Agenda 02/08/2022 Item #16D 1 (Satisfaction of Mortgage from SHIP - Searc)02/08/2022
Recommendation to approve and authorize the chairperson to sign one (1) mortgage satisfaction
for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership loan program in the amount of $1,500 and approve
the associated Budget Amendment to appropriate repayment amounts totaling $1,500. (SHIP Grant
Fund 791)
OBJECTIVE: To support the affordability of housing in Collier County through State Housing
Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) down payment and emergency repair and/or rehabilitation assistance
CONSIDERATIONS: SHIP, a state affordable housing program, offers assistance to first-time
homebuyers for use toward a portion of the required down payment and emergency repairs to the newly
acquired home, and rehabilitation assistance to homeowners for rehabilitation to their homesteaded
property. As a condition of award, the homeowner must repay the assistance provided upon sale,
refinance, or loss of homestead exemption.
The following table provides details regarding the associated mortgages that have been repaid in full. As
such, satisfactions of mortgage are required.
File # Name I Reason for Public Record I Mortgage Payoff Amount
Payoff Amount
09-058 Nulie Searc & Jean I Home Sale I OR 4415/PG 1493 I $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Lionel Searc
Total $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Approval of these items will authorize the Chairperson to sign the aforementioned mortgage satisfactions
and the executed documents shall be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida.
FISCAL IMPACT: The repaid amount of $1,500 satisfies the payoff. The repayment is considered
program income and has been deposited in SHIP Grant Fund (791), Project 33759. Deposited funds will
be used for SHIP eligible activities. The Budget Amendment recognizes $1,500 in program income, of
which five percent (5%) will be used as Administrative funds. The recording fee of $10 has been paid by
the homeowners.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality and required a majority vote
for Board approval. -JAB
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact.
RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the chairperson to sign one (1) mortgage satisfaction
for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership loan program in the amount of $1,500 and approve the
associated Budget Amendment to appropriate repayment amounts totaling $1,500. (SHIP Grant Fund
Prepared By: Karina Bardales, Grants Support Specialist, Community & Human Services Division
1. Backup Docs Searc (PDF)
3. SAP $1,500 02.08.22 (PDF)
Packet Pg. 482
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.1).1
Doe ID: 20978
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve and authorize the chairperson to sign one (1)
mortgage satisfaction for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership loan program in the amount of $1,500
and approve the associated Budget Amendment to appropriate repayment amounts totaling $1,500. (SHIP
Grant Fund 791)
Meeting Date: 02/08/2022
Prepared by:
Title: — Community & Human Services
Name: Karina Bardales
01/06/2022 11:27 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Manager - Federal/State Grants Operation — Community & Human Services
Name: Kristi Sonntag
01/06/2022 11:27 AM
Approved By:
Community & Human Services
Leslie Davis
Additional Reviewer
Community & Human Services
Kristi Sonntag
CHS Review
Community & Human Services
Jacob LaRow
Additional Reviewer
Community & Human Services
Jacob LaRow
Additional Reviewer
Community & Human Services
Maggie Lopez
Additional Reviewer
Operations & Veteran Services
Kimberley Grant
Additional Reviewer
Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management
Gino Santabarbara
Public Services Department
Todd Henry
Public Services Department
Erica Robinson
Level 2 Grants Review
County Attorney's Office
Jennifer Belpedio
Level 2 Attorney of Record Review
Public Services Department
Dan Rodriguez
PSD Department Head
County Attorney's Office
Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review
Office of Management and Budget
Debra Windsor
Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review
Growth Management Operations Support
Christopher Johnson
Therese Stanley
Additional Reviewer
County Manager's Office
Geoffrey Willig
Level 4 County Manager Review
01/06/2022 1:18 PM
01/06/2022 2:15 PM
01/06/2022 3:18 PM
01/06/2022 3:19 PM
01/07/2022 12:37 PM
01/07/2022 5:13 PM
Additional Reviewer
01/10/2022 1:03 PM
01/10/2022 2:55 PM
01/11/2022 11:37 AM
01/12/2022 1:56 PM
01/12/2022 3:44 PM
01/13/2022 8:35 AM
Additional Reviewer
01/25/2022 10:37 AM
01/31/2022 10:50 AM
Packet Pg. 483
Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 02/08/2022 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 484
December 16, 2021
Savana Forrest
Escrow Processor, TRULY Title
759 SW Federal Highway, Suite 206
Stuart, FL 34994
Re: Payoff Letter-Nulie Searc
956 Trafford Isles Cir. #108
Immolalee, FL 34142
File #09-058
Mortgage Type
Date Recorded
OR Boo1:/Paae
Collier County SHIP Second
Total Amount Due
No payment will be required until the property is sold transferred, refinanced no longer Homesteaded, or
is no longer the primary residence of the homebuyer. At that time the balance ofthe loan is due and payable.
No per diem amount required. Please include with payoff an additional $10.00 for the recording fee.
