Chapter 58 - Fire Prevention and Protection Chapter 58
Article I. In General
Sec. 58-1. Outdoor burning and use of incendiary devices.
Secs. 58-2-58-25. Reserved.
Article II. Fire Safety Standards
Sec. 58-26. Adopted.
Sec. 58-27. Amendments to fire codes.
Sec. 58-28. Amendments to life safety code.
*Cross references—Emergency services,ch. 50;various special districts providing fire control,ch. 122.
Land development code reference—Explosives,div.3.4.
Special act reference—Special acts pertaining to fire prevention and protection,ch.230.
State law references—Authority to provide fire protection,F.S. § 125.01(1)(d);fire prevention and control, 633.
Supp. No. 26 CD58:1
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL ate measures to protect the public health, safety
and welfare, and to protect real and personal
Sec. 58-1. Outdoor burning and use of incen- property in Collier County. This Ordinance is
diary devices. adopted after public hearing pursuant to, and in
accordance with F.S. § 125.66(3).
(a) Title and definitions.
(c) Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this
(1) Title. This Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance is to limit fire hazards in Collier County
the "Regulation of Outdoor Burning and on an emergency basis during periods and condi-
Incendiary Devices during Drought Con- tions of extreme drought by regulating the use of
ditions Ordinance". outdoor ignition sources in order to protect the
(2) Definitions. public health, welfare and safety and to reduce
the risk of loss and damage to real and personal
a. "Fireworks"means and includes any property.This Ordinance shall be applicable upon
combustible or explosive composi- the Board declaring a state of local emergency by
tion or substance or combination of subsequent resolution as set forth below. This
substances as defined in F.S.§791.01. Ordinance shall be suspended at all times when
"Fireworks" does not include spar- the Board has not declared by resolution that a
klers approved by the Division of the state of local emergency exists. This Ordinance is
State Fire Marshal of the Depart further adopted to effectuate a mechanism whereby
ment of Financial Services. the Board can act relatively quickly to rapidly
b. "Open Burning" means any outdoor changing drought conditions.
fire or open combustion of material
that produces visible emissions. (d) Jurisdiction and Enforcement. The areas
subject to this Ordinance shall be all the unincor-
c. "Trash" means any discarded mate- porated areas of Collier County, Florida. The
rial. sheriff and any other law enforcement officers as
d. "Yard Trash"means vegetative mat- defined by general law with jurisdiction in the
ter resulting from landscaping and County, and designated Collier County code en-
yard maintenance operations and forcement officers, shall have the authority to
other such routine property cleanup enforce the terms and provisions of this Ordi-
activities. The term includes materi- nance and any approved County Resolution im-
als such as leaves, shrub trimmings, plementing this Ordinance.
grass clippings, brush, and palm (e) Implementation by Resolution. When the
fronds. It does not include household County Manager makes a determination that
garbage. there exists a drought emergency, the County
e. "Yard Waste"means vegetative mat- Manager shall send written notification of such
ter resulting from landscaping and condition to the Chairman of the Board. The
yard maintenance operations and County Manager in making the determination of
other such routine property clean-up the existence of a drought emergency shall take
activities. It includes materials such into consideration such factors including, but not
as leaves, shrub trimmings, grass limited to the following:
clippings,palm fronds,and brush. It A. The Keetch/Byram Drought Index,or any
does not include land clearing debris similar such index.
or tree cutting debris.
B. Discussions and consultation with the Di-
(b) Declaration of Local Emergency. The Col- vision of State Forestry.
Tier County Board of County Commissioners
("Board"), convened in regular session, hereby C. Consultation with fire chiefs in the County.
declares and ordains that a local emergency exists D. Study of meteorological conditions and
within Collier County, Florida,requiring immedi- climatological forecasts.
Supp.No.48 CD58:3
Sec. 58-1. Outdoor burning and use of
incendiary devices.
(a) Title and definitions.
(1) Title. This Ordinance shall be known as
the "Regulation of Outdoor Burning and
Incendiary Devices during Drought Condi-
tions Ordinance".
(2) Definitions.
a. Fireworks means and includes any
combustible or explosive composi-
tion or substance or combination of
substances as defined in F.S.
§ 791.01. "Fireworks" does not
include sparklers approved by the
Division of the State Fire Marshal
of the Department of Financial
b. Open Burning means any outdoor
fire or open combustion of material
that produces visible emissions.
c. Trash means any discarded mate-
d. Yard Trash means vegetative
matter resulting from landscaping
and yard maintenance operations
and other such routine property
cleanup activities. The term includes
materials such as leaves, shrub trim-
mings, grass clippings, brush, and
palm fronds. It does not include
household garbage.
e. Yard Waste means vegetative
matter resulting from landscaping
and yard maintenance operations
and other such routine property
clean-up activities. It includes
materials such as leaves, shrub trim-
mings, grass clippings, palm fronds,
and brush. It does not include land
clearing debris or tree cutting debris.
