Agenda 06/08/2021 Item #16A15 (Acceptance of Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study)    Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting June 8, 2021 Continue Item 9C to the July 13, 2021 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to adopt the proposed amendments to the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay of the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP), Ordinance 89-05, as amended, and to transmit the amendments to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and other statutorily required agencies. (Staff’s request) Continue item 10A to the June 22, 2021 BCC Meeting: Recommendation for the Board to consider adoption of a County Ordinance establishing Collier County as a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County. (Commissioner McDaniel’s request) Continue Item 10B to the July 13, 2021 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to direct the County Manager to retain an outside consultant to review the Rural Lands Stewardship Area (RLSA) Overlay Growth Management Plan, as amended, to estimate the total Stewardship Credits available in the Overlay. (Commissioner Taylor’s request) Move Item 16A15 to Item 11J: Recommendation to accept the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study and direct staff to pursue Concept 1. (Commissioner Saunders’ request) Add on Item 11K: Update on the Great Wolf Lodge development agreement. (Commissioner Saunders’ request) Move Item 16C4 to Item 11L: Recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, to execute Agreements, Deeds, and other documents required for the sale of Gulf American Corporation (GAC) Land Trust property during the 2021 Calendar Year. (Commissioner McDaniel’s request) Withdraw item 16D6: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Fourth Amendment between Collier County and Prestige Home Centers, Inc. to extend the agreement term and increase funding in the amount of $30,000 for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Demolition and/or Replacement of Manufactured Housing program. (Staff’s request) Continue Item 16K1 to the June 22, 2021 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to take no further action with respect to a public petition requesting that Collier County enact an ordinance to protect firearm owners from federal or state government intrusion. (Commissioner McDaniel’s request) Time Certain Items: Item 9A & 9B and companion items to be heard at 10:00am - Longwater and Belmar items with companion items   6/8/2021 8:33 AM 06/08/2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study and direct staff to pursue Concept 1. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study (Study) which evaluated the potential roadway improvements in the study area and recommend pursuing Multimodal Overlay Concept 1 for the corridor from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard. CONSIDERATIONS: In December 2019, Collier County Growth Management Department hired Johnson Engineering to analyze the current and future traffic within the Golden Gate Parkway corridor and to identify and evaluate potential improvements of the corridor which correspond with the Golden Gate City Vision and Golden Gate Area Master Plan. The segment of Golden Gate Parkway (GGP) from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard is an existing policy constrained four lane roadway that is a central commercial corridor through Golden Gate City. The constraints of this segment preclude widening, unless authorized by the BCC. The Study is based on a complete street approach to determine how this segment of GGP can be enhanced for safety and mobility of all users, including vehicles, trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit services. An assessment was performed on the existing roadway conditions, pedestrian counts, bicycle counts, vehicular traffic counts and travel patterns, crash data, and future redevelopment potential. After data was collected and analyzed, three alternative concepts were developed. The evaluation of alternatives focuses on six primary factors: constructability, design criteria, intersection level of service, roadway level of service, potential utility conflicts, and project costs. The study also analyzed six intersections along the corridor. The intersections are: 1. Golden Gate Parkway at 53ra Street SW 2. Golden Gate Parkway at 50' Street SW 3. Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 4. Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 5. Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 6. Golden Gate Parkway at 44' Street SW Figure 1: Project Location Map Packet Pg. 768 06/08/2021 The concepts developed are as follows: Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet. Both sides of the roadway have the addition of approximately 16' landscape, lighting, and transit pull -off zone, followed by a 10-foot pathway on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the right-of-way (ROW). Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept increases the usable amount of area outside of the roadway travel lanes to create a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly corridor. This is the only concept that includes Transit pull -off zones which do not interrupt bike lanes. Transit pull -off zones create safer loading and unloading areas for Collier Area Transit (CAT) buses outside of traffic while also reducing interruptions to the vehicular traffic flow. This concept has an estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) of $25,510,000. Figure 1: Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet. Both sides of the roadway would have the addition of a 4-foot landscape buffer to protect a 4-foot bicycle lane, followed by an 8-foot landscape and lighting zone, and a 6-foot sidewalk on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the ROW. Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept provides limited space for CAT bus pull offs, and bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. This concept has an estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and CEI of $25,620,000. Figure 2: Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal is intended to be a phased approach to integrate aspects of Concept 1 for the near term and then integrate aspects of Concept 2 for the long-term. During the initial phase of project implementation there will be a 10-foot-wide shared path on both sides of the street. The path will later become a dedicated bike facility on both sides of the street once additional 6-foot-wide sidewalks are constructed on the outside edges of both sides of the street. Drivers, cyclists, and walkers will all be Packet Pg. 769 06/08/2021 separated from one another. This concept provides limited space for CAT bus pull offs, and bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. This concept has a combined estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and CEI of $30,181,000 for both phases of construction. Figure 3: Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal Concept 4 - No Build includes maintaining the existing conditions on the Golden Gate Parkway corridor as it currently operates. This option is being documented to establish a baseline configuration to compare the proposed configurations for this corridor. Collier County would maintain the current configuration as you see this area today. No improvements are proposed under this scenario. This concept would result in no initial capital improvement funding. The current/existing roadway, sidewalks, landscaping, and other pedestrian pathways would remain untouched. Figure 4: Concept 4 - No Build EXISTING GROUND EXISTING CURB) ANUGUTTER EMI TINCI�L. / � EXISTING GROUND EXISTING WATER MAIN AND GUTTER AND GUTTER J EXISTING WATER MAIN (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) I VARIES 12' 12' 12' . I VARIES(12'-3S) 12' 12' TJ VARIES SIW (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) So WESTSOUND EXISTING LANDSCAPE MEDIAN EASTBOUND \ TRAVELLANES TRAVEL LANES 130' R.O.W. A public outreach initiative was conducted for the four concepts to gauge community interest and feedback. The surveys were conducted on-line and in -person. Concept 1 was most preferred by the on- line survey respondents. Concept 3 was preferred by the in -person survey respondents. This may be attributable to small sampling sizes and the differences in survey taking methodology. The one consistent outcome was that a complete street concept is preferred for the corridor, and the option for no change to the corridor is not preferred. Based on the review and analysis of the alternatives and the relevant factors, Concept 1 is the recommended design. All build alternatives address increasing the functionality of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the study limits; however, Concept 1 reduces the short-term (pre - redevelopment) potential conflict points given that there are numerous existing driveways that will interrupt the continuity of the proposed facilities along the corridor. Furthermore, proposed improvements will provide space for enhanced CAT bus pull off and boarding areas along the corridor. This concept is consistent with Growth Management Plan policy that "emphasis shall be placed on the creation of a pedestrian -oriented boulevard," has the lowest estimated construction cost, and reduces the Packet Pg. 770 06/08/2021 short-term (pre -redevelopment) impacts to adjacent residential and commercially developed parcels. In addition, the study conducted a level of service (LOS) and capacity analysis of six major intersections in the study corridor. Based on the results of the intersection LOS analysis, select intersections are anticipated to fail in 2040 under No Build conditions. Without improvements to either mitigate/reduce the anticipated peak hour vehicular volumes or increase capacity, it is anticipated that similar resulting delays would occur in Concepts 1, 2, and 3 conditions as well. The study therefore analyzed the intersections within the area as roundabouts. It was found that the roundabouts, while facilitating flow along GGP, created back-up on the side streets by not allowing a sufficient gap for vehicles to enter the roundabout. The study concludes that at this time there is limited viability for roundabouts given existing and projected traffic volumes along GGP. It further indicates that there is also potential that travel patterns may change, and transportation technology advancements may have an impact to the trajectory of the long-term projected traffic volumes. The long-term benefits of roundabouts may only be realized in conjunction with added capacities on alternative east -west corridors and changes to development patterns such as compact mix of uses and increased employment options in proximity to residential areas to help reduce vehicular volumes on GGP. However, in order to keep all options on the table for the future, for planning purposes, the County Growth Management Department should coordinate with property owners at the time that they seek to develop or redevelop property, and work through the zoning or development review process to reserve the space needed to accommodate roundabouts at one or more of the six studied intersections. The following regulatory changes are also recommended considering the urbanized nature of this corridor: • Establish a deviation from the standard access management thresholds and requirements for right turn lanes that are in the County's Right -of -Way Handbook. • Amend the Land development Code to allow interconnection, alley, and side street connections is allowed as the primary site access at time of redevelopment and/or future design phases to minimize driveways along the minor arterial and the conflict they create between automobiles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The study recommends the County conduct the design of Concept 1, consider reserving space to accommodate roundabouts at the six studies intersections and develop regulatory changes which consider the urbanized nature of the corridor. Staff from multiple Departments will work together to design and construct the project in phases yet to be determined. These phases will coordinate the required public utility infrastructure necessary to support the redevelopment efforts as well as the capital replacement and rehabilitation of stormwater facilities for the area. It is anticipated that the reconstruction of the roadway will be shared among multiple parties as other necessary improvements will require the road to be reconstructed. FISCAL IMPACT: The preliminary planning level estimated costs of Concept 1 including design and construction total $25,510,000 including stormwater improvements and landscaping. This estimate does not include the cost for Collier County Utilities improvements. Collier County will be applying for grant funds for this project. Conceptually, a potential source of funding is the U.S. Department of Transportation's Infrastructure Investment Grant titled Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE). RAISE is a highly competitive grant with a potential maximum federal award of $25,000,000. The local match required is 20% of the total project cost and could be up to $6,250,000, if the full RAISE grant is awarded. Approval of this item does not result in an additional fiscal impact of future phases of the project or approval of the RAISE grant submittal. The Board will have the opportunity to approve funding allocations as any capital project progresses. There is no future Packet Pg. 771 06/08/2021 capital phase of this project approved in the current budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The project is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Future Land Use Element, the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, raises no legal issues at this time and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: To accept and approve the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study; coordinate and reserve space where appropriate and feasible to accommodate future roundabouts at the studies intersections; and develop regulatory changes which consider the urbanized nature of the corridor. Prepared by: Lorraine Lantz, AICP, PMP, Principal Planner, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. [Linked] Golden Gate Complete Street Feasibility Study (PDF) Packet Pg. 772 16.A.15 06/08/2021 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.15 Doe ID: 15519 Item Summary: Recommendation to accept the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study and direct staff to pursue Concept 1. Meeting Date: 06/08/2021 Prepared by: Title: Project Manager — Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Name: Lorraine Lantz 04/06/2021 4:48 PM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - IF, CPP & PM — County Manager's Office Name: Amy Patterson 04/06/2021 4:48 PM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Operations Support Raquel Ovares Growth Management Operations Support Christopher Johnson Growth Management Department Gene Shue Additional Reviewer County Manager's Office Trinity Scott Additional Reviewer Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Growth Management Department Trinity Scott Additional Reviewer Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer County Manager's Office Amy Patterson Level 4 County Manager Review Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending Additional Reviewer Completed Additional Reviewer Completed Completed 04/20/2021 10:17 AM Skipped 05/10/2021 11:57 AM Completed 05/10/2021 2:26 PM Completed 05/12/2021 9:25 AM Completed 05/17/2021 1:43 PM Completed 05/17/2021 4:58 PM Completed 05/18/2021 6:09 PM Completed 05/30/2021 2:25 PM Completed 06/01/2021 9:40 AM 06/08/2021 9:00 AM Packet Pg. 773 11 ;zN-q 4 7.1 wl Li 81 ��OM PLETE SST � � EET STUDY COLLIER C®U�NTNY .iPROJECT NUMBER-b8l 31113182 ENGINEERINGN CD BLUE ZONES -0. 0 Collier county GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY APRIL 2021 Prepared for: CO le-r C01.nty 2685 S. Horseshoe Drive, Suite 103 Naples, Florida 34104 Prepared by: ENGINEERING 2350 Stanford Court Naples, Florida 34112 (239) 434-0333 EB 642 20149700-236 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Pate No. ExecutiveSummary.........................................................................................................................1 1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................7 1.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 Existing Corridor Conditions...............................................................................................10 3.0 Land Use Data Evaluation...................................................................................................17 4.0 Data Collection....................................................................................................................25 4.1 Bi-Directional 24-Hour Traffic Counts.......................................................................... 25 4.2 Turning Movement Counts............................................................................................ 25 4.3 Traffic Volumes............................................................................................................. 25 5.0 Crash Analysis.....................................................................................................................45 6.0 Level of Service (LOS) and Capacity Analysis...................................................................49 6.1 Signalized Intersection LOS Analysis............................................................................ 49 6.2 Roundabout Intersection LOS........................................................................................ 51 6.3 Roadway Capacity Analysis.......................................................................................... 56 7.0 Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal.........................................................................................57 8.0 Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal......................................................................................58 9.0 Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal...................................................................................59 10.0 Concept 4 - No Build...........................................................................................................60 11.0 Public Outreach Strategy.....................................................................................................62 12.0 Constructability and Utilities...............................................................................................67 13.0 Project Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimations.........................................................69 =0 APPENDICES Appendix A Traffic Study Areas Appendix B Existing Land Uses Appendix C Summary Land Use Changes Appendix D Bi-Directional 24-Hour Traffic Counts Appendix E A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts Appendix F Florida Traffic Online Peak Season Correction Factors Appendix G Collier County AUIR Appendix H 2O19 Signalized A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix I 2024 Signalized A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix J Collier County MPO 2040 LRTP Appendix K 2040 Signalized A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix L 2019 Roundabout A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix M 2024 Roundabout A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix N 2040 Roundabout A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Synchro Reports Appendix O Survey Postings Appendix P Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Presentation Appendix Q Online Survey Results Appendix R In -Person Survey Results Appendix S Sunshine State One Call of Florida Potential Utility Providers Appendix T Project Cost Estimates LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal Figure 1-2 Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Figure 1-3 Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal Figure 1-4 No Build Concept Figure 1-5 Golden Gate City Welcome Sign Figure 1-6 Project Location Map Figure 1-7 Existing Bus Stop Along Golden Gate Parkway LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 2-1 Existing Conditions Figure 2-2 FDOT Context Classifications Figure 2-3 Golden Gate Parkway CAT Bus Stop Overlay Map Figure 2-4 Existing Lighting from Santa Barbara Boulevard to 45th Street SW Figure 2-5 Existing Lighting East of 451h Street SW Figure 2-6 Lighting Assembly - Decorative Pole Detail Figure 3-1 Adopted Future Land Use Map in Golden Gate Area Master Plan: Golden Gate City Sub -Element Figure 4-1 Traffic Data Collection Map Figure 4-2 Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-3 Golden Gate Parkway at 50th Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-4 Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-5 Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-6 Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-7 Golden Gate Parkway at 44th Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes Figure 4-8 Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-9 Golden Gate Parkway at 50th Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-10 Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-11 Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-12 Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-13 Golden Gate Parkway at 44th Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-14 Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure 4-15 Golden Gate Parkway at 50 Street SW 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-16 Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-17 Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-18 Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 4-19 Golden Gate Parkway at 44rh Street SW 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes Figure 6-1 Golden Gate Parkway - Existing Roadway Conditions Figure 6-2 Golden Gate Parkway - Conceptual Roundabout Rendering Figure 7-1 Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal Figure 7-2 Concept 1 Character Image Figure 8-1 Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Figure 8-2 Concept 2 Character Image Figure 9-1 Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal Figure 9-2 Concept 3 Character Image Figure 10-1 Concept 4 — No Build Figure 10-2 Concept 4 - Existing Conditions Image Figure 11-1 Informational Flyer LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Golden Gate Parkway Intersection Descriptions within Project Corridor Table 2-2 Golden Gate Parkway Access Management Standards Table 2-3 CAST Bus Stop 2019 Ridership Data Table 2-4 FDOT Florida Greenbook Design Criteria Table 3-1 Existing Development Table 3-2 Future Land Use - Allowable Densities and Intensities Table 3-3 Ultimate Projection Scenario - Densities and Intensity Assumptions -1v- LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table 3-4 Ultimate Projection Scenario - Potential Build -Out Table 3-5 Mid -Level Project Scenario - Densities and Intensity Assumptions Table 3-6 Mid -Level Project Scenario - Potential Build -Out Table 4-1 CAT Bus Stop Ridership Data Table 6-1 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-2 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-3 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-4 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-5 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-6 Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-7 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-8 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-9 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 A.M. Peak Hour Table 6-10 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-11 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-12 Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 P.M. Peak Hour Table 6-13 Golden Gate Parkway Existing Capacity Analysis Table 6-14 Golden Gate Parkway Potential Future Capacity Analysis Table 11-1 Online Survey - Language Table 11-2 Online Survey - Zip Code Table 11-3 Online Survey - Preference Results Table 11-4 Farmer's Market Survey - Preference Results Table 11-5 7 Mart - Preference Results Table 12-1 Potential Utilities Owners within Project Limits Table 13-1 Concept 1 Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimate Table 13-2 Concept 2 Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimate Table 13-3 Concept 3 Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimate -v- LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 5-1 Golden Gate Parkway Crash Comparison Graph 5-2 Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW Crash Types Graph 5-3 Golden Gate Parkway at 50th Street SW Crash Types Graph 5-4 Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard Crash Types Graph 5-5 Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway Crash Types Graph 5-6 Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard Crash Types Graph 5-7 Golden Gate Parkway at 44th Street SW Crash Types -vi- CO ICT c014Hty EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The Golden Gate Parkway segment that is the focus of this study is a main route for vehicular, pedestrian, transit, and bicycle traffic to connect to a major collector and a minor arterial roadway, Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard, respectively. This corridor provides the community access to residential areas, schools, businesses, and community centers. Golden Gate Parkway is currently a Collier County maintained minor arterial roadway that will be subject to the respective County standards associated with this roadway classification. Specific applicable standards include Collier County's transportation design criteria, American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Florida Green Book, and Collier County's Growth Management redevelopment guidelines. The Golden Gate City Master Plan was updated by the Board of County Commissioners in 2019 with a focus on fostering Golden Gate City as a vibrant, walkable community. The Golden Gate Area Master Plan, Golden Gate City Sub -Element, adopted September 24, 2019, establishes the following vision and goal for a built environment that promotes convenience and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists: "Golden Gate City is a safe, diverse, family -oriented community that offers easy access to education, parks, shopping, and services within a vibrant, walkable community." "To preserve and enhance a mix of residential and commercial land uses within Golden Gate City that creates a safe, diverse and vibrant walkable community consistent with the stated vision of Golden Gate City." The Golden Gate City Sub -Element identifies the center or heart of the corridor as a mixed -use activity center, surrounded to the west and east with downtown commercial and office activity. Standards for development in keeping with this vision have been implemented through the adoption of the Golden Gate Parkway Overlay Zoning District within the Land Development Code. The segment of Golden Gate Parkway from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard is an existing policy constrained four lane roadway that is a central commercial corridor through Golden Gate City. The constraints of this segment preclude widening, unless authorized by the BCC. The Study is based on a complete street approach to determine how this segment of the Parkway can be enhanced for safety and mobility of all users, including vehicles, trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit services to fulfill the adopted goals and objectives for Golden Gate Parkway as a main street with businesses, shopping, and dining to serve residents in and around Golden Gate City. This report was prepared for the Collier County Growth Management Department to analyze the feasibility of four potential alternatives along the Golden Gate Parkway corridor from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard. An assessment was performed on the existing roadway conditions, pedestrian counts, bicycle counts, vehicular traffic counts and travel patterns, crash APRIL 2021 - 1 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC Collier County GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY data, and future redevelopment potential. After data was collected and analyzed, alternative concepts were developed. The analysis focuses on six primary factors: constructability, design criteria, intersection level of service, roadway level of service, potential utility conflicts, and project costs. The six intersections analyzed along this corridor are: 1. Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW 2. Golden Gate Parkway at 501h Street SW 3. Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 4. Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 5. Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 6. Golden Gate Parkway at 441h Street SW Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal 10, Figure 1-1: Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal 10' path Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet. Both sides of the roadway have the addition of an approximately 16-foot wide landscape, lighting, and transit pull -off zone, followed by a 10-foot wide pathway on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the ROW. Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept increases the usable amount of area outside of the roadway travel lanes to create a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly corridor. The broad 16-foot wide green space between the pathway and the travel lane allows flexibility for landscaping and is adequate to incorporate transit pull -off zones for safer loading and unloading areas for CAT buses outside of traffic while also reducing interruptions to the vehicular traffic flow. The broad space also allows for adaptability and could allow for a future phased improvement to introduce buffered bicycle facilities along the corridor as the built environment evolves over time. Concept 1 is anticipated to require roadway reconstruction, drainage, intersection, utility, and landscape modifications and redesign. Concept 1 is anticipated to be constructible within the limits of the existing corridor if signals are pursued at the main intersections. This concept has an estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and Construction APRIL 2021 - 2 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC co v county GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Engineering Inspection (CEI) of $25,510,000. This cost excludes any property acquisitions, utility design, drainage treatment areas, bridge design/construction, and intersection improvements at Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. If roundabouts are pursued at the main intersections, ROW acquisition and/or parcel acquisitions may be required. Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal 6' 4' side` bike walk 1 e ` lane Figure 1-2: Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet. Both sides of the roadway would have the addition of a 4-foot landscape buffer to protect a 4-foot bicycle lane, followed by an 8-foot landscape and lighting zone, and a 6-foot sidewalk on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the ROW. Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept, if chosen, provides limited space for Collier Area Transit bus pull offs, and bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. Concept 2 is anticipated to require roadway reconstruction, drainage, intersection, utility, and landscape modifications and redesign. Concept 2 is anticipated to be constructible within the limits of the existing corridor if intersections remain signalized. If roundabouts are pursued at the main intersection, ROW acquisition and/or parcel acquisitions may be required. This concept has an estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and CEI of $25,620,000. This cost excludes any property acquisitions, utility design, drainage treatment areas, bridge design/construction, and intersection improvements at Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. APRIL 2021 - 3 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC C0*1eV c014Hty Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 101. 10,, kbike wdl� an ,y� r 1' .0 .9 Figure 1-3: Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal For Concept 3, during the initial phase of project implementation there will be a 10-foot wide shared path on both sides of the street. The path will later become a dedicated bike facility on both sides of the street once additional 6-foot wide sidewalks are constructed on the outside edges of both sides of the street. Drivers, cyclists, and walkers will all be separated from one another. This concept, if chosen, provides limited space for Collier Area Transit bus pull offs, and bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. Concept 3 is anticipated to require roadway reconstruction, drainage, intersection, utility, and landscape modifications and redesign. This concept is an incremental multimodal hybrid option that integrates aspects of Concept 1 and Concept 2 in a phased approach. This concept also has the median reduced to 24 feet in width, and travel lanes are reduced from 12 feet to 11 feet in width. This concept anticipates a near term improvement with a 6'-8" landscape and lighting zone along the travel way, a 10-foot wide multiuse path, and the remaining space between the path and the edge of ROW will be 10 feet of green space. For the long-term future improvement, the path converts to a 10-foot wide bicycle facility, a 6-foot sidewalk is added at 1-foot off the edge of the ROW, and 4-foot landscaped separator is introduced between the bicycle facility and the sidewalk. Concept 3 is anticipated to be constructible within the limits of the existing corridor if the intersections remain signalized. If roundabouts are pursued at the main intersection, ROW acquisition and/or parcel acquisitions may be required. This concept has a combined estimated planning level total project cost for design, permitting, construction, and CEI of $30,181,000 for both phases of construction. This cost excludes any property acquisitions, utility design, drainage treatment areas, bridge design/construction, and intersection improvements at Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. APRIL 2021 - 4 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty Concept 4 - No Build GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY X ISTING.CURB _ - EXISTING GROUND EXISTING CUkB -AND GUTTER 1STIU RI ING C EXISTING GROUND EXISTING WATER MAIN AND GUTTER AND GU `ER EXISTING WATER MAIN (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) VARIES 2' 1212' VARIES(12'-M-) 17 12' 2' VARIES 51W (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) BUFFER SAN WESTBOUND EXISTING LANDSCAPE MEDIAN EASTSOUND BUFFER VARIES TRAVEL LANES TRAVEL LANES VARIES 130' R.O.W. Figure 1-4: No Build Concept Concept 4 includes maintaining the existing conditions on the Golden Gate Parkway corridor as it currently operates. This option is being documented to establish a baseline configuration to compare the proposed configurations for this corridor. Collier County would maintain the current configuration as you see this area today. No improvements are proposed under this scenario. This option, if selected, would result in no initial capital improvement funding. The current/existing roadway, sidewalks, landscaping, and other pedestrian pathways would remain untouched. Public Outreach Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic during 2020, public outreach activities were adjusted to conform with federal and local guidelines to minimize health risks associated with in -person workshops or charrettes. Public outreach was conducted to collect feedback and preferences on the alternative corridor design concepts through the following efforts: online and in -person surveys, informational webpage, press release, social media notifications, presentations, and an informational flyer distributed at meetings and civic sites in Golden Gate City. During February and March 2021, a total of 358 participants took an online survey that asked preference for corridor design Concept 1, 2, 3, or Concept 4 (No Build). Concept 1 was the most preferred by 124 of respondents (35.1%). A total of 143 in -person surveys were conducted, and Concept 3 was the most preferred by 79 of these respondents (55.2%). These are small sampling sizes, and results were different across the different survey taking methods. The consistent outcome was that a complete street concept is preferred for the corridor, and the option for no change to the corridor is not preferred. APRIL 2021 - 5 - I'll E N C1 N'E E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty Recommendations GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Based on the review and analysis of the alternatives and the relevant factors, Concept 1 is the recommended design. All build alternatives address increasing the functionality of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the study limits; however, Concept 1 reduces the short-term pre - development potential conflict points given that there are numerous existing driveways that will interrupt the continuity of the proposed facilities along the corridor. Furthermore, proposed improvements will provide space for existing Collier Area Transit bus pull off and boarding areas along the corridor. This concept is consistent with Growth Management Plan policy that "emphasis shall be placed on the creation of a pedestrian -oriented boulevard," has the lowest estimated construction cost, and reduces the short-term pre -development impacts to adjacent residential and commercially developed parcels. The broad 16-foot wide green space between the pathway and the travel lane in Concept 1 allows flexibility for landscaping and lighting, and is adequate to incorporate transit pull -off zones. The broad space also allows for adaptability and could allow for a future phased improvement to introduce buffered bicycle facilities along the corridor as the built environment evolves over time. Criteria for design should be consistent with maintaining appropriate vehicle speed; this includes travel lane width reduction to 11 feet, and appropriate length of storage lanes, curb radii and driveway design. It is recommended that the County make efforts to reserve future right-of-way in conjunction with future re -development to construct future roundabouts at one or more of the six intersections analyzed in this study. The long-term benefits of roundabouts may only be realized in conjunction with policies and strategies that promote reduced vehicular volumes on Golden Gate Parkway. The County Growth Management Division and Transportation Planning staff should coordinate with property owners at time that they seek to develop or redevelop property, and work through the zoning or development review process to reserve the space needed to accommodate roundabouts at the six studied intersections. It is also recommended that future design of the bridge replacement project along Golden Gate Parkway (Bridge 030123) be consistent with the ultimately determined complete street design strategy for the corridor. The following regulatory changes are also recommended considering the urbanized nature of this corridor: • Establish a deviation from the standard access management thresholds and requirements for right turn lanes that are in the County's Right -of -Way Handbook. • Amend the Land Development Code to allow interconnection, alley, and side street connections is allowed as the primary site access at time of redevelopment and/or future design phases to minimize driveways along the minor arterial and the conflict they create between automobiles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. APRIL 2021 - 6 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty 1.0 INTRODUCTION GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Classified as a minor arterial, Golden Gate Parkway is a main thoroughfare through Golden Gate City (see Figure 1-5). This east -west roadway begins at Tamiami Trail (US-41) to the west and terminates at Collier Boulevard to the east. Collier County has identified the segment of Golden Gate Parkway from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard to undergo a complete street study (see Figure 1-6). The study area is roughly two miles through the center of Golden Gate City. Golden Gate City is a diverse, family -oriented community that offers easy access to education, parks, shopping, and community centers. Given the diverse use of transportation options utilized within this community, a complete street study could provide better multimodal options and overall enhanced aesthetics for this area. Collier County, the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) all have identified Golden Gate City through various studies in the past, including a walkability study in 2018, as requiring upgrades and improvements to the area's multimodal transportation accommodations. The roads connecting to the corridor offer access to neighborhoods, schools, community centers, and shopping. Much of the community navigating this corridor utilize personal vehicles, walk, bicycle, and utilize mass transit options, such as Collier Area Transit (CAT). Figure 1-5: Golden Gate City Welcome Sign APRIL 2021 - 7 - �'-�ll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The project location map below displays the extent of the study area. Within the study area, six intersections were analyzed where Golden Gate Parkway intersects with the following streets: 1. 53rd Street SW 4. Coronado Parkway 2. 50th Street SW 5. Sunshine Boulevard 3. Tropicana Boulevard 6. 40' Street SW Figure 1-6: Project Location Map This study identifies three cross section conceptual designs depicting the various options for configuring the corridor against the Concept 4 existing conditions (or "no build") cross section. These three options include: Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal; Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal; and Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal. Compared to the current built environment, Concepts 1 through 3 also provide enhanced ways to cross through conflict areas, including narrowed exposure on driveways and significantly more compact pedestrian -friendly intersection rebuilds. Each concept analyzes the benefits, challenges, potential cost, and other metrics within the community's and County's needs from a transportation perspective including drainage and utilities. The concepts were evaluated on six primary factors: constructability, design criteria, intersection level of service, roadway level of service, potential utilities, and project costs. The three typical section concepts evaluated as a part of this study are as follow: APRIL 2021 - 8 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Concept 1 provides a wide multimodal path for cyclists and walkers to share at the edge of the ROW on both sides of the street, separated from vehicles by a landscape area for enhanced safety. Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Within Concept 2 drivers, cyclists, and walkers are separated from one another. Sidewalks (narrower than the shared path in Concept 1) and bike lanes are on both sides of the road, with a landscape area between the walkers and bikers and between the bikers and vehicles, for enhanced safety. Bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal For Concept 3, at first, there is a wide shared path on both sides of the street. The path later becomes a wide bike lane on both sides of the street with an additional sidewalk (narrower than the shared path in Concept 1) on the outside edges of both sides of the street. Drivers, cyclists, and walkers are separated from one another. Bike lanes may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. Concept 4 - No Build Concept 4 includes the existing conditions on the Golden Gate Parkway corridor as it currently operates. This option is being documented to establish a baseline configuration to compare the proposed configurations for this corridor. Collier County would maintain the current configuration, and no improvements are proposed under this scenario. This option, if selected, would result in no capital improvement. The current/existing roadway, sidewalks, landscaping, and other pedestrian pathways would remain untouched. 1.1 Methodology A meeting was held at Collier County's Growth Management Department on February 6, 2020 with Collier County stakeholders in various departments including transportation, planning, Collier Area Transit (CAT), and Johnson Engineering staff. Existing roadway characteristics, utilities, signage, pedestrian facilities, transportation needs, community engagement methodologies, and drainage impacts were discussed. In order to address the potential impacts of the roadway and pedestrian modifications within the existing ROW, evaluate the feasibility of their construction, and develop conceptual planning level cost estimates, a conceptual typical section and plan view for each of the requested concepts was prepared. Prioritizing safety, and considering redevelopment plans that will alter the built APRIL 2021 - 8 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC Collier County GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY environment conditions in the future, design criteria for the pedestrian and bicycle facilities with respect to vehicular travel lanes were applied as follow: • As near to the ROW line as possible • Outside of the clear zone • Five feet (5') from the shoulder point on flush shoulder roadways • At the shoulder point In order to effectively estimate the cost of the proposed facilities, a unit price analysis was conducted using similar historical regional construction costs. With many variables yet to be determined in the design process, the cost estimates reflected in this report are based solely on conceptual design and should be utilized for preliminary planning purposes only. Estimated costs exclude any property acquisitions, utility design, drainage treatment areas, bridge design/construction, and intersection improvements at Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. Figure 1-7: Existing Bus Stop Along Golden Gate Parkway APRIL 2021 - 9 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC COVICY C014"ty 2.0 EXISTING CORRIDOR CONDITIONS Existing Corridor Description GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Per Collier County Resolution No. 13-257 Golden Gate Parkway (C.R. 886) is Classified as a Collier County maintain minor arterial roadway. The corridor is an east -west roadway which begins at Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41) to the west and terminates at Collier Boulevard to the east. From Tamiami Trail to Santa Barbara Boulevard, Golden Gate Parkway is a six -lane divided roadway and a 45-mph speed limit. East of Santa Barbara Boulevard, Golden Gate Parkway is a four -lane divided roadway with 12-foot travel lanes and a 35-mph posted speed limit. Within the study limits from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951), Golden Gate Parkway is a four lane sub -urban typical section with a curbed landscaped median that varies in width from 24 to 36 feet. The corridor is contained within 130 feet of Collier County maintained right-of-way. Existing pedestrian sidewalk facilities are provided on both sides of the of roadway (see Figure 2-1). Roadway stormwater runoff is generally conveyed via existing valley gutter near the east end of the corridor or through roadside grass swales into a pipe stormwater conveyance system. Table 2-1 summarizes the intersections within the study limits and identifies existing pedestrian accommodations. EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND EXISTING CURB EXISTINGWATERMAIN ANO GUTTER XISTING CURB 1W GUTfER EXISTING WATER MAIN (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) VARIES 2' 1Z 12' VARIES(12'-36') 12' 12' 2' VARIES S. (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) BUFFER SAV WESTBOUND EXISTING LANDSCAPE MEDIAN EASTBOUND BUFFER VARIES TRAVEL LANES TRAVEL LANES VARIES 130' R.O.W. Figure 2-1: Existing Conditions An existing bridge (Bridge 030123) with two adjacent pedestrian bridge structure is located Golden Gate Parkway between 53rd Street SW and 501h Street SW. These existing structures span the Santa Barbara canal. The existing bridge was constructed in 1971 and the pedestrian bridges were constructed in 2008. All three structures are scheduled to be demolished and replaced by August 2023. APRIL 2021 - 10 - I'll E N C1 N'E E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty Tahle 9-1 • rnlrtPn Cate Parkwav IntPrAPrtlnn nesrrintinns within Prniert rnrririnr GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY LA • frMT• . W . •. •- Golden Gate Parkway at 53 d Right (1 Lane), N/A Signal North and South Side South and SW, SE, NE Street SW Left (1 Lane) of Corridor East Golden Gate Left (1 Lane), Left (1 Lane), North and North, Parkway at 50'h Shared Through Shared Through Signal South Side South, East All Corners Street SW Right (1 Lane) Right (1 Lane) of Corridor and West Golden Gate Left (1 Lane), Shared Through Left (1 Lane), North and North, Parkway at Left (1 Lane), Shared Through Signal South Side South, East All Corners Tropicana Boulevard Right (1 Lane) Right (1 Lane) of Corridor and West Golden Gate Left (1 Lane) and North and North, Parkway at N/A Right (1 Lane) Signal South Side South, and All Corners Coronado Parkway of Corridor West Golden Gate Left (1 Lane), Left (1 Lane), North and North, Parkway at Sunshine Shared Through Through (1 Lane) Signal South Side South, East All Corners Boulevard Right (1 Lane) Right (1 Lane) of Corridor and West Golden Gate n Parkway at 44 Right (1 Lane), Left (1 Lane), Signal North and South Side West SW and NW Street SW Through (2 Lane) Through (2 Lane) of Corridor Access management standards on Golden Gate Parkway are subject to Collier County Resolution No. 13-257. Per the Access Class 5 classification and standards the minimum spacings are as follows in Table 2-2. Footnotes: (1) These minimum spacing standards may not be adequate if auxiliary lanes and storage is required (2) Single properties with frontages exceeding the minimum spacing criteria may not necessarily receive permits for the maximum number of possible connections Golden Gate Parkway is an existing Collier County maintained roadway that is planned for transition from the Suburban Commercial to the Urban General context per FDOT Context Classifications (see Figure 2-2). The following applicable standards were used for the development of the typical section and intersection concepts: • 2018 DRAFT FDOT Florida Green Book • 2020 FDOT Context Classification Guide • Collier County Transportation Planning Development Guidebook hqps://www.colliercogpiyfl.gov/home/showdocument?id=82936 • Collier County Long Range Transportation Plan APRIL 2021 - 11 — I'll E N C I N EEN]NC C;gtev Comity r— kYs�e:r i GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY A I I I C3C-Suburban G- C4-Urban General CS -Urban Center CB -Urban Cora Commercial Mix of uses set within smal Mu of uses selwithin Areas with the highest dansrties Mostly non-residential blocksmi awell-connected small blocks with a and building heights, and within uses with large building roadway nelwotk. May extend well-connecled road" FOOT classified Large Urbanized footprints and large long distances. The roadway network. Typically Areas (popull x1.000A40). Parking Ids within network usually connects to concentrated around a Many are regbnal centers and large blocks and a residential neighborhoods law blocks and ,denti dominations. Buildings have osconrrected or sparse imrnedralely along the condor as part of a civic or mixed uses, are built up to the roadway nelhi or behind the uses fronting ecorrOi center of a roadway, and are wthin a wii the roadway community, townor cl connected roadway network. Figure 2-2: FDOT Context Classification Bus Stops Golden Gate Parkway, within the area of study, is a four -lane divided roadway with thirteen CAT bus stops found on both sides of the corridor, with two stops having bus shelter accommodations for riders waiting for their bus to arrive. The bus stop locations within the area of study are as follow: • Golden Gate Parkway and 55th Street SW - Stop 185 • Parkway Promenade - Golden Gate Parkway - Stop 186 • Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW - Stop 187 • Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Parkway - Stop 188 • Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW - Stop 205 • Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW - Stop 206 • Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Parkway - Stop 207 • Golden Gate Parkway and 951 - Stop 308 • Golden Gate Parkway and 43rd Lane SW - Stop 309 • Golden Gate Parkway and Coral Palms - Stop 310 • Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine Boulevard - Stop 313 • Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW - Stop 314 • Golden Gate Parkway and 42" d Street SW - Stop 315 APRIL 2021 - 12 - I'll E N C1 N'E E 9 1 N C Collier County GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The ridership data from CAT Fiscal Year 2019 for the CAT bus stops within the Golden Gate Parkway corridor are listed in Table 2-3. As seen in Figure 2-3, there are three bus routes along Golden Gate Parkway, within the area of study. Tahla 2-3- CAT Rum Sfnn 2nin Ridarmhin rlafa Bus Stop Stop 315 Boarding 11146 727 Stop 314 623 383 Stop 313 1,097 336 Stop 310 837 547 Stop 309 970 963 Stop 308 1,376 436 Stop 207 1,195 1,787 Stop 206 1,979 2,447 Stop 205 404 924 Stop 188 1,268 3,956 Stop 187 8,269 4,760 Stop186 766 363 Stop185 543 365 Total: 20,473 17,994 y C 209 £ 2Un Plsw n Q 2m vises PI5 _ As s3om N $ 190 N 15 Golden Gate City ` 16 Golden Gate City F 198 smn s�sw _ a ••• 25 Golden Gate Pkway- s _ Goodlette Rd 2 zzee ave sw F e Golden Gate 22ntl v15w £ 2— PI5w £ � gn'�°.im vvn 23�d ave sw 23,d PI5w � N 33.d ave Sw 2-- i$ N PISW 189 Goldee.Ge<e Pxwy.....--...309 - .............v ....................... AL30.8.... ......... a e ••-�318-.......---••;: .3 tam •0•..........-"•�314 199 U n $ £ £ £ Coronado Pk, Coronado—y 2 4 218 25m ave sw 88 209 s = If 87 zs�n PlsM a W ^4. eQ',d1206 2e`b' 200 0o`aocGe eS� nem. M1 06 isW �Ro� 21 Sunes Golfaxorc 201 86 0 s�S M1 tam P�S`N 1.8) 2Bm Gsw - y [eme ass. F 3om n.e sw 2vm Plsw San n.e sw £ 202 F F F F 3lna1e sw 31n-w 600fr Figure 2-3: Golden Gate Parkway CAT Bus Stop Overlay Map APRIL 2021 - 13 - �a-�ll E N C I N E E 9 1 N C Collier Coulity GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Lighting Existing lighting along Golden Gate Parkway consists of arm mount, high pressure sodium fixtures, along both sides of the right of way from Santa Barbara Boulevard to 45th Street SW (see Figure 2-4). ,i T Figure 2-4: Existing Lighting between Santa Barbara Boulevard and 45`n Street SW East of 451h Street SW, the streetlights are a double arm mount, located in the median (see Figure 2-5). Figure 2-5: Existing Lighting East of 45t'' Street SW APRIL 2021 - 14 - ENGINEERING CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Per the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan (March 2011), a decorative Lumec 250-watt metal halide, DMS30 LMS 11684A, Type A, fixture with a 24-foot mounting height is desired, see Figure 2-6 on the following page. Pedestrian level lighting is to be a scaled version. Roadway and Pedestrian Decorative Lighting Roadway: There shall be two types of roadway/street lighting recommended for the M.S.T.0 Golden Gate Master Plan "Special Overlay District" Pole & Fixture: Collier County Traffic Operations "East Trail Street Light Assembly" (Lumec 250-watt metal halide, DMS30 LMS 11684A, Type A), Drawing No. CCTO 03-204 M.S.T.U. Roadways Pole: Green toned exposed aggregate round pole anchor based or embedded, topped with a single or double 6-foot fixture arm, color forest green. Fixture: Lumec Helios series H.B.M., forest green color, or approved equal. F.D.O.T. minimum average light levels of 1.5 initial foot candles along the road shall be maintained. The pedestrian lighting shall be a decorative pedestrian scaled pole and fixture. The color shall be one or a combination of the community colors. These fixtures are to be located at major intersection corners, median ends and pedestrian crosswalks. These fixtures are to provide daytime accent and additional nighttime safety lighting. APRIL 2021 - 15 - �'-�ll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty LUMEC 250 watt Metal Halide Lamp Assembly DMS30 LMS11684A - 24 ft. Mounting Height SECONDARY SURGE ARRESTER HESCO/RLS HE4:R:N quivelenQBREAKAWAY FUSEHOL480 VOLT SIDE WITH 10AMP FNQ SLOW BLOW FUSE. (HEB.AW.RYC or equlwdlent) (LINE POLE) (HEB-AW.RLCJ or equivalent) (END POLE) (PHASE COLOR CODE = BLACK) SPLIT BOLT CONNECTOR ANDALL SARE WARE SNALL BE WRAPPED WITH 3M SUPER 33 VINYL PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE OR EQUIVALENT 2' MIN. W MIN. 30' MIN. MW w,; 2' PVC CONDUITAS SHOWN IN PROJECT PLANS. ULAPPROVED GROUND ROD 518!'2W LONG The 201ee1 length of rod may be either heo rld 10 feel In length oonnedad by e threaded mupling andtldven as a siigle otl or Mro rods 10 feel In IengN separated by at least 10 feel. Make all bontls between ground wires and gwrd eledrode assemMles or aneye vdN an mthemllc bond. DO NOT GROUND POLE WRTHIN 2X GROUND ROD LENGTH OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER CABINET OR CONTROLLER CABINET GROUNDING ELECTRODE OR GROUNDING ARRAY. revised: 12-19-2018 GREEN (GROUND) AWG 10 (As Required M Manufacturer) BLACK (HOT) AWG 10 WHITE (NEUTRAL) AWG 10 ri/— 250 wall Metal Halide BALLAST 480,rdt AtivanC871A5740-0010 ER d `11Z PVC IN BASE FOR PASSAGE OF STRANDEDAWG 8 COPPER GROUND WIRE. GREEN AWG a (MINIMUM) INSULATED STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE CONNECTINGALL POLES. BLACK AWG 8 (MINIMUM) INSULATED STRANDED COPPER CIRCUIT CONDUGTORAS SHOWN IN PROJECT PLANS. WHITE AWG 8 (MINIMUM) INSULATED STRANDED COPPER NEUTRAL AS SHOWN IN PROJECT PLANS. SLACK --HOT, WHITE=NEUTRAL, GREEN=GROUND ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE THWN-2 Plans Intlex 715 02 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Figure 2-6: Lighting Assembly - Decorative Pole Detail Since Golden Gate Parkway is a County maintained minor arterial, the 2018 DRAFT FDOT Florida Green Book lighting criteria will need to be used in establishing appropriate lighting levels. The roadway criteria as established by the 2018 DRAFT FDOT Florida Green Book is available in Table 2-4. APRIL 2021 - 16 - �'-�ll t N C I N t LR]NC CO ICT c014Hty 3.0 LAND USE DATA EVALUATION Area of Study GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The area of study is the boundary of the Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict and Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict as identified on the Golden Gate City Future Land Use Map and referenced in the Golden Gate City Sub -Element of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (see Figure 3-1). This plan was incorporated in the Growth Management Plan by amendment approved on September 24, 2019. The shapefile of the boundary used for this land use data evaluation was obtained from the Collier County Growth Management department (February 2020) see Appendix A. Legend N GREEN BLVU Category Addition 14 - Golden Gate Urban Commercial Infill Subdlstrid - Collier Blvd Commercial Subdistrict oewm�n cemercemme dal s�bdismd Collier Blvd Commercial Subdistrict Surrta Barbara Commercial Subdistnd 0 Urban Residential Subdistrict - Mured Use Activity Center Subdistrict Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict a,„E, rou„o 9EOEs „q„ 0 5001,000 2,000 3,000 Feet co co Addition Addition a Mixed Use Activity j 11J Q Center Subdistrict tp Q' Q -- W m H z U Z Q N Golden Gate Urban Commercial Infill Subdistrict ntaBarbara F.-S.-ercial Subdistrict Addition GOLDEN GATE PKY Downtown Center GOLDEN GATE CITY FUTURE LAND USE MAP ADOPTED-SEwrEMEERsa.zai9 ford. No. 210-74) Commercial Subdistrict Figure 3-1: Adopted Future Land Use Map in Golden Gate Area Master Plan: Golden Gate City Sub -Element The area of study comprises a total of ±208 acres and includes 256 properties. APRIL 2021 - 17 - I'll E NCIN EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty Existing Development Data GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Baseline data was gathered for all existing development within the area of study. This involved inventorying, quantifying, and categorizing existing development according to the following use types (corresponding measure for unit counts is in parentheses): • Single -Family Residential (number of units) • Multi -Family Residential (number of units) • Commercial/Office (square feet) • Drive-in Restaurant (square feet) • Church (square feet) • Government (square feet) To query existing uses, Department of Revenue (DOR) codes were used from the Collier County Property Appraiser parcel shapefile and corresponding data tables and were grouped into the six use categories listed above for each traffic study subarea. Existing development for multi -family residential parcels was obtained from the Collier County Property Appraiser parcel shapefile and corresponding data tables. Existing development data for the remaining parcels was obtained from the Collier County Property Appraiser Office GIS online parcel data and parcel detail sheets (January -February 2020) (see Appendix B). This data yielded the following total existing development along the corridor (see Table 3-4): Table 3-1: Existinq Development Use Type Single -Family Residential Total 114 Unit .- Dwelling units Multi -Family Residential 502 Dwelling units Commercial/Office 525,650 Square feet Drive-in Restaurant 8,415 Square feet Church 20,428 Square feet Government 82,040 Square feet Note: Existing development levels calculate to a current average residential density of 2.96 units per acre and a current average nonresidential Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.07. The historically allowable densities in this area of study is a base density of 7 units per acre (4 units per acre base density and an additional 3 units per acre within 1 mile of the Activity Center) and up to 16 units per acre in the Activity Center. The current conditions are in the range of 18.5% to 42.3% of the historically allowable densities in effect before the adoption of density increases to 16 units per acre allowed in the Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict and 22 units per acre allowed in the Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict as of September 2019. APRIL 2021 - 18 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC cOVICY C014"ty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY It was observed that Planned Unit Developments (PUD) are predominantly built -out. Within PUDs, residential units were fully built -out and non-residential was 76% built -out in accordance to their entitlements listed on the Collier County PUD Master List. Future Development Potential Future development potential within the area of study was based on the allowable densities per the Future Land Use designations of Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict and Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict, non-residential development at assumed FARs, and build -out potential per the PUD entitlements. In two locations along the corridor, at the Activity Center and at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard, County -initiated special area concept plans were used to populate development potential in the assumed Mid -Level projection scenario. The applicable Future Land Use designations in the area of study allow maximum densities and intensities and is summarized in Table 3-2: Table 3-2: Future Land Use - Allowable Densities and Intensities Golden Gate City Sub -Element of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan adopted by Growth Management Plan amendment on September 24, 2019 For comparison purposes, two scenarios were analyzed for the future development potential of properties within the area of study: • The Ultimate Projection Scenario reflects build -out uniformly along the corridor at the maximum residential densities per the Future Land Use designation and at an assumed non- residential intensity of 0.5 FAR. • The Mid -Level Projection Scenario reflects build -out of PUDs per the entitled units and square footages, County -initiated special area of study concept plans, half of the maximum residential densities per the Future Land Use designation for non-PUDs, and an assumed non-residential intensity of 0.25 FAR for non-PUDs. Ultimate Projection Scenario The Ultimate Projection was calculated using the assumption that the corridor would develop uniformly in a pattern of mixed use development on every site (see Table 3-3). The assumed residential density was the maximum allowable density in the Golden Gate City Sub -Element of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan adopted by Growth Management Plan amendment on September 24, 2019. The assumed non-residential intensity was 0.5 FAR, which is the maximum intensity for Retail and Office in Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, and Town Centers and Village APRIL 2021 - 19 - �'-�ll E N C I N EEN]NC COLLICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Centers in the Rural Lands Stewardship Area (RLSA) design criteria identified in Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 4.08.07. An exception to these assumptions was applied for Saint Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church located in Founder's Plaza PUD, which was assumed to remain in place; no new development or redevelopment of the church site was assumed. Table 3-3: Ultimate Proiection Scenario - Densities and Intensitv Assumntions Future Land Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict Residential 22 Units/Acre 0.5 Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict 16 Units/Acre with Bonus 0.5 For the maximum potential build -out condition, the aggregate acreage of property within each traffic study subarea was factored by the maximum density of 22 units/acre in the Activity Center, 16 units/acre in the rest of the area of study and assumed non-residential FAR of 0.5. The existing development units and square footages were then subtracted from these build -out projections to yield a delta or change in development. This served as the development increase or growth potential for purposes of calculating potential growth in trip generation along the corridor. Trip generation formulas were applied to the change in development. Non-residential square footages were assumed to be commercial/office use for conservatively calculating future trip generation. The shopping center ITE Land Use Category was used to represent the commercial/office land use to conservatively calculate future trip generation potential. The results of the Ultimate Projection Scenario yielded potential future development along the corridor as shown in Table 3-4: Table 3-4: Ultimate Proiection Scenario - Potential Build -Out Single -Family Residential 0 Dwelling Units Multi -Family Residential 3,192 Dwelling Units Commercial/Office 3,701,328 Square Feet Drive-in Restaurant 0 Square Feet Church 20,438 Square Feet Government 0 Square Feet Mid -Level Proiection Scenario The Mid -Level Projection Scenario assumed build -out of PUDs with entitled units and square footages per the County's PUD Master List. In two locations along the corridor, at the Activity Center and at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard, County - initiated special area concept plans were used to populate development potential. For the remaining parcels along the corridor, development was assumed to be mixed use, at a density of 8 dwelling units per acre (half of the maximum allowable residential density of the Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict) and at a non-residential intensity of 0.25 FAR (half of the intensity assumed APRIL 2021 - 20 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY in the Ultimate Projection Scenario). An exception to these assumptions was applied for Saint Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church located in Founder's Plaza PUD, which was assumed to remain in place; no new development or redevelopment of the church site was assumed. Development potential was derived from the County -initiated special area of study concept plans in the following two locations: I. The Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict Mid -Level build -out was derived from the Golden Gate City Activity Center Reuse and Infill Conceptual Master Plan by Johnson Engineering dated January 2018 and presented to the Board of County Commissioners on January 23, 2018. This build -out was quantified as: 314 multi -family residential units, 822,860 sq. ft. of non-residential space calculated as commercial/office, and 82,040 sq. ft. governmental (existing community center, public library, senior center, tax collector's office, sheriff's office, and fire station). These parameters were applied to the EB-4, EB-5, WB-2, and WB-3 traffic study subareas. 2. The Parkway Center PUD (located in traffic study subarea EB-1) is comprised of six adjoining parcels owned by Collier County totaling 1.75 acres at the southeast corner of the intersection of Santa Barbara Boulevard and Golden Gate Parkway. The assumed build -out for these parcels was according to the preferred lot fit concept by Johnson Engineering named "Concept C: Alternative 2 Parkway Center PUD/GGPPOCO" dated April 2018. This build - out was quantified as: 12,485 sq. ft. commercial/office and 10 residential units instead of the PUD entitlement which was 17,000 sq. ft. commercial/office. These assumptions for the Mid -Level Projection Scenario are summarized below in Table 3-5: The existing development units and square footages were subtracted from the Mid -Level build - out projections to yield a delta or change in development. This served as the development increase or growth potential for purposes of calculating potential growth in trip generation along the corridor (see Appendix Q. Trip generation formulas were applied to the change in development. Non-residential square footages were assumed to be commercial/office use for conservatively calculating future trip generation. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Land Use Category for shopping center was used to represent the commercial/office land use to conservatively calculate future trip generation potential. APRIL 2021 - 21 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC COLLICT cOHHty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The results of the Mid -Level Projection Scenario yielded potential future development along the corridor as listed in Table 3-6: Table 3-6: Mid -Level Proiection Scenario - Potential Build -Out !�� Single -Family Residential 0 Dwelling Units Multi -Family Residential 1,058 Dwelling Units Commercial/Office 1,536,987 Square Feet Drive-in Restaurant 0 Square Feet Church 20,438 Square Feet Government 82,040 Square Feet This Land Use Data Evaluation demonstrates the potential for continuing urbanization of the built environmental along the corridor consistent with goals, policies, densities, and intensities focused along the Parkway. These conditions support corridor design that is aligned with the urban characteristics of the built environment and consistent with the Urban General context per FDOT Context Classifications. The Golden Gate Area Master Plan, Golden Gate City Sub -Element, adopted September 24, 2019 establishes the vision for a built environment that promotes convenience and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Specifically, Goal 2 states, "To preserve and enhance a mix of residential and commercial land uses within Golden Gate city that creates a safe, diverse and vibrant walkable community consistent with the stated vision of Golden Gate City. " This Goal is furthered through the following policies: Policy 2.1.3 Within two years, Collier County shall create development standards to guide the transformation of Golden Gate Parkway and the Activity Center into destinations that are convenient, pleasant and safe for pedestrians and cyclists, and maintain strong connections to transit service. Policy 2.2.2 Within two years of adoption, Collier County shall initiate a community renewal plan to include economic development strategies, urban design schemes, and infrastructure improvements. Renewal plans shall be in concert with the vision of Golden Gate City and promote vibrant urbanism, improve aesthetics, and support walkability. Through this series of GOP's, the vision for Golden Gate City is clearly established to promote a more multi -modal environment that better accommodates the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. To fulfill that vision the County should explore updating Land Development Code and access management regulations specific to urbanized corridors in the County like Golden Gate Parkway. Through such regulatory changes, the outcomes envisioned in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan can be achieved. The following regulatory changes for urbanized corridors meeting FDOT's APRIL 2021 - 22 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY context classification of C-4 Urban General or higher, such as the segment of Golden Gate Parkway in Golden Gate City, are recommended: Establish a deviation from the standard access management thresholds and requirements for right turn lanes. Establish that accessing a site through interconnection, alley, and side street connections are allowed as the primary site access to minimize driveways along the minor arterial and the conflict they create between automobiles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Per the FDOT Context Classifications, C-4 General Urban roadways have a mix of uses set within small blocks with a well-connected roadway network. May extend long distances. The roadway network usually connects to residential neighborhoods immediately along the corridor or behind the uses fronting the roadway. Deviation from the standard access management thresholds and requirements for right turn lanes Within the Collier County MPO Local Road Safety Plan, Statistical Analysis Technical Memorandum, dated September 15, 2020, the following assessment was provided regarding right turn lanes: Right turn lanes can help reduce rear -end and sideswipe crashes by allowing turning traffic to move out of the way of thru traffic; however, in urban contexts right turn lanes can present the following safety challenges: • Right turn lanes can make intersections larger than they need to be, posing challenges to pedestrians. • Right turns lanes between signalized intersections (i.e. at commercial driveways) create higher speed conflict points for cyclists travelling in bike lanes. • When right turn lanes extend a substantial distance from an intersection, right turning traffic may be able to speed past standing queues waiting at the signal. If another vehicle or a pedestrian is "nosing" thru the queues of stopped traffic to access a driveway, the resulting crash can be very severe. • Right -turn lanes facilitate right -turn -on -red movements because the lane will never be blocked by a vehicle waiting to pass thru an intersection. Right -turn -on -red movements can make crossing more challenging for pedestrians -especially if the failure of right turning traffic to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk results in inadequate time to safely cross the intersection. The Memorandum concluded with the following recommendation, "Right turn lanes should be used primarily along higher -speed, high volume suburban roadways where the mitigation of high- speed rear -end and sideswipe crashes outweighs the challenges presented by the scenarios above." APRIL 2021 - 23 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Golden Gate Parkway is intended for lower speed and multimodal use, not as a higher -speed, high volume suburban roadway. The Local Road Safety Plan Statistical Analysis Technical Memorandum suggests that right turn lanes can be conducive to higher speeds and add interruptions to the pedestrian realm along a corridor, which is contrary to providing convenience and safety to pedestrians and bicyclists. The direction expressed in Policy 2.1.3 is for the County to create development standards to guide the transformation of Golden Gate Parkway into a facility that is convenient, pleasant, and safe for pedestrians and cyclists. By establishing a deviation from the standard access management thresholds and requirements along urbanized corridors meeting FDOT's context classification of C-4 Urban General or higher, a safer condition will result with fewer right turn lanes at commercial driveways and fewer and reduced lengths of right turn lanes at intersections. Establish that accessing a site through interconnection, alley, and side street connections are allowed as the primary site access. In combination with eliminating the challenges posed by right turn lanes in an urban setting, there is also a need to eliminate the pattern of driveways along the Parkway where properties can be served instead by alternative access to side streets, alleys, or through interconnection with adjacent properties. The definition of an alley must be amended in the Land Development Code. The current definition reads, "A public or approved private way which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting properties and which is not intended for general traffic circulation." This definition should be amended with this additional clause: except that alleys may provide primary access and circulation for sites that are along urbanized corridors meeting FDOT's context classification of C-4 Urban General or higher; this includes properties within the Golden Gate Parkway Overlay District. APRIL 2021 - 24 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty 4.0 DATA COLLECTION GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY To establish base traffic conditions for the corridor and to evaluate the existing conditions level of service (LOS) for the intersections within the area of study, vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle data was obtained from the sources listed herein. See Figure 4-1 for a map depicting the data collection locations. 