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Resolution 1999-164
REg()I.I'TI¢)N .N(). 99- 164 RESOIA'TI¢~N ¢)F TIlE I:I()ARI) ('()[.I.I1-~1~ ('()I'NTY. FI.()I,HDA. ',,I'TIICH,HZI~¢; DEI:F~ItlCXl, ¢)1,' OF I.II~RAI,Uf .";'¥STFL'~I 1511',%('T YEI-i~. I'ARK~ .-',,Nil RE('i{F. ATI()NAI. FA('II.ITIEg IMI'A('T FI-~EN. R()AI) IMI'A('T FBI ER(;EN("~' ?,IF;i)I( 'Al. SERVI('I-L~ SYSTEM I?,II'A('T I.'I'~EN. RE(:i()NAI. WATEI~ ANI);()R EI)I'('ATI()NAI. F.%('II.ITIE.~ ~Y.~TI'BI D, IPA('T FEES I-'()1,~ ONE il()l'gK T() I{E ('()7{.~TI,H'("I'I.~I) I~%' .II'AN R()I)I~I(;I'I.~Z AND ('()I'NTY. FI.()Ril) \. WIIF. REAN. (',fiber ('otmtv ha~, rcc(~!zm/c~ and ;iJtVml,q,...d ,'o addrc,, thc lack ,e adcquajc ami and ~VIIEREA.%. Juan Rodrlgucz and Maria R,,dnguez are seeking a dclrrral ,,1' "5".. ,,I mq~acJ Ii:c< '~ViII'.'I~EA."4. Juan Rr~Jrl,.2'uc/ ami Matra Rodrlguc/ ~'.lll c(m,Jru,.t a three ~) hcdu,om un,I {ibc No. 92-22. as amcndcd: .Sccm,n 3.05 ol lilt' [:mcrgcncy Mcthcal Scl'x ICC~ Syqcm Impact Fee Ordinnnce. Ordinance No 91.~1. ns amcndcd: Sect:on 1JM of lb,, RCglOnill Walc~ Systems Impact Fcc Ordinance. ()rdmancc 9S-69: and 5eCthlI1 3.05 Ot' [he l: tl'Cat,.ma] J"llClllllC, 16 7 lmpacl Fcc ()rthnancc. ()rdmancc No 92-33. a, ;ItllcTid,..',.L ;H1 ;ipl~Jlc;lllt max obi;till :l dclc~ral -1 mq~:lcl Ii'cs by quahl3, mg Ii~r a dcll'rral: and A. Ibc I)~clhng ['1111 ~llall l,c .~ncd bx a firxl-Iltllc holllC buyer. IbC Appcmhccs Io thc respective [mpacl J:t't' (;rdmanccx ('. l'hc l)~vcihng l'ntt ~h;tll be thc Il-mc,Icad ol'll~c D. Ibc I)xvclhng l ;nil shall rciI1aln at]brdalfle fi)r fifteen il 5) )'tqlr~ J?llr11 thc (hilL' thc CCrIIJ'IC;IIL' 'I'IIKI{[FORE. lie IT RK~(H.VI.:I) ~'OMMISSIO~ERS OF COI,I,i[R ('O['NTY. FI,ORIILI. TH,VI': J. 'J]IC J~o~lr(J of('oriel) ('lH~mlhM~flL. r~ ilL'toby atllJlorl/c~ thL' ,,\. I liar,tlr)' [ml'~a¢l I:cc ('. t'ark~ and Recreational Impact Fcc: Rcgtonal I'ark~ ('ommunlty Parks D. f.MN impact Fcc '['.lal [ Illl);ICI Thc deferral of inlpaCt l~'cs by ( loljl~..r ('ounty IS subjccl lo thc CXCCtlll:ill ;md rccord;lll.n of an Agreement for dct~'rral-f('oJJlcr t}lC ( 16A t)AT[;i~: ~ 0 9 1999 DWIGHT ~. BRC'~.2K, Ci~rk Attest ~ to Ch~f~n'l sl~atu?e Approved as Lo li)~ and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney EXII illIT i,E(;:',,I, DESC'R! PTION LOT 10, BI.OCK 7. AV,.\VI.()N I!STA'FHS. I;NIT X(). 