Chapter 70 - Human Rights Lie
Chapter 70
Article I. In General
Secs. 70-1-70-25. Reserved.
Article II. Fair Housing
Sec. 70-26. Common title.
Sec. 70-27. Definitions.
Sec. 70-28. Penalty.
Sec. 70-29. Administrator;authority and responsibility.
Sec. 70-30. Complaints.
Sec. 70-31. Processing complaints.
Sec. 70-32. Additional remedies.
Sec. 70-33. Education and public information.
Sec. 70-34. Untruthful complaints or testimony.
Sec. 70-35. Unlawful housing practices.
Sec. 70-36. Exemptions and exceptions.
*Cross reference—Black affairs advisory board,§2-946 et seq.
State law reference—Discrimination generally,
Supp.No.56 CD70:1
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Familial status means one or more individuals,
who have not attained the age of 18 years, being
domiciled with:
Secs. 70-1-70-25. Reserved.
(1) A parent or another person having legal
custody of such individual or individuals;
ARTICLE II. FAIR HOUSING* (2) The designee of such parent or other person
having such custody, with the written per-
Sec. 70-26. Common title. mission of such parent or other person.
This article shall be known and may be cited as The protections afforded against discrimination
the "Fair Housing Code of unincorporated Collier on the basis of familial status shall apply to any
County, Florida." person who is pregnant or is in the process of se-
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 1) curing legal custody of any individual who has
not attained the age of 18 years.
Sec. 70-27. Definitions. Family includes a single individual.
The following words, terms and phrases, when Handicap, with respect to a person, means:
used in this article, shall have the meanings as- (1) A physical or mental impairment which
cribed to them in this section, except where the substantially limits one or more of such per-
context clearly indicates a different meaning: son's major life activities;
Administrator means that person appointed by (2) A record of having such an impairment; or
the county administrator pursuant to section
70 29. (3) Being regarded as having such an impair-
Covered multifamily dwelling means: but such term does not include current,illegal use
(1) A building which consists of four or more of or addiction to a controlled substance, as de
units and has an elevator; or fined in section 102 of the Controlled Substance
Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
(2) The ground floor units of a building which Lending institution means any bank, insurance
consists of four or more units and does not company, savings and loan association or any
have an elevator. other person or organization regularly engaged in
Discriminatory housing practice means an act the business of lending money,guaranteeing loans,
that is unlawful under section 70-35. or sources of credit information, including but not
limited to credit bureaus.
Dwelling means any building,structure, or por- Owner means any person,including but not lim-
tion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or ited to a lessee, sublessee, assignee, manager, or
intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or agent, and also including the city and its depart-
more families, and any vacant land which is of- merits or other subunits, having the right of own-
fered for sale or lease for the construction or loca- ership or possession or the authority to sell or
tion thereon of any such building, structure, or lease any dwelling.
portion thereof.
Person means one or more individuals, corpora-
*Cross references—Advisory committee on the homeless, tions, partnerships, associations, labor organiza-
§2-886 et seq.;businesses,ch.26;housing initiatives partner-
ship(SHIP) program, § 114-56 et seq. tions, legal representatives, mutual companies,
State law reference—Fair Housing Act, F.S. § 760.20 et joint stock companies, trusts, unincorporated or-
seq. ganizations, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, re-
ceivers, fiduciaries, or public corporations, or any board established pursuant to the authority of F.S.
department or subunit thereof. ch. 162.
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 11; Ord. No. 92-9, § 6(11))
Real estate agent means any real estate broker, State law reference—Penalty for ordinance violations,F.S.
any real estate salesman, or any other person, § 125.69.
employee, agent, or otherwise, engaged in the
management, sales, or operation of any real prop- Sec. 70-29. Administrator; authority and re-
erty. sponsibility.
