Resolution 1999-187 RESOI.UTION NO. 99-187 RESOI,UIION APPOINTING ROBERT D. I.AIRD TO TIlE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD. 01-I \VIIERE:\S, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, created the Contractors' Licensing Board and provides that Ibc Board shall be composed of nine (9) members .'~ppointcd by thc Board ol~ County Commissioners wilh a minimum ef two (2) members residing within the corporate cily limits o£ Naples or recommended to the Board L.', the Naples City Council; and WI IER EAS. effective October 1. 1998. Section 489.13 I{ 10), Florida ,~'tatutcs. requires that c','eo, contractors' licensing board consisting of seven or more members must have at least 3 of lhosc members quali fy as consumer representatives. WIIERE.,\S. there is currently a vacancy on this Board for Ihe category of Consumer Representative; and WIIEREAS, the Board o1' County Commissioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications from various interested parties, NOW, IIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIrE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Robert D. Laird meets the prerequisites for appointment and is hereby appointed as Consumer Representative to lhe Contractors' I.iccnsing Board for a three year term, said term to expire on June 30, 2002. This Resolution adopted alter mot/on, second and major/ty vote. DATED: March 23, 1999 ATTEST: DWIGIfT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest. ,~.~ t') ,,':> ,,' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: County Attorney DCW,'kn BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNIY, FLORID///}/ ~ELA ~ ~'oman