Chapter 78 - Law Enforcement Chapter 78
Article I. In General
Sec. 78-1. Combat auto theft.
Secs. 78-2-78-25. Reserved.
Article II. Jails,Stockades and Other Detention Facilities
Sec. 78-26. Sheriff designated chief correctional officer.
Secs. 78-27-78-50. Reserved.
Article III. Intersection Safety
Sec. 78-51. Title.
Sec. 78-52. Purpose and intent.
Sec. 78-53. Applicability.
Sec. 78-54. Use of traffic infraction detectors.
Sec. 78-55. Conflict and severability.
*Cross references—Departments,§2-136 et seq.;courts,ch.46;emergency services,ch. 50;surcharge on moving violations
for intergovernmental radio communications program,§ 130-1.
Special act reference—Special acts pertaining to law enforcement,ch. 238.
State law references—County sheriff,F.S. ch. 30;jails and jailers,F.S. ch. 950;county and municipal prisoners, F.S. ch.
�`' Supp. No. 80 CD78:1
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL in the county sheriffs office combat automobile
theft program (CAT) shall comply with the fol-
Sec. 78-1. Combat auto theft. lowing regulations:
(a) Title and citation. This section shall be (1) Complete and submit a notarized consent
known and cited as the "Collier County Combat form for each vehicle enrolled in the
Automobile Theft Program Ordinance." program to the county sheriffs office
(b) Definitions. The following words, terms crime prevention/outreach division.
and phrases, when used in this section, shall (2) At the time of submission of the consent
have the meanings ascribed to them in this form, provide the sheriffs office with
subsection, except where the context clearly proof of ownership of each vehicle to be
indicates a different meaning: enrolled in the program, either certified
(1) Administrative fees means the fee paid title or registration certificate will be
by the program participant to cover the accepted.
costs of implementing and operating this (3) At the time of submission of the consent
program. form, provide the county sheriffs office
(2) Consent form means a legally binding with personal identification,either in the
form, designed by the county sheriffs form of a drivers license or birth certificate.
office, in accordance with F.S. § 316.008, Only the certified owner of a vehicle to be
to be signed by the owner of the vehicle enrolled may enroll the vehicle into the
enrolled in the combat automobile theft program.
(4) Pay an administrative fee of$1.00 to the
(3) Decal means an adhesive emblem county sheriffs office.
designed by the county sheriffs office,
within the provisions of F.S. § 316.008. (5) At the time of enrollment,the decal must
(4) Owner means the legally recorded holder be immediately affixed to the lower left
of the title of a motor vehicle able to corner of the back window of the vehicle.
apply for a certificate of title or duplicate (6) Upon selling, or otherwise transferring
certificate of title or register or transfer ownership of the vehicle, the registered
title to a motor vehicle. owner shall remove the decal.
(5) Vehicle means a conveyance meeting the
description of a motor vehicle as defined (7) Upon terminating participation in the
program, the registered owner shall
in F.S. ch. 316. remove the decal.
(c) Findings and purpose. In order to enable
law enforcement personnel patrolling the county (8) Upon selling, transferring ownership of
to better detect potential automobile thieves in the vehicle,or upon terminating participa-
the act of stealing or transporting stolen vehicles tion in the combat automobile theft
and to reduce the incidence of lost property, the program(CAT),the registered owner shall
board of county commissioners finds it necessary notify the county sheriffs office via the
to enact this article to protect the public health, self-addressed post card provided at the
safety and welfare. time of enrollment.
(Ord. No. 91-8, §§ 1-4)
(d) Program regulations. Once signed, the Cross reference—Offenses and miscellaneous provi-
consent form will be kept on file with the county lions,ch. 94.
sheriffs office and serve as written authOriza State law reference—Combat auto theft programs,F.S.
tion to stop the vehicle designated on the form §316.008(6).
between the hours of 1:00 a.m. through 5:00 a.m.
All persons wishing to enroll a vehicle,or vehicles, Secs. 78-2-78-25. Reserved.
Supp. No. 80 CD78:3
Sec. 78-51. Title.
