CAC Agenda 10/14/20219/30/21, 3:37 PM October 14, 2021 | Collier County, FL https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/your-government/advisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2021-cac-agendas/october-…1/2 October 14, 2021 Meeting Agenda and Notice Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. Collier County Board Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Third Floor, Naples, FL Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions 2021 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes September 9, 2021 VII. Staff Reports Expanded Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. Update on FY2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project 2. ES Taylor Engineering, Inc. Dune Vegetation Restoration Project Proposal - Taylor Engineering, Inc. - Dune Vegetation Restoration Project 3. ES Humiston & Moore Engineers Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2022 Proposal - Humiston & Moore Engineers - Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2022 IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location November 10, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. XIII. Adjournment 9/30/21, 3:37 PM October 14, 2021 | Collier County, FL https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/your-government/advisory-boards-and-authorities/coastal-advisory-committee/cac-agendas/2021-cac-agendas/october-…2/2 All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Andrew Miller at (239) 252-2922. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. September 9, 2021 1 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, September 9, 2021 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building “F”, 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David Trecker VICE CHAIRMAN: Joseph Burke Steve Koziar (telephonically) Thomas McCann (telephonically) Jim Burke Robert Raymond Erik Brechnitz (telephonically) Robert Roth Raymond Christman (telephonically) ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Farron Bevard, Operations Analyst Michael Cherbini, Project Manager, Parks and Recreation September 9, 2021 2 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum of five was established. Mr. Joseph Burke moved to allow Mr. Koziar, Mr. McCann, Mr. Christman and Mr. Brechnitz to participate in the meeting telephonically due to an extraordinary circumstance. Second by Mr. Roth. Carried unanimously 5 – 0. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Roth moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 – 0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. June 10, 2021 Mr. Joseph Burke moved to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2021 as presented. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 – 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report The Committee reviewed the “FY 21 TDC Revenue Report” dated July 31, 2021. Mr. Miller noted Tourist Development Tax collections for the year are 34.5 percent above projected amounts identified in the budget. VIII. New Business 1. Update on FY2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project Mr. Miller presented the “2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project Map” for information purposes and provided the following update: • The County received 3 qualified bids for the project with the official award of the contract currently being finalized. • Indications are the project will be within the $5.2M budgeted amount as the lowest bid is currently $4.98M. • Approximately 268,500 tons of sand are proposed to be placed on the Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay and Naples beaches. • The Pelican Bay Services Division will be covering the costs of the sand placed on their beaches given the private status of the areas. • The project is anticipated to begin in November of 2021 with completion slated for January of 2022. September 9, 2021 3 During Committee discussion, the following was noted: • At this point, the damage to the beaches from recent storm events appears minimal, however the County’s consultant will be conducting a final survey to determine the amount of sand to be placed in the areas covered by the project. • The truck route has been determined as depicted on the map provided and Staff is working with the City of Naples to obtain the necessary approvals for the truck haul. • Chairman Trecker is working with Staff to develop a document identifying the criteria determining which areas in the County are subject to public funding for beach projects versus those that must be funded privately. 2. ES TDC FY2022-23 Resolution for LGFR Funding Request • Resolution • LGFR Application – FY 22-23 – Collier Beaches • LGFR Application – FY 22-23 – South Marco Beach • LGFR Application – FY 22-23 – Wiggins Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary “Recommendation to approve a Resolution supporting the County’s applications to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Long Range Budget Plan Requests for Beach Renourishment Projects for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. This action maintains the County's eligibility for State Cost Share Funding for future renourishment projects” for consideration. He noted funding for the project was previously approved by the County Boards and the Resolution is required to finalize eligibility for the cost share funds available from the Florida Department of Environmental Conservation. Mr. Roth moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Resolution supporting the County’s applications to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Long Range Budget Plan Requests for Beach Renourishment Projects for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. This action maintains the County's eligibility for State Cost Share Funding for future renourishment projects. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 – 0. 3. ES TDC Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at Ann Olesky Park • TDC Grant Application • Opinion of Probable Cost • Budget Amendment Form Mr. Cherbini presented the Executive Summary “Recommendation to approve a Collier County Tourist Development Council (TDC) Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at Ann Olesky Park in the amount of $195,003.00 and to make the finding that the expenditures promote tourism” for consideration. He noted • The Parks and Recreation Division is requesting additional funding for the Ann Olesky Pier Repair project to address an anticipated funding shortfall. • The project includes erosion control improvements along the 400-foot shoreline with a geo- grid mat to protect against wave action and minor landscaping improvements required as a condition of the permit at Ann Olesky Park in Immokalee. • Upon a recent reassessment of current conditions at the site along with regulatory requirements, a revised opinion of probable cost (OPC) was provided by RWA Engineering. September 9, 2021 4 • The current approved project budget is $260,097 with $57,602.15 expended or encumbered to date leaving an available balance of $202,494.85. • The OPC estimates the remaining project scope to cost $397,497.85 which leaves a funding deficit of $195,003. • The construction is anticipated to begin October 2021, and completion is estimated to be March 2022. Mr. Joseph Burke moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Collier County Tourist Development Council (TDC) Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at Ann Olesky Park in the amount of $195,003.00 and finds the expenditures promote tourism. