CAC Minutes 09/09/2021 September 9, 2021
Naples, Florida, September 9, 2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County
Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: David Trecker
Steve Koziar (telephonically)
Thomas McCann (telephonically)
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond
Erik Brechnitz (telephonically)
Robert Roth
Raymond Christman (telephonically)
ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Farron Bevard, Operations Analyst
Michael Cherbini, Project Manager, Parks and Recreation
September 9. 2021
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online.
I. Call to Order
Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.
I1. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum of five was established.
Mr. Joseph Burke moved to allow Mr. Koziar, Mr. McCann, Mr. Christman and Mr. Brechnitz to
participate in the meeting telephonically due to an extraordinary circumstance. Second by Mr. Roth.
Carried unanimously S—0.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Roth moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. June 10,2021
Mr. Joseph Burke moved to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2021 as presented. Second by
Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the "FY 21 TDC Revenue Report" dated July 31. 2021.
Mr. Miller noted Tourist Development Tax collections for the year are 34.5 percent above
projected amounts identified in the budget.
VIII. New Business
1. Update on FY2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project
Mr. Miller presented the "2022 Beach Renourishment Truck Haul Project Map" for information
purposes and provided the following update:
• The County received 3 qualified bids for the project with the official award of the contract
currently being finalized.
• Indications are the project will be within the $5.2M budgeted amount as the lowest hid is
currently $4.98M.
• Approximately 268.500 tons of sand are proposed to be placed on the Vanderbilt, Pelican
Bay and Naples beaches.
• The Pelican Bay Services Division will be covering the costs of the sand placed on their
beaches given the private status of the areas.
• The project is anticipated to begin in November of 2021 with completion slated for January
of 2022.
September 9, 2021
During Committee discussion. the following was noted:
• At this point, the damage to the beaches from recent storm events appears minimal,
however the County's consultant will be conducting a final survey to determine the amount
of sand to be placed in the areas covered by the project.
• The truck route has been determined as depicted on the map provided and Staff is working
with the City of Naples to obtain the necessary approvals for the truck haul.
• Chairman Trecker is working with Staff to develop a document identifying the criteria
determining which areas in the County are subject to public funding for beach projects
versus those that must be funded privately.
2. ES TDC FY2022-23 Resolution for LGFR Funding Request
• Resolution
• LGFR Application —FY 22-23—Collier Beaches
• LGFR Application —FY 22-23—South Marco Beach
• LGFR Application —FY 22-23—Wiggins
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a Resolution
supporting the County's applications to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Long
Range Budget Plan Requests for Beach Renourishment Projects for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. This
action maintains the County's eligibility for State Cost Share Funding for future renourishment
projects" for consideration. He noted funding for the project was previously approved by the
County Boards and the Resolution is required to finalize eligibility for the cost share funds
available from the Florida Department of Environmental Conservation.
Mr. Roth moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Resolution
supporting the County's applications to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for
Long Range Budget Plan Requests for Beach Renourishment Projects for Fiscal Year
2022/2023. This action maintains the County's eligibility for Stale Cost Share Funding for
future renourishment projects. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0.
3. ES TDC Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at Ann Olesky Park
• TDC Grant Application
• Opinion of Probable Cost
• Budget Amendment Form
Mr. Cherbini presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a Collier County
Tourist Development Council(TDC) Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at Ann Olesky
Park in the amount of S195,003.00 and to make the finding that the expenditures promote tourism"
for consideration. He noted
• The Parks and Recreation Division is requesting additional funding for the Ann Olesky Pier
Repair project to address an anticipated funding shortfall.
• The project includes erosion control improvements along the 400-foot shoreline with a geo-
grid mat to protect against wave action and minor landscaping improvements required as a
condition of the permit at Ann Olesky Park in Immokalee.
• Upon a recent reassessment of current conditions at the site along with regulatory
requirements, a revised opinion of probable cost(OPC)was provided by RWA
September 9, 2021
• The current approved project budget is$260,097 with $57.602.15 expended or encumbered
to date leaving an available balance of$202.494.85.
• The OPC estimates the remaining project scope to cost$397,497.85 which leaves a funding
deficit of$195.003.
• The construction is anticipated to begin October 2021.and completion is estimated to he
March 2022.
Mr. Joseph Burke moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Collier
County Tourist Development Council(TDC) Grant Application for Beach Renourishment at
Ann Olesky Park in the amount of 5195,003.00 and finds the expenditures promote tourism.
Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0.
IX. Old Business
Mr. Roth provided an update on the Water Quality Subcommittee noting although there has not been a
recent meeting, he and Staff are investigating the feasibility of initiating a volunteer project to re-
establish sea grasses in certain coastal areas where the species has disappeared. One key issue to be
investigated is the cause of the disappearance to help ensure any program to re-establish the species will
be a successful endeavor.
X. Announcements
Xl. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting/Location
October 14, 2021
There being no further business for the good of the Count), the meeting i‘as adjourned by order
of the chair at 1:32 I'.MM.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
Davi Tdye r, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on ,D �. 2, as presented X or as amended