Sec. 78-26. Sheriff designated chief cor- This Ordinance shall be known and may be
rectional officer. cited as the "Collier County Intersection Safety
(a) Findings. The provisions of F.S. § 951.061 (Ord. No. 2010 25, § 1)
provide that the board of county commissioners, Sec. 78-52. Purpose and intent.
by majority vote, may adopt an ordinance
designating the sheriff as the chief correctional The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement
officer of the county correctional system and the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act,as amended
further provides that he shall appoint such from time to time, in order to promote, protect
officers as he deems necessary and as are required and improve the health, safety and welfare of
by rule of the department of corrections. individuals and protect property within
unincorporated Collier County.
(b) Designation. Pursuant to the provisions of (Ord. No. 2010-25, § 2)
F.S. § 951.061, the county sheriff is hereby
designated as the chief correctional officer of the Sec. 78-53. Applicability.
county correctional system, which includes the This Ordinance shall apply to,and be enforced
county jail and the Immokalee Stockade; and he pp y
shall appoint such officers as he deems neces in, all unincorporated areas of Collier County,
sary and as are required by rule of the depart- Florida.
ment of corrections. (Ord. No. 2010-25, § 3)
Sec. 78-54. Use of traffic infraction detec-
(c) Duties. The sheriff or his designee shall tors.
enforce all existing state laws and administra-
tive rules of the department of corrections concern- Collier County hereby exercises its option
ing the operation and maintenance of the county under the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act and
jail and the county stockade. F.S. §§ 316.008 and 316.0083 (2010), to use
(Ord. No. 89-81, §§ 1, 2) traffic infraction detectors within its jurisdiction
to enforce the State of Florida Uniform Traffic
Code. The County Manager is authorized to
Sec. 78-27. Reserved. implement the provisions and requirements of
Editor's note—Ord. No. 2018-47,§ 1,adopted Sept. 25, the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act,as amended
2018, repealed § 78-27 entitled "Gain time for prisoners," from time to time, within this jurisdiction in
which derived from Ord. No. 76-24, §§ 1-6. coordination with the Sheriff.
(Ord. No. 2010-25, § 4)
Sec. 78-28. Reserved. Sec. 78-55. Conflict and severability.
Editor's note—Ord. No. 2012-33,§ 1,adopted Sept. 11,
2012,repealed§78-28,entitled"Sale of canned goods",which In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any
derived from:Laws of Fla. ch. 63-581, § 1;Laws of Fla. ch. other ordinance of Collier County or other
65-1026, § 1;Laws of Fla. ch. 71-29. applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply.
If any court of competent jurisdiction holds any
tEditor's note—Ord. No. 2010-25, §§ 1-5, adopted
Secs. 78-29-78-50. Reserved. June 22,2010,repealed the former Art. III,§§78-51-78-59,
and enacted a new Art. III as set out herein. The former Art.
*State law reference—County detention facilities, F.S. III pertained to similar subject matter and derived from:
§951.23. Ord. No. 08-22, §§ 1-9;and Ord. No. 2009-54,§ 1.
Supp. No. 80 CD78:4
phrase or portion of this Ordinance invalid or
unconstitutional, such portion shall be deemed a
separate,distinct and independent provision and
such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portion.
(Ord. No. 2010-25, § 5)
Supp. No. 80 CD78:5
(6) If the vehicle driver was reasonably re- shall notify the vehicle's owner of the civil fine,
quired to violate the applicable traffic and prosecutorial costs as applicable, all of which
control device to protect valuable tangible shall be paid in full to the county's code enforce-
property and/or to prevent physical injury ment department not later than the 21-day time
(or death) to any individual; limit.