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 – 0. IX. Old Business Mr. Roth provided an update on the Water Quality Subcommittee noting although there has not been a recent meeting, he and Staff are investigating the feasibility of initiating a volunteer project to re- establish sea grasses in certain coastal areas where the species has disappeared. One key issue to be investigated is the cause of the disappearance to help ensure any program to re-establish the species will be a successful endeavor. X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion None XII. Next Meeting/Location October 14, 2021 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 1:32 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee ______________________________________ David Trecker, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on _________________as presented________ or as amended ___________. Collier County Tourist Development Tax Revenue Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 894,000 1,258,085 860,523 1,224,867 364,344 TDC Promotion 184 8,383,100 12,496,120 8,069,186 12,110,761 4,041,575 Non‐County Museums 193 477,000 671,260 459,138 651,939 192,800 TDC Admin 194 - - 0 - - Beach Renourishment 195 9,734,100 13,698,347 9,369,596 13,332,784 3,963,188 Disaster Recovery 196 - - 0 - - County Museums 198 1,917,900 2,000,000 1,846,082 2,000,000 153,918 TDC Capital 758 3,566,000 5,018,266 3,432,467 4,886,620 1,454,153 Gross Budget 24,972,100 35,142,078 24,036,993 34,206,971 10,169,978 Less 5% Rev Res (1,248,600)40.73% % Over/(Under) Bud 42.3% Net Budget 23,723,500 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD % Budget Collected to Date % Variance FY20 Collections % Variance FY19 Collections % Variance FY18 Collections Nov 1,186,011 1,186,011 4.75% -15.14% 21.23% -4.16% Dec 1,586,810 2,772,821 11.10% -23.28% 32.63% -3.20% Jan 2,872,083 5,644,904 22.60% -10.44% 54.12% 9.25% Feb 3,536,725 9,181,629 36.77% -22.11% 19.25% -6.11% Mar 4,129,680 13,311,309 53.30% -17.09% 3.15% 5.10% Apr 6,663,127 19,974,436 79.99% 65.11% 50.02% 16.95% May 4,022,579 23,997,015 96.10% 764.20% -33.35% 45.93% June 2,653,325 26,650,340 106.72% 309.72% -7.30% 57.54% July 2,622,968 29,273,308 117.22% 131.55% 43.28% 86.38% Aug 2,876,055 32,149,363 128.74% 122.90% 86.72% 110.59% Sept 2,057,608 34,206,971 136.98% 76.18% 28.38% 105.56% Oct - 34,206,971 136.98% n/a n/a n/a Total 34,206,971 34,206,971 YTD 37.19% 16.66% 26.16% 97.0% 97.0% 97.0%35,142,078 Forecast Budget Comparison 5 Yr History- Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2%1,058,305 1,186,011 127,705 1,186,011 Dec 9.6% 5.4%1,347,809 1,586,810 239,001 1,586,810 Jan 18.1% 8.5%2,113,016 2,872,083 759,067 2,872,083 Feb 30.8% 12.7%3,183,796 3,536,725 352,930 3,536,725 Mar 45.1% 14.3%3,562,928 4,129,680 566,751 4,129,680 Apr 63.6% 18.5%4,609,137 6,663,127 2,053,990 6,663,127 May 75.6% 12.0%3,009,090 4,022,579 1,013,489 4,022,579 June 82.2% 6.6%1,636,491 2,653,325 1,016,834 2,653,325 July 87.2% 5.0%1,249,990 2,622,968 1,372,978 2,622,968 Aug 92.1% 5.0%1,241,200 2,876,055 1,634,855 2,876,055 Sept 96.3% 4.1%1,025,231 2,057,608 1,032,377 2,057,608 Oct 100.0% 3.7%935,107 - - 935,107 Total 100.0% 100.0%24,972,100 34,206,971 10,169,978 35,142,078 % over/(under) budget 42.3%40.73% FY 21 TDT Collections Report 30-Sep-2021  $‐  $1,000,000  $2,000,000  $3,000,000  $4,000,000  $5,000,000  $6,000,000  $7,000,000  $8,000,000 NovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctMonth Reported Tourist   Development Tax  Collection Curve  Budgeted Collections Actual Collections F:\OMB\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2021\11‐TDC Updates Sep Collier County Tourist Development Tax RevenueFund Reporting Fund Adopted BudgetUpdated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities183 894,000 1,258,085 860,523 1,224,867 364,344 TDC Promotion184 8,383,100 12,496,120 8,069,186 12,110,761 4,041,575 Non‐County Museums193 477,000 671,260 459,138 651,939 192,800 TDC Admin 194 - - 0 - - Beach Renourishment195 9,734,100 13,698,347 9,369,596 13,332,784 3,963,188 Disaster Recovery196 - - 0 - - County Museums198 1,917,900 2,000,000 1,846,082 2,000,000 153,918 TDC Capital758 3,566,000 5,018,266 3,432,467 4,886,620 1,454,153 Gross Budget 24,972,100 35,142,078 24,036,993 34,206,971 10,169,978 Less 5% Rev Res(1,248,600)40.73% % Over/(Under) Bud 42.3%Net Budget 23,723,500CollectionsMonth ReportedActual Cum YTD% Budget Collected to Date% Variance FY20 Collections% Variance FY19 Collections% Variance FY18 CollectionsNov 1,186,011 1,186,011 4.75% -15.14% 21.23% -4.16%Dec 1,586,810 2,772,821 11.10% -23.28% 32.63% -3.20%Jan 2,872,083 5,644,904 22.60% -10.44% 54.12% 9.25%Feb 3,536,725 9,181,629 36.77% -22.11% 19.25% -6.11%Mar 4,129,680 13,311,309 53.30% -17.09% 3.15% 5.10%Apr 6,663,127 19,974,436 79.99% 65.11% 50.02% 16.95%May 4,022,579 23,997,015 96.10% 764.20% -33.35% 45.93%June 2,653,325 26,650,340 106.72% 309.72% -7.30% 57.54%July 2,622,968 29,273,308 117.22% 131.55% 43.28% 86.38%Aug 2,876,055 32,149,363 128.74% 122.90% 86.72% 110.59%Sept 2,057,608 34,206,971 136.98% 76.18% 28.38% 105.56%Oct - 34,206,971 136.98% n/a n/a n/aTotal34,206,971 34,206,971 YTD 37.19% 16.66% 26.16%97.0% 97.0% 97.0%35,142,078ForecastFY 21 TDT Collections Report30-Sep-2021F:\OMB\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2021\11‐TDC Updates Sep Collier County Tourist Development Tax RevenueBudget Comparison5 Yr History-Cum5 Yr History-MonthlyBudgeted CollectionsActual CollectionsBudget to Actual VarianceUpdated ForecastNov4.2% 4.2%1,058,305 1,186,011 127,705 1,186,011 Dec9.6% 5.4%1,347,809 1,586,810 239,001 1,586,810 Jan18.1% 8.5%2,113,016 2,872,083 759,067 2,872,083 Feb30.8% 12.7%3,183,796 3,536,725 352,930 3,536,725 Mar45.1% 14.3%3,562,928 4,129,680 566,751 4,129,680 Apr63.6% 18.5%4,609,137 6,663,127 2,053,990 6,663,127 May75.6% 12.0%3,009,090 4,022,579 1,013,489 4,022,579 June82.2% 6.6%1,636,491 2,653,325 1,016,834 2,653,325 July87.2% 5.0%1,249,990 2,622,968 1,372,978 2,622,968 Aug92.1% 5.0%1,241,200 2,876,055 1,634,855 2,876,055 Sept96.3% 4.1%1,025,231 2,057,608 1,032,377 2,057,608 Oct100.0% 3.7%935,107 - - 935,107 Total100.0% 100.0%24,972,100 34,206,971 10,169,978 35,142,078 % over/(under) budget 42.3%40.73% $‐ $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000NovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctMonth ReportedTourist  Development Tax Collection Curve Budgeted CollectionsActual CollectionsF:\OMB\TDC Revenue\TDC Update Report\2021\11‐TDC Updates Sep Project No: 21‐7923Procurement Strategist: Notices Issued: 22,955Project Title: Collier Beach Renourishment 2021‐2022Project Manager: Bid Pkgs Viewed: 101Bid Date: 9/2/2021Bids Received: 3Number of No Bids1BID TABULATIONItem No. DESCRIPTION Units Quantity Unite Price Total Unite Price Total Unite Price Total Unite Price Total1 Mobilization/Demobilization LS 1 $213,803.25 $213,803.25 $38,000.00 $38,000.00 $283,237.50 $283,237.50 $75,000.00 $75,000.002 Naples Construction: Transport, Fill, Placement, and Grading TN 105000 $17.21 $1,807,050.00 $18.30 $1,921,500.00 $19.12 $2,007,600.00 $17.95 $1,884,750.003 Vanderbilt Construction: Transport, Fill, Placement, and Grading TN 133500 $16.62 $2,218,770.00 $17.85 $2,382,975.00 $17.97 $2,398,995.00 $18.10 $2,416,350.004 Pelican Bay Construction: Transport, Fill, Placement, and Grading TN 30000 $17.44 $523,200.00 $18.35 $550,500.00 $18.33 $549,900.00 $18.40 $552,000.005 Turbidity Monitoring LS 1 $41,148.75 $41,148.75 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $92,400.00 $92,400.00 $94,000.00 $94,000.006 Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) and Weight Ticket Tracking LS 1 $150,991.45 $150,991.45 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $91,875.00 $91,875.