AHAC Minutes 06/07/2021MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSI NG ADVISORY COM MITTEE )une 7 ,zOZt 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESSIOA/ in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby - Vice chair John Harney Joe Trachtenberg by ZOOM Bernardo Barnhart Litha Berger Gary Hains Justin Emens Commissioner Rick LoCastro Excused Denise Murphy Jennifer Mitchell Mary Waller Unexcused: ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director CHS Jacob l-aRoW Manger Housing, Grant Development and Operations CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator- CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Robin Sheley, Clerk's Office; Jackie Keay; Michael Puchalla, HELP; SusanGolden; mike Prioletti, Housing Finance Authority; Laura Dejohn, Johnson Engineering 1, CAIITo ORDER Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. He read the procedures to be followed and led in the pledge to the flag. Litha Berger motioned for Joe Trachtenberg to be able to participate by ZOOM, John Harney seconded, and the group voted 7-0 to approve. 2. RoIL CAI.L- CoMMIfiEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were 7 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021) Litha Berger motioned for Joe Trachtenberg to be able to participate by ZOOM, John Harney seconded, and the group voted 7-0 to approve. Mr. Trachtenberg made a total of L 3. APPRoVAI. oF AGENDA AND MINUTE Rick Locastro made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by John Harney. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. b, A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting on May 3, 2021and was seconded by Rick LoCastro. The motion was passed with a vote of8-0. 4, INFoRMATToNAL trEMs Laura DeJohn, a Planner from Johnson Engineering spoke to the group about housing and land development code updates. She reviewed 5 initiatives as recapped below: 1. standards for affordable housing applications - this has been completed and has been passed by the Bcc on February 9, 2021, The next 4 will be addressed by the end of 2021. 2. A new policy in GMP permitting affordable housing in commercial zoning projects allowing 16 density units when converting from commercialto mixed use or residential. 3. lncreases allowed density in Activity centers (intersection on major roadways) from 16 to 25units per acre. lt rewards the highest density when the project serves the greatest number of income levels. 4. New or existing headquarter sites, industrial areas or employment centers may seek designation as a strategic opportunity site, allowinB for a maximum of25 unites per acre when not located in an activity center. These projects must commit to a minimum of 20% oftotal swelling units to low and very low-income levels. 5. New policy in the transportation element of GMP stating hlgher density along transit corridors is a priority. These projects must have a transit stop atthe entranceorbe within Z of as mile from the facility. John Harney asked Laura to notify the committee when public hearings will be taking place. Laura will send a list to Hilary Halford, and it will be added to the next agenda. b. 2021 Homeless Point-in-Time Count. Mary Waller asked for this item to be added to the agenda at the last meeting. Kristi sontag noted that there were 568 homeless individuals that were living in shelters or cars. This is a decrease from 2020. The unsheltered such as those who live in the woods had a 15% decrease from last year. What struck her the most was that there are 805 homeless students in Collier County. The CoC is doing rapid rehousing through a program called Housing First. This program provides a safe place for people to live, then deals with the mental health issues. Joe Trachtenberg felt the numbers were grossly understated because the numbers do not include those individuals who are sleeplng on someone's couch. HUD recently released a $400,000 grant for homeless management, rapid re-housing, and planning. a a 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021) Quarterly Apartment Summary - Numbers were reviewed. There were0 ELI units available at this time. There were only 105 Low units. lmmokalee had 33 very low and 7low. Kristisaid the housing demand model will be reviewed at the next meeting in iuly. d. The group reviewed the letter to Commissioner Taylor regarding the Manatee property. Litha Berger said that the letter was well written, and thanked Hilary was composing it. She told the group that now is the time to take a stand and make the need of affordable housing known. litha motioned to send the letter,, John Harney seconded, and the group approved by a vote of 8:0. Commissioner Locastro said he will talk to Commissioner Taylor. He said he talked to Deputy County Manager Sean Callahan regarding the property that is owned by the county and what the county pla ns to do with the parcels. Kristiwill putan item reBarding the properties on the agenda in September. The statute states that the AHAC must review the list every three years. The Bembridge PUS developer is seeking a 50-year lmpactfee deferral instead ofthe usual 10. This will be going to the BCC in an upcoming meeting. Jacqualene Keay addressed thegroup regarding racism and affordable housing. Shesaid according to the Kerner report, first done in the 1950's and recently updated, people are worse off than they were 50 years ago. She feels we are neglecting the lower class when lt comes to affordable housing. Michael Puchalla spoke about demandlng affordable housing options in every project. When Ave Maria was built they promised affordable units, could not find anyone to buy them, then converted them to market rate. We must follow-up to make sure we are getting what we ask for. 6. DTSCUSSTON TTEMS 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner LoCastro asked the groups opinions about the five new villages that are on the horizon. John Harney spoke in regard to the "village" plan versus the "town" plan. He thinksthetown plan has more teeth when it comes to affordable housing. We should make them build towns, so affordable units can be built. We also need to make them do what they say they are going to do. Steve Hruby said you cannot put all developers in one pot, We have to leverage to get the most affordable housing. 8. CONSOTIDATED PLAN PUBTIC HEARING Kristi told the group that we at the end of our Consolidated PIan comment period. The plan is going to the BCC on June 22, 2021, talks about how we are planning on spending our c a e. The group discussed adding new members to the Housing Trust Fund sub-committee. Steve Hruby volunteered to become a member. John Harney said he would become a member, but he was unsure about a conflict of interest, Hilary will draft a memo to the County Attorney requesting an opinion. 5. PUBI.Ic CoMMENT i I I i j Ii I I I I i I I I I I I 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021) federal funding over the next 5 years. lt also has some interesting information, such She told everyone they should review they plan as it has a lot of interesting information including the fact the average age of the resident of Naples is 49 and the average age in lmmokalee is 30. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, Litha Berger motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 a.m.; Gary Hains seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 8-0. Nrxr MurrtruG: THE NExr MEETTNG wrrl BE HELD JUNE 7,2OZl AT 8:30 A.M. location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida Cor-lrrR Coururv ATToRDABTE Courvtrrrr AovlsoRv Mary The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l) OR "os amended' l_). 2O2L,"os 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - June 7, 2021 (17583 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - July 12, 2021)