AHAC Minutes 05/03/2021May 3, 2027 8:30 A.M. Na ples, Florida P rese nt Mary Waller - Cha ir Steve Hruby - Vice Chair John Harney by ZOOM Litha Berger Gary Hains Jen nifer Mitchell Justin Emens Commissioner Rick LoCastro Excused:Denise Murphy U nexcused: ALSO P RESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director CHS Jacob LaRow, Manger Housing & Grant Development CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS oTHERS PRESENT: Robin Sheley, Clerk's Office; Jackie Keay; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Susan Golden; Colleen Greene, County Attorney's Office 1. CAr[ To ORDER Mary Waller called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. She read the procedures to be followed and led in the pledge to the flag. 2. Rorr CArr - CoMMrrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were 7 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. John Harney joined in my ZoOM. Steve Hruby motioned that he be allowed to participate, Litha Berger seconded, and the group voted 7-0 to accept. That vote made 8 members present. MINUTES OF THE COLLIE R COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WORKING SESS/ON in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 3, 2021 (16249 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 7, 2021) 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDA AND MINUTE b. A motion was made by Steve Hruby to approve the minutes from the meeting on April 5, 202L and was seconded by Litha Berger. The motion was passed with a vote of 8-0. Presentation of Sunshine Law was presented by Assistant County Attorney Colleen Greene. Florida passed the Sunshine Law in 1967 requiring access to the public for all decision-making meetings. All meetings must be advertised where 2 or more members of the AHAC where discussion will be made regarding anything that may have foreseeable action by the AHAC. She said that everyone should avoid the "perception of impropriety" at all times. Below are some highlights ofthe presentation. There are 3 basic requirements: 1. Meetings must be open to the public. 2. There must be a reasonable notice given for all meetings. 3. Minutes must be taken for all meetings. Sub-committees must include members of the original committee. Others may join, but they are not to be considered members of the sub-committee. Because we have a commissioner on the AHAC, one member ofthe AHAC cannot meet with him by themselves. lf more than 1 person from the AHAC are present at an event, one member should be delegated to speak for the group. There is a one-way communication rule. Never respond to a memo with "Reply All". lf one member of the AHAC wants to send something to the group, they should first send it to staff, and staff will forward it. You must not engage any conversation on social media that could come before the AHAC There are to be NO gifts from any person who may influence your vote on the AHAC b. Legislative letters regarding Bill #PCB ANR 21-01 Documentary stamp Tax Distributions to Kathleen Passidomo and Bob Romell have been signed by the chair and forwarded to their offices. Copies for reference have been included in the packet. a a. Litha Berger made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Steve Hruby. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. 4. INFoRMATToNAL rrEMs It is a 2"d degree misdemeanor to violate the Sunshine Law. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 3, 2021 (16249 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 7, 2021) Quarterly Apartment Summary - Numbers were reviewed. There were 0 ELI units available at this time. There were only 135 Low units. lmmokalee had no ELI and only 8 moderate. Gary Hains questioned the Milano and Lago numbers so we will recheck them for the next survey. d. Housing Report -The 1't quarter report was reviewed. The report stated that since 2018 the first five initiatives of the housing plan have been majorfocus. These include rezonin8, cost saving measures, density of units per acre, adding housing to employment centers and adding additional units to support the Collier Area Transit system. Changes have been made in Growth Management and Land Development Codes to allow for these opportunities. Housing Marketing Report - The l.'t quarter report was reviewed. The Collier Co u nty Assista nce Program (CCAP) was launched in March to provide rental, mortgage, electric and water service assistance for all persons that are struggling due to COVID-19. An assistance center has been set-up to provide individual assistance in filling out applications, processing them and moving them to the Clerk's office for payment. lnserts were placed in water billings, social media has been used, e-newsletters have been developed that applicants can sign-up to receive for updates, public service announcements have been developed and have been shared on social media and the four major localtelevision networks, news releases, flyers and digitaladvertising has been established. 5. PUBTIC CoMMENT Michael Puchalla spoke aboutthe city looking at buyingthe Gordon River Apartments. Hesaidthisis naturally occurring affordable housing at risk to become market rate. The property needs redevelopment and has mixed income potential. ls there is a possibility of a partnership with the city and the county? The city CRA is responsible to find a way to move forward. We have the opportunity to add more units and we could add more mixed use. Commissioner Locastro said he would look into Commissioner Taylor talking to the city regarding a partnership. SteveHrubymotionedthatstaffwritealettertotheCommissioners requesting that they try do what is necessary to keep the property affordable. Litha Be rger secon ded the motion and the group voted 8-0 to accept. SusanGoldensuggestedtothegroupthattheyinviteDanaSuza to the next meeting to discuss this with the group. Jackie Keaysaid thattaking awaythese apartments from low income would be a shame. They need to be repurposed, not sold and made into high income units. 5. DTSCUSS|ON |TEMS AHAC Nomination Ranking Summary - Kristi explained the voting recap sheet to the group. Each member chose 3 candidates for each vacancy and these were recapped on the spreadsheet. b. The AHAC Committee Vaca ncy Voting - There are two vacancies. Steve motioned that the first vacancy befilled byJoseph Trachtenberg- Jennifer Mitchell seconded, and the groupvoted 8-O to approve. Jennifer Mitchell motioned that Bernardo Barnhart be selected to f ill the second position. Justin Emens seconded, and the group voted 8-0 to accept. lndividuals who were not selected should be encouraged to reapply for the openings that will happen in October. c e a 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 3, 2021 (16249 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 7, 2021) Member appointed to the Review and Ranking Committee - Steve Hruby nominated Litha Berger to be on the committee. JustinEmensseconded.Thegroupvoted8-0toaccept. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Litha Berger asked about the Manatee Project. Litha motioned for staff to send a nother letter to Commissioner Taylor to remind her to respond to the AHAC letter about the project. Steve Hruby seconded, and the vote was 7-0 (Gary Hains left the meeting early) b. Litha also asked about what is happening at state level with the Sadowski Trust fund. Mary Waller said there is a report from the state that she will forward to Kristi Sonntag. She encouraged everyone to write to the Governor. commissioner Locastro told the group that during his town hall meetings there is always discussion about senior and affordable housing. He said that there will be some redistrictinB for the Commissioners. He asked that all members of the committee attend all meetings. d. Mary Waller that she will not be at the next meeting and asked Steve Hruby to Chair the meeting. 8. CONSOLIDATED PLAN PUBLIC HEARING a The Consolidated Plan summary was reviewed. The public comment period will run through the end of May. Projects will go the BCC on lune 22,2021. A few items of interest are 4.8% ofall people live on 510,000 or less in Collier County. Thereare603homelesspersons-this is up 17/ofrom 201,9 to 2020. There are 299 household that do not have basic bathrooms and kitchens. There is a great need for affordable basic housing. 9. ADIOURN There being no further business for the good ofthe County, Steve Hruby motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 a.m.; Litha Berger seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 7-0. NETT MEETING: THE NEXT MEETING WILI 8E HEto JUNE 7, 2021 AT 8:30 A.M. Location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida CorLrER CouNw AFFoRDABLE HoustNG ADVtsoRy CoMMtrrEE Mary Waller,atrm The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l_l OR " as omended" I l. c a C k,\ n 2021, "os 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - May 3, 2021 (16249 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - June 7, 2021)