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.007 Tilling LS 1 $32,359.76 $32,359.76 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 $7,750.00 $7,750.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00TOTAL PRICE FOR ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6Yes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes Yes Yes* All forms submittedYes Yes YesN/AYes N/AYes Yes YesYes Yes YesYes No* YesYes Yes YesSan Antonio Fort Myers Lake WorthPasco Lee Palm BeachOpened By: Cynthia McCannaWitnessed by: Vanessa Miguel* Minor irregularityCounty:W‐9Place of BusinessENGINEER'S ESTIMATEEastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC$5,232,100.00Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc.Phillips and Jordan, Inc.$4,987,323.21 $5,162,975.00 $5,431,757.50Local Business Tax Receipt (Collier County)E‐VerifyGrant Forms Federal Provision PkgSunBizAddendum 1Trench Safety Act Acknowledgement (Form 6)Bid Bond (Form 7)Insurance and Bonding Requirements (Form 8)Conflict of Interest Affidavit (Form 9)Vendor Declaration Statement (Form 10)Immigration Affidavit Certification (Form 11)Bidders Checklist (Form 12)Contractors Key Personnel Assigned to  Project ‐ (Form 2)Material Manufacturers (Form 3)List of Major Subcontractors (Form 4)Statement of Experience of Bidder (Form 5)Completed Bid Forms:Bid ScheduleBid Response Form (Form 1) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept a proposal from Taylor Engineering, Inc., and recommend the approval of a Work Order to provide professional engineering services for the 2022 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples beaches for Time and Material not to exceed $32,444.00 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To perform the dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beaches. CONSIDERATIONS: The existing dunes in this area are densely vegetated but contain exotic species that are required to be removed. Exotics tend to encroach and overtake native vegetation, so we want to eliminate the seed source of the exotics as much as possible; clearing the exotics also provides more room to plant native species. The upcoming 2021-2022 renourishment project at Naples and Vanderbilt beaches, and the 2019 renourishment of Park Shore beach, will greatly benefit from the addition of new plantings with native species to facilitate the establishment of a self-sustaining dune ecosystem. Additionally, protection of the dunes will be provided with the installation of rope and posts with signage directing beachgoers to stay off the dunes. Contract No. 18-7432-CZ was approved by the BCC on March 10, 2020, item 16.E.4 (Attachment 1), to provide engineering services to the County’s Coastal Zone Management for projects requiring professional services of less than $500,000, and for projects with construction costs below $4,000,000. This contract has a five-year duration with an option to renew for one additional year. Taylor Engineering, Inc. is located in Sarasota, Florida and was founded in 1983. Taylor Engineering was selected as one of three firms on the County’s 18-7432-CZ Coastal Engineering Services Library contract and have provided engineering services to the County for over eighteen years. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented at the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting on October 14, 2021; the Tourist Development Council (TDC) on October 25, 2021, and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting on November 9, 2021. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. – CMG FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this work is available in the Tourist Development Council (TDC) Beach Renourishment Fund (195). The partial reimbursement of this work may be provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Source of funding is tourist development tax. RECOMMENDATION: To accept a proposal from Taylor Engineering, Inc., and recommend the approval of a Work Order to provide professional engineering services for the 2022 dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples beaches for Time and Material not to exceed $32,444.00 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ, , and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division September 20, 2021 (Proposal valid for 90-days) Mr. Andrew Miller, P.E. Principal Project Manager Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Unit 103 Naples, Florida 34104 RE: Vanderbilt, Naples, and Park Shore Beaches Dune Planting Plans, Specifications, and Bid Package Preparation; Collier County, Florida Mr. Miller: Per your request, Taylor Engineering is pleased to submit the enclosed scope of work and fee proposal (Exhibit A) for design, technical specifications and bid administration for the Vanderbilt, Naples, and Park Shore Beach Dune Planting Projects. Primary tasks include design, development of contract documents and bid assistance services. Taylor Engineering will perform these services on a time and materials basis, for a total cost not- to-exceed fee of $32,444.00 Please contact me at (941) 702-5871 or jphillips@taylorengineering.com with any questions. Sincerely, Jenna Phillips, M.S. Regional Office Lead Attachments (1) 10199 SOUTHSIDE BLVD, SUITE 310 | JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 | TEL 904.731.7040 WWW.TAYLORENGINEERING.COM VANDERBILT, NAPLES and PARK SHORE BEACHES DUNE PLANTING PLAN, SPECIFICATION, AND BID PACKAGE PREPARATION SERVICES COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK Introduction Collier County (County) intends to complete a dune planting and exotic vegetation removal project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples Beaches. The Vanderbilt Beach project area extends from Collier County Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Reference Monument (R-monument) R- 22.3 south to R-32. Naples Beach extends from R-60 to R-74.3. Park Shore Beach extends from R-42 to R- 54+400. The existing dunes in this area are densely vegetated but contain exotic species that are to be removed; the newly nourished dune requires new plantings with native species to facilitate the establishment of a self-sustaining dune ecosystem. Additionally, beach access improvements will be incorporated to include signages, rope and posts to keep people off the dunes/dune plantings. Under this scope, Taylor Engineering will produce the necessary plans, specifications, and bid package documents to support planting and exotic vegetation removal efforts at Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples Beaches. The County’s intent for this project is to vegetate the nourished dune with native species and remove exotic vegetation species that have invaded the existing dune. This scope of work is to provide a dune planting plan in compliance with FDEP Permit No 0331817-004-JM and other information which may be required to support the bid administration efforts. Assumptions Taylor Engineering made several