Agenda 07/10/2007 In Absentia Board of County Commissioners In Absentia 7 /10/2007 - to be received for ratification on July 24, 2007 Meeting Details Page I of 4 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (CRAB) ~. ,~ )/ ,,\ AGENDA July 10, 2007 9:00 AM Jim Coletta, BCC Chairman, District 5; CRAB Vice-Chairman Tom Henning, BCC Vice-Chairman, District 3 Donna Fiala, BCC Commissioner, District 1; CRAB Chairman Frank Halas, BCC Commissioner, District 2 Fred W. Coyle, BCC Commissioner, District 4 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY MANAGER PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGEND, ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE 13) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2003-53, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 2004-05 AND 2007-24, REQUIRES ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO TH E BOARD AT BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITl WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE vATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS." ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECOI THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH TH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATI THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANC PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3301 EAS TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112, (239) 774-8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARIN IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1 :00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. AGENDA AND MINUTES 3. SERVICE AWARDS: (EMPLOYEE AND ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS) A. Advisory Committee Service Awards B. 20 Year Attendees http://bccagenda/I ntranet/MeetingDetai Is .aspx ?meetingid=9 5 7/I 0/2007 Meeting Details Page 2 of4 C. 25 Year Attendees D. 30 Year Attendees E. 35 Year Attendees 4. PROCLAMATIONS 5. PRESENTATIONS 6. PUBLIC PETITIONS Item 7 and 8 to be heard no sooner than.1 :00 p.m.. unless otherwise noted. 7. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 8. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 10. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON GENERAL TOPICS 12. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 13. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 14. AIRPORT AUTHORITY ANDIOR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 15. STAFF AND COMMISSION GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS .---------------------------.-.----------------------------------------------------.-.--------------------------------------------------------------------.. 16. CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will be taker one motion without separate discussion of each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the Board, th item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. -------------------------...----------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES B. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES C. PUBLIC UTILITIES D. PUBLIC SERVICES E. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES F. COUNTY MANAGER http://bccagenda/l ntranet/MeetingDetails. aspx ?meetingid =9 5 7/1 0/2007 Meeting Details Page 3 of4 Recommendation to recognize additional revenue in the amount of $913 and approve a budget amendment to increase the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) budget. C9D1ment~ I\!ta.g.hm!lnts Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean (Owners) for deferral 0 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at L( 12, Milagro Place. Comments AttachmE1.nts Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco (Owners) for defer of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at 116, Trail Ridge Naples. Comments Attachments Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Ronda Lofton (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 148, Independence Phase II. COrnrnJln.ts M".c:hrnen!s Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Naomi Valdez (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 147, Independence Phase II. CQrnmeDJs I\t(a_c.hrnents Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Marie Midouin and Jn Robert Jn Baptiste (Owners) for deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 149, Trail Ridge, Naples. C:;ornm!lnls 1\!ta.<;,hrn!lD!l; Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopt a Resolution fixing the date, time and place for the Public Hearing for approving the Special Assessment (Non-ad valorem Assessment) to be levied against the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxin and Benefit Unit Comments Attachments Report and Ratify Staff.Approved Change Orders and Changes to Work Orders to Board-Appro Contracts. Comrnents !\J!achm!!l1ts Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Regina Rhodes (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located Lot 200, Trail Ridge, Naples. c.Qmm~nts Att<!<;,hmenls Recommendation To Reject Bid No. 07-4115 For "US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Bouleva Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract". C:QmrTl!ln!l; AtlaghmE1.nts Recommendation to ratify additions to, deletions from and modifications to the 2007 Fiscal Yea Pay and Classification Plan made from April 1, 2007 through June 15, 2007. C_Qm!!!~Dl~ AttaChments G. AIRPORT AUTHORITY ANDIOR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY H. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE http://bccagenda/l ntranet/MeetingDetai Is.aspx ?meetingid =9 5 7/10/2007 Meeting Details Page 4 of 4 J. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS K. COUNTY ATTORNEY 17. SUMMARY AGENDA - THIS SECTION IS FOR ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS AND MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1) A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL FROM STAFF; 2) UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OR OTHER AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OF ALL MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING; 3) NO WRITTEN OR ORAL OBJECTI TO THE ITEM RECEIVED BY STAFF, THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTHER AUTHORIZII AGENCIES OR THE BOARD, PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE BCC MEETING ON WHICH THE ITEI ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD; AND 4) NO INDIVIDUALS ARE REGISTERED TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION' THE ITEM. FOR THOSE ITEMS, WHICH ARE QUASI-JUDICIAL IN NATURE, ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE S' IN. 18. ADJOURN INQUIRIES CONCERNING CHANGES. TO THE BOARD'S AGENDA SHOULD BE MADE TO THE COUNTY MANAG OFFICE AT 774-8~~. http://bccagenda/lntranet/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=9 5 7/1 0/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to recognize additional revenne in the amount of $913 and approve a budget amendment to increase the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) budget. OBJECTIVE: The execution of this budget amendment is necessary to recognize additional revenue from the Corporation for National Community Service to increase the RSVP budget by $913. CONSIDERATIONS: The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is the only link in Collier County to match volunteers with agencies requesting senior volunteers to help serve the needs of the community. As sponsor of the program, Collier County Government is able to implement a more comprehensive volunteer program within County Government thereby reducing salary costs to the County. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There is no growth management impact from this recommendation. FISCAL IMPACT: FY 07 budget in RSVP (I 16) will increase by $913. No additional matching funds are required. RECOMMENDA TIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the budget amendment to recognize the additional revenue. Prepared by: Terri Daniels, Accounting Supervisor, Housing and Human Services Department Notice of Grant Award Corporation for National and Community Service 60 Forsyth St Sw, Suite 3m40 Atlanta, GA 30303-8808 Retired and Senior VOlu..,teer Program Grantee Collier COWlty Government 3301 Tamiami Trail, East Building H, Room 211 Naples FL 34112-3969 EIN: 596000558 Award Information Agreement No.: Amendment No.: CFDA No.: 06SRSFLOO4 2 94.002 Projecl Perlod: Budgel Perlod: 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2009 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2008 Award Description FY2006 Funding and admin increase. Purpose _.____.. The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the Domestic Volunleer Service Act of 1973, as amended (42 V.S.C., Chapter 22). Funding Information Prntously Current Year Awarded ThlaV.... This IwArdI Total CUrTlnt Amendmenl V..r Telal Obligated by CNCS Grantee's Unobligated Balance (CarryoVCT) Total Available so $67.313 $67,313 so so so so $67,3l3 $67,313 Cumulative Funding for Project Period Total Awarded in Previous Years SO S67,313 Total CNCS Funds A warded to Date Special Conditions Costs allowed under this grant are limited to those categories contained in signed application package dated 511 012006. Grantees shall prepare a Project Progress Report (CNCS-1020 for Senior Corps or CNS 1433 for AmerlCorps.VISTA) semi- annually at the end of the 2nd, and 4th quarters of the budget period. The report shall be submitted to the Corporation Program Manager no later than 30 days after the end of the designated reporting period. This award includes an Administrative lncrease of$897 based on the additional FY06 funding provided by the Congress. This action is taken at the convenience of the govenunent to expedite providing increased Fiscal Year 2006 appropriations to programs. Terms of Acceptance: By accepting funds under lhis granl. the Granlee agrees to comply with aU terlDS and conditions of the grant thai are on the Corporation's websJle at hllp:llegrants.cns.gov/lenosandcondltionslRSVPTandC%20Revlsed%2020050613.pdf. all assurances and certlllcations made In Ihe Granl application. and aU applicable federal stalutes. regulations and guidelines. The Grantee agrees 10 admlnlster the funded Program In accordance with the approved Granl application and budgel(s), supporting documents. and other representations made in supporl of the approved Granl application. Notice of Grant Award 60 Forsyth St Sw, Suite 3m40 Atlanta, GA 30303-8808 Retired and Senior Volunteer Pr.<>gr.!lm G rante e ~._~.- Collier County Government 330 I Tamiami Trail, East Building H, Room 211 Naples FL 34112-3969 Corporation for National and Community Service: EIN: 596000558 09/1512006 Signature Dale Alexi. Duncan, (404)562-4053 Grants Official Alexis Duncan Name (typed) Ruben Nazario, 407-648.6117 Program Official Senior Grants Officer Title BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST For BudgetIFinance Use Only SA' JE#.. BAR# AP,H. Date. 116 Fund Number Miscellaneous Grants - RSVP Fund Description Date Prepared: 06/25/2007 Approved by BCC on: Attach Executive Summary Item No.: 16(0) Fund Center Title: WBS Element Title: Expense Budget Detail RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) RSVP - 09/30/06 - 09/30/07 Fd Ctr No.: 121830 WBS No.: 342111 lprovide the Fund Center or was element infonnation; it is not rc uired tl2...E!ovide both Fund WBS Commit Commitment Item Increase Current Revised Center Element Item Description I (Decrease) Bud~et Bud~et 121830 342111 512100 Regular Salaries 913 42,716 43,629 Net Change to Budget 913 Fund Center Title: WBS Element Title: Revenue Budget Detail RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) RSVP - 09/30106 - 09/30/07 Fd Ctr No.: 121830 WBS No.: 342111 (Provide the Fund Center or was element infonnation; it is nol required t~ovide both Fund WBS Commit Commitment Item Increase Current Revised Center Element Item Description I (Decrease) Bud~et Bud~et 121830 342111 331520 Retired Senior Volunteer 913 66,400 67,313 Program (CNCS) Net Change to Budget 913 EXPLANA nON Why are funds needed? Funds are needed to provide administrative support and volunteer recognition to RSVP participants. Where are funds available? Additional revenue was received from the RSVP funding agency, Corporation for National and Community Service in the amount of$913. REVIEW PROCESS DATE J Cost Center Director: Division Administrator: Budget Department: ~ncy Manager: Finance Department: Clerk of Board Admin.: I~ut by: B.A. No.: Page I of I COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Meeting Date: Recommendation to recognize additional revenue in the amount of $913 and approve a budget amendment to Increase the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) budget. 7/10/2007 g:OOOO AM Prepared By Terri A. Daniels Grants Coordinator Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/26/20072:44:14 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20079:35 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 6/27/200710:51 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/3/20078:25 AM http://bccagenda/I ntranetl attachmentvi ewer .aspx ?attachmentid=-I &i temid=9469 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean (Owners) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 12, Milagro Place. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean for deferral of ]00% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean, which application, after staff review, was determined to qualitY for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Milagro Place subdivision in ]mmokalee. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-40 I (3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualifying for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approva] of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $]9,3] 1.96 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, this would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean located at Lot ]2, Milagro Place, ]mmokalee. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Relurn III FnnkR.mlil'Y ClIllierCountyHHS 3301 E, Tlmbmi Trltl Napll'J,tloridaJ4112 File# 07-I06-IF This Spllte for recording LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF 100% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS ..t' This Agreement is entered into this Z/ day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and "Jeanne Jean and Grandoit Jean" (OWNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1, This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida, known as 'The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the tenus of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit "A" 3. The term of this Agreement is from the date set forth above until the impact fee is repaid, 4. The amount of the impact fees deferred shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling unit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling lll1it; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale, or not later then the effective date of the transfer, As set forth in Exhibit "B," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Eleven and 961100 Dollars ($19.311.96). Repayment shall include any accrued interest. Interest shall be computed at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum, hut in no event shall it exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total fee amount. 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A," which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. This Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit. The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall run with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned, or otherwise conveyed. Except as provided by law, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest, this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien for County taxes, 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the OWNER, the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact fees are then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs, incurred by the COUNTY in enforcing this Agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid. 8. This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the OVINER'S successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year ftrst above written. Attest; DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: By: lAMES COl.ETTA, CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk OWNER: Witnesse~ -~ ;i,L ~ .,., ~,. .. '-"'-'..~ ._-~- PrintNamc.-l.1dl't. f--[~.,tr:;>-CLr 7-___r.:~.Jil,LJ.i G. ~~': II hi Jeanne Jean OWNER: Wi~~~ pi! ame I+~ - - {(U~ / ,.'f-/"-.'0,....-'1 Grant10it Jean '0,. STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this Z \ day of ..}t I'\*--' , 2007, by,)t'iLI'lllr 'l-CL: ,j * C'((,tllde d )t.;i\who is personally known to me or has produced t' n.t t"L' 1\\ .,_ _______ ___~.____ as proof of identity. ANN FASCHING NotarjN(6i&R$toIeSflllbijd a My Commission # 00304461 M~ CommiSSIon Expires Mar 28, 2008 en! Appr e and to form lciency: Recommend Approval: I i J;' , , I ' {, ~;'~~~~~-je, M~' - Director Collier County Housing and Human Services Jeffrey latzkow Managi g ssistant County Attorney EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 12, Milagro Place, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 41, Pages 89 and 90, ofthe Public Records of Collier County, Florida. EXHIBIT "B" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee A. EMS Impact Fee B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee C. Library Impact Fee D. Community Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee G. Road Impact Fee H. Government Buildings Impact Fee I. Law Enforcement Impact Fee TOTAL IMPACT FEES JAK Approved --!~! ~ Amount Owed $100.59 $150.66 $460.23 $935.00 $2,068.00 $8,228.00 $6,359.00 $725.00 $285.48 $19,311.96 Page I of I COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Meeting Date: t~ocommel1dation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Jeanne Jean and Grandol! Jean (Owners) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unlllocated at Lot 12. Milagro Place 7/10/2007 g:OO:OO AM Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 6/27/2007 2:49:00 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:01 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 7/2/200711:41 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/2/20072:09 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/2/20073:41 PM http://bccagenda/lntranet/ attachmentviewer .aspx ?attachmentid=-I &i temid=948 5 711 0/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco (Owners) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 116, Trail Ridge Naples. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco for deferral of 1 00% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco, which application, after staff review, was determined to qualify for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Trail Ridge subdivision in Naples. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-40 I (3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualifYing for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $13,616.20 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, this would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco located at Lot 116, Trail Ridge, Naples. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Rrturnlo FrankRlmlCY Cnllier County HUS llO] E.TlmiamiTl1lil "Mfl]es,Floridlll.U12 File# 07-087-IF Thil splICe fllrr<<ordlug LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF 100% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMP ACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS ,41~ This Agreement is entered into this ~ day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and "Adolfo Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco" (O\VNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: I. This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collief County, Florida, known as "The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the terms of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit" A." 3. The term of this Agreement is from the date set forth above until the impact fee is repaid. 4. The amount of the impact fees deferred shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling unit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling unit; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale, or not later then the effective date of the transfer. As set forth in Exhibit "B," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Sixteen and 20/100 Dollars ($13.616.20). Repayment shall include any accrued interest. Interest shall be computed at the rate of five percent (5%) per annwn, but in no event shall it exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total fee amount. 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A," which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. This Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit. The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall run with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned, or otherwise conveyed. Except as provided by law, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest, this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any o\\-uer, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien tor County taxes. 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the OWNER, the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact fees are then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs, incurred by the COUNTY in enforcing this Agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid. 8. This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the OWNER's successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. Attest: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: By: JAMES COLEITA, CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk Print Name",' . OWNER: 4,' . no ---oor; ",() T() ;'''i (' Ado fo Tinoco /,:/:, Witnesses: "r, "t-. Print Name -'.., ~,.., OWNER: ;t~fffd.. .A~Le._ Witnesses: STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) The, foregQing Agr~ement was acknowledged before me this ~ day of 2007, by l\(\r\ Xp ,'t ~ ^',).II 'l ,t\T:-"'')i",~who is personally known to me or has produced -:; as proof of identity. ~~,,:'V..........,.....,.'V\.