Resolution 1999-203RESOLUTION NO. 9% 203 ,\ RESOI.UI'ION ESTABI.1SilING A SI<I.E(TF COMMITTEI< FOR TIlE PURPOSE OF I)E\'EI.OPIN(-; A COMPREIIENSIVE URBAN/RUR:\I, DESIGN MASTER PI,.,\N FOR COI,IAER COUNTY AND APPOINTIN(; ITS ME,MBERS \VItEREAS. Thc Greater Naples Civic Association, building on the FoCus (Future of Coliier bv us} Community Visioning project, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners on March O. 1999 io establish a Select Committee on Community Character and Design (Select. Commiuec): and WHEREAS; on April 13. 1999. the Board of County Commissioucrs did create the ad hoc Select Committee on Community Character and Design; and WI tEREAS, thc Select Committee is charged wilh assisting in thc development of a Request Ibr Proposals {RFP) for consulting sen'ices for Ihe development of a comprehensive Urban/Rural Design Maslcr Plan For Collier Coumy: and W1 {EREAS. thc Select Committee is charged with ovcrsccing thc dcvclopment of this plan. NOW. TltEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TltE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLI.IER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA, that: 1. Thc Select Committee on Community Character and Design is hereby established as an ad hoc committee, thc functions of which are as tbllows: a. To oversee thc development or comprehensive t,rban,'rural design master plan which address Ibc following: I. ldcnti~'ing measurable goals for thc acquisition of urban area grccnspacc, including Iocationai priorities and funding oplions; II. Developing character and design standards fi~r Ibc overall road way system in a manner which rclicvcs congestion ami inc(~rporatcs community character and design standards: Ill. Developing comprehensive 8trcctscapc characlor and design standards tBr: transporlalion infrastrtlcturc stlch as grade scparalcd intersections amt typical cross section designs: grccnways and non-motorized lransporlalion fitcilitics; landscape median and row edge trcatmems; IX,,'. Integrating the development of the comprehensive community character and design plan wilh ongoing cffo~s including, bul not limited to: the [mmokalec Main Street program and development of an Imnlokalcc Zoning Overlay: thc Gatcway-Bayshore Redevelopment Plan; transportation planning. waffle calming and pedestrian and bicycle palhxvay enhancements; and rural fringe and rural area standards. 2. The Select Committee on Community Character and Design shall composed of thc following members: Sally Barker Gall Boorman [.aura [~ LIr~:c Michad Davis David Gu~gcnhchn Timothy I hmcock Samuel Joe McHams Jeff Jim Ridcoutte Tc~i Tragesscr Susan Watls 3. Thc Select Commitlcc established for thc duration of developing a comprehensive urban/rural design master plan or IBr a Icm~ ofonc (I} year. whichever is less. This Resolution adopted after motion, second ;,r~(t nh~jority vole favoring same. DATED: April 13. 199') ATTEST: DWIGfIT E. BROCK, ('lcrk Attest as to Chsl~an's Approvcd as Io fom~ legal sufficiency: David C. Wcigel. County At.ney IIO,,\RI) OF ('OUN'I"~' ('OMMISSIONI!RS COLI.I I!R COl iN'fY. FI.ORII)A