assumptions in developing this scope of work and associated fees for the project. The assumptions listed below, and throughout this scope of work, affect the proposed level of effort and associated costs. If any of the assumptions prove incorrect, Taylor Engineering will submit a proposal to modify our scope of work and fees accordingly. Taylor Engineering developed this scope of work under the following assumptions and background information: • The project area extends from R-22.3 to R-32, R-42 to R-54+400, and R-60 to R-74.3 in Collier County. • The newly established dune will be constructed as depicted in the 2021 Beach Renourishments: Naples, Vanderbilt, & Pelican Bay Construction Plans produced by Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. and dated 7/30/2021. • The County has secured the necessary permits for this work. Taylor Engineering is not responsible for permit acquisition. • The County will advertise the project. • The County will conduct inspections during planting operations and produce necessary project completion documents for submittal to FDEP. • The County is responsible for complying with necessary precautions for shorebirds and sea turtles as outlined in the FDEP permit. • Execution of the work outlined herein to support the County’s efforts will not preclude Taylor Engineering from providing services related to future phases of the project. • Taylor Engineering not responsible for permit compliance and/or production of permit compliance documentation. Collier County September 20, 2021 Page 2 of 6 • The County will be responsible for post-planting activities as required by FDEP permit (i.e. subsequent watering and sand fence removal), construction observation, and project certification Client Responsibility Client shall provide Taylor Engineering with the following information and documents related to the project site, if available: • Permit and design documents associated with the beach and dune fill project • Natural resource surveys including physical and biological monitoring, and documentation of other resources of concern to regulatory agencies; • Survey data, including but not limited to, boundary (property and riparian rights lines), topography/bathymetry, existing nearshore structures (seawalls, nearshore boardwalks, boat ramp, piers, etc.), mean high water line(s); • County field estimates for exotic vegetation removal areas for each project site. • Copies of existing regulatory authorizations associated with the project site, including temporary use agreements where applicable. Taylor Engineering shall have the right to reasonably rely on the accuracy and validity of such documentation and data. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Taylor harmless from any loss, damage, or liability arising out of any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such documentation and/or data and where such documentation and/or data do not conform to normal and customary standards. The following tasks comprise this scope of work. Scope of Work DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Taylor Engineering staff will prepare drawings and technical specifications for a dune flora restoration. We anticipate the project design will include the following components: • Native plant species consisting of 70% dune grasses and 30% other native dune species o predominantly sea oats (Uniola paniculata), dune panic grass (Panicum amarum), railroad vine (Ipomea pes-caprae), and /or dune sunflower (Helianthus debilis) o 4” container plants or less placed a minimum of 6” deep o Placement in staggered rows at a maximum distance of 18” apart o Fertilize and water-in the planting units during installation • Signage, rope and bollard barriers, or sand fence placed to protect the new vegetation and dune feature according to FDEP guidelines The project will include vegetation planting along the newly constructed and existing dune system within the limits of the Vanderbilt Beach nourishment area (R-22.3 to R-32), Park Shore Beach area (R-42 to R- 54+400) and the partial limits of the Naples Beach nourishment area (R-60 to R-74.3). Portions of the project area have an established dune and vegetation, in those areas, the proposed project will supplement the existing vegetation with the installation of several native dune species and the removal of exotic species. This will help promote a healthy, diverse dune ecosystem. Collier County September 20, 2021 Page 3 of 6 On behalf of Collier County, Taylor Engineering will prepare draft construction drawings and specifications for the proposed dune planting, exotic species removal in areas as identified by County, sand fence, and dune signage installation as required for regulatory review. The draft construction drawings will include the limits of the proposed vegetation planting including planting zones (dune face, dune crest, upland, etc), and educational signage, post and rope locations. The drawings will also include typical cross section views, preliminary planting details for each zone, existing and proposed grade contours (from existing survey data), Collier County property lines and the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL). The vegetation limits will be determined based on the most recent aerial photographs, topographic survey data, and beach nourishment plans provided by the County. A Taylor Engineering staff member will visit the project site to verify the proposed planting area/zones, beach access, and educational signage areas. We will submit draft construction drawings and specifications to Collier County and FDEP for review and approval. We will schedule a teleconference with FDEP to discuss the draft construction drawings and supporting information and will coordinate with FDEP and the County to address FDEP questions and review comments. While we anticipate submittal of a complete and concise drawing package, the nature of the project may generate review comments and agency requests for additional information (RAIs) during the review process. Should coordination and requests for additional information require more time than the amount budgeted for this task, we will contact Collier County and discuss a modification of the contract to account for the additional level of effort. Taylor Engineering will prepare final technical specifications and construction drawings to support bidding and construction of the project. The drawings will consist of plan and cross section views of the nourished beach conditions and dune vegetation community restoration, sand fencing, beach access post and rope enhancements, and educational signage. The final construction drawings will also include specific details for the proposed vegetation areas. As part of this task, we will estimate the project construction quantities for inclusion in the bid package. We will update the technical specifications to be consistent with the FDEP permit and the construction drawings. Additionally, we assume Collier County will prepare and provide its standard “front-end” contract documents for project bidding; we will review these documents and the contract plans and specifications for consistency. We will provide the final construction-ready specifications and drawings in reproducible hardcopy and digital format. BID ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANCE Taylor Engineering will provide the final construction bid package (Contract Documents) to