Payment should be made to "Collier Countv Board of Countv Commissioners" and delivered to:
Community & Human Services Division
Attn: SHIP Payoff
3339 E. Tamiami Trail, Suite 211
Naples, FL 34112
5�:azi4aa Va6a
Karina Bardales
Grants Support Specialist
Community and Human Services
Making Our Community Stronger one tire, One Home. One Project a Time
Karim.barzfcstesC?cpiPiercouniyif. ¢o✓
Community & Hunan Services Division a 3339 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 211 • Naples, Florida 34112-5361
239 252-CARE (2273) • 239-252-CAFE (2233) • 239-252-4230 (RSVP) • wmar_colliergov.netfhumanservices
Packet Pg. 485
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THIS SECOND MORTGAGE ('SacWily Moituhl V) is given 60biWr j ,7 , 2408. The Semnd Nodoagor is:
NW1 B Seare, a married wornam joined by her sWuse dean Lionel Searc
C50010% 'j, This secWty Irtslrurnow is Oven to collier coumty 4'1-9ridaO. W*9) is a ganized SM exisflng zmd►ar
the a vt the ilrtiiud Si>ff9e e! America, arsd x�dwae address ie 33D1 2. 2a:ia,.; rut . NaPlae , Y'loxi.da 34112
Bommw owes Lender ithe sum of One Th*uaand F.i1 �33tlil and 00110D..Dol2ara 591, 540.491 - TNs debt is
"Weed by Dorxovrers Note dated the same date as M Security Inslnpnant ('Second AtortgW)l. *1hich provKf9s fix morlitay payments,
rtdt#T the fWl doh , If rot paid earl er. �,a arrtl p8y8dagn aSala of PK22!!&!a, refiatamea, or Ieaa of haeaa teed
jma ti.on . This Security In strtarment samxes to Lanc;er:(a) the repayment or fhadeU euldanced by tha Note, vvb interest, and all
renewals, axtemions and r gdfCatimy8: (b) tho payment of all other sums, with Interest advanced udder paWWO -1 JoprofW the sowF ty of
the Security rnstrumenL and (c) the peftat% oe of earrowars aovenanls arW agreemams under tnis Semro ft*llrUment and the WeL For
into purpose. Swmea er does havvby soopN mortgage, graM and convey to Lon def the fdkmring desvibed property iot*ed in Co lliax
Comity. Florida.
Aa *none parVCxAWy deseribod as Arrowhead fieserra at Lake TrwHord, Phmre Ove Tract one, Collier County, Florida er4 wflich has the
address of:
(TropertyAdgr-7 y5Q_ J',VpXFgrd 1s1ea Cr Il 1OS, 1=wka1ra, FL 34142
r• Sea attached legal descriPti.emr+
TOGl THM WITH aN the improvements now or haraofter erected pit the property, end ap Besentenits, righle, appurtenances. rents,
royafties, rnineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water dghts and atppk And all frxlures now or harmer a part or the property. All rept30@fnlenie
and additions sfsat also be w eared by the Security lnslrurrmT t. All of" Woo" is referred to In this security IrmtrurnoM as vv'PropOr ,
BORROWER COVENANTS lhst Borrower is taMuliy seaed of lira estate hereby com%yed and leas the fight to mortgage. proof and
Canvey the AToperty and t1vt the Property is unencumbered, exoep[ for encumbrances of remrd- Borrowarwarranis and will delarid generally
ft title tote Pnaperry against 211 cairns and demands. Subscd to any amurnbraridas of reoom-
T{iIS SEC UkffY INMUMENT cambkaos urrihm ooverranfs for natlonat use end awn-unikwm aovenents with limited varEoon by
jurisdidicn 10 0en56lvta a rWtvrm Security mein truant covering ram property -
UNIFORM COVENANTS. Harrower and Lender covenant and aAres as fotlovy:
f. Payriont oT PrInG[pal and lnt",awl; Prepayment and two Gharysa. Borrower shall prmmptfy pay when due the principal of and
ntenrA on the debt eyiderxad by the Note-
2. Taxes. The Mortt)agor will pay gN taxes, assassments, sewer rents Of Kalov rates prior to Iho accrual of tarry pen apses 01 iMeresl
The Mortgagor shall pay or cause to be paid, w the same reepeavety became due, {A)(t ) art lazes and go,rernmenld charges of any
kind whatsoever which may at any time be lawfutly assessed or levied against or with reapee:t to the Pruperty, (2) all utftity and other Charges,
including "service ciaargea', Incurred or imposed for the operation, maMv18r}ce, use, 0p0 4wgry, upkeep and rmprovement of the Property. and
(3] a9 ggsessrwts or other govarrvnental crsarges that nosy lawfoty bB patd in insta€ImM Doer a poised of yelrs, tha Mortgagor shaU he
on]OMM under the Mortgaga to pay or cause to be paid only such insiatlInwnts as we required to be paid dutirig the term of the MorNage, and
shall, promptly after the payment of any df the for9gofrlg, forward to Mortgagee ovkh nce of ouch paymara
3. APPllcatIOn of Payments. Unless applicable law prcmdas otherwise, 9 payments received by Lander chaff Jae aWii4a: flrst, to '
iftion si due: End, to prvhOPOI due: and {asf, to any We charges dun under the We.
