Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 07/14/2021 Item 4a 1 July 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU MINUTES OF THE JULY 14, 2021 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Maurice Gutierrez at 5:10 p.m. located on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building. I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: George Douglas, Maurice Gutierrez, John Smith, Susan Crum, Sandra Arafet and Jim Bixler attended in person. Excused Absence Bob Messmer MSTU Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project Manager; and Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator. II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Maurice Gutierrez. III. Adoption of Agenda: Ms. Forester added 7c. Sabal Shores street lighting survey and 7d. Flag Duty. She noted attachments that were provided at meeting regarding Christmas Decorations, Private Development Update and 10b. Donna Fiala Bayshore Article. George Douglas made a motion to accept the Agenda, second by Sandra Arafet. Motion passed unanimously. IV. Adoption of Minutes: Sandra Arafet made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes as written, George Douglas seconded. Passed Unanimously. V. Landscape Report: a. Update on Landscaping—Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping— Aaron Gross presented his landscape report. The landscape crew have been out doing their weekly maintenance on Bayshore Drive they have been doing some pruning on South Bayshore Drive to Holly Ave. and herbicides and pesticide spraying due to the amount of rain. VI. Community / Business Presentations: VII. Old Business: a. Thomasson Drive Closeout- Tami Scott provide the update on closing out the project, some lingering items before they close it out completely. Sandra Arafet did have some concerns that the swales are holding too much water and maybe clogged. Ms. Scott wanted to clarify that the swale was intended to capture the water and she is monitoring it to ensure that the water is receding and that it is 4.A.3 Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-7-14-2021 (20389 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-October 6, 2021) Item 4a 2 not clogged but that is the intention is to keep the water off the road and to not overflow onto properties. b. Landscape Contract- Ms. Scott provided the 3 bids received for the new contractor and A&M was the lowest bidder. The contract includes 7 areas including the new Thomasson Drive enhancements. Maurice Gutierrez asked if staff had any experience with A&M and Ms. Forester commented that the company has the current Immokalee MSTU landscaping contract. George Douglas made a motion to accept the bids as presented, second by Sandra Arafet. Passed unanimously. c. Sabal Shores Lighting Survey- Ms. Scott provided the update on the survey and that it will be out on August 1st until December 30th. d. Flag Duty at the Roundabout- Ms. Scott went over the request for volunteers to pick up flag duty and get an email to lower and raise the flag when the email notification comes in. Ms. Scott would like to give the key and flag crank to the primary person who is George Douglas and Sandra Arafet’s husband will be back up when Mr. Douglas is not available. VIII. New Business: a. Christmas Decorations- Ms. Scott provided the update on Christmas Decorations meeting that staff had with Jim Bixler. The staff will be going out to bid and the costs would be approved by the committee. Maurice Gutierrez made a motion not to exceed $30,000, Sandra Arafet second the motion. Approved unanimously. b. New Banners Discussion- Ms. Scott mentioned the two banners that were put up on the lightpoles at Thomasson roundabout as examples to get feedback from the Committee to which one they prefer. George Douglas asked if they could just put up temporarily around the roundabout and think about the rest later on. Ms. Scott agreed. George Douglas said a holiday decoration of some sort like a snowflake or something on the 8 poles for the holiday. Sandra Arafet suggested they wait as well. Maurice Gutierrez suggested we work with the Botanical Garden again and get some suggestions for their events too. c. Thomasson Drive Swales- Ms. Scott mentioned this item is a partnership with Botanical Garden to develop a bio-swale and it is a working stormwater swale. Ms. Forester asked if the committee likes the idea, and if they would support it the agreement would have to go to the board of county commissioners to be approved. Sandra Arafet shared some of her concerns about the illegal parking all over Hamilton Avenue down Thomasson Drive on the weekend and almost every weekend and especially holidays. Ms. Forester suggested staff working 4.A.3 Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-7-14-2021 (20389 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-October 6, 2021) Item 4a 3 with Parks and Recs and put some signage for all cars will be towed and utilizing Dels’ property for any overflow parking and charging a fee. IX. Staff Reports: a. CRA Directors Report- Ms. Forester provided the report and highlighted some of the projects. Del’s is working on getting the demo completed, Ms. Scott had some suggestions on putting the Del’s corner sign to hang under the banner poles. The public art plan was approved at the Board meeting and the next step is working on a sub-committee and the mural ordinance. The land code regulations are moving forward. The BCC did approve the bonus density pool amendment and it was transmitted to the State for review. The land regulations had some changes as recommended by staff and is moving forward. The current versions are posed on the BGTCRA website. b. Project Manager Report- Tami Scott highlighted a couple of projects: • Fire Suppression III the final completion will be on 7/30/21. • CRA Parking lot has a final completion date of 8/19/21. • Moorehead Manor is moving forward, the wall is going in and all new landscaping. c. Maintenance Report: Ms. Forester provided the current maintenance report, if anyone had any questions. d. Financials: The financial reports were presented and noted the FY22 budget starting in October. X. Correspondence and Communications: a. Resident Correspondence for Thomasson Drive Project - Ms. Forester provided the correspondence from a resident on the successful. This correspondence went to all the Commissioners and recognized the hard work by staff. b. Bayshore Article from Donna Fiala – Attached the article Ms. Fiala wrote about all the wonderful things happening on Bayshore Drive. XI. Public Comments: Al Schantzen just wanted to mention the barricades blocking the sidewalk and bike lane and if they could remove it before the weekend in front of the CRA parking lot. Cathy Shaw from 1781 Danford Street attended to express her concerns for the Danford Street improvements and feels there has not been any correspondence lately. Her desire to slow the traffic on Danford was the purpose of their involvement in this Hamilton Avenue Improvement and all of the property owners are asking the committee for help in getting a meeting set up with Parks and Recreation as soon as possible with all the property owners. Maurice Gutierrez asked about how the traffic calming on Solana Road has 5 speed bumps but will not put any speed bumps on Danford Street and he would like to ask that question as well. There was a question on zoom about if Danford 4.A.3 Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-7-14-2021 (20389 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-October 6, 2021) 4.A.3Packet Pg. 62Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-7-14-2021 (20389 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-October 6, 2021)