Collier County and support the County during the solicitation/award phase of the project. Bid administration assistance services shall include the following activities: • Compile the Contract Documents to include the County’s standard front-end contracting and purchasing documents, construction plans, technical specifications, and other pertinent documents. • Develop an Opinion of Probable Cost for construction, if required. • Assist Collier County with the distribution of construction Contract Documents to prospective contractors, if required. • Attend and provide technical support for a pre-bid conference if the county organizes such a meeting for this project. • Assist with the development of contract document addenda in response to technical questions from potential bidders. • Attend the bid opening meeting. Collier County September 20, 2021 Page 4 of 6 • Review bids, check contractor’s technical references, and prepare a written recommendation for contractor selection. Our review and recommendations will be limited to engineering and technical issues. Collier County will be responsible for review and evaluation of contractors’ financial condition, business licenses or authorizations, bonding, contractual requirements, and any other non-engineering or non-technical information. We will review the bid recommendations with the County and assist it in verifying that all the necessary bid components are in order. Schedule Scope of work to be completed within 225 working calendar days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed (NTP). Fees Taylor Engineering will perform the work on the basis of Time and Materials Not to Exceed $32,444.00, to be invoiced monthly based on percentage of work complete. TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. COST SUMMARY BY TASK P2021-133: VANDERBILT, PARK SHORE & NAPLES BEACH DUNE PLANTING TASK 1: Drawings and Technical Specifications Labor Hours Rates Cost Task Totals Principal 4.0 231.0 924.00 Senior Engineer 32.0 177.0 5,664.00 Engineer 40.0 130.0 5,200.00 Senior Environmental Specialist 40.0 167.0 6,680.00 CADD Technician 56.0 107.0 5,992.00 Total Man-Hours 172.0 Labor Cost 24,460.00 Total Non-Labor Cost - Total Task 1 24,460.00 Collier County September 20, 2021 Page 5 of 6 TASK 2: Bid Administration Assistance Labor Hours Cost Task Totals Principal 2.0 231.0 462.00 Senior Engineer 24.0 177.0 4,248.00 Engineer 8.0 130.0 1,040.00 Senior Environmental Specialist 12.0 167.0 2,004.00 Scientist/Geologist 2.0 115.0 230.00 Total Man-Hours 48.0 Labor Cost 7,984.00 Total Task 2 7,984.00 Total $ 32,444.00 Collier County September 20, 2021 Page 6 of 6 Collier County Contracted Rate Schedule EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for State required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2022 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ and make a recommendation to authorize the expenditure of tourist development tax funds for a not to exceed amount of $170,512.00 and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To move forward with the annual required beach and inlet monitoring surveys and reports for Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2022. CONSIDERATIONS: The Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Section is tasked with the maintenance and monitoring of over thirty (30) miles of coastline, beaches, estuaries, channels, and bays. CZM has specific goals, objectives, and criteria to meet as identified within the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Land Development Code, and the Codes of Laws and Ordinances regarding the county’s coastal aquatic resources. In order to meet these goals and objectives, CZM has been charged with a variety of programs including the implementation of beach re-nourishment and dredging projects, the artificial reef program, derelict vessel program, waterways marker program, as well as any related operations that are required to maintain the health, aesthetics, and safety of the county’s coastal waterways and communities. Yearly physical monitoring of the beaches and inlets is required by FDEP permit. Results of this report are used to evaluate, recommend, and prioritize annual beach segment renourishment. SUMMARY TASK FEE BREAKDOWN Task 1 Collier Beach $42,398.00 Task 2 Wiggins Pass $44,438.00 Task 3 Doctors Pass $20,818.00 Task 4 South Marco Island $23,131.00 Task 5 Central Marco Beach $17,330.00 Task 6 Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures $18,794.00 Task 7 Aerial Image Book $3,603.00 Total Project Fees: $170,512.00 FISCAL IMPACT: Funding has been budgeted and approved for this activity in FY 2022. Funding in the amount of $170,512.00 is available within Tourist Development Tax Beach Renourishment Fund (195), Project 90536. FDEP cost-share funding may be requested at a future date to reimburse Collier County for a portion of the completed work. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item is scheduled to be presented at the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on October 14, 2021, the Tourist Development Council meeting on October 25, 2021, Board of County Commissioners meeting on November 12, 2021. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. – CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for State required Annual Monitoring of Collier County Beaches and Inlets for 2022 under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ, make a recommendation to authorize the expenditure of tourist development tax funds for a not to exceed amount of $170,512.00 and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division Page 1 of 5 September 29, 2021 Andrew Miller, Principal Project Manager Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Collier County Government 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Unit 103 Naples, FL 34104 Re: Proposal for Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring for 2022 Collier County Contract 18-7432-CZ; HM File No 29-018.2022Beach-Monitor Dear Andy: Enclosed is a proposal for the Collier County Beaches and Inlets monitoring surveys and monitoring reports for 2022. The completion date for all work is estimated to be 420 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Rectified aerial images acquired for 2022, provided by the Collier County Property Appraiser’s Office, are to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) by Humiston and Moore Engineers (HM) as part of the work described below for all projects. Note, the dates shown reflect an anticipated date for the survey and report. These anticipated dates are dependent upon the authorization date, project construction timing, release of the rectified aerial images, schedule changes, and other unforeseen conditions such as weather. If the final report is completed prior to the due date for the initial report, then one final report will be submitted for both the initial and final report. Task 1 Collier Beach- SOW and Budget – Survey anticipated January 2022 Conduct the annual monitoring survey for Collier Beach Nourishment Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. The scope of work consists of DEP monuments R-17 to R-84 including R-58A. Additionally, survey options include the monuments south to Gordon Pass from R-85 to R-89.  