(b) Declaration of Local Emergency. The Col-
lier County Board of County Commissioners
("Board"), convened in regular session, hereby
declares and ordains that a local emergency
exists within Collier County, Florida, requiring
immediate measures to protect the public health,
safety and welfare, and to protect real and
personal property in Collier County. This
Ordinance is adopted after public hearing pursu-
ant to, and in accordance with F.S. § 125.66(3).
(c) Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this
Ordinance is to limit fire hazards in Collier
County on an emergency basis during periods
and conditions of extreme drought by regulating
the use of outdoor ignition sources in order to
protect the public health, welfare and safety and
to reduce the risk of loss and damage to real and
personal property. This Ordinance shall be
applicable upon the Board declaring a state of
local emergency by subsequent resolution as set
forth below. This Ordinance shall be suspended
at all times when the Board has not declared by
resolution that a state of local emergency exists.
This Ordinance is further adopted to effectuate a
mechanism whereby the Board can act relatively
quickly to rapidly changing drought conditions.
(d) Jurisdiction and Enforcement. The areas
subject to this Ordinance shall be all the
unincorporated areas of Collier County, Florida.
The sheriff and any other law enforcement officers
as defined by general law with jurisdiction in the
County, and designated Collier County code
enforcement officers, shall have the authority to
enforce the terms and provisions of this Ordinance
and any approved County Resolution implement-
ing this Ordinance.
(e) Implementation by Resolution. When the
County Manager makes a determination that
there exists a drought emergency, the County
Manager shall send written notification of such
condition to the Chairman of the Board. The
County Manager in making the determination of
the existence of a drought emergency shall take
into consideration such factors including, but not
limited to the following:
A. The Keetch/Byram Drought Index, or
any similar such index.
B. Discussions and consultation with the
Division of State Forestry.
CD58:3Supp. No. 111
C. Consultation with the Director of the
Bureau of Emergency Services and fire
chiefs in the County.
D. Study of meteorological conditions and
climatological forecasts.
E. Whether the condition of the vegetation
in the County makes it susceptible to
F. Any actions taken by surrounding jurisdic-
tions in regard to drought conditions and
fire hazards.
G. Any other condition or factor which could
have a bearing on existing fire hazard
conditions and which reasonable persons
of prudence would normally rely on to
determine if a fire hazard condition exists.
In making such written presentation to the
Chairman of the Board or the Vice-Chairman
in his or her absence, the County Manager
will recommend which prohibitions to impose
and under what, if any, conditions open burn-
ing or the discharge of fireworks or other
incendiary devices will be allowed. The Chair-
man of the Board or the Vice-Chairman in his
or her absence may execute a Resolution
imposing any or all of the prohibitions as
conditions warrant without Board action. In
the absence of the Chairman and Vice-
Chairman; the next county commissioner in
order of seniority, or if two or more were
appointed on the same date, then in alphabeti-
cal order among them may take action in
accordance with this section. Outdoor burning
may include, but shall not be limited to,
campfires, bonfires, trash burning and other
similar open incineration. When outdoor burn-
ing is prohibited, such prohibition shall not be
construed to apply to outdoor burning or land
clearing where the Florida Forest Service has
issued a permit or other authorization. The
ban shall take effect upon approval of the
Resolution. The County Manager, at the next
scheduled public meeting of the Board, shall
notify the Board of the Resolution which shall
remain in effect until repealed. Upon repeal,
the restrictions on burning or discharge of
fireworks shall be immediately lifted. Further,
the Board from time to time may amend any
Resolution by changing, deleting, or modifying
the prov1s10ns on burning and discharge of
fireworks depending on changes in the drought
(f) Repeal of Burn Ban. When the County
Manager makes a determination that there no
longer exists a drought emergency, the County
Manager shall send written notification of such
condition to the Chairman of the Board. The
County Manager in making the determination of
the existence of a drought emergency shall take
into consideration the same factors as were
taken in consideration in imposing the burn ban.
The repeal need not be taken by Board action,
but may be made by Resolution signed by the
Chairman of the Board or the Vice-Chairman in
his or her absence. The County Manager, at the
next scheduled public meeting of the Board,
shall notify the Board of the Resolution terminat-
ing the burn ban.
(g) Prohibition. The Resolution imposing the
ban on open burning or discharge of fireworks
may prohibit any or all of the following, depend-
ing on the recommendation of the County Manager
and the severity of the drought conditions. A
Resolution may make it unlawful for any person
to set fire or cause fire to be set to any forest,
grassland, wild land, marsh, vegetation, or land
in an urban or rural area including those associ-
ated with agriculture, pile burning, or the build-
ing of campfires, bonfires, the burning of yard
trash, household garbage, refuse, or other debris
in the unincorporated areas of Collier County,
unless otherwise provided herein as an excep-
tion. In addition, the Resolution may prohibit
any person or entity from discharging, causing to
be discharged, or the sale of any fireworks or
incendiary devices that may cause or have a
tendency to cause wildfires as defined in F.S.
