AHAC Subcommittee Minutes 06/07/2021MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE TRUST FUND SUB-COMMITTEE June7,2O2L' 10:00 A.M. Naples, Florida LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Trust Fund Subcommittee of the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 10:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Litha Berger Steve Hruby Excused: Mary Waller Unexcused: ALSO PRESENT:Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Susan Golden Mike Prioletti Litha Berger called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m. Steve Hruby was appointed to the sub-committee and John Harney volunteered. Hilary will ask for a legal opinion as to a conflict of interest. Litha asked Hilary to find the minutes from August, September, October, and November form last year of the sub-committee and send them to the members. The recommendations were reviewed that are being used by other states. Some would require a vote, a referendum or other measure to get them to work. Susan said that we should go over the recommendations for potential funding sources and give each a one paragraph recap, answering the questions - What would it look like? How could it happen? Then, run it by the County Attorney and find out which ones are feasible. Litha is going to speak to the new County Manager right after our meeting and find out his ideas on how we could fund the trust. Steve motioned to adjourn the meeting and Litha seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: AHAC Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021) NExr MEETTNG: THE NExr MEETTNG wlLL BE HELD July t2,202l, tMMED|ATELY FoLLowtNG THE AHAC MEET|NG. Location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 TamiamiTrail East, Naples, Florida Coutrn Courury ATToRDABLE TRusr Furuo SUB-CoMMrrEE Aovrsony Mary 7 /rx 2027,"osThe foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted" [_lOR "os omended" f_1. 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: AHAC Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021)