Resolution 1999-188EXHIBIT C
A RI:.SOI.tH'Ii)N ~.)1:'i'1 II! (.'()l.l,ll{l,, (.'~){ !N'I'V I~¢ ).Al{l) (
C()t IN'fy C( )N,I N.I [ S S l ()N I![,~ S( ,,\ l'l'l. I{ ',\ N' I' L
l IERI~INAF'H:~R IS()ARD. AI!'['I IORIZIN(i '1'1 I1:. I:I[.IN(i {)1: :\
('()MMISSI()N I:OR 'H IF, I'R/,, N,',;I'( )R'I',,\ I'1( }N
Ilherea.~-. this I~()..\RI) has thc aulhoril.x 1- file a '1
Section 427.fll ?). I"l~rid~l SlilltlJl;$. ;llld Rule 41.2. I-'h*rid:l
Nf)W, 'I'llEIIEF¢)IIE. lie IT IIESOI,VEI) Iv, thc ('.llicr <',minx Ih,;ud ,I t',umlx
(..'l~lllm i s si( ~ ri el't4 that:
1. 'Ibc Il()..\RI) has thc pulhorilv I,) file Ihis gram applic;JtU,n.
Ibc Il(}ARI) aulhorizcs l'amcla S. Mac'_Kjc,,Chairx~oman h, lilt ami
execute lhc applica6on on bcllalf ofthc Collier (.'ountv llt~ard ~1'( '~,unlv
C-mmissioncr~ with thc Flnrida ('ommission f.r Iht '1 r;msl,,~rl;lli,,n I)i~;ulx ;mmgcd
'llhc B()ARD'S Registered Agent in l:lorida is l)avid \s,'cig~_( 'Ottl!? ,'\uon:cZ.....
'I hc Rcgislercd Agents address is 7301 I!as! Tamiami 'l'rail N~,i ~_h:_~.l._)_~_~r_it_l_~.~lJ 2 __
'Ibc II¢),,\RI,) authorizes Pamela S. N'IaclK c, I. sign ;my and
agreements nr ctmlracls which are required in connection xx ith thc ;tpplic;llitm.
Thc II¢)ARD aulh(~rizcs (hJvin .hines to sign any and ;dl ;Is~lirimcc~. rciml~m'~cmc.l
inv,iccs, warranties, certifications ;llld :lllV olhur dOCUIllL'II1N ;hJllk'Jl Illitk hk' ~cqui~cd in
connection wJlh thc ;ippJicalion or sul~sctltlCnl agrccmcutx
1)I q,V Ib\SSl(1) ANI) AI)r)Pl'EI)I'lllS 2'''~
Agenda Item # 3
Contrac; ~~ Attachment D
Collier LCB 04/0i/99
Effeztive' '-4/..'?!c~cl tO C,I ~ ~cV.i
This Memorandum of Agreement is between the COMMISSION FOR THE TP-.-A, NSPORTATION
DISADVANTAGED. hereby referred to as the 'Commission.' and
the COMMUNITY TIL~.NSPORTATION COORDINATOR desim'"ated pursuant to Chapter '")-
· ' ~ ,
serve the trar,,.sportation disadvantaged for the conununitS., that includes the entire area of
"Coordinator." __ counD'(ies), and herea~e:' r=fe,q'ed [o as the
This A~eement is made in consideration of the muraal benefits to both parties' said cons:de,-at~on
acknowledged hereto by ',..he parties as good and valuable cortsideration.
The Parties Agreei
I. The Coordinator Shall:
Bezome and remain totally apprised of all of the '.r'ranaportation DisadVantaged resources
available or planned in their designated service area. This knowledge will be used Io plan.
coordinate, and implement the most cost effective transportation disadvana~ed transit system
possible under the economic and other conditioms that exist in the design,ate~ ser,,'me area.
Plan and work with Commumry Transportation Coordinators in adjacent and other areas of
the state to coordinate the provision of community trips that mi~t be M. ndled at a lower
overall cost ro the community by another Coordinator. This includes hononng any
Commission-approved statewide certification program that allows for intercounry
transportation opportunities.
Arrange for all services in accordance with Chapter 427. Florida Statutes. and Rule 41-2.