4. Chasers; Liens. Borrower shalt pay Nl taxes, assessments, ctarcjes, fnnes srd imposttlore affibvtade to 1 he Property which may
attain priority mar this Security Jmlru kt, and leasehold {payments or ground rents, rf any, Bongoes ehigi Rrorrlptry fumish t0 Lender f#
not pm of ama-rrrts to tie paik under fffis paragraph, and ell receipts ery Uer g the paynents-
Bommer sheet promlAydadmrge any Men w6ch has priority over this SeCw* tastnrraent unless 8OTmver- (3) agrees in writing to
the PsY+rnisir et the obligation secured by the I ion Ina mane-gr acceptable to Lender-. Ibj contests in good lft;ilh the tion by. or dofonds agt nsl
enforWertent of fhe Lien in, legal prooeedorhgrl vwnich in ilia Lendols opinion operate to prevent the Wirfokoknent of this Non, di (c) searres from
the hddar a the lien an agreament satisfactvey to Lender subordnatinq the loan to this Security instrument- H Lender detarnines the[ any pan
of the Property la subjW to a lien Which may attain priordy over he Saourrty EastrumenL Lender qmy give Beaches a notice identifying the Merl.
Borrower shall spMfy the Men or take uric or more of the actkrns set inrth above wihin 10 ddy$ of tiro giving of n-otica.
5. hazard or Property Irauratce. BonvAw shoe keep the ompmvernonts nowa*Ung or rwreaflereracted on tffe Prop" irisuned
against tons by fire, hazards included within lire term 'extended cmvetrage and any o#w hazards, incLding floods orfleor*itg, fdr which Lshdar
requires Insurance. This blsurarxeshall be rYrMManad in the amounts and for the porlods Thal.. LWW sr requires. The insurance tariff
Vn wading the ins ranee Shall he chosen by fiorrtwer subject to Landers apTrevA vkhO shah rot he urrrnws nobly wi!hheJd_ H Borrower faits to
ra6nigin coverBgB dw;cnbed above. Leader may, at Lenders option, obtaiin oowarage to prolate Landers rights in" Property in accordance
wJlh paragraph 7- At all tirroes that the Note ie wrtetanding, the MWgagtn shalt malydain Jnsurar o with respect W the Promises against such
risks and for Such ar OUTIe 8A are cuslamarly Insured against and pay, as the same become cue also payanle, as premtum3 jr. respect tiier9to,
1ndUtlim9. toil flel rirrllle6 to , a4-Fb4S lit$UrVXO Protecting Via mrerests of the Moggapw anv MOitgagaa a9mml loss or daimage to the Premises
by fee,ligfitmrrg avid oihencaaualoseoustamWlyfm$wedagainst (inckdingboiler explosion,itappropriate),wishauniformstarldardamended
"a-aga endurserrehi, rr+r<u&Q debris remaval coverage. Such 4isurmm al all times to he in an am nI not less than the full raplacemani
Wst d t v f+rernises, exclusiver of foorirrps and f kzdatinvu.
All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage dW$O- under ehal l have
the right to hctd the policies and renewals- It Lender requires, 0orruwar ahail promptly Siva to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewaJ
nolic4m in trip event ai lass. 5orrower strati give pfoFV noiioe to the insurance rarrier and Lender. Lander may snake prW of loss If nol made
f)MMRIly by I3arrawar-
Unless Lender and Bariowet otherwise agree in wriprhg, insurance premeds shall be milked to restoration or repair of the Pnopedy
damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible old Landers aacurity is not lessened. If the reskmOon or spoor is. rapt
eeonomirAty famihtaor Lenders aaeunty vA%M be I-essene-d, fhe irsunar,ce proceeds shall ire applied to 11%a sums secured by the Security
I nstrcunrent, whether or riot Inert due, whin any Excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property, or does nut answer wP tin 30 daY!s
a rnHroa frorn Lander that the lnseranee Connor lhas offered to settle a claim, hen Lender may coPml the insurance prooaeds. Lender may use
"w0ceeds to repair or reytare the Pmporly or to pay surm secured by this Saeuiity{nstrurnent, whether or not then due. The 36-day p*X0
wNl bxgrn when the nq[noe ig mi Died- 11MwrB LerPder aria Borrower 6tflprin8eagree fie writirap, any application of prpraedr to pf ndpeg shall not
extend or postpone the duo data of the nloitthly paymorft raferned to In paragraph 1 or fliiange the amount of the payments. If render paragraph
21 the Property it eloWirad by Leader. Borrowers right to any fmufance policies and proceeds resetting from damage to the Property prior to
the amulsilr on Shan pass to Lander to the extend oI the sums secured by tfds Sacrrrify Instrunwnt Jntnretiatefy prior to the ac tIvsilion-
R- oc�, Preamvettge, iYfelnhnaaoe and Pretwtion of the Property-. tawrowela Lean Application. Lsets h& [ds. Borrt wor ehml