\N....i'''',:'''',':,-'; ):l';ij-<Of~t:SEMJ i. ;: ';~'~':,_' '::;1' "';1 ~;..v ;;:__v'''.w'''~-v /'/ Signanire of Person Taking AcknOWledgment A to form y: Recommend Approval: , i ~t.'-~';f.. 1, ~.c. Marcy Krumbine, MP A Director Collier County Housing and Hwnan Services Je y,. Klatzkow Managi\t Assistant County Attorney EXHIBIT '\A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 116, Trail Ridge, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 44, Pages71 through 77, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. EXHIBIT "B" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee A. EMS Impact Fee B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Amount Owed TOTAL IMP ACT FEES $100.59 $62.14 $368.18 $750.00 $1,659.00 $3,731.00 $150.24 $827.00 $83.05 $3,125.00 $2.760.00 $13,616.20 C. Library Impact Fee D. Community Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Road Impact Fee G. Government Buildings Impact Fee H. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee I. Law Enforcement Impact Fee J. Sewer Impact Fee K. Water Impact Fee JAK Approved_I_I_ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Page I of I Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to Sign, a lien agreement with Adalia Tinoco and Margarita Tinoco (Owners) lor deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact fees lor an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 116, Trail Ridge Naples 7/10/2007 9:0000 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 6/27/2007 2:51 :04 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:03 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 7/2/200711:40 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/2/2007 2:13 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/2/20074:03 PM http://bccagenda/lntranet/ attachmentviewer. aspx ?attachmentid=-l &itemid=9486 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Ronda Lofton (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occnpied affordable housing unit located at Lot 148, Independence Phase II. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Ronda Lofton for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Ronda Lofton, which application, after staff review, was determined to qualify for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Independence Phase II subdivision, Immokalee. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-401(3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualifying for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $10,177.64 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, this would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Ronda Lofton located at Lot 148, Independence Phase II, Immokalee. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Rt'tll..nlll F.....kRamM'y f:olUt'rCoIIGryHHS 3lO1 t;,TamlamITratl "Iillpl''$,F1QridaJ4112 File# 07-096-1~' Tbb SPUt fot rffording LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF tOO% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOLTSING DWELLING UNITS This Agreement is entered into this J.Z day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and "Ronda Lofton" (OWNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1, This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida, known as "The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the terms of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit "A.t! 3. The term of this Agreement is from the date set forth above until the impact fee is repaid, 4. The amount of the impact fees defl."ITcd shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling unit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling unit; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale, or not later then the effective date of the transfer. As set forth in Exhibit "8," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Ten Thousand One Hundred Seventy Seven and 64/100 Dollars ($10.177.64). Repayment shall include any accrued interest Interest shall be computed at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum, but in no event shall it exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total fee amount 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A," which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. This Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall run with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned, or other.vi.se conveyed, Except as provided by taw, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest, this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien for County taxes. 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the OWNER, the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact fees are then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs, incurred by the COUNTY in enforcing this Agreement. plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid. 8. This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the O'W''NER's successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. Witn~/~. .'M'.; /, " ..' i ./ lUo:1r Pri~t, /;\;-~~( - . .Z\'~' \~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) Tho19regoing Areepjent was acknowledged before me this .J1.. day of. ,Jut? -€- . by ~ C\\(~(... _c~Y,\ , who is personally known to me or has produced as proof of identity. '\ ,/' Attest: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk By: , Deputy Clerk WitJ.lesses: ,-..,n ICu He, v'\QJ'-<crL Print Name 'f'{\Clc l1-'\Q. Al.;C'..((:~ 2007, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, By: JAMES COLETTA, CHAIRMAN OWNER: //1 --h (._-=c&0_%~_.__ Ronda Lofton L/ OWNER: 19na, e of Person Taking Acknowledgment R~o.mmend 7rovw . , L-;';Z;;;;;tme, JPA .J' Director Collier County Housing and Human Services EXHIBIT '~A " LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 148, Independence, Phase II, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Pages 64 tbrough 66, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. EXlllBIT "B" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee A. EMS Impact Fee Amount Owed TOTAL IMPACT FEES $100.59 $113.53 $460.23 $935.00 $2,068.00 $1,778.00 $4,489.00 $150.24 $83.05 $10,177.64 B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee c. Library Impact Fee D. Conununity Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee G. Road Impact Fee H. Government Buildings Impact Fee I. Law Enforcement Impact Fee JAKApproved_f---.J_ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Page I of I Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign. a lien agreement with Ronda Lofton (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housmg unit located at Lot 148. Independence Phase II 7/10/2007900:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services HOllsing and Human Services 6/27/2007 2:55:15 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:11 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 6/28/200711 :23 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin, 7/2/2007 11 :34 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/2/20073:11 PM Approved By James V, Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/2/20074:06 PM http://bccagenda/lntranet/ attachmentviewer .aspx ?attachmentid=-l & itemi d=94 8 8 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Naomi Valdez (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 147, Independence Phase II. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Naomi Valdez for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Naomi Valdez, which application, after staff review, was determined to quality for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Independence Phase II subdivision, Immokalee. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-401(3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualitying for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $10,177.64 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, Ihis would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Naomi Valdez located at Lot 147, Independence Phase II, Immokalee. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Rttunlto Fr.akR.mlt)' Collier Couaty HIlS 3301 E. T.mi.mi Trail Naples,Florld.34112 File# 07-095-IF Tbls 1p8('(' Cor r<<ordlq LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF 100% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS This Agreement is entered into this .M day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision nf the State nf Florida (COUNTY) and "Naomi Valdez" (OWNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier COWlty, Florida, known as .'The Collier COWIty Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the terms of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit tlA." 3. The term oftrus Agreement is from the date set forth above 1.Ultil the impact fee is repaid. 4. The amount of the impact fees deferred shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling nnit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling unit; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale, or not later then the effective date of the transfer. As set forth in Exhibit "B," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Ten Thousand One Hundred Seventy Seven and 64/100 ($10.177.64). Repayment shall include any accrued interest. Interest shall be computed at the rate of five percent (5%) per annwn. but in no event shall it exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total fee amount. 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A." which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. lbis Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit. The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall fWl with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned. or otherwise conveyed. Except as provided by law, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest:. this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any owner. lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person. except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien for County taxes. 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement. and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the OWNER. the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact fees are then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs, incurred by the COUNTY in enforcing this Agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid. 8. This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the OWNER's successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year fIrst above written. Attest: DWlGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: By: JAMES COLEITA, CHAlRMAN ,Deputy Clerk ~s:~ Print Nam~~ ~~c& W'~: C~. ,,' GJJ-, IC -'!~~~C_ .' ame -4';f' .' J../e'l/' i. (E:"= STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) OWNER: 2007, The foregoing Agree1llcnlwas acknowledged before me this J>2 L day of \~'V1C' , by ~'('" r,'(V\'1" \ Jr.,. \i\C z.. ,who is personally known to me or has produced T i \\)"r' \iI''( /-,c,:'.....:.:_L_asproofofidentity. , 7 . , // r / lr:d-7-u/. F~.'/~ , ;'"';r SIgnature of Person Taking Acknowledgment ~1t1~I;~~ ~:':(~~~-~.'". \',:,;;; ~ '''V'J'N,,^, .3 Re~,9mmend APrroYaJ: ) - ~,- i ,i_ _/ 'Marcy Krum~ine, MP A Director Collier County Housing and Human Services EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 147, Independence. Phase II, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Pag.. 64 throngh 66, inclusive, of the Public Records oreollier County, Florida. EXHIBIT "B" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee Amount Owed A. EMS Impact Fee B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee C. Library Impact Fee D. Commnnity Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Educational Facilities System Impact fee G. Road Impact Fee H. Government Buildings Impact Fee I. Law Enforcement Impact Fee TOTAL IMPACT FEES $100.59 $113.53 $460.23 $935.00 $2,068.00 $1,778.00 $4,489.00 $150.24 $83.05 $10,177.64 JM Approved -1_1_ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Page 1 of 1 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement WIth Naomi Valdez (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 147, Independence Phase II 7/1 0/2007 9:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 6/27/2007 2:57:15 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:08 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 6/28/2007 11 :21 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 7/2/2007 11 :34 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/2/2007 2:51 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/2120074:08 PM http://bccagenda/lntranet/ attachmentviewer. aspx?attachmenti d=-l &i temid=948 9 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Marie Midouin and In Robert In Baptiste (Owners) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 149, Trail Ridge, Naples. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Marie Midouin and In Robert In Baptiste for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Marie Midouin and In Robert In Baptiste, which application, after staff review, was determined to qualify for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Trail Ridge subdivision in Naples. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-401(3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualifying for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $12,143.84 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, this would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Marie Midouin and In Robert In Baptiste located at Lot 149, Trail Ridge, Naples. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Relurnto FnlnklbllllSC)' CollierCountyHHS 3301 E. Tamiami Tnlil Naprea,F1orida34112 File# 06-080-IF Thllspaurorreconllng LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF 100% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS This Agreement is entered into this _~ day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and "Marie Midouin and 1n Robert In Baptiste" (OWNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida, known as "The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the terms of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit "A." 3. The term of this Agreement is from the date set forth above until the impact fee is repaid. 4. The amount of the impact fees deferred shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling unit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling unit; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale. or not later then the effective date of the transfer. As set forth in Exhibit "B," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Twelve Thousand One Hundred Fortv Three and 841100 Dollars ($12.143.84). Repayment shall include any accrued interest. Interest shall be computed at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum, but in no event shall it exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total fee amount. 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A," which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. This Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit. The lien shall tenninate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall run with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned, or otherwise conveyed. Except as provided by law, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest. this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien for County taxes. 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the O\VNER, the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact tees arc then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs, incurred by the COUNTY in enforcing this Agreement, plus interest at the then maximwn statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid, 8, This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the OWNER's successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first above written. Attest: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: By: JAMES COLETTA, CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk OWNER: '~i'liL ., i( (/1.( "} , \-' fl{' I 11([/ ,i Q Marie M idouin \'IA"ul.(" , : ,A , o-~'-v Print Name OWNER: Witnesses: ) . P: ot arne v k -1' L- _)I\LRot)~I\.-' - '"-~ ",,; In Robert In Baptiste 6,.yrttk / II JD1n-l _ 1<.-11':;;' (r~/'" STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) 2007, The foregoing Agreement was aCKnowltd~d 'J;fore me this 13 day of by /.-'{UYU M,JOr'... f. 1n tlo,t<i.v 0 ;~ ~~A~.;~t& known to me or as proof of identity. I'J7<' has produced ",,t:;;;::~~WC--"f:I>'Y'M^-~~'~ tl"lY'j ALPStlACij.L';"I;JO;: ~"'. ''',' ".. ". ". ..'. ... '.. . .' 'If' ':.t, .., ~.'.. 'I.).."" '.)~ ,"::.< 5 ~l:~.t"w'f~:,:~.::.':.J ij ~,~~_ ac7 . ~ Signature of PersOn Taking AcKnowledgment Recommend Approval: /, ." -+ /. Murcy Krumbirle, MPA Director Collier County Housing and Human Services EXHIBIT" A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 149, Trail Ridge, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 44, Pages?] through 77, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. EXHIBIT "8" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee A. EMS Impact Fee B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee C, Library Impact Fee D. Community Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee G. Road Impact Fee H. Government Buildings Impact Fee I. Law Enforcement Impact Fee J. Sewer Impact Fee K, Water Impact Fee TOTAL IMPACT FEES JAK Approvcd_f_J~ Amount Owed $93.00 $59.80 $192.37 $561.70 $560.68 $827.00 $3,731.00 $150.24 $83.05 $3,125.00 $2,760.00 $t2,I43.84 Page 1 of I COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Meeting Date: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Mane Mldouin and In Robert In Baptiste (Owners) for deferral of 100<% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located at Lot 149, Trail Ridge, Naples. 7/10/20079:00:00 AM Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Pllbl~(; Services Housing and Human Services 6/27/20072:59:25 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:06 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 6/28/2007 11 :20 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin, 7/2/200711 :32 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/2/20072:40 PM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 7/2/20074:27 PM http://bccagenda/lntranet/attachmentvicwcr.aspx?attachmentid~-l &itemid=9490 711 0/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopt a Resolution fixing the date, time and place for the Public Hearing for approving the Special Assessment (Non-ad valorem Assessment) to be levied against the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit for maintenance of the water management system, beautification of recreational facilities and median areas and maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, and establishment of Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, including the restoration of the mangrove forest, U.S. 41 berm, street signage replacements within the median areas and landscaping improvements to U.S. 41 entrances, all within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit OBJECTIVE: Adopt a Resolution fixing the date, time and place for the public hearing for approving the Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) to be levied against the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit for maintenance Df the water management system, beautification of recreational facilities and median areas, and maintenance of conservation Dr preserve areas, and establishment of Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, including the restoratiDn of the mangrove forest, U. S. 41 berm, street signage replacements within the median areas and landscaping improvements to U.S. 41 entrances. all within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. CONSIDERATION: The CDunty Commission, as part Df Ordinance 2002-27, as amended by Ordinance 2006-05, related to the creation of the Pelican Bay Municipal Services Taxing and Benefit Unit, shall hold a Public Hearing to hear, consider and adopt the Pelican Bay Budget. There is no specific date established (other than the time required by general budgetary law), but staff would recommend that the Board consider Thursday, September 6,2007 at 5:05 P.M. for the Public Hearing, to be held at The Collier County Government Center, W. Harmon Turner Building, Board Room, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112. Pursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, a Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) must also be adopted between June 1 and September 15, 2007 in order to insure that the assessments can be placed on the Collier County Tax Collectors bills this year. Combining the adoption of the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) and the Budget Hearing will provide for increased public awareness of the Pelican Bay Services Division's budget and assessment for Fiscal Year 2007--2008. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is nDt ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. Executive Summary Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no Fiscal Impact associated with this Executive Summary. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the BDard of County Commissioners adopt a ResolutiDn fixing the date, time and place for the public hearing for approving the Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) to be levied against the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit fDr maintenance of the water management system, beautification of recreational facilities and median areas, and maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, and establishment of Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, including the restoratiDn of the mangrDve forest, U.S. 41 berm, street signage replacements within the median areas and landscaping improvements to U.S. 41 entrances, all within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. Prepared by Barbara Smith, Administrative Assistant, Pelican Bay Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 2007-_ A RESOLUTION FIXING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR APPROVING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT (NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT) TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE PELICAN BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENE~'IT UNIT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MANAGEM[NT SYSTEM, BEAUTIFICATION OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND MEDIAN AREAS, AND MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVATION OR PRESERVE AREAS, AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS FOR AMBIENT NOISE MANAGEMENT, THE MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVATION OR PRESERVE AREAS, INCLUDING THE RESTORATION OF THE MANGROVE FOREST PRESERVE AND TO FINANCE THE LANDSC:APING BEAUTIFICATION OF ONLY HlAT PORTION O~' U.S. 41 ~'ROM PINE RIDGE ROAD TO VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD, BERMS, STREET SIGN AGE REPLACEMENTS WITHIN THE MJ:D1AN AREAS AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS TO U.S. 41 ENTRANCES, ALL WITHIN THE Pt;LlCAN BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioner1l adopted Colli... County Ordinance 2002-27, as amended by Ordinance 2()()(H)5. creating the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit (hereinafter "Unit") for the purpose of providing street lighting., water management, ambient noise management. extraordinary law enforcement service and beautification. including but not limited to beautification of recreational f8(.-ilities, sidewalk, street and median areas, identification markers., the maintenance of conservation or preserve areas, i neluding the restoration of the mangrove forest presc:rve and to finance the landscaping beautification of only that ponion ofU.S.41 from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderl>ilt Beach Road. WHEREAS, Section 1973632, Florida Statutes. requires that a public hearing be held tu adopt a Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll for purposes of utilizing the uniform method of collection NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FWRlDA. thaI: SECTION ONE. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 2002- 27. as amended by Ordinance 2()()6..05. and other applicable provisions oflaw SECTION TWO It is hereby found and determined that a Special Assessment which includes the establishment of Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, the maintenance of the water management system, beautification of recreational facilities and median areas, and maintenance of conservation or reserve areas within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit is necessary for funding the required payments for the operation, repair and maintenance of the water management system, beautification of recreational facilities and median areas, and maintenance of conservation and preserve areas, including the restoration of the mangrove forest preserve during Fiscal Year 2007.2008. SECTION THREE. A public hearing before the Board of County Commissioner.; on the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non.ad Valorem Assessment Roll) of the estimated costs, including Capital Reserve Funds for the maintenance of conservation or preserve areas. U.S. 41 berms within the boundaries of the Unit, street sign replacements within the median areas. ambient noise management, landscaping improvements within the boundaries of the Unit, landscaping improvements to the U.S. 41 entrances within the boundaries of the Unit, the maintenance of the water management system. and beautification of recreation facilities and median areas, during Fiscal Vear 2007-2008 between the County and each property owner of land within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit will be held on Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 5:05 P.M. at The Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Board Room, Third Floor, W. Hannon Turner Building, Naples, Florida, at which time the Board of County Commissioners win hear objections of the owners of the properties within the Pelican Bay MWlicipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit or other persons interested therein, to the adoption of the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll). The Clerk shall keep a record in which shall be inscribed, at the request of any person. firm or CorporatioD baving or claiming to have any interest in any lot or parcel of land within the Unit. the name and post office address of such person. firm or corporation, together with the brief description or designation of such lot or parcel. The Clerk shall cause the notice of such public hearing to be published one time in the Naples Daily News. a newspaper published in Collier County and circulating in the Unit, not less than twenty (20) days prior to said date of the hearing. Notice of such public hearing to consider the adoption of the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) shall a1", be mailed first class mail to all the property owners on the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Nonwad Valorem Assessment Roll) at the address provided for on said roll. SECTION FOUR. Notice of such hearing shall be in suhstantially the following fonn: NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. will meet on Tbunday, September 6, 2007 at 5:05 P.M. at The Collier COlDlty Government Center, 3301 Ea.~t Tamiami Trail, Board Room, W. Harmon Turner Building, Third I Floor, Naples, Florida, for the purpose of hearing objections, if any, of all interested persons to the adoption of the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) allocating the assessable costs including Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, the maintenance of conservation or preserve area'i. including the restoration of the mangrove forest preserve and to finance the landscaping beautification of only that portion ofU.S.41 from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road; U.S. 41 benns within the boundaries of the Unit, street sign repLacements within the median areas, landscaping improvements within the boundaries of the Unit, landscaping improvements to the U.S. 41 entrances within the boundaries of the Unit. the maintenance of the water management system, and beautification of recreation facilities and median areas within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit which comprises and includes those lands described as follows: A tract of land being in portions of Sections 32 and 33, Township 48 South, Range 25 East: together with portions of Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9, Township 49 South. Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being one and the same as the lands encompassed within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. the perimeter boundary of same more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 33; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds West along the South line of Section 33 a distance of 150.02 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of U.S. 41 (State Road 45), said point also being the Point of Beginning; thence Southerly along the West right-of-way line of said U. S. 41 (State Road 45) the following courses: South 00 degrees 58 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 2.49 feet; thence South 00 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of3218.29 feet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 3218.56 feet; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 2626.21 feet; thence South OJ degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds F.ast a distance of 2555.75 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of Pine Road as recorded in D.B. 50, Page 490, among the Public Records of said Collier County; thence departing said U.S. 41 (State Road 45) South 89 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West along said North right-of.way line a distance of 2662.61 feet: thence South 00 degrees 51 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 70.00 feet to a point on the North line of Seagate Unit I as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 85 among said Public Records; thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West along said North line of Seagate Unit 1 and the South line of said Section 9 a distance of 2496.67 feet to the Southwest comer of said Section 9; thence conrinue South 89 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 225 feet more or less to a point on the mean high water line established May 15, 1968; thence a Northwesterly direction along said mean high water line a distance 15716 feet more or less; thence departing said mean high water line South 80 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East and along the Southerly line of Vanderbilt Beach Road (State Road 862) as =orded in D.B. 15, Page 121 among said Public Records a distance of 7385 feet more or less to a point on said West right-of-way line of U. S. 41 (State Road 45); thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 36 seconds East along said West right-of-way line a distance of 2574.36 tbet to the Point of Beginning. A copy of the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) for each Jot or parcel of land to be assessed is on tile at the Clerk to the Board's Office, County Government Center, W. Harmon Turner Building, Fourth Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples. Florida and in the offices of the Pelican Bay Services Division, 801 Laure) Oak: Drive. Suite 605. Naples, Florida, and is open to the inspection of the public. All affected property owners have a right to appear and be beard at the public hearing and to file written objections to the adoption of a resolution approving the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Non-ad Valorem Assessment Roll) with the Board withiD 20 da)'ll of this notice based upon the grounds that it contains items which can not be properly assessed against property. that the computation of the special assessment is incorrect, or there is a default or defect in the passage or character afthe resolution, or the Preliminary Assessment (Non..ad Valorem Assessment) is void or voidable in whole or part. or tha.t it exceeds the power of the Board, At the completion of the hearing. the Board shall either annular sustain or modify in whole or in part the Preliminary Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) as indicated OD such roll, either by confinning the Preliminary Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) against any or all lots or parcels described therein or by canceling, increasing. or reducing the same., according to the special benefits which the Board decides each such lot or parcel has received or wiU receive on account of such improvements. The assessment so made shall be final and conclusive as to each lot or parcel assessed unless proper steps are taken within twenty (20) days with a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relief. The Board will levy a Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) for operations and maintenance of the water management system and the beautification of the recreational areas and median areas. and maintenance of conservation and preserve areas utilizing an Equivalent Residential Unit based methodology. The total assessment for maintenance of the waler management system. beautification of recreational facilities, and median areas, and maintenance of conservation or preserve areas is S2,508,325.OO wbich equates to S329.25 per Equivalent Residential Unit based on 7618.29 assessable units. The Board will levy a Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessmeot) for the establishment of Capital Reserve Funds for ambient noise management, the maintenance and restoration of the conservation or preserve areas, U.S. 41 benn improvements within the Unit, street sign replacement within the median areas. landscaping improvements and U.S. 41 entrance improvements within the Unit, utilizing an Equivalent Residential Unit based methodology. The total assessment for these Capital Reserve Funds is S404,loo.oo which equates to S53.05 per Equivalent Residential Unit based on 7618.29 assessable units. 4 The Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) will be collected by the Collier County Tax Collector on the owner's Ad Valorem Tax Bill pursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the Special Assessment (Non-ad Valorem Assessment) and your property taxes will cause a lax certificate to he sold against the property, which may result in a loss of title to the property. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA JAMES COLLETTA, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Isl Patricia L. Morgan Deputy Clerk (SEAL) SECTION nVE. The Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to spread this Resolution in full among the minutes of this meeting for permanent record in his office. SECTION SIX. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. This Resolution adopted this _ day of t 2007. after motion. second and majority vote. A TrEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY JAMES COLETTA. CHAIRMAN ( ,,---- . . , \\ ----- i\ '" " CQ,,\.,U CO ~ I o ~ ..IoW(lI(....u ~ {CJt 841' S~ 1OAO C::.. i ~ CUIJ 01 IoO(XICO ; ~ --,=-- ; ~ . I . I . ...... "" . I .... . ~ I . i 5 , r: Page I of I COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Meeting Date: 16F Recommendation that the Board of County CommiSSioners adopt a Resolution fixing the date, time and place for the Public Heanng for approving the Special Assessment (Non-ad valorem Assessment) to be levied against the properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit 7110/2007900:00 AM Item Number: Item Summary: Prepared By Barbara C. Smith Administrative Assistant Date County Manager's Office Pelican Bay Services 6/2812007 10:48:49 AM Approved By Jean C.Smith Operations Analyst Date County Manager's Office Pelican Bay Services 6128120072:52 PM http://bccagenda/I ntranet/ attachmentviewer .aspx ?attachmentid=-I &i temid=94 9 5 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report and Ratify Staff-Approved Change Orders and Changes to Work Orders to Board- Approved Contracts. OBJECTIVE; To enable the Board to oversee the execution of administrative change orders and changes to work orders. and promote accountability in the use of staff authority. CONSIDERATIONS: On April 22, 2003, the Board approved a recommendation to implement a plan to enable changes to BCC-approved contracts (Section XIV. C, Collier County Purchasing Policy) of not greater than 10 percent of the current Board approved amount or $10,000 (whichever is greater) to be authorized by staff. Also included in the report are changes to Work Orders. These include work orders issued under CCNA Contracts, which are less than or equal to $200,000 (Section VII.C, Collier County Purchasing Policy). and changes to work orders for all other contracts (Section XIV. G, Collier County Purchasing Policy) which are not greater than 10 percent of the current Board Approved amount or $100,000 whichever is greater. The Administrative report identifies the percentage changes. to contracts or work orders, that have occurred since the prior BCC approved amount, which are below the threshold limits as referenced above. The plan calls for staff to submit a monthly report listing these change orders from the previous reporting period. Enclosed is the monthly report of the Administrative Change Order and Administrative Changes to Work Order Reports. These reports cover period May 22, 2007 through June 20, 2007. FISCAL IMPACT: The total change to contracts is $1.968.824.15. The total change to work orders is $55.338.60. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT; There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this action. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accepts the enclosed Administrative Change Orders and Administrative Changes to Work Orders Reports and ratifies the listed change orders and changes to work orders PREPARED BY: Diana De Leon, Contract Technician, Purchasing Department .c1_ g- ~ e 5 III :I Q. 0 B ~ :t.i ~oo... -<.> -CD ~ c C N ~ .. ~ ~ ~ o ;; S ~ ~ o . . e ~ 8,& :; :; GI t5B~ .0 ~:s lti~ . . 0 "> ~ E . 0 " ~<.>~ o o . ~ o _ 0 co' o ~ 0 2o~ <.> ~ ~ o c: 2 5 o ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ otl"'" CD ~ 0 i ]: g ~ 5 ~ <'><.>~ - "0 ~ 0 J: ::I 's. <.> e 0 '0 CD ~~ o :... ~ ~ o ~ w ~ '" ~ w ~ o w o z ~ <.> w > g '" z ;; o ~ c ~ it .! 0; z oE t . .. 0 ~ 'E E zz..o~ ~ g ~ ~ ti -g .0' t;; :; '!.,e 0>> ... 0 .c:: >lI..UUll. o .3 E 0 ~z # 0; ~ . N C. 8 M ~ C 0; ~ ~ N ~ 8 ~ N a 8 ,.; 8 ~ . N ~ o o ,.; o c. ~ ~ N ~ 8 ,.; 8. m ~ . 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" o ~ . ~ ~ E o ~ '0 c o ] .. ~ .E 2 . . ~ .; c . ~ E . = E ~ ~ '" :;: ..; ~ '" ;Ii ~. m ~ * ~ 8 g . ro M o '" ;Ii 8 ~ . 00 M o '" ;I; 8 sj . ~ o '" ;Ii a . . .. li o ~ c . ~ E 8 o '"~ ::>0 0. ~ ;i! ~ o " u ~ E 0 ui ~ -.- ~ 6 :2 0 <"l I1l ~Ui g ~ ~ g'~ ffi &;~6~~ B g ~ g ~ ~ o ~ . ~ ~ . o ~ ;; ~ c . ~ U '0 ~ .~ ~ o ~ o a ~ o N ~ c . . 3 ~ .. > . s . ~ ~ . 5 li . " o E ~ c . ~ c o ~ - . .; ~ " , ~ c jj . . . " ~ o E E ~ . B o 6 ~ ~ ~ "- .. c g is ~ i ~ . i! ~ e ~ . " ~ w o .. . ~ ~ '0 " o E ~ . 0. . o = .. o ~ 'S o a o ~ ;; ~c c 0 ~~ U 0 ~ c o 0 ~~ .- 5 ~li ~ . o. -,; CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKliST FORM I ~ PROJECT NAME: LASIP ohase 1.0. PROJECT #: 51101 BIDIRFP #: 07-4075 MOD #: ---1...-PO#: 4500077358 WORK ORDER #: N1A DEPARTMENT: Stormwater Manaaement Original Contraet Amount: $ 2.459.003 (Starting Point) $ 2.459.003 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Bee Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount: $ 2.53g.603 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: $ 41.250 Revised ContractIWork Order Amount: $ 2.579.853 (Including This Change Order) I I Cumuladve DoDar Value 01 Cha~g: _~:,~.~ ~o.tract/Work Order: $ 120.850.00 Date of Last BCC Approval Jan 23. 2007 Agenda Item # Item 10G Percentege of the change overlunder current cantract amount Formula: (Revised Amounll Last Bee approved amount)-l 4.91 % Resulls and AcUOOI: Contracla: If 1M change ~. 10% of !he cul11!Nl1 Bce amount, then sce approyal " requlrad; equal 10 or Ie.. than 10% reported to Bee by lhe purchasing dep.t/1m8nl CCNA Wotk OrcItn: For all work ord....l'\I.I:eXCIed $9O,OOOwhIQ the change don notexc:eed 10% or $10,000, IbeH ci\lnga In reported by the PurchUlng Department to the Bee admlrUtratlvtq. changer:t to .... work orcWt that exceed thOM threItJoktI require prkIr Bce approval. HON-CCNA Work OnSer.: If the c::twnQe iIlfCNCII10% of !he c::umml ace amount, !hen Bee apPfOVllll8 ruqulnild. If In doubt, contact your conlrlcl speclallsl For more tpedl'Ic Informatloo I1IQIf'dIng work order 1tvuhoIdI, p1euellller to the Procurement Adminifitralton Prooedu...., Sedlon IV.3.d. COMPLETION DATE (S):ORlGINAL: Seotember 30. 2007 CURRENT: Seotember 30. 2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (Sl: Identify the changes. Stormwater Mgl staff wishes to demonstrate inter-divisional cooperaUon by adding a small segment of force main to the LASIP Phase 1.0. construcUon. The work was requested by Sandy Sridhar of PUED and will not delay the overall construction. Simller work was elready being done as part of Phase 1A (relocellon of ulility lines) end the contractor, Mitchell and Stark. had appropriate personnel and equipment onsite. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or beneflt do these ohmges provide to the project? Staff beileves this is good inter-divlslonal cooperation and "best economy" scenario of the work for the County al~ around. The County will avoid mobilization charges since the contractor is onsite and prepared. In the past cooperaUve arrangements have been made between Transportation Dlv and UliIitles Dlv to construct ullllty lines simultaneously with road construction projects and this is a very similar effort. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Contractor. Slormwater Manaoement Deol staff Utilities Division I Enaine_erinq Decartmenl staff IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or NiA) ..:L Proposad change Is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement ..:L Proposed change is in fact an addiUon or deletion to the existing scope ..:L Change is being Implemented in a manner consistent with the exisUng agreement ..:L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change . L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth In the change are reasonable APPROVED BY: REViEWED BY: DATION: This form Is to be signed and dated. Date:_~7 Dale:~ Revised 3/29/06 ~ CONTRACT MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Northeast Facility ProQram ManaQement PROJECT #: 75012 BIDIRFP #: 06-3939 MOD#: 1 AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE $ 0.00 PO #: 45000643562 Work Order #: CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL $ 753.n5.00 CURRENT $ 753.n5.00 (STARTING POINT) (INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER) Last BCC Approved Amount $ 753.n5.00 (LAST TOTAL AMT. REQUIRING BCC APPROVAL) Date of Last BCC Approval June 20. 2006 Agenda Item # 16 (C) 4 Cumulative Dollar Value of Change Orders to this ContractlWork Order: $0.00 Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount 0 % Formula: (Current Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: If the change exceeds 10% BCC approval is required; under 10% reported to BCC on Purchasing report. For specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Contract Administration Proeedures, Section III.C.4. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: Julv 11.2007 CURRENT: Julv 11.2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identifv the chan!les. additional services throuah the allowance funds. Malcolm Pirnie Inc.. will provide JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? These additional services include assistance with review. compilation 01 information for CMAR contract. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Bill Mullin. Rov Anderson IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N1A) L Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement L Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope L Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change 2L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGE~ ~ECO~~~N~A~ON: This form Is to be sIgned and dated. APPROVEBY:~\)...QJl ~ Date: 'fi-2S""t)j Project Manager REVIEWED By\Jlevl..-4-D-.- . I..-^-- Date: 5'(2_1:7/ u'/ Contract Specialist Revised 12123/04 -y.. Proposed change is In fact an addnlon or deletion to the exlstlng scope -y.. Change is being implemented In a manner consistent with the existing agreement -y.. The appropriate partles have been consulted regarding the change -y.. Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth In the change are reasonable 3", Revised 10.24.2006 CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKU8T FORM 'i PROJECT NAME: l."'''nman RMld (c. R. 881'1 Inblneetlon l..Droveme." at GuideD Gate Parkwav PROJECT II: .Hm BID/RFP., 06~02 MOD., 1 POll: 4500088441 WORK ORDER ,: .tilA DEPARTMENT: Transoortatian Enalneerina & Construction Manaaement CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Bonness I ne i Orlglnll Contract Amount: , , , i Cu....nt BCC Approvod Amount: I I I Current Contract ~unt: i I; Change Amount: , Rovlood ContllCtIWOrk Order Amount: $'91565927 (Starting Point) $ 915.859 27 (Last Total Amount Approved by the acC) $91565927 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) $ 27A3592 $ 943 09519 (Including This Chonge Order) I i Cumulative Dollar Value of Chang.. to thlJ; ContractIWork Order:' 27 A315 92 L _ Date of Loot BCC Approvll Auousl 8 2008 Agolldoltem' ~ PaRentage of the chang. over/under current contrllct amount ~ Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount}-1 Results and Actions: Contram: If the change exceeds 10% of the current ace amount then Bee approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to Bee by the purchasing department CCHA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Pun:haslng Department to the BeC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCe approval. NON-CCNA Work Orden: If the change exceeds 10% of Ihe current Bee amount, Ihen Bee approvat is required. If in doubt, contad your contract specialist For more specific infonnation regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement AdministraUon Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: March 25 2007 CURRENT: June 25 2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (8): klentlfy the chang... 1) Orioinal Contract Chanoes 2) Intersection Chances 3\ Stanlsv Consultants Chanoes 4) WllsonMiller Chanaes 5\ Contract Time Extension JUSTIFICATION fOR CHANGE (S): What..lu. or bonollt do lh_ changes provide to tho projoct? 1\ Deduction of various work items fromthA onoinal conlract:that were not nHded durinG construction and addition of the relocation of two existino street liGht DOles and instaHatlon of II new one were necessarY for the northbound dual riahttum lane work 2\ The Davement on the L1vlnclllton RoadIGolden Gats Paritwav Intersection needed to be l'9WOIked to remove an existina hazardous bumo in the middle of the Intsrsectlon 3) Addition of stdewalk work on the west aooroach of the Livinaston Road/Golden Gate Parkway interBectlon were needed to match oncomInG imorDVemAntB on Goldan Gate Parkwav oer Stanlev Consultants Dlam 4l Additional work was needed to comDlete slonal Diana o~Dared bv WilsonMiller. 51 The time extension of ninety (90) days in C 0 #1 is necesS8N In order 10 orovlde enouoh time for contract closure activities (the contractor comDleted 100% of the work within the contract time The new contract lime is lYJo hundred seventy 1270l dayS PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: David Crosby ~Bonness\ Bernie Simmons tE B. Simmons Inc 1 WaYne Hartt P.E. lWilsonMiller) Marlene Messam P E (Stanlev Consultants} Bob Tioton P.E. (Collier County Traffic: Ooerationsl Jav Ahmed P E (TEeM\ Dale Bathe" P E (TECM1 John vnet (Read & Bridoe) Ron Dillard P E (PUEm IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Vorlfy oach before proceeding with chongo ..Ing Y, N or N1A) :.r.. Proposed change Is consistent With the scope of the existing agreement ::L Proposed change Is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope ::L Change Is being Implemented In a manner consistent with the existing agreement ::L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change ::L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth In the change are reasonable Revised 10.24.2006 , Datel5/ 3{) --i7 I Speclallsl ~ CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Exoansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-01 PO#: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction COrDoration r---' I Original Contract Amonnt: I Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Contract Amount: $ 8.884.508.00 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Cbange Amonnt: $ 5.857.00 Revised ContractIWork Order Amount: $ 8.890.365.00 (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value ofCbanges to tbis ContractIWork Order: $ 197.865.00 i L_.~,_~.______ Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCe by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work .Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 2.28 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: 07/30/2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Provide and install caulkina in control joints alona north wall of existina Sludae Dewaterina Sui/dina. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? CaulkinQ of control ioints alonQ the north wall 01 the existinQ bui/dinQ was not included in contract scooe for exoansion of the Sludae Dewaterino Buildino. After biddinQ and award of the construction contract, it became evident that existino control ioints were not adeauatelv sealed. As a resutt. rain water and moisture had infiltrated the control joints and caused debondinQ of existinQ stucco and oaint. The additional caulkino is reQuired to seal the ioints. orevent moisture intrusion into the buifdino and to mitiQats the ootential for mold formation within the buildino. As such. this was a betterment that imoroves the workino environment within the buifdina and orovides imoroved worker orotection with reaards to health and safelY. CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICA nON CHECKLIST FORM 5cc. PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Expansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-02 PO#: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N1A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corporation Original Contract AmoDnt: $ 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) . CurreDt BCC Approved AmODDt: $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) , Current Contract Amount: $ 8.890365.00 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: S 126.884.00. S (including This Change Order) Revised ContractlWork Order Amount: Cumulative Dollar Value of Changea to this Contract/Work Order: $ 324.749.00 Data of Last BCe Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # lOA Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Resu~s and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specifIC information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 3.74 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: 07/3012006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials. labor and eQuipment to repair and replace corroded metals associated with the main walkwav bridoe for Sludoe Gravity Thickeners Nos. 1 and 2. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The orioinal contract scope reouires that the contractor remove existina odor control covers from each of the existiml Sludoe Gravity Thickeners Nos. 1 and 2. remove mechanical mixino eQuipment. install diffused aeration eouipment within each tank and replace the odor control covers. Once the covers were removed. it became evident that portions of the metal walkwav supports had undemone substantial corrosion. In order the ensure that the walkwav bridoe is structurallv sound and sale. and to provide a safe wOrkino environment for plant personnel. it is necessarY to repair and replace and recoat the corroded portions. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM ~b PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Exoansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-03 POI: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corooration Original Contract Amount: S 8.692.500.00 (starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: S 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Contract Amonnt: $ (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: s 8.031.00 S (Including This Change Order) Cumulative DoUar Value of Changes to this ContraetIWork Order: S 332.780.00 Revised ContraetIWork Order Amount: Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change overlunder current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount 1 Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BeC by the purcheslng department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Adminislration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 3.83 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/02/2005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAl: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: 07/3012006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials. eauioment and labor for construction 01 revised Dewaterine Buildino east & west exterior walkwav stairs & ramos to the truck drivewav as oer sketches SK12A-12C & SK13A-13C. dated 2/10/06. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? To revise stair construction from exitina directlv onto the truck drivewav to an indirect exit Darallel to the truck drivewav. PrDDosed chance was the result of continuinc evaluation of desicn durina construction to enhance Dedestrian safelY and Drovida Drotectiva auardrails on raised walkwavs. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 6"c.... PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Expansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-04 PO#: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corporation Original Contract Amonnt: S 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amonnt: S 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Contract Amount: $ (Including All ChllllgCs Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: s 6.961.87 Revised Contract/Work Order Amount: S (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this Contract/Work Order: S 339.741.87 Date of last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department CCNA Work Orders: For ail wort< orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For mOre specific information re9arding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 3.91 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/3012005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: 07/30/2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials. labor and eauipment to instail aluminum aratina over floor slab openinas in the belt press room of the Sludae Dewaterina Buildina. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The intent of the curbed floor openinas was to ailow plant Dersonnel on the belt press room second floor to view the ioadina of sludae into truck trailer on the level below. immediatelv under the belt press room. In practice. the oDeninas did not provide adeauate lines of siaht to the entire trailer. Video cameras have since been mounted under a separate work order for trailer viewina. The aratina was instailed over the openinas as a safetv measure to prevent plant personnel from steppina throuah the openinas or droooina obiects throuah the ooeninas. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 50t PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Expansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-05 PO#: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corporation Original Contract Amonnt: S 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: S 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) Current Contract Amount: $ (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) I Change Amount: s 815.00 Revised Contract/Work Order Amonnt: $ (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this Contract/Work Order: S 340.556.87 Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCe approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders; If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCe amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section 1V.3.d. 3.92 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05i1012006 CURRENT: 07/30/2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials and labor to install an additionalli~ht fixture in the SludQe Dewaterlno Buildino vestibule. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The additional liQht fixture was reQuired to provide adeQuate illumination of the vestibule area. The vestibule area was reconfiQured durlnQ a previous contract chanQe order (Environmental UpQrades) to correct a pre- existinQ condition bv isolatina the air conditioned controi room area from the belt press process area. Had this item been discovered durina the re-desian period. it would have been incorporated into the additional costs included in that chanae item. There was no re-work reauired for this item. CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM ~e PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Exoansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-06 POI: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corooration Original Contract Amount: S 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: S 8.692.500.00 (Last Total AmoWlI Approved by the BCe) Current Contract Amount: $ (Including All Change. Prior To Thi. Modification) Change Amount: s 643.00 Revised Contract/Work Order Amount: S 9.033.699.87 (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Valne of Changes to this Contract/Work Order: S 341.199.87 Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval Is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCe by the purchasing department CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to Ihese work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist For more specific Information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 3.93 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/02/2005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/3012005 CURRENT: 0&1&2006 CURRENT: 07~012006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials and labor to install wirinll from a temoorary video camera at the Sludlle Dewaterina BuildinQ Truck Loadina Area (first floor) to the Dewaterina Control Room (second floor). JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The video camera was required to allow the belt press operator to view the level of sludae loadina into the sludae trailers (first floor levell from the operator control room (second floor). CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM ~(: PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Exoansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-07 POI: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corooration Original Contract Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) I Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total AmOWlt Approved by tho aCe) Current Contract Amount: $ 9.033.699.87 (Including AU Cblll1gO' Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: 5.366.00 S (Including This Change Ordot) $ Revised ContractIWork Order Amonnt: Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractIWork Order: $ 346.565.87 Date of Last BCC Approval 9/2312003 Agenda Item # lOA Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount 3.99 % Formula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current aCC amount, then BCC approval is requined; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/02/2005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: On3W2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. Materials and labor to install additional lateral Dice suooorts on dischartle oioina from the belt Dress sludae feed oumos. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The additional suooorts were reauired to brace oioina aaainst oulsation from the ooeratina motion of the oeristaltic oositive disolacement hose oumos. The amount of oulsation was oreater than anticioated durina desicn based on 'nout from the oumo manufacturer. Had this item been discovered durino the desicn Deriod. it would have been incoroorated into biddina documents and the additional costs included in this chance item would have been included in a hiaher fumo-sum bid orice for the overall Droiect. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 5'3 PROJECT NAME: NCWRF EXDansion to 24.1 MOD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-08 PO#: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corporation I Ori~nal Contract Amount: I S 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the Bee) Current Contract Amount: $ (Including All Ch8l1ges Prior To This Modification) Cbange Amount: S 128.581.51 S 9.167.647.38 -(Including This ChaDge Order) Cumulative DoDar Value ofCbanges to tbis Contract/Work Order: S 475.147.38 Revised Contract/Work Order Amount: Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then 8CC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specifIC information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 5.47 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 0~1W2006 CURRENT: 1113012006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identify the changes. Materials and labor for the followino work related to perimeter fencino. landscapino and irrioation work reouired to complv with the CDES Site Development Plan (SOP) Amendment 92-140: 1. Removal and replacement of approximatelv 7.000 lineal feet of fencino alono the east. west. north and south perimeters of the plant site. 2. Clearino of exotic veoetation alono the perimeter. reouired to remove existino fence and install new fencino 3. Cuttino of asphalt road and installation of ifrioation controller wirino for SDP landscapino. 4. Service connection from 20-inch diameter reclaimed water main to irrioation pipino reouired for SOP landseapino. 5. Additional contract time for final completion as shown in Attachment A - Contract Time Summarv. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? This work was reouired to satisfy the reouirements of the County Site Development Plan Amendment for this proiect. Since the SOPA was not completelv defined at the time the proiect was bid and awarded, an allowance of $200.000 was included in the construction contract for SDPA work items. . Therefore. this chanoe order item compensates the amount of work value exceedino the contract allowance. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 5h PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Exoansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-09 POI: 4500016028 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corooration Original CODtract AmouDt: S 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) CurreDt BCC Approved AmouDt: $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) CurreDt CODtract AmOUDt: $ 9.167.647.38 (Including All Changes Prinr To This Modification) ChaDge AmOUDt: s 8.642.00 Revised CODtract/Work Order AmouDt: $ (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of ChaDges to this CODtract/Work Order: S 483.789.38 Date of Last BCC Approval 9/23/2003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount /Lasl BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BeC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specifIC information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 5.57 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 09/30/2005 CURRENT: 05/10/2006 CURRENT: 11130/2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identify the changes. Materials and labor for the addition of 3/iahted exit sians and revised non-ootable water wamino sians at the Sludae Dewaterina Buildina. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The liahted exit sians were reouired based on reconfiauration of the Dewaterina Buildino second floor olan under a orevious Owner-reouested chanae order for "Dewaterina Buildina Environmental Modifications. Vestibules were added to orovide a more oositive isolation between the environment in the belt Dress Drocess area and the manned control room/office area. Liahted exit sians were inadvertentlv omitted from the chanae order SCODe that created the vestibules. Had the exit sians been included in the Drevious chanae order SCODe. the costs would have been reflected in the Drevious Owner.reouested chanae order DroDosal. CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 5; PROJECT NAME: NCWRF Expansion to 24.1 MGD - Solids Stream PROJECT #: 739502 BID/RFP #: 03-3539 MOD #: 05-10 PQ#: 4500016026 WORK ORDER #: N/A DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Westra Construction Corooration Original Contract Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 8.692.500.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) Current Contract Amount: $ (Including All Changes Pricr To This Modification) . $ ....-1:).J,500.00 $_ 9.174.789.38 (Including This Change Order) I Cumulative DoUar Value of Changes to this ContractIWork Order: $ 482.289.38 Change Amount: Revised CoutractIWork Order Amount: '-- I I .._.._._~~___J Date of Last BCC Approval 9/2312003 Agenda Item # 10A Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, . please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. 