FAC. and as further required by the Corrimission aad the local Coordinatin~ Board approved
Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. '
Re,'ura aa,. acqmre~ profits or surplus funds orl-'z_~nat~n~ through ~e course er ,.'>us~ness a.,
Coorcl~nalor ~.~at are beyond the amounts(s) spec'tficall,,: ~dentifiecl anc:, appro., cc ~n thc
acco:'n, panymg Transpor',.auon D~sadvanraged Service Plan. Such Drof:t.s ,or r'-'n,.:s', be
re:ar'ned :o t.qe Coorchnator s transpo,'"tat~on sys em or to an,,' subsequent Co,>re~na~or. as a
=o=al transportation system subs;cl.,,, to be applied to the ~,'"m"nedtate followmg operational ,, ear
Tl",e Coordmator v.'tll mclude stm:lar language m all coordination contracts ~o assure
,,.,.s.,. .... ,on disadvan:aged re!a~ecl revenues are put ba.zk :nto t:'ansDortat;or: d~sacl,.'anra~:ed
serv:ces. '
Ac,:ompilsh th~s PrOJect by:
Developing a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan for approvai bv
Coordinating Board and the Comsr, ission. Coordinators ',,,'1':..o are nev.':v e-"signa~ed ro a
particular ser'v~ce area shall submit a local Coordir'.ating Board approved
Transportation Disadvanr. aged Set-vice Plan, wi~in ~ calenda.: followmg
execuz~on of the Coordinator's initial memorandum of agreerr:em v,'~t.h
Commission. for approval by the Commission. ,~dl subsequent Tr~?,.spor',.,-mon
Disadvantaged Ser'v~e Plans shall be submit'zed and approved v,..i~ the ....
~ orTe.C, D(., ,~ ii-lg
memorandum of agreement. The approved Trar,,sportat~on Dlsad'.'ant~2ed Se,'-','~c.~ Plan
'.vii! be implemented and monitored to provide for commumr~'-wide t.ran.spor-tat;on
sec'ices for purcl'mse by non-sponsored transportation disadv'an=~zect persons,
co,,tracting social service agencies, and other entities t,Mt use Ioc~j su,,e or
go:'e,.'-ru'nent fun~ for tl",e purchase of transportation for the transae:--a.: on
Max~m:.zmg the use of available public school transportation resources and puk, i~c
route or Ftxed schedule transit set'vices and assuring that pn','ate or public transit.
paratraas~t operators, and school boards have been afforded a fair oppornw,:;).
par'uc~pate to the maximum extent feasible in the plamqmg process &"Id in
development of the provisions of the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan fo."
uhe transportation disadvantag.,:,d.
Providing or arrangmg 24.-hour, 7-day per week transportation disadvantaged se,'-v~ce
as required in the designated service area by any Federal, State or Local G-overnment
agency sponsoring such services. The provision of said services shall be furmshed in
accordance with the prior notification requirements identified in the local Coordh.-~atlng
Board and Commission approved Transportation Di.sadvantaged Service Plan.
Complying with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations that apply to thc
provision of ,'ransportation disadvantaged services.
Submitting to the Commission an Annual Opera~ing Report detailing demographic,
operational, and financial data regarding coordination activities in the designated
service area. The report shall be prepared c.~ forms provided by the'Corm'nission and
according to the in. str'ac,,ion, s of said forum.
F. Comply wzth Audzt and Record Keepm$ Reqmrements by'
L:t~J~zinR the Corrtm~ss~on reco~mzed Chart of AccounLs defined m uh,:
.4ccountmg Consortium. Model Unilb~ Accou.~ing System for Rurci an~' 3oec:,';.::c.:'
Tra~po~atton Providers (umfo~ accounting system) for all ~spo~t~on
disadvantaged accounting and reporting pu~oses. Core, umw,
Coordinators wi~ existing and equwalenr accoununc systems are nor recurred
· e Cha~ of Accoun~ in lieu.o'f ~e:r existing cram of Accounts bu: shall prepare
reports, invoices, and fiscal documents retatin~ to the rra~o~at~on d~sadva ....
f~ncaons and activities using the cha~ of accounm and accounrmc de:Sn::,.ons as
oudined in the above referenced man~l.