4.1 Bi-Directional 24-Hour Traffic Counts From May 20, 2019 through June 17, 2019, 24-hour bi-directional traffic data collectors were placed at a series of locations along Golden Gate Parkway and surrounding side streets of the intersections of study. The primary purpose of these counts was to determine existing traffic volumes and establish peak hour traffic characteristics (see Appendix D). 4.2 Turning Movement Counts Additionally, two-hour A.M. and P.M. peak hour vehicle, pedestrian, and movement counts were recorded on May 29, 2019 from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M P.M. to 6:00 P.M. (see Appendix E) at the following intersections: • Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW • Golden Gate Parkway at 501h Street SW • Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard • Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway • Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard • Golden Gate Parkway at 441h Street SW 4.3 Traffic Volumes bicycle turning . and from 4:00 A breakdown of each intersection A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic volumes for 2019, 2024, and 2040 conditions based on the above growth rates are available in Figure 4-2 through Figure 4-19. APRIL 2021 - 25 - �'-�ll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty ;r XXf BI-DIRECTIONAL 24 HR .• '� '�•- '� r'« p TRAFFIC COUNTSIL • OLDEN GATE PKWY 44TH STREET_5W BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR z Y TRAFFIC COUNTSLU GOLDEN GATE PKWY & SUNSHINE BLVD 4�:q GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N.T S�� r BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR"' TRAFFIC COUNTS r OLDEN GATE PKWY,= r'f<rr 1 r" & CORONADO PKWY C( BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR, -" TRAFFIC COUNTS z c_ r BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR t TRAFFIC COUNTS r.- OLDEN GATE PKWY 149 & TROPICANA BLVD ''T BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR '� TRAFFIC COUNTSa y., LDEN GATE PKWY 50TH STREET SW .- -" r � 4E4T c 6A, .aw.a. UR $ +, iRA rrR1G (OI1NN 1: ENGINEERING BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR ��� TRAFFIC COUNTS '��� f,,a� .. f BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR TRAFFIC COUNTS BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HR,- �. TRAFFIC COUNTS b GOLDEN GATE PKWY'j"' & 53RD STREET SW GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY TRAFFIC DATA FIGURE COLLECTION MAP 4-1 Figure 4-1: Traffic Data Collection Map APRIL 2021 - 26 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PKW1 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY i N.T.S 1l3 363 21 a P� (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. 11 C� S2 N.T.S 2 a GOLDEN GATE PKW1 /� O �� o7 GD 1,16 112� 7%0 '0 Ewa 2 = NOTFS, p� (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UZ) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC ON MAY 29TH, 2019 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE mmmiz,GOLDEN GATE AT 53RD STREET SW PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4-2 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES 1,739 853 Figure 4-2: Golden Gate Parkway at 53'd Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 27 - ENGINEERING CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. 916 �230 1� N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES NOTE (XX! BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC ON MAY 29TH, 2019 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE GOLDEN GATE AT 50TH STREET SW i11 PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4-3 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-3: Golden Gate Parkway at 50" Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 28 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. 9� 1 � 2$ 1? N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES NOTE S: lXX1 BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC ON MAY 29TH, 2019 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ` GOLDEN GATE AT TROPICANA BOULEVARD i11 PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4-4 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-4: Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 29 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty 66 coR\a KEY 401 387 �2$23 (2) (3 10 109 292 g32 l�-p3 �� 1 �30 1� GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N.T.S r (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. ,' I i N.T.S °y�,L39 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES NOTE1 (.X.X! BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC ON MAY 29TH, 2019 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ` GOLDEN GATE AT CORONADO PARKWAY i11 PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4-5 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-5: Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 30 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty n M 5$ 2� 1 z (3j z) 64) 6 (2)8� 29 � � 215 37 (2) 36 66 (4) (2j 9 � Q 1 'Pm m� O nl 2� 033 � 1 �21 1� 10" �2 Z r 1 (� 2116 55 `o 33 � � � 137 � 50 266 l31 (5) 116 (4) GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. N.T.S � �� P1lA�l � Go�o�N GPI 1 1�20 i �'3 NOTF,$, ,,� (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC ON MAY 29TH, 2019 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ` GOLDEN GATE AT SUNSHINE BOULEVARD i11 PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4-6 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-6: Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 31 - ENGINEERING CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 1,334 1,565 221 1,555 /Y -.a 29 N.T.S _ 898 809 89 1,163 (3) N M N �l 00 H 1,214 227 1,328 (3) ry 1,512 1,357 - r 155 N u-) (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M 1,441 N.T.S 1,509 N a " 1 = In A m m ti kn (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES NOTE c: (_M BICYCLIST VOLUMES 1. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. ON MAY 29TH, 2019 GOLDEN GATE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AT 44TH STREET SW FIGURE • `+ PARKWAY 2019 EXISTING PEAK SEASON 4_7 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-7: Golden Gate Parkway at 44'h Street SW 2019 Existing Peak Season Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 32 - ENGINEERING CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 'AN i 9� N.T.S � �1s 1 2,095 2)(05� 02$10 GOLDEN GATE PKWY 1 1 2 1m (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES „ (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. Qp 1a3 1� N.T.S �6 11340 (6g9 GOLDEN GATE PKWY 2,120 �3 3 Z pm (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY ifl FIGURE • \� GOLDEN GATE AT 53RD STREET SW PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-8 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-8: Golden Gate Parkway at 53" Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 33 - �'I�ll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty � 63 0 55 201 3q�0 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 1 N20 N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. ✓10 � N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (M BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE GOLDEN GATE AT 50TH STREET SW i11 PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4_9 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-9: Golden Gate Parkway at 50" Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 34 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N z (0 6 N.T.S 0 29 6 3%9 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. �N ti� 150 z 1(09 16 %bi 9 N.T.S 12� EN'Lev l '32 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ; GOLDEN GATE AT TROPICANA BOULEVARD mil PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-10 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-10: Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 35 - �'I�ll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty coRo\ 255 306 21 (6) 84 17 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 'r �19 N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. CORONAoo p 483� 466 6 N.T.S (2) � 2 , (2) 352 1 1 131 3 112 �2� (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ` GOLDEN GATE AT CORONADO PARKWAY i11 PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-11 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-11: Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 36 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT C014"ty P�,yr EN GP�� NG �/ 0 no0 S 0 (2) 1� 1 37 77 ()3� � � 259 35 45 (2) 80 (5) (2J 11 �5 46",W- $fig 30 110 00 0 �ry) M NG 2 192, C4-) l (13) 66 (4) 260 �165 40 (2-) 60 321 (6) G a$�PFF (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY • etVE GOLDEN GATE AT SUNSHINE BOULEVARD FIGURE ill PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-12 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. �ro ZZ N.T.S 1� Figure 4-12: Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 37 - �'I�ll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty 1,607 1,885 266 -Y -..a35 1,082 975 7 107 co �� 4 N �Ln 0 I r\ 1,463 274 1,600 (4 E PKWY 1,822 1,635 7 187 � N GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 1,873 N.T.S 1,402 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (.XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M 1,737 N.T.S 1,818 ' ^ mil! A A 1 A m m y (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX1 BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AT 44TH STREET SW FIGURE ill PARKWAY 2024 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-13 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-13: Golden Gate Parkway at 44'h Street SW 2024 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 38 - ENGINEERING CO ICT C014"ty GOLDEN GATE PKO 2,435 1,195 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 3 N� 1m (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. ti✓ 5 13� 6 3 N.T.S 1 1 1 6 1g2 GOLDEN GATE PKW1 6 5 � , 7(09 2, (3) 79 N 05 i �W 9R (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES m� (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY • `� GOLDEN GATE AT 53RD STREET SW FIGURE i11 PARKWAY 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-14 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-14: Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 39 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 050 �56 N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES ` 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. 2p6 g ti 2 1, 156 �6'b 1A3 0 65 N.T.S b �y•/ 1 13� p3 3 0 3 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (W BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE GOLDEN GATE AT 50TH STREET SW ill PARKWAY 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-15 ENGINEERING INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-15: Golden Gate Parkway at 50`h Street SW 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 40 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG cOVICY c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N 2 vZ 5p m 12Ng � 1 2 3 31� 2 � N.r.s 0 3 16 �p1 31� 0 165 '31 (3) 1 Z 31 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. �N 2� 11 5 2 360 m 163 101 l 0 N.T.s l No �g2 �p 13� 1 �51 311 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES LXX1 BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE • ; GOLDEN GATE AT TROPICANA BOULEVARD ill PARKWAY 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4_16 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-16: Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 41 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY C�goNAoo a 297 357 62 N.T.S (7) 5 053 199 98 1� 96 i (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. coRoNAoo a 543 562 2g 5 56 N.T.S , � 30 153 1 0 (153409 3 06 l��5 1� 1 ee'��y 91 GPjy EN PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AT CORONADO PARKWAY FIGURE • ` ill E N G I N E E R I N G PARKWAY 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED INTERSECTION VOLUMES 4-17 Figure 4-17: Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 42 - I'll E N C I N EEN 1NG CO ICT C014"ty 39z 90) (3) � 41� 1� 516 953 $3 (51 303 47 156A E PK"V �noo Gpt 2 G0VOEN ENGINEERING 301 52 (3) 93 (6) (3) 5� Z ?'m m� N� GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES UX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M. N.T.S (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES US) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY FIGURE AT SUNSHINE BOULEVARD 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-I S INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-18: Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 43 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NG CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 1,868 2,192 310 2,178 -Y ► 41 N.T.5 1,133 1,258 _ 125 (5) i-O M� 1,629 ion �--�1 �o N 00 1,700 (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (XX) BICYCLIST VOLUMES 07:30 A.M. to 08:30 A.M 318 2,018 1,860 I� (5) NY _ N.T.S 1,900� 2,117 r 2,1 13 217 � o � .� M tM r\ r'1 L I r) A A L 1 = U, ti A m m y (XX) PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES (.XX! BICYCLIST VOLUMES 05:00 P.M. to 06:00 P.M. GOLDEN MATE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AT 44TH STREET SW FIGURE • `'"„ PARKWAY 2040 PEAK SEASON PROJECTED 4-79 E N G I N E E R I N G INTERSECTION VOLUMES Figure 4-19: Golden Gate Parkway at 44'N Street SIN 2040 Peak Season Projected Intersection Volumes APRIL 2021 - 44 - ENGINEERING CO ICT C014"ty 5.0 CRASH ANALYSIS GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Crash data was obtained from Collier County along the Golden Gate Parkway corridor from January 2015 to February 2020. Crash data was analyzed at each intersection within the area of study along the corridor. A breakdown of crashes at each intersection was completed for comparison and is available in Graph 5-1. Golden Gate Parkway Crash Comparison January 2015 - February 2020 120 97 100 82 81 d 80 L 57 60 49 u C 40 27 ~ 20 0 — o �`J 4a6 Bata ,ata C-3 5�t o Quo 00 1P�r h''ta o�aa r\ce `a�a 5 ,fit Intersection o Total Crashes ■ Pedestrian o Bike Graph 5-1: Golden Gate Parkway Crash Comparison An analysis of crash types at each intersection was completed to compare the overall cause of crashes at each intersection (see Graph 5-2 through Graph 5-7). The intersections along this segment of Golden Gate Parkway with higher crash rates include 501h Street SW, Coronado Parkway, and Tropicana Boulevard. The majority of these crashes were rear end collisions which likely resulted from sudden stops at red lights and vehicles slowing down to turn off the roadway. APRIL 2021 - 45 - I'll E N C I N EEN 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW January 2015 - February 2020 30 25 23 a = 20 m L u 15 0 � 10 g 5 0 P� eaa O•pl �� aj eye J;< 64 --- Ann MOL— Crash Type Graph 5-2: Golden Gate Parkway at 53rd Street SW Crash Types Golden Gate Parkway at 50th Street SW January 2015 - February 2020 40 35 34 N s 30 N f6 L v 25 m FO 20 16 15 11 10 g 4 0 bmw o o 1 a 1 1101 o Angle Bike Hit Fixed Left Turn Pedestrian Rear End Right Turn Sideswipe Unknown U-Turn Object Crash Type Graph 5-3: Golden Gate Parkway at 50`h Street SW Crash Types APRIL 2021 - 46 - ENGINEERING Collier County 50 45 (A 40 s 35 m 30 u 25 ra 0 20 ~ 15 10 5 0 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard January 2015 - February 2020 41 32 1 3 4 Obow �e O� • e�w oto ��a Crash Type 10 2 1 3 o O Graph 5-4: Golden Gate Parkway at Tropicana Boulevard Crash Types Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway January 2015 - February 2020 55 49 50 45 40 v 35 m U 30 " 25 0 ~ 20 15 15 11 10 5 2 3 1 0 P �e�� meat \aeys� J 5 Crash Type Graph 5-5: Golden Gate Parkway at Coronado Parkway Crash Types APRIL 2021 - 47 - ENGINEERING Collier County 20 18 17 16 y 14 s 12 L U 10 o 8 H 6 4 2 0 $e P� GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard January 2015 - February 2020 15 Crash Type Graph 5-6: Golden Gate Parkway at Sunshine Boulevard Crash Types Goldent Gate Parkway at 44th Street SW January 2015 - February 2020 16 14 13 v 12 s 10 L U 8 0 6 5 4 3 3 2 IN �1 O0 O 0 c �e Crash Type Graph 5-7: Golden Gate Parkway at 44'" Street SW Crash Types APRIL 2021 - 48 - ENGINEERING CO ICT C014"ty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 6.0 LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS 6.1 Signalized Intersection LOS Analysis Intersection modeling and resulting LOS evaluations were performed using the Synchro Studio 11 software at the analyzed intersections within the area of study utilizing signal timings provided by Collier County, assuming a no -build option, to assess the current LOS along the corridor. The traffic data collected by Johnson Engineering staff was used to serve as the base traffic model at existing conditions utilizing a peak season factor of 1.19. Peak season factors were obtained from the FDOT Florida Traffic Online 2019 reports (see Appendix F). To establish background 2019 and 2024 traffic conditions, a growth rate of 3.8%, obtained from the 2019 Collier County AUIR for Golden Gate Parkway (see Appendix G) was applied to the collected data. It should be noted that Golden Gate Parkway, in the area of study, is listed as expected to be deficient in 2022. Synchro reports for redistributed traffic volumes with the applicable peak season factors applied for 2019 existing conditions are provided in Appendix H for both the A.M and P.M. peak hour. Synchro reports for redistributed traffic volumes with the applicable peak season factors and growth rates applied for the 2024 background conditions are provided in Appendix I for both the A.M and P.M. peak hour. A final traffic model was generated for future 2040 traffic conditions for both A.M. and P.M. peak hours using the Collier County MPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) (Appendix J), Table 2-2 Summary of Growth Forecasts (see Appendix K). A growth rate of 40% from 2019 traffic volumes was estimated from the Collier County MPO 2040 LRTP growth rates. The resulting A.M. and P.M. peak hour intersection LOS is available in Table 6-1 through Table 6-6. A breakdown of each intersection A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic volumes for 2019, 2024, and 2040 conditions based on the above growth rates are available in Figure 4-2 through Figure 4-19. Table 6-1: Si nalized Intersection Level of Service - Existinq 2019 A.M. Peak Hour 2019 AM Peak Hour Traffic on AverageExisting Worst Case Approach %L:LM: Intersection Delay (Sec/Veh.) Approach �� Delay LOS Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 24.5 NB D 48.7 C Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 29.9 NB D 50.3 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 18.1 NB C 30.0 B Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 20.2 SB D 42.6 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 23 SB D 52.9 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 16.6 NB C 33.1 B APRIL 2021 - 49 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty Table 6-2: Siqnalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 A.M. Peak Hour GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Vp Pntersnection ckground Averag'e 2024 Worst Case Approach Intersection Delay (Sec/Veh.) Approach • Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 31 NB D 46.3 C Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 39.1 NB D 48.5 D Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 17.4 NB C 28.2 B Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 24.6 SB D 45.1 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 29.4 SB D 51.4 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 24.8 NB D 35.6 C Table 6-3: Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 A.M. Peak Hour Background0•0 AM Peak Hour Intersection-11111111I Intersection Delay .. .. .. .. • Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 41.2 WB D 50.3 D Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 87.6 WB F 129.6 F Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 18.2 NB C 29.4 B Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 27.5 SB D 46.7 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 37.4 SB D 51.9 D Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 38.7 EB D 52.1 D Table 6-4: Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 P.M. Peak Hour Intersection.h hL LOS Worst Case Approach am 15.5 Approach NB D Delay 47.0 B Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 23.1 NB D 40.2 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 20.2 SB C 33.6 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 23.9 SB D 48.7 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 37.4 NB D 52.4 D Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 14 NB C 28.9 B APRIL 2021 - 50 - �I'M E N GIR E E B I NG CO ICT c014Hty Table 6-5: Siqnalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 P.M. Peak Hour GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY PntersWection Averag'e Worst Case Approach Intersection Delay (Sec/Veh.) Approach LOS Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 22.7 NB D 46.2 C Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 27.4 NB D 41.0 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana Boulevard 24.4 SB C 34.9 C Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Parkway 29.7 SB D 50.4 C Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine Boulevard 68 EB F 102.9 E Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 21.9 NB C 29.0 C Table 6-6: Signalized Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 P.M. Peak Hour WMIntersection Background 2040 PIVI Peak Hour Intersection D- 45.8 Approach EB .. E .. 60.9 LOS D Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 30.6 NB D 41.4 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 30.4 EB D 43.7 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 39.7 SB D 54.8 D Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine Boulevard 119.6 B F 198.3 F Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 90.4 EB F 170.5 F Based on the results of the intersection LOS analysis, select intersections are anticipated to fail in 2040 under No Build conditions. Without improvements to either mitigate/reduce the anticipated peak hour vehicular volumes or increase capacity, it is anticipated that similar resulting delays would occur in Concepts 1, 2, and 3 conditions as well. 6.2 Roundabout Intersection LOS Intersection modeling and resulting LOS evaluations were performed using the Synchro Studio 11 software at the analyzed intersections within the area of study utilizing roundabouts, assuming a no -build option, to assess the LOS along the corridor. Synchro reports for redistributed traffic volumes with the applicable peak season factors applied for 2019 roundabout conditions are provided in Appendix L for both the A.M and P.M. peak hour. Synchro reports for redistributed traffic volumes with the applicable peak season factors and APRIL 2021 - 51 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY growth rates applied for the 2024 background roundabout conditions are provided in Appendix M for both the A.M and P.M. peak hour. A final traffic model was generated for future 2040 roundabout traffic conditions for both A.M. and P.M. peak hours using the Collier County MPO 2040 LRTP (see Appendix N). A growth rate of 40% from 2019 traffic volumes was estimated from the Collier County MPO 2040 LRTP growth rates. Resulting A.M. and P.M. peak hour roundabout intersection LOS is available in Table 6-7 through Table 6-12. While roundabouts generally improve level of service for the existing (2019) condition, the service level at the Sunshine Boulevard intersection diminishes with 2019 traffic, and performance at Sunshine and 53rd Street SW worsens in 2024, with further worsening at several intersections when factoring the anticipated 2040 peak traffic levels. Table 6-7: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 A.M. Peak Hour risting 2019 Intersection• • Approach Intersection Intersecti 0 In 14.6 WB C 20.1 B Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 10.7 WB B 14.0 B Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 8.8 SB B 11.2 A Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 8.2 EB B 12.4 A Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 14.7 SB E 43.0 B Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 14.5 WB C 18.0 B Table 6-8: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 A.M. Peak Hour Intersection 1Approach ,.LOS 35.8 Approach WB F 55.6 E Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 18.5 WB D 26.8 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana Boulevard 12.4 WB C 16.3 B Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Parkway 10.9 SB C 19.8 B Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine Boulevard 36.9 SB F 174.3 E Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 31.8 NB D 29.9 D APRIL 2021 - 52 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT C014"ty Table 6-9: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 A.M. Peak Hour GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Background-i AM Pea" rWntersecfiNonV Average Worst Case Approach Intersection Delay (Sec/Veh.) Approach • Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 85 WB F 138.9 F Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 44.1 WB F 71.6 E Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 20.6 WB D 29.8 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 15.7 SB E 36.7 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 79.8 SB F 418.6 F Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 79.9 WB F 116.2 F Table 6-10: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Existing 2019 P.M. Peak Hour Existing 2019 PM Peak Hour Traffic Intersection.. DelayIntersection .. • Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 13.9 NB D 25.2 B Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 11.2 NB C 21.9 B Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 10.7 NB C 18.8 B Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 11.6 SB B 14.5 B Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 46 F E Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 14.4 NB C 18.4 B Table 6-11: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2024 P.M. Peak Hour =ackground 2024 PM Peak Hour Traffic Intersection11111111111117 . . .. ..ch Intersection Intersection 28.4 .. .. NB • F 65.2 • D Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 16.7 NB E 38.6 C Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana 15.1 NB C 21.2 C Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado 20.1 SB D 29.2 C Parkway Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine 111.9 F 395.0 F Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 28.9 EB E 38.2 D APRIL 2021 - 53 - ENGINEERING CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Table 6-12: Roundabout Intersection Level of Service - Background 2040 P.M. Peak Hour "n Mrs Mn �a "!_v Ra ��ckground 2040 t e e c t i o e g e Worst Case Approach Intersection Delay (Sec/Veh.) Approach LOS Golden Gate Parkway and 53rd Street SW 68.3 NB F 195.1 F Golden Gate Parkway and 50th Street SW 32.6 NB F 111.6 D Golden Gate Parkway and Tropicana Boulevard 26.5 NB E 38.7 D Golden Gate Parkway and Coronado Parkway 47.5 SB F 82.6 E Golden Gate Parkway and Sunshine Boulevard 247.9 NB F 780.1 F Golden Gate Parkway and 44th Street SW 70.8 EB F 100.5 F The roundabout conditions observe a failing LOS in the northbound direction at Sunshine Boulevard in the 2019 conditions. In 2024 conditions, 53rd Street SW also observes unacceptable levels of delay in the northbound conditions. For the 2040 peak hour, unacceptable levels of delay occur at the remaining intersections, with the exception of Tropicana Boulevard. The roundabouts, while facilitating flow along Golden Gate Parkway, create back-up on the side streets by not allowing a sufficient gap for vehicles to enter the roundabout. Today's models show there is limited viability for roundabouts given existing and projected traffic volumes along Golden Gate Parkway, however there is also potential that travel patterns may change and transportation technology advancements have an impact the trajectory of the long term projected traffic volumes. With this in mind and considering the Growth Management Plan policy that "emphasis shall be placed on the creation of a pedestrian -oriented boulevard," the County GMD and Transportation Planning staff should coordinate with property owners at time that they seek to develop or redevelop property, and work through the zoning or development review process to reserve the space needed to accommodate roundabouts at the six studied intersections. A preliminary rendering was developed to conceptually depict a future roundabout on Golden Gate Parkway. For comparison, the existing conditions of the Golden Gate Parkway roadway can be seen in Figure 6-1. The conceptual roundabout designed intersection rendering can be seen in Figure 6-2. APRIL 2021 - 54 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC x ' •all � �. � .se ids i o nj 9 . FWe 1 _ w CO ICT c014Hty 6.3 Roadway Capacity Analysis GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Based on current conditions, the segment of Golden Gate Parkway from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard was analyzed for existing and remaining capacity along the corridor (see Table 6-13). This segment of Golden Gate Parkway is currently at an LOS E and will exceed capacity in the near future. Improvements to either mitigate or reduce the anticipated peak hour vehicular volumes, increase capacity, or alternate corridors to relieve traffic flow, such as Green Boulevard, would be needed to maintain an acceptable LOS along this segment of Golden Gate Parkway. Note: Data obtained from 2019 Collier County AUIR. A potential future capacity analysis was completed utilizing the growth rates established in Section 6.1. A continued deficit in capacity is anticipated in the 2024 and 2040 conditions without improvements or alternate corridors (see Table 6-14). Footnotes: (1) Data using 3.8% growth rate from Section 9.0 (2) Data using 40% total growth from Section 9.0 APRIL 2021 - 56 - • a ENGINEERING CO ICT C014"ty 7.0 CONCEPT 1 - OVERLAY MULTIMODAL GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet (see Figure 7-1). Both sides of the roadway have the addition of an approximately 16-foot landscape, lighting, and transit pull -off zone, followed by a 10-foot pathway on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the ROW. Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept increases the usable amount of area outside of the roadway travel lanes to create a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly corridor. This arrangement of the path along the edge of ROW and wide landscape buffer is consistent with the standards adopted in the Land Development Code for the Golden Gate Parkway Overlay Zoning District. Transit pull -off zones create safer loading and unloading areas for CAT buses outside of traffic while also not interrupting the traffic flow. 10, 10, path -� path - \ 27. TYP - x •.. CURB &'GUTTE. �Y EXISTINGIFUTURE UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER TYPE 'F CURB 8 GUTTER CUR EXISTINGFUTURE UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER GAS, CABLE, ETC.) + W.CABLE, ETC.) 11. 11' 24 11' 11' Z' 18'B" 10' BUFFER MULTIHJSE LANDSCAPEB WESTBOUND MEDIAN/ EASTBOUND LANDSCAPEB MULTI -USE BUFFER PATH LI4HTINGRRANSIT TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE AREA TRAVEL LANES LIGHTING/T SIT PATH 15' PULL OFF ZONE PULL OFF ZO E 15 UTILITY/ UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 180' R.O.W. CORRIDOR Figure 7-1: Concept 1 - Overlay Multimodal Figure 7-2: Concept 1 Character Image APRIL 2021 - 57 - I'll E N C1 N'E E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty 8.0 CONCEPT 2 - SEPARATED MULTIMODAL GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal considers narrowing the median to 24 feet and reducing lane widths from 12 feet to 11 feet (see Figure 8-1). Both sides of the roadway would have the addition of a 4-foot landscape buffer to protect a 4-foot bicycle lane, followed by an 8-foot landscape and lighting zone, and a 6-foot sidewalk on the outside, approximately 1-foot inside of the ROW. Drainage will be accommodated with a new curb and gutter system with piping on the outside travel edge of the roadway. This concept increases the usable amount of area outside of the roadway travel lanes to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. The protected bike lane will remove the cyclists from mixing with pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic; offering a safer route for all modes of transportation. This option does however limit the path to 6 feet for walkers and school children who typically walk or walk and bike together in groups to and from school. This option is also subject to bike lanes being interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. ft EXISTINWUNRE a2 2i TYPE F S.GUTTER TYPE'F' ROOT BARRIER REQUIRED UTILITIES (WATER SEWER GAS, CABLE, ETCJDRAINAGE ED PIPEDRAINAGE 7tEA CURB&GUi PROPOSED PIPE FOR CANOPY TREES S' B' B' Y d' Y C' Y 11' 2B 11' Y C' 2' <' 2' S'S' V BUFFER SAW LANDSCAPE/ LANDSCAPE/ WESTBOUND MEDIAN/ OUND LANDSCAPEI DSCAM SIN/ BUFFER STREET LIEN SING DRAINAGE TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPEAREA TRAVELLANES DRAINAGE STkEETLIGNTING ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE PROTECTED PROTECTED 15' BIKE LANE BIKE LANE 15' UTIL' UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 130R.O. W. CORRIDOR Figure 8-1: Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal Figure 8-2: Concept 2 Character Image APRIL 2021 - 58 — I'll E N C1 N'E E91NG COVICY C014"ty 9.0 CONCEPT 3 - INCREMENTAL MULTIMODAL GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal is hybrid option that integrates aspects of Concept 1 and Concept 2 in a phased approach. This concept also has the median reduced to 24 feet in width, and travel lanes are reduced from 12 feet to 11 feet in width (see Figure 9-1). This concept anticipates a near term improvement with a 6-8" landscape and lighting zone along the travel way, a 10-foot wide multiuse path, and the remaining space between the path and the edge of ROW will be 10 feet of green space. For the long term future improvement, the path converts to a 10-foot wide bicycle facility, a 6-foot sidewalk is added at 1 foot off the edge of the ROW, and 4-foot landscaped separator is introduced between the bicycle facility and the sidewalk. The geometry of this option is similar to Option 2 in that the 10-foot wide path (future bicycle facility) may be interrupted to accommodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. 10' —Ib..e pth wh—ded in 10' multiuse path ...ft led in Phe661 WL. t010' Ph— 1 c —ft 1010- proteded bike lane in Phase 2. proleded bike lens in Phase 2. S.sidewalk dd.d lh Phase 2. 6'sld—lk added In Phase 2. A O X O E(WTIER, P SUER UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER _ RB TTER GAS. CABLE. ETC.) INAGE PIPE 8' 4' 10' 6' 8' 2 11' 1 11'11 24' 11 11' 11' 2' 68' 1 10' 4' 1 6' BUFFER Sm PRO ECTED WESTBOUND MEDIANI EASTBOUND PROM ED Sm BUFFER LANDSCAPE BIK LANE LANDSCAPE/ TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE AREA TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE' BIKE NE LANDSCAPE BUFFER LIGHTING LIGHTING BUFFER 15' 19 UTILITY/ UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 130' R.O.W. CORRIDOR ORepresents conditions that vary from County and State standards. Figure 9-1: Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal Figure 9-2: Concept 3 Character Image APRIL 2021 - 59 - �e-�ll E N C1 N'E E 9 1 N C cOVICY c014Hty 10.0 CONCEPT 4 - NO BUILD GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Golden Gate Parkway, within the area of study, is a four -lane divided roadway with a grassed and landscaped median from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Collier Boulevard. This corridor has a pedestrian sidewalk on the north and south side of the roadway with varying offsets. The sidewalks are approximately 5-feet in width and are typically constructed of concrete with some exceptions where the sidewalks are asphalt. The sidewalks are connected to two pedestrian bridges on the north and south side of Golden Gate Parkway, crossing the canal between 53rd Street SW and 52" d Terrace SW. The sidewalk widens to approximately 8-feet in width approaching the pedestrian bridges. There are thirteen CAT bus stops found on both sides of the corridor, with two stops having bus shelter accommodations for riders waiting for their bus to arrive. There is currently no delineated bicycle lane or multiuse pathway within this corridor. _AL3 - GUR88GUTTER TYPE 'F" TYPE"F" UIRED UTILITIES HATER, SEWER O O O CURB & GUTTER CURB&GUTTER URB&GUTTER FOR CBNOPY TREESRIER GAS, CABLE, ETC.) PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE + +' f 'r PROPOSED DRAINAGPIPE 2' W 2' <' Y 11. IT 11' Y d' Z 4' Y 8' W 8' BUFFER SAV LANDSCAPE/ LANDSCAPE/ WESTBOUND MEDIAN/ EASTBWND LANDSCAPE/ DSCAPE/ SPN BUFFER STREET LIGHTING DRAINAGE TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE AREA TRAVEL LANES DRAINAGE S BEET LIGHTING ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE PROTECTED PROTECTE D AN 16 BIKE LE BIKE LANE 18' UTILITY/ UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 130' R.O.W. CORRIDOR Figure 10-1: Concept 4 - No Build Figure 10-2: Concept 4 - Existing Conditions APRIL 2021 - 60 — I'll E N C1 N't E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY The No Build Concept leaves the existing roadway typical section as is, with no improvement to the six studied intersections along the corridor (see Figure 10-1 and Figure 10-2). This concept assumes the existing roadway, landscaping, drainage, and pedestrian accommodations remain with no alterations or improvements. This concept is essentially an "as is" option to compare against the other three concepts. The current configuration, existing conditions, and 130-foot wide ROW of this corridor presents some design constraints and obstacles. A significant portion of this corridor is fully built/developed to the ROW and any significant overhaul of the constructs of the Parkway infrastructure would require easement and/or ROW acquisitions. APRIL 2021 - 61 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty 11.0 PUBLIC OUTREACH STRATEGY GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic during 2020, the public outreach activities were adjusted to conform with federal and local guidelines to minimize health risks associated with in -person workshops or charrettes. Public outreach was conducted to collect feedback and preferences on the alternative design concepts through the following efforts: A survey was conducted in during February and March 2021 to solicit input and preferences from the residents of Golden Gate City and the users of the Parkway. English and Spanish language versions of the survey were available online. In -person intercept surveys were also conducted in English and in Spanish by local B1ueZones staff during February 2021 at the 7 Food Mart and at the Farmers Market. The Collier County website included information on the study, including diagrams of the alternative concepts and a link to the online survey. Information about the Complete Street Study and survey were publicized by Collier County through a press release on February 22, 2021, and through social media outlets Facebook and the Nextdoor app. See Appendix O for these postings. The project team presented the study at the October 16, 2020 Golden Gate City Economic Development Zone Advisory Committee meeting, the February 8, 2021 Golden Gate Civic Association meeting, and the February 16, 2021 Golden Gate Beautification MSTU meeting. See Appendix P for the presentation. County staff also presented an overview of the study at the March 3, 2021 Share your vision for Golden Gate Parkway" Development Services Advisory Gl GATE PARKWAY C60PLETE STREET STUDY Committee (DSAC) meeting. Project Description An informational flyer (see Figure 11- G°lller`ounryd' Gr°wManagemmtD partmeMl,mndo�inga`°mplet tn S5 tSWdyl,,W improvements ro Golden Gale Parkway hetvmen SarHa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard.lmprovements e intended m make it more safe and mnvenimt towalk birycle, orddve along Golden Gare Parkway by 1) was distributed describing the three �erl°g multimodal tia°sp°nation options and upgradek,suchas lighting and landsrail Schedule alternative concepts and providing a November through February 2021 March through June 2021 Provide your input and preferences Study to be final-d-al pmsentedm Board of County Commissioners QR code to access the survey. The = — J Conil al flyer was distributed at the Civic .—layMut Overlay Muhimodal yarn to. sys . and walkw s m Association meeting the MSTU =^� °�°^°Id a:a N hom veM1klbya bndsrape ea�renhaaeed=»ery. t meeting, the DSAC meeting, and Concept 2: flyers were available at the Golden SueparaedMolnm°dal andwalkm mA all he aieaaam n 1an, erewiu Gate Community Center front desk, lufaewa�on1a ,ah°°'�eso°`ed - mn tnandb�elae botnsees a the oadwitn a landsrnirx ea between Mewalkers and bikers and Golden Gate Library lobby, and Cfotodo nhcahaelvepcdtdro t.bembikmemoeadsate Slgbtyersub me nGolden Gate Government Service langWsrWllops, or bus sM1ehers. 3: qn mre ntal Multi od tst,tlseemwul be a wme.n�eaPatha.botn Center lobby. ;a se^tr I M1ep thwilll esb m ea �o ar wide bikelane on bmhsides Mtlw streetwlth Figure 11-1: Informational Flyer APRIL 2021 — 62 — I'll E NCIN EE91NG CO ICT cOHHty Input and Survey Results Meeting Comments GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Comments received from the meetings of the Golden Gate Civic Association and Golden Gate Beautification MSTU included: • A member said she regularly bicycles along the Parkway for daily needs, and she prefers wider multiuse paths and prefers not riding in a bike lane. • Lighting was identified as a need. • An attendee noted that school children tend to walk in groups occupying the whole sidewalk or more, which indicates that wider sidewalks are appropriate. • A member suggested that the different concepts should be considered options, and they could be alternated along the corridor to adapt to the conditions and context. • Members inquired about cost and schedule, and it was noted that final design and budgeting are major steps that remain to be determined after the BCC reviews the Study. Online Survey Results During February and March 2021, a total of 358 participants took the online survey. The survey consisted of seven questions and allowed for entry of written comments. See Appendix Q for the full content of the survey questions and results. A majority of the respondents (95%) took the English language version of the online survey (see Table 11-1). Table 11-1: Online A majority of the online respondents (65%) indicated their residential zip code as outside the 34116 zip code of Golden Gate City (see Table 11-2). Table 11-2: Online Survey - Zip Code F 11 Zip Code,, 34116 9 1 115 1 124 35% Other 8 226 234 65% # Online Participants 17 341 358 100% APR] L 2021 - 63 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Online survey respondents were asked their preference for corridor design Concept 1, 2, 3, or no change (see Table 11-3). Preference responses were received from 353 of the 358 total respondents. Concept 1 was the most preferred by 124 of respondents (35.1%). As shown in the table below, preferences were split relatively evenly between Concept 1, 2, and 3. Table 11-3- Online Survev - Preference Results LConcept Concept 1: Overlay Multimodal 5 ang.. 29.4% 119 35.4% 124 35.1% Concept 2: Separated Multimodal 5 29.40 104 30.9% 109 30.9% Concept 3: Incremental Multimodal 7 41.21. 97 28.9% 104 29.5% Concept 4: No Build 0 N/A 16 4.8% 16 4.5% Total 17 100% 336 100% 353 100% Below are some of the write-in comments received from online survey respondents. All survey results can be found in Appendix Q. • ...Adding additional landscaping will be disastrous to the safety of walkers and cyclists. The median landscaping that already exists was poorly conceived, and blocks driver views of pedestrians. Please don't think that further obscuring cyclists will make us more safe... • Focus on the walkers and the kids that bike to and from school and the people that live here. Kids don't bike in the street. Option 3 is for the people that don't live in Golden Gate... • Most people walk so make the sidewalks nice and big for them. The kids that bike to school use the sidewalk they belong on the sidewalk not in the street. • I am an administrator at one of the schools in Golden Gate City. I feel the safety of our students, and the families who walk or ride bikes with them to and from school every day, is an important factor in our community. Thank you for your focus on the citizens of our Golden Gate community. • I would rather have on road bike lanes. • As much landscaping as possible to camouflage the unsightly duplexes, commercial buildings and strip malls! • I think separate pedestrian paths and bike paths are a great idea! • Concept 3 is best because it maximizes safety for everyone; walkers, cyclists and motorists. • I don't feel safe cycling on roadways with bike lanes that are not protected from motor vehicles. A protective barrier between cyclists and motor vehicles is needed on roadways where cars are traveling more than 25-30 mph. Since many cyclists travel at speeds in excess of 20 mph, having pedestrians with their own protected lane(s) is equally important. • More street lighting. • Sidewalks and bike paths need to be properly illuminated at night for security... APRIL 2021 - 64 - I'll E N C I N E E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY • Keep it as inexpensive as possible as we can not afford more taxes on our homes. • Cost needs to be kept to minimum needed to make adjustments. Please don't overspend tax payer dollars. • Keep the speed limit down. • Slower speed limits. • ... Change the duplex driveways from exiting on to the parkway to the alley behind so traffic issues can be eliminated. In -Person Survey Results In -person intercept surveys were also conducted in English and in Spanish by local BlueZones staff during February 2021 at the 7 Food Mart along Santa Barbara Boulevard and at the Farmers Market at the Golden Gate Community Center parking lot. A total of 143 in -person surveys were conducted in the two locations. See Appendix R BlueZones staff correspondence of the survey outcomes is provided in. Forty-eight (48) in -person surveys were conducted over the course of two Saturdays in February the Farmer's Market (see Table 11-4). The survey consisted of six of the seven online questions; the question "Where did you find out about this survey?" was excluded. A majority of participants (56.3%) indicated their residential zip code as 34116, which is the zip code for Golden Gate City. When asked about preference for corridor design Concept 1, 2, 3, or Concept 4 (No Build), Concept 2 was the most preferred by 27 of respondents (56.2%). Tahle 11-4- Farmer's Market Survev - Preference Results Min - Concept 1: Overlay Multimodal 6 12.5% Concept 2: Separated Multimodal 27 56.2% Concept 3: Incremental Multimodal 13 27.1% Concept 4: No Build 2 4.2% Total 48 100% In -person surveys were conducted with 95 participants at the 7 Food Mart along Santa Barbara Boulevard. The survey consisted of two of the seven online questions; only zip code and design concept preferences were asked (see Table 11-5). A majority of participants (57.9%) indicated their residential zip code as 34116, which is the zip code for Golden Gate City. APRIL 2021 - 65 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC CO ICT c014Hty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY When asked about preference for corridor design Concept 1, 2, and 3, Concept 3 was the most preferred by 66 of respondents (69.5%). The option of no change to the corridor was not tallied in this survey. Table 11-5: 7 Mart - Preference Results Zip Code Conce r 34116 Other T, M& Concept 1: Overlay Multimodal 9 16.4% 3 7.5% 12 12.6% Concept 2: Separated Multimodal 9 16.4% 8 20.0% 17 17.9% Concept 3: Incremental Multimodal 37 67.2% 29 72.5% 66 69.5% Concept 4: No Build N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 55 57.9% 40 42.1 % 95 100.0% When results from the two locations of in -person surveys are combined, a total of 143 in -person surveys were conducted, and Concept 3 was preferred by 79 of these respondents (55.2%). Survey Conclusion The surveys conducted online and the in -person intercept surveys conducted at the two locations yielded different preference outcomes for Concept 1, Concept 2, and Concept 3. This may be attributable to small sampling sizes and the differences in survey taking methodology. The one consistent outcome was that a complete street concept is preferred for the corridor, and the option for no change to the corridor is not preferred. APRIL 2021 -66- �'-�ll E N C I N E E 9 1 N C CO ICT c014Hty 12.0 CONSTRUCTABILITY AND UTILITIES GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Concept 1, 2, and 3 present similar levels of constructability and utility relocation effort. Concept 1 will have a narrowed median, reduced lane widths, and a 10-foot-wide multi -use pathway on both sides of the roadway. There will be an approximate 15-foot-wide utility/future utility corridor on both sides of the narrowed roadway underneath the landscaping and multi -use pathways. The lighting and landscaping area will be larger compared to that proposed in Concept 2. In Concept 2, both median and roadway lanes are narrowed; however, there is an addition of a protected bike lane on both sides of Golden Gate Parkway. This added element will eliminate the possibility of a multi -use pathway but can accommodate a 6-foot-wide sidewalk along both sides of the roadway. Concept 3 will also have the narrowed median, reduced lane widths, and in the first increment of development it will have a 10-foot wide multiuse path separated from the travel way by a narrower 6'-8" wide landscape and lighting zone. The 15-foot wide utility/future utility corridor will be under the zone between the edge of ROW and under a portion of the path. In the ultimate build - out scenario of Concept 3, the addition of a 4-foot wide planted buffer and a 6-foot wide sidewalk will be added toward the outer limits of the ROW, over the utility corridor. For all concepts stormwater management improvements will be throughout the corridor. Outfall(s) will need to be determined and some effort may be needed to coordinate with the South Florida Water Management District and adjacent property owners in order to permit and construct the stormwater management infrastructure. The utilities within this corridor include electrical, potable water, sewer, irrigation, gas, fiber, and telecommunication lines. All three concepts will result in impacts to existing utilities within Golden Gate Parkway right-of-way. Coordination with the respective utility providers will be required for future design and construction phase of the project. The potential utility providers within the immediate vicinity of the project, provided by Sunshine State One Call of Florida, are listed in Table 12-1 and Appendix S. Specific utilities anticipated to be directly impacted by the corridor improvements may include: • Collier County Water Main (WM) impacts • Collier County Buried Fiber Optic (BFO) traffic lines • CenturyLink buried facilities • Florida Power & Light overhead electric lines • City of Naples 36" Raw Water Main (WM) located on the southside of corridor • Crown Castle Buried Fiber Optic (BFO) infrastructure APRIL 2021 - 67 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC Collier County Table 12-1: Potential Utilities Owners within Project Limits GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY Area Name Collier County Traffic Operations Sections Contact Pam Wilson Phone NumberService (239) 252-8260 .- Electric and Fiber Collier County Information Technology (IT) Joe Oliver (239) 252-6205 Fiber Collier County BCC Road Maintenance Pamela Lulich (239) 252-8924 Irrigation Centuryl-ink Bill McCloud (850) 599-1444 Fiber and Telephone City of Naples- Water Alicia Acevedo (239) 213-4712 Water Collier County Stake & Locates Eric Fey (239) 252-1037 Sewer and Water Comcast Leonard Maxwell- Newbold (754) 221-1254 CATV Florida Power & Light- Collier Joel Bray (386) 586-6403 Electric Summit Broadband Inc. Mike Reber (239) 325-4105 x261 Fiber Century Link Network Relations (877) 366-8344 x2 Fiber Crown Castle NG Fiberdig Team (888) 632-0931 x2 Fiber TECO Peoples Gas- Ft. Myers Joan Domning (813) 275-3783 Gas Note: Information provided by Sunshine State One Call of Florida APRIL 2021 - 68 - ENGINEERING CO ICT C014"ty GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET STUDY 13.0 PROJECT CONCEPTUAL PLANNING LEVEL COST ESTIMATIONS Conceptual planning level cost estimates were developed for all Concepts and are summarized below. Costs are subdivided into three categories: design/permitting, construction, and administration/construction engineering inspection (CEI). Design/permitting costs represent preliminary estimates. Supporting documentation of the cost analysis is provided in Appendix T. Reasonable and professional judgment was used in the preparation of these preliminary planning level estimates. However, since Johnson Engineering has no control over the cost of labor and materials, or over the competitive bidding process, the accuracy of this opinion is not guaranteed. Table 13-1: Concept 1 Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimate Design/Permitting' $ 2,400,000 Construction $19,100,000 Administration/CEI** $ 2,100,000 Construction 10% Contingency $ 1,910,000 Concept 1 Conceptual Planning Level Total $25,510,000 Table 13-2: Concept 2 Conceptual Planning Level Cost Estimate Design/Permitting* $ 2,400,000 Construction $19,200,000 Administration/CEI** $ 2,100,000 Construction 10% Contingency $ 1,920,000 Concept 2 Conceptual Planning Level Total $25,620,000 Table 13-3: Concept 3 Con ce tual Planning Level Cost Estimate Ar$ Design/Permitting" 2,400,000 Construction $19,200,000 Administration/CEI** $ 2,100,000 Construction 10% Contingency $ 1,920,000 Concept 3 Conceptual Planning Level Phase 1 Sub -Total $25,620,000 Item Design/Permitting' $ 430,000 Construction $ 3,410,000 Administration/CEI** $ 380,000 Construction 10% Contingency $ 341,000 Concept 3 Conceptual Planning Level Phase 2 Sub -Total $ 4,561,000 Concept 3 Conceptual Planning Level Total $30,181,000 *Assumed Approximately 12.5% of Construction Related Cost **Assumed Approximately 11 % of Construction Related Cost APRIL 2021 - 69 - I'll E N C I N EEN]NC APPENDIX A TRAFFIC STUDY AREAS ' •"� :: � � ,� t.-t'�, ,1�� "1 - �� � < \ear- i�¢ '� '�: .711 a i 1 a " y„ ,3• �. f r� I i� i R�` , a.- .r ti I I , J�,,, � �_ wT'R`Ttr n •may i i � „ft �� � ' �tt,`j " ''n \ .�• \rB. 11 ���A- �h NV y v # iJ � �..,� �� ..�� by -vC. C - g�• ;Y Im i'Traffic Study Areas WR- '. n . _4 ,.s Iir EB-1 Santa Barbara Blvd to 53rd St; - x Al r.r�� . j}y�;,y■y rjr u} � a. I ��' i_ .... 9 .:.-, N I W -1 Collier Blvd to Sunshine Blvd r. WB-5 Canal to Santa Barbara Blvd R�16 :�.t� ram•., ■- rr.l�,.,,... r,- r, Jf►� arkway Golden Gate P 7107NSON�=Golden Gat, APPENDIX B EXISTING LAND USES .r,l aj a~ i_ • Ai 1 7 e'1 j. 1) + a , i''1 • 4 i` `r It F'} _ ....� ,Y..T,_ �„r __. t• ul 1 a .y � b• � T '`— .4+ •.. � 1;_ t 1 i L. ;1 _ =. p::� 'y hi l�.lM • J ■ b - Q _ •- � r - 'R � Y � ,.-�.� 4,�c. +r _ •� A J-- z� • . zaW� w� �� ':v.l vg 9. � _ q ek mill 46 r try ra Otis xe A 9 ' � 1 • uy x sr 'a � ,� ,�\` r 'f�`J\t� 7s _ r — �i- s„ _ j • It Notes 1. Coliter County parcel data from Collier County Property Appraiser January 2020 Dep Golden Gate Parkway e � ae �,r � 1 sa • . ` !� �^: � rs e; �^ +'r4 P � . f [ x �t � ,i�r! r�-f�' .� fir_' _ TOHNS N . APPENDIX C SUMMARY LAND USE CHANGES Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Existing Unit Counts Section Subdistrict Acreage Existing Unit Counts SF Residential (Units) MF Residential (Units) Commercial/Office (SQ. FT.) Drive -In Restaurant Restaesta FT.) Church (SQ. FT.) Government (SQ. FT.) EB-1 GGPO-DT 4.23 0 3 0 0 0 0 EB-2 GGPO-DT 5.29 0 0 38,223 0 0 0 EB-3 GGPO-DT 3.52 0 0 7,606 0 0 0 EB-6 GGPO-DT 19.02 34 105 0 0 0 0 WB-1 GGPO-DT 46.54 80 394 0 0 0 0 WB-4 GGPO-DT 3.94 0 0 0 0 20,438 0 WB-5 GGPO-DT 11.86 0 0 90,964 0 0 0 EB-4 GGPO-AC 4.13 0 0 24,349 1,995 0 0 EB-5 GGPO-AC 3.80 0 0 27,273 0 0 0 WB-2 GGPO-AC 21.27 0 0 0 0 0 82,040 WB-3 GGPO-AC 47.19 0 0 337,235 6,420 0 0 Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Ultimate Projection Unit Counts Section Subdistrict Acreage Ultimate Unit Counts SF Residential (Units) MF Residential (Units) Commercial/Office (SQ. FT.) Drive -In Restaurant Restaesta FT.) Church (SQ. FT.) Government (SQ. FT.) EB-1 GGPO-DT 4.23 0 69 94,090 0 0 0 EB-2 GGPO-DT 5.29 0 85 115,216 0 0 0 EB-3 GGPO-DT 3.52 0 56 76,666 0 0 0 EB-6 GGPO-DT 19.02 0 304 414,256 0 0 0 WB-1 GGPO-DT 46.54 0 745 1,013,641 0 0 0 WB-4 GGPO-DT 3.94 0 63 65,375 0 20,438 0 WB-5 GGPO-DT 11.86 0 190 258,311 0 0 0 EB-4 GGPO-AC 4.13 0 91 89,951 0 0 0 EB-5 GGPO-AC 3.80 0 84 82,764 0 0 0 WB-2 GGPO-AC 21.27 0 468 463,261 0 j 0 j 0 WB-3 GGPO-AC 47.19 0 1,038 1,027,798 0 0 0 Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Mid Projection Unit Counts Section Subdistrict Acreage Mid Unit Counts SF Residential (Units) MF Residential (Units) Commercial/Office (SQ. FT.) Drive -In Restaurant Restaesta FT.) Church (SQ. FT.) Government (SQ. FT.) EB-1 GGPO-DT 4.23 0 10 27,243 0 0 0 EB-2 GGPO-DT 5.29 0 0 38,223 0 0 0 EB-3 GGPO-DT 3.52 0 11 22,852 0 0 0 EB-6 GGPO-DT 19.02 0 152 207,128 0 0 0 WB-1 GGPO-DT 46.54 0 516 310,256 0 0 0 WB-4 GGPO-DT 3.94 0 0 0 0 20,438 0 WB-5 GGPO-DT 11.86 0 55 108,425 0 0 0 EB-4 GGPO-AC 4.13 0 314 822,860 0 0 82,040 EB-5 GGPO-AC 3.80 WB-2 GGPO-AC 21.27 WB-3 GGPO-AC 47.19 Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Ultimate Projection: Change in Development Section Subdistrict Acreage Ultimate DELTA Unit Counts SF Residential (Units) MF Residential (Units) Commercial/Office (SQ. FT.) Drive -In Restaurant Restaesta FT.) Church (SQ. FT.) Government (SQ. FT.) EB-1 GGPO-DT 4.23 0 66 94,090 0 0 0 EB-2 GGPO-DT 5.29 0 85 76,993 0 0 0 EB-3 GGPO-DT 3.52 0 56 69,060 0 0 0 EB-6 GGPO-DT 19.02 -34 199 414,256 0 0 0 WB-1 GGPO-DT 46.54 -80 351 1,013,641 0 0 0 WB-4 GGPO-DT 3.94 0 63 65,375 0 0 0 WB-5 GGPO-DT 11.86 0 190 167,347 0 0 0 EB-4 GGPO-AC 4.13 0 91 65,602 -1,995 0 0 EB-5 GGPO-AC 3.80 0 84 55,491 0 0 0 WB-2 GGPO-AC 21.27 0 468 463,261 0 0 -82,040 WB-3 GGPO-AC 47.19 0 1038 690,563 -6,420 0 0 Golden Gate Parkway Complete Streets Mid Projection: Change in Development Section Subdistrict Acreage Mid DELTA Unit Counts SF Residential (Units) MF Residential (Units) Commercial/Office (SQ. FT.) Drive -In Restaurant(SQ. FT.) Church (SQ. FT.) Government (SQ. FT.) EB-1 GGPO-DT 4.23 0 7 27,243 0 0 0 EB-2 GGPO-DT 5.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB-3 GGPO-DT 3.52 0 11 15,246 0 0 0 EB-6 GGPO-DT 19.02 -34 47 207,128 0 0 0 WB-1 GGPO-DT 46.54 -80 122 310,256 0 0 0 WB-4 GGPO-DT 3.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB-5 GGPO-DT 11.86 0 55 17,461 0 0 0 EB-4 GGPO-AC 4.13 0 314 434,003 -8,415 0 0 EB-5 GGPO-AC 3.80 WB-2 GGPO-AC 21.27 WB-3 GGPO-AC 47.19 APPENDIX D BI-DIRECTIONAL 24-HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 20-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 42 * 84 02:45 54 0 96 57 0 141 0 237 03:00 47 66 03:15 47 48 03:30 50 64 03:45 46 0 190 * 33 0 211 0 401 04:00 47 * 46 04:15 48 50 04:30 54 * 40 04:45 50 0 199 * 37 0 173 0 372 05:00 44 41 05:15 34 * 44 05:30 36 * 39 05:45 48 0 162 * 50 0 174 0 336 06:00 * 38 * 40 06:15 * 55 44 06:30 * 44 * 42 06:45 * 22 0 159 * 29 0 155 0 314 07:00 * 34 29 07:15 * 36 * 35 07:30 * 31 * 34 07:45 * 36 0 137 * 28 0 126 0 263 08:00 34 20 08:15 * 27 * 25 08:30 * 18 * 29 08:45 * 31 0 110 * 26 0 100 0 210 09:00 * 20 15 09:15 * 26 * 18 09:30 * 25 * 13 09:45 * 15 0 86 * 11 0 57 0 143 10:00 * 16 * 10 10:15 * 18 * 22 10:30 * 10 * 6 10:45 * 18 0 62 * 6 0 44 0 106 11:00 * 11 10 11:15 * 16 * 5 11:30 * 8 * 1 11:45 * 8 0 33 4 0 20 0 53 Total 0 1234 0 1201 0 2435 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 21-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 20 4 31 12:15 6 19 6 20 12:30 2 16 7 30 12:45 4 22 18 77 2 22 19 103 37 180 01:00 0 16 6 36 01:15 1 24 1 21 01:30 4 21 6 24 01:45 0 25 5 86 2 17 15 98 20 184 02:00 1 28 1 421 1 02:15 4 40 1 44 02:30 0 50 1 82 02:45 1 46 6 164 1 60 4 228 10 392 03:00 0 50 0 66 03:15 0 48 1 56 03:30 1 38 1 50 03:45 0 52 1 188 2 46 4 218 5 406 04:00 0 52 3 36 04:15 0 42 0 39 04:30 1 49 4 41 04:45 2 48 3 191 7 40 14 156 17 347 05:00 1 64 7 38 05:15 1 60 7 44 05:30 2 59 13 44 05:45 5 50 9 233 12 48 39 174 48 407 06:00 12 46 26 38 06:15 10 44 42 38 06:30 25 39 58 40 06:45 30 32 77 161 67 42 193 158 270 319 07:00 27 24 58 37 07:15 80 38 68 30 07:30 120 28 119 26 07:45 38 38 265 128 77 23 322 116 587 244 08:00 26 26 46 45 08:15 26 35 47 49 08:30 17 22 46 20 08:45 17 28 86 111 52 18 191 132 277 243 09:00 19 24 54 24 09:15 14 29 40 30 09:30 24 26 22 22 09:45 16 23 73 102 33 19 149 95 222 197 10:00 14 33 25 16 10:15 18 17 26 20 10:30 11 12 20 12 10:45 24 10 67 72 34 6 105 54 172 126 11:00 20 11 23 7 11:15 16 12 36 7 11:30 22 8 26 4 11:45 22 13 80 44 18 3 103 21 183 65 Total 690 1557 Percent 30.7% 69.3% 1158 1553 42.7% 57.3% 1848 3110 37.3% 62.7% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 22-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 26 8 36 12:15 2 22 0 43 12:30 4 16 5 18 12:45 9 21 20 85 6 30 19 127 39 212 01:00 1 28 5 27 01:15 4 24 2 35 01:30 2 22 0 30 01:45 0 26 7 100 1 26 8 118 15 218 02:00 1 25 1 24 02:15 1 36 2 46 02:30 0 28 3 41 02:45 2 40 4 1291 1 39 7 150 11 279 03:00 1 54 2 36 03:15 0 42 2 44 03:30 0 34 1 37 03:45 0 43 1 173 1 34 6 151 7 324 04:00 1 46 2 34 04:15 0 60 1 39 04:30 0 32 4 44 04:45 1 32 2 170 7 36 14 153 16 323 05:00 0 50 8 54 05:15 2 50 16 50 05:30 4 52 12 49 05:45 10 56 16 208 20 48 56 201 72 409 06:00 11 46 20 40 06:15 15 50 40 36 06:30 25 31 64 54 06:45 32 39 83 166 60 44 184 174 267 340 07:00 38 27 72 32 07:15 70 36 76 44 07:30 116 28 128 36 07:45 30 24 254 115 87 22 363 134 617 249 08:00 26 40 54 28 08:15 22 31 48 27 08:30 30 26 48 24 08:45 49 30 127 127 38 24 188 103 315 230 09:00 22 32 32 20 09:15 23 18 42 14 09:30 13 25 48 12 09:45 16 27 74 102 28 7 150 53 224 155 10:00 12 27 30 13 10:15 17 17 28 13 10:30 18 12 33 14 10:45 42 11 89 67 32 7 123 471 212 114 11:00 42 13 92 10 11:15 29 8 61 2 11:30 24 14 32 4 11:45 25 8 120 43 30 3 215 191 335 62 Total 797 1485 Percent 34.9% 65.1 % 1333 1430 48.2% 51.8% 2130 2915 42.2% 57.8% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 23-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 18 2 23 12:15 8 28 3 28 12:30 7 24 4 25 12:45 1 24 18 94 3 25 12 101 30 195 01:00 6 25 2 24 01:15 2 20 1 28 01:30 1 26 2 20 01:45 2 30 11 101 0 26 5 98 16 199 02:00 1 33 1 30 02:15 0 46 0 41 02:30 4 50 6 76 02:45 2 44 7 173 0 73 7 220 14 393 03:00 1 52 1 51 03:15 1 50 3 49 03:30 0 37 1 36 03:45 0 44 2 183 1 39 6 175 8 358 04:00 0 50 2 44 04:15 2 53 2 44 04:30 2 34 8 35 04:45 1 66 5 203 4 46 16 1691 21 372 05:00 0 80 4 62 05:15 1 118 8 67 05:30 4 146 12 56 05:45 12 110 17 454 20 40 44 225 61 679 06:00 9 59 21 46 06:15 10 49 38 40 06:30 22 36 60 40 06:45 28 44 69 188 54 42 173 168 242 356 07:00 31 36 65 58 07:15 62 70 83 118 07:30 122 50 124 180 07:45 22 26 237 182 79 116 351 472 588 654 08:00 20 29 53 39 08:15 26 36 50 26 08:30 21 34 56 22 08:45 16 34 83 133 36 18 195 105 278 238 09:00 22 26 30 28 09:15 26 21 30 18 09:30 13 22 44 24 09:45 15 22 76 91 20 17 124 87 200 178 10:00 10 17 28 10 10:15 20 17 26 16 10:30 17 26 22 11 10:45 16 18 63 78 30 14 106 51 169 129 11:00 13 15 12 15 11:15 20 10 31 9 11:30 23 10 18 8 11:45 18 4 74 39 22 5 83 37 157 76 Total 662 1919 Percent 25.6% 74.4% 1122 1908 37.0% 63.0% 1784 3827 31.8% 68.2% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 24-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 38 6 26 12:15 6 32 1 46 12:30 3 32 3 27 12:45 6 38 25 140 8 33 18 132 43 272 01:00 7 28 7 33 01:15 4 27 8 28 01:30 1 35 1 26 01:45 5 24 17 114 1 34 17 121 34 235 02:00 2 38 2 40 02:15 2 54 2 48 02:30 0 58 0 96 02:45 2 50 6 200 2 61 6 245 12 445 03:00 1 49 5 60 03:15 4 48 0 50 03:30 0 36 0 46 03:45 0 32 5 165 1 26 6 182 11 347 04:00 3 50 2 44 04:15 0 48 2 58 04:30 0 54 6 36 04:45 0 42 3 194 5 54 15 192 18 386 05:00 0 64 6 58 05:15 3 66 12 68 05:30 3 58 10 44 05:45 5 52 11 240 15 38 43 208 54 448 06:00 7 61 21 42 06:15 10 68 32 41 06:30 18 81 56 44 06:45 26 61 61 271 62 28 171 155 232 426 07:00 20 66 53 34 07:15 22 54 63 42 07:30 26 41 72 42 07:45 32 40 100 201 60 30 248 148 348 349 08:00 28 30 61 42 08:15 43 38 67 26 08:30 73 42 78 37 08:45 78 40 222 150 84 38 290 143 512 293 09:00 22 38 51 80 09:15 18 44 38 36 09:30 29 40 32 73 09:45 18 38 87 160 29 132 150 321 237 481 10:00 14 27 28 36 10:15 23 25 31 26 10:30 24 29 25 18 10:45 24 22 85 103 58 26 142 106 227 209 11:00 27 22 36 18 11:15 24 12 34 20 11:30 24 18 44 11 11:45 20 12 95 64 37 12 151 61 246 125 Total 717 2002 Percent 26.4% 73.6% 1257 2014 38.4% 61.6% 1974 4016 33.0% 67.0% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 25-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 29 4 36 12:15 16 34 11 31 12:30 8 31 8 34 12:45 6 28 42 122 6 30 29 131 71 253 01:00 12 30 8 34 01:15 9 27 8 26 01:30 7 31 2 26 01:45 7 27 35 115 8 36 26 122 61 237 02:00 2 34 4 39 02:15 6 30 10 23 02:30 6 30 10 24 02:45 0 26 14 120 3 26 27 112 41 232 03:00 1 32 4 40 03:15 1 23 0 30 03:30 5 32 2 35 03:45 2 36 9 123 4 40 10 145 19 268 04:00 1 26 2 38 04:15 4 32 1 32 04:30 3 24 4 27 04:45 1 32 9 114 4 31 11 128 20 242 05:00 3 36 6 32 05:15 4 32 4 40 05:30 4 36 10 38 05:45 6 20 17 124 8 41 28 151 45 275 06:00 6 32 12 32 06:15 8 29 16 34 06:30 10 33 28 30 06:45 10 29 34 123 28 33 84 129 118 252 07:00 7 38 20 30 07:15 11 30 26 26 07:30 11 21 27 32 07:45 12 34 41 123 34 26 107 114 148 237 08:00 8 32 23 26 08:15 12 23 27 24 08:30 22 23 44 28 08:45 20 24 62 102 32 26 126 104 188 206 09:00 11 39 32 22 09:15 19 30 36 34 09:30 18 30 27 22 09:45 22 29 70 128 30 21 125 99 195 227 10:00 22 22 34 24 10:15 23 26 20 25 10:30 20 24 36 18 10:45 26 10 91 82 24 10 114 77 205 159 11:00 28 22 33 18 11:15 34 21 30 14 11:30 22 8 41 12 11:45 25 17 109 68 30 10 134 54 243 122 Total 533 1344 Percent 28.4% 71.6% 821 1366 37.5% 62.5% 1354 2710 33.3% 66.7% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 26-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 20 4 28 12:15 11 37 5 32 12:30 14 31 9 42 12:45 12 28 47 116 10 42 28 144 75 260 01:00 6 22 8 34 01:15 6 24 7 32 01:30 5 31 6 32 01:45 5 34 22 111 3 34 24 132 46 243 02:00 8 35 10 24 02:15 5 30 2 16 02:30 5 36 4 37 02:45 4 30 22 131 0 32 16 109 38 240 03:00 2 22 3 24 03:15 3 32 1 34 03:30 3 26 0 40 03:45 4 14 12 94 5 22 9 120 21 214 04:00 0 21 0 26 04:15 0 26 3 36 04:30 1 22 1 20 04:45 0 20 1 89 2 36 6 118 7 207 05:00 0 30 3 28 05:15 1 20 4 26 05:30 2 26 3 24 05:45 1 24 4 100 4 28 14 106 18 206 06:00 2 28 4 24 06:15 0 22 7 24 06:30 2 26 13 20 06:45 6 18 10 94 12 21 36 89 46 183 07:00 6 18 17 26 07:15 7 26 14 23 07:30 6 28 12 16 07:45 10 22 29 94 28 24 71 89 100 183 08:00 8 21 14 37 08:15 4 25 22 19 08:30 9 22 18 18 08:45 20 29 41 97 25 13 79 87 120 184 09:00 16 25 32 25 09:15 14 28 32 19 09:30 17 15 33 18 09:45 24 20 71 88 38 14 135 76 206 164 10:00 18 16 32 20 10:15 16 27 22 19 10:30 18 17 34 13 10:45 18 13 70 73 26 18 114 70 184 143 11:00 24 10 40 13 11:15 15 14 20 9 11:30 24 9 40 10 11:45 44 9 107 42 27 8 127 40 234 82 Total 436 1129 Percent 27.9% 72.1 % 659 1180 35.8% 64.2% 1095 2309 32.2% 67.8% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 27-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 21 5 36 12:15 7 25 8 32 12:30 7 27 2 35 12:45 4 26 21 99 3 38 18 141 39 240 01:00 3 31 1 28 01:15 5 23 2 30 01:30 6 26 4 26 01:45 3 28 17 108 0 29 7 113 24 221 02:00 3 23 2 29 02:15 2 13 0 27 02:30 2 22 6 28 02:45 1 22 8 80 4 28 12 112 20 192 03:00 1 31 0 26 03:15 0 25 1 20 03:30 3 22 1 29 03:45 0 26 4 104 3 28 5 103 9 207 04:00 1 24 4 31 04:15 0 35 1 25 04:30 0 26 5 23 04:45 0 27 1 112 2 22 12 101 13 213 05:00 2 25 1 22 05:15 1 22 7 20 05:30 3 30 4 40 05:45 2 30 8 107 9 26 21 108 29 215 06:00 2 20 8 28 06:15 2 36 15 17 06:30 8 26 18 28 06:45 5 26 17 108 10 38 51 111 68 219 07:00 7 24 21 32 07:15 4 24 21 28 07:30 8 27 20 33 07:45 6 26 25 101 23 23 85 116 110 217 08:00 2 30 18 17 08:15 11 28 33 33 08:30 18 23 26 30 08:45 12 28 43 109 24 32 101 112 144 221 09:00 14 29 20 16 09:15 14 26 24 20 09:30 10 24 38 14 09:45 17 18 55 97 30 17 112 67 167 164 10:00 20 14 29 11 10:15 16 23 24 12 10:30 22 15 22 14 10:45 20 9 78 61 15 4 90 41 168 102 11:00 16 12 29 9 11:15 22 10 21 6 11:30 30 9 36 6 11:45 20 51 88 36 20 4 106 25 194 61 Total 365 1122 Percent 24.5% 75.5% 620 1150 35.0% 65.0% 985 2272 30.2% 69.8% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 28-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 30 3 44 12:15 5 26 6 38 12:30 5 22 3 22 12:45 1 20 16 98 3 34 15 138 31 236 01:00 5 20 2 27 01:15 2 13 2 29 01:30 0 26 1 16 01:45 2 16 9 75 3 22 8 94 17 169 02:00 1 14 2 22 02:15 0 44 4 49 02:30 0 18 1 48 02:45 0 32 1 108 1 36 8 155 9 263 03:00 0 32 0 37 03:15 2 40 2 38 03:30 3 32 1 36 03:45 0 41 5 145 1 40 4 151 9 296 04:00 1 36 2 29 04:15 1 55 2 32 04:30 2 50 6 49 04:45 1 46 5 187 2 40 12 150 17 337 05:00 0 48 8 34 05:15 3 48 6 36 05:30 2 60 14 34 05:45 5 48 10 204 16 42 44 146 54 350 06:00 7 34 22 28 06:15 14 40 41 36 06:30 29 36 62 40 06:45 32 26 82 136 56 38 181 142 263 278 07:00 32 32 86 39 07:15 60 28 61 41 07:30 102 27 131 34 07:45 42 33 236 120 76 24 354 138 590 258 08:00 26 33 58 36 08:15 28 31 60 22 08:30 29 22 60 23 08:45 16 25 99 111 42 26 220 107 319 218 09:00 12 35 36 17 09:15 32 30 25 19 09:30 24 24 46 20 09:45 22 22 90 111 43 9 150 65 240 176 10:00 22 18 30 14 10:15 26 25 31 12 10:30 20 11 27 12 10:45 20 12 88 66 28 5 116 43 204 109 11:00 46 12 26 8 11:15 42 12 63 6 11:30 38 11 84 4 11:45 30 4 156 39 54 2 227 20 383 59 Total 797 1400 Percent 36.3% 63.7% 1339 1349 49.8% 50.2% 2136 2749 43.7% 56.3% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 29-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 36 3 34 12:15 2 26 3 24 12:30 4 26 2 28 12:45 3 15 17 103 3 28 11 114 28 217 01:00 2 18 3 31 01:15 2 26 0 26 01:30 1 20 2 26 01:45 0 24 5 88 1 26 6 109 11 197 02:00 1 28 2 26 02:15 1 30 0 45 02:30 1 26 3 30 02:45 6 37 9 121 1 42 6 143 15 264 03:00 0 45 3 46 03:15 1 45 0 32 03:30 0 36 1 40 03:45 2 53 3 179 2 50 6 168 9 347 04:00 1 50 3 38 04:15 1 40 0 36 04:30 2 42 3 47 04:45 1 56 5 188 5 33 11 154 16 342 05:00 1 60 6 42 05:15 1 57 11 49 05:30 2 62 14 50 05:45 6 62 10 241 13 42 44 183 54 424 06:00 9 56 32 52 06:15 14 43 46 36 06:30 28 34 53 39 06:45 28 32 79 165 78 38 209 165 288 330 07:00 33 46 56 42 07:15 56 26 70 28 07:30 87 36 114 46 07:45 46 26 222 134 88 26 328 142 550 276 08:00 22 24 48 34 08:15 29 41 57 44 08:30 17 27 45 46 08:45 30 28I 98 120 42 28 192 152 290 272 09:00 22 27 38 20 09:15 38 18 44 21 09:30 32 24 78 8 09:45 19 25 111 94 55 19 215 68 326 162 10:00 25 28 36 12 10:15 22 18 24 12 10:30 26 21 36 14 10:45 26 5 99 72 24 2 120 40 219 112 11:00 27 9 22 4 11:15 32 6 59 3 11:30 38 13 63 7 11:45 24 8 121 36 28 4 172 18 293 54 Total 779 1541 Percent 33.6% 66.4% 1320 1456 47.6% 52.4% 2099 2997 41.2% 58.8% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 30-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 34 8 40 12:15 4 30 0 46 12:30 6 30 4 40 12:45 3 28 19 122 1 28 13 154 32 276 01:00 4 25 3 26 01:15 2 34 2 30 01:30 1 18 0 27 01:45 0 29 7 106 1 30 6 113 13 219 02:00 1 26 3 28 02:15 1 26 2 23 02:30 1 22 3 32 02:45 2 32 5 106 1 31 9 114 14 220 03:00 0 36 2 31 03:15 0 31 1 32 03:30 0 40 1 42 03:45 1 41 1 148 2 43 6 148 7 296 04:00 0 36 4 38 04:15 1 49 2 35 04:30 1 42 2 28 04:45 0 40 2 167 2 46 10 147 12 314 05:00 2 58 11 30 05:15 1 53 8 48 05:30 6 79 19 45 05:45 8 42 17 232 13 32 51 155 68 387 06:00 7 40 26 27 06:15 9 46 36 35 06:30 18 40 68 52 06:45 29 32 63 158 62 35 192 149 255 307 07:00 28 44 60 44 07:15 47 26 68 26 07:30 105 47 108 36 07:45 45 24 225 141 66 47 302 153 527 294 08:00 30 33 40 46 08:15 24 28 51 28 08:30 18 27 64 28 08:45 29 39 101 127 40 24 195 126 296 253 09:00 19 28 42 20 09:15 22 33 41 13 09:30 26 28 37 19 09:45 26 22 93 111 40 6 160 58 253 169 10:00 22 16 25 15 10:15 20 22 29 18 10:30 26 8 18 10 10:45 24 8 92 54 38 8 110 51 202 105 11:00 36 8 36 9 11:15 60 9 87 8 11:30 44 8 93 8 11:45 25 6 165 31 41 3 257 28 422 59 Total 790 1503 Percent 34.5% 65.5% 1311 1396 48.4% 51.6% 2101 2899 42.0% 58.0% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 31-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 20 3 30 12:15 7 25 0 30 12:30 2 24 4 20 12:45 2 29 13 98 3 26 10 106 23 204 01:00 0 25 0 28 01:15 3 24 3 22 01:30 6 34 7 26 01:45 2 24 11 107 0 34 10 110 21 217 02:00 1 24 1 28 02:15 1 26 0 31 02:30 0 35 1 42 02:45 3 26 5 111 2 34 4 135 9 246 03:00 0 33 2 42 03:15 1 44 0 22 03:30 0 32 0 26 03:45 0 51 1 160 4 36 6 126 7 286 04:00 0 32 0 35 04:15 1 46 1 38 04:30 0 51 4 34 04:45 0 46 1 175 6 39 11 146 12 321 05:00 0 42 5 28 05:15 1 48 7 47 05:30 4 46 16 20 05:45 5 58 10 194 14 38 42 133 52 327 06:00 8 52 28 40 06:15 16 62 37 50 06:30 12 56 45 34 06:45 16 43 52 213 48 34 158 158 210 371 07:00 20 28 52 40 07:15 36 39 52 39 07:30 81 34 100 30 07:45 42 31 179 132 69 33 273 142 452 274 08:00 24 37 39 68 08:15 26 38 56 58 08:30 21 34 41 37 08:45 12 28 83 137 52 32 188 195 271 332 09:00 17 32 42 21 09:15 25 28 28 21 09:30 50 17 82 22 09:45 37 22 129 99 62 28 214 92 343 191 10:00 12 14 33 13 10:15 18 18 32 6 10:30 23 24 41 13 10:45 17 18 70 74 32 10 138 42 208 116 11:00 24 24 32 17 11:15 26 20 42 14 11:30 22 10 42 16 11:45 22 15 94 69 24 6 140 53 234 122 Total 648 1569 Percent 29.2% 70.8% 1194 1438 45.4% 54.6% 1842 3007 38.0% 62.0% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 01-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 24 6 42 12:15 6 25 9 28 12:30 12 26 4 20 12:45 8 24 34 99 4 36 23 126 57 225 01:00 9 22 2 30 01:15 8 17 7 14 01:30 6 36 4 34 01:45 2 19 25 94 3 24 16 102 41 196 02:00 5 28 4 36 02:15 3 34 4 24 02:30 8 30 5 30 02:45 2 30 18 122 5 24 18 114 36 236 03:00 3 39 4 26 03:15 3 36 0 34 03:30 4 24 3 42 03:45 1 54 11 153 3 30 10 132 21 285 04:00 1 26 1 24 04:15 0 43 2 26 04:30 1 33 2 28 04:45 2 25 4 127 3 36 8 114 12 241 05:00 2 31 4 43 05:15 2 25 0 26 05:30 6 28 12 32 05:45 8 25 18 109 7 40 23 141 41 250 06:00 6 28 20 36 06:15 2 34 7 34 06:30 8 32 24 37 06:45 6 27 22 121 23 31 74 138 96 259 07:00 10 27 24 26 07:15 9 32 30 28 07:30 6 28 34 29 07:45 16 38 41 125 26 32 114 115 155 240 08:00 12 30 22 30 08:15 18 32 32 30 08:30 12 36 40 30 08:45 28 24 70 122 41 28 135 118 205 240 09:00 22 40 28 26 09:15 24 32 32 28 09:30 22 24 40 16 09:45 26 15 94 111 42 34 142 104 236 215 10:00 26 29 38 22 10:15 29 32 28 22 10:30 14 26 21 17 10:45 15 24 84 111 19 14 106 751 190 186 11:00 27 19 26 18 11:15 20 24 36 12 11:30 26 18 41 10 11:45 23 14 96 75 19 16 122 56 218 131 Total 517 1369 Percent 27.4% 72.6% 791 1335 37.2% 62.8% 1308 2704 32.6% 67.4% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 02-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 46 4 29 12:15 15 34 4 30 12:30 4 24 8 32 12:45 7 32 38 136 7 34 23 125 61 261 01:00 2 30 4 22 01:15 7 33 6 34 01:30 10 31 7 33 01:45 4 30 23 124 9 28 26 117 49 241 02:00 6 20 6 36 02:15 9 24 4 38 02:30 2 23 4 36 02:45 2 32 19 99 4 25 18 135 37 234 03:00 2 32 10 32 03:15 6 29 11 50 03:30 1 25 0 34 03:45 1 28 10 114 1 38 22 154 32 268 04:00 0 30 2 28 04:15 0 22 6 28 04:30 0 27 3 24 04:45 2 44 2 123 2 22 13 102 15 225 05:00 3 32 3 31 05:15 0 34 3 26 05:30 2 20 6 39 05:45 2 22 7 108 6 26 18 122 25 230 06:00 1 26 10 19 06:15 1 31 3 29 06:30 4 26 6 22 06:45 4 28 10 111 14 27 33 97 43 208 07:00 6 38 12 35 07:15 4 30 12 42 07:30 2 31 16 43 07:45 6 26 18 125 20 29 60 149 78 274 08:00 12 24 25 28 08:15 12 24 22 32 08:30 10 29 16 18 08:45 19 17 53 94 24 17 87 95 140 189 09:00 20 20 18 24 09:15 22 23 24 22 09:30 12 18 34 16 09:45 32 28 86 89 36 16 112 78 198 167 10:00 28 24 28 17 10:15 16 15 33 11 10:30 23 16 26 7 10:45 14 10 81 65 28 10 115 451 196 110 11:00 20 10 33 8 11:15 24 7 34 2 11:30 20 6 36 5 11:45 26 7 90 30 36 6 139 21 229 51 Total 437 1218 Percent 26.4% 73.6% 666 1240 34.9% 65.1% 1103 2458 31.0% 69.0% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 03-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 25 5 28 12:15 6 28 2 38 12:30 6 22 1 24 12:45 4 29 22 104 3 28 11 118 33 222 01:00 4 28 2 24 01:15 2 28 1 28 01:30 3 26 1 38 01:45 2 20 11 102 1 26 5 116 16 218 02:00 0 20 1 34 02:15 0 21 1 30 02:30 2 20 2 28 02:45 1 27 3 88 3 26 7 118 10 206 03:00 0 38 0 29 03:15 1 28 2 26 03:30 2 42 2 35 03:45 1 35 4 143 2 26 6 116 10 259 04:00 0 26 2 24 04:15 0 63 2 48 04:30 0 44 4 49 04:45 1 46 1 1791 4 38 12 1591 13 338 05:00 3 58 6 38 05:15 2 46 7 38 05:30 2 63 12 40 05:45 5 52 12 219 19 46 44 162 56 381 06:00 10 38 22 46 06:15 10 40 34 30 06:30 8 31 44 26 06:45 18 38 46 147 48 29 148 131 194 278 07:00 12 35 44 30 07:15 31 28 67 46 07:30 24 26 64 22 07:45 22 28 89 117 46 18 221 116 310 233 08:00 20 28 38 23 08:15 18 27 43 18 08:30 21 25 41 21 08:45 17 28 76 108 39 17 161 79 237 187 09:00 11 27 28 28 09:15 11 26 36 23 09:30 20 20 31 16 09:45 14 20 56 93 21 14 116 81 172 174 10:00 14 24 28 14 10:15 28 13 44 16 10:30 20 11 42 12 10:45 14 14 76 62 30 8 144 50 220 112 11:00 22 10 22 12 11:15 24 4 33 6 11:30 24 8 28 4 11:45 22 10 92 32 15 3 98 25 190 57 Total 488 1394 Percent 25.9% 74.1 % 973 1271 43.4% 56.6% 1461 2665 35.4% 64.6% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 04-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 23 2 22 12:15 7 24 8 35 12:30 3 32 3 23 12:45 2 28 16 107 3 41 16 121 32 228 01:00 1 19 2 37 01:15 4 22 2 28 01:30 2 24 1 20 01:45 0 22 7 87 1 30 6 115 13 202 02:00 0 18 1 14 02:15 1 26 2 30 02:30 0 24 4 29 02:45 1 33 2 101 1 36 8 109 10 210 03:00 0 26 2 26 03:15 1 24 2 27 03:30 1 38 3 28 03:45 0 37 2 125 0 30 7 111 9 236 04:00 1 46 1 35 04:15 0 54 0 36 04:30 0 38 3 40 04:45 0 47 1 185 6 28 10 1391 11 324 05:00 2 44 5 38 05:15 1 39 9 55 05:30 5 44 12 32 05:45 4 50 12 177 17 27 43 152 55 329 06:00 6 40 28 39 06:15 9 57 28 44 06:30 10 40 42 43 06:45 10 28 35 165 52 42 150 168 185 333 07:00 11 35 48 40 07:15 16 31 44 31 07:30 21 36 57 36 07:45 29 31 77 133 60 28 209 135 286 268 08:00 29 34 48 23 08:15 24 30 54 28 08:30 28 26 42 22 08:45 25 32 106 122 44 22 188 95 294 217 09:00 16 34 32 23 09:15 15 23 44 20 09:30 18 