Real estate broker or salesman means a person, (a) Appointment. The authority and responsi-
whether licensed or not, who, for or with the ex- bility for administering this article shall be vested
pectation of receiving a consideration, lists, sells, in the county administrator,who shall appoint an
purchases, exchanges, rents, or leases real prop- administrator for the provisions of this article.
erty, or who negotiates or attempts to negotiate
any of these activities,or who holds himself out as (b) Powers and duties. The administrator shall:
engaged in these activities, or who negotiates or (1) Receive written complaints as hereinafter
attempts to negotiate a loan secured or to be se- provided in section 70-30 relative to alleged
cured by mortgage or other encumbrance upon unlawful acts under this article;
real property,or who is engaged in the business of
listing real property in a publication, or a person (2) Upon receiving a written complaint, make
employed by or acting on behalf of any of these. such investigations as the administrator
deems appropriate to ascertain facts and
Real estate transaction includes the sale, pur- issues;
chase, exchange, rental or lease of real property, '"�
and any contract pertaining thereto. (3) Utilize methods of persuasion, conciliation
and mediation or informal adjustment of
Respondent means any person against whom a grievances;
complaint is filed pursuant to this article.
(4) Establish, administer or review programs
To rent includes lease, sublease, assignment at the request of the county administrator
and/or rental, including any contract to do any of and make reports on such programs to the
the foregoing, or otherwise granting for a consid- county administrator;
eration the right to occupy premises that are not
owned by the occupant. (5) Bring to the attention of the county admin-
istrator items that may require notice to
Sale includes any contract to sell, exchange, or the board of county commissioners or board
to convey, transfer, or assign legal or equitable action to resolve;
title to, or a beneficial interest in, real property.
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 2; Ord. No. 86-89, § 2; Ord. No. (6) Render to the county administrator annual
92-9, § 2) written reports of activities under the pro-
Cross reference—Definitions generally, § 1-2. visions of this article, along with such com-
ments and recommendations as required;
Sec. 70-28. Penalty. (7) Cooperate with and render technical assis-
(a) Violations of this article shall be prosecuted tance to federal,state,local and other public
in the same manner as misdemeanors are prose- and private agencies, organizations and in-
cuted and upon conviction shall be punished by stitutions which are formulating or car-
fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in rying on programs to prevent or eliminate
the county jail not to exceed 60 days or by both the unlawful discriminatory practices cov-
fine and imprisonment. ered by the provisions of this article;
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to (8) If he determines that there is probable cause -�,
prohibit the county from prosecuting any viola- to believe that there has been a violation of
tion of this article by means of a code enforcement the provisions of this article, refer the
matter to the proper county, state or fed- (f) The administrator shall assist complainant
eral authorities for appropriate legal ac- or respondent when necessary in the preparation
tion; and filing of informal complaint or answers or
(9) Promulgate,publish and distribute the nec any amendments thereto.
essary forms, rules and regulations to im- (Ord. No. 86-74, § 6; Ord. No. 86-89, § 4; Ord. No.
plement the provisions of this article. 92 9, § 5)
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 5) Sec. 70-31. Processing complaints.
Sec. 70-30. Complaints. (a) Within 30 days after the filing of an in-
formal complaint, the administrator shall make
(a) A person who claims that another person such investigation, as appropriate, to ascertain
has committed a discriminatory housing practice facts and issues. If the administrator shall deem
may report that offense to the administrator by that there are reasonable grounds to believe that
filing an informal complaint within 60 days after a violation has occurred and can be resolved by
the date of the alleged discriminatory housing conciliation, such conciliation shall be attempted
practice and not later. by methods of initial conference and persuasion
(b) The administrator shall treat a complaint with all interested parties and such representa
referred by the secretary of housing and urban tives as the parties may choose to assist them.
Conciliation conferences shall be informal, and
development or the attorney general of the United
States under the Fair Housing Act of 1968,Public nothing said or done in the course of the informal
Law 90-284, as an informal complaint filed under conference with the individuals to resolve the dis
pute may be made public or used as evidence in a
subsection (a) of this section. subsequent proceeding by either party without the
(c) An informal complaint must be in writing, written consent of both the complainant and the
verified or affirmed, on a form to be supplied by respondent.The administrator or any employee of
the administrator and shall contain the following: the administrator who shall make public any in-
formation in violation of this provision shall be
(1) Identity and address of the respondent. deemed guilty of a violation of this article and
(2) Date of the offense and date of filing the shall be subject to penalty as set forth in section
informal complaint. 70-28.
(3) General statement of facts of the offense, (b) If the parties desire to conciliate, the terms
including the basis of the discrimination of the conciliation shall be reduced to writing in
(race, color, national origin, religion, sex, the form approved by the administrator and must
familial status, or handicap). be signed and verified by the complainant and
respondent and approved by the administrator.
