Chapter 98 - Parks and Recreation L
Chapter 98
Article I. In General
Sec. 98-1. Reserved.
[Sec. 98-2. Cast net fishing in Ann Olesky Park.]
Secs. 98-3-98-25. Reserved.
Article II. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Sec. 98-26. Creation.
Sec. 98-27. Appointment and composition.
Sec. 98-28. Terms of office.
Sec. 98-29. Removal from office;failure to attend meetings.
Sec. 98-30. Officers;quorum;rules of procedure.
Sec. 98-31. Reimbursement of expenses.
Sec. 98-32. Functions,powers and duties.
Sec. 98-33. Duties of the public services administrator.
Sec. 98-34. Review process.
Secs. 98-35-98-55. Reserved.
Article III. Park Use
Sec. 98-56. Intent and purpose.
Sec. 98-57. Requirements concerning use of grounds and facilities.
Sec. 98-58. Prohibited acts.
Sec. 98-59. Hours.
Sec. 98-60. Conflict and severability.
*Cross references—Amusements and entertainments,ch. 10;parks and recreational facilities impact fee, §74-26 et seq.;
library,ch. 82;special districts providing for park services,ch. 122;waterways,ch. 146.
Special act references—Acquisition of parks,§202-286 et seq.;special acts pertaining to parks and recreation,ch. 246.
State law reference—Authority of board of county commissioners to provide for parks,F.S. § 125.01(1)(f).
`,,/ Supp. No. 86 CD98:1
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL (2) Three members will serve until December
31, 1994.
Sec. 98-1. Reserved. (3) Two members will serve until December
Editor's note—Ord. No. 2012-31, § 1, adopted Sept. 11, 31, 1995.
2012, repealed § 98-1, entitled "Expenditures for lighting",
which derived from:Laws of,§1;Laws of Fla. Thereafter, each appointment or reappointment
ch. 71-29. shall be for a term of four years.A member of the
parks and recreation advisory board may be re-
Secs. 98-2-98-25. Reserved. appointed by the board of county commissioners
for one successive term. However, other qualified
applicants may be considered for any vacancy.
ARTICLE II. PARKS AND RECREATION Appointments to fill any vacancies on the advi-
ADVISORY BOARD* sory board shall be for the remainder of the
unexpired term of office.
Sec. 98-26. Creation. (Ord. No. 93-81, § 3)
The creation and establishment of the parks
and recreation advisory board is hereby con- Sec. 98-29. Removal from office; failure to
firmed and ratified. attend meetings.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 1) (a) Any member of the parks and recreation
advisory board may be removed from office, with
Sec. 98-27. Appointment and composition. or without cause, by a majority vote of the board
(a) The parks and recreation advisory board of county commissioners.
shall be composed of seven members consisting of (b) In the event that any advisory board mem-
1 one member from the Immokalee Community ber is absent from two consecutive board meet-
.' Park District, six members from the Naples and ings without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to
Urban Area Community Park District. the board chairman, the board chairman shall
(b) Members of the advisory board shall be state such fact at the next regularly scheduled
appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the board meeting and shall thereafter notify, in
board of county commissioners. Said members writing, the public services administrator or his
shall be permanent residents within the commu designee of the board member's failure to attend
nity park district that they represent, and all without satisfactory excuse. The board of county
shall be electors of the county. commissioners shall review the board chairman's
notification at a county commission meeting and
(c) Appointment of members to the advisory shall declare the board member's position to be
board shall be by resolution of the board of county vacant if the board of county commissioners con-
commissioners, which resolution shall set forth curs that the board member was absent from two
the date of appointment and the term of office. consecutive board meetings without a satisfactory
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 2; Ord. No. 99-24, § 1, 3-23-99) excuse and shall promptly fill the vacant position.
The board member shall not serve at any meet-
Sec. 98-28. Terms of office. ings after his position is declared vacant.
