must be brought up to code, such as the sidewalks and setback,
landscaping and stormwater. We're waiting on a BA to be approved in December to move
forward with design.
. Sun-N-Fun Activity Pool - Renovation of the activity pool, including resurfacing, drains,
tile and feature replacement. Features were installed, but the tile has been delayed. Plastering
will begin once the bullnose tile is delivered and installed.
o Sun-N-Fun Wading Pool - Renovations of the wadinglkiddie pool will be going out to bid
within the next two weeks. That includes shell, drains, tile, features, shade structure, security
fencing and gate. Scheduled reopening is May 2022.
o Sun-N-Fun Family Pool - Renovation of the family pool includes removing the island and
the circular garden feature and resurfacing the pool and tile. Scheduled closing is October
2022 and reopening is set for May 2023.
o Sun-N-Fun Pump House - Renovations of the pump-house facility include upgrading
electrical, lighting, conduit, bracketing, ventilation, VFD.
. Sun-N-Fun Well Motors, Heaters, Coolers - Replacement of well motors, coolers and
heaters that have reached the end of their service life. This project is being managed by
internal staff. The PO was received on Oct. 10. Reopening is scheduled for May 2022.
o Sun-N-Fun Slide Tower Renovation - Design and replace the existing slide tower,
including stairs, platform, structural components, overhead wooden features and installation
of the shade structure.
o Sun-N-Fun Filter Replacements - Replacement of 14 water filters essential to the
operational efficiency of the waterpark and users' health and safety. The contractor has
demoed all filters and new filters will be delivered in January.
o Sun-N-Fun Slide Pool and IDF Tank Leak Repairs - Repairs and refinishing of the slide
pool and repairs on all leaks in the underground IWF water tanks were completed prior to the
July 2021reopening.
o Sun-N-Fun Replacement of Cracked and Lifted Decking - Repairs of cracked and lifted
decking around the aquatic features. This project will be incorporated into the pool
o NCRP Boardwalk - Replacement and refurbishment of the 1,700-foot boardwalk, including
deck boards, railing, stringers, joists and pilings, to bring it into new condition. The
boardwalk was pressure washed, about 250 feet daily.
o NCRP Softball Concrete and Pavilion Repairs - The work order is being processed for
assessment and engineering of the concrete at the softball complex and pavilion. Renovations
to ensure the structural integrity will be done.
o Sugden Docks and Piers - The Dock 4 PO is moving forward for the marine contractor. A
Facilities' crew will start work on Dock 1. Estimated assessment and design cost of the seven
other docks and piers is $170,000 to ensure the structural integrity and safety of users.
VII. New Business
a. Advisory Board Vacancies and Chairman
o Ms. Heuser said she has gotten to know everyone better since serving on the board and she'd
like to continue serving.
o Mr. DeMarco said he'd like to continue serving on the board.
Nov. 17,2021
Jessica Bergel said she's a mother of three, a language arts eighth-grade teacher and teaches
at FGCU. She wants to represent children's needs on the board. She's the vice president of
Veterans Roller Hockey, volunteers for the Cat Alliance, is interested in beach cleanups and
volunteers a lot due to being a mother. Her family boats a lot, uses the parks and she wants to
get more involved in parks and recreation.
Richard Housh said he's lived in Collier County for 22 years and is a cyclist and a hiker
who has been to many of the parks. He's also involved in the SWF Land Preservation Trust
and other boards. He said the parks and recreation system here is special and he wants to help
people connect and be out in nature. He noted that there are many miles of land here and that
the biking, hiking, walking and dog-walking community is underserved.
Mr. Fruth moved to approve second 4-year termsfor Ms. Heuser and Mr. DeMarco. Second by Ms.
Gibson-Laemel. Carried unanimously, 6-0.
Members wrote their votes for a candidste and paper ballots were collected by a non-board member.
b. Social Media Update
Peg Ruby presented a report, "Get Your Plav On - the CCPRD Photo/Video Social Media Proiect, "
and reported that:
o She presented her plan to supervisors and staff and asked other staff members to take photos
and videos of plants, wildlife, activities, events, staff, etc., and to send them to her.
. The project started on Sept. 20.
. As a result, views were up 364 onthe landing page, impressions increased by 231 and
engagements were up by 336.
c. Legends Concert Request
Aaron Hopkins - Mr. Hopkins said he was speaking on behalf of The Robert L. Zore
Foundation/The Fallen Officers and is seeking approval to serve alcohol at the Legends Concert
Season 2 at Sugden Regional Park. We had a successful season 1, which ended in July. Second
season started in September and will go through June 2022 and supports The Fallen Officers.
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to approve. Second by Ms. Gibson-Laemel. Carried unanimoasly,6-0.
d. Immokalee Truck Super Show Trokiando y Bailando 2022 (Eeb.19,2022)
Said Gomez, Junior Reyes , Annie Alvarez are seeking approval to serve alcohol/beer. The show
will involve three or four live bands, food, drinks, dancing and dancing horses.
Mr. Fruth made a motion to approve. Second by Ms. Gibson-Laemel. Caruied unanimously, 6-0.
V[I. Old Business
^. TDC Grant Applications
Melissa Hennig presented a report, "Tourist Development Council FY22 Grant Applications," and
' i This involves a
.o*pt.t" t"f".tirt-ent of the elevator. Kone U.S., the .o""tyt .f."utor contractor, has
received multiple calls for repairs due to the marine environment and reported that this
elevator receives more calls out of any county elevator, so it recommends this
refurbishment and upgrades.