(4) Name and signature of the complainant. The conciliation agreement is for conciliation pur-
(d) Within 15 days after the filing of the in- poses only and does not constitute an admission
formal complaint,the administrator shall transmit by any party that the law has been violated.
a copy of the same to each respondent named (c) If the administrator deems that there is not
therein by certified mail return receipt requested. probable cause to believe that a particular alleged
Thereupon,the respondent may file a written,ver- discriminatory housing practice has been corn-
died informal answer to the informal complaint mitted, the administrator shall take no further
within 20 days of the date of receipt of the in- action with respect to the alleged offense.
formal complaint. (d) If the administrator, with respect to any
(e) An informal complaint or answer may be matter,which involves a contravention of this ar
amended at any time,and the administrator shall tide:
furnish a copy of each amended informal corn- (1) Fails to conciliate a complaint after the par-
plaint or answer to the respondent or complainant ties,in good faith,have attempted such con-
respectively as promptly as practicable. ciliation; or
(2) Determines that the violation alleged in the (2) Discriminate against a person in the terms,
complaint cannot be resolved by concilia- conditions or privileges of a real estate
tion; transaction or in the furnishing of facilities
or services in connection therewith, or be-
both the complainants and the respondents shall cause of his exercise of his right of free as
be notified within 30 days of the failure of the sociation.
conciliation and the provisions of subsection 70-
29(b)(8) involved. (3) Refuse to receive or fail to transmit a bona
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 7) fide offer to engage in a real estate trans-
action from a person.
Sec. 70-32. Additional remedies.
The procedures prescribed by this article do not (4) Refuse to negotiate for a real estate trans
constitute an administrative prerequisite to an action with a person.
other action or remedy available under other law. (5) Represent to a person that a dwelling is not
Nothing in this article shall be deemed to modify, available for inspection,sale,rental or lease
impair or otherwise affect any right or remedy when in fact it is so available, or to fail to
conferred by the constitution or laws of the United bring a property listing to his attention, or
States or the state; and the provisions of this ar to refuse to permit him to inspect the
tide shall be in addition to those provided by such dwelling.
other laws.
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 8) (6) Make, print, publish or circulate, post or
Sec. 70.33. Education and public informa- mail, or cause to be made, printed, pub
lished or circulated, any notice, statement,
tion. advertisement or sign, or to use a form of
The administrator may conduct educational and application or photograph for a real estate
public informational activities that are designed transaction or, except in connection with a
to promote the policy of this article. written affirmative action plan, to make a
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 9) record,or oral or written inquiry in connec-
tion with a prospective real estate transac-
Sec. 70-34. Untruthful complaints or testi- tion, which indicates directly or indirectly
mony. an intent to make a limitation, specifica-
tion, or discrimination with respect thereto
It shall be a violation of this article for any based upon race, color, religion, sex, fa-
person knowingly and willfully to make false or milial status or national origin.
untrue statements, accusations or allegations in
his complaint or to give false testimony concerning (7) Offer, solicit, accept, use or retain a listing
• violations of this article. of a dwelling with the understanding that
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 10) a person may be discriminated against in a
real estate transaction or in the furnishing
Sec. 70-35. Unlawful housing practices. of facilities or services in connection there-
(a) Sale or rental. Except as provided in section with.
70-36, it shall be unlawful and a discriminatory (8) Make any misrepresentations concerning
housing practice for an owner,or any other person the listing for sale or rental, or the antici
engaging in a real estate transaction,or for a real pated listing for sale or rental, or the sale
estate broker, because of race, color, national or or rental of any dwelling in any area in the
igin, religion, sex, familial status, or handicap to: unincorporated area of the county for the
(1) Refuse to engage in a real estate transac- purpose of inducing or attempting to in- .�
tion with a person or otherwise make un- duce any such listing or any of the above
available or deny a dwelling to any person. transactions for discriminatory purposes.
(9) Retaliate or discriminate in any manner making the statement,or to make any other
against any person because of his opposing material misrepresentations in order to ob-
a practice declared unlawful by this article, tain such listing, sale,removal from, lease,
or because he has filed a complaint, testi- assignment,transfer or other disposition of
fled,assisted or participated in any manner said dwelling.
in any investigation, proceeding or confer-
ence under this article. (14) Place a sign or display any other device
either purporting to offer for sale,lease,as-
(10) Aid, abet, incite, compel or coerce any signment, transfer or other disposition
person to engage in any of the practices tending to lead to the belief that a bona fide
prohibited by the provisions of this article, offer is being made to sell, lease, assign,
or to obstruct or prevent any person from transfer or otherwise dispose of any
complying with the provisions of this ar- dwelling that is not in fact available or of-
tide,or any conciliation agreement entered fered for sale, lease, assignment, transfer
into thereunder. or other disposition.