20 34 12 09:45 22 10 71 87 32 11 142 66 213 153 10:00 18 17 26 10 10:15 24 24 26 18 10:30 18 8 39 13 10:45 22 15 82 64 24 7 115 48 197 112 11:00 17 14 24 11 11:15 20 12 33 8 11:30 30 8 30 4 11:45 20 4 87 38 19 2 106 25 193 63 Total 498 1391 Percent 26.4% 73.6% 1000 1284 43.8% 56.2% 1498 2675 35.9% 64.1 % Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 05-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 22 6 30 12:15 4 18 4 22 12:30 6 19 4 20 12:45 0 31 20 90 6 19 20 91 40 181 01:00 2 20 3 32 01:15 0 26 0 32 01:30 1 20 1 33 01:45 0 26 3 92 2 12 6 109 9 201 02:00 3 26 3 32 02:15 0 25 0 30 02:30 1 16 0 32 02:45 2 29 6 96 1 28 4 122 10 218 03:00 1 28 4 14 03:15 1 32 2 28 03:30 3 37 2 24 03:45 1 39 6 136 3 39 11 105 17 241 04:00 1 37 3 39 04:15 1 40 1 37 04:30 1 53 5 39 04:45 0 40 3 170 4 36 13 151 16 321 05:00 1 52 7 40 05:15 1 48 7 34 05:30 5 61 12 36 05:45 9 44 16 205 14 38 40 148 56 353 06:00 10 48 28 41 06:15 14 36 36 40 06:30 10 36 38 32 06:45 14 28 48 148 50 40 152 153 200 301 07:00 7 35 44 37 07:15 12 30 41 24 07:30 20 30 56 44 07:45 20 30 59 125 50 21 191 126 250 251 08:00 20 21 37 32 08:15 23 33 55 22 08:30 22 35 50 20 08:45 20 32 85 121 40 30 182 104 267 225 09:00 29 20 47 17 09:15 17 34 35 26 09:30 23 19 19 21 09:45 34 20 103 93 44 11 145 75 248 168 10:00 17 17 36 12 10:15 22 16 38 16 10:30 19 17 32 14 10:45 15 17 73 67 29 4 135 46 208 113 11:00 20 12 32 4 11:15 21 8 23 9 11:30 20 6 26 5 11:45 26 6 87 32 24 6 105 24 192 56 Total 509 1375 Percent 27.0% 73.0% 1004 1254 44.5% 55.5% 1513 2629 36.5% 63.5% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 06-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 32 10 31 12:15 6 28 3 24 12:30 4 16 5 40 12:45 0 26 18 102 2 22 20 117 38 219 01:00 3 17 0 29 01:15 3 27 1 31 01:30 2 30 0 38 01:45 0 42 8 116 0 34 1 132 9 248 02:00 2 30 3 26 02:15 0 30 1 34 02:30 3 28 2 36 02:45 0 37 5 125 2 21 8 1171 13 242 03:00 2 33 2 33 03:15 0 22 4 26 03:30 2 28 0 28 03:45 1 32 5 115 0 29 6 116 11 231 04:00 1 48 2 54 04:15 1 45 2 34 04:30 2 44 6 44 04:45 1 34 5 171 8 38 18 170 23 341 05:00 3 64 8 46 05:15 4 70 10 58 05:30 2 72 11 35 05:45 3 48 12 254 13 37 42 176 54 430 06:00 6 50 28 36 06:15 12 50 30 32 06:30 8 46 50 42 06:45 14 42 40 188 42 37 150 147 190 335 07:00 14 34 50 44 07:15 12 47 43 40 07:30 18 40 50 36 07:45 22 26 66 147 49 55 192 175 258 322 08:00 16 22 50 24 08:15 24 39 52 34 08:30 32 38 42 28 08:45 19 36 91 135 40 23 184 109 275 244 09:00 14 26 33 28 09:15 14 29 30 28 09:30 14 23 32 12 09:45 20 16 62 94 38 17 133 85 195 179 10:00 23 21 38 13 10:15 14 15 35 13 10:30 15 12 46 10 10:45 22 14 74 62 24 10 143 46 217 108 11:00 18 10 22 8 11:15 20 12 28 3 11:30 26 10 20 5 11:45 28 2 92 34 30 6 100 22 192 56 Total 478 1543 Percent 23.7% 76.3% 997 1412 41.4% 58.6% 1475 2955 33.3% 66.7% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 07-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 30 2 41 12:15 5 26 2 32 12:30 10 18 5 21 12:45 3 26 23 100 4 27 13 121 36 221 01:00 0 26 1 32 01:15 1 22 1 28 01:30 1 24 0 25 01:45 3 24 5 96 0 24 2 109 7 205 02:00 0 20 0 34 02:15 2 37 1 30 02:30 0 38 1 42 02:45 1 26 3 121 0 20 2 126 5 247 03:00 4 30 2 29 03:15 0 30 2 30 03:30 0 40 1 40 03:45 0 40 4 140 0 42 5 141 9 281 04:00 1 44 1 46 04:15 2 53 3 40 04:30 2 35 4 36 04:45 2 52 7 184 4 44 12 166 19 350 05:00 0 56 7 55 05:15 1 45 7 48 05:30 3 56 13 39 05:45 6 43 10 200 11 40 38 182 48 382 06:00 7 43 30 32 06:15 9 59 30 42 06:30 10 46 38 52 06:45 10 34 36 182 37 40 135 166 171 348 07:00 13 41 31 39 07:15 10 28 52 48 07:30 22 33 62 46 07:45 13 30 58 132 42 38 187 171 245 303 08:00 14 28 32 25 08:15 20 26 49 34 08:30 17 32 50 23 08:45 25 30 76 116 32 22 163 1041 239 220 09:00 20 42 44 21 09:15 20 25 28 27 09:30 24 24 27 19 09:45 19 20 83 111 45 24 144 91 227 202 10:00 20 16 29 20 10:15 14 18 32 12 10:30 22 12 24 16 10:45 16 26I 72 72 22 12 107 60 179 132 11:00 14 14 24 6 11:15 25 14 22 10 11:30 20 10 26 8 11:45 25 10 84 48 34 6 106 30 190 78 Total 461 1502 Percent 23.5% 76.5% 914 1467 38.4% 61.6% 1375 2969 31.7% 68.3% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 08-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 30 14 33 12:15 6 31 10 48 12:30 11 20 5 36 12:45 5 27 32 108 5 31 34 148 66 256 01:00 10 26 2 33 01:15 7 30 7 27 01:30 7 35 7 32 01:45 8 24 32 115 2 28 18 120 50 235 02:00 6 29 1 30 02:15 3 30 3 32 02:30 6 38 2 35 02:45 2 38 17 135 0 32 6 1291 23 264 03:00 1 44 1 26 03:15 2 30 5 30 03:30 0 30 3 34 03:45 4 28 7 132 2 28 11 118 18 250 04:00 0 26 2 29 04:15 7 37 1 34 04:30 1 30 4 41 04:45 1 33 9 126 5 34 12 138 21 264 05:00 4 22 4 31 05:15 1 22 4 37 05:30 4 31 10 23 05:45 7 26 16 101 6 16 24 107 40 208 06:00 6 22 16 28 06:15 4 45 13 36 06:30 14 28 26 46 06:45 12 26 36 121 32 28 87 138 123 259 07:00 13 35 28 30 07:15 6 30 14 30 07:30 11 34 34 28 07:45 14 30 44 129 27 30 103 118 147 247 08:00 8 40 20 31 08:15 8 24 22 24 08:30 14 17 26 23 08:45 19 26 49 107 29 22 97 100 146 207 09:00 22 21 33 24 09:15 33 21 48 22 09:30 18 22 40 24 09:45 26 22 99 86 30 16 151 86 250 172 10:00 22 21 27 20 10:15 22 25 40 12 10:30 17 20 22 16 10:45 20 20 81 86 27 12 116 60 197 146 11:00 15 12 26 13 11:15 17 17 22 9 11:30 26 15 25 13 11:45 24 17 82 61 42 14 115 49 197 110 Total 504 1307 Percent 27.8% 72.2% 774 1311 37.1 % 62.9% 1278 2618 32.8% 67.2% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 09-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 26 11 36 12:15 8 20 10 32 12:30 8 17 6 28 12:45 4 30 36 93 9 28 36 124 72 217 01:00 8 19 6 30 01:15 5 29 8 30 01:30 6 26 3 28 01:45 8 18 27 92 2 24 19 112 46 204 02:00 4 28 3 39 02:15 4 23 2 29 02:30 3 27 4 16 02:45 0 24 11 102 2 27 11 111 22 213 03:00 5 27 4 36 03:15 5 33 6 44 03:30 1 26 3 28 03:45 8 24 19 110 4 22 17 130 36 240 04:00 2 23 0 22 04:15 2 25 3 18 04:30 2 21 3 30 04:45 2 20 8 89 3 32 9 102 17 191 05:00 0 19 2 22 05:15 0 29 1 22 05:30 2 30 3 26 05:45 4 22 6 100 1 27 7 97 13 197 06:00 2 32 6 24 06:15 2 34 5 30 06:30 4 24 8 24 06:45 0 27 8 117 7 25 26 103 34 220 07:00 6 22 11 30 07:15 0 18 6 37 07:30 4 16 13 26 07:45 6 27 16 83 14 21 44 114 60 197 08:00 4 19 17 17 08:15 12 20 16 24 08:30 6 12 28 16 08:45 16 9 38 60 22 19 83 76 121 136 09:00 14 24 22 24 09:15 10 20 23 22 09:30 18 19 26 20 09:45 18 17 60 80 22 14 93 80 153 160 10:00 15 16 36 8 10:15 18 10 32 9 10:30 16 18 32 8 10:45 22 7 71 51 30 5 130 30 201 81 11:00 18 18 29 4 11:15 26 14 30 12 11:30 22 11 28 12 11:45 24 8 90 51 19 5 106 33 196 84 Total 390 1028 Percent 27.5% 72.5% 581 1112 34.3% 65.7% 971 2140 31.2% 68.8% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 10-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 16 5 36 12:15 6 18 6 22 12:30 4 18 1 26 12:45 1 16 17 68 2 28 14 112 31 180 01:00 3 22 3 29 01:15 0 30 0 20 01:30 1 22 2 24 01:45 1 28 5 102 1 23 6 96 11 198 02:00 4 15 2 31 02:15 4 28 3 18 02:30 2 24 3 30 02:45 0 34 10 101 2 16 10 95 20 196 03:00 0 29 2 32 03:15 0 32 0 24 03:30 0 48 1 31 03:45 1 42 1 151 0 37 3 124 4 275 04:00 0 44 3 42 04:15 2 48 4 40 04:30 0 36 2 47 04:45 2 43 4 171 4 42 13 171 17 342 05:00 1 38 6 38 05:15 2 52 10 33 05:30 4 55 10 30 05:45 7 60 14 205 10 32 36 133 50 338 06:00 6 38 18 59 06:15 9 52 34 31 06:30 16 42 42 51 06:45 12 34 43 166 48 39 142 180 185 346 07:00 12 29 38 31 07:15 14 20 53 29 07:30 18 25 42 32 07:45 24 29 68 103 40 24 173 116 241 219 08:00 20 31 52 38 08:15 18 35 46 32 08:30 20 24 40 23 08:45 18 28 76 118 46 24 184 117 260 235 09:00 16 35 30 22 09:15 16 29 28 26 09:30 12 15 42 17 09:45 32 26 76 105 40 12 140 77 216 182 10:00 20 14 34 4 10:15 23 16 32 13 10:30 22 12 26 13 10:45 20 14 85 56 35 12 127 42 212 98 11:00 18 12 21 6 11:15 15 8 27 6 11:30 25 10 16 6 11:45 24 6 82 36 23 6 87 24 169 60 Total 481 1382 Percent 25.8% 74.2% 935 1287 42.1 % 57.9% 1416 2669 34.7% 65.3% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 11-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 34 1 37 12:15 6 20 4 31 12:30 2 20 2 26 12:45 2 28 18 102 3 28 10 122 28 224 01:00 2 20 2 16 01:15 1 18 5 19 01:30 1 24 1 36 01:45 0 30 4 92 2 24 10 95 14 187 02:00 2 22 1 35 02:15 0 29 1 28 02:30 2 25 1 23 02:45 1 40 5 116 1 38 4 124 9 240 03:00 0 26 4 27 03:15 0 36 0 32 03:30 1 36 0 32 03:45 1 43 2 141 0 30 4 121 6 262 04:00 0 41 2 36 04:15 1 48 2 30 04:30 0 46 2 50 04:45 2 46 3 181 2 30 8 146 11 327 05:00 1 34 6 28 05:15 0 47 10 42 05:30 3 61 10 39 05:45 6 66 10 208 13 36 39 145 49 353 06:00 6 53 26 46 06:15 13 58 42 38 06:30 12 48 44 49 06:45 20 39 51 198 60 42 172 175 223 373 07:00 10 42 49 42 07:15 20 54 44 31 07:30 20 38 58 53 07:45 20 28 70 162 54 34 205 160 275 322 08:00 21 26 50 22 08:15 19 30 38 18 08:30 14 30 44 45 08:45 16 34 70 120 34 30 166 115 236 235 09:00 11 17 34 17 09:15 14 28 34 44 09:30 14 18 42 26 09:45 31 24 70 87 47 18 157 105 227 192 10:00 26 24 42 11 10:15 17 16 50 13 10:30 19 10 39 12 10:45 18 13 80 63 21 5 152 41 232 104 11:00 21 12 26 8 11:15 16 6 20 7 11:30 20 5 19 3 11:45 26 6 83 29 30 3 95 21 178 50 Total 466 1499 Percent 23.7% 76.3% 1022 1370 42.7% 57.3% 1488 2869 34.2% 65.8% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 12-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 20 5 37 12:15 8 22 4 20 12:30 1 18 3 28 12:45 4 24 17 84 3 30 15 115 32 199 01:00 7 14 5 26 01:15 2 26 2 20 01:30 2 19 1 22 01:45 6 20 17 79 8 32 16 100 33 179 02:00 0 20 3 24 02:15 1 34 0 30 02:30 2 19 1 32 02:45 0 26 3 99 0 24 4 110 7 209 03:00 1 32 2 25 03:15 0 28 3 23 03:30 1 36 1 28 03:45 2 40 4 136 1 30 7 106 11 242 04:00 1 47 1 24 04:15 0 42 2 38 04:30 0 54 6 37 04:45 0 46 1 1891 3 28 12 127 13 316 05:00 0 55 4 38 05:15 1 68 6 72 05:30 2 63 16 44 05:45 8 48 11 234 14 28 40 182 51 416 06:00 10 36 33 48 06:15 13 52 38 46 06:30 14 41 52 44 06:45 16 32 53 161 46 39 169 177 222 338 07:00 13 32 46 36 07:15 17 42 46 38 07:30 26 37 58 29 07:45 44 24 100 135 54 26 204 129 304 264 08:00 24 34 68 42 08:15 25 35 52 38 08:30 13 28 47 30 08:45 18 23 80 120 30 20 197 130 277 250 09:00 22 29 29 22 09:15 26 28 33 16 09:30 16 30 44 18 09:45 24 18 88 105 44 14 150 70 238 175 10:00 27 22 28 15 10:15 22 18 43 10 10:30 18 14 30 18 10:45 22 24 89 78 33 8 134 51 223 129 11:00 34 8 24 4 11:15 14 10 26 3 11:30 18 7 36 5 11:45 20 4 86 29 26 4 112 16 198 45 Total 549 1449 Percent 27.5% 72.5% 1060 1313 44.7% 55.3% 1609 2762 36.8% 63.2% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 13-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 18 2 47 12:15 5 18 2 18 12:30 4 22 3 40 12:45 2 27 13 85 2 30 9 135 22 220 01:00 2 22 3 19 01:15 2 21 4 28 01:30 1 24 0 36 01:45 2 23 7 90 0 22 7 105 14 195 02:00 2 16 3 26 02:15 0 26 2 28 02:30 0 24 3 23 02:45 0 34 2 100 1 30 9 1071 11 207 03:00 2 31 1 26 03:15 1 30 2 34 03:30 1 38 0 34 03:45 0 42 4 141 1 34 4 128 8 269 04:00 0 42 3 29 04:15 1 50 1 34 04:30 0 51 3 50 04:45 0 44 1 187 2 28 9 141 10 328 05:00 0 48 4 34 05:15 1 56 7 50 05:30 0 51 14 39 05:45 7 65 8 220 10 37 35 160 43 380 06:00 5 42 27 40 06:15 12 58 34 39 06:30 16 54 54 36 06:45 17 48 50 202 48 40 163 155 213 357 07:00 16 30 41 32 07:15 14 39 46 30 07:30 27 44 52 56 07:45 26 38 83 151 46 41 185 159 268 310 08:00 29 41 42 28 08:15 24 28 49 12 08:30 22 23 50 53 08:45 18 28 93 120 46 13 187 106 280 226 09:00 18 19 30 24 09:15 18 33 34 48 09:30 18 24 34 25 09:45 30 19 84 95 30 8 128 105 212 200 10:00 14 13 32 11 10:15 22 17 42 10 10:30 18 14 22 13 10:45 16 18 70 62 26 4 122 38 192 100 11:00 13 14 24 5 11:15 20 10 16 6 11:30 18 14 24 6 11:45 22 5 73 43 28 4 92 21 165 64 Total 488 1496 Percent 24.6% 75.4% 950 1360 41.1 % 58.9% 1438 2856 33.5% 66.5% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 14-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 26 3 37 12:15 6 28 7 40 12:30 4 20 1 30 12:45 6 22 18 96 3 24 14 131 32 227 01:00 1 16 3 24 01:15 3 30 6 40 01:30 0 32 0 30 01:45 1 20 5 98 0 24 9 118 14 216 02:00 2 40 1 40 02:15 1 32 2 32 02:30 0 28 2 25 02:45 0 34 3 134 1 21 6 118 9 252 03:00 2 39 1 28 03:15 0 33 1 28 03:30 3 42 0 36 03:45 1 52 6 166 2 40 4 132 10 298 04:00 2 46 1 28 04:15 1 46 5 38 04:30 1 40 2 34 04:45 0 52 4 184 5 36 13 136 17 320 05:00 0 42 6 40 05:15 1 44 11 36 05:30 2 38 16 33 05:45 2 52 5 176 15 28 48 137 53 313 06:00 4 36 20 60 06:15 6 48 34 48 06:30 12 48 48 54 06:45 9 34 31 166 50 30 152 192 183 358 07:00 11 38 45 40 07:15 20 34 46 44 07:30 18 33 46 25 07:45 20 40 69 145 47 35 184 144 253 289 08:00 16 24 40 30 08:15 22 18 40 18 08:30 16 12 54 22 08:45 14 2 68 56 36 36 170 106 238 162 09:00 18 0 32 54 09:15 9 0 20 35 09:30 30 0 40 42 09:45 26 1 83 1 40 30 132 161 215 162 10:00 19 0 24 34 10:15 18 0 39 32 10:30 11 0 25 33 10:45 15 0 63 0 32 30 120 129 183 129 11:00 28 0 20 31 11:15 15 0 31 17 11:30 21 0 25 28 11:45 24 01 88 0 34 16 110 92 198 92 Total 443 1222 Percent 26.6% 73.4% 962 1596 37.6% 62.4% 1405 2818 33.3% 66.7% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 15-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 18 73 12:15 0 0 8 54 12:30 0 0 19 81 12:45 0 0 0 0 10 86 55 294 55 294 01:00 0 0 12 75 01:15 0 0 12 56 01:30 0 0 7 65 01:45 0 0 0 0 7 64 38 260 38 260 02:00 0 0 8 74 02:15 0 0 16 72 02:30 0 0 5 66 02:45 0 0 0 0 4 55 33 267 33 267 03:00 0 0 2 69 03:15 0 0 10 62 03:30 0 0 6 66 03:45 0 0 0 0 5 66 23 263 23 263 04:00 0 0 6 66 04:15 0 0 3 50 04:30 0 0 9 48 04:45 0 0 0 0 5 58 23 222 23 222 05:00 0 0 4 64 05:15 0 0 10 63 05:30 0 0 10 55 05:45 0 0 0 0 8 63 32 245 32 245 06:00 0 0 16 57 06:15 0 0 18 68 06:30 0 0 21 65 06:45 0 0 0 0 43 49 98 239 98 239 07:00 0 0 24 65 07:15 0 0 26 56 07:30 0 0 33 66 07:45 0 0 0 0 36 36 119 223 119 223 08:00 10 0 43 48 08:15 0 0 38 46 08:30 0 0 32 46 08:45 0 0 10 0 38 48 151 188 161 188 09:00 0 0 46 54 09:15 0 0 60 49 09:30 0 0 40 52 09:45 0 0 0 0 48 43 194 198 194 198 10:00 0 0 53 33 10:15 0 0 46 40 10:30 0 0 52 30 10:45 0 0 0 0 66 21 217 124 217 124 11:00 0 0 49 38 11:15 0 0 48 20 11:30 0 0 57 22 11:45 0 0 0 0 73 23 227 103 227 103 Total 10 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% 1210 2626 31.5% 68.5% 1220 2626 31.7% 68.3% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 16-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 11 38 12:15 0 0 17 41 12:30 0 0 16 48 12:45 0 0 0 0 27 43 71 170 71 170 01:00 0 0 7 60 01:15 0 0 11 53 01:30 0 0 9 47 01:45 0 0 0 0 5 42 32 202 32 202 02:00 0 0 3 44 02:15 0 0 3 36 02:30 0 0 12 56 02:45 0 0 0 0 5 46 23 182 23 182 03:00 0 0 5 44 03:15 0 0 10 46 03:30 0 0 1 42 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 43 16 175 16 175 04:00 0 0 8 45 04:15 0 0 6 51 04:30 0 0 3 55 04:45 0 0 0 0 2 54 19 205 19 205 05:00 0 0 2 38 05:15 0 0 6 44 05:30 0 0 5 34 05:45 0 0 0 0 10 48 23 164 23 164 06:00 0 0 10 42 06:15 0 0 12 65 06:30 0 0 14 541 1 06:45 0 0 0 0 34 47 1 70 208 1 70 208 07:00 0 0 21 37 07:15 0 0 10 44 07:30 0 0 22 44 07:45 0 0 0 0 20 46 73 171 73 171 08:00 0 0 22 43 08:15 0 0 22 35 08:30 0 0 32 39 08:45 0 0 0 0 32 44 108 161 108 161 09:00 0 0 42 46 09:15 0 0 34 42 09:30 0 0 40 35 09:45 0 0 0 0 32 38 148 161 148 161 10:00 0 0 43 36 10:15 0 0 41 25 10:30 0 0 45 241 1 10:45 0 0 0 0 40 18 1 169 103 1 169 103 11:00 0 0 40 91 1 11:15 0 0 34 23 1 1 11:30 0 0 44 141 1 11:45 0 0 0 0 46 81 164 541 164 54 Total 0 0 Percent 0.0% 0.0% 916 1956 31.9% 68.1% 916 1956 31.9% 68.1 % Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 53rd Street SW Station ID: 23757 Start 17-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc RAnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 0 * 11 12:15 0 * 8 12:30 0 7 12:45 0 * 0 0 2 * 28 0 28 0 01:00 0 * 4 01:15 0 * 4 01:30 0 * 2 01:45 0 0 0 3 13 0 13 0 02:00 0 5 02:15 0 * 4 02:30 0 0 02:45 0 * 0 0 1 * 10 0 10 0 03:00 0 * 4 03:15 0 * 3 03:30 0 * 3 03:45 0 0 0 2 12 0 12 0 04:00 0 * 3 04:15 0 * 1 04:30 0 5 04:45 0 * 0 0 4 * 13 0 13 0 05:00 0 4 05:15 0 7 05:30 0 * 12 05:45 0 0 0 21 44 0 44 0 06:00 0 26 06:15 0 43 06:30 0 68 06:45 0 0 0 53 * 190 0 190 0 07:00 0 53 07:15 0 73 07:30 0 * 88 07:45 0 0 0 80 294 0 294 0 08:00 0 74 08:15 0 70 08:30 0 62 08:45 0 * 0 0 52 * 258 0 258 0 09:00 0 56 09:15 0 56 09:30 0 * 44 09:45 0 0 0 62 218 0 218 0 10:00 1 40 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 1 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% Grand 13934 36980 Total Percent 27.4% 72.6% ADT ADT 4,301 AADT 4,301 1120 0 1080 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 28009 40635 41902 40.8% 59.2% 35.1 % 0 0.0% 77615 64.9% Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 20-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 05:00 * 38 * 22 05:15 * 64 * 27 05:30 * 34 * 30 05:45 42 0 178 20 0 99 0 277 06:00 * 32 * 24 06:15 * 50 39 06:30 36 24 06:45 * 38 0 156 * 25 0 112 0 268 07:00 * 24 12 07:15 * 18 * 20 07:30 * 30 * 18 07:45 * 28 0 100 * 21 0 71 0 171 08:00 27 12 08:15 * 28 * 12 08:30 16 11 08:45 * 22 0 93 * 11 0 46 0 139 09:00 * 18 9 09:15 * 22 * 11 09:30 * 22 * 10 09:45 * 14 0 76 * 6 0 36 0 112 10:00 * 16 * 5 10:15 * 22 * 4 10:30 13 9 10:45 * 6 0 57 * 2 0 20 0 77 11:00 * 14 7 11:15 * 9 * 3 11:30 * 9 * 3 11:45 * 1 0 33 0 0 13 0 46 Total 0 693 0 397 0 1090 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 21-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 1 18 3 20 12:15 2 17 1 18 12:30 2 14 0 18 12:45 2 14 7 63 0 16 4 72 11 135 01:00 0 18 0 6 01:15 1 22 0 8 01:30 1 22 0 20 01:45 1 18 3 80 0 29 0 63 3 143 02:00 1 22 2 17 02:15 0 27 0 22 02:30 0 34 0 23 02:45 0 27 1 110 0 18 2 80 3 190 03:00 2 30 0 26 03:15 0 34 1 20 03:30 1 40 1 18 03:45 1 56 4 160 1 32 3 96 7 256 04:00 0 56 2 60 04:15 1 48 2 20 04:30 0 36 4 22 04:45 2 52 3 192 6 30 14 132 17 324 05:00 1 51 7 30 05:15 2 50 6 28 05:30 3 52 9 27 05:45 4 44 10 197 14 28 36 113 46 310 06:00 5 39 22 28 06:15 9 44 33 36 06:30 14 32 42 18 06:45 20 26 48 141 44 25 141 107 189 248 07:00 10 23 28 20 07:15 14 25 52 17 07:30 20 31 48 19 07:45 22 28 66 107 37 12 165 68 231 175 08:00 28 26 44 11 08:15 22 22 56 8 08:30 20 24 66 13 08:45 33 20 103 92 55 11 221 43 324 135 09:00 19 19 25 10 09:15 13 20 20 13 09:30 10 15 34 4 09:45 15 20 57 74 12 11 91 38 148 112 10:00 15 15 15 8 10:15 7 14 12 14 10:30 12 13 17 6 10:45 13 7 47 49 15 5 59 33 106 82 11:00 20 10 20 8 11:15 12 8 14 3 11:30 17 9 14 7 11:45 16 31 65 30 10 3 58 21 123 51 Total 414 1295 Percent 24.2% 75.8% 794 866 47.8% 52.2% 1208 2161 35.9% 64.1 % Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 22-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 19 4 15 12:15 2 23 1 15 12:30 5 17 1 12 12:45 1 17 10 76 1 14 7 56 17 132 01:00 1 26 0 18 01:15 1 16 0 17 01:30 0 18 0 14 01:45 1 28 3 88 1 26 1 75 4 163 02:00 0 24 0 26 02:15 1 26 0 30 02:30 2 38 0 22 02:45 1 31 4 119 2 25 2 103 6 222 03:00 1 32 0 26 03:15 0 53 0 22 03:30 0 40 0 22 03:45 2 53 3 178 1 32 1 102 4 280 04:00 0 66 1 54 04:15 1 30 3 21 04:30 0 44 3 24 04:45 1 36 2 176 9 19 16 118 18 294 05:00 1 50 9 21 05:15 1 41 10 19 05:30 3 53 10 31 05:45 4 46 9 190 10 36 39 107 48 297 06:00 6 50 16 27 06:15 6 47 37 40 06:30 10 28 42 22 06:45 14 39 36 164 50 26 145 115 181 279 07:00 18 26 30 26 07:15 16 20 28 16 07:30 16 28 60 16 07:45 26 25 76 99 46 14 164 72 240 171 08:00 26 28 54 10 08:15 18 26 48 16 08:30 27 22 55 20 08:45 34 20 105 96 66 7 223 53 328 149 09:00 13 21 33 10 09:15 7 25 11 5 09:30 10 22 23 14 09:45 6 16 36 84 14 4 81 33 117 117 10:00 14 24 11 14 10:15 10 26 15 12 10:30 14 11 15 5 10:45 6 12 44 73 15 3 56 34 100 107 11:00 12 12 12 5 11:15 15 13 18 6 11:30 16 7 15 1 11:45 18 3 61 35 11 4 56 16 117 51 Total 389 1378 Percent 22.0% 78.0% 791 884 47.2% 52.8% 1180 2262 34.3% 65.7% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 23-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 18 2 21 12:15 1 20 0 17 12:30 1 18 0 17 12:45 1 11 9 67 2 19 4 74 13 141 01:00 3 18 1 10 01:15 3 23 2 15 01:30 2 25 0 12 01:45 2 15 10 81 2 26 5 63 15 144 02:00 0 27 0 17 02:15 2 24 0 21 02:30 2 22 0 22 02:45 0 33 4 106 1 21 1 81 5 187 03:00 0 33 1 22 03:15 0 28 0 20 03:30 1 50 0 24 03:45 0 61 1 172 1 24 2 90 3 262 04:00 0 52 3 70 04:15 0 50 3 23 04:30 1 44 4 28 04:45 0 40 1 186 9 19 19 140 20 326 05:00 0 50 2 32 05:15 2 36 10 28 05:30 4 52 10 16 05:45 2 29 8 167 10 20 32 96 40 263 06:00 8 49 20 30 06:15 7 54 32 24 06:30 12 33 44 54 06:45 24 30 51 166 38 18 134 126 185 292 07:00 11 22 25 12 07:15 12 29 46 26 07:30 12 32 57 17 07:45 22 32 57 115 42 19 170 74 227 189 08:00 24 29 42 14 08:15 26 28 54 12 08:30 22 14 55 10 08:45 26 30 98 101 60 10 211 46 309 147 09:00 16 20 30 8 09:15 16 18 20 10 09:30 16 28 22 12 09:45 10 20 58 86 17 10 89 40 147 126 10:00 16 21 14 4 10:15 10 19 20 10 10:30 10 15 16 8 10:45 11 8 47 63 12 7 62 291 109 92 11:00 18 14 11 6 11:15 12 11 14 3 11:30 14 10 21 6 11:45 17 6 61 41 18 4 64 1911 125 60 Total 405 1351 Percent 23.1 % 76.9% 793 878 47.5% 52.5% 1198 2229 35.0% 65.0% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 24-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 24 1 28 12:15 6 26 1 24 12:30 5 30 0 28 12:45 0 58 15 138 0 22 2 102 17 240 01:00 1 39 3 56 01:15 2 29 0 40 01:30 1 23 0 20 01:45 4 32 8 123 2 12 5 128 13 251 02:00 0 30 0 20 02:15 0 18 0 14 02:30 6 36 0 28 02:45 0 34 6 118 0 16 0 78 6 196 03:00 0 32 1 20 03:15 2 36 1 28 03:30 2 54 2 31 03:45 0 37 4 159 0 23 4 102 8 261 04:00 0 41 1 18 04:15 1 37 1 18 04:30 0 50 3 24 04:45 0 34I 1 162 6 23 11 83 12 245 05:00 2 39 8 30 05:15 2 38 11 28 05:30 1 38 11 36 05:45 4 33 9 148 13 25 43 119 52 267 06:00 5 22 16 36 06:15 8 36 35 22 06:30 11 26 38 16 06:45 17 28 41 112 39 18 128 92 169 204 07:00 10 24 25 23 07:15 16 20 47 24 07:30 14 23 52 9 07:45 22 31 62 98 36 16 160 72 222 170 08:00 18 20 46 9 08:15 24 15 48 12 08:30 38 24 66 6 08:45 26 24 106 83 58 14 218 41 324 124 09:00 14 25 36 12 09:15 12 30 21 14 09:30 12 36 24 13 09:45 10 32 48 123 16 9 97 48 145 171 10:00 7 20 20 12 10:15 14 21 22 12 10:30 21 27 17 7 10:45 28 12 70 80 25 5 84 36 154 116 11:00 19 16 14 9 11:15 16 16 21 6 11:30 23 10 18 10 11:45 24 13 82 55 17 6 70 31 152 86 Total 452 1399 Percent 24.4% 75.6% 822 932 46.9% 53.1% 1274 2331 35.3% 64.7% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 25-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 16 4 15 12:15 12 15 9 18 12:30 2 27 1 14 12:45 7 28 30 86 1 15 15 62 45 148 01:00 1 21 1 21 01:15 2 29 1 16 01:30 2 22 1 12 01:45 2 26 7 98 2 19 5 68 12 166 02:00 2 16 0 16 02:15 3 26 2 15 02:30 3 25 2 20 02:45 1 21 9 88 3 17 7 68 16 156 03:00 2 18 0 15 03:15 3 30 0 17 03:30 0 20 0 15 03:45 0 28 5 96 2 18 2 65 7 161 04:00 0 23 0 22 04:15 5 29 3 17 04:30 1 21 1 16 04:45 0 41 6 114 6 28 10 83 16 197 05:00 2 27 3 25 05:15 2 26 4 13 05:30 1 29 5 16 05:45 0 29 5 111 8 21 20 75 25 186 06:00 4 22 6 26 06:15 5 30 6 22 06:30 2 19 9 20 06:45 5 26 16 97 10 18 31 86 47 183 07:00 4 29 13 16 07:15 8 14 15 18 07:30 5 26 7 16 07:45 4 26 21 95 18 16 53 66 74 161 08:00 6 30 18 18 08:15 12 16 19 16 08:30 5 26 18 10 08:45 10 26 33 98 26 16 81 60 114 158 09:00 14 24 13 12 09:15 14 23 24 8 09:30 16 14 33 14 09:45 11 22 55 83 18 6 88 40 143 123 10:00 18 26 16 20 10:15 9 26 26 14 10:30 17 29 22 8 10:45 16 14 60 95 11 6 75 48 135 143 11:00 19 9 15 5 11:15 15 12 24 8 11:30 12 14 18 6 11:45 32 4 78 39 26 4 83 23 161 62 Total 325 1100 Percent 22.8% 77.2% 470 744 38.7% 61.3% 795 1844 30.1 % 69.9% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 26-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 21 0 12 12:15 7 21 1 18 12:30 5 23 0 19 12:45 4 24 20 89 3 13 4 62 24 151 01:00 2 19 0 17 01:15 2 16 0 16 01:30 6 24 2 19 01:45 1 18 11 77 0 26 2 78 13 155 02:00 2 19 3 14 02:15 4 19 2 13 02:30 3 32 1 19 02:45 1 22 10 92 2 15 8 61 18 153 03:00 1 20 1 10 03:15 3 22 0 16 03:30 0 26 1 18 03:45 0 32 4 100 1 18 3 62 7 162 04:00 0 18 0 21 04:15 1 14 0 17 04:30 1 17 1 10 04:45 0 15 2 64 5 17 6 65 8 129 05:00 2 18 3 16 05:15 4 20 2 12 05:30 1 12 8 14 05:45 0 24 7 74 5 18 18 60 25 134 06:00 1 16 2 14 06:15 4 22 3 17 06:30 2 29 4 15 06:45 2 21 9 88 8 19 17 65 26 153 07:00 3 26 10 12 07:15 2 27 8 22 07:30 6 22 14 14 07:45 6 20 17 95 11 18 43 66 60 161 08:00 6 18 13 18 08:15 10 20 20 11 08:30 10 13 12 11 08:45 14 14 40 65 18 8 63 48 103 113 09:00 11 18 19 10 09:15 14 20 20 8 09:30 10 18 14 12 09:45 14 14 49 70 22 12 75 42 124 112 10:00 14 19 20 4 10:15 4 19 18 7 10:30 18 12 22 10 10:45 8 10 44 60 22 3 82 24 126 84 11:00 11 8 12 5 11:15 16 13 18 6 11:30 19 9 27 3 11:45 19 4 65 34 20 0 77 14 142 48 Total 278 908 Percent 23.4% 76.6% 398 647 38.1% 61.9% 676 1555 30.3% 69.7% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 27-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 25 5 18 12:15 3 16 3 16 12:30 6 20 7 16 12:45 5 20 21 81 2 14 17 64 38 145 01:00 3 16 0 12 01:15 3 20 1 15 01:30 4 15 4 11 01:45 2 20 12 71 0 14 5 52 17 123 02:00 1 22 0 6 02:15 2 22 1 18 02:30 1 14 0 18 02:45 1 30 5 88 1 26 2 68 7 156 03:00 0 26 2 14 03:15 3 20 1 16 03:30 0 26 0 9 03:45 1 16 4 88 0 28 3 67 7 155 04:00 0 21 0 26 04:15 1 30 0 18 04:30 0 16 1 22 04:45 0 28 1 95 4 11 5 77 6 172 05:00 1 24 4 14 05:15 0 22 6 26 05:30 2 26 6 18 05:45 1 24 4 96 8 14 24 72 28 168 06:00 2 28 4 31 06:15 1 18 5 20 06:30 3 18 9 20 06:45 0 24 6 88 7 16 25 87 31 175 07:00 6 27 11 22 07:15 6 20 8 16 07:30 6 22 12 13 07:45 7 26 25 95 17 16 48 67 73 162 08:00 12 20 14 14 08:15 8 23 11 9 08:30 14 23 14 15 08:45 16 28 50 94 14 18 53 56 103 150 09:00 10 19 14 4 09:15 12 26 18 8 09:30 10 18 16 6 09:45 14 12 46 75 20 4 68 22 114 97 10:00 16 18 22 12 10:15 20 20 20 8 10:30 16 16 24 9 10:45 18 8 70 62 24 5 90 34 160 96 11:00 16 10 16 9 11:15 18 8 16 6 11:30 16 2 16 3 11:45 22 1 72 21 18 0 66 18 138 39 Total 316 954 Percent 24.9% 75.1 % 406 684 37.2% 62.8% 722 1638 30.6% 69.4% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 28-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 18 2 16 12:15 3 11 1 6 12:30 3 20 3 16 12:45 0 18 11 67 0 8 6 46 17 113 01:00 1 11 0 8 01:15 0 16 0 16 01:30 2 17 0 13 01:45 0 27 3 71 0 24 0 61 3 132 02:00 1 26 1 16 02:15 0 26 0 28 02:30 1 28 0 24 02:45 2 22 4 102 2 20 3 88 7 190 03:00 0 31 0 16 03:15 0 36 1 14 03:30 0 32 3 22 03:45 0 67 0 166 1 55 5 107 5 273 04:00 1 80 2 62 04:15 0 50 4 20 04:30 0 38 2 21 04:45 0 34 1 202 10 18 18 121 19 323 05:00 1 41 2 18 05:15 1 51 8 21 05:30 2 43 6 16 05:45 4 42 8 177 14 21 30 76 38 253 06:00 7 36 24 25 06:15 14 36 32 26 06:30 12 18 42 21 06:45 22 30 55 120 42 22 140 94 195 214 07:00 8 26 26 24 07:15 21 24 46 18 07:30 20 32 54 16 07:45 19 22 68 104 40 20 166 78 234 182 08:00 28 25 45 15 08:15 25 28 66 14 08:30 26 30 67 16 08:45 25 29 104 112 70 10 248 55 352 167 09:00 19 22 28 8 09:15 19 23 19 7 09:30 11 19 20 15 09:45 12 16 61 80 20 12 87 42 148 122 10:00 11 14 16 11 10:15 15 20 18 8 10:30 12 16 16 4 10:45 10 10 48 60 7 6 57 29 105 89 11:00 14 14 20 4 11:15 8 7 12 4 11:30 10 3 12 1 11:45 18 5 50 29 15 4 59 13 109 42 Total 413 1290 Percent 24.3% 75.7% 819 810 50.3% 49.7% 1232 2100 37.0% 63.0% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 29-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 1 171 3 6 12:15 0 20 0 17 12:30 0 14 0 14 12:45 2 18 3 69 1 22 4 59 7 128 01:00 4 26 2 12 01:15 1 31 2 14 01:30 2 17 0 12 01:45 0 21 7 95 1 17 5 55 12 150 02:00 1 27 0 16 02:15 1 34 1 28 02:30 2 26 0 24 02:45 0 33 4 120 1 0 31 1 991 5 219 03:00 0 24 1 17 03:15 1 32 0 20 03:30 0 41 0 17 03:45 1 60 2 157 2 37 3 91 5 248 04:00 0 38 2 68 04:15 0 42 2 20 04:30 0 35 0 23 04:45 1 40 1 155 10 18 14 1291 15 284 05:00 2 39 8 20 05:15 0 57 14 32 05:30 3 64 10 30 05:45 4 43 9 203 12 30 44 112 53 315 06:00 4 36 18 22 06:15 14 48 34 22 06:30 11 38 50 25 06:45 19 34 48 156 45 19 147 88 195 244 07:00 8 26 28 17 07:15 17 32 35 26 07:30 22 30 53 20 07:45 18 16 65 104 48 18 164 81 229 185 08:00 22 26 41 23 08:15 22 31 42 15 08:30 27 26 61 12 08:45 30 15 101 98 63 9 207 59 308 157 09:00 18 21 24 12 09:15 15 27 18 15 09:30 15 25 16 12 09:45 10 20 58 93 18 8 76 47 134 140 10:00 11 14 13 5 10:15 16 23 14 5 10:30 16 6 23 7 10:45 13 5 56 48 14 3 64 20 120 68 11:00 11 8 11 1 11:15 15 10 20 9 11:30 16 9 12 3 11:45 24 2 66 29 15 2 58 15 124 44 Total 420 1327 Percent 24.0% 76.0% 787 855 47.9% 52.1% 1207 2182 35.6% 64.4% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 30-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 24 3 20 12:15 1 32 2 25 12:30 1 32 1 16 12:45 1 49 6 137 1 24 7 85 13 222 01:00 3 40 1 54 01:15 2 34 3 22 01:30 0 17 1 24 01:45 1 20 6 111 0 23 5 123 11 234 02:00 2 28 1 15 02:15 1 25 1 21 02:30 3 22 0 17 02:45 2 20 8 95 1 20 3 73 11 168 03:00 0 30 0 24 03:15 2 23 1 20 03:30 1 36 0 10 03:45 0 38 3 127 6 11 7 65 10 192 04:00 0 38 2 24 04:15 0 38 6 22 04:30 1 28 1 18 04:45 0 46 1 150 5 28 14 92 15 242 05:00 1 54 7 24 05:15 1 42 12 22 05:30 4 46 13 30 05:45 1 50 7 192 12 31 44 107 51 299 06:00 6 42 17 24 06:15 11 32 26 21 06:30 12 34 42 22 06:45 16 32 45 140 44 26 129 93 174 233 07:00 8 28 24 16 07:15 15 28 52 22 07:30 17 16 50 13 07:45 16 36 56 108 50 15 176 66 232 174 08:00 20 25 54 12 08:15 25 26 46 24 08:30 34 32 70 12 08:45 40 26 119 109 64 13 234 61 353 170 09:00 19 29 29 14 09:15 22 30 19 9 09:30 16 18 14 15 09:45 8 18 65 95 17 8 79 46 144 141 10:00 10 16 16 4 10:15 12 10 9 4 10:30 16 18 20 8 10:45 21 10 59 54 27 4 72 20 131 74 11:00 26 6 19 1 11:15 20 15 14 6 11:30 19 7 14 8 11:45 23 0 88 28 14 2 61 17 149 45 Total 463 1346 Percent 25.6% 74.4% 831 848 49.5% 50.5% 1294 2194 37.1 % 62.9% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 31-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 19 1 25 12:15 2 24 4 15 12:30 2 28 1 20 12:45 1 24 11 95 1 27 7 87 18 182 01:00 2 16 1 17 01:15 2 24 0 20 01:30 2 19 2 18 01:45 3 18 9 77 1 26 4 81 13 158 02:00 2 29 1 9 02:15 4 20 1 25 02:30 3 24 0 23 02:45 2 33 11 106 2 20 4 77 15 183 03:00 1 27 0 15 03:15 1 19 0 22 03:30 1 27 1 24 03:45 0 36 3 109 5 14 6 75 9 184 04:00 1 38 3 22 04:15 0 40 1 25 04:30 0 40 2 31 04:45 2 40 3 158 7 24 13 102 16 260 05:00 3 48 6 26 05:15 0 50 9 24 05:30 2 46 14 29 05:45 6 34 11 178 13 16 42 95 53 273 06:00 4 29 12 23 06:15 8 34 33 14 06:30 6 32 32 21 06:45 6 22 24 117 34 25 111 83 135 200 07:00 9 24 30 20 07:15 11 20 34 22 07:30 20 24 54 24 07:45 18 20 58 88 36 25 154 91 212 179 08:00 17 20 36 7 08:15 16 23 30 17 08:30 12 22 28 10 08:45 12 23 57 88 26 14 120 48 177 136 09:00 8 18 14 11 09:15 13 22 24 6 09:30 16 22 24 7 09:45 11 20 48 82 18 8 80 32 128 114 10:00 15 20 13 11 10:15 12 22 16 10 10:30 13 12 31 3 10:45 16 11 56 65 21 6 81 30 137 95 11:00 17 11 24 9 11:15 21 15 18 5 11:30 20 6 14 5 11:45 8 7 66 39 11 6 67 25 133 64 Total 357 1202 Percent 22.9% 77.1 % 689 826 45.5% 54.5% 1046 2028 34.0% 66.0% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 01-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 18 4 19 12:15 4 17 1 15 12:30 2 22 5 22 12:45 2 20 13 77 1 20 11 76 24 153 01:00 4 24 1 20 01:15 6 26 2 25 01:30 3 24 2 13 01:45 4 34 17 108 1 20 6 78 23 186 02:00 2 26 1 18 02:15 6 22 2 17 02:30 2 22 0 12 02:45 1 44 11 114 2 24 5 71 16 185 03:00 1 12 0 22 03:15 1 30 0 13 03:30 2 21 4 20 03:45 0 30 4 93 2 26 6 81 10 174 04:00 3 30 4 22 04:15 1 27 4 26 04:30 1 31 4 27 04:45 0 32 5 120 3 17 15 92 20 212 05:00 2 22 5 20 05:15 3 23 5 21 05:30 0 26 2 18 05:45 3 32 8 103 4 21 16 80 24 183 06:00 2 25 2 23 06:15 8 21 13 13 06:30 6 27 20 13 06:45 6 24 22 97 9 15 44 64 66 161 07:00 7 18 22 15 07:15 5 30 12 15 07:30 10 18 21 14 07:45 6 15 28 81 18 19 73 63 101 144 08:00 14 25 17 18 08:15 12 23 19 14 08:30 12 21 17 10 08:45 12 16 50 85 25 16 78 58 128 143 09:00 9 26 18 14 09:15 18 21 22 14 09:30 15 12 19 10 09:45 18 20 60 79 20 10 79 48 139 127 10:00 10 16 24 6 10:15 19 20 26 20 10:30 18 10 16 7 10:45 22 16 69 62 18 5 84 38 153 100 11:00 26 12 26 6 11:15 28 22 18 6 11:30 16 9 18 6 11:45 24 8 94 51 20 3 82 21 176 72 Total 381 1070 Percent 26.3% 73.7% 499 770 39.3% 60.7% 880 1840 32.4% 67.6% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 02-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 22 2 13 12:15 3 22 0 24 12:30 3 20 3 16 12:45 3 18 15 82 2 19 7 72 22 154 01:00 4 20 2 18 01:15 8 18 1 17 01:30 0 14 1 14 01:45 0 21 12 73 1 12 5 61 17 134 02:00 2 24 1 191 1 02:15 3 25 1 14 02:30 3 16 0 18 02:45 2 15 10 80 1 25 3 76 13 156 03:00 1 22 0 14 03:15 1 22 0 18 03:30 0 22 0 16 03:45 1 19 3 85 0 26 0 74 3 159 04:00 0 24 0 16 04:15 2 26 1 12 04:30 0 16 2 11 04:45 1 12 3 78 5 11 8 50 11 128 05:00 0 18 3 14 05:15 1 23 3 14 05:30 0 15 5 16 05:45 1 23 2 79 6 30 17 74 19 153 06:00 2 15 3 16 06:15 2 26 6 12 06:30 2 24 3 16 06:45 2 24 8 89 8 16 20 60 28 149 07:00 4 22 8 16 07:15 5 24 6 18 07:30 3 20 7 20 07:45 5 30 17 96 11 14 32 68 49 164 08:00 5 25 9 15 08:15 8 13 15 13 08:30 8 12 18 13 08:45 6 23 27 73 20 17 62 58 89 131 09:00 10 16 16 11 09:15 16 15 16 4 09:30 12 22 20 16 09:45 10 20 48 73 22 10 74 41 122 114 10:00 8 14 14 5 10:15 18 9 21 4 10:30 14 11 28 2 10:45 12 8 52 42 6 5 69 16 121 58 11:00 18 11 16 6 11:15 12 8 18 3 11:30 21 9 15 4 11:45 16 6 67 34 21 4 70 17 137 51 Total 264 884 Percent 23.0% 77.0% 367 667 35.5% 64.5% 631 1551 28.9% 71.1 % Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 03-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 13 2 18 12:15 2 28 3 14 12:30 0 17 3 16 12:45 4 20 13 78 2 15 10 63 23 141 01:00 1 24 0 22 01:15 1 19 0 22 01:30 2 18 0 13 01:45 2 20 6 81 0 16 0 73 6 154 02:00 1 22 0 14 02:15 0 20 0 9 02:30 1 28 0 16 02:45 0 26 2 96 0 10 0 491 2 145 03:00 1 21 0 11 03:15 2 31 2 16 03:30 1 30 1 20 03:45 1 30 5 112 0 15 3 62 8 174 04:00 0 48 2 22 04:15 1 28 1 16 04:30 0 32 3 18 04:45 1 42 2 150 4 19 10 75 12 225 05:00 1 50 9 26 05:15 2 42 8 22 05:30 0 50 8 26 05:45 4 26 7 168 14 26 39 100 46 268 06:00 3 40 12 21 06:15 8 32 32 22 06:30 11 37 38 22 06:45 8 32 30 141 20 21 102 86 132 227 07:00 10 29 22 25 07:15 13 28 40 37 07:30 11 26 38 14 07:45 12 28 46 111 29 12 129 88 175 199 08:00 8 20 26 12 08:15 17 30 33 10 08:30 14 20 31 10 08:45 10 13 49 83 28 10 118 42 167 125 09:00 15 16 19 11 09:15 12 27 24 7 09:30 12 23 20 11 09:45 10 20 49 86 17 6 80 35 129 121 10:00 12 21 15 6 10:15 12 18 23 6 10:30 11 10 12 10 10:45 16 10 51 59 16 4 66 26 117 85 11:00 16 9 12 6 11:15 25 6 20 4 11:30 15 2 13 5 11:45 20 6 76 23 12 2 57 17 133 40 Total 336 1188 Percent 22.0% 78.0% 614 716 46.2% 53.8% 950 1904 33.3% 66.7% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 04-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 18 3 18 12:15 2 20 1 15 12:30 2 23 1 15 12:45 5 18 11 79 2 19 7 67 18 146 01:00 1 16 0 7 01:15 1 22 0 13 01:30 4 10 1 14 01:45 1 16 7 64 0 15 1 49 8 113 02:00 1 13 0 16 02:15 2 21 0 13 02:30 0 26 1 20 02:45 2 20 5 80 0 17 1 66 6 146 03:00 0 22 0 18 03:15 1 22 1 16 03:30 1 32 1 16 03:45 0 40 2 116 3 24 5 74 7 190 04:00 1 46 2 21 04:15 0 28 5 20 04:30 0 32 3 21 04:45 2 44 3 150 8 24 18 86 21 236 05:00 1 40 5 20 05:15 5 50 8 25 05:30 1 36 10 28 05:45 8 46 15 172 12 20 35 93 50 265 06:00 2 34 18 31 06:15 8 30 26 14 06:30 11 23 40 19 06:45 8 28 29 115 38 25 122 89 151 204 07:00 13 25 35 16 07:15 4 23 34 15 07:30 16 30 50 14 07:45 6 16 39 94 36 18 155 63 194 157 08:00 9 29 25 17 08:15 14 19 24 16 08:30 12 20 24 13 08:45 14 27 49 95 31 12 104 58 153 153 09:00 16 29 22 6 09:15 13 20 16 12 09:30 13 20 23 8 09:45 12 25 54 94 23 7 84 33 138 127 10:00 22 18 13 5 10:15 14 21 14 4 10:30 8 18 8 8 10:45 10 10 54 67 18 4 53 21 107 88 11:00 14 13 19 5 11:15 18 8 20 0 11:30 22 7 22 4 11:45 14 4 68 32 18 2 79 11 147 43 Total 336 1158 Percent 22.5% 77.5% 664 710 48.3% 51.7% 1000 1868 34.9% 65.1 % Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 05-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 26 1 11 12:15 7 18 2 18 12:30 3 16 0 15 12:45 1 18 15 78 0 15 3 59 18 137 01:00 2 20 2 22 01:15 1 18 0 14 01:30 2 16 2 15 01:45 2 18 7 72 0 14 4 65 11 137 02:00 1 24 0 14 02:15 1 32 0 18 02:30 1 24 1 21 02:45 1 20 4 100 0 17 1 70 5 170 03:00 1 34 2 25 03:15 0 21 1 18 03:30 0 38 0 16 03:45 1 36 2 129 2 16 5 75 7 204 04:00 1 32 1 20 04:15 0 38 4 20 04:30 1 38 1 28 04:45 1 48 3 156 3 20 9 88 12 244 05:00 0 54 9 28 05:15 0 42 8 18 05:30 4 44 12 23 05:45 4 41 8 181 11 32 40 101 48 282 06:00 5 28 18 12 06:15 7 39 24 30 06:30 8 33 43 20 06:45 6 30 26 130 36 22 121 84 147 214 07:00 10 32 26 18 07:15 11 30 32 19 07:30 18 28 45 12 07:45 10 24 49 114 25 18 128 67 177 181 08:00 14 22 32 21 08:15 10 16 25 12 08:30 12 18 36 12 08:45 11 25 47 81 21 12 114 57 161 138 09:00 12 26 20 15 09:15 16 18 12 8 09:30 15 24 25 16 09:45 18 14 61 82 16 9 73 48 134 130 10:00 17 29 19 10 10:15 10 16 16 8 10:30 12 12 17 7 10:45 6 9 45 66 9 2 61 27 106 93 11:00 14 8 20 5 11:15 16 10 13 9 11:30 17 10 9 3 11:45 12 3 59 31 19 5 61 22 120 53 Total 326 1220 Percent 21.1 % 78.9% 620 763 44.8% 55.2% 946 1983 32.3% 67.7% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 06-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 24 2 14 12:15 4 19 2 17 12:30 5 12 0 9 12:45 6 20 17 75 1 20 5 60 22 135 01:00 1 18 1 16 01:15 0 26 2 15 01:30 0 16 2 10 01:45 2 14 3 74 0 21 5 62 8 136 02:00 1 22 1 18 02:15 1 26 0 14 02:30 4 23 2 16 02:45 2 28 8 99 1 10 4 58 12 157 03:00 1 24 0 18 03:15 0 18 0 18 03:30 2 32 1 18 03:45 1 40 4 114 2 11 3 65 7 179 04:00 1 42 1 18 04:15 1 34 6 20 04:30 2 34 7 15 04:45 2 46 6 156 2 25 16 78 22 234 05:00 4 45 10 22 05:15 1 40 8 21 05:30 2 42 10 27 05:45 3 38 10 165 14 27 42 97 52 262 06:00 6 35 18 22 06:15 5 28 32 26 06:30 6 20 34 28 06:45 9 27 26 110 30 24 114 100 140 210 07:00 10 32 34 14 07:15 7 26 40 18 07:30 6 33 30 15 07:45 14 21 37 112 28 22 132 69 169 181 08:00 14 26 30 14 08:15 10 36 29 13 08:30 14 22 36 10 08:45 10 21 48 105 23 12 118 49 166 154 09:00 9 23 22 12 09:15 19 22 20 13 09:30 11 18 27 10 09:45 6 15 45 78 10 10 79 45 124 123 10:00 14 20 14 12 10:15 14 16 16 4 10:30 12 15 20 7 10:45 12 14 52 65 18 8 68 31 120 96 11:00 12 7 19 5 11:15 14 9 10 3 11:30 12 7 13 3 11:45 12 3 50 26 14 3 56 14 106 40 Total 306 1179 Percent 20.6% 79.4% 642 728 46.9% 53.1% 948 1907 33.2% 66.8% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 07-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 19 1 13 12:15 4 19 2 16 12:30 4 23 2 16 12:45 4 22 15 83 1 21 6 66 21 149 01:00 3 16 0 12 01:15 0 17 0 15 01:30 0 14 0 10 01:45 1 12 4 59 2 12 2 49 6 108 02:00 2 22 1 18 02:15 0 22 0 11 02:30 2 27 0 16 02:45 1 29 5 100 0 28 1 73 6 173 03:00 0 29 1 26 03:15 0 27 1 14 03:30 0 22 0 20 03:45 0 29 0 107 1 13 3 73 3 180 04:00 1 33 2 18 04:15 2 47 4 20 04:30 1 26 2 23 04:45 1 54 5 160 4 24 12 85 17 245 05:00 0 46 4 32 05:15 0 52 10 30 05:30 1 44 11 24 05:45 4 46 5 188 16 20 41 106 46 294 06:00 2 26 18 22 06:15 4 26 29 28 06:30 9 28 36 23 06:45 10 32 25 112 26 22 109 95 134 207 07:00 8 32 31 22 07:15 7 30 26 18 07:30 12 28 48 15 07:45 10 20 37 110 25 20 130 75 167 185 08:00 10 28 40 10 08:15 17 21 28 16 08:30 12 30 24 14 08:45 10 22I 49 101 23 18 115 58 164 159 09:00 9 22 13 16 09:15 18 30 24 10 09:30 11 19 19 12 09:45 10 16 48 87 16 10 72 48 120 135 10:00 10 30 14 10 10:15 14 18 16 13 10:30 10 15 22 6 10:45 12 8 46 71 14 4 66 33 112 104 11:00 10 8 16 3 11:15 20 12 16 4 11:30 12 14 22 6 11:45 14 8 56 42 12 3 66 16 122 58 Total 295 1220 Percent 19.5% 80.5% 623 777 44.5% 55.5% 918 1997 31.5% 68.5% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 08-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 15 4 25 12:15 5 24 4 12 12:30 5 28 4 28 12:45 4 23 19 90 2 17 14 82 33 172 01:00 0 22 1 12 01:15 1 34 1 15 01:30 1 20 0 18 01:45 4 31 6 107 1 20 3 65 9 172 02:00 2 28 4 21 02:15 4 23 3 18 02:30 1 27 2 18 02:45 3 20 10 98 1 14 10 71 20 169 03:00 2 18 2 20 03:15 2 20 2 14 03:30 1 22 1 21 03:45 0 22 5 82 1 8 6 63 11 145 04:00 2 26 2 14 04:15 1 26 4 30 04:30 0 18 2 13 04:45 2 17 5 87 1 16 9 73 14 160 05:00 3 21 6 19 05:15 0 25 6 21 05:30 2 28 3 17 05:45 4 21 9 95 4 15 19 72 28 167 06:00 2 30 5 22 06:15 6 26 12 19 06:30 4 24 14 13 06:45 6 31 18 111 12 18 43 72 61 183 07:00 4 20 22 14 07:15 8 14 16 16 07:30 10 20 18 12 07:45 8 24 30 78 16 14 72 56 102 134 08:00 8 18 14 12 08:15 12 18 20 10 08:30 6 16 16 16 08:45 12 31 38 83 10 18 60 56 98 139 09:00 12 18 18 11 09:15 17 20 19 16 09:30 14 17 29 12 09:45 12 20 55 75 20 10 86 49 141 124 10:00 10 20 24 6 10:15 21 14 13 6 10:30 12 14 22 8 10:45 20 6 63 54 14 9 73 29 136 83 11:00 24 10 28 5 11:15 22 8 23 5 11:30 14 8 18 5 11:45 24 21 84 28 18 8 87 23 171 51 Total 342 988 Percent 25.7% 74.3% 482 711 40.4% 59.6% 824 1699 32.7% 67.3% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 09-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 15 4 7 12:15 2 18 0 10 12:30 0 28 2 15 12:45 7 18 13 79 0 13 6 45 19 124 01:00 5 15 0 16 01:15 2 18 0 22 01:30 1 20 0 14 01:45 4 20 12 73 1 15 1 67 13 140 02:00 4 13 1 0 141 02:15 6 30 1 17 02:30 2 18 1 20 02:45 2 31 14 92 0 18 2 691 16 161 03:00 0 23 1 22 03:15 4 16 2 14 03:30 0 18 2 10 03:45 0 20 4 77 1 11 6 57 10 134 04:00 1 20 1 18 04:15 2 18 3 14 04:30 0 21 2 21 04:45 1 19 4 78 1 13 7 66 11 144 05:00 0 26 6 18 05:15 0 20 2 19 05:30 1 22 4 18 05:45 4 20 5 88 2 16 14 71 19 159 06:00 0 25 2 17 06:15 0 22 2 22 06:30 2 23 8 16 06:45 3 19 5 89 12 13 24 68 29 157 07:00 2 21 6 12 07:15 6 16 5 8 07:30 8 14 14 6 07:45 4 14 20 65 13 12 38 38 58 103 08:00 4 14 14 10 08:15 7 20 12 12 08:30 7 18 7 6 08:45 6 19 24 71 15 15 48 43 72 114 09:00 4 26 13 10 09:15 17 22 18 10 09:30 12 8 24 11 09:45 14 17 47 73 19 7 74 38 121 111 10:00 8 10 22 10 10:15 14 16 15 10 10:30 10 8 24 9 10:45 15 15 47 49 13 6 74 351 121 84 11:00 20 6 16 2 11:15 14 9 16 3 11:30 18 5 22 2 11:45 16 5 68 25 20 4 74 11 142 36 Total 263 859 Percent 23.4% 76.6% 368 608 37.7% 62.3% 631 1467 30.1 % 69.9% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 10-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 22 2 13 12:15 2 18 3 12 12:30 2 10 2 10 12:45 3 20 13 70 2 11 9 46 22 116 01:00 0 18 0 9 01:15 0 20 0 14 01:30 1 20 0 24 01:45 0 28 1 86 1 14 1 61 2 147 02:00 2 16 0 12 02:15 0 14 0 12 02:30 1 21 1 20 02:45 0 26 3 77 1 14 2 58 5 135 03:00 0 20 1 14 03:15 0 32 0 13 03:30 1 35 0 24 03:45 1 28 2 115 0 15 1 66 3 181 04:00 0 36 4 16 04:15 0 40 1 23 04:30 0 42 2 17 04:45 0 54 0 172 7 22 14 78 14 250 05:00 0 50 4 18 05:15 2 50 10 28 05:30 4 38 10 26 05:45 2 29 8 167 12 32 36 104 44 271 06:00 7 32 24 18 06:15 9 30 28 26 06:30 12 36 35 25 06:45 6 34 34 132 32 13 119 82 153 214 07:00 6 26 20 18 07:15 13 26 38 20 07:30 10 24 46 22 07:45 14 26 43 102 26 12 130 72 173 174 08:00 18 16 21 9 08:15 13 24 26 20 08:30 20 32 29 14 08:45 12 22 63 94 34 12 110 55 173 149 09:00 9 14 22 8 09:15 8 25 17 12 09:30 15 22 17 14 09:45 12 15 44 76 21 5 77 39 121 115 10:00 12 18 18 10 10:15 12 13 15 4 10:30 14 5 12 1 10:45 12 10 50 46 14 8 59 23 109 69 11:00 16 6 10 3 11:15 15 10 6 4 11:30 11 4 18 0 11:45 18 5 60 25 6 0 40 7 100 32 Total 321 1162 Percent 21.6% 78.4% 598 691 46.4% 53.6% 919 1853 33.2% 66.8% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 11-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 13 3 20 12:15 2 22 3 14 12:30 2 26 0 18 12:45 1 18 9 79 0 18 6 70 15 149 01:00 1 10 0 14 01:15 0 22 0 12 01:30 0 9 0 9 01:45 0 8 1 49 1 12 1 47 2 96 02:00 2 18 1 15 02:15 0 21 1 15 02:30 1 29 0 17 02:45 0 26 3 94 0 7 2 54 5 148 03:00 0 22 0 25 03:15 1 25 1 15 03:30 1 34 0 13 03:45 0 30 2 111 1 18 2 71 4 182 04:00 0 34 3 12 04:15 1 36 2 26 04:30 1 34 4 30 04:45 1 38 3 142 6 21 15 891 18 231 05:00 2 42 6 24 05:15 2 57 11 17 05:30 4 45 7 28 05:45 1 51 9 195 12 34 36 103 45 298 06:00 8 38 22 26 06:15 6 32 22 20 06:30 12 34 39 17 06:45 7 33 33 137 28 20 111 83 144 220 07:00 8 28 24 16 07:15 5 29 30 19 07:30 8 28 42 16 07:45 10 17 31 102 28 14 124 65 155 167 08:00 5 31 24 17 08:15 17 28 29 12 08:30 8 22 36 16 08:45 12 29 42 110 26 10 115 55 157 165 09:00 16 22 12 13 09:15 4 22 10 14 09:30 14 19 32 13 09:45 15 17 49 80 15 16 69 56 118 136 10:00 8 24 10 8 10:15 6 18 12 7 10:30 9 12 20 7 10:45 9 10 32 64 11 4 53 26 85 90 11:00 16 10 14 1 11:15 12 7 16 2 11:30 15 6 10 2 11:45 14 4 57 27 12 1 52 6 109 33 Total 271 1190 Percent 18.5% 81.5% 586 725 44.7% 55.3% 857 1915 30.9% 69.1 % Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 12-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 1 28 0 17 12:15 4 21 3 11 12:30 2 17 0 10 12:45 1 18 8 84 0 10 3 48 11 132 01:00 1 21 0 15 01:15 1 18 0 18 01:30 1 14 1 13 01:45 0 20 3 73 0 14 1 60 4 133 02:00 1 21 2 11 02:15 2 19 1 16 02:30 0 28 0 13 02:45 1 16 4 84 0 14 3 54 7 138 03:00 0 25 0 18 03:15 1 22 0 15 03:30 0 36 2 14 03:45 2 38 3 121 0 17 2 64 5 185 04:00 0 30 1 15 04:15 2 36 2 16 04:30 0 22 2 18 04:45 1 39 3 127 6 20 11 691 14 196 05:00 0 40 5 22 05:15 2 54 8 24 05:30 2 37 6 20 05:45 1 46 5 177 14 32 33 98 38 275 06:00 6 28 17 28 06:15 8 42 28 23 06:30 11 31 41 18 06:45 10 22 35 123 30 21 116 90 151 213 07:00 8 26 30 18 07:15 10 27 34 17 07:30 8 20 37 18 07:45 5 25 31 98 31 24 132 77 163 175 08:00 13 27 36 14 08:15 15 26 26 12 08:30 15 12 31 12 08:45 14 22 57 87 26 6 119 44 176 131 09:00 12 28 20 10 09:15 16 22 17 8 09:30 7 25 22 9 09:45 10 19 45 94 22 9 81 36 126 130 10:00 11 13 17 14 10:15 10 21 18 7 10:30 8 10 22 11 10:45 15 8 44 52 14 10 71 42 115 94 11:00 9 7 16 3 11:15 15 7 12 4 11:30 21 8 16 1 11:45 17 4 62 26 15 1 59 9 121 35 Total 300 1146 Percent 20.7% 79.3% 631 691 47.7% 52.3% 931 1837 33.6% 66.4% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 13-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 15 6 7 12:15 2 17 2 19 12:30 0 13 0 16 12:45 2 11 7 56 1 11 9 53 16 109 01:00 0 20 2 13 01:15 0 27 1 13 01:30 1 16 1 20 01:45 2 19 3 82 0 20 4 66 7 148 02:00 2 18 0 15 02:15 1 20 0 16 02:30 1 18 1 22 02:45 1 32 5 88 1 12 2 65 7 153 03:00 0 27 0 24 03:15 3 29 0 19 03:30 0 32 0 16 03:45 1 35 4 123 2 24 2 83 6 206 04:00 0 42 2 20 04:15 1 39 4 12 04:30 2 35 5 28 04:45 1 31 4 147 4 19 15 791 19 226 05:00 2 43 6 26 05:15 2 41 6 20 05:30 2 54 7 24 05:45 4 32 10 170 12 25 31 95 41 265 06:00 6 39 18 21 06:15 10 23 30 26 06:30 10 28 42 21 06:45 10 40 36 130 26 28 116 96 152 226 07:00 4 24 28 22 07:15 8 29 35 32 07:30 6 17 39 18 07:45 12 32 30 102 26 10 128 82 158 184 08:00 10 30 32 13 08:15 14 23 34 9 08:30 20 22 34 8 08:45 11 12 55 87 31 8 131 38 186 125 09:00 10 30 14 10 09:15 14 20 24 11 09:30 18 15 30 8 09:45 21 11 63 76 24 8 92 37 155 113 10:00 16 13 14 8 10:15 6 11 16 5 10:30 18 10 8 7 10:45 17 4 57 38 14 5 52 25 109 63 11:00 8 4 16 4 11:15 19 15 13 4 11:30 18 6 21 1 11:45 16 6 61 31 12 2 62 11 123 42 Total 335 1130 Percent 22.9% 77.1 % 644 730 46.9% 53.1% 979 1860 34.5% 65.5% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 14-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 24 3 12 12:15 1 22 0 21 12:30 2 16 2 16 12:45 2 14 11 76 0 26 5 75 16 151 01:00 1 24 0 14 01:15 2 27 0 18 01:30 1 11 0 18 01:45 0 20 4 82 1 23 1 73 5 155 02:00 2 22 1 24 02:15 0 25 0 18 02:30 0 29 0 27 02:45 1 24 3 100 0 14 1 83 4 183 03:00 0 25 0 7 03:15 0 32 1 20 03:30 0 28 0 22 03:45 0 38 0 123 1 20 2 69 2 192 04:00 0 36 2 18 04:15 0 30 2 20 04:30 2 36 2 24 04:45 10 38 12 140 6 14 12 76 24 216 05:00 0 38 10 28 05:15 0 47 9 30 05:30 2 42 9 30 05:45 2 26 4 153 13 22 41 110 45 263 06:00 8 34 18 22 06:15 6 25 29 22 06:30 7 26 33 16 06:45 12 25 33 110 32 23 112 83 145 193 07:00 10 43 26 23 07:15 6 34 24 22 07:30 6 23 42 18 07:45 6 40 28 140 30 12 122 75 150 215 08:00 12 19 33 23 08:15 12 19 32 8 08:30 16 17 23 5 08:45 18 14 58 69 25 13 113 49 171 118 09:00 7 22 23 16 09:15 8 19 17 8 09:30 7 19 21 11 09:45 10 15 32 75 20 5 81 40 113 115 10:00 16 16 14 8 10:15 15 18 17 7 10:30 18 8 17 9 10:45 14 14 63 56 11 5 59 29 122 85 11:00 14 14 9 6 11:15 22 12 13 8 11:30 18 9 22 5 11:45 16 8 70 43 15 3 59 22 129 65 Total 318 1167 Percent 21.4% 78.6% 608 784 43.7% 56.3% 926 1951 32.2% 67.8% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 15-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 18 2 16 12:15 4 18 5 22 12:30 0 20 3 22 12:45 3 16 10 72 0 15 10 75 20 147 01:00 0 25 2 13 01:15 3 24 1 17 01:30 1 24 0 22 01:45 0 21 4 94 0 18 3 70 7 164 02:00 5 20 2 16 02:15 2 22 1 18 02:30 3 24 0 16 02:45 1 16 11 82 0 22 3 72 14 154 03:00 5 20 1 24 03:15 0 22 2 18 03:30 2 22 1 16 03:45 4 20 11 84 0 17 4 75 15 159 04:00 2 31 2 27 04:15 0 16 3 11 04:30 1 20 4 14 04:45 3 23 6 90 4 16 13 68 19 158 05:00 0 23 4 10 05:15 1 31 5 18 05:30 2 26 3 20 05:45 1 20 4 100 6 17 18 65 22 165 06:00 4 14 7 22 06:15 3 17 10 26 06:30 4 27 12 17 06:45 3 19 14 77 14 16 43 81 57 158 07:00 6 21 13 9 07:15 8 28 16 11 07:30 6 28 12 16 07:45 10 16 30 93 16 20 57 56 87 149 08:00 11 21 10 13 08:15 13 22 22 12 08:30 5 16 29 14 08:45 8 16 37 75 20 6 81 45 118 120 09:00 14 14 19 9 09:15 12 17 24 4 09:30 14 24 28 14 09:45 8 20 48 75 9 6 80 33 128 108 10:00 18 20 17 12 10:15 13 18 22 6 10:30 15 15 20 12 10:45 20 14 66 67 17 8 76 38 142 105 11:00 14 10 17 10 11:15 14 8 25 4 11:30 19 5 12 4 11:45 22 6 69 29 25 2 79 20 148 49 Total 310 938 Percent 24.8% 75.2% 467 698 40.1 % 59.9% 777 1636 32.2% 67.8% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 16-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 15 0 11 12:15 3 18 2 21 12:30 10 17 4 19 12:45 3 23 21 73 3 14 9 65 30 138 01:00 4 30 2 13 01:15 3 18 1 15 01:30 2 18 4 13 01:45 4 20 13 86 4 20 11 61 24 147 02:00 5 23 2 25 02:15 1 23 2 19 02:30 3 24 2 24 02:45 2 22 11 92 1 12 7 80 18 172 03:00 7 27 6 16 03:15 3 28 1 12 03:30 3 26 3 12 03:45 3 19 16 100 1 10 11 50 27 150 04:00 3 14 0 13 04:15 1 14 1 17 04:30 0 26 2 14 04:45 1 23 5 77 5 16 8 60 13 137 05:00 0 14 2 18 05:15 2 20 4 16 05:30 1 25 3 20 05:45 2 26 5 85 6 17 15 71 20 156 06:00 1 23 2 10 06:15 4 24 8 22 06:30 4 25 6 12 06:45 0 24 9 96 3 20 19 64 28 160 07:00 5 24 6 22 07:15 3 23 7 12 07:30 4 26 14 14 07:45 3 7 15 80 8 8 35 56 50 136 08:00 11 20 12 15 08:15 7 16 14 6 08:30 11 22 23 10 08:45 12 8 41 66 22 11 71 42 112 108 09:00 16 23 16 19 09:15 10 22 10 11 09:30 8 21 14 10 09:45 8 20 42 86 12 11 52 51 94 137 10:00 13 16 15 10 10:15 9 16 23 8 10:30 11 5 22 7 10:45 12 7 45 44 18 2 78 27 123 71 11:00 7 12 13 9 11:15 12 9 20 6 11:30 18 4 20 4 11:45 15 8 52 33 19 2 72 21 124 54 Total 275 918 Percent 23.1 % 76.9% 388 648 37.5% 62.5% 663 1566 29.7% 70.3% Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 50th Street SW Station ID: 24040 Start 17-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc RAnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 4 * 6 12:15 3 * 0 12:30 5 2 12:45 4 * 16 0 0 * 8 0 24 0 01:00 2 * 0 01:15 2 * 1 01:30 0 * 0 01:45 0 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 02:00 2 0 02:15 1 * 0 02:30 0 0 02:45 1 * 4 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 03:00 0 * 1 03:15 2 * 1 03:30 0 * 0 03:45 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 04:00 1 * 2 04:15 1 * 1 04:30 0 3 04:45 0 * 2 0 6 * 12 0 14 0 05:00 0 6 05:15 0 6 05:30 1 * 5 05:45 0 1 0 19 36 0 37 0 06:00 4 16 06:15 5 25 06:30 18 39 06:45 6 33 0 34 * 114 0 147 0 07:00 12 26 07:15 14 34 07:30 17 * 42 07:45 16 59 0 30 132 0 191 0 08:00 19 35 08:15 14 30 08:30 12 23 08:45 11 * 56 0 25 * 113 0 169 0 09:00 13 18 09:15 16 14 09:30 16 * 29 09:45 17 62 0 24 85 0 147 0 10:00 24 14 10:15 12 * 24 10:30 12 21 10:45 4 * 52 0 2 61 0 113 0 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 291 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% Grand 9502 31660 Total Percent 23.1 % 76.9% ADT ADT 2,855 AADT 2,855 564 0 855 0 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 16965 20788 26467 52448 44.9% 55.1% 33.5% 66.5% Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 20-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 06:00 06:15 06:30 200 230 06:45 * 210 0 410 * 208 0 438 0 848 07:00 * 183 224 07:15 * 161 198 07:30 * 171 206 07:45 * 164 0 679 166 0 794 0 1473 08:00 146 186 08:15 * 138 168 08:30 121 184 08:45 * 98 0 503 171 0 709 0 1212 09:00 * 107 138 09:15 * 106 130 09:30 * 110 122 09:45 * 80 0 403 119 0 509 0 912 10:00 * 72 * 102 10:15 * 64 * 89 10:30 58 75 10:45 * 61 0 255 * 54 0 320 0 575 11:00 * 37 * 56 11:15 * 24 * 48 11:30 * 25 * 28 11:45 * 27 0 113 17 0 149 0 262 Total 0 2363 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0 2919 0.0% 100.0% 0 5282 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 21-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 15 168 25 182 12:15 14 186 22 191 12:30 13 172 16 165 12:45 12 192 54 718 18 193 81 731 135 1449 01:00 7 185 7 174 01:15 10 199 10 186 01:30 8 176 10 188 01:45 3 190 28 750 7 188 34 736 62 1486 02:00 8 171 10 204 02:15 11 152 13 234 02:30 11 181 2 198 02:45 8 197 38 701 6 199 31 835 69 1536 03:00 10 216 3 240 03:15 9 248 7 216 03:30 8 232 4 273 03:45 9 232 36 928 5 255 19 984 55 1912 04:00 13 199 12 271 04:15 10 261 8 276 04:30 32 216 8 280 04:45 25 212 80 888 10 321 38 1148 118 2036 05:00 36 240 14 310 05:15 44 237 14 361 05:30 76 242 28 318 05:45 92 260 248 979 35 305 91 1294 339 2273 06:00 128 232 64 254 06:15 224 227 72 258 06:30 276 220 116 222 06:45 222 185 850 864 124 204 376 938 1226 1802 07:00 238 179 128 268 07:15 308 204 120 216 07:30 308 156 145 195 07:45 271 176 1125 715 154 174 547 853 1672 1568 08:00 246 151 146 186 08:15 262 155 123 210 08:30 270 154 140 161 08:45 206 134 984 594 190 134 599 691 1583 1285 09:00 183 124 166 158 09:15 188 99 132 148 09:30 198 101 140 123 09:45 188 104 757 428 138 101 576 530 1333 958 10:00 206 91 130 116 10:15 184 64 135 102 10:30 198 58 138 78 10:45 193 54 781 267 142 84 545 380 1326 647 11:00 196 34 172 45 11:15 193 33 196 47 11:30 200 27 168 47 11:45 208 25 797 119 176 44 712 183 1509 302 Total 5778 7951 Percent 42.1 % 57.9% 3649 9303 28.2% 71.8% 9427 17254 35.3% 64.7% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 22-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 182 32 184 12:15 17 186 16 172 12:30 24 214 17 187 12:45 14 182 71 764 14 186 79 729 150 1493 01:00 5 189 18 176 01:15 6 189 10 161 01:30 13 178 11 188 01:45 8 186 32 742 11 185 50 710 82 1452 02:00 10 176 5 176 02:15 11 197 4 226 02:30 7 196 2 224 02:45 3 200 31 769 4 221 15 8471 46 1616 03:00 6 192 3 221 03:15 10 214 3 252 03:30 10 210 5 247 03:45 7 192 33 808 9 282 20 1002 53 1810 04:00 5 221 9 284 04:15 16 235 8 308 04:30 20 260 1 292 04:45 29 248 70 964 6 274 24 1158 94 2122 05:00 36 228 12 272 05:15 51 246 18 286 05:30 77 242 24 308 05:45 103 226 267 942 36 348 90 1214 357 2156 06:00 133 226 64 292 06:15 200 232 92 248 06:30 260 198 116 222 06:45 230 198 823 854 102 214 374 976 1197 1830 07:00 261 175 123 221 07:15 296 188 142 232 07:30 290 152 170 200 07:45 311 142 1158 657 134 194 569 847 1727 1504 08:00 274 142 158 168 08:15 230 157 132 1110 08:30 274 141 142 204 08:45 240 134 1018 574 134 152 566 704 1584 1278 09:00 222 118 138 152 09:15 209 136 141 152 09:30 200 100 134 130 09:45 184 112 815 466 154 128 567 562 1382 1028 10:00 160 88 142 106 10:15 185 76 134 106 10:30 176 64 177 94 10:45 162 45 683 273 144 86 597 3921 1280 665 11:00 165 45 166 66 11:15 166 35 180 55 11:30 166 27 152 48 11:45 210 24 707 131� 170 38 668 207 1375 338 Total 5708 7944 Percent 41.8% 58.2% 3619 9348 27.9% 72.1% 9327 17292 35.0% 65.0% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 23-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 18 178 18 186 12:15 9 179 20 178 12:30 17 182 15 179 12:45 15 196 59 735 21 180 74 723 133 1458 01:00 12 195 22 189 01:15 4 192 15 196 01:30 10 194 9 196 01:45 5 180 31 761 8 191 54 772 85 1533 02:00 5 174 8 208 02:15 16 202 10 220 02:30 9 190 10 212 02:45 7 186 37 752 6 240 34 880 71 1632 03:00 3 203 6 234 03:15 9 226 8 228 03:30 8 230 6 237 03:45 9 221 29 880 9 229 29 928 58 1808 04:00 9 233 8 294 04:15 12 212 13 332 04:30 27 255 6 299 04:45 34 258 82 958 7 288 34 1213 116 2171 05:00 40 248 19 272 05:15 59 248 28 320 05:30 71 255 24 302 05:45 98 246 268 997 25 310 96 1204 364 2201 06:00 120 246 54 252 06:15 188 228 75 243 06:30 237 196 115 254 06:45 248 174 793 844 126 221 370 970 1163 1814 07:00 240 188 113 198 07:15 285 172 150 267 07:30 298 172 154 240 07:45 246 174 1069 706 148 198 565 903 1634 1609 08:00 282 180 145 178 08:15 246 156 158 189 08:30 272 155 156 180 08:45 224 134 1024 625 156 155 615 702 1639 1327 09:00 186 118 140 174 09:15 214 112 144 145 09:30 200 121 138 137 09:45 203 102 803 453 150 120 572 576 1375 1029 10:00 208 75 149 126 10:15 171 78 146 108 10:30 200 58 130 86 10:45 170 391 749 250 152 87 577 407 1326 657 11:00 188 40 150 60 11:15 205 34 180 64 11:30 198 29 166 32 11:45 174 22 765 1251 190 37 686 193 1451 318 Total 5709 8086 Percent 41.4% 58.6% 3706 9471 28.1% 71.9% 9415 17557 34.9% 65.1 % Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 24-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 22 242 39 214 12:15 25 227 28 256 12:30 11 216 10 219 12:45 15 246 73 931 21 204 98 893 171 1824 01:00 16 236 13 260 01:15 8 246 17 249 01:30 9 212 16 211 01:45 16 208 49 902 10 224 56 944 105 1846 02:00 12 238 9 230 02:15 6 264 11 224 02:30 11 191 6 246 02:45 10 240 39 933 6 232 32 932 71 1865 03:00 11 228 7 280 03:15 12 232 7 266 03:30 6 262 8 300 03:45 8 250 37 972 8 283 30 1129 67 2101 04:00 10 244 8 320 04:15 13 270 14 308 04:30 27 283 7 312 04:45 33 269 83 1066 14 298 43 1238 126 2304 05:00 27 290 14 296 05:15 54 283 20 353 05:30 72 274 30 316 05:45 94 241 247 1088 34 318 98 1283 345 2371 06:00 110 234 53 288 06:15 188 252 87 240 06:30 254 222 98 237 06:45 240 207 792 915 123 219 361 984 1153 1899 07:00 227 211 119 228 07:15 298 164 136 197 07:30 283 156 156 193 07:45 247 202 1055 733 150 152 561 770 1616 1503 08:00 266 167 151 192 08:15 254 152 134 212 08:30 256 163 158 186 08:45 284 138 1060 620 172 172 615 762 1675 1382 09:00 215 136 143 176 09:15 225 129 148 200 09:30 214 118 160 182 09:45 201 116 855 499 145 180 596 738 1451 1237 10:00 208 134 166 142 10:15 207 93 162 139 10:30 210 112 210 104 10:45 214 76 839 415 206 89 744 474 1583 889 11:00 209 90 190 92 11:15 210 88 226 140 11:30 210 67 230 89 11:45 225 50 854 295 222 82 868 403 1722 698 Total 5983 9369 Percent 39.0% 61.0% 4102 10550 28.0% 72.0% 10085 19919 33.6% 66.4% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 25-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 55 237 52 220 12:15 38 246 54 236 12:30 32 240 44 216 12:45 33 250 1511 973 44 202 194 874 352 1847 01:00 29 214 45 249 01:15 34 192 34 221 01:30 19 200 24 224 01:45 24 224 106 830 31 176 134 870 240 1700 02:00 30 203 32 223 02:15 32 223 44 229 02:30 19 226 24 214 02:45 17 190 98 842 19 182 119 848 217 1690 03:00 20 198 14 208 03:15 14 196 11 210 03:30 18 236 16 202 03:45 16 214 68 844 14 238 55 858 123 1702 04:00 12 214 8 228 04:15 18 222 18 214 04:30 17 190 15 214 04:45 15 199 62 8251 12 186 53 842 115 1667 05:00 22 186 19 220 05:15 30 196 16 244 05:30 44 194 22 215 05:45 44 220 140 796 28 233 85 912 225 1708 06:00 44 195 42 226 06:15 84 224 50 177 06:30 126 180 82 216 06:45 118 172 372 771 80 176 254 795 626 1566 07:00 120 204 84 210 07:15 153 183 85 198 07:30 151 164 100 185 07:45 160 167 584 718 100 212 369 805 953 1523 08:00 142 182 102 158 08:15 156 140 116 185 08:30 190 154 114 178 08:45 192 158 680 634 128 170 460 691 1140 1325 09:00 172 158 150 147 09:15 196 142 163 166 09:30 224 122 170 150 09:45 238 132 830 554 167 128 650 591 1480 1145 10:00 243 115 186 158 10:15 238 104 187 126 10:30 230 104 184 128 10:45 268 92 979 415 204 112 761 524 1740 939 11:00 235 77 193 91 11:15 248 70 189 100 11:30 238 62 182 77 11:45 218 55 939 264 178 60 742 328 1681 592 Total 5016 8466 Percent 37.2% 62.8% 3876 8938 30.2% 69.8% 8892 17404 33.8% 66.2% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 26-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 41 240 52 179 12:15 50 255 53 164 12:30 32 236 46 208 12:45 42 208 165 939 44 202 195 753 360 1692 01:00 36 194 34 199 01:15 29 213 35 188 01:30 35 176 34 172 01:45 27 190 127 773 28 164 131 723 258 1496 02:00 29 172 24 186 02:15 26 175 20 158 02:30 29 195 27 162 02:45 21 184 105 726 24 148 95 654 200 1380 03:00 22 190 7 164 03:15 12 160 12 183 03:30 15 171 10 148 03:45 11 156 60 677 16 138 45 633 105 1310 04:00 10 150 6 166 04:15 7 154 5 170 04:30 7 158 10 159 04:45 8 141 32 603 6 160 27 655 59 1258 05:00 12 184 10 190 05:15 24 166 13 168 05:30 33 194 18 178 05:45 20 178 89 722 12 138 53 674 142 1396 06:00 30 166 21 186 06:15 36 162 21 179 06:30 44 159 25 190 06:45 56 142 166 629 42 154 109 709 275 1338 07:00 48 161 34 178 07:15 59 148 50 151 07:30 68 136 58 154 07:45 94 140 269 585 56 159 198 642 467 1227 08:00 98 128 66 138 08:15 107 115 72 126 08:30 94 1450 86 156 08:45 126 126 425 509 101 124 325 544 750 1053 09:00 141 126 132 172 09:15 159 127 134 138 09:30 168 124 118 111 09:45 196 100 664 477 134 126 518 547 1182 1024 10:00 180 91 140 118 10:15 184 72 135 111 10:30 171 76 156 86 10:45 196 56 731 295 160 90 591 405 1322 700 11:00 174 68 194 88 11:15 197 52 164 68 11:30 182 56 147 52 11:45 229 40 782 216 178 48 683 256 1465 472 Total 3615 7151 Percent 33.6% 66.4% 2970 7195 29.2% 70.8% 6585 14346 31.5% 68.5% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 27-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 34 207 48 162 12:15 26 209 30 162 12:30 28 198 31 186 12:45 20 192 1011 806 28 200 137 710 245 1516 01:00 24 194 20 164 01:15 14 192 22 175 01:30 19 164 20 172 01:45 26 194 83 744 18 160 80 671 163 1415 02:00 14 166 24 178 02:15 16 186 10 185 02:30 16 162 15 181 02:45 14 172 60 686 5 175 54 719 114 1405 03:00 10 149 9 170 03:15 8 141 8 164 03:30 10 182 10 172 03:45 14 162 42 634 8 198 35 704 77 1338 04:00 8 164 4 210 04:15 10 176 8 210 04:30 22 171 11 162 04:45 18 180 58 691 8 164 31 746 89 1437 05:00 20 173 14 158 05:15 33 146 9 172 05:30 31 166 24 200 05:45 48 191 132 676 15 164 62 694 194 1370 06:00 54 158 22 179 06:15 47 180 31 163 06:30 67 142 42 175 06:45 64 172 232 652 35 160 130 677 362 1329 07:00 86 176 58 164 07:15 98 146 62 163 07:30 114 146 63 160 07:45 114 160 412 628 66 162 249 649 661 1277 08:00 84 151 68 146 08:15 112 120 82 161 08:30 145 136 92 150 08:45 132 164 473 571 84 137 326 594 799 1165 09:00 118 112 100 172 09:15 141 112 98 147 09:30 148 93 112 109 09:45 164 86 571 403 130 118 440 546 1011 949 10:00 150 82 123 110 10:15 182 72 130 92 10:30 198 63 146 71 10:45 174 501 704 267 160 71 559 344 1263 611 11:00 167 35 162 52 11:15 177 40 159 56 11:30 210 33 172 43 11:45 188 31 742 139 158 39 651 190 1393 329 Total 3617 6897 Percent 34.4% 65.6% 2754 7244 27.5% 72.5% 6371 14141 31.1 % 68.9% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 28-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 24 200 27 196 12:15 11 197 30 196 12:30 14 214 12 198 12:45 15 194 64 805 16 207 85 797 149 1602 01:00 10 202 10 206 01:15 10 190 9 169 01:30 12 190 8 182 01:45 10 201 42 783 8 195 35 752 77 1535 02:00 5 179 6 216 02:15 9 200 8 230 02:30 6 206 4 250 02:45 9 198 29 783 5 240 23 936 52 1719 03:00 8 210 7 226 03:15 8 240 5 242 03:30 12 212 2 246 03:45 8 236 36 898 8 262 22 976 58 1874 04:00 11 218 9 289 04:15 11 215 9 292 04:30 28 232 10 309 04:45 25 258 75 923 10 312 38 1202 113 2125 05:00 31 260 18 276 05:15 45 226 14 344 05:30 74 264 32 320 05:45 88 212 238 962 39 298 103 1238 341 2200 06:00 126 225 59 272 06:15 179 209 82 261 06:30 257 217 108 252 06:45 220 178 782 829 118 216 367 1001 1149 1830 07:00 246 219 118 204 07:15 300 180 135 232 07:30 300 172 160 188 07:45 274 149 1120 720 150 196 563 820 1683 1540 08:00 246 170 146 178 08:15 284 157 144 167 08:30 270 133 172 183 08:45 228 122 1028 582 164 146 626 6741 1654 1256 09:00 206 154 184 144 09:15 231 92 154 146 09:30 200 132 142 123 09:45 215 85 852 463 126 122 606 535 1458 998 10:00 186 73 194 100 10:15 215 66 153 86 10:30 202 68 155 90 10:45 196 50 799 257 159 561 661 332 1460 589 11:00 194 30 190 50 11:15 199 43 189 52 11:30 209 21 198 49 11:45 196 19 798 113 166 27 743 178 1541 291 Total 5863 8118 Percent 41.9% 58.1 % 3872 9441 29.1 % 70.9% 9735 17559 35.7% 64.3% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 29-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 194 32 180 12:15 15 188 18 173 12:30 18 190 20 182 12:45 9 194 50 766 17 184 87 719 137 1485 01:00 7 186 12 172 01:15 8 192 12 180 01:30 10 174 11 166 01:45 6 167 31 719 7 162 42 680 73 1399 02:00 14 186 8 185 02:15 7 178 2 252 02:30 8 196 4 197 02:45 4 211 33 771 4 204 18 8381 51 1609 03:00 2 216 4 214 03:15 7 235 4 241 03:30 5 212 4 250 03:45 10 224 24 887 6 222 18 927 42 1814 04:00 8 214 7 294 04:15 18 249 5 314 04:30 20 272 6 322 04:45 39 217 85 952 9 294 27 12241 112 2176 05:00 34 230 20 259 05:15 55 250 24 340 05:30 66 244 19 3181 1 05:45 102 213 257 937 39 282 102 1199 359 2136 06:00 127 223 53 266 06:15 176 232 78 243 06:30 273 192 97 224 06:45 230 206 806 853 116 220 344 953 1150 1806 07:00 233 212 134 234 07:15 310 179 122 212 07:30 285 194 145 194 07:45 284 136 1112 721 126 203 527 843 1639 1564 08:00 226 146 144 178 08:15 260 152 156 184 08:30 256 115 144 190 08:45 238 136 980 549 210 156 654 708 1634 1257 09:00 194 96 157 139 09:15 196 126 127 160 09:30 190 92 136 132 09:45 202 98 782 412 122 111 542 542 1324 954 10:00 172 73 152 108 10:15 198 76 151 100 10:30 167 54 166 71 10:45 197 37 734 240 154 61 623 340 1357 580 11:00 198 53 145 50 11:15 210 32 202 58 11:30 186 32 166 30 11:45 191 34 785 151 187 40 700 178 1485 329 Total 5679 7958 Percent 41.6% 58.4% 3684 9151 28.7% 71.3% 9363 17109 35.4% 64.6% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 30-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 22 201 36 218 12:15 14 237 22 196 12:30 17 219 16 179 12:45 16 197 69 854 14 198 88 791 157 1645 01:00 9 199 7 241 01:15 8 192 19 166 01:30 9 173 10 169 01:45 7 174 33 738 11 186 47 762 80 1500 02:00 10 171 4 199 02:15 8 196 4 184 02:30 9 182 10 194 02:45 4 184 31 733 5 209 23 786 54 1519 03:00 5 168 7 195 03:15 10 186 5 230 03:30 6 232 6 240 03:45 5 226 26 812 7 248 25 913 51 1725 04:00 8 217 10 270 04:15 14 213 10 319 04:30 26 210 6 296 04:45 38 234 86 874 8 320 34 1205 120 2079 05:00 27 253 18 276 05:15 58 238 26 344 05:30 86 243 36 345 05:45 84 247 255 981 30 288 110 1253 365 2234 06:00 140 206 49 258 06:15 198 215 74 234 06:30 246 200 114 270 06:45 249 214 833 835 122 222 359 984 1192 1819 07:00 220 208 110 217 07:15 269 182 155 196 07:30 310 180 142 198 07:45 254 179 1053 749 132 179 539 790 1592 1539 08:00 285 152 126 167 08:15 246 134 126 152 08:30 264 142 152 176 08:45 225 136 1020 564 154 130 558 625 1578 1189 09:00 202 134 156 150 09:15 220 120 134 133 09:30 208 114 156 123 09:45 182 95 812 463 153 110 599 516 1411 979 10:00 176 84 156 94 10:15 190 77 148 122 10:30 210 67 164 73 10:45 196 48 772 276 190 89 658 378 1430 654 11:00 188 47 175 58 11:15 182 46 180 58 11:30 204 37 179 56 11:45 189 30 763 160 206 42 740 214 1503 374 Total 5753 8039 Percent 41.7% 58.3% 3780 9217 29.1 % 70.9% 9533 17256 35.6% 64.4% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 31-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 21 212 30 205 12:15 20 224 27 222 12:30 20 216 15 189 12:45 16 194 77 846 22 202 94 818 171 1664 01:00 15 208 14 222 01:15 14 214 16 206 01:30 12 199 15 204 01:45 11 194 52 815 11 212 56 844 108 1659 02:00 9 212 6 208 02:15 8 198 10 242 02:30 10 213 6 212 02:45 13 189 40 812 8 233 30 8951 70 1707 03:00 2 226 6 257 03:15 8 252 5 256 03:30 10 241 3 234 03:45 8 242 28 961 8 288 22 1035 50 1996 04:00 6 274 5 342 04:15 16 278 12 309 04:30 28 278 10 308 04:45 28 272 78 1102 11 348 38 1307 116 2409 05:00 24 248 20 284 05:15 44 253 24 366 05:30 71 284 22 312 05:45 85 243 224 1028 45 318 111 1280 335 2308 06:00 122 238 44 295 06:15 154 233 78 266 06:30 222 210 94 255 06:45 212 218 710 899 111 233 327 1049 1037 1948 07:00 221 216 112 226 07:15 296 216 129 216 07:30 309 232 126 208 07:45 264 202 1090 866 131 224 498 874 1588 1740 08:00 239 214 120 232 08:15 237 175 119 219 08:30 244 159 127 218 08:45 202 140 922 688 126 190 492 859 1414 1547 09:00 206 126 118 168 09:15 200 151 140 159 09:30 204 120 155 166 09:45 200 99 810 496 130 136 543 629 1353 1125 10:00 198 111 162 124 10:15 195 79 154 133 10:30 199 88 175 106 10:45 182 72 774 350 176 114 667 4771 1441 827 11:00 215 61 160 94 11:15 215 64 180 78 11:30 190 49 178 71 11:45 212 46 832 220 219 76 737 3191 1569 539 Total 5637 9083 Percent 38.3% 61.7% 3615 10386 25.8% 74.2% 9252 19469 32.2% 67.8% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 01-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 46 258 57 224 12:15 41 214 62 240 12:30 46 240 44 237 12:45 39 230 172 942 36 218 199 919 371 1861 01:00 21 226 33 210 01:15 22 209 23 232 01:30 21 238 22 212 01:45 22 205 86 878 26 178 104 832 190 1710 02:00 27 211 24 203 02:15 24 228 31 196 02:30 14 217 21 213 02:45 16 212 81 868 12 210 88 822 169 1690 03:00 17 192 13 210 03:15 8 230 6 218 03:30 10 222 12 193 03:45 7 213 42 857 6 234 37 855 79 1712 04:00 9 230 8 218 04:15 21 239 12 220 04:30 16 205 12 240 04:45 16 222 62 896 17 202 49 880 111 1776 05:00 22 214 14 195 05:15 28 225 22 242 05:30 50 213 30 235 05:45 30 203 130 855 23 204 89 876 219 1731 06:00 62 232 35 176 06:15 80 208 62 212 06:30 120 206 78 200 06:45 131 206 393 852 86 175 261 763 654 1615 07:00 137 159 90 170 07:15 144 167 89 179 07:30 180 168 97 172 07:45 171 158 632 652 97 230 373 751 1005 1403 08:00 137 182 103 156 08:15 158 159 120 188 08:30 199 135 136 160 08:45 182 132 676 608 132 154 491 658 1167 1266 09:00 212 122 150 176 09:15 225 142 165 160 09:30 222 128 180 130 09:45 242 104 901 496 176 144 671 610 1572 1106 10:00 236 100 186 127 10:15 232 82 198 137 10:30 226 96 196 116 10:45 196 89 890 367 156 107 736 487 1626 854 11:00 190 74 178 88 11:15 224 90 185 78 11:30 248 84 204 76 11:45 241 53 903 301 194 62 761 304 1664 605 Total 4968 8572 Percent 36.7% 63.3% 3859 8757 30.6% 69.4% 8827 17329 33.7% 66.3% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 02-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 48 209 43 171 12:15 46 271 36 198 12:30 35 256 50 195 12:45 31 255 160 991 28 172 157 736 317 1727 01:00 40 202 39 179 01:15 37 210 38 180 01:30 21 180 27 179 01:45 30 190 128 782 32 192 136 730 264 1512 02:00 30 166 32 160 02:15 25 176 21 1110 02:30 20 180 20 160 02:45 18 182 93 704 13 1741 86 674 179 1378 03:00 16 170 20 194 03:15 12 160 13 184 03:30 13 173 9 189 03:45 21 158 62 661 12 155 54 722 116 1383 04:00 7 164 7 167 04:15 11 1611 13 174 04:30 7 170 5 178 04:45 7 166 32 668 8 173 33 6921 65 1360 05:00 11 168 6 175 05:15 22 174 17 154 05:30 35 144 16 168 05:45 17 160 85 646 16 168 55 665 140 1311 06:00 28 188 17 154 06:15 32 156 26 191 06:30 40 140 34 156 06:45 52 156 152 640 30 152 107 653 259 1293 07:00 46 158 24 151 07:15 66 156 45 150 07:30 82 130 60 161 07:45 97 130 291 574 58 149 187 611 478 1185 08:00 67 130 64 166 08:15 95 152 76 160 08:30 115 142 84 140 08:45 124 156 401 580 108 144 332 610 733 1190 09:00 146 142 131 128 09:15 148 126 129 136 09:30 160 126 146 120 09:45 176 116 630 510 142 104 548 488 1178 998 10:00 202 74 122 110 10:15 185 81 128 90 10:30 180 62 144 74 10:45 178 49 745 266 146 66 540 340 1285 606 11:00 180 49 143 54 11:15 202 40 136 53 11:30 196 35 132 43 11:45 165 28 743 152 168 31 579 181 1322 333 Total 3522 7174 Percent 32.9% 67.1 % 2814 7102 28.4% 71.6% 6336 14276 30.7% 69.3% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 03-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 24 190 35 202 12:15 26 226 35 200 12:30 18 210 20 208 12:45 19 208 87 834 24 182 114 792 201 1626 01:00 16 210 17 217 01:15 14 222 14 202 01:30 16 195 10 162 01:45 12 198 58 825 10 176 51 757 109 1582 02:00 7 182 9 174 02:15 16 170 15 198 02:30 17 178 7 211 02:45 10 172 50 702 7 212 38 795 88 1497 03:00 10 192 5 217 03:15 11 2441 3 226 03:30 12 197 6 246 03:45 6 207 39 840 6 276 20 965 59 1805 04:00 9 234 9 288 04:15 21 235 11 270 04:30 21 257 7 311 04:45 31 228 82 954 16 339 43 1208 125 2162 05:00 28 212 14 320 05:15 46 228 14 380 05:30 66 226 28 327 05:45 71 238 211 904 40 299 96 1326 307 2230 06:00 110 220 47 261 06:15 158 202 76 241 06:30 226 216 86 224 06:45 236 213 730 851 110 234 319 960 1049 1811 07:00 222 183 82 192 07:15 232 160 108 227 07:30 280 152 112 187 07:45 231 170 965 665 89 198 391 804 1356 1469 08:00 218 172 113 174 08:15 212 148 88 170 08:30 250 152 100 180 08:45 200 137 880 609 134 158 435 682 1315 1291 09:00 192 128 142 142 09:15 208 111 147 170 09:30 212 102 162 127 09:45 218 92 830 433 146 114 597 553 1427 986 10:00 194 91 176 111 10:15 205 75 146 93 10:30 172 59 150 85 10:45 182 58 753 283 179 941 651 383 1404 666 11:00 179 35 190 58 11:15 172 39 193 52 11:30 194 35 179 48 11:45 188 23 733 132 177 22 739 180 1472 312 Total 5418 8032 Percent 40.3% 59.7% 3494 9405 27.1 % 72.9% 8912 17437 33.8% 66.2% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 04-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 18 178 32 188 12:15 24 216 22 184 12:30 16 183 24 192 12:45 24 180 82 757 18 206 96 770 178 1527 01:00 12 204 16 210 01:15 9 185 10 179 01:30 11 190 13 189 01:45 11 178 43 757 10 190 49 768 92 1525 02:00 7 174 10 212 02:15 11 183 11 196 02:30 11 196 2 211 02:45 5 186 34 739 4 2141 27 8331 61 1572 03:00 6 205 6 205 03:15 10 188 4 230 03:30 10 210 9 250 03:45 10 198 36 801 8 256 27 941 63 1742 04:00 9 203 8 276 04:15 11 203 3 281 04:30 20 258 9 306 04:45 30 235 70 8991 12 340 32 1203 102 2102 05:00 30 250 14 304 05:15 47 248 10 332 05:30 78 224 28 306 05:45 98 237 253 959 30 296 82 1238 335 2197 06:00 110 232 46 282 06:15 155 242 76 252 06:30 201 196 84 246 06:45 232 214 698 884 100 202 306 982 1004 1866 07:00 196 188 106 218 07:15 260 176 101 213 07:30 292 173 114 211 07:45 232 143 980 680 104 192 425 834 1405 1514 08:00 248 130 100 178 08:15 205 145 121 174 08:30 246 152 130 194 08:45 208 142 907 569 108 162 459 708 1366 1277 09:00 188 131 108 170 09:15 177 106 124 160 09:30 211 118 124 115 09:45 193 97 769 452 121 119 477 564 1246 1016 10:00 188 86 166 108 10:15 185 75 142 101 10:30 174 74 152 94 10:45 192 32 739 267 172 80 632 383 1371 650 11:00 206 38 163 43 11:15 202 32 156 58 11:30 163 29 156 46 11:45 202 25 773 124 165 44 640 191 1413 315 Total 5384 7888 Percent 40.6% 59.4% 3252 9415 25.7% 74.3% 8636 17303 33.3% 66.7% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 05-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 23 212 27 184 12:15 16 214 26 176 12:30 23 191 23 185 12:45 12 192 74 809 23 170 99 715 173 1524 01:00 10 188 18 193 01:15 9 194 12 186 01:30 12 208 10 214 01:45 10 188 41 778 7 186 47 779 88 1557 02:00 10 172 12 200 02:15 12 196 8 224 02:30 8 196 4 218 02:45 10 188 40 752 5 198 29 840 69 1592 03:00 6 214 6 219 03:15 9 186 4 216 03:30 16 200 8 238 03:45 7 198 38 798 10 250 28 923 66 1721 04:00 8 216 6 253 04:15 12 240 6 284 04:30 32 216 5 310 04:45 36 210 88 882 11 318 28 1165 116 2047 05:00 28 228 14 272 05:15 52 228 21 326 05:30 71 224 24 306 05:45 98 214 249 894 32 270 91 1174 340 2068 06:00 100 214 56 258 06:15 176 194 60 240 06:30 225 219 108 222 06:45 202 182 703 809 84 226 308 946 1011 1755 07:00 214 190 107 206 07:15 244 163 100 214 07:30 298 157 113 182 07:45 222 143 978 653 104 162 424 764 1402 1417 08:00 239 148 121 171 08:15 231 144 107 156 08:30 230 132 106 186 08:45 202 134 902 558 122 144 456 657 1358 1215 09:00 193 132 117 168 09:15 184 122 162 126 09:30 186 95 144 124 09:45 206 80 769 429 128 98 551 516 1320 945 10:00 185 83 172 109 10:15 174 67 148 95 10:30 159 54 172 83 10:45 194 51 712 255 139 61 631 348 1343 603 11:00 159 32 158 58 11:15 173 44 156 43 11:30 178 29 139 41 11:45 168 27 678 132 182 36 635 178 1313 310 Total 5272 7749 Percent 40.5% 59.5% 3327 9005 27.0% 73.0% 8599 16754 33.9% 66.1 % Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 06-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 190 28 201 12:15 15 186 20 180 12:30 14 198 26 214 12:45 11 196 60 770 18 179 92 774 152 1544 01:00 16 202 14 191 01:15 5 200 13 180 01:30 10 216 8 171 01:45 9 179 40 797 5 190 40 732 80 1529 02:00 7 186 7 192 02:15 8 174 9 174 02:30 9 186 6 198 02:45 9 184 33 730 8 202 30 766 63 1496 03:00 7 178 2 201 03:15 6 214 6 198 03:30 8 208 9 245 03:45 13 214 34 814 4 276 21 920 55 1734 04:00 5 202 5 260 04:15 11 223 5 258 04:30 34 202 6 296 04:45 23 209 73 836 9 305 25 11191 98 1955 05:00 35 212 12 279 05:15 39 254 21 322 05:30 74 235 32 291 05:45 89 210 237 911 36 282 101 1174 338 2085 06:00 110 225 44 251 06:15 181 213 64 216 06:30 206 182 86 230 06:45 218 155 715 775 104 204 298 901 1013 1676 07:00 226 182 106 188 07:15 274 196 103 198 07:30 266 146 97 199 07:45 267 146 1033 670 103 193 409 778 1442 1448 08:00 202 159 120 168 08:15 233 149 110 182 08:30 260 126 116 155 08:45 211 126 906 560 118 162 464 667 1370 1227 09:00 170 116 130 140 09:15 188 108 141 144 09:30 212 101 126 139 09:45 212 88 782 413 150 105 547 528 1329 941 10:00 188 94 135 106 10:15 162 84 149 100 10:30 192 77 150 66 10:45 141 43 683 298 156 73 590 345 1273 643 11:00 194 41 156 42 11:15 182 34 181 32 11:30 185 38 170 44 11:45 187 33 748 146 192 42 699 160 1447 306 Total 5344 7720 Percent 40.9% 59.1 % 3316 8864 27.2% 72.8% 8660 16584 34.3% 65.7% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 07-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 23 226 24 171 12:15 15 222 21 222 12:30 24 196 32 214 12:45 17 206 79 850 18 182 95 789 174 1639 01:00 15 210 22 197 01:15 11 195 16 216 01:30 13 212 6 194 01:45 14 188 53 805 8 204 52 811 105 1616 02:00 11 196 7 2141 1 02:15 8 193 6 202 02:30 9 220 7 198 02:45 10 208 38 817 6 222 26 836 64 1653 03:00 8 200 6 228 03:15 7 202 5 249 03:30 12 232 6 237 03:45 12 246 39 880 4 276 21 990 60 1870 04:00 8 268 10 277 04:15 14 243 18 335 04:30 28 256 9 292 04:45 23 257 73 1024 12 346 49 1250 122 2274 05:00 24 296 14 315 05:15 48 232 14 327 05:30 78 266 29 328 05:45 88 256 238 1050 26 294 83 1264 321 2314 06:00 110 242 56 279 06:15 161 238 70 265 06:30 198 231 102 271 06:45 206 233 675 944 113 233 341 1048 1016 1992 07:00 228 200 102 233 07:15 236 198 111 208 07:30 266 206 92 216 07:45 234 146 964 750 102 196 407 853 1371 1603 08:00 240 194 110 202 08:15 182 158 100 193 08:30 212 178 124 172 08:45 223 140 857 670 114 176 448 743 1305 1413 09:00 200 130 128 178 09:15 200 115 131 158 09:30 222 122 142 131 09:45 211 102 833 469 158 133 559 600 1392 1069 10:00 194 106 135 135 10:15 184 100 139 114 10:30 185 90 144 100 10:45 186 841 749 380 148 101 566 450 1315 830 11:00 162 64 168 93 11:15 192 57 160 72 11:30 182 54 174 66 11:45 189 38 725 213 202 60 704 291 1429 504 Total 5323 8852 Percent 37.6% 62.4% 3351 9925 25.2% 74.8% 8674 18777 31.6% 68.4% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 08-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 50 252 45 212 12:15 48 223 53 213 12:30 38 232 44 220 12:45 21 220 157 927 32 218 174 863 331 1790 01:00 23 228 29 222 01:15 26 216 22 198 01:30 22 223 23 204 01:45 32 199 103 866 23 203 97 827 200 1693 02:00 23 202 22 194 02:15 20 203 18 204 02:30 13 214 13 174 02:45 15 198 71 817 11 192 64 764 135 1581 03:00 20 198 9 229 03:15 10 207 6 216 03:30 10 239 9 210 03:45 10 201 50 845 8 196 32 851 82 1696 04:00 5 224 9 187 04:15 29 182 18 200 04:30 18 208 15 218 04:45 18 213 70 827 12 208 54 813 124 1640 05:00 27 184 8 202 05:15 32 220 18 212 05:30 50 184 22 219 05:45 48 180 157 768 34 200 82 833 239 1601 06:00 57 229 48 196 06:15 74 210 60 204 06:30 106 199 77 178 06:45 130 166 367 804 72 191 257 769 624 1573 07:00 126 162 76 170 07:15 138 174 92 178 07:30 166 174 80 202 07:45 164 190 594 700 84 178 332 728 926 1428 08:00 128 199 92 170 08:15 145 164 125 191 08:30 198 166 128 190 08:45 191 125 662 654 96 134 441 685 1103 1339 09:00 154 130 136 166 09:15 185 143 148 146 09:30 208 126 165 141 09:45 199 94 746 493 172 148 621 601 1367 1094 10:00 258 102 146 144 10:15 222 91 190 104 10:30 216 87 173 110 10:45 223 81 919 361 198 98 707 456 1626 817 11:00 208 96 208 88 11:15 254 86 195 106 11:30 244 68 248 66 11:45 222 45 928 295 174 74 825 334 1753 629 Total 4824 8357 Percent 36.6% 63.4% 3686 8524 30.2% 69.8% 8510 16881 33.5% 66.5% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 09-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 46 165 46 120 12:15 34 210 41 94 12:30 40 222 30 120 12:45 31 234 151 831 36 152 153 486 304 1317 01:00 31 211 33 185 01:15 21 196 33 208 01:30 25 172 16 186 01:45 38 190 115 769 21 172 103 751 218 1520 02:00 21 178 27 164 02:15 19 184 21 190 02:30 25 179 20 158 02:45 18 200 83 741 28 175 96 6871 179 1428 03:00 12 172 19 147 03:15 14 168 14 180 03:30 14 180 13 170 03:45 14 198 54 718 12 161 58 658 112 