CAC Minutes 10/14/2021October 14,2021
Naples, Florida, October 14,2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building o'F", 3'd Floor, Collier County
Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: David Trecker
Steve Koziar
Thomas McCann
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond (Excused)
Erik Brechnitz
Robert Roth
Raymond Christman (via telephone)
ALSO PRESENT:Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Farron Bevard, Operations Analyst
October 14,2021
Any persons in need of the verbatim record ofthe meeting may requesl a copy ofthe video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customet Relations Deparlment ot view online.
I. Call to Order
Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at l:00 P.M.
IL Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge ofAllegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum of 7 was established.
Mr. Koziar moved to allow Mr. Christman lo parlicipate in the meeting telephonically due to an
extraordinary circumslance, Second by Mr. McCann. Carried unanimously 7 - 0.
IV. Changes and Approval ofAgenda
Mr. Jim Burke moved to approve the Agenda subjecl lo adding Item VIII.l.a - Beach Funding
Policy and Item IX.l - USACE Study Update. Second by Mr. McCann.
Carried unanimously 8 - 0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
l. September 9.2021
Mn Joseph Burke moved lo approve the minules ofthe Seplember 9,2021 as presented.
Second by Mr. McCann, Carried unanimously I - 0.
VII. StaffReports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee revierved the "F)'21 TDC Revenue Report " dated September 30, 2021.
Mr. Miller noted tax revenue collections are 42 percent above projections yielding an additional
$4M to Coastal Zone Management. Any funds unused this Fiscal Year will be carried forward to
the next year.
VIII. New Business
1. Update on FY2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project
Mr. Miller presented the "2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Houl Project Map" for information
purposes and provided the following update:. The County awarded the contract for the project to Phillips and Jordan, Incorporated
at a cost ofjust under $5M. The construction cost for all work to place the sand is $45lcy.o Mobilization for the survey and other preliminary work is anticipated to begin next week
with the construction aspect slated to initiate on November I'1.
. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end ofJanuary 2022 and the areas
involved include the Naples, Vanderbilt and Pelican Bay beaches.
o The Pelican Bay Services Division will be covering the costs ofthe sand placed on their
beaches given the private status ofthe areas.
October 14,2021
o Although he previously reported 4th Ave North would be utilized for the delivery ofsand,
the street will only be used by the trucks for exiting the project following unloading of
During Committee discussion it was noted staff should conlact representalives of Naples
Communily Hospilal given 4h Ave Norlh is a primary feeder for the hospital's emergency
services to determine if lhey have any concetns on the lrucks utilizing the roadway.
a. Beach Funding Policy
Chairman Trecker reported:
o He reviewed the funding policy for beach renourishment with County staff who
notified him on the following requirements for the use ofthe various funds:
. County Resolution 2013-81 allows for Tourist Development Tar funds to be
used on renourishment projects for any areas with public access.
o Additionally, if an area is no more than % mile for a public access point, a beach
park facility, a hotel, or motel it is eligible for use ofthe funds.
o To be considered eligible for the Florida Department ofEnvironmental
Protection's cost share program, the area must be defined as "critically eroded"
under the Florida Administrative Code or located within % mile of a public
access point.
. The Board ofCounty Commissioners may choose to use General Fund monies
for renourishment projects should they so desire.
2. ES Taylor Engineering, lnc, Dune Vegetation Restoration Project
a. Proposal - Taylor Engineering, Inc. - Dune Vegetation Restoration Project
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to accept a proposal.from
Taylor Engineering, Inc., and recommend the approval ofa Work Order to provide
professional engineering services for the 2022 dune planting and exotic veqetation removal
project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples beaches for Time and Material not to exceed
532,111.00 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and moke afnding that this item promotes
tourism" for consideration. He noted:
o The dunes were damaged during Hurricane lrma and the County was awarded grant
funding for the restoration.
