Minutes 06/17/2011 Port of the Islands Community Improvement District Severn Trent Services, Management Services Division 210 North University Drive, Suite 702 ,., Coral Springs— Florida 33071 (954) 753-5841 — (954) 345-1292 Fax August 5, 2011 Memorandum To: Mr. Robert Dick Severn Trent Services, Inc. 5726 Corporation Circle Fort Myers, Florida 33905 Reference: Minutes of Meeting Held June 17, 2011 and Approved July 15, 2011 From: Calvin Teague District Manager Enclosed for your records is a copy of the minutes of the above-referenced meeting of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District's Board of Supervisors. Please be sure to make this document available for public access during normal business hours. If you have any questions, please contact Janice Swade at (954) 753-5841. Cc: For informational purposes only: srMr. Daniel Tripaldi Treasury Accountant Clerk of the Circuit Court 2671 Airport Road Court Plaza III Naples, Florida 34112-3016 Mr. Leo Ochs, Jr. RECEIVED Collier County Manager AUG 0 8 2011 Governmental Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail FINANCE Administration Building Naples, Florida 34112 MINUTES OF MEETING PORT OF THE ISLANDS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held Friday, June 17, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Clubhouse; 25005 Peacock Lane;Naples, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Richard Ziko Chairman Norine Dillon Vice Chairperson Dale Lambert Assistant Secretary Theodore Bissell Assistant Secretary Charles Custer Assistant Secretary Also present were: Calvin Teague District Manager Daniel Cox District Attorney Ronald Benson District Engineer Robert Casey Field Manager Anthony Davis Orchid HOA Jean Kungle POI Realty Pat McNally Resident Ken Riggott Resident Nancy Riggott Resident The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands Community Improvement District's Board of Supervisors Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Ziko called the meeting to order and Mr. Teague called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the May 20, 2011 Meeting Mr. Ziko stated each Board member received a copy of the Minutes of the May 20, 2011 Meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • On Page 3 in the second arrow under the fifth bullet, Mr. Soto should replace this resident. • On Page 3 in the last arrow, suggests should replace recommends; and for example should be inserted after Paradise. • On Page 5 in the third bullet under Item D, after which the Chairman signed the agreement should be inserted at the end of the sentence. • On Page 6 in the first bullet under Item A, which should be inserted after bankruptcy. • On Page 6, an arrow should be inserted under the ninth arrow in the fifth order of business stating; It was agreed that there was no reason to bid the insurance policy. • On Page 16 in the second bullet under the tenth order of business, re-filling should replace filling. • On Page 17 in the second motion box, re-filled should replace filled. There being no further additions, corrections or deletions, On MOTION by Mr. Bissell seconded by Mrs. Dillon with all in favor, the Minutes of the May 20, 2011 Meeting were approved as amended. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • Mr. Anthony Davis discussed a resident who was out of the country for four to six weeks; and had a water bill of 120,000 gallons. ➢ There do not appear to be any leaks. ➢ Mr. Davis contacted Big Cypress to determine whether or not they used the water when they were replacing a large amount of sod in the building; and he is awaiting a reply. ➢ The meters in the area are working. ➢ Mr. Casey commented the meters are re-read if they flag any high readings, which he believes was already done. ➢ The only other option is to send the meter out to be bench-tested. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 2 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. ➢ The homeowner will be charged for the bench-testing which costs approximately $45 to $50. ➢ A credit will be applied if it is outside of those parameters. • Ms. Kungle attended the county budget workshop. ➢ She made a comment at the workshop that the CID needs the fire station built. ➢ Mrs. Dillon met with Ms. Kungle and Commissioner Colletta last Friday to ensure the issue is not forgotten about. ➢ It will possibly be done next year. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Discussion on Big Cypress Lodge Developers Agreement • Mr. Benson was told by Mr. Hermanson it is not a good time to start a project, as there are financial issues. • This item will be removed from the agenda for the time being. B. Review of Landscape Maintenance Performance • Mrs. Dillon discussed her walk-through this past Monday with Mr. Soto. ➢ The Board should consider having the exotic plants along Newport Drive removed. o They will eventually encroach onto the power lines. o They are on CID property. o Mr. Soto prepared an estimate in the amount of$1,200 which Mrs. Dillon presented for the Board's review and approval; a copy of which is attached hereto and will be entered into the official record. There being no further discussion, On MOTION by Mrs. Dillon seconded by Mr. Custer with all in favor, the estimate from Soto's Lawn Service, Inc. in the amount of$1,200 to remove exotic vegetation on the right side of Newport Drive was approved. ➢ Mr. Soto is working on an overall landscape plan. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 3 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. ➢ The Mealy Grass which is dying should be replaced with Fakahatchee Grass. o It is similar to Mealy Grass, but is heartier. o It does not die off in the cold weather and is considered native to this area. o It will be replaced as the Mealy Grass dies out. ➢ Mrs. Dillon would like more color on the median at U.S. 41; and presented an estimate from Soto's Lawn Service for planting of 60 Pink Dwarf Oleanders at $12 per tree, for a total of $720; a copy of which will be entered into the official record. o They are hearty. o They do well during drought conditions, as well as with a lot of water. o They can take high heat. o The temperature would have to drop to 12 Degrees Fahrenheit for them to die. o There are no county code issues regarding these trees. o They are poisonous to certain animals, and toxic to humans only if consumed. o Mr. Teague commented that many landscapers recommend these trees. Mrs. Dillon MOVED to approve the estimate from Soto's Lawn Service, Inc. in the amount of $720 to plant 60 Pink Dwarf Oleander Trees at $12 per tree on the U.S. 41 median. o The estimate includes a recommendation for removal of the dead Mealy Grass which is to be replaced with Fakahatchee Grass as it dies out free of charge; with the only charge being for planting of the Fakahatchee Grass. o The motion does not actually include the price of the grass. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 4 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. Mr. Custer SECONDED the prior motion as discussed. There being no further discussion, On VOICE vote with all in favor, the estimate from Soto's Lawn Service, Inc. in the amount of $720 to plant 60 Pink Dwarf Oleander Trees at $12 per tree on the U.S. 41 median, to include removal of dead Mealy Grass free of charge and replaced with Fakahatchee Grass at a separate charge as needed was approved. ➢ Mrs. Dillon commented that the area around the large pond in Orchid Cove at the entrance on Union Road was looking overgrown and asked Mr. Davis who cuts there. o The Orchid Cove HOA cuts this area only when they are directed to do so. o The recent rains caused the area to become overgrown. o Mr. Davis will have this area cut within the next two to three weeks. ➢ Mrs. Dillon suggested to Mr. Soto they do something about the sprinkler head problem and consider a 50% split between Soto and the CID for the repairs. o Mr. Soto indicated he would consider this. o The Board was in favor. ➢ Mr. Custer indicated the Bottlebrush Trees on the east end median need fertilizer because they are beginning to turn yellow. C. Update on 2011 Backflow Preventer Installations • All have been assembled and work will commence next week. • The aging report is being reviewed in order to identify which meters are scheduled for replacement; after which the backflow preventers will be installed. • The amount for the backflow preventers on the check register represents POI purchasing them in order to avoid paying the tax. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 5 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business A. Discussion of Rule Development for Utilities • The Public Hearing cannot take place until August due to advertising requirements, but can be presented to the Board in July for comments. ➢ Mrs. Dillon recommended the Board delay this Public Hearing to January when more residents will be here. ➢ Mr. Benson recommended the Board consider any other rule changes at the same Public Hearing. • Mr. Casey contacted the county regarding a resident's request for a sewer credit for re-filling his pool. ➢ They could not provide a written policy, but Mr. Casey was told they allow the sewer credit and do not charge for seasonal resident shut-offs. ➢ The CID is not necessarily bound to the county's rules in this regard. ➢ The resident was credited per the Board's direction at the last meeting. • Mr. Cox will present the proposed policy at the November or December meeting, with a Public Hearing to be set for the January or February meeting. ➢ Mr. Ziko asked Mr. Cox to present information as he receives it as opposed to presenting all of the information at once during the November or December meeting. • Mr. Ziko indicated the PVC pipe coming out of the ground on the north corner of Orchid Cove may have been knocked off by a passing truck; and he wants to know if the pipe feeds off of the north part of Orchid Cove and what its purpose is. ➢ Mr. Davis commented there is dead pipe in this area. ➢ Mr. Casey commented it may be a construction meter since it is not read. ➢ Mr. Benson and Mr. Casey will check after the meeting to determine whether or not it is pressurized. ➢ It can be capped and shut down if this is the case. ➢ Mr. Lambert reminded them to ensure it is not sticking up out of the ground. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 6 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. B. Discussion of Road Striping Proposals • Mr. Teague indicated no contractors will come out until they are given specifics on the project, such as: ➢ The size of the project; ➢ Areas to be striped. ➢ Mr. Benson submitted a proposal in the amount of $3,000 to establish a striping plan and identify the work to be done. o This price includes the County Engineer's review. ➢ They are public roads, which were striped in accordance with the county- approved site development plan. o The county must approve striping and signage plans in Collier County. ➢ Mr. Teague tried to get approval to paint over the current striping, but no contractor will do this. Mr. Lambert MOVED to approve postponement of the road striping until such time as the next section of paving work is started; and detail of striping for the new pavement is discussed to include the existing paving; and Mrs. Dillon seconded the motion. ➢ This is included in the Capital Improvement Plan. ➢ Work was delayed until such time as the new water plant is complete, since a great deal of heavy equipment is going to be coming through. ➢ The Board can determine whether or not the project should be done in phases at that time. There being no further discussion, On VOICE vote with all in favor, the prior motion was approved. ➢ Mrs. Dillon commented the cost to determine exactly what should be done is high. o Mr. Benson commented the price also includes inspections and other important details. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 7 %o 11 Port of the Islands C.I.D. o Re-paving alone cannot be done because the drainage will change and affect the pavement in different ways. The Board discussed miscellaneous issues. • Mr. Lambert discussed Severn Trent's operating contract. ➢ Mr. Lambert met with Mr. Dick in January and mentioned that the CID would like to review the contract to determine whether or not anything had to be changed regarding the new water plant's operation. ➢ Mr. Dick would like to meet with Mr. Lambert to discuss further. ➢ Mr. Lambert asked for the Board's opinion as to whether or not the contract should be modified. o Mr. Lambert is not interested in re-bidding the contract, but there are items which may no longer be appropriate. o Mrs. Dillon believes Mr. Lambert should be the focal point in this regard; and he can report back to the Board once he meets with Mr. Dick; to which the rest of the Board was in concurrence. ➢ Mr. Lambert asked the Board to review the contract before August and e- mail any possible changes. • Mr. Lambert discussed the Villages of Stella Maris; in which the Master Association owns all of the facilities. ➢ A water line recently broke and was repaired by the CID. o The property manager does not want to pay for the repair and the property owner is bankrupt and no longer in existence. o It appears the pipe was not properly tightened, possibly causing the areas where the threads are located to crack, which Severn Trent corrected during the repair. ➢ It appears there is always standing water on the entrance road. o There may be a leak in the irrigation pipe. ➢ The Master Association President commented that an association was not created for the three buildings in question. o The Master Association does not own the common areas. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 8 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. o Tax certificates were purchased; one of which was converted to a deed and is privately owned. o Their attorneys and staff are unable to determine what to do about this. ➢ Mr. Lambert clarified the roads are not owned by the CID; and will probably never be accepted due to the condition. ➢ Mr. Ziko drove down the road today and noticed a large puddle in the middle. o Irrigation in the county is prohibited on Fridays. o The water may be coming up from under the road. o If the sprinklers are not causing this standing water, there may be something wrong with the piping below the road, which is not the CID's responsibility. ➢ Any irrigation issues would be reflected in the meter readings. ➢ Mr. Benson indicated they have the record drawings for the area which show the location of the pipes. o Mr. Ziko asked Mr. Benson to look at the area after the meeting. ➢ Mr. Teague commented that the association may want to consider accepting ownership of the common areas. o The CID may have to shut the water at the road, which is going to shut service off for all of those units if some entity is not willing to pay for the repair. ➢ Mr. Benson commented the master meter can be put on the potable water line at the property line; and the responsible entity can pay the water bill and distribute it to the different units. ➢ Mr. Cox would like to discuss a possible solution with the association's manager and/or attorney. o They may consider addressing this with the same type of agreement the CID has with Orchid Cove. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 9 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. ➢ Mr. Lambert suggested that POI can take care of the necessary repairs and keep track of the costs; after which the responsible entity will reimburse POI when the issue is resolved. Mr. Lambert MOVED to authorize Severn Trent Services to repair the pipes under the road as necessary at the Villages of Stella Maris; keep track of costs until such time as ownership is determined; and seek reimbursement after the fact; and Mrs. Dillon seconded the motion. ➢ Mr. Teague clarified the costs will be settled on a future date when the issue is resolved. There being no further discussion, On VOICE vote with all in favor, the prior motion was approved as discussed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney's Report B. Update of Swale Agreement on Lot 45 Mr. Bissell asked for an update since he will have to leave the meeting shortly. • Mr. Cox drafted the agreement and reviewed it with staff. • Mr. Benson is working on the exhibit. • They will present the agreement to the property owner as soon as Mr. Benson submits the completed exhibit. Mr. Bissell discussed the northeast corner. • Mr. Stephens did not read the meter for the water in that location, but the CID Board made sure a meter was installed, and the developer paid for water use. • Mr. Benson believes the meter is no longer being used and Mr. Casey can cap off and remove the meter. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report A. Update on Warranty Repairs for Sign • Some Board members are not happy with the repair. ➢ Mr. Teague will continue working through this issue. The record reflects Mr. Bissell exited the meeting. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 10 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. B. Questions and Comments on Proposed Fiscal Year 2012 Budget • The budget was submitted to the County and is ready for the Public Hearing. • Mr. Lambert asked for an explanation of the trim notice process. ➢ The Property Appraiser has the option to include the assessments on the trim notice, but never usually does so. Mr. Teague distributed a spreadsheet with a cost comparison for Orchid Cove street lights versus the rest of POI; a copy of which will be entered into the official record. • Orchid Cove has 19 lights along the road and two lights in a parking lot. ➢ Residents pay extra money for decorative lighting; and Mr. Davis indicated they do not mind doing so. • Mr. Teague recommends getting their account for the 19 electric poles into the name of the CID in order to avoid paying sales tax; and the CID can bill them on a monthly basis. ➢ Mr. Davis believes this decision makes sense. ➢ Mr. Cox indicated this is part of their agreement with the CID. ➢ Mr. Teague commented the cost for the CID to rent the room for the Board meeting can be included on this statement; to which the Board was in agreement. There being no further discussion, On MOTION by Mr. Lambert seconded by Mr. Custer with all in favor, the monthly cost in the amount of$639.54 for 19 decorative street lights in Orchid Cove to be billed to the CID; and the CID to bill Orchid Cove for the cost minus the amount of$50 which the CID pays per month for use of the Peacock Room in Orchid Cove for Board meetings was approved. The President of the Villages of Stella Maris Master Association stated for the record how kind the CID has been to them about this awful situation. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Field Manager's Report Mr. Casey distributed the May 2011 Operations Report for discussion; a copy of which will be entered into the official record. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 11 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • The reuse usage for irrigation was high in all likelihood due to the dry conditions, but is still well within our permit. • The Health Department did their monthly inspection of the existing wastewater plant operations building and expressed concern with the building's condition. ➢ Mr. Casey is not certain about the specifics of the complaint. • Mr. Casey discussed meter issues. ➢ Mr. Casey is going to turn in the 200 old meters and possibly get back $300 to $400. o He can get $2.55 per meter if no cleaning is done on them. o He can get $3.54 per meter if they are cleaned. ➢ The meter reader is having difficulty accessing the water meters in Evening Star. o People are allowing hedges and vegetation to grow around the meters. o Mr. Casey authorized the meter reader to cut a path in order to access the meters, which the CID has the right to do. A. Discussion of Hydro Flush Installation at Orchid Cove • The installation is going to be directly outside of this building. • Flooding and run-off concerns may cause the work to take longer than anticipated, which Mr. Benson explained in detail. ➢ There is a green concrete pedestal outside of the building which has a green box. ➢ The bacterial sample point is located in this box. ➢ The sample point will be removed and replaced with the hydroguard or be extended. ➢ The hydroguard has a sample station built in. ➢ The flushing will keep the water at a higher quality. ➢ Installation outside of the easement requires more pipe to connect it, possibly putting it back further in the lot where it is not noticeable. ➢ A written agreement will be required which states that another piece of property on the easement must be maintained. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 12 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • The Board, Mr. Benson and Mr. Davis held a lengthy discussion. Mr. Casey discussed miscellaneous issues. • Mosquito spraying was discussed. ➢ They are currently spraying two days per week. ➢ They are using the 90-degree method in which they go down the road one day, and switch over to the other side on the second day in order to cover both sides of the street. ➢ Mrs. Dillon suggested teeing off the nozzle in order for 50% to go to either side. o There will be less of the mixture, but both sides of the road will be done at once. o Mr. Ziko suggested using the same amount of mixture, but increasing the blower pressure to carry the mixture out further. ■ Mr. Casey commented it has a pressure regulator. o Mr. Casey will look into Mrs. Dillon's suggestion. ➢ They are spraying on Tuesdays and Fridays. • Mr. Lambert wants to know if the three pumps which were replaced due to a lightning strike were submitted to the insurance company. ➢ Mr. Casey's experience indicates the insurance companies are reluctant to handle lightning issues unless it can be pinpointed with data or documentation. ➢ Mr. Benson commented that LCEC specifications for provision of power work out in their favor for the most part. ➢ Mr. Cox commented that the power company for his area allows residents to rent an at-the-pole surge protector which covers replacement of anything struck by lightning. • Mr. Custer commented that the lighting on the west side of the main monument on Newport Drive is not fully functional. ➢ Mrs. Dillon indicated that Soto is going to prepare a quote for replacement of the photo cells; and Mr. Casey will contact Mr. Soto. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 13 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • Mr. Custer asked Mr. Casey to look at the repairs Soto did on the west side of Cays Drive within the shrubs, as one of them is wrapped up with duct tape. • Mr. Ziko asked for a status of the loss report which the Board asked for at the last meeting. ➢ Mr. Casey indicated it was not prepared. ➢ There were some elevated water loss numbers at the high service pump building in which one of the high service check valves was not working properly. ➢ The check valve was replaced. • Mrs. Dillon asked Mr. Casey if he ordered the spare for the MBR blower. ➢ He will verify with staff whether or not it was ordered. • Mrs. Dillon asked for a status of the stains on cars and in stainless steel sinks to determine what caused it. ➢ The treatment has not changed. ➢ Mr. Cox commented this should go away once the new MBR system is installed. • Mr. Casey discussed the irrigation pump station. ➢ Two hydro pneumatic tanks, a compressor motor and other items are not being used and need to be removed from the irrigation station. ➢ Mr. Casey has a proposal from the gentleman who is doing the containment area around the roto mesh for $1,800 to remove and dispose of all of the equipment. ➢ Mr. Casey would like to wait until Soto completes their work in this area. ➢ The work should be complete by next week. • The control panel needs to be repaired. ➢ Mr. Casey has a proposal for replacement. ➢ The replacement is going to be somewhat complicated and expensive. ➢ All of the current electrical components must be removed and a new panel installed. ➢ Mr. Ziko recommends a log be started to check on these and other items. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 14 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • Mr. Lambert asked Mr. Casey to discuss an exposed pipe running along the west side of the canal. ➢ Mr. Casey and Mr. Benson went out there a few years ago and determined this is not CID infrastructure. ➢ Mr. Benson suggested someone from Severn Trent can check on this. B. Report on Hydrant Painting at Orchid Cove This item was not discussed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney's Report (Continued) A. Update on North Hotel Bankruptcy Proceedings • There is a hearing on July 7th for a partial notice to dismiss; and Mr. Cox will be sending a letter this week putting them on notice. Mr. Cox gave an update on the irrigation pump station. • Two easements were granted to the District; and the Fakah Union Canal runs through the center. • The drawings show that the CID's easement area is between three to five feet outside of the fence. The Board discussed miscellaneous issues. • Mrs. Dillon asked Mr. Cox if he was able to obtain PVC pipe, as discussed at the last meeting. ➢ Mr. Cox did not receive a response to his request, but the original vendor was able to supply the PVC pipe. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Engineer's Report A. Update on New Water Treatment Plant Mr. Benson distributed the Monthly Progress Report for discussion; a copy of which will be entered into the official record. • The contractor has the building permit and commenced work. • A certain type of handicapped-accessible chilled drinking fountain in a specific location within the building had to be added. • They had to provide the county building official a letter stating the CID has capacity to provide water and wastewater service to the building. • Mr. Benson believes the contractor may ask for a 16-day extension on the project. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 15 June 17, 2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. • The architect, Mr. Benson and Mr. Lambert came up with a color scheme. The Board discussed miscellaneous issues. • Mrs. Dillon wants to know when the one-year warranty commences on the SCADA. ➢ It commences as soon as the equipment is checked on and accepted. ➢ Warranties for most of the equipment commence as soon as the engineer deems it substantially complete. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors' Requests Hearing no requests from Supervisors, the next item followed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Hearing no comments from audience members, the next item followed. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of May 31, 2011 Financial Statements and Check Register Mr. Teague presented the May 31, 2011 Financial Statements and Check Register for the Board's review and acceptance; copies of which will be entered into the official record. • Mrs. Dillon asked for an explanation of the difference between the outstanding funds as noted on Page 12. ➢ The amount of$119,627 was from last year. ➢ The North Hotel is the main discrepancy. • On Page 19, it appears the Water and Sewer Fund will have a deficit in 2015. ➢ This is not an issue of concern. ➢ The CID is in good shape. There being no further discussion, On MOTION by Mrs. Dillon seconded by Mr. Lambert with all in favor, acceptance of the May 31, 2011 Financial Statements and Check Register was approved. Thursday,6/23/11 @ 2:38 p.m. 16 June 17,2011 Port of the Islands C.I.D. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment There being no further business, On MOTION by Mrs. Dillon seconded by Mr. Custer with all in favor,the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. _____a/ -e°1.... -',C101,;‘ Calvin Teague Richard C.Zik Secretary Chairman Thursday,6/23t11 cr,2:38 p.m. 17