5.55 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: 07/0212005 FINAL COMPLETION: ORIGINAL: Og/3012005 CURRENT: 05110/2006 CURRENT: 11/30/2006 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5); Identify the changes. The Contract Drawinos reauire the installation of a drain line from the Dewaterino Buildino Drain Pump Station valve vault back to the pump station wet well. This item deletes the drain line and includes a correspondino credit doe the deleted work. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? The drain was not installed durino the orioinal construction under this proiect. Under a separate proiect. the County has a separate contractor (who is performino related work on multiple in-olant lift stationsl installino a sump pump and discharoe line back to the Dewaterino Buildino Drain Pump Station wet well. It was aareed bY the County that since the pump station is alreadY UP and run nino and to not disturb the around a sump pump will suffice in place of the drain at the bottom of the valye vault to the wet well. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Contractor. Consultant. PUED Proiect Manaqer, NCWRF J SUDerintendent IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/A) _ Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _ Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement _ The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _ Proposed prices. fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable APPROVE BY: PROJECT MANAGER RECO MENDATION: This fonn Is to be signed and dated. RECOMMENDED BY: ~ Date: ~-\ 'L - o-::r :-~roj~; 1i7tlXl-' ounty PUED 'ect Manager REVIEWED BY: Date: ~ (WIt) ') Date: 61.3, / Or( CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM ~ PROJECT NAME: CR 951 and US 41 Water Mains PROJECT #: 70151.70152. & 70153 BID/RFP #: 03-3517 MOD #: -LPO#: 4500022809 WORK ORDER #: N1A DEPARTMENT: PUED CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Greelev and Hansen LLC I Original Contract Amount: $ 889.999.00 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 1.196.576.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCG) $ 1.196.576.00 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Current Contract Amount: $ 56.458.00 $ (Including This Change Order) Cumulatlva Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractIWork Order: $ 363.035.00 Change Amount: Revised ContractlWork Order Amount: Date of Last BCC Approval 6-2().06 ____.._.__ Agenda Item # 16-C-2 Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l 4.72 "10 Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10"10 of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10"10 reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10"10 or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10"10 of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. if in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds. please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: 6-17-05 CURRENT: 9-15-07 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S\: Identlfv the chanQes. 1. Chanoe the alionment of the pipelines where there are conflicts with communication lines. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? 1. Eliminates conflict with communication lines. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: The Desion Professional. Purchasin~ Department staff. Utilities Enoineerino Director and Principal Project Manaoer. Water Department Director and staff. IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, Nor N1A) L Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement L Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope L Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: This form Is to be signed and dated. Date: '5-:2 I -/7 7 ',I U/U'7 Date: '::- __ . CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 7 PROJECT NAME: Collier County Fleet Facilities PROJECT #: 52009 BIOIRFP #: 06-3914 MOD #: .,LPO#:4500061 077 WORK ORDER #: DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Wrlaht Construction Grouo Original Contract Amount: $ 9,316,811.10 (Starting Point) $ 9,316,811.10 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) , Current BCC Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount: $ 8,846,357.36 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: $ 318,449.44 I Revised ContractiWork Order Amount: $ 9,164,806.80 i (Including This Change Order) I Cumulative Dollar Val.~e of Changes to_ this ContractiWork Order: $ (152,004.30) _. Date of Last BCC Approval 3i28/06 Agenda Item # 16 E 1 Percentage of the change.overlunder current contract amount % ~ - \ .\1)1'1'" Formuia: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Departmenl to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON.CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETiON DATE (S):ORIGINAL: 1/1/2008 CURRENT: 1/1/2008 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Reverse the Direct Material Purchase Order for the metal building as the terms and conditions with the vendor could not be worked out. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project? This change is needed to keep the project on schedule as protracted discussions would have delayed the fabrication and shipment date. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Ron Hovell, Skip Camp, Lyn Wood, Mike Mackenzie (CH2M Hill) IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or NiA) _X_ Proposed change Is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _X_ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _X_ Change is being Implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement _X_ The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _X_ Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: This form is 10 be signed and dated. APPROVE BY Date' {.pit /07 I I REVIEWED B Date: (;;, / / /07 .---- I ! Revised 10.24.2006 CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 'i' PROJECT NAME: Fleet Facllitv PROJECT #: 52009 BID/RFP #: 02-3422 MOD #: 18 PO#:4500048657 WORK ORDER #:n/a DEPARTMENT:Facllltles CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: Dlsnev & Associates Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 500,000.00 (Starting Point) $883,109.73 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $883,109.73 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Original Contract Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Amount: $ 42,000.00 Revised ContractIWork Order Amount: $925,109.73 (Including This Change Order) ! Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractlWork Order: $425,109.73 Date of Last BCC Approval November 14, 2006 Agenda Item # 10 J Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount 4.76% Formula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL:5/5/05 CURRENT: 11/Bi07 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): IdentifY the changes. A Site Development Plan Amendment application along with corresponding SFWMD permit applications is needed for the inclusion of the fuel facility npgrades (designed by others) and the turn lanes into the Fleet Facility. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the project?The fuel facilitv uPQrades are reQuired since the rest of the site is beinQ elevated with fill bv two to three feet above current Qrade. The turn lanes are now reQuired since the County Barn Road wideninQ proiect was postooned. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Skip Camp. Lvn Wood. Dan Croft. CH2MHILL: Mike Mackenzie. IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/A) _ X_ Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _X_ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _X_ Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement _X_The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _X_Proposed prices. fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAG APPROVE BY: : This form is to be~d ib~ated. Date: '3' ~ V a g I~r____ Date bit /n alist REVIEWED BY: C tr Revised 10.24.2006 -- ~ CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Haldeman Creek Restoration Dredalna PROJECT #: t' 'I 5:Xof., 1"f'5<7 BIDIRFP II: 06-3980 MOD II: -LPOll: 4500073885 CONTRACT 11:06-3960 DEPARTMENT: Coastal Zone Manaaement CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: En.ray Resources. Inc. 900281 l $ 1.975.530.87 (Starting Point) $2.313.525.87 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $2.313.525.87 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) $38.385.27 $2.351.911.14 (Including This Change Order) I Cumulative Dollar Value of Chang.. to this ContracllWork Ordar: $376.380.27 L__.__. ____ I' Original Contract Amount I I Current BCC Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount: I . Change Amount: Revised ContraellWork Order Amount Date of L.l8t BCC Approval 11/1412006 Agenda Item # 12El Perc:entage ofthe ehanga over/under current eontractamount ~ I.lk'!t.1f 'Nt.1 Formula: (Revised Amount/ Last BCC approved amountJ-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BeC amount, then BCe approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to Bee by the purchasing department CCNA Work Ordars: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior Bee approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders; If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCe amount, then BCC approval is required. If in doubt contact your contract specialist. For more specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: 12/28106 CURRENT: 4/30/2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE 151: Identify the chanaes. Additional funding reauested to complete proiect due to additional dredalnG of2.101 CY. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGe (S): What value or benefit do thasa changes provIde to the proJeel? The Dredging of Clam Pass will complete dredgiog of a total of 20,~1 CY at $18.27 cr. The original qnnte from Energy Resources for dredginK was 18,500 CY an additional 2,101 CY at $18.27 CY Is required for completion of this project. Additional funding needed to be added to Project 900281 is 538,385.27.00. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Linda Best Gary McAloln. Paul Reinhardt IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y. N or NfA) _ Y _ Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _ Y _ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _ Y _ Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement _ Y _ The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _ Y _ Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Thie form 'e to be signed and dated. APPROVE BY: ~ Iii If Date: :,/, /0"'-- M Dire tor Date: b I'll If7 (0 CONTRACTlWORK ORDER 1IODF1CA11OH CHECKU8TfORM PROJECT NAME: Santa Barbara Boulevard from Davia Boulevard to CODDer Leal lane PROJECT j: 82081 BIDlRfP " 06-4042 MOD" 01_POIlI: WORK ORDER" DEPARTMENT: TECM_ CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: Astaldl Construction Corporation Or1gIn.1 ~ _nt: . 62.051 87948 (StartIng PoInt) .. 82 OS1 87948 Currant acc Approvod _nt: Curront ~ Amount: $$ 62 051 879.48 (Including All ChongM Prior To Thla Modltlcolion) Chango Amount: Rl_ COntrocIlW_O__nl: , o ,_, 62051 87948 (Includlng ThI1l C'*>ge Ordorl Cumu_ Dollar V.... of C........'" "'. ContrI__ 0nIer. , 0 Data of ~ BCC Approval November 14 2006 AgoncIo bin. / 11~ P.-....... of....__ ov_currontcon__nL--O_% Form...: (_ Amountl Leot ace ~ omounl)-1 Reaulla ond Actiona: C_: II tho c:honge -. 10% or the cumlIll ace omount, then BeC approval. ""lulrecl; equal'" or _ than 10% _rt8d 10 BeC by the purd1allng ~ CCNA _ Orde..: For 811_ orde..lhal - 5200,000 _ the chonge _ not _ 10% or '10,000. "- __ III rwpotled by the ""rd1aIIng De~ 10 the ace _1r8llYeIy. Chongero 10 "- -"...... ___ __ ""lullll prior ace epproval. NON-CCNA _ _: ff the change _ tO% or the CUIllIlIl Bce ImOUn~ then Bce appIQVI/ . ""lUlrad. ff In doubt, contact your con_ ~ For IIIOl8 Ipac:iIIc ..100"........ I8g8IlIIng _ order thlll8holda, pIeaoa _10 tho ProcuramanIAdmI_ PnlCIdu..., SecaonIV.3.d. CURRENT COMPlETION DATE (S):ORJOINAL: 08/23/00 SUIlIMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (81: 1denIIIy.... ch.ng_ C~ OB/23roO See attached soreadsheet JUITIFlCAllON fOR CHANGE (8): _ value or _ do _ chong.. _Ide"'.... pIOjoct? To move monev from Bxistino Day items to creale a continaencv fund for Countrvslde Also to revise the Bid QUantity Unit and U-;;it PriC; f~r Pay Items 999-2A (Fuel Cost Adlustment) and 999.28 fBltuminous COAt Adlustmentl. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Tad Pluc {Collier County Proiect Manaaer IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verll)''''' -.. pIIlCeodIna- chInga ulna Y, N or NlA) _X_ Propoaad changela _I with the 1COJ)e 01 the ailing 1Ig.......... _X_ Propoaad change. In facl8l1 add_ or de_n III the exJaIlng scope _X Chonge Ia being Implemented In a manner conolalant with the e>Clallng ag_t _X_ Tha .ppropriate p8I1Iea have been conoultad nogardlng the change _X_ Propoaad pr1caa, _ ond 0011I181 forth In the change alll _ PROJECT MANAGER RECO_ENOATION: n.1e fonn .'" ............ and delad. APPROVE BY: ~~) Da18: S.._ /5'.o? ~. Manag ~ REVIEWED BY: ' I. Dete:,h /67 C:on Specfallal l:f CONTRACT/WQRK ORDER IIODIFICAnON CHECKU8T FORM II PROJECT NAME: Santa Barbara Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to CODDer Leal Lane PROJECT #: 62081 BIDIRFP t: 06-4042 DEPARTMENT: MOD t: 02_PO#: WORK ORDER #: TECM_ CONTRACTORIFIRII NAME: Astaldl Construction Corporation Original Contract Amount: $ 62.051 879.48 (SllJrUng Point) $$ 62.051.879.48 $$ 62.051.879.48 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modlllcatlon) CUll'8l1t BCC Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount: Cluing. Amount: RevI8ed ContractIWortc Older Amount: $ o $ $ 62.051.879.48 -(Including This Change Order) Cumulative DoI"r Value of Chenge. to th. ContractlWortc Older: $ 0 Date of Last BCC Approval November 14. 2006 Agendallem # ~ Percentage of the change overfunder curnnt contract amount 0 % Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and Actions: Contracta: If the change exceeds 10% of the ClllT1lnt BCC amount, then BCC approval is required; equal to or less than 10% repor1ed to BCC by the purchasing department CCNA Work 0....: For all WOIk ordeIs that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Chang&nl to these WOIk ord8nl that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orde..: If the change exceeds 10% of the CUlT1lnt BCC amount, then BCC approval is required. If In doubt, con1act your oon!nIcI speclallst For more specffic infoonation regarding worll order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Admlnlstratlon Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLEllON DATE (S):ORlGINAL: DA,?'1JnQ CURRENT: 08/23/09 -t~ SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): identify the chang... See attached soreadsheet JusnFlCAnON FOR CHANGE (S): WllIIt value or benefit do th_ chang.. provide to the project? To pay for the repair of existing altenuators numbers 595 and 695 damaged by vehicle impact. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Tad Pluc (Coliier County Proiect Manaaer IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Vertfy each before proceecllng with clulnge using Y, Nor N1A) ..J<_ Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _X_ Proposed change is In tact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _X Change Is being implemented In a manner consistent with the existing agreement _X_ The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _X_ Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth In the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Th. tonn Is to be .Ignee! and dated. APPROVE BY: -'0<.cL. ~ Date: S-//S-jo7 REVIEWED BY: ~. Manag r 1 ~ ( 510) onlract Specialist I'd- CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKUSTFORM PROJECT NAME: Emeraenev Sent"'" C_. PROJECT #: 52160 BIDIRFP #: O. .... MOO '-LPO#: 45000120111 WORK ORDER #: DEPARTMENT: FOICIlItJ_ M...........nt CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: HS""'n! JollY CI_ Too... Arch_. OItglnal Contract Amount: $ 1.8511.000.00 (Slatting Point) $ 2.187.2M.00 (Lalt TolII Amount AppnMld by th. BCC) Currant BCC ApproYlll Amount: Currant ContrIIct Amount: $ 2.1872....Jo (Including All Changes Prlor To ThIs Modlflcatlon) l C~Amount $ 57.381UI1 i RI1IiMd ConbactIWork 0rdIr Amount: $ 2.244.887.47 I (Including This Chllnll" Order) I Cumw.tlvl Do.... V.I... of Changes to this ContractlWork Old.t: $ 38.~:~~:47 DatI of L.-t BeC Appnmol 9/13/05 Agand.1bIrn .. 1 OH P.rcantlogl of lhe c:lwIg. oVlliuncl... currant contract lIIIIount Formula: (RevIled AmountJ Laat BCC approvad amount) Reaulfa and AclIona: ~: If the change exceeds 10% 01 th. currant BCC amount, then BCC approval il required; equal to or I... than 10% raportad to BCC by ilia purchasing department. For more spec/lJc Information regarding_ order threshclda. pIaaaa refer to the Procurement Adminls1rallon Procedures, Saction IV.3.d: 2.82 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINA1.: 1i1l2108 CURRENT: 4109 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): identify the ch8llll-. Provided additional information and rBVised desians to addreu all rlKJUests bv CoRter Countv and aulstl!!d In DrMentBtlonII to the County Staff and County Commissioners. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What val... 0. banaIIt do ~ chan_ provld. to !h. projact? Thase service& were l'8OuWed to revise the omiect due to . chanae In .itina and to ruDOnd to Questions from th~ ~'d of CommfssloNni orior to orqlect: aoDtOlJAI. APPROVE B . PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Ron Hovall. SkiD CamD. and Linda Best IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (V.rtl'y _ baro... p.....-Ing with clulnll8 using Y, N or N1A) y _ Propooed change II consistent with the scopa 01111. existing agraamant Y _ Proposed change .. in fact an addition or ~on tD the 8ldstIng scopa Y _ Changa io being implamantad In a man.- consiolant with the existing .I7Mment Y _ Tha appropriate partiao hava baan consulted ~Ing the change Y _ Proposed prieM, _ .nd costa eat forth in the change .... rea_a ATION: Thl. form Ie to ba signed and dated. \; Data: ~ Date: b!..,!o? . REVIEWED ~ FOfIQ Revised I024~ t3 CONTRACTJWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Ernemanev s.rvte. Ca., PROJI!CT IF. 621110 BIDiRFPI: 03-"18 MOO'-!...POI: _12091 WORKORDERlt: DEPARTMENT: FaclIItI. M_R__ CONTRACTORIFIRM NAMe: Harvard Jollv C_ T_ Arch-' I Or1sllnal Conlnlct Amount: CUII'Md Bee Approwcl Amount: S 1.85l1.O00.00 (Starting Point) S 2.187.2M.OD (Laat TOlIII Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Contract Amount: S 2.')" 887."7 (Including All Changes PrIer To ThiS Modification) Change ~: Rev..... ContracllWoIl< Order Amount: s 10.872.00 $ 2.255.3AQ 47 (Including Thlo Chang.. Order) Cumu...... Dollar V..... '" ~ to th.. C~ork 0nIer: . 398.35g.A7 Date '" ~ BCC ApproVlll 9113109 Agenda Item # 10H _n!age "'tIla change owrIu_ current contract amount 3.11 % FOIlTlula: (ReYiSed Amount I Last BCC approved amount) Reaulta and Acllons: C",Ib_: If the changa exceedo 10% of the cunent BCC amounl,lhen acc approval 10 required; equ8l1O or Iasa than 10% reported.1O BCC by the purchasing dapal1ment For more opecitic infcrmation regarding WIlI1< order Ihreoholda, p1lll1Se refer 10 the Procwemenl Admillo\retlon Procedurao, Secllon IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIG1NAL: 1102/06 CURRENT: 4109 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Idantlfy tha chan_. Provlde SUDDOrt Information for a Grant Aeellcatlon for the Emeroencv Servlceo Center. Re....rch and orovide written desc:rlotlons that the ESC will meet or exr--': American Red Cross .Standards for Hurricane Evaluation $,.,.tter Selectfon- DOE -Natural Phenomena Hazards Deslan and Evaluation Criteria for DOE Facilrtiee. and the! ooeratlonaJ wort<soace. meet the reouirements of FEMA " Emeroencv Ooerations Center Handbook'. WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (51: What VllIua or banaflt do th_ chang. provide to tIla project? These s"",lces were reaulred to assist the County In ol.laUMno for crank moneys avan3~e throuah various State and Federal aoencies. PARl1ES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Ron HoveJI. Sldo Came. and Linda Beat IMPLEMENTA110N STEPS (Varlfy aech before prooaadlng wtth- chang_Using Y. N or NlAI y _ Propooed change III conolotant with the ocope of the axIsUng lIgr8HIent y _ Proposed change III In fact III IIddillon or deletlon to the exisllng _ Y _ Change III being Implemented In a manner consistent with the _ling agreement Y _ The approprlate paru.. hava been consulted regarding Ihe change Y _ Proposed prices. tees and costa set fot1h In the change ere reaoonable APPROVE B . MENDATION: Thill 10nn Ie to be e1gned and d_. Date: ~ Date: ~ ~', 1. '."... II.f CONTRACTIWORK ORDER IIODFlCATION CHEC:KL.Br FOlUI PROJECT NAME: .-l'IoQrCClU_ RMa_ PROJECT., 12004 BIOIRFP.: CJ.WI78MOD.: tpOI:4IllOOIOII7 WORK ORDER Ii NA DEPAR11IIENT: ,...._ _"", ..... CONTRACroR NAIlE: KmIt r.-.o..--. c--. Inc.. $ 1,71.......00 (8IatlIIQ PoInt) . 1,71',1OlI.OO (L8II ToIIIl Amount Apploved by the BCe) . 1,711,113I.I1 (1nc1Ul1ng AI Cfw1aes PrIor To ThIs Modmc.tlon) . 1,142.'2 . 1,711,111.41 (1nc1ldng ThIs CMnge 0nIel) CllnIu...... ~"..... lilt a..nu- '" '* c......-"IWwIl Order: M4,711.13 Cunwnt Bee Appraw.d Amount: CUI'Nnt~.-.-- ChlInge Amount: RevIMd c....L-wIoIk 0nIer Amounl: Dale lilt Lut BeC Approval 3f28/ll8 ~ It..... lo-B "--nlIIga ofilia CMnge "",,_current contract_ Formula: (Revlsed Amounll Lul BCC approved amount)-l ~ ?<.