AHAC Minutes 09/13/2021M IN UTES OF
September 13, 2021
8:30 A.M.
Naples, Florida
LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this
date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida,
with the following Members present:
P re se nt:Mary Waller - Chair
John Harney
Jennifer Mitchell
Gary Hains
Joe Trachtenberg by ZOOM
Litha Berger
Bernardo Barnhart
Commissioner Rick LoCastro
Excused:Steve Hruby
U nexcused:
ALSO PRESENT:Kristl Sonntag, Director CHS
Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development CHs
Hilary Halford. Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS
Susan Golden, 5r. Grants Coordinator - CHS
Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS
OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Puchalla, HELP
1. CAr[ To ORoER
Mary Waller called the meetinB to order at 8:37 a.m. She read the procedures to be followed and led in
the pledge to the flag. Litha Berger motioned for Joe Trachtenberg to be able to participate by ZOOM,
Jennifer Mitchell seconded, and the group voted 7-0 to approve.
There were 7 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was
esta blished.
Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 13, 2021 (20407 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 4, 2021)
b. A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting on july 12,
2021. and was seconded by John Harney. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0.
Housing lnitiative Update - CHS and the County Attorney's Office will be meeting regarding
the comments to Johnson Engineering. We will update at the next meeting.
b. Mary Waller reported that the Florida Board of Realtors has withdrawn the petition for a
constitutional amendment. They worked out an agreement to put on the agenda for 2021-
2022. The outcome will be distributed next week. Mary will forward the information to
staff to forward to the members of the group.
Apartment Survey - There were less available units for the last quarter from April to July.
With the eviction moratorium ending at the end of October, availability will rise. Rental
rates increased during this period. Joe Trachtenberg said the trend is alarming.
Commissioner LoCastro will relay this information to the other Commissioners at the next
BCC meeting. He said he was curious about who checks on the developers to track
affordable housing and provisions of their original agreements. He has asked to be shown
the documentation. Jennifer Mitchell asked about tracking impact fees. Kristi explained
that CHS has an annual auditing of all county-wide fees which follows the homestead cycle.
The Property Appraiser finds the mismatched properties and we begin the process. The first
letter states we have found a difference, please show proof that you are homesteaded. The
second letter asks again. The 3'd letter comes from the County Attorney's Office and the 4th
letter states we are going into collections. SHlp collects 5200,000 to 400,000 a year in
d. Quest 2nd Quarter Housing report for the period ending June 30,ZOZ1. We have reached a
major milestone in that the Consolidated Plan and the AnnualAction plans have been
submitted and approved on June 22nd for the proBram that begins on October 1, 2021.
HUD has revamped the affordable housing plan to stating that counties to show them what
they are doing to actively create affordable housing.
lncentive Report Template for SHIP. The report is due at the end of the year. 11 specific
strategies must be reviewed by the AHAC on a yearly basis. The template has a spot for
comments and recommendations on every incentive. we need to have discussions on the
incentives. The last time this was approved by the AHAC was ZO1g.
a. Jennifer Mitchell made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Litha
Berger. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0.
Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 13, 2021 (20407 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 4, 2021)
There was no public comment
The group discussed having a working meeting to discuss the SHIP lncentive report on
Friday, October l.'t at. Susan Golden wlll send out the 201.8 report, lncentives plans from
Sarasota, Pasco and West Palm and the link to the ULI plan. Each member will review the
last report, make comments and send directly to Hilary Halford by Monday, September 27th.
Please remember - do NOT send your comments to any other AHAC member. lt is very
important that each of you attend the meetings in October and November to make sure this
report gets passed through the BCC in a timely manner.
b. The group discussed the 17 applicants for the open position on the committee. Litha Berger
motioned for staff to invite all 17 applicants to the October 4th so that they can tell the
group why they want to be a member of the committee. john Ha rney seconded, and the
group approved.
Manatee Park letter to Commissioner Taylor. Jennifer Mitchell motioned for Mary top sign
the letter and give it to Commissioner Locastro to take to Commissioner Taylor at the next
BCC meeting. Gary Hains seconded, and the group voted 6-0 to approve.
d. Public Hearing CDBG-CV 5908,000 projects. Applications will be open for any impact of the
spread of COVID for low to moderate persons. Joe Trachtenberg says there is no reduction
in food needs so any extra money could be given to the Community Foundation for food
John Harney asked if there has been someone tasked to check out available county-owned land for
affordable housing. Kristi said every 3 years we look at all land and the BCC determines which properties can
be declared surplus and then sold. The money f rom these sa les go into the Housing Trust Fu nd. Jake LaRow
is currently working on the list that will go to the BCC in October or November.
John Harney also expressed concerns over the slowdown of the Johnson Engineering pro.,ect.
e. City of Naples Phase ll - There will be a meeting at river Park Community Center at 6:00 p.m.
There was 96 affordable units lose because the City of Naples did not buy the apartment
building. Staff will e-mail details to the AHAC members.
Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 13, 2021 (20407 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 4, 2021)
Commissioner Locastro said he has reviewed the spreadsheets for the AHAC attendance as well as other
boards and stressed that people must show up. He wants to get people on our committee who are excited
about being there and helping to develop affordable housing.
There being no further business for the good of the County, Jennifer Mitchell motioned to adjourn the
meeting at 10:37 a.m.; Commissioner Locastro seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 6-0.
NExr MEETTNG: THE NExr MEETTNG wrLr BE HELD OcroBER 4, 2021, AT 8:30 A.M.
Location: Training Room located in Building 8,3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida
CotuER CouNTy AFFoRDABLE HousrNG AovtsoRy
Mary Waller, Chairma
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on
submitted' l_l oR "os omended" l_1.
2021., " os
Packet Pg. 14 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 13, 2021 (20407 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 4, 2021)