§ 590.015. Further, the Resolution may prohibit
the holding of any event including, but not
limited to, events involving motorcycles,
automobiles, or any other vehicles or equipment
that may cause hot exhaust gases or high
temperatures that may be generated by catalytic
converters or other devices on such vehicles in
an open or uncontrolled area that is susceptible
to wild fires. Bans on the sale of fireworks shall
CD58:4Supp. No. 111
only be done in the most exigent of circumstances
and when drought conditions are so severe as to
constitute an actual emergency.
(h) Publication. Within a reasonable time after
adopting such Resolution, the County Manager
shall notify the public by radio, television, and
electronic media of the applicability of this
Ordinance and any subsequent implementing
(i) Exceptions.
1. Nothing contained herein or in any
implementing Resolution shall be
construed to:
(a) Prohibit lawful activities involving
incendiary devices, fire, or flame in
controlled industrial or commercial
processes for which permits have
been issued, or if no permit is issued,
take place in a controlled industrial
or commercial environment and are
part of the manufacturing or some
type of assembly process such as to
make it unlikely that such incendi-
ary flame or heat generating device
will cause any type of wild fire or be
a danger outside of the premises
where the procedure or process is
being used; or
(b) Prohibit residential outdoor cook-
ing provided the same is done on a
suitable piece of equipment designed
to contain the fire, flame, and heat
generated thereby. Further, outdoor
cooking may also be done in any
public or private place where there
are facilities designed for outdoor
cooking which would contain the
heat, flames, or fire otherwise gener-
ated by outdoor cooking. All outdoor
cooking areas shall be free of burn-
able materials within an area having
a circumference which extends not
less than three (3) feet beyond the
nearest edge of the fire.
2. The provisions of this Ordinance or in
any implementing Resolution shall not
apply to any duly existing or constituted
fire department, fire district, or volunteer
fire department conducting training
exercises involving open fire or flame
solely for training purposes under
controlled conditions.
(j) Violations and Penalties. Any violation by
any person of any requirement or provision of
this Ordinance or any approved County Resolu-
tion implementing this Ordinance shall be
considered a Civil Infraction and may be
prosecuted in the same manner as described in
Ord. No. 2007-44, the Collier County Consolidated
Code Enforcement Ordinance, as amended, with
such penalties as set forth therein. Any law
enforcement officer issuing a Notice to Appear or
making an arrest pursuant to a violation of this
Ordinance or any approved County Resolution
implementing this Ordinance shall seize, or safely
destroy and appropriately document if seizure is
deemed impractical or inappropriate by the
investigating officer(s), any incendiary device or
ignition source being used in such violation for
the purpose of preserving evidence of the viola-
tion. Each day any violation subject to the
provisions of this Ordinance or any approved
County Resolution implementing this Ordinance
shall be considered a separate violation subject-
ing the violator to the fines and/or imprisonment
specified herein.
(Ord. No. 2009-23, §§ 1—9; Ord. No. 2013-22,
§§ 1—6; Ord. No. 23-38, §§ 1, 2)
Secs. 58-2—58-25. Reserved.
Sec. 58-26. Collier County Fire Protection
and Prevention Code adopted.
The standards and Code sections of the
"National Fire Codes", as published by the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), as
adopted by the rules of the Division of the State
Fire Marshal section 4 69A-3.012, 4 69A-60.005
or referenced by the 2003 edition of NFPA 1 or
*Cross references—Buildings and building regulations,
Ch. 22; Florida Building Code, § 22-26 et seq.
State law reference—Minimum and uniform fire safety
standards, F.S. § 633.022 et seq.
CD58:5Supp. No. 111
NFPA 101 and those listed below by standard
number and edition and as amended herein, are
hereby adopted by reference and made a part of
the "Collier County Fire Prevention and Protec-
tion Code," intended to protect the health, safety,
common interest, and convenience of the citizens,
visitors, and residents of Collier County, Florida.
NFPA Code Standard Edition Description
18 1995 Wetting Agents
42 2002 Storage of Pyroxylin
50A 1999 Gaseous Hydrogen
70E 2000 Electrical Safety Require-
ments for Employee
79 2002 Electrical Standard for
Industrial Machinery
97 2000 Glossary of Terms Relat-
ing to Chimneys and
170 2002 Fire Safety Symbols
412 1998 Evaluating Aircraft
Rescue and Fire Fighting
Foam Equip.
423 1999 Const. and Protection of
Aircraft Engine Test
513 1998 Motor Freight Terminals
600 2000 Industrial Fire Brigades
601 2000 Security Service in Fire
Loss Prevention
901 2001 Standard Classifications
for Incident Reporting
1961 1997 Fire Hose
1964 1998 Spray Nozzles
(Ord. No. 02-49, § 1, 10-8-02; Ord. No. 2005-32,
§ 2)
Sec. 58-27. Amendments to fire codes.