1376 04:00 8 171 6 182 04:15 4 157 10 161 04:30 9 151 7 183 04:45 14 166 35 645 11 178 34 704 69 1349 05:00 7 195 5 181 05:15 28 194 10 162 05:30 25 166 18 174 05:45 19 156 79 711 12 185 45 702 124 1413 06:00 24 194 15 182 06:15 34 167 19 210 06:30 46 148 23 150 06:45 42 141 146 650 37 154 94 696 240 1346 07:00 36 146 26 149 07:15 48 140 42 158 07:30 80 81 46 134 07:45 76 54 240 421 48 170 162 611 402 1032 08:00 90 56 64 141 08:15 104 108 76 136 08:30 100 130 66 117 08:45 85 92 379 386 45 135 251 529 630 915 09:00 112 126 42 123 09:15 124 128 14 116 09:30 156 98 2 115 09:45 194 76 586 428 12 96 70 450 656 878 10:00 149 64 27 86 10:15 152 78 68 78 10:30 190 58 108 76 10:45 170 50 661 250 108 50 311 290 972 540 11:00 180 29 132 44 11:15 178 47 118 49 11:30 164 33 133 36 11:45 188 36 710 145 158 29 541 158 1251 303 Total 3239 6695 Percent 32.6% 67.4% 1918 6722 22.2% 77.8% 5157 13417 27.8% 72.2% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 10-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 33 207 26 192 12:15 19 190 24 206 12:30 15 190 17 168 12:45 8 186 75 773 15 187 82 753 157 1526 01:00 9 196 19 191 01:15 12 180 11 164 01:30 10 206 7 201 01:45 11 182 42 764 12 184 49 740 91 1504 02:00 7 178 10 194 02:15 16 186 8 202 02:30 7 175 6 190 02:45 8 198 38 737 8 187 32 773 70 1510 03:00 3 203 7 229 03:15 6 193 1 237 03:30 8 222 6 200 03:45 10 211 27 829 1 256 15 922 42 1751 04:00 7 179 5 287 04:15 10 207 3 293 04:30 25 216 1 278 04:45 37 238 79 840 4 286 13 1144 92 1984 05:00 16 230 6 270 05:15 41 225 9 342 05:30 40 202 16 317 05:45 68 246 165 903 6 247 37 1176 202 2079 06:00 102 213 20 268 06:15 139 180 34 260 06:30 196 199 40 258 06:45 182 196 619 788 80 224 174 1010 793 1798 07:00 202 153 78 197 07:15 250 190 103 164 07:30 274 165 79 206 07:45 245 166 971 674 102 162 362 729 1333 1403 08:00 237 158 114 157 08:15 202 138 88 208 08:30 254 133 126 174 08:45 208 148 901 577 110 166 438 705 1339 1282 09:00 193 124 108 146 09:15 185 99 126 142 09:30 195 96 127 115 09:45 201 92 774 411 138 120 499 523 1273 934 10:00 176 100 148 106 10:15 202 84 150 90 10:30 206 46 159 74 10:45 191 44 775 274 178 64 635 334 1410 608 11:00 196 52 166 50 11:15 196 28 186 58 11:30 190 22 168 48 11:45 220 33 802 1351 178 46 698 202 1500 337 Total 5268 7705 Percent 40.6% 59.4% 3034 9011 25.2% 74.8% 8302 16716 33.2% 66.8% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 11-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornino Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 23 206 24 174 12:15 28 196 22 177 12:30 22 200 31 171 12:45 10 174 83 776 11 198 88 720 171 1496 01:00 13 186 13 170 01:15 6 196 10 173 01:30 8 212 11 162 01:45 6 178 33 772 8 166 42 671 75 1443 02:00 3 184 4 190 02:15 8 186 8 200 02:30 12 210 7 203 02:45 4 184 27 764 4 186 23 779 50 1543 03:00 4 194 5 166 03:15 5 203 6 228 03:30 14 221 4 238 03:45 9 189 32 807 14 238 29 870 61 1677 04:00 12 216 7 265 04:15 10 226 7 258 04:30 34 232 6 284 04:45 35 214 91 888 12 289 32 1096 123 1984 05:00 23 226 12 310 05:15 40 226 11 322 05:30 64 229 30 337 05:45 98 227 225 908 27 306 80 1275 305 2183 06:00 116 238 47 266 06:15 172 220 70 256 06:30 201 184 84 223 06:45 209 180 698 822 102 204 303 949 1001 1771 07:00 216 170 84 199 07:15 240 172 110 196 07:30 298 151 114 203 07:45 278 155 1032 648 98 176 406 774 1438 1422 08:00 232 146 106 177 08:15 205 156 94 158 08:30 217 136 110 147 08:45 200 112 854 550 140 172 450 654 1304 1204 09:00 186 121 119 176 09:15 166 141 116 138 09:30 165 118 122 145 09:45 195 92 712 472 112 127 469 586 1181 1058 10:00 178 90 134 100 10:15 158 62 147 92 10:30 182 55 152 73 10:45 183 50 701 257 144 64 577 329 1278 586 11:00 172 31 142 54 11:15 190 30 186 40 11:30 189 19 134 47 11:45 192 20 743 100 176 36 638 177 1381 277 Total 5231 7764 Percent 40.3% 59.7% 3137 8880 26.1 % 73.9% 8368 16644 33.5% 66.5% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Coronado Station ID: 24049 Start 12-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc Wad Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 18 197 27 157 12:15 21 168 18 140 12:30 20 191 13 158 12:45 13 210 72 766 17 143 75 598 147 1364 01:00 4 178 24 138 01:15 6 154 14 153 01:30 9 200 9 120 01:45 6 168 25 700 11 142 58 553 83 1253 02:00 7 198 10 168 02:15 7 161 7 169 02:30 10 158 5 170 02:45 5 192 29 709 6 160 28 6671 57 1376 03:00 8 162 8 176 03:15 7 196 5 191 03:30 12 196 6 175 03:45 10 190 37 744 8 211 27 753 64 1497 04:00 5 227 6 226 04:15 13 257 8 218 04:30 26 194 8 232 04:45 23 251 67 929 8 258 30 934 97 1863 05:00 26 214 16 216 05:15 54 243 20 276 05:30 72 232 28 266 05:45 103 6 255 695 33 5 97 763 352 1458 06:00 108 43 06:15 174 66 06:30 208 83 06:45 196 686 0 90 282 0 968 0 07:00 234 88 07:15 248 96 07:30 293 116 07:45 253 1028 0 102 402 0 1430 0 08:00 250 104 08:15 230 96 08:30 200 114 08:45 188 868 0 90 404 0 1272 0 09:00 168 124 09:15 202 102 09:30 199 91 09:45 177 746 0 122 439 0 1185 0 10:00 172 139 10:15 192 124 10:30 187 128 10:45 152 703 0 129 520 0 1223 0 11:00 188 152 11:15 170 128 11:30 176 146 11:45 182 716 0 144 570 0 1286 0 Total 5232 4543 Percent 53.5% 46.5% Grand 117383 182476 Total Percent 39.1 % 60.9% ADT ADT 25,284 AADT 25,284 2932 4268 8164 8811 40.7% 59.3% 48.1 % 51.9% 77747 203041 195130 385517 27.7% 72.3% 33.6% 66.4% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 20-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 * 198 274 04:30 * 194 246 04:45 * 198 0 590 268 0 788 0 1378 05:00 * 194 258 05:15 * 214 * 306 05:30 * 180 * 272 05:45 * 193 0 781 * 212 0 1048 0 1829 06:00 * 187 * 237 06:15 * 172 * 196 06:30 * 170 * 192 06:45 * 190 0 719 * 163 0 788 0 1507 07:00 * 164 146 07:15 * 158 * 162 07:30 * 158 * 152 07:45 * 127 0 607 * 130 0 590 0 1197 08:00 122 * 134 08:15 * 99 * 139 08:30 * 113 * 144 08:45 * 82 0 416 * 136 0 553 0 969 09:00 * 90 * 116 09:15 * 89 * 109 09:30 * 76 * 104 09:45 * 60 0 315 * 100 0 429 0 744 10:00 * 57 * 86 10:15 * 52 * 74 10:30 32 57 10:45 * 41 0 182 * 42 0 259 0 441 11:00 * 37 47 11:15 * 20 * 39 11:30 * 24 * 25 11:45 * 24 0 105 16 0 127 0 232 Total 0 3715 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0 4582 0.0% 100.0% 0 8297 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 21-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 164 22 150 12:15 15 152 19 144 12:30 9 164 12 132 12:45 13 168 48 648 19 166 72 592 120 1240 01:00 3 165 9 142 01:15 11 175 11 166 01:30 6 172 12 144 01:45 4 163 24 675 7 168 39 620 63 1295 02:00 8 152 8 182 02:15 9 159 9 182 02:30 11 190 4 156 02:45 6 190 34 691 3 190 24 710 58 1401 03:00 7 188 3 189 03:15 8 201 6 180 03:30 7 202 4 228 03:45 6 192 28 783 1 236 14 833 42 1616 04:00 11 184 9 220 04:15 11 204 5 212 04:30 28 190 8 251 04:45 23 190 73 768 6 322 28 1005 101 1773 05:00 42 217 10 270 05:15 46 199 17 316 05:30 79 192 17 288 05:45 80 192 247 800 26 255 70 1129 317 1929 06:00 111 176 50 206 06:15 188 204 50 198 06:30 255 200 70 181 06:45 218 163 772 743 77 170 247 755 1019 1498 07:00 236 154 83 186 07:15 286 198 97 188 07:30 312 135 112 152 07:45 250 145 1084 632 114 136 406 662 1490 1294 08:00 225 147 124 131 08:15 202 122 100 144 08:30 225 119 94 131 08:45 183 104 835 492 132 118 450 524 1285 1016 09:00 190 97 123 123 09:15 174 92 109 124 09:30 186 72 106 107 09:45 162 82 712 343 124 90 462 444 1174 787 10:00 181 75 124 104 10:15 150 65 112 88 10:30 174 55 105 68 10:45 164 39 669 234 132 68 473 328 1142 562 11:00 196 34 130 32 11:15 171 24 168 44 11:30 174 22 142 40 11:45 186 28 727 108 148 42 588 158 1315 266 Total 5253 6917 Percent 43.2% 56.8% 2873 7760 27.0% 73.0% 8126 14677 35.6% 64.4% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 22-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 154 26 158 12:15 18 190 15 150 12:30 19 187 17 160 12:45 15 184 66 715 13 170 71 638 137 1353 01:00 3 168 20 155 01:15 2 172 9 158 01:30 9 186 6 152 01:45 4 158 18 684 8 170 43 635 61 1319 02:00 8 154 4 152 02:15 10 184 2 184 02:30 6 188 2 168 02:45 5 176 29 702 2 198 10 702 39 1404 03:00 6 204 2 174 03:15 7 199 0 238 03:30 7 195 6 222 03:45 7 180 27 778 3 257 11 891 38 1669 04:00 4 200 9 232 04:15 14 195 2 252 04:30 26 226 2 264 04:45 26 194 70 815 8 238 21 986 91 1801 05:00 38 218 12 250 05:15 50 200 14 236 05:30 77 202 12 274 05:45 98 206 263 826 33 298 71 1058 334 1884 06:00 112 216 46 228 06:15 168 202 68 214 06:30 248 170 76 190 06:45 226 168 754 756 64 168 254 800 1008 1556 07:00 241 138 90 160 07:15 272 157 108 191 07:30 290 140 135 152 07:45 292 118 1095 553 96 150 429 653 1524 1206 08:00 246 123 126 138 08:15 220 146 103 164 08:30 222 128 94 140 08:45 212 106 900 503 112 156 435 598 1335 1101 09:00 177 101 120 108 09:15 182 110 112 130 09:30 203 82 114 102 09:45 160 88 722 381 116 108 462 448 1184 829 10:00 142 61 114 96 10:15 158 64 129 86 10:30 150 57 146 77 10:45 160 44 610 226 120 61 509 320 1119 546 11:00 148 37 136 58 11:15 155 28 133 46 11:30 150 29 132 40 11:45 191 18 644 112 143 31 544 175 1188 287 Total 5198 7051 Percent 42.4% 57.6% 2860 7904 26.6% 73.4% 8058 14955 35.0% 65.0% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 23-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 169 14 163 12:15 10 174 14 150 12:30 14 170 12 141 12:45 8 174 44 687 18 144 58 598 102 1285 01:00 6 150 18 158 01:15 4 178 13 168 01:30 9 164 10 150 01:45 2 158 21 650 6 176 47 652 68 1302 02:00 7 154 9 182 02:15 12 196 7 179 02:30 9 194 10 174 02:45 9 164 37 708 6 211 32 746 69 1454 03:00 2 175 2 208 03:15 12 214 4 198 03:30 6 218 4 210 03:45 11 164 31 771 7 228 17 844 48 1615 04:00 3 222 6 220 04:15 11 220 10 266 04:30 26 217 4 240 04:45 36 198 76 857 5 251 25 977 101 1834 05:00 47 195 13 248 05:15 52 226 18 292 05:30 74 208 15 266 05:45 95 206 268 835 28 224 74 1030 342 1865 06:00 94 218 33 202 06:15 158 220 57 188 06:30 225 193 73 206 06:45 234 154 711 785 82 170 245 766 956 1551 07:00 222 148 91 164 07:15 252 146 118 188 07:30 294 142 110 194 07:45 264 136 1032 572 117 158 436 704 1468 1276 08:00 254 156 106 139 08:15 201 134 111 160 08:30 256 150 116 145 08:45 187 115 898 555 116 130 449 574 1347 1129 09:00 176 104 110 141 09:15 194 88 122 130 09:30 190 98 106 96 09:45 182 77 742 367 130 93 468 460 1210 827 10:00 172 62 136 98 10:15 176 56 126 94 10:30 173 46 110 70 10:45 136 40 657 204 132 70 504 332 1161 536 11:00 163 38 120 47 11:15 176 22 144 57 11:30 166 24 156 29 11:45 166 18 671 102 149 34 569 167 1240 269 Total 5188 7093 Percent 42.2% 57.8% 2924 7850 27.1 % 72.9% 8112 14943 35.2% 64.8% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 24-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 208 30 188 12:15 20 212 25 194 12:30 7 200 6 180 12:45 10 221 48 841 20 183 81 745 129 1586 01:00 14 223 13 200 01:15 6 235 13 218 01:30 7 200 12 186 01:45 13 214 40 872 6 198 44 802 84 1674 02:00 8 212 7 195 02:15 3 223 10 202 02:30 10 192 2 199 02:45 10 222 31 849 5 206 24 802 55 1651 03:00 5 218 3 236 03:15 8 219 5 254 03:30 8 211 4 270 03:45 6 232 27 880 3 251 15 1011 42 1891 04:00 9 224 4 262 04:15 16 230 9 272 04:30 28 234 4 246 04:45 32 249 85 937 12 266 29 1046 114 1983 05:00 33 234 12 262 05:15 50 235 12 307 05:30 66 242 20 256 05:45 100 228 249 939 26 244 70 1069 319 2008 06:00 100 232 38 248 06:15 158 216 64 205 06:30 244 195 68 164 06:45 204 194 706 837 87 168 257 785 963 1622 07:00 215 176 71 184 07:15 262 168 114 154 07:30 289 162 134 180 07:45 222 152 988 658 116 128 435 646 1423 1304 08:00 220 138 136 158 08:15 241 134 100 171 08:30 198 148 136 120 08:45 260 118 919 538 138 139 510 588 1429 1126 09:00 202 126 120 162 09:15 195 115 120 166 09:30 221 106 125 147 09:45 167 90 785 437 112 156 477 631 1262 1068 10:00 166 126 130 124 10:15 178 86 128 124 10:30 178 82 188 92 10:45 202 62 724 356 164 801 610 420 1334 776 11:00 188 69 146 85 11:15 204 52 206 109 11:30 209 45 162 72 11:45 222 51 823 217 204 68 718 334 1541 551 Total 5425 8361 Percent 39.4% 60.6% 3270 8879 26.9% 73.1% 8695 17240 33.5% 66.5% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 25-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 43 186 44 165 12:15 34 221 46 170 12:30 26 196 37 152 12:45 19 208 122 811 33 182 160 669 282 1480 01:00 22 178 39 176 01:15 21 182 26 174 01:30 13 172 23 162 01:45 18 196 74 728 25 133 113 645 187 1373 02:00 18 147 25 1621 1 02:15 24 188 33 194 02:30 17 176 19 191 02:45 14 176 73 687 14 147 91 6941 164 1381 03:00 12 179 17 180 03:15 12 154 9 164 03:30 10 186 10 180 03:45 10 201 44 720 9 184 45 708 89 1428 04:00 6 184 5 188 04:15 18 198 16 182 04:30 15 167 11 168 04:45 15 174 54 723 12 172 44 710 98 1433 05:00 22 158 20 200 05:15 26 186 16 199 05:30 48 178 24 166 05:45 45 188 141 710 24 214 84 779 225 1489 06:00 45 158 24 176 06:15 75 191 28 158 06:30 132 168 58 160 06:45 112 148 364 665 42 137 152 631 516 1296 07:00 108 157 60 158 07:15 118 154 65 150 07:30 116 147 66 143 07:45 134 134 476 592 82 168 273 619 749 1211 08:00 119 142 76 126 08:15 132 118 90 142 08:30 149 120 86 143 08:45 168 126 568 506 110 128 362 539 930 1045 09:00 134 138 112 136 09:15 164 128 108 128 09:30 172 100 120 126 09:45 194 110 664 476 145 115 485 505 1149 981 10:00 194 94 138 130 10:15 228 86 13 1 116 10:30 182 73 146 98 10:45 216 72 820 325 162 80 577 424 1397 749 11:00 179 60 165 82 11:15 220 58 128 86 11:30 194 47 148 60 11:45 196 45 789 210 154 55 595 283 1384 493 Total 4189 7153 Percent 36.9% 63.1 % 2981 7206 29.3% 70.7% 7170 14359 33.3% 66.7% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 26-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 34 186 39 130 12:15 52 232 43 125 12:30 24 195 42 1640 12:45 32 172 142 785 36 169 160 588 302 1373 01:00 26 148 31 130 01:15 27 167 23 151 01:30 22 162 29 130 01:45 23 162 98 639 22 125 105 536 203 1175 02:00 13 166 15 140 02:15 21 149 18 128 02:30 23 179 23 131 02:45 13 166 70 660 13 119 69 518 139 1178 03:00 17 140 8 136 03:15 15 170 11 154 03:30 9 152 8 132 03:45 9 129 50 591 7 122 34 544 84 1135 04:00 7 120 4 125 04:15 7 134 3 145 04:30 6 153 6 120 04:45 4 113 24 520 6 133 19 5231 43 1043 05:00 11 161 8 142 05:15 20 126 7 142 05:30 29 153 14 148 05:45 16 150 76 590 14 135 43 567 119 1157 06:00 20 152 10 140 06:15 31 142 14 146 06:30 46 138 16 142 06:45 42 120 139 552 24 138 64 566 203 1118 07:00 50 144 26 128 07:15 40 116 38 128 07:30 72 122 37 118 07:45 76 120 238 502 32 128 133 502 371 1004 08:00 70 104 48 120 08:15 74 87 47 108 08:30 92 130 60 119 08:45 98 102 334 423 88 100 243 447 577 870 09:00 110 104 108 147 09:15 130 96 92 111 09:30 153 112 93 90 09:45 162 84 555 396 101 112 394 460 949 856 10:00 136 66 102 94 10:15 165 58 96 78 10:30 150 45 100 78 10:45 158 48 609 217 114 68 412 318 1021 535 11:00 156 47 135 70 11:15 159 36 118 52 11:30 154 42 110 41 11:45 182 37 651 162� 120 43 483 206 1134 368 Total 2986 6037 Percent 33.1 % 66.9% 2159 5775 27.2% 72.8% 5145 11812 30.3% 69.7% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 27-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 22 168 28 122 12:15 18 172 25 128 12:30 22 167 28 131 12:45 15 154 77 661 17 158 98 539 175 1200 01:00 14 156 16 130 01:15 12 177 14 139 01:30 15 146 18 132 01:45 20 166 61 645 15 138 63 539 124 1184 02:00 13 156 24 138 02:15 17 152 8 146 02:30 13 140 14 152 02:45 13 155 56 603 9 138 55 574 111 1177 03:00 6 122 10 142 03:15 4 112 6 131 03:30 6 151 3 140 03:45 14 159 30 544 7 149 26 562 56 1106 04:00 6 138 2 169 04:15 8 129 6 176 04:30 20 146 6 130 04:45 16 163 50 576 6 130 20 6051 70 1181 05:00 24 154 13 138 05:15 28 124 8 142 05:30 31 144 16 164 05:45 44 173 127 595 16 142 53 586 180 1181 06:00 54 128 15 136 06:15 39 153 21 136 06:30 64 124 32 137 06:45 58 134 215 539 33 136 101 545 316 1084 07:00 74 144 40 124 07:15 88 136 44 136 07:30 110 120 50 113 07:45 100 116 372 516 53 124 187 497 559 1013 08:00 88 108 56 105 08:15 98 108 62 129 08:30 115 107 69 126 08:45 112 131 413 454 52 112 239 472 652 926 09:00 105 97 66 125 09:15 100 98 72 110 09:30 132 73 84 101 09:45 138 80 475 348 94 100 316 436 791 784 10:00 136 70 87 82 10:15 150 58 98 75 10:30 150 56 95 62 10:45 142 47 578 231 120 58 400 277 978 508 11:00 133 26 120 41 11:15 152 30 116 45 11:30 175 21 130 36 11:45 172 26 632 103 115 32 481 154 1113 257 Total 3086 5815 Percent 34.7% 65.3% 2039 5786 26.1 % 73.9% 5125 11601 30.6% 69.4% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 28-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 172 23 172 12:15 13 170 28 149 12:30 13 216 10 170 12:45 11 182 49 740 10 169 71 660 120 1400 01:00 8 194 10 152 01:15 8 180 9 145 01:30 10 170 7 139 01:45 10 174 36 718 5 171 31 607 67 1325 02:00 2 158 6 190 02:15 7 189 7 174 02:30 9 156 3 179 02:45 8 186 26 689 2 196 18 739 44 1428 03:00 8 202 6 182 03:15 6 228 4 212 03:30 7 200 2 226 03:45 12 186 33 816 6 238 18 858 51 1674 04:00 10 224 5 234 04:15 11 188 4 242 04:30 20 196 8 256 04:45 26 206 67 814 6 287 23 10191 90 1833 05:00 38 234 12 238 05:15 43 194 16 287 05:30 64 216 12 288 05:45 80 196 225 840 25 252 65 1065 290 1905 06:00 106 193 38 231 06:15 153 179 65 199 06:30 247 184 71 204 06:45 210 145 716 701 82 164 256 798 972 1499 07:00 228 192 82 152 07:15 238 155 107 160 07:30 316 141 132 152 07:45 248 136 1030 624 111 164 432 628 1462 1252 08:00 245 138 126 142 08:15 228 130 104 134 08:30 226 122 131 120 08:45 216 88 915 478 126 130 487 526 1402 1004 09:00 187 106 122 98 09:15 197 76 116 131 09:30 175 96 126 100 09:45 184 67 743 345 118 94 482 423 1225 768 10:00 187 56 158 81 10:15 180 52 126 68 10:30 176 60 106 72 10:45 162 52 705 220 163 46 553 267 1258 487 11:00 188 25 136 40 11:15 188 38 147 44 11:30 176 22 155 50 11:45 170 22 722 107 132 28 570 162 1292 269 Total 5267 7092 Percent 42.6% 57.4% 3006 7752 27.9% 72.1% 8273 14844 35.8% 64.2% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 29-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 168 27 133 12:15 8 184 12 156 12:30 9 170 17 153 12:45 10 159 36 681 17 160 73 602 109 1283 01:00 4 170 11 144 01:15 3 183 8 140 01:30 10 168 5 150 01:45 5 150 22 671 5 156 29 590 51 1261 02:00 6 165 5 188 02:15 7 152 2 180 02:30 9 202 5 164 02:45 3 197 25 716 5 156 17 688 42 1404 03:00 6 188 3 194 03:15 5 221 1 206 03:30 7 181 3 212 03:45 11 178 29 768 6 219 13 831 42 1599 04:00 11 180 5 219 04:15 20 209 2 236 04:30 16 218 2 248 04:45 38 181 85 788 5 278 14 981 99 1769 05:00 38 199 18 246 05:15 48 196 20 276 05:30 61 204 16 262 05:45 95 169 242 768 28 248 82 1032 324 1800 06:00 106 196 33 214 06:15 152 176 62 212 06:30 236 174 64 171 06:45 233 183 727 729 70 181 229 778 956 1507 07:00 228 198 98 162 07:15 282 143 99 166 07:30 308 176 125 155 07:45 242 104 1060 621 95 158 417 641 1477 1262 08:00 208 131 124 130 08:15 231 130 108 153 08:30 212 102 130 164 08:45 189 104 840 467 162 98 524 545 1364 1012 09:00 180 96 116 112 09:15 176 104 100 120 09:30 179 89 108 119 09:45 193 73 728 362 106 92 430 443 1158 805 10:00 146 67 134 98 10:15 173 54 124 90 10:30 166 42 147 58 10:45 182 33 667 196 128 42 533 288 1200 484 11:00 142 42 138 43 11:15 206 22 151 51 11:30 166 31 135 32 11:45 192 22 706 117 144 42 568 168 1274 285 Total 5167 6884 Percent 42.9% 57.1 % 2929 7587 27.9% 72.1% 8096 14471 35.9% 64.1 % Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 30-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 19 210 27 194 12:15 11 206 16 165 12:30 13 197 17 150 12:45 9 211 52 824 17 164 77 673 129 1497 01:00 8 191 3 200 01:15 8 202 16 155 01:30 6 155 9 154 01:45 3 172 25 720 8 176 36 685 61 1405 02:00 12 175 4 176 02:15 8 180 2 176 02:30 8 170 12 162 02:45 6 196 34 721 5 198 23 712 57 1433 03:00 3 174 6 168 03:15 10 172 5 195 03:30 5 192 1 222 03:45 5 188 23 726 6 230 18 815 41 1541 04:00 3 194 12 237 04:15 12 167 6 243 04:30 21 185 8 253 04:45 34 186 70 732 3 290 29 1023 99 1755 05:00 35 229 12 254 05:15 51 188 16 316 05:30 68 198 19 285 05:45 84 192 238 807 25 230 72 1085 310 1892 06:00 112 196 38 212 06:15 172 186 63 208 06:30 248 176 72 204 06:45 228 178 760 736 84 167 257 791 1017 1527 07:00 226 174 80 176 07:15 238 154 126 164 07:30 322 162 117 174 07:45 236 142 1022 632 102 136 425 650 1447 1282 08:00 250 139 111 130 08:15 209 110 101 140 08:30 216 120 113 143 08:45 215 121 890 490 122 104 447 517 1337 1007 09:00 192 99 112 122 09:15 184 98 106 105 09:30 191 90 122 105 09:45 167 64 734 351 126 84 466 416 1200 767 10:00 180 72 136 94 10:15 182 58 125 105 10:30 208 60 156 73 10:45 172 47 742 237 152 73 569 345 1311 582 11:00 192 44 140 52 11:15 202 39 152 52 11:30 189 33 162 42 11:45 174 26 757 142 183 44 637 190 1394 332 Total 5347 7118 Percent 42.9% 57.1 % 3056 7902 27.9% 72.1% 8403 15020 35.9% 64.1 % Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 31-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 204 26 182 12:15 19 206 22 186 12:30 18 183 11 166 12:45 7 198 58 791 20 181 79 715 137 1506 01:00 11 188 13 168 01:15 12 201 14 180 01:30 10 198 12 193 01:45 7 201 40 788 10 183 49 724 89 1512 02:00 4 198 6 161 02:15 7 170 6 222 02:30 10 194 2 173 02:45 13 181 34 743 7 212 21 768 55 1511 03:00 1 186 8 232 03:15 5 222 4 235 03:30 15 195 3 211 03:45 5 210 26 813 4 266 19 944 45 1757 04:00 6 218 3 283 04:15 19 252 11 270 04:30 23 230 3 276 04:45 29 216 77 916 8 278 25 1107 102 2023 05:00 28 223 16 248 05:15 38 220 18 317 05:30 66 235 12 260 05:45 82 203 214 881 22 253 68 1078 282 1959 06:00 113 230 27 238 06:15 148 214 58 218 06:30 234 201 66 178 06:45 199 202 694 847 67 202 218 836 912 1683 07:00 212 179 78 173 07:15 264 186 98 166 07:30 270 180 112 158 07:45 256 176 1002 721 114 190 402 687 1404 1408 08:00 234 193 131 164 08:15 214 178 88 194 08:30 226 152 120 170 08:45 190 128 864 651 119 164 458 692 1322 1343 09:00 196 117 103 146 09:15 174 116 116 145 09:30 180 108 142 135 09:45 191 80 741 421 114 112 475 538 1216 959 10:00 168 76 136 94 10:15 160 63 126 116 10:30 176 84 142 91 10:45 180 53 684 276 148 86 552 387 1236 663 11:00 170 48 162 70 11:15 196 62 156 59 11:30 173 32 153 63 11:45 205 34 744 176 178 66 649 258 1393 434 Total 5178 8024 Percent 39.2% 60.8% 3015 8734 25.7% 74.3% 8193 16758 32.8% 67.2% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 01-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 41 215 50 172 12:15 27 204 50 186 12:30 28 200 34 190 12:45 26 212 122 831 30 182 164 730 286 1561 01:00 18 220 28 168 01:15 15 198 18 180 01:30 16 195 16 158 01:45 14 178 63 791 22 147 84 653 147 1444 02:00 21 182 21 170 02:15 19 184 28 159 02:30 13 182 17 172 02:45 13 191 66 739 9 174 75 675 141 1414 03:00 13 176 15 192 03:15 9 172 4 162 03:30 6 182 8 167 03:45 6 191 34 721 4 194 31 715 65 1436 04:00 7 185 4 167 04:15 18 208 8 190 04:30 18 198 10 190 04:45 17 187 60 778 14 174 36 721 96 1499 05:00 17 187 10 162 05:15 21 184 16 192 05:30 48 172 14 166 05:45 34 198 120 741 20 182 60 702 180 1443 06:00 54 188 19 132 06:15 68 196 36 164 06:30 113 186 58 134 06:45 128 158 363 728 54 146 167 576 530 1304 07:00 117 150 69 128 07:15 122 126 76 126 07:30 163 134 82 152 07:45 146 164 548 574 78 185 305 591 853 1165 08:00 124 126 72 135 08:15 130 152 88 148 08:30 156 112 110 124 08:45 150 109 560 499 120 128 390 535 950 1034 09:00 155 110 132 145 09:15 188 119 142 131 09:30 200 94 119 115 09:45 212 89 755 412 156 122 549 513 1304 925 10:00 190 93 138 108 10:15 230 73 158 115 10:30 167 76 145 81 10:45 194 60 781 302 136 94 577 398 1358 700 11:00 148 57 144 71 11:15 194 60 149 54 11:30 214 62 168 63 11:45 211 42 767 221 157 48 618 236 1385 457 Total 4239 7337 Percent 36.6% 63.4% 3056 7045 30.3% 69.7% 7295 14382 33.7% 66.3% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 02-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 42 169 34 146 12:15 31 224 30 138 12:30 21 196 39 146 12:45 18 227 112 816 18 132 121 562 233 1378 01:00 22 184 36 150 01:15 30 174 28 136 01:30 17 153 20 132 01:45 23 174 92 685 22 146 106 564 198 1249 02:00 21 142 22 138 02:15 13 154 14 159 02:30 19 174 9 134� 02:45 9 164 62 634 11 130 56 561 118 1195 03:00 13 144 16 148 03:15 11 140 11 172 03:30 7 169 10 140 03:45 18 150 49 603 6 158 43 618 92 1221 04:00 4 132 5 138 04:15 6 130 8 138 04:30 11 131 4 123� 04:45 6 131 27 524 4 149 21 548 48 1072 05:00 9 142 4 134 05:15 14 127 11 144 05:30 32 132 8 122 05:45 12 148 67 549 12 138 35 538 102 1087 06:00 27 138 12 130 06:15 36 152 23 159 06:30 42 134 17 146 06:45 45 148 150 572 29 136 81 571 231 1143 07:00 40 112 24 118 07:15 48 130 29 114 07:30 75 138 35 140 07:45 79 110 242 490 41 112 129 484 371 974 08:00 62 110 52 130 08:15 82 126 52 122 08:30 82 110 54 132 08:45 116 115 342 461 105 119 263 503 605 964 09:00 103 109 112 108 09:15 128 92 90 102 09:30 152 102 86 106 09:45 138 94 521 397 102 90 390 406 911 803 10:00 136 59 88 73 10:15 147 51 72 80 10:30 141 52 97 62 10:45 152 46 576 208 107 52 364 267 940 475 11:00 134 34 100 48 11:15 172 36 105 451 1 11:30 178 31 102 361 1 11:45 154 25 638 126 130 30 1 437 159 1 1075 285 Total 2878 6065 Percent 32.2% 67.8% 2046 5781 26.1% 73.9% 4924 11846 29.4% 70.6% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 03-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 182 22 154 12:15 18 200 31 175 12:30 9 193 18 172 12:45 11 180 58 755 21 166 92 667 150 1422 01:00 16 188 15 152 01:15 7 200 10 168 01:30 10 166 15 127 01:45 14 177 47 731 8 154 48 601 95 1332 02:00 6 193 8 158 02:15 16 148 12 189 02:30 13 156 5 177 02:45 11 173 46 670 8 181 33 705 79 1375 03:00 10 149 4 202 03:15 8 198 0 200 03:30 12 201 4 212 03:45 7 192 37 740 2 274 10 888 47 1628 04:00 9 183 5 230 04:15 16 208 3 246 04:30 15 215 5 267 04:45 24 174 64 780 8 290 21 1033 85 1813 05:00 32 187 13 262 05:15 42 188 13 320 05:30 54 228 22 282 05:45 73 196 201 799 24 245 72 1109 273 1908 06:00 94 186 30 243 06:15 149 168 56 182 06:30 230 179 52 164 06:45 224 196 697 729 64 182 202 771 899 1500 07:00 219 140 54 148 07:15 227 145 78 178 07:30 278 126 82 136 07:45 241 138 965 549 68 142 282 604 1247 1153 08:00 194 140 106 132 08:15 206 144 77 113 08:30 200 130 98 156 08:45 190 124 790 538 109 126 390 527 1180 1065 09:00 161 104 125 120 09:15 184 75 126 138 09:30 191 86 140 118 09:45 194 76 730 341 131 96 522 472 1252 813 10:00 170 76 133 78 10:15 178 61 132 82 10:30 162 52 114 66 10:45 168 42 678 231 152 63 531 289 1209 520 11:00 168 28 170 46 11:15 176 25 151 40 11:30 184 22 144 44 11:45 182 24 710 99 151 23 616 153 1326 252 Total 5023 6962 Percent 41.9% 58.1 % 2819 7819 26.5% 73.5% 7842 14781 34.7% 65.3% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 04-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 185 22 172 12:15 16 204 19 158 12:30 16 185 18 156 12:45 20 175 68 749 18 174 77 660 145 1409 01:00 10 193 10 174 01:15 7 182 15 164 01:30 8 184 11 154 01:45 6 169 31 728 8 157 44 649 75 1377 02:00 6 160 7 168 02:15 7 152 7 177 02:30 13 171 4 166 02:45 6 173 32 656 4 210 22 721 54 1377 03:00 6 180 4 149 03:15 7 183 3 223 03:30 14 180 8 220 03:45 10 162 37 705 6 227 21 819 58 1524 04:00 7 169 8 242 04:15 11 179 1 258 04:30 19 226 4 266 04:45 32 198 69 772 6 294 19 1060 88 1832 05:00 31 180 10 257 05:15 42 198 7 286 05:30 68 189 16 270 05:45 84 190 225 757 23 256 56 1069 281 1826 06:00 100 195 23 248 06:15 146 206 48 211 06:30 219 168 62 148 06:45 205 168 670 737 56 168 189 775 859 1512 07:00 182 170 86 148 07:15 254 156 84 179 07:30 286 133 94 148 07:45 225 138 947 597 98 147 362 622 1309 1219 08:00 215 132 73 138 08:15 196 136 102 150 08:30 244 129 98 143 08:45 179 112 834 509 96 139 369 570 1203 1079 09:00 166 110 104 134 09:15 171 89 100 116 09:30 176 83 115 90 09:45 176 74 689 356 123 96 442 436 1131 792 10:00 154 75 136 94 10:15 163 62 114 93 10:30 138 57 136 78 10:45 181 37 636 231 147 74 533 339 1169 570 11:00 182 32 146 36 11:15 181 27 127 46 11:30 158 29 140 38 11:45 184 18 705 106 150 33 563 153 1268 259 Total 4943 6903 Percent 41.7% 58.3% 2697 7873 25.5% 74.5% 7640 14776 34.1 % 65.9% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 05-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 194 24 163 12:15 20 182 25 168 12:30 12 166 13 135 12:45 10 172 56 714 20 147 82 613 138 1327 01:00 8 149 14 166 01:15 4 176 12 160 01:30 8 184 8 169 01:45 12 190 32 699 7 152 41 647 73 1346 02:00 10 138 12 164 02:15 12 168 8 178 02:30 8 174 2 176 02:45 10 176 40 656 5 181 27 699 67 1355 03:00 5 166 4 172 03:15 6 196 2 205 03:30 18 186 5 197 03:45 8 163 37 711 6 228 17 802 54 1513 04:00 7 170 4 226 04:15 10 202 4 257 04:30 30 200 6 248 04:45 38 174 85 746 5 294 19 1025 104 1771 05:00 24 180 14 224 05:15 50 180 18 295 05:30 68 192 12 284 05:45 95 187 237 739 22 236 66 1039 303 1778 06:00 97 186 35 201 06:15 166 165 38 182 06:30 226 180 76 180 06:45 194 188 683 719 53 184 202 747 885 1466 07:00 200 158 75 175 07:15 240 122 72 168 07:30 265 81 97 146 07:45 238 76 943 437 93 138 337 627 1280 1064 08:00 204 74 94 124 08:15 201 71 96 140 08:30 236 122 100 138 08:45 194 96 835 363 114 106 404 508 1239 871 09:00 182 102 126 134 09:15 164 108 126 122 09:30 180 86 124 104 09:45 184 56 710 352 110 76 486 436 1196 788 10:00 184 71 134 90 10:15 158 52 132 88 10:30 149 52 134 67 10:45 187 43 678 218 136 52 536 297 1214 515 11:00 146 28 138 47 11:15 149 33 135 43 11:30 143 22 112 32 11:45 164 20 602 103 140 32 525 154 1127 257 Total 4938 6457 Percent 43.3% 56.7% 2742 7594 26.5% 73.5% 7680 14051 35.3% 64.7% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 06-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 166 22 156 12:15 13 182 16 156 12:30 9 178 18 182 12:45 10 184 46 710 17 176 73 670 119 1380 01:00 10 152 12 156 01:15 5 172 13 152 01:30 9 172 3 141 01:45 4 176 28 672 4 154 32 603 60 1275 02:00 7 170 7 166 02:15 8 168 6 156 02:30 8 160 5 174 02:45 7 167 30 665 3 184 21 680 51 1345 03:00 5 144 2 177 03:15 6 186 5 185 03:30 8 170 7 216 03:45 13 200 32 700 5 232 19 810 51 1510 04:00 8 177 4 218 04:15 10 190 6 260 04:30 25 191 4 248 04:45 20 164 63 722 2 280 16 1006 79 1728 05:00 38 177 9 260 05:15 39 208 12 295 05:30 69 178 20 235 05:45 96 200 242 763 24 254 65 1044 307 1807 06:00 89 188 28 194 06:15 166 187 50 164 06:30 216 160 54 182 06:45 210 154 681 689 60 154 192 694 873 1383 07:00 194 158 93 144 07:15 250 152 78 148 07:30 254 148 78 150 07:45 247 122 945 580 84 153 333 595 1278 1175 08:00 205 137 104 136 08:15 200 114 101 149 08:30 231 92 104 122 08:45 190 99 826 442 102 146 411 553 1237 995 09:00 152 99 108 114 09:15 160 94 106 116 09:30 192 89 112 110 09:45 200 69 704 351 130 84 456 424 1160 775 10:00 148 80 140 98 10:15 157 61 119 96 10:30 158 46 108 51 10:45 142 37 605 224 137 50 504 295 1109 519 11:00 155 39 150 40 11:15 177 32 156 26 11:30 156 26 160 42 11:45 172 34 660 131 174 35 640 143 1300 274 Total 4862 6649 Percent 42.2% 57.8% 2762 7517 26.9% 73.1% 7624 14166 35.0% 65.0% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 07-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 19 180 20 150 12:15 13 192 17 175 12:30 18 184 24 190 12:45 17 194 67 750 15 180 76 695 143 1445 01:00 12 152 16 158 01:15 5 196 16 188 01:30 9 174 2 154 01:45 12 168 38 690 6 182 40 682 78 1372 02:00 8 173 6 180 02:15 7 166 4 187 02:30 8 200 7 174 02:45 11 196 34 735 9 196 26 7371 60 1472 03:00 6 176 6 188 03:15 7 180 2 232 03:30 10 181 6 220 03:45 10 218 33 755 4 274 18 914 51 1669 04:00 10 199 9 238 04:15 12 206 14 295 04:30 26 186 6 245 04:45 25 218 73 809 5 300 34 1078 107 1887 05:00 26 233 10 256 05:15 38 186 10 298 05:30 81 204 17 272 05:45 75 188 220 811 16 244 53 1070 273 1881 06:00 100 218 30 212 06:15 145 190 50 208 06:30 210 206 72 201 06:45 176 179 631 793 74 178 226 799 857 1592 07:00 218 170 90 190 07:15 216 155 84 168 07:30 258 182 72 178 07:45 202 134 894 641 89 160 335 696 1229 1337 08:00 224 146 91 164 08:15 156 129 96 147 08:30 205 145 116 133 08:45 176 126 761 546 106 162 409 606 1170 1152 09:00 187 106 97 165 09:15 168 96 110 117 09:30 174 102 98 113 09:45 184 100 713 404 109 108 414 503 1127 907 10:00 166 82 128 113 10:15 165 75 131 108 10:30 168 74 129 80 10:45 154 74 653 305 122 86 510 387 1163 692 11:00 139 50 141 75 11:15 154 50 132 52 11:30 153 50 146 53 11:45 168 40 614 190 161 39 580 2191 1194 409 Total 4731 7429 Percent 38.9% 61.1 % 2721 8386 24.5% 75.5% 7452 15815 32.0% 68.0% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 08-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 34 190 39 165 12:15 34 174 44 176 12:30 30 182 46 140 12:45 13 164 111 710 27 169 156 650 267 1360 01:00 12 166 22 172 01:15 21 188 17 158 01:30 16 162 23 152 01:45 20 170 69 686 20 174 82 656 151 1342 02:00 13 170 20 154 02:15 10 160 14 166 02:30 16 165 13 136 02:45 12 160 51 655 12 164 59 620 110 1275 03:00 13 140 7 165 03:15 8 168 6 188 03:30 6 176 5 176 03:45 10 170 37 654 7 163 25 692 62 1346 04:00 6 162 10 160 04:15 23 136 12 160 04:30 20 166 12 184� 04:45 18 152 67 616 7 156 41 660 108 1276 05:00 17 147 10 154 05:15 26 146 14 174 05:30 39 136 14 178 05:45 44 138 126 567 24 155 62 661 188 1228 06:00 48 138 33 147 06:15 56 1113 38 149 06:30 90 154 56 154 06:45 96 123 290 598 51 154 178 604 468 1202 07:00 88 148 60 146 07:15 114 124 72 1461 1 07:30 132 136 54 156 1 1 07:45 136 136 470 544 68 152 254 600 724 1144 08:00 106 126 76 139 08:15 114 124 94 1541 1 08:30 134 108 100 1541 1 08:45 134 102 488 460 92 106 362 553 850 1013 09:00 150 94 124 126 09:15 146 102 116 1331 1 09:30 141 93 121 122 1 1 09:45 145 64 582 353 114 134 475 515 1057 868 10:00 172 84 120 112 10:15 179 67 134 841 1 10:30 158 64 138 96 1 1 10:45 182 57 691 272 148 80 540 372 1231 644 11:00 172 60 158 66 11:15 194 37 144 70 11:30 178 47 178 56 11:45 176 34 720 178 148 58 628 250 1348 428 Total 3702 6293 Percent 37.0% 63.0% 2862 6833 29.5% 70.5% 6564 13126 33.3% 66.7% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 09-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 36 103 41 118 12:15 24 152 38 126 12:30 30 138 24 124 12:45 20 155 110 548 29 140 132 508 242 1056 01:00 22 131 29 134 01:15 14 138 22 158 01:30 16 116 14 132 01:45 20 112 72 497 20 134 85 558 157 1055 02:00 13 131 20 128 02:15 10 114 11 148 02:30 17 116 18 128 02:45 6 122 46 483 12 154 61 5581 107 1041 03:00 11 120 15 120 03:15 11 127 12 136 03:30 10 118 10 136 03:45 6 118 38 483 7 146 44 538 82 1021 04:00 6 112 4 142 04:15 5 97 7 122 04:30 8 124 4 142 04:45 12 96 31 429 7 140 22 546 53 975 05:00 4 118 6 121 05:15 20 102 6 128 05:30 24 94 16 130 05:45 18 108 66 422 8 138 36 517 102 939 06:00 17 118 9 138 06:15 30 121 7 164 06:30 29 96 14 106 06:45 40 102 116 437 19 125 49 533 165 970 07:00 26 116 21 146 07:15 31 95 26 138 07:30 54 46 41 114 07:45 68 46 179 303 34 140 122 538 301 841 08:00 48 75 46 112 08:15 62 112 58 121 08:30 87 91 61 112 08:45 87 78 284 356 69 108 234 453 518 809 09:00 90 91 90 97 09:15 83 82 74 94 09:30 111 64 81 93 09:45 132 62 416 299 88 80 333 364 749 663 10:00 94 38 104 78 10:15 113 52 106 76 10:30 123 44 88 59 10:45 112 32 442 166 96 32 394 2451 836 411 11:00 128 32 110 31 11:15 138 26 118 46 11:30 112 27 94 33 11:45 113 26 491 111 132 31 454 141 945 252 Total 2291 4534 Percent 33.6% 66.4% 1966 5499 26.3% 73.7% 4257 10033 29.8% 70.2% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 10-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 28 118 22 156 12:15 6 141 23 172 12:30 6 137 13 134 12:45 8 145 48 541 14 160 72 622 120 1163 01:00 3 136 11 162 01:15 4 130 11 144 01:30 8 138 10 141� 01:45 2 140 17 544 8 1741 40 621 1 57 1165 02:00 3 112 8 170 02:15 8 128 4 188 02:30 5 122 5 160 02:45 4 152 20 514 5 166 22 684 42 1198 03:00 4 132 5 192 03:15 2 135 1 214 03:30 4 140 6 1841 1 03:45 5 132 15 539 6 232 18 822 33 1361 04:00 6 110 10 262 04:15 7 129 3 273 04:30 22 130 2 252� 04:45 36 141 71 510 4 245 19 1032 90 1542 05:00 14 140 10 220 05:15 41 145 13 292 05:30 47 132 22 246 05:45 63 152 165 569 16 223 61 981 226 1550 06:00 76 137 30 234 06:15 115 121 53 220 06:30 183 115 59 203 06:45 143 123 517 496 75 150 217 807 734 1303 07:00 154 108 62 150 07:15 194 128 82 130 07:30 182 96 64 160 07:45 184 96 714 428 88 138 296 578 1010 1006 08:00 154 80 92 131 08:15 136 81 74 150 08:30 163 82 119 128 08:45 136 90 589 333 120 124 405 533 994 866 09:00 126 86 100 118 09:15 120 60 100 131 09:30 134 56 102 89 09:45 142 49 522 251 99 102 401 440 923 691 10:00 111 58 136 78 10:15 124 40 118 66 10:30 132 24 130 56 10:45 108 23 475 145 131 54 515 254 990 399 11:00 136 32 150 491 1 11:15 162 14 133 51 1 1 11:30 106 16 164 401 1 11:45 143 25 547 87 138 311 585 1711 1132 258 Total 3700 4957 Percent 42.7% 57.3% 2651 7545 26.0% 74.0% 6351 12502 33.7% 66.3% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 11-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 15 116 19 140 12:15 14 104 18 160 12:30 13 106 26 146 12:45 5 90 47 416 11 190 74 636 121 1052 01:00 3 104 10 133 01:15 4 100 9 146 01:30 5 110 5 132 01:45 6 112 18 426 6 162 30 573 48 999 02:00 2 95 4 156 02:15 5 98 4 1116 02:30 9 122 6 162 02:45 3 104 19 419 1 166 15 670 34 1089 03:00 4 89 6 160 03:15 4 103 3 190 03:30 10 106 4 202 03:45 8 117 26 415 8 234 21 786 47 1201 04:00 9 104 4 244 04:15 4 117 2 232 04:30 22 122 3 248 04:45 22 118 57 461 9 287 18 1011 75 1472 05:00 14 132 10 267 05:15 24 106 9 304 05:30 37 119 20 276 05:45 63 106 138 463 17 226 56 1073 194 1536 06:00 69 106 26 212 06:15 113 128 48 208 06:30 134 100 53 176 06:45 121 100 437 434 75 166 202 762 639 1196 07:00 135 74 60 164 07:15 140 90 85 170 07:30 159 72 100 164 07:45 162 70 596 306 76 162 321 660 917 966 08:00 115 62 100 131 08:15 114 74 64 130 08:30 121 67 94 138 08:45 114 63 464 266 123 140 381 539 845 805 09:00 112 45 105 121 09:15 94 65 100 106 09:30 120 49 111 120 09:45 128 40 454 199 114 97 430 444 884 643 10:00 109 39 128 70 10:15 93 25 136 73 10:30 94 30 130 68 10:45 104 20 400 114 129 55 523 266 923 380 11:00 94 22 130 45 11:15 104 14 163 36 11:30 104 10 126 41 11:45 118 8 420 54 140 33 559 155 979 209 Total 3076 3973 Percent 43.6% 56.4% 2630 7575 25.8% 74.2% 5706 11548 33.1 % 66.9% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 12-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 92 20 140 12:15 10 96 12 160 12:30 8 69 11 139 12:45 9 106 36 363 14 149 57 588 93 951 01:00 3 90 23 138 01:15 6 66 10 152 01:30 6 90 10 130 01:45 5 82 20 328 11 166 54 586 74 914 02:00 4 94 11 177 02:15 5 85 7 202 02:30 2 86 4 174 02:45 6 76 17 341 3 164 25 7171 42 1058 03:00 2 81 7 172 03:15 6 81 5 188 03:30 4 85 2 190 03:45 6 82 18 329 8 212 22 762 40 1091 04:00 2 90 5 240 04:15 8 128 6 259 04:30 15 100 8 218 04:45 10 121 35 4391 4 268 23 985 58 1424 05:00 17 78 14 216 05:15 31 112 15 273 05:30 35 110 17 256 05:45 52 116 135 416 26 246 72 991 207 1407 06:00 50 124 36 210 06:15 98 100 36 199 06:30 119 87 51 159 06:45 114 98 381 409 60 142 183 710 564 1119 07:00 106 74 52 186 07:15 134 93 82 179 07:30 143 76 88 143 07:45 123 72 506 315 86 160 308 668 814 983 08:00 114 84 87 129 08:15 127 64 84 158 08:30 96 58 98 128 08:45 82 60 419 266 105 139 374 554 793 820 09:00 76 47 106 121 09:15 102 48 95 130 09:30 103 49 83 116 09:45 95 41 376 185 116 106 400 473 776 658 10:00 77 30 128 72 10:15 92 41 114 77 10:30 86 31 122 62 10:45 88 25 343 127 129 57 493 268 836 395 11:00 76 18 149 42 11:15 84 9 136 42 11:30 92 13 148 43 11:45 94 201 346 601 122 37 555 164 901 224 Total 2632 3578 Percent 42.4% 57.6% 2566 7466 25.6% 74.4% 5198 11044 32.0% 68.0% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 13-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 86 23 144 12:15 4 76 20 143 12:30 8 100 18 132 12:45 6 98 32 360 15 182 76 601 108 961 01:00 5 78 13 141 01:15 4 82 12 158 01:30 6 84 7 157 01:45 4 94 19 338 8 162 40 618 59 956 02:00 2 74 5 138 02:15 3 86 10 156 02:30 6 86 8 148 02:45 3 92 14 338 5 148 28 5901 42 928 03:00 5 75 1 159 03:15 5 90 4 184 03:30 10 92 4 154 03:45 2 104 22 361 6 212 15 709 37 1070 04:00 4 94 11 210 04:15 7 103 3 208 04:30 14 82 8 194 04:45 17 90 42 3691 2 194 24 806 66 1175 05:00 15 99 6 178 05:15 25 107 11 240 05:30 32 110 18 207 05:45 46 100 118 416 22 174 57 799 175 1215 06:00 49 92 33 148 06:15 86 97 46 147 06:30 120 94 66 134 06:45 110 88 365 371 51 134 196 563 561 934 07:00 108 80 60 112 07:15 134 74 85 99 07:30 134 97 76 100 07:45 138 91 514 342 76 93 297 404 811 746 08:00 130 57 92 64 08:15 109 40 96 21 08:30 117 43 94 16 08:45 110 73 466 213 108 6 390 107 856 320 09:00 74 76 94 0 09:15 90 68 130 11 09:30 100 33 124 8 09:45 94 28 358 205 114 12 462 31 820 236 10:00 74 32 112 11 10:15 84 33 135 16 10:30 86 36 117 6 10:45 74 28 318 129 132 2 496 351 814 164 11:00 82 20 100 1 11:15 92 16 146 4 11:30 71 18 122 2 11:45 74 14 319 68 128 4 496 11 815 79 Total 2587 3510 Percent 42.4% 57.6% 2577 5274 32.8% 67.2% 5164 8784 37.0% 63.0% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 14-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 19 77 2 76 12:15 19 68 3 72 12:30 16 92 2 57 12:45 11 84 65 321 2 77 9 282 74 603 01:00 4 97 1 71 01:15 4 108 2 52 01:30 4 93 0 66 01:45 4 87 16 385 0 64 3 253 19 638 02:00 2 75 0 82 02:15 2 109 0 78 02:30 7 103 0 94 02:45 4 84 15 371 1 84 1 3381 16 709 03:00 2 76 0 90 03:15 5 102 0 100 03:30 10 103 0 96 03:45 3 108 20 389 0 158 0 444 20 833 04:00 4 112 0 130 04:15 9 106 0 113 04:30 19 100 0 104 04:45 19 110 51 428 2 113 2 460 53 888 05:00 12 110 2 113 05:15 26 98 5 126 05:30 36 100 1 122 05:45 45 96 119 404 3 82 11 443 130 847 06:00 56 100 6 104 06:15 72 101 14 77 06:30 108 109 14 68 06:45 106 110 342 420 24 80 58 329 400 749 07:00 96 88 20 76 07:15 117 86 17 66 07:30 130 58 29 88 07:45 140 84 483 316 30 40 96 270 579 586 08:00 108 95 32 42 08:15 100 50 29 34 08:30 126 34 42 28 08:45 90 48 424 227 36 30 139 134 563 361 09:00 90 74 54 37 09:15 100 89 56 58 09:30 83 72 46 38 09:45 106 56 379 291 52 32 208 165 587 456 10:00 93 42 62 35 10:15 107 34 45 28 10:30 90 36 54 26 10:45 94 26 384 138 47 26 208 1151 592 253 11:00 84 16 64 26 11:15 83 8 80 12 11:30 80 20 54 18 11:45 84 10 331 54 70 11 268 67 599 121 Total 2629 3744 Percent 41.3% 58.7% 1003 3300 23.3% 76.7% 3632 7044 34.0% 66.0% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 15-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 92 12 49 12:15 12 64 8 52 12:30 11 74 7 54 12:45 6 95 39 325 6 56 33 211 72 536 01:00 5 87 5 46 01:15 6 79 4 53 01:30 6 74 4 55 01:45 7 80 24 320 6 57 19 211 43 531 02:00 10 69 2 64 02:15 6 78 5 44 02:30 8 66 4 62 02:45 6 95 30 308 0 62 11 232 41 540 03:00 3 70 1 54 03:15 4 74 2 56 03:30 4 60 2 63 03:45 5 68 16 272 2 58 7 231 23 503 04:00 4 83 1 40 04:15 7 46 0 30 04:30 8 58 4 52 04:45 10 102 29 2891 4 58 9 180 38 469 05:00 8 122 1 58 05:15 7 94 4 72 05:30 17 112 2 62 05:45 20 132 52 460 3 58 10 250 62 710 06:00 30 112 6 58 06:15 14 106 12 52 06:30 41 66 10 37 06:45 38 119 123 403 19 57 47 204 170 607 07:00 40 89 9 46 07:15 45 82 25 36 07:30 54 60 14 42 07:45 56 58 195 289 16 34 64 158 259 447 08:00 58 48 16 44 08:15 46 52 26 41 08:30 53 30 34 25 08:45 52 30 209 160 22 34 98 144 307 304 09:00 61 39 30 51 09:15 58 35 38 40 09:30 80 37 32 28 09:45 79 32 278 143 34 34 134 153 412 296 10:00 72 28 42 30 10:15 96 32 36 28 10:30 82 25 34 33 10:45 86 26 336 111 50 24 162 115 498 226 11:00 72 19 46 25 11:15 102 20 38 14 11:30 86 11 54 19 11:45 86 16 346 66 54 13 192 71 538 137 Total 1677 3146 Percent 34.8% 65.2% 786 2160 26.7% 73.3% 2463 5306 31.7% 68.3% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 16-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 34 15 26 12:15 15 81 8 38 12:30 7 77 10 34 12:45 10 128 39 320 4 48 37 146 76 466 01:00 9 145 4 40 01:15 4 112 7 54 01:30 4 111 4 45 01:45 5 112 22 480 6 48 21 187 43 667 02:00 8 104 2 50 02:15 6 98 2 45 02:30 4 82 2 47 02:45 4 60 22 344 4 40 10 182 32 526 03:00 6 46 3 42 03:15 3 58 0 40 03:30 1 47 4 36 03:45 4 48 14 199 0 38 7 156 21 355 04:00 1 48 0 39 04:15 4 35 0 25 04:30 2 47 0 30 04:45 5 43 12 173 1 32 1 126 13 299 05:00 4 42 0 26 05:15 2 28 2 34 05:30 10 44 6 35 05:45 6 50 22 164 1 36 9 131 31 295 06:00 10 44 1 34 06:15 9 56 3 36 06:30 16 47 4 30 06:45 17 48 52 195 8 22 16 122 68 317 07:00 14 46 6 30 07:15 13 42 9 23 07:30 22 32 8 40 07:45 18 34 67 154 10 32 33 125 100 279 08:00 30 31 10 31 08:15 22 30 14 17 08:30 35 30 12 27 08:45 28 33 115 124 20 30 56 105 171 229 09:00 38 34 38 31 09:15 69 34 16 31 09:30 54 35 16 34 09:45 88 22 249 125 24 34 94 130 343 255 10:00 85 23 36 26 10:15 78 24 34 33 10:30 59 14 28 16 10:45 108 16 330 77 30 10 128 851 458 162 11:00 96 16 39 12 11:15 110 12 38 14 11:30 112 5 34 5 11:45 101 6 419 39 40 13 151 44 570 83 Total 1363 2394 Percent 36.3% 63.7% 563 1539 26.8% 73.2% 1926 3933 32.9% 67.1 % Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of Tropicana Station ID: 24575 Start 17-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 * 5 12:15 7 * 6 12:30 4 2 12:45 3 * 24 0 2 * 15 0 39 0 01:00 2 * 3 01:15 5 * 3 01:30 2 * 1 01:45 4 13 0 1 8 0 21 0 02:00 6 3 02:15 2 * 1 02:30 3 2 02:45 4 * 15 0 0 * 6 0 21 0 03:00 2 * 0 03:15 0 * 0 03:30 5 * 1 03:45 4 11 0 0 1 0 12 0 04:00 2 * 2 04:15 6 * 0 04:30 6 1 04:45 13 * 27 0 4 * 7 0 34 0 05:00 10 2 05:15 14 5 05:30 26 * 5 05:45 26 76 0 5 17 0 93 0 06:00 26 8 06:15 54 14 06:30 78 17 06:45 60 218 0 12 * 51 0 269 0 07:00 78 28 07:15 90 26 07:30 102 * 29 07:45 108 378 0 23 106 0 484 0 08:00 84 26 08:15 72 28 08:30 81 25 08:45 59 * 296 0 25 * 104 0 400 0 09:00 60 30 09:15 63 28 09:30 42 * 32 09:45 22 187 0 9 99 0 286 0 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 1245 0 414 0 1659 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% Grand 108800 165191 67973 186923 176773 352114 Total Percent 39.7% 60.3% 26.7% 73.3% 33.4% 66.6% ADT ADT 19,159 AADT 19,159 Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 20-May-19 Combined Time Mon Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06.00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 151 154 305 07:00 138 129 267 08:00 96 81 177 09:00 100 63 163 10:00 68 42 110 11:00 20 16 36 Total 573 485 1058 Percent 54.2% 45.8% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 21-May-19 Combined Time Tue Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 2 8 10 ■ 01.00 0 4 4 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 20 20 05:00 0 44 44 06.00 0 254 254 07:00 0 240 240 08.00 0 274 274 09:00 0 114 114 10:00 0 67 67 11.00 0 74 74 12:00 PM 0 80 80 01:00 0 84 84 02.00 0 216 216 03:00 0 154 154 04.00 0 198 198 05:00 0 154 154 06.00 0 156 156 07:00 0 127 127 08:00 0 98 98 09:00 0 54 54 10:00 0 32 32 11:00 0 30 30 Total 2 2492 2494 Percent 0.1 % 99.9% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Start 22-May-19 Combined Time Wed Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 8 8 01:00 0 1 1 02:00 0 1 1 03:00 0 8 8 04:00 0 19 19 05:00 0 40 40 06.00 0 260 260 07:00 0 276 276 08:00 0 288 288 09:00 0 104 104 10:00 0 75 75 11:00 0 72 72 12:00 PM 0 92 92 01:00 0 88 88 02:00 0 250 250 03:00 0 176 176 04:00 0 162 162 05:00 0 155 155 06:00 0 139 139 07:00 0 120 120 08:00 0 85 85 09:00 0 73 73 10:00 0 58 58 11:00 0 19 19 Total 0 2569 2569 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 23-May-19 Combined Time Thu Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 8 8 01.00 0 1 1 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 7 7 1 04:00 0 16 16 ■ 05:00 0 42 42 06.00 0 258 258 07:00 0 268 268 08.00 0 304 304 09:00 0 116 116 10:00 0 70 70 11.00 0 80 80 12:00 PM 0 72 72 01:00 0 74 74 02.00 0 228 228 03:00 0 170 170 04.00 0 178 178 05:00 0 133 133 06.00 0 179 179 07:00 0 114 114 08:00 0 124 124 09:00 0 72 72 10:00 0 42 42 11:00 0 20 20 ■ Total 0 2580 2580 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 24-May-19 Combined Time Fri Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 7 7 1 01.00 0 7 7 1 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 3 3 04:00 0 22 22 05:00 0 44 44 06.00 0 256 256 07:00 0 239 239 08.00 0 288 288 09:00 0 102 102 10:00 0 153 153 11.00 0 204 204 12:00 PM 0 138 138 01:00 0 162 162 02.00 0 124 124 03:00 0 160 160 04.00 0 130 130 05:00 0 148 148 06.00 0 144 144 07:00 0 116 116 08:00 0 90 90 09:00 0 69 69 10:00 0 64 64 11:00 0 47 47 Total 0 2721 2721 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 25-May-19 Combined Time Sat Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 28 28 01:00 0 17 17 02:00 0 30 30 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 7 7 1 05:00 0 24 24 06.00 0 74 74 07:00 0 84 84 08:00 0 124 124 09:00 0 112 112 10:00 0 114 114 11:00 0 115 115 12:00 PM 0 127 127 01:00 0 128 128 02:00 0 110 110 03:00 0 113 113 04:00 0 109 109 05:00 0 130 130 06:00 0 114 114 07:00 0 92 92 08:00 0 106 106 09:00 0 108 108 10:00 0 72 72 11:00 0 44 44 Total 0 1988 1988 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 26-May-19 Combined Time Sun Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 30 30 ■ 01.00 0 28 28 ■ 02:00 0 16 16 ■ 03:00 0 5 5 1 04:00 0 4 4 05:00 0 14 14 ■ 06.00 0 28 28 ■ 07:00 0 44 44 08.00 0 68 68 09:00 0 138 138 10:00 0 118 118 11.00 0 115 115 12:00 PM 0 110 110 01:00 0 90 90 02.00 0 97 97 03:00 0 95 95 04.00 0 75 75 05:00 0 96 96 06.00 0 100 100 07:00 0 76 76 08:00 0 65 65 09:00 0 78 78 10:00 0 62 62 11:00 0 31 31 ■ Total 0 1583 1583 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 27-May-19 Combined Time Mon Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 14 14 01:00 0 11 11 ■ 02:00 0 8 8 03:00 0 2 2 04:00 0 8 8 05:00 0 25 25 06.00 0 50 50 07:00 0 92 92 08:00 0 81 81 09:00 0 96 96 10:00 0 91 91 11:00 0 116 116 12:00 PM 0 94 94 01:00 0 108 108 02:00 0 92 92 03:00 0 96 96 04:00 0 87 87 05:00 0 110 110 06:00 0 122 122 07:00 0 102 102 08:00 0 100 100 09:00 0 62 62 10:00 0 37 37 11:00 0 21 21 Total 0 1625 1625 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 28-May-19 Combined Time Tue Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 12 12 ■ 01:00 0 5 5 1 02:00 0 2 2 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 13 13 ■ 05:00 0 37 37 ■ 06.00 0 242 242 07:00 0 240 240 08:00 0 308 308 09:00 0 114 114 10:00 0 78 78 11:00 0 102 102 12:00 PM 0 100 100 01:00 0 96 96 02:00 0 234 234 03:00 0 150 150 04:00 0 179 179 05:00 0 146 146 06:00 0 142 142 07:00 0 122 122 08:00 0 92 92 09:00 0 62 62 10:00 0 31 31 ■ 11:00 0 21 21 ■ Total 0 2534 2534 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Start 29-May-19 Combined Time Wed Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 7 7 1 01:00 0 1 1 02:00 0 3 3 03:00 0 7 7 1 04:00 0 11 11 ■ 05:00 0 35 35 06.00 0 238 238 07:00 0 260 260 08:00 0 264 264 09:00 0 105 105 10:00 0 100 100 11:00 0 78 78 12:00 PM 0 72 72 01:00 0 74 74 02:00 0 242 242 03:00 0 168 168 04:00 0 164 164 05:00 0 146 146 06:00 0 159 159 07:00 0 153 153 08:00 0 101 101 09:00 0 52 52 10:00 0 34 34 11:00 0 24 24 Total 0 2498 2498 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 30-May-19 Combined Time Thu Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 9 9 01.00 0 2 2 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 14 14 ■ 05:00 0 43 43 06.00 0 240 240 07:00 0 240 240 08.00 0 298 298 09:00 0 134 134 10:00 0 161 161 11.00 0 190 190 12:00 PM 0 151 151 01:00 0 134 134 02.00 0 108 108 03:00 0 106 106 04.00 0 118 118 05:00 0 161 161 06.00 0 143 143 07:00 0 130 130 08:00 0 78 78 09:00 0 80 80 10:00 0 52 52 11:00 0 23 23 ■ Total 0 2623 2623 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 31-May-19 Combined Time Fri Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 11 11 ■ 01:00 0 4 4 02:00 0 3 3 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 13 13 ■ 05:00 0 38 38 06.00 0 121 121 07:00 0 159 159 08:00 0 124 124 09:00 0 90 90 10:00 0 93 93 11:00 0 86 86 12:00 PM 0 103 103 01:00 0 108 108 02:00 0 92 92 03:00 0 98 98 04:00 0 132 132 05:00 0 141 141 06:00 0 135 135 07:00 0 124 124 08:00 0 110 110 09:00 0 71 71 10:00 0 52 52 11:00 0 42 42 Total 0 1954 1954 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 01-Jun-19 Combined Time Sat Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 28 28 01:00 0 16 16 02:00 0 9 9 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 9 9 05:00 0 23 23 06.00 0 63 63 07:00 0 118 118 08:00 0 103 103 09:00 0 137 137 10:00 0 107 107 11:00 0 114 114 12:00 PM 0 134 134 01:00 0 132 132 02:00 0 116 116 03:00 0 115 115 04:00 0 123 123 05:00 0 140 140 06:00 0 126 126 07:00 0 100 100 08:00 0 92 92 09:00 0 82 82 10:00 0 73 73 11:00 0 47 47 Total 0 2011 2011 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 02-Jun-19 Combined Time Sun Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 18 18 ■ 01.00 0 17 17 ■ 02:00 0 14 14 ■ 03:00 0 12 12 ■ 04:00 0 8 8 05:00 0 5 5 1 06.00 0 32 32 ■ 07:00 0 51 51 08.00 0 76 76 09:00 0 130 130 10:00 0 118 118 11.00 0 122 122 12:00 PM 0 122 122 01:00 0 106 106 02.00 0 105 105 03:00 0 124 124 04.00 0 96 96 05:00 0 104 104 06.00 0 97 97 07:00 0 116 116 08:00 0 74 74 09:00 0 74 74 10:00 0 43 43 11:00 0 22 22 ■ Total 0 1686 1686 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 03-Jun-19 Combined Time Mon Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 11 11 ■ 01.00 0 9 9 02:00 0 3 3 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 14 14 ■ 05:00 0 27 27 06.00 0 128 128 07:00 0 154 154 08.00 0 110 110 09:00 0 86 86 10:00 0 82 82 11.00 0 90 90 12:00 PM 0 92 92 01:00 0 78 78 02.00 0 86 86 03:00 0 88 88 04.00 0 134 134 05:00 0 172 172 06.00 0 145 145 07:00 0 114 114 08:00 0 107 107 09:00 0 68 68 10:00 0 37 37 11:00 0 21 21 Total 0 1862 1862 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 04-Jun-19 Combined Time Tue Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 14 14 01:00 0 10 10 ■ 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 10 10 ■ 04:00 0 17 17 ■ 05:00 0 28 28 06.00 0 118 118 07:00 0 155 155 08:00 0 138 138 09:00 0 80 80 10:00 0 93 93 11:00 0 77 77 12:00 PM 0 84 84 01:00 0 96 96 02:00 0 75 75 03:00 0 112 112 04:00 0 124 124 05:00 0 146 146 06:00 0 138 138 07:00 0 120 120 08:00 0 83 83 09:00 0 76 76 10:00 0 31 31 11:00 0 15 15 Total 0 1844 1844 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 05-Jun-19 Combined Time Wed Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 14 14 ■ 01:00 0 4 4 02:00 0 5 5 1 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 15 15 ■ 05:00 0 32 32 ■ 06.00 0 115 115 07:00 0 185 185 08:00 0 118 118 09:00 0 92 92 10:00 0 98 98 11:00 0 85 85 12:00 PM 0 91 91 01:00 0 96 96 02:00 0 100 100 03:00 0 91 91 04:00 0 113 113 05:00 0 146 146 06:00 0 122 122 07:00 0 100 100 08:00 0 97 97 09:00 0 64 64 10:00 0 31 31 ■ 11:00 0 25 25 ■ Total 0 1843 1843 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 06-Jun-19 Combined Time Thu Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 16 16 ■ 01:00 0 7 7 1 02:00 0 11 11 ■ 03:00 0 9 9 04:00 0 12 12 ■ 05:00 0 35 35 ■ 06.00 0 112 112 07:00 0 168 168 08:00 0 118 118 09:00 0 80 80 10:00 0 72 72 11:00 0 84 84 12:00 PM 0 94 94 01:00 0 64 64 02:00 0 78 78 03:00 0 112 112 04:00 0 116 116 05:00 0 108 108 06:00 0 132 132 07:00 0 122 122 08:00 0 68 68 09:00 0 64 64 10:00 0 41 41 11:00 0 32 32 ■ Total 0 1755 1755 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 07-Jun-19 Combined Time Fri Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 16 16 ■ 01:00 0 10 10 02:00 0 4 4 03:00 0 3 3 04:00 0 16 16 ■ 05:00 0 29 29 ■ 06.00 0 115 115 07:00 0 142 142 08:00 0 118 118 09:00 0 92 92 10:00 0 93 93 11:00 0 75 75 12:00 PM 0 77 77 01:00 0 92 92 02:00 0 91 91 03:00 0 118 118 04:00 0 109 109 05:00 0 132 132 06:00 0 160 160 07:00 0 116 116 08:00 0 104 104 09:00 0 85 85 10:00 0 54 54 11:00 0 43 43 Total 0 1894 1894 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 08-Jun-19 Combined Time Sat Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 17 17 01:00 0 9 9 02:00 0 8 8 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 9 9 05:00 0 22 22 06.00 0 54 54 07:00 0 108 108 08:00 0 96 96 09:00 0 128 128 10:00 0 112 112 11:00 0 128 128 12:00 PM 0 114 114 01:00 0 99 99 02:00 0 100 100 03:00 0 117 117 04:00 0 116 116 05:00 0 110 110 06:00 0 122 122 07:00 0 99 99 08:00 0 81 81 09:00 0 55 55 10:00 0 62 62 11:00 0 45 45 Total 0 1817 1817 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 09-Jun-19 Combined Time Sun Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 21 21 ■ 01:00 0 10 10 ■ 02:00 0 10 10 ■ 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 3 3 05:00 0 13 13 ■ 06.00 0 38 38 ■ 07:00 0 42 42 08:00 0 61 61 09:00 0 99 99 10:00 0 113 113 11:00 0 115 115 12:00 PM 0 90 90 01:00 0 102 102 02:00 0 93 93 03:00 0 114 114 04:00 0 104 104 05:00 0 108 108 06:00 0 88 88 07:00 0 71 71 08:00 0 85 85 09:00 0 52 52 10:00 0 39 39 ■ 11:00 0 12 12 ■ Total 0 1489 1489 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 10-Jun-19 Combined Time Mon Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 14 14 ■ 01:00 0 2 2 02:00 0 3 3 03:00 0 9 9 04:00 0 15 15 ■ 05:00 0 34 34 ■ 06.00 0 108 108 07:00 0 158 158 08:00 0 118 118 09:00 0 74 74 10:00 0 83 83 11:00 0 86 86 12:00 PM 0 77 77 01:00 0 86 86 02:00 0 80 80 03:00 0 106 106 04:00 0 111 111 05:00 0 110 110 06:00 0 142 142 07:00 0 100 100 08:00 0 90 90 09:00 0 62 62 10:00 0 42 42 11:00 0 31 31 ■ Total 0 1741 1741 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 11-Jun-19 Combined Time Tue Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 16 16 ■ 01:00 0 2 2 02:00 0 7 7 1 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 14 14 ■ 05:00 0 28 28 ■ 06.00 0 136 136 07:00 0 158 158 08:00 0 128 128 09:00 0 75 75 10:00 0 64 64 11:00 0 79 79 12:00 PM 0 74 74 01:00 0 87 87 02:00 0 82 82 03:00 0 78 78 04:00 0 126 126 05:00 0 123 123 06:00 0 129 129 07:00 0 111 111 08:00 0 87 87 09:00 0 56 56 10:00 0 35 35 ■ 11:00 0 23 23 ■ Total 0 1722 1722 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 12-Jun-19 Combined Time Wed Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 9 9 01:00 0 3 3 02:00 0 3 3 03:00 0 4 4 04:00 0 12 12 ■ 05:00 0 39 39 ■ 06.00 0 126 126 07:00 0 156 156 08:00 0 139 139 09:00 0 87 87 10:00 0 86 86 11:00 0 85 85 12:00 PM 0 84 84 01:00 0 52 52 02:00 0 84 84 03:00 0 87 87 04:00 0 94 94 05:00 0 155 155 06:00 0 156 156 07:00 0 102 102 08:00 0 96 96 09:00 0 50 50 10:00 0 43 43 11:00 0 23 23 ■ Total 0 1775 1775 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 13-Jun-19 Combined Time Thu Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 15 15 ■ 01:00 0 4 4 02:00 0 5 5 1 03:00 0 9 9 04:00 0 16 16 ■ 05:00 0 35 35 ■ 06.00 0 125 125 07:00 0 176 176 08:00 0 116 116 09:00 0 74 74 10:00 0 78 78 11:00 0 78 78 12:00 PM 0 79 79 01:00 0 88 88 02:00 0 93 93 03:00 0 95 95 04:00 0 114 114 05:00 0 130 130 06:00 0 116 116 07:00 0 106 106 08:00 0 77 77 09:00 0 57 57 10:00 0 36 36 ■ 11:00 0 17 17 ■ Total 0 1739 1739 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 14-Jun-19 Combined Time Fri Southbound Northbound Total 12:00 AM 0 14 14 ■ 01.00 0 6 6 1 02:00 0 6 6 1 03:00 0 10 10 04:00 0 13 13 ■ 05:00 0 26 26 ■ 06.00 0 124 124 07:00 0 160 160 08.00 0 120 120 09:00 0 86 86 10:00 0 84 84 11.00 0 78 78 12:00 PM 0 70 70 01:00 0 69 69 02.00 0 98 98 03:00 0 102 102 04.00 0 124 124 05:00 0 131 131 06.00 0 134 134 07:00 0 132 132 08:00 0 46 46 09:00 0 82 82 10:00 0 45 45 11:00 0 32 32 ■ Total 0 1792 1792 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 15-Jun-19 Combined Time Sat Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 25 25 ■ 01:00 0 8 8 02:00 0 16 16 ■ 03:00 0 10 10 ■ 04:00 0 12 12 ■ 05:00 0 14 14 ■ 06.00 0 60 60 07:00 0 98 98 08:00 0 100 100 09:00 0 114 114 10:00 0 138 138 11:00 0 103 103 12:00 PM 0 112 112 01:00 0 106 106 02:00 0 122 122 03:00 0 116 116 04:00 0 70 70 05:00 0 98 98 06:00 0 114 114 07:00 0 86 86 08:00 0 90 90 09:00 0 69 69 10:00 0 43 43 11:00 0 34 34 ■ Total 0 1758 1758 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 16-Jun-19 Combined Time Sun Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 25 25 ■ 01:00 0 10 10 02:00 0 9 9 03:00 0 13 13 ■ 04:00 0 8 8 05:00 0 13 13 ■ 06.00 0 26 26 ■ 07:00 0 49 49 08:00 0 66 66 09:00 0 98 98 10:00 0 96 96 11:00 0 98 98 12:00 PM 0 100 100 01:00 0 110 110 02:00 0 96 96 03:00 0 103 103 04:00 0 110 110 05:00 0 84 84 06:00 0 101 101 07:00 0 86 86 08:00 0 84 84 09:00 0 60 60 10:00 0 55 55 11:00 0 18 18 ■ Total 0 1518 1518 Percent 0.0% 100.0% Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Start 17-Jun-19 Combined Time Mon Southbound Northbound Total Tropicana Blvd Station ID: 27750 12:00 AM 0 10 10 01:00 0 9 9 02:00 0 5 5 1 03:00 0 6 6 1 04:00 0 13 13 ■ 05:00 0 31 31 ■ 06.00 0 112 112 07:00 0 193 193 08:00 0 142 142 09:00 4 58 62 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 Total 4 579 583 Percent 0.7% 99.3% Grand Total 579 54477 Percentage 1.1 % 98.9% ADT ADT 1,995 AADT 1,995 Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 20-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 * 228 * 302 03:15 * 235 * 274 03:30 * 246 * 3241 1 03:45 * 192 0 901 * 336 0 1236 0 2137 04:00 * 270 * 300 04:15 * 241 360 04:30 * 236 * 364 04:45 * 254 0 1001 * 330 0 1354 0 2355 05:00 * 256 * 352 05:15 * 242 * 415 05:30 * 208 * 332 05:45 * 212 0 918 * 309 0 1408 0 2326 06:00 * 200 * 267 06:15 * 205 249 06:30 * 193 * 217 06:45 * 190 0 788 * 220 0 953 0 1741 07:00 * 183 158 07:15 * 188 * 198 07:30 * 166 * 176 07:45 * 159 0 696 176 0 708 0 1404 08:00 140 152 08:15 * 104 146 08:30 * 128 186 08:45 * 86 0 458 * 139 0 623 0 1081 09:00 * 86 142 09:15 * 84 126 09:30 * 91 120 09:45 * 80 0 341 108 0 496 0 837 10:00 * 63 79 10:15 * 55 85 10:30 * 44 63 10:45 * 44 0 206 46 0 273 0 479 11:00 * 41 56 11:15 * 21 * 46 11:30 * 26 * 34 11:45 * 28 0 116 16 0 152 0 268 Total 0 5425 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0 7203 0.0% 100.0% 0 12628 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 21-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 182 23 192 12:15 19 176 15 174 12:30 9 208 16 188 12:45 14 196 58 762 19 200 73 754 131 1516 01:00 4 188 9 181 01:15 11 196 12 188 01:30 8 200 15 186 01:45 3 188 26 772 9 224 45 779 71 1551 02:00 10 190 7 194 02:15 10 183 9 230 02:30 12 198 3 268 02:45 6 266 38 837 4 240 23 932 61 1769 03:00 5 238 4 292 03:15 10 234 5 239 03:30 9 232 5 312 03:45 9 233 33 937 4 400 18 1243 51 2180 04:00 9 260 7 314 04:15 17 251 4 302 04:30 28 244 8 333 04:45 30 226 84 981 12 406 31 13551 115 2336 05:00 48 270 14 368 05:15 46 248 22 438 05:30 91 223 20 356 05:45 101 218 286 959 34 326 90 1488 376 2447 06:00 136 210 45 234 06:15 230 212 69 247 06:30 300 200 93 225 06:45 318 174 984 796 88 208 295 914 1279 1710 07:00 290 192 113 196 07:15 368 200 142 226 07:30 408 162 194 166 07:45 340 152 1406 706 211 158 660 746 2066 1452 08:00 312 146 160 146 08:15 283 130 162 1112 08:30 306 119 152 156 08:45 240 108 1141 503 164 144 638 628 1779 1131 09:00 216 112 154 148 09:15 216 104 148 126 09:30 222 76 132 128 09:45 203 94 857 386 142 116 576 518 1433 904 10:00 194 90 162 112 10:15 178 76 137 92 10:30 182 63 146 88 10:45 202 441 756 273 176 66 621 358 1377 631 11:00 212 46 166 50 11:15 190 28 212 48 11:30 208 23 174 43 11:45 201 32 811 129� 171 42 723 183 1534 312 Total 6480 8041 Percent 44.6% 55.4% 3793 9898 27.7% 72.3% 10273 17939 36.4% 63.6% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 22-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 178 27 203 12:15 20 206 20 189 12:30 17 206 21 205 12:45 14 192 67 782 14 163 82 760 149 1542 01:00 3 195 18 194 01:15 5 192 14 184 01:30 10 203 6 211 01:45 5 209 23 799 9 199 47 788 70 1587 02:00 12 186 4 200 02:15 15 197 5 242 02:30 6 228 6 250 02:45 8 244 41 855 4 240 19 932 60 1787 03:00 5 246 3 273 03:15 5 231 3 324 03:30 9 216 7 310 03:45 9 208 28 901 5 360 18 1267 46 2168 04:00 4 261 7 288 04:15 16 263 2 363 04:30 28 256 3 361 04:45 33 232 81 1012 11 286 23 1298 104 2310 05:00 44 234 12 375 05:15 60 245 22 338 05:30 94 224 22 416 05:45 106 207 304 910 40 393 96 1522 400 2432 06:00 132 238 45 263 06:15 211 202 86 242 06:30 320 216 84 218 06:45 298 178 961 834 74 210 289 933 1250 1767 07:00 288 164 124 214 07:15 368 240 157 202 07:30 414 196 188 1741 07:45 370 148 1440 748 188 172 657 762 2097 1510 08:00 317 146 181 188 08:15 294 170 156 171 08:30 292 146 148 166 08:45 276 126 1179 588 165 170 650 695 1829 1283 09:00 220 95 156 151 09:15 216 114 127 140 09:30 220 98 157 114 09:45 176 88 832 395 140 116 580 521 1412 916 10:00 170 77 167 110 10:15 188 62 156 109 10:30 178 60 166 82 10:45 217 521 753 251 172 72 661 373 1414 624 11:00 170 43 159 60 11:15 180 36 166 67 11:30 195 30 155 42 11:45 186 20 731 129 156 30 636 199 1367 328 Total 6440 8204 Percent 44.0% 56.0% 3758 10050 27.2% 72.8% 10198 18254 35.8% 64.2% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 23-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 17 187 19 196 12:15 15 186 13 190 12:30 15 200 12 181 12:45 11 194 58 767 20 166 64 733 122 1500 01:00 6 182 22 196 01:15 3 178 14 186 01:30 9 194 9 190 01:45 2 180 20 734 8 202 53 774 73 1508 02:00 7 177 10 214 02:15 10 186 7 234 02:30 10 219 13 272 02:45 10 239 37 821 6 243 36 963 73 1784 03:00 3 224 2 274 03:15 13 243 7 266 03:30 9 258 4 292 03:45 14 176 39 901 8 368 21 1200 60 2101 04:00 4 261 3 316 04:15 12 279 7 324 04:30 34 230 8 356 04:45 44 270 94 1040 6 326 24 13221 118 2362 05:00 44 262 13 356 05:15 61 258 25 376 05:30 92 252 19 374 05:45 108 217 305 989 37 292 94 1398 399 2387 06:00 122 248 35 204 06:15 200 230 76 266 06:30 282 212 83 234 06:45 302 180 906 870 94 208 288 912 1194 1782 07:00 281 185 122 195 07:15 350 172 155 242 07:30 418 162 167 236 07:45 322 158 1371 677 206 178 650 851 2021 1528 08:00 328 147 169 166 08:15 262 139 168 196 08:30 325 152 170 158 08:45 234 128 1149 566 134 144 641 664 1790 1230 09:00 209 115 158 170 09:15 217 86 142 142 09:30 209 110 134 125 09:45 220 91 855 402 126 118 560 555 1415 957 10:00 176 68 154 88 10:15 196 65 147 116 10:30 180 62 150 90 10:45 164 49 716 244 160 77 611 371 1327 615 11:00 160 50 151 63 11:15 204 26 174 69 11:30 180 28 183 41 11:45 194 27 738 131 196 36 704 209 1442 340 Total 6288 8142 Percent 43.6% 56.4% 3746 9952 27.3% 72.7% 10034 18094 35.7% 64.3% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 24-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 248 36 236 12:15 20 220 25 232 12:30 11 222 12 232 12:45 9 229 54 919 22 236 95 936 149 1855 01:00 15 264 17 233 01:15 10 285 17 242 01:30 9 224 11 208 01:45 15 240 49 1013 8 242 53 925 102 1938 02:00 9 215 7 236 02:15 3 244 12 250 02:30 10 229 7 271 02:45 12 248 34 936 5 253 31 1010 65 1946 03:00 6 274 4 315 03:15 9 273 8 332 03:30 13 240 4 342 03:45 7 254 35 1041 3 340 19 1329 54 2370 04:00 10 256 4 332 04:15 17 256 8 354 04:30 35 272 5 352 04:45 36 271 98 10551 10 318 27 1356 125 2411 05:00 40 302 12 381 05:15 59 253 14 398 05:30 86 290 24 308 05:45 117 237 302 1082 26 300 76 1387 378 2469 06:00 116 257 48 274 06:15 212 261 74 229 06:30 284 221 74 209 06:45 282 196 894 935 106 200 302 912 1196 1847 07:00 272 176 108 196 07:15 308 192 132 177 07:30 416 162 183 180 07:45 282 157 1278 687 226 168 649 721 1927 1408 08:00 312 182 168 176 08:15 277 158 150 184 08:30 294 152 202 146 08:45 288 120 1171 612 158 1541 678 660 1849 1272 09:00 240 100 145 184 09:15 213 127 143 217 09:30 250 130 154 190 09:45 193 108 896 465 140 177 582 768 1478 1233 10:00 200 129 154 166 10:15 196 104 190 131 10:30 194 86 203 119 10:45 214 77 804 396 230 87 777 503 1581 899 11:00 224 73 202 110 11:15 228 72 227 108 11:30 216 54 220 82 11:45 231 61 899 260 222 77 871 377 1770 637 Total 6514 9401 Percent 40.9% 59.1 % 4160 10884 27.7% 72.3% 10674 20285 34.5% 65.5% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 25-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 39 210 58 192 12:15 44 224 55 194 12:30 26 238 41 205 12:45 22 207 131 879 37 206 191 797 322 1676 01:00 22 215 34 224 01:15 21 203 27 193 01:30 17 195 26 180 01:45 23 212 83 825 26 212 113 809 196 1634 02:00 21 186 22 196 02:15 23 186 34 240 02:30 17 214 20 215 02:45 13 202 74 788 16 168 92 819 166 1607 03:00 14 193 15 191 03:15 8 158 10 212 03:30 14 204 6 225 03:45 12 205 48 760 9 230 40 858 88 1618 04:00 7 190 4 258 04:15 20 214 19 254 04:30 19 172 11 208 04:45 28 206 74 782 7 224 41 944 115 1726 05:00 32 172 24 220 05:15 36 226 15 233 05:30 52 234 20 209 05:45 56 192 176 824 24 242 83 904 259 1728 06:00 66 178 34 185 06:15 80 174 36 215 06:30 146 182 66 176 06:45 133 169 425 703 58 180 194 756 619 1459 07:00 121 181 68 166 07:15 138 162 76 171 07:30 148 157 82 169 07:45 151 190 558 690 87 150 313 656 871 1346 08:00 139 150 92 163 08:15 155 140 106 144 08:30 194 110 97 172 08:45 204 145 692 545 124 154 419 633 1111 1178 09:00 156 144 144 152 09:15 177 135 131 146 09:30 197 104 130 134 09:45 223 118 753 501 152 127 557 559 1310 1060 10:00 208 97 166 134 10:15 231 96 155 138 10:30 210 90 164 135 10:45 214 78 863 361 185 96 670 503 1533 864 11:00 170 60 170 80 11:15 229 64 168 92 11:30 197 46 172 60 11:45 200 44 796 214 194 60 704 292 1500 506 Total 4673 7872 Percent 37.2% 62.8% 3417 8530 28.6% 71.4% 8090 16402 33.0% 67.0% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 26-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 36 220 41 164 12:15 52 227 54 142 12:30 29 208 40 224 12:45 35 182 152 837 39 174 174 704 326 1541 01:00 24 170 33 154 01:15 23 184 27 159 01:30 22 174 29 148 01:45 26 178 95 706 20 146 109 607 204 1313 02:00 18 182 17 144 02:15 23 154 22 166 02:30 22 188 19 154 02:45 15 182 78 706 14 158 72 622 150 1328 03:00 19 164 10 150 03:15 17 165 14 184 03:30 8 160 9 170 03:45 13 148 57 637 7 141 40 645 97 1282 04:00 8 133 6 158 04:15 8 146 6 176 04:30 10 160 8 138 04:45 8 132 34 571 7 156 27 628 61 1199 05:00 11 174 4 162 05:15 21 132 10 160 05:30 40 160 13 158 05:45 24 172 96 638 18 174 45 654 141 1292 06:00 23 150 14 161 06:15 34 170 20 184 06:30 56 144 20 152 06:45 53 128 166 592 27 140 81 637 247 1229 07:00 52 130 34 159 07:15 55 134 49 168 07:30 72 126 66 136 07:45 70 124 249 514 98 158 247 621 496 1135 08:00 76 126 49 142 08:15 94 106 60 136 08:30 89 120 66 134 08:45 119 102 378 454 89 137 264 549 642 1003 09:00 188 106 92 146 09:15 144 110 98 120 09:30 154 130 144 118 09:45 156 93 642 439 168 128 502 512 1144 951 10:00 176 81 119 98 10:15 164 82 106 92 10:30 176 53 118 79 10:45 180 55 696 271 122 80 465 349 1161 620 11:00 195 46 130 78 11:15 216 43 124 68 11:30 176 46 128 55 11:45 184 36 771 171 134 48 516 249 1287 420 Total 3414 6536 Percent 34.3% 65.7% 2542 6777 27.3% 72.7% 5956 13313 30.9% 69.1 % Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 27-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 23 180 32 153 12:15 14 180 30 144 12:30 24 162 22 193 12:45 16 176 77 698 26 166 110 656 187 1354 01:00 16 186 16 161 01:15 15 174 19 170 01:30 20 166 20 141 01:45 17 166 68 692 20 156 75 628 143 1320 02:00 14 168 20 156 02:15 16 156 10 179 02:30 13 168 18 198 02:45 14 168 57 660 11 178 59 711 116 1371 03:00 8 143 9 189 03:15 5 152 5 184 03:30 9 160 6 138 03:45 16 162 38 617 8 200 28 711 66 1328 04:00 9 165 3 194 04:15 10 144 7 215 04:30 23 165 5 186 04:45 22 170 64 644 6 162 21 757 85 1401 05:00 27 170 14 179 05:15 29 138 10 172 05:30 36 149 14 178 05:45 55 172 147 629 24 194 62 723 209 1352 06:00 54 155 19 171 06:15 60 166 28 146 06:30 75 139 36 166 06:45 68 130 257 590 30 150 113 633 370 1223 07:00 94 148 58 154 07:15 98 146 55 163 07:30 121 142 66 130 07:45 120 106 433 542 77 134 256 581 689 1123 08:00 105 124 61 102 08:15 112 108 88 154 08:30 154 131 74 136 08:45 136 126 507 489 60 145 283 537 790 1026 09:00 116 115 84 158 09:15 122 100 80 126 09:30 143 91 92 118 09:45 142 86 523 392 108 116 364 518 887 910 10:00 158 82 106 94 10:15 170 63 122 93 10:30 186 64 118 80 10:45 156 50 670 259 132 70 478 337 1148 596 11:00 152 38 150 46 11:15 165 27 130 60 11:30 163 31 147 35 11:45 199 31 679 127� 130 35 557 176 1236 303 Total 3520 6339 Percent 35.7% 64.3% 2406 6968 25.7% 74.3% 5926 13307 30.8% 69.2% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 28-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 182 24 198 12:15 9 204 21 208 12:30 16 248 10 194 12:45 13 195 49 829 10 200 65 800 114 1629 01:00 8 214 10 206 01:15 8 222 14 179 01:30 10 206 5 197 01:45 9 191 35 833 5 225 34 807 69 1640 02:00 3 176 10 186 02:15 6 220 7 239 02:30 9 200 1 268 02:45 8 232 26 828 5 244 23 9371 49 1765 03:00 9 222 6 232 03:15 6 258 4 290 03:30 10 236 5 298 03:45 14 228 39 944 3 382 18 1202 57 2146 04:00 13 290 7 289 04:15 15 235 3 366 04:30 25 220 11 366 04:45 34 224 87 969 8 354 29 13751 116 2344 05:00 36 270 17 346 05:15 56 226 18 388 05:30 76 258 16 363 05:45 93 211 261 965 28 356 79 1453 340 2418 06:00 126 240 42 264 06:15 208 219 76 253 06:30 306 216 102 234 06:45 304 160 944 835 102 217 322 968 1266 1803 07:00 283 204 112 182 07:15 342 152 141 197 07:30 414 168 196 188 07:45 336 153 1375 677 202 155 651 722 2026 1399 08:00 308 159 166 173 08:15 296 147 169 1112 08:30 300 126 175 166 08:45 278 108 1182 540 163 146 673 667 1855 1207 09:00 222 122 140 133 09:15 217 86 146 150 09:30 208 106 166 116 09:45 200 79 847 393 154 97 606 496 1453 889 10:00 202 72 182 102 10:15 204 50 160 92 10:30 200 66 138 82 10:45 204 58 810 246 200 52 680 328 1490 574 11:00 208 27 158 58 11:15 207 47 180 58 11:30 210 26 200 46 11:45 182 25 807 125 184 35 722 197 1529 322 Total 6462 8184 Percent 44.1 % 55.9% 3902 9952 28.2% 71.8% 10364 18136 36.4% 63.6% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 29-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 17 178 28 186 12:15 8 195 14 174 12:30 9 204 17 192 12:45 14 188 48 765 20 1111 79 733 127 1498 01:00 7 188 14 208 01:15 4 210 8 173 01:30 9 180 6 198 01:45 7 174 27 752 5 200 33 779 60 1531 02:00 7 196 6 234 02:15 10 166 4 230 02:30 9 219 7 212 02:45 4 238 30 8191 8 220 25 896 55 1715 03:00 5 232 2 276 03:15 4 238 1 280 03:30 8 220 1 272 03:45 13 184 30 874 7 341 11 1169 41 2043 04:00 9 263 5 305 04:15 20 238 0 330 04:30 19 252 2 368 04:45 46 236 94 989 6 323 13 1326 107 2315 05:00 40 233 23 350 05:15 65 239 17 364 05:30 77 252 30 364 05:45 109 182 291 906 24 306 94 1384 385 2290 06:00 130 238 44 276 06:15 200 214 78 282 06:30 300 202 66 223 06:45 336 200 966 854 90 233 278 1014 1244 1868 07:00 288 212 120 192 07:15 354 163 142 224 07:30 397 200 185 176 07:45 360 120 1399 695 186 174 633 766 2032 1461 08:00 291 145 178 152 08:15 285 154 152 194 08:30 282 123 182 188 08:45 256 117 1114 539 186 128 698 662 1812 1201 09:00 224 107 163 134 09:15 200 116 118 156 09:30 224 89 148 132 09:45 238 83 886 395 136 117 565 539 1451 934 10:00 176 80 164 121 10:15 202 71 180 95 10:30 198 52 168 58 10:45 206 34 782 237 160 47 672 321 1454 558 11:00 182 48 142 48 11:15 222 27 178 58 11:30 200 41 178 44 11:45 178 24 782 140 174 36 672 186 1454 326 Total 6449 7965 Percent 44.7% 55.3% 3773 9775 27.8% 72.2% 10222 17740 36.6% 63.4% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 30-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 255 28 242 12:15 10 243 15 220 12:30 19 230 20 225 12:45 10 214 59 942 18 203 81 890 140 1832 01:00 8 245 7 232 01:15 12 224 16 188 01:30 6 201 11 194 01:45 3 214 29 884 8 236 42 850 71 1734 02:00 12 186 4 211 02:15 10 218 3 203 02:30 9 208 12 226 02:45 7 223 38 835 7 226 26 866 64 1701 03:00 3 218 6 236 03:15 10 222 6 294 03:30 5 234 4 266 03:45 12 192 30 866 5 314 21 1110 51 1976 04:00 5 232 9 300 04:15 16 211 7 336 04:30 26 234 9 358 04:45 38 216 85 893 7 344 32 13381 117 2231 05:00 41 274 15 360 05:15 55 243 16 378 05:30 93 244 21 378 05:45 96 202 285 963 27 316 79 1432 364 2395 06:00 136 215 43 258 06:15 212 216 81 248 06:30 316 190 80 230 06:45 290 198 954 819 97 188 301 924 1255 1743 07:00 287 178 116 210 07:15 336 170 154 220 07:30 413 168 182 178 07:45 326 140 1362 656 200 170 652 778 2014 1434 08:00 346 150 150 158 08:15 280 124 164 180 08:30 301 120 176 146 08:45 280 120 1207 514 168 115 658 599 1865 1113 09:00 219 100 158 130 09:15 212 106 148 134 09:30 228 101 156 122 09:45 212 91 871 398 134 94 596 480 1467 878 10:00 202 64 166 111 10:15 204 68 163 118 10:30 210 55 161 96 10:45 185 48 801 235 208 74 698 399 1499 634 11:00 230 48 198 50 11:15 220 36 195 68 11:30 230 42 226 48 11:45 214 32 894 158 242 45 861 211 1755 369 Total 6615 8163 Percent 44.8% 55.2% 4047 9877 29.1 % 70.9% 10662 18040 37.1 % 62.9% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 31-May-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 240 32 254 12:15 29 244 22 204 12:30 20 208 17 218 12:45 7 239 72 931 21 220 92 896 164 1827 01:00 13 212 10 216 01:15 12 217 19 218 01:30 12 234 14 219 01:45 10 220 47 883 11 224 54 877 101 1760 02:00 6 208 6 206 02:15 7 242 9 264 02:30 11 222 4 242 02:45 16 213 40 885 9 253 28 965 68 1850 03:00 1 208 9 326 03:15 5 256 3 277 03:30 14 240 6 283 03:45 14 220 34 924 5 366 23 1252 57 2176 04:00 12 250 6 360 04:15 16 246 12 338 04:30 30 286 2 361 04:45 38 247 96 10291 14 319 34 1378 130 2407 05:00 30 249 13 352 05:15 48 234 18 402 05:30 76 242 11 313 05:45 102 214 256 939 36 319 78 1386 334 2325 06:00 127 256 30 262 06:15 189 200 84 258 06:30 300 231 70 224 06:45 258 241 874 928 80 208 264 952 1138 1880 07:00 263 191 96 190 07:15 305 202 124 192 07:30 352 210 166 188 07:45 322 180 1242 783 190 184 576 754 1818 1537 08:00 298 193 154 190 08:15 268 182 121 226 08:30 260 166 140 188 08:45 220 146 1046 687 146 171 561 775 1607 1462 09:00 220 128 151 156 09:15 204 148 156 166 09:30 227 120 178 165 09:45 231 90 882 486 153 115 638 602 1520 1088 10:00 202 88 169 118 10:15 199 82 166 120 10:30 224 90 187 115 10:45 201 66 826 326 162 91 684 444 1510 770 11:00 195 59 194 88 11:15 212 57 178 80 11:30 177 53 209 78 11:45 206 43 790 212� 200 62 781 308 1571 520 Total 6205 9013 Percent 40.8% 59.2% 3813 10589 26.5% 73.5% 10018 19602 33.8% 66.2% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Golden Gate Pkwy East of 52rd Street SW Station ID: 28440 Start 01-Jun-19 Westbound Hour Totals Eastbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc Ca# Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 43 202 60 162 12:15 27 218 54 183 12:30 29 207 34 202 12:45 27 222 126 849 34 159 182 706 308 1555 01:00 19 218 30 176 01:15 14 204 21 168 01:30 18 208 19 160 01:45 15 208 66 838 26 171 96 675 162 1513 02:00 21 210 22 176 02:15 23 209 32 172 02:30 16 207 22 180 02:45 14 174 74 800 11 188 87 716 161 1516 03:00 12 192 14 175 03:15 9 193 10 187 03:30 9 176 8 188 03:45 10 216 40 777 5 196 37 746 77 1523 04:00 9 174 8 204 04:15 22 223 8 232 04:30 19 206 12 196 04:45 20 198 70 801 13 172 41 804 111 1605 05:00 27 201 12 164 05:15 27 213 18 152 05:30 55 14 05:45 48 157 414 31 75 316 232 730 06:00 64 26 06:15 88 44 06:30 128 59 06:45 144 424 0 72 201 0 625 0 07:00 136 71 07:15 144 76 07:30 184 93 07:45 160 624 0 115 355 0 979 0 08:00 141 106 08:15 142 98 08:30 196 122 08:45 174 653 0 129 455 0 1108 0 09:00 182 132 09:15 172 148 09:30 230 153 09:45 226 810 0 188 621 0 1431 0 10:00 197 150 10:15 218 169 10:30 184 88 10:45 167 766 0 90 497 0 1263 0 11:00 166 88 11:15 192 91 11:30 234 97 11:45 203 795 0 99 375 0 1170 0 Total 4605 4479 Percent 50.7% 49.3% Grand 67665 97764 Total Percent 40.9% 59.1 % ADT ADT 26,386 AADT 26,386 3022 3963 7627 8442 43.3% 56.7% 47.5% 52.5% 42379 114418 110044 212182 27.0% 73.0% 34.2% 65.8% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 20-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 06:00 * 78 * 70 06:15 * 82 * 73 06:30 66 60 06:45 * 53 0 279 58 0 261 0 540 07:00 * 64 54 07:15 * 56 * 53 07:30 * 72 * 56 07:45 * 44 0 236 * 54 0 217 0 453 08:00 52 * 48 08:15 * 44 * 44 08:30 58 39 08:45 * 38 0 192 * 35 0 166 0 358 09:00 * 46 17 09:15 * 29 * 28 09:30 * 24 * 30 09:45 * 34 0 133 * 32 0 107 0 240 10:00 * 25 * 18 10:15 * 28 * 29 10:30 21 27 10:45 * 14 0 88 * 25 0 99 0 187 11:00 * 12 19 11:15 10 * 4 11:30 * 4 * 7 11:45 * 2 0 28 5 0 35 0 63 Total 0 956 0 885 0 1841 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 21-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 55 0 51 12:15 5 63 6 47 12:30 4 47 3 32 12:45 3 46 17 211 1 76 10 206 27 417 01:00 0 43 4 50 01:15 0 57 4 61 01:30 1 50 2 43 01:45 1 57 2 207 1 51 11 205 13 412 02:00 2 56 1 55 02:15 2 56 0 70 02:30 0 58 1 39 02:45 0 46 4 216 0 38 2 202 6 418 03:00 0 66 2 68 03:15 1 58 1 66 03:30 1 70 4 74 03:45 3 76 5 270 