Assuming the responsibility, of invoicing for any transportation services art, anted.
unless otherwise stipulated by a purchase of semice contract or coordinar~o.n contra.::
Maintaining and filing with, the Cor::anission. local Coordinatin~ Board. and ail
purchasing agencies/entities such pro,cress, fiscal inventor-v and ot~'- ,,.,-,.,-,.: -,
' ' · ..... , .........
entities ma',,' require during the per~od of ti'ds A_m',eemen.,.
Providing copies of finance and compliance audits to the Commisslen and
Coordinating Board as requested by the Commission or Coordinating Board
Ret. nih all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and an,.' or:lc:
documents per'tinent to this Agreement for a period of five (5) years after t:.,~. ~aat~cn of th:s
Agree,.ment. if an audit has been ~rutiated ~d audIt f;mdin~,s have not been resot,.'::d a: ;he e::d
of five (5) .,,'ears. the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit 2r:dtngs D'.:,
Coordinator sl'.all assure that these records shall be subject to impeztlon, r:,,'~:v<, or aad~: at
all reasonable times by persons duly authorized bv the Commission or this A'z.".:.-:.'-:v.:nt. Thev
shall have full access to and the right to examine an,,' of the said records and dec:.~ments
during the retention period.
Comply with Safety Requirements by'
Complying with Section 341.051. F.S.. and Rule 14-90. FAC. conce:-ninfz
Safety.; or complying with Chapter 234.051 F.S. revardin~ school bus ",, ·
' ,
requirements for those services provided through a sc~ool b~ard: and
Assuring compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and Commission policies
relating to drug testing. Conduct drug and alcohol testing for safets' sensitive job
positions within the coordinated system regarding pre-employment, randomization,
post-accident, and reasonable suspicion as required by the Federal Highway
Administration and the Federal Transit Administration.
Comply with Commission insurance requirements by maintaining at least mimmum Imbil~tv
insurance coverage in the amount of $ I(30.000 for any one person and $200,000 per
occurrence at all times during the existence of this Agreement. Upon the execution of th~s
Agreement. the Coordinator shall add the Commission as an additional named insured to all
insurance poJlctes co'.'ermg ,,'ehlcJes transportlnR the Lransportat~on d~sad,.ar, ta ....
event or' any cancellatmn or changes tn the limits of l~abil~t.,,' tn the m_suranc::
n;,~ ...... a~en: or broker shah noti~' me Comm:ssion. The Coordinator
r. ontra,:t:ng Tra:',.sportauon Operators also ~q'lal~ln the s~"'lle rni,q:mum ilabliit,.
~r', equal ~o;'¢,'T,.men~i insurance prosram. School board vehtcte m.suranc~ :.ov~ra~e snal, be
in accordance w:th Section 234.03, F.S.. and 234.21!, F.S. Insurance co'.'era~ ~n
$] mill:on per oc~urr, ence must be approved bv the Comm:sslon and the Ioc~;
Board before inclusion m the Tr~portauon Disadvantaged Ser~'~ce Plan or Jr: the lus~:9, ca::or,
e:' rates and fare structures.
Safeguard infor'mal~on by no,, using or d:scJosln~ any ~m"orrnatlon conce:"n::,~
serv:ces under this A~reemeat for any purpose not in conforrn;~
federal regulauons (45 CFR, Part 205.50), except ~pon order of a court,
the recipient, or h~s,'her responsible parent or guardian when authorized bv
Protect Civil Righus by:
Complying with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section
RehabiliLation Act of 1973, as amended. The Coordinator gl','es
consideration of and for the purpose of obtairfing federal grants, toan_s, c()r~,tracu:
(except contracts of insurance or guaranty), proper'ry, discounts, or oti",er feder:4i
financial ass:stance to programs or activities rece:vin~ or bene,qunz from federhi
financ:al assisu'mce and agreeing to complete a Civil Ri~,hts Cor'n. pJJance
if so requested by the Commission. Coordinator shall also assure compt~ancz v.~:.'-,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. 42 U.S C. 2930,d e: seq..
which prohib:ts discnminat:on on the basis of race. color, or nat:onal or~z~n m
programs and acuvtties rece:vmg or benefiting from federal flnanc~ai a:,'~stav, ce.