<.o.l "10 R...1Is and AcIIons: eo...._ If the chaI1Ie 'h:Il8edS 1016 or the CUI1lII1t ace lmIOIInt. then ace approval is raquired; aqu.t to or Iesa u..n 1016 NPOllad to ace by the pun:IuIslng cIeparInleoll. CCNA WorIlo..n: For" ~ 0RIanI that lIXllllfld 1200,000 where the cII8nga doaa IIllt exmecI1016 or 110,000, U- chMgaa _1llpOt1ad by tha __"II Depertment to the BCC admInl!llr8llvelJ. CIl8ngallI to lheA work onIara thai -=aad 1hoIe thrashokla requn pf10t Bce 8JlPl'OV8l. NON-CCNA WOfII Ordalll: If the c:IIanga excaads 1016 of the cul11lf1t BCC amount, then BeC approval Is rwqufrwl. If In doubt. conl8cl yow conInIcl specIlIlsl. For mOlW apacItk: Informllllon "'lI8llli"ll work order thresholds. pIeesa ,.farto the Pllx:ut8menI__ Procecilrea, -, lV.3.d. CURRENT COMPt.ErloH o.o.m (S):ORIGINAL: ......... __ CUIRENT: MuItIpIa__ SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (8): Modificationa to the existing building that were unforeseen at the time of bidding to oorTel:t existing defects. JUSTFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): _ _ or banaftt do _ cll_ pravIcIa 10 tIIa project? n.. ch8ngalI ...10 a_ ..-,.uaaorllla_. PAJIlnes CONTACTED Ia:GARDING THI! CHANGE: Ran ....11, ..... Camp IMP~NTATION lITEPS (Vartfy...... bafIn pracudlll\l wIIh change ....11\I Y, Nor NtA) _lL Proposed eIl~ Is conIiIIenl will the -=ope or lie 8llIaIIng ag.-nant '.x. Propoaed eIlanga Is In f8ctan 8ddIlIan orclelellonto the lIllIstIng'sc:opa .x. Chlll1lle is being Impem_ln a manner ~ wIIh the lIlIIatlng "llreement .x. The 8ppfOpllaIe partlea I\aJva been CIlrIlIUIIed ~ the changa .x. PIO~ prlceo, _ _ ooats see _In tIIa c:IIange a,. -.able MMENDATION: TlIiIII'onn Ia lD.. algnMI__ Date: r; h Date: f:, REVIEWED BY; APPROVE BY: /f)' CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKUST FORM PROJECT NAME: emera.nev s.mc. c.ntw PROJECT iI: 521110 BIDiRFPt: 03-30W8 MOD'-LPOIII: 45000120111 WORK ORDER': DEPARTlIENT: Faclllll.. Uln_...r CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Horvard Jolly CI_ TODoa Archllacta. ! Original Contract Amount: l CUlTlnt BeC Appn>Yed Amount: $ 1.851.000.00 (S1arting Point) $ (Laot Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $ 2.255.3&1.47 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modlllcatlon) . CUINnt ContrlIct Amount: Chanlll Amolll1t: I _eel ContnlcllWork Ordor Amount: $ 25.055.00 S 2.2110.414.47 (Including This Change Order) . ClA1\ulatMI Dollar VII... of ChangM 10 !hie ContracllWork Onlar: S 421.414.47 l__,""._.__ ll8l. of Laat BeC Approval 9/13105 Aganda ...... # 10H P.......llIlII of till chanlll over/undar cunant contract _unt 4 26 % Formula: (ReViled Amount I Last BeC Ipproved amount) Resulta and _s: Con_: If the change exceeda 10% 01 the current BCC amount. then BeC approval Is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to Bee by the ptRhaslng depaI1menl. F... more specific InfonnatIon regarding wort< Olller thresholds, pi...... refer to the Procurement AdminiallaUon Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: 1102106 CURRENT: 4/09 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S)llclentlfy tho ohangaa. ProvIde addltfonlll deslon services to recot1flclure site electrical. Dlumbino, fire orotectkJn telecommunication servlcas. site liohtina dosed circuit ~eleyision and security Slt"i"'AIIS control _vstam.. Also Drovide addttlanal deslan sarvicu to' J1l\dew Interior buildina desian oarameters after issuance d 90% comel. dOcuments. to make f1wiskms to aocommodate owner recuests. and to incornarate comments from -sedated coordination mee~nos. WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): Whet val... or IIllMIIt do th_ cha"ll_ provide to tho projac:t? were rsaulred to enable oraar..'" DnIOanna the final desJan documents for the crolecl These services PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Ron HoveIl. Sklo Camo. and Linda Best IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (V.1ffy _ bafo... procaadlng with chanu. ualng Y. Nor N/A) Y _ Proposed change Is consistent with the lOOP. 01 the existing agreement y _ Proposed change lain fact an addl~on or delation to the exla~ng scope Y _ Change ia being implemented in a manner consistent with the exiatlng agreen1ent Y _ The appropriate parties havo been conaultad regarding tho chang. Y _ Proposed prices, lees and costs set forth In the change are reasonable MENDA nON: Thll fonn Ialo be olgned and dllld. Date: 6 h /07 (6<-1--- Date: ~ lei OJ fotlllllcvi.lodli).:24.2 .j 10 CONTRACTIWORK ORDERIIODIFJCATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: r:m......ncv Swvlce c._ PROJECT #: 52160 B1D1RFP IJ: O. .... MOD' 10 POt: .500012091 WORK ORDER': DEPARTMENT: F....I_ - CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: H8I'VlIl'1I JoUvCI_ To_ An:h-. ---l Origllllll ConII'IICt Amount: . t.BY.OGO.DO (SI8rlIng Point) $ 2.187 .2lM.00 (Lat TotIII Amount Appr<Mld by the BCC) Cumlftt BCC Approved Amount: CUmtnt Contract Amount: $ 2.210..1...., (Including All CIwIgea PrIor To Thla Modification) CIlange Amount: RevlMd ConIl'IlCt/Wotk 0....... Amount: $ 28.110.00 I $ 2.307.QM..t7 (Including This Change Onler) CumulMlve DoIler Value of Chang_ to thlll Contnlc:t/\NOIk Order: $ ......CMM..1 Om of L.aat Bce ApprDvaI 9113/05 Agenda Item # 10H parcantaga of the _ge ovarlundar CUInIIt COIltrKt -..ount 5.48 % Formu": (Revlaed Amount I Last BCC ~ amount) Re&llts and AcIlOllll: 00_: If the chlInga axceecIs 10'1'0 d the CUmtl1l BeC amount. lIlen BeC approval Is required; equal to or .... than 10'l'0 rapor1ed to BCC by the purc:lwalng dapallm8nl For more specltIc information regarding work order thresholds, pl_ refer 10 the Proeurament Administration ~ures, Secllon 1V.3.d. CURRENT COMPlETION DATE (S):ORJGINAl: 1102/08 CURRENT: 4109 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Idantll'y the changes. PI'D\IIde additional deelon aervices to Inc:oroorate chances. and Dbin tevislons reau8S'ted at coordination mMtlnas held on s.otembw 6 and 1. 200ft' onlv one week orior to subml.tt&tv, d DMTIIt rfl'V'tlmenm WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): Whal wlue or ~ do theH cIIangea pravIde to the project? ......... l'8Ouired to en.bla DrDOr'A8A In Drecarlna the fin.' desian doeuments for the oroiect Th__ APPROVE BY. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Ron Hov"'. Sklo Camo. and Linda Basi IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (VerIlY each biIfo.. procaadlng with change using Y, N or N1A) Y _ Proposed change Is consistent with the soope d the _Unll 8lIreooment y _ Proposed change Is In fact an addition or -., to the _IsUng soope Y _ Change Ia being implemented In a manner conalalant with the exIalIng 8Ql_t Y _ The appraprlate parties have b--. consulted regarding the change Y _ Proposed prIcea, _ and coats set forth in the change are _e ENDATION: This form Is to be signed and dajad. . Date: ~/71P 7 Date: '(r!O REVIEWED BYf Pon:a RmMd 10.204.2006 '7 CONTRACTiWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME:Courtllo..... Annex & PorIdna aarooa PROJECT It. 52010 PROJECT MANAGER:Hank Jonea BIDIRfP 1I:lU..357eMOO It: 15)'Of"HQO(IWlllWORK ORDER It. DEPARTMENT:FlICIIltIea CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME:Kraft COnatrucllcn OrIginal Contraat Amount: . 18,S3l1,700.00 . (SIloItng PoInt) CunMl see Approved Amount: . lO,7lI8,8llU8 (Lesl Total Amount App/oYed by the BCC) CunMl Conlract _nt S 10,573,880.11 (including AI Chang.. PriorTo Thia __) CIIange Amount: . 154,381.11II __C-.ctIWorllOnlar_ . 11'-'517.77 (including Ttia Changa Order) eum...- DoIWV.....of~... tII,",Col,b..H.v...Il:_ $(5.511,1112.23) D.. ofLMt Bee Approval o-tlber 13, 2005 Agend.llems16E3 P.rcan1aga at tha change cwerfundet current contract _unt 3.c 'J,.O \ '/, Fonnula: (Revise<! Amounlllast BCC apprclV<l(l omcLlll}-1 CURRENT COMPLETlON DATE (8): ORIGINAL: Mulliol.. Dh....CURRENT: Mullicl.. chas.. Describe 1he change(s): Modification to the eleclrleaJ, storm. n.. and sec:urily systems SpeciIY the reuona for the change(s): Th... changes a.. to enhance aacurily and public use of the fac:/lity. Identify all negative Imp8I:ts to the proJect If till, chllnge order were not proc_d: This chan"e was raqualtad by: . Contractor/Consultant r Owner r Usin" Depar1ment (' CDES (' De,fllll Professional r Regulatory Agency (SpeciIYl r Other (Specify) rYes rv;;: CONTRACT SPEClAUST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: lbl, fonn Is 10 be signa / Date: ,r '3{ 01 b/P/ol Date: CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKUST FORM PROJECT NAME: Fleet FoclJlty PROJECT #; 62000 PROJECT MANAOER:Ron Hovell B1D1RFPtI: ~III:A.POllI;_1077 WORK ORDER to: DEPARTMENT:Focnme. CONTRACTOR/FJRM NAME: wrloht Conatructlan Grauo Origin" CalItNcI_ ",31',811.10 (SI:lating Point) $8,31"'11.10 (LII8l ToloI Amount Appr.- by the Bce) CunWIII CalItNcI-..c: $II; 184,808.80 (inducing AI Ch8nges PIIcr To Tblo Modilic8llon) Che_ _ S4,770.4lI -- ~_"-0nIIIr'-'- $8,1",577.25 (l~ nu CI1lmgeOrder) CIII'I'8nlBCC ~pJ_"'" Amount: C_llaI.-v.... dlC....lD tb..C""b...tf_OnIOr: $(147,233.85) D. dI Lut BeC Approvll 3128/06 Agendellem .16 E 1 Percentage Grthe ch"""e over/Under current cantrecl emaunt -1.58% Fonnula: (ROYIaed Amount II.ael BCC appr_ emount)-l CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (Sl: ORIGINAL: 1/1f2008 CURREN: 1Hl2OOI Describe tIM challfl8CI):AcId tIM Owner luppled ftuld dlltrlbullon equipment to the Conctnlct. Remow the same equipment from the eontlllct for direct purehue by the owner Specify the __ for the challfl8Cs): DMP Identify .11 negative ImplCt8 to the project If this chenge order _.""ot processed: This change wes requeltlld by: r Contractor/Consultant V Owner r Using Department ,. CDES ,. D8111gn Prof...lonal r Regulatory Agenl:)' (Speclfyl CONTRACT SPECIALIST PAlmCIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Other (Specifyl rYes rv;;;: ) ~;f5' 10 7' I / b/;sio~ Dale: Dale: !rad spe17-'-/lzf I 'if j 1'1 CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAM~: GoodleUe F. Rd fGGPkwv - PRRl PROJECT #: 600055 , MOD#:....Q1.. POI: 4500079098 WORK ORDER #:N1A BIOJRFP #: 07-4093 DEPARTMENT:)Jtemative TransDOrtation Modes fATMl f Origiaal Contractl Amouat: $ 856.950.03 (Starting Point) Curreat BCC Approved Amouat: $ 856.950.03 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCe) Carreat ContractiAmouat: $ 856..950.03 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: . $ 12.947.00 Revised ContractAwork Order Amount: $ 869.897.03 I (Including This Change Order) Cumulative DoIIat Value of Changes to this Contraet/Work Order: $ 12.947.00 ----~" Date of Last BC~ Approval ADril 10. 2007 Agenda Item # 16B-05 ! Percentage of ttie change over/under current contract amount 1.51 % Formula: (Revise~ Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-1 CURRENT COMpLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: October 13.2007 CURRENT: October 13.2007 Describe the change(s): IIl-lmDOrted ToosoII1019 Cn.Yd. r.il~9.00/Cu.Yd T_' or$19.551.00 /TECM CnDltrucdoo to tr os r d or 000. . eD 0 To oATM r t 10 Am nl "r lInn 1 - 29551,0 . 1# - I 7.5 HP VFD Pum S Ion 1 tailed 1 00 Total r /m! II 1 00.00 . #3- Add Coo 0 tio. to C' Water Meter S. lied b It urN I... To cl de i fittiu . dl. r. S 10 01 nwu lori/ 113- 996.00 C Design Prof~slonal Co Regulatory Agency (Specify) o Other (Specify) I eYes n No CONTRACT SP~CIALlST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: Date: (;,,-- (';7" 07 Manager Date: ~/9~:7 REVIEWED BY: 'JIlt nda RaAlSeR, Contract 5 Revised 5.21.20Q7 tJuMM/::f . .-.- -._-- "---'--~-'--_. .-- --....-- ..._._....~ ........".----- Zo CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: SCRWTP 20-MGD Wellfield Exoanslon PROJECT #: 41010-020 BID/RFP #: 06-3992 MOD#: 1 POt: 4500071726 WORK ORDER #: nla DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities Enoineerino Deoartment CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: 70892 r...----~_.- I OrIginal Contract Amount: -----l I $ 47.038.450.00 Current BCC Approved Amount: (Starting Point) $ 47.038.450.00 (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $ 47.038.450.00 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Current Contract Amount: Change Amount: $ 846.519.14 ! Revised ContractIWork Order Amount: i I I Cumulative Dollar Val~_e Of~~~:~_es t: this ContractlWork Order: $ $ 47.884.969.14 (Including This Change Order) 846.519.14 Date of Last BCC Approval Julv 25. 2006 Agenda Item # lOP Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-1 1.8% % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): ORIGINAL: Julv 2. 2008 CURRENT: Julv 2. 2008 Describe the change/sl: The orooosed chanoe order addresses several items that have been reouested bv the Countv. Kev lIems include reolacement of 3o-lnch diameter fusible PVC Dice wllh eoual diameter HOPE Dice for directional drill aoolications. cost for additional lack and bore to accommodate exlstlno utilities. enhancements to oio retrieval vaults. and electrical reouests bv the Countv Buildlno Deoartment. Cost of the additional work Is $846.519.14 which is an Increase of 1.8%. A detailed summary. narrative and suooortlno cost Information is attached. Specify the reasons for the change(s): The cost associated with the orooosed chanoe order from Revnolds has been reouested bv the Countv for several reasons. The first reason is related to Imoroved reliabilltv associated with reolacement of the fusible PVC oioe with HOPE. A second reason is for the addlljonal jack and bore related to avoidance of utilitv conflicts. The final reason is to accommodate enhancements for the oio retrieval vaults and electrical oenerator. Identify all negative Impacts to the project If this change order were not processed: The neoative Imoact to the oroiect Is the additional cost Incurred. Initlallv. oroject was cost was reduced to accommodate PVC. but the risks associated with its use for directional drilllno aoolications did not warrant the cost savinos. This change was requested by: r Contractor/Consultant X Owner X Using Department X CDES (' Design Professional r Regulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Yes r No APPROVED Date: .t;./I~.fO?__ i.t;/02olo7 Date: ~ o ~ E t . ~ " g'::Jo ;atllSU~ f:. E .. v~~ ~ ~ 11)'61"2 g"t: 0 ;at I'll 0..-: '" E - () 0 ~ -= ~; - . - -g'E !S .00 .; f E .0< o:~.. " E, 2 u * ;; ~ " ;;: o ~ 1: -;; 'E ::I ",0 0 0.. E ~oc( U~.. - . - c: 'E ~ ~ 00 ::I-f~ ()~v. o ~~ aID " 'iiitj~ .5 ~ 0 .g' c: e 00< u.. t o . E " . 0. . o w u; if; " ;jj o z _ 0 . Z 'E u o ~ ~ 1: ~8 ;L , R ~ s o Z . -. E . E III o'E !'II zzOz ~ 11 ~~ ~ "e- ~"2 >a.()Q. ! . o E ~~ '" ib m ,,; #- '" m ,,; o o .0 o .. ,,; '" ;;; o o 0; '" N .0 ;;; o o .0 '" M' '" ;;; -go > 0 U 0.< <.. ~ Z o o .0 '" ri '" ;;; o W ::>0. 0.0 ",,,, ",M ~~ U.. ::>0 o o ~-E '" . o.E E ~ ~ e u: ~~ E m- e.> .~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~RBIi2~ ~ o ;; ~ '" o " o ~ ~ € B J? "' ! '" .. o . " " . E {! i'l. .9 " o . . . > ~ . . . a. ~ '" '" ~ 8- E ! '" . " o 8 . . J? " . E ~ . a. . " , e a. o I- ;; '" o . '" u '0 . . .~ . > o #- '" '" N #- '" '" " o o N ~ '" ,,; ~ ~ o o 0; o o ",' ~ o o N ~ '" ri ~ ;;; o o ,,; '" o ,,; '" ;;; o o ,,; '" o ,,; '" ;;; o W ::>0. 0.0 N ;i >'m u. "M 06 Uo u .5 oS ,:! u " '" ~ . . ~ o "'" E~ J~ U 0: o in .9. "' 8. g> aJ , 1il..J -1i ~ a N~2 .E'" Cl'iij a. ffi 13 E '" . 0 uo:o. ~ o ;; N "' o N " . E . . . . s o Q ]l . 0. E o 0. " . . o a. e a. .Q o o E- o ~ . " m ~ " o . '" u 1li ~ . . . o . " , e 0. " o . ti ~ " . " o . " . ?: " . '0 .9 'll " $ o ~ . ~ o . u E 0. ~ '" o 0. .9 m o o ~ is " . J? " . E ~ . 0. . " , e 0. o I- ;; '" o . '" u '0 . . .~ . > o #. o o 0; #- o o 0; o o 0; o m ..; N ~ o o 0; ~ o o 0; o m ..; N ~ ~ Z o o 0; o m ..; N ~ o W ::>0. 0.0 N 9 '" 9 .. '" '" M tt:; '", o.M ;:. "g . o Q 1i . 0: " :0 o 0. in -~ ii1a> ;:tj ~" .8" " ~ i< '" i>>~ S ~ "'. " > 2 ~ ~~ ~'ll~~ Q) E Q,l e 00)'- ClQ. 8ffi~~= t!6&g;~ ~ o ;; N "' o M #. m m .0 .. 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B " o . li . ~ E . E . I- '" CO a o o '" .. 3 8' . . " ! cii .9 o o 1ii E . E o u o " ! . " o . ~ . ~ o . m o o ~ is " . . 1li c. E 8 B . " o " m o o ~ is " . . " , e 0. o I- ;; '" o . '" u '0 . . .~ <Ii . ~ > . 0" ~ '" I;: -= t . ~ 'E ~=o ';ft. 1'0 U..ll: .c E " u 0 0 ",;r '":> ;<; ~ Q) l;)'m'2 ';fl. g"c 0 ~O'f u E 0 ,g;r " . ~ " 'E g ~ 00 os: -f E . 0 .. "';r" " o 1Il 1: . 'E , 0>0 0 " " E ~o< u;r" " . ~ C 'E ~ .0 0 ~ " E u :s < ;r" 1! EU "u (lID , ; iijtlc 5 l!! a en c E 0" 0" u.. u: o :ij rr ;! 1! . E 1:: . c. . " '.j :Y o :< o Z " 0 . Z ~~ ~8 '> :) " :.1:.' 7 ~ o Z Gl t Gl ~ 'E E z~o~ ...... Ql- .g ~ g' ~ ~.e- ~"e >a..(Jll. ,. ~ o E ~~ #- '" '" #- '" '" o '" N '" '" N .. o '" ,; ;! .. o o .; '" '" N N .. i1! > , e ~ 8;.. .... o o .; '" '" N N .. o o .; '" '" N N .. ::3;: 0" ,,~ g .: 'I ;:: '" '" tt:: :>ffl ~~ " o jj 2 ;; o o " -e ~ ~ t= :@::l ~ u lii -; j E E ~~ ~ ~ <( ~ UJ c. ~zB8..s ~ o " o "' o '" ~ o ~ .Q " ~ 1i o o '" .. -0 . . ~ x . , . ;; 8 0> " " ~ 1i " , u . ~ 8 .9 . "' o .2 "' "' . o .... ;; 0> " . .c o C . . .~ ~ o #- '" '" .n #- '" '" .n o o 0; " ~ .; '" .. o o 0; o '" '" .. o o 0; " '" i .. " z o o 0; " '" ,; '" .. ~ .. 'Boo ., "-~ '" 'I ~ 'I '" N '" '" ~~ ~'" ;:~ E ~ .. .c . , J'l . ~ -; ~~ 5~ ~ o ~ "' o ~ E ~ 0> . " 0> o 1i 1i " . 3 i .c ~ ~ E . " J'l . o ~"- . 0> 0>0 1ij:g .c , ,,'" o . E "- 5 cr . C . a. 0> " ~ c . a. 5 o ~ . fi 2 . . 0> o . .c o <i E ~ . "' o . E . ;; ~ . 5 o ~ . . @ . ~ ~ . 0> o " "' . . u , ." , i3 ~ ~ ~ o . fi ~ D . . 0> o . .c o " . o..r::: s-m. . 0 ~ ,Q ~J o e .... c. E ~ . U 0>0 " . 2 r:; oj'! -"- ~11 . E .~ ~ o E #- N '" .n #- N '" .n o o N ~ '" .; ~ ;;; o o ,; '" '" '" .. o o .; ~ '" .; ~ .. o o .; ~ '" .; '" ;;; o o '" ~ '" .; '" ;;; o W ::>0. 0.0 ~ 'I ~ :I ~ '" ~r:: "-~ e.<b "0 . o o .c ~ o o . '" 5 c .. .!f ~o. ~ ~ ~~ ~:g:iio:: .co..c:U Ur--UZ ~ o ll. E o " ~ o ~ "' o '" #. '" '" #- '" '" o o .n ~ '" '" ;;; li , . . '" o " .~ 1i o o o ~ '" .. o o .n N '" '" .. .9 . , "' . ~ . u '" e ~ t o E ~ D ~ -e o " ~ . fi "' o . X . .9 "' o . . .. .c " z o o .n N '" '" .. . . "';: .~ ~ "-~ o .: 'I ;:: '" '" t;:: >~ ~~ 11 jji , 8 . "' '0 -0 E . E ~ . a. E . fi " o U 2 ;; o o ~ ~ ~ ?: ~ 9c -; ...3:~ E <l) ~,~ ~ ~N:ii:gc. ~~6~~ .9 . "' , e "- o .... ;; 0> " . .c o C l .~ . > o ~ o "' "' o '" ti " o 8 " " U 2 " . ~ ~ E .9 in w o 8 1) ~ . '" " E . E o e , o W "' o . E . E "- o " > . o ". E , E E o " ~ D "' E 5 cr E o o . , E o . a. .Q ~ . "- o .... ;; 0> " . .c o C . . .~ . > o CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKUST FORM I PROJECT NAME: ralH of CapH Pump StriDOR Hydraulic Improvements PROJECT #: 70906 BIDlRFP #: 04-3535 MOO #: OEPARTMENT: PUED 1 PO#: 45... nooo WORK ORDER #: CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: HASKINS INC. UC-281l OriginAl Contract Amount; $ 153,155.00 (SlOltlna Point) Current BeC Approved Amount: $ NIA (Ld TohoI Amounl Approved by tho BCe) Current COlltnd Amollnt: $ 1ll3.166.00 (Inolodlne All ChaniOS P1ior To TIll. Modlfioatlon) Clump Amount: $ 15,250.00 168,405.00 (lqoJudfna ThIS Chllr'lSCI Order) Revised Contra.tlWo~k O~der Amount: $ Cumulative Dona~ Value or Chang.. to this Contraot/Work Order: $ 15,250.00 Date of Last BCC Approval N/A Agenda Itom # NIA Percentage of the chengll over/under current contract amount 9.98 % Fo<muto: (Revf..d Amounll Lal ace O"lll'llVod am.unl}-l no""no end AcIlano: Controcto: If the ch""9'! exoeedllO% Of tho OUmtnl 800 omoun~ ,thon Bce 0",,"""1 Is requlood; .qu81 to or 100. than 10% reported fa see by the pUllltl.lfng dlpart'nertl CONA Work Orders: For aU wor'k order. tltat exceed $200,000 whonI the chanoe doa not CtlCCNd 10% or '10,000. th... ching", Ira raponed by tho Purtll88lng Deperbnon\ to tile aOC ""m1n_ly. Change.. to th... work ord...1h.1 """""" thote Ul""hoIdll'9quif'* prior Bee liIppl'CMIl. N()N..ccNA Work Ord....: If the clwmge eXOUIH 10,. of the eUTTWnt Bee amount, 1 hen BCC .!:'Pf'QvIIII roq_. ~ In doubt, contoot your _ ..,__.t F... m"", 0l>80lfIC Info....lIon rwgordlng work ordor __, pie... .....10 the Prccu_ Admbllstraflort Procedure., s.ction 1V.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORlGINAL: June 6. 2007 CURRENT: June 8, 20~7 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identify the change.. Instell (l)additlonlll new v;,lves, temp bypasBes. .(2) perform eon compaction llnd tests JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these changes provide to thlll. project? This chli.nJl.!,will WallOW the ststJon to remain In service while ~rmanent sturctures are constru2ted as required due to line breaks. end (2) lltabaITze the soH disturbed by the construction and line break.lIVashol~:8 PARTIES CONTACTEO REGARDING THE CHANGE: Boyle EngIneering. Watllr dllpt, PlI!chaclng dept, Haskins Inc. IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Veruy each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/AI Y PropO$ed chang,,, OOntisteflt with thtlCOpl of the eldlltlng agnttmem ~ PJl:IPOSed cf'1ang. II In f.tOt IlIn addition or d8IQtlon to tt1. exlstfng scope -y-- Chano-. b&lng rmplemented In . mtInner' conlrltent wtth the ext~ tlgf'eefTl8nt ~ Th. Ippropm.te paltiet hive been consulted Nglf'dlng the d\ang. Y ProPO'.-:f c:hange II conal;tent wtth the scope of the existing .-nent -y- PropoMd prlOlI, lees and coati nt forth In the chenge ere r'easomlblll PROJECT MANAG~COM~E~WION.: This form ,.. to be signed ..n~ ~~tllf'. _ APPROVED BY: ->-> 1",.-::. Date: ~ - rojQct anager-'- REVIEWED BY: _ Date: ~--ds22___ o ra Specialist Revised 10.24.2006 CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION ;l.. CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: ReclaImed Water Booster Pume StatIon at Llvlnllston Read PROJECT #: 74076 BID/RFP #: 0<J..3119 MOD #: 2 PO#: 4500030667 WORK ORDER #: CDM-FT-04-12 DEPARTMENT:PUED CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: Came. Dresser & McKee. Inc. OrIginal Contract Amount: $ 166.088 (Starting Point) Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 166.088 ~ ~~~_~_ .. ____.