CAC Minutes 06/10/2021June 10, 2021
Naples, Florida" June 10, 2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3d Floor, Collier County
Govemment Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: DavidTrecker
Steve Koziar (telephonically)
Thomas McCann (telephonically)
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond
Erik Brechnitz (telephonically)
Robert Roth (telephonically)
Raymond Chrisfinan
ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attomey
June 10, 20211 Collier County, FL Page 1 of 2
June 10, 2021
Meeting Agenda and Notice
Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC)
Thursday,June io, 2021 - 2:00 p.m.
Collier County Board Chambers
Collier County Government Center
3299 Tamiami Trail East,Third Floor, Naples, FL
Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
May 1.1, 2021
VII. Staff Reports
Expanded Revenue Report
VIII. New Business
1. ES 2021-2022 Tourist Development Task Council(TDC) Fund lAS Grant Application Requests
• Coastal Zone Management(CZM) Grant Applications
• TDC 2022 Category A Grant Application-Beach Maintenance
• TDC 2022 Category A Grant Application-Pier Maintenance
• Turtle Monitoring Grant Application
2. ES to-Year Plan
• Fiscal Year 2022 to-Year Plan
3. ES Wiggins Pass Dredge Permit Modification
• H&M Proposal Wiggins Pass Permit Modification
4. Appointment of CAC Chair and Vice Chair
IX. Old Business
X. Announcements 6/18/2021
June 10,2021
Any penons in need of the verbalim r*ord of lhe mceting ,na), rcquest a cory of the ideo recording
lrom the Collier County Conmunicalions and Custonur Relaions Departrcnt or vicw oaline
I. Call to Order
Chairmen Trecker called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
IIL Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
Mn Raynand moved to allow Mn Kozia4 Mn McCann, Mr. Roth and Mr. Brechni&, ro participole
h the meetiag telcphonically due to an ertruordinary circurrartnces. Second by Ma Joseph Buke.
Canicd unanhmusly 5-0.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mn Rtymond moved lo approve the Agend& Second by Mr. loseph Burke.
Canied unanimously 9 - 0.
V. Public Comments
YI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. May 13,2021
Mt lim Barke nwved lo approve the minules of the May 13,2021 subject to the lollowing
o Page 2 - Item VIII.I, Line 3 ftom "...issued..." to "... approved..."o Page 2 - Item VIII.l, Line 13 from ". . .will..." to " ...nry. .."o Page 3 - Item VIII.1, Last bullet point from "...the USACE's main focus was most likely
addressing govemment insured risks" lo " ...USACE wos addrcssing benfiE venus
cos6'o Page 4 - Item IX, Line 3 from "...Tom McCann..." to "... Bob Raynond..."
r Page 4 - Item X, Lne 2 from '... are aware to..." to u...can...'
Second by Mn Rqtmond. Canied ananinpusly 9 - 0.
YII. Stefr Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the'FI 2l TDC Revenue Report" dated May 31,2021.
Mr. Miller noted Tourist Development Tax collections for the year are 27 .2 percent above
projected amounts identified in the budget.
During Committee discussion it was noted the Tourist Development Council is responsible for
recommending the budgeted amounts for Advertising and Promotions with final approval required
by the Board of Cormty Commissioners.
YI[. New Busiress
f . ES 2021-2022 Tourist Developmetrt Tesk Councit (IDC) Fund 195 Grant Application
June 10,2021
o Coastel Zone Manegement (CZM) Grant Applicetions
o TDC 2022 C*egory A Grant Application - Berch Maintenance
o TDC 2022 Cetegory A Grant Application - Pier Maintenancc
r Turtle Monitoring Grant Application
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary " Recommendation to approve the stafl
recommended Tourist Developmenl Council Grant application requests from lhe City of Nsples,
the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY2021 - 2022 in the amount of $8,343,400;
budget these expenditures; approve agreemen* and make a finding that these expendirures will
promole towism" for consideration.
Chairman Trecker outlined the following funding requests:
Be*h Renourishment Proiects
Park Shore Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment - $2,600,000
Clam Pass Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment - $2,600,000
USACE Feasibility Study Technical Support - $500,000
Local Government Funding Request - $25.000
Total $5,725,000
Inlet Proiects
Yiggins Pass Dredge - $150,000
Clam Pass Monitoring - $20,000
Total $170,000
Beach Tilling - Collier County - $30,000
Biological Monitoring Nearshore Hardbottom - $185,000
Shorebird Monitoring - $25,000
Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring - (Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples and
Marco South Beaches along with Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Ccambas Pass) -
Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County - 9999 - $ I 71 .700
Total $581,700
Beach Maintenance
Beach Maintenance - City of Naples ' $20i,000
Beach Mainterronce - Collier County/Marco Island' $268J!9
Total $471,100
Naples Pier Repair and Maintenance - $200,000
195 Administration Costs - $75,000
185 Project Management and Administration - $883'700
Tu Collector Fee's (2.5%o) - $236.900
Total $1,195,600
June 10,2021
The following was noted during Committee discussions:r The $2.6M of firnds allocated to beach renourishment includes 75,000 cubic yards of sand
to be placed on each of the Naples and Vanderbilt Beaches (150,000 cubic yards total).o Beach Maintenance includes raking the beaches 5 times a week. The County provides the
service for their beaches and the City of Marco Island. The City of Naples rmdertakes the
activity on their own with reimbursernent of funds by the Cormty.o Beach raking does occur during turtle nesting season with any areas marked for protection
avoided during the activity.o The MobiMas installed to help facilitare access by beach goers does not interfere with the
raking ofthe sand.