1 64 8 272 13 542 04:00 2 84 5 85 04:15 5 50 2 84 04:30 3 60 4 72 04:45 4 50 14 244 9 68 20 3091 34 553 05:00 5 76 3 96 05:15 4 88 7 60 05:30 13 74 12 78 05:45 16 89 38 327 17 74 39 308 77 635 06:00 30 72 26 84 06:15 36 721 30 74 06:30 61 68 57 60 06:45 58 56 185 268 70 67 183 285 368 553 07:00 44 62 66 48 07:15 42 49 53 58 07:30 51 62 54 36 07:45 56 66 193 239 61 51 234 193 427 432 08:00 35 52 47 40 08:15 40 64 56 62 08:30 46 41 46 56 08:45 49 35 170 192 60 36 209 194 379 386 09:00 49 50 55 35 09:15 44 38 53 32 09:30 48 27 34 30 09:45 30 32 171 147 32 32 174 129 345 276 10:00 34 29 44 30 10:15 41 24 54 16 10:30 42 18 44 12 10:45 38 22 155 93 48 20 190 78 345 171 11:00 62 18 35 15 11:15 48 11 35 10 11:30 44 6 46 7 11:45 60 10 214 45 58 10 174 42 388 87 Total 1168 2459 Percent 32.2% 67.8% 1254 2423 34.1 % 65.9% 2422 4882 33.2% 66.8% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 22-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 34 4 45 12:15 7 55 3 42 12:30 3 43 3 54 12:45 3 52 19 184 4 38 14 179 33 363 01:00 4 45 4 49 01:15 1 38 3 35 01:30 4 45 4 38 01:45 2 44 11 172 1 58 12 180 23 352 02:00 2 50 2 60 02:15 1 58 0 69 02:30 1 54 2 64 02:45 3 58 7 220 0 52 4 245 11 465 03:00 1 64 1 66 03:15 2 76 1 56 03:30 0 56 2 71 03:45 4 56 7 252 2 60 6 253 13 505 04:00 2 76 3 100 04:15 4 80 1 74 04:30 2 68 4 75 04:45 2 62 10 286 7 75 15 3241 25 610 05:00 4 71 10 68 05:15 8 60 5 74 05:30 13 68 13 88 05:45 16 81 41 280 16 72 44 302 85 582 06:00 30 87 22 76 06:15 44 54 28 68 06:30 60 52 51 55 06:45 48 64 182 257 70 58 171 257 353 514 07:00 50 74 68 56 07:15 60 54 52 49 07:30 58 57 44 51 07:45 46 54 214 239 59 47 223 203 437 442 08:00 49 43 59 53 08:15 33 45 53 38 08:30 50 54 60 52 08:45 40 38 172 180 66 42 238 185 410 365 09:00 19 46 62 35 09:15 44 32 52 39 09:30 34 42 53 38 09:45 48 32 145 152 44 37 211 149 356 301 10:00 32 24 40 26 10:15 44 28 57 24 10:30 44 27 46 18 10:45 36 18 156 97 50 22 193 90 349 187 11:00 40 7 44 13 11:15 43 15 38 9 11:30 38 15 37 10 11:45 46 10 167 47 44 12 163 44 330 91 Total 1131 2366 Percent 32.3% 67.7% 1294 2411 34.9% 65.1% 2425 4777 33.7% 66.3% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 23-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 47 6 36 12:15 8 49 1 38 12:30 6 56 3 56 12:45 3 53 22 205 6 38 16 168 38 373 01:00 4 53 7 54 01:15 3 54 4 48 01:30 2 50 3 52 01:45 2 55 11 212 2 52 16 206 27 418 02:00 2 59 1 70 02:15 2 51 1 72 02:30 3 56 7 57 02:45 2 62 9 228 1 52 10 251 19 479 03:00 1 61 1 71 03:15 2 59 1 60 03:30 1 62 0 56 03:45 2 71 6 253 1 59 3 246 9 499 04:00 2 78 5 58 04:15 2 79 3 75 04:30 3 66 3 75 04:45 3 73 10 296 8 78 19 286 29 582 05:00 11 70 6 90 05:15 8 74 8 70 05:30 8 74 8 90 05:45 8 78 35 296 14 78 36 328 71 624 06:00 30 90 32 74 06:15 42 84 34 63 06:30 64 58 52 60 06:45 64 70 200 302 73 44 191 241 391 543 07:00 42 56 72 64 07:15 64 67 55 47 07:30 54 44 53 55 07:45 51 64 211 231 43 69 223 235 434 466 08:00 48 62 60 50 08:15 50 49 62 48 08:30 44 45 48 53 08:45 40 46 182 202 68 52 238 203 420 405 09:00 36 50 52 32 09:15 42 42 48 43 09:30 34 52 38 32 09:45 43 34 155 178 48 36 186 143 341 321 10:00 36 32 46 22 10:15 44 25 42 27 10:30 35 20 42 16 10:45 40 26 155 103 50 16 180 81 335 184 11:00 51 20 55 5 11:15 40 11 47 11 11:30 44 6 54 14 11:45 51 12 186 49 42 5 198 35 384 84 Total 1182 2555 Percent 31.6% 68.4% 1316 2423 35.2% 64.8% 2498 4978 33.4% 66.6% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 24-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 66 6 62 12:15 7 76 4 54 12:30 7 66 3 58 12:45 4 68 28 276 6 55 19 229 47 505 01:00 3 75 7 70 01:15 3 52 4 74 01:30 4 60 1 62 01:45 1 57 11 244 4 60 16 266 27 510 02:00 2 52 2 68 02:15 2 68 3 60 02:30 2 70 3 47 02:45 3 60 9 250 0 63 8 2381 17 488 03:00 3 50 1 71 03:15 1 70 4 67 03:30 3 60 1 68 03:45 4 60 11 240 1 68 7 274 18 514 04:00 4 68 1 69 04:15 2 72 2 76 04:30 5 84 4 78 04:45 4 80 15 304 8 66 15 2891 30 593 05:00 4 81 8 93 05:15 13 82 7 80 05:30 9 92 10 75 05:45 20 86 46 341 10 64 35 312 81 653 06:00 25 66 23 67 06:15 36 64 32 68 06:30 54 66 54 62 06:45 53 68 168 264 79 65 188 262 356 526 07:00 44 62 66 73 07:15 58 54 59 35 07:30 56 52 58 50 07:45 56 40 214 208 67 63 250 221 464 429 08:00 44 68 66 56 08:15 40 53 49 40 08:30 44 66 60 37 08:45 54 48 182 235 79 38 254 171 436 406 09:00 40 42 60 34 09:15 54 53 56 37 09:30 45 52 43 42 09:45 45 42 184 189 50 35 209 148 393 337 10:00 35 30 54 32 10:15 46 43 48 30 10:30 59 20 72 39 10:45 56 26 196 119 58 30 232 131 428 250 11:00 56 21 74 30 11:15 55 26 54 25 11:30 84 26 44 16 11:45 62 13 257 86 64 18 236 89 493 175 Total 1321 2756 Percent 32.4% 67.6% 1469 2630 35.8% 64.2% 2790 5386 34.1 % 65.9% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 25-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 13 60 15 59 12:15 14 74 8 58 12:30 10 51 6 61 12:45 12 50 49 235 13 66 42 244 91 479 01:00 10 70 13 63 01:15 8 62 12 54 01:30 7 64 9 62 01:45 8 55 33 251 10 68 44 247 77 498 02:00 11 62 10 62 02:15 7 62 10 67 02:30 7 50 6 69 02:45 2 55 27 229 2 62 28 260 55 489 03:00 0 56 7 58 03:15 5 67 5 64 03:30 6 58 7 72 03:45 4 58 15 239 4 58 23 252 38 491 04:00 3 60 4 60 04:15 6 56 1 56 04:30 6 60 2 54 04:45 4 62 19 238 5 56 12 226 31 464 05:00 5 60 8 59 05:15 6 60 10 58 05:30 4 62 10 54 05:45 12 60 27 242 9 62 37 233 64 475 06:00 20 66 11 55 06:15 20 48 16 56 06:30 24 58 20 60 06:45 26 56 90 228 28 52 75 223 165 451 07:00 24 56 26 60 07:15 19 58 32 54 07:30 26 43 32 48 07:45 28 66 97 223 33 40 123 202 220 425 08:00 30 41 30 53 08:15 38 55 33 50 08:30 29 52 37 38 08:45 38 54 135 202 52 44 152 185 287 387 09:00 55 37 35 39 09:15 50 40 44 30 09:30 54 44 59 37 09:45 38 24 197 145 57 35 195 141 392 286 10:00 48 39 46 39 10:15 62 30 50 34 10:30 49 31 62 26 10:45 50 29 209 129 58 31 216 130 425 259 11:00 52 26 60 31 11:15 57 27 57 25 11:30 43 17 54 18 11:45 47 14 199 84 55 13 226 87 425 171 Total 1097 2445 Percent 31.0% 69.0% 1173 2430 32.6% 67.4% 2270 4875 31.8% 68.2% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 26-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 54 16 56 12:15 17 66 10 52 12:30 11 66 15 66 12:45 7 46 55 232 12 52 53 226 108 458 01:00 9 62 12 67 01:15 13 51 10 61 01:30 9 56 7 48 01:45 7 46 38 215 12 42 41 218 79 433 02:00 12 48 14 38 02:15 3 40 2 44 02:30 8 41 13 42 02:45 7 46 30 175 6 341 35 158 65 333 03:00 1 38 5 47 03:15 2 50 3 43 03:30 1 34 5 38 03:45 9 39 13 161 3 52 16 180 29 341 04:00 4 44 4 35 04:15 3 43 2 31 04:30 4 44 7 40 04:45 1 43 12 174 2 34 15 140 27 314 05:00 4 50 5 46 05:15 8 38 5 43 05:30 5 45 13 601 1 05:45 2 32 19 165 6 55 29 204 48 369 06:00 10 48 8 48 06:15 5 50 4 33 06:30 10 50 6 31 06:45 8 46 33 194 8 47 26 159 59 353 07:00 12 42 13 42 07:15 18 41 10 41 07:30 16 38 16 34 07:45 20 52 66 173 28 41 67 158 133 331 08:00 18 28 18 38 08:15 16 38 22 27 08:30 27 54 32 40 08:45 33 44 94 164 55 34 127 139 221 303 09:00 40 51 42 45 09:15 47 36 34 36 09:30 31 22 37 25 09:45 38 32 156 141 54 30 167 136 323 277 10:00 38 33 53 39 10:15 48 36 46 20 10:30 49 16 49 28 10:45 53 26 188 111 49 22 197 109 385 220 11:00 67 25 48 17 11:15 48 24 49 24 11:30 42 14 50 19 11:45 66 15 223 78 62 15 209 75 432 153 Total 927 1983 Percent 31.9% 68.1 % 982 1902 34.0% 66.0% 1909 3885 32.9% 67.1 % Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 27-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 54 12 52 12:15 6 54 6 55 12:30 9 56 12 49 12:45 11 50 46 214 4 52 34 208 80 422 01:00 7 50 9 70 01:15 8 52 2 46 01:30 5 49 5 43 01:45 3 51 23 202 7 50 23 209 46 411 02:00 5 48 4 43 02:15 3 38 4 50 02:30 3 44 4 48 02:45 1 52 12 182 1 42 13 183 25 365 03:00 1 42 6 44 03:15 4 44 3 47 03:30 4 50 3 47 03:45 2 67 11 203 2 50 14 188 25 391 04:00 3 48 4 42 04:15 3 50 3 50 04:30 5 48 4 40 04:45 3 46 14 192 4 46 15 178 29 370 05:00 5 38 4 50 05:15 2 46 5 43 05:30 6 53 4 40 05:45 6 39 19 176 12 48 25 181 44 357 06:00 9 56 14 52 06:15 8 49 6 51 06:30 14 40 12 44 06:45 13 48 44 193 21 52 53 199 97 392 07:00 22 58 17 44 07:15 18 52 32 44 07:30 20 44 31 441 07:45 15 62 75 216 24 52 104 184 179 400 08:00 22 36 15 46 08:15 21 37 30 30 08:30 27 40 35 42 08:45 36 46I 106 159 30 37 110 155 216 314 09:00 29 41 26 31 09:15 24 44 36 32 09:30 30 30 38 27 09:45 42 24 125 139 35 28 135 118 260 257 10:00 35 34 30 27 10:15 38 37 31 21 10:30 39 13 52 19 10:45 42 19 154 103 38 11 151 78 305 181 11:00 46 15 46 15 11:15 53 16 34 15 11:30 47 8 55 16 11:45 52 9 198 48 48 9 183 55 381 103 Total 827 2027 Percent 29.0% 71.0% 860 1936 30.8% 69.2% 1687 3963 29.9% 70.1 % Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 28-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 49 9 52 12:15 4 52 1 54 12:30 1 47 1 44 12:45 5 62 14 210 5 52 16 202 30 412 01:00 7 44 5 51 01:15 1 45 2 56 01:30 0 34 4 51 01:45 5 66 13 189 3 36 14 194 27 383 02:00 3 59 3 63 02:15 3 52 4 71 02:30 2 68 2 60 02:45 2 74 10 253 1 66 10 260 20 513 03:00 1 62 2 54 03:15 1 49 3 68 03:30 1 75 5 74 03:45 3 55 6 241 1 63 11 259 17 500 04:00 2 72 2 84 04:15 3 65 3 66 04:30 3 61 6 63 04:45 6 74 14 272 8 90 19 303 33 575 05:00 5 66 6 88 05:15 4 84 10 62 05:30 14 64 12 76 05:45 18 74 41 288 19 59 47 285 88 573 06:00 27 78 18 80 06:15 44 66 30 56 06:30 60 54 42 64 06:45 44 62 175 260 62 60 152 260 327 520 07:00 45 55 83 58 07:15 58 60 74 52 07:30 58 57 50 53 07:45 52 42 213 214 60 35 267 198 480 412 08:00 48 38 48 54 08:15 46 52 54 48 08:30 43 50 52 34 08:45 49 38 186 178 58 48 212 184 398 362 09:00 48 36 52 38 09:15 49 30 43 19 09:30 34 34 52 52 09:45 39 41 170 141 46 26 193 135 363 276 10:00 46 24 48 20 10:15 50 22 58 18 10:30 46 18 50 25 10:45 42 12 184 76 53 9 209 72 393 148 11:00 56 13 45 12 11:15 48 12 44 9 11:30 44 13 52 6 11:45 32 4 180 42 42 7 183 34 363 76 Total 1206 2364 Percent 33.8% 66.2% 1333 2386 35.8% 64.2% 2539 4750 34.8% 65.2% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 29-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 56 2 50 12:15 6 44 3 50 12:30 7 45 7 40 12:45 2 55 19 200 5 48 17 188 36 388 01:00 3 36 1 51 01:15 5 39 4 42 01:30 6 34 1 54 01:45 0 20 14 129 2 50 8 197 22 326 02:00 4 36 5 50 02:15 0 50 2 73 02:30 0 43 0 56 02:45 0 54 4 183 0 48 7 2271 11 410 03:00 1 47 0 72 03:15 1 54 3 55 03:30 3 54 2 62 03:45 2 55 7 210 1 56 6 245 13 455 04:00 2 60 5 80 04:15 1 72 1 82 04:30 5 60 5 80 04:45 5 47 13 239 6 77 17 3191 30 558 05:00 6 66 7 88 05:15 5 74 14 80 05:30 10 75 16 88 05:45 18 63 39 278 15 62 52 318 91 596 06:00 28 68 19 66 06:15 30 53 28 70 06:30 55 48 55 58 06:45 54 59 167 228 61 62 163 256 330 484 07:00 44 58 70 45 07:15 48 50 55 53 07:30 46 41 44 531 07:45 46 47 184 196 58 54 227 205 411 401 08:00 52 56 54 40 08:15 42 34 54 42 08:30 38 40 50 36 08:45 48 50 180 180 58 48 216 166 396 346 09:00 38 40 62 30 09:15 33 30 37 37 09:30 28 30 45 26 09:45 39 28 138 128 34 30 178 123 316 251 10:00 38 26 44 26 10:15 41 22 38 26 10:30 38 23 39 14 10:45 48 20 165 91 33 7 154 73 319 164 11:00 45 9 68 16 11:15 49 11 51 15 11:30 52 5 48 8 11:45 47 8 193 33 39 12 206 51 399 84 Total 1123 2095 Percent 34.9% 65.1 % 1251 2368 34.6% 65.4% 2374 4463 34.7% 65.3% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 30-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 50 6 56 12:15 3 40 4 52 12:30 3 42 3 54 12:45 1 47 16 179 7 56 20 218 36 397 01:00 3 39 3 62 01:15 4 40 3 52 01:30 1 36 3 42 01:45 2 27 10 142 2 48 11 204 21 346 02:00 0 39 1 58 02:15 2 21 1 49 02:30 1 34 0 49 02:45 0 36 3 130 0 49 2 205 5 335 03:00 1 43 1 54 03:15 2 36 1 63 03:30 3 38 2 68 03:45 3 43 9 160 2 60 6 245 15 405 04:00 1 58 4 62 04:15 5 57 3 71 04:30 1 56 8 61 04:45 5 63 12 234 9 94 24 288 36 522 05:00 8 62 3 66 05:15 7 60 9 76 05:30 17 62 16 82 05:45 14 64 46 248 14 83 42 307 88 555 06:00 22 62 26 63 06:15 31 40 24 56 06:30 58 60 44 55 06:45 58 59 169 221 68 62 162 236 331 457 07:00 38 51 54 46 07:15 53 35 52 40 07:30 54 36 50 45 07:45 38 52 183 174 58 58 214 189 397 363 08:00 44 37 68 47 08:15 43 32 62 49 08:30 42 46 56 52 08:45 40 38 169 153 44 38 230 186 399 339 09:00 38 32 54 35 09:15 32 42 57 28 09:30 50 27 48 33 09:45 43 34 163 135 44 31 203 127 366 262 10:00 47 22 40 30 10:15 52 20 41 32 10:30 54 16 48 11 10:45 48 20 201 78 72 16 201 89 402 167 11:00 40 8 60 10 11:15 52 18 49 12 11:30 48 12 57 11 11:45 58 12 198 50 52 9 218 42 416 92 Total 1179 1904 Percent 38.2% 61.8% 1333 2336 36.3% 63.7% 2512 4240 37.2% 62.8% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 31-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 54 4 46 12:15 10 51 6 58 12:30 4 38 6 70 12:45 5 36 28 179 8 59 24 233 52 412 01:00 3 48 7 56 01:15 5 34 4 58 01:30 5 42 3 42 01:45 1 37 14 161 5 48 19 204 33 365 02:00 2 48 3 42 02:15 2 43 1 52 02:30 3 40 3 54 02:45 1 44 8 1751 0 53 7 201 15 376 03:00 0 52 2 64 03:15 1 48 1 66 03:30 1 58 0 63 03:45 2 59 4 217 1 55 4 248 8 465 04:00 3 63 4 72 04:15 8 52 6 82 04:30 9 58 3 98 04:45 3 48 23 221 7 79 20 331 43 552 05:00 5 66 4 84 05:15 7 81 13 75 05:30 11 64 6 82 05:45 22 60 45 271 16 92 39 333 84 604 06:00 26 65 18 62 06:15 24 66 17 55 06:30 36 50 35 50 06:45 28 42 114 223 44 59 114 226 228 449 07:00 41 40 44 59 07:15 32 49 54 59 07:30 44 46 58 64 07:45 40 62 157 197 39 56 195 238 352 435 08:00 26 67 42 56 08:15 34 53 50 50 08:30 31 66 43 42 08:45 41 34 132 220 47 46 182 1941 314 414 09:00 46 34 37 34 09:15 24 39 40 33 09:30 22 34 46 32 09:45 24 22 116 129 41 32 164 131 280 260 10:00 43 34 60 44 10:15 32 34 50 18 10:30 48 20 55 21 10:45 36 35 159 123 49 22 214 105 373 228 11:00 23 24 49 14 11:15 34 26 51 18 11:30 38 17 52 19 11:45 38 16 133 83 48 18 200 691 333 152 Total 933 2199 Percent 29.8% 70.2% 1182 2513 32.0% 68.0% 2115 4712 31.0% 69.0% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 01-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 17 52 15 66 12:15 15 54 22 53 12:30 12 60 11 56 12:45 8 38 52 204 15 64 63 239 115 443 01:00 11 50 4 57 01:15 4 46 8 66 01:30 7 62 5 58 01:45 9 40 31 198 9 54 26 235 57 433 02:00 2 45 5 62 02:15 6 39 7 67 02:30 2 36 4 60 02:45 4 46 14 166 4 62 20 251 34 417 03:00 0 50 4 68 03:15 2 40 3 62 03:30 3 44 2 61 03:45 3 34 8 168 1 62 10 253 18 421 04:00 4 54 3 76 04:15 4 58 2 82 04:30 4 40 4 56 04:45 4 40 16 192 1 60 10 274 26 466 05:00 5 36 9 60 05:15 11 54 9 56 05:30 8 50 7 57 05:45 10 33 34 173 9 63 34 236 68 409 06:00 17 31 11 52 06:15 25 48 14 58 06:30 29 44 34 56 06:45 32 37 103 160 34 52 93 218 196 378 07:00 28 36 36 44 07:15 26 30 32 38 07:30 20 38 36 56 07:45 18 58 92 162 43 37 147 175 239 337 08:00 31 44 27 52 08:15 20 48 42 48 08:30 28 32 43 33 08:45 34 36 113 160 58 37 170 170 283 330 09:00 18 38 56 34 09:15 35 38 61 33 09:30 44 18 60 43 09:45 41 36 138 130 60 39 237 149 375 279 10:00 50 21 54 25 10:15 46 25 53 33 10:30 42 26 54 26 10:45 40 22 178 94 38 35 199 119 377 213 11:00 43 21 50 21 11:15 32 26 54 30 11:30 40 18 46 20 11:45 46 13 161 78 65 15 215 86 376 164 Total 940 1885 Percent 33.3% 66.7% 1224 2405 33.7% 66.3% 2164 4290 33.5% 66.5% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 02-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 26 19 53 12:15 8 24 13 73 12:30 16 42 14 62 12:45 6 48 37 140 9 56 55 244 92 384 01:00 4 38 18 58 01:15 5 38 12 49 01:30 4 47 7 46 01:45 8 40 21 163 11 40 48 193 69 356 02:00 8 36 8 54 02:15 9 30 9 55 02:30 8 30 8 34 02:45 3 30 28 126 8 50 33 193 61 319 03:00 2 44 3 50 03:15 2 20 4 50 03:30 2 27 8 46 03:45 4 28 10 119 3 38 18 184 28 303 04:00 0 22 2 43 04:15 4 35 3 55 04:30 1 29 1 57 04:45 2 22 7 108 1 48 7 203 14 311 05:00 2 20 2 46 05:15 4 30 5 46 05:30 5 54 5 39 05:45 5 26 16 130 4 42 16 173 32 303 06:00 3 24 5 52 06:15 8 39 7 36 06:30 10 20 5 35 06:45 4 24 25 107 10 44 27 167 52 274 07:00 6 22 13 44 07:15 14 24 14 38 07:30 16 38 16 30 07:45 22 36 58 120 17 38 60 150 118 270 08:00 17 32 14 34 08:15 15 39 24 34 08:30 19 28 28 52 08:45 22 30 73 129 36 52 102 172 175 301 09:00 33 33 39 52 09:15 30 28 32 43 09:30 38 28 26 44 09:45 26 24 127 113 42 33 139 172 266 285 10:00 38 12 52 19 10:15 38 19 56 32 10:30 48 15 46 30 10:45 37 14 161 60 43 22 197 103 358 163 11:00 32 11 54 16 11:15 31 15 50 14 11:30 42 8 50 7 11:45 36 2 141 36 49 9 203 46 344 82 Total 704 1351 Percent 34.3% 65.7% 905 2000 31.2% 68.8% 1609 3351 32.4% 67.6% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 03-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 38 8 46 12:15 4 28 7 56 12:30 2 37 9 42 12:45 5 32 23 135 3 55 27 199 50 334 01:00 3 40 4 54 01:15 5 30 4 39 01:30 0 22 6 52 01:45 2 28 10 120 1 52 15 197 25 317 02:00 2 40 1 52 02:15 4 29 1 46 02:30 2 17 2 51 02:45 0 37 8 123 2 36 6 185 14 308 03:00 0 32 1 60 03:15 2 29 2 63 03:30 2 32 2 44 03:45 2 30 6 123 2 60 7 227 13 350 04:00 4 34 0 62 04:15 4 20 6 71 04:30 4 44 6 58 04:45 8 38 20 136 9 81 21 272 41 408 05:00 3 54 5 70 05:15 0 52 10 70 05:30 8 44 14 69 05:45 16 60 27 210 10 87 39 296 66 506 06:00 20 38 28 70 06:15 20 44 21 64 06:30 24 22 32 62 06:45 26 56 90 160 45 54 126 250 216 410 07:00 15 26 26 52 07:15 24 46 47 48 07:30 36 49 52 52 07:45 26 43 101 164 40 51 165 203 266 367 08:00 19 47 33 56 08:15 29 44 35 42 08:30 12 36 51 35 08:45 16 32 76 159 42 52 161 185 237 344 09:00 30 32 40 30 09:15 27 32 58 39 09:30 22 32 49 32 09:45 27 16 106 112 46 28 193 129 299 241 10:00 34 9 48 24 10:15 27 16 54 32 10:30 29 16 42 12 10:45 28 26 118 67 51 23 195 91 313 158 11:00 32 15 40 15 11:15 30 8 27 12 11:30 28 5 49 18 11:45 29 1 119 29 34 10 150 55 269 84 Total 704 1538 Percent 31.4% 68.6% 1105 2289 32.6% 67.4% 1809 3827 32.1 % 67.9% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 04-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 36 5 48 12:15 8 32 8 52 12:30 4 30 7 44 12:45 2 13 20 111 6 38 26 182 46 293 01:00 4 38 4 53 01:15 1 34 5 54 01:30 2 31 4 40 01:45 1 26 8 129 2 38 15 185 23 314 02:00 3 23 1 54 02:15 5 24 3 50 02:30 1 28 1 43 02:45 0 35 9 110 1 62 6 2091 15 319 03:00 0 41 0 56 03:15 2 30 1 54 03:30 0 28 2 62 03:45 1 40 3 139 2 66 5 238 8 377 04:00 2 38 0 60 04:15 2 36 2 62 04:30 4 35 5 72 04:45 7 39 15 148 3 86 10 280 25 428 05:00 2 43 6 80 05:15 1 38 7 90 05:30 8 42 15 75 05:45 12 41 23 164 15 72 43 317 66 481 06:00 15 34 22 79 06:15 22 51 24 75 06:30 32 45 32 64 06:45 21 40 90 170 49 65 127 283 217 453 07:00 17 40 36 58 07:15 20 52 48 60 07:30 14 30 47 43 07:45 24 46 75 168 46 31 177 192 252 360 08:00 22 40 48 52 08:15 32 42 52 25 08:30 34 34 42 38 08:45 24 24 112 140 54 41 196 156 308 296 09:00 20 48 45 39 09:15 26 21 42 43 09:30 14 28 54 41 09:45 35 14 95 111 48 28 189 151 284 262 10:00 34 22 40 27 10:15 34 20 54 20 10:30 20 18 44 22 10:45 36 9 124 69 48 12 186 81 310 150 11:00 16 8 46 14 11:15 26 8 44 9 11:30 26 9 52 12 11:45 31 13 99 38 58 9 200 44 299 82 Total 673 1497 Percent 31.0% 69.0% 1180 2318 33.7% 66.3% 1853 3815 32.7% 67.3% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 05-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 50 8 52 12:15 5 26 6 51 12:30 9 22 9 56 12:45 2 38 23 136 3 50 26 209 49 345 01:00 2 18 1 47 01:15 0 20 6 59 01:30 0 30 0 38 01:45 0 29 2 97 5 54 12 198 14 295 02:00 1 16 0 40 02:15 1 54 3 60 02:30 0 36 0 59 02:45 0 28 2 134 2 59 5 218 7 352 03:00 0 38 1 57 03:15 1 32 0 50 03:30 2 29 2 46 03:45 2 30 5 129 2 64 5 217 10 346 04:00 1 38 2 68 04:15 3 34 0 66 04:30 1 44 8 79 04:45 6 46 11 162 5 66 15 2791 26 441 05:00 3 40 5 91 05:15 4 33 9 70 05:30 12 28 7 82 05:45 7 57 26 158 12 72 33 315 59 473 06:00 13 43 15 71 06:15 14 46 18 60 06:30 26 33 43 60 06:45 12 35 65 157 36 55 112 246 177 403 07:00 24 32 39 64 07:15 24 51 50 62 07:30 29 36 48 47 07:45 25 38 102 157 48 49 185 222 287 379 08:00 33 32 49 42 08:15 22 20 48 39 08:30 12 45 48 41 08:45 12 24 79 121 45 46 190 168 269 289 09:00 20 38 50 33 09:15 24 22 38 26 09:30 19 24 46 26 09:45 23 20 86 104 48 32 182 117 268 221 10:00 31 6 44 15 10:15 24 22 41 15 10:30 33 20 46 15 10:45 17 16 105 64 38 16 169 61 274 125 11:00 30 10 34 7 11:15 28 10 46 16 11:30 16 11 46 11 11:45 32 4 106 35 41 7 167 41 273 76 Total 612 1454 Percent 29.6% 70.4% 1101 2291 32.5% 67.5% 1713 3745 31.4% 68.6% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 06-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 30 9 44 12:15 4 28 4 52 12:30 4 41 9 56 12:45 2 26 16 125 4 66 26 218 42 343 01:00 1 30 4 60 01:15 0 17 1 51 01:30 3 33 1 50 01:45 2 28 6 108 2 46 8 207 14 315 02:00 1 18 2 53 02:15 4 26 3 47 02:30 1 26 1 54 02:45 4 23 10 93 0 46 6 200 16 293 03:00 0 17 1 46 03:15 4 22 2 56 03:30 1 21 2 63 03:45 2 43 7 103 2 60 7 225 14 328 04:00 1 34 3 62 04:15 0 40 2 58 04:30 4 28 10 63 04:45 4 40 9 142 8 76 23 2591 32 401 05:00 4 40 5 70 05:15 8 51 3 87 05:30 6 38 9 54 05:45 15 51 33 180 7 67 24 278 57 458 06:00 14 40 20 61 06:15 10 36 33 66 06:30 24 40 29 76 06:45 24 44 72 160 34 36 116 239 188 399 07:00 20 46 40 56 07:15 24 38 41 54 07:30 16 46 47 38 07:45 32 34 92 164 46 48 174 196 266 360 08:00 24 23 41 43 08:15 16 32 50 35 08:30 26 28 52 47 08:45 17 29 83 112 58 32 201 157 284 269 09:00 22 26 41 36 09:15 34 41 52 26 09:30 36 30 52 40 09:45 22 28 114 125 42 32 187 134 301 259 10:00 18 15 48 25 10:15 26 15 36 25 10:30 36 12 50 22 10:45 27 16 107 58 29 15 163 87 270 145 11:00 14 4 38 9 11:15 24 11 54 8 11:30 27 8 40 14 11:45 32 8 97 31 51 5 183 36 280 67 Total 646 1401 Percent 31.6% 68.4% 1118 2236 33.3% 66.7% 1764 3637 32.7% 67.3% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 07-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 36 4 50 12:15 6 28 8 39 12:30 4 29 5 41 12:45 2 22 19 115 3 50 20 180 39 295 01:00 2 42 5 52 01:15 1 22 5 44 01:30 0 22 2 66 01:45 0 34 3 120 5 42 17 204 20 324 02:00 0 19 2 42 02:15 0 32 1 62 02:30 0 24 1 44 02:45 0 34 0 1091 0 56 4 204 4 313 03:00 0 36 3 44 03:15 0 14 1 52 03:30 2 0 4 52 03:45 2 0 4 50 1 64 9 212 13 262 04:00 2 10 2 70 04:15 5 44 3 70 04:30 3 42 5 71 04:45 3 52 13 148 5 78 15 2891 28 437 05:00 2 60 2 96 05:15 6 26 10 66 05:30 9 50 10 68 05:45 16 24 33 160 11 81 33 311 66 471 06:00 20 39 12 58 06:15 12 28 28 64 06:30 28 44 36 61 06:45 21 29 81 140 42 60 118 243 199 383 07:00 17 39 38 56 07:15 21 30 52 50 07:30 18 28 31 65 07:45 6 34 62 131 48 44 169 215 231 346 08:00 16 44 38 55 08:15 23 53 35 46 08:30 14 35 32 47 08:45 22 22 75 154 50 40 155 188 230 342 09:00 23 39 48 32 09:15 22 18 52 26 09:30 22 18 42 40 09:45 32 26 99 101 42 33 184 131 283 232 10:00 20 26 42 36 10:15 22 27 44 34 10:30 28 12 46 22 10:45 33 14 103 79 38 25 170 117 273 196 11:00 20 22 46 18 11:15 32 18 43 18 11:30 20 26 46 14 11:45 32 14 104 80 50 12 185 62 289 142 Total 596 1387 Percent 30.1 % 69.9% 1079 2356 31.4% 68.6% 1675 3743 30.9% 69.1 % Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 08-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 24 16 65 12:15 12 17 10 69 12:30 5 38 5 60 12:45 7 32 36 111 9 71 40 265 76 376 01:00 8 32 10 54 01:15 7 27 10 58 01:30 4 32 9 72 01:45 3 26 22 117 10 56 39 240 61 357 02:00 0 15 9 49 02:15 0 32 7 59 02:30 0 38 2 60 02:45 1 24 1 109 5 64 23 232 24 341 03:00 4 21 4 48 03:15 0 36 3 59 03:30 2 22 2 58 03:45 3 22 9 101 2 55 11 220 20 321 04:00 2 24 1 68 04:15 7 40 3 63 04:30 5 16 3 58 04:45 4 40 18 120 2 56 9 245 27 365 05:00 1 26 10 57 05:15 2 34 2 52 05:30 4 35 14 51 05:45 4 25 11 120 10 45 36 205 47 325 06:00 12 29 13 48 06:15 15 28 16 66 06:30 20 22 28 52 06:45 16 22 63 101 50 45 107 211 170 312 07:00 20 24 36 47 07:15 24 44 30 51 07:30 22 24 29 47 07:45 16 22 82 114 30 47 125 192 207 306 08:00 21 34 30 58 08:15 34 52 32 42 08:30 30 30 44 51 08:45 19 21 104 137 51 24 157 175 261 312 09:00 19 30 44 30 09:15 11 22 42 43 09:30 37 25 50 40 09:45 32 16 99 93 61 40 197 153 296 246 10:00 24 24 56 30 10:15 34 22 68 29 10:30 42 14 50 31 10:45 36 18 136 78 52 29 226 119 362 197 11:00 28 20 54 30 11:15 20 8 60 26 11:30 40 16 64 20 11:45 40 16 128 60 68 17 246 93 374 153 Total 709 1261 Percent 36.0% 64.0% 1216 2350 34.1 % 65.9% 1925 3611 34.8% 65.2% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 09-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 1 26 15 46 12:15 3 32 13 51 12:30 4 30 10 54 12:45 4 18 12 106 8 58 46 209 58 315 01:00 9 30 10 60 01:15 8 32 8 46 01:30 2 33 9 44 01:45 0 30 19 125 18 52 45 202 64 327 02:00 4 30 10 56 02:15 11 26 7 46 02:30 3 35 3 45 02:45 8 32 26 123 11 55 31 202 57 325 03:00 4 18 2 40 03:15 3 37 5 46 03:30 2 20 6 48 03:45 4 30 13 105 3 52 16 186 29 291 04:00 2 35 2 44 04:15 4 20 1 54 04:30 2 12 3 38 04:45 4 39 12 106 3 441 9 180 21 286 05:00 3 34 3 51 05:15 6 14 7 48 05:30 4 32 7 52 05:45 4 25 17 105 2 38 19 189 36 294 06:00 5 30 11 46 06:15 5 12 8 46 06:30 3 26 8 40 06:45 2 22 15 90 9 40 36 172 51 262 07:00 1 22 7 38 07:15 2 18 14 46 07:30 12 27 9 40 07:45 13 28 28 95 14 37 44 161 72 256 08:00 16 24 25 31 08:15 18 33 29 26 08:30 18 8 24 54 08:45 28 42 80 107 34 32 112 143 192 250 09:00 17 22 31 38 09:15 21 29 38 42 09:30 20 24 31 30 09:45 28 12 86 87 41 25 141 135 227 222 10:00 20 6 48 22 10:15 22 18 38 16 10:30 22 13 52 24 10:45 30 12 94 49 48 16 186 78 280 127 11:00 26 14 42 6 11:15 30 4 40 21 11:30 14 3 38 6 11:45 26 2 96 23 55 8 175 41 271 64 Total 498 1121 Percent 30.8% 69.2% 860 1898 31.2% 68.8% 1358 3019 31.0% 69.0% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 10-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 20 7 50 12:15 3 23 6 50 12:30 1 18 6 46 12:45 1 29 9 90 1 33 20 179 29 269 01:00 4 28 7 43 01:15 1 16 4 38 01:30 1 28 4 52 01:45 2 12 8 84 6 52 21 185 29 269 02:00 3 34 2 49 02:15 4 27 4 49 02:30 1 20 1 48 02:45 2 31 10 112 2 44 9 190 19 302 03:00 2 26 0 58 03:15 0 26 1 53 03:30 1 24 4 66 03:45 2 14 5 90 2 57 7 234 12 324 04:00 2 32 3 64 04:15 1 26 2 68 04:30 2 9 6 70 04:45 3 32 8 99 8 74 19 276 27 375 05:00 4 10 1 81 05:15 5 43 7 66 05:30 6 34 10 62 05:45 6 28 21 115 18 54 36 263 57 378 06:00 16 42 14 68 06:15 14 24 23 57 06:30 22 22 26 64 06:45 22 34 74 122 31 70 94 259 168 381 07:00 26 28 42 42 07:15 18 40 58 50 07:30 22 37 51 51 07:45 14 24 80 129 37 48 188 191 268 320 08:00 14 38 35 54 08:15 11 26 53 51 08:30 20 28 35 52 08:45 11 35 56 127 40 34 163 191 219 318 09:00 8 13 48 27 09:15 21 28 40 35 09:30 23 30 35 28 09:45 32 6 84 77 38 22 161 112 245 189 10:00 18 22 54 29 10:15 10 11 51 30 10:30 26 0 44 15 10:45 34 4 88 37 1 52 11 201 851 289 122 11:00 26 6 40 15 11:15 30 10 51 8 11:30 21 8 58 5 11:45 20 5 97 29 49 11 198 39 295 68 Total 540 1111 Percent 32.7% 67.3% 1117 2204 33.6% 66.4% 1657 3315 33.3% 66.7% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 11-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 0 19 8 42 12:15 2 23 8 40 12:30 5 39 9 44 12:45 2 20 9 101 3 43 28 169 37 270 01:00 2 33 6 34 01:15 2 6 1 53 01:30 6 14 2 48 01:45 2 21 12 74 3 36 12 171 24 245 02:00 0 20 2 45 02:15 4 4 1 40 02:30 2 39 3 48 02:45 3 9 9 72 0 42 6 175 15 247 03:00 1 30 3 47 03:15 2 22 1 43 03:30 1 10 1 42 03:45 5 0 9 62 1 48 6 180 15 242 04:00 4 0 5 70 04:15 4 0 1 56 04:30 4 0 8 56 04:45 4 0 16 0 8 82 22 264 38 264 05:00 2 0 5 62 05:15 1 0 8 81 05:30 7 0 11 59 05:45 10 0 20 0 10 56 34 258 54 258 06:00 14 0 23 76 06:15 16 0 19 52 06:30 16 0 28 44 06:45 12 0 58 0 49 48 119 220 177 220 07:00 13 0 47 52 07:15 13 0 61 54 07:30 16 0 53 44 07:45 18 0 60 0 46 46 207 196 267 196 08:00 19 0 48 46 08:15 13 0 42 42 08:30 20 0 36 35 08:45 24 0 76 0 57 28 183 151 259 151 09:00 18 0 40 40 09:15 20 0 34 28 09:30 13 0 31 26 09:45 24 0 75 0 38 24 143 118 218 118 10:00 18 0 44 35 10:15 9 0 48 19 10:30 18 0 50 18 10:45 22 0 67 0 48 12 190 84 257 84 11:00 18 0 56 6 11:15 19 0 52 14 11:30 21 0 48 6 11:45 24 01 82 0 36 10 192 36 274 36 Total 493 309 Percent 61.5% 38.5% 1142 2022 36.1 % 63.9% 1635 2331 41.2% 58.8% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 12-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 0 14 11 50 12:15 0 20 12 37 12:30 0 25 8 48 12:45 0 32 0 91 4 41 35 176 35 267 01:00 0 32 1 48 01:15 0 26 0 46 01:30 0 5 1 48 01:45 0 20 0 83 1 44 3 186 3 269 02:00 0 2 4 44 02:15 0 2 2 42 02:30 0 2 2 46 02:45 0 16 0 22 0 48 8 180 8 202 03:00 0 24 2 60 03:15 0 22 2 39 03:30 0 28 3 58 03:45 0 30 0 104 1 54 8 211 8 315 04:00 0 14 1 58 04:15 0 25 2 76 04:30 0 34 5 46 04:45 0 26 0 99 4 72 12 252 12 351 05:00 0 39 3 80 05:15 0 2 10 62 05:30 0 4 12 63 05:45 0 16 0 61 10 70 35 275 35 336 06:00 0 2 16 82 06:15 0 0 20 60 06:30 0 2 26 59 06:45 0 1 0 5 40 42 102 243 102 248 07:00 0 2 34 53 07:15 0 19 46 32 07:30 0 24 46 47 07:45 0 31 0 76 45 44 171 176 171 252 08:00 0 30 45 54 08:15 0 6 46 52 08:30 0 0 46 36 08:45 0 0 0 36 51 38 188 180 188 216 09:00 0 0 34 30 09:15 0 0 44 41 09:30 0 0 44 28 09:45 0 0 0 0 38 23 160 122 160 122 10:00 0 0 49 27 10:15 0 0 55 20 10:30 0 0 35 20 10:45 0 0 0 0 40 10 179 77 179 77 11:00 4 0 52 16 11:15 5 0 46 8 11:30 10 0 40 13 11:45 9 01 28 0 39 7 177 44 205 44 Total 28 577 Percent 4.6% 95.4% 1078 2122 33.7% 66.3% 1106 2699 29.1 % 70.9% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 13-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 0 37 4 42 12:15 0 15 4 48 12:30 0 24 3 40 12:45 0 31 0 107 3 44 14 174 14 281 01:00 0 6 6 44 01:15 0 18 1 49 01:30 0 22 3 54 01:45 0 6 0 52 9 53 19 200 19 252 02:00 0 16 1 38 02:15 0 6 2 46 02:30 0 0 4 48 02:45 0 0 0 22 0 49 7 181 7 203 03:00 0 6 2 47 03:15 0 10 4 29 03:30 0 34 0 47 03:45 0 44 0 94 3 57 9 180 9 274 04:00 0 16 3 56 04:15 0 1 3 75 04:30 0 4 10 78 04:45 0 2 0 23 5 85 21 294 21 317 05:00 0 4 1 62 05:15 0 40 6 64 05:30 0 33 11 62 05:45 0 20 0 97 8 58 26 246 26 343 06:00 0 32 20 49 06:15 0 41 27 52 06:30 0 22 31 66 06:45 0 22 0 117 36 56 114 223 114 340 07:00 0 39 42 46 07:15 0 22 54 50 07:30 0 36 44 45 07:45 0 8 0 105 43 59 183 200 183 305 08:00 0 31 55 52 08:15 0 10 40 28 08:30 0 12 46 22 08:45 0 14 0 67 38 33 179 135 179 202 09:00 0 24 47 34 09:15 0 14 48 34 09:30 0 18 52 25 09:45 0 13 0 69 48 21 195 114 195 183 10:00 0 8 43 9 10:15 2 10 34 36 10:30 0 8 43 7 10:45 7 12 9 38 48 14 168 66 177 104 11:00 7 6 54 11 11:15 17 2 33 7 11:30 8 0 41 11 11:45 6 0 38 8 50 3 178 32 216 40 Total 47 799 Percent 5.6% 94.4% 1113 2045 35.2% 64.8% 1160 2844 29.0% 71.0% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 14-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 0 18 4 58 12:15 1 22 6 56 12:30 0 4 12 42 12:45 1 8 2 52 4 52 26 208 28 260 01:00 0 38 7 34 01:15 0 14 3 52 01:30 0 14 2 49 01:45 0 16 0 82 4 52 16 187 16 269 02:00 0 4 4 52 02:15 0 32 1 49 02:30 0 26 2 65 02:45 0 24 0 86 1 50 8 216 8 302 03:00 0 11 0 68 03:15 1 34 2 46 03:30 0 14 2 58 03:45 0 36 1 95 1 58 5 230 6 325 04:00 0 10 3 80 04:15 0 32 2 83 04:30 0 20 8 76 04:45 0 14 0 76 4 79 17 318 17 394 05:00 0 42 6 80 05:15 0 32 8 71 05:30 1 25 10 70 05:45 2 3 3 102 12 75 36 296 39 398 06:00 2 3 22 70 06:15 3 11 22 70 06:30 6 32 34 62 06:45 24 18 35 64 40 59 118 261 153 325 07:00 14 38 42 50 07:15 3 34 52 62 07:30 33 14 40 66 07:45 25 0 75 86 42 50 176 228 251 314 08:00 17 1 50 52 08:15 8 0 46 37 08:30 5 2 48 20 08:45 22 4 52 7 46 32 190 141 242 148 09:00 12 4 54 42 09:15 19 5 44 37 09:30 9 6 46 33 09:45 6 6 46 21 41 29 185 141 231 162 10:00 23 14 34 21 10:15 22 14 51 28 10:30 22 27 46 16 10:45 28 22 95 77 51 12 182 77 277 154 11:00 8 20 44 19 11:15 5 16 60 17 11:30 20 12 45 15 11:45 4 6 37 54 50 5 199 56 236 110 Total 346 802 Percent 30.1 % 69.9% 1158 2359 32.9% 67.1% 1504 3161 32.2% 67.8% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 15-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 2 0 21 74 12:15 0 0 10 48 12:30 0 0 12 58 12:45 2 0 4 0 10 60 53 240 57 240 01:00 4 0 7 60 01:15 14 0 8 68 01:30 3 0 2 51 01:45 6 0 27 0 7 55 24 234 51 234 02:00 6 6 9 56 02:15 4 28 4 50 02:30 3 30 4 60 02:45 2 14 15 78 4 64 21 230 36 308 03:00 1 36 2 48 03:15 0 26 6 45 03:30 0 16 5 52 03:45 0 37 1 115 2 55 15 200 16 315 04:00 6 12 5 46 04:15 1 18 1 40 04:30 4 16 0 33 04:45 2 38 13 84 2 49 8 168 21 252 05:00 2 32 10 43 05:15 3 28 4 69 05:30 2 26 5 49 05:45 4 40 11 126 11 55 30 216 41 342 06:00 9 58 10 63 06:15 18 26 12 56 06:30 18 18 32 31 06:45 22 20 67 122 42 42 96 192 163 314 07:00 15 29 28 44 07:15 12 24 31 49 07:30 10 22 38 38 07:45 10 34 47 109 26 36 123 167 170 276 08:00 26 33 39 50 08:15 14 15 40 30 08:30 26 44 33 34 08:45 20 28 86 120 36 44 148 158 234 278 09:00 20 26 54 28 09:15 18 28 44 30 09:30 10 9 42 31 09:45 20 18 68 81 53 31 193 120 261 201 10:00 16 28 62 40 10:15 23 20 50 32 10:30 6 18 48 26 10:45 0 4 45 70 60 20 220 118 265 188 11:00 0 15 48 27 11:15 0 17 65 22 11:30 0 5 57 22 11:45 0 3 0 40 63 12 233 83 233 123 Total 384 945 Percent 28.9% 71.1 % 1164 2126 35.4% 64.6% 1548 3071 33.5% 66.5% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 16-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 12 18 53 12:15 10 3 4 50 12:30 7 10 13 71 12:45 8 34 31 59 11 61 46 235 77 294 01:00 6 31 11 46 01:15 4 24 14 50 01:30 1 20 6 46 01:45 2 25 13 100 7 40 38 182 51 282 02:00 2 22 9 49 02:15 2 10 10 46 02:30 0 0 8 55 02:45 0 1 4 33 8 41 35 191 39 224 03:00 5 0 6 43 03:15 2 32 4 38 03:30 5 40 4 42 03:45 6 34 18 106 0 44 14 167 32 273 04:00 3 41 3 45 04:15 3 36 4 66 04:30 4 24 4 45 04:45 6 29 16 130 5 44 16 200 32 330 05:00 3 29 1 38 05:15 2 23 9 36 05:30 1 36 3 52 05:45 2 25 8 113 4 42 17 168 25 281 06:00 1 34 8 40 06:15 0 33 3 54 06:30 6 26 7 39 06:45 12 28 19 121 10 40 28 173 47 294 07:00 8 32 5 50 07:15 10 24 20 42 07:30 13 22 11 43 07:45 10 22 41 100 16 35 52 170 93 270 08:00 13 21 25 34 08:15 4 16 34 42 08:30 8 26 28 38 08:45 18 32 43 95 29 40 116 154 159 249 09:00 23 33 40 28 09:15 27 26 37 27 09:30 22 19 30 27 09:45 12 24 84 102 46 40 153 122 237 224 10:00 11 20 52 31 10:15 30 18 48 28 10:30 17 16 34 18 10:45 8 20 66 74 62 13 196 90 262 164 11:00 30 13 50 12 11:15 24 6 44 17 11:30 6 10 50 13 11:45 29 10 89 39 52 7 196 49 285 88 Total 432 1072 Percent 28.7% 71.3% 907 1901 32.3% 67.7% 1339 2973 31.1 % 68.9% Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Coronado Pkwy Station ID: 28516 Start 17-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc RAnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 2 * 6 12:15 8 * 4 12:30 4 8 12:45 7 * 21 0 7 * 25 0 46 0 01:00 3 * 8 01:15 6 * 2 01:30 1 * 3 01:45 4 14 0 3 16 0 30 0 02:00 4 1 02:15 2 * 2 02:30 1 2 02:45 1 * 8 0 0 * 5 0 13 0 03:00 0 * 3 03:15 2 * 2 03:30 3 * 1 03:45 2 7 0 3 9 0 16 0 04:00 2 * 3 04:15 1 * 5 04:30 2 6 04:45 6 * 11 0 7 * 21 0 32 0 05:00 6 6 05:15 5 8 05:30 7 * 11 05:45 16 34 0 16 41 0 75 0 06:00 22 26 06:15 18 25 06:30 23 34 06:45 36 99 0 40 * 125 0 224 0 07:00 19 50 07:15 20 42 07:30 42 * 46 07:45 28 109 0 38 176 0 285 0 08:00 18 45 08:15 19 40 08:30 26 44 08:45 23 * 86 0 52 * 181 0 267 0 09:00 25 36 09:15 27 41 09:30 29 * 36 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 470 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% Grand 20916 44619 Total Percent 31.9% 68.1 % ADT ADT 5,774 AADT 5,774 712 0 988 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 31626 61565 52348 33.9% 66.1% 33.0% 0 0.0% 106184 67.0% Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 20-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 * 50 0 50 * 60 0 60 0 110 07:00 * 54 58 07:15 * 50 62 07:30 * 43 54 07:45 * 50 0 197 51 0 225 0 422 08:00 36 * 39 08:15 * 49 * 42 08:30 34 44 08:45 * 32 0 151 * 44 0 169 0 320 09:00 * 36 33 09:15 * 33 * 34 09:30 * 36 * 30 09:45 * 22 0 127 * 22 0 119 0 246 10:00 * 21 * 31 10:15 * 22 * 26 10:30 20 25 10:45 * 18 0 81 * 16 0 98 0 179 11:00 * 12 16 11:15 * 15 * 15 11:30 * 9 * 18 11:45 * 7 0 43 9 0 58 0 101 Total 0 649 0 729 0 1378 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 21-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 30 7 29 12:15 5 36 7 27 12:30 2 39 2 33 12:45 3 33 14 138 5 40 21 129 35 267 01:00 0 38 0 27 01:15 0 30 6 41 01:30 2 29 2 41 01:45 2 49 4 146 1 25 9 134 13 280 02:00 0 38 2 52 02:15 4 36 3 60 02:30 2 37 1 43 02:45 4 52 10 163 0 38 6 193 16 356 03:00 1 63 3 60 03:15 0 50 3 52 03:30 5 66 4 54 03:45 3 55 9 234 1 40 11 206 20 440 04:00 4 68 2 62 04:15 1 64 0 83 04:30 4 58 1 71 04:45 11 66 20 256 5 84 8 300 28 556 05:00 9 62 4 72 05:15 14 70 6 80 05:30 13 70 10 74 05:45 26 76 62 278 9 70 29 296 91 574 06:00 36 67 22 70 06:15 70 50 26 82 06:30 96 55 53 54 06:45 92 48 294 220 59 49 160 255 454 475 07:00 59 44 43 85 07:15 62 66 45 62 07:30 98 44 36 60 07:45 64 37 283 191 40 48 164 255 447 446 08:00 70 54 26 53 08:15 62 39 40 50 08:30 86 32 31 43 08:45 55 42 273 167 39 38 136 184 409 351 09:00 32 25 39 33 09:15 34 40 21 40 09:30 36 42 24 41 09:45 41 45 143 152 26 32 110 146 253 298 10:00 32 29 22 35 10:15 28 30 21 29 10:30 37 19 24 21 10:45 40 12 137 90 27 28 94 113 231 203 11:00 34 9 26 20 11:15 20 15 33 10 11:30 30 4 30 14 11:45 33 15 117 43 31 11 120 55 237 98 Total 1366 2078 Percent 39.7% 60.3% 868 2266 27.7% 72.3% 2234 4344 34.0% 66.0% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 22-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 36 5 21 12:15 5 37 4 31 12:30 5 42 3 38 12:45 5 32 18 147 3 29 15 119 33 266 01:00 2 25 5 34 01:15 4 32 10 35 01:30 1 44 2 28 01:45 3 38 10 139 4 34 21 131 31 270 02:00 2 32 2 39 02:15 2 36 2 68 02:30 5 40 0 58 02:45 2 57 11 165 0 38 4 203 15 368 03:00 0 56 1 44 03:15 3 54 2 52 03:30 5 62 4 60 03:45 0 52 8 224 1 65 8 221 16 445 04:00 0 42 1 64 04:15 2 56 0 83 04:30 5 66 1 72 04:45 10 64 17 228 4 74 6 2931 23 521 05:00 7 54 1 49 05:15 12 64 6 66 05:30 14 70 4 72 05:45 31 71 64 259 15 74 26 261 90 520 06:00 34 60 18 72 06:15 66 72 37 67 06:30 95 65 52 68 06:45 86 65 281 262 50 62 157 269 438 531 07:00 62 46 46 75 07:15 76 50 40 64 07:30 103 42 37 42 07:45 85 46 326 184 36 46 159 227 485 411 08:00 70 46 38 53 08:15 66 45 40 46 08:30 78 42 45 52 08:45 64 35 278 168 42 34 165 185 443 353 09:00 35 49 34 33 09:15 32 32 25 42 09:30 45 34 38 33 09:45 42 36 154 151 24 17 121 125 275 276 10:00 32 21 45 40 10:15 38 29 31 31 10:30 33 36 28 39 10:45 28 17 131 103 24 26 128 136 259 239 11:00 26 16 37 18 11:15 46 11 41 15 11:30 30 11 30 18 11:45 41 11 143 49 30 10 138 61 281 110 Total 1441 2079 Percent 40.9% 59.1 % 948 2231 29.8% 70.2% 2389 4310 35.7% 64.3% Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 23-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 38 5 22 12:15 9 34 8 35 12:30 4 37 7 33 12:45 3 37 20 146 7 36 27 126 47 272 01:00 5 36 6 31 01:15 3 30 4 36 01:30 2 39 1 28 01:45 1 39 11 144 1 29 12 124 23 268 02:00 1 29 0 45 02:15 3 37 3 77 02:30 2 44 3 48 02:45 2 59 8 1691 1 46 7 216 15 385 03:00 2 60 0 58 03:15 2 70 6 66 03:30 2 49 3 55 03:45 3 65 9 244 1 50 10 229 19 473 04:00 2 58 2 73 04:15 2 53 2 98 04:30 6 61 0 81 04:45 11 71 21 243 0 80 4 332 25 575 05:00 14 66 3 53 05:15 13 66 11 78 05:30 16 68 8 61 05:45 27 70 70 270 14 70 36 262 106 532 06:00 43 64 20 77 06:15 68 69 34 68 06:30 84 63 51 76 06:45 90 52 285 248 59 64 164 285 449 533 07:00 46 52 57 69 07:15 74 56 50 77 07:30 90 44 36 46 07:45 68 40 278 192 28 45 171 237 449 429 08:00 72 50 36 50 08:15 73 40 38 59 08:30 80 52 35 50 08:45 67 45 292 187 39 38 148 197 440 384 09:00 34 34 36 53 09:15 49 30 32 42 09:30 38 44 21 38 09:45 27 36 148 144 29 33 118 166 266 310 10:00 29 17 26 31 10:15 30 28 16 34 10:30 28 14 28 27 10:45 29 29I 116 88 26 17 96 109 212 197 11:00 27 11 30 21 11:15 40 10 27 19 11:30 31 5 36 8 11:45 31 11 129 37 35 16 128 64 257 101 Total 1387 2112 Percent 39.6% 60.4% 921 2347 28.2% 71.8% 2308 4459 34.1 % 65.9% Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 24-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 55 12 42 12:15 13 54 9 50 12:30 2 55 3 51 12:45 4 53 29 217 3 49 27 192 56 409 01:00 2 56 7 62 01:15 2 45 7 50 01:30 3 40 6 50 01:45 4 44 11 185 5 47 25 209 36 394 02:00 2 49 2 44 02:15 1 50 2 50 02:30 2 49I 0 52 02:45 3 47 8 1951 3 42 7 188 15 383 03:00 5 46 2 49 03:15 3 54 2 56 03:30 5 58 4 71 03:45 3 64 16 222 2 60 10 236 26 458 04:00 3 66 2 74 04:15 0 66 1 78 04:30 5 79 2 89 04:45 9 82 17 293 1 68 6 3091 23 602 05:00 7 71 3 71 05:15 14 59 5 80 05:30 11 78 4 49 05:45 28 56 60 264 15 81 27 281 87 545 06:00 34 78 16 69 06:15 63 60 44 79 06:30 89 52 40 63 06:45 86 60 272 250 53 56 153 267 425 517 07:00 62 52 58 52 07:15 71 42 44 54 07:30 80 48 37 38 07:45 78 37 291 179 36 33 175 177 466 356 08:00 65 46 32 62 08:15 66 50 42 58 08:30 89 42 29 50 08:45 62 35 282 173 42 47 145 217 427 390 09:00 38 42 28 45 09:15 31 59 30 49 09:30 42 40 29 40 09:45 40 39 151 180 22 43 109 177 260 357 10:00 32 35 28 38 10:15 38 34 36 46 10:30 46 34 32 33 10:45 44 27 160 130 49 21 145 138 305 268 11:00 43 18 44 29 11:15 37 35 36 35 11:30 39 38 38 32 11:45 55 12 174 103 37 24 155 120 329 223 Total 1471 2391 Percent 38.1 % 61.9% 984 2511 28.2% 71.8% 2455 4902 33.4% 66.6% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 25-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 16 55 19 53 12:15 12 52 19 55 12:30 15 60 18 50 12:45 9 39 52 206 6 32 62 190 114 396 01:00 6 56 9 52 01:15 4 46 13 43 01:30 4 49 10 26 01:45 8 56 22 207 6 44 38 165 60 372 02:00 8 51 10 48 02:15 12 64 12 58 02:30 1 66 7 50 02:45 8 44 29 225 14 57 43 213 72 438 03:00 6 49 5 54 03:15 6 44 2 60 03:30 4 65 1 61 03:45 4 58 20 216 5 60 13 235 33 451 04:00 6 46 3 60 04:15 6 56 2 70 04:30 5 48 5 56 04:45 5 54 22 204 1 47 11 2331 33 437 05:00 9 52 1 68 05:15 10 57 2 64 05:30 14 46 8 58 05:45 10 52 43 207 9 59 20 249 63 456 06:00 12 49 14 54 06:15 18 57 25 61 06:30 46 50 32 63 06:45 42 44 118 200 28 64 99 242 217 442 07:00 59 63 34 52 07:15 40 50 37 44 07:30 40 35 32 40 07:45 36 50 175 198 16 42 119 178 294 376 08:00 46 40 27 38 08:15 34 44 30 44 08:30 52 44 32 53 08:45 38 61 170 189 35 50 124 185 294 374 09:00 42 50 48 54 09:15 60 48 28 58 09:30 52 46 42 50 09:45 68 59 222 203 45 39 163 201 385 404 10:00 45 39 43 46 10:15 64 42 42 36 10:30 51 43 39 42 10:45 46 33 206 157 36 42 160 166 366 323 11:00 52 22 40 27 11:15 68 34 43 34 11:30 48 25 39 30 11:45 62 14 230 95 39 29 161 120 391 215 Total 1309 2307 Percent 36.2% 63.8% 1013 2377 29.9% 70.1% 2322 4684 33.1 % 66.9% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 26-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 15 73 10 45 12:15 11 68 19 29 12:30 15 50 17 49 12:45 10 47 51 238 13 48 59 171 110 409 01:00 13 43 13 54 01:15 13 38 8 41 01:30 7 54 9 38 01:45 7 54 40 189 11 37 41 170 81 359 02:00 7 39 6 52 02:15 8 43 11 37 02:30 9 40 8 42 02:45 6 41 30 163 11 33 36 164 66 327 03:00 8 43 7 47 03:15 8 50 8 47 03:30 6 42 2 51 03:45 4 40 26 175 2 54 19 199 45 374 04:00 2 44 2 37 04:15 2 30 0 48 04:30 0 41 3 44 04:45 3 39 7 154 2 49 7 178 14 332 05:00 9 57 4 55 05:15 5 38 1 58 05:30 9 45 3 35 05:45 9 46 32 186 1 30 9 178 41 364 06:00 6 60 11 41 06:15 12 561 6 62 06:30 14 61 8 46 06:45 9 51 41 228 6 49 31 198 72 426 07:00 11 42 12 45 07:15 16 56 17 31 07:30 17 29 18 54 07:45 28 40 72 167 14 38 61 168 133 335 08:00 14 44 11 41 08:15 33 44 16 46 08:30 30 32 31 39 08:45 24 32 101 152 30 36 88 162 189 314 09:00 38 40 30 46 09:15 40 42 51 46 09:30 37 34 31 50 09:45 47 36 162 152 43 47 155 189 317 341 10:00 48 33 36 36 10:15 44 31 37 31 10:30 37 20 32 26 10:45 50 16 179 100 38 24 143 117 322 217 11:00 41 19 35 28 11:15 45 20 44 33 11:30 49 21 31 18 11:45 45 20 180 80 38 16 148 95 328 175 Total 921 1984 Percent 31.7% 68.3% 797 1989 28.6% 71.4% 1718 3973 30.2% 69.8% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 27-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 501 10 48 12:15 12 40 12 36 12:30 8 43 10 36 12:45 9 36 39 169 9 33 41 153 80 322 01:00 7 50 11 35 01:15 6 47 6 44 01:30 5 42 4 36 01:45 9 42 27 181 5 28 26 143 53 324 02:00 4 51 8 38 02:15 6 53 5 54 02:30 4 29 2 42 02:45 1 40 15 173 2 441 17 178 32 351 03:00 3 40 4 48 03:15 4 40 3 47 03:30 3 40 2 46 03:45 4 41 14 161 0 38 9 179 23 340 04:00 2 38 0 50 04:15 2 44 2 44 04:30 3 44 3 55 04:45 5 44 12 170 1 41 6 190 18 360 05:00 6 48 4 44 05:15 8 40 6 40 05:30 10 44 5 44 05:45 12 53 36 185 5 55 20 183 56 368 06:00 14 46 2 51 06:15 14 56 12 44 06:30 26 42 12 53 06:45 21 53 75 197 18 52 44 200 119 397 07:00 34 58 12 56 07:15 24 50 17 39 07:30 24 40 13 49 07:45 31 49 113 197 17 48 59 192 172 389 08:00 15 48 13 29 08:15 23 40 11 60 08:30 28 47 17 55 08:45 29 34 95 169 15 46 56 190 151 359 09:00 22 39 16 52 09:15 30 34 19 45 09:30 29 29 28 42 09:45 44 22 125 124 33 28 96 167 221 291 10:00 35 37 21 32 10:15 50 24 29 22 10:30 54 22 34 27 10:45 38 16 177 99 30 23 114 1041 291 203 11:00 44 10 41 12 11:15 38 15 35 13 11:30 43 9 48 12 11:45 33 6 158 40 36 12 160 49 318 89 Total 886 1865 Percent 32.2% 67.8% 648 1928 25.2% 74.8% 1534 3793 28.8% 71.2% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 28-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 39 9 46 12:15 7 32 6 37 12:30 6 42 9 33 12:45 0 42 20 155 7 34 31 150 51 305 01:00 1 36 4 43 01:15 1 37 3 33 01:30 2 36 4 30 01:45 3 41 7 150 2 40 13 146 20 296 02:00 2 40 4 40 02:15 5 42 6 68 02:30 2 50 2 55 02:45 5 68 14 200 1 48 13 211 27 411 03:00 2 66 2 46 03:15 2 52 6 42 03:30 7 59 1 57 03:45 1 68 12 245 1 48 10 193 22 438 04:00 4 46 2 78 04:15 1 55 1 90 04:30 1 60 2 67 04:45 10 72 16 233 0 72 5 307 21 540 05:00 8 66 7 56 05:15 9 64 4 64 05:30 19 65 6 87 05:45 24 65 60 260 16 60 33 267 93 527 06:00 42 58 8 72 06:15 58 65 26 59 06:30 100 69 45 68 06:45 89 56 289 248 50 56 129 255 418 503 07:00 60 52 48 44 07:15 58 58 47 60 07:30 95 52 34 51 07:45 86 47 299 209 38 51 167 206 466 415 08:00 73 45 39 58 08:15 81 62 42 46 08:30 76 41 44 38 08:45 66 43 296 191 50 42 175 1841 471 375 09:00 34 42 43 48 09:15 43 33 25 47 09:30 32 36 26 49 09:45 44 26 153 137 28 40 122 184 275 321 10:00 42 31 31 27 10:15 38 18 24 27 10:30 48 20 38 23 10:45 36 13 164 82 36 20 129 97 293 179 11:00 28 11 36 15 11:15 37 14 32 22 11:30 37 8 27 9 11:45 30 7 132 40 34 10 129 56 261 96 Total 1462 2150 Percent 40.5% 59.5% 956 2256 29.8% 70.2% 2418 4406 35.4% 64.6% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 29-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 4 36 12 32 12:15 6 34 6 42 12:30 5 34 6 28 12:45 0 26 15 130 5 34 29 136 44 266 01:00 1 43 4 24 01:15 3 38 6 29 01:30 3 31 5 27 01:45 1 40 8 152 3 30 18 110 26 262 02:00 3 36 1 4 441 1 02:15 1 44 1 54 02:30 2 47 1 46 02:45 0 55 6 182 1 36 7 180 13 362 03:00 1 54 3 60 03:15 2 51 0 50 03:30 3 56 2 50 03:45 3 70 9 231 1 58 6 218 15 449 04:00 1 51 3 74 04:15 2 56 1 78 04:30 2 53 3 70 04:45 12 46 17 206 3 58 10 280 27 486 05:00 7 58 6 62 05:15 12 69 6 81 05:30 19 61 7 68 05:45 26 66 64 254 9 57 28 268 92 522 06:00 42 70 11 77 06:15 64 64 37 72 06:30 92 60 49 53 06:45 82 46 280 240 45 69 142 271 422 511 07:00 68 63 40 59 07:15 75 50 46 62 07:30 88 39 44 50 07:45 94 44 325 196 36 54 166 225 491 421 08:00 64 60 36 46 08:15 66 40 42 34 08:30 74 32 42 35 08:45 66 36 270 168 49 48 169 163 439 331 09:00 32 30 36 27 09:15 36 40 27 29 09:30 34 28 18 43 09:45 52 50 154 148 36 25 117 124 271 272 10:00 34 28 26 32 10:15 34 27 26 40 10:30 31 20 26 27 10:45 30 14 129 89 32 26 110 125 239 214 11:00 24 19 28 18 11:15 36 13 32 21 11:30 30 10 24 18 11:45 30 15 120 57 46 18 130 75 250 132 Total 1397 2053 Percent 40.5% 59.5% 932 2175 30.0% 70.0% 2329 4228 35.5% 64.5% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 30-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 56 9 44 12:15 5 64 7 47 12:30 5 46 9 29 12:45 0 38 15 204 5 34 30 154 45 358 01:00 4 43 1 59 01:15 5 48 1 44 01:30 4 50 6 32 01:45 3 32 16 173 4 36 12 171 28 344 02:00 2 33 2 32 02:15 1 44 3 42 02:30 4 34 3 39 02:45 4 56 11 167 3 49 11 162 22 329 03:00 2 32 3 48 03:15 3 53 3 53 03:30 3 45 2 52 03:45 2 58 10 188 1 48 9 201 19 389 04:00 4 64 5 67 04:15 1 46 1 64 04:30 6 64 1 80 04:45 10 59 21 233 2 75 9 286 30 519 05:00 7 55 5 64 05:15 16 76 10 69 05:30 26 65 16 78 05:45 30 90 79 286 11 74 42 285 121 571 06:00 38 48 10 68 06:15 78 72 28 60 06:30 93 60 52 60 06:45 80 60 289 240 53 44 143 232 432 472 07:00 62 64 46 53 07:15 60 60 47 54 07:30 80 58 38 58 07:45 82 48 284 230 40 46 171 211 455 441 08:00 80 49 36 48 08:15 59 41 40 48 08:30 63 46 40 49 08:45 57 44 259 180 42 30 158 175 417 355 09:00 38 46 28 38 09:15 42 37 19 41 09:30 32 34 31 43 09:45 48 37 160 154 43 43 121 165 281 319 10:00 40 27 23 26 10:15 38 27 28 24 10:30 42 22 24 30 10:45 50 19 170 95 34 18 109 98 279 193 11:00 38 16 46 17 11:15 33 18 30 17 11:30 38 10 44 18 11:45 40 7 149 51 52 14 172 66 321 117 Total 1463 2201 Percent 39.9% 60.1 % 987 2206 30.9% 69.1% 2450 4407 35.7% 64.3% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 31-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 31 12 36 12:15 9 44 5 47 12:30 2 36 4 34 12:45 7 40 26 151 3 36 24 153 50 304 01:00 4 44 3 40 01:15 6 41 7 41 01:30 4 41 7 50 01:45 3 36 17 162 1 46 18 177 35 339 02:00 2 44 3 56 02:15 3 47 1 48 02:30 1 39 2 55 02:45 6 46 12 176 5 50 11 2091 23 385 03:00 1 46 2 51 03:15 2 59 1 49 03:30 2 72 1 56 03:45 1 56 6 233 1 68 5 224 11 457 04:00 2 61 5 68 04:15 2 64 1 62 04:30 3 72 0 72 04:45 10 58 17 255 1 75 7 277 24 532 05:00 8 66 7 73 05:15 12 68 6 86 05:30 22 77 8 73 05:45 22 70 64 281 11 58 32 290 96 571 06:00 34 58 11 71 06:15 47 58 33 70 06:30 72 72 29 64 06:45 76 64 229 252 30 54 103 259 332 511 07:00 66 49 38 60 07:15 58 69 36 54 07:30 74 47 34 58 07:45 58 58 256 223 26 51 134 223 390 446 08:00 59 51 30 46 08:15 40 44 28 52 08:30 34 56 20 56 08:45 46 50 179 201 28 49 106 203 285 404 09:00 46 36 18 55 09:15 38 52 26 46 09:30 27 36 14 40 09:45 51 44 162 168 32 51 90 192 252 360 10:00 30 41 26 46 10:15 44 35 22 50 10:30 30 33 27 33 10:45 34 32 138 141 30 33 105 162 243 303 11:00 37 12 34 31 11:15 38 16 28 29 11:30 40 14 40 21 11:45 35 13 150 55 24 25 126 106 276 161 Total 1256 2298 Percent 35.3% 64.7% 761 2475 23.5% 76.5% 2017 4773 29.7% 70.3% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 01-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 58 18 53 12:15 14 58 18 52 12:30 9 65 10 50 12:45 9 52 40 233 9 58 55 213 95 446 01:00 8 60 10 46 01:15 8 49 15 52 01:30 6 50 9 39 01:45 9 41 31 200 10 43 44 180 75 380 02:00 12 57 11 51 02:15 5 52 18 38 02:30 7 43 8 36 02:45 3 50 27 202 4 53 41 178 68 380 03:00 4 40 5 41 03:15 4 65 2 40 03:30 4 44 4 64 03:45 2 64 14 213 2 56 13 201 27 414 04:00 4 45 1 54 04:15 4 56 2 60 04:30 4 45 2 57 04:45 7 60 19 206 3 56 8 227 27 433 05:00 10 46 3 53 05:15 6 60 3 54 05:30 18 63 8 64 05:45 7 58 41 227 8 62 22 233 63 460 06:00 15 75 5 66 06:15 32 60 22 59 06:30 40 69 42 54 06:45 48 66 135 270 30 50 99 229 234 499 07:00 49 42 25 44 07:15 47 42 30 51 07:30 40 36 26 51 07:45 45 60 181 180 39 58 120 204 301 384 08:00 40 48 20 44 08:15 38 50 31 50 08:30 50 37 40 43 08:45 66 41 194 176 40 40 131 177 325 353 09:00 54 44 40 53 09:15 71 48 50 59 09:30 57 34 44 36 09:45 72 32 254 158 40 50 174 198 428 356 10:00 62 44 36 36 10:15 51 44 46 48 10:30 36 30 44 47 10:45 57 29 206 147 32 42 158 173 364 320 11:00 44 22 40 42 11:15 45 38 43 26 11:30 37 31 34 31 11:45 55 16 181 107 44 25 161 124 342 231 Total 1323 2319 Percent 36.3% 63.7% 1026 2337 30.5% 69.5% 2349 4656 33.5% 66.5% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 02-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 28 53 21 30 12:15 16 60 24 34 12:30 10 55 17 53 12:45 8 58 62 226 14 43 76 160 138 386 01:00 17 58 11 53 01:15 16 50 8 42 01:30 7 38 6 30 01:45 8 52 48 198 11 46 36 171 84 369 02:00 9 38 15 40 02:15 11 48 5 41 02:30 7 48 5 46 02:45 6 42 33 176 7 45 32 172 65 348 03:00 4 48 5 46 03:15 1 54 2 40 03:30 5 45 4 52 03:45 7 37 17 184 4 50 15 188 32 372 04:00 3 49 2 48 04:15 4 39 2 46 04:30 2 40 1 32 04:45 2 44 11 172 1 47 6 173 17 345 05:00 4 30 0 40 05:15 4 46 4 50 05:30 9 30 3 36 05:45 8 53 25 159 8 39 15 165 40 324 06:00 6 54 4 44 06:15 6 44I 8 58 06:30 13 35 3 42 06:45 20 40 45 173 11 36 26 180 71 353 07:00 15 44 6 36 07:15 15 42 18 50 07:30 18 42 10 45 07:45 29 44 77 172 17 37 51 168 128 340 08:00 32 47 13 38 08:15 18 52 17 53 08:30 31 42 18 39 08:45 30 50 111 191 34 32 82 162 193 353 09:00 42 50 30 41 09:15 48 48 39 43 09:30 42 47 51 47 09:45 40 30 172 175 39 38 159 169 331 344 10:00 43 28 36 32 10:15 46 22 32 25 10:30 52 18 47 28 10:45 49 16 190 84 33 24 148 109 338 193 11:00 54 17 27 20 11:15 45 12 30 15 11:30 40 13 33 21 11:45 43 10 182 52 30 11 120 67 302 119 Total 973 1962 Percent 33.2% 66.8% 766 1884 28.9% 71.1 % 1739 3846 31.1 % 68.9% Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 03-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 8 37 8 32 12:15 5 48 10 39 12:30 6 42 8 53 12:45 3 35 22 162 8 38 34 162 56 324 01:00 6 46 6 36 01:15 2 36 2 40 01:30 1 40 6 40 01:45 4 30 13 152 3 28 17 144 30 296 02:00 2 41 1 26 02:15 5 38 2 36 02:30 5 36 5 38 02:45 2 40 14 155 0 40 8 140 22 295 03:00 1 43 1 37 03:15 1 52 3 38 03:30 4 39 0 40 03:45 1 48 7 182 2 69 6 184 13 366 04:00 5 48 3 68 04:15 6 58 0 60 04:30 2 64 1 61 04:45 10 60 23 230 4 86 8 275 31 505 05:00 11 56 4 65 05:15 14 59 5 71 05:30 14 66 8 75 05:45 21 76 60 257 8 55 25 266 85 523 06:00 32 56 10 70 06:15 43 56 30 58 06:30 86 50 38 49 06:45 80 66 241 228 37 50 115 227 356 455 07:00 58 55 26 64 07:15 58 49 33 74 07:30 62 48 22 48 07:45 38 49 216 201 27 46 108 232 324 433 08:00 62 43 26 42 08:15 44 52 19 37 08:30 57 38 30 40 08:45 36 37 199 170 25 47 100 166 299 336 09:00 36 40 28 37 09:15 44 33 22 41 09:30 31 34 21 62 09:45 35 26 146 133 31 44 102 184 248 317 10:00 42 24 20 34 10:15 33 24 22 28 10:30 36 21 21 21 10:45 28 15 139 84 29 19 92 102 231 186 11:00 39 15 38 20 11:15 24 8 34 24 11:30 42 12 33 9 11:45 40 6 145 41 32 12 137 65 282 106 Total 1225 1995 Percent 38.0% 62.0% 752 2147 25.9% 74.1% 1977 4142 32.3% 67.7% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 04-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 30 7 36 12:15 5 55 10 36 12:30 6 38 6 36 12:45 2 31 20 154 5 44 28 152 48 306 01:00 1 36 7 35 01:15 5 37 1 40 01:30 6 36 4 28 01:45 4 39 16 148 0 44 12 147 28 295 02:00 0 29 1 44 02:15 3 40 4 28 02:30 2 52 1 42 02:45 3 36 8 157 4 42 10 156 18 313 03:00 1 40 0 46 03:15 2 45 2 41 03:30 2 49 2 51 03:45 2 50 7 184 0 57 4 195 11 379 04:00 7 41 4 60 04:15 1 46 2 70 04:30 4 85 4 51 04:45 9 66 21 238 1 75 11 256 32 494 05:00 8 64 6 72 05:15 15 62 1 86 05:30 20 60 9 70 05:45 20 76 63 262 12 67 28 295 91 557 06:00 26 52 13 65 06:15 50 70 25 71 06:30 56 59 36 58 06:45 74 49 206 230 28 46 102 240 308 470 07:00 60 49 26 72 07:15 54 56 23 48 07:30 71 51 31 52 07:45 56 49 241 205 38 36 118 208 359 413 08:00 60 35 28 39 08:15 44 37 26 47 08:30 46 39 30 48 08:45 34 49 184 160 36 51 120 185 304 345 09:00 47 44 25 42 09:15 42 29 38 45 09:30 48 39 28 39 09:45 43 35 180 147 28 44 119 170 299 317 10:00 39 23 35 36 10:15 35 29 28 38 10:30 34 11 32 21 10:45 40 18 148 81 34 19 129 114 277 195 11:00 34 11 32 13 11:15 33 13 22 23 11:30 24 10 26 20 11:45 36 10 127 44 28 9 108 65 235 109 Total 1221 2010 Percent 37.8% 62.2% 789 2183 26.5% 73.5% 2010 4193 32.4% 67.6% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 05-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 5 31 7 33 12:15 8 36 12 32 12:30 1 60 5 34 12:45 6 30 20 157 5 34 29 133 49 290 01:00 3 28 5 34 01:15 5 38 2 42 01:30 8 48 6 38 01:45 2 46 18 160 2 36 15 150 33 310 02:00 3 36 4 43 02:15 3 40 2 30 02:30 0 53 4 28 02:45 4 36I 10 165 1 44 11 145 21 310 03:00 3 44 3 38 03:15 2 40 2 56 03:30 6 38 4 60 03:45 4 51 15 173 3 63 12 217 27 390 04:00 0 49 1 61 04:15 3 57 0 48 04:30 5 60 0 82 04:45 13 50 21 216 1 66 2 257 23 473 05:00 8 70 5 46 05:15 11 72 5 73 05:30 19 50 6 86 05:45 23 77 61 269 8 57 24 262 85 531 06:00 28 66 11 72 06:15 51 74 30 59 06:30 66 61 48 58 06:45 75 50 220 251 36 60 125 249 345 500 07:00 67 50 22 48 07:15 60 50 35 47 07:30 70 48 28 461 07:45 39 40 236 188 24 42 109 183 345 371 08:00 46 54 21 32 08:15 38 46 28 44 08:30 43 40 22 36 08:45 43 36 170 176 28 36 99 148 269 324 09:00 38 36 22 44 09:15 49 30 23 42 09:30 28 30 29 31 09:45 48 31 163 127 23 25 97 142 260 269 10:00 25 20 29 40 10:15 24 24 29 36 10:30 29 20 39 20 10:45 36 22 114 86 29 15 126 111 240 197 11:00 36 15 25 14 11:15 26 12 34 13 11:30 34 12 28 10 11:45 36 11 132 50 48 7 135 44 267 94 Total 1180 2018 Percent 36.9% 63.1 % 784 2041 27.8% 72.2% 1964 4059 32.6% 67.4% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 06-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 37 8 32 12:15 6 30 12 37 12:30 3 44 3 27 12:45 4 37 24 148 6 36 29 132 53 280 01:00 6 40 4 29 01:15 1 45 1 30 01:30 1 33 3 40 01:45 4 35 12 153 3 32 11 131 23 284 02:00 5 38 3 40 02:15 1 46 0 34 02:30 1 38 5 28 02:45 3 40 10 162 0 40 8 142 18 304 03:00 3 35 2 48 03:15 0 41 1 48 03:30 5 48 1 57 03:45 3 52 11 176 1 63 5 216 16 392 04:00 4 28 2 68 04:15 4 60 6 66 04:30 4 59 1 66 04:45 8 54 20 201 2 67 11 267 31 468 05:00 9 60 5 54 05:15 11 68 4 76 05:30 19 58 11 78 05:45 26 62 65 248 10 76 30 284 95 532 06:00 32 56 12 65 06:15 39 64 26 58 06:30 59 63 34 42 06:45 78 60 208 243 24 52 96 217 304 460 07:00 70 52 34 63 07:15 58 62 26 72 07:30 74 42 31 42 07:45 53 41 255 197 40 38 131 215 386 412 08:00 40 58 24 51 08:15 41 49 24 42 08:30 46 36 32 48 08:45 46 45 173 188 18 50 98 191 271 379 09:00 37 38 23 46 09:15 39 42 27 40 09:30 40 41 32 40 09:45 38 30 154 151 27 38 109 164 263 315 10:00 25 34 20 30 10:15 36 30 28 48 10:30 32 21 26 20 10:45 27 17 120 102 26 25 100 1231 220 225 11:00 40 12 28 20 11:15 32 8 28 14 11:30 38 13 35 13 11:45 34 10 144 43 39 12 130 591 274 102 Total 1196 2012 Percent 37.3% 62.7% 758 2141 26.1 % 73.9% 1954 4153 32.0% 68.0% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 07-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 40 8 27 12:15 5 35 13 31 12:30 11 44 10 47 12:45 2 41 30 160 4 30 35 135 65 295 01:00 7 38 5 40 01:15 3 42 5 42 01:30 3 28 3 36 01:45 2 44 15 152 3 40 16 158 31 310 02:00 3 39 5 32 02:15 5 44 5 43 02:30 2 48 2 35 02:45 2 45 12 176 4 32 16 142 28 318 03:00 5 36 4 33 03:15 1 49 2 48 03:30 4 59 2 53 03:45 5 64 15 208 1 85 9 219 24 427 04:00 4 49 1 58 04:15 3 68 3 65 04:30 4 60 2 64 04:45 8 65 19 242 2 63 8 250 27 492 05:00 12 65 1 66 05:15 10 64 2 75 05:30 20 66 10 68 05:45 31 62 73 257 6 70 19 279 92 536 06:00 25 65 17 61 06:15 44 70 28 66 06:30 56 60 35 68 06:45 70 52 195 247 43 71 123 266 318 513 07:00 50 59 31 68 07:15 47 62 32 48 07:30 66 37 31 54 07:45 62 44 225 202 24 48 118 218 343 420 08:00 48 63 20 56 08:15 40 38 22 54 08:30 35 45 31 34 08:45 36 43 159 189 26 51 99 195 258 384 09:00 53 41 32 50 09:15 30 31 28 55 09:30 54 42 26 40 09:45 40 28 177 142 21 43 107 188 284 330 10:00 35 38 20 42 10:15 28 37 31 47 10:30 38 24 22 33 10:45 44 24 145 123 28 22 101 144 246 267 11:00 29 20 32 36 11:15 36 13 31 22 11:30 33 26 31 28 11:45 41 20 139 79 30 18 124 104 263 183 Total 1204 2177 Percent 35.6% 64.4% 775 2298 25.2% 74.8% 1979 4475 30.7% 69.3% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 08-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 17 48 19 34 12:15 20 49 14 43 12:30 12 58 14 36 12:45 9 44 58 199 6 42 53 155 111 354 01:00 6 68 7 58 01:15 4 59 7 58 01:30 7 58 3 49 01:45 7 58 24 243 5 46 22 211 46 454 02:00 1 49 3 51 02:15 4 45 5 52 02:30 3 43 6 46 02:45 7 46 15 183 4 26 18 175 33 358 03:00 3 45 3 58 03:15 2 37 3 38 03:30 3 63 0 42 03:45 4 48 12 193 4 53 10 191 22 384 04:00 5 55 3 50 04:15 9 56 3 66 04:30 3 39 3 57 04:45 6 54 23 204 1 46 10 2191 33 423 05:00 9 60 3 60 05:15 11 54 4 57 05:30 9 52 11 66 05:45 12 57 41 223 11 56 29 239 70 462 06:00 20 63 20 53 06:15 28 60 24 55 06:30 32 68 26 58 06:45 48 67 128 258 22 51 92 217 220 475 07:00 47 48 25 48 07:15 48 52 30 54 07:30 50 54 26 40 07:45 46 52 191 206 20 56 101 198 292 404 08:00 46 49 28 56 08:15 42 45 36 48 08:30 48 48 31 48 08:45 50 48 186 190 35 39 130 191 316 381 09:00 48 38 46 53 09:15 52 52 34 31 09:30 56 40 38 64 09:45 52 36 208 166 30 46 148 194 356 360 10:00 56 33 38 45 10:15 56 27 37 25 10:30 48 37 38 43 10:45 62 31 222 128 40 32 153 145 375 273 11:00 51 28 36 16 11:15 61 30 41 16 11:30 52 22 44 20 11:45 43 16 207 96 32 21 153 73 360 169 Total 1315 2289 Percent 36.5% 63.5% 919 2208 29.4% 70.6% 2234 4497 33.2% 66.8% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 09-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 13 45 14 34 12:15 16 49 11 42 12:30 10 52 12 56 12:45 11 63 50 209 15 50 52 182 102 391 01:00 15 44 15 36 01:15 8 41 10 48 01:30 8 52 8 53 01:45 8 36 39 173 8 49 41 186 80 359 02:00 1 40 4 31 02:15 2 41 13 50 02:30 6 37 7 36 02:45 6 47 15 1651 4 41 28 158 43 323 03:00 4 48 8 37 03:15 4 36 7 28 03:30 7 42 4 48 03:45 1 47 16 173 6 45 25 158 41 331 04:00 7 50 3 40 04:15 3 36 2 49 04:30 4 43 0 50 04:45 6 42 20 171 1 36 6 175 26 346 05:00 2 38 2 45 05:15 5 54 2 38 05:30 6 50 2 50 05:45 5 51 18 193 4 58 10 191 28 384 06:00 6 64 2 54 06:15 7 50 6 48 06:30 9 37 8 49 06:45 18 52 40 203 4 44 20 195 60 398 07:00 10 47 8 38 07:15 13 36 12 32 07:30 30 36 17 38 07:45 27 34 80 153 14 42 51 150 131 303 08:00 24 38 12 44 08:15 26 37 15 43 08:30 26 42 25 30 08:45 28 37 104 154 25 38 77 155 181 309 09:00 22 39 28 37 09:15 41 46 27 31 09:30 33 42 41 36 09:45 38 25 134 152 38 40 134 144 268 296 10:00 27 23 44 34 10:15 35 23 41 22 10:30 35 29 40 30 10:45 48 14 145 89 32 24 157 110 302 199 11:00 44 17 38 13 11:15 43 14 26 20 11:30 46 10 32 9 11:45 53 12 186 53 32 8 128 50 314 103 Total 847 1888 Percent 31.0% 69.0% 729 1854 28.2% 71.8% 1576 3742 29.6% 70.4% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 10-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 32 5 32 12:15 4 32 10 33 12:30 6 45 7 32 12:45 3 32 19 141 5 33 27 130 46 271 01:00 4 36 6 42 01:15 7 37 4 34 01:30 8 36 5 42 01:45 4 32 23 141 8 35 23 153 46 294 02:00 3 32 2 43 02:15 3 34 3 33 02:30 1 30 2 40 02:45 3 40 10 136 1 37 8 153 18 289 03:00 2 44 1 39 03:15 3 43 1 52 03:30 2 49 6 54 03:45 3 51 10 187 2 46 10 191 20 378 04:00 2 49 0 60 04:15 2 58 1 56 04:30 6 48 1 66 04:45 10 72 20 227 2 66 4 248 24 475 05:00 8 76 4 69 05:15 11 70 5 50 05:30 14 60 6 84 05:45 21 72 54 278 7 82 22 285 76 563 06:00 22 58 14 63 06:15 49 51 15 64 06:30 74 56 29 59 06:45 70 56 215 221 35 53 93 239 308 460 07:00 60 47 32 47 07:15 66 56 29 44 07:30 58 56 18 62 07:45 53 53 237 212 40 54 119 207 356 419 08:00 43 42 25 47 08:15 42 44 24 52 08:30 50 38 27 46 08:45 37 36 172 160 14 45 90 190 262 350 09:00 35 38 22 46 09:15 38 24 20 44 09:30 32 42 23 46 09:45 30 36 135 140 23 41 88 177 223 317 10:00 33 27 24 33 10:15 30 27 29 28 10:30 35 14 26 17 10:45 27 21 125 89 30 19 109 97 234 186 11:00 40 19 36 16 11:15 40 7 21 15 11:30 36 14 35 16 11:45 36 8 152 48 34 10 126 57 278 105 Total 1172 1980 Percent 37.2% 62.8% 719 2127 25.3% 74.7% 1891 4107 31.5% 68.5% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 11-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 6 34 5 29 12:15 8 38 12 36 12:30 6 50 14 34 12:45 3 36 23 158 5 36 36 135 59 293 01:00 4 40 4 34 01:15 2 36 4 23 01:30 2 37 4 22 01:45 0 42 8 155 1 29 13 108 21 263 02:00 0 37 2 43 02:15 0 38 2 32 02:30 6 46 1 38 02:45 1 46 7 167 1 40 6 153 13 320 03:00 1 35 6 40 03:15 1 57 3 48 03:30 5 54 2 48 03:45 3 48 10 194 1 44 12 180 22 374 04:00 3 38 3 54 04:15 4 49 1 56 04:30 2 56 3 78 04:45 12 49 21 192 3 64 10 252 31 444 05:00 8 64 3 70 05:15 14 44 5 77 05:30 17 48 6 82 05:45 25 60 64 216 9 84 23 313 87 529 06:00 28 73 14 64 06:15 48 671 28 68 06:30 73 56 38 50 06:45 70 52 219 248 40 56 120 238 339 486 07:00 76 59 28 65 07:15 58 50 26 57 07:30 69 40 36 54 07:45 61 49 264 198 23 50 113 226 377 424 08:00 50 32 33 54 08:15 36 36 24 42 08:30 40 41 26 34 08:45 38 39 164 148 40 43 123 173 287 321 09:00 42 42 30 55 09:15 29 28 20 35 09:30 37 39 42 41 09:45 29 27 137 136 11 42 103 173 240 309 10:00 24 27 19 25 10:15 32 26 32 41 10:30 33 16 22 28 10:45 34 21 123 90 19 20 92 114 215 204 11:00 36 9 27 21 11:15 31 11 24 25 11:30 34 12 31 15 11:45 36 8 137 40 28 9 110 70 247 110 Total 1177 1942 Percent 37.7% 62.3% 761 2135 26.3% 73.7% 1938 4077 32.2% 67.8% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 12-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 34 9 36 12:15 4 26 8 33 12:30 8 38 6 39 12:45 2 34 17 132 7 33 30 141 47 273 01:00 1 42 3 39 01:15 2 28 1 42 01:30 6 42 3 26 01:45 0 34 9 146 0 35 7 142 16 288 02:00 2 42 2 42 02:15 3 41 2 36 02:30 3 30 0 42 02:45 0 38 8 151 5 29 9 149 17 300 03:00 0 40 1 48 03:15 4 44 5 52 03:30 5 28 3 51 03:45 3 50 12 162 3 39 12 190 24 352 04:00 2 31 2 60 04:15 3 54 1 54 04:30 8 50 0 70 04:45 7 62 20 197 2 84 5 268 25 465 05:00 12 47 5 62 05:15 12 74 4 87 05:30 11 60 7 64 05:45 24 54 59 235 8 72 24 285 83 520 06:00 35 64 14 53 06:15 54 71 21 62 06:30 72 75 34 50 06:45 68 46 229 256 30 56 99 221 328 477 07:00 70 47 25 63 07:15 60 56 34 52 07:30 65 36 30 48 07:45 56 36 251 175 29 46 118 209 369 384 08:00 56 56 25 32 08:15 48 44 34 54 08:30 34 36 35 40 08:45 52 36 190 172 21 40 115 166 305 338 09:00 40 34 28 38 09:15 43 31 20 47 09:30 36 44 21 32 09:45 44 29 163 138 22 31 91 148 254 286 10:00 42 23 22 41 10:15 39 22 24 34 10:30 33 18 24 24 10:45 28 21 142 84 28 16 98 115 240 199 11:00 29 18 26 24 11:15 18 9 27 19 11:30 36 12 40 6 11:45 35 6 118 45 30 13 123 62 241 107 Total 1218 1893 Percent 39.2% 60.8% 731 2096 25.9% 74.1% 1949 3989 32.8% 67.2% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 13-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 3 24 6 33 12:15 1 37 10 45 12:30 10 46 6 38 12:45 5 36 19 143 11 38 33 154 52 297 01:00 5 45 5 40 01:15 1 48 4 20 01:30 1 32 5 38 01:45 2 36 9 161 3 40 17 138 26 299 02:00 2 34 3 32 02:15 2 34 6 42 02:30 2 42 5 40 02:45 4 56 10 166 3 35 17 149 27 315 03:00 0 32 1 55 03:15 4 47 3 50 03:30 2 46 1 52 03:45 1 56 7 181 1 52 6 209 13 390 04:00 3 40 4 58 04:15 3 46 2 56 04:30 1 44 1 68 04:45 10 70 17 200 2 60 9 242 26 442 05:00 8 44 5 61 05:15 13 56 4 66 05:30 17 63 9 60 05:45 24 39 62 202 7 74 25 261 87 463 06:00 28 68 9 76 06:15 50 63 22 79 06:30 63 56 34 55 06:45 70 54 211 241 26 56 91 266 302 507 07:00 65 36 20 53 07:15 56 58 32 52 07:30 67 54 34 52 07:45 66 52 254 200 25 36 111 193 365 393 08:00 67 37 35 54 08:15 58 24 28 30 08:30 40 22 25 23 08:45 41 33 206 116 22 48 110 155 316 271 09:00 50 34 28 39 09:15 43 38 27 30 09:30 30 30 23 38 09:45 31 32 154 134 23 34 101 141 255 275 10:00 37 30 33 25 10:15 30 20 26 38 10:30 26 17 21 17 10:45 28 17 121 84 26 12 106 92 227 176 11:00 38 17 25 19 11:15 24 6 29 7 11:30 35 6 25 12 11:45 36 8 133 37 30 6 109 44 242 81 Total 1203 1865 Percent 39.2% 60.8% 735 2044 26.4% 73.6% 1938 3909 33.1 % 66.9% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 14-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 10 32 7 25 12:15 8 30 6 24 12:30 1 48 4 31 12:45 3 38 22 148 2 32 19 112 41 260 01:00 2 42 8 31 01:15 5 48 4 44 01:30 4 38 5 44 01:45 2 48 13 176 2 37 19 156 32 332 02:00 1 40 3 441 1 02:15 2 56 3 34 02:30 1 36 1 43 02:45 3 44 7 176 1 48 8 169 15 345 03:00 1 42 2 51 03:15 3 44 2 48 03:30 3 45 1 48 03:45 2 52 9 183 4 62 9 209 18 392 04:00 2 54 1 61 04:15 2 60 2 70 04:30 2 73 1 80 04:45 8 66 14 253 1 58 5 2691 19 522 05:00 9 66 4 78 05:15 13 62 5 79 05:30 17 64 9 74 05:45 28 70 67 262 12 70 30 301 97 563 06:00 34 58 16 62 06:15 53 68 25 70 06:30 56 72 29 74 06:45 66 54 209 252 41 62 111 268 320 520 07:00 44 69 22 83 07:15 73 66 27 57 07:30 62 55 30 53 07:45 60 72 239 262 22 48 101 241 340 503 08:00 46 50 20 39 08:15 39 38 27 50 08:30 46 22 19 40 08:45 52 36 183 146 30 36 96 165 279 311 09:00 56 40 44 44 09:15 40 46 18 44 09:30 28 35 20 43 09:45 39 35 163 156 32 39 114 170 277 326 10:00 44 32 26 38 10:15 42 27 28 34 10:30 36 32 28 37 10:45 40 35 162 126 24 32 106 141 268 267 11:00 54 17 30 37 11:15 41 10 31 32 11:30 37 13 32 17 11:45 26 17 158 57 26 23 119 109 277 166 Total 1246 2197 Percent 36.2% 63.8% 737 2310 24.2% 75.8% 1983 4507 30.6% 69.4% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 15-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 64 12 44 12:15 13 38 12 38 12:30 6 56 5 49 12:45 6 54 36 212 9 54 38 185 74 397 01:00 4 56 8 34 01:15 6 55 7 46 01:30 2 46 1 42 01:45 5 52 17 209 4 56 20 178 37 387 02:00 7 44 1 5 471 02:15 6 52 3 44 02:30 11 52 3 44 02:45 6 42 30 190 3 47 14 182 44 372 03:00 4 32 3 48 03:15 4 55 2 54 03:30 3 56 2 67 03:45 7 62 18 205 3 56 10 225 28 430 04:00 4 46 3 52 04:15 6 43 0 53 04:30 3 40 0 48 04:45 8 50 21 1791 1 48 4 201 25 380 05:00 11 58 1 55 05:15 6 59 7 59 05:30 10 50 8 54 05:45 13 50 40 217 4 48 20 216 60 433 06:00 18 61 10 50 06:15 27 56 21 54 06:30 44 53 18 38 06:45 40 48 129 218 21 52 70 194 199 412 07:00 43 46 19 49 07:15 44 41 27 46 07:30 56 58 34 38 07:45 42 40 185 185 22 50 102 183 287 368 08:00 40 45 16 50 08:15 29 38 24 55 08:30 44 33 46 49 08:45 52 40 165 156 38 28 124 182 289 338 09:00 48 43 40 52 09:15 62 30 46 44 09:30 68 42 40 38 09:45 59 31 237 146 50 47 176 181 413 327 10:00 56 30 48 44 10:15 57 39 42 30 10:30 58 26 36 35 10:45 52 26 223 121 32 37 158 146 381 267 11:00 46 24 32 31 11:15 49 14 40 21 11:30 48 20 44 21 11:45 49 14 192 72 46 13 162 86 354 158 Total 1293 2110 Percent 38.0% 62.0% 898 2159 29.4% 70.6% 2191 4269 33.9% 66.1 % Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 16-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 13 35 16 34 12:15 22 40 13 36 12:30 14 66 20 51 12:45 14 64 63 205 10 36 59 157 122 362 01:00 11 52 8 35 01:15 6 60 9 38 01:30 12 48 8 47 01:45 7 31 36 191 4 36 29 156 65 347 02:00 8 52 4 39 02:15 6 37 6 44 02:30 7 44 9 41 02:45 8 43 29 176 3 41 22 165 51 341 03:00 9 42 3 49 03:15 3 30 5 36 03:30 5 34 5 48 03:45 3 36 20 142 3 51 16 184 36 326 04:00 7 42 2 42 04:15 4 44 2 40 04:30 3 44 0 56 04:45 2 54 16 184 0 43 4 181 20 365 05:00 4 46 2 36 05:15 3 29 3 33 05:30 9 46 2 36 05:45 7 42 23 163 2 44 9 149 32 312 06:00 9 42 6 38 06:15 9 43 6 46 06:30 14 36 6 50 06:45 6 38 38 159 8 48 26 182 64 341 07:00 13 47 7 40 07:15 18 34 7 46 07:30 20 43 12 33 07:45 17 34 68 158 16 46 42 165 110 323 08:00 24 39 15 30 08:15 24 46 13 39 08:30 24 30 16 37 08:45 25 44 97 159 21 36 65 142 162 301 09:00 28 38 25 32 09:15 32 58 29 42 09:30 34 28 22 40 09:45 22 36 116 160 25 28 101 142 217 302 10:00 41 24 26 40 10:15 40 28 38 38 10:30 32 22 34 28 10:45 42 27 155 101 29 18 127 124 282 225 11:00 37 20 31 24 11:15 32 15 31 16 11:30 39 13 38 11 11:45 27 9 135 57 34 10 134 61 269 118 Total 796 1855 Percent 30.0% 70.0% 634 1808 26.0% 74.0% 1430 3663 28.1 % 71.9% Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 Sunshine Boulevard Station ID: 28576 Start 17-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc RAnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 6 * 9 12:15 8 * 6 12:30 6 6 12:45 3 * 23 0 8 * 29 0 52 0 01:00 8 * 10 01:15 4 * 9 01:30 7 * 5 01:45 2 21 0 4 28 0 49 0 02:00 4 5 02:15 2 * 1 02:30 5 6 02:45 5 * 16 0 5 * 17 0 33 0 03:00 1 * 0 03:15 2 * 1 03:30 2 * 1 03:45 1 6 0 0 2 0 8 0 04:00 2 * 5 04:15 6 * 2 04:30 5 2 04:45 10 * 23 0 3 * 12 0 35 0 05:00 9 2 05:15 13 2 05:30 15 * 14 05:45 32 69 0 12 30 0 99 0 06:00 36 8 06:15 47 28 06:30 70 35 06:45 74 227 0 34 * 105 0 332 0 07:00 68 36 07:15 60 20 07:30 75 * 28 07:45 61 264 0 31 115 0 379 0 08:00 48 30 08:15 38 25 08:30 42 27 08:45 46 * 174 0 21 * 103 0 277 0 09:00 56 28 09:15 37 25 09:30 26 * 24 09:45 45 164 0 23 100 0 264 0 10:00 27 22 10:15 39 * 22 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 1053 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% Grand 34001 56679 Total Percent 37.5% 62.5% ADT ADT 6,283 AADT 6,283 585 0 1528 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 22913 59262 56804 27.9% 72.1% 32.9% 0 0.0% 115941 67.1 % Page 29 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 20-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 07:00 07:15 * 46 * 54 07:30 * 44 * 43 07:45 * 48 0 138 * 37 0 134 0 272 08:00 44 * 30 08:15 * 39 * 36 08:30 52 33 08:45 * 40 0 175 * 32 0 131 0 306 09:00 * 44 28 09:15 * 34 * 34 09:30 * 48 * 27 09:45 * 33 0 159 * 18 0 107 0 266 10:00 * 43 * 23 10:15 * 31 * 17 10:30 31 13 10:45 * 16 0 121 * 13 0 66 0 187 11:00 * 22 11 11:15 * 15 * 10 11:30 * 14 * 9 11:45 * 14 0 65 5 0 35 0 100 Total 0 658 0 473 0 1131 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% Page 1 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 21-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 45 4 49 12:15 2 34 8 38 12:30 7 39 6 50 12:45 5 49 26 167 2 51 20 188 46 355 01:00 8 29 3 46 01:15 3 42 0 51 01:30 2 47 4 44 01:45 2 46 15 164 2 41 9 182 24 346 02:00 6 42 4 341 02:15 7 65 6 64 02:30 3 54 3 46 02:45 6 78 22 2391 3 57 16 201 38 440 03:00 2 78 1 142 03:15 2 52 1 74 03:30 0 66 1 66 03:45 0 61 4 257 4 46 7 328 11 585 04:00 5 74 4 69 04:15 2 98 10 76 04:30 1 70 11 60 04:45 2 78 10 320 16 70 41 275 51 595 05:00 2 82 14 70 05:15 1 81 14 52 05:30 2 85 28 68 05:45 7 62 12 310 39 67 95 257 107 567 06:00 14 66 50 70 06:15 26 62 68 46 06:30 32 63 90 62 06:45 42 50 114 241 68 58 276 236 390 477 07:00 38 58 75 58 07:15 54 57 86 60 07:30 65 46 122 56 07:45 81 48 238 209 128 63 411 237 649 446 08:00 88 49 108 38 08:15 50 42 96 40 08:30 34 45 68 38 08:45 46 42 218 178 56 26 328 142 546 320 09:00 40 48 64 26 09:15 33 54 43 20 09:30 36 38 50 26 09:45 25 32 134 172 43 22 200 94 334 266 10:00 37 32 60 18 10:15 40 27 46 26 10:30 30 32 50 12 10:45 30 17 137 108 40 19 196 751 333 183 11:00 38 24 44 16 11:15 38 22 39 7 11:30 35 15 47 7 11:45 46 13 157 74 31 4 161 34 318 108 Total 1087 2439 Percent 30.8% 69.2% 1760 2249 43.9% 56.1% 2847 4688 37.8% 62.2% Page 2 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 22-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 461 7 45 12:15 6 41 4 42 12:30 12 37 3 42 12:45 4 46 36 170 1 54 15 183 51 353 01:00 11 38 2 53 01:15 2 26 0 42 01:30 5 49 2 38 01:45 3 43 21 156 4 48 8 181 29 337 02:00 0 44 2 43 02:15 0 62 1 56 02:30 2 66 4 57 02:45 0 94 2 266 0 55 7 211 9 477 03:00 2 72 1 142 03:15 2 52 4 72 03:30 3 48 0 48 03:45 3 69 10 241 6 60 11 322 21 563 04:00 1 70 7 76 04:15 3 98 7 62 04:30 0 70 11 62 04:45 0 72 4 310 13 57 38 257 42 567 05:00 3 79 16 47 05:15 2 74 16 55 05:30 4 68 30 70 05:45 9 86 18 307 33 60 95 232 113 539 06:00 20 69 51 62 06:15 27 72 70 64 06:30 14 50 82 50 06:45 46 66 107 257 72 62 275 238 382 495 07:00 42 49 78 60 07:15 54 66 90 62 07:30 78 40 110 46 07:45 91 42 265 197 141 52 419 220 684 417 08:00 90 46 102 36 08:15 70 58 100 34 08:30 36 52 64 40 08:45 34 46 230 202 56 37 322 147 552 349 09:00 26 42 62 22 09:15 22 42 46 24 09:30 22 49 44 25 09:45 22 41 92 174 39 32 191 103 283 277 10:00 20 33 25 29 10:15 35 36 32 26 10:30 32 24 36 13 10:45 35 26 122 1191 38 16 131 84 253 203 11:00 34 24 42 16 11:15 40 16 44 10 11:30 38 20 50 13 11:45 45 16 157 76 29 1 165 40 322 116 Total 1064 2475 Percent 30.1 % 69.9% 1677 2218 43.1 % 56.9% 2741 4693 36.9% 63.1 % Page 3 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 23-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 11 35 4 32 12:15 10 30 7 32 12:30 7 45 5 30 12:45 4 42 32 152 3 32 19 126 51 278 01:00 4 40 1 55 01:15 4 44 1 49 01:30 1 45 2 44 01:45 2 40 11 169 2 42 6 190 17 359 02:00 4 46 3 50 02:15 3 64 2 60 02:30 5 52 1 36 02:45 2 82 14 244 4 72 10 218 24 462 03:00 5 62 2 130 03:15 2 71 3 68 03:30 0 53 0 59 03:45 5 57 12 243 4 41 9 298 21 541 04:00 1 66 6 76 04:15 2 80 8 70 04:30 0 62 9 70 04:45 4 72 7 280 12 64 35 280 42 560 05:00 2 92 17 66 05:15 4 80 14 67 05:30 3 76 29 76 05:45 5 96 14 344 36 66 96 275 110 619 06:00 16 70 56 66 06:15 27 78 63 58 06:30 22 63 92 56 06:45 34 64 99 275 62 64 273 244 372 519 07:00 30 42 86 51 07:15 64 49 74 53 07:30 74 54 122 60 07:45 79 40 247 185 121 42 403 206 650 391 08:00 84 42 117 32 08:15 68 50 114 41 08:30 50 41 89 29 08:45 33 48 235 181 64 40 384 142 619 323 09:00 34 40 62 24 09:15 33 46 46 18 09:30 32 42 70 23 09:45 34 39 133 167 56 25 234 90 367 257 10:00 27 28 40 24 10:15 26 42 36 20 10:30 32 22 59 16 10:45 42 24 127 116 52 10 187 70 314 186 11:00 42 17 35 18 11:15 53 19 30 12 11:30 40 8 60 4 11:45 34 12 169 56 38 8 163 42 332 98 Total 1100 2412 Percent 31.3% 68.7% 1819 2181 45.5% 54.5% 2919 4593 38.9% 61.1 % Page 4 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 24-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 62 6 132 12:15 8 52 6 67 12:30 4 49 5 60 12:45 6 60 25 223 0 57 17 316 42 539 01:00 4 52 2 64 01:15 2 57 2 71 01:30 4 46 5 48 01:45 4 42 14 197 3 48 12 231 26 428 02:00 5 46 4 50 02:15 5 51 2 52 02:30 2 50 4 52 02:45 3 56 15 203 2 52 12 206 27 409 03:00 2 48 2 68 03:15 2 68 4 42 03:30 2 50 2 70 03:45 3 59 9 225 3 50 11 230 20 455 04:00 1 80 6 64 04:15 5 66 8 75 04:30 1 81 12 70 04:45 3 78 10 3051 17 621 43 271 53 576 05:00 1 87 13 79 05:15 3 100 20 80 05:30 4 74 26 62 05:45 6 96 14 357 30 76 89 297 103 654 06:00 22 67 54 64 06:15 21 54 69 70 06:30 31 74 94 54 06:45 36 46 110 241 63 44 280 232 390 473 07:00 40 54 78 70 07:15 61 49 92 40 07:30 68 59 99 42 07:45 82 53 251 215 110 46 379 198 630 413 08:00 82 54 96 52 08:15 44 51 82 46 08:30 30 50 81 36 08:45 42 48 198 203 60 32 319 166 517 369 09:00 16 45 62 32 09:15 20 48 41 32 09:30 30 60 63 32 09:45 25 56 91 209 37 48 203 144 294 353 10:00 30 42 48 36 10:15 40 40 35 42 10:30 34 29 62 32 10:45 46 33 150 144 48 21 193 131 343 275 11:00 46 31 53 26 11:15 42 37 50 15 11:30 66 22 49 20 11:45 91 28 245 118 68 24 220 85 465 203 Total 1132 2640 Percent 30.0% 70.0% 1778 2507 41.5% 58.5% 2910 5147 36.1 % 63.9% Page 5 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 25-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 20 65 24 58 12:15 11 54 14 50 12:30 18 48 12 54 12:45 16 48 65 215 7 50 57 212 122 427 01:00 13 60 8 42 01:15 11 64 10 46 01:30 9 52 9 62 01:45 13 54 46 230 9 62 36 212 82 442 02:00 10 48 7 48 02:15 10 52 11 52 02:30 16 56 11 68 02:45 6 47 42 203 10 66 39 234 81 437 03:00 10 58 13 41 03:15 4 47 2 52 03:30 4 56 3 60 03:45 3 62 21 223 6 52 24 205 45 428 04:00 3 58 8 46 04:15 2 58 10 48 04:30 5 42 15 54 04:45 6 44 16 202 5 55 38 203 54 405 05:00 0 62 10 60 05:15 4 66 8 59 05:30 4 50 16 50 05:45 4 46 12 224 12 54 46 223 58 447 06:00 11 54 22 52 06:15 14 53 36 49 06:30 13 50 38 62 06:45 14 58 52 215 30 39 126 202 178 417 07:00 23 38 40 50 07:15 15 47 46 38 07:30 17 41 51 36 07:45 22 46 77 172 49 43 186 167 263 339 08:00 33 34 45 50 08:15 21 47 62 32 08:30 25 54 44 30 08:45 30 43 109 178 56 37 207 149 316 327 09:00 32 42 53 46 09:15 40 50 68 34 09:30 33 43 46 36 09:45 32 48 137 183 60 36 227 152 364 335 10:00 36 48 44 21 10:15 46 48 66 34 10:30 34 40 52 27 10:45 56 39 172 175 67 38 229 120 401 295 11:00 62 30 66 16 11:15 46 26 58 29 11:30 50 30 60 22 11:45 41 29 199 115 39 22 223 89 422 204 Total 948 2335 Percent 28.9% 71.1 % 1438 2168 39.9% 60.1% 2386 4503 34.6% 65.4% Page 6 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 26-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 22 60 21 60 12:15 20 56 18 62 12:30 18 63 10 70 12:45 17 68 77 247 12 50 61 242 138 489 01:00 17 46 9 46 01:15 16 48 12 38 01:30 10 37 6 30 01:45 10 60 53 191 10 53 37 167 90 358 02:00 12 56 14 42 02:15 7 44 7 52 02:30 6 35 5 36 02:45 7 37 32 172 7 40 33 170 65 342 03:00 5 42 7 54 03:15 9 46 5 41 03:30 2 41 3 42 03:45 5 50 21 179 4 53 19 190 40 369 04:00 6 51 9 46 04:15 1 45 7 55 04:30 1 50 7 46 04:45 1 47 9 193 6 52 29 1991 38 392 05:00 2 54 6 46 05:15 2 55 8 48 05:30 2 42 12 63 05:45 3 50 9 201 6 52 32 209 41 410 06:00 4 50 8 51 06:15 6 54 20 42 06:30 6 54 23 48 06:45 4 42 20 200 16 62 67 203 87 403 07:00 10 34 15 62 07:15 11 38 25 50 07:30 13 37 33 26 07:45 10 50 44 159 33 46 106 184 150 343 08:00 20 40 38 34 08:15 18 44 36 32 08:30 18 57 49 36 08:45 18 48 74 189 50 44 173 146 247 335 09:00 18 44 42 45 09:15 29 42 64 42 09:30 36 42 69 31 09:45 38 36 121 164 62 26 237 144 358 308 10:00 32 43 60 23 10:15 41 28 56 32 10:30 38 34 42 21 10:45 44 23 155 128 57 30 215 1061 370 234 11:00 37 25 42 16 11:15 39 23 39 20 11:30 38 20 52 18 11:45 57 22 171 90 54 15 187 691 358 159 Total 786 2113 Percent 27.1 % 72.9% 1196 2029 37.1 % 62.9% 1982 4142 32.4% 67.6% Page 7 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 27-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 481 16 58 12:15 10 44 7 52 12:30 10 46 9 38 12:45 6 60 40 198 8 70 40 218 80 416 01:00 7 40 1 56 01:15 8 48 8 44 01:30 5 33 6 44 01:45 6 44 26 165 8 42 23 186 49 351 02:00 9 41 1 4 491 1 02:15 6 44 4 48 02:30 6 50 6 47 02:45 0 58 21 193 4 52 18 196 39 389 03:00 4 48 2 32 03:15 0 57 5 40 03:30 5 53 2 51 03:45 2 53 11 211 6 54 15 177 26 388 04:00 3 54 6 54 04:15 2 47 4 58 04:30 3 62 9 48 04:45 2 53 10 216 8 46 27 206 37 422 05:00 0 51 7 41 05:15 2 46 12 44 05:30 4 58 10 51 05:45 2 48 8 203 11 38 40 174 48 377 06:00 7 54 16 60 06:15 6 51 24 46 06:30 11 52 28 60 06:45 10 54 34 211 28 41 96 207 130 418 07:00 12 34 22 46 07:15 15 50 36 44 07:30 6 38 31 36 07:45 