~__~ (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) Current Contract Amount: $173.672_~_~__~~ (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Change Amount: $~ $178.672 (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractIWork Order: $ 12.584 RevIsed ContractIWork Order Amount: Date of Last BCC Approval: 6.22.04 __ Agenda Item # 16-C-13 Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount 7.58 % Formula: (RevIsed Amount I Last Bce approved amount)-l Results and ActIons: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCe amount, then BCe approval is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCe by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For aU work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCe administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCe approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current Bce amount, then Bce approval Is required. If In doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific Information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d, CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5): ORIGINAL: 1-13-06 CURRENT: 6-30-08 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identify the changes. Increase Swvev fees bv $5.000. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provIde to the proJect? Add Survev fees of $5.000 for additional survev needed at the location where the crossino of Livinoston Road can be permitted at a shaliower depth with an estimated savinos in construction cost of $400.000. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Desion professional. Principal Proiect Manaoer, Enoineerino Director. Wastewater staff. Rioht-ot-wav permittino staff. and Transportation Enoineerino staff. IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or W.o.) l Proposed change is consistent with the scope 01 the existing agreement l Proposed change is in tact an addition or deletion to the existing scope l Change is being implemented In a manner consistent with the existing agreement l The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change l Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: This form Is to be signed and dated. APPROVED BY: Date: ? - /~ -07 Date: &;2.3/01 REVIEWED BY: Contract Specia 1st Revised 10.24.2006 3 CONTRACT MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: Reclaimed Water ASR Well Prolect PROJECT #: 74030 BIDIRFP #: 04-3584 MOD #: L-AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE $0.00 PO #: 4500058836 Work Order #: AWP-FT-3584-D6-D2 CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL $24.900 CURRENT S24.900 (STARTING POINl) (INC~UDING THIS CHANGE ORDER) Last BCC Approved Amount $ N/A (LAST TOTAL AMT. REQUIRING BCC APPROVAL) Date of Last BCC Approval Agenda Item L Cumulative Dollar Value of Change Orders to this ContractIWork Order: SO.OO Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount: 0% Formula: (Current Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and Actions: If the change exceeds 10% BCC approval is required; under 10% reported to BCC on Purchasing report. For specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Contract Administration Procedures, Section III.C.4. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: Mav 6. 2007 CURRENT: Auoust 3.2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (5): Identify the changes. To orovide additional services for Dublic relations related to this Dro; eel. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (5): What value or benefit do these chanQes provide to the prolect? This chanoe will provide other technical consultino services to resoond to homeowner cuestions. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Bill Mullin. Roy Anderson IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, Nor N/A) L Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope L Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MAN APPROVED BY: Project an g7'1 REVIEWED BYtyc.Lf...UL \J1L:~)1.L(VV\.. Contract Specialist ON: This form is to be s\ne~ and dated. Date: "5 '2.,~ b) Date: S{Z./;/C1 Revised 12/23/04 L{ CONTRACT MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: SERWTP- Land aCQuisition Studv PROJECT #: .lQm BID/RFP #: 01-3290 MOD #: Amendment 1 AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE $15.500 PO #: 4500030202 Work Order #: ABB-FT -04-05 CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL $33.700.00 CURRENT $49.200.00 (STARTING POINlJ ~NCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER) Last BCC Approved Amount $ NIA (LAST TOTAL AMT. REQUIRING BCC APPROVAL) Date of Last BCC Approval Agenda Item L Cumulative Dollar Value of Change Orders to this ContractIWork Order: $15.500.00 Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount: 45.994% Formula: (Current Amount / Last BCC approved amount)-1 Results and Actions: If the change exceeds 10% BCC approval is required; under 10% reported to BCC on Purchasing report. For specific information regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Contract Administration Procedures. Section III.C.4. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: February 26.2007 CURRENT: October 24. 2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Identify the changes. To orovide additional services foroublic meetings and other related meetings related to obtaining Public Use Zoning for the SERWTP. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): What value or benefit do these changes provide to the proiect? This chanae will provide Public Use Zonina for the site. and will be a means of informina the public of our future olans for this site. PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Bill Mullin. Paul Mattausch. Roy Anderson IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/A) L Proposed change is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _ Proposed change is in fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope L Change is being implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement L The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change L Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable PROJECT MANA,QERJ~EC~~ON: This form is to be signed\aru1,dated. APPROVEDBY:~\..r.~.~ Date: bV~.."b\"t:i \ Project Manager REVIEWED By:~t~.c-tl.......QA)LV W.I'\ Date: O/2-S-I07 Contract Specialist Revised 12/23/04 CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM 5" PROJECT NAME: Lower Tamlaml Well Site Acaulsltlon SUDDort PROJECT #: 7006111 BID/RFP #: O,-\-- 3S"12> MOD #: PO#: 4 Soo ()lDl7~ WORK ORDER #:CDM-3593.Q6-07 DEPARTMENT:_PUED CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME:CDM Original Contract Amount: $ $50.000 (Starting Point) $ NA (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $ $50,000 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Current BCC Approved Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Amount: Revised Contracl/Work Order Amount: $ $5,000 $ $55.000 (Including This Change Order) Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractIWork Order: $ $5,000 Date of Last BCC Approval NA Agenda Item # Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-l Results and Actions: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amoun~ then BCC approval Is required; equal to or less than 10% reported to BCC by the purchasing department. CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that exceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCC administratively. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thresholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCC amount, then BCC approval Is required. If In doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific Infonnatlon regarding work order thresholds, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures. Section IV.3.d. 10 % CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: ADrll 30. 2007 CURRENT: Auaust 30. 2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Added $5,000 to Work Order for additional survey and site documentation JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE (S): Need to complete acquisition of 5'" Tamlaml Well site for Weber string PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: Rov Anderson. Pam Llbbv IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with change using Y, N or N/A) _ Y _ Proposed change Is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _N_ Proposed change Is In fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _ Y _ Change Is being Implemented In a manner consistent with the existing agreement _ Y _ The appropriate parties have been consulted regarding the change _ Y _ Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth in the change are reasonable ENDATION: This form is to be signed and dated. IL~' S ic;/o 7 Date: (' Date: 6/.:31/ () 1 , ~h1t{t< U Revised 10.24.2006 ~ CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: _Switchboard Improvements PROJECT #: BIDIRFP II: _3971_MOD': 1I1_POII:_45oo078064_ WORK ORDER"_ WJV-FT-3971-07-04_ DEPARTMENT:_Records/Switchboard CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME:_ William Varian_ Original Conlnlet Amount: $ _22,688.00 (Starting Point) $_N/A (last Total Amount Approved by tha BCC) CUrTent BCC Approved Amount: CUrTent Contract Amount: $_22,688.00 (Including All ehangas Poor To This Modification) Change Amount: $_444.60 $_23,132.60 (Including This Change Order) Revlsad Contract/Work Ordar Amount: Cumulative Oollar Value of Changea to thla Contrecl/Work Order: $ 444.60 Date of Last BCC Approvel_NI A Agenda Item # _Nt A Percentege oftha chenge under currant contraet amount_.oi% 1.<;(.010 Formula: (Revised Amount) r- Results and ActIons: Contracts: If the change exceeds 10% of the anrent BCC amount, then Bee approval is required; equal to or lass than 10% reported to BeC by the purchasing department CCNA Work Orders: For all work orders that axceed $200,000 where the change does not exceed 10% or $10,000, these changes are reported by the Purchasing Department to the BCe admlnlstretlvely. Changers to these work orders that exceed those thf8Sholds require prior BCC approval. NON-CCNA Work Orders: If the change exceeds 10% of the current BCe amount, then BCe approval Is required. If in doubt, contact your contract specialist. For more specific Information regarding work order threshoids, please refer to the Procurement Administration Procedures, Section IV.3.d. CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S):ORIGINAL: _5/12/2007 _CURRENT: _6/8/2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGE (S): Idantlfy the changea. the permit fees allowance. Actual permit charges were higher than JUSTIFICATiON FOR CHANGE (S): What valua or benefit do thesa changea provide 10 the project? N/A PARTIES CONTACTED REGARDING THE CHANGE: _William Varian IMPLEMENTATION STEPS (Verify each before proceeding with chenge using Y, N or N/A) _ Y _ Proposed chenge Is consistent with the scope of the existing agreement _N_ Proposed change is In fact an addition or deletion to the existing scope _NI A_ Change Is being Implemented in a manner consistent with the existing agreement _ Y _ The appropriate parties have bean consulted regarding the changa _ Y _ Proposed prices, fees and costs set forth In lhe change are reasonable Revised 10.24.2006 I 7 CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKUST FORM PROJECT NAME: Bulkllna F Dm Centar PROJECT It &001I1-1 PROJECT MANAGER: Sldp Camp B1D1RFP I: _a MOD I: 1 J'OlJ:450007H54 WORK ORDER I:VJI.-fl_392l1-47.o3 DEPARTMENT :Informalton Technclogy CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: Victor J LotaYIsb Architect. 0IIgIn. CaDIICt _nt: SI4,MI.OO ("ng PoInt) Cu..- ace AppooINd _nt: S N1A (l8ot TolaI_ Apprcwod by the Bee) Cunent CaDIICt _nt: S 64,84Q.00 (IRdulIngAl Chenges PIlorTo This ModIftcatIon) CMnge_ S 3,-.lIO __ ConInIoI.WaI1<OrcIor_ S "7_ (1RdulIng This Ch8nge Order) Cumu_ Doll-. v_ ofC,"- to lIIIe Co,oII...v.V<ldl 0-= S 3,8OO.lIO 0.. of I..aat BCC Approv" NlA Agenda"'" 1# _N/A Percentll{le of the Qhongo ovorlundor currant contract omoun5.86% Formula: (Revloed Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (81: ORIGINAL: Auauat 6. 2007 CURRENT: FebruarY 5 2008 Descllbe the dl8nge{.,: Fee sehedule revised to Inc:lude plan dlange.. Specify the ....on. for the Qhange{.): Reque.ted by the owner to meet current needs. Identify aI' negative Impal:11l to the proJec:t If thl. change order were not processed: This change was requested by: r ContraetorlConsultant ~ Owner (': De.lgn Professional r Regulatory Agency (Speclfyl r Using Department r. Other (Specify) ~ r CDES CONTRACT SPEClAUST PARllCIPA1l0N IN NEGOTIATIONS: rYes REVIEWED B : J-- Date: ~ Date: i; / frio 7 , CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: NCRWTP -Interior Renovations PROJECT #: 700593 PROJECT MANAGER: Clellla 'larga, PUEO (J 13IDIRFP iii: 06-3971 MOD iii: 1 PO#: 4500076244 WORK ORDER tiI: CT .FT -3971-07.05 DEPARTMENT: PUED CONTRACTORlFIRM NAME: Chris-Tel Company of ffN Florida Original COntnlClt Amount: $ 168,878 $ 168,878 $168,878 S 9,994 $ 178,Sn $ 9,994 (Startlng Point) CUlTlJnt BCC Approved Amount: (L8sl To!lll Amount Approved by Il1e BCCry (includIng All Changes Prior To Thll MolII"C116on) CUlTlJnt Contrlct Amount Chanfl'l Amount: RevlllId ConnctIWork Order Amount: (Including This Ch8l1ge Order) Cumulallve Dollar Valua of Chang88 10 thIs ConlractIWork Order: Oalll of Last Bee Approval: January 9,2007 AllInlla'tem II 18C2 Percanblge of the Clhange over/under current contract amount: 5.92 % Formula: (Reviled Amount I Lalt BCC approvellamClunt)-l COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: May 28, 2007 CURRENT: Augua131,2007 D..crlbe the chang8(al: Replace old acoustical ceiling Ill.. with new ones for rooms: 105,108, 120, 121, 122, 123,208,214,2'15,216,208. Specify the 1'tII0na for the change(a): The replacement for the above mentioned rooms was not part of thl original scopt. ThIs Improvement work will complete the general renovallons to the celllnga. Identify all negallve Imp.clls to the project If th. change order were not processed: Interior Renovations would not be complete, thus giving the celllngl an "old VI. new" aspect. Thla ch.n~ wae reqUeSted by: r- ContractorlConsultant 18I Owner (" Uelng Department r CDes r Design Professional' r R.gulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Speclfyl_ CONTRACT SPECIAUSi PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Yes [81 No Date: June 13, 2007 tf;~~7 Revised 5.21.2007 q CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME:Bulldlno W Drvwall R.ol-....nt PROJECT I/: 52$25 PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Callis BIDIRFP III: !!!:a!!MOD III: 1 1'01II:4500080282 WORK ORDER I/: WJV-Ft.3871.o7.10 DEPARTMENT: FlICllIUesCONTRACTORlFIRM NAME :W1lls1m J. Varian Original Cantract Amaunt: $17,825.00 (Slartlng Point) Current BeC Approvtld Amaunt: $ NlA (Last Total Amount Approved by 1118 BCC) Current Con1ract Amount $17,625.00 (Including All Changes Prior To Th. Modl1lcallon) ; Change Amount: $350.00 R.vlsed CantractlWork Ord.r Amount $17,875.00 (Including TIll. Change Order) Cumulative Dotlar Value of Chsnges to 1111. ContractlWark Ordar: $350.00 Da" of Last Bce App""'" N1A Agenda Item III N/A Percentage of lI1e change over/und.r current contract amount 1.99% Fonnula: (Revl88d Amount II.ast sec approved amounl)-1 CURRENT COMPlETION DATE (St. ORl~INAL: July 2007 CURRENT: July 2007 a.dA'~J'U..., teP . Descrlbeth.changa(s): ReviiwreesF pla-rv ~/PA. Specify the I'lI8lIOns forthe chsngllS: Not Included In original propossl. Identify all negative Impacts to the project If this change order ware not procasaed: ~ This change was requested bY~ Contractor/Consultant (" Owner (" Using Department .. CDES (' Design Professional (" Regulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Yes ,,-{NO This form is to be signed and dated. APPROVED BY: mil ill .i!~~ .Jlfu) Project Manager REVIEWED BY: ~f.l~ h) 1J j tH-!2 conrrft Specialist Dale: &/ It! t7 I ' f-,j;JjI) 7 , Date: Revised 5.21.2007 Page 1 of I COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Report and Ratify Staff-Approved Change Orders and Changes to Work Orders to Board- Approved Contracts. 7/10/2007900:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Diana Deleon Administrative Assistant Date Administrative Services Purchasing 7/3/2007 10:03:06 AM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 7/3/20071 :16 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 7/3/20074:13 PM http://bccagenda/I ntranet/ attachmentviewer. aspx ?attachmentid=-l &itemid=9 54 3 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Regina Rhodes (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located Lot 200, Trail Ridge, Naples. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the attached lien agreement with Regina Rhodes for deferral of ] 00% of Collier County impact fees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit. CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing. Pursuant to this program, an application for deferment was submitted by Regina Rhodes, which application, after staff review, was determined to quality for the program. Legal status has been verified and documents are on file at the office of Housing and Human Services. The property is located in the Trail Ridge subdivision in Naples. The ordinance requires that a lien agreement be entered into with the applicant as a condition of deferral of the impact fees. Section 74-401(3) of the Code authorizes the County Manager to sign deferral agreements with applicants qualitying for impact fee deferrals for affordable housing, which has long been the practice. The ordinance, however, gives the County Manager discretion in whether to enter into the Agreement. Accordingly, in keeping with recent discussion and direction by the Board, the County Attorney's Office has determined that until directed otherwise by the Board, these agreements be placed on the Consent Agenda for the Board's review, approval and Chairman's signature. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: This agreement defers $19,372.52 in impact fees. Although it is expected that the County will ultimately collect these deferred fees (generally upon the sale of the residence), there is no guarantee as to if, or when, this would occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement is fully consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 74-401 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County. JAK STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign the attached Lien Agreement for Deferral of 100% of Collier Counly Impact Fees for Owner Occupied Affordable Housing Dwelling Units for Regina Rhodes located at Lot 200, Trail Ridge, Naples. PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, SHIP Program Coordinator, Housing and Human Services Rf'turntn FrlnkRam~y Collier Cuunly HHS 3301 E. ramlaml Trail :"laplel,FluridaJ4112 File# 07-019-IF Thilllpacerurrf'Cording LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF 100% OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS This Agreement is entered into this LS day of June, 2007, between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and "Regina Rhodes" (OWNER), collectively stated as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. This Lien Agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida, known as "The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance" (Ordinance). In the event of any conflict with this Agreement, the terms of the Ordinance shall apply. 2. The legal description of the dwelling unit is attached as Exhibit "A." 3. The term of this Agreement is from the date set forth above until the impact fee is repaid. 4. The amount of the impact fees deferred shall be paid to the COUNTY in full upon: a) the sale of the dwelling unit; b) the refinancing of the dwelling unit; c) a loss of the homestead exemption; or d) the first occurrence of any sale or transfer of any part of the affected real property, and in any such event the deferred impact fees shall be paid in full to the COUNTY not later then the closing of the sale, or not later then the effective date of the transfer. As set forth in Exhibit "B," the amount of the deferred impact fees is Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventv Two and 52/100 Dollars ($19.372.52). Repayment shall include any accrued interest. Interest shall be computed at the rate offive percent (5%) per annum, but in no event shall it exceed twenty~five percent (25%) of the total fee amount. 5. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A," which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the Ordinance or with this Agreement. This Agreement shall operate as a lien against the dwelling unit The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of the County. The deferrals of impact fees and this Agreement shall run with the land, and neither the deferred impact fees nor this Agreement shall be transferred, assigned, or otherwise conveyed. Except as provided by law, regardless of any foreclosure on the first mortgage or other security interest, this lien shall otherwise be superior and paramount to the interest in the dwelling unit of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except that this lien shall be on parity with any lien for County taxes. 6. Upon the satisfactory completion of this Agreement's requirements, COUNTY shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same. 7. In the event the OWNER is in default under the Ordinance or this Agreement, and the default is not cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the OWNER, the COUNTY may, at its sole option, collect the impact fee amount in default as set forth in the Ordinance, or bring a civil action to enforce this Agreement, or declare that the deferred impact fees are then in default and immediately due and payable. The COUNTY shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fee and costs. incurred by the COlJNTY in enforcing this Agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar year basis until paid. 8. This Agreement is the sole agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and shall be binding upon the OWNER's successors and assigns in interest. 9. This Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the County at no cost to the COUNTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year tirst above 'Written. Attest: DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, By: By: JAMES COLETTA, CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk ~~~ Print Name ~_-,--M /It:r. LL.o ,OWNER:., ' . '. . ;' \\ ., ,.' \ ' <,....--'" \...<:~ Regina Rhodes i .