Survey is scheduled to be completed in conjunction with the post-construction survey by CPE for the 2021 Collier Beach nourishment project. CZM to notify HM of survey timing anticipated to be December 2021. CPE to survey R-17 to R-41, R-58A to R-80 in accordance with DEP monitoring standards, and provide survey data to HM. SDI to survey R-42 to R-57, and from R-81 to R-84.  An initial shoreline/volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the latest survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to DEP & CZM 90 days after the completion of the survey. The initial summary will include beach profiles, and shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The final monitoring analysis and report includes CZM staff comments after review of initial summary, beach profiles, shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring survey, as well as from the most recent nourishment project (Vanderbilt 2021, Park Shore 2019, North Naples 2020, and Naples 2021), beach width and comparison to the Design Standard, the historical beach width charts, and applicable recommendations. 5679 STRAND COURT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34110 FAX:239 594 2025 PHONE: 239 594 2021 Page 2 of 5 Task 1a. Collier Beach Survey R-42 to R-57, and R-81 to R-84. Sub Total Data Collection Budget (SDI)………………………………………$ 13,220 LS Task 1b. Collier Beach Survey R-85 to R-89. This augments the data collection for the Collier Beach Survey to include monuments south to Gordon Pass. Sub Total Data Collection Budget (SDI) .......................................... ……….$ 2,650 LS Task 1c. Collier Beach Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M)……..$ 26,528 TM Total Task 1 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. ………..$ 42,398 Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary by February 28, 2022; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report by April 30, 2022. Task 2 Wiggins Pass - SOW and Budget – Survey anticipated February 2022 Conduct the annual monitoring survey for the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Dredging Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by DEP. This scope of work consists of FDEP monuments R-9 (to augment the Wiggins Pass Dredge permit modification), R-10 to R-22 including half monuments, the MHWL from R-17 NE for a minimum of 1500 feet. Stations -2+00 to 15+00 (from R-15 to R-18.5) and the navigation channel with grid lines 100 feet apart (C-3 thru C-34, CN-35 thru CN37). Survey timing is to be at the direction of CZM.  An initial volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP 90 days after the completion of the survey. The initial monitoring summary includes inlet/beach profiles, and inlet volume change from previous monitoring surveys. The Final Monitoring Report will include the same information contained in the initial monitoring summary as well as other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of initial summary, and applicable recommendations. Task 2a. Wiggins Pass Survey (SDI) ........................................... …..$ 31,750 LS Task 2b Wiggins Pass Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M)…$ 12,688 TM Total Task 2 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. ……$ 44,438 Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report. Task 3 Doctors Pass - SOW and Budget – Survey anticipated February 2022 Conduct the annual monitoring survey for Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. This scope of work consists of 77 Dredge Template Profiles. Additionally, survey options include five beach profiles to document the beach fill template, anticipated to be R-59 to R-63. Survey timing is to be at the direction of CZM. Page 3 of 5  An initial volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP 90 days after the completion of the survey. The initial monitoring summary includes inlet profiles, and volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The Final Monitoring Report will include the same information contained in the initial monitoring summary as well as other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of initial summary, and applicable recommendations. Task 3a. Doctors Pass Monitoring Survey (SDI). ....................... …..…..$ 11,500 LS Task 3b Doctors Pass Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M)…….. $ 9,318 TM Total Task 3 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. ……….$ 20,818 Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report. Task 4 South Marco Beach- SOW and Budget – Survey anticipated March 2022 Conduct the annual monitoring survey for South Marco Beach Nourishment Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. This scope of work consists of DEP monuments R-139 to R-148, G-1 thru G-5, and K-1 thru K-2. This survey scope does include the Caxambas Pass borrow area.  Survey is scheduled to be completed after the Task 1 survey pending unforeseen conditions such as poor weather conditions.  An initial shoreline/volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP 90 days after the completion of the survey. Task 4a. South Marco Beach Monitoring Survey (SDI) .............. ………………..$ 15,530 LS Task 4b South Marco Beach Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M)…….. $ 7,601 TM Total Task 4 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. ………………..$ 23,131 The initial monitoring summary includes beach profiles, shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The Final Monitoring Report will include the same information contained in the initial monitoring summary as well as other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of initial summary, and applicable recommendations. Deliverable: One electronic copy of the shoreline/volume change summary; one electronic and two hardcopies Final Monitoring Report.   Task 5 Central Marco Beach- SOW and Budget – Survey Anticipated March 2022 Conduct the annual monitoring survey for the Central Marco Beach Regrade Project consistent with the DEP permit and the requirements of the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS). This scope of work consists of DEP monuments R-130 to R-146*. One report is to be submitted to the DEP and FWS in compliance with the annual monitoring. Page 4 of 5  Survey is scheduled to be completed after the Task 1 survey, 2022 pending unforeseen conditions such as poor weather conditions.  An initial shoreline/volume change summary will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP 90 days after the completion of the survey. Task 5a. Central Marco Beach Monitoring Survey (SDI) ............ $ 7,605 LS Task 5b Central Marco Beach Initial and Final Report (H&M) .... $ 9,725 TM Total Task 5 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. $ 17,330 The initial summary will include beach profiles, and shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The Final Monitoring Report will include the same information contained in the initial monitoring summary as well as other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of initial summary, and applicable recommendations. Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report. *Survey to include R130 thru R135, R135.5, R136, R136.5, R137, R137.5, and R138 thru R146. R-139 thru 146 surveyed as part of Task 4 South Marco Beach. Task 6 Doctors Pass Erosion Control Struct. SOW and Budget – Survey anticipated Oct. 2022 Provide the annual monitoring report for the Doctors Pass Erosion Control Structures (ECS) Project consistent with the monitoring plan approved by the DEP. This scope of work is based on the survey of DEP monuments R58A-400 south to R-64 (17 profiles)*.  