The initial terms of office of the members of the (c) If any member of the advisory board is
parks and recreation advisory board shall be as absent for more than one-half of the board's
follows: meetings in a given fiscal year,it shall be deemed
(1) Two members will serve until December that the member has tendered his resignation
31, 1993. from such board.The board of county commission-
ers shall as soon as practicable after such resig-
*Cross reference—Boards,commissions and authorities, nation declare the position to be vacant and shall
§2-816 et seq. promptly act to fill the vacancy. The board mem-
Supp. No.48 CD98:3
Sec. 98-1. Reserved.
Editor’s note—Ord. No. 2012-31, § 1, adopted Sept. 11,
2012, repealed § 98-1, entitled "Expenditures for lighting",
which derived from: Laws of Fla. ch. 63-713, § 1; Laws of Fla.
ch. 71-29.
[Sec. 98-2. Cast net fishing in Ann Olesky
(a)Authority.This Ordinance is adopted pursu-
ant to the provisions of F.S. ch. 125, and other
applicable provisions of law.
(b)Prohibition of Cast Net Fishing.Cast Net
Fishing is hereby prohibited in Ann Olesky Park.
(c)Posting of Signs; Penalty for Violations.
(1) The County Manager is hereby directed
to post appropriate signs at Ann Olesky
(2) Any violations of this Ordinance may be
prosecuted and shall be punishable as
provided by the Collier County
Consolidated Code Enforcement
Ordinance (Ord. No. 2010-04, as
amended), and shall be subject to a fine
or civil citation up to $500 per violation.
(Ord. No. 2019-41, §§ 1—3)
Secs. 98-3—98-25. Reserved.
Sec. 98-26. Creation.
The creation and establishment of the parks
and recreation advisory board is hereby confirmed
and ratified.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 1)
Sec. 98-27. Appointment and composition.
(a) The parks and recreation advisory board
shall be composed of eight members consisting of
one member from the Immokalee Community
Park District, six members from the Naples and
Urban Area Community Park District, and one
at-large alternate member.
(b) Members of the advisory board shall be
appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the
board of county commissioners. Said members
shall be permanent residents within the com-
munity park district that they represent, and all
shall be electors of the county.
(c) Appointment of members to the advisory
board shall be by resolution of the board of
county commissioners, which resolution shall set
forth the date of appointment and the term of
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 2; Ord. No. 99-24, § 1, 3-23-99;
Ord. No. 2022-01, § 1)
Sec. 98-28. Terms of office.
The initial terms of office of the members of
the parks and recreation advisory board shall be
as follows:
(1) Two members will serve until December
31, 1993.
(2) Three members will serve until December
31, 1994.
(3) Two members will serve until December
31, 1995.
Thereafter, each appointment or reappointment
shall be for a term of four years. A member of the
parks and recreation advisory board may be
reappointed by the board of county commission-
ers for one successive term. However, other
qualified applicants may be considered for any
vacancy. Appointments to fill any vacancies on
the advisory board shall be for the remainder of
the unexpired term of office.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 3)
Sec. 98-29. Removal from office; failure to
attend meetings.
(a) Any member of the parks and recreation
advisory board may be removed from office, with
or without cause, by a majority vote of the board
of county commissioners.
*Cross reference—Boards, commissions and authori-
ties, § 2-816 et seq.
CD98:3Supp. No. 102
(b) In the event that any advisory board
member is absent from two consecutive board
meetings without a satisfactory excuse accept-
able to the board chairman, the board chairman
shall state such fact at the next regularly
scheduled board meeting and shall thereafter
notify, in writing, the public services administra-
tor or his designee of the board member's failure
to attend without satisfactory excuse. The board
of county commissioners shall review the board
chairman's notification at a county commission
meeting and shall declare the board member's
position to be vacant if the board of county
commissioners concurs that the board member
was absent from two consecutive board meetings
without a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly
fill the vacant position. The board member shall
not serve at any meetings after his position is
declared vacant.
(c) If any member of the advisory board is
absent for more than one-half of the board's
meetings in a given fiscal year, it shall be
deemed that the member has tendered his resigna-
tion from such board. The board of county
commissioners shall as soon as practicable after
such resignation declare the position to be vacant
and shall promptly act to fill the vacancy. The
board member shall not serve at any meetings
after his position has been declared vacant by
the board of county commissioners.
