CAC Minutes 12/09/2021 December 9, 2021
Naples, Florida, December 9, 2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein. met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Buildine "F." 3rd Floor. Collier County
Government Complex, Naples. Florida. with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: David Trecker
VICE CHAIRMAN: Joseph Burke (1/4)1a tC1Cpm6(
Steve Koziar
Thomas McCann
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond (excused)
Erik Brechnitz (excused)
Robert Roth
Raymond Christman (excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller. Principal Project Manager
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Farron Bevard, Operations Analyst
December 9, 2021
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video
recordingfrom the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view
I. Call to Order
Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1 P.M.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum of six was established.
Mr. McCann moved to allow Mr. Burke to participate in the meeting telephonically
due to anextraordinary circumstance. Second by Mr. Koziar. Carried unanimously,
5-0;Mr. Burke abstained.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. McCann moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Koziar. Carried
unanimously, 6-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 14,2021
Mr. McCann moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2021, as
presented. Second by Mr. Koziar. Carried unanimously, 6-0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Extended Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the"FY21 TDC Revenue Repor!"dated October 31. 2021.
Mr. Miller noted that tax revenue numbers are they have been all year,
with collections 44.9 percent above budget projections for the year. The Pass Maintenance
195 Fund is more than $4.3 million over what was budgeted. and the FY22 report will be
provided next month.
During Committee discussion, it was noted:
• The over-budget amount stays with the committee for 2022. in addition to
what's adopted.
• Revenues will be rolled over to FY22
• Intra-fund transfers are permissible but require approval by the CAC and BCC
after it's determined how much is allocated to each fund.
• Before an intra-fund transfer, the CAC must work with the Budget Department.
• There is a board-approved funding policy, and County ordinances and
resolutions require funds to go through a fixed distribution, which considers the
December 9. 2021
source of the funds.
• Ms. Greene will provide the committee with copies of the ordinance and
resolution, and an update at the next meeting.
VIII. New Business
1. Update on the FY2022 Beach Renourishment Truck-Haul Project
Mr. Miller presented the "2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project Map"for
informational purposes and provided the following update:
• The beach renourishment project is on track and Naples Beach was finished last
week, with only a few minor punch-list items.
• Hauling started at Vanderbilt Beach last Wednesday and is now up to 25,000
tons out of 118,000 tons, so workers are making good progress.
• Work will be finished down to Vanderbilt Beach Road by Christmas.
• Work will stop for a one-week break, from Christmas to January 2,and finish in
mid-January, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
• Hoteliers have some concerns about guests and limitations due to construction
equipment on the beach but are pleased with the project.
• The equipment is large and dangerous, but there are enough workers/spotters to
ensure people can enjoy the beach while staying out of danger/construction
Mr. McCann inquired whether there were any unusual or unplanned difficulties.
Mr. Miller said there were no incidents or significant damage,just one minor accident
involving a truck striking a Golden Gate Parkway median. with no significant damage,
just torn-up sod.
2. ES Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid ("ITB")No.21-7935,"Wiggins
Pass and Doctors Pass Dredge 2021-2022,"to Waterfront Property Services LLC,
dba Gator Dredging,in the amount of$2,197,180.
Mr. Miller detailed the bid and recommended awarding the Invitation to Bid to
Waterfront Property Services LLC,dba Gator Dredging, and to approve the attached
budget amendments. (Countywide Capital Projects Fund 301 /TDC Beach
Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 195, Project No. 80288 and 90549). Ile
• That it's budgeted for FY24 but major dredging at both passes is typically done
every four years.The last time a major dredge was done was 2018, so this is
near schedule.
• There has been least one pseudo-grounding at various water depths, including
high tide. which is unacceptable,and the pass has been filling up.
• This summer, in anticipation,the County asked APTIM to move the design and
permitting up.
• This is very important to Wiggins Pass users.
During Committee discussion,the following was noted:
• That the roughly $2 million cost was in line with past dredging costs.
• There was no time to wait for CAC and TDC, which does not meet in
December 9, 2021
December, so it was advanced by going to the CAC and BCC.
• To do that, General Funds money was used and will be repaid.
• BCC approval is expected on December 14. 2021. get the contract processed
and begin dredging in early January.
• About 50,000-60,000 cubic yards will be taken from Wiggins Pass and 25,000-
30.000 cubic yards from Doctor's Pass.
• All sand being removed is being recycled.
• The state DEP is working on a land-use agreement to put recycled sand from
Wiggins Pass on the state park beach. Doctor's Pass sand will go to Lowdermilk
Park beach.
• Per cubic yard, recycled sand is considerably cheaper than truck hauling.
Mr. Burke moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award the
contract to Waterfront Property Services LLC,dba Gator Dredging, and approve the
attached budget amendments(Countywide Capital Projects Fund 301/TDC Beach
Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 195,Project No. 80288& 90549)and
to find that this item promotes tourism. Second by Mr.McCann. Carried
unanimously, 6-0.
3. ES APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure LLC Consulting Services in Support
of Collier Creek FEMA Eligibility Analysis.
Mr. Miller reported that FEMA initially denied the county's application to fund
removing debris from Collier Creek related to Hurricane Irma. However,a few months
ago, FEMA granted an appeal based on certain conditions, with the main condition
being recalculating volumes based on August 2017 pre-storm surveys, before
Hurricane Irma. and post-storm surveys from November or January 2018. In the end,
$4,993 is eligible for reimbursement, so the county will not only be repaid for
recalculations. but a substantial amount for debris removal from Hurricane Irma,about
During Committee discussion,the following was noted:
• This is not going out to bid, it's taking out a contract on a rotational basis and
APTIM is one of three firms that does that.
• A final design is in place for moving the terminal jetty and extending it out to
the river, but the county is waiting for permits.
• Before working on the jetty project. the County needs to finish the beach
renourishment project, Wiggins Pass and Doctor's Pass dredges and a
significant dune-planting project, which could take until the spring and
• The jetty project will keep scarring down if another hurricane hits.
• Work on the jetty will be put out to bid in November 2022,after the end of the
next turtle nesting season.
• Permits are being reviewed and approval is expected around the first of the
• The work is important to Marco Island.
December 9, 2021
Mr. McCann moved to approve. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously, 6-0.
4. Discussion—Water Quality Subcommittee Meeting
Mr. Roth reported that he. Mr. Miller and some staff members met twice to discuss
concepts to bring to the sub-committee,which has yet to meet discuss its ideas and
those that he. Mr. Miller and staff came up with. He wants to choose a date for a
meeting in January.
Mr. Miller said he will contact everyone to select a date and a public notice%%ill be
sent out.
IX. Old Business
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr.McCann noted that dates for 2022 meetings were erroneously listed as 2021 on the
public announcement.
XII. Next Meeting
1 p.m.January 13, 2022
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by
orderof the chair at 1:27 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
David Tr • er,Chairman
These minutes were approved by the Committee on 1 a a OQ
as presented. or asamended