Section 504 of ',.he Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended. 29 L:.S.C.
which prohibir_s disc,'-imlnation on the basis of handicap in .prograr-n.s
acuvmes receiving or benefiting from federal f'manciai assJstnnce.
Title IX of the EducaUon Amendments of 1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C 16Sl
et seq., wNch prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educa:ton
programs and activities rece:ving or benefiUng fi'om federal financial assistance.
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 610i et seq..
which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in prograrr~ or acu;'~ties
receiving or benefiting from fede,-al financial assistance.
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, P.L. 97-35. which prok~bits
discrimination on the basis of sex and religion in programs and act:,,'it~es
receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance.
All regulation, s. guidelines, and standards lawfully adopted undcr the above
S~ttl{es. ~
The Americans ~t~ D~$abdlttes Act or 199,3. as ~: ma'.
[o time.
.a,.gre:mg d",at compi;anc: ~ ~tl", th~s assura_.Jc: con.statures a condition
re:er,pt of er ber'.e,qt from federal leant:al ass:suance, and that tt
Coord:nator. tis successors, subcontractors, trar,,_sferee, and assignees tot tae ,per:.,,:
,.,u, mg-' '" . which such ass~stmnce ~s provided. Assurm~. mat ail operators, s,..bcon ..... ...... = .... 's.
subgrantee, or others v,.Ith whom the Coordinator arranges ',o pro,,'tde serv,ces
benefir, s to par't~c, lpants or emialoyees in cormect~on with an,.' of ~ programs and
,,,..s are not d~scnm:natmg agamst those part~c~panu, or empic,.', c:s ~r', ,.';,01at;o':; or'
a,::i'.':'"-' .
the a0ove statutes, regulations, guider~nes, and s~ndarc:s. In ',he
comply, the Coordmator agrees that the Corrwnlss;on ma.,,', at ~ts des:reckon.
court order requiring compliance with the terms of this assurance or seek other
a?propr~ate judicial or admimstrat;ve relief', ro mclud',: ass~stnnc~: be:n~: te:'r,:;n,::e.', and,
far=her assistance bemg denied.
Inde,'Tmlh..' and hold harrme.s the Commission and all of the Comm~ssion's members, oI:.,cers.
ag,:nt.s, and empioyees: purchasing agency/entity officers, agents, and emplc, ye:s: and
local, state, and federal governmenks from an,,' claim, loss, damage, cos~. charge or
arising out of an.,,' act. acnon, neglect or omission by the Coordinator durra< the perfor'r:.,:aa:e
of th~s A~eement, whether direct or indirect, and whether to an.',,' person or prope=y cc,. wmch
the Corr,.m:ssion or said par'ties may be subject, except that neither the Coordinator no," an,,' of
tis sub-conL'actors ',,.'iii be liable under this sect/on for damages arisme ou~ of :n.~u:-y or
dama,~e to persons or property dire:dy caused or resulting from the sole ne~li~:n:.e of
Corn.,'rasslon or an',' of ~ts members, officers, agents er employe'~s: pur:.?,as~ng ag:nov :,".::~'.
officers, a,~-nts, and employees: and local, state, or fede,"al ~overnments ."4oth~r,,z her::-
intended to serve as a ,,.v~ver of sovereign immunit'y by an,,, agency/enuD' or Coord:.nat,?:
v,.h=ch so','ere:=n ~rnmunits' ma',,' be applicable. Nothing hereto shall be co,"~tr-ded as
by a state ag:ncy,'entl~ or poliucal subdivision of the State of Florida or the federal
gore,re, meat to be sued by thJ. rd parties in any matter a.risini~ out of any Agreemem or
contract. Not'v,,'itlSstanding the foregoing, pursuant to Section 768.2S. Florida Sb:~rutes.
a~encv or subdt¥iston of the state shall be required to indem.mfy, msure, or assume an,,
liability for the Comamssion's negligence.