occupy, estami;h. and Lee tl,e Property as Gorrvwafa princpal roskten ce wthln sixty days after ttm axaculrnn of this Secarety fnstrLwart arid
s1rNl continue to occupy the Property as Vorrowers principal residence fW al least One yw lifter the date of ocdcrpanpy, UMM Lander
9thirww agrees In writing, whin t consem Snail toot be iXveasonatyy withheld, ar un{e s extemMir$ arGimsta, tom which are l wxi
Borrowers arNroi, Borrower shall not destroys. damage or Impair the f1mverty, allow Ute Property to deteriorate, or cDm.*rdt waste rim the
Property. BotTou w shall he in tlefauR if any forfeiture action Or pmcaWN, whether Civil or ct(min al. is bMm that in Lender's good Fatah
Packet Pg. 487
OR: 4415 PG; 1494
iudgmern rAvld re3 oft fn inrfeitt,re of the Properly of otherwise nialorially impair the ten created by LMs Security fnstrunient or Landes sec uriry
interest. Dainuwair may cure such a default and reinstate, as provtded'vi paragraph Is, by Causing the, action or Proceeding to be disco seed
with a ruhrig If let, in Larder's good fallh dgl"niation. pracludes forfatum of the Harooer's interest in it* "mate or ether material
irrVeirmrint of the lien created by tt :s Security 1mtnxrant a Lenders sacurhy true eat. Borrower shall also be in defauh if borrower, drrtng the
ban appficativn prvgess, gave utateriedly fase or Inaccurate info rnaclon or sleterrrerds to Lander (or failed W provide Lender wish arty mewial
rnlomratiBe) in oore-octiron wilh the Toan evidenced by the Hole, li r u4r% butnut lirrdted ta, rep[frsetttatlgrtg a C6rrlir'q ttorrpwere acgtparrGy
of the Prep" as a PnfnCtpah f89ICGYrC0. ff this Segrnty €n5tru"wM is ona 4sratION. 9orrvw IWI camMy with all the provision of ttie WSSOL
K Bom wBr acciVes fee Trlie to fhe Property, 9w IBa ebold artd Tula %a tilts shall nO Marta urkss Lender s WV" 10 flee merger in writing.
7. ProWctton of LendeYt Rights in the Property. if Bunt ewer fails to Derform the covenants and agraBrne is canialmedd in this
Seawity InstnmrerA, or Mom er a ie 0 pmcoedlog that may signtFrcartly affect Ledder't rights in the Property (audt as a proceeding irr
ban"ptuy, Probate, for corswmmlipn qr forfai lufa or to ghFo*cA Java or regtkadlansj, then Lender fray de arid pay for whatever is nocessery to
protect ttiRvalue Of the Property and lender's rights in the Property. Lenders actions may lnchEft paying any scums secured by a lien which
has pr wrgrover this Searnty Instrument, appearing In court, Petri ng reaseriable attQmup' fool artd wrionrog on fire Prop" le male ropai rs-
Rxhough Lander may take action under rots owagraph T. lender does not have to do so. Any arroUnts disbursed by tender under this
paragraph 7 sltafl becoRta addit oral debt trf 6or ewer secured try this Sad my Irtstnarr3trt. Unom 9orrowor and Leader agree to other terms
of payment. thaw amourrts shall boar interest from the dale of disbursement at the Note rate artd shall be psyahta, wvilh interest. upon notice
from Lender to Borrower requestinp paynwd.
B Mortgage insurance. h Lander required maatgdpe irtsvra vio es a candition of ftWk0 g the loan aecurad by this security
Instrument. 6orrpwvar shall pay the pretniurns retrt ired to n*nWn the mortgage insurynce in after. v, for any reason, the mortgage insurance
Wvarege required by Lender iapses wGeasas i9 be in affect, I3orrmer shall pay the presrniums requlreit W obtain wirarage slmstantiwy
equNmk rd to the mortgage ftirancv prevfousiy m effect, of a cast substaNd'ly Equivalent to the Cost to Bonewer of;tle mortgape i17surance
pravtdusly In effect. from an afterrIVte rnoritialge, rnsuter approved by Leader. If substantially equivalent mortgage i vknnce coverage is rxit
srwed le, Burrower !hall Pay to Lender each month a sum equal io orle-tweiFth of the y"py mongape insurance pre Ium bedng paid by
Borrower when fire insu ranee eov erase Iapodd or ceased to be in Ghee. Landet wilt accept use and retain these payrnerits as a tees Mom"
in lleu et hwlg8ge insurarrCB. 'Lose reserve psyn W to may fro ktnger be required. at the oplon of Lender. rf rriodgaga "Lasrtoe coven2e (in
ties amou nt and for the period that Londeir naqudres) provided try W lnstmer approved by Lender sipin becomes available and is obtained-
6orrwrer sharl pay the prerriiwris requ ired to maintain mortgage Insurance in effect, Or #r Provlge a less raseryC, until the reghusnlant for
MCCURJe irgurartoe ends In aaar0E1,ee with arty Wiften agreement bahween Bwwftr and Lendai air Wpticabie law.