The "National Fire Codes, NFPA 1, Fire Preven-
tion Code, 2003 Edition," is hereby amended by
local amendment as follows:
i) Strike all existing text and amend
1.10 to read as follows:
operate and be comprised as set
forth in the Collier County Land
Development Code, Chapter 8.05.00,
except that the Collier County Fire
Marshal's Association may recom-
mend those two members one of
whom would be an architect or
engineer and one whom must be a
fire protection specialist for
consideration by the Board of County
i) Amend 1.16.4 to read as follows:
1.16.4 Any person who fails to comply
with the provisions of this code or
who fails to carry out an order made
pursuant of this code or violates any
condition attached to a permit,
approval, or certificate shall be
subject to the penalties established
by this jurisdiction. Nothing herein
contained is intended to prevent the
Independent Fire Districts of Col-
lier County from taking such other
lawful action in any court of
competent jurisdiction as the District
deems necessary to prevent or
remedy any violation. Such other
lawful action shall include, but shall
not be limited to, any equitable
action for injunctive relief or action
at law for damages. The Independent
Fire Districts of Collier County shall
have the power to enforce the provi-
sions of this Code and ordinances by
means of the Collier County Code
Enforcement Boards.
(1) Referenced Standards.
i) Amend subsection to read as
follows: Details regarding processes,
methods, specifications, equipment
testing and maintenance, design
standards, performance, installa-
tion, or other pertinent criteria
contained in those standards and
CD58:6Supp. No. 111
codes listed in Chapter 2 of this
Code and those adopted pursuant to
the Collier County Fire Prevention
and Protection Code Section 58-26
shall be considered a part of this
ii) Amend subsection 1.3.7 to read as
1.3.7 Buildings in existence or
permitted for construction prior to
the adoption of this Code shall
comply with the provisions stated
herein or referenced for existing
buildings (10.3.3 of NFPA 1 2003
Existing buildings or installations
that do not comply with the provi-
sions of the publications referenced
in shall be permitted to be
continued in use, unless the author-
ity having jurisdiction determines
that the lack of conformity with
these standards presents an
imminent danger.
Exception: A limited but reasonable
time shall be allowed for compli-
ance with any part of this Code for
existing buildings, commensurate
with the magnitude of expenditure,
disruption of services, and degree of
hazard. Occupied existing buildings
shall comply with 4.5.4.
(2) OCCUPANCY. Amend subsection 4.5.4
to add condition #4.
"(4) All tenants and occupants shall
obtain a "Notice of Fire Compli-
ance" certificate from the appropri-
ate fire district prior to the occupancy
and use of a new or existing build-
ing as evidence of compliance with
the Collier County Fire Prevention
and Protection Code. Such original
certificate shall be displayed in a
prominent location within the
structure, building, or portion
Exception: Occupants of one- and
two-family dwellings and residential
tenants in multi-family buildings
are exempt from the requirement of
obtaining a "Notice of Fire Compli-
i) Amend subsection 1.14.2 to read as
1.14.2 The applicant shall be
responsible to ensure that the fol-
lowing conditions are met:
(1) The construction documents
include all of the fire protec-
tion requirements;
(2) The shop drawings are correct
and in compliance with the
applicable codes and standards;
(3) All plans for proposed new
structures and square footage
additions to existing structures
include 81/2 × 11 page or pages
entitled "Fire Protection Plan"
that depict the following:
(a) Completed form titled
"Collier County Fire
CD58:6.1Supp. No. 111
Pre-Incident Planning Da- (j) Fire district water supply
ta'. Form must be com- flow test(s)as required by
pletely filled out, indicat- section
ing N/A where not (k) Main utility(electric, gas,
applicable. water, etc.) shutoff loca-
(b) Use of Uniform Drawing tions.
Symbols and Legend as (1) Hazardous and/or combus-
published in NFPA 170, tible materials locations
Standard for Fire Safety and estimated quantities.
Symbols 2002 Edition: (m) Locations of features of fire
Copyright National Fire protection systems(fire de-
Protection Association. partment connections,fire
(c) North arrow. sprinkler shut-off, fire
alarm panels, standpipes
(d) Overall building dimen- etc.)
sions. Exception 1: Group R-3. One- and
(e) To scale site plan showing Two-family Residences.
the entire property bound- Exception 2:Ancillary structures like
aries, entire structural guardhouses, restrooms etc. Not ex-
footprint, all building en- ceeding 1,000 square feet in area.
trance openings, exit Exception 3: Square footage addi-
stairs,pavement areas and tions that do not exceed 1,000 square
fire lanes, fire hydrants, feet.
adjacent roadways with
names, and distances to (4) The contractor shall main-
all fire hydrants within tain an approved set of
1,000 ft. (304.8m) mea construction documents on
sured along the centerline
of the street, driveway or (5) COST OF PERMIT.
fire lane. (i) Add Section 1.17 to read as follows:
(f) Florida Building Code Con- 1.17 COST OF PERMIT Refer to
struction Type. Collier County Resolution No. 01-
(g) Number of stories of struc- 313 or successor, (establishing fees),
ture and total square foot- Exhibit B.
age under roof per story. (C) CHAPTER 3 DEFINITIONS.
