Resolution 1997-440 ~ - _.1 <.. -. l' ','..~.' " \ 1 .', i'" ,i.' " " 138 1 RESOLUTION 97~J!fl',~ RELA'J :NG TO PETITION NO, CU- '0-120 FOR EXTEtl~)IO~~ OF CONDITIONJ\L USE )f PROPERTY HERE:L:~AFTF:R m::scrn:.lr::o IN COL, :ER COUNTY, FLORI0,n.. Wf!EREAS, the L~(Ji~lature of ttl~ Sl:~te f!Orlda in ct'. pter 12S, f,l';r.'ida Statl.:te~;, lie conferred on ~ll CI)~n' les in Flari:i~ '~e fJoWer ~o e.', i:L'.lisli, cc()rdind'':' 'I., ~:;'Jch bu."",jr1t~s.s '.::qulatiori.; 3l1rJ p-nforce I.""I,~ a:; <Jre nEr~essary for ,,))'? pro~_ecr_l rYj ,; In 1 iCi i:lnd t ~IC WHEREA~, the C~.ntj p~rSll~nt '-h0)'~,rC 11, arJC1pted " ~,cl' c; D,:, 'eloprne:lt COdf~ (Orllr:;mce :Jo. S.;-1(2) 'r/hil mprehens.ive ~Jt.::lblisr.(,3 z('~ling regulC:ll':.ion:3 f ,r ~_~1'~ 7.G~ling r)t p,'\rt~jc' (I[ di.'/lSlrms ", the Ccunty, arr',-,nq ;..Jhir:~-I .3 U.', ~l,""1 :j an:i ext 'l', iing the time peri.G,l 0[ C( ~Jdlti'.Jnal U::;e~::;; an ."'HER[t.,S, on Octub(:L 22, 19')1;;, ti,t- Br:.'a,~r: ')f Zoning App,',-,ls enacted Re-:,olutior. No. 9o-'4e'l, ,1ttach<:;rJ hereto and :::o:r~rated he:-{~in, which gl.mted a conditicna, L:~ie pursuant to Ordin, :e No. 91-102. for a hOlJse of ',lOrship, on the belml described property; ~nd WHEREAS, Subsec~ion 2.7.4,5 of the Lane Jevelopment (-je provides that the Board of Zor~inc; i\ppea.ls :),,3.'1' extend ;1'2 one (1) 'le,Jr timE.' period for ':'\ conditi,-;n"l Ilse whie has not bf-C~:\ commen.ced; NOW, TflEREFORE 8[ IT RESOLVE by the 8 .Hd of Zoning f',ppeals of Collier CCI-,nty, Florida that: Tre .... ~ itten requE'')t of Don Appet'son, fc: the first of :-:nee (3) permitted 'ne (1) year extensions, :ninten",( of the fa11c...'ing described ropertv: Nort~ 650 feet of Tract Bl, as rE'corded in Plat Book 4, R~cords of Collier County, Uni t < I Public Golden Gat~ Estates Paqes 79-80, of the Fi,-::nida. is hereby Ipproved pursuant to Subsection 2, .4.5 of the Li~;j Developmen Code (Ordi~Jnce No. 91-102), and the expjration Jate for Resolution tJo. 96-188, attached hereto and i~(:orporated herein as Exhibit "A', dnd all cOlldi tions applicable t;'.~reto, is here..,y extended for one ad-'iticnal year until NO"v'cmber 18, 1 j"8. -1- ~ ,- ttiW_ ~;I ,,~~ .;, '~'. I: f' r', '~'~-'I,";';' "'r I~~,~J' ,J"',,. ., " UB 1 BE IT FURTHER. ;.~;SOLVED '-hat this Resol j~ ;.on b(~ t'e'.:ordfd in t.he IT. r!ut~s of this Roa. 'j arid in the records Gf th0 Petition f(~~' '..;hich the e;.renSi(lll is granted. This Resoltltion adopted Jfter [notion, cGnd ancl majol .ty vote. ~hi:o __J~/~__.___~___ (1,)1" cf JLt':!li:t" !~r.g~~____r J9~) CrJne ,', gOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ('OLL I SF: I ~!){)nTY, FLC)R I DA /:2~ J>7/~~-/ /', / 8i.~,,~ /~ ~~-- 'j It~OT,':'l/ :-'~A COCK, (hairman [( ~nd Legal Sufficiency: !J:\u."",i"'.L~~.&",~,,,t Mal'j6~e M. Student Assistant County Attcrney Ur'-'i6-12E ~ 2 ~