V. Irpepmdom Lender or As agent may make relasorwhle Entries upon and InspeeVoxe Of the ROD". Lander shall gWe Borrower
notice at the tirrto of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
10. Condermlebon. The ptoeeeds of any award er dafm for' dAmages, cpred gr cohn®quenlWl, in OorinecZon with any ctormwrxueltan
or other takng of any par. of the Property, or for Oonveyance in lieu of owdernriatian, are hereby assigned and shall trig paid W Lander. In the
event of a total 1aWng of ate Pro, gray, She proceeds SW be ape W 10 the sums secured by this Serxrrlty lniiarurnenL whether or not thnan due,
with any excess Paid tG 130mnwer. In ti a evert or a pantie taking of the props ty. in w)ticn theta c marxet value of 1ha Property irnrratt a1NY
bervrg tha taking is "i-val tO orgreater !lien 1t18 amount of brie sumo 5ecumd try lists Semufty Imtrllmem ImenOiately before the to , uNess
&gvAar and Lender otherwise agree In wrbsng, the sums secured by this Security fnalrurnent shalt be reduced by the amoohl of the predicts
mAphod by the fottowing fraction (a) the toter' amount of the gum seetaed immediately before ffte felons, dni dad by (b) the fafrm0rket vah+e
Of the Property frcrnedielefy before the taking. Any balance stiall he paid to BorroAc - In the evard of a partial taking of the Property ct which
this fair Mari dt value of the Pmpody erxnadl Wy before the taking is less than the anxxnA of the suans me tired Immediately for Coe taiclrtg,
unless Boffvwsr and IAWW other iv a agree in wrWng or unless applicable aw oummwlse proy das, trig procgeifa smil be appal to the su ms
secured try this Security insWrrnent whether or riot the sums are than due, Unless Lerger artd 601ravlrer 04cenvise agree in Velure, any
apPflcallan of proceeds to p1r dpat shall not extend or postpone the due data of the moMNy payrnBnLws ref~ to in Paragraphs i ow drattge
Tic arngttrit of stch paymterns.
11. Borruwwr Not Rehartea, Forbeuanca By Lender Not a Walvar. lirrse for payment a modifi�of
amortization of IN sums secured by rtrs Sotxrtty tnshnanerd granted by Lender to any successor in intermit of Borrower shall not operate to
mianse the iiebilily of the WVIna4 Borrower or Borrowers successors in tnterest- Lender shots not be required to commence prooeedirge
against"sue-o+esar in interest Or refuse to adend tint for paymnent or otherwise modify amerlization of the sums eacuf0d by tuft 5amMy
Irtslnartefd by reason of any demand made by the prig€real Borrower or BprroWs suwAssors rn intarast. Any foshea+anca by Lertdenrin
areal ins any right or remedy snarl not be a WajVW0 or preduoe I*exaccise of any MM or teunedy.
IZ 3tscsasisim avid Assigns Boo nd; Joint Old SBverat Liab ft Co-Signe rs. The covanants and agroor wtts of this Spa»tty
Inatrunrerrt snail *e and benet-nfhe successors and assigns of Lemkw and Borrower. 8uh1wto the
PTUVtS.Ong of Paragr�Ptt 17. 8MTOVgre Cbvenar'd9 god ageansrrrts shear Widnit and &acres)- Any Borax s who co-signs this Security
InsWunnent W does not 6KkkU1te the Nate; (a) is G4519r hg this Security I rstrumeitt rind Y to nwertgdgg, grant and Convey that Barrowaeb interest
in the Property uartdef the terms of this Security I r,stremmrt ib) is not personalty Wiggled to pay ttas sums secured bythis Security Ins"nient;
and tci Vris6s inlet Lender fund any other Oorrcmw troyagree to extend, modiy forbear or make any aecomrr DCIaFbWS YAM regard to the terms
Of this Secu fy t nssument of fireMOW to lwPA that Sompwat's gonsei rt.
13. Loan Gharg7rs. If ttte loks scoured by this Security Inatrarrtarn is subject 10 a Late which sets Tnalirnum loam urges. and that
low Is flnatryinterbmW What the ifrrrest or other loan dhongas coBectvd a to be coitected In Oormeetion with"Ilan OA06W the Permitted
Flmlts. Mien: (a) any such fban charge strall be retread by the amount mAek6eDry to reduce the charge tv the perndtlod irmh; and (b) any etrns
already cwilaeted from Bitch: r which eaaceedrd penotiod timite. vAir be refunded to awrwver. Lender may ctwoea to nsske this fasund by
reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dlreot Payment to 5wower. t4 a rdund aducCs prdrnc pat, the redt7CtiOfi w5a pig
treated ea IF Panitd PrOPasmlartt wit 0A any prepeyrnerrt charge tender the Note.
M. "can. Rey noth;o W %muww provided tar fn Ihrs Se=nly "trumetlt stiatt bo givar'<by delivering -1 or by mailing it by first
class mail rmiesa BpptI=a law required use of another recited- The notice shall be dfradod to Itie Proporty Address or IM ether add ress
BorrmVer designates by Wftce 1e Lander. Fury front& to Lender shoo tie gfvm to Bonowar w LerW whort given as provided in this paragraph.
