HAPB Minutes 04/16/2021Apil 16,2021
Naples, Florida, April 16,2021
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier Counry HistoricaVArchaeological
Preservation Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9: 15 A.M. in REGTILAR SESSION in Conference
Room #61 0, Collier County Growth Management Division - Planning and
Regulation Building, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida, with the fbllowing
members present:
CHAIRMAN: Eugene (Gene) Erjavec
Barry O'Brien- (Z)
E lizabeth P er di chizzi- (Z)
George Thompson
PRESENT (telephonically)Patricia Sherrv
ALSO PRESENT: Ray Bellows, Planning Manager, Zoning Services
Timothy Finn, Principal Planner, Growth Management
Amanda Townsend, Collier County Museums
Roll CalVAttendance
Chairman Eugene Erjavec called the meeting to order at 9: 15 A.M.
Roll call was taken and a quorum established.
(Four members were presenl in person, one member was present telephonically)
Addenda to the Agenda
April 16,2021
Approval of the Agenda
Elizabeth Perdichizzi mode motion to approye. Eugene Erjavec offered second in support of
the motion. Carried unanimouslv 5-0.
Approval of the Minutes from March 19,2021
Eugene Erjavec addressed Shaun Kingston about printing out the Minutes and
Agenda packetfrom Drop Box asking that it be made more streamlined for easier
George Thompson made motion to approve with certain typographical changes to the record
(i.e., change "quick claim deed" to "quit cldim deed" under Goodlette/Pine Ridge Road
historic designation and "200" to "2000" under Certificate of Appropriateness for Mar-
good Park) and other minor typographical changes. Elizabeth Perdichizzi offered second in
support ofthe motion. Carried unanimously 5-0.
5. Otd Business
A. HAPB Vacancy Status
- Ray Bellows stated the liaison to the Board of County Commissioners for all county
advisory boards indicated the vaconcy to be filled was one that included engineering,
arc hite cture ond construc t ion.
- The candidate selected, Gladivette Benisrosch (phonetic), had more ofa real
estate/finance background, but the other candidate, James Bennett (phonetic) had an
engineering degree.
- Liaison thought we should not be forwarding the candidate who didn'tfilt the
category adyertised, so should bring back for reconsideration James Bennett who has
an engineering degree.
-Alternatively, request the Board of County Commissioners opproye 2 peopte lo .fill
same cdtegory. Prior history shows that has been done despite the Code of Low &
Ordinances stating there must be one person per cotegory.
- Eugene Erjovec stated the boqrd had voted to approve Gladivette Benisroschfor
appointment and not James Bennett, so he is willing to use her yrith some "quick
Jixes" and is willing to make her at large.
- Elizabeth Perdichizzi obtained clarification of there being one vacancy/seat on the
board to befilled, and that Gladivette Benisrosch probably did not know the
qualifications of the board vacancy.
-Elizabeth Perdichizzi also made motion to have board member patricia Sherry
(appearing telephonically) recognized so she can porticipate in the vote. Carried
unanimously 5-0.
-Patricia sherry stated easier solution would be to move Gladivette Benisrosch to be
at ldrge. Ray Bellows advised board could not do that. Ms. Sherry acquiesced.
-George Thompson made a motion to withdrow the nomination of Gladivelte
Benisroschfrom consideration by the Board of County Commissioners and submit
James Bennett as the nominee to fill the board vacancy. Elizabeth perdichizzi offered
second in support ofthe motion. Carried I infovor, 1 opposed.
April 16,2021
B. Marco Island Historical Society Letter Status
- Ray Bellows confirmed that letter has been submitted to the City and we are waiting on
their response.
C. Goodlette/ Pine Ridge Road (Ptot W) Historic Designation
- Amanda Townsend stoted there is not o lot of change, but a little bit.
- County Attorney feels comfortable movingforu,ard with a quit claim deed.
- Amanda Townsend's next task is to put together a business plan.for the County
Monager's review.
-Amanda Townsend also stated that there ore some estimates coming infor what
lcrndscaping and fencing would cost which will help her prepare the business plan.
-NAACP may also be receiving some funding which will help with the expenses.
I). Horse Creek Historical Marker Update
- Eugene Erjavec stdted he has continually reached out to the management company to
arrange an on-site conversalion with association, but has not been able to get any
response despite several messages about meeting with them to hear any concerns.
- Eugene Erjavec asked Ray Bellows about documentation of sign location, easements,
roadway etc.
- Ray Bellows stated he would lookfurther in to the matter; however, the sign was not
placed by City but by the developer, so there is no record ofwhat sign projects.
- Eugene Erjavec requested Ray Bellows profide a plot or any other docufientation they
have so the City can toke responsibility for signage.
- Eugene Erjavec will also look at a budget and other docs to discuss future plans and
actions next month.
E. Indian Hill Site (Marco Island)
-Eugene Erjavec explained why site was historical with archaeologically significance
with the discovery of steps leading to the Heights Hotel and the Observation Tower.
Current owner is willing to take steps to preserve with some development, with
conditions. Board wonts to preserye as much as possible.
- Ray Bellows suggested coordinating with Dan Smith, Director of Growth Management
to see what the City can do from growth management standpoint.
- Eugene Erjavec stated would do so and suggested the Board seriously pursue it at nexr
- Elizabeth Perdichizzi stated there was no signage and recommended further discussion
on thot os well.
6. New Business
A. Certificate of Appropriateness for Mar-good park
- Amanda Townsend presented a Power Point presentotion showing site considerations,
programming plans, and scope ofworkfor this 2.5 acre plot on Goodland.
- Park purchased in 2005 and some park development has occurred, but now we must
move forward with preservation.
- Hired MDL Architects who did a thorough site assessment and produced report with
recommendations and full plan/spec sets for restorotion work to be done.
- Plan can be tweaked with concept renderings and site branding.
Aprll 16,2021
- Amanda Townsend recommended that the Board approve the Certilicate of
Appropriateness and approve providing a Letter of Support for grant.
- Eugene Erjavec moved that the Board approve the Letter ofSupport and the
Certificate of Appropriateness and Elizabeth Perdichizzi offered second in support
of the motion. Catied unanimously 5-0.
7. Review of Project and Activity Log
- Mar-good Park discussion is removed and nothing is added.
8. Public Comments:
9. HAPB Comments:
- Eugene Erjavec asked Ray Bellows to keep the HABP Vacancy Status under Old
Business at the next meeting.
- Ray Bellows said he would and add q review of the Preservation Board composition to
determine if and what categories should be modified or eliminated; have everyone at
large or keep certain key designations and of the Board's history.
10. Adjournment: The next HAPB meeting witl be held on May 21, 2021 at 9:15
There being nofurther businessfor the good of the County, George Thompson
moved to adjourn and Elizabeth Perdichiui offered second in support of the motion.
Carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting was adjourned by the order of the Chair at
10:02 A.M.
HistoricaUArchaeol cal Preservation Board
These minute
as presented
as presented
Chairman, Eugenc Erjavec
swer:Ppl oved by the Board/Committee on Z
or as amended
or as amended