1. A('{ '( )R I )IN{ i 'l'i' } TI I1{ PI..,\T ]'ItL:RI!OF. ,,\S R,q('()RI)I-~I) IN Iq. AT I~{)¢}K 3. f',,\(if! (,2. ~}t: TI I1! PI.;I~I.I(' RECORDS OF ('OI.I.It!R ('()I '.x,' t'f. FI.()RII)..\, 2446392 OR: 2522 PG: 1241 ~gCORDBD in the OEFIC[AL RBCORD$ cf COLLISR COUMT¥, FL RgC Fgg 37,50 03/1!/1999 ~t 09:51AM DWIGHT I. BROCK, CLI~K COPI~5 8.00 A(;REE.MENT FOR 75% I)EFERRAI, OI.' COI,I,IER C'OL'NTY IMP..~,("¥ FF, I.:S i6A This .'\grecmei,1 for [l~c I)cf,:rral o1' Imp,~c! t:,,',.'., cnh.'rcd inh~ l{ll, ' (.~/.. ~l;l~ ,~I"~7/J.vj.L~L.. It)t)9. l)V .~tlld J')cU,.kccI1 t. hc J2h',;.h"d el' ('t',tlllt", ('OllltllIy. 5:l ',iici':..; o!' ('oJlicl' (',llllll',.-. I'h',rMa. her¢inalicr referred to as "COUNT'1'" and Juan Rodrigucz alld Maria I{m rvg,,~,..v. Ilcrcinaft,...r referred [o as "OWNER". WIT,~'ESSETli: WI{['~RE.,\S. ('oilier ('oumv ()rdirumcc Nc,..~.~-,)-. ;~s mncmlcd, thc ('~fllicr (',,umv I ihr;H'v C'oumv Parks and Rccrcatmna] Facilities hnpacl Fcc ()rdimmcc; (',~{llcr ('otilllv ('}rdilumcc 91-71. as amended, thc ('oilier ('ounlv Emergency .Xlcdical Scrxiccs 5>'slcm hnpact Fcc Ordinance. Collier ('ountv Ordinance Nh. 92-22. as anlcntJcd, thc (',,lllcr ('~mmx J~{*ittJ Facilities Syslem Impact Fcc Ordinance. as they may bc fimhcr amcHdcd fi'om lime 1o lime. hereinafter collectively rct~cd to as "impact Fcc Ordinance". provide lbr dclgrral of impact l~'cs for new owner-occupied dwelling units qualifying as al'tbrdablc hotming, and Impact Fcc Ordinance. a copy of said application is on lilt in thc of lice o1' Ihmsmg ired [ h'hmt WItEREAS. thc County Administn~lor or his designee has rcvicxvcd thc ()WNI~R'S application ;llltJ Il;is foulld that it con]pJicq xvilh thc requirements {bt ;m ;tl'lbnl;~hJc housing tlelbmfl of in]pact l.ces as established in thc Imp;wl l'cc ()rd~mmcc. OR: 2522 PG: 1242 'I. \VIIF. RI:~.,\S. thc Jlllp;.ICl I'c¢ del'crral shall bc prescnlcd ill lieu o1' p;lylllC~ll o1' impact fees subject Io salisJ~tclion ,~f all crilcria in Iht hllpaCl Fcc ()rdi~;mcc quatiFyin~ pro. itel :ts cli~it~lc ,.,:-~m impact ~'c del~'rral. W t~I(E..XN Iht ('()l 'N'I'¥ ;tpproxcd a dclL'rral of mq~act IL'cs Iht (>~VN'I.R cmbodw~l Resolution N,,. '~'~- ' ~ /~ WtIEREAS. Ihe [mpacl Fee Ordinance rcqmrcs Ihal lhe ()WNkR cmcr ~mo m~ ~ilh lhe I. RECITAI.SINCORPORATEi). Thclbrc?m~rccilalsarctrucandc~rrcc~ be inco~oratcd by rcl~rcncc herein. 