Survey is scheduled to be completed by October 15, 2022 pending unforeseen conditions such as poor weather conditions.  An initial monitor summary of the analysis will be submitted to CZM 30 days after the completion of the survey.  A Final Monitoring Report will be submitted to CZM and DEP 90 days after the completion of the survey. Task 6a. Doctors Pass ECS Survey (SDI)…………………………………..$ 9,900 LS Task 6b Doctors Pass ECS Initial and Final Monitoring Report (H&M) $ 8,894 TM Total Task 6 Subtotal (SDI + H&M) .............................................. ……….$ 18,794 The initial monitoring summary includes beach profiles, shoreline/volume change from the previous monitoring surveys. The Final Monitoring Report will include the same information contained in the initial monitoring summary as well as other information in compliance with the DEP monitoring requirements, comments from CZM staff after review of initial summary, and applicable recommendations. Deliverable: One electronic copy of the Initial Monitoring summary by November 15, 2022; one electronic and two hardcopies of the Final Monitoring Report by January 15, 2023. *Includes beach profiles R58A-400, R58A-300, R58A-150, R58A, R58A+150, R58A+300, R58A+425, R58, R58+150, R58+300, R58+600, and R59 to R64. Page 5 of 5 Task 7 2022 Aerial Image Book - SOW and Budget – Anticipated May 2022 Prepare an updated aerial image book for the Collier County Beaches ranging from DEP reference monument R-1 south to R-89 and from Hideaway Beach reference monument H-16 including the entrance to Collier Bay south to DEP reference monument R-148 including Caxambas Pass. The monument locations will be overlaid along with the names of existing structures as noted in the 2021 book. The rectified images will be the latest available from the County Appraiser’s Office. The ECL, latest MHWL, and vegetation line will be shown along with the distance from each to the 2003 Baseline. Task 7. Aerial Image Book (H&M) ................................................... $ 3,603 TM Task 7 Subtotal (HM only– No SDI)………………………………….$ 3,603 Deliverable: Two hardcopies of the final Aerial Image Book along with an electronic copy upon image availability at the Property Appraiser’s Office. Total (SDI + H&M) $ 170,512 Tasks 1 thru 7 Tasks will be billed on a time and materials basis, unless otherwise noted. The budgets for these tasks may therefore be considered as not-to-exceed amounts with the understanding that in the event regulatory requirements or requests from County staff result in Additional Services exceeding the estimated budget amounts, a budget amendment will be requested. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, HUMISTON & MOORE ENGINEERS Brett D. Moore, P.E. President Collier County Beaches and Inlets Annual Monitoring Contract 18-7432-CZEstimated Summary SUMMARY BREAKDOWN BY TASK Task 1 Collier Beach 42,398 Task 2 Wiggins Pass 44,438 Task 3 Doctors Pass 20,818 Task 4 Doctors Pass - Structures 18,794 Task 5 Central Marco 17,330 Task 6 South Marco 23,131 Task 7 2022 Aerial Image Book 3,603 170,512 SUMMARY BREAKDOWN BY SUB-TASK Task 1a & 1b Collier Beach Survey 15,870 LS Task 1c Collier Beach Final Monitoring Report 26,528 TM 42,398 Task 2a Wiggins Pass Survey 31,750 LS Task 2b Wiggins Pass Final Monitoring Report 12,688 TM 44,438 Task 3a Doctors Pass Survey 11,500 LS Task 3b Doctors Pass Final Monitoring Report 9,318 TM 20,818 Task 4a Doctors Pass Structures Survey 9,900 LS Task 4b Doctors Pass Structures Final Monitoring Report 8,894 TM 18,794 Task 5a Central Marco Beach Survey 7,605 LS Task 5b Central Marco Beach Final Monitoring Report 9,725 TM 17,330 Task 6a South Marco Beach Survey 15,530 LS Task 6b South Marco Final Monitoring Report 7,601 TM 23,131 Task 7 2020 Aerial Image Book 3,603 TM 3,603 SUMMARY 170,512 Sea Diversified Survey 92,155.00 (LS) 78,357 PRN2 Principle Engineer 231 59 13,629 SEN Senior Engineer 177 0 0 PJTM Project Manager 160 0 0 SDS Engineer 130 282.5 36,725 SIN Scientist/Geologist 115 110 12,650 SIN Senior Designer 105 0 0 SRT Senior Technician 103 92.5 9,528 INS Inspector 93 0 0 TEC Technician 83 56 4,648 CAD Cadd Technician 107 11 1,177 Pad Clerical/Administrative 73 0 0 Humiston & Moore Engineers 78,357 (TM) TOTAL 170,512 Surveying • Engineering • Applications 160 Congress Park Drive, #114 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Phone: 561-243-4920 www.seadiversified.com SSeeaa DDiivveerrssiiffiieedd,, IInncc.. September 20, 2021 (Previous August 30, 2021) Mr. Steve Foge, P.E. Sent via electronic mail 09/20/2021 Humiston & Moore Engineers (SF@HumistonandMoore.com) 5679 Strand Court, Suite 110 Naples, Florida 34110 Re: Proposal / Agreement for Professional Services - Revised Collier County 2022 Physical Monitoring Survey Collier Beach, Wiggins Pass, Doctors Pass, South Marco, Central Marco & Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida Sea Diversified P.N. 21-2954 Dear Mr. Foge: In accordance with your request, Sea Diversified, Inc. (SDI) is pleased to submit the following revised proposal for professional services. The scope of work shall include onshore/offshore beach profile surveys of Collier Beach and Doctors Pass structures, and South Marco Island project areas. In accordance with your summary of scope provided on August 24, 2021, the 2022 monitoring survey effort shall encompass the following: Task One: Collier Beach & Offshore Profiles a. R-42 to R-57 and R-81 to R-84 (20 profiles) b. R-85 to R-89 (5 profiles) Task Two: Wiggins Pass Bathymetry and Beach Profiles ▪ MHWL from R-17 to the NE 1,500 feet on the south side of the inlet ▪ Entrance channel, Stations -2+00 to 15+00 (R-15 to R-18.5), totaling 18 transects ▪ Internal channels C-3 to C-34, CN-35, CN-36 and CN-37, totaling 35 transects ▪ Beach profiles at R-10 to R-22, including intermediate profiles (R-10.5, R-11.5, R-12.5, R- 13.5, R-14.5, R-15.5, R-17.5, R-18.5, R-19.5, R-20.5, R-21.5), totaling 24 transects ▪ Add R-9 (1 profile) Task Three: Doctors Pass Bathymetry - All inlet stations (77 transects) Task Four: South Marco Island Beach & Offshore Profiles Beach profiles at U-139 to R-148, G-1 to G-5, and K-1 to K-2, totaling 17 profiles Task Five: Central Marco Island Beach & Offshore Profiles Beach profiles at R-130 to R-146 (R-130 to R-135, R-136, R-136.5, R-137, R-137.5 and R-138), totaling 11 profiles. R-139 to R-146 part of South Marco. Task Six: Doctors Pass Structures Beach & Offshore Profiles Beach profiles at R58A-400, R58A-300, R58A-150, R58A, R58A+150, R58A+300, R58A+425, R-58, R58+150, R58+300, R58+600, and R-59 to R-64, totaling 17 profiles General: SDI shall provide supervision, field / office support staff and equipment to perform the scope of work described, herewith. All work shall be conducted to the highest level of industry standards and under the responsibl e charge Proposal for Professional Services - Revised Collier County 2022 Physical Monitoring Survey Collier Beach, Wiggins Pass, Doctors Pass South Marco, Central Marco & Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida September 20, 2021 (Previous August 30, 2021) Page 2 of 4 Surveying • Engineering • Appli cations of a Professional Surveyor and Mapper registered in the State of Florida. All work shall meet or exceed the Standards of Practice (Standards) set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 