(11) By canvassing, compel any unlawful prac- (15) Discriminate in the sale or rental of, or to
tices prohibited by the provisions of this otherwise make unavailable or deny, a
article. dwelling to any buyer or renter because of
(12) Promote, induce, influence or attempt to a handicap of:
promote, induce or influence by the use of a. That buyer or renter;
postal cards, letters, circulars, telephone, b. A person residing in or intending to
visitation or any other means, directly or reside in that dwelling after it is sold,
indirectly, a property owner, occupant, or rented, or made available; or
tenant to list for sale, sell, remove from, c. Any person associated with the buyer
lease,assign,transfer;or otherwise dispose or renter.
of any dwelling by referring as a part of a
process or pattern of inciting neighborhood (16) Discriminate against any person in the
unrest; community tension, or fear of ra- terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or
cial, color, religious, nationality, family rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of
composition,or ethnic change in any street, services or facilities in connection with such
block, neighborhood, or any other area, to dwelling, because of a handicap of:
the race, color, religion, familial status, or a. That buyer or renter;
national origin of actual or anticipated b. A person residing in or intending to
neighbors, tenants or other prospective reside in that dwelling after it is sold,
buyers of any dwelling. rented, or made available; or
(13) Cause to be made any intentionally mis- c. Any person associated with the buyer
leading statement or advertisement, or, in or renter.
any other manner,attempt as part of a pro (17) For purposes of subsections (15) and (16) of
cess or pattern of inciting neighborhood un this section, discrimination includes:
rest, community tension or fear of racial,
color,religious,family composition,nation- a. A refusal to permit, at the expense of
ality or ethnic change in any street, block, the handicapped person, reasonable
neighborhood, or any other area, to obtain modifications of existing premises oc-
a listing of any dwelling for sale, rental, cupied or to be occupied by such person
assignment, transfer or other disposition, if such modifications may be necessary
where such statement, advertisement or to afford such person full enjoyment of
other representation is false or materially the premises; or
misleading, or where there is insufficient b. A refusal to make reasonable accom-
basis to judge its truth or falsity or warrant modations in rules, policies, practices,
or services,when such accommodations (b) Block busting. It shall be unlawful and a
may be necessary to afford such person discriminatory housing practice for a person, for
equal opportunity to use and enjoy a the purpose of inducing a real estate transaction
dwelling. for which he may benefit financially to:
(18) Covered multifamily dwellings as defined (1) Represent that a change has occurred or
will or may occur in the composition, with
herein which are intended for first occu- respect to race, color, national origin, reli-
pancy after March 13, 1991, shall be de- gion, sex, familial status, or handicap, of
signed and constructed to have at least one the owners or occupants in the block,neigh-
building entrance on an accessible route un- borhood, or area in which the dwelling is
less it is impractical to do so because of the located.
terrain or unusual characteristics of the site
as determined by administrator rule. Such (2) Represent that this change will or may re
buildings shall also be designed and con- sult in the lowering of property values, an
strutted in such a manner that: increase in criminal or anti-social behavior,
or a decline in the quality of schools in the
a. The public use and common use por- block, neighborhood, or area in which the
tions of such dwellings are readily ac- dwelling is located.
cessible to and usable by handicapped
persons. (3) Make, as part of a process or pattern of dis-
b. All doors designed to allow passage into couraging the purchase, rental, occupancy
and within all premises within such or otherwise of any dwelling in a particular
block, neighborhood or area, any represen-
dwellings are sufficiently wide to allow tation to a person known to be a prospec-
passage by a person in a wheelchair. tive purchaser,that such block or neighbor-
c. All premises within such dwellings con- hood or area may undergo,is undergoing or
tain the following features of adaptive has undergone a change with respect to ra-
design: cial, color, religious, nationality, family
1. An accessible route into and composition, or ethnic composition of such
through the dwelling. block or neighborhood or area.