(h) A wall detail/section from
foundation through the (1) DEFINITIONS.
roof illustrating the pre- (i) Add the following definitions to read
dominant or typical as follows:
floor(s), wall(s) and roof 3.3.216 Fire Marshal—The Fire Chief
materials.Such detail/sec- or his/her designee within each inde-
tion shall be keyed with a pendent fire district or the Collier
call mark on the struc- County manager or his/her designee
tural footprint required(a) within any dependant fire district
above. within Collier County.
(i) Needed fire flow as re- 3.3.217 Fire Official—The individ-
quired by section ual appointed by the FIRE DIS-
Supp.No. 26 CD58:7
TRICTS and employed by the Admin- forest, grassland, woods, wild lands
istrative District who is responsible or marsh area within Collier County.
for the fire plan review office. The prohibitions expressly provided
3.3.218 Owner—Any person or en- herein may be extended by resolution
tity having a legal or equitable inter—
est in the property. (2) FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS AND WA-
3.3.219 Interlocal agreement—An TER SUPPLY.
agreement entered into between the i) Add subsection to read
board of County Commissioners and as follows:
any Independent Fire District(s). Fire department access
3.3.220 Manual Wet Standpipe— roads shall have an unobstructed
Refer to NFPA 14. width of not less than 20 ft. (6m)and
3.3.221 Residential Occupancy(Group have an unobstructed vertical clear-
R)—Refer to the Florida Building ance of not less than 14 ft.Minimum
Code. 2000 Edition for the definition width may be reduced to meet spe-
and sub-classification, or its succes- cial access with the approval of the
sor. fire official.
(D) CHAPTER 10 GENERAL FIRE SAFETY ii) Amend subsection to read
as follows:
TORS, OUTDOOR FIREPLACES. Turning Radius. The turn
ing radius for fire lanes not exceed-
i) Amend subsection 10.11.1 to read as ing a 90 degree turn where serving
follows: buildings shall be 25 ft. inside and
10.11.1 Permits. Permits are re- 49 ft. outside and turning radii for
quired and shall comply with Sec- fire lanes serving parking lots only
tion 1.12. shall be 25 ft. inside and 45 ft. out-
Exception: Cooking fires and small side. Where turns exceed 90 degrees
recreational fires not intended for the standards for turnarounds shall
vegetation or rubbish disposal when apply.
conducted safely and on the property iii) Amend subsection to read
of the subject. Notwithstanding the as follows:
above provisions, for 30 days corn- Dead Ends. An approved
mencing with the declaration of a turn around for fire apparatus shall
state of emergency by the Governor of be provided where an access road is
the State of Florida, because of ex- a dead end and in excess of 150 ft.
tended drought and the resulting po- (46m)in length.The turnaround shall
tential for wildfires, which includes have a minimum centerline radius of
all or parts of Collier County, there 40 feet (12.7m). The grade surface
shall become effective a prohibition and location of the fire lane shall be
against kindling, creating or main- approved by the authority having
taining any campfire, bonfire, open jurisdiction.At least one elevation of
or barrel burning of trash, discard- each building shall be accessible to
ing of lighted smoking materials out- the fire department.
doors, smoking in county parks, and
the sale or use of fireworks. The use iv) Add subsection to read as
of open barbecues or barbecue pits follows:
utilizing charcoal or wood shall be EMERGENCY VEHICLE
prohibited within 600 yards of any ACCESS
Supp.No.26 CD58:8
FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION §58-27 This section is intended to viii) Add subsection to read as
apply to all gate installations EX- follows:
CEPT those serving individual single- All non-electronic access
family residences. control gates to structures and prop-
v) Add subsection to read as erties that may require emergency
follows: services that restrict the free ingress
and egress of emergency vehicles and All electronic access con- are not constantly attended 24 hours
trol gate to structures and proper- a day shall be provided with a key
ties that may require emergency ser- box per section 10.12.1.
vices that restrict the free ingress Exception No. 1—Gates serving
and egress of emergency vehicles and individual single-family resi-
are not constantly attended 24 hours dences.
per day shall be provided with an ix) Add subsection to read as
electronic transmitter/receiver sys- follows:
tern capable of being programmed
with a unique activation code and All electronic gates are re-
frequency approved by the authority quired to receive a building permit
having jurisdiction. Such code or fre—
quency shall not be used by or pro- x) Amend subsection to read
vided to other gate users. Existing as follows:
installations shall comply within 180 Hydrants. Clearance of 3
days subsequent to the notification feet to the rear and sides of fire
date by the authority having juris- hydrants and clear to the street. No
diction. new wet or dry retention or deten-
vi) Add subsection to read as tion areas shall be located between
follows: the fire hydrant and the fire access
area unless prior approval is re- All electronic access con- ceived from the fire official.
trol gates required under section xi) Amend subsection to read shall be compatible with as follows:
the uniform county-wide transmit-
ters. Said transmitters are carried Fire Protection Appliances.