(d) A member of the advisory board shall be
deemed absent from a meeting when he is not
present during at least 75 percent of the meet-
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 4)
Sec. 98-30. Officers; quorum; rules of
(a) Annually the membership of the parks
and recreation advisory board shall elect a chair-
man and vice-chairman from among the members.
Officers' terms shall be for one year, with eligibil-
ity for reelection.
(b) The presence of four or more members
shall constitute a quorum of the board necessary
to take action and transact business. In addi-
tion, an affirmative vote of three or more members
shall be necessary in order to take official action,
regardless of whether four or more members of
the board are present at the meeting. The
alternate member shall vote only in the absence,
disqualification or abstention of a regular Com-
mittee member.
(c) The board shall, by majority vote of the
entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for
the transaction of business and shall keep a
written record of meetings, resolutions, findings
and determinations. Copies of all board minutes,
resolutions, reports, and exhibits shall be submit-
ted to the board of county commissioners.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 5; Ord. No. 2022-01, § 2)
Sec. 98-31. Reimbursement of expenses.
Members of the board shall serve without
compensation, but shall be entitled to receive
reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred
in the performance of their duties upon prior
approval of the board of county commissioners.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 6)
Sec. 98-32. Functions, powers and duties.
The functions, powers and duties of the parks
and recreation advisory board shall be as fol-
(1) To evaluate, consider and review the
acquisition of park property.
(2) To consider and analyze the development
of park and recreation facilities
constructed on these park properties.
(3) To review and provide input on parks
and recreation programs, classes and
special events.
(4) To review and provide input on the Parks
and Recreation Master Plan.
(5) To solicit input from the public that may
assist with the duties listed above.
(6) To provide recommendations to the board
of county commissioners on issues relat-
ing to those duties specified above or
other duties assigned by the board of
county commissioners.
CD98:4Supp. No. 102
(7) The board may adopt and amend
guidelines to govern their operation,
subject to approval by the board of county
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 7)
CD98:4.1Supp. No. 102
(b) In the event that any advisory board shall be necessary in order to take official action,
member is absent from two consecutive board regardless of whether four or more members of
meetings without a satisfactory excuse accept- the board are present at the meeting.
able to the board chairman, the board chairman (c) The board shall, by majority vote of the
shall state such fact at the next regularly entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for
scheduled board meeting and shall thereafter the transaction of business and shall keep a
notify,in writing,the public services administra-
tor or his designee of the board member's failure written record of meetings, resolutions, findings
to attend without satisfactory excuse. The board and determinations. Copies of all board minutes,
of county commissioners shall review the board resolutions,reports,and exhibits shall be submit-
chairman's notification at a county commission ted to the board of county commissioners.
meeting and shall declare the board member's (Ord. No. 93-81, § 5)
position to be vacant if the board of county Sec. 98-31. Reimbursement of expenses.
commissioners concurs that the board member
was absent from two consecutive board meetings Members of the board shall serve without
without a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly compensation, but shall be entitled to receive
fill the vacant position. The board member shall reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred
not serve at any meetings after his position is in the performance of their duties upon prior
declared vacant. approval of the board of county commissioners.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 6)
(c) If any member of the advisory board is
absent for more than one-half of the board's Sec. 98-32. Functions, powers and duties.
meetings in a given fiscal year, it shall be
deemed that the member has tendered his resigna- The functions, powers and duties of the parks
tion from such board. The board of county and recreation advisory board shall be as fol-
commissioners shall as soon as practicable after lows:
such resignation declare the position to be vacant (1) To evaluate, consider and review the
and shall promptly act to fill the vacancy. The acquisition of park property.
board member shall not serve at any meetings
after his position has been declared vacant by (2) To consider and analyze the development
the board of county commissioners. of park and recreation facilities
constructed on these park properties.