Mr. Raymond mwed to reconnend lhe Board of Counly Conmissionen approve the slatf
reconnended Tourist Development Council Grunt applicotion request from the City of Naples,
the Cily olMarco Island and Cohis Couatylor FY2021 - 2022 it the anount ol$8"313,1(N;
budget thae *pendilures; appmve agreerrnnl; and nfie atindhg thal lhac qcndilara will
profiarte tourism" Second by Mr. Joseph Bu*e. Canied unanimously 9 - A
ES l0-Year Plan
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary " Recommendation to approve the l0-Year Capital
Planning document for Fund 195-Beach Renourishmen! and Pass Mainlenance and Fund 185-
Program Management and Administration and make a finding that these expenditures promote
tourism" for consideration. He provided an overview ofthe document noting:
o It is a plarming document required in order for the County to participate in the Florida
Departrnent of Environmental Protection's cost sharing program.
. The individual projects are reviewed and approved for firnding at the time they are
proposed to be undertaken.
o Although $500,000 of fiurds was allocated for the FY202l12022 grant requests for
technical support of the USACE's "Collier County Coastal Storm Risk Management
Feasibility Study, it is anticipated the total amount of these fimds will not need to be
Mr. Jim Burkc noved to recomnend the Boad of Counly Commbsionen appmvc the l0'Yeat
Capital Planning docunent Jor Fund 195-Beach Renoarishnenl and Pass Maintenance and
Fund l*S-Progam Management and Administralion' andtinds the ilem promoles tourisrn
Second by Mr. Raymond Canicd unaninously 9 - A
ES Wiggins Pass Dredge Permit Modificrtion
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary " Recommendation to approve a proposal with
Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide professional support services for the application of a
modification to Pemit No. 0142538-018-JM to allow dredged sand to be placed on Delnor'
l{iggins State Park beach, under the current library services conftact #18'7432-CZ, for time ond
material not to exceed $36,102.00, authorize the necessary budget amendment and makc a finding
that this item promotes tourism" for consideration. He noted the permit modification is for the
County to place the sand from the dredging activity on the beaches southerly to Monument R-20 as
opposed to placing in the nearshore hardbottom areas. The rationale is to place the material in a
more stable area after it has been dredged from the charmel.
June 10, 2021
Mn Joseph Burhe moved to rccotnmend the Boad of CounS Conmissioners approue a
proposal with Humiston & Moore Engineen to provide professional supporl semic* tor the
applicotion of a todifrcotion to Pcrmit Na 011253E41E-JM to allow dredged sand to be phced
on Delaor-Wiggins Slole Pafi beoch, under the cwtent library semica contaa #18-7132-CZ,
lor time and materful not to sceed $36,102.(N, aulhorize the necessary budgel atwndncnt and
make and frnds this item pronotes loarisnt Second by Mr. Raynond. Canicd unaninously -
4. Appointment of CAC Chair and Vice Chair
Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary " Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman" for
Mr. Jim Barke moved to appoint David Trecker as Chairnan of the Coastal Advisory
Conmittee. Second by Mr. Raymond- Canied unanimously 9 - 0.
Mn Raynond noved to appoiil foseph Burk as Yice.Chairntn oJ thc Coostd Advisory
Cornmitlce. Second by Mr. Chrisunan Canied anaaitwttsly 9 - A
IX. OId Business
Chairman Trecker reported the Board of County Commissioners approved the Water Quality
Subcommittee's recommendations as endorsed by the full Coastal Advisory Committee. The
Subcommittee's oversight includes developing recommendations to address water quality issues related
to the County without duplication of ongoing efforts. The areas under the auspices of the Subcommittee
included the coastal waterways, bays and estuaries.
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Miller provided an update on the Task Force being convened for the USACE's "Collier County
Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibilily Sndy" noting:
. Commissioner Taylor drafted a letter dated May 19, 2021 outlining the expectations of the
Task Force.
. Indications are Raymond Christman will be the representative for the City of Naples and Erik
Brechnitz for the City of Marco Island.
o He recommended Joseph Burke be appointed to reprcsent the Coastal Advisory Committee and
the Task Force membenhip will ultimarely be approved by the Board of County
Mr. Roth reported he will be conversing with Mr. Miller with the schedule for the next Water Quality
Subcommittee meeting which is anticipated to be held in September.
XII. NextMeeting/Location
Mr. Miller reported the next Coastal Advisory Committee meeting will most likely be convened in
September as currently therc are no business matten needing to be addressed in July or August.
There bcing no frirther business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by order
of the Chair at 3:fi) P.M.
June 10, 2021
Collier County Corstal Advisory Committee
These minutes appmved by the Board/Committee on september 9, 2021 as presented x or as