Comply ,,,,'~th standards and perfo,,mnance requirements of the Corruwdssion. the Cc, ord~na::ng
Board approved Transportation Disadvanuged Ser','ice Plan. and an,',' purchase of ser','tce
contractmg agencies/entities. Failure to meet the requtrements or obliganons set forth tn this
MOA. and performance requirements established and monitored by the Coordinating Board in
the approved Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. shall be due cause for non-payment
of re:mbursement invoices untll such deficiencies have been addressed or corrected to the
sat,sfaction of the Con'a'mssion.
Comply with subcontracting requirements by executmg or negotiating contracts for
trar,,.sportation services with Transportation Oper:.tors. and a..ssunng that the conditions of such
contracts are mamtained. The requirement~ of Part 1. Paragraph E.5. tl~-ough M are to be
~nctuded in ali contracts.~subcontracts, coordination contracts, and assignmen:s made b,. the
Coordinator for ser'vlces under Lhis Agreement. Said contracts, su~ontracts, cc,,cedinauon
contracts, and asstg,"tments will be reviewed and apprc, ve~
loca! Coerdmaung Board for conformance g~th the requirements
Comply v,'~th the following r¢c:u,rements concermng drivers and vehicles
Drivers for paratrans~t services, tnctud;ng coordination contractors, s~;a,I be
to armounce and Mentl~.' themselves by name and company ~n a manner
conducive to comcnunicat~ons.,with the specific passenger, t:pon ptckn~?
group of riders, or representative, gtiardian, or asscx:iate of the r~Cer except
st.r,.~attons where the driver regularly transports the rider on a recurT,:nc bas':s.
driver must have photo ldentification that is in view of rhe passenger Name patches.
~nscriptio~ or badges that affix to driver clothing are acceptabie. For ti'anser
the dr~ver photoidentification shall be in a conspicuous loc, at:on h,. tP, e
The paratransit driver shall provide the passenger with boarding assistance. ~'
necessar2,,' or requested, to the seating portion of' the vehicle The board:ne ass:stance
shall include opening the vehicle door, fastenimz the seat belt or utilization
wheelchair securement devices, storage of mob~'lity a.ssistive devices, and closing:
vehicle door. In certam paratran.sit service categories, the driver may also be recruited
to open and close doors to buildings, except in situations in which assistance tn
opening/closing building doors would not be safe for pa.ssen~ers remamine on ti'~e
vehicle. Assisted access must be in a dignified manner. Drivers ma,.' not assis't
wheelchair up or crown more than one step. urdess it can be performed safely as
determined by the passenger, g'aardian, and driver.
All vehicles ordered or put into service after adoption of this section of thc Rule, ,,nd
providing sec'ice wtthm the coordinated system, shall be equipped with tw'o-wav
CO1T'u'TlUP~Catior~ Lq good working order arid be audible to the driver at all times to the
base..&Il vehicles that are not equipped with ,'wo-wav cemmunication_s s~:ail have two
years to be in compliance as specified in Rule al-2.
All vehacles ordered or put into service after the adoption of this section of the Ruie.
and providing service withan the ccyordinatect system, shall have working air
conditioners and heaters tn each vehicle. Vehicles that do not have a working air
conditioner or heater will be scheduled for repair or replacement as soon as possible.
All vehicles that are not equipped with an air conditioner and/or heater shall have ts,,o
years to be in compliance as specified in Rule 41-2.
Comply with other requirements as follows:
Transport an escort of a passeng,..,r and dependent children as locally negotiated and
identified m the local Transportation Disadvantaged Service Pla,'~.
Deter'mine locally in the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. the use,
responsibility, and cost of child restraint devices.
Transport ~'~th the passen*.er at no addluon.'~l ~.har~e ,
c;~Jed by the passen~¢~ andlor d~Jv~ m one [~p and can be ~a~..~ ....
vehicle. Addmonal reqmremenLs m;y be n¢[o[ia[~d for c~'ln~ and
proper[ybeyond[hJs~mount. Pass~n[¢rprop¢~d~sno[incJud~ ~'hc~cKJ::s
~.; ......... ,,.,~. secured oxygen, petsona~ assls[Iv¢ dev,.cos, or Im~a~zn,.~us ~:.,
- .... ~.r. .se;un:;',. and safe:',' of passen,_::~s a: v~, ..... 'lc ,,'-~n~ .... ?o~nt.s
POSL a local or other toii-fre~ fi'umber for complamLS or grievances ~ns~d: each,
The local compiaint process shall be outlined as a section ~n the Iota',
D~sadvanta_~d Sen'ice Plan including advising the dissatisfied p¢:'sen about th::
Co,"m"nission's Ombudsman Program as a step v,'mhm t.he process as a??r::,ved b,.
local Coordinating Board.