2 I.EGAI. DESCR1PTION. Thclc~aldcscriptionofthcd~c. ll~n7 ~n~ tti~c hcrcm. 3.TERM . OWNER agrees that Iht l)xkcllhlg I'nit shall rcl~lmll ;is ,~l'lhrdal~lc and shall be ol'lk'red tbr sale Jn ~ccordancc xx il}~ the standards scl lbrlh ~n thc t(~ Ibc Jlllp;~c't [:cc ()rdinimcc I,,; ~L [~cr'T~d {,l' i~l'lcc[I (J 5) c,~r:, Vt~ll/lllu'llCill~2 I'lt~tll 4. REPRi']SI'~NTATIONS ANi) XX'ARIRAN'I'II(S. ()WNI'R rcprcscnl:, ;~n~l xx Following: a. OWNER maintains a houscJloJd xx~lh a lllOdCralc illt'~UllC ils tlcJillcd ill appendices lo thc Jlllp;icl J"cc ()rdi[llmt'c alltt lilt 111~lltJlJx l~;lylllCills lo imrcJl;tSc thc '7, OR: 252 PG: appendices to thc lmpacl Fcc ()rdinimcc: b. OWNE'{ is a tirsl time hmnc buyer: c. 'Ibc ~>xvclling ['nit shall bc lhc honlcstc.jd ~*l'thc d. qhc I)~xclling [)fit shill] rclllaill ;is al'li~rdabic hm~n~ Iht I]l~ccn I 15 } x cm'x l'r~m~ e. OWNER is Ibc nw~ler of record {~l' Ibc l)x~cllinb, [ 'llil i~ltl ~,xx cs ~t~;tcl IL'cs irt lolal amount of$6.374.52:54.78{1.89 is eligible tl)r dcJL'rr;ll ptn'su;jnl t~, Ibc Imp:let dclbrral quaJil~ci~tl~)i1 crltcrlil dclillJcd II1 thc JlDjlilCJ J'cc SUBSEQUENT TRANSFER. If ()WNIfR sells thc l)~xclhn;: I'nn zl~l,lct..I 1~ lhc ~lJv to Jlt~tlSCJloJds lllCCtill~ thc t'rllcri;t scl fi*rlh m thc Impi~cl Jvc ( AFFORI)AIII,E REQUIRESIENT. Thc [)xxciling t'n~t retest I,c ulili/cd affordable housing for a fil~ccn (151 year period al~cr thc dale Ibc ccrlilic~lc occupancy is issued, and if the Dwelling Unit ceases to hc utilized li*r tll:~l pm'p~sc during such period, thc impact IL'cs shall hc mm~cth;~tcly rcpaM t{~ thc ('{)[ :NI 5'. I,IEN. Thc dcl~rrcd imp;~ct IL'cs shi~ll }~c a I~cn ulmn Iht pr~pcrt5 x~t~ch lien m;~x hc li~rcch~qcd i1[~i~ 11~ Iht cx ctlt ~l' l]~l-('~lll[~[i;H~cc x~ i~[~ thc I'q'qlilr~'lllc~ll~ ~1' ,.~grccmcnt. OR: 2522 PG: 1244 8. i~.EI.EASE OF I.IEN. I.'pott i'~l.Vfilcnl (,t'lhc delL'trod iilll~;ict I~.~.~. thc ('(11 9. III~'I)IX(; KFFK("I'. 'I'hi~ ..k~rccmcnl ~h.ll I~c I~iml.,~z ,p,m thc l~,~'l~c~ I~ II~i~ .'k~FCCIllCIll ;lIlIJ Ihcir rc~l~CCH~c ]1c~. tlcr'~lll;i] FClll'C~ClltilllXcx' ~-IIccc~x~lx Thc c~,]l~t~ll~ll~, ~cl I~rl]l 1]1 {{1C Imp;,~'t I-cc {h'di.~mcc .,'c ~;.~I~ct{. {~ A~rccmcnl sh~ll run x¥~ih Iht I'.md .mi sh.ll rems.. ;~ Iic..u.,nsl Iht I)~cllin? 10. tiE('OI(I)iX'(;. 