(d) A member of the advisory board shall be (3) To review and provide input on parks
deemed absent from a meeting when he is not and recreation programs, classes and
present during at least 75 percent of the meet- special events.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 4) (4) To review and provide input on the Parks
and Recreation Master Plan.
Sec. 98-30. Officers; quorum; rules of (5) To solicit input from the public that may
procedure. assist with the duties listed above.
(a) Annually the membership of the parks (6) To provide recommendations to the board
of county commissioners on issues relat-
and recreation advisory board shall elect a chair- ing to those duties specified above or
man and vice-chairman from among the members. other duties assigned by the board of
Officers'terms shall be for one year,with eligibil- county commissioners.
ity for reelection.
(7) The board may adopt and amend
(b) The presence of four or more members guidelines to govern their operation,
shall constitute a quorum of the board necessary subject to approval by the board of county
to take action and transact business. In addi- commissioners.
tion,an affirmative vote of three or more members (Ord. No. 93-81, § 7)
Supp. No. 86 CD98:4
Sec. 98-33. Duties of the public services neat and sanitary condition. No person shall
administrator. dump,deposit,or leave any bottles,broken glass,
The duties of the public services administra-
tor or his designee shall be: grounds of the parks other than in proper
receptacles provided therefor, and no such refuse
(1) To administer the activities of the parks or trash shall be placed in any waters in or
and recreation advisory board in contiguous to the park. While receptacles are so
accordance with established policies of provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be
the board of county commissioners and carried away from the park or beach access area
guidelines adopted by the board. by the person responsible for its presence, and
(2) To provide periodic written reports to the properly disposed of elsewhere.
board, the county administrator and the (b) Definitions. The following words, terms
board of county commissioners on the and phrases, when used in this section, shall
activities of the board. have the meanings ascribed to them in this
(3) To attend all board meetings. subsection, except where the context clearly
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 8) indicates a different meaning:
(1) Beach access area means any easement,
Sec. 98-34. Review process. street, alley, right-of-way or any other
The parks and recreation advisory board shall property deeded or dedicated to the public
be reviewed once every four years commencing for the purpose of allowing the public
in 1996, in accordance with chapter 2, article access to beaches across public or private
VIII, division 2 of this Code. property.
(Ord. No. 93-81, § 9) (2) County park means a land or water site
publicly owned, operated, or controlled,
Secs. 98-35-98-55. Reserved. that is used for public recreational
purposes. The term "county park" shall
ARTICLE III. PARK USE* include beach access areas which have
been deeded or dedicated for public use.
Sec. 98-56. Intent and purpose. (3) Department means the Collier County
Parks and Recreation Department.
It is the intent and purpose of this article to
regulate the use of county parks so as to protect (4) Director means the Director of the Col-
the health, welfare and safety of persons using Tier County Parks and Recreation Depart-
the parks,and the general welfare of residents of ment.
surrounding areas and of the county. It is to be (Ord. No. 76-48, §2;Ord. No. 87-3, § 1;Ord. No.
liberally construed to effect that result. 07-66, § 1)
(Ord. No. 76-48, § 1)
Sec. 98-58. Prohibited acts.
Sec. 98-57. Requirements concerning use of (a) No person shall within County park
grounds and facilities. boundaries:
(a) Generally. Each person using the county (1) Disobey the lawful and reasonable order
public parks, grounds, and public beach access
areas shall clean up all debris, extinguish all of a police officer or county park employee
in the discharge of his duties or disobey
fires when such fires are permitted, and leave or disregard the notices, prohibitions,
the premises in good order, and the facilities in a instructions or directions on any park
*Cross references—Public possession or consumption of sign, including rules and regulations
alcoholic beverages, § 6-3; animals prohibited on beaches, posted on the ground or buildings in said
§ 14-36;camping near Gulf of Mexico,§94-1. parks.