5J-17, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes, and in compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects, Sections 01000 and 01100 (Updated October 2014). If time permits, deviations from the scope of work shall be addressed via formal approved addendum to the executed Agreement for Professional Services. Horizontal and Vertical Data: Horizontal Datum: Feet, relative to the Florida State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) Vertical Datum: Feet, relative to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) Horizontal / Vertical Control Verification SDI will verify the horizontal and vertical position of all f ound and used monuments for the survey. Horizontal and vertical positions will be verified via Real-Time Kinematic GPS procedures. In the event vertical obstructions prohibit the use of GPS, conventional methodologies will be employed. Temporary control points (TBM’s) will be set in the event a monument cannot be readily found. As practical, the TBM will be set at the reference monument location. If the specified location is not practical, the TBM will be set at a more suitable location either landward or seaward along the specified profile azimuth. H&M shall be notified of any missing monuments and shall be provided with the horizontal and vertical position of all TBM’s. Onshore Profile Data Collection - Topographic Onshore profile data collection shall extend from the FDEP profile control monument seaward to approximate wading depth or as required to overlap the offshore profile data a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet. Profile data collection shall extend landward to the seawalls or fifty (50) feet landward of the five-foot (+5.0') NAVD88 contour line and shall include location of the seaward vegetation line. In the event there is a physical barrier on line between the beach and the monument, every reasonable attempt shall be made to extend the survey beyond the barrier to the reference monument position. It is understood that certain physical barriers may be considered impassible such as large buildings, private residences with difficult access, waterbodies, mangroves or other heavy vegetation requiring line clearing. At the discretion of the surveyor, data collection will be terminated at the first physical barrier if deemed impassible using practical means of extending the survey landward. Profiles terminated due to impassible barriers will be noted in the field books. Profile data will be collected using either conventional differential leveling or Real-time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning techniques. Data points will be collected at a maximum interval of twenty-five (25) feet and at all grade breaks (exceeding one-foot) and material changes along the profile. In the event the profile control monument is located more than three hundred (300) feet landward of the vegetation line, data points shall be extended to intervals of one hundred (100) feet from two hundred (200) feet landward of the approximate vegetation line to the monument location. The reference monument shall be recorded as range 0.0 along the profile with positive ranges extending seaward of the monument and negative ranges extending landward of the monument. Proposal for Professional Services - Revised Collier County 2022 Physical Monitoring Survey Collier Beach, Wiggins Pass, Doctors Pass South Marco, Central Marco & Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida September 20, 2021 (Previous August 30, 2021) Page 3 of 4 Surveying • Engineering • Appli cations Offshore Profile Data Collection - Bathymetric Bathymetric profile data shall be collected as close to high tide as practical and shall extend landward to a depth that overlaps the onshore portion of the survey a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet. Bathymetric profile data collection shall extend seaward to the negative thirteen (–13) feet NGVD29 contour (approximately -14.5’ NAVD88) at Collier Beach and South Marco Beach, and negative fifteen (–15) feet NGVD29 contour (approximately -16.3’ NAVD88) at Doctors Pass Structures, or two thousand (2,000) feet from the shoreline, whichever is the greater distance. Bathymetric data collection shall occur as close to the time of the onshore topographic survey as practical, which shall not exceed seven (7) days of time difference between the two (2) survey events. Maximum wave height during the course of bathymetric data collection shall be three (3) feet. Bathymetric data shall be collected using an automated hydrographic system comprised of a survey launch equipped with a marine grade sounder, differential global positioning system and computer-based navigation / data collection system, and when deemed necessary may be interfaced with a DMS-05 Motion Sensor System. The motion sensor will be employed as necessary to reduce the effects of vessel heave, pitch and roll during the course of data collection. The sounder shall be calibrated via bar checks prior to the start of the survey. Prior to the start of the survey a tide staff or gauge will be established in proximity to the project for recording water levels during the course of the data collection activities. The tide staff or gauge will be set relative to published control in the vicinity of the project. Digital Ground Photography During the course of field data collection, digital photographs shall be taken at approximate mid-beach along each profile line. Three (3) photographs shall be captured, one each shore-parallel north and south of the profile and one towards the monument location. An additional photograph of the monument or TBM shall be taken with sufficient clarity to read the monument stamping. Digital images shall b e provided to H&M in .jpg format at a minimum 640 x 480 resolution. Data Processing and Final Deliverables Upon completion of field survey activities, data will be edited and reduced to the project datum and translated to an x,y,z, ASCII format for submittal to H&M. H&M will be provided the following deliverables: 1. Survey report certified by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper. 2. Description of all monuments and TBM’s used for the survey, including identification, stamping, coordinates, elevations and profile azimuths. Control description shall be provided in both hardcopy and digital formats (ASCII and Excel), as applicable. 3. Bathymetric data and / or profile data in ASCII x,y,z format 4. Digital photographs in .jpg format with appropriate labeling 5. Metadata files Cost Breakdown: Task One: a. $13,220.00 b. $ 2,650.00 Total Task One: $ 15,870.00 Task Two: $ 31,750.00 Task Three: $ 11,500.00 Task Four: $ 15,530.00 Task Five: $ 7,605.00 Task Six: $ 9,900.00 Total: $ 92,155.00 Proposal for Professional Services - Revised Collier County 2022 Physical Monitoring Survey Collier Beach, Wiggins Pass, Doctors Pass South Marco, Central Marco & Doctors Pass Structures Collier County, Florida September 20, 2021 (Previous August 30, 2021) Page 4 of 4 Surveying • Engineering • Appli cations Should you have questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. We appreciate this opportunity to assist you with this project and look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Approved this day of , 2021 _ William T. Sadler Jr., P.E., P.S.M. Mr. Steve Foge, P.E. or Authorized President Humiston & Moore Engineers Representative Sea Diversified, Inc.