'I'l~is AXrccmcnl sh.ll bc rcc~.rdcd t~v {)~VXI(R ;~1 linc CXl~C~{~c ,~l' ()kV~'ER m 1he ()l'l]cial Records ,~t'('ollicr ('oumv. I:lorith~ x~ ~l}~m ~lxlx (~,t)l ~{;~x'~ .l'lcr 1~ sell lilt I)X~CIIilI~ l'nJl i~ .~c~'~rd'.mcc x~ilJl lilt ;~l'l~.'d;,l~ic ]~.sin~ Ordinance Ii~r a period ot' Iii'Icc. I 15I daw ~lkcr ~Iicc ~l' Iht ~ RE~IEI)IE~. 511ould Ibc ()%VN'I~R ,~l' Ibc pn~i~c~I> l;.I I,~ ~'~..pl>' ~h OR: 2522 PG: 1245 date of this ..\grccmcnt and contitlUJllg unlii paid. Sucll I,cn sh;lll bc ',~mclmr ami par;llllOl111! lo Ibc Illlt.'rcst ii1 lilt I)x\cllitl~ J'~lil ,,f ;mx ,x\ m.,. Jt.'v,t:c. tCmHll. or other person except thc {ich I;~r ('oumv laxc,, and xh,dl hc ,m pa~l} ~lh Ibc licH o1' default is not cured within thir'tv (30) days al]er xvriuen n,,l~cc Io ( )WNI'~R. thc [{,,art[ may bring civil actJnn to cnfiarcc this .,%grccmcnt In mhlilhm. Iht lien Ill;IV hc forcch~,,urc ~J' ;i Ill~irtu;LL, c ,~1 t,'i~J }'~r(~p,.'it~ ]}iix rL'lllL'tJ\ I~ ,.llrlJllJ,dl\C ',\ llJl ;II1V (~lJlcr right or rcnlcdy m,'ailablc Io lilt ('(.)i ~N'I ~' 'l lit., II~mrd shall hc till ill,cd Io i'ccovcr ali attomc?'s fL'cs Incurred bv thc J'Joard in cnl;~rcmg Ihls agrccmcnl, i~ltm ~Hlc;'csI al thc StalUlO~' talc Ibr.jtltJglllcllls calculated ,ma calendar tlax basis t,utiI paid. }:cos on thc dale ;llld vL'ar i'll'S! alcove v. rlllCll. Witnesses: Pfinl'Nam~ ~~_~w5 J Hill X;IH1C.',% .~,, ' .. ,l.. ~ OWNI!R: ,,~' .hmn Ro¢lriguc/ / .% I;u'm l),(~ttrigt~cx OR: 2522 PG: 1246 STATE OF COUNTY OF /-'- · '['he forcgoir.: ..~strumcnt was acknmvlcdgcd before mc Il]is ./' d,w (~1' .' 1999. by Juan Rodrigucz who is pcrsonally kno~vn to mc. for produced ~,~,,.,. ,:~. .... , _ , . .... as idcnti fication I. NOTARY SEAl. Signature of' .~mrv Public , STATE OF COUNTY OF "" , ,'/ Thc foregoing instrumcn! was acknowlcdu, cd bcfi~rc mc this - J' day oF (.x 1999, bv Ma~a Rodriguez who is personally known Io me. (or pr~c~l-~ as identification ). NOTARY SEAt. SiUnalurc DATED: NAR 0 9 1999 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BRbCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY ('()MMISSI()NEP, S COLLIER CO[.;NTY, FI.(')RII)A l%test i$ to Chatr~an'~ s iat4tur, ~sn t~. A~proved term and legal sufficiency PANJF. I.A S. M,,\("KII!. ('l I,,\IRWf)M,,\N Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney jcl'f/agree. 75%rodr~guez DEC-10-1c39~ OR* 2522 PG: P. --06 1248