1S. Governlnp Law; Ssverability. This SncWty Instnmtent shall be gvverrwd by federal law and the law of the jurtstffddor, ir, wham
the Property ha iwa ad. to the event that" pKivittioD Or doume of We Secarrity instrument or the Nate ocritras with appaiutbfa taw. such
oeriflict shall not affACt other PmVisionS of tuts Security instrument or the Nose witch can be Own trend rwlthoLt the ctinAicting provision. TO
this end the provisIcro of this Security tmirurnmt and the Note are Declared 10 tie �"gfgbe_
10. Borrowers Gapy. 8OFMW15T Sh en W given one Wnformed Wry of "M Note and cf th s Sounty tn%trurrielrt.
17. Tr'a Wer vir the Protputy or a BeroAclal interest In florrowey. If aU or any part or the Property or any interest in @ is sad or
transferred (or fi a bori0dal interest in borrowor is add or transferred and Borrauer ra not a natural p0mon) wilhajo Leiters prbf wriften
consent. Lender may. al i4 option, F"Ire immediate payrherd In full of all Burns secxared by this Security Insinynef t. However, this option slisli
not tse exerdsed by I_srxier If errs mw is protribted by fedoraf law as of the date of lhia SecuTity instrument.
If Lender exercised this option, Leader strati give aorro r n Bees of saei.Herarion. The notice shall provide a period of rot le" than 30 days
from the date the ribobto N delivered w mailed w thin wh4ch Bono weu artist pay an sums secured by this Securely Instrtxrwtt, if Borrower fails to
Pay these sums POF 10 pie e7Vration otthiS period, WNW may nVoka airy rernediles permitted by this SeoLdty IrI9MgrWA wvithput father
milce Or drsmnind on Borfowsr,
18. Borrower's Right to NeIrtstate. If Borrower meets certain coriditioris. Bomliver shall have thin right to hz* whfPrwrAw of this
SeCurtty Inalmurnent lhscorlMued at any tune prior to ttie sad ter of ' (a) 5da" (or such Allier period as appritable taw may spicily for
rBlE II-810 ment) hafom sale Of the Prq m* purarda'.1t to Any poaver of sale carttairigd In tid4 Security lruimmeM or lib) entry of a j AVitent
enforcirg this Searcy Wistrurnsrd. Those conchtrom are that acirsowvr. {ay pays Ladder all sums which then woutif be duo wider this SacaM
111115blonent and the NCXC W d rq aoaetpfawein h0A CnxLrrait, (tn) cures and Oetaurt of arty otheir covanabsspr agfeerrtBrzts. (c) tray$ air eXparrm
incurred at erAvrdng [his $scunty Instrument, itfclrdng, but not Hotted to, ra®s"Ve wily $ fm: and (41) takes sthch actiort as leader may
rrseripnatrty require to assure that fha 0" of this Saud my lmbifument. Lenders tights in the property and Borrtrwers obggaiion tc pay the sums
SeGtre6 by ill3ie Security itrstnlmertl shall oorttirtue undiashged. Upon reinstaterned by BonvAer, Ms Security Instrumw wtd the obligations
secured hereby shall remain folly effective as M m ewxele,fion had peened HOWeVar, this NOtt0 toiWate shall not apply in the case of
accalaratlion under paragraph 17-
10. Sale d Novi Cbanp of Loam Saryicer. lire Note Ora party interest in tit Note (WVW)aC with thus SBcarhy Instrument) may
Ire 90td Ong W mo a Gr tea wttltO It enter not �e to t3II [1wB . A sOn may ntmil in S G wa iaa In !tie eratlty(a lowo as Cis"Low 5&"AaW) lhaf
culkx;t8 Rion tnty pdyrnems Duo ur%ief dug Aloe antf IN S dainty 6Wnrrmrll. There alan may be one or mara Owqes of tito Loan SemQK
wrala*dl to a sale of the Note. li Mere is a change Of the lean Sef*W. Bo rrower will tie giym mitten notice of the change in ac=dwice wM
Packet Pg. 488
OR: 4415 PG; 1495
paragraph 14"applicaUe law. The naliee mlt stale the name and address of the new L5arr Servic pr and the address tV which payments
sltrrufd bd made. The neUm will also contain any other irrf otmWum rr)ptrired by applKc8tWo law.
20. MOcMdous Substances tterraxmr shy I opt causeor petits! the presence, aBa, dis{rnaxl, storage, or release of airy H taa*dous
Substances are or In tlta PrnpeAy. Horraaw shall riot do, nor allow anyone efse to do, anything affecting the Property the= la in violation of any
ErmronnxwFU Law. Tho preceding tow serrt"em shall not apply to the pnssenoe, use. or storage on the Property of str+aH quavAiea u}
Hazardous Substances that aregeneratty recognized to be appropriate to nurmal resrdar fiat uses and to rrlstnteron m of the Pro ty,
Bonvwen shall promptly give LenderwalttMt notice for any RweSttg n, dairr4 oamarK. lawsuit w other action by any goverano," Or
regulatory agency of pftvato pity inydwV ttte Prop vy and any tfaiardous Substance or Errvironrnentaf Law which Borrow hat actual.
kre ledge. If Sorrm-er leans, or is nvIdFad by any governmertlai of ragWaltory autharfty, that any rernovat or other ralriediabM of any
Hazardous Substance affBctirrgt4 property is rovssaty. Bormawsha' promptly take all necessary remedal ail ons in apowtlarre with
ElvArorwrAr al Law
As ts"d m this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Ssfslamass' are those substances defined SS Daxle or t»uffdous m:fttwigas by Efwironrnenfal Later
and Me fdkkWng suhstamc ; gesolkts, xerosene, cWwflammab3e or t"r petroleum produ ds, [olds pest ace aw Itetwooes. rowbia
sotaprtfs, rnatarsais contalning MS cislos or tomlaldettyde, aw
radioactive materials. As rsried :n thls paragraph 2C.'Embonmental Lath means tederel laws and laws cl the jurisd Uon where fire Property Is
IowW that relate to heatlh, safely or DinvAionmenla! protanbon.