Prov:de out-of-service-area trips, when determined lc<ally and a?~ro'.,,.',,..1
Coordinatin~ Board. except in in.stances where local ordinancex er,-',n.~.
Kee2 m:enor of all vehicles free from dl,,. grime, oz:. tr..~h. ~.,rr. ;::;,'-.,ds::::'-',. c..i.-:;aze::2
er broken seals, protruding metal or other objects or materials 'ah:ch c~>u!d s'~i =::ms
placed tn ~e ',,'ehicle or provide discomfort for the passenger.
Dete,'nmne locally by t,he local Coordinating Board ~d provide m ti'z=
Trans?ortation Disadvantaged Service Plan ',.he billLng requirement, s o:' the
Transportation Coordinator. ,All bills shall be paid to subcontrac:e:-< '~ ~h~r~ !5
cale:',dar days after rezeipt of said payment by the Coordinator exd_-':.,: ',:',
','here the Coordinator :s a non-govemrnenr, aJ entity.
.Maintain or have access to a passenger/trip database on each rider
v.'l~in ,.he system.
Provide each rider and escort, child, or personal care at'tencta, nt adequate s',.'atmg for
paratra~tt servtces. No more passengers than the registered passenger seating
capaz~q,.' shall be scheduled or transported in a vehicle at a_nv time. For transit se:-'.':ces
v,o,,~,,.c~ by transit vehicles, adequate seating or standing space will be provided ~o
each rider and escort, child, or personal care attendant, and no more passengers than
the registered passenger seating or standing capacity, shall be scheduled or transported
In a vehicle at any time.
1 I. First Aid shall be determined locally and provided in ',.he lc<al Tran. sportauon
Disadvantaged Service Plan.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation shall be determined IocaJly and provided in the
local Tra~portation Disadvantaged Service Plan.
The Cormmlsslon Shall:
A. Recogmze the Coordinator as the enttry described in Seztion 427.011(5). Fior~da Statutes, and
Rule 4~-_.OOzl...~. F.A.C.
Atto,m, pr. [o insure tha~. all eIltttle$ with transportation d~sadvanLa~2ed funds ,.~
traP. saor~nt~or', d~sadvantaged serv:ces th, rough ',.r,e Coordinator's ?,'stem
The Coord:na:er and g":.e Commiss:on Fu,~er
Nothing in ',..his A~zreement shall reaulre the Corru'r,~ss:on to obse.'-ve or enfc:,'--.. ,..o,,,p~: .....
xt~th an,,,' provision thereof, perform-an.,,, other act or do an',' other ming ir: co~,traver:t:on
an',' appllcable state law. If any of the provisions of this Agreement is found b',' a cour: or'
la,.,.' to v~oiate any applicable state law, the r}urchasinfz a2encv/entirv will at one:: not:N ,~',,
Corem:ss;on in vvritinfz in order that appropriate changes and modificat:ons
~ - rT,,~._ b',
ti'xe Commission and the Coordinator to the end that the Coordinator ma,.,' pfc,: .... ~ as ,;o,,:., as
Foss~ble with the provision of t..-;h",,sportatlon ser'vices.
If an,',' part or provision of this Agreement is held invaiid, the remainder-
~h,~, h~ bindin~ on the pat-ties h .... o.
C. T~rz',dr,,-. non Conditions:
Te,,'-mmation at Will - This Agreement may be terminated by' either par:y upon r:c. less
gnarl t,hirry (30) days notaee, without cause. Sa, id notice shall be
mail, return receipt required, or in person with proof of delivery.