Vanderbilt Beach Restroom Renovation. $250.000. This is the older restroom. Originally, the
county looked at the roof and then realized that if the roof is compromised and the envelope
around it is compromised, it would possibly lead to complete structural renovations.
Nov. 17,2021
. Beach Park Lightnine Detection Systems. $100.000. These systems alert the public to
lighting in the area and they're installed in many county parks. Detection systems would be
adding at Barefoot Beach, Vanderbilt Beach and Clam Pass. The request is due to the many
lightning strikes last summer.
o Barefoot Beach Roof Replacement. $85.000. There is a hole that was repaired, but there are
larger issues, and the entire roof needs to be replaced. The amount requested, $85,000, is
higher than the estimate the county received and it's to cover unforeseen issues. If the entire
amount isn't spent, the remainder would be returned.
. FY22 Beach Park Facility Capital Maintenance Program. $200.000. This would be for issues
that come up during season that require immediate repair, but are over some thresholds that
can be handled under the Capital Budget, such as roof repairs, painting and replacing
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to approve theJive TDC Category "A" Grant Applicationsfor Beach
Park Facilities for FY Year 2022 in the total amount of $710,000 andfound that the expenditures
promote tourisnt Second by Mr. Dixon (OUT Of VIEry). Carried unanimously,6-0.
Ms. Hennig also asked for approval for a funding request:
o Resurfacing the Pickleball Courts and Addins More Fencine. $250.000. This is not a grant
application, but a funding request. Any funds that aren't used would be retumed.
Ms. Gibson-Laemel made a motion to approve thefunding request,finding that it promotes tourism-
Second by Mr. Demarco, Kenneth Lee Dixon opposed. Motion Carried, 5-1.
b. Dog Park Request
Tessie Black, a Vineyards resident, presented a request to fund a dog park in The Vineyards and
reported that:
o The Naples Dog Park is 6.7 miles away and Rover Run is 5 miles away, and it takes 19 to 22
minutes to get to them off-season, longer during season.
o 48 million households have at least one dog in the U.S., making dogs the No. 1 pet.
o Many dog-owner communities surround The Vineyards: Wilshire Lakes, Village Walk,
Island Walk, Brynwood Preserve and Kensington.
. She started a petition and obtained 170 signatures in less than a month.
o The Community Park at the Vineyards would be the perfect location because it's already
designed as a multi-use space, has ample parking and has easy access vial-75 and local
. She identified three possible locations, all close to parking.
o A dog park would facilitate socialization for dogs and humans.
A discussion ensued:
Ms. Gibson-Laemel asked if it would be possible to separate small and large dogs and whether a
water fountain could be provided.
Ms. Black said that would be possible.
Mr. DeMarco noted that on Saturdays, one of the parking lots is packed due to football and cars
park on the grass.
Mr. Fruth said the dog park idea was worth discussing.
c. Veterans Park Roller Hockey
Nov. 17,2021
To enhance and provide additional space for the concession and storage availabitity at Veteran's
Community Park for recreational organizations who provide services at this location. Both the roller
hockey programming and pickleball organization.
d. Boat Ramps Update
Ms. Hennig presented a report, "Collier Coun\t Board Adopted Boat Ramp Stratey, Nov. 9, 2021"
and reported that the recommendations were accepted, except for the following changes by the BCC:o It did not approve limiting commercial boat permits to three per company.o It did not approve limiting total commercial launch permits to 150 annually.. It did not approve prohibiting vessels with more than six passengers from getting a
commercial permit.
o It did not approve implementing an escalating fee for the second and third commercial launch
permit for a company.
o It increased commercial launch permit fees and added increased fees for each additional
commercial launch permit for a company.
. It limited the number of commercial-launch permits issued in2022 to the same number
issued in202l.
. It limited the total number of commercial-launch permits to 180 annually.
Claudia Roncoroni presenting Wood. site plans for Caxambas Community Building, The Florida
Building Code dictated the number of parking spots that needed to be added in front of the new
building, and we had to revise the existing parking during the SDP approval process. Our engineer
also calculated what is needed by Code for the retention area.
IX. Director's Highlights
Mr. Dave Closas presented a report, "Big Corl<screw Island Regional Park. Phase I - Surtax" and
reported that:
o The total project is $45 million.
. The North Phase, six sports fields, nine pavilions and a north concession stand, is complete and
as of Aug. 2, six sports field were turned over to organized leagues. About 300 kids are using it
. The South Phase is 650/o complete and work continues on enclosing facilities and interior
finishes, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work, site and pool finishes, outdoor sports courts
and events lawn earth work.
o The South Phase features four pools (competition, family, wading and slide pool), a community
center with an events center and stage, a concession stand, two basketball courts, two tennis
courts and six pickleball courts.
o Work is finishing up within the next few weeks and is expected to be complete by the end of
January. The delay was caused by competition for manpower and materials.
Ms. Edwards detailed some recent events at county parks:
o 4,000-5,000 attended Halloween events
o North Collier Regional Park hosted the Alliance Cup soccer tournament, which 600-700 teens
o Winter Nationals Softball Tournament at Sugden park, Nov. 6. 72th Holiday Bazaar and bake sale
Nov. 17,2021
x. 311
Report Submitted
Miguel Rojas presented a report
. Staff is waiting on quotes for the rope climbing web that is broken in the playground at Eagle
lakes Community Park
o We put an arbitrary date of Nov. 15 to get the parks up to par and ready for season for residents
and seasonal residents by pressure washing, painting, repairing fixtures, edging, spray painting
and fence repairs.
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the
chair at 3:30 p.m.
These minutes were approved by the Board on as presented, _ or as amended