Clearance of 3 feet to sides and clear
only within emergency services vehi
des. to the street. No new wet or dry
retention or detention areas shall be
vii) Add subsection to read as located between the fire appliance
follows: and the fire access area unless prior
approval is received from the fire All electronic access con- official.
trol gates shall have a battery backup
with a fail safe override. (2) PUBLIC SPECIAL OUTDOOR EVENTS,
Exception No. 1—Any other CARNIVALS, FAIRS AND EVENTS.
override system acceptable to i) Amend section 10.16.3 to read as
the Authority having jurisdic- follows:
tion. 10.16.3 Life Safety Evaluation. Life
Exception No.2—Gates serving safety evaluations are required and
individual single-family resi- shall be in accordance with 12.4.1 of
dences. NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. The
Supp. No. 26 CD58:9
evaluation shall be submitted to the iv) Add subsection to read as fol-
AHJ a minimum of two weeks prior lows:
to the starting date of the event. Fire department valves on
ii) Add subsection to read as standpipe systems shall not be pressure-
follows: reducing valves. Pressure restricting de-
vices shall be installed on any valve with The AHJ is hereby autho- pressure in excess of 175 psi. Pressure
rized to assess and collect reason- restricting devices shall be so as to be
able compensation for services ren- readily removable, leaving hose threads
dered to public assemblages and acceptable to the authority having juris-
events covered by the provisions of diction.
section 10.16.4, as it may deem nec-
essary in accordance with the appli- v) Add subsection to read as fol
cable service resolution of the gov- lows:
erning body. All fire department connec-
tions,other than those serving a high rise
(E) CHAPTER 13 FIRE PROTECTION SYS- building, shall be located within 50 ft.
TEMS. (15.25m) of a fire hydrant and within 50
ft. (15.25m) of a fire department vehicle
i) Add subsection to read as fol- access road.
Exception 1:Fire department connec- Buildings classified as R-2,four tions supplying fire sprinkler sys-
stories in height are required to have tems in accordance with NFPA 13R /'�
manual wet standpipes in accordance with that are not a part of a standpipe 1
NFPA 14. system.
Exception 2: Actual locations of fire
ii) Add subsection to read as fol
department connections shall be as
lows: approved by the authority having Any building five stories or more jurisdiction.
in height and not otherwise classified as a vi) Add subsection to read as fol-
high rise building as defined by the Flor- lows:
ida Building Code, 2001 Edition or its
successor, shall have an automatic wet New high-rise buildings shall
system in accordance with NFPA be equipped with two fire department
y connections. One connection shall be lo-
14 capable of supplying the required gal-
lons per minute with a residual pressure cated at the building and one shall be
of 65 psi at the uppermost hose connec located within 15 ft. (4.6m) of a fire by
tion. drant. Either fire department connection
shall be capable of operating indepen-
iii) Add subsection to read as fol- dently of the other.The second fire depart-
lows: ment connection required at the building
shall not be required to be located within Any high-rise building as de- 50 ft. (15.25m) of a fire hydrant.
fined by the Florida Building Code, 2001
Edition or its successor, shall have an vii) Amend subsection to read as fol-
automatic wet standpipe system in accor- lows:
dance with NFPA 14 capable of supplying Automatic sprinklers shall be in-
the required gallons per minute with a stalled and maintained in full operating
residual pressure of 100 psi at the upper- condition, as specified for the occupancy
most hose connection. involved in the codes or standards listed
Supp.No.26 CD58:10
in Chapter 2. Installations shall be in not otherwise required to be pro-
accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for tected by sprinklers pursuant to the
the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; Building Code or other applicable
NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation standards.
of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occu-
pancies up to and Including Four Stories ix) Add subsection to read as fol-
in Height;or NFPA 13D, Standard for the lows:
Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- All Automatic fire extinguish-
and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufac- ing systems, installed voluntarily, arbi-
tured Homes, as appropriate. trarily or otherwise, shall provide an ad-
All fire sprinkler systems shall be de- equate means (stub-out) for future fire
signed with hydraulic calculation method. sprinkler protection on lanais, balconies
System design will be based on a current and canopies in residential occupancies.
flow test. For flow tests with a static x) Add subsection to read as
pressure of 55 PSI or more the test will be follows:
extrapolated to seasonal static of 50PSI.