2. Light switches, electrical outlets, (4) Engage in,or hire to be done,or to conspire
thermostats, and other environ- with others to commit actions or activities
mental controls in accessible loca- of any nature, the purpose of which is to
tions. coerce, cause panic, incite unrest or create
3. Reinforcements in bathroom walls or play upon fear, with the intent to either
to allow later installation of grab discourage or induce, or attempt to induce,
bars. the sale, purchase, rental or lease or the
4. Usable kitchens and bathrooms listing of any dwelling.
such that a person in a wheelchair (5) For profit, induce or attempt to induce any
can maneuver about the space. person to sell or not sell, or rent or not rent
d. Compliance with the appropriate re- any dwelling by representations regarding
quirements of the American National the entry or prospective entry into the
Standards Institute for building and fa- neighborhood of a person protected by the
cilities providing accessibility and us provisions of this article.
ability for physically handicapped (c) Financing. It shall be unlawful and a dis-
people, commonly cited as ANSI criminatory housing practice for any lending in-
A117.1-1986, suffices to satisfy the re- stitution, to deny a loan or other financial assis- -�
quirements of subsection(18)c.4.of this tance to an applicant thereof for the purpose of
subsection. purchasing,constructing,improving,repairing or
CD 70:8
maintaining a dwelling,or to discriminate against Sec. 70-36. Exemptions and exceptions.
him in the fixing of the amount, interest rate,
duration,or other terms or conditions of such loan (a) Nothing in section 70-35 shall prohibit a re-
or other financial assistance, because of the race, ligious organization,association,or society,or any
color,national origin,religion,sex,familial status, nonprofit charitable or educational institution or
or handicap of such person or of any person asso organization operated,supervised or controlled by
ciated with him in connection with such loan or or in conjunction with a religious organization,
other financial assistance, or the purposes of such association, or society, from limiting or from ad-
loan or other assistance, or of the present or pro-
spective owners, lessees, tenants or occupants of dwelling which it owns or operates for other than
the dwelling in relation to which such loan or commercial purpose to persons of the same reli-
other financial assistance is to be made or given; gion, or from giving preference to such persons,
provided, that nothing contained in this subsec unless membership in such religion is restricted
of the on account of race, color, or national origin. Nor
tion shall impair the scope or effectiveness
exceptions contained in section 70-36. shall anything in this section prohibit a private
club not in fact open to the public, which as an
(1) It is unlawful for any person or entity whose incident to its primary purpose or purposes pro-
business includes engaging in residential vides lodgings which it owns or operates for other
real estate transactions to discriminate than a commercial purpose, from limiting the
against any person in making available rental or occupancy of such lodgings to its mem-
such a transaction, or in the terms or con- bers or from giving preference to its members.
ditions of such a transaction, because of
race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, (b) Nothing in section 70-35, except subsection
familial status, or religion. (a)(6), shall apply to:
(2) As used in this subsection, the term resi- (1) Any single-family house sold or rented by
dential real estate transaction means any its owner;provided,that such an individual
of the following: owner does not own more than three such
single-family houses at any one time; pro-
a. The making or purchasing of loans or vided further,that in the case of the sale of
providing other financial assistance: any such single-family house by a private
individual owner not residing in such house
1. For purchasing, construction, im-
at the time of such sale or who was not the
proving,repairing,or maintaining
a dwelling; or most recent resident of such house prior to
2. Secured by residential real estate. such sale, the exemption granted by this
subsection shall apply only with respect to
b. The selling, brokering, or appraising one such sale within any 24-month period;
of residential real property. provided further, that such bona fide pri-
(d) Brokerage services. It shall be unlawful and vate individual owner does not own any in
a discriminatory housing practice to deny any terest in, nor is there owned or reserved on
person access to or membership or participation his behalf, under any express or voluntary
in any multiple listing service, real estate bro agreement, title to or any rights to all or a
ker's organization or other service, organization, portion of the proceeds from the sale or
or facility related to the business of selling, or rental of more than three such single
rentingdwellings,or to discriminate family houses at any one time;provided g , against such ther, that the owner sells or rents such
person on the terms or conditions of such access, dwelling:
membership or participation because of race,color,
national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or a. Without the use,in any manner, of the
handicap. sale or rental facilities or the sales and
(Ord. No. 86-74, § 3; Ord. No. 86-89, § 3; Ord. No. rental services of any real estate
92-9, § 3) broker,agent,or salesperson,or of such
facilities or services of any person in facilities or sales or rental services in
the business of selling or renting dwell- three or more transactions involving
ings, or of any employee or agency of the sale or rental of any dwelling or
any such broker,agent,salesperson,or any interest therein;
person; and b. He has, within the preceding 12
b. Without the publication, posting or months, participated as agent, other
mailing, after notice, of any advertise- than in the sale of his own personal
ment or written notice in violation of residence, in providing sales or rental
subsection 70-35(a)(6); facilities or sales or rental services in
but nothing in this provision shall prohibit two or more transactions involving the
the use of attorneys, escrow agents, ab sale or rental of any dwelling or any
stracters, title companies, and other such interest therein; or
professional assistance as necessary to per- c. He is the owner of any dwelling de-
fect or transfer the title; or signed or intended for occupancy by, or
occupied by, five or more families.