~. :\ c OWNER: Witness~s: 1}/Ir;-;c:Zz.,., Print Name /t, ^ /,-';Ll. ~- j~/-:~ i,/" ).'.,... STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) 2007, The for~going AgreeQ1~nt was acknowledged before me this i 5 day oLJ '.J ,,\ ~_ , by j,J.,.",,-I,___ t-:,~)I.,.,I>) , who is ,ppr<:()n~l1y'__.kno:WIt,JQ._.me or has produced / as proof of identity. ~~~i(t,;j;."., '; ~Jtl '.,' , t~,~::'~;~':~;... :'~"'~_JI'~N'~""'v > ..../ <>:>; ~f :; A .J} EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 200, Trail Ridge, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 44, Pages 71 through 77, inclusive, or the Public Records or Collier County, Florida. EXHIBIT "B" IMPACT FEE BREAKDOWN Type of Impact Fee Amount Owed A. EMS Impact Fee B. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee C. Library Impact Fee D. Community Parks Impact Fee E. Regional Parks Impact Fee F. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee G. Road Impact Fee H. Government Buildings Impact Fee 1. Law Enforcement Impact Fee J. Water Impact Fee K. Sewer Impact Fee TOTAL IMPACT FEES $100.59 $62.14 $368.18 $750.00 $1,659.00 $2,862.00 $6,059.00 $410.00 $171.61 $3,415.00 $3,515.00 $19,372.52 JAK Approved _I_l_ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Page I of I Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, a lien agreement with Regina Rhodes (Owner) for deferral of 100% of Collier County Impact tees for an owner-occupied affordable housing unit located Lot 200, Trail Ridge, Naples 7/10/2007900:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 6/27/20072:53:11 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 6/27/20076:12 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 6/28/2007 11 :24 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 7/2/2007 11 :37 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/3/20077:28 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/5/20079:47 AM http://bccagenda/lntranet/ attachmentv iewer .aspx ?attachmentid=-l & i temid=948 7 7/1 0/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to Reject Bid No. 07-4115 for "US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard) Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract" OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners rejects Bid No. 07-4115 for use by the Traffic Operations Department, Transportation Services Division for routine maintenance, and emergency repair to roadway lighting along US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard). CONSIDERATIONS: In consideration of anticipated roadway lighting maintenance needs for Fiscal Year 07-08, a bid was issued by the Purchasing Department. Bid 07-4115 "US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard) Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract" was publicly advertised on April 25, 2007. Ninety-Two Bid notices were sent out. Two (2) responses were received by the due date of May 17,2007. Staff has reviewed the bids results. The Method of Analysis utilized for award of this contract was based on the Total Lump Sum Annual Price for Normal Maintenance of Seven Hundred Eighty (780) Luminaire Installations; Trouble Shooting & Repairing two (2) anticipated Underground Faults in the electrical systems; and replacement of five (5) anticipated Luminaire Installations being knocked down by motor vehicle accidents. Staff has reviewed the two bids received; the first bid had a mathematical error that negatively impacted the total base bid and the same vendor failed to submit the required documentation. This bid was considered non-responsive. The second bid was determined to be approximately sixteen (16) times greater than our current operating bid and this was found to be significantly above budget. Therefore, staff recommends to reject Bid 07-4115, "US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard) Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract" and initiate a new bid. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject 10 formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by Ihat Board, Ihis document shall be enforceable againsl Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact in the approval of this Executive Summary. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (I) rejects Bid 07-4115 "US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard) Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract;" and (2) authorize staff to issue a second request for bids. Prepared By: John W. Miller, Project Manager, Traffic Operations Attachment: Contract Bid Documents Project Mgr.: John Miller Date Pooled: 4-25-07 Date Due: 5-17.07 BIDtlO7-4115 .Roadway Lighting Components" Addondums: 1 Notices s.nt: 92 Packag08 Requested: 6 Bid. Reoevied: 2 1 Deemed Non-Responsive DESCRIPTION ProfL IIlonll Hlahwll M.~ Tillie -A- ('"Tuk 1 Only.Quant/ty x Lump Stlm Unit Price x 12 months = Lump Sum "nnua! Price) (TasI< 2 &3 . Quantity x Lump Sum Unl Price '" Estimated Lump Sum Annual Price) Task 1: Normal Maintenance and Replacement of Luminaire Comoonento Monthl. Maintenance Fee Lume Sum Unit Price: Qtv. $ 160.00 ~Srt~;~JVr~' *LumD Sum Annual Price: Qtv. $ 1.446.50 ;;'~'::#SN*' . Task 2:Trouble Shoot & Rooair (Schedula A): Lumn Sum Unit Price: QIY. $ 6.154.30 :,~.t::":;;-.~t,?t~; ~. *Lume Sum Annual Price: Qty. $ 7,463.60 '"",;,>"",>:",,!;~:,.;., ':'::~:;:::::":;:'::::::::::~:;~: -.' aUBTOTAL $ 1,132,174.00 Standard Labor Rata for Circum.tanc:es Not AppHcabIe to Table A or the Fumish & 'nltaU BkS list. Crew Leader: Per Hour $ 58.50 Traffic Technician: Per Hour $ 45.00 Laborer: Per Hour $ 25.00 OIertll"M Labor Raw for CiroumstanCfl Not Applcable to T.bM1 A or the Fumish & Install Bid List. Crew Leader: Per Hour $ 83.25 Traffic Technician: Per Hour $ 67.50 Laborer: Per Hour $ 37.50 Equipment Rates for Circumstances Not Applicable to Table "A" Bucket Truck, line Truck. Back Hoe, etc.: Per Runnina Hour $ 65.00 Minor Equipment Rates for Circumstances Not Applicable to Table ~A~ Concrete Saw, p,Jr Compressor w/Accessoriee, etc.: Per Running Hour $ 35.00 Schedule "A" T.lk Z Troullle a'-t & Re....r Uncllrarouncl Cost Estimate Date: No Bid 715-1-11 Conductor, No. 10 Pole & Arm Bracket: Un~Ft. $ 0.45 $ 25.65 715-1-12 Conductor. No.8 to NO.6 Service: UnitFt. $ 0.60 S 432.00 715-2-11 Condu~. Underground PVC Schedula 40 /2"): Un~Ft. $ 0.75 $ 7.50 715-19.1 Surge Protactor (Pole B... 48Ov): Unit Ea. $ 30.00 $ 30.00 CCTO 2046 Fuse. 10 .mp Bu..m.nn FNQ-10 500v: Unit Ea. S 4.50 $ 4.50 CCTO 2052 BreakGwsv Fuse Holder wlBoots (Uttelfuae LEBAYCS): Unit Ell. $ 18.45 $ 18.45 CCTO 2054 InIMwIy FUIe Nlulr1l Hader w'Baots (la.ll'\ltt LETAYCSJ: Unit Ea $ 21.30 $ 21.30 NoFOOTN LlImp (150, 2M, 400 WlItt HPS or Metal Halide): Unit Ea. $ 21.10 $ 21.10 aulo-TotaI MlIlitr1al $ 110.10 Equipment (payment for running time only) Noun CDIt Pv Hour Exttndld Cost Pit Hour -Bucket Truck: Per Hour No Bid $ 65.00 No Bid -Backhoe or Auger: Per Hour , $ 80.00 $ 80.00 "Air Compressor with Asaocisled Components' Per Hour 1 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 "Other: Per Hour No Bid No Bid No Bid Sulo-TotaI Eaul_t $ 11'.00 Labor HounI Cost Pw ~ ExI<<1dIdCostPerHoi.lr -Crew LNder'Electrician: Per Hour 6 $ 58.50 $ 351.00 f-- -Technician: Per Hour 6 $ 45.00 $ 270.00 "'Laborer: Per Hour 6 S 25.00 $ 150.00 Sub.Total Labor $ n1.00 Total Lump Sum Coot $ 1,_.10 Page 1 of4 Project Mgr.: John Miller Date Pooled: 4-25-07 0818 Duo: 5-17~7 BID 107-4115 "Roadway Lighting Components" Addendums: 1 Notices Sent 92 Packages Requested: 6 Bids Rocevied: 2 1 Deemed Non-Responsive DEICRlPTlON ~_H ~ 8oIIed_ "8" rnll3 RtpIIMMnt of Standlrd Poll eu.tov.talclli Knocll-Down Cost Estimate Date: No Bid 715-1-11 Conductor, No. 10 Pole & Arm Bracket UnrtFt. . 0.45 S 25.65 715-1.12 Conductor, No.6 Se<viee: Un~ Fl . 0.80 . 0.80 715-11-111 lumlnaire Cobra Head) (includes Bellaet: Ee. . 225.00 S 225.00 ~15-19.1 Surge Pro18ctor Pole Bo..): Eo. . 30.00 S 30.00 715-34-1 Alumim..m Lighting F'ole for Arm or Tenon Mount (39ft, l' Ea. . 4,200.00 . 4.200.00 715-35-1 Truss Style Aluminum Arm up to 15': Eo. . 650.00 . 650.00 CCTO 10.48 TB1.17 Transformer Ba.. (ComlJletlll: Eo. . 450.00 . 450.00 cera 2046 FUN, 10 amp Bussmlllnn FNQ..10 ~00v (or eQUlvl!Ilent) Ea. . 4.50 . 4.50 CCTO 2052 BrMk8wBy Fuu Helder WIBoott (Lltttfl'uae LEBAYCS\: Ea . 16.45 . 16.45 ceTO 2054 ~FuseNtuhlHliderw'8oot:s(utIeIfIlMlLETAYCSI: Ea. . 21.30 . 21.30 NoFOOTfJ La"", (150, 250, 400 watt HPS or Metal Halide): Eo. . 21.10 S 21.10 lub-T_ M....... . 1,....10 Equipmont (payment for running time only) Hou.. Cost Per Hour Extwldld Cott P. Hour -Sucket Truck: Per Hour 2 S 65.00 S 170.00 -Backhoe or Auger: Per Hour 1 . 80.00 S 80.00 "'Air Compre&8(lr with Aseoclated ComPOnents Per Ho<M No Bid . 35.00 No Bid -Other: Per Hour No Bid No Bid lub-T_ Equl_' S 210.00 labor Hou.. Cost Per Hour ExtIndldCott P.,HOIIr -Crew LeaderlElectrician: Per Hour 2 . 56.50 S 117.00 '"Technician: F'er Hour 2 . 45.00 S 90.00 -Laborer: Per Hour 2 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 8ub-T_ Labor S 217.00 T_ Lump lum Cost ......:,)::: ,:"" Sohed.... "82" r.. 3 ReplI..-t ofDlc:ordYt Poll ~ to vlhlclt Knock-Down Coot Estimobl 0818: No Bid 715-'-11 Conductor. No. 10 Pole & Arm Brocket: UnitFl $ 0.45 . 25.65 715-1-12 Conductor. No.6 Service: Unit Fl $ 0.80 . 0.80 715.19.1 Su"," Prol.8clor (Pole Be..: Un~ Eo. $ 30.00 S 30.00 CCT003-204 ~Ive Aluminum Ught Pole with Arm and Lumlnlllre Assembly . - (Complete) per CC1Q DrawIng No, 03-204: Unit Ea. S 6.660.00 S 6.660.00 CCTO 2036 . . S 155.00 S 155.00 CCTO 2046 Fuse, 10 amp Buumann FNQ-10 500\1 (or equivalent): Unit Ea. $ 4.50 $ 4.50 CCTO 2052 Br~ FUN Holder wJBocIa (LitteIfuM LEBAYCS): Unit Ea $ 18.45 . 16.45 CCTO 2054 ~FuseNeuIr1lHdder'lf'8oob:(LlIIIfvIILETAYCSl: Unl&. $ 21.30 . 21.30 ccm 2028 lamp (250 watt Mefllll Halide: Unit Eo. . 21.10 . 21.10 lub-T_ M_ ~:.:iFH: . Equipment (payment for running time only) -... eo.t,.. Hour ~CMtPtr Hour -Bucket Truck: Per Hour 2 S 65.00 $ 170.00 -Backhoe or Auger: Per Hour 1 $ 80.00 S 60.00 ..AIr Compressor with Associated Components: Pef Hour No Bid S 35.00 NoB;a -Other: Per Hour No Bid No Bid No Bid lub-T_ Eaul_, . 210.00 Labor ..... Cool.. _ ~CmPfiHour "Crew Leader/Electrician: P.. Hour 2 $ 56.50 S 117.00 "Technician: Per Hour 2 S 45.00 $ 90.00 -Laborer: Per Hour 2 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 8ub- TotIl Labor S 2&7.00 T_ LumD Sum C..., . 7M3.1O Poge2of4 Project Mgr.: John MHIer Oobl Posted: 4-25-07 Oobl Due: 5-17-l17 BID 1107-4115 "Roadway Lighting COI,,,,,,_" _duma: 1 N_ Sent 92 Packages Requested: 6 BidoROC8'oIied:2 1 Deemed Non-Responsive DESCRIPTION ~.A ilia... H "'A.._" FURNI8H _IN8TALL BID UBT _FOOT 339-' AlDhoIt Pavement Misc. .. rwauired by 'obl: TN . 800.00 400.'.15 Concrete Closs 1 Misc. AI reau~ed bv obI: CY S 150.00 555.'.1 Directional Bore 2" PVC Sdledule 40 P. "t: IF S 11.50 556.,., Jock ond Bore ~ Steel Cuing Pips with @" PVC Schedule 40 Carrier Polo: IF $ 35.40 575.'-' Soddino {to match exiolina oodl: SY $ 6.50 ........1IIDCn'...... ~._...... III' .Nllr ~ u - .. 639.'-12 EloclricoI Power Servico OVerhead: AS S 3,000.00 639.'-22 EloctricoI Power Service Under~round: AS $ 4.gso.00 639-2-2 E_ Sorvice Wire: IF $ 7.25 715-'-11 Conductors. Pole & Bracket N~. 10 or Smaller: IF . 0.45 715.'.12 Conductors, Se<viee N~. 6 to No.6: IF . 1.25 r15-'-13 Conductors. Service NO.4 to No.2: IF S 2.00 71e-'.14 Conductors. Service No. 1 to No. 0: IF . 4.00 715-'-15 Conductors, Service No. 1/0 to No. 310: LF S 5.00 71&.1.16 Conductors. Sorvice No. 4iO or lor_ IF $ 9.00 710-2-11 Condu~ U nd (PVC Sch 40) (2"1: IF $ 4.00 715-2-12 Condu. Undo< Pavement (_Ill) (PVC Soh 40) (2"): LF . 9.50 715.2.13 Condu. Sur1'llee Mounl (Rlald S..... GaIvonlzod\ r2"\: LF S 7.50 715--7.11 Loed Center, SeoondIIN Voltaae OCTO OrIwIng 03-201; EA $ 5.800.00 715-14-11 Pul Box (24" Lx 13" Wx12" 0 Mln~k1.) (Roadside): EA $ 155.00 715-19-' Sur"" Pnotector Pole B_ 4B( : EA . 45.00 715-21.' luminoire S1ort8f Board {Ignitor 35-400 watt.: EA $ 50.00 8__ FDOTICCTO _Inum LJahl_ 715-10.2 Pole Foundation Pour In Place or Precast Concrete: EA $ 450.00 715-10-2 Pole Screw _ Foundation: EA . 750.00 715-10-5 Pole Pr&-Cael Concrebl Foundotion (Romowl: EA S 125.00 715-10.5 Pole Screw _ Foundation (Romo..ll: EA $ 100.00 715.10-6 Pole Pre-Coot concrebl Foundation (Romovo): EA $ 450.00 715.10-6 Polo Screw _ Foundotion (Romovol: EA $ 400.00 715.11.111 LumiNIire (Cobrahead) 150 to 400 WIltt HPS Of MI-l): EA $ 225.00 71!5-11.113 Luminaire (n..mpike (Pole Top)) (250 to 400 watt HPS): EA $ 1,100.00 CCOT 1000 AlumInum Light Pate (19') (for Tru..-Stvle Arm) 8"x6": EA $ 3,200.00 CCOT1002 Aluminum Lk/III Polo (22') (lor TNOO-Stvlo Ann) 8"x6": EA . 4.200.00 CCOT100<4 Aluminum Light Pole (25'-9'1 (fOr T Arm) 7")(4-1/2": EA $ 2.100.00 CCOT 1006 AlUminum Light Pole 139"-0" (forTruu-StyIe Arm) 9")(6': EA $ 2.400.00 CCOT 1008 Aluminum Light Pole (39"-0" (for Tr\I6Ii-Styte Arm) 10'.,.,6": EA $ 3,200.00 715-34-1 Aluminum LJaht Pele (40') wi 2-318 inch 00 Top Tenon: EA $ 4.200.00 CCTO 1014 Truoo StvIe Arm. Single 110' Rille & 15'lonnl: EA S 750.00 cere 101&'1022 Tru.. Stylo Ann, Slnglo (Roadway Llghtlng-to 151: EA S 650.00 cero 1024 Tru.. S1ylo Ann. Twin (Roa_ Ughtlng-to 8'): EA . 475.00 CCTO 1048 Transformer B_ TB,.,7: EA . 480.00 cere 1050 Tranolormer Be.. TB2-17: EA $ 480.00 CCTO 1052 TronoIormer Bose TB3-17: EA . 480.00 lUMEC DeoonlIve lJahl_ CCTO 2150 Comolete Luminaire Assem~v: EA $ 1,800.00 ccro 2164 Ann: EA $ 2.000.00 CCTa 2166 Decorativo Bands (Scroll-lMS116B4A): EA $ 1,200.00 cere 2168 Central Ado~tor (lMS11564A): EA $ 350.00 CCTO 2170 Pole(SSM6-27-lMS116B4AI: EA $ 4.500.00 ceTe 2172 Deccnttw Cowr (Transttlon FItter -LMS11884A): EA $ 650.00 CCTa 2174 B... <inoluded with Pole 21701: EA $ 4.700.00 cera 2176 Acceoo Door (Hondholo Cover-lMS11564A1: EA $ 95.00 cera 2178 Base Cover (lMS11564A1: EA $ 350.00 cere 2180 Cover (BRWY BSCOV-lMS11564A): EA $ 1.025.00 CCTO 2182 Uooor Banner Arm (BAS-lMSll564A): EA $ gso.oo eCTa 2184 Lower B....kaway Banner Arm (BABS-LMS11684A): EA $ gso.oo Decorative Aluminum light Pole with Arm end Lumlneir. Assembly CCTO 03-204 (Complete) per CCTO OnIwina No, 03-204: EA $ 6.200.00 Page 3 of 4 Project Mgr.: John MiUer 0018 Pooled: 4-25-07 Oete Duo: 5-17~ BID 107-4115 "Roadway Lighting ComponenllS" Addendums: 1 Notices Sent 92 Packages Requested: 6 Bids Recevled: 2 1 Deemed Non-Responsive DESCRlPTlON P~.)fl r1-a-,." - -- _CCTO_ ror MIn......... cera 2021 Photoelectric Control "Turn & loci<' 480 voIlntermafic LC4535 S 125.00 CCTO 2022 PhDID8IecnConfcl'lllll & Lock' 2Oa-271vo1I1nlllrmlklC4523 S 125.00 CGTO 2023 Phot~lr~ Control "TIUTl & I ocle'" 120 volt lntetmallC LC4521C S 175.00 cere 20241 lamp 250 WliIl HiPh Pres.uro Sodium S-50 ET-16 $ 25.00 ceTO 2025 lamn 175 WliIl Metal Halide M-57 BT-26 $ 4000 OCTO 2026 l.mn 400 watt Metal Halide M-56 ET-16 $ 65.00 cere 2027 lamn 400 WliIl Hkm Preesure Sodium 5-51 ET -18 $ 25.00 CGTO 2028 Lamo 250 watt Molal Halids M-56 BT -26 $ 50.00 CCT02029 lame 400 WliIl Metal Halide M-59 BT -37 $ 70.00 Ballom Replacer Kit 250 watt MultfTap 12QJ2081240f277 $-50 High cere 2031 Pressure Sodium - Advance 71A8271..Q010 $ 130.00 Ballast Replacer Kit 250 watt 480 volt 8-SO High Pl'9MUre Sodium - CCT02033 S-nla LU2501480-KIT $ 135.00 Ballast Replacer Kit 400 W8tt 480 vott M-59 Metal Halide - Advance ceTO 2034 71"6041-<1010 $ 195.00 Ballast Replacer KIt 250 WIItt 480 volt M-S8 Met81 Halide. Advance CCTa 2035 711',5740-0010 $ 145.00' Ballast Replacer Kit 400 'MItt 480 volt $-51 High Preasure Sodium. ceTe 2037 ISvlonle LUo4OO/480-KlT $ 145.00 CCTO 2036 Ballast Replacer KIt 175 watt 480 MWtt $ 125.00 cera 2042 Fu.o NebJrol (BUSS NNB Fu.. "Neutrals") $ 12.00 CCTO 2044 Fuse 10 AMP FNO-10, 500V S 6.00 Fu.. Holder (in-lne. waa1horprool3OA, 600V) ceTe 2052 Phase IdentifICation: Black Litteffuse LE8AYCS $ 32.00 Fuse Holder (in-lile. weatl1erprool3OA, 600V) ceTa 2054 Pha.. Identification: White littelfuse lEBAYCS $ 34.00 cera 2056 Suroo Arrester <Service Entronco 600V) cera 5056 loed Center Brooker 20 Am. $ 55.00 CCTO 5092.20 load Center Breaker 30 Am, $ 300.00 CCTO 501n.30 Load Center Breaker 60 Am, S 300.00 cero 5092.60 Load Center Breaker 100mp $ 300.00 CCTe 5OP2.tOO Load Center Breaker $ 500.00 CCT05096 Eieetr_ Groundino (51B" Oiomeblrl $ 4.00 Una&Slgned liohtinc Contoctor 30 Ame, BOO voItl $ 325.00 Kent Technologi8e <lid not pr<lVideall requirOddoCurnon\lltiOll. therefore deemed' . Colcu_ Errors Not Cor_, 1ll<I.......RetIect> Subm_ Opening Agent Brenda Brilha.v -7- 1 .{. " . ~ .. /f. -1-. H., . ^~, Wltnes. Courtney GroomanOll /YLl~ 7) ..iJvrJtJ.~, _~ LE'-LJU/){QlT" ).Y~..J../ r Y\..0r--..-- This i6 a prelimln&TY summary or the bids as the:V,wereUpe"";oo end IInnouncedal the bid opening: Bid prices ;A(..~t ~en verified and are SUbje~ ohange in the event mathematical errors are discovered dunng bid 1'9VleW. other InfofmatlOn contained In thiS summary IS al80 subject to review Page 4 of 4 Page! of2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F Recommendation To Reject Bid No. 07-4115 For US 41 (Tamiami Trail) & SR 84 (Davis Boulevard Roadway Lighting Maintenance Contract. Meeting Date: 7/10/20079:0000 AM Prepared By Annia Ortega Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 6/18/20073:56:00 PM Approved By Robert W. Tipton, P.E. Traffic Operations Director Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 6/19/2007 2:44 PM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 6/19/20073:51 PM Approved By Brenda Brilhart Purchasing Agent Date Administrative Services Purchasing 6/20/2007 1 :25 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 6/20/2007 2:02 PM Approved By Mike Hauer Acquisition Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 6/20/20072:05 PM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Tr::msportation Services Transportation Services Admin 6/25/2007 1:17 PM Approved By Annia Ortega Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 6126/200710:02 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder. AICP Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin, 6/26/200710:15 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date http://bccagendalIntranet/attachmentviewer.aspx?attachmentid=-! &itemid=920! 7/1 0/2007 Page 2 of2 County Attorney County Attorney Office 6/26/2007 3:54 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 6/28/20072:12 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/3/20078:38 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 7/3/2007 12:30 PM http://bccagenda/Intranetlattachmentviewer .aspx?attachmentid= -I &itemid=920 1 7/10/2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to ratify additions to, deletions from and modifications to the 2007 Fiscal Year Pay and Classification Plan made from April I, 2007 through June 15,2007. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to ratify additions to, deletions from and modifications to the 2007 Fiscal Year Pay and Classification Plan. CONSIDERATION: Attached, as Exhibit 1, are additions to, deletions from and modifications to the County's 2007 Fiscal Year Pay and Classification Plan that were made between April I, 2007 and June 15, 2007. One addition and the deletion result from the reorganization of the Housing Department. The second addition will provide increased flexibility in hiring critical Project Managers. The modification results from the addition of increased responsibilities to an existing classification. Approval of this document by the County Manager is subject to formal ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. If the decision by the County Manager is not ratified by that Board, this document shall be enforceable against Collier County only to the extent authorized by law in the absence of such ratification by that Board. FISCAL IMPACT: The results of this action will have a fiscal impact to the County for minimal salary adjustments which are absorbed by individual departments. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners ratify additions to, a deletion from and a modification to the 2007 Fiscal Year Pay and Classification Plan. PREPARED BY: Donald Albonesi, Manager - Compensation, Human Resources Department I o - t/I c: o 0:; III U 0;: :c o ..... :E c:8 "0 III N c: 0::11) Ill'" .... E III g CIl O>-o:;C: ... III ~ 'I"""'t-CUU-' .....CI)U~.c :c g ,!!! t/I :c;LLCI)~ ><CIl~.~~ wGio"".c ON"O- CIlC:~ O.cIllO -... N t/I III c: ll...... o ;i 't: :c "0 <C <C "0 CIl t/I o o ... ll.. J!l c " E E o o E :l E CD ';( .. :; :E II: E .. :l 0.. E 'c :i ~~I c o :;::; .. " l;:: 'in III .. U ... Q; > .!!2 E c;; o c ol= 0 Q.l :;:::; "0 U en ~ ~ Q) O)_~ 0.015 :::::l Q) 'in ~ ~ a u l.'l a. o OJ III ::2 ..c ~ N ~ 0). N '" If> ... CD o. ~ N If> '" Qj 'C ~ o U - o c 0- ~ai .'::! E c~ .. .. '" a. ~ OJ ~O ~'" .. c OJ._ -V> .!!2~ OJ 0 OJ: '" ... "'- <0 <0 If> '" .... o o CD If> ~v ~ 'ii5 ""in 5 ID 5 :r:6;:c c'-m "0 c ~ ffi ,9 (lJ V) 1Ua."E .~ ~ ~ ~.....C> '" c , ~ OJ ~ o E OJ ~ 1:: ~ . ~ ro c -0 a. .. ~~::;: ... ~ '" CD .... If> '" 0) <0. ~ '" If> ... N ~ N '" c 'in ~ o J: -0 C .. V> E ~ t? E OJ E a. o Qj > OJ o '" c '00 ~ o J: , Qj '" .. c .. ::;: , ~ OJ '" .. c .. ::;: Cil "Q)u > !!!. OJ 0 ~ =ffiC:"E c OJ OJ 0- OJ ._ 0 .... .-:: E 0 :g e E .. a. .. Q)Qj..... "C.!::: ro ':;; s::. ~ o 0 OJ !::;: ... 0> ~.c .. i:l-.~ ffi Qi ~j::;:~ CD <0 N oi CD If> CD ;:!; '" '" ~ z w t? <l: U U III oj -0 C OJ '" <l: '" ~ ~ ~ ... If> 0) OJ Cil T; o V> V> <l: oj '" .. c .. ::;: V> C o ~ ~ c;; > OJ .c .Q. ti OJ 'e- o.. Page \ of \ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Meeting Date: 16F Recommendation to ratify additIons to, deletions from and modifications to the 2007 Fiscal Year Pay and Classification Plan made from Apnl1, 2007 through June 15, 2007 7/10/20079:0000 AM Item Number: Item Summary: Prepared By Donald Albonesi Compensation Manager Human Resources Date Administrative Services 6/19/20072:37:56 PM Approved By Donald Albonesi Administrative Services Compensation Manager Human Resources Date 6/19/20072:37 PM Approved By Jean Merritt Human Resources Director Date Administrative Services Human Resources 6/19/20076:59 PM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 7/3/2007 12:49 PM http://bccagendallntranet/attachmentviewer.aspx ?attachmentid=-\ &itemid=94 \ 7 711 0/2007