AHAC Minutes 01/04/2021MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNry AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 4,2021 8:30 A-f\I. Naples, Florida LET lr BE REMEMBERED that the collier county Affordable Housing Advisory committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in in the Human Resources conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby, Chair Mary Waller Jennifer Mitchell John Harney Lltha Berger Denise Murphy Justin Emens Gary Hains Com missioner Penny Taylor Unexcused: John Cowan ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator- CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Katina Lin, Clerk's Office; Susan Golden 1. CAttTo ORDER Steve Hruby calledthe meetingto orderat 8:31 a.m. He read the procedures to be followed and led in the pledge to the flag. 2. RoI.t CATT-CoMMITTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were 8 active members present when the meeting started, therefore a quorum was established. Commissioner Taylor arrived at 8:54 a.m. 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDA AND MINUTE a. Litha Berger made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Mary Waller. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. b. A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting on November 2 and was seconded by Denise Murphy. The motion was passed with a vote of8-0. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 4, 2021 (15576 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 5, 2021) 4. INFoRMAT|oNAL trEMs b. collier cares update - Kristi informed the group that the county did meet the spending deadline of the 567 million by the date of 12/3/20. We assisted hospitals, not-for-profits, long-term care facilities, many small businesses, day care facilities and hundreds of individuals through the application process. Kristi told the gro u p t hat there will be a second round of US Treasury money coming to the county and the program will be reopened in March, pending BCC acceptance and approval. This moneywill be usedto stave offevictions of those in the 80% and below range. IN addition staff is preparing an item for Board approvalwith remaining assistance funds These funds will assist with mortgage foreclosure prevention, rental assistance to those 81%-I4O% AMl, utility assistance, outreach and assist sen io r citizen programs. Staff anticipates presenting to the BCConJanuary 12,2027 to ask for permission to open asatellite officeto process this next round ofapplications. We will be hiring several additiona I temporary staff in order to handle the volume. 2019 CAPER - Kristi told the group we have expended $2.7M in 2019 to meet our timelinessc. guidelines. The CAPER is posted on ourwebpage. /divis ton s-a-e/commrr itv-a nd-human /hous nE-orograms/nsolidated--servi annual-performance-evaluation-report-caper d. Grant cycle opening-The entitlement grant cycle officially opens today. AII applications will be turned into cHs by February 8th at 12 noon.. TechnicalAssistance Meetings willtake place this month from January 20-22. e.Manatee Park will be revisited as a location for affordable housing. . Litha asked the group to take an interest and push for seniors, veterans and affordable (low and moderate) housing for all ofNaples. Adiscussion regarding the schools by Manateewas brought up. Anewschool is needed with or without addltion a I housing. Denise Murphywill speaktothe new commissioner and ask for his assistance and bring an update. commissioner Taylor motioned that we give our support and revisit the Manatee property after we hear Denise,s report at the next meeting. We willthen take our report to the BCC in time forthe second meeting in February. Litha Berger seconded and the group voted 9*O in favor. f. Marketing Plan Update - Hilary told the group that euest has provided a quarterly update and sent out an e-blast ofthe top five housing initiatives. euest is also working on a flyer that can be sent out to every resident in the Gordon River district listing all ofthe county programs. we want residents to get on the waiting list to be ready to proceed when the next round of rehabilitation money comes through. This is the last affordable housing area in the city of Naples. Hilarywill bringacopyoftheflyertothenextmeeting. ln addition, they are working on a 20-year anniversary book showing what the entitlement grants have done for the county. commissioner Taylor asked Kristi to give a presentation to the BCC when the book is ready. The new website brought in 5,000 visitors in October and 2,000 in November. 2 a. The Quarterly Apartment Listing was reviewed. lt was noted that in Naples proper, there were no very low income rentals. The only very low income rentals are in lmmokalee. httos://www.colliercou ntvf l. govlvour- 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 4, 2021 (15576 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 5, 2021) 5. DTSCUSSTON TTEMS HUD Entitlement Grants, SHIP and LHTF Grant Application CycleTimeline. Hilary reviewed the timeline with the group. 1. The selection committee always hasa memberof theAHAC. MaryWallerwas nominated to be on the review committee by Denise Murphy, Steve Hruby seconded, and thegroupvoted 9-0 in approval. Steve Hrubywill bethe back-up. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Update on HUD plans in in progress: Analysis of lmpediments, Citizen Participation Plan, Consolidated (S-year Plan) and AnnualAction Plan b. Project Updates: 1. Bembridge PUDto BCCforzoning apToval- t72/2O27 2. The Community Housing Plan Regulatory Relief initiative for Land Development Code Amendment for affordable housing first hearing is scheduledfor U2612021, 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, Mary Waller motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 a.m.; Litha Berger seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 9-0. NEXI MEETING: THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 1, 2021 AT 8:30 A.M. Location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida CoLUER CouNTy AFFoRDABTE HouslNG ADVtsoRy CoMMrrrEE a a a trma n AAA y (,^/ The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l_l OR " os omended' l_1. ALlE:p_. t tq6l>\.r0, I 3 L, "os c. Quarterly Housing Report -The report is out. There is also a Fair Housing survey on the webpage. Kristi encouraged everyone in the group to get the word out for as many people as possible to take the survey. httos://www.survevmonkev.com/r/CollierCountvNeeds 5. PUBI-IC COMMENT : THERE wAs No PUBTIC CoMMENT 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - January 4, 2021 (15576 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 5, 2021)