21. Accsloratlon; Ramadles. Lands' shell grve mkoa to 3vrr&Aoe prior to amakwativn fellow ng Sorrgvees breach of airy covenant
or Wowrrard in Ibis Security IrwlrurrxYd (hut riot prier to, aceeferaGoo av der paragraph 17 unless appllcahie law pm%was otherwise). The
noilce shall apeotfy. (a) die d0mill; (4) the action required to care the delaWt (c) a date, riot lass tti an 30 days horn the date lne r*#W is oven
to Borrower, by Which the derraUR roust be cured; end jd) deaf fat Wfe >d Cure th@ derauh On Pr before the d9te SpaGlYiad fn Vie rtotiGe R'iay ie${Ai
n acceleratfw of Hie svr% secured try this secWly fnstrwrrwn foreourure by judiciffi procood ug and sale oT the Prowty. The notice ahan
,Uftfter Inform Borro'vmr of Vie right to reinstate after aCnalwipn and the right W assert in #iofom dosure pmc0eding the non-aslstancs cf a
default or any other Morma of Borrower to act;Werabw and fereofasuro, tf the dafadtt N Waxed on or been the dale spadried in the notico.
Lender, at ft opllon, may require imne6at0 paynfenl in full,tf 99 Sums UCW'od by this Socurky Imtrumerd wftinmA further demand and may
krretlose Ills Sacurtty lr;slrurtrenl by ju�dal procaedi/g. Lerxler shall be erHilied he collect Oil expenecs insured in pars wing the rarrradres
provided in Cho paragraph 21. i ndudlnrg, but rror limited to, reas"We aftnWs fees and ousts ur the etie evidence.
22. Roleat". Upon payment at sfl sums secdred hlr this SaWrtty IrisSNirrent, Lender shall rebwe Lhis 5eturtty Instrument. troth
charge, to l5onvwer. Burrower shag I pay any recbrda W testa,
23. 14ftn Ays' Fees. As used In Ihls Security 1lnstrumerd and the Note,'atIO riBy6' fees' shall include any attorneys' fees awarded by
err appellate oDurt.
24. Rldore to this Sacurtty Instru mrnf. If &r 4 er Ma* riders, are er s AAW by 13007wer and recorded together with this Sewdty
Instrun onr the covenants acid ugreemerds of aacoh iw h rkthr shell ba inW rporered Into and shall amend and sut7PfarnOnt the meertants and
agreements of this Secrxity instrument as H the rld"&yWlfra a part of this Security [rtStrumark. (Check Ap plip ov Cox)
❑ Adjuatahle RaW Rider
❑ GredW d Payment Rldr:r
❑ Baloon Hider
❑ 00104ai(apactty
❑ Rota Imprwomorlt Rider ❑ Cdndwniniurn Rider
❑ 1-4 Faintly Rider ❑ $900nd MOM Rider
❑ Bweawy Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit L19veApprrrerd Rader
SIGNING BELOW, Borrower &Do" and agrees to Ina terns and CMer [prits Contained in this Security Instrument and in any rldwta) executed
by 8vrrovrer and recorded i llh it.
Slgned, sea lad and deliv r e of:
wtlneas*jt ..~
Signatua; � � f
Wimess#2: fnC.I.d.n-L' !1.[rCl-�.
vgnature;_ irGLEa: C ACIL60
k'-, �A--_Q.Q 6 r'
Ran sore'
Address: 956 Trafford Islous Cr #108
Iaaakilage, Florida 34142
t heresy certify Thai on this day, before me, a officer duly autho,ized in the state aforesaid and in foe =xity arsom4; Yd to take
acknowlftI5 rents. Por5wkkt appeared tk&e Sears and Jean Linnet Senrc to me knaren to be the pe(rrort(s) descripW in and who executed
th@ fWagUil1Q Uzkunertt aril i3CkfN Madged before mm that (Hut shW they) executed the Sarno for the purpose theretn eYj3 Wed.
WITNESS my hand and offidd seal in the County and Stata aforesaid this .20
kty Uarnntlssion Expires:
Notary puwa Sign V
tta11 Nolarys Printed Name',-1 — —
file#: U9-058
Packet Pg. 489
*** OR: 4415 PG: 1496 ***
Unit No. 108, in Building No. 1, of TOWN HOMES I AT TRAP FOR b ISLE, A CCNDOMINIUM, according to the
Oeclaraiion of Condominium thereof. as recorded in Official Records Book 4322, Page 1789, of hhe Public
Records of Gollier County, Flonda, as amended.