. The work .,vas delayed, and an extension was issued for use ofthe funds until May 31,
. The County is expediting the work to meet the deadline and the proposal under
consideration covers the engineering phase ofthe project.
Mr. McCann moved lo recommend the Board of County Commissioners accepl a proposal
from Taylor Engineering, Inc., and recommend lhe approval of a llork Order to provide
professional engineering services for the 2022 dune planting and exotic vegetation lemoval
project al Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples beaches for Time and Material not to exceed
$32,444.00 under Contract No. LE-7432-CZ and finds lhe ilem promotes lourisrrt
Second by Mr. Brechnilz Carried unanimously I - 0.
3. ES Humiston & Moore Engineers Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for
october 14, 2021
a. Proposal - Humiston & Moore Engineers - Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual
Monitoring for 2022
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary " Recommendalion to approve a proposal from
Humiston & Moore Engineers for State required Annual Moniloring of Collier County
Beaches and Inlets for 2022 under Contract No. 18-7132-CZ and make a recommendation to
authorize the expendilure of tourist development tar funds for a not to exceed amount of
$170,512.00andmake afruling thot this expenditure promotes tourism" for consideration. He
. The work is completed annually, and the information is utilized to determine the beach
renourishment projects for the upcoming year (2022).
. The activity includes surveying the condition ofthe sand on the beaches and compiling
the data for recommendations.
r The preliminary information will be made available in February with the final report
anticipated for April.
o The area involved is from the north end ofthe County to Gordon Pass.
Mr. Joseph Burke moved to recommend lhe Board of Countlt Commissioners approve a
proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for State required Annual Moniloring of
Collier County Beaches and Inletsfor 2022 under Contract No- l8-7432-CZ and make a
recommendation to authorize the expenditure oftourist developmenl tax funds for a nol to
exceed amount of $170,512.00 and finds the item prumotes loufisnl
Second by Mr. McCann. Carried ananimously I - 0.
IX. Old Business
1. USACE Study Update
Chairman Trecker reported the BCC considered terminating the study and related activities
however 4 ofthe 5 Commissioners voted to keep moving forward with the endeavor. They agreed
no County funds would be expended until agreement by all the Stakeholders involved in the
Mr. Miller reported:o The study was to be finalized for signature this month, however due to changes in
construction costs, USACE staff is reviewing the costs of the projects and will be making
any changes necessary in the estimates.
o The delay will require upper management ofthe USACE granting ofan extension to the
study, a decision which may take 2 months to obtain.
o Other potential modifications include eliminating hard structure projects and only
recommending flood proofing for the infrastructure in the impacted areas.
o Ifthe study is terminated, the County will have access to the report and all data associated
with the endeavor.
During Committee discussion, the following was noted
o Concem has been expressed throughout the study that certain areas ofthe County such as
the City of Marco lsland, Pelican Bay and portion ofNaples were excluded liom the study
by the USACE.
. Some noted the study was divided into 6 areas ofconcern, with each area an independent
planning area and consideration should have been given to incorporating the whole County
coastal areas into the study.
October 14, 202 I
. Others noted the USACE did a good job overall and the plan should not be terminated even
ifthere are some deficiencies.
o Marco Island will be difficult area to protect given it's characterized by canal development.
The most beneficial avenue to protect the existing structures is to elevate them, however
that would be difficult undertaking.
o The City of Naples strongly opposes continuing the study and one concern is a
comprehensive letter was directed to the USACE regarding the study l3 months ago with
no response to date. In general, based on comments, the residents ofthe City of Naples do
not support the study.
Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Roth provided an update on the Water Quality Subcommittee noting in November, he will be
meeting with staff to determine the schedule for any upcoming meetings and the topics which may
want to be addressed including the disappearance ofseagrasses in areas. One focus should be a public
education component ofany issues identified as generally when the public becomes concerned or
involved in issues, they are more likely to be addressed.
Next Meeting/Location
November 10, 2021
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeling was adjourned by order
of the chair at 2:00 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
oq L\as presented X or as