15 37 48 159 38 38 127 164 175 323 08:00 12 46 30 39 08:15 20 48 29 48 08:30 19 40 52 47 08:45 34 45 85 179 48 33 159 167 244 346 09:00 32 46 46 29 09:15 20 30 40 28 09:30 32 38 31 23 09:45 29 31 113 145 42 26 159 106 272 251 10:00 36 41 62 25 10:15 36 35 44 17 10:30 36 22 50 14 10:45 40 25 148 123 44 13 200 69 348 192 11:00 36 7 56 12 11:15 42 15 56 7 11:30 50 8 64 8 11:45 46 10 174 40 45 7 221 34 395 74 Total 718 2043 Percent 26.0% 74.0% 1125 1904 37.1 % 62.9% 1843 3947 31.8% 68.2% Page 8 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 28-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 7 41 4 68 12:15 11 40 5 46 12:30 9 50 1 50 12:45 4 46 31 177 2 39 12 203 43 380 01:00 2 35 0 41 01:15 5 48 0 54 01:30 0 29 6 46 01:45 4 50 11 162 3 33 9 174 20 336 02:00 6 62 2 38 02:15 2 60 2 56 02:30 4 71 3 46 02:45 1 61 13 254 2 63 9 203 22 457 03:00 3 75 2 131 03:15 1 69 3 78 03:30 0 68 1 86 03:45 2 67 6 279 3 58 9 353 15 632 04:00 0 66 9 74 04:15 1 76 2 58 04:30 0 88 13 57 04:45 2 72 3 302 16 70 40 2591 43 561 05:00 5 80 12 64 05:15 0 80 20 68 05:30 3 72 25 65 05:45 8 77 16 309 28 72 85 269 101 578 06:00 20 66 58 48 06:15 24 71 59 47 06:30 26 48 78 53 06:45 40 44 110 229 80 60 275 208 385 437 07:00 34 46 78 58 07:15 70 62 92 58 07:30 67 38 102 58 07:45 92 38 263 184 118 36 390 210 653 394 08:00 98 62 110 48 08:15 47 53 114 40 08:30 33 56 65 36 08:45 36 46 214 217 78 38 367 162 581 379 09:00 30 31 78 19 09:15 32 54 65 23 09:30 24 52 46 30 09:45 16 33 102 170 44 21 233 93 335 263 10:00 45 42 46 22 10:15 38 31 35 21 10:30 30 21 47 22 10:45 43 24 156 118 48 12 176 77 332 195 11:00 38 14 46 10 11:15 70 24 30 14 11:30 47 16 52 15 11:45 46 11 201 65 59 9 187 48 388 113 Total 1126 2466 Percent 31.3% 68.7% 1792 2259 44.2% 55.8% 2918 4725 38.2% 61.8% Page 9 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 29-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 15 30 10 38 12:15 6 34 4 45 12:30 7 41 4 42 12:45 8 35 36 140 2 39 20 164 56 304 01:00 7 36 2 46 01:15 3 30 4 42 01:30 1 40 4 40 01:45 1 40 12 146 3 36 13 164 25 310 02:00 1 54 9 40 02:15 1 55 1 57 02:30 2 54 2 42 02:45 3 82 7 245 0 70 12 2091 19 454 03:00 1 68 0 128 03:15 0 54 2 76 03:30 3 51 1 48 03:45 4 58 8 231 4 58 7 310 15 541 04:00 5 70 8 62 04:15 2 84 14 50 04:30 4 68 10 62 04:45 4 58 15 280 14 50 46 224 61 504 05:00 4 76 18 64 05:15 4 84 16 64 05:30 2 85 27 64 05:45 6 75 16 320 31 53 92 245 108 565 06:00 22 73 48 53 06:15 22 94 60 56 06:30 30 62 95 52 06:45 31 47 105 276 61 68 264 229 369 505 07:00 53 70 72 70 07:15 60 58 100 45 07:30 66 58 101 48 07:45 87 56 266 242 136 54 409 217 675 459 08:00 78 39 120 45 08:15 59 38 94 45 08:30 38 39 72 28 08:45 24 46 199 162 52 30 338 148 537 310 09:00 32 46 54 23 09:15 30 30 36 28 09:30 24 50 48 26 09:45 25 40 111 166 54 26 192 103 303 269 10:00 25 34 34 14 10:15 28 30 46 18 10:30 33 24 35 13 10:45 26 17 112 105 41 19 156 64 268 169 11:00 28 17 36 11 11:15 44 16 44 11 11:30 34 10 46 12 11:45 35 17 141 60 30 6 156 40 297 100 Total 1028 2373 Percent 30.2% 69.8% 1705 2117 44.6% 55.4% 2733 4490 37.8% 62.2% Page 10 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 30-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 56 6 110 12:15 9 50 4 87 12:30 4 44 5 52 12:45 2 46 27 196 5 54 20 303 47 499 01:00 4 48 3 58 01:15 4 54 4 44 01:30 3 34 1 38 01:45 1 36 12 172 1 33 9 173 21 345 02:00 2 31 0 50 02:15 1 39 2 40 02:30 6 32 5 39 02:45 2 50 11 152 2 60 9 189 20 341 03:00 6 48 1 50 03:15 1 46 3 60 03:30 3 60 0 54 03:45 1 72 11 226 3 56 7 220 18 446 04:00 4 66 6 56 04:15 0 76 7 60 04:30 0 85 14 59 04:45 1 74 5 301 12 50 39 225 44 526 05:00 5 70 15 72 05:15 8 78 23 55 05:30 6 87 32 79 05:45 8 88 27 323 35 58 105 264 132 587 06:00 20 69 58 75 06:15 24 74 65 50 06:30 23 76 84 64 06:45 39 54 106 273 72 70 279 259 385 532 07:00 45 58 65 71 07:15 72 71 92 55 07:30 76 41 104 54 07:45 75 48 268 218 120 46 381 226 649 444 08:00 74 44 111 48 08:15 52 50 105 38 08:30 36 51 75 33 08:45 30 30 192 175 56 37 347 156 539 331 09:00 30 54 52 36 09:15 34 43 51 28 09:30 27 46 50 30 09:45 24 47 115 190 58 31 211 125 326 315 10:00 40 27 44 15 10:15 28 34 44 15 10:30 41 26 46 16 10:45 42 28 151 115 44 17 178 63 329 178 11:00 38 20 40 18 11:15 44 14 49 12 11:30 60 18 62 4 11:45 82 20 224 72 39 16 190 50 414 122 Total 1149 2413 Percent 32.3% 67.7% 1775 2253 44.1 % 55.9% 2924 4666 38.5% 61.5% Page 11 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 31-May-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 12 40 10 44 12:15 6 43 9 50 12:30 6 42 4 53 12:45 6 39 30 164 2 40 25 187 55 351 01:00 4 40 4 44 01:15 7 36 2 47 01:30 0 42 6 43 01:45 3 32 14 150 2 49 14 183 28 333 02:00 2 34 1 34 02:15 1 54 0 37 02:30 4 50 2 44 02:45 2 60 9 198 1 44 4 1591 13 357 03:00 3 50 2 54 03:15 2 68 2 60 03:30 3 60 4 50 03:45 1 58 9 236 2 65 10 229 19 465 04:00 2 92 7 68 04:15 2 74 8 56 04:30 2 66 10 71 04:45 4 78 10 310 14 70 39 265 49 575 05:00 2 64 12 52 05:15 4 78 13 67 05:30 4 68 20 71 05:45 8 74 18 284 32 82 77 272 95 556 06:00 10 70 44 60 06:15 24 76 62 69 06:30 24 60 72 68 06:45 15 64 73 270 68 60 246 257 319 527 07:00 40 53 58 62 07:15 31 70 76 48 07:30 34 50 81 69 07:45 33 52 138 225 57 54 272 233 410 458 08:00 44 66 58 50 08:15 23 61 56 44 08:30 27 53 74 42 08:45 30 42 124 222 42 31 230 167 354 389 09:00 31 63 44 38 09:15 29 50 56 39 09:30 25 46 40 40 09:45 24 42 109 201 42 29 182 146 291 347 10:00 23 44 44 24 10:15 24 45 31 30 10:30 36 30 62 33 10:45 28 31 111 150 36 25 173 112 284 262 11:00 28 22 42 16 11:15 35 32 37 9 11:30 30 33 36 14 11:45 50 39 143 126 42 18 157 57 300 183 Total 788 2536 Percent 23.7% 76.3% 1429 2267 38.7% 61.3% 2217 4803 31.6% 68.4% Page 12 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 01-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 24 2 22 85 12:15 33 0 10 94 12:30 26 1 20 122 12:45 22 0 105 3 11 82 63 383 168 386 01:00 8 0 7 96 01:15 14 0 24 103 01:30 12 0 6 92 01:45 6 0 40 0 10 94 47 385 87 385 02:00 14 0 11 901 1 02:15 9 1 6 95 02:30 8 2 8 90 02:45 3 1 34 4 2 98 27 3731 61 377 03:00 8 0 3 88 03:15 2 0 4 80 03:30 3 0 4 119 03:45 2 0 15 0 4 122 15 409 30 409 04:00 2 0 4 102 04:15 2 2 14 109 04:30 2 2 10 108 04:45 3 0 9 4 4 112 32 431 41 435 05:00 0 2 8 104 05:15 3 0 9 96 05:30 6 2 14 106 05:45 1 2 10 6 10 118 41 424 51 430 06:00 7 0 20 101 06:15 14 4 30 104 06:30 12 36 28 72 06:45 15 29 48 69 40 67 118 344 166 413 07:00 16 43 32 48 07:15 20 55 49 46 07:30 25 38 53 50 07:45 24 51 85 187 42 31 176 175 261 362 08:00 26 35 30 58 08:15 18 48 63 46 08:30 18 50 56 52 08:45 24 46 86 179 45 22 194 178 280 357 09:00 22 50 68 32 09:15 38 44 64 34 09:30 38 51 46 42 09:45 43 40 141 185 43 29 221 137 362 322 10:00 42 30 62 28 10:15 38 36 62 32 10:30 30 44 50 29 10:45 1 41 111 151 65 30 239 119 350 270 11:00 2 23 92 21 11:15 0 30 86 13 11:30 1 26 84 31 11:45 0 26 3 105 80 20 342 85 345 190 Total 687 893 Percent 43.5% 56.5% 1515 3443 30.6% 69.4% 2202 4336 33.7% 66.3% Page 13 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 02-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 24 24 16 63 12:15 14 56 15 63 12:30 15 62 10 65 12:45 13 64 66 206 9 53 50 244 116 450 01:00 13 56 10 48 01:15 10 57 12 58 01:30 11 47 8 48 01:45 7 52 41 212 2 35 32 189 73 401 02:00 10 44 6 46 02:15 6 56 6 41 02:30 9 32 8 43 02:45 10 60 35 192 7 50 27 180 62 372 03:00 6 48 2 36 03:15 2 49 3 40 03:30 5 52 1 51 03:45 3 42 16 191 4 41 10 168 26 359 04:00 1 51 6 46 04:15 1 32 8 35 04:30 1 42 8 49 04:45 2 34 5 159 2 37 24 167 29 326 05:00 2 48 7 60 05:15 2 44 12 46 05:30 3 50 9 44 05:45 5 40 12 182 8 44 36 194 48 376 06:00 7 41 18 46 06:15 3 60 12 48 06:30 8 28 17 35 06:45 3 41 21 170 20 44 67 173 88 343 07:00 7 48 23 58 07:15 8 46 19 42 07:30 16 38 30 50 07:45 9 44 40 176 38 44 110 194 150 370 08:00 17 36 24 40 08:15 8 55 32 49 08:30 18 44 50 46 08:45 10 45 53 180 54 53 160 188 213 368 09:00 26 53 46 21 09:15 40 50 56 30 09:30 26 46 68 34 09:45 23 34 115 183 57 36 227 121 342 304 10:00 40 33 67 21 10:15 34 29 65 12 10:30 32 33 46 17 10:45 40 29 146 124 54 23 232 73 378 197 11:00 44 33 54 9 11:15 38 21 34 14 11:30 36 19 51 13 11:45 46 14 164 87 46 7 185 43 349 130 Total 714 2062 Percent 25.7% 74.3% 1160 1934 37.5% 62.5% 1874 3996 31.9% 68.1 % Page 14 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 03-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 13 42 5 38 12:15 7 33 4 36 12:30 8 28 7 36 12:45 6 51 34 154 4 48 20 158 54 312 01:00 2 54 2 39 01:15 1 40 0 49 01:30 4 43 5 38 01:45 2 42 9 179 4 35 11 161 20 340 02:00 4 44 2 44 02:15 2 44 4 40 02:30 3 37 3 40 02:45 0 34 9 1591 3 36 12 160 21 319 03:00 0 38 1 52 03:15 2 52 5 38 03:30 0 60 3 50 03:45 1 52 3 202 4 43 13 183 16 385 04:00 5 76 6 36 04:15 1 61 6 48 04:30 2 72 14 60 04:45 3 68 11 277 12 66 38 210 49 487 05:00 8 67 8 51 05:15 5 68 20 66 05:30 4 71 18 60 05:45 8 74 25 280 26 48 72 225 97 505 06:00 12 67 40 60 06:15 22 52 73 31 06:30 16 62 72 66 06:45 20 63 70 244 68 50 253 207 323 451 07:00 25 58 58 61 07:15 22 52 72 58 07:30 24 50 70 50 07:45 28 46 99 206 78 58 278 227 377 433 08:00 14 56 51 45 08:15 13 58 56 38 08:30 26 61 66 56 08:45 20 48 73 223 50 49 223 188 296 411 09:00 16 31 45 39 09:15 19 38 39 25 09:30 26 37 40 26 09:45 24 30 85 136 46 23 170 113 255 249 10:00 24 33 31 23 10:15 22 33 42 16 10:30 8 27 54 17 10:45 28 30 82 123 40 16 167 72 249 195 11:00 24 22 40 14 11:15 36 18 36 13 11:30 40 14 48 8 11:45 42 14 142 68 42 6 166 41 308 109 Total 642 2251 Percent 22.2% 77.8% 1423 1945 42.3% 57.7% 2065 4196 33.0% 67.0% Page 15 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 04-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 48 2 42 12:15 8 38 4 48 12:30 9 33 3 35 12:45 7 38 38 157 2 38 11 163 49 320 01:00 7 45 3 40 01:15 4 33 2 32 01:30 6 34 3 40 01:45 2 36 19 148 4 46 12 158 31 306 02:00 2 36 1 30 02:15 2 52 1 32 02:30 1 44 1 46 02:45 2 46 7 178 1 36 4 144 11 322 03:00 3 48 2 30 03:15 0 56 1 40 03:30 5 54 3 58 03:45 4 66 12 224 4 40 10 168 22 392 04:00 1 67 6 47 04:15 2 74 6 64 04:30 1 66 8 63 04:45 2 83 6 290 13 48 33 222 39 512 05:00 2 67 12 64 05:15 2 87 18 62 05:30 8 89 26 50 05:45 7 92 19 335 32 68 88 244 107 579 06:00 17 80 52 66 06:15 17 66 70 64 06:30 26 61 74 60 06:45 16 62 76 269 63 54 259 244 335 513 07:00 30 47 50 68 07:15 36 46 74 64 07:30 26 56 88 56 07:45 24 53 116 202 60 46 272 234 388 436 08:00 35 40 58 36 08:15 24 44 66 40 08:30 38 40 64 40 08:45 14 41 111 165 55 32 243 148 354 313 09:00 17 48 34 36 09:15 24 38 42 24 09:30 22 38 48 24 09:45 19 42 82 166 38 34 162 118 244 284 10:00 27 35 44 20 10:15 28 35 42 15 10:30 35 32 47 17 10:45 30 24 120 126 36 17 169 69 289 195 11:00 20 18 48 13 11:15 26 16 30 12 11:30 31 13 38 4 11:45 32 15 109 62 39 6 155 35 264 97 Total 715 2322 Percent 23.5% 76.5% 1418 1947 42.1 % 57.9% 2133 4269 33.3% 66.7% Page 16 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 05-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 44 4 42 12:15 9 33 5 43 12:30 9 36 6 50 12:45 8 24 35 137 0 46 15 181 50 318 01:00 6 36 6 45 01:15 6 38 3 33 01:30 4 40 2 32 01:45 4 30 20 144 3 34 14 144 34 288 02:00 1 38 2 34 02:15 2 43 1 30 02:30 5 58 4 44 02:45 2 44 10 183 0 45 7 153 17 336 03:00 3 42 1 46 03:15 1 52 5 52 03:30 5 45 1 52 03:45 0 52 9 191 9 43 16 193 25 384 04:00 1 66 7 39 04:15 2 67 8 47 04:30 2 70 10 72 04:45 3 68 8 271 12 40 37 198 45 469 05:00 0 66 13 68 05:15 4 96 17 54 05:30 8 84 24 67 05:45 3 66 15 312 30 62 84 251 99 563 06:00 18 67 47 60 06:15 18 69 86 57 06:30 23 72 56 37 06:45 24 64 83 272 76 58 265 212 348 484 07:00 22 57 66 54 07:15 36 58 69 46 07:30 20 49 88 54 07:45 31 38 109 202 74 44 297 198 406 400 08:00 22 58 52 40 08:15 26 36 66 34 08:30 26 35 54 36 08:45 34 37 108 166 61 35 233 145 341 311 09:00 24 38 38 30 09:15 29 40 42 30 09:30 26 39 44 25 09:45 24 34 103 151 36 15 160 100 263 251 10:00 34 31 31 32 10:15 26 38 36 14 10:30 36 28 45 17 10:45 32 14 128 111 44 13 156 76 284 187 11:00 27 17 36 10 11:15 31 16 47 14 11:30 44 13 36 13 11:45 42 16 144 62 38 10 157 47 301 109 Total 772 2202 Percent 26.0% 74.0% 1441 1898 43.2% 56.8% 2213 4100 35.1 % 64.9% Page 17 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 06-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 14 38 12 36 12:15 6 30 6 33 12:30 6 26 2 29 12:45 4 32 30 126 3 52 23 150 53 276 01:00 7 45 6 28 01:15 3 38 0 42 01:30 4 40 5 38 01:45 3 35 17 158 0 40 11 148 28 306 02:00 6 44 2 38 02:15 1 40 2 38 02:30 3 54 1 36 02:45 2 42 12 180 2 54 7 166 19 346 03:00 7 36 2 38 03:15 2 55 0 45 03:30 2 68 1 58 03:45 7 60 18 219 6 38 9 179 27 398 04:00 1 64 4 44 04:15 0 58 7 56 04:30 1 75 12 56 04:45 2 64 4 261 6 44 29 200 33 461 05:00 4 79 18 71 05:15 5 74 21 50 05:30 8 70 26 60 05:45 3 82 20 305 24 62 89 243 109 548 06:00 16 57 51 52 06:15 20 54 70 53 06:30 25 62 83 60 06:45 16 59 77 232 52 47 256 212 333 444 07:00 28 44 68 52 07:15 24 50 72 42 07:30 16 45 66 37 07:45 28 55 96 194 78 38 284 169 380 363 08:00 15 46 46 49 08:15 20 57 70 43 08:30 26 44 68 35 08:45 28 37 89 184 40 26 224 153 313 337 09:00 22 39 30 29 09:15 32 44 53 24 09:30 32 46 44 24 09:45 28 32 114 161 48 15 175 92 289 253 10:00 16 43 40 23 10:15 34 34 38 27 10:30 25 26 45 20 10:45 36 23 111 126 28 9 151 79 262 205 11:00 40 22 43 19 11:15 40 21 42 9 11:30 47 16 53 3 11:45 32 11 159 70 32 6 170 37 329 107 Total 747 2216 Percent 25.2% 74.8% 1428 1828 43.9% 56.1% 2175 4044 35.0% 65.0% Page 18 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 07-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 9 40 8 49 12:15 10 40 4 35 12:30 7 52 3 42 12:45 7 42 33 174 6 42 21 168 54 342 01:00 5 42 3 35 01:15 3 46 0 50 01:30 4 41 3 48 01:45 3 43 15 172 1 42 7 175 22 347 02:00 0 42 3 56 02:15 0 38 0 29 02:30 3 47 1 50 02:45 0 50 3 177 2 36 6 171 9 348 03:00 2 40 3 45 03:15 0 60 3 37 03:30 3 48 4 50 03:45 3 57 8 205 3 70 13 202 21 407 04:00 0 70 3 48 04:15 4 90 5 56 04:30 2 66 11 81 04:45 1 86 7 312 12 60 31 245 38 557 05:00 6 8 9 105 05:15 0 84 20 64 05:30 0 86 27 96 05:45 1 41 7 219 28 102 84 367 91 586 06:00 2 32 48 90 06:15 5 65 78 90 06:30 12 50 62 74 06:45 17 40 36 187 66 80 254 334 290 521 07:00 28 66 64 50 07:15 22 54 72 58 07:30 34 36 68 56 07:45 25 58 109 214 62 43 266 207 375 421 08:00 23 28 54 80 08:15 24 2 55 74 08:30 30 1 64 93 08:45 24 0 101 31 64 88 237 335 338 366 09:00 24 2 48 98 09:15 30 0 48 78 09:30 16 4 40 68 09:45 29 8 99 14 36 62 172 306 271 320 10:00 32 35 46 31 10:15 33 34 61 19 10:30 20 44 28 28 10:45 24 29 109 142 30 22 165 100 274 242 11:00 40 30 46 21 11:15 31 29 44 7 11:30 26 23 32 18 11:45 41 20 138 102 37 14 159 60 297 162 Total 665 1949 Percent 25.4% 74.6% 1415 2670 34.6% 65.4% 2080 4619 31.0% 69.0% Page 19 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 08-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 18 60 12 60 12:15 18 44 8 36 12:30 12 44 18 52 12:45 11 46 59 194 7 53 45 201 104 395 01:00 6 50 7 44 01:15 7 42 6 46 01:30 7 49 6 51 01:45 9 50 29 191 5 41 24 182 53 373 02:00 8 44 6 42 02:15 3 62 7 52 02:30 4 52 4 57 02:45 6 27 21 185 2 49 19 200 40 385 03:00 6 52 3 58 03:15 2 48 5 46 03:30 3 51 1 58 03:45 2 46 13 197 6 64 15 226 28 423 04:00 5 56 0 42 04:15 2 52 10 60 04:30 5 62 9 56 04:45 4 46 16 216 7 56 26 214 42 430 05:00 4 64 10 44 05:15 4 50 9 54 05:30 2 51 21 56 05:45 2 60 12 225 14 52 54 206 66 431 06:00 4 50 22 44 06:15 16 41 34 64 06:30 16 46 44 34 06:45 12 45 48 182 34 55 134 197 182 379 07:00 22 34 31 60 07:15 16 63 38 42 07:30 20 40 44 50 07:45 25 52 83 189 54 56 167 208 250 397 08:00 20 42 40 53 08:15 22 46 54 42 08:30 28 32 52 38 08:45 35 38 105 158 48 35 194 168 299 326 09:00 28 56 50 38 09:15 25 36 50 33 09:30 32 47 44 32 09:45 35 46 120 185 48 31 192 134 312 319 10:00 42 39 45 34 10:15 30 24 61 38 10:30 42 46 57 27 10:45 36 52 150 161 54 18 217 117 367 278 11:00 54 40 55 24 11:15 34 24 68 25 11:30 44 34 32 22 11:45 35 24 167 122 42 15 197 86 364 208 Total 823 2205 Percent 27.2% 72.8% 1284 2139 37.5% 62.5% 2107 4344 32.7% 67.3% Page 20 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 09-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 23 0 19 87 12:15 19 1 14 96 12:30 14 0 12 90 12:45 10 1 66 2 18 102 63 375 129 377 01:00 10 0 9 92 01:15 9 4 5 107 01:30 9 0 8 80 01:45 9 2 37 6 8 96 30 375 67 381 02:00 8 0 6 86 02:15 6 1 8 88 02:30 13 0 5 81 02:45 3 0 30 1 4 82 23 3371 53 338 03:00 7 0 6 64 03:15 3 0 5 85 03:30 4 0 5 114 03:45 6 0 20 0 5 104 21 367 41 367 04:00 2 0 2 74 04:15 3 0 6 76 04:30 2 0 3 80 04:45 1 0 8 0 6 100 17 3301 25 330 05:00 3 0 4 120 05:15 1 0 6 112 05:30 1 0 10 88 05:45 0 0 5 0 6 73 26 393 31 393 06:00 3 0 11 85 06:15 5 0 8 108 06:30 1 0 15 76 06:45 3 0 12 0 10 70 44 339 56 339 07:00 10 0 16 70 07:15 10 0 15 73 07:30 8 0 29 64 07:45 14 0 42 0 26 66 86 273 128 273 08:00 18 0 27 66 08:15 21 0 42 76 08:30 16 0 42 65 08:45 2 0 57 0 56 74 167 281 224 281 09:00 1 0 64 72 09:15 0 0 66 93 09:30 1 0 88 77 09:45 1 0 3 0 85 47 303 289 306 289 10:00 1 0 88 47 10:15 0 0 66 52 10:30 0 0 68 28 10:45 1 0 2 0 80 36 302 163 304 163 11:00 1 0 96 26 11:15 0 0 78 27 11:30 0 0 74 27 11:45 0 01 1 0 66 24 314 104 315 104 Total 283 9 Percent 96.9% 3.1 % 1396 3626 27.8% 72.2% 1679 3635 31.6% 68.4% Page 21 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 10-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Mon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 32 86 12:15 0 0 11 66 12:30 0 0 14 70 12:45 0 1 0 1 9 84 66 306 66 307 01:00 0 0 11 72 01:15 0 0 9 79 01:30 0 0 7 77 01:45 0 0 0 0 12 54 39 282 39 282 02:00 0 O 2 74 02:15 0 0 7 90 02:30 0 2 5 80 02:45 0 O 0 2 4 64 18 308 18 310 03:00 0 2 8 112 03:15 0 2 6 85 03:30 0 O 1 93 03:45 0 0 0 4 9 98 24 388 24 392 04:00 0 0 7 117 04:15 0 2 8 114 04:30 0 0 17 111 04:45 0 2 0 4 11 122 43 464 43 468 05:00 0 2 16 135 05:15 0 2 19 121 05:30 0 3 22 156 05:45 0 0 0 7 28 118 85 530 85 537 06:00 0 0 48 130 06:15 0 0 84 117 06:30 0 0 90 118 06:45 0 0 0 0 80 108 302 473 302 473 07:00 0 0 94 98 07:15 0 0 94 106 07:30 2 O 106 87 07:45 0 0 2 0 94 92 388 383 390 383 08:00 0 0 70 89 08:15 2 0 66 110 08:30 1 0 78 80 08:45 0 O 3 O 76 85 290 364 293 364 09:00 0 0 67 76 09:15 0 0 59 82 09:30 1 O 60 63 09:45 0 0 1 0 68 51 254 272 255 272 10:00 2 0 60 72 10:15 0 0 58 32 10:30 0 0 60 41 10:45 0 O 2 O 66 33 244 178 246 178 11:00 0 0 70 30 11:15 0 0 74 25 11:30 0 0 60 22 11:45 2 0 2 0 74 18 278 95 280 95 Total 10 18 Percent 35.7% 64.3% 2031 4043 33.4% 66.6% 2041 4061 33.4% 66.6% Page 22 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 11-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Tue Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Mornina Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12:00 0 01 21 63 12:15 0 0 14 86 12:30 0 0 11 71 12:45 0 0 0 0 12 84 58 304 58 304 01:00 0 0 7 70 01:15 0 0 6 80 01:30 0 0 5 71 01:45 0 0 0 0 2 66 20 287 20 287 02:00 0 0 2 72 02:15 0 0 3 72 02:30 0 0 7 80 02:45 0 1 0 1 2 86 14 310 14 311 03:00 0 0 3 82 03:15 0 0 5 98 03:30 0 0 8 99 03:45 0 0 0 0 11 104 27 383 27 383 04:00 0 0 9 129 04:15 0 0 6 109 04:30 0 0 18 117 04:45 0 4 0 4 8 106 41 461 41 465 05:00 0 0 14 126 05:15 0 4 16 104 05:30 0 0 21 133 05:45 0 0 0 4 26 134 77 497 77 501 06:00 0 1 61 126 06:15 0 0 84 104 06:30 0 0 107 116 06:45 2 0 2 1 76 96 328 442 330 443 07:00 0 0 88 113 07:15 0 0 93 96 07:30 0 0 94 84 07:45 0 0 0 0 102 86 377 379 377 379 08:00 0 0 83 73 08:15 2 0 81 82 08:30 0 0 59 70 08:45 1 0 3 0 72 87 295 312 298 312 09:00 0 0 72 80 09:15 1 0 66 81 09:30 0 0 66 62 09:45 1 0 2 0 68 67 272 290 274 290 10:00 0 0 52 64 10:15 0 0 62 44 10:30 0 0 74 32 10:45 0 0 0 0 74 40 262 180 262 180 11:00 0 0 68 28 11:15 0 0 80 22 11:30 0 0 58 21 11:45 1 01 1 0 80 16 286 87 287 87 Total 8 10 Percent 44.4% 55.6% 2057 3932 34.3% 65.7% 2065 3942 34.4% 65.6% Page 23 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 12-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Wed Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 12 86 12:15 0 0 8 61 12:30 0 0 11 89 12:45 0 0 0 0 14 72 45 308 45 308 01:00 0 0 4 61 01:15 0 0 8 81 01:30 0 0 6 64 01:45 0 0 0 0 4 72 22 278 22 278 02:00 0 0 6 58 02:15 0 0 1 95 02:30 0 0 6 76 02:45 0 0 0 0 2 89 15 318 15 318 03:00 0 0 1 88 03:15 0 0 10 100 03:30 0 0 4 84 03:45 0 0 0 0 6 108 21 380 21 380 04:00 0 0 8 116 04:15 0 0 7 110 04:30 0 1 17 126 04:45 0 0 0 1 1 13 981 45 4501 45 451 05:00 0 0 20 122 05:15 0 0 24 124 05:30 0 2 27 136 05:45 0 1 0 3 36 121 107 503 107 506 06:00 0 2 63 114 06:15 0 2 88 118 06:30 0 0 80 104 06:45 1 0 1 4 78 100 309 436 310 440 07:00 0 1 94 110 07:15 0 0 94 96 07:30 1 0 106 96 07:45 0 0 1 1 110 95 404 397 405 398 08:00 0 0 89 88 08:15 0 0 70 103 08:30 0 0 106 77 08:45 1 0 1 0 71 78 336 346 337 346 09:00 0 0 65 68 09:15 0 0 65 72 09:30 1 0 66 69 09:45 0 0 1 0 60 58 256 267 257 267 10:00 0 0 69 55 10:15 0 0 63 34 10:30 0 0 63 33 10:45 0 0 0 0 52 42 247 164 247 164 11:00 0 0 70 28 11:15 0 0 68 27 11:30 0 0 60 20 11:45 0 0 0 0 60 15 258 90 258 90 Total 4 9 Percent 30.8% 69.2% 2065 3937 34.4% 65.6% 2069 3946 34.4% 65.6% Page 24 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 13-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Thu Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 14 81 12:15 0 0 15 76 12:30 0 0 7 86 12:45 0 0 0 0 19 81 55 324 55 324 01:00 0 0 8 68 01:15 0 1 5 91 01:30 0 0 4 80 01:45 0 0 0 1 4 92 21 331 21 332 02:00 0 1 5 72 02:15 0 0 3 69 02:30 0 0 6 67 02:45 0 0 0 1 4 86 18 294 18 295 03:00 0 0 7 84 03:15 0 0 5 88 03:30 0 0 3 106 03:45 0 0 0 0 10 92 25 370 25 370 04:00 0 0 6 119 04:15 0 0 4 112 04:30 0 0 15 110 04:45 0 1 0 1 10 128 35 469 35 470 05:00 0 0 22 108 05:15 0 2 15 158 05:30 0 0 28 125 05:45 0 0 0 2 34 138 99 529 99 531 06:00 0 0 67 125 06:15 0 0 88 115 06:30 1 2 86 113 06:45 0 0 1 2 96 106 337 459 338 461 07:00 0 0 84 112 07:15 0 0 83 103 07:30 0 0 98 70 07:45 1 0 1 0 110 86 375 371 376 371 08:00 0 0 88 106 08:15 1 0 92 84 08:30 2 0 82 80 08:45 0 0 3 0 66 84 328 354 331 354 09:00 0 0 54 92 09:15 0 0 68 62 09:30 0 0 78 63 09:45 1 0 1 0 58 39 258 256 259 256 10:00 0 0 52 48 10:15 0 0 60 48 10:30 0 0 74 35 10:45 0 0 0 0 58 35 244 166 244 166 11:00 2 0 62 26 11:15 0 0 60 20 11:30 0 0 58 16 11:45 0 0 2 0 54 17 234 79 236 79 Total 8 7 Percent 53.3% 46.7% 2029 4002 33.6% 66.4% 2037 4009 33.7% 66.3% Page 25 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 14-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Fri Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 14 87 12:15 0 0 18 82 12:30 0 0 11 92 12:45 0 0 0 0 11 92 54 353 54 353 01:00 0 0 14 69 01:15 0 0 9 72 01:30 0 0 7 74 01:45 0 0 0 0 5 80 35 295 35 295 02:00 0 O 7 84 02:15 0 2 6 72 02:30 0 6 6 114 02:45 0 O 0 8 4 90 23 360 23 368 03:00 0 0 4 84 03:15 0 0 2 82 03:30 0 O 4 110 03:45 0 0 0 0 3 88 13 364 13 364 04:00 0 0 6 103 04:15 0 0 4 140 04:30 0 1 19 116 04:45 0 O 0 1 12 128 41 487 41 488 05:00 0 0 22 131 05:15 0 0 24 156 05:30 0 O 22 122 05:45 0 2 0 2 35 152 103 561 103 563 06:00 0 4 53 126 06:15 0 5 75 130 06:30 2 2 88 104 06:45 2 0 4 11 86 136 302 496 306 507 07:00 0 0 88 120 07:15 0 0 103 119 07:30 0 O 108 118 07:45 0 0 0 0 83 82 382 439 382 439 08:00 0 0 87 90 08:15 0 0 96 80 08:30 1 0 78 62 08:45 0 O 1 O 84 61 345 293 346 293 09:00 1 0 60 78 09:15 1 0 80 84 09:30 0 O 91 83 09:45 0 0 2 0 60 68 291 313 293 313 10:00 0 0 62 82 10:15 0 0 66 75 10:30 0 0 80 78 10:45 0 0 0 O 70 59 278 294 278 294 11:00 0 0 70 55 11:15 0 0 81 42 11:30 0 0 88 39 11:45 0 0 0 0 66 28 305 164 305 164 Total 7 22 Percent 24.1 % 75.9% 2172 4419 33.0% 67.0% 2179 4441 32.9% 67.1% Page 26 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 15-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sat Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 36 112 12:15 0 0 26 104 12:30 0 0 27 131 12:45 0 0 0 0 13 151 102 498 102 498 01:00 0 0 13 122 01:15 0 0 20 111 01:30 0 0 10 117 01:45 0 0 0 0 13 132 56 482 56 482 02:00 0 0 12 126 02:15 0 0 12 120 02:30 0 0 7 124 02:45 0 0 0 O 7 122 38 492 38 492 03:00 0 0 11 110 03:15 0 0 9 118 03:30 0 0 9 146 03:45 0 0 0 0 10 149 39 523 39 523 04:00 0 1 7 100 04:15 0 0 5 81 04:30 0 0 16 93 04:45 0 0 0 1 12 104 40 378 40 379 05:00 0 0 18 101 05:15 0 0 15 109 05:30 0 0 15 134 05:45 0 0 0 0 16 115 64 459 64 459 06:00 0 0 44 124 06:15 0 0 52 113 06:30 0 0 52 117 06:45 0 0 0 0 60 106 208 460 208 460 07:00 0 0 43 123 07:15 0 0 60 102 07:30 0 0 92 104 07:45 0 0 0 0 66 92 261 421 261 421 08:00 0 0 92 92 08:15 0 0 52 98 08:30 0 0 88 97 08:45 0 0 0 O 82 106 314 393 314 393 09:00 0 0 98 72 09:15 0 0 106 57 09:30 0 0 96 91 09:45 0 0 0 0 134 61 434 281 434 281 10:00 0 0 128 64 10:15 0 0 103 56 10:30 0 0 107 56 10:45 0 0 0 O 104 66 1 442 2421 442 242 11:00 0 0 104 60 11:15 1 0 140 52 11:30 0 0 144 56 11:45 0 0 1 0 122 41 510 209 511 209 Total 1 1 Percent 50.0% 50.0% 2508 4838 34.1% 65.9% 2509 4839 34.1 % 65.9% Page 27 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 16-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Time Sun Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon Mornino Afternoon 12:00 0 0 43 111 12:15 0 0 22 116 12:30 0 0 25 124 12:45 0 0 0 0 24 120 114 471 114 471 01:00 0 0 14 114 01:15 0 1 22 90 01:30 0 0 27 112 01:45 0 0 0 1 20 100 83 416 83 417 02:00 0 O 14 115 02:15 0 2 12 106 02:30 0 0 9 92 02:45 0 O 0 2 8 102 43 415 43 417 03:00 0 0 7 100 03:15 0 0 12 116 03:30 0 O 9 136 03:45 0 0 0 0 15 117 43 469 43 469 04:00 0 0 12 123 04:15 0 0 10 126 04:30 0 0 13 124 04:45 0 O 0 O 6 110 41 483 41 483 05:00 0 0 17 113 05:15 0 0 18 108 05:30 0 O 12 115 05:45 0 0 0 0 22 130 69 466 69 466 06:00 0 1 16 132 06:15 0 0 17 112 06:30 0 0 36 90 06:45 0 0 0 1 17 82 86 416 86 417 07:00 0 0 36 98 07:15 0 0 26 91 07:30 0 O 58 78 07:45 0 0 0 0 50 114 170 381 170 381 08:00 0 0 38 82I 08:15 0 0 60 91 08:30 0 0 81 102 08:45 0 O 0 O 89 106 268 381 268 381 09:00 0 0 74 87 09:15 0 0 102 88 09:30 0 O 84 83 09:45 0 0 0 0 86 88I 346 346 346 346 10:00 0 0 94 76 10:15 0 0 96 68 10:30 0 0 96 63 10:45 0 O 0 O 84 64 370 271 370 271 11:00 0 0 98 45 11:15 0 0 99 421 I 11:30 0 0 108 37I I 11:45 0 0 0 0 102 271 407 151 I 407 151 Total 0 4 Percent 0.0% 100.0% 2040 4666 30.4% 69.6% 2040 4670 30.4% 69.6% Page 28 Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2122 Johnson Street Fort Myers, FL 33901 44th Street SW Station ID: 31571 Start 17-Jun-19 Southbound Hour Totals Northbound Hour Totals Combined Totals Timc RAnn Unrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn Mnrninn Affcrnnnn 12:00 0 * 20 12:15 0 * 18 12:30 0 14 12:45 0 * 0 0 9 * 61 0 61 0 01:00 0 * 8 01:15 0 * 9 01:30 0 * 1 01:45 0 0 0 4 22 0 22 0 02:00 0 6 02:15 0 * 6 02:30 0 4 02:45 0 * 0 0 1 * 17 0 17 0 03:00 0 * 4 03:15 0 * 8 03:30 0 * 1 03:45 0 0 0 8 21 0 21 0 04:00 0 * 12 04:15 0 * 2 04:30 0 16 04:45 0 * 0 0 24 * 54 0 54 0 05:00 0 27 05:15 0 26 05:30 0 * 34 05:45 0 0 0 34 121 0 121 0 06:00 0 68 06:15 4 124 06:30 0 125 06:45 1 5 0 102 * 419 0 424 0 07:00 2 126 07:15 0 102 07:30 0 * 148 07:45 2 4 0 145 521 0 525 0 08:00 4 108 08:15 0 114 08:30 2 120 08:45 0 * 6 0 98 * 440 0 446 0 09:00 0 98 09:15 9 62 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Total 24 0 Percent 100.0% 0.0% Grand 17036 43083 Total Percent 28.3% 71.7% ADT ADT 6,662 AADT 6,662 1836 0 1691 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 46712 75892 63579 38.1% 61.9% 34.8% 0 0.0% 118975 65.2% Page 29 APPENDIX E A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 44TH STREET SW 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER R L F7treet: 44th St. SW N L tl= R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: RAP ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes estimated from downstream intersection and bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 28 39 0 15 3 35 2 117 7:15 AM 41 51 2 14 0 35 6 141 7:30 AM 47 68 1 21 2 52 18 188 7:45 AM 50 90 2 19 0 50 6 209 8:00 AM 53 73 3 21 0 45 0 192 8:15 AM 44 66 1 13 0 38 0 161 8:30 AM 24 34 0 8 0 28 1 94 8:45 AM 18 35 2 13 0 14 0 80 TOTAL 305 456 11 124 5 297 33 1182 PK.HOURTOTAL 194 297 7 679 74 2 185 1121 24 750 P.H.F. 0.92 0.83 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.90 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 44TH STREET SW. 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER F7treet: 44th St. SW. N R L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: RAP ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes estimated from downstream intersection and bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 20 38 1 22 0 50 0 130 4:15 PM 18 32 1 32 1 52 0 134 4:30 PM 29 33 1 18 0 46 1 126 4:45 PM 24 25 1 31 0 22 0 102 5:00 PM 32 28 0 30 0 41 1 131 5:15 PM 18 40 1 29 0 54 1 141 5:30 PM 28 32 0 39 0 46 0 145 5:45 PM 17 27 0 32 0 49 0 125 TOTAL 186 255 5 233 1 360 3 1034 PK.HOUR TOTAL 95 127 1 1140 130 0 190 1020 2 542 P.H.F. 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & SUNSHINE BOULEVARD 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER Tube Location Street: Sunshine Blvd. N R L L 41: R L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: NATE FLESHER ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 3 20 0 4 12 0 3 8 0 5 2 0 57 7:15 AM 8 37 0 28 7 0 12 4 0 15 7 0 118 7:30 AM 15 52 0 7 10 0 9 7 0 29 21 0 150 7:45 AM 21 51 0 15 6 0 7 5 0 18 11 0 134 8:00 AM 9 35 0 14 1 0 5 6 0 18 13 0 101 8:15 AM 10 42 0 17 7 0 9 3 0 32 3 0 123 8:30 AM 9 50 0 15 7 0 17 2 0 28 1 0 129 8:45 AM 12 32 0 13 6 0 17 10 0 25 2 0 117 TOTAL 87 319 0 113 56 0 79 45 0 170 60 0 929 PK.HOURTOTAL 55 31 180 0 53 235 24 0 30 520 21 0 97 976 48 0 508 P.H.F. 0.65 0.87 0.00 0.78 0.60 0.00 0.83 0.75 0.00 1 0.76 0.57 0.00 0.85 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & SUNSHINE BOULEVARD 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER Tube Location Street: Sunshine Blvd. R L L R L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. N 0 Total OBSERVER: NATE FLESHER ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 8 16 0 10 5 0 3 8 0 34 2 0 86 4:15 PM 4 24 0 13 9 0 3 6 0 50 3 0 112 4:30 PM 5 22 0 25 4 0 4 8 0 47 1 0 116 4:45 PM 11 29 0 19 4 0 5 5 0 42 4 0 119 5:00 PM 5 27 0 9 4 0 8 20 0 45 7 0 125 5:15 PM 7 42 0 20 8 0 8 16 0 37 3 0 141 5:30 PM 10 18 0 9 4 0 5 15 0 11 1 0 73 5:45 PM 20 28 0 8 11 0 8 10 0 43 5 0 133 TOTAL 70 206 0 113 49 0 44 88 0 309 26 0 905 PK. HOUR TOTAL 42 223 115 0 46 181 27 0 29 1109 61 0 136 868 16 0 472 P.H.F. 0.53 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.84 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & CORONADO PKWY. 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER Street: Coronado Pkwy. N R L L toR Tube Location Elff] Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Tota I OBSERVER: RAY ROAD CONDITION: REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts B Peak Hour of Corridor: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 35 15 6 31 0 2 45 1 128 7:15 AM 42 16 1 17 3 0 29 4 104 7:30 AM 30 10 1 12 0 1 27 0 80 7:45 AM 29 17 5 14 0 0 54 1 114 8:00 AM 34 17 3 16 1 1 32 1 100 8:15 AM 26 14 1 15 0 0 43 2 98 8:30 AM 20 21 1 13 0 1 35 2 90 8:45 AM 34 8 3 18 0 1 34 0 95 TOTAL 250 118 21 136 4 6 2 99 11 809 PK. HOUR TOTAL 119 58 10 57 452 1 2 897 156 4 392 P.H.F. 0.88 0.85 0.50 0.89 0.25 0.50 0.72 0.50 0.86 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & CORONADO PKWY. 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER Street: Coronado Pkwy. N R L L I Tube Location :�Rfj= E#p Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: RAY ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts B Peak Hour of Corridor: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 50 12 0 45 8 2 52 0 161 4:15 PM 54 12 1 25 0 5 49 6 145 4:30 PM 56 13 0 29 2 3 58 1 159 4:45 PM 43 18 0 31 4 4 57 0 153 5:00 PM 65 30 2 32 0 1 74 1 202 5:15 PM 48 18 0 20 0 2 50 0 138 5:30 PM 64 21 0 17 0 2 62 5 166 5:45 PM 68 22 2 17 1 3 52 6 162 TOTAL 448 146 5 216 15 22 454 19 1286 PK. HOUR TOTAL 245 91 4 86 954 1 8 691 238 12 668 P.H.F. 0.90 0.76 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.80 0.00 0.83 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & TROPICANA BOULEVARD 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER �ffR Street: Tropicana Blvd. R L L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. N Total OBSERVER: BDM ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Iu e Location TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 37 57 0 3 0 2 4 37 0 29 2 1 169 7:15 AM 47 23 1 2 3 0 4 18 0 23 3 0 123 7:30 AM 48 22 1 1 0 1 2 29 0 24 3 1 129 7:45 AM 54 29 0 6 0 6 5 19 0 32 5 2 150 8:00 AM 38 29 0 6 5 6 4 27 1 28 11 2 148 8:15 AM 48 40 0 7 4 11 5 11 1 52 10 7 177 8:30 AM 43 39 0 5 6 12 6 24 0 62 7 3 192 8:45 AM 42 49 0 7 3 11 2 18 1 56 9 0 186 TOTAL 357 288 2 37 21 49 32 183 3 306 50 16 1274 PK.HOURTOTAL 188 0 120 1 20 0 9 24 16 350 86 2 136 792 29 12 604 P.H.F. 0.87 0.00 0.75 0.25 0.71 0.00 0.45 0.55 0.80 0.00 0.74 1 0.50 0.65 0.00 0.66 0.43 0.85 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & TROPICANA BOULEVARD 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER ffRR Street: Tropicana Blvd. N R L L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: BDM ROAD CONDITION: Tube Location REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS I Ube Location TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 27 50 10 24 5 2 16 17 3 39 12 0 190 4:15 PM 23 29 1 14 9 5 8 22 0 34 16 0 155 4:30 PM 18 24 1 19 11 2 2 20 2 22 23 0 139 4:45 PM 21 23 0 11 6 1 8 25 0 29 16 1 139 5:00 PM 17 25 1 13 8 1 12 25 0 30 11 0 141 5:15 PM 23 24 2 18 9 1 13 32 0 29 15 5 163 5:30 PM 35 20 4 17 5 0 8 27 5 28 14 3 154 5:45 PM 20 21 2 20 7 3 17 25 3 29 14 1 153 TOTAL 184 216 21 136 60 15 84 193 13 240 121 10 1234 PK.HOURTOTAL 95 0 90 9 68 0 29 5 50 873 109 8 116 644 54 9 611 P.H.F. 1 0.68 1 0.00 0.90 0.56 0.85 0.00 0.81 0.42 0.74 0.00 0.85 0.40 0.97 0.00 0.90 0.45 0.94 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 50TH STREET SW 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER �ffR Street: SOth Street SW N R L Tube Location L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: JOE C. ROAD CONDITION: REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor. 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS I u e Location TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 33 2 0 0 2 0 6 5 0 1 3 0 52 7:15 AM 47 3 0 1 4 0 4 15 0 6 0 0 80 7:30 AM 74 8 0 2 3 0 2 19 0 4 1 0 113 7:45 AM 74 8 1 5 1 0 5 33 0 1 0 0 127 8:00 AM 60 9 0 1 6 0 10 36 1 6 0 3 128 8:15 AM 60 3 0 2 8 0 6 40 1 10 2 5 131 8:30 AM 50 3 0 2 2 0 2 27 2 13 2 2 101 8:45 AM 77 10 0 5 3 0 11 29 1 18 1 0 154 TOTAL 475 46 1 18 29 0 46 204 5 59 9 10 886 PK.HOURTOTAL 268 0 28 1 10 0 18 0 23 414 128 2 21 965 3 8 499 P.H.F. 0.91 0.78 0.25 0.50 0.56 0.00 0.58 0.80 0.50 0.53 0.38 0.40 0.95 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 50TH STREET SW 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER R Street: 50th Street SW N R L Tube Location L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: JOE C. ROAD CONDITION: REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS I Ube Location TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 76 6 10 0 15 0 16 40 1 11 9 0 173 4:15 PM 50 5 0 13 11 0 19 58 0 11 5 0 172 4:30 PM 35 8 0 10 14 0 24 51 0 14 9 0 165 4:45 PM 25 8 0 12 8 0 15 37 0 11 4 0 120 5:00 PM 25 8 0 8 10 0 25 29 0 9 5 0 119 5:15 PM 48 20 0 17 12 0 15 63 0 15 8 0 198 5:30 PM 31 9 1 6 19 0 18 66 0 4 8 0 161 5:45 PM 30 14 0 7 13 0 24 35 0 15 19 0 157 TOTAL 320 78 11 73 102 0 156 379 1 90 67 0 1265 PK. HOUR TOTAL 134 0 51 1 38 0 54 0 82 943 193 0 43 685 40 0 635 P.H.F. 1 0.70 1 0.64 0.00 0.56 1 0.71 0.00 0.82 0.73 0.00 0.72 0.53 0.00 0.80 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 53RD STREET SW 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER R& R 53rd St. SW N Tube Location VLtl� Street: Golden Gate Pkwy. Total OBSERVER: E.C. �treet: ROAD CONDITION: REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor. 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM L VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 7:00 AM 35 10 2 32 0 12 1 89 7:15 AM 55 14 0 36 1 24 0 129 7:30 AM 92 30 1 63 0 19 0 204 7:45 AM 65 18 0 30 1 18 0 131 8:00 AM 23 16 0 9 1 16 0 64 8:15 AM 42 18 2 11 0 13 0 84 8:30 AM 23 22 2 9 0 8 0 62 8:45 AM 28 18 2 17 1 15 0 78 TOTAL 363 146 9 207 4 125 1 841 PK.HOURTOTAL 222 82 3 603 113 2 66 1238 0 483 P.H.F. 0.60 0.68 0.38 0.45 0.50 0.87 0.00 0.59 ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS LOCATION: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY & 53RD STREET SW 5/29/2019 COUNTY: COLLIER �treet: 53rd St. SW N Tube Location ERR L L R Street: Golden Gate Pkwy, Total OBSERVER: E.C. ROAD CONDITION: REMARKS: Through volumes from bi-directional tube counts Peak Hour of Corridor: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM VEHICLE MOVEMENTS TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BEGIN L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. L T R Ped. 4:00 PM 25 12 3 30 0 23 3 90 4:15 PM 19 14 1 25 0 12 0 70 4:30 PM 24 21 0 30 0 16 2 91 4:45 PM 16 17 0 31 0 25 0 89 5:00 PM 17 18 0 36 1 23 0 94 5:15 PM 36 14 0 41 0 19 0 110 5:30 PM 29 18 0 48 0 19 0 114 5:45 PM 27 17 0 36 0 20 0 100 TOTAL 193 131 4 277 1 157 5 758 PK. HOUR TOTAL 109 67 0 1317 161 1 81 825 0 418 P.H.F. 1 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 APPENDIX F FLORIDA TRAFFIC ONLINE PEAK SEASON CORRECTION FACTORS 2019 PEAK SEASON FACTOR CATEGORY REPORT - REPORT TYPE: ALL CATEGORY: 0300 COLLIER COUNTYWIDE 0,12401; 91.1190 w 1 01/01/2019 - 2 01/06/2019 - 3 01/13/2019 - * 4 01/20/2019 - * 5 01/27/2019 - * 6 02/03/2019 - * 7 02/10/2019 - * 8 02/17/2019 - * 9 02/24/2019 - *10 03/03/2019 - *11 03/10/2019 - *12 03/17/2019 - *13 03/24/2019 - *14 03/31/2019 - *15 04/07/2019 - *16 04/14/2019 - 17 04/21/2019 - 18 04/28/2019 - 19 05/05/2019 - 20 05/12/2019 - 21 05/19/2019 - 22 05/26/2019 - 23 06/02/2019 - 24 06/09/2019 - 25 06/16/2019 - 26 06/23/2019 - 27 06/30/2019 - 28 07/07/2019 - 29 07/14/2019 - 30 07/21/2019 - 31 07/28/2019 - 32 08/04/2019 - 33 08/11/2019 - 34 08/18/2019 - 35 08/25/2019 - 36 09/01/2019 - 37 09/08/2019 - 38 09/15/2019 - 39 09/22/2019 - 40 09/29/2019 - 41 10/06/2019 - 42 10/13/2019 - 43 10/20/2019 - 44 10/27/2019 - 45 11/03/2019 - 46 11/10/2019 - 47 11/17/2019 - 48 11/24/2019 - 49 12/01/2019 - 50 12/08/2019 - 51 12/15/2019 - 52 12/22/2019 - 53 12/29/2019 - * PEAK SEASON ------------- 01/05/2019 01/12/2019 O1/19/2019 O1/26/2019 02/02/2019 02/09/2019 02/16/2019 02/23/2019 03/02/2019 03/09/2019 03/16/2019 03/23/2019 03/30/2019 04/06/2019 04/13/2019 04/20/2019 04/27/2019 05/04/2019 05/11/2019 05/18/2019 05/25/2019 06/01/2019 06/08/2019 06/15/2019 06/22/2019 06/29/2019 07/06/2019 07/13/2019 07/20/2019 07/27/2019 08/03/2019 08/10/2019 08/17/2019 08/24/2019 08/31/2019 09/07/2019 09/14/2019 09/21/2019 09/28/2019 10/05/2019 10/12/2019 10/19/2019 10/26/2019 11/02/2019 11/09/2019 11/16/2019 11/23/2019 11/30/2019 12/07/2019 12/14/2019 12/21/2019 12/28/2019 12/31/2019 03a 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.99 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.09 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.13 1.15 1.17 1.14 1.12 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.01 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 MOCF: 0.90 PSCF 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.99 1.00 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.24 1.23 1.23 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.27 1.24 1.21 1.19 1.17 1.14 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.07 14-FEB-2020 15:39:16 830UPD 1 0300 PKSEASON.TXT APPENDIX G COLLIER COUNTY AUIR Attachment"F" Collier County 2019 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) Based on Adopted LOS, Trip Bank and Traffic Counts Peak 2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 Traffic 1/7"Trip Hour 1 Peak Peak 2018 to 2018 to 1/7th 2019 1/7`s 2019 Counts + 2019 w/TB Count Bank Peak Dir Hour Hour 2019 2019 Total 1/7th TB 2019 1/7th Total Counts+ 1/7th TB Counts + L Year Year Exist Cut. Min Peak Service Peak Dir rnk ➢ ;. .-A iin4 Fvnm Tn u.- Cfn Q" nh, Vnl..mn Peak Dir Vnlmm. Net !`Ronne Percent Trip 2018 Trip ch.... R- R- Trip R.- Trip -..1, 1/71h TB Remaining 1/7t6TB Vnlmm. r'nnnnifv V/V O c Expected nnrnlnnf Expected n.rim f 1.0 60190 CR31 Airport Road hnmokalee Road Vanderbilt Beach Road 4D 554 D N 2,200 1220 1190 (30) -2.46% 25 1245 24 0 24 1214 986 552% C 2.1 CR31 Airport Road Vanderbilt Beach Road Orange Blossom Drive 6D 599 E N 3,000 18I0 2290 480 26.52% 66 1876 44 0 44 2334 666 77.8% D 2.2 CR31 Airport Road Orange Blossom Drive Pine Ridge Road 6D 503 E N 3,000 1770 2010 240 13.56% 54 1824 49 0 49 2059 941 68.61/. C 3.0 CR31 Airport Road Pine Ridge Road Golden Gate Parkway 6D 502 E N 3,000 2330 2240 (90) -3.860/6 14 2344 14 0 14 2254 746 75.1 % D 4.0 CR31 Airport Road Golden Gate Parkway Radio Road 6D 533 E N 2,800 23I0 2190 (120) -5.19% 22 2332 25 0 25 2215 585 79.10/, D 5.0 CR31 Airport Road Radio Road Davis Boulevard 6D 553 E N 2,800 2230 2010 (220) -9.87% 11 2241 11 0 11 2021 779 72.2% C 6.0 CR31 Airport Road Davis Boulevard US 41 (Tamiamt Trail) 6D 552 E S 2,700 1650 1600 (50) -3.03% 75 1725 62 2 64 1664 1036 61.6% C 7.0 Bayshore Drive US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Thomasson Drive 4D 521 D S 11800 620 640 20 3.230/, 118 738 147 2 149 789 1011 43.81/. B 8.0 CR 865 Bonita Beach Road West of Vanderbilt Drive Hickory Boulevard 4D 653 D E 11900 1060 1050 (10) -0.94%1 0 1060 0 0 0 1050 850 55.3 A C 9.0 Carson Road Lake Trafford Road Immokalee Drive 21J 610 D N 6001 330 300 (30) -9.09%11 330 01 0 0 300 300 50.0% 1 B 10.0 County Bam Road Davis Boulevard Rattlesnake Hammock Road 21J 519 D S 9001 380 380 0 0.00%1 124 504 116 1 117 497 403 55.2% C 11.0 CR29 CR 29 US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Everglades City 21J 582A D S 1,0001 160 160 0 0.00%j 0 160 0 0 0 160 840 16.0% B 12.0 SR84 Davis Boulevard US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Airport Road 6D 558 E E 2,7001 1610 1420 (190) -11.80%1 56 1666 55 0 55 1475 1225 54.61/. C 13.0 SR84 Davis Boulevard Airport Road Lakewood Boulevard 4D 559 D E 2,0001 1580 1330 (250) -15.82%1 0 1580 0 0 0 1330 670 66.5 % C 14.0 SR84 Davis Boulevard Lakewood Boulevard County Barn Road 4D 658 D E 2,0001 1670 1550 (120) -7.19%1 61 1731 61 0 61 1611 389 80.60% D 15.0 SR84 Davis Boulevard County Bam Road Santa Barbara Boulevard 4D 538 D E 2,2001 1460 1410 (50) -3.42%1 196 1656 184 0 184 1594 606 72.51/. C 16.1 SR84 Davis Boulevard Santa Barbaro Boulevard Radio Road 6D 560 E E 3,3001 740 740 0 0.00%1 225 965 86 139 225 965 2335 29.21/. B 16.2 SR84 Davis Boulevard Radio Road Collier Boulevard 6D 601 E W 3,300 1120 1190 70 6.25% 296 1416 73 214 287 1477 1823 44.8 % B 17.0 CR876 Golden Gate Boulevard Collier Boulevard Wilson Boulevard 4D 531 D E 2,300 1710 1730 20 1.171/o 0 17I0 0 0 0 1730 570 75.2% D 18.0 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Goodlcuc-Frank Road 6D 530 E E 2,700 1230 1230 0 0.001/. 13 1243 13 0 13 1243 1457 46.01/6 B 19.0 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway Goodlette-Frank Road Airport Road 6D 507 E E 3,300 2930 2860 (70) -2.390/6 5 2935 3 0 3 2863 437 86.81/. D 2027 20.1 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway Airport Road Livingston Road 6D 508 E E 3,300 2290 2680 390 17.030/. 12 2302 15 0 15 2695 605 81.7 % D 2029 20.2 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway Livingston Road I-75 6D 691 E E 3,300 26I0 3020 410 1 15.71% 0 1 2610 1 0 01 0 3020 280 1 91.5% D 2024 2024 21.0 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway I-75 Santa Barbara Boulevard 6D 509 E E 3,300 2140 2400 260 12.15% 14 2154 14 0 14 2414 886 73.2% C 22.0 CR886 Golden Gate Parkway Santa Barbara Boulevard Collier Boulevard 4D 605 D E 1,800 1610 1670 60 3.730/. 51 1661 50 8 58 1728 72 96.0% E 2023 2022 23.0 TBD CR851 Goodlette-Frank Road Immokalee Road Vanderbilt Beach Road 2U 594 D N 1,0001 820 820 0 0.00% 46 866 43 0 43 863 137 86.3 % D 2027 24. F CR851 Goodlette-Frank Road Vanderbilt Beach Road Orange Blossom Drive 4D 595 E N 2,400 1370 1380 10 0.73% 73 1443 73 0 73 1453 947 60.50/. C 24.2 CR851 Goodlette-Frank Road Orange Blossom Drive Pine Ridge Road 6D 581 E N 2,400 1680 1560 (120) -7.14% 0 1680 0 0 0 1560 840 65.00% C 25.0 CR851 Goodlette-Frank Road Pine Ridge Road Golden Gate Parkway 6D 505 E N 3,000 2220 1960 (260) -11.71 % 0 2220 0 0 0 1960 1040 65.31/. C 26.0 CR851 Goodlette-Frank Road Golden Gate Parkway US 41 (Tamiami Trail) 6D 504 E N 2,700 2480 1960 (520) -20.97% 0 2480 0 0 0 1960 740 72.6 % C 27.0 TBD Green Boulevard Santa Barbaro Boulevard Collier Boulevard 213 642 D E 900 680 710 30 4.41% 0 680 10 0 10 720 180 80.00/. D 29.0 Gulfshore Drive I I Ith Avenue Vanderbilt Beach Road 2U 583a D N 800 220 300 80 36.36%1 0 220 0 01 0 300 500 37.5% B 30.1 CR951 Collier Boulevard hnmokalee Road Vanderbilt Beach Road 6D 655 E N 3,000 1680 1850 170 10.120% 547 2227 441 106 547 2397 603 79.91/6 D 2029 30.2 CR951 Collier Boulevard Vanderbilt Beach Road Golden Gate Boulevard 6D 584 E S 3,000 1220 1260 40 3.28 % 118 1338 70 32 102 1362 1638 45.4 % B 31.1 CR951 Collier Boulevard Golden Gate Boulevard Pine Ridge Road 6D 536 D N 3,00,01 1780 1850 70 3.93% 78 1858 49 30 79 1929 1071 64.3 % C 31.2 CR951 Collier Boulevard Pine Ridge Road Green Boulevard 6D 536 D N 3,0001 1780 1850 70 3.93% 60 1840 85 22 107 1957 1043 65.2% C 32.1 68057 CR951 Collier Boulevard Green Boulevard Golden Gate Pwky 4D 525 D N 2,300 1500 1360 (140) -9.33% 27 1527 61 0 61 1421 879 61.81/. C 32.2 68057 CR951 Collier Boulevard Golden Gate Pwky Golden Gate Main Canal 4D 607 D N 2,300 1370 1360 (10) -0.7351 217 1587 93 162 255 1615 685 70.21/. C 32.3 CR951 Collier Boulevard Golden Gate Main Canal I-75 8D 607 E N 3,600 1370 1360 (10) -0.73% 324 1694 79 258 337 1697 1903 47.1 % B 33.0 SR951 Collier Boulevard I-75 Davis Boulevard 8D 573 E N 3,600 2960 3020 60 2.03% 290 3250 40 277 317 3337 263 92.7% D 2024 34.0 CR951 Collier Boulevard Davis Boulevard Rattlesnake Hammock Road 6D 602 E N 3,000 1660 1940 280 16.87% 506 2166 183 297 480 2420 580 80.7 % D 35.0 CR951 Collier Boulevard Rattlesnake Hammock Road US 41 (Tamiami Trail) 6D 603 E N 3,200 1900 2000 100 5.260/, 338 2238 250 137 387 2387 813 74.6% C 36.1 SR951 Collier Boulevard US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Wal-Mart Driveway 6D 557 E N 2,500 1530 1540 10 0.650/. 238 1768 154 67 221 1761 739 70.4% C 36.2 SR951 Collier Boulevard Wal-Mart Driveway Manatee Road 4D 557 D N 2,000 1530 I540 IO 0.651/. 227 1757 159 33 192 1732 268 86.6% D 2028 37.0 SR951 Collier Boulevard Manatee Road Mainsail Drive 4D 627 D N 2,2001 1770 I680 (90) -5.08% 171 1941 167 40 207 1887 313 85.8% D 2028 38.0 SR951 Collier Boulevard Mainsail Drive Marco Island Bridge 4D 627 D N 2,200 1770 1680 (90) -5.08% 31 1801 21 12 33 1713 487 77.91/. D 39.0 CR846 1 l lth Avenue N. Gulfshore Drive Vanderbilt Drive 2U 585 D E 700 306 312 6 1.969/6 0 306 0 0 0 312 388 44.61/. B 40.0 CR846 111th Avenue N. Vanderbilt Drive US 41 (Tarriami Trail) 21J 613 D E 900 439 448 9 2.05%1 0 439 0 0 0 448 452 49.8% B 41.1 CR846 Immokalee Road US 41 (Tamiami Trail) Goodlette-Frank Road 6D 566 E W 3,100 2080 2110 30 1.441/. 175 2255 168 01 168 2278 822 73.5% C 41.2 CR846 Immokalee Road Goodlette-Frank Road Airport Road 6D 625 E E 3,100 2630 2650 20 0.761/. 45 2675 44 0 44 2694 406 86.91/. D 2024 2024 42.1 CR846 hnmokalee Road Airport Road Livingston Road 6D 567 E W 3,100 2900 2780 (120) -4 14% 7 2907 9 0 9 2789 311 90.01/. D 2025 42.2 TBD CR846 hmnokalee Road Livingston Road I-75 6D/8D 679 E E 3,500 2580 2550 (30) -1.16% 49 2629 37 0 37 2587 913 73.90/, C 43.1 TBD CR846 Immokalee Road I-75 Logan Boulevard 6D/8D 701 E E 3,500 2390 2360 (30) -1.26% 580 2970 417 170 587 2947 553 84.2% D 2029 43.2 CR846 Immo cc Road Logan Boulevard Collier Boulevard 6D 656 E E 3,200 2020 1930 (90) 4 46% 992 3012 782 204 986 2916 284 91.1 % D 2024 44.0 CR846 hnmokalee Road Collier Boulevard Wilson Boulevard 6D 674 E E 3,300 1770 2050 280 15.82% 849 2619 689 199 888 2938 362 89.0% D 2024 45.0 CR846 hmnokalee Road Wilson Boulevard Oil Well Road 6D 675 E E 3,300 2020 2460 440 21.78% 389 2409 271 93 364 2824 476 85.6% D 2024 46.0 CR846 Immokalee Road Oil Well Road SR 29 2U 672 D E 900 4I0 460 50 12.20% 168 578 106 46 152 612 288 68.0% C MASTER Attachment F-2019 (070319.1).xlsm APPENDIX H 2019 SIGNALIZED A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 718 135 79 1474 265 98 Future Volume (vph) 718 135 79 1474 265 98 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.289 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 538 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 147 107 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 780 147 86 1602 288 107 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 780 147 86 1602 288 107 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 3 3 4 4 Act Effct Green (s) 76.8 76.8 90.5 90.5 26.9 26.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.59 0.59 0.70 0.70 0.21 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.37 0.15 0.19 0.65 0.79 0.26 Control Delay 15.6 2.7 15.9 25.4 63.7 8.4 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 15.6 2.7 15.9 25.4 63.7 8.4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS B A B C E A Approach Delay 13.6 24.9 48.7 Approach LOS B C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 172 0 48 618 231 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 261 34 m89 811 311 45 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 2090 995 573 2463 694 686 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.37 0.15 0.15 0.65 0.41 0.16 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 24.5 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 5 --006 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 12 0 22 319 0 34 28 493 153 25 1149 4 Future Volume (vph) 12 0 22 319 0 34 28 493 153 25 1149 4 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.733 0.742 0.118 0.412 Satd. Flow (perm) 1365 1583 0 1382 1583 0 220 3539 1583 767 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 287 363 166 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 13 0 24 347 0 37 30 536 166 27 1249 4 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 13 24 0 347 37 0 30 536 166 27 1249 4 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 Act Effct Green (s) 40.3 40.3 40.3 40.3 73.0 68.1 68.1 72.8 68.0 68.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.56 0.52 0.52 0.56 0.52 0.52 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.03 0.81 0.05 0.14 0.29 0.18 0.06 0.67 0.00 Control Delay 26.9 0.1 55.6 0.1 17.2 18.7 4.7 12.0 33.2 0.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 26.9 0.1 55.6 0.1 17.2 18.7 4.7 12.0 33.2 0.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS C A E A B B A B C A Approach Delay 9.5 50.3 15.5 32.6 Approach LOS A D B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 8 0 267 0 9 84 0 10 487 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 21 0 342 0 32 164 46 m28 #680 m0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 598 855 605 897 296 1854 908 558 1852 869 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.02 0.03 0.57 0.04 0.10 0.29 0.18 0.05 0.67 0.00 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.81 Intersection Signal Delay: 29.9 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.1 % ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 24 0 11 224 0 143 20 417 103 162 943 35 Future Volume (vph) 24 0 11 224 0 143 20 417 103 162 943 35 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.970 0.995 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3433 0 1770 3522 0 Flt Permitted 0.656 0.750 0.750 0.229 0.372 Satd. Flow (perm) 1222 1583 0 1327 1327 1583 427 3433 0 693 3522 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 555 155 29 3 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 26 0 12 243 0 155 22 453 112 176 1025 38 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 26 12 0 121 122 155 22 565 0 176 1063 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 29 29 2 2 2 3 15 Act Effct Green (s) 27.8 27.8 28.7 28.7 28.7 77.4 70.3 87.8 79.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.60 0.54 0.68 0.61 v/c Ratio 0.10 0.02 0.41 0.42 0.33 0.07 0.30 0.31 0.49 Control Delay 35.4 0.0 44.7 44.8 7.0 8.6 21.8 4.1 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 35.4 0.0 44.7 44.8 7.0 8.6 21.8 4.1 13.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A D D A A C A B Approach Delay 24.2 30.0 21.3 12.5 Approach LOS C C C B Queue Length 50th (ft) 16 0 83 83 0 7 244 79 493 Queue Length 95th (ft) 39 0 141 143 51 23 310 9 341 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 423 910 460 460 650 664 1868 573 2163 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.06 0.01 0.26 0.27 0.24 0.03 0.30 0.31 0.49 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 125 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.49 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.1 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 61.2% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 5plliits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J 01 4 05 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 142 0 70 0 0 0 68 538 0 3 1068 186 Future Volume (vph) 142 0 70 0 0 0 68 538 0 3 1068 186 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.176 0.431 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 328 3539 0 803 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 79 109 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 154 0 76 0 0 0 74 585 0 3 1161 202 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 154 0 76 0 0 0 74 585 0 3 1161 202 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 12 12 2 5 5 5 Act Effct Green (s) 22.8 22.8 94.6 94.6 83.4 83.4 83.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.18 0.18 0.73 0.73 0.64 0.64 0.64 v/c Ratio 0.63 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.01 0.51 0.19 Control Delay 59.1 9.1 7.1 2.7 21.3 26.4 14.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 59.1 9.1 7.1 2.7 21.3 26.4 14.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A A A C C B Approach Delay 42.6 3.2 24.6 Approach LOS D A C Queue Length 50th (ft) 125 0 5 20 1 476 64 Queue Length 95th (ft) 178 37 29 61 m3 606 194 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 599 449 2575 515 2269 1054 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.32 0.13 0.16 0.23 0.01 0.51 0.19 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.63 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.2 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 56.9% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 IF 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 36 619 25 116 1162 58 66 37 215 64 280 29 Future Volume (vph) 36 619 25 116 1162 58 66 37 215 64 280 29 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.872 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1624 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.156 0.338 0.299 0.357 Satd. Flow (perm) 291 3539 1583 630 3539 1583 557 1624 0 665 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 234 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 39 673 27 126 1263 63 72 40 234 70 304 32 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 39 673 27 126 1263 63 72 274 0 70 304 32 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 80.3 73.7 73.7 85.9 78.3 78.3 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.62 0.57 0.57 0.66 0.60 0.60 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.34 0.03 0.26 0.59 0.06 0.59 0.51 0.48 0.75 0.07 Control Delay 9.6 14.5 1.0 12.0 21.2 3.5 63.8 11.1 53.9 58.2 0.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 9.6 14.5 1.0 12.0 21.2 3.5 63.8 11.1 53.9 58.2 0.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t t 1I06/05/2020 Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS A B A B C A E B D E A Approach Delay 13.8 19.6 22.1 52.9 Approach LOS B B C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 3 41 0 28 246 0 55 27 52 241 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 17 302 5 127 616 m18 102 97 95 314 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 579 2005 933 531 2131 1006 197 725 235 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.07 0.34 0.03 0.24 0.59 0.06 0.37 0.38 0.30 0.46 0.05 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 125 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.75 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.0 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 79.8% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 14 05 35 T 08 7 Ong—T-7-1 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 809 89 221 1334 231 354 Future Volume (vph) 809 89 221 1334 231 354 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.239 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 445 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 83 303 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 879 97 240 1450 251 385 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 879 97 240 1450 251 385 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 32 32 9 Act Effct Green (s) 71.3 71.3 91.6 91.6 25.9 25.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.70 0.70 0.20 0.20 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.11 0.53 0.58 0.71 0.69 Control Delay 14.1 2.3 12.7 12.5 58.5 16.6 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 14.1 2.3 12.7 12.5 58.5 16.6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS B A B B E B Approach Delay 13.0 12.5 33.1 Approach LOS B B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 117 3 58 268 204 60 Queue Length 95th (ft) 454 20 146 540 242 142 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 1940 905 483 2493 721 824 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.45 0.11 0.50 0.58 0.35 0.47 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 105 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.71 Intersection Signal Delay: 16.6 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.2% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 02 04 5 6 NEEMEA Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 PM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1568 192 97 982 130 80 Future Volume (vph) 1568 192 97 982 130 80 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.078 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 145 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 97 87 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1704 209 105 1067 141 87 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1704 209 105 1067 141 87 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 2 2 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 88.0 88.0 101.5 101.5 15.9 15.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.68 0.68 0.78 0.78 0.12 0.12 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.19 0.51 0.39 0.65 0.32 Control Delay 16.2 5.2 23.4 9.0 68.1 12.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 16.2 5.2 23.4 9.0 68.1 12.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS B A C A E B Approach Delay 15.0 10.3 47.0 Approach LOS B B D Queue Length 50th (ft) 428 30 46 63 115 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 631 73 113 507 178 47 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 2396 1103 375 2764 694 673 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.71 0.19 0.28 0.39 0.20 0.13 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.71 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.5 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.4% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 536 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 46 0 65 160 0 61 98 1123 230 52 816 48 Future Volume (vph) 46 0 65 160 0 61 98 1123 230 52 816 48 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.714 0.711 0.250 0.167 Satd. Flow (perm) 1330 1583 0 1324 1583 0 466 3539 1583 311 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 300 287 242 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 50 0 71 174 0 66 107 1221 250 57 887 52 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 50 71 0 174 66 0 107 1221 250 57 887 52 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 86.9 78.3 78.3 81.8 73.8 73.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.67 0.60 0.60 0.63 0.57 0.57 v/c Ratio 0.18 0.13 0.63 0.12 0.26 0.57 0.24 0.20 0.44 0.06 Control Delay 39.2 0.5 55.3 0.4 13.8 20.9 6.4 11.8 29.9 10.6 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 39.2 0.5 55.3 0.4 13.8 20.9 6.4 11.8 29.9 10.6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A E A B C A B C B Approach Delay 16.4 40.2 18.1 27.9 Approach LOS B D B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 36 0 139 0 25 218 2 34 353 14 Queue Length 95th (ft) 56 0 168 0 m78 472 92 57 479 49 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 583 862 580 855 461 2130 1049 366 2008 935 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.09 0.08 0.30 0.08 0.23 0.57 0.24 0.16 0.44 0.06 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.63 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.1 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.6% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 81 0 35 114 0 108 60 1039 130 139 767 65 Future Volume (vph) 81 0 35 114 0 108 60 1039 130 139 767 65 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.983 0.988 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3479 0 1770 3497 0 Flt Permitted 0.714 0.732 0.732 0.284 0.140 Satd. Flow (perm) 1330 1583 0 1295 1295 1583 529 3479 0 261 3497 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 557 131 13 6 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 88 0 38 124 0 117 65 1129 141 151 834 71 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 88 38 0 62 62 117 65 1270 0 151 905 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 6 6 11 11 11 10 11 Act Effct Green (s) 22.8 22.8 22.9 22.9 22.9 85.1 77.0 91.3 82.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.65 0.59 0.70 0.63 v/c Ratio 0.38 0.05 0.27 0.27 0.30 0.15 0.62 0.49 0.41 Control Delay 48.0 0.1 44.5 44.5 6.2 8.5 27.5 28.0 6.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 48.0 0.1 44.5 44.5 6.2 8.5 27.5 28.0 6.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A D D A A C C A Approach Delay 33.6 25.9 26.5 9.2 Approach LOS C C C A Queue Length 50th (ft) 71 0 51 51 0 20 477 56 17 Queue Length 95th (ft) 101 0 80 80 36 m26 666 111 47 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 460 912 449 449 634 728 2064 325 2212 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.19 0.04 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.09 0.62 0.46 0.41 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 115 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.62 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.2 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 68.0% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J1 0 4 5 6 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 292 0 109 0 0 0 103 1136 0 10 823 284 Future Volume (vph) 292 0 109 0 0 0 103 1136 0 10 823 284 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.222 0.209 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 414 3539 0 389 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 118 217 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 317 0 118 0 0 0 112 1235 0 11 895 309 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 317 0 118 0 0 0 112 1235 0 11 895 309 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 5 5 2 15 15 15 Act Effct Green (s) 34.6 34.6 82.8 82.8 67.5 67.5 67.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 0.27 0.64 0.64 0.52 0.52 0.52 v/c Ratio 0.85 0.23 0.31 0.55 0.05 0.49 0.33 Control Delay 64.5 6.3 13.8 13.0 26.8 29.7 19.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 64.5 6.3 13.8 13.1 26.8 29.7 19.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A B B C C B Approach Delay 48.7 13.2 26.9 Approach LOS D B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 253 0 8 52 5 382 113 Queue Length 95th (ft) 333 42 m72 299 m17 487 287 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 625 461 2252 202 1837 926 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 284 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.65 0.19 0.24 0.63 0.05 0.49 0.33 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.85 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.9 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 77.9% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 35 1320 73 162 1033 20 50 266 137 55 216 33 Future Volume (vph) 35 1320 73 162 1033 20 50 266 137 55 216 33 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.949 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1768 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.178 0.059 0.500 0.200 Satd. Flow (perm) 332 3539 1583 110 3539 1583 931 1768 0 373 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 22 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 38 1435 79 176 1123 22 54 289 149 60 235 36 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 38 1435 79 176 1123 22 54 438 0 60 235 36 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 68.8 62.0 62.0 78.6 69.1 69.1 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.53 0.48 0.48 0.60 0.53 0.53 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.85 0.10 0.83 0.60 0.02 0.20 0.83 0.56 0.44 0.07 Control Delay 14.3 39.2 9.8 61.5 28.1 0.1 34.3 54.7 58.0 39.1 0.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 14.3 39.2 9.8 61.5 28.1 0.1 34.3 54.7 58.0 39.1 0.2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t 1I06/05/2020 t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS B D A E C A C D E D A Approach Delay 37.1 32.1 52.4 38.3 Approach LOS D C D D Queue Length 50th (ft) 11 594 18 101 278 0 34 329 43 160 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) m24 #808 m40 #237 553 m0 65 422 89 218 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 573 1688 799 225 1880 903 329 639 131 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.07 0.85 0.10 0.78 0.60 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.46 0.36 0.06 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 125 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.85 Intersection Signal Delay: 37.4 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 95.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 14 05 35 T 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1357 155 227 1214 114 152 Future Volume (vph) 1357 155 227 1214 114 152 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.086 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 160 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 86 165 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1475 168 247 1320 124 165 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1475 168 247 1320 124 165 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 3 3 2 Act Effct Green (s) 74.6 74.6 98.9 98.9 18.6 18.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.57 0.57 0.76 0.76 0.14 0.14 v/c Ratio 0.73 0.18 0.72 0.49 0.49 0.45 Control Delay 13.5 2.5 35.4 8.8 55.1 9.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 13.5 2.5 35.4 8.8 55.1 9.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS B A D A E A Approach Delay 12.3 13.0 28.9 Approach LOS B B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 125 2 100 154 102 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) #937 m0 230 465 124 49 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 2031 945 351 2692 721 743 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.73 0.18 0.70 0.49 0.17 0.22 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 135 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.73 Intersection Signal Delay: 14.0 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy Olt 0 5 6 t8 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 APPENDIX I 2024 SIGNALIZED A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 865 163 95 1776 319 118 Future Volume (vph) 865 163 95 1776 319 118 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.217 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 404 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 149 128 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 940 177 103 1930 347 128 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 940 177 103 1930 347 128 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 4 4 5 5 Act Effct Green (s) 71.4 71.4 85.9 85.9 31.5 31.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.66 0.66 0.24 0.24 v/c Ratio 0.48 0.19 0.29 0.83 0.81 0.27 Control Delay 20.4 4.9 19.3 35.4 60.8 6.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 20.4 4.9 19.3 35.4 60.8 6.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS C A B D E A Approach Delay 18.0 34.6 46.3 Approach LOS B C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 245 10 55 827 277 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 371 55 m86 985 356 45 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 1944 936 487 2338 694 698 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.48 0.19 0.21 0.83 0.50 0.18 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 100 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.83 Intersection Signal Delay: 31.0 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 77.3% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 5 --006 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 14 0 27 384 0 41 34 594 184 30 1385 5 Future Volume (vph) 14 0 27 384 0 41 34 594 184 30 1385 5 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.728 0.738 0.068 0.334 Satd. Flow (perm) 1356 1583 0 1375 1583 0 127 3539 1583 622 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 285 332 200 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 15 0 29 417 0 45 37 646 200 33 1505 5 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 15 29 0 417 45 0 37 646 200 33 1505 5 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 2 2 4 4 5 5 Act Effct Green (s) 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.7 66.6 61.5 61.5 66.4 61.3 61.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.51 0.47 0.47 0.51 0.47 0.47 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.04 0.85 0.06 0.22 0.39 0.23 0.09 0.90 0.01 Control Delay 23.2 0.1 53.7 0.1 35.2 30.4 11.7 13.3 45.3 0.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 23.2 0.1 53.7 0.1 35.2 30.4 11.7 13.3 45.3 0.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS C A D A D C B B D A Approach Delay 8.0 48.5 26.4 44.5 Approach LOS A D C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 8 0 318 0 13 122 0 14 708 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 21 0 407 0 m57 281 113 m28 #1000 m0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 594 854 602 880 245 1672 853 456 1669 792 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.03 0.03 0.69 0.05 0.15 0.39 0.23 0.07 0.90 0.01 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 130 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.90 Intersection Signal Delay: 39.1 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 77.2% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 29 0 11 270 0 172 24 502 124 195 1136 42 Future Volume (vph) 29 0 11 270 0 172 24 502 124 195 1136 42 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.970 0.995 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3433 0 1770 3522 0 Flt Permitted 0.619 0.750 0.750 0.149 0.300 Satd. Flow (perm) 1153 1583 0 1327 1327 1583 278 3433 0 559 3522 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 554 187 29 3 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 32 0 12 293 0 187 26 546 135 212 1235 46 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 32 12 0 146 147 187 26 681 0 212 1281 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 35 35 2 2 2 4 18 Act Effct Green (s) 32.6 32.6 33.8 33.8 33.8 70.9 63.6 83.0 74.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.55 0.49 0.64 0.57 v/c Ratio 0.11 0.01 0.42 0.43 0.34 0.11 0.40 0.44 0.63 Control Delay 34.1 0.0 42.1 42.2 6.4 8.0 26.4 4.6 10.6 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 34.1 0.0 42.1 42.2 6.4 8.0 26.4 4.6 10.6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS C A D D A A C A B Approach Delay 24.8 28.2 25.7 9.7 Approach LOS C C C A Queue Length 50th (ft) 19 0 102 103 0 10 303 11 597 Queue Length 95th (ft) 46 0 169 170 55 10 372 21 285 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 399 910 460 460 671 593 1693 484 2022 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.08 0.01 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.04 0.40 0.44 0.63 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 135 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.63 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.4 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 68.1 % ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 5plliits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J 01 4 05 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 171 0 84 0 0 0 82 648 0 4 1287 224 Future Volume (vph) 171 0 84 0 0 0 82 648 0 4 1287 224 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.112 0.384 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 209 3539 0 715 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 91 109 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 186 0 91 0 0 0 89 704 0 4 1399 243 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 186 0 91 0 0 0 89 704 0 4 1399 243 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 14 14 2 6 6 6 Act Effct Green (s) 24.4 24.4 93.0 93.0 78.7 78.7 78.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.19 0.19 0.72 0.72 0.61 0.61 0.61 v/c Ratio 0.70 0.25 0.36 0.28 0.01 0.65 0.24 Control Delay 62.7 9.0 21.9 2.8 18.8 33.0 16.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 62.7 9.0 21.9 3.0 18.8 33.0 16.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A C A B C B Approach Delay 45.1 5.1 30.5 Approach LOS D A C Queue Length 50th (ft) 151 0 17 36 2 637 110 Queue Length 95th (ft) 215 44 77 72 m3 723 m237 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 607 377 2532 432 2142 1001 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 959 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.38 0.15 0.24 0.45 0.01 0.65 0.24 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.70 Intersection Signal Delay: 24.6 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 64.5% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 IF 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 43 746 30 140 1400 70 80 45 259 77 337 35 Future Volume (vph) 43 746 30 140 1400 70 80 45 259 77 337 35 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.872 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1624 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.079 0.261 0.252 0.310 Satd. Flow (perm) 147 3539 1583 486 3539 1583 469 1624 0 577 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 247 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 47 811 33 152 1522 76 87 49 282 84 366 38 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 47 811 33 152 1522 76 87 331 0 84 366 38 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 74.7 67.8 67.8 82.1 73.3 73.3 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.57 0.52 0.52 0.63 0.56 0.56 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 v/c Ratio 0.27 0.44 0.04 0.37 0.76 0.08 0.73 0.55 0.57 0.77 0.08 Control Delay 17.1 16.7 1.5 17.3 33.3 4.9 76.2 13.7 56.2 55.5 0.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 17.1 16.7 1.5 17.3 33.3 4.9 76.2 13.7 56.2 55.5 0.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t 1I06/05/2020 t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS B B A B C A E B E E A Approach Delay 16.1 30.7 26.7 51.4 Approach LOS B C C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 3 176 1 53 459 0 68 56 62 288 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 22 371 9 m133 #791 m12 125 133 111 361 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 513 1844 865 434 1995 951 165 734 204 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.09 0.44 0.04 0.35 0.76 0.08 0.53 0.45 0.41 0.56 0.06 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.77 Intersection Signal Delay: 29.4 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.5% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 14 05 35 T 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 975 107 266 1607 278 427 Future Volume (vph) 975 107 266 1607 278 427 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.119 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 222 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 83 290 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1060 116 289 1747 302 464 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1060 116 289 1747 302 464 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 39 39 11 Act Effct Green (s) 54.2 54.2 86.0 86.0 31.5 31.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.42 0.42 0.66 0.66 0.24 0.24 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.16 0.65 0.75 0.71 0.77 Control Delay 26.9 3.7 28.1 19.6 52.8 24.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 26.9 3.7 28.1 19.6 52.8 24.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS C A C B D C Approach Delay 24.6 20.8 35.6 Approach LOS C C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 408 7 117 427 244 148 Queue Length 95th (ft) #585 15 252 756 294 241 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 1476 708 448 2341 721 817 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.72 0.16 0.65 0.75 0.42 0.57 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 105 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.77 Intersection Signal Delay: 24.8 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 02 04 5 6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 PM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1889 231 117 1183 157 96 Future Volume (vph) 1889 231 117 1183 157 96 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.044 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 82 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 97 104 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 2053 251 127 1286 171 104 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 2053 251 127 1286 171 104 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 2 2 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 84.8 84.8 99.3 99.3 18.1 18.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.65 0.65 0.76 0.76 0.14 0.14 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.24 0.74 0.48 0.70 0.34 Control Delay 26.0 7.0 42.4 13.5 67.4 11.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 26.0 7.0 42.4 13.5 67.4 11.