Supp. No. 86 CD98:5
(2) Willfully, mark, deface, disfigure, injure, (7) Disturb the peace, use any profane,
tamper with, or displace or remove any obscene or blasphemous language or do
building, bridge, table, bench, fireplace, any indecent act.
railing,paving,or paving material,water
line or other public utility or parts (8) Endanger the safety of any person by any
appurtenant thereof, signs, conduct or act.
notices or
placard whether temporary or permanent, (9) Commit any assault, battery or engage
monuments,stakes,posts,or other bound- in fighting.
ary markers or other structures or equip-
ment, facilities or park property or (10) Carry, possess, or drink any alcoholic
appurtenances whatsoever,either real or beverage in any park except as provided
in the exemption set forth in subsection
(b)of this section or except at such times
(3) Interfere with, encumber, obstruct or and in such manner as then not prohibited
render dangerous any part of the park. by law and to the extent expressly
authorized in advance and in writing by
(4) Climb or lie upon any walls,fence,shelter, permit issued by the director of the depart-
seat, statue, monument, or any other ment in strict adherence with policy rules
structure. of the department approved by resolu-
(5) Cut, break, injure, disturb, sever from tion of the board of county commission-
the ground or remove any growing thing, ers.
including but not limited to, any plant, (11) Enter or exit any park facility except at
flower, flower bed, shrub, tree, growth or established entrance ways or exits, or at
any branch,item, fruit or leaf thereof;or established times.
bring into or have in his possession any
county park any tool or instrument (12) Attach any posters or directional signs to
intended to be used for the cutting thereof, trees.
or any garden or agricultural imple- (13) Cause or permit a dog or other domestic
ments or tools which could be used for animal to enter,except as provided in the
the removal thereof; or pile or maintain exemption set forth in subsection (b) of
any material or debris of any kind against this section.
or upon the same or attach any rope,
cable or other contrivance thereto; or set (14) Build fires except in specified areas in
fire to any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, county parks on cooking grills provided
grass, plant growth or living timber, or therein.
suffer any fire upon land to extend into (15) Drive any unauthorized vehicle on any
park lands; or go upon any prohibited area within the park except the paved
lawn, grass plot or planted area, except park roads or parking areas; park an
at such times and in such matter as the authorized vehicle in other than an
director of the parks and recreation established or designated parking area;
department may designate. park any unauthorized vehicle in the
(6) Throw, discharge, or otherwise place or
county park area overnight.
cause to be placed in the waters of any (16) Ride a bicycle on other than a paved
fountain,pond,lake,stream,bay,or other vehicular road or path designated for
body of water in or adjacent to any that purpose; leave a bicycle in a place
county park or any tributary, stream, other than a bicycle rack when such is
storm sewer, or drain flowing into such provided, or leave a bicycle lying on the
waters, any substance, matter or thing, ground or paving or any place or position
liquid or solid, which will or may result so as to present any obstruction to
in the pollution of said waters. pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Supp. No. 86 CD98:6
(17) Prevent any person from using any park, Gate Community Center shall
or any of its facilities, or interfere with comply with all statutory require-
such use in compliance with this section ments relating to the sale or posses-
and the rules applicable to such use. sion of alcoholic beverages as set
(18) Violate any rule for the use of the park forth in F.S. chs. 561 and 562, as
which has been posted in a particular applicable. Specifically, no minors
park pursuant to approval by the board shall possess or consume alcoholic
beverages at the community center.
of county commissioners.
(19) Possess, carry and/or transport on or d. Arrangements for permission to sell
about their person any glass container in or serve alcoholic beverages at the
any beach access area. Golden Gate Community Center
shall be made through the director
(b) Exemption to prohibited acts. of the community center, or his
(1) An exemption to subsection (a)(10) of designee.
this section is hereby declared and e. The regularly established hours for
established to permit the sale, consump the Golden Gate Community Center
tion or possession of alcoholic beverages shall be observed with regard to the
within the Golden Gate Community sale, consumption
Center in accordance with the followingum Pon or possession of
conditions: alcoholic beverages within the
Golden Gate Community Center, or
a. The sale,consumption or possession his designee.
of alcoholic beverages shall be
permitted only in conjunction with f. The sale,consumption or possession
or accessory to a primary function of alcoholic beverages shall be
for which the community center has permitted only within the Golden
been rented (e.g., wedding, office Gate Community Center Building.