'l"errmnation for Breach - Unless the Coordinator's breach is waived by
Comm:ssion in writing, the Commission may. by written notice to the'
:ermmate rY,~s Agreement upon no less than r~,'ents'-four (24) hours notice. Sa:d not,ce
shall be delivered by cert:fied mail. return receipt requested, or in person ~':th proof
of dellver'v. Waiver by the Commission of breach of any provision of this A~ree.ment
shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be con. s~md to be
a modification of the terms of this Agreement, and shall not act as a waiver or estoppel
to enforcement of any provision of this Agreement. The provisions hereto do r~.o~ limit
the Commission's fight to remedies at law or to "damages.
Renegouations or Modifications of t?As A,m"eement shall only be valid when the,,' have been
reduced to writing, duly approved by the Commission. and signed by both parties hereto
Notice and Contact:
The name and address of the contract manager for the Commission for thJs Am'eement ~s:
Executive Director, 605 Suwannee Street, *I549, Tallahassee, FL 32399-~)450. The
representative/position of the Coordinator responsible for administration of the program under
this Agreement is'
In th.-' es'~nt that different representatives are designated, b'. ::'¢,e: 2,::',,.- a::~: ._, ,,~,. ":,'F, ,': ::',,.
~, ~,.,,.,...,.n~, not:ce of the nam~ and address of d',e ne,,,,' r .... se.,mt.',. ,a~ :...?.,:crt,: ::'.
wrmng :o th,..' other pa,'x5 and ~.]:d nt~ttfira',:en ..,,,,.,~. .... ro ¢r~.~na!r ,,: r.'~. ' ............
This document has been revle,.ved m its enttre,,q,.' and approved bv :.".e ieee,,' Cocrd:.".a::::~'
Board ar ~ts offic;a! ....., ...... n= held on
Coordinatifli! l%akl Chal~erson
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed.
/,-,ii,(i '
Agency Name '
Typed Nam,~ Authorized Indv,'idua, t
· 'f -
STATE OF FLOR.IDA. CO.',,!5[!SSiO.x F,;,F.
THE TI:b.XNSPORT..-XTI'?,.' DIS..~.DV?,.KT..~
Typed Name of AuLhor:z:d lnd:'.':d'.:.~i
Si~<f.( f':-'- ' '
Title: ~--,~ c,~,
......... t,lrl
'~ ~'~'"'" .~.'"_',
Staff Attorney. If Applicable
Subscribed and s~.'orn be:ore me this
8as' cf !?
Personally knc~,~
Produced Identification
DATF. SI JI?,,IlT'I'[.~I): 4-2-99
ADDR ES.q: 3301 l{ast Tamiami Trail
CITY AN[) ST.,\'[F,:... Naples. Florida
CONTACT Iq!RS()N FOR Tills (;RANT: (;avin .hines
Pt'I'ON['~ N/IMI?,I'~R: 941-403-2400 F;\X N[
E-MAIl. ADDRI~SS: .. gaviniones'?.colliergov.nct
PRf)JF. CT [.('}(',,\TIf)N lC{runty(its): ('oilier
PROPOSI,.'I) ST..\RT I):\TI';: 07-01-t}9 [!NI)IN(; 1):\'I I'.':
State $ 358.2144
. ~./1%'O
VOLLiNT,,\I?,'f i ){ )l .l ...\ R.";
State $
Local In-Kind
Collier County Board of L'ot,ntx
/.IP ('()I)[i- 34112
~14 ] -(~43-(~908
,'qtatc $
{)(~ -.'; 0-{
PI.,\NNIN(i t"1 :NI)I N'(; ..\1.i .( )( '..\'l I¢ )N
'I'I?,:\N,";FE R RI!I) Tf ) 'I'R Il' (iR..',N'I'
1 I. I hereby ccrtit3' that this document has been duly authorized by thc governing b~Mv ~1' thc
applicant, and the applicant intends to complete the project, md to comply x~ ith any attached
assurances if the assistance is awarded.
Pamela S. Mac' Kic. Chairwoman
SIOSATt F. OF ..xu?m)i lZV. t)
~, rT[ ST:
Attest as to Chat~'$
sl~tur~ o~lj~,
Approv~ 8s lo form ~1
I hereby certify that this grant has been reviewed and approved in its cntirctx Iw thc '
County Coordinating l~,~ard.
