AHAC Minutes 11/01/2021MINUTES OF
November 1, 2021
8:30 A.M.
Naples, Florida
LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Comminee met on this
date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/OA/ in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida,
with the following Members present:
Present:Mary Waller - Chair
John Harney
Steve Hruby
Jennifer Mitchell by ZOOM
Joe Trachtenberg
Litha Berger
Commissioner Rick LoCastro
Excused:Bernardo Barnhart
U nexcused:
ALSO PRESENT:Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development CHS
Hllary Halford. Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHs
Mary Waller called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. She read the procedures to be followed and
requested Steve Hruby to lead the pledge to the fla8.
There were 5 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established.
( Litha Berger came in around 8:50 a.m.)
Commissioner Rick Locastro made a motion to approve the agenda, Steve Hruby seconded
and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0.
OTHERSPRESENT: Michael Puchalla, HELP; Katrina Lin, ClerkofCourts; Reggie Wilson, Dept.ofHealth;
Gary Costly, Habitat; Betty Schwartz, LWVCC; Janet Hoffman, LWVCC
Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 1, 2021 (20886 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 6, 2021)
b. Joe Trachtenberg asked staff to change the recap of the Public Hearing of Substantial
Amendmentsfrom the last meeting. He askedthatthe minutes show: "Joe Trachtenberg
stated that 5t. Mathew's was delighted to be awarded a S1,000,000 grant from the county,
but had to decline the money because they could not follow the federal guidelines and also
follow the mission statement of St. Matt's." A motion was made by Steve Hruby to approve
the minutes as amended from the meeting of September 13, 2021 and was seconded by
John Harney. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0.
One Cent Tax Update - Jake spoke to the Geoff Willig in the County Manager's Office and Ed
Finn, the Director of Finance regarding who should spearhead the 1C portion of the tax. The
AHAC would prefer that CHS would be in charge, but the County Manager will decide and
determine how the process will work. There is no prioritization of what projects will happen
first..lakewill lookatwhatthe process will look like and incorporatethat intothe process
we currently have in place. There will be a review of the projects at the next BCC meeting.
Current projections say that the 5460 million will be raised a year ahead of time. Steve
Hruby said he would like to see S20 million held in the housing trust fund. Jake said he will
discuss this with staff. Susan Golden said we need to provide an action plan for the use of
the trust fund money to send to the County Manager. We could add trust fund money to
the annual review and evaluation process. We currently have 5186,000 and by next year it
should be around $500,000. The NOFA notice will be published on December 6th, the
application will open January 6th and all applications will be due in mid-February. Jake will
have more information for the next meeting.
b. Collier County Local Housing Trust Fund - John Harney said he thought the concept of the
trust fund was fabulous, but the execution was lacking. County staff needs to be assigned to
monitor the projects to make sure we get done what we need to do. Mary Waller said the
Trust Fund Sub-committee will incorporate this into their agenda.
Quarterly Housing Report - There is a possible adoption date of late spring or early summer
of 2022. The good news is that there is addition info on the Randal Curve and Blue Coral
properties. Between the two properties, there will be approximately 110 affordable units.
Commissioner Locastro said we need to make sure that the affordable units in the
apartments have continued to be affordable throughout the entire duration of their
commitment. He said that staff should add a column to the quarterly apartment listing that
states whether the complex is complying or not. Jake said that CHS is in the process of
annual monitoring and early next year we will be visiting the complexes to make sure the
rules are being followed.
d. Hybrid Remote - A letter from (risti Sonntag to the County Manager regarding remote
meetings and CMA #5411 was reviewed. The AHAC is seeking no change in the current
remote process for meetings.
Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 1, 2021 (20886 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 6, 2021)
Michael Puchalla told the group that Trust Fund of Orange, pinellas and Hillsborough counties are
funded by general fund dollars. Also, Broward is looking into this source. He said that he talked to a
representative from the Florida Housing coalltion and they would be willing to do a remote presentation
about opportunities offunding the trust fund. Jakesaidthatthiswouldbeapossibilityatthebeginning
of next year.
Vacancy Ranking Sheet - There was a four way tie for the 3 open positions on the AHAC.
The group voted and selected Gary Hains as Labor engaged in Home Building; Jessica
Brinkert as Resident in Jurisdiction and Janet Fisher Miller as Non-profit provider. John
Harney motioned the acceptance of the nominations, Litha Berger seconded and the group
voted 5-0 in approval. A letter will be sent to the County Attorney,s Office requesting that
the item be added to the Board Agenda.
The group discussed having an orientation for the new members and another presentation
of the Sunshine Law. Joe Trachtenberg said that an orientation of what we do and how we
do it would be very helpful for the new members. Jake said that staff will set-up a date in
January. Someone asked that the mission statement be added to the agenda cover so that
the group can be reminded of the goals each month.
b. SHlP lncentive Report-Joesaidthatthe reportshould be consistent. Everyplaceshould
say "housing that is affordable" instead of "affordable housing',. There were a few changes
tothe report. Susanwill incorporate those intothe revised version. MaryWallermadea
motiontotakethe lncentive report with the corrections to the BCCon December 14u. Joe
Trachtenberg seconded and the group voted 6-0 in agreement.
Mary Waller asked if we had heard from anyone regarding the letter that the AHAC had
written about revisiting the Manatee property as a source to put affordable housing. Staff
will forward a copy of the letter to Commissioner Locastro.
d. Joe Trachtenberg asked that the AHAC see each project that might include affordable housing.
Rick Locastro will talk to the county Manager about having the AHAC included in all planning
Commission meetings.
e. steve Hruby told the group about the speak up Naples webpage and the Design District project.
He stated meetings will be held in the mornings of 11-9 through the 16ih and presentations
nightly. The city wants opinions and ideas of what the people want to see the design district
look like. Steve said he will send a link to Barbetta and ask her to send it out to the group.
Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 1, 2021 (20886 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 6, 2021)
f. Mary Waller said she will send the Tourism link to Barbetta and ask her to send to the members
of the committee.
lake reviewed what would be on the agenda for the meeting in January including orientation, a ZOOM
presentation from FHC, schedule of events for the creation of the Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, CAPER, etc.,
a list of projects that may contain affordable housing and development of a mini strategy plan.
There being no further business for the good of the County, Litha Berger motioned to adjourn the meeting
at 10:16 a.m.; Steve Hruby seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 6-0.
Location: Training Room located in Building B,3303 TamiamiTrail East, Naples, Florida
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
submitted' l) OR "as amended' ll.
2027, " as
Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 1, 2021 (20886 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 6, 2021)