(S 1614-0&ZOOM. PF411 t 614000S0121 )
Packet Pg. 490
From: Savana Forrest <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 4:21 PM
To: BardalesKarina
Cc: Jacqueline Hancox
Subject: 956 Trafford Isles Cir Unit 108 SHIP PAYOFF REQUEST RUSH ORDER
Attachments: NULIE UNIT 108 SHIP.pdf
Importance: High
EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when
opening attachments or clicking links.
Good afternoon,
Please see attached,
Payoff request, borrower authorization and the second mortgage SHIP Loan.
If there is anything else you will need from me please let me know,
I appreciate all of your assistance in this matter,
Please confirm receipt.
Savana Forrest
Escrow Processor
(772) 919-3670 office
(561) 898-2224 fax
(772) 837-9196 direct line
(888) 4UTRULY toll free I
759 SW Federal Highway, Suite 206
Stuart, FL 34994
Packet Pg. 491
Attention: **NEVER TRUST WIRE INSTRUCTIONS SENT VIA EMAIL** Cyber criminals are hacking email accounts and
sending emails with fake wiring instructions. These emails are convincing and sophisticated. If you receive an email or
any other communication that appears to be generated from a Truly Title employee that contains new, revised or
altered wiring instructions, consider the email suspect. Our wire instructions do not change. ALWAYS independently
confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number at our office. NEVER
wire money without double-checking that the wiring instructions are correct.
This email and all attachments, hereinafter referred to as "message", may contain confidential, proprietary or legally
privileged information intended only for the recipient(s) as named and identified above. If you are not an intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that reading, disseminating, distributing or copying this message is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this message by mistake, please immediately notify us by replying to the message, and then
promptly delete and destroy this message and all copies, in whatever form. Thank you for your consideration.
Packet Pg. 492
T r U L Y
fax Payoff Statement to: (561) 898-2224 Date: 1211412021
ATTN: Payoff Department
Unit Owners: Nuke Searc
Property Address: 956 Trafford Isles Cir Unit 108
Immokalee, FL 34142
Loan Number:
Our File No: 21013042-14
Dear Payoff Department:
This firm is presently handling a real estate transaction wherein the mortgage (or credit
line) encumbering the above referenced real property will be satisfied.
Atthe request of the borrower, I would appreciate your furnishing me with a payoff letter
reflecting the amount to satisfy the subject loan as of 01/09/2021 with a per diem figure
Please forward the payoff letter VIA, FACSIMILE to me at your earliest convenience. Our
fax number is 561-898-2224. If there is a charge for this service, please indicate the same on your
payoff statement and we will be happy to remit the same with payoff funds. If there are any
concerns regarding this request please contact me directly, 772-837-9196.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
Savana Forrest, Title Department
4550 PGA Blvd., Suite 215. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 (561) 370-7470
Packet Pg. 493
u Ly
t I L
759 SW Federal HWy.,
Suite 206, Stuart, FL 34994
Main- 772.999-6185
Direct: 772.23C-0598 Fax:
Seller information - Filet 21012408-14
NAME: Nulie Sears NAME:
PHONE#: 2!iG ��n � PHONE=#. _
For the protection of your priva£y please reach out t❑ your Truly Title, Inc. contact to provide your SSN or EIN via
telephone -
Marital stAtug / Married unmarried Marital Status: Married Unmarried
If >T:arned, spouse's name for homestead
is the property you are selfingyour primary residence? -Yes No
Will you be attending dosing? '� Yes `No - If no, please inform your contact at Truly Title to discuss
orwarding address:_ I o A rn ' ! f-q n. .S #-- �I on m o 16-,t I e.,-R-•. 3-` 14'2
Mortgage Information
1st Mortgage Lender:_ _� 2nd Mortgage Lender:
Phone fVumber: Phono Numbet:
Account Number Account Number:
Any Other Morigages i.e. Equity Lines or Privately Held Liens
Equity Line. Private Lien Holder,
Phone NijMb+r: Phone Numbev _
Account Number:.. _ _ Reference Number: _
Payoff Authorization
The undersigned authorizes Truly Title, Inc. to receiveany payoff information with regard to myfour
Nulie Sears
Packet Pg. 494
Prepared by Karin Bardales
Collier County
Community and Human Services
3339 E. Tamianii Trail
Naples, FL 34112
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That COLLIER COUNTY, whose post office address is
3299 E TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLE,S, FLORIDA 34112, the owner(s) and holder(s) of a certain
Mortgage executed by Nulie Searc and Jean Lionel Seare to COLLIER COUNTY, dated December
171" , 2008 and recorded on December 23rd 2008 in Official Records Book 4415 Page 1493 of the
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, securing a principal sum of $1,500.00 and certain promises and
obligations set forth in said Mortgage, upon the property described in the aforementioned mortgage.
;COLLIER COUNTY hereby acknowledges satisfaction of said Mortgage, and surrenders the same as
cancelled, and hereby directs the Clerk of said Circuit Count to cancel the same of record.
This Satisfaction of Mortgage was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on
Agenda Item Number 16.D,
Approval for form and legality:
Jennifer A. Belpedio
Assistant County Attorney
r �'
Packet Pg. 495
(dlHS GBe6:POw 10 U0113elsi;eS : 8L60Z) ZZ-8070 009` 3 ddS :;uOwt43e;;y
O Cc'
O �