party,holiday party,charitable func-
tions, etc.). g. The person requesting permission
to serve alcoholic beverages at the
b. Any permit or temporary license for Golden Gate Community Center
the sale of alcoholic beverages shall provide proof of insurance as a
required by the division of alcoholic prerequisite to the sale or serving of
beverages and tobacco including,but
not limited to, F.S. § 561.422, shall alcoholic beverages. Such proof of
insurance may take the form of a
be a prerequisite to the sale or separate liquor liability insurance
service of alcoholic beverages. It policy, liquor liability rider to
shall be the sole responsibility of homeowners insurance, or other
the person requesting permission to insurance approved by the county
serve alcoholic beverages to acquire risk manager. In the event that
all such permits or licenses and general liquor liability insurance is
neither the Golden Gate Municipal provided by the county for all func-
Services Taxing District nor the tions which sell or serve alcoholic
county shall have any obligation or beverages, any person, group or
responsibility to obtain or provide organization conducting such func-
such permits or licenses. tion shall pay a proportional share
c. The person requesting permission of the cost of such insurance as
to serve alcoholic beverages and all determined by the county risk
persons consuming or possessing manager and the director of the
alcoholic beverages at the Golden community center.
Supp. No. 86 CD98:7
h. Either the director of the Golden dollars per violation with each day or
Gate Community Center, or his partial day of violation counting as a
designee, or a person designated by separate offense.
the county department of parks and (Ord. No. 76-48, §3;Ord. No. 81-3, § 2;Ord. No.
recreation shall be present during 88-7, § 1; Ord. No. 90-9, § 3;Ord. No. 07-66, § 2;
the course of any function or activ- Ord. No. 2011-16, § 1; Ord. No. 2013-35, § 1)
ity at which alcoholic beverages are
sold, consumed or possessed at the Sec. 98-59. Hours.
community center. Such person shall Except for unusual and unforeseen emergen-
have the authority to immediately cies, county parks shall be open to the public
terminate or cause the termination every day of the year during hours designated by
of the sale, consumption or posses- the director of the parks and recreation depart-
sion of alcoholic beverages where it ment. The pending and closing hours for each
is determined that any requirement individual park shall be posted therein for public
of this section has been violated. information.
(Ord. No. 76-48, § 4)
(2) An exemption to Subsection (a)(14) of Sec. 98-60. Conflict and severability.
this section is hereby declared and
established to permit domestic animals (a) In the event this article conflicts with
within County Park boundaries for County other applicable law, the more restrictive shall
approved recreational special events,(e.g., apply. If any portion of this article is in conflict
petting zoo, dog shows,etc.),park ranger with an ordinance of any municipality within the
county, it shall not be effective within the patrol, seeing-eye dogs for handicapped
park patrons and law enforcement duties. municipality to the extent of such conflict.
In addition, dog owners may take their (b) If any section,subsection,sentence,clause,
dogs to nonrestricted areas provided that phrase, or portion of this article is, for any
the dogs are in the immediate control of reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any
the owner at all times on an adequate court of competent jurisdiction, such portion
leash not greater than six feet in length. shall be deemed a separate, distinct and
The owner or person in charge or in independent provision of such holding and shall
control of the domestic animal shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion
remove all feces deposited by the animal thereof.
and dispose of same in a sanitary manner. (Ord. No. 76-48, § 6; Ord. No. 81-3, § 3)
Dogs shall remain excluded from any
place where food or drinks are served,
except within automobile parking areas
and walks. No dog shall be allowed in or
at bathing or swimming areas or in any
body of water within a park area. No dog
shall be permitted in a playground,
preserve trail,athletic field,rest room,or
other parks areas as posted. The Parks
and Recreation Director has the right to
prohibit animals from any park area.
These areas shall be designated as such.
Any person violating this section shall be
guilty of an infraction, which shall be
punishable by a fine of not less than fifty
Supp. No. 86 CD98:8
Chapters 99-101