Chapter 102 - Personnel Chapter 102
Article I. In General
Secs. 102-1-102-25. Reserved.
Article II. Personnel Rules and Administration
Sec. 102-26. Title.
Sec. 102-27. Findings.
Sec. 102-28. Authority,purpose and personnel policy goals.
Sec. 102-29. Scope and application.
Sec. 102-30. Personnel policy creation and administration.
*Cross references—Officers and employees, §2-66 et seq.;employee benefits, §2-101 et seq.
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PERSONNEL § 102-28
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL power of the county administrator to: create and
approve position classifications and pay plans for
Secs. 102-1-102-25. Reserved. all positions in county service; to create and
approve the procedures to suspend, discharge or
remove any employee under the jurisdiction of the
ARTICLE II. PERSONNEL RULES AND board and to otherwise administer the personnel
policies established by the board.
(Ord. No. 96-40, § 2, 7-23-96; Ord. No. 01-50, § 2,
Sec. 102-26. Title. 9-11-01)
This article shall be known as the "Collier
County Personnel Ordinance." Sec. 102-28. Authority,purpose and person-
(Ord. No. 96-40, § 1, 7-23-96; Ord. No. 01-50, § 1, nel policy goals.
9-11-01) (a) Authority. This article is enacted pursuant
to the power to carry on county government
Sec. 102-27. Findings. granted to the board of county commissioners by
(a) The Board of County Commissioners of F.S. ch. 125.
Collier County hereby finds that the competent, (b) Purpose. It is the purpose of this article to
professional and efficient administration of county establish that it is exclusively the board of county
government and, specifically, matters of human commissioners that has the authority to establish
resources,requires the passage of this article.The personnel policies. It shall be the exclusive au-
board further finds that it is in the public interest thority of the county administrator and/or his
to separate the functions of the establishment of staff(with the exception of personnel administra-
human resources policies and the administration tion relating to the office of the county attorney)
of said policies between the board and the county to implement the board's policies and to create
administrator,respectively.This approach is hereby any necessary rules,practices and procedures for
found to promote the board's legitimate policymak- the administration of the board's policies. The
ing function while at the same time avoiding county administrator is hereby further autho-
excessive bureaucratic review by allowing the rized to assemble the personnel policies and pro-
county's professional administrator and his staff cedures in a compilation to be known as the
to manage human resources through appropriate Collier County Human Resources Practices and
rules, practices and procedures. Procedures Manual. The policies in said manual
(b) Pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. shall be changed only upon majority vote of the
93-72, as amended, the board hereby finds that full board of county commissioners. Changes to
the administration of personnel policies with re- any rules, practices or procedures implementing
gard to the office of the county attorney shall be the board's policies may be made by the county
within the exclusive province of the county attor- administrator without the necessity of board ap-
ney. proval.
(c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary (c) Policy goals. Collier County personnel pol-
in Collier County Ordinance No.93-72,as amended, icies shall adhere to the following goals:
the board hereby finds that the administration of (1) No discrimination shall be permitted be-
personnel policies by the county administrator cause of political affiliation,race,religion,
shall hereby include, but not be limited to, the national origin, physical disability, age or
"Editor's note—Ord. No. 96-40, § 6, adopted July 23, sex, except where age, sex or physical
1996, provided for the repeal of Art. II, §§ 102-26-102-36, disability are a bona fide occupational
which pertained to personnel rules and administration. Sec- qualification.
tion 1-5 of said ordinance, have been included herein as a
new Art.II,§§102-26-102-30.Subsequently,Ord.No.01-50, (2) Working conditions, benefits and salaries
§§ 1-5 amended§§ 102-26-102-30 in their entirety to read shall be equitable and will attract and
as herein set out.See the Code Comparative Table. retain capable employees.
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(3) Recruitment, selection, and advancement (3) Persons employed to conduct a temporary
of employees shall be based on relative or special inquiry,investigation,examina-
ability, knowledge, skill and past perfor- tion, service, or project on behalf of the
mance. board of county commissioners, or a com-
mittee thereof;
(4) Employees shall be trained to assure high
quality performance and encouraged to (4) Volunteer personnel who receive no regu-
attain the highest level of professional- lar compensation from Collier County,Flor-
ism. ida;
(5) Employees shall be protected against co- (5) Persons performing work under contract
ercion for partisan political activities and for the county, who are not carried on the
are prohibited from using their official payroll as employees.
authority for the purpose of interfering (Ord. No. 96-40, § 4, 7-23-96; Ord. No. 01-50, § 4,
with or affecting the result of an election 9-11-01)
or a nomination for office. Sec. 102-30. Personnel policy creation and
(6) A procedure shall be established for the administration.
presentation and adjustment of employee (a) The board of county commissioners shall
complaints based on alleged inequitable have the exclusive authority to approve personnel
treatment resulting from conditions of policies by majority vote of the full board. The
their employment or based on alleged majority vote of the full board shall also be
inequitable treatment resulting from con- required to amend or otherwise change personnel
ditions of their employment or based on policies. The existing and current personnel poli-
alleged discrimination, provided that the cies contained in Exhibit "A"* attached hereto
alleged discrimination otherwise violates and found in the Collier County Human Re-
applicable federal or state law; and pro- sources Practices and Procedures Manual, are
vided further that nothing herein is in- hereby ratified and approved.
tended to create an expectation of contin-
ued employment or a property right in (b) The county administrator and/or his staff
employment. (with the exception of personnel administration
(Ord. No. 96-40, § 3, 7-23-96; Ord. No. 01-50, § 4, relating to the office of the county attorney)shall
9-11-01) have the exclusive authority for implementing
board personnel policies by creating and setting
personnel rules, practices and procedures for ad-
Sec. 102-29. Scope and application. ministration of the board's policies. Said rules,
This article shall apply to all employees of the practices and procedures shall be compiled, along
Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, with the Board's policies, in the Collier County
Florida. This article shall not apply to the follow- Human Resources Practices and Procedures Man-
ing categories of persons: ual.All rules, practices, procedures and adminis-
tration shall conform to the personnel policies
(1) The members of the board of county com- established by the board of county commissioners.
missioners,other elected officials,and per- (Ord. No. 96-40, § 5, 7-23-96; Ord. No. 01-50, § 5,
sons appointed to fill positions under the 9-11-01)
jurisdiction of such other elected officials, Editor's note—* Exhibit"A"is not set out herein but is
unless or until said elected officials volun- available for public inspection in county offices.
tarily agree to operate under the provi-
sions of this article;
(2) Members of appointed or elected boards
and any members of any county created
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Chapters 103-105