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS C A D B E B Approach Delay 23.9 16.1 46.2 Approach LOS C B D Queue Length 50th (ft) 688 46 77 214 139 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) #1096 106 119 639 206 50 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 2309 1067 335 2702 694 684 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.89 0.24 0.38 0.48 0.25 0.15 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 140 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.89 Intersection Signal Delay: 22.7 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.9% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 536 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 55 0 78 193 0 74 118 1353 277 63 983 58 Future Volume (vph) 55 0 78 193 0 74 118 1353 277 63 983 58 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.705 0.702 0.173 0.096 Satd. Flow (perm) 1313 1583 0 1308 1583 0 322 3539 1583 179 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 290 285 242 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 60 0 85 210 0 80 128 1471 301 68 1068 63 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 60 85 0 210 80 0 128 1471 301 68 1068 63 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 85.1 74.9 74.9 77.6 69.2 69.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.65 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.53 0.53 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.14 0.70 0.14 0.38 0.72 0.30 0.32 0.57 0.07 Control Delay 37.9 0.5 56.4 0.5 18.1 28.4 11.6 13.5 31.3 8.4 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 37.9 0.5 56.4 0.5 18.1 28.4 11.6 13.5 31.3 8.4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A E A B C B B C A Approach Delay 16.0 41.0 25.0 29.1 Approach LOS B D C C Queue Length 50th (ft) 42 0 167 0 49 356 55 14 433 13 Queue Length 95th (ft) 65 0 205 0 m86 #847 m114 49 573 54 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 575 856 573 854 376 2039 1014 285 1882 882 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.10 0.10 0.37 0.09 0.34 0.72 0.30 0.24 0.57 0.07 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 120 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.72 Intersection Signal Delay: 27.4 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.8% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 98 0 42 137 0 130 72 1252 157 167 924 78 Future Volume (vph) 98 0 42 137 0 130 72 1252 157 167 924 78 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.983 0.988 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3479 0 1770 3497 0 Flt Permitted 0.706 0.727 0.727 0.222 0.072 Satd. Flow (perm) 1315 1583 0 1287 1287 1583 414 3479 0 134 3497 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 555 141 13 6 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 107 0 46 149 0 141 78 1361 171 182 1004 85 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 107 46 0 74 75 141 78 1532 0 182 1089 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 7 7 13 13 13 12 13 Act Effct Green (s) 23.8 23.8 23.9 23.9 23.9 82.2 73.7 91.9 80.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.63 0.57 0.71 0.62 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.06 0.31 0.32 0.35 0.22 0.77 0.71 0.50 Control Delay 49.8 0.2 45.3 45.4 7.7 8.7 33.9 66.8 3.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 49.8 0.2 45.3 45.4 7.7 8.7 33.9 66.8 3.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A D D A A C E A Approach Delay 34.9 27.1 32.6 12.1 Approach LOS C C C B Queue Length 50th (ft) 87 0 61 62 0 17 712 109 23 Queue Length 95th (ft) 121 0 91 93 49 m25 #899 190 56 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 455 910 446 446 641 674 1979 261 2177 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.24 0.05 0.17 0.17 0.22 0.12 0.77 0.70 0.50 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 125 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.77 Intersection Signal Delay: 24.4 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 77.2% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J1 0 4 5 6 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 352 0 131 0 0 0 124 1369 0 12 992 342 Future Volume (vph) 352 0 131 0 0 0 124 1369 0 12 992 342 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.140 0.127 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 261 3539 0 237 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 142 217 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 383 0 142 0 0 0 135 1488 0 13 1078 372 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 383 0 142 0 0 0 135 1488 0 13 1078 372 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 6 6 2 18 18 18 Act Effct Green (s) 39.4 39.4 78.0 78.0 61.0 61.0 61.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.60 0.47 0.47 0.47 v/c Ratio 0.90 0.25 0.48 0.70 0.12 0.65 0.43 Control Delay 67.0 5.6 24.6 15.0 36.1 41.1 26.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 67.0 5.6 24.6 15.5 36.1 41.1 26.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A C B D D C Approach Delay 50.4 16.2 37.3 Approach LOS D B D Queue Length 50th (ft) 303 0 16 84 10 504 243 Queue Length 95th (ft) #443 46 m101 377 m15 579 m338 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 640 376 2122 111 1660 857 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 251 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.78 0.22 0.36 0.80 0.12 0.65 0.43 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.90 Intersection Signal Delay: 29.7 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 87.7% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 1 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 42 1591 88 195 1245 24 60 321 165 66 260 40 Future Volume (vph) 42 1591 88 195 1245 24 60 321 165 66 260 40 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.949 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1768 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.089 0.065 0.458 0.146 Satd. Flow (perm) 166 3539 1583 121 3539 1583 853 1768 0 272 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 22 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 46 1729 96 212 1353 26 65 349 179 72 283 43 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 46 1729 96 212 1353 26 65 528 0 72 283 43 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 62.3 55.1 55.1 73.5 63.7 63.7 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 0.42 0.42 0.57 0.49 0.49 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 v/c Ratio 0.28 1.15 0.13 0.89 0.78 0.03 0.23 0.89 0.81 0.46 0.07 Control Delay 17.0 110.3 10.0 70.3 33.6 0.0 33.0 57.7 95.5 36.8 0.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 17.0 110.3 10.0 70.3 33.6 0.0 33.0 57.7 95.5 36.8 0.2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t t 1I06/05/2020 Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS B F B E C A C E F D A Approach Delay 102.9 38.0 54.9 43.5 Approach LOS F D D D Queue Length 50th (ft) 17 —951 20 141 365 0 38 393 54 182 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) m26 #1085 m37 #304 667 m0 77 #572 #145 264 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 508 1500 720 237 1733 843 301 639 96 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.09 1.15 0.13 0.89 0.78 0.03 0.22 0.83 0.75 0.43 0.07 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 135 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.15 Intersection Signal Delay: 68.0 Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 109.2% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1 0 04 o 57 35 T 08MENEEM Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1635 187 274 1463 137 183 Future Volume (vph) 1635 187 274 1463 137 183 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.056 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 104 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 86 199 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1777 203 298 1590 149 199 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1777 203 298 1590 149 199 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 4 4 2 Act Effct Green (s) 64.6 64.6 97.5 97.5 20.0 20.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.15 0.15 v/c Ratio 1.01 0.24 0.72 0.60 0.55 0.48 Control Delay 28.5 3.6 44.9 10.9 55.9 8.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 28.5 3.6 44.9 10.9 55.9 8.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS C A D B E A Approach Delay 25.9 16.3 29.0 Approach LOS C B C Queue Length 50th (ft) 227 8 179 232 123 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#906 m0 #349 633 147 53 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 1759 830 415 2653 721 763 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.01 0.24 0.72 0.60 0.21 0.26 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.01 Intersection Signal Delay: 21.9 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 83.8% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy Olt 0 5 6 t8 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 APPENDIX J COLLIER COUNTY MPO 2040 LRTP 0 �a 1 10 COLLIER Metropolitan Rail ning Organ-zation COLLIER 2040 Long Range Transportation Man FINAL REPORT Amended September 9, 2016 per request of FDOT, Appendix C, Cost Feasible Plan Amended October 14, 2016 per request of MPO Board, page 4-18, Needs Assessment Please see 2040 LRTP Amendment Adoption Report, May 25, 2018 for additional standalone amendment Growth is more likely to occur in areas that have greater accessibility to either jobs or workforce population. Employers tend to locate where other jobs are highly accessible and in areas that have higher accessibility to a workforce -age population. The employment attractiveness factor incorporated special use employment districts, regional centers, and town centers as identified by MPO Board members in addition to the presence of recent development and accessibility to both jobs and workers. Future residential development will gravitate towards accessibility to jobs. The residential attractiveness factor included the vision for regional centers, town centers, and neighborhood centers; the occurrence of recent change; and accessibility to jobs. The County -wide increase in dwelling units was based on the number of new dwelling units required to house the 2040 population estimate from the BEBR estimate. The need for single family and multi- family dwelling units were estimated using available land in a TAZ, the prevailing density of existing activity, the proportion of activity for each use (single family, multi -family, versus commercial), and each TAZ's attractiveness for residential development. The number of new dwelling units required to meet the population totals is a function of a TAZ's vacancy rates and population per occupied dwelling unit, which were calculated separately for single family and multi -family units. Vacancy rates by household type were included in the 2010 socioeconomic model. For the year 2040, it was assumed that vacancy rates would fall by 40%; that is, a higher percentage of all units would be occupied. Finally, employment totals were estimated by applying a labor force participation rate of .484, consistent with recent estimates for the County. Growth forecasts are detailed in Table 2-2. The land use forecasting process, while based upon reasonable assumptions of development potential, is a forecast based upon a current understanding of development potential. Over time, land use decisions made by local governments may significantly impact the land use forecast. As a result of major land use planning decisions it may be necessary to update the land use forecast in this Plan and as a result, consider amendments to the Needs Assessment and Cost Feasible Plan. Table 2-2 1 Summary of Growth Forecasts 2010 1 2040 1 Growt Single Family Dwelling Units 89,115 120,616 35.3% Multi -Family Dwelling Units 97,385 124,509 27.9% Total Dwelling Units 186,500 245,125 31.4% Single Family Population 171,274 257,888 50.6% Multi -Family Population 145,465 239,814 64.9% Total Population 316,739 497,702 57.1% Industrial Employment 22,213 33,117 49.1% Commercial Employment 44,092 66,553 50.9% Service Employment 104,557 141,441 35.3% Total Employment 170,862 241,111 41.1% Hotel/Motel Units 11,343 15,375 35.5% Total School Enrollment 82,950 132,062 59.2% Source: Florida's Bureau of Business and Economic Research, US Census & American Community Survey We Plan so that Tomorrow's Horizon is as Inspirational as Today's Plan Development Process 1 2-8 APPENDIX K 2040 SIGNALIZED A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1006 189 111 2064 371 138 Future Volume (vph) 1006 189 111 2064 371 138 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.152 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 283 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 149 150 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1093 205 121 2243 403 150 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1093 205 121 2243 403 150 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 5 5 6 6 Act Effct Green (s) 66.1 66.1 81.6 81.6 35.8 35.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.51 0.51 0.63 0.63 0.28 0.28 v/c Ratio 0.61 0.23 0.42 1.01 0.83 0.28 Control Delay 26.4 7.5 22.5 51.8 58.3 5.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 26.4 7.5 22.5 51.8 58.3 5.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS C A C D E A Approach Delay 23.4 50.3 44.1 Approach LOS C D D Queue Length 50th (ft) 331 23 83 —1075 320 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 506 83 m83 m#980 398 46 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 1799 878 417 2221 694 712 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.61 0.23 0.29 1.01 0.58 0.21 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 120 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.01 Intersection Signal Delay: 41.2 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 88.1 % ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 0 5 --006 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 17 0 31 447 0 48 40 691 215 35 1609 6 Future Volume (vph) 17 0 31 447 0 48 40 691 215 35 1609 6 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.723 0.735 0.076 0.257 Satd. Flow (perm) 1347 1583 0 1369 1583 0 142 3539 1583 479 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 284 314 234 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 18 0 34 486 0 52 43 751 234 38 1749 7 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 18 34 0 486 52 0 43 751 234 38 1749 7 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 3 3 5 5 6 6 Act Effct Green (s) 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 60.6 53.7 53.7 60.3 53.5 53.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.47 0.41 0.41 0.46 0.41 0.41 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.04 0.90 0.06 0.26 0.51 0.30 0.13 1.20 0.01 Control Delay 21.7 0.1 56.4 0.1 39.3 43.4 18.6 14.0 132.6 0.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 21.7 0.1 56.4 0.1 39.3 43.4 18.6 14.0 132.6 0.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS C A E A D D B B F A Approach Delay 7.6 51.0 37.6 129.6 Approach LOS A D D F Queue Length 50th (ft) 9 0 364 0 21 201 32 17 —1034 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 24 0 #524 0 m60 393 184 m25 #1235 m0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 590 853 600 870 245 1462 791 376 1457 702 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.03 0.04 0.81 0.06 0.18 0.51 0.30 0.10 1.20 0.01 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.20 Intersection Signal Delay: 87.6 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 86.9% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 34 0 16 314 0 201 28 584 145 227 1321 49 Future Volume (vph) 34 0 16 314 0 201 28 584 145 227 1321 49 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.970 0.995 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3433 0 1770 3522 0 Flt Permitted 0.575 0.746 0.746 0.094 0.244 Satd. Flow (perm) 1071 1583 0 1320 1320 1583 175 3433 0 455 3522 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 554 218 29 3 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 37 0 17 341 0 218 30 635 158 247 1436 53 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 37 17 0 170 171 218 30 793 0 247 1489 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 41 41 3 3 3 5 21 Act Effct Green (s) 32.6 32.6 34.2 34.2 34.2 68.8 61.4 82.6 74.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.53 0.47 0.64 0.57 v/c Ratio 0.14 0.02 0.49 0.49 0.38 0.16 0.48 0.56 0.74 Control Delay 34.7 0.1 44.1 44.2 6.3 9.2 27.5 13.1 9.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 34.7 0.1 44.1 44.2 6.3 9.2 27.5 13.1 9.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS C A D D A A C B A Approach Delay 23.8 29.4 26.8 10.4 Approach LOS C C C B Queue Length 50th (ft) 23 0 121 122 0 9 361 15 699 Queue Length 95th (ft) 52 0 195 196 58 m14 426 m62 247 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 370 910 457 457 691 556 1636 442 2010 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.10 0.02 0.37 0.37 0.32 0.05 0.48 0.56 0.74 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.74 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.2 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 74.6% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J1 0 4 5 6 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 199 0 98 0 0 0 96 754 0 5 1496 261 Future Volume (vph) 199 0 98 0 0 0 96 754 0 5 1496 261 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.063 0.343 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 117 3539 0 639 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 107 110 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 216 0 107 0 0 0 104 820 0 5 1626 284 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 216 0 107 0 0 0 104 820 0 5 1626 284 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 17 17 3 7 7 7 Act Effct Green (s) 26.1 26.1 91.3 91.3 76.4 76.4 76.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.20 0.20 0.70 0.70 0.59 0.59 0.59 v/c Ratio 0.76 0.27 0.54 0.33 0.01 0.78 0.29 Control Delay 65.6 8.5 41.7 4.1 16.4 36.3 17.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 65.6 8.5 41.7 4.3 16.4 36.3 17.0 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A D A B D B Approach Delay 46.7 8.5 33.4 Approach LOS D A C Queue Length 50th (ft) 174 0 54 46 2 753 146 Queue Length 95th (ft) 247 46 115 120 m3 m815 m227 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 617 323 2484 375 2080 976 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 853 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.44 0.17 0.32 0.50 0.01 0.78 0.29 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 105 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.78 Intersection Signal Delay: 27.5 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 IF 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 51 867 35 163 1627 82 93 52 301 90 392 41 Future Volume (vph) 51 867 35 163 1627 82 93 52 301 90 392 41 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.872 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1624 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.063 0.197 0.211 0.271 Satd. Flow (perm) 117 3539 1583 367 3539 1583 393 1624 0 505 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 246 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 55 942 38 177 1768 89 101 57 327 98 426 45 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 55 942 38 177 1768 89 101 384 0 98 426 45 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 70.7 63.4 63.4 78.2 69.1 69.1 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.54 0.49 0.49 0.60 0.53 0.53 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 v/c Ratio 0.35 0.55 0.05 0.53 0.94 0.10 0.90 0.60 0.69 0.80 0.08 Control Delay 25.5 21.2 2.1 23.6 45.9 7.0 107.1 16.8 64.1 54.6 0.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 25.5 21.2 2.1 23.6 45.9 7.0 107.1 16.8 64.1 54.6 0.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t 1I06/05/2020 t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS C C A C D A F B E D A Approach Delay 20.8 42.2 35.6 51.9 Approach LOS C D D D Queue Length 50th (ft) 12 322 1 86 670 0 82 95 73 331 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) 37 445 9 m147 #1075 m16 #174 183 134 417 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 497 1725 814 354 1880 903 139 733 178 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 0.55 0.05 0.50 0.94 0.10 0.73 0.52 0.55 0.65 0.07 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.94 Intersection Signal Delay: 37.4 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 14 05 35 T 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1133 125 310 1868 324 496 Future Volume (vph) 1133 125 310 1868 324 496 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.078 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 145 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 83 285 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 1232 136 337 2030 352 539 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 1232 136 337 2030 352 539 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 46 46 13 Act Effct Green (s) 45.1 45.1 83.4 83.4 34.1 34.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.64 0.64 0.26 0.26 v/c Ratio 1.00 0.23 0.69 0.89 0.76 0.86 Control Delay 57.3 5.2 40.4 27.8 53.8 34.5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 57.3 5.2 40.4 27.8 53.8 34.5 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS E A D C D C Approach Delay 52.1 29.6 42.2 Approach LOS D C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 576 10 198 658 283 230 Queue Length 95th (ft) #746 19 #430 #1116 337 334 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 1226 603 490 2270 721 814 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.00 0.23 0.69 0.89 0.49 0.66 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 125 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.00 Intersection Signal Delay: 38.7 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.3% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 02 04 5 6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 PM PEAK HOUR Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 2196 269 136 1375 182 112 Future Volume (vph) 2196 269 136 1375 182 112 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 238 261 0 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.046 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 86 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 97 122 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1480 2501 725 Travel Time (s) 28.8 48.7 19.8 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 2387 292 148 1495 198 122 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 2387 292 148 1495 198 122 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 15.0 15.0 6.0 15.0 6.0 6.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.0 33.0 12.0 24.0 41.6 41.6 Total Split (s) 45.4 45.4 27.0 72.4 57.6 57.6 Total Split (%) 34.9% 34.9% 20.8% 55.7% 44.3% 44.3% Maximum Green (s) 39.4 39.4 21.0 66.4 51.0 51.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 20.0 20.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 3 3 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 81.7 81.7 97.2 97.2 20.2 20.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.63 0.63 0.75 0.75 0.16 0.16 v/c Ratio 1.07 0.28 0.79 0.57 0.72 0.35 Control Delay 67.2 9.0 43.3 19.2 66.4 10.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 67.2 9.0 43.3 19.2 66.4 10.3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR LOS E A D B E B Approach Delay 60.9 21.4 45.0 Approach LOS E C D Queue Length 50th (ft) —1161 64 95 363 161 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) #1461 146 m142 750 231 52 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1400 2421 645 Turn Bay Length (ft) 238 261 Base Capacity (vph) 2224 1031 336 2646 694 695 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.07 0.28 0.44 0.57 0.29 0.18 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.07 Intersection Signal Delay: 45.8 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 93.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 0 04 0 5 --006 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 65 0 91 224 0 86 138 1573 322 73 1143 68 Future Volume (vph) 65 0 91 224 0 86 138 1573 322 73 1143 68 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 242 365 314 314 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1770 1583 0 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.697 0.693 0.108 0.062 Satd. Flow (perm) 1298 1583 0 1291 1583 0 201 3539 1583 115 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 287 284 242 86 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 249 557 2501 1286 Travel Time (s) 6.8 15.2 48.7 25.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 71 0 99 243 0 93 150 1710 350 79 1242 74 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 71 99 0 243 93 0 150 1710 350 79 1242 74 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 6 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 6 5 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 53.2 53.2 56.2 56.2 12.0 35.0 35.0 12.0 39.0 39.0 Total Split (s) 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 20.0 45.8 45.8 20.0 45.8 45.8 Total Split (%) 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 49.4% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% 15.4% 35.2% 35.2% Maximum Green (s) 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 14.0 39.8 39.8 14.0 39.8 39.8 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min None C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 36.0 36.0 39.0 39.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 82.8 71.5 71.5 73.6 64.8 64.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.64 0.55 0.55 0.57 0.50 0.50 v/c Ratio 0.22 0.16 0.74 0.15 0.53 0.88 0.36 0.44 0.70 0.09 Control Delay 36.5 0.6 57.1 0.5 26.5 34.1 15.6 25.2 31.3 7.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 36.5 0.6 57.1 0.5 26.5 34.1 15.6 25.2 31.3 7.9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A E A C C B C C A Approach Delay 15.6 41.4 30.7 29.7 Approach LOS B D C C Queue Length 50th (ft) 48 0 192 0 80 478 100 17 510 12 Queue Length 95th (ft) 75 0 241 0 m99 m#837 m121 m60 #764 m52 Internal Link Dist (ft) 169 477 2421 1206 Turn Bay Length (ft) 242 365 314 314 Base Capacity (vph) 569 855 566 853 312 1945 979 247 1762 831 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.12 0.12 0.43 0.11 0.48 0.88 0.36 0.32 0.70 0.09 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 140 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.88 Intersection Signal Delay: 30.6 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 83.6% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW J 01 0 4 O5 06 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations 1� 4 r t t Traffic Volume (vph) 114 0 49 160 0 152 84 1455 182 195 1074 91 Future Volume (vph) 114 0 49 160 0 152 84 1455 182 195 1074 91 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 96 0 215 0 260 0 215 0 Storage Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.983 0.988 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1583 0 1681 1681 1583 1770 3479 0 1770 3497 0 Flt Permitted 0.698 0.722 0.722 0.165 0.053 Satd. Flow (perm) 1300 1583 0 1278 1278 1583 307 3479 0 99 3497 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 554 165 13 6 Link Speed (mph) 25 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 262 661 1286 490 Travel Time (s) 7.1 18.0 25.1 9.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 124 0 53 174 0 165 91 1582 198 212 1167 99 Shared Lane Traffic (%) 50% Lane Group Flow (vph) 124 53 0 87 87 165 91 1780 0 212 1266 0 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA Protected Phases 8 4 1 6 5 2 Permitted Phases 8 4 4 6 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 4 1 6 5 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 5.0 16.0 Minimum Split (s) 46.1 46.1 46.0 46.0 46.0 36.5 39.2 11.2 30.5 Total Split (s) 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 52.1 42.5 60.7 17.2 35.4 Total Split (%) 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 40.1 % 32.7% 46.7% 13.2% 27.2% Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.1 36.3 54.5 11.0 29.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None C-Min None C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 26.0 16.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 9 9 16 16 16 14 16 Act Effct Green (s) 24.7 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.8 78.2 69.3 91.8 76.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.60 0.53 0.71 0.59 v/c Ratio 0.50 0.07 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.32 0.96 0.75 0.61 Control Delay 51.3 0.2 46.1 46.1 7.5 9.9 45.4 72.2 3.6 Queue Delay 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 52.1 0.2 46.1 46.1 7.8 9.9 45.5 72.2 3.6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 06/05/2020 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS D A D D A A D E A Approach Delay 36.5 27.5 43.7 13.4 Approach LOS D C D B Queue Length 50th (ft) 100 0 71 71 0 15 834 142 29 Queue Length 95th (ft) 138 0 106 106 52 m23 #1133 m199 65 Internal Link Dist (ft) 182 581 1206 410 Turn Bay Length (ft) 96 215 260 215 Base Capacity (vph) 450 910 443 443 656 625 1861 281 2072 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 146 0 0 0 185 0 2 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.41 0.06 0.20 0.20 0.35 0.15 0.96 0.75 0.61 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 79 (61 %), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.96 Intersection Signal Delay: 30.4 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 86.1 % ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd J1 0 4 5 6 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 •ter ' i 'i '`• Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR Lane Configurations r tt tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 409 0 153 0 0 0 145 1591 0 14 1153 398 Future Volume (vph) 409 0 153 0 0 0 145 1591 0 14 1153 398 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 0 0 230 0 220 165 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 0 1583 0 1863 0 1770 3539 0 1770 3539 1583 Flt Permitted 0.757 0.068 0.072 Satd. Flow (perm) 1410 0 1583 0 1863 0 127 3539 0 134 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 166 217 Link Speed (mph) 35 30 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 905 108 490 953 Travel Time (s) 17.6 2.5 9.5 18.6 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 445 0 166 0 0 0 158 1729 0 15 1253 433 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 445 0 166 0 0 0 158 1729 0 15 1253 433 Turn Type Perm Perm pm+pt NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 4 1 6 2 Permitted Phases 8 8 4 6 2 2 Detector Phase 8 8 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Minimum Split (s) 39.4 39.4 22.5 22.5 13.2 26.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 Total Split (s) 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 25.2 78.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 Total Split (%) 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 39.5% 19.4% 60.5% 41.1 % 41.1 % 41.1 % Maximum Green (s) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 19.0 72.4 47.2 47.2 47.2 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Recall Mode None None None None None C-Min C-Min C-Min C-Min Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 26.0 26.0 11.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 7 7 3 21 21 21 Act Effct Green (s) 43.2 43.2 74.2 74.2 55.6 55.6 55.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.57 0.57 0.43 0.43 0.43 v/c Ratio 0.95 0.26 0.69 0.86 0.26 0.83 0.54 Control Delay 73.3 5.3 52.8 22.4 47.9 50.4 32.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 73.3 5.3 52.8 27.2 47.9 50.4 32.2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 7 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 }� 1_1 Lane Group SEL SET SER NWL NWT NWR NEL NET NER SWL SWT SWR LOS E A D C D D C Approach Delay 54.8 29.3 45.7 Approach LOS D C D Queue Length 50th (ft) 357 0 93 222 12 591 298 Queue Length 95th (ft) #562 49 m129 m446 m15 m#625 m320 Internal Link Dist (ft) 825 28 410 873 Turn Bay Length (ft) 230 220 165 Base Capacity (vph) 488 656 312 2020 57 1514 801 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 233 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.91 0.25 0.51 0.97 0.26 0.83 0.54 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 48 (37%), Referenced to phase 2:SWTL and 6:NETL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.95 Intersection Signal Delay: 39.7 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.0% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 1 J 01 0 %'34 036 1 08 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1I06/05/2020 -11 --1. 4--- t Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations tt r tt r t r Traffic Volume (vph) 49 1848 103 227 1447 28 70 373 192 77 303 47 Future Volume (vph) 49 1848 103 227 1447 28 70 373 192 77 303 47 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 0 285 0 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.949 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1583 1770 3539 1583 1770 1768 0 1770 1863 1583 Flt Permitted 0.075 0.068 0.418 0.089 Satd. Flow (perm) 140 3539 1583 127 3539 1583 779 1768 0 166 1863 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 84 134 22 126 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 25 Link Distance (ft) 953 1893 568 626 Travel Time (s) 18.6 36.9 15.5 17.1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 53 2009 112 247 1573 30 76 405 209 84 329 51 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 53 2009 112 247 1573 30 76 614 0 84 329 51 Turn Type pm+pt NA Perm pm+pt NA Perm Perm NA Perm NA Perm Protected Phases 1 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 6 2 2 4 8 8 Detector Phase 1 6 6 5 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 6.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 16.0 16.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 32.0 32.0 43.0 43.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 Total Split (s) 39.5 59.0 59.0 18.0 37.5 37.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Total Split (%) 30.4% 45.4% 45.4% 13.8% 28.8% 28.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% 40.8% Maximum Green (s) 33.5 53.0 53.0 12.0 31.5 31.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None Min Min None C-Min C-Min None None None None None Walk Time (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 10.0 10.0 19.0 19.0 29.0 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Act Effct Green (s) 60.4 53.0 53.0 69.6 60.0 60.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.46 0.41 0.41 0.54 0.46 0.46 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 v/c Ratio 0.34 1.39 0.16 1.13 0.96 0.04 0.28 0.96 1.45 0.50 0.08 Control Delay 17.6 213.5 11.3 127.2 47.7 0.1 33.6 67.2 308.6 36.2 0.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 17.6 213.5 11.3 127.2 47.7 0.1 33.6 67.2 308.6 36.2 0.2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 9 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd -11 --1. 4--- t t 1I06/05/2020 Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS B F B F D A C E F D A Approach Delay 198.3 57.5 63.5 81.6 Approach LOS F E E F Queue Length 50th (ft) 22 —1205 30 —195 —490 0 46 490 —96 217 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) m26 #1346 m36 #372 #876 m0 89 #736 #206 309 0 Internal Link Dist (ft) 873 1813 488 546 Turn Bay Length (ft) 375 375 295 295 215 285 Base Capacity (vph) 496 1442 695 219 1633 802 275 639 58 659 641 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 1.39 0.16 1.13 0.96 0.04 0.28 0.96 1.45 0.50 0.08 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 123 (95%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.45 Intersection Signal Delay: 119.6 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 122.5% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 1 0 04 o 57 35 T 08MENEEM Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 10 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 Lane Configurations tt r tt r Traffic Volume (vph) 1900 217 318 1700 160 213 Future Volume (vph) 1900 217 318 1700 160 213 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 215 184 0 172 Storage Lanes 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 Flt Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3539 1583 1770 3539 1770 1583 Flt Permitted 0.065 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 3539 1583 121 3539 1770 1583 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR) 86 232 Link Speed (mph) 35 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 1893 1746 563 Travel Time (s) 36.9 34.0 15.4 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 2065 236 346 1848 174 232 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 2065 236 346 1848 174 232 Turn Type NA Perm pm+pt NA Prot Perm Protected Phases 6 5 2 4 8 Permitted Phases 6 2 4 Detector Phase 6 6 5 2 4 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 18.0 18.0 5.0 18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Minimum Split (s) 41.5 41.5 11.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 50.0 Total Split (s) 49.6 49.6 21.4 71.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 Total Split (%) 38.2% 38.2% 16.5% 54.6% 45.4% 45.4% 45% Maximum Green (s) 43.1 43.1 14.9 64.5 53.0 53.0 53.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Yes Vehicle Extension (s) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode C-Min C-Min None C-Min None None None Walk Time (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Flash Dont Walk (s) 25.0 25.0 34.0 Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) 5 5 3 Act Effct Green (s) 55.1 55.1 96.1 96.1 21.4 21.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.42 0.42 0.74 0.74 0.16 0.16 v/c Ratio 1.38 0.33 0.66 0.71 0.60 0.51 Control Delay 189.5 4.5 38.6 13.7 56.7 8.5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 189.5 4.5 38.6 13.7 56.7 8.5 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 11 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 06/05/2020 --I- 4--- Lane Group EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR 08 LOS F A D B E A Approach Delay 170.5 17.7 29.2 Approach LOS F B C Queue Length 50th (ft) —1102 11 204 339 143 0 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#861 m0 #434 847 169 57 Internal Link Dist (ft) 1813 1666 483 Turn Bay Length (ft) 215 184 172 Base Capacity (vph) 1500 720 526 2615 721 782 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.38 0.33 0.66 0.71 0.24 0.30 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 130 Actuated Cycle Length: 130 Offset: 13 (10%), Referenced to phase 2:WBTL and 6:EBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 145 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.38 Intersection Signal Delay: 90.4 Intersection LOS: F Intersection Capacity Utilization 94.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy Ol 5 6 8 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 12 APPENDIX L 2019 ROUNDABOUT A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 14.6 Intersection LOS B Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 927 1688 395 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 946 1722 403 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 88 294 796 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1928 905 238 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 6.4 20.1 11.0 Approach LOS A C B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.730 0.270 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 445 501 809 913 294 109 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1245 1318 1030 1106 649 722 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.979 0.981 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.982 Flow Entry, veh/h 436 492 793 895 288 107 Cap Entry, veh/h 1219 1293 1010 1084 636 709 V/C Ratio 0.357 0.380 0.785 0.825 0.453 0.151 Control Delay, s/veh 6.4 6.4 19.1 20.9 12.5 6.7 LOS A A C C B A 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 2 8 10 2 1 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 10.7 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 1 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 37 384 732 1280 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 37 392 747 1306 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1656 591 41 385 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 35 197 1652 598 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 12.1 10.1 5.2 14.0 Approach LOS B B A B Lane Left Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 1.000 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 37 392 351 396 614 692 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 347 859 1300 1371 947 1024 Entry HV Adj Factor 1.000 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 37 384 344 388 602 678 Cap Entry, veh/h 347 842 1275 1344 928 1004 V/C Ratio 0.106 0.456 0.270 0.289 0.648 0.676 Control Delay, s/veh 12.1 10.1 5.2 5.2 14.0 14.1 LOS B B A A B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 0 2 1 1 5 6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 8.8 Intersection LOS A Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 38 398 587 1239 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 39 406 598 1265 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1473 511 207 270 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 61 294 1305 647 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 11.2 6.9 5.6 10.8 Approach LOS B A A B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.692 0.308 0.611 0.389 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 27 12 248 158 281 317 595 670 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 348 406 844 920 1116 1191 1053 1129 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.963 1.000 0.980 0.981 0.982 0.981 0.979 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 26 12 243 155 276 311 583 657 Cap Entry, veh/h 335 406 827 902 1095 1169 1031 1107 V/C Ratio 0.078 0.030 0.294 0.172 0.252 0.266 0.565 0.594 Control Delay, s/veh 12.0 9.3 7.6 5.7 5.6 5.5 10.8 10.9 LOS B A A A A A B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 8.2 Intersection LOS A Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 230 0 659 1366 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 235 0 672 1393 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1187 829 160 75 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 281 3 1262 754 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 12.4 0.0 5.6 8.8 Approach LOS B - A A Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.668 0.332 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 157 78 0 316 356 655 738 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 453 518 702 1165 1240 1260 1332 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.974 1.000 0.981 0.982 0.980 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 154 76 0 310 349 642 724 Cap Entry, veh/h 444 504 702 1142 1217 1235 1307 V/C Ratio 0.347 0.151 0.000 0.271 0.287 0.520 0.554 Control Delay, s/veh 14.1 9.2 5.1 5.7 5.6 8.6 8.9 LOS B A A A A A A 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 1 0 1 1 3 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 14.7 Intersection LOS B Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 739 1452 346 406 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 754 1481 353 414 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 510 154 797 1490 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1394 996 467 145 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 9.4 10.8 9.5 43.0 Approach LOS A B A E Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.469 0.531 0.470 0.530 0.207 0.793 0.171 0.829 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 354 400 696 785 73 280 71 343 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 844 921 1172 1246 648 721 343 400 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.979 0.980 0.980 0.986 0.979 0.986 0.979 Flow Entry, veh/h 347 391 682 769 72 274 70 336 Cap Entry, veh/h 828 901 1149 1221 640 706 338 392 V/C Ratio 0.419 0.435 0.594 0.630 0.113 0.388 0.207 0.857 Control Delay, s/veh 9.5 9.2 10.6 11.0 6.9 10.2 14.4 49.0 LOS A A B B A B B E 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 2 4 5 0 2 1 8 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 14.5 Intersection LOS B Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 976 1690 636 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 996 1724 649 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 245 256 897 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1735 1290 344 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 8.2 18.0 15.0 Approach LOS A C B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.394 0.606 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 468 528 810 914 256 393 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1077 1153 1067 1142 591 662 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 459 517 794 896 251 385 Cap Entry, veh/h 1057 1130 1046 1119 580 649 V/C Ratio 0.434 0.458 0.759 0.800 0.433 0.593 Control Delay, s/veh 8.2 8.1 17.2 18.6 13.0 16.3 LOS A A C C B C 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 2 8 9 2 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 PM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 13.9 Intersection LOS B Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1913 1172 228 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1951 1195 233 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 107 144 1738 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1232 1827 320 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 16.0 8.3 25.2 Approach LOS C A D Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.618 0.382 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 917 1034 562 633 144 89 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1223 1297 1182 1256 273 324 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.979 0.978 Flow Entry, veh/h 899 1014 551 621 141 87 Cap Entry, veh/h 1199 1271 1159 1233 267 317 V/C Ratio 0.750 0.797 0.475 0.504 0.528 0.275 Control Delay, s/veh 15.1 16.9 8.3 8.4 30.2 17.0 LOS C C A A D C 95th %tile Queue, veh 7 9 3 3 3 1 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 11.2 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 1 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 121 240 1578 996 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 123 244 1609 1016 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1140 1405 109 286 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 162 313 1154 1363 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 9.9 21.9 11.2 8.8 Approach LOS A C B A Lane Left Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 1.000 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 123 244 756 853 478 538 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 539 430 1221 1294 1038 1114 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.984 0.984 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 121 240 741 836 468 528 Cap Entry, veh/h 530 423 1198 1269 1016 1093 V/C Ratio 0.228 0.567 0.619 0.659 0.461 0.483 Control Delay, s/veh 9.9 21.9 10.9 11.4 8.8 8.7 LOS A C B B A A 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 3 5 5 2 3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 10.7 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 1 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 126 241 1335 1056 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 129 245 1362 1077 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1131 1308 244 192 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 138 298 1016 1361 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 10.1 18.8 11.3 8.1 Approach LOS B C B A Lane Left Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 1.000 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 129 245 640 722 506 571 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 543 467 1078 1154 1131 1206 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.977 0.984 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 126 241 628 708 496 560 Cap Entry, veh/h 530 459 1058 1131 1110 1183 V/C Ratio 0.238 0.525 0.593 0.626 0.447 0.473 Control Delay, s/veh 10.1 18.8 11.2 11.5 8.1 8.1 LOS B C B B A A 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 3 4 5 2 3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 11.6 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 435 0 1347 1215 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 443 0 1374 1239 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 924 1697 334 114 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 429 11 1033 1583 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 14.5 0.0 13.7 8.2 Approach LOS B - B A Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.729 0.271 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 323 120 0 646 728 582 657 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 577 647 336 993 1069 1215 1289 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.983 1.000 0.980 0.981 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 317 118 0 633 714 571 644 Cap Entry, veh/h 566 637 336 973 1049 1193 1263 V/C Ratio 0.560 0.185 0.000 0.651 0.681 0.479 0.510 Control Delay, s/veh 16.9 7.9 10.7 13.6 13.8 8.2 8.3 LOS C A B B B A A 95th %tile Queue, veh 3 1 0 5 6 3 3 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 46.0 Intersection LOS E Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 1 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1552 1321 492 331 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1584 1347 502 338 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 481 389 1564 1380 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1237 1677 501 356 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 29.2 14.9 198.1 22.5 Approach LOS D B F C Lane Left Right Left Right Left Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR LTR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR LTR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 1.000 0.180 0.820 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 744 840 633 714 502 61 277 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 867 943 944 1020 376 379 439 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.979 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.984 0.979 Flow Entry, veh/h 730 823 621 700 492 60 271 Cap Entry, veh/h 850 924 925 1000 368 373 430 V/C Ratio 0.858 0.890 0.671 0.700 1.336 0.161 0.630 Control Delay, s/veh 28.1 30.3 14.8 15.0 198.1 12.3 24.7 LOS D D B C F B C 95th %tile Queue, veh 11 12 5 6 23 1 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 14.4 Intersection LOS B Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1643 1567 289 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1675 1598 294 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 252 126 1504 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1472 1672 423 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 16.6 11.4 18.4 Approach LOS C B C Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.429 0.571 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 787 888 751 847 126 168 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1071 1146 1202 1276 338 395 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.984 0.982 Flow Entry, veh/h 772 871 736 830 124 165 Cap Entry, veh/h 1050 1124 1179 1251 333 388 V/C Ratio 0.735 0.775 0.625 0.664 0.372 0.425 Control Delay, s/veh 16.0 17.1 11.1 11.7 18.9 18.1 LOS C C B B C C 95th %tile Queue, veh 7 8 5 5 2 2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 APPENDIX M 2024 ROUNDABOUT A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 35.8 Intersection LOS E Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1117 2033 475 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1140 2074 485 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 105 354 959 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 2323 1090 286 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 7.5 55.6 17.2 Approach LOS A F C Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.730 0.270 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 536 604 975 1099 354 131 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1226 1299 975 1051 559 628 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.977 Flow Entry, veh/h 525 592 956 1078 347 128 Cap Entry, veh/h 1201 1273 955 1031 548 614 V/C Ratio 0.437 0.465 1.000 1.046 0.634 0.208 Control Delay, s/veh 7.5 7.6 50.0 60.6 20.4 8.4 LOS A A F F C A 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 3 19 23 4 1 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 18.5 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 1 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 44 462 883 1543 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 45 471 901 1574 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1994 712 49 463 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 43 238 1990 720 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 17.9 14.8 5.9 26.8 Approach LOS C B A D Lane Left Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves LTR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 1.000 1.000 0.469 0.531 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 45 471 423 478 740 834 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 261 775 1290 1362 882 958 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.978 0.981 0.981 0.979 0.980 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 44 462 415 468 725 818 Cap Entry, veh/h 255 760 1266 1334 864 939 V/C Ratio 0.173 0.608 0.328 0.351 0.839 0.871 Control Delay, s/veh 17.9 14.8 5.9 5.9 25.9 27.5 LOS C B A A D D 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 4 1 2 10 11 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 12.4 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 44 480 707 1493 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 45 490 722 1523 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1775 617 249 326 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 74 354 1571 781 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 15.5 8.6 6.5 16.3 Approach LOS C A A C Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.733 0.267 0.610 0.390 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 33 12 299 191 339 383 716 807 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 264 314 765 840 1074 1149 1000 1076 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.970 1.000 0.980 0.979 0.980 0.978 0.980 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 32 12 293 187 332 375 702 791 Cap Entry, veh/h 256 314 750 823 1052 1124 980 1056 V/C Ratio 0.125 0.038 0.391 0.227 0.316 0.333 0.716 0.750 Control Delay, s/veh 16.7 12.1 9.8 6.8 6.6 6.5 15.9 16.6 LOS C B A A A A C C 95th %tile Queue, veh 0 0 2 1 1 1 6 7 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 10.9 Intersection LOS B Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 277 0 793 1646 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 283 0 809 1679 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1431 999 194 91 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 339 4 1520 908 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 19.8 0.0 6.5 11.5 Approach LOS C - A B Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.671 0.329 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 190 93 0 380 429 789 890 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 362 421 607 1129 1204 1241 1314 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.979 0.978 1.000 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 186 91 0 373 420 774 872 Cap Entry, veh/h 354 412 607 1107 1180 1217 1288 V/C Ratio 0.525 0.221 0.000 0.337 0.356 0.636 0.677 Control Delay, s/veh 23.5 12.3 5.9 6.6 6.5 11.1 11.8 LOS C B A A A B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 3 1 0 1 2 5 6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 36.9 Intersection LOS E Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 891 1750 418 488 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 909 1785 427 498 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 614 187 961 1796 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1680 1201 562 176 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 13.1 16.1 13.8 174.3 Approach LOS B C B F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.208 0.792 0.173 0.827 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 427 482 839 946 89 338 86 412 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 767 843 1137 1211 558 627 259 308 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.979 0.980 0.980 0.978 0.979 0.977 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 419 472 822 927 87 331 84 404 Cap Entry, veh/h 752 825 1114 1187 545 614 253 302 V/C Ratio 0.556 0.572 0.738 0.781 0.160 0.539 0.332 1.336 Control Delay, s/veh 13.4 12.9 15.4 16.8 8.7 15.2 22.8 205.8 LOS B B C C A C C F 95th %tile Queue, veh 3 4 7 8 1 3 1 20 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 31.8 Intersection LOS D Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1176 2036 766 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1199 2077 781 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 295 308 1081 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 2090 1554 413 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 10.6 44.8 29.9 Approach LOS B E D Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.394 0.606 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 564 635 976 1101 308 473 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1029 1105 1017 1093 499 567 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.981 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 553 623 957 1079 302 464 Cap Entry, veh/h 1008 1085 997 1071 490 556 V/C Ratio 0.548 0.575 0.960 1.007 0.617 0.835 Control Delay, s/veh 10.6 10.6 39.9 49.1 21.6 35.3 LOS B B E F C E 95th %tile Queue, veh 3 4 17 21 4 9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 PM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 28.4 Intersection LOS D Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 2304 1413 275 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 2350 1442 280 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 130 174 2094 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1486 2200 386 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 34.8 10.8 65.2 Approach LOS D B F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.621 0.379 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 1104 1246 678 764 174 106 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1198 1272 1150 1225 197 239 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.983 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 1083 1221 664 749 171 104 Cap Entry, veh/h 1175 1246 1127 1201 193 235 V/C Ratio 0.922 0.980 0.589 0.624 0.885 0.443 Control Delay, s/veh 29.8 39.2 10.6 10.9 87.0 29.2 LOS D E B B F D 95th %tile Queue, veh 15 20 4 5 7 2 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 16.7 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 145 290 1900 1199 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 148 296 1938 1222 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1372 1692 130 345 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 195 376 1390 1643 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 11.7 38.6 16.8 11.8 Approach LOS B E C B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.412 0.588 0.723 0.277 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 61 87 214 82 911 1027 574 648 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 382 442 285 337 1198 1272 983 1059 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.984 0.977 0.981 0.976 0.980 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 60 85 210 80 893 1007 563 635 Cap Entry, veh/h 376 432 279 329 1174 1246 965 1038 V/C Ratio 0.160 0.197 0.752 0.243 0.761 0.808 0.584 0.612 Control Delay, s/veh 12.2 11.3 47.3 15.7 15.9 17.7 11.8 11.8 LOS B B E C C C B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 1 6 1 8 10 4 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 15.1 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 153 290 1610 1271 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 156 296 1642 1297 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1362 1577 295 232 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 167 360 1223 1641 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 13.2 21.2 17.8 10.4 Approach LOS B C C B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.699 0.301 0.514 0.486 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 109 47 152 144 772 870 610 687 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 386 446 316 372 1029 1105 1090 1166 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.982 0.979 0.980 0.979 0.980 0.981 0.979 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 107 46 149 141 757 853 597 674 Cap Entry, veh/h 379 437 310 364 1009 1084 1068 1143 V/C Ratio 0.283 0.105 0.480 0.388 0.750 0.787 0.559 0.589 Control Delay, s/veh 14.6 9.7 24.3 18.0 17.2 18.3 10.4 10.5 LOS B A C C C C B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 0 2 2 7 9 4 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 20.1 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 525 0 1623 1463 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 536 0 1656 1492 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1113 2047 404 138 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 517 13 1245 1909 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 29.2 0.0 25.7 10.6 Approach LOS D - D B Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.729 0.271 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 391 145 0 778 878 701 791 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 485 551 249 931 1007 1189 1263 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.979 1.000 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 383 142 0 763 860 688 776 Cap Entry, veh/h 475 540 249 913 987 1167 1238 V/C Ratio 0.806 0.263 0.000 0.836 0.872 0.590 0.626 Control Delay, s/veh 36.2 10.3 14.4 24.5 26.7 10.4 10.8 LOS E B B C D B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 8 1 0 10 12 4 5 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 111.9 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1871 1591 593 398 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1909 1623 605 406 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 578 469 1884 1662 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1490 2020 603 430 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 101.4 30.5 395.0 65.1 Approach LOS F D F F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.109 0.891 0.180 0.820 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 897 1012 763 860 66 539 73 333 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 793 869 877 953 239 286 293 346 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.985 0.980 0.986 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 880 992 748 843 65 528 72 326 Cap Entry, veh/h 778 852 859 935 235 280 289 339 V/C Ratio 1.131 1.165 0.870 0.902 0.277 1.883 0.249 0.963 Control Delay, s/veh 95.8 106.2 29.3 31.6 22.5 440.9 17.8 75.5 LOS F F D D C F C F 95th %tile Queue, veh 26 30 11 13 1 36 1 10 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 28.9 Intersection LOS D Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1980 1888 348 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 2020 1926 355 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 304 152 1813 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1774 2016 511 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 38.2 17.7 36.7 Approach LOS E C E Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.428 0.572 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 949 1071 905 1021 152 203 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1021 1097 1174 1248 255 304 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 931 1050 887 1001 149 199 Cap Entry, veh/h 1001 1075 1151 1223 250 298 V/C Ratio 0.930 0.977 0.771 0.818 0.597 0.668 Control Delay, s/veh 34.3 41.7 16.6 18.6 36.7 36.7 LOS D E C C E E 95th %tile Queue, veh 15 18 8 10 3 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 APPENDIX N 2040 ROUNDABOUT A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR SYNCHRO REPORTS AM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 85.0 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1298 2364 553 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1324 2411 564 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 123 411 1115 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 2699 1268 332 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 8.9 138.9 33.1 Approach LOS A F D Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.729 0.271 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 622 702 1133 1278 411 153 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1205 1279 925 1001 484 550 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 610 688 1111 1253 403 150 Cap Entry, veh/h 1182 1254 907 982 475 540 V/C Ratio 0.516 0.549 1.225 1.276 0.849 0.278 Control Delay, s/veh 8.8 9.1 128.5 148.1 41.5 10.6 LOS A A F F E B 95th %tile Queue, veh 3 3 37 44 9 1 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 44.1 Intersection LOS E Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 52 538 1028 1794 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 53 549 1049 1830 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 2319 828 57 540 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 51 278 2315 837 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 24.4 25.8 6.6 71.6 Approach LOS C D A F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.340 0.660 0.903 0.097 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 18 35 496 53 493 556 860 970 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 160 198 630 702 1281 1353 821 897 Entry HV Adj Factor 1.000 0.971 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 18 34 486 52 483 545 843 951 Cap Entry, veh/h 160 192 618 689 1255 1326 805 880 V/C Ratio 0.113 0.177 0.787 0.075 0.385 0.411 1.047 1.081 Control Delay, s/veh 25.9 23.6 27.9 6.0 6.6 6.7 67.1 75.5 LOS D C D A A A F F 95th %tile Queue, veh 0 1 8 0 2 2 20 24 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 20.6 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 54 559 823 1736 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 55 570 840 1771 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 2065 717 290 379 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 85 413 1830 908 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 21.1 11.0 7.6 29.8 Approach LOS C B A D Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.691 0.309 0.611 0.389 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 38 17 348 222 395 445 832 939 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 202 245 698 772 1034 1110 953 1029 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.974 1.000 0.980 0.982 0.980 0.981 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 37 17 341 218 387 436 816 920 Cap Entry, veh/h 197 245 684 758 1013 1088 934 1008 V/C Ratio 0.188 0.069 0.499 0.288 0.382 0.401 0.873 0.913 Control Delay, s/veh 23.4 16.1 12.9 8.1 7.6 7.5 28.0 31.5 LOS C C B A A A D D 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 0 3 1 2 2 12 14 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 15.7 Intersection LOS C Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 323 0 924 1915 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 329 0 942 1954 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1664 1162 225 106 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 396 5 1768 1056 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 36.7 0.0 7.6 16.1 Approach LOS E - A C Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.669 0.331 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 220 109 0 443 499 918 1036 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 292 345 529 1097 1173 1224 1298 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.982 0.982 1.000 0.980 0.981 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 216 107 0 434 490 900 1015 Cap Entry, veh/h 287 339 529 1075 1151 1201 1272 V/C Ratio 0.753 0.316 0.000 0.404 0.425 0.750 0.798 Control Delay, s/veh 46.4 17.0 6.8 7.6 7.6 15.1 16.9 LOS E C A A A C C 95th %tile Queue, veh 6 1 0 2 2 7 9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 79.8 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1035 2034 485 569 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1056 2075 495 581 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 716 217 1117 2087 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1952 1395 655 205 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 20.2 29.1 22.2 418.6 Approach LOS C D C F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.208 0.792 0.172 0.828 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 496 560 975 1100 103 392 100 481 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 699 773 1106 1181 483 549 198 241 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.981 0.979 0.980 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 487 549 956 1078 101 384 98 471 Cap Entry, veh/h 685 757 1084 1157 474 538 194 236 V/C Ratio 0.710 0.725 0.882 0.932 0.213 0.713 0.505 1.997 Control Delay, s/veh 20.6 19.8 26.1 31.6 10.7 25.2 38.6 497.6 LOS C C D D B D E F 95th %tile Queue, veh 6 6 13 16 1 6 3 35 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 79.9 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 1368 2367 891 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 1396 2415 909 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 344 359 1257 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 2430 1807 483 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 14.4 116.2 84.0 Approach LOS B F F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.395 0.605 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 656 740 1135 1280 359 550 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 984 1060 970 1047 425 488 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 643 725 1113 1255 352 539 Cap Entry, veh/h 964 1039 951 1026 416 478 V/C Ratio 0.667 0.698 1.170 1.223 0.845 1.128 Control Delay, s/veh 14.2 14.5 105.8 125.4 45.1 109.4 LOS B B F F E F 95th %tile Queue, veh 5 6 33 40 8 19 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 PM PEAK HOUR HCM 6th Roundabout 2: 53rd Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 68.3 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 2679 1643 320 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 2733 1676 326 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 151 202 2435 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1727 2559 449 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 86.0 14.6 195.1 Approach LOS F B F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.620 0.380 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 1285 1448 788 888 202 124 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 1175 1249 1121 1196 144 179 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 0.984 Flow Entry, veh/h 1259 1420 772 871 198 122 Cap Entry, veh/h 1151 1225 1099 1173 141 176 V/C Ratio 1.094 1.159 0.703 0.742 1.406 0.692 Control Delay, s/veh 73.8 96.9 14.1 15.0 278.3 60.2 LOS F F B C F F 95th %tile Queue, veh 30 38 6 7 13 4 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 1 HCM 6th Roundabout 3: Golden Gate Pkwy & 50th Street SW 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 32.6 Intersection LOS D Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 170 336 2210 1395 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 173 343 2254 1423 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1596 1969 153 401 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 228 438 1616 1911 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 15.7 111.6 31.7 17.0 Approach LOS C F D C Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR L TR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.416 0.584 0.723 0.277 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 72 101 248 95 1059 1195 669 754 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 311 366 221 266 1173 1247 933 1010 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.986 0.980 0.980 0.979 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.981 Flow Entry, veh/h 71 99 243 93 1039 1171 656 739 Cap Entry, veh/h 307 358 216 261 1150 1222 915 990 V/C Ratio 0.232 0.276 1.124 0.357 0.903 0.958 0.717 0.747 Control Delay, s/veh 16.4 15.2 145.5 23.1 27.6 35.2 16.8 17.2 LOS C C F C D E C C 95th %tile Queue, veh 1 1 11 2 14 18 6 7 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 2 HCM 6th Roundabout 4: Golden Gate Pkwy & Tropicana Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 26.5 Intersection LOS D Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 177 339 1871 1478 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 180 345 1909 1507 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1583 1833 342 270 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 194 418 1421 1908 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 18.5 38.7 35.0 14.0 Approach LOS C E D B Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LT R LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.700 0.300 0.513 0.487 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 126 54 177 168 897 1012 708 799 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 315 370 250 299 985 1062 1053 1129 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.984 0.981 0.983 0.982 0.981 0.980 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 124 53 174 165 880 992 695 783 Cap Entry, veh/h 310 363 246 294 966 1041 1033 1106 V/C Ratio 0.400 0.146 0.708 0.562 0.910 0.953 0.672 0.708 Control Delay, s/veh 21.2 12.3 47.2 29.7 32.1 37.6 13.7 14.3 LOS C B E D D E B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 2 1 5 3 14 16 5 6 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 3 HCM 6th Roundabout 5: Coronado Pkwy & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 47.5 Intersection LOS E Approach SE NW NE SW Entry Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 611 0 1887 1701 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 623 0 1925 1735 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 1293 2379 469 161 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 603 15 1447 2218 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 82.6 0.0 66.1 14.2 Approach LOS F - F B Lane Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Designated Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR Assumed Moves L TR LTR LT TR LT TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.729 0.271 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 454 169 0 905 1020 815 920 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 411 473 188 877 953 1164 1238 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.982 1.000 0.980 0.981 0.981 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 445 166 0 887 1000 799 901 Cap Entry, veh/h 403 465 188 859 935 1142 1214 V/C Ratio 1.105 0.357 0.000 1.032 1.070 0.700 0.743 Control Delay, s/veh 108.3 13.8 19.2 61.1 70.5 13.7 14.7 LOS F B C F F B B 95th %tile Queue, veh 16 2 0 20 24 6 7 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 4 HCM 6th Roundabout 6: Golden Gate Pkwy & Sunshine Blvd 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 247.9 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB SIB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 2174 1850 690 464 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 2217 1887 704 474 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 674 545 2189 1934 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 1734 2348 702 498 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 227.7 84.2 780.1 203.9 Approach LOS F F F F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.111 0.889 0.181 0.819 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 1042 1175 887 1000 78 626 86 388 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 726 801 818 894 180 221 228 274 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.981 0.981 0.980 0.980 0.974 0.981 0.977 0.980 Flow Entry, veh/h 1022 1152 869 980 76 614 84 380 Cap Entry, veh/h 712 785 801 876 176 217 223 269 V/C Ratio 1.435 1.467 1.085 1.119 0.433 2.834 0.377 1.414 Control Delay, s/veh 221.3 233.5 79.2 88.7 37.5 872.0 27.5 242.8 LOS F F F F E F D F 95th %tile Queue, veh 47 54 23 27 2 54 2 21 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 5 HCM 6th Roundabout 7: 44th Street SW & Golden Gate Pkwy 07/09/2020 Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 70.8 Intersection LOS F Approach EB WB NB Entry Lanes 2 2 2 Conflicting Circle Lanes 2 2 2 Adj Approach Flow, veh/h 2301 2194 406 Demand Flow Rate, veh/h 2347 2238 414 Vehicles Circulating, veh/h 353 177 2106 Vehicles Exiting, veh/h 2062 2343 594 Ped Vol Crossing Leg, #/h 0 0 0 Ped Cap Adj 1.000 1.000 1.000 Approach Delay, s/veh 100.5 34.3 99.4 Approach LOS F D F Lane Left Right Left Right Left Right Designated Moves LT TR LT TR L TR Assumed Moves LT TR LT TR L TR RT Channelized Lane Util 0.470 0.530 0.470 0.530 0.428 0.572 Follow -Up Headway, s 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 2.667 2.535 Critical Headway, s 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 4.645 4.328 Entry Flow, veh/h 1103 1244 1052 1186 177 237 Cap Entry Lane, veh/h 976 1052 1147 1222 195 237 Entry HV Adj Factor 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.983 0.979 Flow Entry, veh/h 1081 1219 1031 1163 174 232 Cap Entry, veh/h 956 1031 1124 1198 191 232 V/C Ratio 1.131 1.183 0.917 0.971 0.910 1.000 Control Delay, s/veh 90.9 109.1 30.0 38.1 93.2 104.1 LOS F F D E F F 95th %tile Queue, veh 29 36 15 19 7 9 Scenario 1 12:48 pm 03/18/2020 Baseline Synchro 11 Report Page 6 APPENDIX O SURVEY POSTINGS Collier Countv Government it"'Oio"� Growth Management Department Capital Projects Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division 2685 Horseshoe Drive S. Suite 103 Naples, Florida 34104 Feb. 22, 2021 Contact: Connie Deane Community Liaison 239-252-8192 or 8365 colliercountyfl.gov twitter.com/CollierPIO facebook.com/CollierGov youtube.com/CollierGov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study Seeking Public Input The Golden Gate City Master Plan was updated by the Board of County Commissioners in 2019 with a focus on fostering Golden Gate City as a vibrant, walkable community. Golden Gate Parkway is envisioned to become a main street with businesses, shopping, and dining to serve residents in and around Golden Gate City. The Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study is an evaluation of improvements to Golden Gate Parkway between Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. The improvements are intended to make Golden Gate Parkway a safer and more convenient place to walk, bicycle, and drive by offering multimodal transportation options and upgrades, such as lighting and landscaping. Collier County is seeking public input and preference for three alternatives for future improvements to Golden Gate Parkway. Each of the alternatives introduces more space for walking and bicycling and the addition of landscaping and lighting along the sides of the roadway. Please visit the website at http://colliercountyfl.gov/plannin sg tudies and select Current — Golden Gate Parkway — Complete Street Study. Take the survey and provide your input through Feb. 28, 2021. The input received will be incorporated in the Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study. The recommendations for adoption by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will be scheduled for one of the BCC meetings in April or May 2021. For additional information, please contact Collier County Capital Projects, Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management Principal Planner Lorraine M. Lantz, AICP at Lorraine.Lantz(d),CollierCount gov. oes cr,.ywm .. m � x owue iusghpn en..wn nu. w � 1� 4ibn Gle fi�'�'V4C"' Cl\Y Cn/tyb[wnuxM]�C�L mm .