(2) Rooms or units in dwellings containing
living quarters occupied or intended to be (c) Nothing in section 70-35 shall be construed
occupied by no more than four families to:
living independently of each other, if the
owner actually maintains and occupies one (1) Make it an unlawful act to require that a
of such living quarters as his residence,pro- person have legal capacity to enter into a
vided that the owner sells or rents such contract or lease.
rooms or units:
a. Without the use in any manner of the (2) Bar any person from advertising or from
sales or rental facilities or the sales or refusing to sell or rent any dwelling which
rental services of any real estate is planned exclusively for, and occupied ex-
broker,agent,or salesperson,or of such clusively by, individuals of one sex, to any
facilities or services of any person in individual of the opposite sex.
the business of selling or renting dwell-
ings, or of any employee or agency of (3) Bar any person from selling, renting or ad-
any such broker,agent,salesperson,or vertising any dwelling which is planned ex-
person; and clusively for, and occupied exclusively by,
b. Without the publication, posting or unmarried individuals to unmarried indi-
mailing, after notice, of any advertise- viduals only.
ment or written notice in violation of
subsection 70-35(a)(6); (4) Bar any person from refusing to sell or rent
any dwelling to unmarried individuals co-
but nothing in this provision shall prohibit habiting contrary to law.
the use of attorneys,escrow agents,abstrac-
tors, title companies, and other such pro- (5) Bar any person from refusing a loan or other
fessional assistance as necessary to perfect financial assistance to any person whose
or transfer the title. life expectancy, according to generally ac-
(3) For the purpose of this subsection (b), a cepted mortality tables, is less than the
person shall be deemed to be in the busi term for which the loan is requested.
ness of selling or renting housing;f: (d) Nothing in section 70-35 requires any person
. a. He has, within the preceding 12 renting or selling a dwelling constructed for first
months,participated as principal,other occupancy before March 13, 1991,to modify,alter,
than in the sale of his own personal or adjust the dwelling in order to provide physical
residence, in providing sales or rental accessibility except as otherwise required by law.
(e) Any provision of section 70-35 regarding fa- meet the age requirements of this sub-
milial status does not apply with respect to housing section.
for older persons. (Ord. No. 86-74, § 4; Ord. No. 92-9, § 4)
(1) As used in this subsection,the term "hous-
ing for older persons" means housing:
a. Provided under any state or federal pro-
gram that the commission determines
is specifically designed and operated to
assist elderly persons,as defined in the
state or federal program;
b. Intended for, and solely occupied by,
persons 62 years of age or older; or
c. Intended and operated for occupancy
by at least one person 55 years of age
or older per unit. In determining
whether housing qualifies as housing
for older persons under this subsection,
the commission shall consider at least
the following factors:
1. The existence of significant facili-
ties and services specifically de-
signed to meet the physical or so-
cial needs of older persons, or if
providing such facilities and ser-
vices is not practicable, such
housing is necessary to provide im-
portant housing opportunities for
older persons;
2. At least 80 percent of the units are
occupied by at least one person 55
years of age or older per unit; and
3. The publication of and adherence
to policies and procedures which
demonstrate an intent by the
owner or manager to provide
housing for persons 55 years of age
or older.
(2) Housing shall not fail to be considered
housing for older persons if:
a. A person who resides in such housing
on or after October 1, 1989, does not
meet the age requirements of this sub-
section, provided that any new occu-
pant meets such age requirements; or
b. One or more units are unoccupied,pro-
vided that any unoccupied units are re-
served for occupancy by persons who
Chapters 71-73