(7) If the person or entity noticed for the (c) Suspension of county privileges. A noticed
violation was not the owner of the vehicle vehicle owner who fails to pay in full the applica-
as "owner" is defined in this article; ble civil fine, and, if applicable, any costs within
(8) If the appeal is based upon any other the applicable 21-day time period, shall thereby
valid reason the vehicle owner in good lose that vehicle owner's privilege to obtain (or
faith believes justifies the special magis- renew) every Collier County Tax Collector local
trate voiding the noticed violation; or business tax receipt issued to such owner (indi-
vidual or entity) and shall also thereby lose that
(9) If the special magistrate finds there exists owner's privilege to obtain other licenses and/or
any other valid reason why the noticed permits issued by Collier County. The owner can
violation should be voided by order of the summarily reinstate all such lost privileges by
special magistrate. paying in full all such fines and costs. If the
(Ord. No. 08-22, § 4) applicable fines and costs are not pp paid in full
Sec. 78-55. Penalties. within the applicable 21-day time period, the
special magistrate may place a lien on such of the
(a) Civil fine; costs. Each Section 78-53 viola- vehicle owner's property as then authorized by
tion, above, issued pursuant to this Article shall F.S. ch. 162, and/or by then applicable Collier
be a civil, noncriminal ordinance violation for County Code Enforcement Ordinance(s). The lien
which a civil fine in the amount of sixty-two and amount, including any accrued interest, and all
50/100 dollars ($62.50) shall be assessed against costs actually incurred by the county and/or the
the vehicle's owner for the first violation, a civil special magistrate regarding the lien shall be
fine in the amount seventy-five dollars ($75.00) paid in full before the lien is released or is
shall be assessed for the second violation within otherwise voided. The county may also elect to
any five-year period, and a one hundred dollar enforce all such fines and costs by civil action in
($100.00)civil fine shall be assessed for the third the nature of debt.
and any subsequent violation by the vehicle's
owner within any five-year period. The civil fine (d) No driver's points and no effect on any
must be paid in full (be received by the County's driving privilege. As, violations of this article are
Code Enforcement Department)not later than 21 ordinance violations and not conviction(s) of any
days after the vehicle owner's receipt of the Notice motor vehicle law,no violation of this article shall
of Code Violation, unless the owner files an ap result in any points, as provided in F.S. § 322.27,
peal that is actually received by the County's or otherwise, nor be any basis for suspension or
Code Enforcement Department,not later than 21 revocation of any driving privilege.
days after the vehicle owner's receipt of such (Ord. No. OS 22, § 5; Ord. No. 2009 54, § 1)
notice. The civil fines may be amended by resolu-
tion of the Board of County Commissioners. Sec. 78-56. Notice of code violations.
(b) Costs. If the appeal does not result in the (a) Issuance of notice of code violation. The
noticed violation being voided by order of the Collier County Sheriffs Office (CCSO) may law-
special magistrate, then not later than 21 days fully issue, or cause to be issued the notice of
after receipt of written notice from the special violation. Each decision to issue or not issue a
magistrate,the vehicle's owner must pay the civil notice of violation to the vehicle's owner pursuant
fine, plus all prosecutorial costs incurred by the to this article shall be made by a traffic control
county and/or the special magistrate. By order of infraction review officer, or designee, after his or
the special magistrate, the special magistrate her review of recorded image(s)as recorded by the
Supp.No. 27 CD78:7
traffic violation photographic system. The traffic that traffic control infraction review of-
control infraction review officer,or designee,shall ficer to conclude that the noticed violation
also verify that the traffic control monitoring was committed at the cited date,time and
system/devices which captured the recorded im- intersection;
ages was functioning properly at the time the
recorded images were captured. The recorded (9) A statement of the 21-day time limit within
image shall be sufficient grounds to issue a notice which the vehicle owner may file an ap-
of violation. peal and a brief description of the appeal
process; and
(b) Contents of notice of code violation. The
notice issued for the violation listed in section (10) A statement that if the vehicle's owner
78-53, above, shall be by a standard form notice fails to pay the civil fine in full or fails to
approved by the Collier County Sheriffs Office timely appeal the violation(s), the owner
and by the county attorney's office, which notice shall thereby be deemed to;(i)have waived
should include the following information: all rights to dispute that violation; (ii) to
thereby admit the violation; and (iii) fail-
(1) The name and mailing address of the ure to pay all applicable fines, and costs
owner of the vehicle as of the date the as applicable, can result in loss of privi-
noticed ordinance violation was commit- leges and imposition of liens pursuant to
ted; this article.