The formula is as follows: Valves connections to water
X Factor = Seasonal Static/Mea- supplies, sectional control and isolation
sured Static valves,and other valves in supply pipes to
Design Res. Pres. = (Residual Pres) sprinklers and other fixed water-based
x (X Factor) fire suppression systems, other than 13D
systems installed in one and two family
Design Pitot PSI=(Pitot Press) x (X dwellings, shall be supervised by Central
factor) station,proprietary or remote station sig-
Forflow tests with a static of less than 55 naling service complying with NFPA 72.
psi the un-extrapolated flow test shall be Each alarm panel shall electrically moni-
used. However in this case a minimum tor all fire sprinkler control valves of the
safety factor of 5 psi above the demand fire sprinkler system it monitors.All con-
point of the system shall be used. Fire trol valves in 13D systems shall be chained
flow data shall be attached to the hydrau- and locked in the open position.
lic calculations as per section xi) Add subsection to read as follows:
viii) Add to Section to read as fol-
lows: The following are fire flow require-
ments for new construction, changes in
Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall occupancy or use to a more hazardous
be provided,in accordance with NFPA 13, classification (according to National Fire
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Protection Association 101, 2003 edition)
Systems, when required by this Code, or or any physical enlargement of existing
referenced codes and standards listed in buildings. All one and two family dwell
Chapter 2; and in all new residential ings are exempt from these requirements
occupancies containing more than four(4) except new subdivisions as provided be
living units;and when otherwise required
by Collier County. low:
Exception No. 1:Residential occupan New exclusive one and two family subdi-
cies up to four (4) stories in height visions:
may be protected in accordance with Building Square Foot-
NFPA 13R, Standard for the Instal- age(GPM) Min.Fire Flow
lation of Sprinkler Systems in Resi- Less than or equal to 500
dential Occupancies up to and In- 5,000
eluding Four Stories in Height,where Greater than 5,000 750
Supp.No. 26 CD58:11
Subdivisions not capable of delivering the 101-150 = 1.05
required fire flow shall provide automatic > 150 = 1
sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA
13, 13R or 13D, 2002 editions as applica- Coefficient based on fire sprinklers.
ble. 0.5 = Fully fire sprinklered
All other buildings shall calculate re- 1 = Not fully fire sprinklered
quired fire flows in accordance with the A four-hour "fire wall" may be used to
following formula shown below. This for- reduce total square footage of a building
mula establishes a base flow from which for the purposes of fire flow requirements,
the degree of hazard, credit for fire sprin- providing the wall intersects each succes-
kler protection and separation distance sive floor of the building and complies
will result in a final needed fire flow. with NFPA 221.
National Fire Protection Association 13,
2002 edition shall be used for the purpose The minimum required fire flow for corn-
of determining hazard classification. mercial and multi-family occupancies shall
NFPA classification Formula application be 750 GPM.
Light Light Owners and developers shall make provi-
Ordinary I&II Ordinary sions to install water lines and fire hy-
Extra High drants to meet spacing and fire flow re-
Fire flow based on the formula NFF= [(18) quirements.Where fire mains exist but do
x COEFFICIENT FOR THE CONSTRUC- not meet the fire flow requirements,alter-
TION TYPE)x {SQUARE ROOT(BUILD- native arrangements may be made, prior
ING SQUARE FOOTAGE)) x HAZARD to construction,with the authority having /"'�
FACTOR x EXPOSURE FACTOR x FIRE jurisdiction. Due to the concern for public 1
SPRINKLER FACTOR safety,failure to meet the fire flow require-
ments or come to alternative agreement
Coefficients based on construction type. shall be grounds for refusal for the county
1.5 = Wood (Type VI) to issue building permits.
1.0 = Ordinary (Type V) xii) Add subsection to read as follows:
0.8 = Noncombustible (Type III & The required size of the water
IV) mains, installed for fire protection, shall
0.6 = * Fire resistive (Type I & II) be determined by hydraulic calculation
* Fire resistive construction need only be based upon a current a fire flow test (not
calculated on the three (3)largest succes- more than six months old).These calcula-
sive floors of highest hazard classifica- tions shall extend from the location of the
tion. flow test to each fire hydrant on site and
Coefficient based on hazard. shall indicate that the minimum required
fire flow determined by Section is
0.75 = Light hazard available. This section is to be used for
1.0 = Ordinary hazard design purposes only.Actual fire flow avail-
1.25 = High hazard ability will be determined at time of build-
ing permit application.
Coefficient based on exposure dis-
tance in feet. xiii) Add subsection to read as follows:
0-10 = 1.25 Where buildings are constructed,
11-30 = 1.2 with the furthest point of the structure
being one hundred fifty(150)feet or more
31-60 = 1.15 from a public street,requires private mains
61-100 = 1.1 and fire hydrants which shall meet the
Supp.No.26 CD58:12
required fire flow with spacing to be de- tions and distances to proposed struc-
termined by the fire official,not to exceed tures shall be indicated on the Fire Pro-
three hundred (300) foot maximum dis- tection Plan required in section 1.14.2
tance between hydrants.Hydrant spacing xviii) Add subsection to read as fol-
and required fire flow may be altered by lows:
the fire official if, by prior arrangement
with the fire official, automatic fire sup- Proposed single structure site de-
pression systems are installed in all build-
existing within 1000 ft (304.8m) of
ings on the premises. existing water mains shall extend such
mains so that the main sizes and hydrant
xiv) Add subsection to read as follows: locations comply with the provisions of Maximum distance between fire this code. Measurement of the distance
hydrants shall be five hundred (500) feet shall be along existing or proposed roads,
in exclusive one and two family areas street, driveways or fire lanes as applica-
with buildings not exceeding 5000 sq ft, ble. Where no piped water supply exists
and three hundred (300) feet in all other within 1000 ft (304.8m) distance criteria,
the requirements of NFPA 1142,Standard
areas. on Water Supplies for Suburban and Ru-
xv) Add subsection to read as follows: ral Fire Fighting 2001 edition, shall ap-
ply. Proposed multi-structure site devel- Where buildings are proposed in opments shall provide permanent fire
an area not meeting the hydrant spacing protection water supply from a public or
requirements,the owner or developer shall private utility system or construct a pri-
provide the number of hydrants pre vate engineered water system acceptable
scribed by the fire official,under the terms to the authority having jurisdiction and
of this section. capable of delivering the required Needed
xvi) Add subsection to read as follows: Fire Flow specified in subsection Prior to development of new struc- xix) Amend Section 13.5.3 to add the follow
tures or fire protection systems,a fire flow ing: a single, dedicated fire sprinkler
test in accordance with NFPA 291 shall be backflow assembly, may serve a maxi
preformed by the fire district having mum of two buildings.