��pl{4�ch' WI11 R.nk i ���no'.yn�n4y 4gJKLNM+n .. um•a Cpwnq Y9CW 0 'a Yrph•.- a••CYYtl tliopn CORONADO PKWY m , �� ooa.. cn.ox.n w mrav 0., yy .svara•xamww�w� Iti^SN W=wy 7 cone■w ra�.mmx.>�n<iu m Ca '•�p MYwf dCn.+q W�w�-na+•� 6 �,.w1 Ca CYn aWr N] I � _,... eawgry,a wareu nw.y +cow. a .egon wxryrtw• u�a. u• rr.w M O �xx�wMo-w. • ..:alowCLCx �aF.y -LepYN J "w m Q -•.w�fCF Mw nextdoor Sign in Stay in the know with Nextdoor, the neighborhood hub. Pu bit agencies have limited access on Nextdoor. L=-arn more. �i 6 Social Media Coordinator Collier County Florida *� Collie; CountyCovemment Golden Gate Parkway Improvement Surrey. Tell us your preference for improving Golden Gate Parkway! Click below to access a survey to select your preferred roadway design between now and February 28 2021. English: Golden Gate Parkway Preference - fittps./jUtly/2Zg4Rzs+ Espanol: Gokten Gate Parkway Preference - https-.jjbR.lyj2ZnApGx Collier County Growth Management Department is conducting a Complete Street Study to evaluate improvements to Golden Gate Parkway between Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. Improvements are intended to make it more safe and convenient to walk, bicycle. or drive along Golden Gate Parkway by offering multimodal transportation options and upgrades. such as lighting and landscaping. The input received will be incorporated in the Complete Street Study and recommendations for adoption by the Board of County Commissioners scheduled for April or May 2021. For more information contact Coll ier County Capital Projects. Planning, Impact Fees &Program Management Lorraine M. Lantz ACID Principal Planner Lorraine.Lantz CollierCountyFLgov PROJECT WEE PAGE: http :jjbit.ly/2NFf V4 Click Current— Golden Gate Parkway — Complete Street Study #CollierCounty Posted to Subscribers of Collier County Government 92 APPENDIX P GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY COMPLETE STREET PRESENTATION MIR fsolden Gate Parkw ay-NL plete Street Study.. b4t j A Aw Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) Adopted September 24, 2019 Golden Gate City Sub - Element Objective 2.2 Strengthen the quality of life in Golden Gate City and the surrounding area, and promote a healthy economy through support of redevelopment and renewal in Golden Gate City with focus along Golden Gate Parkway and within the designated Activity Center. N � m sn r y Co mCoronado PkwYy-,ti4t x o m N,71 Policy 2.3.2: Collier County will support all transportation needs Golden Gate within Golden Gate Area Master City with an emphasis on Plan (GGAMP) walkability. ` Adopted September 24, 2019 Walkability will be improved through the Golden Gate implementation of the recommendations cf City Sub- the Metropolitan Element Planning Organization's Walkability Study. 2 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings 1996 2020 ri J Applying redevelopment and renewal initiatives helps communities transition from places designed for the car to those centered on people and place. Land value appreciates about 800%. Golden Gate Parkway Subdistricts Downtown Center i subdistrict Activity Center Downtown Centi subdistrict 3 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) Adopted September 24, 2019 Golden Gate City Sub - Element GOLDEN GATE CITY FUTURE LAND USE MAP Legend N GREEN BLVD �tyoy � � nambo� miam mi. u�� mmn. I msn Sub-1 ndrr. &M commercial SLbasTui ;sB.- �1md° Collier Blvd Commercial Subdistrict �:-1 RR-�d­ n°s�bdr� Downtown Center Com ial Subdistn't 0 soot 000 2,000 3,000 mFe�t � J Addition Addition Mined Use Activity F m Center Subdistrict N to to W F 2 Z _ Q W Golden Gate Urban Co. rcial me Infill Subdistrict g3nta Barbara $amrrileitialsutidistrirf Addition GOLDEN GATE PKY Downtown Center co��Mm Commmial Subdistrict Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict: Emphasis shall be placed on the creation of a Golden Gate pedestrian -oriented boulevard. Area Master All development or redevelopment within the boundaries of the Downtown Center Plan (GGAMP) Commercial Subdistrict shall include: Adopted September 24, 2019 i. Provisions for bicycle and pedestrian travel. ii. An emphasis on building aesthetics. Golden Gate iii. Emphasis on the orderly circulation of City Sub- vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Element iv. Provision for broad sidewalks. v. Enhanced streetscaping. vi. Project interconnections, where possible and feasible. N. Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings — Fyn � � '' ,,,��„�L,,. w�y� ts'Y, I IM r! -.." ��N'..�i�Ji w r' jam 1 III u Golden Gate Parkway Overlay Zoning District Land Development Code (LDC) Amendment February 23 : Board of County Commissioners 15t Reading March 9: Board of County Commissioners 2nd Reading - p nnnnmm-� unnnn.. :::.:..�•' ' ---:a.:---=.............�==e......: E :::.......MM .........................: .............................................. 7 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings What is this all about? Golden Gate Parkway The Study includes review of: • Current & Future Traffic volumes Complete *vehicles *pedestrians *bicyclists *busses Street ,- — _ Crash data & vehicle speeds Study N. Future development trends • Intersections • Physical conditions of the road *above ground *below ground • Your input 15 Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street - -_ Study 16 • Identify options to improve the Parkway - Beautification - Lighting - Safety and comfort for all users *vehicles *pedestrians *bicyclists *busses • High level cost estimates M. Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street - - Study=- 17 • Receive your input on the options for improvement • Finalize the Study • Present the Study to Board of County Commissioners • Board makes decisions on funding engineering design, permitting, and construction Complete Street Study Area III a Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Golden Gate Parkway Existing Condition EXISTING GROUND — EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER �' EXISTING GROUND EXISTING CI�I Re AND GUTTTER (SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) VARIES 2' EXISTING WATER MAIN VARIES (12'- 36') 1.' 12' 11 1 2' VARIES SNV SIZE AND LOCATIONS VARY) 1 BUFFER SAN WESTBOUND EXISTING LANDSCAPE MEDIAN EASTBOUND BUFFER VARIES TRAVEL LANES TRAVEL LANES VARIES 130' R.O.W. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY 43rd LN W TO 951 EXISTING CONDITIONS #1 Golden GateA.',. Parkway Complete Street Study A� 10 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings Golden Gate Parkway Complete Street Study low Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings We want your input! Throughout February • Community meeting presentations • Flyers in community facilities • Link to online survey to let us°° us know your preferred option '7 ; Concept 1: Overlay Multimodal r 10, 10, path 4`y path ' 2z --POSED EXISTINGIFUTURE UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER DRAINAGE PIPE GURB&GUTTER O 00 EXISTING/FUTURE UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER GAS, CABLE, ETC.) GAS, CABLE, ETC.) 10' 18'8- 2 11' 11' 24' 11. 11. 2' 18'8" 10' BUFFER MULTI415E DSCAPEB WESTBOUND MEDIAN] EASTBOUND LANDSCAPEB MULTWSE BUFFER PATH U HTINGRRANSR TRAVELLANES LANDSCAPE AREA TRAVEL LANES UGHTINGRRANSIT PATH 15 UILL OFF ZONE PULL OFF ZO E ILS UTILIITYI UTILITY] FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 130' R.O.W. CORRIDOR 12 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings 25 Concept 2: Separated Multimodal 6' 4' 4', .- 6' side bike , bike - side walk lane lane " walk E(WTING/FUTURE G zz P F 2z -106 PE'F" &GUTTER ROOT BARRIER UTILITIES iWATER, SEWER CURB 8 GUTTER,URB CANOPY TREES CANOPY GAS, CABLE, ETC.) ED DRAT AGEPIPE '+ '` P POSEFOR DRAINAG PIPE B' B' e" 7 4' 7 4' 2' 11' 11' 24' 11 11. 11' 7 4' 2' 4' 2' e' B' B. BUFFER S LANDSCAPE/ LANDSCAPE/ WESTBOUND MEDIAW EASTBOUND LANDSCAPE/ NDSGAPEI SAN BUFFER STREET LIGH ING DRAINAGE TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPEAREA TRAVEL LANES DRAINAGE I ST EET LIGHTING ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE PROTECTED PROTECTED 15' BIKE IANE BIKE LANE 16 UTILITY/ UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTILITY CORRIDOR 130' R.O.W. CORRIDOR 13 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings 7 Concept 3: Incremental Multimodal 10' hullluse path ponabup d in 0' mu0luse path whabucted In Phase 1 mn..Hs to i0. Phase 1 mneda to 10' p Ise d bike lane in Phase 2. malecled bike lane in Phase 2. S'sidewalk added in Phase 2. 8' aldawalk added in Phase 2. 0' 1 bike bi Bide walk lane lane walk O z zx O EXISTING/FUTURE SGUTTER PROPOSED UTILITIES (WATER. SEWER GAS CABLE ETC) � DRAINAGE PIPE B 4' 10, S 8' z 11. 11' 24' 11' 11' 2' 6-8-.1 10' 4' S BUFFER SM WESTBOUND MEDIAN/ EASTBOUND E TED S� BUFFER PRO ECTE�WAYD LANDSCAPE/ BIK LANE LANDSCAPE/ TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE AREA PRRO TRAVEL LANES LANDSCAPE/ BIKE LNE LANDSCAPE/ STREET PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN STREET LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING 8' 15' UTILITY/ UTILITY/ FUTURE UTILITY FUTURE UTIL_ CORRIDOR 13V R.O.W. CORRIDOR OEM Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings 29 Study Timeline I Jan - Feb 2020 Land Use Data Evaluation I r -April 2020 ng &Future of Service sis I r h - Oct 2020 fy & Evaluate atives Study Review a I rFeb 2021 ic Outreach it input and preerences April —June 2021 Present to Study Board of County Commissioners 15 Presentation given at 2/8/21 Civic Association & 2/16/21 MSTU meetings County Lorraine M. Lantz, AICP M Principal Planner w� Collier County Capital Projects, Planning, Impact Fees & Program Manageme Lorraine. LantzPCollierCountvFL..�zov...,wL. htta://coIIiercountvfI.aov/i)lanniustudies Click on Current — Golden Gate Parkway — Complete Street Study 31 16 APPENDIX Q ONLINE SURVEY RESULTS Project Description Collier County Growth Management Department is conducting a Complete Street Study to evaluate improvements to Golden Gate Parkway between Santa Barbara Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. Improvements are intended to make it more safe and convenient to walk, bicycle, or drive along Golden Gate Parkway by offering multimodal transportation options and upgrades, such as lighting and landscaping. Schedule November through February 2021 March through June 2021 Provide your input and preferences Study to be finalized and presented to Board of County Commissioners Concept 1: Overlay Multimodal A path for cyclists and walkers to share on both sides of the street separated from vehicles by a landscape area for enhanced safety. Concept 2: Separated Multimodal Drivers, cyclists, and walkers will all be separated from one another. There will 6' 4' be sidewalks (narrower than the shared side bike path in Concept 1) and bike lanes on walk lane both sides of the road, with a landscape area between the walkers and bikers and and between the bikers and vehicles, for enhanced safety. Bike lanes may be interrupted to accomodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. Concept 3: Incremental Multimodal At first, there will be a wide shared path on both sides of the street. The path will later become a wide bike lane on both sides of the street with a sidewalk (narrower than the shared path in Concept 1) on the outside edges of both sides of the street. Drivers, cyclists, and walkers will all be separated from one another. Bike lanes may be interrupted to accomodate right turn lanes, bus pull offs, or bus shelters. 6 10, 10' 6 " bike 3 bike s6 wa'Ik lane laner'walk O Represents conditions that vary from County and State standards. All Concepts Include: ❑■ Scan here for a survey to let us Tree lined street with street and pedestrian lighting know your favorite concept for Four 11' vehicle travel lanes Golden Gate Parkway 6%].� 24' wide median Espanol English C;0 1e,r coul,.ty For more information, visit us at: http://colliercountyfl.gov/planningstudies Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q1 How often do you travel along Golden Gate Parkway, in Golden Gate City, between Santa Barbara and Collier Boulevards? Answered:338 Skipped:3 Every day Weekly Once or twice a month Rarely Never 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Every day 39.35% 133 Weekly 27.22% 92 Once or twice a month 21.01% 71 Rarely 11.83% 40 Never 0.59% 2 TOTAL 338 1/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q2 When you travel along this section of the Parkway, are you most often (select all that apply): Answered:337 Skipped:4 In a car? Riding a bike? - Walking or rolling (ex.... Taking the bus? Other (pleas specify 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES In a car? 91.99% 310 Riding a bike? 13.35% 45 Walking or rolling (ex. skateboarding, rollerblading, using a wheelchair, etc.)? 2.37% 8 Taking the bus? 0.00% 0 Other (please specify) 0.59% 2 Total Respondents: 337 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Jogging to the gym 2/20/2021 10:53 PM 2 Motorcycle 2/19/2021 1:07 PM 2/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q3 Why is this your most common mode of traveling along this section of the Parkway? Answered:336 Skipped:5 Convenien alte Afford Reli Other (pleas specify 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Convenience 63.69% 214 Safety 4.46% 15 Lack of alternative 16.07% 54 Affordability 1.49% 5 Reliability 4.76% 16 Other (please specify) 9.52% 32 TOTAL 336 3/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE I don't live in the area 3/8/2021 1:15 PM I enjoy a daily bike ride to the gym and back. 3/3/2021 10:36 AM It is the main road near where I live 3/2/2021 10:57 AM I am on my way to work so a vehicle is my most viable means of travel. 3/1/2021 6:54 PM Riding a bicycle is a healthier way of commuting to work. 2/26/2021 10:25 AM Handicapped. Driving is my only mode of transportation. 2/26/2021 10:13 AM Exercise 2/25/2021 7:13 AM recreation 2/25/2021 6:42 AM Healthy cycling 2/24/2021 7:18 PM Part of a bicycle training route 2/24/2021 5:41 PM Convenient and much safer. 2/24/2021 4:48 PM Access to other bike routes 2/24/2021 1:19 PM Part of the bike route I ride in the morning 2/24/2021 12:47 PM Safety, Mostly on side walk. 2/24/2021 12:43 PM Exercise 2/24/2021 10:22 AM Part of personal bike route 2/24/2021 10:14 AM no other convenient connection between bike lanes 2/24/2021 9:41 AM To get to 175, grocery store, bank and St. Elizabeth Seton church 2/24/2021 9:08 AM quickest route 2/23/2021 8:04 AM Commute to school and work 2/22/2021 9:15 PM I live in Golden Gate City, Fairways at the Pars 27th Ct SW 2/22/2021 5:41 PM Work 2/21/2021 4:16 PM /(y 2/21/2021 2:31 PM Passing through 2/20/2021 1:26 AM Immokalee too busy with lot of traffic lights 2/19/2021 7:57 AM Traveling all over city for work, school, home 2/19/2021 4:34 AM Shopping 2/18/2021 6:52 PM I'm going to one of the many establishments I need to go to that are many miles away 2/18/2021 3:37 PM I am passing through in a car. 2/18/2021 2:37 PM Going to work 2/18/2021 1:05 PM Shorter distance and fewer lights 2/18/2021 10:08 AM Library 2/18/2021 8:09 AM 4/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q4 If you walk, roll, bike or take the bus along this section of the Parkway (select all that apply): Answered:55 Skipped:286 I feel safe from traffic... It comfortable 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I feel safe from traffic when I travel along and across the Parkway 16.36% 9 It is comfortable to travel along and across the Parkway Total Respondents: 55 27.27% 15 5/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q5 Which of these options would you most like to see designed on Golden Gate Parkway in Golden Gate City, between Santa Barbara and Collier Boulevards? See below images and descriptions. Answered:336 Skipped:5 Concept 1 Concept Concept 3 No Change 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Concept 1 35.42% 119 Concept 2 30.95% 104 Concept 3 28.87% 97 No Change 4.76% 16 TOTAL 336 6/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q6 What is your zip code? Answered:341 Skipped:0 34102 34103 34104 34105 34108 34109 34110 34112 34113 34114 34116 ■ 34117 ■ 34119 34120 34142 I Other (pleas specify 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 7/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 34102 1.47% 5 34103 2.35% 8 34104 10.26% 35 34105 1.47% 5 34108 2.64% 9 34109 4.11% 14 34110 1.76% 6 34112 4.11% 14 34113 2.35% 8 34114 5.87% 20 34116 33.72% 115 34117 7.92% 27 34119 7.04% 24 34120 9.68% 33 34142 1.76% 6 Other (please specify) 3.52% 12 TOTAL 341 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 34140 2/27/2021 9:26 PM 2 33912 2/25/2021 9:34 PM 3 53019 2/25/2021 7:13 AM 4 34145 2/24/2021 7:46 PM 5 54401 2/24/2021 1:27 PM 6 34134 2/24/2021 10:17 AM 7 34142 2/19/2021 7:57 AM 8 34145 2/18/2021 5:12 PM 9 34145 2/18/2021 5:04 PM 10 34145 2/18/2021 4:50 PM 11 34145 2/18/2021 4:41 PM 12 Ave maria 2/18/2021 8:22 AM 8/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q7 Where did you find out about this survey? Face-to-fac� conversation.. Collier press Some( me tF Socia (ex. Fai Other (pleas specify ;M 0% 10% ANSWER CHOICES Face-to-face conversation or meeting Collier County press release or website Someone sent me the link to the survey Social media (ex. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Other (please specify) TOTAL Answered:336 Skipped:5 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% RESPONSES 2.98% 9.23% 37.50% 38.99% 11.31% 10 31 126 131 38 336 9/17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE Community 3/6/2021 2:08 PM BPAC 3/2/2021 9:29 AM NBC News 2/28/2021 6:41 AM NBC news 2/28/2021 5:46 AM Velo 2/25/2021 9:34 PM Email 2/25/2021 7:29 AM Naples Velo 2/25/2021 6:42 AM Naples Velo 2/24/2021 8:16 PM email: Karen.Intriago@colliercountyfl.gov 2/24/2021 8:03 PM Naples Velo 2/24/2021 5:41 PM Naples velo email 2/24/2021 4:57 PM Naples Velo email 2/24/2021 12:52 PM Email 2/24/2021 12:18 PM Naples Velo Cycling Club 2/24/2021 11:10 AM Naples Velo 2/24/2021 10:44 AM Naples Velo 2/24/2021 10:22 AM Naples Velocity Club 2/24/2021 10:17 AM Velo bike club 2/24/2021 10:14 AM email 2/22/2021 2:26 PM Golden Gate Civic Assn. 2/22/2021 8:40 AM Email 2/21/2021 8:52 AM GG civic association 2/21/2021 5:25 AM Email from GG Civic Association 2/20/2021 12:54 PM Next Door neighborhood post 2/19/2021 1:54 PM Next Door 2/18/2021 4:41 PM next -door news feed 2/18/2021 3:11 PM Nextdoor 2/18/2021 11:40 AM Saw it posted on NextDoor via an email 2/18/2021 10:08 AM Neighbor website 2/18/2021 9:12 AM next door 2/18/2021 9:08 AM Nextdoor 2/18/2021 8:22 AM Nextdoor 2/18/2021 8:10 AM Nextdoor 2/18/2021 8:09 AM a friend told us abouotr ilt 2/17/2021 2:43 PM email 2/16/2021 9:42 PM Golden Gate Civic Association 2/16/2021 5:33 PM Email 2/16/2021 1:00 PM 10 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) 38 Golden Gate Civic Association 2/11/2021 9:24 AM Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) Q8 Do you have any additional comments you would like to share about this section of Golden Gate Parkway? Answered:120 Skipped:221 12 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WJ 23 24 RESPONSES DATE The timing of the lights are good sometimes and poor other times. Sometimes every light is 3/15/2021 4:16 PM red when I get to them. Other times if I travel at 30mph I make it thru without stopping once. No 3/8/2021 1:15 PM Important to keep it safe and clean. I moved here from NJ. Some residences need to be 3/6/2021 2:08 PM maintained a little better. It's a nice area. Business owners support changes 3/6/2021 10:11 AM It would be nice to see the removal of the unoccupied housing along the street. They are truly 3/6/2021 10:09 AM eye sores. Focus on the walkers and the kids that bike to and from school and the people that live here. 3/3/2021 5:54 AM Kids don't bike in the street. Option 3 is for the people that don't live in Golden Gate - let them bike in the City of Naples where they live. It is a waste of our tax payers money. Thank you for looking into making our areas more safe and beautiful 3/2/2021 8:58 PM Do it! 3/2/2021 2:25 PM Sounds unnecessary and way to disruptive. 3/2/2021 2:04 PM Don't add more congestion, traffic and pedestrians. 3/2/2021 10:57 AM Not at this time. 3/2/2021 10:11 AM I frequently bike the Parkway, and I bike all over the world. Adding additional landscaping will 3/2/2021 9:42 AM be disastrous to the safety of walkers and cyclists. The median landscaping that already exists was poorly conceived, and blocks driver views of pedestrians. Please don't think that further obscuring cyclists will make us more safe. Visibility is key to safety at the speeds vehicles travel on the Parkway. Thank you. Add trees, bushes, plantings in empty lot at corner of Golden Gate Parkway and 44th St SW to 3/2/2021 7:27 AM block unsightly view of back of homes. Very distracting and unkempt. More street lighting. 3/2/2021 7:10 AM Need to keep large shade trees 3/1/2021 8:08 AM Anything would look better than what we have now. Golden Gate City needs a face lift. 2/28/2021 3:30 PM It is currently unusable for cyclists and unsafe for motorists if cyclists are present or using one 2/28/2021 10:21 AM lane. I am an administrator at one of the schools in Golden Gate City. I feel the safety of our 2/28/2021 6:41 AM students, and the families who walk or ride bikes with them to and from school every day, is an important factor in our community. Thank you for your focus on the citizens of our Golden Gate community. I would enjoy to have a specific bike line! 2/27/2021 10:02 PM Sidewalks and bike paths need to be properly illuminated at night for security. GG has a 2/27/2021 10:30 AM perceived reputation for incidents with pedestrians and bikers at night. If you want the bike paths and sidewalks to be a mode of transportation after dark, then those using it need to feel safe. Currently there are a number of areas along the existing sidewalks that appear dark creating the perception it is unsafe to use. As much landscaping as possible to camouflage the unsightly duplexes, commercial buildings 2/26/20214:53 PM and strip malls! I would like to see another option that shows 7 foot buffered bike lane and 8 foot wide 2/26/20214:02 PM sidewalks. Look at narrowing the median Whatever the county decides,it will look nice. 2/26/2021 1:20 PM Please as requested before if you could put a row of thick hedge in the back of the empty field 2/26/2021 12:17 PM at the corner of Golden Gate Pkwy and 44th St. It would be greatly appreciated by the neighborhood including the Fairways at the Pars complex. 520 units 13 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) 25 Please, do not put bike path with cars , plan one. People will die. This is a very busy road. It is 2/26/2021 11:35 AM not gulf shore blvd. My father lives in OldeNaples and use to bike but was nearly hit by trucks with the big mirrors and he gave it up. It would also kill traffic flow as people yield to the biker. SEPARATE! 26 1 am also in favor of Option 2 if sidewalk is increased to 10 feet, retain dedicated bicycle lane 2/26/2021 10:25 AM at 4 feet and eliminate the landscape strip between dedicated bicycle lane and vehicular travel lane. The dedicated bicycle lane can be painted green or another color to give motorists a sense of delineation between the vehicular travel lane and the dedicated bicycle lane. 27 Thank you for this opportunity for me to express my thoughts of the design of this project. 2/26/2021 10:21 AM 28 It will be nice to see enhancements to this area finally! Been here since 1986 and 2/26/2021 10:13 AM improvements have been promised for m 29 1 think separate pedestrian paths and bike paths are a great idea! 2/26/2021 9:41 AM 30 The only way to make this roadway safe enough for people to bike and walk is with a 2/26/2021 9:38 AM separated shared -use path. Too many speeding, aggressive, and distracted drivers. 31 Keep it as inexpensive as possible as we can not afford more taxes on our homes. 2/26/2021 9:09 AM 32 1 appreciate Collier County considering these changes to GGPW to increase safety for 2/25/2021 8:13 AM pedestrians and cyclists. GGPW is a corridor with many pedestrians and cyclists and school children whose safety is important. other traffic calming devises such as on street parking should be considered. 33 Keeping bikes away from traffic is safer for them and us 2/25/2021 7:29 AM 34 Come down 2x a year. Your cycling infrastructure is what keeps me coming back 2/25/2021 7:13 AM 35 Most people walk so make the sidewalks nice and big for them. The kids that bike to school 2/25/2021 5:42 AM use the sidewalk they belong on the sidewalk not in the street. 36 option 3 is the safest way, but is there enough ROW, cost of utility relocation, business 2/25/2021 4:04 AM entrances on the EB side and duplexes on the WB side 37 Please consider bike lanes from Goodlette-Frank Rd to Airport Rd. 2/24/2021 9:12 PM 38 THIS section as well as Imokolee, Collier and other roadways NEED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES 2/24/2021 8:03 PM to save the lives of our citizens as it is inevitable of folks crossing the road and gosh forbid, being hit by a car. 39 Growth in general is not being well managed. Need to change the mindset that ALL growth is 2/24/2021 7:46 PM good 40 Bikes need to be able to go OVER the bridge over Airport Pulling, not through the AWFUL FOR 2/24/2021 7:31 PM BIKES interchange below it. Please! 41 1 never feel safe on that route. There is bike lanes on part but not all. its sketchy going across 2/24/2021 7:05 PM those bridges. 42 The parkway is one of a few critical East -West thoroughfares and is used by trades, 2/24/2021 5:45 PM contractors, residents, cyclists, children and walkers. Speed is quick and while beautifully designed for cars, the entire community would benefit from enhanced space for pedestrians, cyclists and recreational runners and walkers. Thanks for considering. 43 Question 4 only gives 2 options. I do not feel safe or comfortable on Golden Gate in this 2/24/2021 5:41 PM section 44 It needs to be better policed particularly at night. There are some very bad hombres hanging 2/24/20214:48 PM around in the area. The Sheriff needs to start arresting more "bad apples" in this area. 45 Due to the growth of cycling, people are looking for more safe routes. This would be a great 2/24/2021 4:37 PM place to start. 46 Right now do not feel safe on a bike on this stretch. 2/24/2021 2:03 PM 47 Would not want the bike lane separated from the lane of traffic. Bike lane paved directly to lane 2/24/2021 1:38 PM of traffic with a buggered area to a walking sidewalk. Bikers and walkers on the same path is a nightmare. 14 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) 48 A separate path from traffic and pedestrians is the safest dedign. 2/24/2021 1:28 PM 49 Concept 3 is best because it maximizes safety for everyone; walkers, cyclists and motorists. 2/24/2021 1:19 PM 50 Thank you for caring about Naples residents. 2/24/2021 1:13 PM 51 1 would live to see a bike lane in this road. I would also see a bike lane connecting Randall to 2/24/2021 12:52 PM 8th Street. Immokalee road and 8th have bike lanes, but one better say their prays to travel that short section of Randall leading to 8th riding in the steep shoulder. 52 A major reason I selected Naples to live was for the recreational cycling opportunities. This 2/24/2021 12:47 PM would be a needed and appreciated enhancement. 53 Thanks for allowing me input. 2/24/2021 12:18 PM 54 It must me pedestrian friendly and remain a neighborhood. In the last half century 2/24/2021 11:41 AM neighborhoods have been sacrificed and destroyed for highways the soon become obsolete. 55 1 don't feel safe cycling on roadways with bike lanes that are not protected from motor 2/24/2021 11:10 AM vehicles. A protective barrier between cyclists and motor vehicles is needed on roadways where cars are traveling more than 25-30 mph. Since many cyclists travel at speeds in excess of 20 mph, having pedestrians with their own protected lane(s) is equally important. 56 1 like option 2 for other locations. Such as Wilson Blvd and Everglades. 2/24/2021 10:58 AM 57 Glad to see you involving public. 2/24/2021 10:40 AM 58 1. Some landscape in the median needs to be more well kept (green and trimmed). 2. More 2/24/2021 10:36 AM lighting for the sidewalks, especially, for commuters on foot/rolling in the evening (with the daylight savings time 5:30pm = midnight dark skies). 3. Making left turns into the parkway plaza should have better visibility, especially, for freightliner trucks who frequent this plaza and without causing a physical block in the intersection to get closer and see oncoming traffic. They can't see van -sized cars, or smaller, coming from the opposite side and could cause accidents because of how tight that intersection is. 59 1 Never ride on this section of Golden Gate as it is TOO Unsafe. 2/24/2021 10:27 AM 60 Cyclist -only bike paths should be on ALL paved roads in the county and provided for in the 2/24/2021 10:17 AM planning of all new paved roads. 61 Make it safe for biking! 2/24/2021 9:58 AM 62 Bike lanes need to continue to the east 2/24/2021 9:41 AM 63 Biking should be safe in Collier County. Thank you! 2/24/2021 9:40 AM 64 Build the bridge at the end of Golden Gate Parkway and Collier Blvd. Remove the no U turn 2/24/2021 9:08 AM sign at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Collier Blvd. 65 1 would rather have on road bike lanes 2/23/2021 7:41 PM 66 Landscape maintenance needs more attention in the summer months. I have seen the grass 2/23/2021 7:01 PM around the side walks get 3ft tall and I am kinda let down that other parts of town always look nice but golden gate always seems to get little attention in this department. 67 Would these changes involve removing existing buildings? 2/22/2021 9:27 PM 68 Dangerous street to drive 2/22/2021 6:13 PM 69 1 do worry about traffic volume it is such a close knit area. 2/22/2021 5:41 PM 70 1 live on 44th street SW. We own 2 hoses on those street. The traffic is horrible, the lack of 2/22/2021 3:18 PM speed bumps makes it very unsafe for pedestrians and people with kids and pets. 71 Much needed attention to this area. 2/22/2021 2:39 PM 72 Need safety all along road 2/22/2021 2:26 PM 73 Sometimes people drive too fast 2/22/2021 2:22 PM 74 Please eliminate the merge lane in the east/west section of GG PKWY at the Santa Barbara 2/22/2021 2:21 PM intersection. 15 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) 75 Golden Gate Parkway is a very safe road that accommodates all modes of transportation. 1 2/22/2021 12:54 PM feel safe having my child walk and bike to school and have never had any problems. 76 1 attend church in GG every Sunday morning. I'm amazed at the number of residents (primarily 2/22/2021 12:50 PM people of color ...who may not answer this survey) I see waling and biking - not for recreation, but to shop or access services or church or friends/family. As their government, I feel it makes sense to make biking/walking safer and more accessible for citizens already inclined to move via those means. Thank you! 77 Would like to keep any new development the same as the office/professional architecture 2/22/2021 12:20 PM along the SW side from Santa Barbara to the canal. 78 1 ride on Golden Gate often, but it is scary and dangerous. It would be amazing to have a 2/22/2021 12:15 PM consistent bike lane all the way from 951 to 41! The residents deserve a safer mode of walking and riding. 79 It certainly needs to be cleaned up. Always litter on the roadway. No respect to rules or laws. 2/22/2021 11:51 AM Make our neighbor look like the city of Naples looks. BE PROUD to live here. So many families in one house with so many cars in one yard we are beginning to look like TRASH. Please enforce rules if not arrest to make people you mean business!! 80 Speed bumps and speed limit signs on 44th Street SW 2/22/2021 11:44 AM 81 It would be nice if traffic lights could somehow be eliminated - Tunnel, overpass. Or at least 2/22/2021 8:49 AM the traffic lights are synced better. For example it I drive 35mph I would hit green lights all the time. see Germany's solution - Gruene Welle (green wave) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green wave. 82 Golden Gate has the unique opportunity to make this area a real vibrant, commuter friendly 2/22/2021 7:38 AM area. I also think with the addition of bike lanes and wider sidewalk this will slow the traffic down in this area, which is much needed with all the pedestrians. This corridor needs to be safer for children walking and biking to school, especially when there's so many schools (and neighborhoods) in this area. 83 Excited to see this improvement in our community 2/22/2021 7:17 AM 84 The change I approve of is the least change because I don't see many walkers on this road 2/21/2021 8:52 AM bike s yes 85 No 2/21/2021 6:48 AM 86 As long as street lights are working at night, the parkway is pretty safe and lit 2/20/2021 10:53 PM 87 Keep the speed limit down 2/19/2021 8:31 PM 88 Cost needs to be kept to minimum needed to make adjustments. Please don't overspend tax 2/19/2021 7:43 PM payer dollars 89 CCSO needs to make the speeding and reckless driving tickets much more costly to the 2/19/2021 1:07 PM offenders 90 Make it 3 lanes for cars all the way on both sides. 2/19/2021 12:45 PM 91 Worried. About water, schoolchildren, and vehicle entries to Collier Blvd 2/19/2021 10:38 AM 92 Increase the speed limit and finish up the construction faster 2/19/2021 7:57 AM 93 Cleanup houses along. Offer incentives for beautification. 2/19/2021 7:11 AM 94 1 worry about safety in this stretch of golden gate 2/19/2021 4:34 AM 95 Why are we looking into this to begin with? Safety? Convenience? 2/18/2021 11:22 PM 96 While high density, traffic flows smoothly. The trouble occurs with right turning traffic rushing 2/18/2021 10:11 PM pedestrians and bikes. 97 Thank you for seeking our input. 2/18/2021 8:26 PM 98 You need to fix the other end of GG Pkwy. It is extremely dangerous ! 2/18/2021 7:35 PM 99 Although we don't travel this road often now, my children did when they were in school. One of 2/18/2021 4:14 PM them witnessed a child on a bicycle get hit by a car while trying to cross the road. There is a 16 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (English) lot more bicycle, foot and vehicular traffic now, and I think the change is needed. 100 NA 2/18/2021 3:17 PM 101 1 would like to suggest having one more car line, instead of two per way 2/18/2021 3:07 PM 102 NOT AT THIS TIME. 2/18/2021 2:53 PM 103 More lighting for those that have to walk/bike at night i do not feel safe crossing the pkwy 2/18/2021 1:42 PM Question 4 needs to be changed Change the duplex driveways from exiting on to the parkway to the alley behind so traffic issues can be eliminated 104 no 2/18/2021 9:25 AM 105 Bikes and walkers should never be on the road with vehicle traffic! The current bike paths 2/18/2021 9:12 AM along the shoulders of our roads are extremely dangerous! Pedestrians & bikes should have to yield to vehicles, too many of them, not all stay in the middle of the road making vehicles stop or swerve to go around them! Totally ridiculous! 106 no 2/18/2021 8:25 AM 107 It is high time to make streets in Collier County more pedestrian/bike friendly. More bike lanes 2/18/2021 8:14 AM and sidewalks are needed. 108 The survey does not mention the cost, in dollars and in construction time and inconvenience, 2/18/2021 8:04 AM of making these changes; the choice that we the survey -takers give you may be distorted for that reason. 109 yes the speed limit cars are too fast for the city, 2/18/2021 7:51 AM 110 It is very congested! 2/17/2021 8:10 PM 111 Slower speed limits. 2/17/2021 3:44 PM 112 thank you for doing this 2/17/2021 2:43 PM 113 1 would never bike or walk along the Parkway. 2/16/2021 9:42 PM 114 A lot of driveway cuts makes biking tricky. Too many cars speed through red lights before 2/16/20214:55 PM stopping and taking right turn. 115 I'm not sure the ROW has space for these concepts given "existing conditions". However, a 2/16/2021 1:00 PM reduction of street intersections and traffic lights would be an improvement! 116 We need more street lights in Golden Gate City specially where the schools are 2/16/2021 11:40 AM 117 Better lightening soon. Better landscaping soon, better drainage on Golden Gate and Collier, 2/11/2021 9:24 AM floods often. 118 1 live on 45th St SW and it is being used as an alternative to 951 to GGPKWY. I have been in 2/11/2021 8:45 AM contact with the CCSO regarding the speeding on my residential street. Danny Curran of CCSO regarding this. People use it from the Circle K on 951 and cut through this residential neighborhood (25mph) through to GGPKWY. going 38-45 MPH. I think this needs to be considered in your planning. Thank You, Jamie Mueller, 239-293-6847, muellerjamie@yahoo.com 119 Stop lights/traffic is cumbersome 2/11/2021 6:50 AM 120 No 2/11/2021 6:27 AM 17 / 17 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q1 �,Que tan frecuentemente se desplaza por Golden Gate Parkway en Golden Gate City, entre Santa Barbara y Collier Boulevard? Answered:17 Skipped:0 Todos los Semanalmento Una o dos veces a la... Ocacionalmente Nunca 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Todos los dias 64.71% Semanalmente 5.88% Una o dos veces a la semana 11.76% Ocacionalmente 17.65% Nunca 0.00% TOTAL 11 1 2 3 0 17 1/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q2 Cuando se desplaza a traves de Golden Gate Parkway, por to general usted to hace: LEn un LEn Bicicleta? LCaminando o rodando en... I LSi es mas de una, por fay... 0% 10% 20% Answered:17 Skipped:0 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES 6En un carro? 6En Bicicleta? 6Caminando o rodando en (patineta, patine o usando una silla de ruedas)? 6Si es mas de una, por favor especifique? TOTAL # 4SI ES MAS DE UNA, POR FAVOR ESPECIFIQUE? 1 Carro, caminando, bicicleta RESPONSES 94.12% 0.00% 0.00% 5.88% DATE 2/18/2021 6:31 PM 16 0 0 1 17 2/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q3 6Por que es este su metodo mas comun de transporte cuando se desplaza por esta via? Answered:17 Skipped:0 DisponibiIidad Seguridad No tengo otra alternativa Es lo que puedo pagar Confiabilidad, Otro, por favor... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Disponibilidad 58.82% Seguridad 17.65% No tengo otra alternativa 17.65% Es to que puedo pagar 0.00% Confiabilidad 5.88% Otro, por favor especifique 0.00% TOTAL # OTRO, POR FAVOR ESPECIFIQUE There are no responses. DATE 10 3 3 0 1 0 17 3/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q4 Si, camina, patina, usa su bicicleta o toma el autobus por esta via: Answered:7 Skipped: 10 Siento segur del transito. Sient tranquilo o. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Siento seguro del transito a to largo de este recorrido Siento tranquilo o confiado en esta via Total Respondents: 7 RESPONSES 14.29% 85.71% 1 6 4/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q5 6Cu6Ll de estas opciones le gustaria que se disenara en Golden Gate Parkway, Golden Gate City, entre Santa Barbara y Collier County? Vea las imagenes y descripciones a continuacion. Answered: 17 Skipped:0 Propuesta 1 Propuesta Propuesta 3 Sin cambios 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Propuesta 1 29.41% Propuesta 2 29.41% Propuesta 3 41.18% Sin cambios 0.00% TOTAL 5 5 7 0 17 5/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q6 6Cual es su codigo postal? Answered: 17 Skipped:0 34102 34103 34104 34105 34108 34109 34110 34112 34113 34114 34116 . 34117 34119 34120 34142 Otro, por favor... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 6/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 34102 0.00% 34103 0.00% 34104 11.76% 34105 0.00% 34108 0.00% 34109 11.76% 34110 0.00% 34112 5.88% 34113 0.00% 34114 0.00% 34116 52.94% 34117 5.88% 34119 0.00% 34120 11.76% 34142 0.00% Otro, por favor especifique 0.00% TOTAL # OTRO, POR FAVOR ESPECIFIQUE There are no responses. DATE 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 9 1 0 2 0 0 17 7/9 Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q7 6Como obtuvo esta encuesta? Answered: 17 Skipped:0 En una reunion en persona Aviso d s�Prensa o sit.. Alguien me envi6 el [in... Plataformas sociales (ej.. Otro, por favor... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES En una reunion en persona 0.00% Aviso de Prensa o sitio web de Collier County 5.88% Alguien me envi6 el link para la encuesta 17.65% Plataformas sociales (ej. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) 76.47% Otro, por favor especificlue 0.00% TOTAL # OTRO, POR FAVOR ESPECIFIQUE DATE There are no responses. 0 1 3 13 0 17 • Golden Gate Parkway Community Engagement Survey (Espanol) Q8 6Tiene usted algun comentario adicional que le gustaria compartir sobre esta seccion de Golden Gate Parkway? Answered:1 Skipped:16 # RESPONSES DATE 1 Talvez fuera mejor si hubiesen hecho to mismo en la santa barbara blvd , porq el sidewalk es 2/27/2021 6:51 PM de to peor super peligroso al menos en el area de la santa barbara y Hunter siempre hay muchos accidentes en el area del Circle K 9/9 APPENDIX R IN -PERSON SURVEY RESULTS In Person Survey Results: 7 Mart provided by BlueZones Golden Gate Roadway Concepts Public Survey Completed at 7 Mart between 1-2 PM on Sunday, 2/28/21 Ricardo (Ricky) Sepulveda - Volunteer David Longfield-Smith - BZP TOTAL SURVEY RESPONDENTS 95 Concept 1- Overlay Multimodal 12 34112 1 34116 9 34119 1 34120 1 Concept 2 - Separated Multimodal 17 34104 2 34112 1 34114 3 34116 9 34117 1 34120 1 Concept 3 - Incremental Multimodal 66 34104 8 34112 6 34113 2 34116 37 34117 2 34119 1 34120 6 34135 1 34109 2 34105 1 In Person Survey Results: Farmers Market Provided by BlueZones Laura S. DeJohn From: LantzLorraine <Lorraine.Lantz@colliercountyfl.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 3:29 PM To: Laura S. DeJohn Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] RE: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys Laura, As discussed — see below. Thanks! Lorraine Lorraine M. Lantz, AICP Principal Planner l C l CR## Y Collier County Capital Projects, Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management NOTE: Email Address Has Changed 2685 S. Horseshoe Drive, Suite #103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: (239) 252-5779 Lorraine.Lantz@CollierCountvFL.gov From: LantzLorraine Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:27 PM To: Rafael Campo <Rafael.Campo@sharecare.com>; Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys No problem! Thanks for checking! Lorraine Lorraine M. Lantz, AICP Principal Planner 1 In Person Survey Results: Farmers Market Provided by BlueZones COtICT COUHLY Collier County Capital Projects, Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management NOTE: Email Address Has Changed 2685 S. Horseshoe Drive, Suite #103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: (239) 252-5779 Lorraine.Lantz@CollierCountyFL.gov From: Rafael Campo <Rafael.Campo@sharecare.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:27 PM To: Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Cc: LantzLorraine <Lorraine.Lantz@colliercountyfl.gov> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Yes. Typo, instead of 17 for proposal # 2 is 27. Sorry. 0 From: Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:22 PM To: Rafael Campo <Rafael.Campo@sharecare.com> Cc: LantzLorraine <Lorraine.Lantz@colliercountyfl.gov> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] RE: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys Hi Rafael, Can you please see Lorraine's question below about question #5? The numbers add up to 38 instead of 48. Is there a typo somewhere? Megan Greer I Worksite Lead, Blue Zones Project - SWFL M : 239-431-4308 — Megan.Greer@sharecare.com Blue Zones Project' We're making healthy choices easier across Southwest Florida. Follow us on Facebook I Instagram I SouthwestFlorida.BlueZonesProlect.com In Person Survey Results: Farmers Market Provided by BlueZones From: LantzLorraine <Lorraine.Lantz@colliercountyfl.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:12 PM To: Laura S. DeJohn <LKS@lohnsoneng.com> Cc: Danielle Schaeffner <danielle@bluezones.com>; Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Great! Thank you for all your efforts and the data collected. I was looking at the results below and was wondering if there were only 38 responses to question 5? There were 48 responses to the other questions and only 38 responses to #5. 1 am wondering if maybe there was a typo in the recording and Concept #1 received 16 votes instead of the 6 recorded below? Thanks! Lorraine Lorraine M. Lantz, AICP Principal Planner COtICT C01414ty Collier County Capital Projects, Planning, Impact Fees & Program Management NOTE: Email Address Has Changed 2685 S. Horseshoe Drive, Suite #103 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: (239) 252-5779 Lorraine. Lantz@CollierCou ntyFL.aov From: Laura S. DeJohn <LKS@lohnsoneng.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 1:41 PM To: LantzLorraine <Lorraine.Lantz@colliercountyfl.gov> Cc: Danielle Schaeffner <danielle@bluezones.com>; Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Subject: FW: GG Parkway Survey Results - in person surveys Importance: High In Person Survey Results: Farmers Market Provided by BlueZones EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Lorraine, Below and attached are the in -person survey results and information from Megan's team on the streets! Laura Laura DeJohn, AICP Director of Planning & Landscape Architecture JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. Cell: (239) 229-1726 ldejohn johnsoneng.com From: Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 1:14 PM To: Laura S. DeJohn <LKS@lohnsoneng.com>; Danielle Schaeffner <danielle@bluezones.com> Subject: GG Parkway Survey Results Importance: High Hello Laura & Dani, Attached and below are our survey results for Golden Gate PKWY Complete Streets Study. Rafael conducted the survey at the Farmers Market the last two Saturdays. He was able to snag more time with each respondent, so he was able to go through the whole survey with each person. His results are below. Over the last two Sundays, we went to 7 Food Mart, where people were in a much bigger hurry, so we were able to snag which concept they prefer and their zip code — see attached. On a side note, several people commented that they would like to see better lighting on GG PKY. We had a lot of good conversations and I think it is important that, as we move forward, we continue to engage GG residents, especially the Spanish speaking population where they are at and in their own community as opposed to online. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Megan Greer I Worksite Lead, Blue Zones Project - SWFL M : 239-431-4308 — Megan.Greer@sharecare.com Blue Zones Project° We're making healthy choices easier across Southwest Florida. Follow us on Facebook I Instagram I SouthwestFlorida.BlueZonesProlect.com From: Rafael Campo <Rafael.Campo@sharecare.com> Sent: Monday, March 1, 20213:51 PM To: Megan Greer <Megan.Greer@Sharecare.com> Subject: GG Parkway Survey Results Hola Megan Espero que Puerto Rico haya sido un exito... In Person Survey Results: Farmers Market Provided by BlueZones Here I have the GG Survey results: 48 People total Q1) 10 Todos los digs 8 Seanalmente 24 Una o dos veces a la semana 6 Ocacionalmente Q2 ) 27 En un carro 14 En bicicleta 5 Caminando 2 Bus Q3) 32 Disponibilidad 14 Es to que puedo pagar 2 No tengo otra alternativa Q4) 7 Se siente seguro 6 Se siente tranquilo Q5) 6 Propuesta 1 17 Propuesta 2 13 Propuesta 3 2 Sin cambios Q6) 6 (34112) 5 (34113) 27 (34116) 6 (34117) 1 (34119) 4 (34120) I hope you find it okay this way of retrieving the results. If I can help in any other way, please let me know. 0 Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 0 APPENDIX S SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL OF FLORIDA POTENTIAL UTILITY PROVIDERS Ex. Circum service Area UtilityTymW. Contact Alt. Contact Emergency Contact Positive Response APPENDIX T PROJECT COST ESTIMATES Concept 1 Cost Estimate GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 CONCEPT 1 -OVERLAY MULTIMODAL ROADWAY• • 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 1,577,112.67 $ 1,577,112.67 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 $ 1,182,834.50 $ 1,182,834.50 104-10-3 SEDIMENT BARRIER (SILT FENCE) LF 19,497 $ 1.50 $ 29,245.65 110-1-1 CLEARING & GRUBBING LS 1 $ 1,003,769.63 $ 1,003,769.63 120-1 REGULAR EXCAVATION CY 6453 $ 8.00 $ 51,626.67 120-6 EMBANKMENT CY 27964 $ 14.00 $ 391,502.22 160-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (12" MIN) BY 19,821 $ 4.50 $ 89,194.50 285-710 OPTIONAL BASE, BASE GROUP 10 SY 112,374 $ 26.50 $ 2,977,905.70 327-70-1 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 1" AVERAGE DEPTH SY 9,406 $ 3.00 $ 28,216.80 327-70-6 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 1.5" AVERAGE DEPTH SY 80,161 $ 3.50 $ 280,564.90 334-1-13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TRAFFIC C 3" TN 18,542 $ 100.00 $ 1,854,165.00 425-1-321 INLET, CURB, TYPE P-2, <10' EA 25 $ 6,200.00 $ 155,000.00 425-1-521 INLET, DITCH BOTTOM, TYPE C, <10' EA 2 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 425-2-61 MANHOLES, P-8, <10' EA 25 $ 4,400.00 $ 110,000.00 430-175-115 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 15" LF 938 $ 110.00 $ 103,125.00 430-175-130 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 30" LF 17,880 $ 130.00 $ 2,324,400.00 520-1-10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F LF 19,540 $ 25.00 $ 488,500.00 520-2-1 CONCRETE CURB, TYPE A LF 20,290 $ 32.00 $ 649,292.80 522-2A CONCRETE, 6" THICK (SIDEWALK) SY 22,078 $ 58.00 $ 1,280,512.40 522-213 CONCRETE, 6" THICK (DRIVEWAY) SY 1,733 $ 58.00 $ 100,496.60 526-1-1 PAVERS, ARCHITECTURAL, ROADWAY SY 619 $ 85.00 $ 52,632.00 527-2 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SF 4,203 $ 31.00 $ 130,286.80 530-3-4 RIPRAP-RUBBLE, F&I, DITCH LINING (1.5' DEPTH) TN 30.0 $ 185.00 $ 5,550.00 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF (SOD) SY 47,038 $ 3.00 $ 141,112.80 LND-1 LANDSCAPING MI 2.0 $ 295,000.00 $ 590,000.00 ASB-1 700-1-11 ASBUILT SURVEY SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I, GROUND MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF AS 22 $ 22,500.0 $ 330.00 00.00 $ 7,260.00 700-1-50 SINGLE POST SIGN, RELOCATE AS 79 $ 190.00 $ 15,010.00 700-1-60 SINGLE POST SIGN, REMOVE AS 8 $ 30.00 $ 240.00 710-11-101 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 6" GM 7.322 $ 1,000.00 $ 7,322.00 710-11-123 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 12" LF 5,449 $ 1.00 $ 5,449.10 710-11-124 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 18" LF 526.7 $ 1.10 $ 579.37 710-11-125 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 24" LF 6,014 $ 1.50 $ 9,020.40 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 3-9 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 0.1815 $ 450.00 $ 81.68 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 10-30 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 15.1497 $ 475.00 $ 7,196.11 710-11-141 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6- GM 0.4158 $ 550.00 $ 228.69 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (MERGE) EA 3 $ 40.00 $ 120.00 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (ONLY) EA 16 $ 40.00 $ 640.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT ARROW) EA 66 $ 30.00 $ 1,980.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT ARROW) EA 101 $ 30.00 $ 3,030.00 1 OF 3 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM • Ir DESCRIPTION•TOTAL PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (MERGE ARROW) EA 3 $ 30.00 $ 90.00 710-11-170 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT/THRU) EA 5 $ 30.00 $ 150.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT/THRU) EA 2 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (U-TURN) EA 1 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 710-11-201 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, YELLOW, SOLID, 6" GM 4.1703 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,170.30 710-11-241 630-2-11 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., YELLOW, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6" LIGHTING CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH GM Signing LF 0.8611 and Marking 4370 $ 550.00 Subtotal $ 12.00 $ 473.61 $ 63,131.25 $ 52,440.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 13110 $ 25.00 $ 327,750.00 635-2-12 PULL AND SPLICE BOX, FURNISH & INSTALL, 24"X36" COVER SIZE EA 50 $ 1,700.00 $ 85,000.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD, METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACT AS 4 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 715-1-12 LIGHTING CONDUCTORS, F&I, INSULATED, NO. 6 LF 52440 $ 1.50 $ 78,660.00 715-4-14 LIGHT POLE COMPLETE, F&I, STANDARD POLE, STANDARD FOUNDATION, 45' MOUNI EA 109 $ 5,500.00 $ 600,875.00 715-500-1 POLE CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, CONVENTIONAL, F&I EA 109 $ 560.00 $ 61,180.00 715-7-11 630-2-11 LOAD CENTER, F&I, SECONDARY VOLTAGE SIGNALS CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH EA LF 4 Lighting 500 $ 11,500.00 Subtotal $ 12.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 1,261,905.00 $ 6,000.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 2,400 $ 25.00 $ 60,000.00 632-7-1 SIGNAL CABLE, NEW OR RECONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION, FURNISH & INSTALL PI 6 $ 5,400.00 $ 32,400.00 632-7-6 SIGNAL CABLE, REMOVE - INTERSECTION PI 6 $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 633-2-31 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, SPLICE EA 6 $ 50.00 $ 300.00 633-2-32 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, TERMINATION EA 18 $ 75.00 $ 1,350.00 633-3-12 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, SPLICE TRAY EA 6 $ 68.00 $ 408.00 633-3-13 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY EA 6 $ 48.00 $ 288.00 633-3-14 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, BUFFER TUBE FAN OUT KIT EA 6 $ 170.00 $ 1,020.00 633-3-15 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED PATCH PANEL EA 6 $ 1,700.00 $ 10,200.00 633-3-17 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, CONNECTOR PANEL EA 6 $ 325.00 $ 1,950.00 635-2-11 PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 13" X 24" COVER SIZE EA 96 $ 750.00 $ 72,000.00 635-2-12 PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 24" X 36" COVER SIZE EA 6 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,200.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR FROM POWER COMPANY AS 6 $ 2,700.00 $ 16,200.00 639-2-1 SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL SERVICE WIRE, F&I LF 600 $ 7.00 $ 4,200.00 641-2-12 PRESTRESSED CONC. POLE, F&I, TYPE P-II SERVICE POLE EA 6 $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 646-1-11 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, F&I, PEDESTAL EA 40 $ 1,500.00 $ 60,000.00 646-1-60 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, REMOVE EA 40 $ 300.00 $ 12,000.00 649-21-10 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, FURNISH AND INSTALL, 60' SINGLE ARM EA 21 $ 54,000.00 $ 1,134,000.00 649-26-5 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, REMOVE, DEEP FOUNDATION, BOLT ON ATTACHMENT EA 13 $ 6,000.00 $ 78,000.00 650-1-14 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL -ALUMINUM, 3 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 63 $ 975.00 $ 61,425.00 650-1-16 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL -ALUMINUM, 4 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 21 $ 1,300.00 $ 27,300.00 653-1-11 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL LED COUNT DOWN, 1 WAY AS 40 $ 725.00 $ 29,000.00 660-4-10 VEHICLE DETECTION SYSTEM- VIDEO, FURNISH & INSTALL, COMPLETE SYSTEM EA 6 $ 6,500.00 $ 39,000.00 663-1-111 SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, CABINET ELECTRONICS EA 6 $ 5,750.00 $ 34,500.00 2 OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 �Ir 663-1-112 • SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, DETECTOR EA •TOTAL 21 $ 2,200.00 $ 46,200.00 665-1-12 PEDESTRIAN DETECTOR, F&I, ACCESSIBLE EA 40 $ 1,325.00 $ 53,000.00 670-5-112 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, F&I, NEMA, 2 PRE-EMPTION PLANS AS 6 $ 30,100.00 $ 180,600.00 670-5-600 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, REMOVE CONTROLLER AND CABINET AS 6 $ 725.00 $ 4,350.00 684-1-1 MANAGED FIELD ETHERNET SWITCH, LAYER 2, FURNISH & INSTALL EA 6 $ 4,150.00 $ 24,900.00 685-1-11 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY, FURNISH & INSTALL, LINE INTERACTIVE EA 6 $ 4,900.00 $ 29,400.00 700-3-201 SIGN PANEL, FURNISH & INSTALL OVERHEAD MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF EA 12 $ 600.00 $ 7,200.00 700-5-21 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN EA 21 $ 3,000.00 $ 63,000.00 715-7-12 LOAD CENTER, F&I, PRIMARY VOLTAGE EA 6 CONSTRUCTION $ 13,200.00 Signals Subtotal SUBTOTALI Contingency (10%) $ 79,200.00 $ 2,190,9 $ 1,914,357.39 Design (12.5%) $ 2,392,946.74 Administration/CEI (11%) $ 2,105,793.13 3 OF Concept 2 Cost Estimate GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 CONCEPT 2 - SEPARATED MULTIMODAL AL 1 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 1,581,067.07 $ 1,581,067.07 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 $ 1,185,800.31 $ 1,185,800.31 104-10-3 SEDIMENT BARRIER (SILT FENCE) LF 19,547 $ 1.50 $ 29,320.65 110-1-1 CLEARING & GRUBBING LS 1 $ 1,006,693.27 $ 1,006,693.27 120-1 REGULAR EXCAVATION CY 6453 $ 8.00 $ 51,626.67 120-6 EMBANKMENT CY 27964 $ 14.00 $ 391,502.22 160-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (12" MIN) BY 25,518 $ 4.50 $ 114,829.65 285-710 OPTIONAL BASE, BASE GROUP 10 BY 117,837 $ 26.50 $ 3,122,685.80 327-70-1 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 1" AVERAGE DEPTH BY 9,497 $ 3.00 $ 28,491.90 327-70-6 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 1.5" AVERAGE DEPTH BY 92,372 $ 3.50 $ 323,303.05 334-1-13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TRAFFIC C 3" TN 17,248 $ 100.00 $ 1,724,826.00 425-1-321 INLET, CURB, TYPE P-2, <10' EA 25 $ 6,200.00 $ 155,000.00 425-1-521 INLET, DITCH BOTTOM, TYPE C, <10' EA 2 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 425-2-61 MANHOLES, P-8, <10' EA 25 $ 4,400.00 $ 110,000.00 430-175-115 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 15" LF 938 $ 110.00 $ 103,125.00 430-175-130 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 30" LF 17,880 $ 130.00 $ 2,324,400.00 520-1-10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F LF 38,661 $ 25.00 $ 966,532.50 520-2-1 CONCRETE CURB, TYPE A LF 20,290 $ 32.00 $ 649,292.80 522-2A CONCRETE, 6" THICK (SIDEWALK) BY 13,290 $ 60.00 $ 797,400.00 522-215 CONCRETE, 6" THICK (DRIVEWAY) BY 1,736 $ 60.00 $ 104,136.00 526-1-1 PAVERS, ARCHITECTURAL, ROADWAY BY 629 $ 85.00 $ 53,422.50 527-2 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SF 2,856 $ 31.00 $ 88,545.30 530-3-4 RIPRAP-RUBBLE, F&I, DITCH LINING (1.5' DEPTH) TN 30.0 $ 185.00 $ 5,550.00 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF (SOD) SY 44,507 $ 3.00 $ 133,522.20 LND-1 LANDSCAPING MI 2.0 $ 295,000.00 $ 590,000.00 ASB-1 700-1-11 ASBUILT SURVEY SIGNING AND MARKIN��� SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I, GROUND MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF LS AS 1 Roadway 22 $ 22,500.00 Subtotal $ 330.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 15,671,572.89 $ 7,260.00 700-1-50 SINGLE POST SIGN, RELOCATE AS 92 $ 190.00 $ 17,480.00 700-1-60 SINGLE POST SIGN, REMOVE AS 8 $ 30.00 $ 240.00 710-11-101 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 6" GM 8.0385 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,038.50 710-11-123 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 12" LF 5,503 $ 1.00 $ 5,502.60 710-11-124 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 18" LF 456.6 $ 1.10 $ 502.26 710-11-125 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 24" LF 5,184 $ 1.50 $ 7,776.45 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 3-9 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 1.1493 $ 450.00 $ 517.19 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 10-30 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 15.1331 $ 475.00 $ 7,188.22 710-11-141 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6" GM 0.4158 $ 550.00 $ 228.69 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (MERGE) EA 3 $ 40.00 $ 120.00 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (ONLY) EA 16 $ 40.00 $ 640.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT ARROW) EA 69 $ 30.00 $ 2,070.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT ARROW) EA 101 $ 30.00 $ 3,030.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (MERGE ARROW) EA 3 $ 30.00 $ 90.00 1 OF 3 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM 710-11-170 • DESCRIPTION PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT/THRU) UNIT EA QUANTITY 5 INIT PRICE $ 30.00 PAY ITEM TOTAL $ 150.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT/THRU) EA 2 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (U-TURN) EA 1 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 710-11-201 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, YELLOW, SOLID, 6" GM 4.1637 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,163.70 710-11-241 630-2-11 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., YELLOW, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6" LIGHTING CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH GM LF 0.8757 4370 $ 550.00 $ 12.00 $ 481.64 $ 52,440.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 13110 $ 25.00 $ 327,750.00 635-2-12 PULL AND SPLICE BOX, FURNISH & INSTALL, 24"X36" COVER SIZE EA 50 $ 1,700.00 $ 85,000.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD, METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACT AS 4 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 715-1-12 LIGHTING CONDUCTORS, F&I, INSULATED, NO. 6 LF 52440 $ 1.50 $ 78,660.00 715-4-14 LIGHT POLE COMPLETE, F&I, STANDARD POLE, STANDARD FOUNDATION, 45' MOUW EA 109 $ 5,500.00 $ 600,875.00 715-500-1 POLE CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, CONVENTIONAL, F&I EA 109 $ 560.00 $ 61,180.00 715-7-11 630-2-11 LOAD CENTER, F&I, SECONDARY VOLTAGE SIGNALS CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH EA LF 4 Lighting 500 $ 11,500.00 Subtotal $ 12.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 00 $ 6,000.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 2,400 $ 25.00 $ 60,000.00 632-7-1 SIGNAL CABLE, NEW OR RECONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION, FURNISH & INSTALL PI 6 $ 5,400.00 $ 32,400.00 632-7-6 SIGNAL CABLE, REMOVE - INTERSECTION PI 6 $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 633-2-31 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, SPLICE EA 6 $ 50.00 $ 300.00 633-2-32 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, TERMINATION EA 18 $ 75.00 $ 1,350.00 633-3-12 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, SPLICE TRAY EA 6 $ 68.00 $ 408.00 633-3-13 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY EA 6 $ 48.00 $ 288.00 633-3-14 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, BUFFER TUBE FAN OUT KIT EA 6 $ 170.00 $ 1,020.00 633-3-15 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED PATCH PANEL EA 6 $ 1,700.00 $ 10,200.00 633-3-17 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, CONNECTOR PANEL EA 6 $ 325.00 $ 1,950.00 635-2-11A PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 13" X 24" COVER SIZE EA 96 $ 750.00 $ 72,000.00 635-2-12 PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 24" X 36" COVER SIZE EA 6 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,200.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR FROM POWER COMPANY AS 6 $ 2,700.00 $ 16,200.00 639-2-1 SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL SERVICE WIRE, F&I LF 600 $ 7.00 $ 4,200.00 641-2-12 PRESTRESSED CONC. POLE, F&I, TYPE P-II SERVICE POLE EA 6 $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 646-1-11 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, F&I, PEDESTAL EA 40 $ 1,500.00 $ 60,000.00 646-1-60 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, REMOVE EA 40 $ 300.00 $ 12,000.00 649-21-10 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, FURNISH AND INSTALL, 60' SINGLE ARM EA 21 $ 54,000.00 $ 1,134,000.00 649-26-5 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, REMOVE, DEEP FOUNDATION, BOLT ON ATTACHMENT EA 13 $ 6,000.00 $ 78,000.00 650-1-14 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL -ALUMINUM, 3 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 63 $ 975.00 $ 61,425.00 650-1-16 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL -ALUMINUM, 4 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 21 $ 1,300.00 $ 27,300.00 653-1-11 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL LED COUNT DOWN, 1 WAY AS 40 $ 725.00 $ 29,000.00 660-4-10 VEHICLE DETECTION SYSTEM- VIDEO, FURNISH & INSTALL, COMPLETE SYSTEM EA 6 $ 6,500.00 $ 39,000.00 663-1-111 SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, CABINET ELECTRONICS EA 6 $ 5,750.00 $ 34,500.00 663-1-112 SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, DETECTOR EA 21 $ 2,200.00 $ 46,200.00 665-1-12 PEDESTRIAN DETECTOR, F&I, ACCESSIBLE EA 40 $ 1,325.00 $ 53,000.00 670-5-112 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, F&I, NEMA, 2 PRE-EMPTION PLANS AS 6 $ 30,100.00 $ 180,600.00 2 OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM • DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PAY ITEM TOTAL 670-5-600 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, REMOVE CONTROLLER AND CABINET AS 6 $ 725.00 $ 4,350.00 684-1-1 MANAGED FIELD ETHERNET SWITCH, LAYER 2, FURNISH & INSTALL EA 6 $ 4,150.00 $ 24,900.00 685-1-11 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY, FURNISH & INSTALL, LINE INTERACTIVE EA 6 $ 4,900.00 $ 29,400.00 700-3-201 SIGN PANEL, FURNISH & INSTALL OVERHEAD MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF EA 12 $ 600.00 $ 7,200.00 700-5-21 1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN EA 21 $ 3,000.00 $ 63,000.00 715-7-12 LOAD CENTER, F&I, PRIMARY VOLTAGE 111111111pw-' EA 6 $ 13,200.00 Signals Subtotal $ 79,200.00 $ 2,190,991.% ONSTN SUBTOTAL0,0 Contingency (10%)I $ 1,919,003.81 Design (12.5%)I $ 2,398,754.77 Administration/CEI (11%)I $ 2,110,904.19 3 OF Concept 3 Cost Estimate GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING LEVEL ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM NJ DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNITPRICE PAYITEMTOTAL CONCEPT 3 - INCREMENTAL MULTIMODAL • • 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 1,582,961.24 $ 1,582,961.24 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 $ 1,187,220.93 $ 1,187,220.93 104-10-3 SEDIMENT BARRIER (SILT FENCE) LF 19,547 $ 1.50 $ 29,320.65 110-1-1 CLEARING & GRUBBING LS 1 $ 750,000.00 $ 750,000.00 120-1 REGULAR EXCAVATION CY 6453 $ 8.00 $ 51,626.67 120-6 EMBANKMENT CY 27964 $ 14.00 $ 391,502.22 160-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (12" MIN) SY 121,702 $ 5.00 $ 608,511.00 285-710 OPTIONAL BASE, BASE GROUP 10 SY 122,309 $ 22.50 $ 2,751,961.50 327-70-1 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 1" AVERAGE DEPTH SY 9,497 $ 3.00 $ 28,491.90 327-70-6 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 3" AVERAGE DEPTH SY 92,372 $ 5.00 $ 461,861.50 334-1-13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TRAFFIC C 3" TN 21,841 $ 115.00 $ 2,511,729.95 425-1-321 INLET, CURB, TYPE P-2, <10' EA 36 $ 6,200.00 $ 223,200.00 425-1-521 INLET, DITCH BOTTOM, TYPE C, <10' EA 5 $ 4,000.00 $ 20,000.00 425-2-61 MANHOLES, P-8, <10' EA 36 $ 4,400.00 $ 158,400.00 430-175-115 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 15" LF 1,350 $ 110.00 $ 148,500.00 430-175-130 PIPE CULVERT, OPTIONAL MATERIAL, ROUND S/CD, 30" LF 17,880 $ 130.00 $ 2,324,400.00 520-1-10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F LF 17,534 $ 30.00 $ 526,008.00 520-2-1 CONCRETE CURB, TYPE A LF 20,290 $ 35.00 $ 710,164.00 522-2A CONCRETE, 6" THICK (SIDEWALK) SY 900 $ 50.00 $ 45,000.00 522-213 CONCRETE, 6" THICK (DRIVEWAY) SY 1,800 $ 50.00 $ 90,000.00 526-1-1 PAVERS, ARCHITECTURAL, ROADWAY SY 629 $ 85.00 $ 53,422.50 527-2 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SF 7,973 $ 35.00 $ 279,055.00 530-3-4 RIPRAP-RUBBLE, F&I, DITCH LINING (1.5' DEPTH) TN 30.0 $ 185.00 $ 5,550.00 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF (SOD) SY 47,038 $ 3.00 $ 141,114.00 LND-1 LANDSCAPING MI 2.0 $ 295,000.00 $ 590,000.00 ASB-1 700-1-11 ASBUILT SURVEY SIGNING • MARKING SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I, GROUND MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF LS AS 1 22 $ 22,500.00 $ 330.00 $ 22,500.00 15,692,501.06 $ 7,260.00 700-1-50 SINGLE POST SIGN, RELOCATE AS 92 $ 190.00 $ 17,480.00 700-1-60 SINGLE POST SIGN, REMOVE AS 8 $ 30.00 $ 240.00 710-11-101 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 6" GM 8.0385 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,038.50 710-11-123 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 12" LF 5,503 $ 1.00 $ 5,502.60 710-11-124 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 18" LF 526.7 $ 1.10 $ 579.37 710-11-125 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 24" LF 6,014 $ 1.50 $ 9,021.00 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 3-9 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 1.1493 $ 450.00 $ 517.19 710-11-131 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, SKIP, 10-30 SKIP, 6" WIDE GM 15.1331 $ 475.00 $ 7,188.22 710-11-141 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6" GM 0.4158 $ 550.00 $ 228.69 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (MERGE) EA 3 $ 40.00 $ 120.00 710-11-160 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., WHITE, MESSAGE OR SYMBOL (ONLY) EA 16 $ 40.00 $ 640.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT ARROW) EA 69 $ 30.00 $ 2,070.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT ARROW) EA 101 $ 30.00 $ 3,030.00 1 of 3 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING LEVEL ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM • 710-11-170 DESCRIPTION PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (MERGE ARROW) UNIT EA QUANTITY 3 UNIT PRICE $ 30.00 PAY ITEM TOTAL $ 90.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (RIGHT/THRU) EA 5 $ 30.00 $ 150.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (LEFT/THRU) EA 2 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 710-11-170 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROWS (U-TURN) EA 1 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 710-11-201 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STANDARD, YELLOW, SOLID, 6" GM 4.1703 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,170.30 710-11-241 630-2-11 IPAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD., YELLOW, 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE, 6" CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH GM LF 1 0.8757 4370 $ 550.00 $ 481.64 $ 52,440.00 $ 12.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 13110 $ 25.00 $ 327,750.00 635-2-12 PULL AND SPLICE BOX, FURNISH & INSTALL, 24"X36" COVER SIZE EA 50 $ 1,700.00 $ 85,000.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD, METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACT AS 4 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 715-1-12 LIGHTING CONDUCTORS, F&I, INSULATED, NO. 6 LF 52440 $ 1.50 $ 78,660.00 715-4-14 LIGHT POLE COMPLETE, F&I, STANDARD POLE, STANDARD FOUNDATION, 45' MOUN EA 109 $ 5,500.00 $ 600,875.00 715-500-1 POLE CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, CONVENTIONAL, F&I EA 109 $ 560.00 $ 61,180.00 715-7-11 630-2-11 LOAD CENTER, F&I, SECONDARY VOLTAGE SIGNALS CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, OPEN TRENCH EA LF 4 Lighting 500 $ 11,500.00 Subtotal $ 12.00 $ 46,000.00 $ • •• $ 6,000.00 630-2-12 CONDUIT, FURNISH & INSTALL, DIRECTIONAL BORE LF 2,400 $ 25.00 $ 60,000.00 632-7-1 SIGNAL CABLE, NEW OR RECONSTRUCTED INTERSECTION, FURNISH & INSTALL PI 6 $ 5,400.00 $ 32,400.00 632-7-6 SIGNAL CABLE, REMOVE - INTERSECTION PI 6 $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 633-2-31 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, SPLICE EA 6 $ 50.00 $ 300.00 633-2-32 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION, TERMINATION EA 18 $ 75.00 $ 1,350.00 633-3-12 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, SPLICE TRAY EA 6 $ 68.00 $ 408.00 633-3-13 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY EA 6 $ 48.00 $ 288.00 633-3-14 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, BUFFER TUBE FAN OUT KIT EA 6 $ 170.00 $ 1,020.00 633-3-15 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, PRETERMINATED PATCH PANEL EA 6 $ 1,700.00 $ 10,200.00 633-3-17 FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION HARDWARE, F&I, CONNECTOR PANEL EA 6 $ 325.00 $ 1,950.00 635-2-11A PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 13" X 24" COVER SIZE EA 96 $ 750.00 $ 72,000.00 635-2-12 PULL & SPLICE BOX, F&I, 24" X 36" COVER SIZE EA 6 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,200.00 639-1-112 ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE, F&I, OVERHEAD METER PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR FROM POWER COMPANY AS 6 $ 2,700.00 $ 16,200.00 639-2-1 SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL SERVICE WIRE, F&I LF 600 $ 7.00 $ 4,200.00 641-2-12 PRESTRESSED CONC. POLE, F&I, TYPE P-II SERVICE POLE EA 6 $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 646-1-11 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, F&I, PEDESTAL EA 40 $ 1,500.00 $ 60,000.00 646-1-60 ALUMINUM SIGNALS POLE, REMOVE EA 40 $ 300.00 $ 12,000.00 649-21-10 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, FURNISH AND INSTALL, 60' SINGLE ARM EA 21 $ 54,000.00 $ 1,134,000.00 649-26-5 STEEL MAST ARM ASSEMBLY, REMOVE, DEEP FOUNDATION, BOLT ON ATTACHMENT EA 13 $ 6,000.00 $ 78,000.00 650-1-14 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL - ALUMINUM, 3 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 63 $ 975.00 $ 61,425.00 650-1-16 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL - ALUMINUM, 4 SECTION, 1 WAY AS 21 $ 1,300.00 $ 27,300.00 653-1-11 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL, FURNISH & INSTALL LED COUNT DOWN, 1 WAY AS 40 $ 725.00 $ 29,000.00 660-4-10 VEHICLE DETECTION SYSTEM- VIDEO, FURNISH & INSTALL, COMPLETE SYSTEM EA 6 $ 6,500.00 $ 39,000.00 663-1-111 SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, CABINET ELECTRONICS EA 6 $ 5,750.00 $ 34,500.00 663-1-112 SIGNAL PRIORITY AND PRE-EMPTION SYSTEM, F&I, OPTICAL, DETECTOR EA 21 $ 2,200.00 $ 46,200.00 2 OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - STREETSCAPE OVERLAY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING LEVEL ESTIMATE MARCH, 2021 PAY ITEM • 665-1-12 DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY PEDESTRIAN DETECTOR, F&I, ACCESSIBLE EA 40 UNITPRICE $ 1,325.00 PAY ITEM TOTAL $ 53,000.00 670-5-112 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, F&I, NEMA, 2 PRE-EMPTION PLANS AS 6 $ 30,100.00 $ 180,600.00 670-5-600 TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, REMOVE CONTROLLER AND CABINET AS 6 $ 725.00 $ 4,350.00 684-1-1 MANAGED FIELD ETHERNET SWITCH, LAYER 2, FURNISH & INSTALL EA 6 $ 4,150.00 $ 24,900.00 685-1-11 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY, FURNISH & INSTALL, LINE INTERACTIVE EA 6 $ 4,900.00 $ 29,400.00 700-3-201 SIGN PANEL, FURNISH & INSTALL OVERHEAD MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF EA 12 $ 600.00 $ 7,200.00 700-5-21 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN EA 21 $ 3,000.00 $ 63,000.00 715-7-12 LOAD CENTER, F&I, PRIMARY VOLTAGE EA 6 $ 13,200.00 F Signals PHASE I CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAIIW9,212,294.56 Contingency (10%) $ 79,200.00 I $ 1,921,229.46 Design (12.5%) $ 2,401,536.82 Administration/CEI (11%) ROADWAY - PHASE 2M& 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 237,888.00 $ 2,113,352.40 $ 237,888.00 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 $ 178,416.00 $ 178,416.00 104-10-3 SEDIMENT BARRIER (SILT FENCE) LF 18,500 $ 1.50 $ 27,750.00 110-1-1 CLEARING & GRUBBING LS 1 $ 750,000.00 $ 750,000.00 120-1 REGULAR EXCAVATION CY 4340 $ 8.00 $ 34,720.00 120-6 EMBANKMENT CY 17360 $ 14.00 $ 243,040.00 334-1-13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TRAFFIC C 3" TN 2,300 $ 115.00 $ 264,500.00 520-1-10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F LF 3,445 $ 30.00 $ 103,350.00 522-2A CONCRETE, 6" THICK (SIDEWALK) SY 13,250 $ 50.00 $ 662,500.00 522-213 CONCRETE, 6" THICK (DRIVEWAY) SY 1,800 $ 50.00 $ 90,000.00 526-1-1 PAVERS, ARCHITECTURAL, ROADWAY SY 97 $ 85.00 $ 8,245.00 527-2 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SF 2,685 $ 35.00 $ 93,975.00 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF (SOD) SY 33,600 $ 3.00 $ 100,800.00 LND-1 LANDSCAPING MI 2.0 $ 295,000.00 $ 590,000.00 ASB-1 ASBUILT SURVEY LS 1 $ 22,500.00 Roadway - Phase 2 Subtotal PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION SUBTO Contingency (10%)I 1 $ 22,500.00 11 $ 340,768.40 Design (12.5%)I $ 425,960.50 Administration/CEI (11%) • TOTAL $ 374,845.24