Project Description and Cost
:\. Non-sponsored trips $ 398.093
I:3. Capital equipment
I. $
2. $
C. ('m~tingcncx $
II. Fundinu Participation
Total Project Cost $ 398.093
A. Commission for the Transportation l)isadvantagcd
State Funds (%) $ 358.284
B. Cash l.ocal Match 1'!4,~ $ 38.8()9
C. Voluntary Dollar Contributions 1%) $
I). Match tbr V~luntary Dollar
(I f in-kind, so state with monctarx value l
E. Total Project (.'{)st S 398,1193
I!i. Estimated cash-llow of FY 99/00 STATE grant funds only ($ x. 1000)
Only complete this section if desired cash flow is different than {}nc re'tilth of state funds p.~.'r
Jul Aug Sep ()ct Nov Dec .l",n I:cb Mar Apr Nlav Jun
26 26 28 30 31 31 32 34 '~2 xl 29 28
and adminismmvc ru,.luircmcrlls v, hich rclalc I~, ,.li,<rln'li!'lall~,ll ~m Iht
r¢li~hm, sex. a~c. and h',mdicap ,,'~id'l rc~pccl t~ cnlploym,..'nt. ,,¢r~ icc pI',,x
(2) Public and pri','atc tBr-profit, transit and paratransit
(3) '1'11¢ r,,:cJpicn! Ixts tl:c rcquiql¢ fiscal, m:ula,m.'ri:il, and Ic?l C;ilX:cll? I,, ~.',:i:~ Iix i.::i,.p,,il;:li:m
l)isadvar:tago. I Pro?am and w, rc,..'ci~, c and disbur,<' .'-;t;m: Ii. lntl',
(4} Thc rccipicm imcnds I~, accorriplisl'l all rusks tis i,,.lcniilicd ii": d:i,., ~ranl ;:l'~pllc:~li~m
(~) ']'ran.~porlati:m l)i.,,;:d~l;mta~¢tl Trust [:undo, xxill not be re, cd t:: SUplq;U:l :,r;:cc ~.'\i',lll:? Ic:k':;:l.
stale. ()r loc;Il ,,.Z'~VCrlllllCll[ l'Hlld'¢.
(6) (l';.Ipit;ll cquipmcn! I'~urchascd this ~r~llll lllccIs or c\cccdx thc criteria ',ct I,,i Il: i;~ ti:,: I"h,: itl;:
dated ( )ct~bcr
"Part 2..'qpc¢it3¢atio:~
criteria ~,ct li~rth b~.
(7) C'apiml cquipmcn! or c(m.,,ulhmt scrx too, purch;,~,cd through lift.,, gram c{m':pl.x
procurement requirements rd' ('h:.q~Icr 287 ;.md ('}l;.iplcr 427. I' h,~ id;.~
(8) il'capital cquipmcnl is purchasc(l dmmgh lhb, gr;mt. Iht dcmm:d rcsp,,::six c xcr'x icc ~)IlI~'l'c~l h'
individuals x~itil disabilities, including individuals xxho usc xxhcclch::i:,, i~ cquix:llcl:t I,, :he Ic~cl
entirely, is pr~x idcd in Iht mom integrated selling Ikaniblc ami i, cquixzllcnt x~ ith respect I~:
rc.,,]'~oll sc lilllC.
gco.uraphic service area.
hours and da\ .,, o1' service.
rcstr[cli(ms on trip purpo,~c.
axailabilil~ of inf:~rmation ;tnd rc~crxat:~m cap;:lqlit5. ;:::d
In accordan¢c ~.,,'ifl'~ 4~.~ ('FR. Part 37. public cnlitic'¢ ,~pcraling demand
procurin~ m~v inaccessible vehicle. Such public cnlitics not rcccivin~ I.'1 ..X
ccrtificmion ~xitl~ thc appropriate pro,ram of'floc. ~uch public entities
other sccth~n of'thc FT..X have filed ~ ccrlilicmion xshh thc appropri:nc I.
This ccrtilic~lion is v:did I'~r no Ion~,.:r Ihan Ibc conlracL.,O'~riod liar ~ hiu'~] Ibc urm~.~l',l,lic:nhm is Iilcd.
Pm'ncla ~. \k~c'Kic