risdiction. Such tests shall be completed xxi) Add subsection to read as
no longer than six months prior to the follows:
submittal for permit. Calculations of the All fire sprinkler systems
available fire flow at a minimum of 20 psi shall be monitored by a UL listed Remote
residual shall be provided on the fire or Central station monitoring agency.
protection plan required by section 1.14.2 Exception No 1: One and two family
or with the hydraulic calculation package dwellings protected by 13D systems.
submitted for fire protection system per-
mits. Fire flow test reports shall be sub- Add subsection to read as
mitted on the official letterhead of the fire follows:
district having jurisdiction. All fire sprinkler systems
shall activate one or more monitored audio/
xvii) Add subsection to read as fol- visual device located on the exterior of the
lows: building. The number and location of the Fire hydrants shall be provided device(s)shall be approved by the author-
for structures in accordance with NFPA ity having jurisdiction.
24 and shall be distributed so that the Exception: Single family dwellings.
Needed Fire Flow determined by the fire (Ord. No. 02-49, § 1, 10-8-02; Ord. No. 2005-32,
official may be delivered. Hydrant loca- § 2)
Supp.No. 26 CD58:13
Sec. 58-28. Amendments to the life safety (B) CHAPTER 9: BUILDING SERVICE AND
NFPA 101 Code for Safety to Life from Fire in (1) SECTION 9.6 FIRE DETECTION,
Buildings and Structures,2003 Edition,is amended ALARM, AND COMMUNICATION SYS-
as follows: TEMS.
i) Add Subsection to read
i) Add new subsection 4.9, "Use of Fire and as follows:
Spark Producing Devices in Public Plac-
es" to read as follows: The authority having
jurisdiction may approve and
4.9 Use of Fire and Spark Producing De- shall have the authority to re-
vices in Public Places. quire listed manual fire alarm
box covers or listed double ac-
ii) Add new subsection 4.9.1 to read as fol tion pull stations to be installed
lows: where manual fire alarm sys-
tems are susceptible to mali-
4.9.1. It shall be unlawful for any person cious false alarms.
to smoke, light or carry a lighted cigar, ^
cigarette, pipe, match or use any spark, (II) OCCUPANT NOTIFICATION. , l
flame, or fire producing device not specif-
ically authorized by the appropriate dis- ii) Amend subsection 9-6.3.7 to
trict or area fire chief or inspector in any read as follows:
of the following areas:
9-6.3.7 Audible alarm notification ap-
1) In the board of county commission-
ers chambers, and in all other public and so distributed as to be effec
meeting rooms in the county court- tively heard above the average am-
house complex, and administrative bient sound level occurring under
buildings, when a public meeting is normal conditions of occupancy.
in progress.
Residential occupancies: Audible
2) In any public theater, church, tent, alarm indicating devices shall be
motion picture house or other audi- clearly audible in all bedrooms over
torium used for such shows or per- background noise levels with all in-
formance when the public gathers. tervening doors closed. The audible
alarm indicating device sounding
3) In any mercantile store which volun- shall be measure a minimum of 75
tarily elects, by and through the decibels at the pillow height in all
actions of its management, to be bedrooms.
included within this section. This
prohibition shall not apply to (2) SECTION 9.7 AUTOMATIC SPRIN-
restrooms,restaurants,coffee shops, KLERS AND OTHER EXTINGUISHING
soda fountain counters,executive of- EQUIPMENT.
fices or beauty parlors in such mer-
cantile stores. 1
Supp.No. 26 CD58:14
i) Amend to read as follows: Portable fire extinguishers
shall be installed in all commercial
and multi-family occupancy classifi-
cations in accordance with NFPA 10,
The Standard for the Installation of
Portable Fire Extinguishers.
(Ord. No. 02-49, § 1, 10-8-02; Ord. No. 2005-32,
§ 2)
Supp.No. 26 CD58:15
Chapters 59-61
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