Resolution 1999-201RESOLUTION NO. 99- 201 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V.99-2, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY tIEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLI.IF.R COUNTY, FLORIDA, \VI I[:.REAS, the Legislature of thc Stale of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Slatutcs, has conferred on all counties in Florida thc power Io cslablish, coordinate and caf)rfc toning and such business regulations as arc ncccssa%' lbr thc protection of thc public; mid WI IEREAS. thc ('~tHlly pursuant thereto has adopted a iand I)cvclopmcnt (Ordinance N~. ~)1-1(~2) which establishes regulations [bt thc zoning of parlicular gco?aphic divisions of ibc County. among xx hich is thc granling of variances; and WI {IiREAS. lbo Board of Zoning Appeals, hcmg the duly elected conslltulcd Board of thc area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said rcgulalions made provided, and has considered the advisability of a 1.44-[ool variance from tl~e required side yard setback of 30 feet to 28.56 feet a~ shown on the attached plot plan. Exhibit "A", in an "Estales" Zone for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a mailer of facl that satisfacloO' provision and a=angemenl have been made concerning all applicahle maUcrs required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Reguhnions of said Land Development Code for the uninco~orated area of Collier County; and WItEREAS, all interested panics have been given opportunity lo hc heard by Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all mauers presented; NOW TItEREFORE BE IT RESOi,VED BY TIlE BOARD OF ZONING APPI!AI,S oFCollicr County. HoNda, that: The Pclition V-09-2 filed by Stanley V. Richards of Apple Construcli~m. Inc.. representing William & Tara Sparacio. with respect Io Ihe propcmy hcrcinahcr described The south ISO feel of Tract 1~16. Goklen Gate Estates. l:nit No. 194 as recorded in Plat Book 7. page 101 of lhe Pnblic Records of ('otlicr (7ounly, Florida. be and thc same hereby is approved for a 1.44-foot variance From thc required side yard setback of 30 feet to 28.56 feet as shown on Iht atlached plot plan. Exhibit "A". of iht listatcs Zoning Districl wherein said property is located, subjecl Io the follo~ving condilions: This variance shall only apply to the structures identified on thc :tttached plot plan I Exhibit -1- BF. IT RF. SOI.VF.D Ihat this Resolution relating lo l)etilion Numhcr V-OO.2 bc rccordcd in ~,l~c rnh;utcs of this Board. Thi~ I,tcs(}lution adoptcd after molion, sccond and majori',> vote. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk m to Form and Legal Sufficiency: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COI.LIER COUNTY. FLOIL1DA Marjofle M. Student Assistant Go'drily Attomcy g %'-'~)-2 RI .%¢)|.1~1 ION -2- r CGuHr'¢ OF' COL~J~) 92.2' 17TH. $~T $.W., 60' ROAD EASEMENT ' V 99-02