(2) The make, model, year and registration of notice o(c) Deliverycode violation. The
number of such vehicle; f
notice of code violation shall be delivered to the
(3) The subsection of this article that was vehicle owner by certified mail, proper postage
violated; prepaid, and properly addressed to the mailing
(4) The date, time and intersection of the address of the individual who (or entity that) is
violation; then listed as the titled owner by the applicable
agency of whatever State of the United States,
(5) A copy of the recorded image(s) of the country or territory where the respective vehicle
violation as recorded by the traffic viola- was registered as of the date of the noticed
tion photographic system, including a re- violation. If there is more than one such listed
corded image that identifies the letters owner,the notice can be delivered to only one such
and numbers on the vehicle's license plate listed owner.The county shall have the right,but
and the state, country or territory shown not any obligation,to serve the notice by personal
on that license plate; service upon one owner at any proper place of
(6) The monetary amount of the civil fine and personal service or may otherwise elect to serve
the deadline date such fine must actually one owner by any other means then authorized by
be received by the county's code enforce- law.
ment department; (Ord. No. 08-22, § 6)
(7) The mailing address of the code enforce-
ment department to which the fines must Sec. 78-57. Obligations of vehicle owner;ap-
be delivered by or on behalf of the vehicle's peals to special magistrate.
owner, and the name of the payee to
facilitate payment by money order, check (a) Upon receipt of a notice of code violation,
or other negotiable instrument; the noticed owner may contest the notice by filing
an appeal that is actually received by the county's
(8) A statement that the signing traffic con- code enforcement department not later than 21
trol infraction review officer reviewed and days after the vehicle's owner received such no-
thereby observed the recorded image(s) tice. A code enforcement department employee
evidencing the violation, and that those shall note on the appeal the date and time of
images constituted reasonable grounds for receipt of that appeal.
Supp.No.27 CD78:8
(b) The appeal must include the owner's name, of this article that occurs prior to noon of the day
mailing address and phone number, and must that is 60 days after the effective date of this
state in clear,meaningful detail all grounds upon article.
which the violation is being contested by the (Ord. No. 08-22, § 8)
appeal. The grounds for appeal are listed in
section 78-54, above. Sec. 78-59. Conflict and severability.
(c) The code enforcement department shall In the event this article (ordinance) conflicts
promptly refer the appeal to a special magistrate. with any other ordinance of Collier County or
The special magistrate shall endeavor to schedule other applicable law, this article shall apply and
the appeal hearing within 60 days after the spe- supersede. If any phrase or portion of this article
cial magistrate's receipt of the appeal (provided is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
the appeal was actually received by the county's competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be
code enforcement department not later than 21 deemed a separate,distinct and independent pro-
days after the vehicle owner's receipt of the notice vision and such holding shall not affect the valid-
of code violation).The special magistrate by order ity of the remaining portions.
may summarily dismiss the appeal with prejudice (Ord. No. 08-22, § 9)
if the appeal does not comply with any require-
ment listed in subsections (a) or (b), above.
(d) The recorded images shall be admissible at
the hearing for all purposes. The traffic control
infraction review officer may testify at the hear-
Lir (e) If upon appeal the noticed violation is not
voided by order of the special magistrate, the
owner shall pay in full the civil fine,plus all costs
actually incurred by the county and/or special
magistrate resulting from that appeal. The civil
fine and applicable incurred costs must be deliv-
ered in full to the county's code enforcement
department not later than 21 days after the
owner's receipt of the special magistrate's order
that states the noticed code violation was not
voided by the special magistrate,and shall specify
the applicable civil fine, and applicable incurred
costs,if any.All of the special magistrate's orders,
letters and other papers,etc.,can be mailed to the
vehicle owner by ordinary U.S. mail,proper post-
age prepaid, addressed to the owner's mailing
address as listed in the owner's appeal, which
mailing shall be sufficient receipt by the vehicle's
(Ord. No. 08-22, § 7)
Sec. 78-58. Sixty-days' grace period.
The respective reviewing traffic control infrac-
tion review officer, or the CCSO designee, by
ordinary U.S. mail, is authorized to mail to the
vehicle owner a "courtesy notice" of the violation
Supp.No.27 CD78:9
Chapters 79-81